KUKA机器人操作嘿,朋友!今天咱们来聊聊 KUKA 机器人操作这档子事儿。
有一回,我带着一群学生去参观一家工厂,那儿就有 KUKA 机器人在忙活着。
咱们言归正传,先来说说 KUKA 机器人操作的基础知识。
操作KUKA 机器人,您得先了解它的基本构造。
KUKA 机器人通常由机械本体、控制系统、驱动系统和传感器等部分组成。
要想让 KUKA 机器人乖乖听话,您得学会编程。
比如说,您想让它从 A 点移动到 B 点,您就得准确地告诉它移动的速度、路径还有停留的时间。
KUKA 机器人的操作界面就像是一个神秘的控制面板,上面有各种各样的按钮、图标和参数设置。
操作 KUKA 机器人的时候,安全可是重中之重!您可千万别小瞧这一点。
还有啊,KUKA 机器人的维护也不能马虎。
第1章 库卡机器人基础知识入门
第 1 章 概述
2014年,库卡在上海建立了亚洲第一个海外工厂,这意味着库卡机 器人在中国将进入更加广阔的产业市场,诸如食品工业和饮料行业、 物流现场的搬运、激光表面热处理、机械加工等诸多领域。左图、右 图分别为堆垛用库卡机器人和库卡机器人专用焊接机焊接特殊部件。 据相关专业人士预计,在中国,库卡机器人在汽车产业的销量大概占 到50%~60%总销量的情况来看,至少还有一半的销量将覆盖计算 机、通信和消费性电子行业等领域。
KR5 arc是库卡机器人系列产品中最小的机器人之一 。其具有价格优惠、尺寸紧凑、运动灵活等优势,而 5kg的负载能力使其特别适合完成标准弧焊工艺。
第 1 章 概述
KR X arc HW系列 机器人
Hollow Wrist系列机器人针对气体保护焊接而被开 发。其具有一些与众不同的功能特征-机械臂和机械 手上有一个50mm宽的通孔,可以保证机械臂上的 整套保护气体软管的敷设。由此不仅可以避免保护气 体软管组件受到机械性损失,而且可以防止其在机器 人改变方向时随意甩动。
第 1 章 概述
KR QUANTEC prime系列机器人
KR QUANTEC prime系列稳定性和精确性超群,作 业周期更短,而轨迹精度与节能效果最佳。尽管作用 半径大至3000mm左右,负载能力达到150kg以上 ,“KRQUANTEC prime”仍然可实现±0.06mm 的点重复精度。
第 1 章 概述
第 1 章 概述
KR16 L6-2 KS(F) 机器人
安装在设备上的KS型架装式机器人增加了作业空间 深度,同时缩小了机身尺寸。这项优势在对注塑机 进行装卸时表现得尤为突出。由于底座平展,故行 程路径短且作用范围大,这样在设备装料时便可缩 短周期时间。
1974 年,第一个用一个微处理器控制的电动机器人进入市场。
1996 年,库卡机器人集团的工业机器人开发取得质的飞跃。
当时第一台由库卡公司开发的采用PC 机的控制系统已投放市场。
库卡机器人集团知道人和设备面临的挑战,他们了解客户的要求并据此提出行之有效的解决方案 - 工作理念。
KUKA机器人将借助人工智能和 机器学习技术,实现高级别的 决策和路径优化,提高生产效
通过机器学习算法对运行数据 的分析,KUKA机器人能够预测 故障并提前进行维护,提高设
结合自然语言处理和情感分析 技术,KUKA机器人将实现更自 然、更丰富的人机交互,拓展
KUKA机器人在汽车制造领域的应用,实现了高效、精准的自动化生产线。机器 人自动化喷涂、装配、检测等环节,大大提高了生产效率,降低了人力成本,提 升了汽车制造的质量和一致性。
KUKA机器人的机械和电 气设计经过充分优化,具 有高度的稳定性和可靠性 。
KUKA机器人的价格相对较高,对于一些预算有限的用户来说 可能不太友好。
虽然KUKA机器人具有强大的运动规划和操作能力,但其操作 界面和编程方式可能对新手来说较为复杂。
• KUKA机器人介绍 • KUKA机器人的应用场景 • KUKA机器人编程与控制 • KUKA机器人的优势与局限 • KUKA机器人未来发展趋势 • KUKA机器人实际应用案例解析
德国品牌KUKA创立 于1898年,初期从 事贸易活动。
KUKA KR 16-2 机器人操作手册说明书
Create a New Code File (1/3)
1. Highlight this window 2
Create a New Code File (2/3)
Create a New Code File (3/3)
1. Type the file name 2
Edit a Code File (1/4)
PTP {POS: X 1000.00, Y 0.00, Z 1000.00, A 90.00, B 0.00, C 90.00, S 6, T 50}
;Motion Part
Part 3. Motion Part (will be executed continuously)
PTP {POS: X 500.00, Y 500.00, Z 500.00, A 90.00, B 0.00, C 90.00, S 6, T 50}
• To do this, the controller calculates the necessary angle differences for each axis.
• Syntax
PTP {POS: X 1000.00, Y 0.00, Z 1000.00, A 90.00, B 0.00, C 90.00, S 6, T 50} or
Coding Guideline
Part 1. Just type INI"
;Initial Position
Part 2. Set the Initial Position
$VEL.CP = 0.5
1、库卡机器人本体、控制柜、机器人编程控制器性能参数具体说明 KR16机器人本体KR16的外形尺寸及工作范围KR16性能参数负载(指第6轴最前端P点负载)16公斤手臂/第1轴转盘负载10/20 公斤总负载46公斤运动轴数6法兰盘(第6轴上)DIN ISO 9409-1-A50安装位置地面/墙壁/天花板重复精度+/控制器KRC2自重235公斤作业空间范围立方米每个轴的运动参数运动范围运动速度轴1+/-185°156°/s 轴2+35°/-155°156°/s 轴3+154°/ -130°156°/s 轴4+/-350°330°/s轴5+/-130°330°/s轴6+/-350°615°/s机器人控制器KRC2(1)机器人控制器KRC2外形尺寸控制柜采用高强材料作为结构框架,内部器件布置简洁明了,全部采用总线形式,维护方便、可靠;控制柜内的冷却按欧洲标准设计制造,元器件与冷却回路隔开,冷却可靠,外部灰层不会进入控制柜内部。
库卡工业机器人优点描述:(1)标准六轴工业机器人本体:合理的机械结构和紧凑化设计6个自由度AC伺服马达绝对位置编码器所有轴都带有抱闸特定的负载和运动惯量的设计,使得速度和运动特性达到最优化臂部的附加负载对额定负载没有运动限制本体和控制器之间7m长电缆, 并可根据需要进行扩展特点描述:模块化的机械结构设计,任何部分都可迅速更换高精度电子零点标定,任何人在任何时间所作的零点标定都是相同的,标定后,程序无需重新校正即可进入生产状态。
KR16维护 (1-3轴)
机器人KR6; KR16 维护保养手册维护保养操作指导不含腕部轴发行发行::2008-02-20 版本 版本::05 1 of 17版权:KUKA机器人有限公司该文件或引用,在没有得到版权所有者的允许,不可以复制或透露给第三方;与维护无关的功能描述,没有体现在该文件中,在控制系统说明文件中可以找到;我们检查了该文件内容与所描述的软件、硬件的一致性;然而不排除有差异性,此文件信息受定期检查,必要的修正会在今后的版本中。
2 of 17目 录1 概述2 润滑油更换2.1 主轴齿轮变速箱润滑油更换2.1.1 第一轴齿轮变速箱润滑油更换2.1.2 第二轴齿轮变速箱润滑油更换2.1.3 第三轴齿轮变速箱润滑油更换3 其他维护4 清洁和预防性维护5 使用润滑油的安全防范措施3 of 17适合以下型号机器人的维护:必须遵守相关的安全准则!对于“EX”系列机器人,维护必须是在无爆炸危险的环境下进行!对于“CR”系列机器人,维护或清洁工作必须是在清洁室外进行,在维护前,所有可能妨碍维护工作的部件,都应该拆除;润滑脂的更换,是在特殊指定维护间隔时间,或机器人开始工作5年后进行,以先到时间为准。
4 of 17符号说明维护位置维护位置,在图上可明显看到的维护位置,在图上被隐藏住的润滑油更换,指定的维护间隔时间标示更换润滑油的容积拧紧螺丝/螺母检查或更换齿形皮带目视检查可将维护方法描述分成几个步骤并标以数字顺序展示出来。
KUKA 机器人入门操作
Start-up Lab ProcedureIntroductionThe KUKA KR16 robot is designed to perform well in any manufacturing task, from Welding to Palletizing to Machine Tending. It’s unique Windows PC-based controller allows for very powerful customization for the end user’s particular application.The KUKA robot is equipped with resolver technology for speed and position feedback. This means that when the system is powered up it doesn’t need to be referenced or homed in order to know where it is. However, A B lock CO incidence (BCO) move is always needed to align the physical arm with the first programmed point in a program.Safety EquipmentThe Robotics facility is protected by various safety devices such as Light Curtains, Emergency Stop switches, and door switches. In order to operate a robot system, the proper safety conditions must be met.Students are not permitted to enter the guarded cage at any time. If there is any reason to enter the cage an Instructor or Lab Supervisor must be the one to do it. Whenever the cage door opens all robots are automatically disabled. The cage door must be fully closed and the reset button must be pressed before any of the robots can be re-activated. Each robot work area is protected by a Light Curtain. If any object or part of the body enters the work area, the robot is disabled. Once the safety circuit has been tripped it must be reset before the robot can be re-started. The reset button lights up when the circuit is tripped and the light goes out when the circuit has been successfully reset.Start-up Lab ProcedureHuman-Machine InterfaceThe Kuka Control Panel (KCP2) handheld controller has many “Soft Keys” or “Programmable Keys”. These are buttons that are positioned around the display screen. The current function of each button is displayed on the screen and changes dynamically to suit the needs of the operation. The paragraphs below describe the physical layout of the KCP; refer to the screen shot of the display itself for an example of the types of function that could be shown on the screen.The top row keys are referred to as Menu Keys. They are used to open menus, while the Arrow keys and Enter key (lower right) are used to navigate through the menus.The keys on the left and right sides of the screen are Status Keys. They are used for selecting operating options, switching individual functions and setting values. Their current function is displayed on the screen.Start-up Lab ProcedureThe keys at the bottom of the screen are called Softkeys. They are used for a wide range of functions and operations.When selecting any key or function it may result in the display of a “popup” message window or menu window. The Escape key (yellow - top left) will usually close these windows. Use the Cursor arrow keys to select menu items and the Enter key to register your choice. Pressing Enter will sometimes complete an operation and sometime it will open a new menu window for further choices.The Window Selection key (blue – top left) is used to move the focus from one open window to the next. Usually the Softkeys and status keys will have different functions in different windows.Finally, there is a full QWERTY keyboard and Numeric keypad along the bottom of the handheld unit.Procedure to Turn OnTurn On1.Turn on the external computer (on top of the control cabinet.)2. Release three Emergency Stop buttons(one on the Robot Controller front panel,one on the Teach Pendant, and one on theSafety circuit control panel.) by turningthem and allowing them to pop out.3. Turn main power switch on4. The Windows Operating System will start.Even after the Display is on, wait for theMessage: “DSE – Boot Finished” to showin the message window.5. Press the bottom row Softkey “Ackn. All”6. If there is a message that says “ExternalEmergency Stop Pressed”, then reset the Safety Circuit (light curtain reset). 7.If there is a message that says“EMERGENCY STOP”, then reset the E-STOP buttons on the KRC2 controller or the KCP2 teach pendant (make sure they’repopped out).8. Press the bottom row Softkey “Ackn. All”If the message window is not focused andthis Softkey is not available, press the PageKey (blue) to select the message windowbefore “Ackn. All”.Start-up Lab ProcedureProcedure to Test Various Manual Motion Modes9. Press the blue Page key to select the main part of the window. This may show a current program being run or edited, or it may show a File Manager. 10. If a program is shown in Edit mode press“Close”, then “Yes” to save changes. If a program is shown in Run mode, press“NAVIGATOR”, then “Deselect”. Youshould now see the File Manager screen.Joint Mode1. Use the Mode Select key (directly under theJog Select key) to toggle between Run mode(picture of a runner) and Single Step Mode(picture of 2 walkers.) Leave the setting on Single Step .2. Use the Coordinate Select key (on the Right Side) to toggle between Joint, Tool, RobotBase, and World coordinate systems. Leavethe setting on Joint. 3. Hold the Enabling Switch (Live Man) on the back of the KCP. The I indicator on theMessage Window will turn Green when the drive contactor has been initialized.4. Use the +/- status keys to move the 6 axeslabelled A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6.Press the Jog Select key (Top Left Status Key) to toggle between Key Jog, Mouse Jog and No Jog (Run Mode). Leave the setting on Key Jog . Set the key switch on the control panel to T2 mode. Set the Hand Override (HOV) speed to 30%.Start-up Lab ProcedureProcedure to create a New Job and teach a simple programWorld Mode1. Set the Coordinate Select key to WorldCoordinates.2. Hold the Enabling Switch.3. Use the +/- status keys to move the 6 coordinatedirections labelled X, Y, Z, A, B and C.4.The origin of the coordinate system is on the floorat the center of the robot base.Robot Base Mode 1. The Robot Base coordinate system is currently setexactly the same as the World Coordinates.Tool Mode1. Set the Coordinate Select key to Tool Coordinates.2. Hold the Enabling Switch.3. Use the +/- status keys to move the 6 coordinatedirections labelled X, Y, Z, A, B and C.4. Notice how the origin of the coordinates is the tipof the tool rather than the base of the robot. Create a New Job 1. Make sure the display shows the File Management screen. 2. Use the Page Key to Focus on the File Management screen. 3. Use the right cursor and left cursor buttons (arrow keys) to move the highlighted cursor between the Folder Window on the Left side and the FileWindow on the Right side. Leave the cursor in the File Window.4. Press the Softkey “New” at the bottom of the display.5. Use the keyboard keys to type in a program name and then press Enter.Start-up Lab ProcedureTeach a simple program (using newly created job)Press the Softkey “Select” at the bottom of the display. The program file will display in “Select” (Run) mode. VERY IMPORTANT: In Selectmode the robot can be moved, pointstaught and previous points revisited.Gripper commands can also be entered.However, program commands cannotbe entered in this mode. You mustswitch to Edit mode to entercommands for things like I/O and FlowControl.1. Using the Cursor (arrow) keys, place the cursor onthe first line that starts “PTP HOME...”2. Hold the Live Man switch and the green “RunForward” button. If the robot is moving too slowly,note that “Programming Override” (POV) appliesfor this type of motion.3. With the arm positioned at the HOME position, usethe Coordinate Select Key to switch to Joint mode.Rotate the A5 axis in the + direction until the gripperis oriented straight down.4. Press the Softkey “Motion” to start the process ofsaving a location.5. To navigate the “Inline Form” use the arrow keysand the “Option Select” Status key (bottom key onthe right side of the display.)6. For the first location use the following settingsa. PTP (point to point, or Joint-type Motion)b. P# (Location name, automatically indexes foreach saved location.) See Note about Framesdata.c. Blank (Options are CONT (continuous, lowaccuracy) or blank (full accuracy)).d. Vel = 100%e. PDAT# (do not change anything)Start-up Lab Procedure7.Press Enter to register the saved location. You canuse the Softkey “Change” at any time to recall theinline form and change the parameters.Operating the Gripper1.To operate the gripper manually, use the Status Key on the Left side of thedisplay. Note the Live-man switch must be activated to enable the gripperto operate.2.To insert gripper commands in the program, select the Technology Menu atthe top of the display, then select GripperTech, then select Gripper.e the following settings in the Inline Form:a.Gripper 1b.Select CLOSE or OPEN (use the Option Select Key again)c.Blank (the choices are CONT or blank)d.GDAT# (when the cursor is on GDAT, a new parameter windowwill open. Use the Page select key to focus on that window andchange the gripper delay time to about 2 seconds.)4.Press Enter to register the gripper command.AssignmentAfter creating the program initialization steps, save positions and gripper commands to simulate having the robot pick up a part from one location on the table and drop the part on a different location on the table.The assignment is to create a programmed sequence as follows:a.The robot moves from the Home or Reference position to a point inspace above an imaginary pickup positionb.Move down to the imaginary pickup positionc.Activate the gripper (closed)d.Move up to the same location saved previouslye.Move over to a point in space above an imaginary drop positionf.Move down to the imaginary drop positiong.De-activate the gripper (open)h.Move up to the same location saved previouslyi.Move back to the Reference location (program should start and endat the same location)This program must run in clear space. Do not attempt to use the fixtures provided for the robot until you are completing the second lab assignment!Kuka KR16 Arm with KR C2 Controller Start-up Lab ProcedureRun a Simple Program Step Mode1. Toggle Mode Select to Single Step mode2. Make sure the Screen is displaying the program inRun mode (selected).3. From the Program menu select “Reset Program”(the current step indicator arrow should be on theINI line.)4. Change the key switch on the controller to “Auto”mode.5. Clear all Emergency Stop messages.6. Press the “Drive On” button at the top of the KCP.The green “I” indicator should come on.7. Press the green “Run Forward” button and hold ituntil “Programmed Path Reached (BCO)” showsin the message window.8. Press and hold the Run Forward button for eachblock of the program.9. The program must be reset from the Program menubefore it can be run again.Automatic Mode10.Select Run Mode11.Follow all instructions as for Step Mode. 12. Press and hold the Run Forward button once to runthe entire program.13. The program must be reset from the Program menubefore it can be run again.Start-up Lab ProcedureSaving Jobs to Diskette or Flash DriveThe Kuka PC-Based controller is connected to an external computer using a Peer-to-peer network. The “Kuka Files” folder on the desktop is mapped to the X: drive in the Kuka File Manager. Because of limitations in the Kuka system, the external computer is sometimes not shown properly in the Kuka File Manager.IMPORTANT: The external computer must be turned on before the Kuka robot is powered up. This ensures that the File Manager displays the X: drive.When files are saved from the Kuka, they will appear in the Kuka Files folder on the external computer. From there they can be dragged to the Floppy Drive icon or the USB Key icon. Do not leave them on the computer – they will be erased!The following instructions are performed on the KCP handheld controller.To save files from the controller to your diskette1.Make sure the external computer is on and the WIN98 (X:\) drive is available2.In the Kuka File Manager, move the cursor to the file window containing yourprograms and use the SHIFT + Down Arrow keys to select files (save the .SRCand .DAT file for each program!)3.Select the EDIT menu at the top of the screen, then select COPY4.Select the WIN98 (X:\) drive, then move your cursor to the file window5.Select the EDIT menu, then select PASTETo bring files from your diskette back to the controller1.Transfer the files from your diskette or USB key to the Kuka Files folder on theexternal computer.2.Make sure the WIN98 (X:\) drive is available3.In the Kuka File Manager, Select the WIN98 (X:\) drive, then move your cursor tothe file window and use the SHIFT + Down Arrow keys to select files (remember to restore the .SRC and .DAT file for each program!)4.Select the EDIT menu at the top of the screen, then select COPY5.Move your cursor to Program folder, and then the file window6.Select the EDIT menu, then select PASTEStart-up Lab ProcedureSupplemental NotesProgramming different speedsOn the Kuka robot, the relative speed for each individual motion can be set as a percentage of total speed. In addition, there is a total speed override function that sets the maximum speed for all motions as a percentage of the actual highest speed. Example:PTP P1 Vel= 20% PDAT1 Tool[1] Base[1] sets the speed to 20% of the robot’s current top speed setting1.Move the cursor up or down to the line you wish to change2.Press the Softkey “Change” to open the inline form for the linee the arrow keys to select the speed setting4.Key in a new value for speed5.Press EnterProgramming the robot to check a sensorAn input device such as a Pushbutton Switch or a Sensor can be wired to a terminal in the robot control panel. When the sensor is activated the robot will receive a positive input. When the sensor is not activated the robot will not receive an input. The input terminals are numbered, starting at 1. The WAIT FOR command pauses the program until the specified input condition is met.Example:WAIT FOR $IN[1] pauses the program until Input #1 is ONWAIT FOR $IN[1] = = FALSE pauses the program until Input #1 is OFF1.Press the TECHNOLOGY Menu Key on the top right of the displaye the arrow keys to select HUMBER_CMDs then FREEFORM_COMMANDand finally FREEFORM3.Press Enter4.Type the command in the statement box5.Press Enter to insert the command in your programIn your program, the command will look like this:_Freeform_Command.Exec_ Statement: WAIT FOR $IN [1]Start-up Lab ProcedureProgramming a short delay in the robot programIn order to pause the robot program for a short amount of time, use the WAIT SEC command to wait for a specified number of seconds.Example:WAIT SEC 2 causes the program to pause for 2 seconds before continuing.1.Press the TECHNOLOGY Menu Key on the top right of the displaye the arrow keys to select HUMBER_CMDs then FREEFORM_COMMANDand finally FREEFORM3.Press Enter4.Type the command in the statement box5.Press Enter to insert the command in your programUsing Straight Line Path ControlArticulated Robots normally move more quickly and efficiently using Joint mode path control. However, this means that the path followed by the gripper is not a straight line. If the application requires a truly straight line, you must command the robot to move in a Straight Line (Linear) path.In the Kuka system, you command the arm to follow a straight line to a location by changing a motion type from PTP to LIN.1.Move the cursor up or down to the line you wish to change2.Press the Softkey “Change” to open the inline form for the linee the arrow keys to select the PTP/LIN settinge the “Option Select” Status key (bottom key on the right side of the display) tochange from PTP to LIN5.Adjust the speed setting if necessary6.Press EnterExample:LIN P1 Vel= 2m/s CDAT1 Tool[1] Base[1]Start-up Lab ProcedureUsing Continuous (CONT) Mode for Reduced Accuracy MotionsVery often the robot arm executes motions in the air on the way from one work point to another that do not require precision accuracy. Normally speed is more important for these motions. Changing the motion accuracy from blank to CONT tells the controller to “cut the corner” at the end of the motion, creating a quicker, but less accurate path.1.Move the cursor up or down to the line you wish to change2.Press the Softkey “Change” to open the inline form for the linee the arrow keys to select the blank / CONT settinge the “Option Select” Status key (bottom key on the right side of the display) tochange from blank to CONT5.Press Enter。
——401300QR3[+][+][+][+][+][+]KR 40 PAKR QUANTEC PA KR 120 R3200 PA , KR 180 R3200 PA , KR 240 R3200 PAKR 300-2 PA , KR 470-2 PA KR 700 PAKR TITAN PA KR 1000 L950 titan PA , KR 1000 1300 titan PAKR C4smartPAD\4 \0 kg150 kg300 kg450 kg600 kg750 kg900 kg3400 mm3600 mm 3200 mm 3000 mm 2800 mm 2600 mm 2400 mm 2000 mm1100 kg1300 kgABEFHIGC D 40 1300 3601KR QUANTEC 2500 60KR 40 PA KR QUANTEC KR 300-2 PA KR 470-2 PA KR 700 PA KR 1000 1300 TITAN PA——1 KR 40 PA (A )KR 120 R3200 PA (B ) KR 180 R3200 PA (C ) KR 240 R3200 PA (D ) KR 300-2 PA (E ) KR 470-2 PA (F ) KR 700 PA (G )KR 1000 L950 titan PA (H ) KR 1000 1300 titan PA (I )2 KR 40 PA3 KR QUANTEC PA –2315500 mm125 mm 600 mm200-120°+15°+145°-15°190200220A1470850620FECD1428B1160-155°+155°KR 40 PA1)4/51) A B C D E F KR 40 PA1675 mm1628 mm2091 mm1240 mm851 mm850 mm12.6 m 3KR 40 PA 125/500/600 30 kg56\6 \KR 40 PA 56KR 40 PA 2091 4 1.8 mKR 40 PAKR C4smartPAD+5 °C +55 °CKR 40 PA2091 mm40 kg 3/ 2/ 1 20 kg 110 kg ±0.05 mm4850 mm x 950 mm695 kgIP 65/ 1 (A1) +/-183° 2 (A2) -15°/-120° 3 (A3) +15°/+145°6 (A6)+/-350°72000 mmR 400 mmR 400 mmH280CBA2832677DE250FG-5°-140°+155°-0°KR QUANTEC PA1)4/5KR 240 R3200 PA 400/2000/400 240 kg 50 kg 25.6 KR 180 R3200 PA 400/2000/400 180 kg 50 kg 27.6 KR 120 R3200 PA 400/2000/400 120 kg 50 kg29.11)A B C D E F G H KR 240 R3200 PA 3509 mm 2845 mm 3195 mm 350 mm 675 mm 1350 mm 2215 mm 1220 mm 77.90 m 3KR 180 R3200 PA 3509 mm 2845 mm 3195 mm 350 mm 675 mm 1350 mm 2215 mm 1220 mm 77.90 m 3KR 120 R3200 PA3509 mm2845 mm3195 mm350 mm675 mm1350 mm2215 mm1220 mm77.90 m 3\8 \KR QUANTECKR 240 R3200 PAKR180 R3200 PAKR 120 R3200 PA3195 mm 3195 mm 3195 mm240 kg 180 kg 120 kg 3/ 2/ 1 50 kg/–/–50 kg/–/–50 kg/–/–290 kg 230 kg 170 kg ±0.06 mm±0.06 mm±0.06 mm4 4 4 60 mm 60 mm 60 mm830 mm x 830 mm830 mm x 830 mm830 mm x 830 mm1103 kg1093 kg1075 kgKR C4smartPAD+10 °C +55 °C/ 1 (A1) +/-185° 2 (A2) -5°/-140° 3 (A3) 0°/+155° 6 (A6)+/-350°IP 6592000 mmR 400 mmR 400 mm- 185°257.57071343001050+ 155°609DE 874GHC500- 130°+ 20°FABKR 470-2 PA / KR 300-2 PA1)4/5KR 470-2 PA 400/2000/400 470 kg 50 kg17.8 KR 300 R3200 PA 400/2000/400 300 kg 50 kg22.61) A B C D E F G H KR 470-2 PA 2612 mm 1835 mm 3150 mm 1315 mm 1014 mm 1045 mm 1300 mm 2630 mm 73.50 m 3KR 300-2 PA2612 mm1835 mm3150 mm1315 mm1014 mm1045 mm1300 mm2630 mm73.50 m 3\10 \60KR 300-2 PA KR 470-2 PA IP 653150 300 470KR C4smartPAD+10 °C +55 °CKR 470 -2 PAKR 300 -2 PA3150 mm 3150 mm 470 kg 300 kg 3/ 2/ 1 50 kg/–/– 50 kg/–/–520 kg 350 kg ±0.08 mm ±0.08 mm4 4 60 mm 60 mm1042 mm x 1042 mm 1042 mm x 1042 mm2150 kg2150 kgIP 65/ 1 (A1) +/-185° 2 (A2) +20°/-130° 3 (A3) +155°/-0° 6 (A6)+/-350°11-185°GH2200A4201927CD9262126300300EBF +150°-10°-120°+10°2000 mmR 400 mm R 400 mmKR 700 PA1)4/51) A B C D E F G H KR 700 PA2744 mm3052 mm3320 mm2124 mm1196 mm1300 mm900 mm1300 mm73 m 3KR 700 PA 400/2000/400 700 kg 50 kg17.3\12 \KR 700 PAKR 700 PA 332060KR 700 PA IP 65KR C4smartPAD+10 °C +55 °CKR 700 PA3320 mm700 kg 3/ 2/ 1 50 kg 750 kg ±0.08 mm4 60 mm1000 mm x 1000 mm2850 kg/ 1 (A1) +/-185° 2 (A2) +10°/-120° 3 (A3) +150°/-10° 6 (A6)+/-350°IP 651311001400A65+145°+17.5°600CDB729-130°+62°876228E F 372+150°CCC1400A65+145°+17.5°600CDB729-130°+62°876228E F372-150°+150°CCKR TITAN PA1)4/51)A B C D E F KR 1000 1300 titan PA 2749 mm 2937 mm 3202 mm 2937 mm 2937 mm 2937 mm 102.5 m 3 KR 1000 L950 titan PA2937 mm4231 mm3601 mm1579 mm1301 mm1600 mm69.5 m 3\14 \/ KR TITAN PAKR TITAN PA 1300 KR TITAN PA KR TITAN PA 3601KR C2smartPAD+10 °C + 55°CKR 1000 1300 titan PAKR 1000 L950 titan PA3202 mm 3601 mm 1300 kg 950 kg 3/ 2/ 1 100 kg 100 kg 1350 kg 1000 kg ±0.01 mm ±0.01 mm4 41300 mm x 1500 mm 1300 mm x 1500 mm4690 kg4740 kg/ 1300 kg950 kg1 (A1) +/-150° 58°/s 58°/s2 (A2) +17.5°/-130° 50°/s 50°/s3 (A3) +62°/+145°50°/s 50°/s 6 (A6)+/-350°72°/s72°/sIP 651599.99%KR C4KR C — KR C4 KR C4100 %[+][+] \16 \smartPADsmartPAD[+][+]17[+][+][+][+][+]± . EK I/O[+][+]KR C4KR C4 KR C4 SafetyControl RobotControl MotionControl LogicControl\18 \792 mm960 mm596 mmKR C4KR C4HDD SSD . USB (PROFINET) /IP PROFIBUS (DeviceNet) EtherCAT (InterBus) 8 IP 54 x x 596 mm x 792 mm x 960 mm 150 kg+5 °C +45 °C+55 °CAC 3 x 400 - 480 V-10 +10 %49 61 Hz3 x 25 A 3 x 32 A.1 2 KR C41—— KR C4KR C4KR C4KRL KR C4 (G-Code) PLC Siemens® Rockwell®± . EK I/O95%219smartPADsmartPAD –smartPAD[+][+][+][+][+][+] HOT PLUGUSB\20 \smartPADsmartPAD8.4"x x 80 mm x 330 mm x 260 mm1100 gsmartPAD KR C48.4"1.1 HOT PLUG smartPAD KR C4USB USB smartPAD211 2 621KUKA.WorkVisualKUKA.Load erTech KUKA.ExpertTech KUKA.HMI Zenon KUKA.RemoteView KUKA.VirtualRemotePendant KUKA.RobotSensorInterface KUKA.VisionTech KUKA.ConveyorTech KUKA.ForceTorqueControl KUKA.SafeOperation KUKA.SafeRangeMonitoring KRL smartPADsmartPAD KR C4 “onBoard”KR C4\22 \KUKA.Gripper & SpotTech KUKA.arcTechserTechKUKA.ServoGunKUKA.GlueTech KUKA.RoboTeam KUKA.EtherNet KRL KUKA.OPC KUKA.PLC Multiprog KUKA.PLC ProConOS KUKA.PLC mxACKUKA.Sim——MESIEC61131 Soft-PLC KR C4Soft-PLC KUKA.PLC Multiprog KUKA.Multiprog PLC KR C4 IOSiemens® Rockwell® KRLG-Code (CNC)KUKA.Sim23w w w .z e r o s e v e n .d eKUKA Robotics China Co., Ltd.P B 0006/C /2/0912。
+158°/-15° +170°/-110° +154°/-130° +154°/-130° +154°/-130° +154°/-130° +154°/-120° +154°/-120° +154°/-130° +154°/-130° +154°/-130°
±350° ±130° ±350° 154°/s
地面 架装式
地面 屋顶
地面 架装式
+65°/-180° +65°/-180° +35°/-155° +35°/-155° +35°/-155° +35°/-155° +35°/-155° +35°/-155° +80°/-110° +80°/-110° +80°/-110°
借助我们的模块化设计,我们精心为您定制您所 需要的解决方案。无论是安装在天花板上、墙上 还是地板上,无论是全面的、以 WindowsTM 为基础且适用于网络的、灵活性能的控制系统方 案还是特殊结构型如堆垛机器人、铸造机器人、
台架安装机器人或净室机器人,我们都能 为您提供最佳的解决方案。与库卡合作, 您将有一位实力雄厚的合作伙伴,随时随 处为您分忧解难。
技术支持 库卡技术支持随时随地与您的产 品同在 - 向您提供根据流程而优 化的技术服务,除了保养维护、 排除故障之外,还包括按需要进 行升级和改装服务。
1、库卡机器人本体、控制柜、机器人编程控制器性能参数具体说明1.1 KR16机器人本体KR16的外形尺寸及工作范围KR16性能参数负载(指第6轴最前端P点负载)16公斤手臂/第1轴转盘负载10/20 公斤总负载46公斤运动轴数 6法兰盘(第6轴上)DIN ISO 9409-1-A50安装位置地面/墙壁/天花板重复精度+/-0.05mm控制器KRC2自重235公斤作业空间范围14.5立方米每个轴的运动参数运动范围运动速度轴1+/-185°156°/s轴2+35°/-155°156°/s轴3+154°/ -130°156°/s轴4+/-350°330°/s轴5+/-130°330°/s轴6+/-350°615°/s1.2机器人控制器KRC2(1)机器人控制器KRC2外形尺寸控制柜采用高强材料作为结构框架,内部器件布置简洁明了,全部采用总线形式,维护方便、可靠;控制柜内的冷却按欧洲标准设计制造,元器件与冷却回路隔开,冷却可靠,外部灰层不会进入控制柜内部。
(2)KRC2性能参数处理器 库卡(工业)计算机操作系统 微软WINDOWS XP编程及控制 库卡KCP设计生产标准DIN EN 292, DIN EN 418, DIN EN 614-1, DIN EN 775, DIN EN 954, DIN EN 50081-2, DIN EN 50082-2, DIN EN 60204-1保护等级 IP54 工作环境温度 0°-45° (如果工作环境温度超过45°,需加冷却设备)控制轴数 6-8个 自重 178公斤 输入电源 3x400V-10%∽3x415V+10% , 49-61赫兹负载功率 最大8KVA 保护熔断器 32A , 3只 (慢熔型)与外围设备通讯接口 Ether Net, DevicNet (Interbus, profibus 作为可选项)至机器人电缆总成 7米(可加长到 15米, 或 25、35、50米) 噪音等级(根据DIN 45635-1) 67dB性能参数尺寸(长x 高x 厚):330x260x35mm 保护等级:IP54 显示屏:640x480,256色LCD 彩显,VGA 模式 6D 空间鼠标,使示教动作容易操作 4种工作模式切换旋钮,方便操作与安全 3位人体学始能开关 中/英/德/法多种语言菜单切换容易 10米控制电缆 开始/停止/紧急停止按钮1.4 库卡机器人特点库卡机器人由肘节式结构的机器人本体,KRC2控制柜、示教控制器KCP组成;铝合金机器人本体、高速运动曲线的动态模型优化,使得库卡机器人的加速性能比其它普通机器人高出25%,有利于提高系统寿命、优化工作节拍;KRC2控制柜采用熟悉的个人电脑WINDOWS操作界面,中英文多种语言菜单;标准的工业计算机,硬盘、光驱、软驱、打印接口、I/O信号、多种总线接口,远程诊断;KCP具有示教、编程、安全保护功能;控制系统具有绝对位置记忆、软PLC(选项)功能;事故间隔时间长达7万小时---这是其它机器人所无法比拟的。
KUKA机器人KR16 KRC软件操作控制
可以连接一个标准的串行鼠标到计算机系统的COM1口。可以在操作期间不进行重新引导系统来 连接或断开。COM1会自动识别出鼠标。
通过COM1口应用和功能的存取必须配置另一个不同的COM口。 临时连接键盘到相应的DIN或PS/2口也是可以的。
5.3.3 ............................................................................. 17 5.3.4 ............................................................................. 17 5.3.5 恢复 ........................................................................ 17 全部 ...................................................................... 17 6 ................................................................................. 17 7监视器 ........................................................................... 18 7.1 输入/输出 .................................................................... 18 7.1.1 数字输入 .................................................................... 18 7.2 ............................................................................... 19 7.3 ............................................................................... 19 7.4 诊断 .......................................................................... 20 7.4.1 示波器 ...................................................................... 21 7.4.2 日志 ........................................................................ 21 显示 ...................................................................... 21配置 ....................................................................... 25
KUKA机器人介绍KR16嘿,朋友!今天咱们来聊聊这个超厉害的 KUKA 机器人 KR16 。
一进车间,就看到 KR16 机器人在有条不紊地工作着。
KR16 机器人的外观设计就很酷炫。
KR16 的负载能力相当不错,能轻松应对各种任务。
KR16 的灵活性也是值得一提的。
而且,KR16 机器人的操作也不算太复杂。
KR16 还有着出色的稳定性。
总之,KUKA 机器人 KR16 真的是个了不起的家伙。
相信在未来,它会在更多的领域发挥作用,让我们的生活变得更加便捷和美好!回想那次参观,KR16 机器人工作的场景依然历历在目,也让我对科技的力量有了更深刻的认识。
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1、库卡机器人本体、控制柜、机器人编程控制器性能参数具体说明1.1 KR16机器人本体
手臂/第1轴转盘负载10/20 公斤
运动轴数 6
法兰盘(第6轴上)DIN ISO 9409-1-A50
轴3+154°/ -130°156°/s
1.4 库卡机器人特点
⏹本体和控制器之间7m长电缆, 并可根据需要进行扩展
(2). 库卡机器人控制器KRC2
Controlnet、EtherNet、Remote I/O等;Devicenet、EtherNet为标准配置。
存:512MB RAM
串口:COM1、COM2 、COM3,9针或15针
(3) .库卡控制编程器
●LCD彩显,VGA模式,640X480, 256色
●通过Canbus 与PC通讯,实时性更强。