
所以,从小教育孩子学习英语,是为了将来更好融入社会而刻不容缓的事情!以下是WTT整理的相关资料,希望我可以帮你吗?B:I hope so.I'm looking for some material for a paper I'm writing, and I'm not quite sure where to look.希望如此。
A:I'll certainly try to help you. What topic is your paper on?我会试着帮你。
你的论文是什么话题?B:My paper is on the influence of television on children.我的论文是关于电视对孩子的影响。
A:There are several possible sources you might use for that topic. I suggest you use the computer and the computer will give you a list of every scientific journal that talks about children and television.这里有一些合适的资料你可能可以用在这个话题上。
B:Thank you for you help.谢谢你的帮忙。
【篇二】A: I haven't been to the movies in ages.A: 我好久没看*了。
B: So, let's go see one. What did you have in mind?B: 那我们去看场*吧!你想看什么样的*呢?A: Nothing in particular, really, I am just feeling like taking in a film.A: 什么都行,我就是想看场*罢了。

【篇⼀】Sophia: Hi,Die,have you ever heard that there will be a huge discount in Metersbonwe, this weekend?Die,你听说没有美特斯·邦威这个周末有⼀个⼤折扣促销?Leavesdie: Really,that's my brand loyal,what's the exact time?真的吗?具体是什么时间呢?那可是我重视的品牌.Sophia: Ah,I don't know ,but maybe we can go there rigjht now .我也不知道,或许我们现在可以去看看.Die: Sounds great.Let 's go.好主意,⾛吧.【篇⼆】Tom: It is my promotion,I would like to invite you come to eat to celebrate.今天是我升职了,我想请你过来吃⼀顿饭庆祝⼀下。
Maly: Congratulations.恭喜你。
Maly: What time , where to meet?⼏点钟,在哪⾥见⾯?Tom: 8 o'clock tonight, at my house.今晚8点,在我家【篇三】Tommy: What's your hobby,Jimmy?吉⽶,你有什么爱好?Jimmy: My hobby?Of course it is to eat much food.我的爱好?当然是胡吃海喝啦。

1、情景对话:你和我一起度过浪漫的蜜月之旅吧小杨: Congratulations guy! You are not a single man now.恭喜你!你现在不再是单身汉了。
小李: Thank you. I am now planning my honeymoon, do you have any good idea?谢谢你。
我在计划蜜月之旅,你有什么好主意吗?小杨: Yes, you can go to Erhai Lake, Yunnan province.是的,你可以去云南的洱海。
小李: Is there any special?有什么特别的吗?小杨: Well,Erhai Lake is the largest highland lake next to Dianchi and one of the seven biggest fresh water lakes in China. It is like a crescent lying between Cangshan and Dali city as seen from Cangshan Mount. In a sunny day, the crystal waters of Erhai Lake and the snow mantled Cangshan Mount radiate with each other. Thus the scene was commonly described as 'Silver Cangshan and Jade Erhai'.恩,洱海临近滇池,是最大的高原湖泊,中国七大淡水湖之一。
小李: It sounds quite picturesque.听起来风景如画。

英语情景对话练习【四篇】(二年级学生适用)【篇一】Let‘s fly我们飞了Jimmy: What is that?Kelly: It is an airplane.Jimmy: No,it isn’t. It‘s a bird.Kelly:It’s a big bird.Jimmy: Look!Harry‘s on the bird.Bird: Who are they?Harry: They are my friends.Jimmy and Kelly: Hi, Harry.Harry: Hello, Jimmy. Hello, Kelly.Bird:Let’s fly!>>中文翻译吉米:那是什么?凯利:这是一架飞机。
鸟:我们飞了!【篇二】I like Pizza我喜欢比萨饼Dad:Let‘s go out for dinner today.Sally: Sounds great!Dad: What do you want to eat?Sally: I like pizza.Dad: Okay,let’s have some pizza.>>中文翻译爸爸:我们今天去外面吃晚餐。
【篇三】What are you doing?你们在做什么?Harry: Hi! Jimmy! Hi! Kelly!Kelly: Hi! Harry.Harry: What are you doing?Kelly:I‘m reading. Jimmy is drawing. Harry:What ’s that?Jimmy:It‘s zebra. He has four legs. Harry: Hmm... What is he doing!Jimmy: Uh,he is eating.Kelly: He is running!Jimmy: Hurry!>>中文翻译哈利:你好!吉米!您好!凯利!凯利:你好!哈利。

C:You'reright.Butmymotherisnotverygoodatcomputerthings.Itau ghtherbefore,butshedoesn'tliketousecomputerandforgetitsoon.
Jenny 遇到一个不认识的单词,她去请教朋友 Caleb.原来那是个 网络用语说起网上聊天,两人各有看法。
英语情景会话 (以下 J 代表 Jenny.C 代表 Caleb) J:Hi,Caleb.Whatdoes"BTW"meanIjustheardof"BMW".
C:Yeah.maybe.Butmymomlikesreadingmylettersmuchmore.Wewritee veryweekand
shesaidwhenshesawmylettershefeltthatI'mstandinginfrontofher .Thisisthefeelinge-mailcannotbringtoher.Andforme,Idon'tthin kit'sawasteoftime.

小学二年级英语情景对话精选【三则】【篇一】A:Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?B:I hope so.I'm looking for some material for a paper I'm writing, and I'm not quite sure where to look.希望如此。
A:I'll certainly try to help you. What topic is your paper on?我会试着帮你。
你的论文是什么话题?B:My paper is on the influence of television on children.我的论文是关于电视对孩子的影响。
A:There are several possible sources you might use for that topic. I suggest you use the computer and the computer will give you a list of every scientific journal that talks about children and television.这里有一些合适的资料你可能可以用在这个话题上。
B:Thank you for you help.谢谢你的帮忙。
【篇二】A: I haven't been to the movies in ages.A: 我好久没看*了。
B: So, let's go see one. What did you have in mind?B: 那我们去看场*吧!你想看什么样的*呢?A: Nothing in particular, really, I am just feeling like taking in a film.A: 什么都行,我就是想看场*罢了。

三一文库()/小学二年级〔英语二年级学生情景对话训练【三篇】〕【篇一】I can‘t afford it我买不起1、那只玩具狗熊太贵了,你遗憾地说:我买不起。
I can’t afford it.2、你梦想着有一辆哥哥那样的自行车,但眼下你的钱不够,你说:我买不起。
I can‘t afford it.3、姐姐说那家店子所有的玩具都打折出售了,快去买辆机器人吧,你一看钱不够就说:买不起。
I can’t afford it.4、你缠着外公给你买那个魔盒,你说你买不起。
I can‘t afford it.5、没想到这对哑铃涨价了,哥哥有点对不起你的意思,他说:我买不起了。
I can’t afford it.6、小弟坐了一回飞机就问爸爸能不能给全家人买一架,爸爸眨着眼卷了一下小弟的鼻子说:我买不起的。
I can‘t afford it.7、小妹吵闹着要跟小朋友去参加旅游,妈妈告诉她眼下不行,说:我们付不起费用的。
I can’t afford it.8、外公他们小时候只有在圣诞节才能吃到烤鸡,他说:我们买不起。
We could not afford it.【篇二】I will be here at four我四点钟回来1、四点钟电视节目开始,哥哥要先出去一下,他说:我四点钟回来。
I will be here at four.2、今年晚会定在七点钟开始,Michelle说:七点钟我就来了。
I will be here at seven.3、你让Tom叔叔一定来参加你的晚会,他说:我六点钟就来了。
I will be here at six.4、你让外公好好在家休息,你说:我十点钟就回来。
I will be here at ten.5、妈妈有事要出去,她让你在家做作业,她说:我十二点钟就回来了。
I will be here at twelve.6、小妹不让姐姐离开她,姐姐说:我一小时后就回来了。
I will be here within an hour.7、外公说快要下雨了,出去怕要挨淋了,你说:我十分钟内就要回来了。

适合小学生二年级英语情景对话训练资料【三篇】(*)I am happy with who I am我很高兴我是这样Mimi: I am happy with who I am.Mimi:I ha*e two hands.Mimi:I can touch anything I want.Buba: I am happy with who I am.Buba: I ha*e ten fingers.Buba: I can pick up anything I want.ChinChin: I am happy with who I am.ChinChin: I ha*e two eyes.ChinChin: I can see anything I want.Costa: I am happy with who I am.Costa: I ha*e strong arms.Costa:I can beat up anything I want.Coco: I am happy with who I am. Coco: I ha*e a big mouth.Coco: I can eat anything I want. Cosmi: I am happy with who I am. Cosmi: I ha*e a pretty face. Cosmi:So e*erywone lo*es me!>>中文翻译*:我很高兴我是这样。

【篇⼀】Hello?喂?Hello? Good morning!喂?早上好!Good morning!早上好!May I speak to Jan, please?我可以与简讲话吗?This is Jan.我就是简。
Hi, Jan, this is Dennis.嘿,简,我是丹尼斯。
Dennis? Dennis who?丹尼斯?哪个丹尼斯?Dennis Erickson.丹尼斯•埃⾥克森。
Oh, hi, Dennis!噢,嘿,丹尼斯!We haven’t talked for over a year.我们已⼀年多没有通过话了。
How are you?你好吗?I’m fine.我很好。
It’s so good to hear your voice.听见你的声⾳我真⾼兴。
It’s good to hear your voice.听见你的声⾳我真⾼兴。
词义解析:1.talk:谈话2.over:超过3.voice:声⾳【篇⼆】Hello?喂?May I speak to Jan, please?我可以与简讲话吗?May I speak to Jan, please?我可以与简讲话吗?May I speak to Jan, please?我可以与简讲话吗?This is Jan.我就是简。
Oh! Hi, Jan!啊,嘿,简!This is Dennis Erickson.我是丹尼斯•埃⾥克森。
Hi, Dennis.嘿,丹尼斯。
It’s so good to hear your voice.听见你的声⾳我真⾼兴。
It’s so good to hear your voice.听见你的声⾳我真⾼兴。

少⼉英语英语情景对话练习:我很赶时间(⼀) I'minahurry Tutti:Hey,Latty. Latty:Tutti. Tutti:Whereareyougoing? Latty:Don'taskmeanything.I'minahurry. Tutti:Whyareyouinahurry? Latty:Doyouhappentoknowwherethebathroomisaroundhere? Tutti:It'srightbehindthebuilding,Hurryup. Latty:Thankyou.Seeyou. 乌龟:嘿,拉蒂。
乌龟:你要去哪⾥? 拉蒂:不要问我任何问题。
乌龟:为什么你那么急? 拉蒂:你知不知道这附近哪⾥有厕所? 乌龟:正好在这个建筑的后边,快点去吧。
少⼉英语英语情景对话练习:你要吃⼀些(⼆) Youwantedtoeatsome Tommy:Hi,Jinny. Jinny:Hi,Tommy. Tommy:Whatareyoueating? Jinny:It'sfriedsweetpotatoes. Tommy:I'mwonderingwhatthetasteislike. Jinny:Gee.Youwantedtoeatsome. Tommy:Nowyougotit. Jinny:Hereyouare.Havesome. 汤姆:嗨,⾦尼。
汤⽶:你在吃什么? ⾦尼:这是炒红薯。
少⼉英语英语情景对话练习:你每次都迟到(三) Youarelateeverytime Student:Areyouupsettome? Teacher:Don'ttalktome. Student:I'mreallysorry,pleaseacceptmyapology. Teacher:Youarelateeverytime. Student:I'llneverbelateagain. Teacher:Comeon.Youalreadysaidthatabout100times. Student:Thisisthelasttime,pleaseforgiveme. Teacher:Ok.Ifyouarelateagain,itwillbeover. 学⽣:我若怒你了吗? ⽼师:不要跟我说话。

【第⼀篇】Is a library nearby?这附近有⼀个图书馆吗?A: Excuse me, is a library nearby?B: Yes,there is a library between the drugstore and the post office.A: Thank you very much.B: You are welcome.A:对不起,这附近有⼀个图书馆吗?B:是的,这⾥有⼀个图书馆在药店和邮局的中间。
【第⼆篇】I am falling我失败了Coco: What's this? Looks strange...Coco: Hey boss,do you know what this is?Costa: What? It just likes a long stick to me...Costa: I have a great idea...heheMimi: Who is that? Costa!Mimi: It's you! I'll get you for this! Costa: Hey! Stop it! It was just a joke. Costa: I didn't mean it!Costa: Whoa! I'm falling!可可:这是什么?看起来很奇怪...可可:嘿,⽼哥,你知道这是什么吗?科斯达:什么?我看它就像⼀根长棍⼦......科斯达:我有⼀个好想法......呵呵咪咪:是谁?科斯达!咪咪:是你!我会从你这拿回来的!科斯达:嘿!住⼿!这只是⼀个玩笑。
科斯达:我没有恶意!科斯达:哇!我失败了!【第三篇】What are you parents like?你的⽗母是什么样的?Boy: Hey, Kerry. Can I ask you something.Kerry: Yes. What's that?Boy: You know,I ran into your parents on the street the other day. Boy: They made a good impression on me.Boy: What are you parents like?Kerry: Well. How can I say?Kerry: My father is very kind-hearted and considerate.Kerry: And my mother is always kind to me and praises me a lot. Boy: They are very nice people as I expected.Kerry: Thank you for saying so.男孩:嘿,凯丽。

三一文库()/小学二年级〔给小学二年级准备的英语情景对话训练〕【篇一】Is this your football?这是你的足球吗?Yes it is.是的,它是,Thank you.谢谢你!May I use it?我可以使用它吗? Please!请!Sure!当然可以!No! it isn't.不,它不是。
It is my hat.它是我的帽子。
Here you are.给你!Thank you very much.非常感谢。
a: Robbie, is this your football?Yes it is. Thank you.Is this your hat, Boddy?Yes it is. thank you .b: Is this your nice cake?Yes it is.May I use it?Please! thank you.Is this your ink bottle?Yes it is.May I use it?Sure.c: Is this your hat, Mr White? No! it isn't. Is this your football?No! it isn't.d: Is this your hat?Yes it is.It is my hat.Here you are.Thank you very much!Is this your glass?No it isn'tIt is my glass. Here you are.Thank you very much! 【篇二】What's this?It's a cake.What's that?It's an orange.Are you hungry?Oh! nice.May I have some? Excuse me!Is that your apple? May I have it?a: What's this Edda? It's a cake.What's that?It's an orange.。

英语二年级学习之情景对话【三则】【篇一】We are going to a farm today我们今天去农场Mimi: We are going to a farm today.ChinChin: We can see all the animals in the barn.ChinChin: What kinds of animals are on a farm?Buba: There are cows,chickens,pigs,sheep and many more!Mimi:I don‘t see any chickens.Buba: Sh!They’re sleeping in the barn.Mimi: What sound do cows make?Buba: Cows say,“moo,moo”.ChinChin: What sound do chickens make?Buba: Chickens say,“ cluck,cluck “.Cosmi: What sound do chickens make?Costa: Chickens say,”cluck,cluck “.Cosmi: What sound do sheep make?Costa: Sheep say,”baa,baa“.Cosmi: What sound does Coco make?Costa: Coco says,”oink,oink“. Hahaha.Costa: She eats like a pig,so he says “oink,oink”. Hahaha.【篇二】It is really hot today今天真热Costa: It is very hot.Coco: How is it outside?Costa: It is very hot outside.Samsik: Wow,you surprised me.Samsik: What,what? Is it hot today?Costa: It is really hot today.Costa:I will have some ice cream.Mimi: How is it? Is it cold?Mimi: Well,yeah a little cold.Mimi: But look at the snow!Mimi: It is like Christmas!Costa:Aren‘t you guys hot?No,we are cold.Coco: Cold? Are you cold?Let me tell you.Costa: So, it is windy.Costa:And it is cold in Mimi’s place.Costa: And Mimi is wearing a long sleeve shirt?Costa:Samsik,Do something!Samsik: Okay wait.Costa: What is this?Samsik: Oh oh...my bad!【篇三】I love apple pie我喜欢苹果馅饼Mimi: Try this ice cream.Mimi: It melts in my mouth.Mimi: It is so sweet and yummy.Mimi:I‘m happy with my cake.Buba: Mmmm. Sweet and yummy!ChinChin: I love apple pie.ChinChin: No wait.ChinChin: I love all of them!Mimi: Yeah.Mimi: I love dessert!Mimi: Do you want another piece?Cosmi:It looks like you guys having fun here.Cosmi:Can I join you?Mimi: Come on over Cosmi.Mimi: Sit over here.Cosmi: Thanks!Cosmi:Okay I’m done.Cosmi:Thanks guys.Mimi: Oh my goodness.Next day,on the street...Mimi: Hello Cosmi,oh my,you look very fat today. Cosmi: I know.Cosmi:I‘m always fat!Cosmi: But this morning,I look bigger.Cosmi:I don’t know why.Mimi: You know why?Mimi: If you eat too much desserts,you‘ll get fat. Mimi: Be care next time! Okay?Cosmi: Okay. I will be careful.。

【篇⼀】 He likes me more 他更喜欢我 Bread: Is it morning? Bread: Is it time to eat breakfast? Milk: Costa is going to eat me this morning! Bread: No, Costa is going to eat me! Bread: He likes me more! Milk: No, Costa is going to eat me! Milk: He likes me more! Bread: Eat me! Eat me! Bread: Look here! Milk: Look here! Milk: Eat me! Eat me! Bread: Sorry. Milk: Oops!! Milk: Look here! Costa: Hum. I am hungry. Costa: Sorry guys. Costa: I want some sandwiches and milk. Costa: I like them more. Costa: You didn‘t know? Costa: Oh well,too bad. >>中⽂翻译 ⾯包:早上了? ⾯包:吃早餐的时间到了吗? ⽜奶:科斯达今天早上会吃我的! ⾯包:不,科斯达将会吃我! ⾯包:他更喜欢我! ⽜奶:不,科斯达将会吃我! ⽜奶:他更喜欢我! ⾯包:吃我!吃我! ⾯包:看这⼉! ⽜奶:看这⼉! ⽜奶:吃我!吃我! ⾯包:对不起。

适合小学生二年级英语情景对话训练资料【三篇】【篇一】I am happy with who I am我很高兴我是这样Mimi: I am happy with who I am.Mimi:I have two hands.Mimi:I can touch anything I want.Buba: I am happy with who I am.Buba: I have ten fingers.Buba: I can pick up anything I want.ChinChin: I am happy with who I am.ChinChin: I have two eyes.ChinChin: I can see anything I want.Costa: I am happy with who I am.Costa: I have strong arms.Costa:I can beat up anything I want.Coco: I am happy with who I am.Coco: I have a big mouth.Coco: I can eat anything I want.Cosmi: I am happy with who I am.Cosmi: I have a pretty face. Cosmi:So everywone loves me!>>中文翻译*:我很高兴我是这样。

店铺整理了小学生英语对话短文,欢迎阅读!小学生英语对话短文篇一Bob :Hi, Mum!鲍勃:嗨,妈妈!Mum:Hi. You Iook excited. What is it?妈妈:嗨。
它是什么?Bob :You know what?鲍勃:你知道吗?A singing contest will be held in our school next week.一个歌唱比赛将在我们学校下周举行。
Mum:Are you going to take part in it?妈妈:你打算参加吗?Bob:Sure. It's a good chance to show my singing talent.鲍勃:当然。
Mum:Do you think you can win a prize in the contest?妈妈:你认为你能赢得奖参赛?Bob :Certainly. People say I have a Iovely voice.鲍勃:当然。
Mum:I hope you will win.妈妈:我希望你会赢。
WORD BANKcontest n竞赛,比赛excited adj.兴奋的take part (in)参加chance n.机会talent n.才能prize/praiz/n.奖小学生英语对话短文篇二Linda:You are all smiles. There must be some good news.琳达:你都是微笑。
Bob:Guess what !鲍勃:你猜怎么着!My aunt had the winning lottery number and won a lot of money.我的阿姨有乐透中奖号码,赢了很多钱。

【篇一】我两岁了I′m two1、你们小伙伴玩得儿很开心邻居家叔叔正好下班回家,他问你们多大了。
I′m two.2、 Tony也随着说:他三岁。
I′m three years old.3、 Susan平时不爱说话,今天鼓了鼓勇气告知叔叔说:我四岁了。
I′m four years old.4、最有主张的是Martin,看到叔叔在用眼光询问,Martin说:我?我五岁了。
Me? I′m five years old.5、芳芳是个甜蜜乖巧的孩子,轮到她了,她说:叔叔,我六岁了了,你呢?I′m six, uncle. And you?6、 Allen在一边玩得没注意这些,你替他说:Allen,七岁了。
Allen is seven.7、叔叔象是了解了Michael,他说:你八岁,对吗?You′re eight, right?8、下星期的今天正好是你的生日,你高兴地告知叔叔:下周你就九岁了。
I′m nine years old next week.【篇二】Is there a post office nearby?邻近有邮局吗?AWoman: Excuse me. Do you know where the shoe store is?Man: Yes,I do.Woman: Could you tell where it is?Man: Sure. It's on Second Avenue,next to the bus station.Woman: Thanks a lot.Man: Not at all.BMan: Excuse me. Is there a park nearby?Woman: Yes,there are two parks nearby.Man: Where are they?Woman: wOne is on Main Street,and the other is on First Avenue.Man: Which wone is better?Woman: I think the park on Main Street is better.CWoman: Today is my friend's birthday.Man: Did you buy a cake?Woman: No,I didn't. I have to buy a cake.Man: Do you know where the bakery is?Woman: Yes. It's on First Avenue,across from the library. Man: Ok. Let's go!A女:对不起。

小编精心收集了关于二年级英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!关于二年级英语对话短文1Anything?任何事?Bill: I don't like this movie. Will you change the channel,Honey?Nancy: It will be over soon,Bill. Just be patient.Bill: But the football game starts at 2:00. I want to see it.Nancy: If I change the channel now,I'll miss the end.Bill: Let me watch the game,and I'll wash the dishes.Nancy: Shh! This is the most interesting part.Bill: Please let me watch the football game. I'll do anything you want.Nancy: Anything?Bill: Anything.Nancy: Ok. Do into the bedroom and turn on the radio.Bill: Is that all?Nancy: Yes. You can listen to the football game in the bedroom.比尔:我不喜欢这部电影。
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One girl went to the preacher and confessed her sin.
Girl: Father, I ha*e sinned.
Preacher: What did you do, little girl?
Girl: Yesterday, I called a man a son of a Bitch.
Preacher: Why? What did he do to you?
Girl: He touched my breast.
Preacher: You mean like this? (The guy did it.)
Girl: (A little shy from the touch) Yes.
Preacher: That's no reason to call him that.
Girl: But he also took off my cloth.
Preacher: You mean like this? (He did it again.)
Girl: Yes, that's what he did.
Preacher: That's still no reason to call him that.
Girl: And he put his you-know-what into my you-know-what...
Preacher: (e*il laugh...) You mean like this? (And you-know-what)
Girl: (After a few minutes...) Ugh... Yeah, that's what he did...
Preacher: My dear girl, that's still no reason to call him a...
Girl: But he had AIDS!!
Preacher: THAT SON OF A BITCH!!!
女:He prefers quiet music.
男:Good. How about Harry? He plays the guitar, doesnt he?
女:Yes, but Harry lo*es loud music such as disco .
男:That's OK. I often go to disco with my friends.
女:You mean we can play both loud music and quiet music?
男:Why not?
女:What kind of music style do you prefer, Ben?
男:Oh, I like music that I can dance to. But we ha*e one problem with our band
女:what is it?
男:I'm not a musician and I can't sing.
女:Are you joking?
男:No, thats your sisters name. Just now I was kidding.
女:Well, that makes sense?!