C-How I raised my SAT score by 790 points-NOTPRINTED




升高英文文案作文初中英文:As a middle school student, I believe that improving my English skills is very important. There are many reasons why I want to raise my English level.Firstly, English is a global language and it is spoken by millions of people around the world. If I want to communicate with people from different countries, I need to have a good command of English. For example, if I want to travel to an English-speaking country, I need to be able to speak and understand English so that I can communicate with the locals and navigate my way around.Secondly, English is the language of international business. If I want to work for a multinational company in the future, I need to be able to speak English fluently. This will give me a competitive advantage in the job market and open up more opportunities for me.Finally, improving my English skills will also help mein my academic studies. Many textbooks and academic papers are written in English, so if I can read and understand them, it will be easier for me to learn and succeed in my studies.中文:作为一名中学生,我认为提高我的英语能力非常重要。



2023年苏州市初中学业水平考试试卷英语注意事项:1. 本试卷共七大题,满分100分(不含听力口语30分),考试用时100分钟;2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡相对应的位置上,并认真核对条形码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合;3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题;4. 考生答题必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。


When I was eleven years old, my life changed forever when I got a serious disease. My life was 1 with operations and treatments. I felt stressed because I was really uncertain 2 everything that was happening.One day, I was receiving my thirteenth operation in the hospital. Being away from my friends and school was causing me almost as much 3 as the operation itself.During that hospital stay, I received a card from a volunteer. That simple 4 meant much to me and gave me hope again during my time of need. I’ll never 5 the way I felt after that small act of kindness. I started creating an organization called Cards for Hospitalized (住院的) Kids.The charity began with a simple dream of giving 6 , joy and magic to those kids. It later 7 a national organization that sent cards to over 5000 sick kids at more than 50 hospitals across the country.It is hard to believe that an act as simple as a card can do so much good, 8 it does. Seeing a picture of a child 9 one of our cards with a huge smile makes us keep this wonderful charity alive.10 might provide medicine for these sick kids, but we provide that little bit of hope and magic that’ll go a long way.1. A. lighted B. matched C. filled D. painted2. A. about B. with C. over D. towards3. A. fun B. pain C. value D. danger4. A. act B. job C. game D. lesson5. A. mind B. lead C. forget D. risk6. A. hope B. fear C. shock D. pressure7. A. looked up B. gave up C. broke into D. turned into8. A. nor B. but C. for D. or9. A. selling B. printing C. holding D. cleaning10. A. Teachers B. Friends C. Patients D. Doctors第二部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Members are permitted to use printed or written material during preparation and during the debate. Printed material includes books journals, newspapers and other similar materials. The use of electronic equipment is prohibited during preparation in the debate.
Government & Government Whip) Opposition Bench: - Opening Opposition (Leader of
Opposition & Deputy Leader of Opposition) - Closing Opposition (Member of Opposition & Opposition Whip)
POI’s should not be more than 15 seconds. The chairman may request a speaker to end a POI at
his/her discretion.
The motion is released 15 minutes before the debate.
How to ask a Point of Information:
only ask POIs to speakers from the other bench! "Point of Information" The speaker can choose to accept or not to



国际舆论热议政府工作报告:中国成就令人赞叹期待为世界作出更大贡献◆◆第十一届全国人大四次会议3月5日在京开幕的消息,迅速成为外国媒体关注的焦点,温家宝总理所作的政府工作报告引起广泛热议.国际舆论认为,中国的发展成就令人赞叹,相信今后五年将取得更大发展,期待中国为世界作出更大贡献.12TheWorldAndChongqing国际舆论热议政府工作报告:中国成就令人赞叹期待为世界作出更大贡献迅速发展的中国为世界经济作出积极贡献美国东部时间3月419晚,美国有线电视台C—SPAN电视二台全程转播了十一届全国人大四次会议开幕实况.观众主要以决策者,学者,新闻记者等关心公共事务者为主.收看转播的很多美国观众表示,中国这些年来取得了惊人的成就,发生了巨大的变化,令世界赞叹和瞩目.路透社3月5日报道称,温家宝总理在宣布今年以及"十二五"一系列经济社会发展目标时,语气坚定,充满信心.中国经济已20多年保持高速增长,政府对于下一个五年的发展前景信心满怀.印度尼赫鲁大学中国与东南亚研究中心副教授狄伯杰表示,政府工作报告精辟地阐述了过去五年中国政府所取得的成就.尽管全球经济衰退严重冲击中国出口产业,同时中国国内也遭遇了严重自然灾害影响,但中国政府不仅维持了较高的经济增长速度,也积极应对各种挑战,实现了稳定发展.如今,中国已经超越日本成为世界第二大经济体,同时中国也不断为世界经济的稳定作出积极贡献.法国百友影视传媒董事长伊夫?柯松认为,30年来中国惊人的发展有目共睹,在新世纪的第二个十年的开始之年举行的中国两会具有特别的意义,将在一定程度上影响到世界的明天.泰国《星暹日报》经济版主编普崇表示,由于中国与世界的经济联系越来越紧密,中国的影响力越来越大,作为记者的他经常到中国采访.除了亲眼目睹中国经济的快速发展外,还看到中国的科学技术水平也居于世界前列.政府工作报告中提出"科技,教育和人才是国家发展的基础和根本,必须始终放在重要的战略位置".显示了中国政府对科技的重视和长远的目光,因为科技发展水平是决定一个国家未来发展的重要因素.改善民生促进社会和谐《华盛顿邮报》在报道中逐一提及中国将采取的改善民生措施,认为中国共产党总是有能力为人民提供有形的经济利益.报道认为.一年一度的全国人民代表大会设定中国的政治基调和经济工作重点,今年的会议因为要通过"十二五"规划,关系着中国未来经济的走向,尤其具有重要意义.《华尔街19报》网络版中国实时报道专栏中称,改善民生是政府工作报告中最醒目的内容.摩根士丹利在日前发布的研究报告中称,这一主题表明中国将不再过度强调经济增长,这对中国转变经济发展方式具有重要意义.美联社的报道称,今年中国政府增加的中央财政支出,主要用于教育,就业,住房保障,医保等领域.今年的两会预示着中国将发生许多重要变化.新加坡《联合早报》网站3月5El以《温家宝:稳定物价是工作重点》一文作为头条新闻,报道称,政府工作报告多处涉及民生,温家宝强调,绝不能让物价上涨影响低收人群众的正常生活.越南北江省越中友协会长阮光举认为,中国政府在促进经济可持续发展的同时,重视解决公平正义问题,促进社会和谐,相信在中国共产党的正确领导下,中国人民必将昂首阔步取得"十二五"时期国家建设的新胜利.泰国《世界日报》在3月6日头版报道了温家宝总理所作的政府工作报告,报道说,中国政府把人人关心的物价问题作为首要任务,是对民生的关注,体现了中国政府稳定物价的决心. 转变经济发展方式,现中国未来发展之路展时,促进社会和谐.美联社的报道认为,政府工作报告影响最为深远的就是经济发展方式的转变,这一转变将为私营公司创造更加平等的竞争环境.实现这一转变,中国将鼓励更多进口,减少与美国及其他主要贸易伙伴的贸易摩擦. 《华尔街日报》在题为《中国在进一步发展中强调稳定》的文章中称,政府工作报告在抑制通胀和保持相对较高的经济增长率,强有力的就业增长和转变经济结构之间,提供了非常平衡的观点,未来中国进一步紧缩货币政策的可能性降低.该报认为,这一目标设定发出一个重要信息,即当今世界第二大经济体的政府更加强调推进结构改革,将摒弃出口和政府投资推动的增长模式,为国内消费驱动的增长创造更加有利的条件.越南通讯社指出,政府工作报告中将加快转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构和提高经济增长质量作为"十二五"时期中国政府的重要任务,在增加就业和改善人民生活水平的同越南河内大学学者认为,调整结构,产业升级,节能减排等都体现了中国政府坚持科学发展的决心,国内生产总值不再成为衡量经济发展的唯一指标,这本身也是实事求是精神和富有远见的体现.日本《朝日新闻》报道称,中国正试图改变长期以来只专注于增长的问题.温家宝总理的报告中提出增长方式的转变成为最重要的课题,还将大力推动有关环保,节能的政策,并公布了单位能耗目标.有关削减二氧化碳排放的目标,这是第一次写入五年规划中.墨西哥通讯社报道说,政府工作报告中宣布,中国2O11年的增长目标是8%左右,"十二五"期间年均经济增长7%.中国放慢经济增长速度,是为了实现经济更加可持续发展,更好地发展社会事业.泰国的《曼谷邮报》报道说,从"十二五"发展蓝图中可以看出,中国正走上一条更加均衡,更可持续,环境友好型的发展道路.璃TheWorldAndChongqing13MarvelousAchievements,MoreExpectati0nsTranslatedbyKennethHu TheForthSessionoftheEleventhNationalPeople!sCongress(NPC),whichwaskickedoffin BeOingonMarch5,heldthestageintheinternationalmedia.TheReportontheWorkoftheGo vernment(hereinaftertobereferredasReport)deliveredbyPremierWenJiabaohasraisedheateddiscus sionsamongpeople.InternationalmediarecognizethemarvelousachievementsscoredbyChinainthepast yearsandarelookingforwardtomorecontributionsofChinatotheworld. AProsperousChinaMakesPositiveContributions totheGIobaIEconomyC—SPAN2.anAmerjcancabIeTVchanne1. broadcasttheopeningceremonyoftheForthSessionof theEleventhNPConMarch4(EST).Mostoftheaudience.mainlYcomPosedofdecision—makers.schoIars.ioUrnalistsandPub¨caffairsspecialists.saidChina.sachievementsdyerthepastfewyearswere astonishingandlheywereindeedadmirabIe WhenPremierWendecIaredtheobiectivesofthe economicalqdsocialdeveIoPmentfhisyearandnexlfewyears,hewasconfidentandaffirmed.Reuters wroteGiventherapideconomicdevelopmentofChinainthepast20yearsormoreChinesegevernmentwas fuIlyconfidentabouttheProspectsinthe5yearstocome,ftaddedTheReporteIaborateda【ltheachievementsmade byChinesegovernmentinthepast5years,said AssocjateProfessorB.R.Deepak.CenterforChinese andSoutheastAsjanStudiesofJawaharIalNehru UnversityDesPitetheheavybfowtoChinasexport industrybroughtbythegIobaleconomicdownturnand seriousnaturaIdisastersinChina.Chinesegovernment hadactiveIYcoPedwithvariouschalJengesand managedtomaintainastabIe.sustainedandaIl—round developmentratherthan』ustarapideconomicgrowth,headded.Now,Chinahasbecometheworld.ssecond largesteconomysurpassingJapanandcontinuestocontributejtsownsharelolheworIdeconomicstab…tv ThestunningdevelopmentofChinainthe30years ormorehadcaughtworldwideattenfionandChna.s twosessions(NPCandCPPCC)oPenedatthe14TheWorldAndChongqing beginningoflheseconddecadeoflhe21thcentury wereofgreatsianificanceandvitaJtotheworId'sfuture. saidYveCresson.PresjdentofBayooofFrance. EditorofBUISINESSofSingSianYitPadDaiIY NewsheJdaviewthattheever-closereconomicties betweenChjnaandtheworldWOUIdendowChinawith moreinfIuence.AsareporterhedoesreportsinChina quiteoftenBesidesChina.sraPideconomic deveIopment.hehasaIsoseenChina'sscienceand technoIogYIeadingtheworId.TheReportsaid "calionandhuman resourcesarefhefoundatjonofnationaIdevelopment andtheymustthereforealwaysbegivenanimportant strategicPosition",whichshowedtheChinese governmenthadsetgreatstoresonscienceand technoIogY anditsrecognitionofscienceandlechn0Iogybeingmajorelementschartingthefuture cOurseOfanati0n.headded.EnhancingPe0ple.sLivelihoodandPursuing SociaIHarmonVTheWashingtOnP0stenumeratedallthemeasures tObeadOptedtOenhancepeOpIe.sllvesandbe¨eved C0mmunistPartyofChina(CPC)isa1wayscapabIe0f bringingtangibIebenefilst0itspeOple.TheannuaINPC (ChinasParIfament)istosetprioritiesinitseconomicandpOIiticaIagendaThesessiOn0flhisyearwas0f speciaIsignifcancebecauseitwOuldapprOveChina's TwelfthFive—Y earPIanwhichwascrcaltoChina's futureecOnOmicdevelODment CHfNAREALTiMEREPORT0fWa『IStreet wr0tethatmeasureslOimpr0vepeOpIe's IivestookmostpagesoftheReport.Theshiftfrom Overemphasizingitseconomicgrowthtopeople.s welfaresentasignaIofthetransformationofeconomic developmentmodebeingBeijing'stopconcern,saida researchreportissuedbyMorganStanley. Thenewly—addedfiscaIexpenditurewouIdmalnly bespentonSUChfieIdsaseducatjon,J0b—creation, government—subsidizedhousingprojectsandmedicaI insurance.AssociatedPresswrote.Thetwosessionsof thisyearindicatedmorechangesyettocometoChina. TheheadIinetitledPremierWenJiaobao:KeePing Overal1PriceLevelsStableasTopPrioritylnZaobaoof SingaporesajdtheReportreferredpeopIe.swelfare severaftjmesandPremierWeftpromised"Wecannot allowPricerisestoaffectthenormaIIlyesofIOw—incomepeople". ChairmanofVietnam—ChinaFriendshiP AssocfationinB舂cGiangProvincepointedoutthat whiIeenhancingasustainabIeeconOmicdeveIoPment. theChinesegovernmenthadsparednoeffortsto pursuesociaIjustice,equityandharmony.Hehasvery confidencethatunderthesagaciousleadershiPofthe CPC.ChinesepeopIeareboundtowinnewvictoriesin theTwelfthFive-Y earPIanperiod.TheReportalsomadetheheadIinesintheWodd DailyNewsofThalland.whichsaidtackingfoodprices astoppriorityhaddemonstratedChinesegovernment's determinationtokeepoveralIpricelevelsbasically stabIe. TransformationofEconomicGrowthPattern SetstheToneforChina'sFutureDevelopmentThefar-reachjngjmpactoftheReportWOUJdbefelt bylheeconomicdeveIopmentmode.saidASSOCiated Press.ItssuccessfuItransformationWOUIdcreatea levelplayingfieldforprivatecompanies,encourage moreimportsandbrjngdownftstradefrictionswiththe USandothermaIortradingpartners WSJsaidinChinaEmphasizesMoreonStabiIityin ItsFutureDeveIoPmentthattheReportstressed properlyonissuesofcurbinginflationwhilemaintaining rapideconomicgrowthrateandvigorouslyenhancing iobmarketwhiIetransformingitseconomic deveIopmentpattern.TherebyitwasIessIikeIYthat Chinawouldcarryoutmoretightmonetarypolicies.The goalsetintheReportalsosentaclearsignalthatthe worId.ssecondIargesteconomyWOUIdfosteran enablingenvironmentforthegrowthdrivenbydomestic consumptionbyintroducinginstitutionalreformsand PhasingouttheexPort—Iedandgovernment—investment—Iedgrowthmodes. TheRePortstressedtheimPortanceofthe transformalionofeconomicdeveIoPmentmode, economicrestructuringand1mProvedeconomic performance,saidVietnamNewsAgency.AlsoitwassaidintheReportthatequalattentionshaIlbeputon thebuiIdingofaharmonioussocietyjobmarket,andthe jmprovementofpeople'swelJbejng. AschoIarfromHanoiUniversityrecognzedthat economicrestructuring,industriaIupgrading,energy conservationandemissionreductionfuIIY demonstratedtheresolveofChinesegovernmentto Pursueascientificdevelopment.anditWaSconsistent withthespiritofseekingtruthfromfactsandbeing farsightedthattheGDPwouldnoIongerbetheonly indicatorofeconomicdevelopment. Chinanowwastryingtosolveitslong—standing Probfemoftoomuchemphasisoneconomy,Asahi Shimbunsaid.besidesthetransformationofeconomic growthpatternasthetoppriority.PremierWenalso mentionedsomepoliciesconcerningenvironmentaI ProtectionandenergYconservationandannouncedthe gOalsOfenergycOnsumptiOnperunitGDP.Anditwas lheveryfirsttimethatthegOa10fcarbOndiOxjde emissiOnreducti0nappearedintheFive—Y earPlan. TheRepOrlmentiOnedthatthetarqeledgr0wthrate OfChjna'secOnOmvwOuJdbear0und8%jn2O'1and lheaveraqeannualgrOwthralewOuIdbe7%inthe TweIfthFive—Y earPIanOeriOd.ThatChinatOOkthe injtiativetOsJOwd0wnitsdeve『ODmentwaslObetler servethesustainabfedeveIOpment0fiIsec0nOmV and sociaIundertaking,Notimex(MexicanNewsAgency) addedThebIueprintmapped0utbylheTweIfthFive—Y ear PIanshOwedthatChinawasembarkinqOnamOrebaIancedandmOresustainabIedeveIOpmentpath whichwasconducivetOenvirOnmentafDrOlectiOn. BangkokP0stc0mmented.采Thew0rIdAndChongqing15。







第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.When the admission letter from Harvard University arrived, Ben's parents were and threw a big party.A.in the red B.tickled pinkC.as white as a sheet D.in a blue mood2.—When ______ leave for Japan?—When ______ leave for Japan is kept secret.”A.they will, will they B.will they, they willC.they will, they will D.will they, will they3.I ____ about what you’ve said and I’ve decided to take your advice.A.thought B.have been thinkingC.was thinking D.was thinking4.Face the problem bravely and you ______ a new way to success.A.find B.found C.will find D.have found5.Mr. Green was very famous when he lived there. There is ______ to be someone in this district who remembers him. A.content B.opposedC.bound D.restricted6.A new ________ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.A.common B.usualC.regular D.ordinary7.—I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.—It true because there was little snow there.A.may be not B.won’t be C.c ouldn’t be D.mustn’t be8.—Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.—_________. Opposites sometimes do attract.A.I hope not B.I think soC.I appreciate that D.I beg to differ9.Despite the knowledge he has accumulated, He Jiang continues to be troubled by the question of the unequal_______ of scientific knowledge throughout the world.A.advocate B.distributionC.allocation D.division10.In the students’ eyes, Mrs Smith is a mother more than a teacher. she treats the students just like her own children.A.As a result B.In other words C.What is more D.First of all11.The goal, which they are unlikely to live to see , is to “cure, prevent or manage all diseases” in the next 80 or so years.A.accomplish B.accomplishedC.accomplishing D.being accomplished12.Either side seems to have a(n) _________ position; there are still many uncertainties on this issue.A.ambiguous B.delicate C.explicit D.confidential13.—I’m sorry for breaking the cup.—Oh, ________. I’ve got plenty.A.help yourself B.forget itC.my pleasure D.pardon me14.—I dropped by at 6:00pm yesterday but failed to see you at your house.—I ________ in a gym at that time.A.was exercising B.am exercisingC.have exercised D.had exercised15.I guess ________ impresses me most about his painting is the colors he uses.A.who B.whichC.that D.what16.Andrew lives alone and enjoys the company of a pet cat _______ he’s grown so fond.A.which B.in whichC.of which D.when17.The recently released film Kong:Skull Island successfully ________ the audience to the adventure with Dolby 3-D technology.A.transports B.adjustsC.transforms D.relates18.After the fire,________________ would otherwise be a cultural center is now reduced to a pile of ashes.A.that B.itC.what D.which19.﹣Have you got the results of the final exam?﹣Not yet.It will be a few days ________ we know the full results.()A.before B.afterC.until D.when20.Although passing the driving test ________ be difficult now, it’s worth the efforts.A.need B.shallC.can D.should第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



湖南成人高等教育学位英语考试试题全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Big Grown-Up English Test!Wow, I heard there's this really big and important test that grown-ups have to take called the "Hunan Adult Higher Education Degree English Exam!" It sounds super serious and really hard. I got so curious about it, I just had to ask my mom and dad to tell me all about it.First thing they told me is that it's a test all about the English language. You know, that other language that uses those funny looking letters instead of cool Chinese characters. I've been learning a little bit of English at school and it's pretty neat, but having a whole test just about English sounds crazy hard!Mom said the test is especially for grown-ups who didn't get to go to a university when they were young like me. Maybe they had to start working instead or just didn't have the chance. But now they want to get an official degree from a university by taking this big test. Getting that degree can help them get betterjobs and make more money for their families. No wonder it's such an important test!The test has listening, reading, writing and speaking sections, just like the English tests I take at school, but a billion times harder since it's for grown-up university students. Dad tried explaining some of the things they have to know, like mastering all the grammar rules, understanding long essays, giving speeches and more. My head was spinning just listening to it all! How do grown-ups memorize and do all that?One of the hardest parts, Dad said, is the writing section. The test-takers have to write a huge essay of over 400 words! That's like a novel for a little kid like me. And they're expected to use proper vocabulary, grammar, and written formulas like a professional writer. No way could I write that much perfect English at my age. Grown-ups must have super brains to handle that.As for the speaking part, Mom acted out how they get tested speaking English out loud, like describing pictures, answering questions, and giving mini-speeches. Her fake "test voice" trying to sound all professional and serious with her English made me crack up laughing. I don't know how the grown-ups don't laugh either when they have to do that!The listening comprehension part probably isn't quite as hard as some of the other sections for the adults, Mom figures. After all, just like me, they've had years of practice listening to English songs, movies, videos and people talking. But even for listening, everything is probably super fast and filled with difficult vocabulary that I've never heard of.Then there's that terrifying reading part of the test. Dad dramatized how they get massively long passages to read through, like classics from old English writers or complex articles on subjects like science, economics and history. Once they've sweated through reading all those mind-bending words, they have to answer crazy hard comprehension questions proving they understood it all. I'm getting mentally tired just imagining it!All in all, this Hunan Adult Higher Education Degree English Test sounds like a real-life nightmare for grown-ups! I've got endless respect for any adult who can conquer that impossible-looking beast. How they manage to prepare for and pass such an intense, University-level English exam while juggling work, family lives and grown-up responsibilities is beyond me.When I'm their age, there's no way I'd want to put myself through that kind of academic torture! Give me multiplication tables and grammar lessons at school any day over that English degree exam. For now, I'll just be grateful I'm a carefree kid without that looming over my head.Heck, the more I learn about this big test, the more I appreciate how hard Mom and Dad must have worked to get their degrees way back when. I couldn't be prouder of them for being such language and academic warriors! From now on when they jokingly call me a "little scholar" and tell me to study hard, I'll know they're speaking from personal experience about real scholarly suffering.I'll take their advice to heart and work my absolute hardest in school every day. Who knows, maybe decades down the road when I'm a grown-up like them, I'll find myself bravely signing up to face that terrifying Hunan Adult Higher Education English Exam too! Wish me luck...I'm definitely going to need it!篇2My Big Sister's Crazy Important TestMy big sister Annie is in college, but not like a regular college kid. She's an "adult learner" which means she goes toclasses at night and on weekends after she gets done with her job during the day. Annie has been working really hard for a few years now to get her bachelor's degree.The reason she has to work so hard is because she didn't go to college right after high school like a lot of people do. Instead, she got a job at a company downtown. But after a few years, she realized she wanted to get an even better job, and you need a 4-year college degree to get promoted to the good positions. That's when she decided to go back to school as an "adult learner."It hasn't been easy for Annie. She has to balance herfull-time job, her classes, homework, studying, and still try to have a little bit of a life outside of work and school. My parents and I try to help out as much as we can by doing chores around the house and giving her quiet time to study. But even with all our help, she still gets really stressed out sometimes.The thing that has been causing Annie the most stress lately is this huge test she has to take called the "Hunan Adult Higher Education Degree English Exam." Basically, it's a big important English test that all adult students in our province have to pass before they can graduate with their bachelor's degrees.From what I understand, the test is incredibly difficult. It has reading, writing, listening, and speaking sections, and you have to prove you can use English at a really high level to pass. Annie has been studying her butt off for months now, going through practice test after practice test, making flashcards, listening to English audio lessons, you name it.I've tried to help Annie study when I can. Sometimes I'll quiz her on vocabulary words or let her practice her speaking by describing things to me in English. However, a lot of the stuff on the test is way too advanced for a 9-year-old like me. Annie has shown me some of the reading passages and essays she has to be able to understand and write, and I can barely follow along! I don't know how she keeps it all straight in her head.The test is coming up in just a few weeks, and Annie is a nervous wreck. She says this exam is her "make it or break it" moment to finally get her degree after years of hard work. If she doesn't pass, she may have to try again next year or even give up on finishing her bachelor's altogether. No pressure, right?Annie: "David, can you let me practice my English speaking one more time before bed? I really need to drill these vocabulary words."Me: "Sure thing, Annie! Let's get quizzin'!"The whole family is rooting for Annie and knows she's going to knock this crazy important test out of the park. She has been working towards this goal for so long, and she deserves that degree. I bags not proofreading her essays though - they're way too confusing for me!When it's all over, we're going to throw Annie a huge party to celebrate. I'm talking balloons, cake, the works! She has earned it. Who knows, maybe after seeing how hard Annie had to work, I'll be inspired to go to college myself one day. But uh, probably not as an "adult learner"... That sounds like way too much work!Go get 'em, Annie! We're all behind you!篇3My Big Sister's Huge English TestHi there! My name is Xiao Ming and I'm 8 years old. I'm in 3rd grade at Changsha No. 1 Primary School. I love playing basketball, watching cartoons, and eating my mom's amazing dumplings. But today I want to tell you about something really big that's happening with my older sister Mei Mei. She's getting ready for a massive English test called the Hunan Adult Higher Education Degree English Examination. It's a huge deal!Mei Mei is 25 years old and works at a cool tech company in Changsha during the day. But at night, she studies like crazy for this giant English test. She takes online classes, does practice exams, reads thick books, and makes flashcards. Sometimes I try to help her practice her English conversations, but she's already way better than me!So why is this test so important? Well, Mei Mei really wants to get her bachelor's degree, but she didn't go to university right after high school. Instead, she worked for a few years to save up money and get experience. Now she's taking this big national English exam so she can finally get her 4-year degree!From what I understand, the test has four main parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening section has conversations, lectures, and news clips that you have to answer questions about. The reading has long passages to read and comprehend. For the writing, you have to write essays and letters. And for speaking, you get asked opinion questions that you have to respond to out loud. It covers sooooo many English topics!Mei Mei has been studying grammar rules, vocabulary words, test strategies, and sample questions for months now. She takes practice tests on the computer and gets her essays corrected byher English tutor. It looks incredibly hard! There are so many confusing English words, idioms, and cultural references to memorize. Sometimes when I see her studying late at night, her head looks like it's going to explode from all the information!But Mei Mei is determined. She says this degree will allow her to get promotions at work and increase her salary. It will also make her feel accomplished to finally finish her bachelor's degree, even if it's years later than most people. I'm really proud of her for working so hard towards this goal.The exam is held twice per year, in April and October. Mei Mei is taking it this upcoming October. For the last few months before the test, she'll be super focused. No video games, no going out with friends, just pure studying! I'll try my best to be a good little brother and not bother her too much.On the big exam day in October, she has to go to a testing center and be there for literally the entire day from 8am to 5pm! Can you imagine?! They get breaks for lunch and snacks, but still, it's going to be exhausting. I plan to make her a nice care package with her favorite snacks to help her stay energized.After the exam, she'll have to wait a few weeks to get her scores back. I really hope she passes with a high score! If not, shemay have to take the whole thing over again next year. My poor sister's brain will be fried by the end of this process!Whether she passes or not, I'm just super impressed by Mei Mei's work ethic and perseverance. Studying this intensely while working full-time is no joke. I'll be her own personal cheerleader, making her motivational signs and bringing her treats when she feels stressed. Go Mei Mei, go! You've got this!Maybe once she finishes this degree, she can finally relax a little. Although knowing my hard-working sister, she'll probably just sign up for another crazy challenge right away! She's a true inspiration to me to never stop learning.Well, that's all I can tell you about Mei Mei's huge English exam coming up. It's been interesting learning about it and seeing how much time and effort goes into preparing. I don't know if I'll ever be that dedicated to my studies! For now, I'm just happy being a goofy 3rd grader. But I'll be wishing Mei Mei the best of luck. I'm confident her countless hours of practice will pay off. Maybe one day when I'm older, I'll even take the exam myself to get an advanced degree like her. But let's not get ahead of ourselves - that's lightyears away! For now, it's all about Mei Mei. You've got this, sis!篇4The Big Grown-Up English TestHi there! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. I want to tell you all about this really big English test that my mom has to take. It's called the Hunan Adult Higher Education Degree English Test. That's a super long name, isn't it?My mom is already a grown-up, but she goes to a special school for adults who want to learn more after they finish regular school. She says it's called "continuing education" which I think is a funny name. Doesn't all education keep continuing as you learn new things?Anyway, to get a degree from her grown-up school, my mom has to pass this big English test. English is the language they speak in places like America and England. We learn a little bit of English at my regular school too, but this test my mom has to take is supposed to be really hard.The test has four parts - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. For the listening part, you have to hear people talking in English and answer questions about what they said. My mom practices this by watching movies and shows in English at home. She says it helps her get used to how English sounds.For the reading part, you have to read passages in English and then answer comprehension questions. My mom reads English books, newspapers, and websites to get ready for this section. She has a really big English-Chinese dictionary that she uses to look up words she doesn't know.The writing section is where you have to write an essay or article in English on a certain topic. My mom practices her writing by keeping an English journal and also by writing practice essays. She always asks me to proofread and I circle any silly mistakes I can find!Finally, there is a speaking part where you have to answer questions and have a conversation in English. My mom rehearses this part by talking to herself in English when she's cooking or driving. I tease her that she sounds kind of crazy, but she says it really helps her practice.I know my mom studies really hard for this test. She makes flashcards, listens to English podcasts, and is always looking up vocabulary. Sometimes I feel bad that she has to work so hard on this test when she's already a grown-up. But she says it's important for her to keep learning and improving her English.The test sounds super difficult to me. Having to listen, read, write, and speak all in English for hours? No thanks! I'll just stick to playing video games and watching cartoons for now.But I'm really proud of my mom for taking on such a big challenge. I know she's going to do an amazing job because she is one of the smartest, most hard-working people I know. I can't wait to celebrate with her when she passes the test!Maybe after this, she can teach me more English. Then we can watch movies together without having to read those funny subtitles at the bottom of the screen. Just don't expect me to take any big tests anytime soon. I've got enough on my plate just mastering dodgeball and long division! An 8-year-old can only handle so much.Good luck on your test, mom! You're going to nail it for sure. And remember, if you ever need a break from studying, I'm always up for going to the park to play. Maybe you can quiz me on my English vocabulary while we're climbing the monkey bars!篇5The Hu-what Test? An Adventure in Big Kid LandHey there friends! Today I'm going to tell you all about this really crazy thing called the "Who-nan Ah-dult High-erEh-dju-cay-shun Dee-gree Eng-lish Test." That's a huge mouthful, isn't it? I had no idea what it was at first, but then my parents explained it to me and I thought it sounded like a fun adventure into the world of the big kids!You see, this test is for all the grown-ups who didn't get to finish their schooling when they were younger like we are now. Can you imagine that? Missing out on awesome things like recess, art class, and fighting with your friends over whosePokémon cards are the coolest? Well, that's what happened to a lot of adults in a place called "Who-nan" which I'm pretty sure is a make-believe land like Narnia or Middle-Earth.Anyway, these grown-ups from Who-nan finally get a chance to take really hard tests on things like eng-lish (that's their language, kinda like how we learn Spanish in school except way harder). If they pass, they get a fancyschmancy "dee-gree" which is like a gold star except for adults. Pretty cool, right?The test has all sorts of huge big-kid sections that I can't even imagine. There's listening, where you have to under-stand what people are saying without any pictures to help you. Reading, where you have to make sense of longandcomplicatedsentences without any cool illustrations. Writing, where you need to make up stories without picking up a single crayon! And my personal biggestnightmare...speaking! Where you have to make noises with your mouth in front of other people without crying or putting your head down on the table. No thank you!My parents tried explaining more of the details to me, but I'll be honest - I kinda zoned out after a while. Something about "integrated task production" and "sociolinguisticinappropriacy." No clue what those big words mean, but they sure do sound intense! Gives me shivers just thinking about it. How do big kids' brains even work?Well, despite all the scary-sounding sections, I think it's really cool that the grown-ups in Who-nan get this chance. Getting an education is super important, even if you do have to wait until you're a tired old adult to complete it. Plus, I bet the grown-ups get to use pencils and erasers instead of those boring pens we're not allowed to use yet. So lucky!Heck, if this whole "Who-nan Ah-dult Tuh-sting" thing goes well, maybe they'll finally let us kids start learning Ing-lish too! Then we could move on from those basic Dora and Diego shows and eavesdrop on what the British kids' shows are all about. I'm just kidding...I think. An eight-year-old can dream, right?At the end of the day, I'll probably just stick to my normal kid tests, like making sure I can spell "minimum day" correctly or doing those timed math worksheets. Less pressure that way. But hey, you never know - maybe in a couple decades I'll be tackling "integrated task production" myself! Or maybe I'll just become a professional playground monitor. Either way, I wish all those grown-ups in Who-nan the best of luck on their Eng-lish test. The kid inside me is rooting for ya!篇6My Favorite Animal - The PandaHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my favorite animal, the panda. Pandas are really cute and they live in a country called China. Let me share some interesting facts about them!Pandas are big and cuddly. They have black and white fur, which makes them look like they're wearing a tuxedo! They also have big round eyes and a cute button nose. Pandas are known for being very lazy and they spend most of their time eating bamboo. They are really good at climbing trees too!Did you know that pandas are endangered? That means there aren't many of them left in the world. People are trying toprotect them and make sure they have a safe place to live. Pandas are important because they help keep the forests healthy by spreading seeds when they move around.Pandas are also famous for their funny way of moving. They waddle when they walk, and it looks like they're doing a little dance. It's so adorable! Sometimes, they even roll down hills just for fun. I wish I could join them and have a rolling race!In China, pandas are considered as a national treasure. They are loved by people all over the world. Many people visit China just to see pandas in person. It would be a dream come true for me to see a real panda someday. I would give it a big hug!I have a panda stuffed animal that I sleep with every night. It's so soft and cuddly, just like the real pandas. I pretend that I'm taking care of a baby panda and we go on adventures together. I can't wait to visit a zoo and see real pandas up close.In conclusion, pandas are the best animals ever! They are cute, cuddly, and they bring so much joy to people. I hope more and more people will work together to protect them and their habitat. Let's take care of our panda friends!That's all for now. Thank you for listening to my panda story. Bye-bye!Word count: 245 words。

yesterday,i sat with my son解析

yesterday,i sat with my son解析

Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this.译文:昨天,我和我的儿子谢泼德坐在一起,决定在这个问题上检验我自己的理论。

原文:(2018年全国Ⅲ阅读理解D篇)Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects. Why do we often assume that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings? The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less.I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to donate less-used things, and it worked. Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness. She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund (基金) (our kindergarten daughter is serious about becoming a doctor).For weeks, I’ve been thinking of bigger, deeper questions: How do we make it a habit for them? And how do we train ourselves to help them live with, need, and use less? Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this.I decided to play with him with only one toy for as long as it would keep his interest.I expected that one toy would keep hisattention for about five minutes, ten minutes, max. I chose a red rubber ball — simple, universally available. We passed it, he tried to put it in his mouth, he tried bouncing it, rolling it, sitting on it, throwing it. It was totally, completely enough for him. Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move on to lunch.We both became absorbed in the simplicity of playing together. He had my full attention and I had his. My little experiment to find joy in a single object worked for both of us.译文:成年人了解堆满物品的感觉。

英语07 语法填空(原卷版)

英语07 语法填空(原卷版)

专题07 语法填空2024湖南长沙卷Chinese New Year is a great celebration. It ___26___ (mark) the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. According to tradition, people like to give flowers and fruits ___27___ each other during Chinese New Year, because they carry many special ___28___ (meaning). They represent (象征) the earth coming back to life and best wishes for new beginnings,Orchids (兰花) come in many colors, but many people like purple and red ones for Chinese New Year. They are believed ___29___ (represent) love and beauty. Orchids say, “Wish you to be ___30___ (luck), successful and happy.” During the holiday period, this plant is a must.Peonies (牡丹) are like soft clouds in pink, red and white. They are beautiful and can brighten up someone’s day. Red peonies ___31___ (give) to people to show love and care. Peonies say, “You are special to me.” They are also a symbol of wealth and ___32___ (rich).Kumquats (金橘), with ___33___ (they) golden color, ate a symbol of wealth and luck. The Chinese word for “kumquat” sounds like “gold orange”, which connects kumquats with richness. This small fruit tree is often presented in pairs.The apple, with its bright colors ___34___ round shape, represents peace and harmony (和谐). In fact, the word for “apple” in Chinese sounds like “peace”. ___35___ (certain), apples make great gifts.2024湖南省卷I work at a most popular restaurant in my hometown. I love working here as a member of a fantastic team.People here are very 46. (friend), and hard-working.I started by washing dishes when I was only18. I worked hard, and soon became 47. waiter. Simon, who was head chef(主厨)then, began to show 48. (I) how to cook. I loved it so much and I 49. (go) to college to learn more .When Simon left the restaurant, I became head chef. At the time all hefood was traditional. The quality(品质)was good, but I wanted to do something different, so I decided 50 (have) a different menu.Now we serve food from all over the country. There are many markets and food shops here. I can 5l (usual)find any ingredient(配料) I need. I use a lot of natural food. Some people think it is not sodelicious, 52.I don't agree. Well-prepared natural food has a 53. (good) taste than fastfood. Our food is healthy and most customers love it. We use the best meat and the freshest vegetables. At theweekend we play many 54. (kind) of music. There's also a special menu 55. children onSaturdays and that's when we serve traditional food.2023湖南怀化卷Many people often leave their hometowns to work in the cities. Zhang Bin, ___61___ 46-year- old man from Huaihua, is one such person. He ___62___ (work) in a shoe factory in Wenzhou. He ___63___ (real) misses his hometown.More and more hometowns are developing ___64___ (fast) than before. Large hospitals and new schools are built. There are many new roads and ___65___ (bridge). This has made traveling between villages ___66___ cities much easier. Thanks to the new roads around his village, Zhang Bin will now be able ___67___ (open) an online shop that sells delicious food from his hometown.Zhang Bin thinks the changes ___68___ (be) great in his hometown. He is very happy about the new school in his village. ___69___, he believes that one thing will never change — the lovely old tree. The hometown is the place that holds ___70___ (he) best memories.2023湖南衡阳卷Our family bought a new smart TV set last week. It is 41.______ (real) cool! But we didn’t know what we should do 42.______ the old one. Then I 43.______ (see) an advertisement (广告) for Tech-Help. Tech-Help donates smart TV sets to people who need them.44.______ far, Tech-Help has donated (捐赠) 45.______ (many) than 2,000 smart TV sets to different families across the country. Last year they gave smart TV sets to poor families. 46.______ is very easy to donate smart TV sets to Tech-Help. Yesterday, my brother 47.______ I took the old smart TV set to a local shop. Two 48.______ (hour) later, Tech-Help collected it from the shop. They will clean the smart TV set and make it better.Right now, Tech-Help is giving smart TV sets to families in Xinjiang. There are about 50 families on the 49.______ (wait) list. They believe they will get the smart TV sets soon. I’m 50.______ (excite) we could do something to help others!2023湖南郴州卷从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空、使短文完整、通顺(每空一词,每词限用一次)。



上个星期日的英语作文5句话Last Sunday's English essay was a mere five sentences long but held within it a depth of reflection and introspection that belied its brevity. As I sat down to put pen to paper, or rather fingers to keyboard, I found myself grappling with a sense of unease. The prompt, so seemingly simple on the surface, had awakened a wellspring of thoughts and emotions that I had not anticipated.The first sentence, "I enjoy going to the park on Sundays," was a straightforward declaration of a personal preference. Yet, as I wrote it, I couldn't help but wonder about the deeper implications. What was it about the park that I found so appealing? Was it the serenity of the natural surroundings, the opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of the weekdays, or something more intangible? The act of articulating this simple statement forced me to confront my own motivations and desires.The second sentence, "The weather is usually nice on Sundays," was equally direct, but it too held hidden layers of meaning. Was I truly content with the weather, or was I subconsciously seeking somethingmore? Did the predictability of the Sunday weather patterns provide a sense of comfort and stability, or did it, in fact, contribute to a feeling of monotony and routine?As I moved on to the third sentence, "I like to read a book while sitting on a bench," I found myself grappling with the concept of leisure and its role in my life. Was reading a book a genuine form of relaxation and enjoyment, or was it a means of avoidance, a way to escape the demands and responsibilities of the week? The act of reading, so often lauded as a noble pursuit, suddenly felt like a complex and multifaceted activity, imbued with deeper psychological and emotional undercurrents.The fourth sentence, "Sometimes I see other people in the park," prompted me to consider the nature of human interaction and the role of community in my life. Did I seek out the presence of others in the park, or did I prefer the solitude? What did it mean to "see" other people, and how did their mere presence impact my own experience? The simplicity of this statement belied the complex web of social dynamics and personal preferences that it evoked.Finally, the fifth sentence, "I always feel relaxed after spending timein the park," seemed to offer a neat and tidy conclusion to the essay. Yet, as I reflected on it, I realized that the concept of "relaxation" was itself a complex and highly subjective experience. What did it meanto feel relaxed, and how did that state of being manifest within me? Was it a temporary respite from the stresses of daily life, or did it represent a deeper, more lasting sense of inner peace and well-being?As I read back over the essay, I was struck by the way in which these seemingly simple sentences had opened up a Pandora's box of introspection and self-discovery. What had started as a straightforward exercise in descriptive writing had evolved into a profound exploration of my own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The act of writing had become a catalyst for self-reflection, and the resulting essay was a testament to the power of language to unlock the depths of the human psyche.In the end, I realized that the true value of this exercise lay not in the length of the essay or the complexity of the language, but in the opportunity it had provided to delve deeper into the nuances of my own inner world. The five sentences that had once seemed so simple and unremarkable had, in fact, served as a gateway to a rich and multi-layered exploration of my own thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. And as I put the final period on the page, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the insights and self-discoveries that had emerged from this seemingly simple task.。



八年级下册英语新支点电子版作文答案全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Summer VacationYay, it's finally summer vacation! No more school for a whole three months. I'm so excited to sleep in late every day and not have any homework or tests. This is going to be the best summer ever!First, my family went on a big trip to America. We visited so many cool places like the Grand Canyon, Disneyland, and New York City. The Grand Canyon was just massive, it's hard to imagine something so huge was created by nature. I felt so tiny standing on the edge looking out over the vast canyon below. Disneyland was a kid's dream come true - riding all the fun roller coasters, meeting Mickey Mouse, and eating tons of junk food. New York was crazy with so many tall skyscrapers and people everywhere. I've never seen such a crowded, busy city before. We went to the top of the Empire State Building and the view was breathtaking.After our America trip, I went to summer camp for two weeks.I was a little nervous at first being away from my parents, but I made lots of new friends right away. We did all sorts of fun camp activities like hiking, swimming, canoeing, campfires, and talent shows. My favorite was the canoe races across the lake. My team won by just a second! The camp cafeteria food wasn't that great, but we did get unlimited popsicles so I was happy. I didn't want to leave when it was over.The rest of my summer was spent mostly just hanging out at home, but that was fun too. I had sleepovers with my best friends almost every weekend. We would stay up late watching movies, playing video games, and telling spooky stories. A few times we tried to sneak snacks from the kitchen after bedtime but got caught! During the days, we also went to the community pool a lot to go swimming and work on our tans. The pool always had a huge lineuo but it was worth it to cool off from the hot summer heat. Some days I would just laze around at home reading comics or watching YouTube videos. Nothing beats the luxury of getting up whenever you want with no schedule on summer break.My biggest accomplishment over the summer was finally learning how to ride a bike without training wheels! My dadhelped me practice every day by running alongside me through the neighborhood. I fell a couple times and got some scratches, but I never gave up. After two weeks of trying, I could finally pedal and balance all by myself. Such a great feeling of independence! Now I can join my friends when they go on bike rides.All in all, this was one of the funnest, most jam-packed summers I've ever had. I made so many fantastic memories that I'll never forget. From traveling across America to summer camp to finally becoming a big kid by riding a real bike, it wasnon-stop excitement and new experiences. I had a blast spending quality time with my family and friends away from school. As much as I'll miss the freedom and sleeping in, I actually can't wait to go back and start 4th grade to see my other friends and continue learning. But there's still a few more weeks until then, so I'm going to soak up what's left of this awesome summer!篇2My Favorite Subject is English Class!English class is the best! I love learning new words and grammar. The textbook we use is called "New Starting Point" and it has a cool electronic version with videos and games. So fun!In Unit 1, we had to write about our summer vacation. I wrote about going to my grandparents' house in the country. We went swimming in the lake every day and picked berries to make jam. Grandma makes the most delicious blackberry jam! I used words like "exciting", "relax", and "scrumptious" to describe my vacation.Next, we learned how to write instructions in Unit 2. I chose to write a how-to guide for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The key is putting the peanut butter on both slices of bread so the jelly doesn't soak through and make it soggy. My favorite part was using sequence words like "first", "then", and "finally".In Unit 3, we had to describe our dream job. I want to be a video game developer when I grow up! I wrote all about designing fun worlds, creating cool characters, and programming amazing powers and abilities. I used lots of vivid adjectives like "action-packed", "imaginative", and"cutting-edge". Making video games sounds like the best job ever.We moved on to describing holidays and festivals in Unit 4. I picked Christmas because it's my favorite time of year. I described all the twinkling lights, yummy treats, and family traditions. Words like "festive", "merry", and "jolly" really capture the Christmas spirit. I want to go caroling and leave out milk and cookies for Santa this year!The writing in Unit 5 was about explaining a process. I chose to write out the steps for how to adopt a pet from an animal shelter. You have to fill out an application, get your home inspected, and then finally pick out your new furry friend! I used transition words like "next", "after that", and "once" to connect the steps.For Unit 6, we had to write a book or movie review. I chose to review the latest superhero movie that just came out. I summarized the awesome plot and described all the amazing super powers and action sequences. My favorite words were "gripping", "spectacular", and "epic"! That movie was so intense and the graphics were insane.In Unit 7, we learned about writing persuasive essays. I argued that kids should get less homework from school. We spend so many hours at school already, and too much homework causes stress. I tried to use strong reasons andtransition words like "in addition", "moreover", and "in conclusion".The last unit was about writing friendly letters in Unit 8. I wrote a letter to my cousin who lives across the country. I told them all about my new puppy, the hilarious things my little brother did, and how I'm looking forward to visiting them next summer. Instead of "said", I used synonyms like "exclaimed", "remarked", and "inquired".Overall, this English textbook has been super helpful for improving my writing skills. I've learned so many new vocabulary words and different styles of writing. My spelling and grammar have gotten much better too. I'm proud of all the stories, essays, and letters I've written this year. Can't wait for 9th grade English!篇3The New Horizon English Textbook Answers Were Like a Maze!Whew, 8th grade English class was really tough this year! I thought I had it all figured out at first, but then we got to the second semester textbook and everything changed. That book was like a crazy maze that I could never find my way out of.It all started off normal enough. We reviewed stuff like grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. No biggie, I've been doing that kind of stuff since I was a little kid. But then we got to the writing sections and that's when things went off the rails!The first writing assignment was to write a descriptive paragraph about our favorite place. Simple enough, right? Wrong! The example in the textbook used all these crazy descriptive words I had never heard of before. Words like "bucolic" and "ephemeral." What do those even mean?! I had to look them up in the dictionary and everything.So I tried my best to use some fancy words like that in my paragraph, but I'm not sure it really worked. I wrote about my favorite spot in the park, describing the "verdant foliage" and the "mellifluous chirping of the birds." I'm still not totally sure what those words mean, but they sounded good!The teacher's comment just said "Nice try, but work on using more natural language." Yeah, no kidding!It only got harder from there. The next assignment was writing a narrative essay to tell a story. That calmed me down at first because I can tell stories all day long. But then I read the example essay and my head started spinning again.The example was written like a novel, with all this crazy imagery and foreshadowing and metaphors. There were all these lines like "The darkness enveloped him, seeming to swallow his very existence" and "The rain pounded the roof in a staccato rhythm, mimicking the frantic beating of his heart." I was just trying to write about the time I got lost at the mall as a little kid!When I handed that one in, the teacher's comment said "You're telling a good story, but try to 'show' more instead of just 'telling' what happened. Use more literary devices." More literary wha...?!Don't even get me started on the persuasive essay. That one was just impossible! The example was like a lawyer making an argument, with all these big words and fancy persuasive techniques I had never heard of before. Pathos, ethos, rhetorical questions, asserting credibility - my brain couldn't handle it!I turned in something about why my parents should let me stay up past 9pm, but it was just using simple reasons like "I'm older now and more responsible" and "It's light outside until late in the summer." Definitely nothing close to the level of the pros in the textbook examples.At this point in the semester, I was feeling pretty defeated. Writing had always been one of my strengths, but this newtextbook made me feel like I didn't know the first thing about it. My essays were getting comments like "You have the basics down, but need to use more advanced writing techniques" and "Let's work on elevating your writing to the next level." Elevate to what level?! We're just 8th graders!Then we finally got to the last writing assignment, which was open-ended. We could write whatever kind of essay or creative piece we wanted. I figured this would be my chance to redeem myself and just write something simple and straightforward.But you know what? At that point, I was kind of into the whole "elevated writing" thing. I decided to go all out and see if I could really pull off one of those crazy textbook-level essays. I worked really hard coming up with an extended metaphor, using juicy descriptive words, varying my sentence structure, and trying to have a really profound insight at the end.When I handed it in, I was pretty proud of my weird little tale of being chased through the woods by a wolf that turned out to symbolize the pressures and struggles of growing up. I had a line like "The brambles grabbed at me with thorny fingers, nature itself seeming to impede my frantic flight." I mean, who even am I?Shockingly, the teacher wrote back "Wow, amazing work! You've really leveled up your writing skills. Keep exploring your creative voice!"I still don't totally understand phrases like "elevated writing" or "exploring my creative voice." But I guess somewhere along the way, from writing my silly mall story to my weird wolf metaphor, I did actually learn all that crazy advanced stuff packed into our English textbook.So in the end, while that book was pretty much indecipherable at first, it actually worked! By the end of the semester I felt like a mad mix of a lawyer, poet, and novelist all wrapped into one. Maybe I'll be the next author of one of those textbooks someday!English class may be a maze, but at least I found my way out the other side. Now, who's ready for 9th grade?篇4Hiya! My name is Tommy and I'm in 5th grade. My teacher Mrs. Roberts asked us to write about the answers in our 8th grade English e-book for next year. I'm super excited to share what I know!First up, the writing section is gonna be so much fun. In 8th grade, you get to write all sorts of awesome stories and essays. My favorite is definitely narrative writing where you make up a cool adventure. But you also gotta master persuasive essays to get people to agree with you. Don't worry though, the e-book breaks it all down step-by-step.The grammar part looked pretty hard at first with all those crazy rules. But the e-book uses really simple language to explain things like subject-verb agreement, modifiers, and verb tenses. They give you loads of examples too which helps a ton. The quizzes at the end of each chapter are great practice.Then there's the reading comprehension which is super important. The e-book has passages about all kinds of fascinating topics like science, history, and literature. You gotta read them closely and answer questions proving you understood the main ideas, characters, events, and vocab words. It's like being a real-life detective!Literature analysis is where you dive deep into classic novels, plays, poems and short stories. Sounds boring, right? But thee-book way of doing it is actually pretty neat. You learn how to analyze things like the author's perspective, literary devices they use, and deeper symbolic meanings. That stuff blew my mind!My favorite part though is definitely vocabulary. The e-book is packed with tons of new fancy words to learn. Plus, it teaches you rootwords, prefixes and suffixes which helps you decode brand new vocab. There are fun illustrations, memorization tricks and word games too. I can't wait to expand my wordly wisdom!For reading, writing, speaking - you name it - the e-book has you covered with strategies and step-by-step guidance. There are tons of real-world examples which is awesome. And it's all explained in a clear, simple way that's easy to understand. Phew, I've only scratched the surface but I'm already excited!I probably sound like a teacher's pet right now. But seriously, this e-book is gonna give you ALL the skills to become an english master. The lessons make everything a breeze and there are plenty of practice opportunities. You'll be acing tests, writing like a pro, and expanding your brain in no time!I guess that's about all I can share without giving away too many secrets. Just get ready because 8th grade English is gonna be a blast with this e-book as your guide. Stay hungry for knowledge, work hard, and you'll go far! Thanks for reading my essay. I'll lett'cha know if I think of any other hot goss about the e-book. Peace out!篇5My Summer VacationWow, I had such an awesome summer vacation this year! It was totally epic and I got to do so many fun things. I'm gonna tell you all about it!First up, my family went on this really cool camping trip up in the mountains. We drove for like forever but it was worth it when we got there. The campsite was right next to this beautiful lake with crystal clear water. We pitched our tent, made a campfire, and toasted marshmallows. Yum!The next few days we went hiking on all the trails around the lake. I saw so many incredible things - towering trees, bright wildflowers, curious chipmunks and deer, and even a bear from pretty far away! My little brother got tired fast but my parents took turns giving him piggyback rides. I was a tough hiker though and kept going strong.At night we'd come back to the campfire and look up at the millions of stars in the dark sky. You can't see that many in the city because of all the lights and smog. My dad taught me about all the constellations like The Big Dipper and Orion. I tried tocount all the stars but there were just too many! Sleeping in the tent was fun too, listening to the owls and crickets chirping away.After our awesome camping adventure, we visited my cousin's farm for a few days. He lives out in the country surrounded by fields and woods. I got to collect eggs from the chicken coop, bottle feed an adorable baby calf, and even drive the tractor! Well, I just steered while my cousin worked the pedals. But it was still crazy fun.We picked apples, peaches, and berries from the orchards and garden. Then we all baked delicious pies with the fresh fruit. I got flour all over my face and we laughed so hard. In the fields, we ran through the tall grass chasing butterflies and watching the sun dip below the horizon at night. Country life was simple but wonderful.To finish off the best summer ever, the last week we went to a waterpark resort! This place had everything - huge twisting waterslides, a lazy river to float on, a giant wave pool, and multiple swimming areas. I spent hours going down the daring slides over and over, got thrown around in the waves, and worked up an appetite enough to eat three cheeseburgers for lunch. No wonder I was tuckered out every night and slept like a rock!My cousin and I stayed up late a few nights just hanging out, playing video games, and telling scary stories. We made a bunch of hilarious TikTok videos too, being as goofy as possible. I didn't want those fun days to ever end!But eventually, the vacation did have to finish and it was time for school again. Still, I've got so many wonderful memories from this summer that I'll never forget. I'm grateful my parents made it so special and fun for me. I can't wait to make more amazing memories next summer when I'm in high school! Maybe we'll take a trip somewhere far away and exotic. A dream vacation would be... well, I'll have to think about that one!篇6My Summer VacationYay, summer vacation is finally here! No more waking up super early, no more homework, and no more tests for a couple of months. This summer is gonna be awesome!The first week of summer, my family didn't have any big plans so we just relaxed at home. I got to sleep in as late as I wanted and hang out with my friends. We went to the park almost every day to play basketball, have water balloon fights, and just goof around. One day we had a huge squirt gun battleand got totally soaked! My mom wasn't too happy when I came home drenched, but it was so worth it.After that first week of freedom, my parents said we were gonna take a big road trip to visit some national parks out west. At first I wasn't that excited because road trips can be pretty boring. But my dad promised we'd stop at lots of fun places along the way. He got me psyched by telling me all about the cool hiking trails, amazing landscapes, and unique wildlife we might see.Our first stop was the Badlands National Park in South Dakota. The rock formations there were crazy - it honestly looked like an alien planet or something. We did a short hike on one of the trails and I spotted some bighorn sheep way off in the distance. My dad is a photography nut so he made us stop for pictures every five minutes. Still, I had to admit the views were pretty incredible.Next up was Mount Rushmore, which was very close to the Badlands. It was mind-blowing to see those giant carved president heads up close. We took a tour that told us all about how it was built and the crazy hard work it took to carve it. I got a kick out of the goofy presidents' faces everywhere you looked in the gift shop.After that, we drove up into Wyoming to see Yellowstone National Park. That place was absolutely massive - it was bigger than some entire states! We saw rivers, canyons, waterfalls, and wide open spaces as far as the eye could see. The best part though was all the geysers and hot springs. We watched Old Faithful erupt which was really cool. The colors of the hot springs were unreal - bright blues, oranges, and even reds. The whole park smelled like rotten eggs from all the sulfur, but it was still awesome.While we were in that area, we visited Grand Teton National Park too. Those jagged mountain peaks were gorgeous, especially with the snake river winding through the valley below. We went horseback riding there and saw herds of bison and antelope roaming around. I'd only seen animals like that in pictures before, so spotting them in the wild was amazing.On our way back home, we made one last stop in Colorado to check out the Rocky Mountain National Park. My legs were dead after all the hiking we did on the intense mountain trails there, but it was worth it for the crazy beautiful views. We saw elk, marmots, and bighorn sheep everywhere. The high alpine lakes and fields of wildflowers were something I'll never forget.After two weeks of driving around and hiking, I was exhausted but it was seriously the best road trip ever. I got to see so many mindblowingly gorgeous landscapes and crazy cool wildlife that I'd only read about in books before. I took a million pictures and got a few funny souvenirs to remember it all. Most importantly, I made some great memories with my parents that I'll cherish forever.Even though I love just hanging out at home with my friends over the summer, this epic road trip made me realize how amazing it is to get out and explore new places too. I can't wait to go on more adventures and see what other incredible natural wonders are out there in the world. Vacations might not always seem like a big deal when you're a kid, but this one really opened my eyes. I know I'm lucky to have parents who make the effort to take me on trips like this and show me how awesome our planet really is.So that's the story of my summer vacation. Sure, there were some longgg days in the car and camping wasn't always fun. But all the incredible things I got to see and do more than made up for it. I used to think my friends who went on fancy beach vacations had way cooler summers than me. But now I know that the greatest adventure was right here in my own backyard thewhole time! I'm back in school now but I can't wait for the next summer. Who knows where we'll end up?。



辽宁高校联盟英语学位考试真题及答案全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Yo, guys! Today I'm gonna share with you some dope stuff about the Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Exam. Let's get started!The exam consists of four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Sounds fun, right? The listening part is super cool because you get to listen to native English speakers talking and answer questions about what they say. It's like watching a movie, but you gotta pay attention!The reading part is where you read passages and answer questions about them. It's all about understanding what you read and finding the right answers. But don't worry, it's not that hard if you focus and stay super chill.Next up is the writing part. This is where you show off your English skills by writing essays or answering questions in paragraphs. Just remember to use proper grammar and spelling, and you'll do just fine!Last but not least is the speaking part. You'll have a conversation with a teacher or another student in English. Don't be shy, just speak up and show off what you know. It's all about having fun and practicing your speaking skills.So, there you have it, the Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Exam in a nutshell. Just remember to study hard, stay confident, and you'll ace that exam like a boss! Good luck, everyone!篇2Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about the Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Exam! This exam is super important for students in Liaoning province who want to get their English degree. Let's dive into the details!The exam has four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. In the listening section, you will hear some conversations and answer questions about them. Make sure to listen carefully and take notes!Next up is the reading section, where you will read some passages and answer questions. Make sure to understand the main ideas and details of the passages.In the writing section, you will have to write an essay on a given topic. Remember to organize your thoughts and use good grammar and vocabulary.Lastly, in the speaking section, you will have a conversation with the examiner on a topic. Just relax and speak confidently!Now, let's talk about the answers! Remember, practice makes perfect, so make sure to do lots of practice exams before the real one.That's all for today's article on the Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Exam. Good luck to all the students taking the exam!篇3Title: The Liaoning University Alliance English Degree ExamHey guys, have you ever heard of the Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Exam? It's a super important test for students in Liaoning province who want to get their English degree. And today, we're going to talk about the real exam questions and answers!Question 1:What is the capital of the United Kingdom?A) ParisB) LondonC) New YorkD) TokyoAnswer: B) LondonQuestion 2:Who wrote the famous play "Romeo and Juliet"?A) William ShakespeareB) Jane AustenC) Mark TwainD) J.K. RowlingAnswer: A) William ShakespeareQuestion 3:What is the longest river in the world?A) Nile RiverB) Amazon RiverC) Yangtze RiverD) Mississippi RiverAnswer: A) Nile RiverQuestion 4:What is the tallest mountain in the world?A) Mount EverestB) Mount KilimanjaroC) Mount FujiD) Mount McKinleyAnswer: A) Mount EverestSo there you have it, guys! Just remember these answers and you'll be sure to ace your Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Exam. Good luck!篇4Once upon a time, there was a big test called "Liaoning College Alliance English Degree Exam" for college students. The questions were super hard and everyone was sweating like crazy! But you know what? I was super smart and I aced that test like a boss!The first question was about my favorite movie. I wrote all about "Frozen" because Elsa is my hero and Olaf is so funny. The second question asked me to describe my best friend, and of course, I wrote about Lily. She's the coolest girl in school and we always have so much fun together.Then, there was a listening section where we had to listen to a story and answer questions. I was a little nervous because sometimes the speakers talk really fast, but I concentrated hard and got all the answers right. Phew!Next, we had to write an essay about our dreams for the future. I wrote about how I want to be a scientist and discover a cure for cancer. It's a big dream, but I believe in myself and I know I can do it one day.Finally, the last question was a conversation with a friend about our weekend plans. I made up a funny story about going camping with my family and getting lost in the woods. It was so silly, but the examiners liked it and gave me top marks.In the end, I got my results and guess what? I passed with flying colors! I was so happy and proud of myself. I can't wait to tell my parents and show off my amazing score. Who says tests are scary? I rocked that exam and now I'm one step closer to achieving my dreams. Yay for me!篇5Oh man, so the other day I had to take the Liaoning University Alliance English test, and let me tell you, it was no joke! The test had like a million questions and I was sweating bullets the whole time. But guess what? I totally aced it!The first part of the test was all about vocabulary. They asked me to fill in the blanks with the right words and let me tell you, some of those words were super tricky. But luckily, I had studied really hard and I knew most of them.Next up was the reading part. They gave me a bunch of passages to read and then asked me questions about them. Some of the questions were so sneaky, but I managed to figure them out.After that, it was time for the listening section. They played a bunch of recordings and I had to answer questions based on what I heard. I was so nervous because sometimes the speaker talked really fast, but I think I did pretty well.Finally, there was the writing part. They asked me to write an essay on a given topic and let me tell you, my hand was cramping by the end of it. But I poured my heart into that essay and I think it turned out pretty good.So yeah, that's how my Liaoning University Alliance English test went. It was tough, but I think I did pretty well. I can't wait to get my results and see how I did!篇6Hello everyone, today I want to share with you the real questions and answers of the Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Exam. It was so cool and a bit challenging, but I did my best and I think I did pretty well!Question 1: Can you introduce yourself?Answer: Hi, my name is Lily. I am ten years old and I love playing basketball and reading books. I also enjoy learning new languages and making new friends.Question 2: What is your favorite subject in school?Answer: My favorite subject is English. I love learning new words and phrases, and I think it's so fun to talk with people from different countries.Question 3: Can you tell me about your dream job?Answer: My dream job is to become a veterinarian. I love animals and I want to help sick or injured pets get better.Question 4: What do you usually do in your free time?Answer: In my free time, I like to play with my friends, go to the park, and ride my bike. I also enjoy drawing and painting.Overall, the exam was a bit tough but I had a great time answering the questions and practicing my English skills. I can't wait to see my results and continue improving my English in the future! Thank you for listening to my experience.篇7Hello everyone, I'm here to share with you the real questions and answers from the Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Exam. Are you ready to dive into the world of English with me? Let's get started!Question 1: What is the past tense of the verb "eat"?Answer: The past tense of the verb "eat" is "ate".Question 2: How do you spell the word "beautiful"?Answer: The word "beautiful" is spelled B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.Question 3: Write a sentence using the word "happy".Answer: I am happy when I play with my friends.Question 4: What is the opposite of the word "big"?Answer: The opposite of the word "big" is "small".Question 5: Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun: "______ is my sister."Answer: She is my sister.Question 6: How do you say "thank you" in English?Answer: "Thank you" is how you say "thank you" in English.Question 7: What is the plural form of the word "book"?Answer: The plural form of the word "book" is "books".I hope you enjoyed these questions and answers from the Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Exam. Keep practicing your English and you'll be fluent in no time! Thank you for reading!篇8Hello everyone! Today, I want to share with you the questions and answers from the Liaoning University Alliance English Degree Examination.Question 1: Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: I am good _____ playing soccer.Answer: atQuestion 2: Choose the correct form of the verb: She ________ to the park every weekend.A) goesB) is goingC) wentAnswer: A) goesQuestion 3: Write a short paragraph about your favorite season and why you like it.Answer: My favorite season is summer because I love swimming in the pool and eating ice cream. I also get to play outside with my friends all day long.Question 4: Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: I have _______ book to read tonight.A) aB) anC) theAnswer: A) aQuestion 5: Rearrange the words to form a correct sentence: go / to / do / would / you / park / the / like / with / me?Answer: Would you like to go to the park with me?I hope you find these questions and answers helpful for the English Degree Examination. Good luck!篇9Hey guys, today I want to share with you the real questions and answers of the Liaoning University Alliance English degree exam. It was so exciting and a little bit challenging, but I think I did pretty well, so I am here to tell you all about it!Question 1: Translate the following sentence into English: 。



自信是我的神助攻作文500字英文回答:Confidence is my secret weapon. It empowers me to overcome challenges, pursue my goals, and achieve success. With confidence, I am able to take risks, step out of my comfort zone, and embrace new opportunities. It gives me the courage to speak up, share my ideas, and assert myself in various situations. Confidence is like a magnet that attracts positive outcomes and opens doors for me. It is not only a mindset but also a skill that can be developed and strengthened over time.One of the ways confidence has helped me is in public speaking. Speaking in front of a large audience used to terrify me, but with confidence, I have been able to conquer my fear. I remember a time when I had to give a presentation in front of my classmates. Instead of being nervous, I stood tall, maintained eye contact, and spoke with conviction. My confidence allowed me to deliver mymessage effectively and engage the audience. As a result, I received positive feedback and gained the respect of my peers.Another area where confidence has been instrumental is in job interviews. The ability to confidently articulate my skills, experiences, and qualifications has helped me stand out among other candidates. I remember an interview where I was asked about my greatest strength. Instead of hesitating or downplaying my abilities, I confidently highlighted my strong problem-solving skills and provided examples of how I had successfully resolved complex issues in my previous role. This demonstration of confidence impressed the interviewer and ultimately led to me being offered the job.Confidence also plays a crucial role in building and maintaining relationships. When I am confident, I am more likely to approach others, strike up conversations, and make new friends. I remember a social event where I didn't know anyone. Instead of feeling awkward or shy, I confidently introduced myself to different people,initiated conversations, and showed genuine interest ingetting to know them. This confidence allowed me to form connections and establish meaningful relationships.In conclusion, confidence is my secret weapon that empowers me to overcome challenges, pursue my goals, and achieve success. It has helped me in various aspects of my life, from public speaking to job interviews and building relationships. By developing and nurturing my confidence, I am able to unlock my full potential and seize opportunities. So, embrace confidence and let it be your guiding force towards a fulfilling and successful life.中文回答:自信是我的神助攻。



类型1:1. Tlie least integer of a set of consecutive integers is -25. If tlie sum of these integei*s is 26, how many integers aie in this set?(A) 25(B) 26(C) 50(D) 51(E) 522. Exactly 4 actors try out for the 4 parts in a play. If each actor can perfomi any one part and no one will peiibrm more tlian one pail, how many different assignments of actors are possible?3. Set X has x members and set Y has y members. Set Z consists of all members that are in either set X or set Y witli the exception of the k common members (k > 0). Wliich of the following represents the number of members in set Z ?(A) x + y + k(B) x + y - k(C) x + y + 2k(D) x + y-2k(E) 2x + 2y-2k4. Tliere are 75 more women tliaii men enrolled in Linden College. If tliere aie n men enrolled, then, in tenns of n, what percent of those enrolled are men?n + 755. A merchant sells tliree types of clocks tliat cliime as indicated by the check marks in tlie table above. Wliat is the total number of chimes of the inventory of clocks in the 90-minute period from 7:15 to 8:45?(B) 2n+75(D) 100n (2n+75)(E) lOOn2n+75BIXIHHH6.If the 5 cards shown above are placed in a row so tliat HRs never at either end, how many different aiTangements ai'e possible?7.Wlien 15 is divided by the positive integer k, the remainder is 3. For how many different values of k is tliis tnie?(A)One(B)Two(C)Tliree(D)Four(E)Five0 I8.Oil the number line above, there are 9 equal iiiteivals between 0 and 1. What is the value of x ?9. If a, b. c, and f are four nonzero numbers, tlien all of the following proportions are equivalent EXCEPT(c)= (D)? =1 110.If a and b are positive integers and (aH)3)6 = 432 ,wliat is the value of ab ? 612182436 A)B)0D)E)z(x z(\ z(\x(xz(\11. After the first term, each term in a sequence is3 greater than 1/3 of the preceding term If t is the first tenn of tlie sequence and t¥=0. what is tlie ratio of the second teim to the first tenn? (A)(B)12. The Acme Plumbing Company will send a team of 3 plumbers to work on a certain job. The company has 4 experienced pliunbers and 4 trainees. If a team consists of 1 experienced plumber and 2 trainees, how many different such teams are possible?13.1f p. r. and s are tliree different prime niunbers greater than 2, and n = p * r * s, how many positive factors, including 1 and n. does n have?14. If the sum of the consecutive integers from -22 to x, inclusive, is 72, what is the value of15. For all positive integers j and k. let j \R\ k be defined as the whole number remainder when j is divided by k. If 13 \R\k = 2, what is the value of k?16.1n a set of eleven different numbers, wliich of the following CANNOT affect the value of the median?(A) Doubling each number(B) Increasing each number by 10(C) Increasing tlie smallest number only(D) Decreasing the lai'gest number only(E) Increasing the largest number only(C) t+9 3t3 5 0 54 2 25 7 9 ⑻(D) t + 33t17. A store chaiges $28 for a certain type of sweater. This pnce is 40 percent more than the amount it costs the store to buy one of tliese sweaters. At ail end-of^season sale, store employees can pui'cliase any remaining sweaters at 30 percent off the store's cost How much would it cost ail employee to piuchase a sweater of tliis type at this sale?(A) $8.40(B) S14.00(C) $ 19.60(D) $20.00(E) $25.2018. Alice and Coi'imie stand back-to-back. They each take 10 steps in opposite directions awayfrom each otlier and stop. Alice then turns around, walks towaid Corinne, and reaches her in 17 steps. The length of one of Alice's steps is how many times the lengtli of one of Corinne's steps? (All of Alice's steps are the same length and all of Corinne's steps are the same length.)19. If n and p are integers greater tliaii 1 and if p is a factor of both n -3 and n + 10. what is the value of p?20. In a mixtui'e of peanuts and cashews, the ratio by weight of peanuts to cashews is 5 to 2. How many poiuids of cashews will there be iii4 pounds of this mixtiue?21. How many integers gieater than 20 and less than 30 are each the product of exactly two different numbers, both of wliich aie piime?(A) Zero(B) One(C) Two(D) Tliree(E) Four22. If k is a positive integer, which of the following must represent an even integer tliat is twice the value of an odd integer?(A) 2k(B) 2k+3(C) 2k+ 4(D) 4k+l(E) 4k+ 23 7101330 A)B)0D)E) x(xz(\ z(x z(\ z(\f-y -fW 1. The shaded region in the figui'e above is bounded by the x-axis, the line x = 4, and the graph of y = Rx).If the point (a, b) lies in the shaded region, which of the fbllowing must be true? I. a <4 II. b < a in. b< Ra) (A) I only (B) in only (C) I and II only(D) I and III only(E) I. II, and HI2. At a bottling company, machine A fills, a bottle with spring water and machine B accepts tlie bottle only if tlie number of fluid ounces is between 11 — and 12— If machine B accepts a8 8bottle containing n fluid ounces, which of tlie following describes all possible values of n ?(A) |n-12|=i(B) |n+12|=i(C) |n-12|<i(D) |n+12 片3. Dwayne has a newspaper route for which he collects k dollars each day. From this amount he pays out k/3 dollai's per day for the cost of the papers, and he saves tlie rest of the money. In tenns of k, how many days will it take Dwayne to save $1,000 ?(C) 罗(D) 詈(E) 1,500k类型2:(A) (B) dJ-1,5001,0004. In the xy-coordmate plane, the gi'aph of x = y*y -4 mtersects line 1 at (0, p) and (5, t). Wliat is the greatest possible value of tlie slope of 1?5. Esther drove to work in the morning at an average speed of 45 miles per hour. She returned home in the evening along the same route and averaged 30 miles per hour. If Esther spent a total of one horn' commuting to and fi'om work, how many miles did Esther drive to work in the moniiiig?6. If (a + b)°〉= (a - b)"0 5, which of tlie following must be true?(A) b = 0(B) a + b = 1(C) a - b = 1(D) a 2 + b 2=l(E) a 2-b 2=lfor some constant a. If the lengtli ofis equal to 6, what is the value of a?1215188. During a sale, a customer can buy one shirt for x dollars. Each additional shiit the customer buys costs z dollars less than the first sliiit. For example, the cost of the second shirt is x - z dollars. Wliich of the fbllowing represents the customer's cost, ill dollars, for n shirts bouglit during tliis sale?(A) x + (n- l)(x-z)(B) x + n(x -z)(C) n(x-z)㈤伝⑵+顋9. Let tlie function h be defined by li(x) = 14 If h (2m) = 9m, what is one possible value of m?⑻=x~ and y = a - x"10.If x is an integer greater than 1 aiid if y = x + which of tlie following must be true?I. y 黄x II. y is ail integer. III. xy > x2(A)I only(B)in only(C)I aiid II only(D)I aiid III only(E)I, II, aiid HIIL If m and k aie positive and 10(m2)k1= 100m, what is in1 in tenns ofk ?(A)&(D)诙12.The figrn'e above shows the graph of a quadiatic fiuiction f that lias a minimum at tlie point (1,1). If f(b) = f(3), which of the following could be the value ofb ?(A)-3(B)-2(C)-l(D)l(E) 513.If a + 2b is equal to 125 percent of 4b, what is the value of a/b?14. Doug's biology expeiiment involved timing 12 hamsters in a maze. Each hamster received at leastone practice before being timed. The scatter plot above shows the time each hamster took to complete the maze and tlie coiTespondiiig number of practices that each hamster received. Based on the data, wliicli of the following functions best models the relationship between t, the number of seconds to complete tlie maze, and p, the number of practices?(A) t(p) = 44(B) t(p) = p(C) t(p) = 44p(D) t(p)=p/44(E) t(p)= p+ 4415. For all numbers x and y let the operation □ be defined by x □ y = xy - y If a and b are positive integers, wliich of the following can be equal to zero?I. a nbII. (a + b) nbIII. a □ (a + b)(A) I only(B) II only(C) in only(D) I andH(E) I and III Note: Figure not to scale.16. In the figure above, ABCD is a rectangle. Points A and C lie on the graph of y = px 3? Where p is a constant. If tlie aiea of ABCD is 4, wliat is the value ofp?MAZE COMPLETIONTIMESNumber ofPractices 605040302010(spllo 堂)9U1H17.If 0 <x < 8 and -1 < y < 3, which of the fbllowing gives tlie set of all possible values of xy?(A)xy = 4(B)0 W xy W 24(C)-1 W xy W 11(D)-1 W xy W 24(E)-8 W xy W 24h(t) = c-(d-4t)218.At time t = 0, a ball was thrown upward from an initial height of 6 feet. Until the ball liit the gromid, its height, in feet, after t seconds was given by the function h above. In which c and d aie positive constants. If tlie ball reached its maximum height of 106 feet at time t = 2.5. Wliat was tlie heiglit, in feet, of the ball at time t = 1?19.If k, n, x, and y are positive numbers satisfying x-3 = k-2 and y§ = n2, what is (xy)-3 in tenns of n and k?球(D)nk(E)l20.Let (x) be defined as (x) = x2 -x for all values of x. If (a) = (a-2). What is the value of a?(A)l(B。



我的最高分,最低分作文High and low scores in writing assignments are a common experience for many students. The feeling of joy from achieving a high score can be just as intense as the disappointment of receiving a low one. Personally, I have experienced both ends of the spectrum when it comes to my writing assignments.我的作文中的最高分和最低分是我作为学生时的常见经历。



Receiving a high score on a writing assignment can be a rewarding experience. It serves as validation of one's hard work, dedication, and skill in crafting a coherent and compelling piece of writing. The feeling of accomplishment that comes with a high score can boost one's confidence and motivation to continue to strive for excellence in their writing.在写作任务中获得高分是一种令人满意的经历。




本着好奇心,才能发现不一样的世界英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Curious Mind Unlocks the Wonders of the WorldEver since I was a young child, my parents instilled in me a deep sense of curiosity about the world around me. They encouraged me to constantly ask "Why?" and to never be satisfied with a superficial explanation. This innate inquisitiveness has shaped who I am today and opened my eyes to the boundless marvels that exist if one is willing to look beneath the surface.In the classroom, I was that student who constantly raised my hand, peppering my teachers with follow-up questions that made them pause and think more deeply. While some of my peers found my insatiable thirst for knowledge annoying, I viewed it as a thirst that could never be quenched. With each new concept I learned, whether in science, literature, or history, a dozen more avenues of inquiry would reveal themselves to be explored.This attitude extended far beyond academics. On family vacations, instead of being content to simply take in the famous sights, I wanted to understand the cultures, traditions, and backstories that made each destination unique. What was the inspiration behind that iconic sculpture? How did that ancient civilization develop such advanced engineering capabilities? My curiosity transformed the mundane into the extraordinary, making every experience a vivid tapestry woven with rich details.As I grew older, this openness to asking questions and dispensing with preconceived notions only deepened. I recognized that the world is a endlessly fascinating place, but one that will only reveal its secrets to those willing to probe beneath the obvious. A casual observer might look at a flower and see beauty, but a curious mind will explore the intricate biological mechanisms that allow it to bloom or the symbiotic relationships it forms with birds and insects to propagate its species.In my experiences with people from diverse backgrounds, my curiosity has helped me connect with them on a deeper level. Rather than make assumptions, I ask questions to understand their perspectives, histories, and what makes them who they are.An eagerness to learn has broken down barriers and revealed our shared humanity that transcends superficial differences.Importantly, my curious nature is not merely about questioning others, but also questioning myself. I constantlyre-examine my beliefs, assumptions, and biases with a willingness to update and evolve my thinking when presented with compelling evidence or perspectives. It is uncomfortable at times, as it forces me to confront shortcomings in my knowledge or flawed preconceptions. However, it has made me more open-minded and enriched my understanding of the world's staggering complexity.This humble mindset, willingness to admit fault, and zeal for growth has also shaped my approach to academics. When I struggle with a challenging concept, rather than conceding defeat, I tenaciously explore alternative pathways to comprehend it until it finally clicks. I ask questions of professors during office hours, I consult with peers and mentors, I watch supplemental video tutorials online – I endeavor to turn every obstacle into an opportunity to expand my understanding.My curious spirit has even affected my philosophy on life itself. From an early age, I realized that our time on this earth is fleeting, and that constantly discovering is the key to living life tothe fullest. With each new experience, no matter how seem seems insignificant, I find joy in uncovering something novel and adding another thread to my complex tapestry of understanding.Whether it is through books, conversations, travels, introspection, or other means, I have found that a mindset of curiosity rejuvenates my perspective and breathes new life into the world around me. What was once familiar becomes vibrant, layered, and brimming with potential insights to explore.At the same time, this hunger to learn has made me acutely aware of the boundaries of my own knowledge and all that has yet to be discovered. Just when I think I have unraveled the mysteries behind a scientific phenomenon or grasped the nuances of a complex philosophical idea, I find an entirely new layer of questions emerge that challenge my understanding. It is a beautiful paradox – with more knowledge comes a deeper awareness of our profound ignorance.Yet it is that tantalizing space brimming with unanswered questions where the magic happens! It is the vast expanse of the unknown universes which curious minds yearn to explore and illuminate, to satiate our desire for deeper meaning and uncover the secrets of our existence.My curious spirit is far from unique. History's greatest thinkers, from the ancient Greek philosophers to modern-day scientists and innovators, share this quality of eschewing dogma and preconceived paradigms to forge new paths of discovery. They looked at seemingly intractable problems through fresh lenses and expanded the frontiers of human knowledge and experience.Within each of us, that same curiosity lies – that very same innate yearning to understand and experience anew. For the lucky few of us who embrace it fully, the rewards are immense. We escape the shackles of the mundane and are granted a vibrant, kaleidoscopic view of the world in all its messy, perplexing, and astounding glory.Each new day is a gift brimming with potential discoveries that await the curious mind willing to look beyond the superficial.A rusted hinge on an old gate, a seemingly ordinary conversation with a stranger, or a quiet moment of personal reflection – these can all present opportunities to uncover insights that reshape our understanding and open our eyes anew.While ignorance breeds disdain and judgment, I have found that exercising my curiosity cultivates empathy, wisdom, and wonder. It is a reminder that every culture, every belief system,every human experience contains hidden depths and nuances that can illuminate our own lives if we simply take the time to ask and listen without prejudice.In many ways, my curiosity has made me more idealistic –not in the naive sense, but in my refusal to accept the world's current state as sufficient or inevitable. I look at intractable conflicts, injustices, and human suffering through an optimistic lens that these challenges are not permanently etched into the fabric of our existence, but arise from a lack of understanding, imagination, and creativity that curious minds can ultimately overcome.After all, every transformative human achievement began with a series of curious questions that upended entrenched dogma and propelled us forward: "What if the sun, not the earth, was actually the center of the universe? What if this new steam engine design could propel us in a new mode of transportation? What if we could fly and escape the bounds of earth's gravity?"Those questions, and millions more like them, opened new realms of possibility simply because an insatiably curious mind refused to be constrained by the limitations of conventional thinking. They saw beyond the boundaries of what is toenvision what could be.As I look back on my life's journey so far and ahead to the future that lies before me, I am emboldened by the thought that my life's quest is not to accumulate achievements, wealth, or accolades – those are mere temporary ornaments that will eventually fade. Rather, my life's highest purpose is to follow the path illuminated by the eternal light of curiosity.Each new day presents infinite opportunities to revel in the joys of discovery, to live in a constant state of awe and amazement at this inexplicable universe we inhabit, and to find meaning by unraveling its myriad mysteries one question at a time. It is both a humbling and uplifting calling, one which has shaped my entire worldview and will propel me to keep exploring every nook and cranny of this endlessly fascinating existence we've been granted.To live with curiosity is to truly live, for it creates limitless possibilities of new experiences and illuminates the path toself-actualization. It transforms the mundane into the extraordinary and imbues existence with meaning and childlike wonderment. While I may traverse down many paths in life, curiosity will eternally be my guide, my muse, and my salvation from the shackles of a life of complacency. It is the compass unleashing me to discover a different world at every turn, ripewith uncharted frontiers awaiting an inquisitive mind willing to forge ahead.篇2Discovering a Different World Through CuriosityEver since I was a young child, I've always been insatiably curious about the world around me. While other kids were content to play with their toys or watch TV, I was the kid constantly asking "Why?" I wanted to understand everything - how things worked, why things were the way they were, what caused certain events or phenomena. My parents doubtless grew tired of my endless questioning, but they nurtured that curiosity instead of stifling it. Looking back, I realize now just how crucial that sense of curiosity was in shaping who I am today.They say that curiosity killed the cat, but I think a lack of curiosity is what really diminishes us as human beings. Being curious opens up an entire universe of possibilities. It sparks our desire to learn, to explore, to uncover new concepts and challenge long-held assumptions. Curiosity is the root of all discovery, innovation, and progress. Without it, we would stagnate, failing to reach our full potential as individuals and as a society.Most of the greatest achievements and milestones throughout human history can be traced back to someone's curiosity - their refusal to simply accept the way things were, but to constantly question and push the boundaries of what we knew. When the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wondered "Why is the sky blue?" his curiosity paved the way for our understanding of the atmosphere and the behavior of light. When Galileo Galilei created one of the first telescopes and turned it towards the heavens, his curiosity about the night sky led to realizations that shattered long-held beliefs about the nature of our solar system. More recently, when computer scientists grew curious about creating machines that could mimic human intelligence, their efforts sparked the revolution in artificial intelligence that is still unfolding today.But curiosity isn't just about pursuing big, society-altering discoveries. It's about seeing the world through fresh eyes on a daily basis and being open to new perspectives. I've always found that when I approach something with a sense of inquisitiveness, I gain so much more from the experience than if I had a closed, blasé mindset.Take reading a work of classic literature, for instance. You could simply read the words on the page, absorb the plot, andmove on. Or you could dig deeper - explore the layers of symbolism, examine what the book reveals about the cultural context in which it was written, discuss the author's possible motivations and thought processes. Once you let your curiosity loose, what may have seemed like a simple story can become a profound meditation on the human condition.This openness to questioning and analyzing things more deeply has benefitted me tremendously in the classroom as well. Being naturally curious means I don't just passively absorb information, but actively engage with it. I find myself constantly wondering: Why is this principle true? What are the potential exceptions or limitations to this theory? How could this concept apply in a real-world scenario? My professors surely appreciate students who bring that level of curiosity and enthusiasm to discussions.Of course, sometimes that curiosity gets me funny looks or exasperated responses when I just won't drop a line of questioning. I readily admit I can be a bit relentless when I latch onto something that piques my interest and Start digging into it. But I'd rather draw the occasional eye roll from someone than sleepwalk through life in a state of willful ignorance and complacency.Beyond academics, nurturing my sense of curiosity has helped me in making connections with others as well. I've found that when you approach personal interactions with an attitude of inquisitiveness and openness, you can have the most fascinating conversations. People's life stories are endlessly interesting if you take the time to delve into their experiences, beliefs, and perspectives.I've learned so much simply by asking questions and genuinely listening - about different cultures, philosophies, ways of looking at the world. These sorts of exchanges have only reinforced my belief that we all have so much to learn from each other if we can be curious enough to seek out those new viewpoints.My curiosity has also naturally drawn me towards traveling and exploring new places. After all, what better way to feed my desire for novel experiences and knowledge? Even just taking a short trip somewhere I've never been exposes me to different sights, sounds, foods, customs and traditions. I find myself full of questions about every little quirk or nuance I detect compared to what I'm familiar with. Along those lines, I'd love the opportunity to study abroad at some point and fully immerse myself in another culture through classes and daily life.Longer-term, I know having an insatiable curiosity about the world will serve me well no matter what career path I choose. Curious people tend to be excellent problem solvers, because they'll always be willing to explore alternate solutions and not just accept the obvious or easy answer. They're more creative and innovative, because their openness allows new ideas to take shape. And perhaps most importantly, the sheer joy and sense of wonderment curious people feel towards learning means they'll remain engaged in their field rather than just going through the motions.Some might say I should try to "grow out" of my childlike inquisitiveness, that asking too many questions or expressing doubts is unbecoming of an adult. But I couldn't disagree more. To me, maintaining that sense of curiosity, that drive to constantly question and explore, is key to living life to the fullest. I'll never be satisfied with just scratching the surface - I want to dive into the depths and uncover all the complexities and nuances this amazingly rich world has to offer.Those who lack curiosity, who are content to accept things at face value without examining them more deeply, are shortchanging themselves. They've closed themselves off to the wonders that await all around us if we just take the time to noticeand appreciate them. If I ever reach a point where the questions stop, where I no longer feel compelled to learn and discover, that's when I'll know I've started to give up on life.So for now, I'll keep looking at the world with the wide-eyed curiosity of a child - because I know it's that mindset that will allow me to uncover incredible possibilities. I'll keep asking "Why?" until I draw my last breath. With curiosity as my guiding force, who knows what different worlds, what amazing revelations, await me? I can't wait to find out.篇3Discovering a Different World Through CuriosityEver since I was a little kid, I had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. My parents would often find me disassembling toys or household appliances, just to see how they worked on the inside. While this frequently led to scolding and confiscation of my tools, it never deterred my curiosity. If anything, being denied only fueled my desire to learn more about the world around me.As I grew older, my curiosity evolved from physical tinkering to intellectual exploration. I became fascinated by subjects like science, history, and literature—anything that could shed lighton the mysteries of our existence. In school, I was that kid who constantly raised their hand, asking questions that sometimes even stumped the teachers. But I didn't care; I wanted to know, to understand, to peel back the layers of ignorance that shrouded my comprehension.It was during my teenage years that I truly began to appreciate the power of curiosity. I realized that it wasn't just about accumulating knowledge; it was about seeing the world from different perspectives, challenging assumptions, and embracing the unknown. Curiosity became my compass, guiding me towards uncharted territories of thought and experience.One particular incident that stands out in my mind occurred during a family vacation to a remote village in a developing country. As we explored the narrow streets and interacted with the locals, I couldn't help but be struck by the stark contrast between their way of life and my own. Instead of recoiling from this unfamiliarity, I leaned into it, asking questions and seeking to understand their customs, beliefs, and daily struggles.It was through this genuine curiosity that I began to forge connections with people who, on the surface, seemed worlds apart from me. I learned about their traditions, their hopes, and their resilience in the face of adversity. And in doing so, Idiscovered a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human experience and the richness that exists beyond my own limited worldview.From that point on, I made a conscious effort to approach every situation, every encounter, with an open and inquisitive mind. Whether it was delving into a new subject in school, engaging with someone from a different cultural background, or simply observing the natural world around me, I sought to understand, to question, and to challenge my preconceptions.This mindset has served me well in my academic pursuits. Instead of merely memorizing facts and regurgitating information, I've learned to think critically, to analyze complex issues from multiple angles, and to synthesize diverse perspectives into a coherent understanding. My curiosity has been a driving force, propelling me to explore ideas and concepts that others might overlook or dismiss as irrelevant.But it's not just in the realm of academics that curiosity has proven invaluable. In my personal life, it has opened doors to new experiences, friendships, and ways of perceiving the world. By approaching others with genuine interest and a willingness to learn, I've been able to connect with people from all walks of life,broadening my horizons and deepening my appreciation for the human experience.Of course, embracing curiosity is not without its challenges. There have been times when my inquisitive nature has been met with resistance, misunderstanding, or even ridicule. Some people are threatened by those who dare to question the status quo or challenge long-held beliefs. But I've learned to navigate these obstacles with patience, empathy, and a firm belief in the value of intellectual exploration.Additionally, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding can be a double-edged sword. As we delve deeper into the complexities of the world, we may uncover uncomfortable truths or confront harsh realities that shake our foundations. But it is precisely in these moments of discomfort that we have the opportunity to grow, to refine our perspectives, and to develop a more nuanced understanding of the world we inhabit.Through it all, my curiosity has been my guiding light, illuminating paths I never knew existed and revealing worlds within worlds. It has taught me to embrace uncertainty, to revel in the unknown, and to find joy in the process of discovery itself.As I look towards the future, I know that my journey of curiosity is far from over. There will always be new frontiers toexplore, new questions to ask, and new perspectives to consider. And I intend to approach each one with the same sense of wonder and insatiable thirst for knowledge that has defined my life thus far.For it is through curiosity that we transcend the boundaries of our own experiences and connect with the vastness of the human condition. It is the key that unlocks the doors to understanding, empathy, and personal growth. And it is the thread that weaves together the tapestry of our lives, connecting us to a world that is infinitely more rich, complex, and beautiful than we could ever imagine.So, to all those who seek to discover a different world, I offer this simple advice: embrace your curiosity, ask questions, challenge assumptions, and never stop learning. For it is in that endless pursuit of knowledge and understanding that we truly come alive, and the world around us reveals its boundless wonders.。



Listen and RespondTask One Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to complete each of the following statements according to the information contained in the listening passage.1) According to the speaker, happiness ________.A) is not easily obtained by poor peopleB) is what movie stars are most eager to obtainC) does not naturally follow wealth or successD) necessarily results from wealth or success2) According to the speaker, happiness lies in the following EXCEPT ________.A) wealth obtained through honest effortB) wealth obtained by winning lotteriesC) your contribution to others’ happinessD) your successful work3) Instead of being an end, happiness is a(n) ________.A) beginningB) processC) unattainable goalD) business of the community4) The passage is mainly about ________.A) the secret to happinessB) the definition of happinessC) the misunderstanding of happinessD) the relationship between happiness and wealthTask Two Zooming In on the DetailsListen to the recording again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard.1) The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell .2) If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means , you will not be happy with it. You will think you are a mean person.3) Long-term happiness is based on honesty , and productive work, contribution, and self-esteem.4) If your happiness depends on external circumstances , you will always feel unfulfilled because there will always be something missing .Read and ExploreTask One Discovering the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A. 1) Why did the author bring the news story about Ted Turner to Morrie?Because he wondered how Morrie would r eact to Ted Turner’s failure in “snatching up the CBS network”. At the same time he wanted to know if Ted Turner would still lament hisfailure if he were stricken down by the same terminal disease as Morrie was suffering from.2) What problem did Morrie think Ted Turner actually had?His problem was a typical one that Americans all have: Americans tend to value the wrong things.3) Who paid a visit to Morrie the night before? And how did he feel about it?A local acappela group came to visit him. He showed an intense interest in their musical performance and felt excited.4) What did material things mean to Morrie?They held little or no significance to him, especially at a time when he knew his days were numbered. He seemed to know the expression “You can’t take it with you” a long time ago.5) According to Morrie, what are Americans brainwashed into believing? What do they expect from material things?They are brainwashed into believing that it is good to own things. Actually, they are hungry for gentleness, tenderness or for a sense of comradeship and, therefore, they desperately seek after material things as substitutes.6) Does the author think that Morrie was rich? Why or why not?Morrie was far from better off in material things, but he was wealthy in spiritual ways. For years, Morrie hadn’t bought anything new — except medical equipment. And his bank account was rapidly depleting. But he was rich in love, friendship, caring and he derived plenty of satisfaction and gratification from teaching, communication, and such simple pleasures as singing, laughing, and dancing.7) What did Morrie suggest that we should do to find a meaningful life?He advised us to devote ourselves to loving others, to our community around us, and to creating something that gives us purpose and meaning. In other words, if we want to find a meaningful life, we should be ourselves and never show off either for people at the top or for people at the bottom. Instead, we should be kind and candid and ready to offer others what we have to give.2 Text A can be divided into four parts, with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.Part Paragraph(s) Main IdeaOne 1–3 The author brought Ted Turner’s news story to Morrie f or his opinion.Two 4–9 Morrie explained that Ted Turner’s problem was caused by the endlessly repeated stress on the significance of material things.Three 10–14 In order to get happiness, people are trying to substitute material things for love or tenderness, and they fail to distinguish what they want from what they really need in life.Four 15–30 The way to get satisfaction is to offer with an open heart to others what you have to give: devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.Task Two Reading Between the LinesRead the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say by the italicised parts.1) The night before, he had been entertained by a local acappella group that had come to the house to perform, and he relayed the story excitedly, as if the Ink Spots themselves had dropped by for a visit. (Para.5)What Morrie really cared about was spiritual gratification. Even the performance of the local acappella group, whose performance was by no means professional, could give him as much excitement and gratification as the famous Ink Spots would have.2) He would listen to opera sometimes at night, closing his eyes, riding along with the magnificent voices as they dipped and soared. (Para. 5)Sometimes at night he would indulge himself in listening to opera, feeling intoxicated and gratified. Though he was not rich in material things and was suffering from an incurable disease, he spent each day happily.3) The average person is so fogged up by all this, he has no perspective on what’s really important anymore. (Para. 8)As the average person has been brainwashed into believing that material things alone could bring happiness, he or she has lost the ability to think about and decide what is really important in life.4) And then they wanted to tell you about it. ‘Guess what I got? Guess what I got?’ (Para. 9)The repetition of “Guess what I got?” shows the speaker’s uncontrollable excitement and gratification at gobbling up something new.5) Only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone. (Para.23)If you want to be accepted equally and respectably by people both at the top and at the bottom, you must be open-hearted instead of showing off your social status. In other words, you must be yourself, feel free in expressing your real thoughts, opinions, and feelings, be candid and ready to offer others what you have to give.Checking Your VocabularyWord Detective1 Put down the right word from Text B in the space provided according to the given definition. The first letter of each word is already given.Example:i ncredibly: extremely; in a way that is hard to believe1) d iminish: cause to become or seem smaller2) t emporary: lasting only for a limited time3) i nform: give information or knowledge to4) t ruthful: (of a person) who habitually tells the truth5) r ewarding: (of an experience or action) worth doing or having6) s cale: a set of numbers or standards for measuring or comparing7) c ultivate: improve or develop (esp. the mind, a feeling, etc.) by careful attention, training, or study2 Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from Text B. Both the explanation and the number of the paragraph in which the target word or phrase appears are given in brackets. Be sure to use the proper form.Example:He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life.(a way of behaving, living, operating, etc.: Para. 2)1) Sometimes you may fail even though you’ve tried hard —it’s a fact of life .(sth. that exists and that cannot easily be changed: Para. 1)2) My shoes wear out easily since I like jogging at dusk every day.(be reduced to a useless state by long use: Para. 2)3) He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.(except: Para. 6)4) I’m not sure what her job is, but it has something to do with marketing.(have some connection with: Para. 7)5) The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every day.(exercise to improve physical fitness: Para. 7)6) The salary they’re offering is very attractive , but I still don’t want the job. (causing interest or pleasure: Para. 7)7) At school Trudy always excelled in languages but didn’t do we ll enough in mathematics.(be the best or better than: Para. 7)8) He has found contentment at last —he now feels he’s the happiest man on earth.(a feeling of happiness or satisfaction: Para. 9)Checking Your Comprehension1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text B.1) How do we feel when we get something we really want?We feel happy, but only for a short time. Over time, we get bored with the thing we’ve got.2) What is the difference between material happiness and spiritual happiness? Material happiness is derived from our purchasing power while spiritual happiness means something else altogether, like good friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and a satisfying job. Such things bring us contentment that lasts and has meaning.3) What is the philosophy of the author’s friend?His philosophy is: No matter how much money you make, you always want more. So, one should break free from this cycle and find time to do what he wants.4) What are the “scales” by which we can measure wealth according to the author? The author lists seven “scales” by which we can measure wealth: friends, health, strength, family, knowledge, skill and character.5) What is special about those different types of wealth that is not measured in dollars? They are not taxed.6) What can bring you lasting and meaningful happiness?They are good friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and a job you truly enjoy. All these things can bring us lasting and meaningful happiness.7) How can we find lasting happiness?Take a look at the world around you and think about what it is that you enjoy and what makes you truly happy.2 Read the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say in the following sentences.1) Excellence has its own rewards. (Para. 7)If you excel in the skill you practice daily, you will get a sense of achievement and pride, which will bring you lasting happiness.2) Presumably, knowledge is the one thing you might be able to take with you to Heaven. (Para. 8)If money or anything else has brought you some happiness in life, you have to give it up when you die. But it is not true of knowledge, because the contentment and happiness that knowledge brings might be with you forever even when you die.3) These things are often quite beyond the simple-minded teenagers, but as you mature these things become more important. (Para. 9)We only appreciate such things when we are older, and not as thoughtless teenagers.4) Think about what it is that you enjoy and what makes you truly happy. (Para. 10) Try to find out what really makes your life enjoyable and meaningful. Then you will understand what is most important in life and what is meant by happiness.5) Man does not live by bread alone. (Para. 10)Material happiness is not the only happiness we need. We should have spiritual happiness as well.Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.Text A envious extravagant interpret purchase snatch soar substitute trivialText B attractive cultivate inform scale spiritual temporary1) — I regret to inform you that there’s nothing we can do to help you.— But I think you should have told us earlier.2) How envious I am that he can attain wha tever he desires while I can’t.3) She’s not beautiful, but I find her very attractive because she seems so full of life and fun.4) He snatched the photos from my hand before I had a chance to look at them.5) I prefer to take a bus rather than drive to work since the price of petrol is soaring .6) It’s difficult for us to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.7) Smith wasn’t at his best; therefore, he was substituted in the second half of the match.8) Our friendship is strictly spiritual ; we never seek material benefits from each other.9) All details concerning the event are to be taken into consideration and nothing will be regarded as trivial .10) The doctors came to the conc lusion that the patient’s blindness was temporary and he’d be able to see again after some treatment.11) I want a thermometer that has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit (华氏温度)and the other in Centigrade.12) The teachers in the training center are making great efforts to cultivate in their students the habit of speaking English.13) She wanted to buy those two expensive dresses, but I said it would be too extravagant to buy both of them.14) My parents offered me an amount of money adequate to purchase an apartment, but I’ve decided to buy one myself.2 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.Text A cross off cry over drop by look down on on the contrary show offText B fact of life have a clear conscience have a great deal to do with other than wear out work out1) — You always look fit. How do you manage it?— I work out in the gym two hours every day.2) You didn’t do anything wrong. You should have a clear conscience .3) We missed the last bus; so there was no choice other than to walk home.4) Whether you accept it or not, we must all die some day: it’s just a fact of life .5) —Didn’t you find the film exciting?—On the contrary , I nearly fell asleep half way through it!6) I still cried over his misfortune and prayed for him even though he’d hurt me so deeply.7) The old lady lives alone; some of her nephews drop by to see her occasionally.8) Last night Robin didn’t walk but drove to the pub in order to show off his new car.9) No one should be looked down on because of his origin, appearance or education.10) She wrote down all the things she planned to do and crossed them off one by one after she did them.11) His old radio finally wore out and it was beyond repair. The poor old man had to go without it.12) Naturally, people do not like being kept in the dark about anything that has a great deal to do with themselves.Increasing Your Word Power1 Find the preposition from Column B that best matches each adjective in Column A, paying attention to the be+adj.+prep. collocation. Some of the prepositions can be used more than once.Column A Column B1) be fearful of a. for2) be free from/of b. from3) be honest with c. in4) be hungry for d. of5) be intent on/upon e. on6) be keen on f. to7) be overwhelmed with g. upon8) be remindful of h. with9) be rich in10) be envious ofNow fill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper collocation you’ve just formed. The verb “be” has already been filled in for you.1) I’m so envious of you getting an extra day’s holiday!2) He was so intent upon/on his work that he didn’t notice the night had fallen.3) The country is quite rich in oil but rather short of water.4) My roommates want to have a party for my birthday, but I’m not keen on the idea.5) After two years of hard work, the family was finally free from/of debts.6) Being fearful of running into that mad man, Emily didn’t take her usual way to the company.7) To be honest with you, I don’t like his casual style of speaking. It was not appropriate for the occasion.8) After reading the advertisement, she immediately logged on to the e-store to order the product she had been hungry for .9) He has kept the broken typewriter on his desk for years, because it is remindful of the days when he was striving to have his first novel published.10) When I started my office job, I was completely overwhelmed with the paperwork: filling in forms, writing emails, minutes (会议记录) and reports for the department. What a load!2 The suffixes -ee, -eer, -ese and -ess are used to form nouns. Study the box below and form words by adding -ee, -eer, -ese and -ess to the words given. -eesomeone who is being treated in a particular way e.g.payee 收款人,领款人someone who is in a particular state or who is doing something e.g.absentee 缺席者escapee 逃跑者,逃犯-eersomeone who does or makes a particular thing e.g.auctioneer 拍卖商,拍卖人-esethe people or language of a particular country or place e.g.Chinese 中国人;汉语Viennese 维也纳(市)的;维也纳(市)的人-ess a female e.g.lioness 母狮子Now do the following exercise according to the example given below. Consult a dictionary if necessary.Example:employ →employee 雇员1) act →actress 女演员2) mountain →mountaineer 登山运动员3) profit →profiteer 牟取暴利者,投机商人4) refuge →refugee 避难者,难民5) Vietnam →Vietnamese 越南人;越南语6) train →trainee 受训者,实习生7) address →addressee 收件人,收信人Now complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have just formed, using the plural form where necessary.1) No one at the office could figure out the addressee of the letter, because of the illegible (难以辨认的) handwriting.2) The mountaineer had a leg broken while climbing a cliff and was hospitalized for a month.3) To their greatest amazement, the best film award went to a film featuring (由…主演) an unknown actress .4) In the field work (实习), the trainees will learn skills that are most valued in our company, such as teamwork and communication skills.5) When we saw him in the hospital, the old man could not recognize us and spoke to us in Vietnamese , his mother tongue that none of us understood.6) When the war broke out, refugees came streaming across the border and settled down in the camps the local government had built for them.7) In the court, he denied the charge of being a war profiteer . He claimed that he had been making money by wisdom and diligence.Grammar in Context1 In Text A, you read the following sentence containing neither … nor:… when y ou most need it, neither money nor power will give you the feeling you’re looking for, no matter how much of them you have. (Para. 11)Here “neither … nor” is used to link two paralleled elements (平行的成分): “money” and “power”. Two other phrases, namely, “either … or”, “both … and” have the same function.Now combine each pair of sentences into one by using one of the three phrases mentioned above.1) Judging from her accent, I think she is Russian. Or she is Polish.Judging from her accent, she is either Russian or Polish.2) Maybe he could not come here. Or he did not want to.Either he could not come here or he did not want to.3) I didn’t know what happened to him. Nor did I care about it.I neither knew nor cared about what happened to him.4) I can not find out what the weather will be like tomorrow. There’s no TV or radio in the house.I cannot find out what the weather will be like tomorrow because there is neither TV nor radio in the house.5) She can speak Spanish. She can also write it.She can both speak and write Spanish.6) The results of the research are impressive (给人印象深刻的). They are alarming, too. The results of the research are both impressive and alarming.2 Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying attention to the italicised parts where comparison is expressed.1) It was the same today as it had been the first day I arrived. (Para. 12, Text A)2) When I give my time, when I can make someone smile after they were feeling sad, it’s as close to healthy as I ever feel. (Para. 26, Text A)3) … this health can be far more valuable than any amount of money. (Para. 7, Text B)4) … but as you mature these things become more important. (Para. 9, Text B)Now translate the following sentences into English, using expressions of comparison.1) 如果我能做得有你一半好就好了!If only I could do half as well as you (have done)!2) 出版社已出版了比去年多一倍的书籍。




请结合漫画内容,概述下面问卷调查的情况, 用英语写一篇短文 。





After CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Xuriyanggang became very popular overnight. But when they were facing a promising future, the songwriter, Wang Feng stepped in …After CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Xuriyanggang became very popular overnight. But when they were facing a promising future, the songwriter, Wang Fengstepped into prevent the band from performing the song “In the Spring”.From the questionnaire, we know that Wang Feng gets strong support from some people, who say intellectual property rights should be strictly observed. Others are taking the moral approach, saying Wang Feng is selfish and he envies the success the band has achieved.As to Xuriyanggang or its band, if they want really to hold a position in the entertainment industry, they need more original compositions. Otherwise, they’ll face similar disputes in the future if they still have to rely on others’ works.In my opinion, we should hold a more objective view, acknowledging the efforts of the band, but also understanding Wang Feng’s desire to defend his copyright. I’m glad to see an increasing awareness about copyright protection. Whoever breaks the rule should be punished. What’s more, measures should be taken to provide support for up and coming stars in China to prevent them being caught in such embarrassing situations.近期的报纸和网络大量报道了很多的有毒食品,诸如添加了瘦肉精的火腿,染色馒头等,这让“诚信”这个话题重新火热起来。

必修第一册 Unit 5 Into the wild

必修第一册 Unit 5 Into the wild

Ⅰ.阅读单词——会意1.Atlantic adj.大西洋的2.whale n.鲸3.mystery n.难以理解的事物,谜4.crash v.暴跌5.per cent n.百分比6.creature n.生物,动物7.element n.基本部分,要素8.breathtaking adj.令人惊叹的9.eagle n.鹰10.capture v.(用文字或图片)记录,捕捉11.file n.档案,文件Ⅱ.重点单词——记形1.charity n.慈善机构,慈善团体2.annual adj.一年一度的,每年的3.seek v.寻找,寻求4.professor n.教授5.measure v.量,测量n.措施;尺度6.position n.位置7.eventually ad v.最终,终于8.destroy v.破坏,毁掉9.chemical n.化学品adj.化学(作用)的10.idiom n.习语,成语11.authority n.当权,权力12.source n.来源,出处13.found v.创立,创建14.button n.按钮15.encounter v.意外地遇见,与……邂逅n.意外的相遇,邂逅16.path n.小径,小道17.stare v.凝视,盯着看18.image n.图像,影像Ⅲ.拓展单词——悉变1.migrate v.移栖,迁徙→migration n.迁徙2.determine v.测定,确定→determined adj.坚决的;有决心的→determination n.决心;果断3.solution n.解决,解决方法→solve v t.解决4.amazing adj.惊人的,了不起的→amaze v.使惊讶→amazed adj.惊讶的→amazement n.惊奇;惊愕5.survive v.活下来,幸存→survival n.幸存;残存物→survivor n.幸存者;生还者6.effect n.影响,结果→effective adj.有效的;有影响的7.accommodation n.住处,工作场所→accommodate v.容纳;提供住宿8.photographer n.摄影师→photograph n.照片v i.& v t.(为……)拍照→photography n.摄影;摄影术9.recover v.(从糟糕经历中)恢复→recovery n.恢复10.shock n.吃惊,震惊→shocking adj.令人震惊的→shocked adj.感到震惊的11.variety n.多样化,变化→various adj.多种多样的→vary v i.变化;不同12.concentrate v.专注,专心→concentration n.专心→concentrated adj.全力以赴的;集中的13.freeze v.(froze,frozen) 突然停止,呆住;结冰;(使)冻住→freezing adj.极冷的;冰冻的→frozen adj.结冰的;冻僵的;冷冻的14.reaction n.(对某一情形或事件的)反应→react v i.做出反应;回应1.endow /I n'daʊ/v t.捐赠;资助be endowed with天生具备2.array /ə're I/n.大量;大群;阵列v t.布置;排列3.thread /θred/n.线;思路;线状物v t.& v i.穿(针);穿过4.beam /biːm/n.光线;束;梁v i.& v t.照射;发光;发热5.stickiness /'st I kinəs/n.黏性→sticky /'st I ki/adj.黏的;闷热的;难办的6.attribute /'ætr I bjuːt/n.属性;性质;特征/ə'tr I bjuːt/v t.把……归因于;认为是……所为7.forth /fɔːθ/ad v.向前;离去call forth使产生;引起8.circulate /'sɜːkjəle I t/v i.& v t.循环;传播9.evaporate /I'væpəre I t/v i.& v t.(使)蒸发;挥发10.moisture /'mɔI stʃə(r)/n.潮气;水汽;水分Ⅳ.背核心短语1.flow chart流程图,作业图2.kill two birds with one stone一举两得,一箭双雕3.hold your horses慢点,别急4.rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨5.brave the elements不顾天气恶劣,冒着风雨6.after all毕竟,终究7.manage to do sth成功做某事8.the solution to...……的解决办法9.at a speed of以……的速度10.show respect to尊重11.cut down 砍倒;减少12.feed on以……为食13.concentrate on把注意力集中于,全神贯注于14.fall off从……掉下来15.recover from从……恢复16.from time to time不时,偶尔Ⅴ.悟经典句式1.The solution to the mystery of the monarch’s amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble.(when引导定语从句)黑脉金斑蝶这一惊人能力的奥秘被揭开时,这一生物正处于水深火热的生存状态中。




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2025届高考英语读后续写模块训练02:清晰、完整表达“SCQA”结构表达模块(背景Situation+冲突Complication+疑问Question+方案Answer)一the news,he shook his head.“I know we've only just met,but I'm taking this bus tonight to Prague for a meeting tomorrow morning ,” I gasped,“and I'll be back in Vienna in four days. If it’s ok with you, I can pay you the money then. I’ll add an extra 10 euros for your trouble.”(2024年新课标I/II卷)我跑回Gunter那里,告诉他这个坏消息。








二“Something strange had been going on. You didn't think I was doing a good job, but I knew I was.I decided to spy on Maya. (2024年九省联考卷)“这是Maya的秘密,”Hilda笑着说。



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How I raised my SAT score by 790 points-My story spuding10204-09-2014 at 3:50 am in SAT PreparationLet me start off by saying that my situation is somewhat unusual but not unheard of. Plenty of people have gamed the SAT to gain high scores from low scores-it is really all about practice.Before I begin, I want to explain what role the SAT has in the college admissions process as I have seen it over the past year. The SAT is very very very important for a few reasons. First, it allows colleges to compare students around the world. Second, it allows colleges to determine if your grades are inflated and whether your school is easy or hard. That being said, the SAT will be important to some of you more than others. For schools that do not rank applicants, the SAT and indeed all standardized testing will be heavily emphasized. If a school does not know whether your 85 is the highest people score in your class or whether it is the lowest, they will look at your standardized tests. It’s pretty logical really. Next, the SAT will be more important for well off privileged kids and less important for poor kids. Studies show that kids who are on the privileged end tend to score better and for obvious reasons. If you are a minority, your SAT scores can really give you a strong boost in the admissions process. What I have noticed is that very few URMs with 2250 or 2300+ scores tend to get rejected by many schools. Now, it's not a sure thing but if you apply to enough top schools with those scores as a URM, you should expect some good news in march. If you are not hooked--white or Asian-- your scores will usually need to be higher. This is especially true for Asian and international applicants. Since there are so many qualified students applying from overseas and who are Asians, it becomes almost a requirement to have top SAT scores. This is usually taken in context of one's socioeconomic situation as well.Now for my storyIn the fall of my sophomore year I took the SAT and scored a 1420/2400. This was obviously a big blow to my self-esteem since I always thought that I was smart and would be applying to top schools. Every one of my scores was below a 500. Many of my friends scored higher than me (I go to a really bad school) and so, I was noticeably down. So I decided to come on to college confidential and develop a strategy to study. I started studying at the end of my sophomore summer. First I decided to take practice tests from the blue book un-timed. I did not initially focus on writing since that is theeasiest section to pull up.For the reading section-FROM A 480 TO A 770-Get direct hits volume 1 and 2. This book will have almost every if not every word you need to know.review your mistakes and rationalize why the correct answer is the correct answer.-when reviewing the answer choices for CR try to find the subtle difference between similar answers. For instance I remember doing a section where the author said he liked to get lost and he gave an example of some mountain where he skis. The question asked what does the mountain represent or something like that. The two answer choices were-it was a desolate place or a was it a place that the author liked to get lost. The answer was the latter as the passage never mentioned the place to be desolate but you would associate the mountain with the words desolate and isolated because mountains are inherently just that. Thus find the subtle differences supported by the passage.-try LSAT CR as it is harder and similar. I learned how to think better for CR with the LSAT questions and passages. I found that the LSAT allowed me to learn how to find the subtle differences that are crucial for cr.-Also try to read the questions first and then underline in the passage but don’t read all the questions at once. Go one by one. For instance if the questions says in lines 20-21 blah blah blah then underline those lines and read up to that point with careful analyses of those lines. If your struggling for time then this will most certainly help you. At the end of the passage answer the main theme questions. This saves time because you can read the passage once and answer the questions rather than read the passage then look at the questions and then reread the passage which wastes time. This might not work for everyone but it helped me.-Try taking the SAT on a Sunday. For religious convictions I took the SATs on Sundays however, if you can take it on Sundays do that. The reason is that the SATs are always recycled on Sundays as they sometimes are for internationals. Since they recycle 'em, the words for direct hits--which are based on previous SATs-tend to show up more often. On one of my SATs, I had a blue book question.Finally don't get discouraged by CR. Critical Reading is the hardest section to improveand my score stayed the same for a long time.For the math section-FROM A 460 TO A 710Math was never my best section but I improved nonetheless. Take the practice tests, again un-timed initially, to gauge where you are. After taking the practice test, look up the answer explanations in the blue book or the online SAT course which offer 9 tests. I used Dr. Chung’s book somewhat but mainly relied on just taking practice tests. If you ever need more of an explanation, type in the question into google and you will almost always find the question discussed on CC. This is really awesome since after the 19 practice tests run out, you can still get answer explanations.For the writing section- FROM A 480 TO A 730I just used Erica Meltzer's SAT Grammar guide. This book is golden, literally, and is the main reason why I improved so much on this section. Work through this book, take the practice tests, and look up answer explanations not from the College Board, since they suck for the writing section, but through CC.2) Take one section a day whenever you’re not tired and more sections whenever you have time. I did one section a day after school. If I was really tired I would go to sleep, wake up at 6am when it was very quiet in my house and when I was no longer tired, and do a section. NEVER TAKE A SECTION TIRED. On weekends you will have more time. This means you should be doing around 4 or more sections on weekend days since you have extra time and are well rested. Using this sort of schedule you should be able to do about 1-1.5 SAT's per week. During my winter break, I did one SAT per day.3) Don't become discouraged, power through. There will be times when your score does not move or even goes down. Just continue and it will eventually go up, I promise.4) Get the answer explanations to CR and math for the blue book and the online course through the College Board. For everything else, just type the question into google since almost everything has been dissected ad-nauseam on College Confidential.5) For the essay, don't start practicing until about a month before the exam since that is easily "manufactured" using the guide on CC entitled "How to write a 12 essay in 12 days". Once you start writing essays, just give them to someone in your area to read and to give you some feedback. Again don't worry too much about this since that guide is very useful.6) Never use other tests except those made by the College Board. Therefor don't use Princeton review or Kaplan tests or anything of the sort. Use their info if you want to supplement stuff like if you need to actually learn new math or stuff but don't use their tests since they will only throw you off. The only exception to this is LSAT CR which I found to be harder and more nuanced than the SAT CR which ended up helping me.7) Don't read more books or newspapers for CR. It's a waste of time. The best way to raise CR is through practice tests. If you want to read, don't do it to raise your SAT score.I ended up taking 65 practice tests over the course of 1 year. I used the 1) blue book-10 tests (twice once at the beginning of my study and once at the end when I forgot the exams) 2) The Online SAT Course from the college board- 9 tests.3) PSATS I found for sale on Amazon- about 9 tests4) 25 previously administered SAT exams that I found online. You can find these if you do some digging online. Start from the March 2005 tests an onward and only use the CR and some math from pre-2005 after you finish the "good ones". The pre-2005 testsare still good for some CR and math just not the outdated stuff like the analogies ext...Finally realize that motivation is the most important aspect to all of this. No one will hold your hand. It needs to come from deep within you. This is one of the points in your life where you can create a road that will lead to success. That’s not to say it's the only way but it's an important test. Don't give up no matter how hard it gets and no matter how little your score moves. The only direction by studying is eventually up.I was recently accepted to: Duke, Cornell, Northwestern, NYU (full ride), Macaulay Honors (free ride), and Sophie Davis (accelerated med program).I was wait listed by: Yale, Princeton, UChicago, Rice, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins, Amherst, Washu, and UPenn.I will most likely attend Duke in the fall.Best of Luck.。
