关键词:花生壳尿素担载释放行为AbstractIn this paper, the activation of rice husk, loading of urea and urea were compared. The effects of temperature on the volatilization of urea, urea adsorption on rice husk saturation; rice husk loading of the best ratio of urea and urea release behavior of rice husk. The results show that the temperature of 133 ℃~ 135 ℃, the adsorption time within the 1 ~ 2min, rice husk and urea mass ratio of 1:1, the rice husk for the adsorption of urea and 37% saturation. Rice husk on the initial release of urea was 50%, with the increase of cumulative leaching times increase with the release rate can be slow-release fertilizer for agricultural research.key wordsPeanut husks Urea The load carries Release dynamics1 序言随着化肥工业的兴起和发展,化学肥料在很大程度上补充和代替了农家肥,给农业、畜牧业、养殖业的迅速发展起到了不可估量的推动作用。
世界最新医学信息文摘 2016年 第16卷 第59期357·临床监护·综合护理干预在外伤性截瘫患者康复中的应用探讨卢爱莲 (山东省莱芜市莱城区大王庄中心卫生院,山东 莱芜 271119)摘要:目的试析综合护理干预在外伤性截瘫患者康复中的应用价值。
结果实验组护理后QOL评分及并发症发生率,均优于对照组,比较差异有统计学的意义(P< 0.05)。
关键词:综合护理干预;外伤性截瘫;康复中图分类号:R47 文献标识码:B DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-3141.2016.59.3300 引言外伤性截瘫多因间接或直接的暴力所致,临床治疗外伤性截瘫的基础上还应做好后期的康复及护理工作,进一步提升患者生活的质量[1]。
本文主要分析综合护理干预在外伤性截瘫患者康复中的效果,并作如下报道:1 资料和方法1.1 一般资料。
1.2 护理方法。
水杨酸浸种对铝胁迫下多年生黑麦草种子萌发的影响陈谦伟,宋鑫*(江西省作物生长发育调控重点实验室,宜春学院生命科学与资源环境学院,江西宜春 336000)摘要:【目的】探讨水杨酸浸种对不同浓度铝胁迫处理下多年生黑麦草种子萌发的影响。
【方法】以多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)品种冬牧70(Secale Cerale)种子为试验材料,并将材料分为2组,一组为无水杨酸浸种组,另一组用0.5 mmol/L水杨酸(salicylic acid,SA)浸种。
用7个AlCl3浓度(0、0.2、0.5、1.0、2.0、5.0、10.0 mmol/L)处理液对2组黑麦草种子进行处理。
【结果】 1)无水杨酸浸种组种子发芽势、发芽率并未受到各浓度铝胁迫显著影响。
当AlCl3处理浓度达到10.0 mmol/L时,0.5 mmo/L 水杨酸浸种组种子发芽势及发芽率显著被抑制。
2) 2组种子的芽长和根长均随着AlCl3处理浓度的升高而显著降低;3)随着铝胁迫浓度的增加,无水杨酸浸种组多年生黑麦草种子SOD、CAT、POD活性均受到抑制;0.5 mmo/L水杨酸浸种多年生黑麦草种子在铝胁迫下的POD活性增强,但SOD和CAT 活性未增强。
关键词:铝胁迫;多年生黑麦草;水杨酸;发芽;酶活性中图分类号:S543 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-5500(2023)05-0137-07DOI:10.13817/ki.cyycp.2023.05.018土壤酸铝毒害是影响植物生长的非生物胁迫因素之一。
关键词:时钟芯片;单片机;红外线;窗帘;控制;时钟AbstractThis paper first introduced the basic knowledge of the smart home and its application prospect, thus illustrating the development as intelligent household in a very important part of the curtain, automatic infrared remote control significance. Then mainly introduced the development of infrared remote control curtain single-chip microcomputer control system for integrated chips AT89C51, DS1302 chip, infrared emission receiver and the structure of the hardware principle. In this article, the block model, the whole system hardware circuit design is analyzed, and the system are respectively the overall frame, power supply circuit, the clock DS1302 circuit, ring circuit, infrared receiver circuits, motor control circuit, show circuit, and to the corresponding circuit design and the correlation of exposition. Then the writing of the ideas about software, is also the separate block of models, including the decoding process, write infrared clock control procedures, DS1302 chip digital display program, remote control procedures and the writing of the ideas, each module are draw the charts, looks at a glance.Finally, the simulation results debugging, clock, the switch curtain, automatic switch control aspects such as the curtain on the design of basic the expected purpose is reached. Of course, this system in some of the detail of the design also need to have been the perfect and improve.Keywords:the clock chip,;SCM;infrared;the curtain,;the control,;the clock目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1绪论 (1)1.1课题背景 (1)1.2国内外概况 (1)1.3课题的研究工作 (2)2核心芯片结构原理介绍 (3)2.1中央控制器——AT89C2051 (3)2.1.1 AT89C2051的特点 (3)2.1.2 AT89C2051引脚功能 (3)2.2红外线发射码组成原理 (4)2.2.1红外线一体化接收头 (4)2.2.2红外线发射码组成 (4)2.3时钟芯片DS1302 (5)2.3.1 DS1302的引脚排列及其内部结构 (5)2.3.2 DS1302数据传输方式 (6)3硬件电路原理设计 (7)3.1电源部分 (7)3.2时钟芯片DS1302 (7)3.3鸣响电路设计 (7)3.4红外线接收电路 (8)3.5电机执行电路 (8)4系统软件设计 (10)4.1红外线解码 (10)4.2 DS1302的控制程序 (10)4.3数码管显示设计 (11)4.4遥控控制部分 (11)参考文献 (14)致谢 (15)1 绪论本章阐述了单片机控制的红外线遥控自动窗帘系统的市场价值、研究背景、国内外的现状以及发展方向,明确指出了单片机控制的红外线遥控自动窗帘系统所面临的问题及一些解决方案。
在处理问题(1)时,本文首先将CD4与HIV之间的相互作用与人类战争类比,利??在处理问题(2)时,本文提出了“药物效用力”概念,基于超调量和峰值时间指标,建立了模型Ⅳ??问题(3)要求考虑病人的?? 最后,本文对治疗时用??关键词:战争模型 BP神经网络 ??(4-5个)一、问题的背景艾滋病是当前人类社会最严重的瘟疫之一,从1981年发现以来的20多年间,它已经吞噬了近3000万人的生命。
表1 主要变量符号说明一览表符号 x1?t? 含义问题1中第t周测得的CD4含量五、问题的分析题目的第一问要求我们利用附件1的数据预测该种疗法的治疗效果。
具体方法包括:1. 对羊草进行不同强度的放牧处理,以模拟不同程度的过度放牧压力;2. 通过生化分析,测定处理后羊草内源激素的含量变化;3. 结合基因表达分析,研究激素相关基因的表达情况;4. 通过实验结果分析激素在羊草适应过度放牧压力中的调控作用。
四、研究结果通过对比实验发现:1. 羊草在面临过度放牧胁迫时,内源激素含量出现明显变化,尤其是与生长相关的激素;2. 生长素等激素的含量在放牧初期显著增加,但随着放牧强度的增加和时间的推移,其含量逐渐降低;3. 细胞分裂素等激素的分布和含量变化与羊草的抗逆性密切相关;4. 基因表达分析显示,与激素合成和信号传导相关的基因在羊草应对过度放牧压力时表达量发生变化;5. 羊草通过调整激素水平及基因表达来记忆并适应环境变化。
方法选择10批不同产地苍耳子饮片,采用超高效液相色谱系统Waters Acquity UPLC H-Class 建立其UPLC 指纹图谱,通过对照品指认确定其共有峰并初步预测其候选Q-Marker ;运用网络药理学构建“核心成分-靶点-通路”网络,进一步预测苍耳子Q-Marker 及核心靶点,再用分子对接方法预测分析苍耳子Q-Marker 生物活性。
分子对接结果显示该8种成分与其对应的核心靶点之间均有较好的结合能力,表明苍耳子候选Q-Marker 拥有较好的生物活性。
结论通过UPLC 指纹图谱和网络药理学分析,预测出苍耳子的Q-Marker ,为其质量及药效学的进一步研究提供了参考。
1.神经外科重症监护病房护理记录单书写缺陷分析与对策 [J], 赵东娥;朱贤春
2.重症监护病房监护程图的设计? [J],
3.重症监护病房监护程图的设计与书写 [J], 李建华;杨翠萍;姚丽君;赵清华;王爱爱;冀国萍;张莜颖;邢宏平
4.重症监护病房与非重症监护病房中心静脉导管相关感染情况对比 [J], 江佳
5.儿童重症监护病房和新生儿重症监护病房死亡患儿父母心理干预研究进展 [J], 刘义婷; 宋艳; 黄瑞兵; 张晓丹; 李亚敏
在台湾省和香港特区,园艺疗法实践非常成功,获得美国园艺疗法协会认可的第一位园艺治疗师黄圣璘就是一例,他在2007年出版的《走进园艺治疗的世界》畅销至世界各地;2010年,台湾绿色养生学会(FGCA )成立,并与亚太国际园艺疗法协会签约,标志着园艺疗法在台湾省的制度化。
基于 ABC情绪护理下的综合康复在脑卒中偏瘫患者中的应用【摘要】目的:探究基于ABC情绪护理下的综合康复在脑卒中偏瘫患者中的应用效果。
第40卷第2期2019年2月湖南科技学院学报Journal of Hunan University of Science and EngineeringVol.40No.2Feb.2019中国当代水彩画创作中的城市题材探析宋宗爱(湖南科技学院美术与艺术设计学院,湖南永州425199)摘要:城市化是当今社会比较时髦的话题,随着中国当下城市化进程的迅速发展,当代水彩画表现题材也由原来以乡村自然景观为主开始更多地涉及到城市题林尤其是近几年的各类水彩画展览上出现了许多优秀6勺城市题材作品,并且呈现出一种强劲的发展趋势。
1 对象与方法1.1 研究对象选择医院2021年1月- 2022年12月收治的100例骶骨肿瘤患者作为研究对象。
两组患者上述一般信息比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),【摘要】 目的 观察分析综合护理模式在球囊阻断下骶骨肿瘤切除术患者中的应用效果。
方法 选择医院2021年1月- 2022年12月收治的100例骶骨肿瘤患者作为研究对象,按照组间性别、年龄等基线资料均衡可比的原则将其分为对照组和观察组,每组50例。
结果 综合护理模式干预后,观察组患者并发症发生率为2.00%,显著低于对照组的18.00%,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
农业生物技术学报 Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology 2007,15(5):805~809*基金项目:浙江省科技重点攻关项目(No.2006C22045)资助。
Author for correspondence.教授, 博导, 主要从事牧草种质培育和资源开发研究。
Tel:057186971930;Email:<ymwu@>. 收稿日期:20070130 接受日期:20070316 ·研究论文· 紫花苜蓿铝胁迫抑制消减文库的构建和初步分析 *夏卓盛 1,2 , 吴跃明 1 **, 李新伟 1, 李进军 1 , 李海庆 1 (1.浙江大学动物科学学院, 动物分子营养学教育部重点实验室, 杭州 310029;2.浙江省舟山市畜牧兽医局, 舟山 316000)摘要: 为了分离和鉴定铝诱导基因, 用前期水培试验筛选的紫花苜蓿( )小冠品种为材料, 以经过 40 滋mol/L 铝离子胁迫的紫花苜蓿幼根为实验方, 未胁迫的为驱赶方, 用抑制消减杂交法 (SSH ) 构建了一个紫花苜蓿铝胁迫消减文库。
菌 落PCR 显示插入片段在 250 ~1200bp 之间,文库质量良好。
通过对文库阳性克隆随机测序共得到 34个有效 EST 序列。
经 BLASTX 分析表明, 有 25个 EST 与GenBank 中其它序列有同源性, 9个 EST 未找到相似性较高序列。
其中有 1个 EST 编码 果胶甲酯酶, 该酶能催化果胶的甲氧酯水解产生果胶酸和甲醇, 产生游离羧基, 可能在细胞壁结合铝离子过程中发挥作用。
其 它24个EST 序列分别编码过氧化物酶、 钙依赖蛋白激酶、 蔗糖转化酶、 蛋白磷酸脂酶调节因子、 蛋白转运体、 细胞色素P450和 乙酰氨基己糖苷酶等, 这些蛋白涉及到植物体的抗氧化作用、 信号传导、 发育和能量代谢等多种生理过程, 是植物在多种胁迫 下均会出现的非特异性应答反应。
论文 二稿修改后
商丘师范学院2015届本科毕业论文(设计)城镇化进程中农村劳动力转移存在的问题与对策研究姓名:丁李敏院系:经济与管理学院专业:公共事业管理学号: 131632011指导教师:李静2015年 3 月29 日目录绪论 (1)一、城镇化进程中劳动力转移的原因及对经济社会发展的意义 (1)(一)城镇化进程中劳动力转移的原因 (1)(二)劳动力转移对经济社会发展的意义 (2)二、城镇化进程中农村剩余劳动力转移存在的问题 (2)(一)农村剩余劳动力职业素质水平亟待提升 (2)(二)农村剩余劳动力维权难 (3)(三)社会保障制度对整个群体保障水平不高 (3)(四)转移的盲目性问题突出 (3)三、解决城镇化进程中劳动力转移存在的问题对策分析 (3)(一)加快农业产业化发展水平,保障就地转移 (3)(二)发展城镇经济,推动各产业平衡发展 (4)(三)多种渠道提升农村劳动力职业素质 (4)(四)政府提供必要的政策制度保障 (4)(五)加快城乡社保体系一体化进程 (4)参考文献 (5)致谢 (5)城镇化进程中农村劳动力转移存在的问题与对策研究摘要改革开放以来,随着我国经济社会的不断发展,农村的经济发展也取得了较大的进步,随着农民生活水平的提高及农村生产现代化水平快速进步,解放了多数的农村劳动力。
关键词关键词:剩余劳动力转移;城镇化;转移对策The problems and Countermeasures of the rural labor force transfer exists in the process of UrbanizationAbstractSince the reform and opening up, as China's economic and social development, the economic development of rural areas has made great progress, with the improvement of the modernization level of rural production and living standards of farmers the rapid progress of the liberation of the rural labor force, the majority of the. Judging from the current situation of urbanization is an important engine of China's economic and social development, plays an important role in the transfer of rural labor force for the construction of urbanization in China,the transfer of labor to meet the demand of human resources in the construction of urbanization, but in the transfer of labor force and promote the urbanization construction at the same time also resulted in the city many problems. Chinese rural population of about 800000000 people, with the transfer of rural surplus labor force of social norm, for our country comprehensive well-off society is of great significance. In this paper, combined with the development of our present and Chinese urbanization, rural surplus labor transfer from the background, and the transfer of rural surplus labor force is very important for our country's economic and social development, and explore the existence of rural surplus labor transfer in our country in the process of the problems and put forward corresponding countermeasures.Key wordsKeywords: The transfer of surplus labor force; Urbanization; Transfer Countermeasures绪论我国一直以来是一个农业大国,随着改革开放的不断深化,我国的工业化进程也在不断加快,农村剩余劳动力已然成为我国劳动力的主力军,他们分布在各个行业中,约占我国劳动力人口的七成左右,且每年处于不断增长态势。
海之蓝――品牌形象设计系部计算机与电子电气工程系专业计算机科学与技术年级2010学生王小二学号2010160XXX指导教师XX 职称讲师The blue sea――brand image designDepartment T he Department Of Computer &EEE Subject Computer Science And Technology Grade 2010Name WANG XIAO ERStudent ID 2010160XXXTeacher ZHAO X X津桥学院毕业(设计)论文诚信承诺书为确保毕业(设计)论文写作质量和答辩工作的顺利开展,达到按期圆满毕业的目标。
毕业设计(论文)作者签名:年月日目录摘要 (1)Abstract (2)前言 (3)第一章“海之蓝”品牌形象设计方案的构思来源 (4)1.1 海产品市场日益旺盛 (4)1.2 消费者需求的多面性 (4)1.3 消费者审美意识的增强 (5)1.4 袋装的海鲜产品在市场上缺乏品牌活力 (5)第二章“海之蓝”品牌形象创意说明和灵感来源 (7)2.1 “海之蓝”品牌名称的创意说明 (7)2.2 “海之蓝”商标的构思 (8)2.3 “海之蓝”品牌设计的整体概念 (8)2.4 “海之蓝”品牌包装设计和材料的选择 (10)2.4.1 保护商品的功能 (10)2.4.2 适应列展销的要求 (10)2.4.3 考虑包装成本的核算 (10)2.4.4 注意利用回收,保护环境 (10)2.5 “海之蓝”品牌形象的设计风格定位 (11)2.5.1 符合儿童消费者的心理需求的产品包装 (11)2.5.2 适合大众审美观比较成熟型的包装 (11)2.5.3 喜庆类的海产品包装 (12)2.6 “海之蓝”包装附赠产品 (12)第三章“海之蓝”品牌形象广告策划和宣传 (13)3.1 广告语——“自鱼自乐” (13)3.2 海报 (14)3.3 品牌宣传册 (14)3.3.1 宣传准确真实 (14)3.3.2 介绍仔细详实 (15)3.3.3印刷精美别致 (15)第四章“海之蓝”品牌形象的空间展示效果 (16)结论 (18)总结与体会 (19)致 (20)参考文献 (21)附录一 (22)附录二 (23)海之蓝――品牌形象设计摘要目前中国已经是全球最大的海产品出口国,人们对海产品的需求也逐年的增大,面对这么一个充满商机的市场,如何树立“海之蓝”这一品牌的稳定性并使其发展壮大?都将成为一个品牌的设计动力。
【关键词】招贴;广告艺术;传播AbstractPoster advertising as the oldest advertising medium its approach to spread relatively single, are generally located in the streets, cinemas, theaters, exhibitions, business downtown, station, wharf, parks and other public places. Transmission way though, but in posted signs a process of this propagation of advertising have many classification and different. For example: whether performance and surroundings fitting for the content. Consider how the audience to more accord with features【keywords 】Poster; Advertising art; spread引言招贴设计是应用比较广泛的艺术设计之一,至今发展时间已有很长时间,但是关于招贴设计的发展过程,还有很多人不是很了解,早此篇文章我们会挨个的探讨关于招贴设计的种种。
学号20070701050232密级第二稿2011—5—10 兰州城市学院本科毕业论文市售松花蛋中铅含量的评价学院名称:化学与环境科学学院专业名称:化学学生姓名:夏玫指导教师:陈明凯副教授二○一一年五月BACHELOR’S DEGREE THESISOF LANZHOU CITY UNIVERSITYThe functionalities of lead SongHuaDan theevaluationCollege :Chemistry and Environmental ScienceSubject :ChemistryName :Mei XiaDirected by : Mingkai Chen Associate professorMay 2011郑重声明本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。
本人签名:日期:目录中文要····················································································································英文要·····················································································································第1章论·················································································································1.1 研究背景·······································································································1.2 松花蛋工艺简介····························································································1.3 氧化铅在加工中的引入················································································1.4 课题的探究内容····························································································第2章铅含量的测定····························································································2。
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江西理工大学本科毕业论文The Differences of Address Forms in English and Chinese andtheir Culture Connotation学院: The Faculty of Foreign Study专业:English班级:Class 071学生姓名:Ai Xiaole指导教师:Liu Hongying称谓语是发话人用来称呼交际对方的用语,它是一种语言现象,但其功能远不仅如此。
关键词:称谓语;差异;文化内涵AbstractAddress forms are the languages used by the speakers to call the other people of a conversation. They are the phenomena of language, but they have much more functions. Address forms reflect the particular social phenomenon and culture connotation. China has a long history of more than 5000 years. Till now, there exist a great number of address forms. These address forms all reflect the characteristics of an age and the culture connotation. Nowadays, with the Chinese opening to the outside and joining into WTO, it relates with the outside world more closely, more deeply, more comprehensively, at the mean time, the development of Chinese modernization improves Chinese status gradually over the world, and Chinese influences become wider. All the countries over the world start to pay attention to China, and start to study and learn Chinese language. But English is still the common used language over the world, and the language of the most developed countries is English. So it’s quite necessary for us to learn their advanced cultures, knowledge, technologies. This thesis focus on collecting the address forms of English and Chinese, studying and learning the differences, and analyzing the culture connotation reflected in them. So as to reach the goal of learning the cultures of both sides, and make the exchanging and communications of different cultures more conveniently.Key words: Address forms; Differences; Culture connotationChapter I IntroductionLanguage is a carrier of culture, and it also reflects one country’s cultural characteristics. Address form is an element of language and a very important base of communication. Its proper use is the foundation of maintaining people’s convenient communication. With the development of the world and the rising of China, the communications between the cultures of China and western countries become more and more. How to research and study the proper use of address forms will play an important role in the communications between the Chinese culture and western culture. At present, lots of experts and scholars have studied the topic and many books and papers have written the topic, these works are mainly emphasizing on the address forms in Chinese and English, and the differences between two languages. These works are comprehensive and they have achieved great successes. This topic in this thesis are based on predecessors’ works, and the purpose of writing this thesis is to raise my own views and ideas on address forms. Besides the predecessors’ works, this thesis will also raise the generalization and westernization of Chinese forms. The development of society brings people new idea and new mind, and lots of traditional address forms change their original meanings with the time going. Also, with the rapid procceding of Internet and information tech, a lot of new address forms have been created and used in our daily life. Meanwhile, after China’s entry into WTO, cultures of western countries flow into China and affect even impact Chinese culture and people’s mind, people start to adjust their life including address forms to accord with the international standards. So it is quite necessary to analyse the phenomena of generalization and westernization of Chinese address forms, and find out the origin. It will help us to understand our own history and culture, then the world.Chapter II The definition of address form and the functions 2.1.DefinitionAccording to the explanation in Modern Chinese Dictionary, address form refers to the names based on the kinship or other relations among the people and people’s statuses and professions. Address form reflects language, and it also reflects the social cultures. In any languages, address form plays an important role in social intercourses. The theory of sociolinguistics puts that the use of address form should be limited in the frame of ethnic culture. And the address form depends on the relations of similarity or dissimilarity, the relations of ascendance, coherence relations and other relations. It should properly recognize the relations among the roles in particular situations. It should also obey the behavioral norms of speech roles expected by the society. Address form can be parted in two branches: kinship address form and social address form.2.2. FunctionsIn interpersonal communications, address forms consist of three aspects: address forms for both sides of communication, address forms for speakers own, and address forms for others. Joshua Fishman raised the theory of register in the research of sociolinguistics. He put the use of address forms into five registers: family register, friend register, religion register, education register, work register. Fishman considers that people can choose the address forms in different situations based on the five registers. The author thinks that the functions of address forms are to maintain the coherence of speeches and clearance of meanings and to make the propagations of information between communicative sides more fluently and conveniently. The features are as following:(1) Address forms help to build new human relations, express the will to get close, or just be used as an address forms, or express the will to be away. For example, on the calling of names, two strangers meet with each other for the first time, and one gets to know the other one’s name is ZhangXiaojun, when he calls XiaoJun, it will let the other one feels familiar. It reflects he wants to get close to the other one and use a proper strategy.(2) Address forms adjust the old human relation; it can make the original relations closer or remoter or keep them still. From the following conversation, we can see that different uses of address forms reflect both sides’mental activities ingeniously, and imply their willings to adjust the original relation.E.g. A gentleman says to a lady: “Darling, forgive me this time, ok?”The lady answers: “No way! Chen Zhongqing, I won’t be fool again!”In the conversation, the two people choose different address forms, and reflect their different aims to adjust the original relation. The husband use Darling a very familiar address form. His aim is quite clear, he tries to get close to his wife, and pray for the forgiveness, while the wife choose the full name to call the husband in order to keep distance, even make the original relation remoter, and shows her mental activity of non-cooperation and refuse to accept her husband’s apology.Chapter III The differences of kinship address forms inEnglish and Chinese and their culture connotation3.1. The definition of kinship address formsKinship address forms refer to the names that define the kin members and principle’s relations centered on the principle. Kinship address forms are the names or callings among relatives based on consanguinity and affinity. Kinship address forms are the marks centered on the principle to define the relations among relatives and principle.According to the consanguinity and affinity relations, the author collects and classifies the kinship address forms usually used in our daily life.Consanguinity:Chinese English丈夫husband妻子wife父亲father母亲mother儿子son女儿daughter哥哥、弟弟brother姐姐、妹妹sister祖父、外祖父grandfather祖母、外祖母grandmother孙子、外孙grandson孙女、外孙女granddaughter伯父、叔父、舅舅、姑父、姨父uncle侄子、外甥nephew伯母、婶母、舅母、姑母、姨母aunt侄女、外甥女niece堂兄弟姐妹、表兄弟姐妹cousinAffinity:Chinese English公公、岳父father-in-law婆婆、岳母mother-in-law女婿son-in-law儿媳daughter-in-law大伯、小叔、内兄、内弟、姐夫、妹夫brother-in-law大姑、小姑、大姨、小姨、嫂子、弟媳妇sister-in-law3.2. Kinship address forms in Chinese are more complex than those in EnglishWhy Chinese kinship address forms are more complex. First, it is the etiquette tradition of Chinese culture. The Chinese nation was reputed as a civilized nation and a state of ceremonies in the world. The system of etiquette has formed and highly developed many thousand years ago, and it combined with the Confucian ideals later. Its affluences and bonding forces became more comprehensive and wider. So in such a etiquette society, the culture of etiquette become so mature. There must be complex address forms to comply with them. Second, it is because our nation had been in the feudal society for a long history, and the unit of social community is family or clan. So the power of clan is very strong. In the clan, the close and distant relations are classified by levels strictly, and the distinctions of internal and external relatives are very clear. So lots of interrelated address forms appeared and were classified in detail. Meanwhile, the address forms in English are quite simple. A few words can cover lots of them. British etiquette culture formed many thousand years later than Chinese, and after the Renaissance, some books of etiquette appeared in the western countries, but the they only focused on teaching people how to have a refined way of speaking and good manners and to be gentle. These etiquette principles are just some decorations and embellishes for the super class society. They are not like what the Chinese ancient ancestors recognized the etiquette as the foundation to run the country well and give the people peace and security. So the etiquette principles are not so comprehensive, systematic, detailed as Chinese ones. Even though the western countries also went through the feudal society, and there were serfdom and the feudal Patrilineal clan system, but after the Renaissance and the industry revolution, western legal system stepped into a new period. The idea of freedom, equality and fraternity spread everywhere, and under the affluences of legal system, the address forms of consanguinity and affinity in English are simpler than those quite common for us to see in Chinese. So address forms in Chinese are more complex.3.3. Kinship address forms in Chinese emphasize the position while those inEnglish do notKinship address forms in Chinese emphasize the position and elders and juniors are each in their places. Kinship address forms should recognize the exact position of one among the brothers and sisters, this comply with the ideas of elders gain the respects in etiquette. The family should obey the Patrilineal clan system order of elders and juniors are each in their places and elders gain the respects from the juniors. Age and position are important and strict basis to distinguish, because in the feudal society where gain respects or not based on age, even one hour, one day earlier, the former one gets the position as elder, and has the rights to gain respects and obedience from the later ones, and the duties attach with the rights, such as recognizing the elder brother as the father and in the ancient time the emperor passed the position to the eldest son. So the kinship address forms in Chinese distinguish the elder and junior ones clearly. But the kinship address forms in English do not emphasize the difference of ages. The males in the same generation call each other brother, and the females call sister, and the western people usually use the name or nickname as address forms in the samegeneration. Jesus advocated all the members in a family are equal and he called his mother’s name directly, and he considered sons and daughters could debate with parents, even could be enemies. So there’s no difference of whose position’s high or low, and in the same generation, the members could call the names directly no matter who are elder or junior, to show familiar and friendly. So the people in Chinese can not call the elders’names directly, but those in the western countries can. And in the western countries, the centre family has the dominant position, the relations among the family members are quite simple. All members do not pay much attention to the kinship of each other, for the members do not stay with each other in the same house or place. So it’s not necessary to distinguish each other’s position.3.4. Kinship address forms in Chinese emphasize the internal and external relations while those in English do notIn Chinese Culture and Translation of Chinese and English, professor LuHongmei puts that in the Chinese address forms culture, people firstly emphasize the differences of paternal line and maternal line, followed with the differences of branch growth and marriage relations. Such as 祖父、外祖父,伯叔、舅舅,姑母、姨母, these are different address forms based on different branches of the family and clan, though the members are in the same generation and have the same gender. Moreover, there are eight address forms such as 表兄弟、表姐们、堂兄弟、堂姐妹in the kinship address forms in Chinese, these address forms tied tightly with the traditional ideas of great differences among internal and external ones which passed from the ancient time. Chinese “表”means external in English, 表亲refers the external relatives, they are not the members in the same family, but 堂兄弟refers to the internal relatives, they are the members of the family. And there’s also a traditional idea that when the daughter grows up and marries with a man, she becomes a member of other family, not an internal member. So the assets of the family and other skills passed from the ancestors will be passed to the males and internal ones but not the females and external ones. Therefore the kinship address forms in Chinese emphasize the internal and external relations. In the kinship address forms in English, there are not so many differences of paternal lines and maternal lines, and people only use cousin instead of 表兄弟、表姐们、堂兄弟、堂姐妹in Chinese, all these reflect that kinship address forms in English do not emphasize the differences of internal and external relations as those in Chinese.Chapter IV The differences of social address forms in Englishand Chinese and their culture connotation4.1. The definition of social address formsSocial address forms refer to the address forms besides kinship address forms. They reflect the culture of social life and mutual relations, the social relations between the two sides of communication, and the social roles and the respected levels and so on. Social address forms can be apart into non-kinship address forms and situation address forms.Non-kinship address forms, refer to the address forms beside kinship ones, such as boy, girl, guy, they are common used in the society. They reflect that the communicative two people do not have the relationship of kin. Situation address forms refer to the particular address forms used in particular situation, they reflect the people’s classes, status, and also the relations between supply and demand. Here is a conversation between a black doctor and a white policeman:“What’s your name, boy?” the policeman asked“Dr. Poussaint, I’m a physician.”“What’s your first name, boy?”“Alvin.”In this conversation, the white policeman should call the black man “Doctor”, but he uses “boy” to address the doctor, then the black man tells the policeman his title and position, but the white policeman still ignores that and uses “boy” to address the black man. It reflects that at that period, black people were in a low class and did not gain respects from the white people.4.2. The differences of social address forms in English and Chinese and theirculture connotationBeing polite and modest is a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. It is also existed in western culture, but there are great differences of each cultural backgrounds. The practical uses of address forms are quite different. This point is especially reflected on the title address forms. People in China use the position title to call the officers to show respect, such as Teacher Zhang, Professor Li, Principal Wang and so on. Though lots of people advocate using Comrade instead, the old habit can not be corrected easily. Even more, someone wants to show the respect as much as possible, so he or she ignore the word vice of the position title.But in the western countries, the use of title address forms are limited for the royals, super class of government, the members in the areas of religions, military, and legislation. Owen Trollope, American social linguist, summarized the rules of social address forms in American English as following:Cardinal Your excellencyU.S President Mr. PresidentPriest Father(+LN) (LN= Last name)Nun Sister(+religious name)Physician Doctor(+LN)Ph.D. Doctor(+LN)Ed.D. etc Doctor(+LN)Professor Professor(+LN)This is just a common rule of social address forms. The practical uses of address forms are much more complex. On the matter of address forms, Chinese culture believes the junior ones should respect the elder ones. This relates to our traditional morals. When we call the elder ones, we often call Old Wang, Wang Old, Old Grandpa, Old Grandma and so on. Because in China, the word “old” refers to one who is full of knowledge, wisdom and skills. But in the western countries, except in the very formal situations people call Mr, Lady, Mrs. People who are familiar with each other usually call their names, the same for the seniors and juniors, elders and juniors, teachers and students. They think that reflects their close friendships. Especially when you call the aged with an address form attached to old, they usually become very angry for they think that intimates they are weak, poor in health, and lack of vigor. They expect you to call their names directly. Meanwhile in this situation you will be considered not being brought up well.In addition, there are lots of words with the meaning of respect in Chinese. The most popular ones were comrade, master and so on in the early time. No matter what gender you are, these address forms were in common use. Recently, with the development of Reform and Opening of China, Mr, Lady, Miss and so on are often used. The International address forms are used more and more comprehensively. This also reflects the impacts and affluences of internationalization on Chinese traditional sense of value. In the western culture, the address forms of showing respect are usually Mr., Mrs., Miss, Sir, Madam etc. Just like we put forward above, the former three address forms can be attached to family name or full name. But when you use Mr., Mrs., Sir, Madam, you should know the followings: even though Mr., Mrs. can be attached to family name or full name, they can not be attached to the religious name, and they are usually used for the persons with no title or unknown title, or they are very formal, and do not show the close relation.Mr. can be attached to the title of government officer, for example, Mr. President. It can be attached to the names of places, sports or jobs, such as Mr. American (The champion of muscular development match in America), Mr. Baseball (The baseball player who performs very well in the baseball game). Mrs. is an address form refers to the woman married, it can be attached to the family name of the husband or the name after marriage, it likes Mr., can be attached to the names of places, sports, jobs, such as Mrs. American (The champion of Beauty match in America and married). Sir, Madam usually can not be attached to the family names. They do not show the close relations of people. Sir is used to call the seniors, elders, chancellors, police, teachers(for students), male guests(for the staffs of shop). And when the strangers meet with each other, some will use Sir to call the others. Madam is an address form to call the females unfamiliar. It is usually used by the staffs to call the female guests. Madam could be attached to the religious name in the early time, but now it is usually used with family names andpositions, such as Madam Smith, Madam President, Madam Ambassador. Sir can be attached to full names or religious names, but can not be attached to family names. When it is used with full names, it does not refer to the general meaning of sir. It means the nobility of a people, such as Sir John White or Sir John.Chapter V The generalization and westernization of Chineseaddress forms5.1. The generalization of Chinese kinship address formsThe generalization of Chinese kinship address forms means that people use the kinship address forms to call the non-kinship people. It’s the main part of generalization of address forms, and it enriches the meanings and directions of kinship address forms. Children call the aged people Grandpa. They call the elder male people “brother” in the street, even though they do not have the relations of consanguinity. What they do conforms the principles of love in the communications of human in Chinese culture. They want to express their concerning and modesty.5.2. The generalization of Chinese social address formsThe generalization of Chinese social address forms refers to the using of the address forms which have particular social relation characteristics to the ones who do not have the characteristics. For example, in the address forms of position, people ignore the vice of one’s position. They call director instead of vice-director, call professor instead of vice-professor. These intimate the respect and glorification, and people achieve their requires based on these address forms. In the common address forms, some address forms have particular directions, but after the generalization, they have much more directions, such as comrade, master, Miss and so on. We can study from the sociolinguistics angle, that is, different generalizations of address forms of different languages reflect different choices of the nations in the communications. These choices are the sediments of languages and the phenomenon based languages in the national cultures.5.3. The westernization of Chinese address formsWith the development of China, our communications with the outside world become more and more. Different cultures merge with each other. Lots of Chinese traditional cultures and customs are fading away. Because of the impacts and influences of western ideas and cultures, lots of westernization phenomena appear in the Chinese address forms.5.3.1. From Community spirit to Personal spiritNowadays, with the opening to the outside, lots of intellectuals are affected by the western personal spirit, especially the so called “new human beings”—the childrenborn in 1980s. They become mature gradually, have strong sense of independence, like to do something new and strange, and be willing to adventure. They do not like to follow the main stream of society. In such environment, some intellectuals start to cultivate their children’s independence spirit, so they will allow the children to call the parents’ names directly, so as to respect the children’s developments of personalities. 5.3.2. From the Concept of Class to the Sense of EqualityIn the current society, the sense of equality is gradually changing Chinese traditional sense of class, especially in the aspect of social address forms. People become equal, They called each other comrade and master in the early time, but later, such as sir, lady, Miss became popular. Great changes happened in the aspect of equality of male and female. Now the society recognizes that “Women can brace half of the sky”, and in the address forms among the couples, such as honey, darling, sweetheart are very common now, in addition, there are also all kinds of nicknames. 5.3.3. From Emphasizing the Face to Emphasizing the Practical Use and AbilitiesWith the development of society and the fierce competitions, Chinese people become more practical and pay more attention to the abilities and disbursements. It reflects a great trend of pragmaticism, such as Ph.D. Liu, Engineer Zhang. These two address forms emphasize that the degree of Ph.D. and the position of engineer are gained by great efforts and disbursements.Chapter VI ConclusionLanguage is the carrier of culture, while culture is the connotation of language. Language reflects the sense of value and social culture contents of a nation, and it also reflects the traditional special connotation of national culture. Address form which is an important part of language, is very close to the culture. In Chinese culture, address form reflects two moral concepts of moral rules: Elders and juniors are in each place and great differences of internal and external relations. Juniors should respect the elders, the elders occupy the upper position in the system. The system emphasizes the orders, rules, positions, classes and powers, not people’s abilities and creativities. In China, especially in the ancient China, the degress was very important, and sometimes an old man would address an infant “grandfather”. Meanwhile, the system of English address form has simple classes and vague meanings. People treat each other equally, they do not care about the blood relations very much, and there are no clear boundary of internal and external relations. People are much more pragmatic and they care more about the personal abilities, not the backgrounds. Ability decides the position. Address form relates to sociolinguistics, psychology, anthropology, folklore and so on. It’s affected by social culture and sense of value. The proceeding of modernization and globalization accelerates currency of spirits and material goods, and puts different nations into a common “global village”, and cross culture communications become essential parts of daily life in every nation. So it’s quite necessary to research and study the differences of cultures in the east and west, and puts it into the practical use. This will make great contribution to learn our own cultures better, and then spread the national cultures to the world. It will help to conquer the hinders caused by the differences of cultures in the communications and remove the misunderstandings of each other. 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Without his patient guide, effective enlightenment and constructive suggestions, the paper cannot reach the current level.Second, I am also sincerely grateful to all the writers whose articles or works give me a lot of help because these materials enrich my paper. Moreover, I want to thank my classmates for their company and help in my study in this university. They shared a lot of materials with me and offered me many helpful advices.At last, I thank my parents and friends offering me help. My paper can be finished under their devotion and supporting.In a word, here I offer my thanks to everyone again!。