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1.衣服+look+形容词(adj.)+on sb 衣服穿在某人身上怎样


2.英语分数的表示法:用“基数词+序数词”表示,其中基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母。如:1/3,one third,2/3 two thirds, 3/5 three fifths

3.all 所有,三者或三者以上都(all my friends come to visit me)both 两者都(both side of the road)

neither 两者都不(He ‘s lived in London and Tokyo,but he like

neither of them .)

none(三个或者三个以上)都不(None of the children got an apple.)

not only…but also…“不但…而且…”,如:Not only she but also her father is dancing happily。(谓语动词就近原则)

both …and...意为“两者;两个;双方”

例如:Both John and Ann are good at French.

Both you and I are friendly.(谓语动词用复数) either…or...或者…或者...,不是...就是…

例如:He is either a doctor or a teacher.

Either you or I am going there next week.(谓语动词就近原则) neither…nor...既不…也不..

例如:Neither he nor I am good at English.

Neither I nor my mum is at home.(谓语动词就近原则)

none of 没有人(物),指三个或三个以上都不是.

例如:None of them likes playing basketball.




Would you like ,sir?

No,thanks.I have had much.

因为后面的回答是:I have had much(我已经喝了太多了),答案用的是much,不是many,所以可以看出题目讨论的是橙汁,所以填空不能用复数。问客人要不要再加点什么的固定说法是Would you like some more….通常不用any,标准解释是这种句子不是真正的询问,二十预设了肯定的答案。所以,答案是“some more orange”


The girl made no answer,did she?(她没有回答,对吧?)

No teachers stop the students as they want to talk about something with their teachers in their classes,?这道题说:没有老师会阻止学生在课堂上和他们讨论问题的,是吧?陈述部分用的是一般现在时,所以答案是“do they ”。

8.在可数名词前面用a few和few;

在不可数名词前面用a little 和little;

Little 和few(前面不用a)表示否定的意思,也就是几乎没有,例如:You must be quick。There is little time。(你要快一点,我们没有多少时间。)

He isn’t popular。He has few friends。(他不是很有人缘,他没有什么朋友。)

A little和A few是肯定的意思,前面常常加only ,例如:

Let’s go and have a drink。We’ve got a little time before the train leaves.(我们去喝一杯吧,离火车开车以前,我们还有一点时间。)

I enjoy my life here。I have a few friends and meet quite often。(我喜欢住这里,我认识了一些朋友而且时常见面。)

9.Tony will never forget the days he spent with his

grandmother in the countryside.


句,从句的先行词是the days,是物,在定语从句中是作spent(原型spend)的宾语,spend是及物动词,所以应用关系词that.

如果后面的句子是he lived with his grandmother,live是不及物动词,就应该用when作关系词。

10.Our teacher always gives us good advice on how to study

English well。We should follow 。

这道题考的是宾语从句的语序,句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。主要用who,whom,whose,what,whoever,which,whomever,whosever,whatever,whichever等连接。宾语从句的特点是语序一律用陈述句语序。所以此题答案是“what she said”。

11.stop常用的搭配有两个:stop doing sth 是“停止做某事”;stop to do sthing 是“停下来开始做某事”,例如:

The two girls stopped talking when they saw me。(那两个女孩一见到我就停止了讲话。)

The two girls stopped to talk to me when they saw me。(当那两个女孩看到我的时候,就停下来和我说话。)

