Reserve margins
consistently drop
beginning in 2006
August 2004 August 2005 August 2006 August 2007
Demand 1-in-2 year (average) 1-in-10 year (hot)
* Based on BAEF regression-model estimates of 2006 peak demand Source: California Energy Commission
1 in 2
1 in 5
1 in 10
demand demand demand
which would equate to a 1-in-2 operating reserve of 12.1% and a 1-in-5 operating reserve of 9.1%
Source: California Energy Commission (July 8, 2004 update to June 24, 2004 report); McKinsey analysis
Potential 2006 peak demand* GW
44 3
1 in 5 101°
1 in 10 101.5°
8 out of the last 40 years (or 20%), peak temperatures have been
图29 系统初始的潮流轨迹
16:10:38.6,从Perry-Ashtabula-Erie 伊利湖东南到北 俄亥俄的弱联络线跳闸,至此事故中心(密歇根东部与俄亥俄 北部,包括底特律、 Cleveland和Akron地区)仅通过和安大 略的联络线和美加东部主网联络,通过断面负荷由300MW (16:10:09)形成冲击峰值3700MW(16:10:39), 此时Cleveland地区的频率降低很快,即使低频切负荷1750M W后,仍不能使发电和负荷平衡。
<1> 由宾夕法尼亚洲西北沿伊利湖至俄亥俄州北部;
<2> 由俄亥俄州西南至俄亥俄州东北;
<3> 由密歇根东部和安大略。
此时,ITC-FE的洲际线路潮流反向,由密歇根东部输入俄亥俄州北部 200MW。
图23 Sammis-Star 正常时潮流分布
图22 Sammis-Star 345kv线路跳闸 图24 Sammis-Star 345kv线路跳闸后潮流分布
2:机组、线路故障、有功和无功备用容量、主要输电线容量接 近极限;
1. 洛杉矶水利电力局 2. 萨克拉曼多市公用局
✓ 服务区域没有交叉,因此除新工业用户,他妈 历来没有业务上的竞争
改革的原因: 加州的电价约比美国平均高1 ∕ 3
改革 的目标: 把用户的电力成本降下来,1996年9月,加 州议会用过了1980号议会法令AB1890,引入 竞争,建立了新电力市场结构。
➢ 需求测响应确实
➢ 忽视电力投资
பைடு நூலகம்
部分州实现电力工业实质性的产权拆分 成立独立的系统调度运行机构(ISO)和部分区
新西兰从1987年开始进行电力市场改革, 和英国从发电到供电同时引入竞争机制不同, 新西兰从配电公司的改革入手,从配电到发电 逐步推开。
美国是最早进行电力市场化改革的国家。 改革从零售价格较高或批发与零售价格差异较 大的州率先发起,如加州,纽约州。由于美国 属于州联邦国家,各州政治、经济和电力发展 存在差异,因此各州电力改革模式和进度也各 不相同。
其中,国家电力公司和国家发电公司改为私营股 份制公司,实行独立核算,自负盈亏。
国家核电公司由于成本较高,不具备竞争力,仍 归国家所有。
同时建立了一个电力市场交易机构(电力联合运 营中心,简称POOL),由国家电网公司负责运行。
Standard Authorization Request (SAR)The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) welcomes suggestions to improve the reliability of the bulk power system through improved Reliability Standards.Complete and submit this form, with attachment(s) to the NERC Help Desk . Upon entering the Captcha, please type in your contact information, and attach the SAR to your ticket. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation number which you can use to track your request.Requested informationOther benefits of this standards project to address issues with MOD-025-2 include, but are not limited to, the following:•Preventing over- or under-estimation of generating facility active and reactive power, which could lead to potential reliability risks or unnecessary and expensive solutions to mitigate •Identifying limitations within a generating facility that could constrain the resource from reaching the expected active/reactive capability at any given time•More clearly communicating the necessary data to be used for modeling the respective resources in steady-state power flow models•Ensure that the data users are part of the verification process to ensure that the necessary and usable data is provided and utilized appropriately•Ensure that raw test data alone is not used for resource modeling, but is analyzed, adjusted, and contextualized to account for measured system conditions•Coordinating with PRC-019 activities to develop a composite capability curve, inclusive of equipment capabilities, limiters, and other plant limitations to develop an appropriate capability curve•Ensuring that other means of verification (other than testing) can be more effectively leveraged to gather necessary and suitable data for verifying plant/machine capabilityPurpose or Goal (How does this proposed project provide the reliability-related benefit described above?):The intent of this standard revision project is to address the issues that exist with MOD-025-2 regarding verification and data reporting of generator active and reactive power capability (and any other relevant equipment capability). Currently, implementation of the standard rarely produces data that is suitable for planning models (i.e., the stated purpose of the standard). The vast majority of testing cases are limited by limits within the plant or system operating conditions that prohibit the generating resource from reaching its “composite capability curve” – the equipment capability or associated limiters. The goal of the proposed project is to:•Ensure that testing and other verification activities produce useful data for verification of plant active and reactive power capability•Ensure that the data is used by Transmission Planners and Planning Coordinators in an appropriate manner, with a sufficient degree of analysis prior to use•Ensure that the data is applicable and usable by the Transmission Planner and Planning Coordinator for reliability studies•Ensure Generator Owners appropriately identify limits within their generating resources (and synchronous condensers), and effectively communicate those limits to Transmission Plannersand Planning Coordinators for the purposes of modeling these resources in reliability studiesRequested informationProject Scope (Define the parameters of the proposed project):The scope of this project is to modify MOD-025-2 to ensure that data provided through verification activities performed by applicable Generator Owner or Transmission Owners produce suitable data for the purposes of developing accurate planning models in Transmission Planner and Planning Coordinator reliability studies. The project should consider, at a minimum, the following:1.Revisions to MOD-025-2 to ensure that verification activities produce data and information thatcan be used by Transmission Planners and Planning Coordinators for the purposes of developing accurate and reasonable plant active and reactive capability data (including possiblyrepresentation of the “composite capability curve” inclusive of capability and limiters, whereapplicable).2.Ensure that each Planning Coordinator and the area Transmission Planners developrequirements for the Planning Coordinator area real and reactive capability data verification3.Ensure that Generator Owners provide the data specified by the Planning Coordinator andTransmission Planners for the Planning Coordinator area4.Ensure that verification activities can apply other methods beyond only testing (or real-timedata) that allow plant capability information, protection settings, PRC-019 reports, and otherdocumentation to also complement the verification activities5.Ensure that data provided by the applicable Generator Owners and Transmission Owners isanalyzed and used appropriately by Transmission Planners and Planning Coordinators6.Ensure that the data provided by Generator Owners, if different from tested values, isacceptable to the Planning Coordinator and Transmission Planners with the standard providing guidance on acceptable reactive capability reporting if system conditions prevent reaching actual capability.7.Ensure alignment of the MOD-025 standard with MOD-032-1 regarding data submittals forannual case creation and PRC-019-2 regarding collection of information that can be effectivelyused for verification purposes. Ensure activities across standards can be applied to effectivelymeet the purpose of these standards, and avoid any potential overlap or duplication of activities.This is dependent on the success of bullet number 1.8.Ensure that equipment limitations are documented and classified as expected (e.g., systemvoltage limit reached) or unexpected (e.g., plant tripped or excitation limiter reachedunexpectedly). In cases of unexpected limitations reached, ensure that the equipment ownerdevelops and implements a corrective action plan to address this unexpected limitation.Requested informationDetailed Description (Describe the proposed deliverable(s) with sufficient detail for a drafting team to execute the project. If you propose a new or substantially revised Reliability Standard or definition, provide: (1) a technical justification1 which includes a discussion of the reliability-related benefits of developing a new or revised Reliability Standard or definition, and (2) a technical foundation document (e.g., research paper) to guide development of the Standard or definition):The NERC PPMVTF developed White Paper: Implementation of NERC Standard MOD-025-22 that recommends NERC initiate a standards project to address these issues with MOD-025-2. The white paper provides a detailed description and technical justification of the gaps that exist in MOD-025-2 and how the current standard may be leading to inaccurate data being used in BPS reliability studies. Further, the NERC PPMVTF Reliability Guideline: Power Plant Model Verification and Testing for Synchronous Machines3also describes in detail how testing activities per MOD-025-2 can lead to unusable data, and provides further guidance that a SDT could use to develop solutions to these issues.Cost Impact Assessment, if known (Provide a paragraph describing the potential cost impacts associated with the proposed project):The aforementioned NERC PPMVTF White Paper: Implementation of NERC Standard MOD-025-2 includes an example of one Registered Entity’s MOD-025 implementation costs (excluding cost of shifting the optimization of generation fleet assets due to minimum load testing requirements). The entity’s average test cost was $1,259 (897 tests) and $4,326 per generator (261 generators). The verification testing of units generally results in transferring energy to a higher cost resource during the test period. Further, the data produced is often NOT suitable for planning studies, which does not serve the intended purpose of the standard and makes the added cost unjustified.Please describe any unique characteristics of the BES facilities that may be impacted by this proposed standard development project (e.g., Dispersed Generation Resources):The current MOD-025-2 was written around synchronous generation, although it is not specifically applicable only to synchronous generators. Therefore, the project should ensure the language is clear and concise regarding how to handle BES dispersed generating resources (e.g., wind, solar photovoltaic, and battery energy storage systems).To assist the NERC Standards Committee in appointing a drafting team with the appropriate members, please indicate to which Functional Entities the proposed standard(s) should apply (e.g., Transmission Operator, Reliability Coordinator, etc. See the most recent version of the NERC Functional Model for definitions):•Generator Owner and Transmission Owner of synchronous condensers (asset owner that is in the best position to ascertain resource capability)1 The NERC Rules of Procedure require a technical justification for new or substantially revised Reliability Standards. Please attach pertinent information to this form before submittal to NERC.2https:///comm/PC/Power%20Plant%20Modeling%20and%20Verification%20Task%20Force/PPMVTF_White_Paper_MOD-025_Testing.pdf3https:///comm/PC_Reliability_Guidelines_DL/Reliability_Guideline_-_PPMV_for_Synchronous_Machines_-_2018-06-29.pdfRequested information•Transmission Planner and Planning Coordinator (user of the information provided by the Generator Owner; currently has no responsibility of ensuring accurate data per current MOD-025-2 standard)Do you know of any consensus building activities4 in connection with this SAR? If so, please provide any recommendations or findings resulting from the consensus building activity.The NERC PPMVTF White Paper, approved by NERC RSTC, details the challenges with MOD-025-2. The team deliberated this subject for a significant amount of time, and have identified major issues with the standard that need to be addressed by an SDT. The PPMVTF believes that a significant revision to MOD-025-2 is needed, that testing activities are useful and should be retained, but that the activities can focus on more effective means of collecting useful data for planning models. One dissenting opinion of PPMVTF membership believed the standard should be retired completely and not replaced with an alternative.Are there any related standards or SARs that should be assessed for impact as a result of this proposed project? If so, which standard(s) or project number(s)?The NERC standards development Project 2020-02 (Transmission-connected Dynamic Reactive Resources) SAR includes MOD-025-2, specifically addressing the applicability of transmission connected reactive devices in addition to generators and synchronous condensers.The SAR on PRC-019-2 submitted to NERC by the System Protection and Control Subcommittee is also related in that there is significant overlap of activities in PRC-019-2 and the development of planning models of machine capability.This SAR could be combined with those portions of those SARs to address this problem effectively. Are there alternatives (e.g., guidelines, white paper, alerts, etc.) that have been considered or could meet the objectives? If so, please list the alternatives.There are two key industry reference documents on this subject:1.NERC Reliability Guideline: Power Plant Model Verification and Testing for SynchronousMachines5 (July 2018) that provides recommended practices for synchronous machine capability testing. An appendix is devoted to MOD-025-2 testing, and highlights the challenges andinherent errors in MOD-025-2 to obtain useful data that can be applied for planning models.2.NATF Modeling Reference Document Reporting and Verification of Generating Unit ReactivePower Capability for Synchronous Machines6(April 2015) that describes testing activities perMOD-025-2 and means of ensuring data is sufficient for planning studies.4 Consensus building activities are occasionally conducted by NERC and/or project review teams. They typically are conducted to obtain industry inputs prior to proposing any standard development project to revise, or develop a standard or definition.5https:///comm/PC_Reliability_Guidelines_DL/Reliability_Guideline_-_PPMV_for_Synchronous_Machines_-_2018-06-29.pdf 6https:///docs/natf/documents/resources/planning-and-modeling/natf-reference-document-reporting-and-verification-of-generating-unit-reactive-power-capability-for-synchronous-machines.pdfRequested informationNeither industry reference document addresses the identified shortcomings of the standard described above and in NERC PPMVTF White Paper: Implementation of NERC Standard MOD-025-2.7 These reference materials help industry understand how to implement the standards using best practices, but do not address the reliability gaps created by the standard requirements themselves which is leading to inaccurate data being used in planning assessments.Market Interface PrinciplesDoes the proposed standard development project comply with all of the following Market Interface Principles?Enter (yes/no)1. A reliability standard shall not give any market participant an unfair competitiveadvantage. Yes2. A reliability standard shall neither mandate nor prohibit any specific marketstructure. Yes3. A reliability standard shall not preclude market solutions to achieving compliancewith that standard. Yes7https:///comm/PC/Power%20Plant%20Modeling%20and%20Verification%20Task%20Force/PPMVTF_White_Paper_MOD-025_Testing.pdfMarket Interface Principles 4. A reliability standard shall not require the public disclosure of commercially sensitive information. All market participants shall have equal opportunity to access commercially non-sensitive information that is required for compliance with reliability standards. Yes Identified Existing or Potential Regional or Interconnection Variances Region(s)/ Interconnection Explanation N/A None identified.For Use by NERC Only Version History Version Date Owner Change Tracking1June 3, 2013 Revised 1August 29, 2014 Standards Information Staff Updated template 2January 18, 2017 Standards Information Staff Revised 2June 28, 2017 Standards Information Staff Updated template 3February 22, 2019 Standards Information Staff Added instructions to submit via Help Desk 4February 25, 2020 Standards Information Staff Updated template footer。
美国Alabama电力公司报告(Transport X)
Alabama Power Opens Up to DGA in a Box阿拉巴马电力公司开始将DGA分析放进手提箱里Apr 1, 2007 12:00 PMBy Danny Bates, Southern Company TransmissionDissolved gas analysis is a nonintrusive tool used to determine the internal condition of power transformers. Over the years, Southern Company Transmission has made tremendous progress in refining its initial program. Managers who were once skeptical of our recommendations to remove a large generator step-up unit (GSU) from service based solely on dissolved gas analysis (DGA) results now rely on us to routinely make these decisions. Quite often, we have been able to repair critical units that eventually would have failed if left unattended. Although we don't catch all the problems, as some units seem destined to fail in spite of our efforts, the ability to obtain a rush sample and have results within an hour would definitely give us an upper hand.油中溶解气体分析技术是被用来测定电力变压器内部状况的而不会对变压器本身产生干扰的工具。
It starts with a vision and plan for the futureWith growing work demands,a need for accelerated energy reductions, and fewer resources to get work done, Eaton can assist with existing energymanagement plans or administer entire energy management programs for your organization from start to finish.Effective energy management plans and strategies will reduce your operating costs, include processes that sustain the improvements, and protect the environment. Most impor-tantly, a well developed Energy Management Plan will support the energy vision and translate it into actionable, sustainable processes and initiatives. It will include a continual improvement process that examines real-time energy consumption and mea-sures, analyzes, and implements programs to reduce usage.The value realized fromenergy audits and the Energy Conservation Opportunities are optimized when linked back to corporate, business, or organiza-tional energy objectives. Eaton's Electrical Services and Systems global service team is one of the largest and most-experienced teams of engineers in the industry with state-of-the-art software, advanced modeling and analysis capa-bilities at our fingertips. Eaton energy experts can assist with the development of an energy policy or an energy management strategy. We can then work with you to prepare a roadmap that will guide your sustainable "Energy Culture" into the future.Development of organizational energy objectivesAn energy managementroadmap can ensure sustained energy management success. The processFollowing the organizational vision, Eaton begins with the identification of energy goals and objectives. These caninclude regulatory requirements, business objectives, facility certifications, specific energy reduction targets, renewable energy integration, and more.Eaton then provides organiza-tional capability planning and support to identify and focus resources, roles, and responsibilities.An energy audit is then performed to identify all the possible energyimprovement opportunities.Once these improvement recommendations are implemented, we'll showyou how to verify and measure the effects. The right metering and monitoring equipment will assist in the implementation of an energy management program and help ensure that these improvements are realized and sustained.Eaton can partner with your organization to ensure your vision of an energy-aware and environmentally-conscious future is realized.Energy Management and Planning ExecutionDelivering Cost Savings and Sustainable Solutions through Energy ManagementEnergy ManagementPlanning & Advisory ServicesStrategy & PlanningContinuous ImprovementExecution &ImplementationOperational PlanEaton Corporation Electrical Sector1000 Cherrington Parkway Moon Township, PA 15108United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)/nwp© 2009 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. PA02700005E / 3PC October 2009The typical energy management plan systematically addresses behavioral, operational, and technological aspects of an operation. Eaton's participation assures the creation of corporate or organizational energy- related goals and objectives, and linkage of all energy initiatives and action plans.Organization-wide energy management training is conducted, and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are established. These KPIs are visible at all levels of the organization with the expressed support of senior management.These energy goals and performance would be systematically reviewed and the energy planupdated as part of a refinement/improvement strategy for long-term sustainability.A well-defined and deployed energy management plan can be expected to result in:•An organization that is empowered at all levels to pursue and act on energy-related initiatives • Optimized energy and cost reductions •Optimized utilization of resources applied to energy initiatives•Sustainability: continued success of initiatives and a thriving energy culture within the organizationRemember that Eaton's team of experts canpartner with you to deliver the following Energy Management Planning and Advisory solutions:• Audits• Turnkey energy conservation project solutions• Energy – Organizational and Market Transformation • Long Term Viability of Energy Initiatives • Creation or Retention of Green Jobs• Operating Cost Reductions • CO2 Emissions Reductions • Megawatt hour savings • Peak Reductions and Management •Clean Power SolutionsAll delivered with a sense of urgency and commitment to your project.Visit /EESS for more information.。
!1325%G%Street%NW%Suite%600%Washington,%DC%20005%202:400:3000%|% %!!September 22, 2020VIA ELECTRONIC FILINGMs. Christine E. LongRegistrar & Board Secretary Ontario Energy Board27th Floor 2300 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4P 1E4Re: North American Electric Reliability CorporationDear Ms. Long:The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”) hereby submits Notice of Filing of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation of Amendments to the Northeast Power Coordinating Council Regional Standard Processes Manual. NERC requests, to the extent necessary, a waiver of any applicable filing requirements with respect to this filing.Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions concerning this filing.Respectfully submitted,/s/ Lauren Perotti Lauren PerottiSenior Counsel for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation!!ONTARIO ENERGY BOARDOF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIONORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC ) RELIABILITY CORPORATION )NOTICE OF FILING OF THENORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC RELIABILITY CORPORATION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE NORTHEAST POWER COORDINATING COUNCIL REGIONAL STANDARD PROCESSES MANUALMarisa HechtCounselNorth American Electric ReliabilityCorporation1325 G Street, N.W., Suite 600Washington, D.C. 20005202-400-3000*********************Counsel for the North American ElectricReliability CorporationSeptember 22, 2020TABLE OF CONTENTSI.!NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................ 2! II.!PROPOSED NPCC RSPM ..................................................................................................... 2! III.!NPCC AND NERC APPROVALS FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENTS ............................. 3!ATTACHMENTSATTACHMENT 1: Amended Northeast Power Coordinating Council Regional Standard Processes Manual – CleanATTACHMENT 2: Amended Northeast Power Coordinating Council Regional Standard Processes Manual – RedlineONTARIO ENERGY BOARDOF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIONORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC )RELIABILITY CORPORATION )NOTICE OF FILING OF THENORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC RELIABILITY CORPORATION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE NORTHEAST POWER COORDINATING COUNCILREGIONAL STANDARD PROCESSES MANUALThe North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”) hereby provides notice of the revised Northeast Power Coordinating Council (“NPCC”) Regional Standard Processes Manual (“RSPM”).1 The NPCC RSPM is a “Regional Entity Rule.”2As described in greater detail in Section II of this filing, NPCC made several revisions to its RSPM to align with the NERC Standard Processes Manual errata process, clarify the intent of language, and remove outdated references.Attachments 1 and 2 to this filing are clean and redlined versions, respectively, of the proposed revised NPCC RSPM.1Unless otherwise designated, all capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability Standards, https:///files/Glossary_of_Terms.pdf.2Regional Entity standard development procedures are no longer maintained as an exhibit to the Regional DelegationAgreements. NERC maintains an up-to-date copy of each Regional Entity’s standard development procedure on its website at: /AboutNERC/Pages/Regional-Entity-Delegation-Agreements.aspx.I.!NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONSNotices and communications with respect to this filing may be addressed to the following:Marisa HechtCounselNorth American Electric Reliability Corporation1325 G Street, N.W.Suite 600Washington, D.C. 20005202-400-3000*********************Edward SchwerdtPresident and Chief Executive Officer Northeast Power Coordinating Council 1040 Avenue of the Americas10th FloorNew York, NY 10018212-840-1070******************II.!PROPOSED NPCC RSPMThe currently effective version of the NPCC RSPM, Version 1, was submitted on September 23, 2014. Appendix C of the NPCC RSPM provides that the RSPM will be reviewed for possible revision at least once every five years or more frequently, if needed. Consistent with this provision, NPCC reviewed its RSPM in 2019 and made a number of revisions to update the document.Most substantively, NPCC revised Section 8 of its RSPM regarding the process for correcting errata in a regional Reliability Standard. Specifically, NPCC revised the process so that the NPCC Regional Standards Committee approves errata for regional Reliability Standards that already received NPCC Board of Directors approval. In Version 1 of the NPCC RSPM, the errata approval would go to the NPCC Board of Directors. This change in Version 2 aligns the NPCC process for correcting errata more closely with the NERC Standard Processes Manual Section 12 process for correcting errata.3 Additionally, NPCC made other clarifying changes within Section 8 of its RSPM.3The NERC Standard Processes Manual is available athttps:///FilingsOrders/us/RuleOfProcedureDL/SPM_Clean_Mar2019.pdf.NPCC’s review also resulted in several clarifying changes throughout the NPCC RSPM. NPCC updated links and references to documents that were outdated, among others. These minor changes appear in redline in Attachment 2 of this filing.III.!NPCC AND NERC APPROVALS FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENTS The revised NPCC RSPM was posted on the NPCC website for regional ballot body comments from September 11, 2019 through October 26, 2019. An extended ballot period was conducted from December 17, 2019 through February 25, 2020. The revised RSPM achieved 96% approval with 81.65% quorum and received no negative ballots with comments. In accordance with NPCC RSPM, STEP 2.5.B.2, the revised NPCC RSPM was approved by the NPCC Board of Directors on May 6, 2020.The NPCC RSPM was posted on the NERC website for industry stakeholder comment from June 15, 2020 through July 29, 2020. There were two sets of responses received, both indicating that the NPCC RSPM continues to meet the criteria to be open, inclusive, balanced, and transparent and to provide for due process. The NERC Board of Trustees approved the amendments to the NPCC RSPM at its August 20, 2020 meeting.Respectfully submitted,/s/ Marisa HechtMarisa HechtCounselNorth American Electric Reliability Corporation1325 G Street, N.W., Suite 600Washington, D.C. 20005202-400-3000*********************Counsel for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Date: September 22, 2020ATTACHMENTS 1 and 2。
加州电力市场化运营 电力交易所PX 电力交易所 次日负荷预测; 根据成员报价确定MCP(Market clearing price), 制定可行的提前交易计划(次日或下一小时). 提交减轻或消除网络拥塞的电能调整量报价. 负责BC和期货交易. 市场结算(Clearing)或清算(Settlement) 市场信息管理.
1989年以前的旧有垄断经营阶段 1989-2000年的Power Pool解除管制运营阶段 2000年开始的新的电力市场运营模式
改革前 1989年以前,电力由国家经营,为公有制.专设 中央发电局(Central Electric Generation Bureau, CEGB),全面管理英格兰和威尔士电网的发电, 输电和配电,实行高度垄断.
P ublish ed Unnconstrained Published U constrained P ublish ed Un const rained M arket C learing P rice M arket Clearing Price M arket Clearing P rice
CaISO 加州ISO为非盈利机构,其筹建启动资金 为非盈利机构, 加州 为非盈利机构 亿美元, 为2.5亿美元,于1997.5成立 亿美元 成立 2000年又追加 亿美元 年又追加4.5亿美元 年又追加 正常运行费用由参加市场的各电力公司按 照电量分摊 Cal-ISO的主要职能 的主要作为单一用户或作为结合负荷的一 部分,根据公共费率及实时市场费率购电, 也可按双边合同或差价合同从本地电力零 售商,电能服务提供商,或发电商购电
2FApplications:Cast device boxes are installed to:• Accommodate wiring devices• Act as pull boxes for conductors in a conduit system• Provide openings to make splices and taps in conductors• Provide access to conductors formaintenance and future system changes • Connect conduit sections• FSY boxes for mounting surface devices on floor or bench (used with single-gang covers)Features:• Internal green ground screw standard on boxes• Suitable for use in wet locations when used with gasketed covers• Mounting lugs standard on most boxes • Tapered threaded hubs (NPT) with integral bushing• Available for surface mounting (withmounting lugs) or flush mounting (without mounting lugs) as listed• Available as shallow (FS) or deep (FD) configuration; use FD if device to be enclosed exceeds 15/8” in depth• Ample wiring room provided in either FS or FD configuration• Wide selection of surface or flush covers available in three materials (sheet steel, Feraloy, aluminum)• Covers for flush mounting extend to conceal the rough plaster line• Available in single-gang and multi-gang configurations with hubs, and as blank bodies for drilled and tapped openingsStandard materials:• Feraloy iron alloy or copper-free aluminumStandard finishes:• Feraloy – electrogalvanized and aluminum acrylic paint• Aluminum – naturalSize ranges:• Hubs – 1/2” to 1”Certifications and compliances:• UL standard: UL514A • ANSI standard: C33.84• Fed. Spec.: W-C-5860• CSA standard: C22.2 No. 18FS/FDCDie cast aluminumDWith and without mounting lugs for threaded rigid and IMC conduitCondulet FS and FD single-gangdevice boxes – cast iron or aluminumOptions:Description Suffix • Corro-free epoxy powder coat,external ..............................................S752• Corro-free epoxy powder coat,internal and external ..........................S753• Hot dip galvanized .............................HDGOrdering information:Hub sizeCat. #Cat. #1/“A B 1”FS3BFD3BA Available in sand cast copper-free aluminum. To order, add suffix ‘SCA’ to end of catalog number.B Available in copper-free aluminum. To order, add suffix ‘SA’ to end of catalog number.C Compatible with select hinged and open front control station covers in Section 4C.D Mounting lugs and ground screw are not offered with standard die cast aluminum box. For sand cast aluminum box with mounting lugs and ground screw, change ‘SA’ in catalog numberto ‘SCA.’ For example: FS1 SCA.FSR/FDR Hub sizeCat. #Cat. #1/“FSR1FDR1FSC/FDC CHub sizeCat. #Cat. #1/“AB 1”FSC3BFDC3BFSL/FDLHub sizeCat. #Cat. #1/“FSL1FDL1Hub sizeCat. #Cat. #1/“FS1 SA FSC1 SA22FDimensions (in inches):FSA/FDAEFOrdering information (continued):Hub size Cat. #Cat. #1/“FSA1FDA1E Mounting lugs not available.F Back entry hub is threaded.G Available in copper-free aluminum. To order, add suffix ‘SA’ to end of catalog number.FSS/FDD EHub size Cat. #Cat. #1/“G FDD11”FSCC/FDCCHub size Cat. #Cat. #1/“FSCC1FDCC1FSCA FHub size Cat. #1/“FSCA1FSSAEFHub size Cat. #3/4“FSSA2FSLA/FDLAFHub size Cat. #Cat. #1/“FSLA1FDLA1Series Hub size a b c d1/“7/17/111/5/ With and without mounting lugs for threaded rigid and IMC conduitCondulet FS and FD single-gangdevice boxes – cast iron or aluminum2FHub sizeCat. #1/“FSCD1Ordering information (continued):FSCT/FDCTFDXCIJDimensions (in inches):FSCT, FSX, FST, FSCDFDXCFSYFSYIFSCT, FSX, FST, FSCDFSYHub size Cat. #Cat. #1/“FSCT1FDCT11”FSCT3FDCT3H Available in copper-free aluminum. To order, add suffix‘SA’ to end of catalog number.I Not available with mounting lugs.J Six hubs – all /” pipe tap.FST/FDTHub size Cat. #Cat. #1/“FST1FDT11”FDT3FSX/FDXHub size Cat. #Cat. #1/“FSX1FDX11”FDX3FSCD IDescriptionHub sizeCat. #Single face 1”FSY311Hub sizeCat. #3/4“FDXC219SeriesHub size a b c dFS1/“7/17/111/5/1”11/81/16/8DescriptionHub sizeabSingle-gang, single face 1”23/115/With and without mounting lugs for threaded rigid and IMC conduitCondulet FS and FD single-gangdevice boxes – cast iron or aluminum22FWith and without mounting lugsCondulet FS single-gangdevice boxes – cast iron or aluminumFS double faceKDimensions (in inches):Double faceOrdering information (continued):Hub sizeCat. #1/“FS152K Mounting lugs not available.FSC double face KHub sizeCat. #1/“FSC152SeriesHub sizea b c1/“35/31/11/2FCondulet FS and FD multi-gangdevice boxes – cast iron or aluminumWith and without mounting lugs for threaded rigid and IMC conduitFS two-gang tandemAFSC two-gang tandemAFS/FD two-gangFSC/FDC two-gangFSE two-gangDimensions (in inches):Two-gang tandem Two-gangTwo-gang tandemTwo-gangOrdering information:A Use single-gang covers only.B Available in copper-free aluminum. To order, add suffix ‘SA’ to end of catalog number.Hub sizeCat. #1/“FS17Hub size Cat. #Cat. #1/“B FD121”FS32FD32Hub sizeCat. #Cat. #1/“FSC12FDC121”FSC32FDC32Hub sizeCat. #1/“FSC17Hub sizeCat. #3/4“FSE22SeriesHub sizeade1/“7/5/11/SeriesHub sizeabcdh1/“7/21/17/111/5/22FOrdering information (continued):FSS/FDS two-gangFS/FD three-gangFSD two-gangFSS three-gangDimensions (in inches):Two-gang with mounting lugs Three-gangThree-gangHub sizeCat. #Cat. #3/4“FSS222FDS222Hub size Cat. #Cat. #3/“FS23FD23Hub sizeCat. #3/4“FSD212CC Hubs on two hub side are /”.Hub sizeCat. #3/4“FSS23SeriesHub sizeacd3/“7/17/111/FD/4“/82/162/2Condulet FS and FD multi-gangdevice boxes – cast iron or aluminumWith and without mounting lugs for threaded rigid and IMC conduit2FCondulet FS and FDblank device boxes – cast ironBlank bodies with mounting lugs for drilling and tapping Single-gang, multi-gang, tandemApplications:Blank cast device boxes are used:• Where several wiring devices are to be grouped together• To assemble special combinations of wiring devices• Where special arrangements of conduit hubs or entrances are requiredFeatures:• Available in shallow (FS) or deep (FD) configurations• FS/FD bodies have thick walls for drilling and tapping conduit entrances• Internal green ground screw standard on boxes• Available in single-, two-, three-, four- and five-gang, and two-gang tandem bodies • Cast mounting lugs at diagonally opposite cornersStandard material:• Feraloy iron alloyStandard finish:• Feraloy – electrogalvanized and aluminum acrylic paintCertifications and compliances:• UL standard: UL514A• CSA standard: C22.2 No. 18FS019, FD019 – single-gangFS029, FD029 – two-gangFS039, FD039 – three-gangFD04 – four-gangFD05 – five-gangFS062, FD062 – two-gangFS063, FD063 – three-gangFS094, FD094 – four-gangFS097, FD097 – two-gang tandemOrdering information:DescriptionCat. # Shallow Cat. # Deep Single-gang FS019FD019Two-gang tandemFS097FD097A Available in copper-free aluminum. To order, add suffix ‘SA’ to end of catalog number.22F Condulet FS and FD blankdevice boxes – cast ironBlank bodies for drilling and tappingSingle-gang, multi-gang, tandemOrdering information:To order one of the blank bodies with drilledand tapped holes listed on previous page,proceed as follows:Step 1Select the required box.Step 2Select the arrangement that meets therequirements from Table 1.Step 3Determine the maximum size and spacing ofconduit openings from Table 2.Step 4Substitute the appropriate symbol fromTable 4 for each conduit entrance, using “0”(zero) for those locations on arrangementwhere an entrance is not required.Example:Step 1 – box required FS062Step 2 – arrangement 1Step 3 – conduit entrances – 1/2” at ‘a’; noneat ‘b’; 1” at ‘c’ and ‘d’; none at ‘e’ and ‘f.’Step 4 – symbols are substituted and writtenin alphabetical order starting with location‘a.’ For this example: A0CC00.Complete catalog number is made up ofthree parts:Part 1 – box number;Part 2 – arrangement number;Part 3 – symbols for conduit entrances.For this example: FS062-1-A0CC00.Table 1 – Drilling and tapping arrangements: BTwo-, three-, four- and five-gangSingle-gang only (FS or FD019)Two-gang tandem (FS or FD097)12C3C4C5B Drilling and tapping arrangements other than those in Table 1 are available. Consult Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Division.C If only one conduit entry is specified or permitted (see Table 2) on a side wall, that conduit entry will be centered on the wall.2FCondulet FS and FD cast device boxesBlank bodies for drilling and tappingSingle-gang, multi-gang, tandemTable 3 – Distance from mounting surface to center line of conduit opening (‘u’):Table 4 – Symbols for openings:Table 2 – Maximum number, size and spacing of conduit openings:Maximum conduit opening size Top and bottomSides Back Spacings Cat. #12345122svwxyzFS01911Cat. #uFS01929/Hub sizeSymbol1/”A22F Condulet FS and FDcast device boxesBlank bodies for drilling and tappingSingle-gang, multi-gang, tandemDimensions (in inches):FS/FD062FS/FD094FS/FD063FS/FD097Cat. #a bFS/FD01931/31/FD0518/818/4Cat. #a b c d e fFS06227/53/523/11/43/Cat. #a bFS09423/145/Cat. #a b c d e fFS063313/75/67/23/11/61/Cat. #a bFS09721/11/47 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright 2019 Commercial Products CatalogCast device boxesCast device boxesApplications:Cast device boxes are installed to:• Accommodate wiring devices• Act as pull boxes for conductors in a conduit system • Provide openings to make splices and taps in conductors • Use indoors and outdoors• Use in applications where boxes may be subjected to rough useFeatures:• Green ground screw is located on the flange of the box for easy ground wire termination and is standard on boxes• Suitable for use in wet locations when used with gasket and flat blank covers• Mounting lugs standard• Tapered threaded hubs (NPT) with integral bushing • Available as shallow (FS) or deep (FD) configuration• Ample wiring room provided in either FS or FD configuration • Wide selection of surface or flush covers available in three materials (sheet malleable, steel, aluminum)• Malleable iron construction provides high tensile strength for strong, dependable service• Covers are individually bagged and supplied with screwsStandard material:• Malleable ironStandard finish:• Malleable iron – zinc electroplateFS BOXESFSM1FSC BOXES FSCM1FD BOXESFDM1FDC BOXESFDCM1FS & FD boxesCat. #SizeUnit qty.Wt. lbs. per 100FSM11/”5222FSM31”5243Cat. #SizeUnit qty.Wt. lbs. per 100FDM11/”2278FDM31”2284Cat. #SizeUnit qty.Wt. lbs. per 100FSCM11/”5234FSCM31”5250Cat. #SizeUnit qty.Wt. lbs. per 100FDCM11/”2313FDCM31”2306Certifications and compliances:• c UL us • cCSAusOptions:Suffix • Hot dip galvanized ......................................................................HDGDescriptionCast device boxesFS & FD COVERS – MALLEABLEFBCM1SWCM1RCM1FS & FD COVERS – STEELFBCS1SWCS1RCS1GFICS1FS & FD COVERS – ALUMINUMFBCA1FS & FD BOX GASKETSFSGSK1FS & FD coversCat. #DescriptionUnitqty.Wt. lbs.per 100FBCM1Malleable iron flat blank cover2556RCM1Malleable iron duplex receptacle cover2555Cat. #DescriptionUnitqty.Wt. lbs.per 100FBCS1Steel flat blank cover2518Cat. #DescriptionUnitqty.Wt. lbs.per 100FBCA1Aluminum flat blank cover259Cat. #DescriptionUnitqty.Wt. lbs.per 100FSGSK1Neoprene gasket25 3.5 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright 2019 Commercial Products Catalog US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright 2022 Eaton432FSingle-gang covers forcast iron or aluminum device boxesBlank cover for enclosing splices and tapswhere device not usedBlank cover with gasket for enclosingsplices and taps where device not usedDS21DS21GFor standard and 3-pole, 2-wiregrounding type round flush receptacles;opening diameter 17/16”For GFI receptaclesFor flush plug receptacle requiring 15/8”opening diameterFor duplex convenience receptaclesFor square handle general use snap ortoggle switches; unguardedAdapter plate for mounting WLRS/WLRDcovers to flush device boxesFor square handle general use snap ortoggle switches; guardedOrdering information:DescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface Sheet aluminum DS100DescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface or flushCast aluminumDS100GDescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface Sheet steel DS21Surface or flushalloy with gasketDS21GDescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface Sheet steelDS23 GFIDescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface Sheet steelDS35DescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface Sheet steel DS23Flush Sheet steelDSS23For standard and 3-pole, 2-wire grounding type duplex conveniencereceptacles; gasket includedDescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface or flush Feraloy iron alloyDS23GDescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface Sheet steel DS32DescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface or flush Feraloy iron alloy with DS32G DescriptionCat. #Flush device adapterWLRA1Note: A lso can be used to mount all covers with fourcorner screws listed to flush device boxes. US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright 2022 Eaton4422FRaintight covers A (gasket included)ARaintight cover includes operator lever only. Switch not included.For general use snap switches; includesgasketFor general use snap switches; includesgasketFor general use snap switches; includesgasketOrdering information:Single-gang covers forcast iron or aluminum device boxesDescriptionMaterialCat. #For standard ON-OFF operationCopper-free aluminumDS181DescriptionMaterialCat. #For standard ON-OFFoperation; with hole for lockDie cast aluminumDS185DescriptionMaterialCat. #For standardoperation; marked ON-OFF handleCast aluminumDS128Raintight US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright 2022 Eaton452FSwitch and motor control pushbutton covers AA Covers include operating lever or button only. Switch not included.BTwo universal contact blocks; must be wired as two circuits, with one normally open and one normally closed.Furnished with buttons for operating motor control pushbutton switches;includes gasket① If desired, markings on indicating plates may be added to catalog number. Select from the list of standard markingsbelow:For manual motor starting switches; fits FS and FD boxes; takes Westinghouse switches MST01 (1-pole) and MST02(2-pole); includes gasketHeavy duty motor control pushbutton switchDS covers use the switches shown in the list below:Ordering information:DescriptionMaterialCat. #For standard ON-OFF operationFeraloy iron alloyDS199PushbuttonsDescriptionNo.ColorMaterialCat. #Button (normally open) marked START 1Green Feraloy iron alloy ①button (normally closed) marked STOP1RedFeraloy iron alloyDS171 ①DescriptionNo.ColorMaterialCat. #Two pushbutton2Black Feraloy iron alloyDS171J ①HAND CLOSE OFF AUTO.UP RUNNo. of buttonsNormal positionsCat. #1 1 circuit universal ED11CoverTakes switchCoverTakes switchDS171ED12DS171F ED11DS265ED11Single-gang covers forcast iron or aluminum device boxesRaintight US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright 2023 Eaton4522FDS receptacles and WP plugsWeatherproofApplications:DS receptacles and WP plugs are used:• Wherever dust, dirt, moisture and corrosion are a problem• Outdoors or in locations where frequent wash downs occur, as in dairies and food processing plantsFeatures:DS receptacle housings are used:• With FS and FD cast device boxes, either surface mounted or installed flush in a wall• With single-gang, two-gang tandem and multi-gang boxes having individual cover openings• A threaded cap which effectively seals housing when not in use WP plugs include:• A molded neoprene hood with integral sleeve to seal the cord entrance• An aluminum ring which clamps the hood to receptacle housing face, to complete watertight seal when plug is in useStandard materials:• Receptacle housings – body: Feraloy iron alloy; cap: copper-free aluminum• Plug exteriors – hood: neoprene; fastening ring: copper-free aluminumStandard finishes:• Feraloy iron alloy – electrogalvanized and aluminum acrylic paint• Copper-free aluminum – natural • Neoprene – natural (black or yellow)Electrical ratings:• 20 amperes, 125 voltsCertifications and compliances:• UL standards: UL498; UL514A • NEMA/EEMAC: WD-1; WD-5• CSA standard: C22.2 No. 42DS receptacle housingsWP plugsCC replacement receptacleGrounding type receptaclesFor plugs with U shaped or round grounding contactsRatingCat. #Cover with recept.NEMAconfigurationStyleCat. # Plug NEMAconfigurationCord dia.Cat. # Repl. recept.20A,125VDS2225-20R2-wire,3-poleWP8325-20P0.500 - 0.625”CC71Single-gang covers forcast iron or aluminum device boxesOrdering information: US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright 2022 Eaton472FPilot light covers, extensions and adaptersSingle-gang covers forcast iron or aluminum device boxesFor pilot light units(furnished with jewels)For pilot light units(furnished with jewel and gasket)Pilot light unit (without transformer)Pilot light (with transformer)A ;FD onlyEXF extensions(takes covers and flush rectangular wiring devices, or plug receptacles withhousings)FS flush mounting adapter(can be used with multi-gang bodies having individual cover openings);furnished with gasket and screwsGasket for use between device boxesand coversOrdering information:DescriptionMaterialJewel color Cat. #Surface Sheet steel Red DS24DescriptionMaterialJewel colorCat. #Surface or flush Feraloy iron alloyRedDS24GCircuit voltageLamp baseWattsCat. #110Candelabra 6C3310A Transformer 50-60 cycle, 440/110 volts.B Not recommended as watertight.Circuit voltageLamp baseWattsCat. #440Candelabra 6C333Ext. depthCat. #1”EXF11Mounting styleCat. #WallFS031MaterialCat. #NeopreneGASK91B4822F Two-gang covers forcast iron or aluminum device boxesFor flush general use snapswitches with square handles;hole diameter 111/32”For flush general use snap switches withsquare handles; hole diameter 113/32”For standard and 2-wire, 3-polegrounding; hole diameter 113/32”For duplex convenience receptacles,standard and 2-wire, 3-pole grounding;hole diameter 111/32”For GFI receptacles; rectangular height25/8”; rectangular width 15/16”For round flush receptacles (holediameter 113/32”); duplex conveniencereceptacles, standard and 2-wire, 3-polegrounding (hole diameter 111/32”)Blank; Feraloy iron alloy with gasketFor flush general use snap switches withsquare handlesFor flush general use snap switches withsquare handles Ordering information:Material Cat. #Sheet steel S32232Description Material Cat. #For round plugflush receptacles;surfaceSheet steel S32212Description Material Cat. #For round plugflush receptacles;surfaceSheet steel S212Description Material Cat. #Surface Sheet steel S232Description Material Cat. #Surface Sheet steel S232 GFIDescription Material Cat. #Surface Sheet steel S21232For 20A, 250V receptacles;hole diameter 25/32”Description Material Cat. #2-pole, surface Sheet steel S612Description Material Cat. #Surface Sheet steel S1002flush aluminum S1002G SADescription Material Cat. #Surface Sheet steel S322Description Material Cat. #Surface or FeraloyS322G US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright 2022 Eaton492FMulti-gang covers forcast iron or aluminum device boxesWith operating mechanism and gasketWith operating mechanism and gasketBlank with gasket includedFor flush general use snap switches withsquare handlesFor flush general use snap switches withsquare handlesBlank with gasket includedGasket for use between device boxand coverOrdering information:Two-gangThree-gangFour-gangDescriptionMaterialCat. #Two-gang; for operation of general use snap switches; surface or flushFeraloy iron alloyDS1282DescriptionMaterialCat. #Three-gang with gasket; forexternal operation of general use snap switches;surface or flushFeraloy iron alloyDS1283DescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface Sheet steel S1003flush aluminumS1003G SADescriptionMaterialCat. #Three-gang; surface Sheet steelS323DescriptionMaterialCat. #Surface or flush Feraloy iron alloyS1004GDescriptionMaterialCat. #Four-gang; surface Sheet steelS324GasketsDescriptionMaterialCat. #Two-gang Rubber GASK434Four-gangRubberGASK461。
美洲主要国家电力市场概况目录巴西、阿根廷、智利三国电力市场概况 (3)墨西哥电力市场分析 (12)委内瑞拉电力行业概况 (15)哥伦比亚电力设备市场概述 (17)巴拿马电力设备市场分析 (19)国际贸易处美洲项目跟踪统计 (21)巴西、阿根廷、智利三国电力市场概况1 南美概况南美洲位于西半球的南部,东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北部为加勒比海,南面是德雷克海峡。
人口 32500万,约占世界总人口的5.6%,主要语言为西班牙语和葡萄牙语。
南美洲的大部分地区属热带气候,平均气温达20摄氏度以上,年均降水量达1 342毫米,具有温暖湿润的特点。
2 巴西2.1 巴西概况巴西位于南美洲东南部,国土面积约为854.7万平方公里,是南美洲面积最大的国家。
2.2 巴西电力市场概况长期以来,巴西得益于地理优势产生的水电潜力,总装机容量的95%是水力发电,但最近几年发生的旱灾极大地影响了巴西的发电能力。
2.2.1 巴西的电力改革该改革是以实行私有化、在发电和售电两个方面引进竞争机制,作为电力市场化改革的主导。
De-layering of hierarchical levels
…Compare and Contrast
$27.2 B
$125.7 B
$1.7 B
$13.7 B
Market Value $13 B
$244 B
The Three Families
Central A/C House wares Coal mining
Profit Producer
Competitive Position
Reorganization of businesses
Changing composition of businesses
Strategic Model
SWOT: 1981
and change
Growth Engine
New Product / service Diversification Extension
Strategic Model
SWOT: 1981
• 输电:
电网基础设施 (单位:公里) – 5,794 公里
• 配电:
– 53,108 公里(架空配电线路)
电力输出 (单位:TWh)
• 发电量:48.9 (2019) • 售电量(零售):69.8 (2019)
• 200万
资料来源:网站;年报;Platts RDI
• 美国最大的公用事业公司
关键指标 百万美元,2019年
各业务活动的销售额 占总收入的百分比,2019年 7,922 其他 1,329 (3,865) 19,634 2,445 12,019 组织结构 天然气零 售
48% 19% 19% 9% 4%
各地区/国家的销售额 占总收入的百分比
公司概况/竞争地位 重要业务活动 (沿价值链的活动) 石油 提炼 物流 交易 商品化
目前经营 目前未经营
• CenterPoint 能源是美国第三大的电力
• 无业务活动
• Entergy拥有并运营自己的电厂,发电
容量为 30,000 megawatts,是美国第 二大的核电公司。Entergy向260万个 公用事业用户提供电力。 道和储存设备的运营。
• 提供的业务包括能源批发、天然气管
• 还拥有 30,000 MW 的
•各业务活动的销售额 •占总收入的百分比,2002年
•公用事业 •组织结构
•各地区/国家的销售额 •占总收入的百分比
A •美国
•说明•近期出售了在英Fra bibliotek、澳大利亚和南美的境外投资
• Barrow Hanley
•重要业务活动 (沿价值链的活动
• HQ是北美最大的输电网络运营商(发电
容量31,000 MW,96%是水电),以美 国和加拿大批发能源,在国际能源市场 上也有运作。
• 由于市场开放,公司分拆了发电、输电
•天然气 •电力
•勘探 •交易
• Putnam Invt.
• AXA Financial
• Fidelity Mgmt.
• 能源商品服务
• 核能
• Entergy-Koch,L,P
• 非公用事业的批发资产
•Gulf South 管道
• 4个州(阿肯色州、路易斯安娜州、密西西比州、
德克萨斯州) 的260万个用户
公司概况 – TXU (1/2)
电信级电源可用性要求不低于 5个9 !
MTBF-Mean Time Between Failure (平均无故障时间) MTTR-Mean Time To Repair(平均维护时间)
功能: 市电正常时,逆变器随时在
监视并参与对输出电压的调整, 是在线式UPS 市电掉电后,电池通过逆变器向负载供电 市电—电池转换时,输出电压没有切换时间 逆变器故障时,市电转旁路向负载供电
单逆变器,可双向工作; 输出电性能指标一般,但能 满足负载要求; UPS不对电网产生附加干扰公害; 可靠性高; 用于1—5KVA UPS
Input voltage
What is a UPS ?
Output voltage
定义 1,市电正常时,逆变器不工作 2,市电掉电时,逆变器工作,输
Input voltage
Silcon DP300E on-line
智 能 调 压
充 电 器
What is a UPS ?
输 出 转 换 开 关
• 单变换器; • 输出电性能指标一般,但 能满足负载要求; • UPS不对电网产生附加干 扰公害,可靠性高; • 主要用在小功率UPS领域
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资料来源:网站;年报;Platts RDI 1
公司概况 – ENTERGY (1/2)
总部: 路易斯安娜州,新奥尔良
重要业务活动 (沿价值链的活动)
• Entergy Corp.是一家一体化的能源公
司,主要从事发电,零售配电运营, 能源营销和交易和天然气运输业务。
TXU 能源
公司概况 – TXU (2/2)
电网基础设施 ( 单位:公里 )
• 输电:
– 22,526 公里,属于 Oncor
• 配电:
– 155,751 公里,属于Oncor
电力输出 (单位:TWh)
目前经营 目前未经营
• CenterPoint 能源是美国第三大的电力
和天然气综合配送公司,用户总数达 500万户。
• 公司在德州拥有12个电厂,发电装机
容量超过14,000 MW,主干线路 60,734 英里,入户线路36,849 英里。 服务区域达5,000平方英里。
电网基础设施 (单位:公里)
– 24,945公里
• 配电:
– 153,692 公里
电力输出 (单位:TWh)
• 售电量:111.5 (2002)
• 4个州(阿肯色州、路易斯安娜州、密西西比州、
德克萨斯州) 的260万个用户
公司概况 – TXU (1/2)
天然气零 售
19% 19% 供电
ECOM true-up
各地区/国家的销售额 占总收入的百分比
• 所有的业务都在美国
组织结构 财务总监
天然气配送和 销售
人力资源和共享服务 休斯顿电力信息技术
资料来源:网站; 公司报告;新闻剪报;彭博
• Capital Research
• Barclays bank
• Harris Associates
Oncor 集团
澳大利 亚
5% 7%
A 88%
• 在澳大利亚和北美都有业
• 资产
• 截止2003年1月20日的市值 2,445
• 员工
• Barrow Hanley
• Putnam Invt.
• Barclays Bank
• 摩根斯坦利
各业务活动的销售额 占总收入的百分比,2002年
其他 4%
• 无业务活动
• 还拥有 30,000 MW 的
关键指标 百万美元,2002年
• 销售
• 息税前收益
• 净收入
• 资产
• 截止2003年1月20日的市值
• 员工
8,305 1,474
642 26,948 10,506 15,352
各业务活动的销售额 占总收入的百分比,2002年
天然气 2% 18%
公用事业 组织结构
80% 电力
各地区/国家的销售额 占总收入的百分比
3% 国外
N A97% 美国
• Barrow Hanley
• Putnam Invt.
• AXA Financial
• Fidelity Mgmt.
Gulf South 管道
公司概况 – ENTERGY (2/2)
总部: 路易斯安娜州,新奥尔良
• 输电:
• 其业务涉及天然气营销,发电和配电,
重要业务活动 (沿价值链的活动)
Hale Waihona Puke 交易生产物流 储存 运输
• 无业务活动
• 美国最大的公用事业公司
关键指标 百万美元,2002年
• 销售
• 息税前收益
• 净收入
• 公司业务分为三大块:Oncor、TXU
能, TXU 澳大利亚 。
物流 储存 运输
交易 配配送送 配送
商品化 商品化 商品化
目前经营 目前未经营
• 无业务活动
• 国内电力业务分为两个单
元:Oncor从事监管电力 的输电和配电,TXU 能源 从事非监管的零售能源的 供应和发电业务
关键指标 百万美元,2002年
• 销售
• 息税前收益
• 净收入
• 资产
• 截止2003年1月20日的市值 5,728
• 员工
各业务活动的销售额 占总收入的百分比,2002年
10% 13%
77% 电力
• Berkshire Hathaway
电网基础设施 (单位:公里)
• 输电:
– 5,794 公里
• 配电:
– 53,108 公里(架空配电线路)
电力输出 (单位:TWh)
• 发电量:48.9 (2001) • 售电量(零售):69.8 (2001)
• Entergy拥有并运营自己的电厂,发电
容量为 30,000 megawatts,是美国第 二大的核电公司。Entergy向260万个 公用事业用户提供电力。
• 提供的业务包括能源批发、天然气管
目前经营 目前未经营 说明
• TXU 的业务覆盖北美和澳大利亚,电
力和天然气用户总数超过500万。它 是德州最大的发电和电力零售公司, 竞争发电容量达 19,000 MW 。
重要业务活动 (沿价值链的活动)
• TXU 澳大利亚包括电力和天然气的配
送,发电能力达 1,280 MW,电力和 天然气用户数近 100万户。