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T 保险作为我国三大保险集团之一,如何利用现有资源,有效转变营销模式,制定符合自身发展实际的互联网营销发展策略,巩固并不断扩大公司在整个保险市场中的地位及份额,是实现公司业务可持续发展、稳固市场地位的重大战略问题,也是公司当前业务拓展的关键。

本文在学者对互联网保险营销理论研究的基础上,分析了国内保险市场中互联网营销模式的发展过程和现状,阐述了发展互联网保险营销的必要性,深入剖析了T 产险山东分公司互联网营销的现状及存在的问题,进而通过SWOT 分析法对比分析了T 产险山东分公司实施互联网营销的优势、劣势、机会、威胁等因素,构建了T 产险山东分公司互联网营销的SWOT 模型,并通过市场细分确定了T 产险山东分公司互联网营销的市场定位。

在此基础上,本文给出了T 产险山东分公司实施互联网营销的发展策略,具体包括:一是自主开发和借鉴同业相结合的产品策略,二是包含运营成本控制、建设成本控制、定价成本控制等在内的成本控制策略,三是建立多层分销体系为主、与传统营销渠道合作为辅的营销渠道策略,四是适应互联网环境、多种宣传方式并行的宣传推广策略,五是充分挖掘客户潜在保险资源的客户关系营销策略。同时,从健全内部监管体系、强化市场调研、完善客户服务、升级技术支持、提升人员专业素质等角度采取一系列保障措施以确保互联网营销发展策略的实施效果。

关键词:T 产险山东分公司;互联网营销;策略


In recent years, with the wide spread of Internet application,in the environment ofthe saturation of traditional insurance market, the gradually weak of traditional marketingmodel, the stability of market competition, how to establish a long-term and effectiveInternet insurance marketing strategy has become a top priority of every insurancecompany even the entire insurance industry for the business development.

T insurance company,as one of the three largest insurance group in China, how touse available resources, change insurance marketing model, make Internet marketingstrategy according to their own needs, and strengthen even expand their status and sharein the whole insurance market, is the great strategic issues of

sustainable developmentand stable market position. It is the key of business development as well.

Based on the theory research of Internet insurance marketing, the article analyzesthe development and current situation of domestic insurance market, explains thenecessity of developing the Internet insurance marketing, and deeply dissects the presentsituation and existing problems of T property insurance company, Shandong Branch onInternet marketing. Then the article analyzes T property insurance company, ShandongBranch's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats on Internet marketing throughSWOT method, and ascertains the Internet marketing position of them through marketsegmentation.

On the basis of this, the article puts forward the development strategy of Internetmarketing of T property insurance company, Shandong Branch. Specificlly including:

First, independently develop product strategy combining with learn from the others;Second, control cost strategy such as operating cost control, construction cost control andpricing cost control; Third, build a multi-level distribution system marketing channelstrategy supplementing with the traditional marketing channel; Forth, apply many kindsof promotion strategy to adapt to the Internet environment; Fifth, fully excavate potentialcustomer's relationship marketing strategy of insurance resources. At the same time, takea series of security measures to ensure the effect of Internet marketing developmentstrategy from improving the internal supervision system, strengthening market research,completing customer service, upgrading technical support and promoting people'sprofessional quality.

Key Words: T Property Insurance Company, Shandong Branch; Internet Marketing;Strategy


第 1 章绪论

1.1 选题背景及意义

1.1.1 选题背景

1.1.2 选题意义

1.2 相关文献综述

1.2.1 关于互联网保险营销发展及其现状的研究
