施耐德电气 Easy UPS 3S 10-40 kVA 操作说明书
部件更换 ..................................................................................................40 确定是否需要更换部件 ........................................................................40
带内部电池和模块电池柜的 UPS 的推荐设置 ........................................34 设置生命周期监控..................................................................................... 36 设置......................................................................................................... 37
10-40 kVA
重要安全说明- 请妥善保存这些说明 ......................................................5
电磁兼容性.................................................................................................6 安全注意事项 .............................................................................................6
概述2X25000KV A硅铁炉工程是由中钢集团吉林机电设备有限公司设计,吸收了挪威埃肯公司的组合把持器技术,国内首家采用组合把持器技术冶炼硅铁,取得了良好的经济技术指标,创造了国内硅铁冶炼最低电耗。
电炉控制系统一.电极吹风A.相关电气设备1.五层动力柜位置:26米平台2.电极吹风控制箱位置:20米平台3.A相电极吹风电机(11 KW)位置:20米平台4. B相电极吹风电机(11 KW)位置:20米平台5. C相电极吹风电机(11 KW)位置:20米平台B.设备功能冷却电极,控制培烧速度,防止电极过烧。
)2.电极吹风控制箱位于20米平台,其面板上设有:A相电极吹风启动/停止按钮、指示灯,B相电极吹风启动/停止按钮、指示灯,C 相电极吹风启动/停止按钮、指示灯。
二.电极升降A.相关电气设备1.炉前电源柜位置:电炉仪表室2.电炉控制柜位置:电炉仪表室3.操作台位置:电炉仪表室4.工控机位置:电炉仪表室5.液压站控制箱位置:20米平台6. 1DK(铁壳开关)位置:20米平台7. 2DK(铁壳开关)位置:20米平台8.电炉信号屏位置:7米平台B.设备功能1.调节三相电极电流在工艺要求的范围内,并使之平衡,以达控制炉温、提高电效率的目的。
电气火灾监控设备 JBF-62S30 使用说明书
电气火灾监控设备JBF-62S30使用说明书在安装和使用本产品前务必仔细阅读和理解该使用说明书!青鸟消防股份有限公司Jade Bird Fire Co.,Ltd.目录第一章系统概述 (4)1.1 特点 (4)1.2 参数 (5)1.3 外形尺寸 (5)1.4 结构介绍 (6)1.5指示灯及按键 (7)1.6 执行标准 (7)第二章安装调试步骤 (8)2.1 系统安装要求 (8)2.2 接线说明 (8)2.3现场调试 (8)第三章监控设备主要功能 (10)第四章监控设备显示说明 (11)4.1 监控设备正常监视状态 (11)4.2监控报警信息 (11)第五章监控设备操作 (13)5.1系统查询 (13)5.1.1 查询注册地址 (13)5.1.2查询系统单元配置 (14)5.1.3 查询历史记录 (14)5.1.4 查询组网控制器 (15)5.1.5 查询注释信息 (15)5.1.6 查询部件参数 (15)5.1.7 查询分体式部件参数: (16)5.1.8 查询分体式实时值 (16)5.2 测试菜单 (17)5.2.1 回路状态信息浏览 (17)5.2.2 回路电流信号浏览 (18)5.2.3 现场部件数据查询 (18)5.2.4 回路部件电流信号值 (19)5.2.5 现场部件类型及版本 (19)5.2.6 用户密码及授权管理 (19)5.3 设置菜单 (20)5.3.1 时间设置 (20)5.3.2 设置部件屏蔽 (20)5.3.3 设置打印机 (21)5.3.4 打印历史记录 (21)JBF-62S60电气火灾监控设备使用说明书V1.05.3.5 设置部件参数 (22)5.3.6 设置分体式部件参数 (22)5.4 安装设置菜单 (23)5.4.1 回路部件自动登记 (23)5.4.2 回路部件手动登记 (24)5.4.3 设置本机地址 (24)5.4.4 定点编址 (25)5.5 系统设置菜单 (26)5.5.1 系统配置 (26)5.5.2 清除处理 (26)5.5.3 设置密码 (27)5.5.4 设置语言 (27)5.5.5 运行模式 (27)5.4.6 设置试用期 (28)5.4.7 WIFI管理 (28)5.6 帮助菜单 (29)第六章探测器 (30)6.1 JBF62E系列组合式电气火灾监控探测器 (30)6.1.1 功能概述 (30)6.1.2 主要功能 (30)6.1.3 主要参数 (31)6.1.4 结构尺寸 (31)6.1.5 安装与布线 (33)第七章常见故障分析及维护 (35)7.1 故障处理 (35)7.2 保养维修 (35)7.3 安全使用及注意事项 (35)第一章系统概述青鸟消防股份有限公司生产的JBF-62S30型电气火灾监控设备(以下简称为监控设备)是基于防火探测报警器的报警、监视、控制和管理的工业级软硬件系统。
电气使用说明书电气使用说明书篇一:3516电气操作说明书※※※※※ 操作说明书※※※※※全自动球面滚子轴承内圈滚道超精研机(电气部分)型式:3MZ3516A2009 年 01月防止危险的警告为了防止危害到使用者和调试者的身体,请遵守以下的注意事项。
目录1.前言 ................................................... . (4)2.安全注意事项 ................................................... (4)(a)警告 ................................................... . (4)(b)安全注意事项 ................................................... . (5)3.操作电箱 ................................................... . (6)3-1. 各部的说明 ................................................... . (6)4.触摸屏画面的构成 ................................................... .. (7)4-1. 基本画面的构成 ................................................... (7)5.加工数据 ................................................... . (8)5-1.控制参数 ................................................... . (8)5-2.转速参数 ................................................... . (9)6.各画面的详细说明 ................................................... . (10)6-1.初始操作画面 ................................................... ........... 10 6-2.手动操作画面 ................................................... ...................................................... . (10)6-3.自动运转画面 ................................................... .. (12)6-3-1.加工监视 ................................................... .. (12)6-3-2.运行条件 ................................................... .. (12)7.报警画面 ................................................... (13)7-1.报警画面 ................................................... (13)7-2.报警履历 ................................................... (13)7-3.报警项目及处理 ................................................... (14)前言及安全注意事项1.前言本机为夹住工件进行高能率、高精度超精加工的全自动球面滚子轴承内圈滚道超精研机。
Arc-resistant metal-clad switchgear is built to resist the effects of arcing faults occurring inside the switchgear assembly. An arcing fault produces a variety of physical phenomena, including sudden pressure increases and extreme localized overheating, which combine to destroy conductors, insulation, and enclosure parts. Internal arcing faults result in severe mechanical and thermal stresses on the switchgear assembly, and the materials involved in the arcing fault may produce hot decomposition products, either gaseous or particulate. A plenumand exit duct vents direct this away from personnelto a designated area.Arc-resistant switchgear making safety more comfortableThe NEC T calls for an arc flash boundary of zero around medium voltage switchgearif it has been successfully certified as arc-resistant switchgear per IEEE T C37.20.7. With certified Type 2B arc- resistant switchgear, arc flash boundaries are eliminated even when the control compartment doors are open (for Eaton switchgear, this includes the control compartment doorin front of the circuit breaker). Eaton offers a wide varietyof tested two-high switchgear configurations and bus transitions certified by UL T to protect personnel from arcing faults of up to 63,000A rms for a duration of 0.5 seconds. Type 2B ratings are available for all arc-resistant configura-tions, reducing required personal protective equipment even with control doors open.Protection from the harmfuleffects of arcing faultsFully tested system configurations (layout flexibility)• 36-inch-wide vertical structures• Two-high breaker configurations• Two-high configurations with auxiliary drawer,fuse drawer, and circuit breaker combinations• The ability to mount devices on circuit breaker doors helps to minimize equipment size for two-high configurations • Ability to mount protective relays, meters and other controls on each of the three compartment doors allows for more compact switchgear designs• Direct roll-in circuit breakers available in both upper and lower breaker compartments • Tested standard bus duct connections available upon request• Close coupling with medium voltage MCCs, transformers and other equipment tested to IEEE C37.20.7• Metal-clad switchgear close coupled to medium voltage motor control sharing a single arc exhaust plenum and ducting system Rugged arc-resistant construction• Structure is built to withstand the effects of internal faults up to the maximum fault current rating of the switchgear• Formed steel compartment design provides sealed joints under fault conditions• Includes extra-strength, multi-point latches and robust door hinges to ensure that doors remain intact and latched during an arcing event• A welded heavy-dutydoor design safely contains the extreme forces ofan arcing faultIntegral safety features• Metal-clad construction certified to IEEE C37.20.2 provides maximum circuit separation and safety• Type 2B arc-resistant construction allows for all instrument compartment doors to be opened without sacrificing protection from a potential internal arcing fault • Door interlocks ensure that the breaker door remains closed unless the breakeris open and racked out• Through-the-door racking is provided to rack circuit breakers in or out without opening the arc-resistant circuit breaker doorSafety enhancement options • Optional universal power racking device allows an operator to rack a breakerin from a distance• Optional integral remote racking device allows racking of circuit breaker without the hassle of moving, connecting, and storing a large device• Lifting pan available to lift circuit breakers from belowProtection and metering• Eaton will incorporate any manufacturer’s microprocessor- based protective relays, including Eaton’s full line of protective relays featuringour patented Arc Reduction Maintenance System E• Eaton will incorporateany manufacturer’s meters, including Eaton’s Power Xpert T power quality meter, which detect sags, swells and harmonics in addition to comprehensive power measurements and logging • Zone selective interlocking can be supplied upon request otee:N For comprehensive application information switchgear controls, please see Eaton’s Consulting Application Guide (Section 5).Arc-resistant standards Eaton’s arc-resistant switchgear has been fully tested in accordance with ANSI C37.20.7 (Type 2B).Metal-clad switchgear standardsANSI / IEEE C37.20.2Seismic qualificationSeismic-qualified by actual testing to meet requirements of IBC 2006 and CBC 2007.Ratings• Rated max voltage:5 kV–15 kV• Maximum short-circuit rating:Up to 63 kA (5/15 kV Class)• BIL rating: 60 kV for 5 kVClass, 95 kV for 15 kV Class• Main bus ratings: 1200A,2000A, 3000A, 4000A• 40 kA arc-resistant ratingsare available for 27 kV and38 kV class equipment withcontinuous current ratingsup to 3000Aotee:N4000A ratingrequires fan cooling.Many configurations areavailable to create the perfectsystem to meet your needs.Refer to Eaton’s ConsultingApplications Guide for completedetails of available ratings andlayout dimensions.Exhaust ducts can exit from front, side or rear. Two duct exits arerequired for switchgear rated 50 kA and higher. Contact factorywith specific application questions.Eaton CorporationElectrical Sector1111 Superior Ave.Cleveland, OH 44114United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2011 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. PA02200002E / Z10595April 2011Eaton is a registered trademarkof Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.。
回用水泵:380V/ 一台
2Three-Phase Non-Reversing and Reversing, Full Voltage StartersContentsDescription PageContactors—Non-Reversing and Reversing. . . . . .V5-T2-4Starters—Three-Phase Non-Reversing andReversing, Full VoltageProduct Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-11Kits and Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-13Renewal Parts Publication Numbers. . . . . . . . .V5-T2-13Technical Data and Specifications. . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-13Wiring Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-14Starters—Single-Phase Non-Reversing,Full Voltage, Bi-Metallic Overload . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-15Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-21Renewal Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-30Technical Data and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-34Relays—Thermal Overload. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-38C440/XT Electronic Overload Relay. . . . . . . . . . . .V5-T2-48Starters—Three-Phase Non-Reversing and Reversing, Full VoltageProduct DescriptionNon-ReversingThree-phase, full voltagemagnetic starters are mostcommonly used to switch ACmotor loads. Starters consistof a magnetically actuatedswitch (contactor) and anoverload relay assembledtogether.ReversingThree-phase, full voltagemagnetic starters are usedprimarily for reversing ofthree-phase squirrel cagemotors. They consist of twocontactors and a singleoverload relay assembledtogether. The contactors aremechanically and electricallyinterlocked to prevent lineshorts and energization ofboth contactorssimultaneously.Features, Benefits andFunctions●Bimetallic ambientcompensated overloadrelays—available in threebasic sizes coveringapplications up to 900 hp—reducing number ofdifferent contactor/overloadrelay combinations thathave to be stockedThese overload relaysfeature:●Selectable manualor automatic resetoperation●Interchangeable heaterpacks adjustable ±24%to match motor FLA andcalibrated for 1.0 and1.15 service factors.Heater packs for smalleroverload relay will mountin larger overload relay—useful in deratingapplications such asjogging●Load lugs built intorelay base●Single-phase protection,Class 20 or Class 10trip time●Overload trip indication●Electrically isolatedNO-NC contacts (pullRESET button to test)●The C440 is a self-powered, robustelectronic overloaddesigned for integrateduse with FreedomNEMA contactors●Tiered feature set toprovide coveragespecific to yourapplication●Broad 5: 1 FLA rangefor maximum flexibility●Coverage from0.05–1500A to meetall your needs●Long life twin break,silver cadmium oxidecontacts—provideexcellent conductivityand superior resistanceto welding and arc erosion.Generously sized for lowresistance and cooloperation●Designed to 3,000,000electrical operations atmaximum hp ratings upthrough 25 hp at 600V●Steel mounting platestandard on all opentype starters●Wired for separate orcommon controlNon-Reversing●Holding circuit contact(s)supplied as standard:●Sizes 00–3 have a NOauxiliary contact blockmounted on right-handside (on Size 00, contactoccupies 4th power poleposition—no increasein width)●Sizes 4–5 have aNO contact blockmounted on left side●Sizes 6–7 have a2NO/2NC contactblock on top left●Size 8 has a NO/NCcontact block on topleft back and a NO ontop right backReversing●Each contactor (Size 00–8)supplied with one NO-NCside mounted contactblock as standard. NCcontacts are wired aselectrical interlocks2Freedom SeriesProduct SelectionWhen Ordering Supply ●Catalog number ●Heater pack number (see selection table, Pages V5-T2-40 to V5-T2-42) or full load currentT ype AN16/AN56 NEMA—Manual or Automatic Reset Overload Relay—Non-Reversing and Reversing 1Magnet Coils—AC or DC Starter coils listed in this section also have a 50 Hz rating as shown in the adjacent table. Selectrequired starter by catalog number and replace themagnet coil alpha designation in the catalog number (_) with the proper code suffix from the table.For Sizes 00–2 and 5–8, the magnet coil alpha designation will be the next to last digit of the listed catalog number.EXAMPLE: For a 380V, 50 Hz coil, change AN16BN0_C to AN16BN0L C. For all other sizes, the magnet coil alpha designation will be the last digit of the listed catalog number.For DC Magnet Coils , see Accessories, Pages V5-T2-28 and V5-T2-29.AC SuffixNotes1Starter catalog numbers do not include heater packs. Select one carton of three heater packs. Heater pack selection, Pages V5-T2-40 to V5-T2-42.2Maximum horsepower rating of starters for 380V 50 Hz applications:3Underscore (_) indicates coil suffix required, see AC Suffix table.4The service-limit current ratings represent the maximum rms current, in amperes, which the controller shall be permitted to carry for protracted periods in normal service. At service-limit current ratings, temperature rises shall be permitted to exceed those obtained by testing the controller at its continuous current rating. The current rating of overload relays or trip current of other motor protective devices used shall not exceed the service-limit current rating of the controller.5Common control. For separate 120V control, insert letter D in 7th position of listed catalog number. Example: AN56VN D 0CB.6NEMA Sizes 00 and 0 only.7NEMA Sizes 00 and 0 only. Sizes 1–8 are 24/60 only.NEMA Size Continuous Ampere Rating Service-Limit Current Rating (Amperes) 4Maximum UL Horsepower 2Three-PoleNon-Reversing 3Three-Pole Reversing 3Vertical Reversing 3Single-Phase Three-Phase 115V 230V 208V 240V 480V 600V Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 009111/311-1/21-1/222AN16AN0_C AN56AN0_C —01821123355AN16BN0_CAN56BN0_C AN56BNV0_12732237-1/27-1/21010AN16DN0_B AN56DN0_B AN56DNV0_2455237-1/210152525AN16GN0_B AN56GN0_B AN56GNV0_390104——25305050AN16KN0_AN56KN0_AN56KNV0_4135156——4050100100AN16NN0_AN56NN0_AN56NNV0_5270311——75100200200AN16SN0_B AN56SN0_B —6540621——150200400400AN16TN0_C AN56TN0_C —7810932——200300600600AN16UN0_B AN56UN0_B —8 512151400——400450900900AN16VN0_BAN56VN0_B—Size 0Non-Reversing StarterSize 1Reversing StarterCoil Volts and Hertz Code Suffix Coil Volts and Hertz Code Suffix 120/60 or 110/50A 380–415/50L 240/60 or 220/50B 550/50N 480/60 or 440/50C 24/60, 24/50 7T 600/60 or 550/50D 24/50U 208/60E 32/50V 277/60H 48/60W 208–240/60 6J 48/50Y 240/50K48/50YNEMA Size 00012345678Horsepower1-1/25102550751503006009002Two-Speed Selective ControlWhen Ordering Supply●Catalog number plusmagnet coil code suffix.Example: Size 0—AN700BN022B●Heater pack number or fullload current for each speedFor two-speed other thanselective control:●Catalog number plusmagnet coil code suffix andoption required. Example:AN700BN022B exceptcompelling●Heater pack number or fullload current for each speedNote: Two-speed startersare designed for starting andcontrolling both separate(two-winding) and reconnectable(one-winding) motors. Separatewinding, WYE-WYE motorshave a separate winding foreach speed. Reconnectable,consequent pole motors use thesame winding for both speeds. Allstandard starters are wiredfor selective control.Separate Winding 1Reconnectable Winding 1Magnetic Coils—AC or DCNotes1 If branch circuit protective device is 45A or greater, C320FBR1 fuse kit(s) may be required for circuit protection per NEC 530-072.2 NEMA Sizes 00 and 0 only. Sizes 1–5 are 24/60 only.Maximum Horsepower—60/50 HertzNEMASizeOpen TypeCatalog Number Constant or Variable Torque Constant Horsepower115V200V230V460V/575V115V200V230V460/575V1-1/233512230AN700BN022_37-1/27-1/2102557-1/21AN700DN022_—101525—7-1/210202AN700GN022_—253050—2025403AN700KN022_—4050100—3040754AN700NN022_—75100200—60751505AN700SN022_Prices of starters do not include heater packs. Select two packs (two overload relays, one for each speed). Heater pack selection, Pages V5-T2-40 to V5-T2-42.Maximum Horsepower—60/50 HertzNEMASizeOpen TypeConstant or Variable Torque Constant HorsepowerConstant orVariable TorqueConstantHorsepower 115V200V230V460V/575V115V200V230V460/575V Catalog Number Catalog Number1-1/233512230AN700BN0218_AN700BN0219_37-1/27-1/2102557-1/21AN700DN0218_AN700DN0219_—101525—7-1/210202AN700GN0218_AN700GN0219_—253050—2025403AN700KN0218_AN700KN0219_—4050100—3040754AN700NN0218_AN700NN0219_Prices of starters do not include heater packs. Select two packs (two overload relays, one for each speed). Heater pack selection, Pages V5-T2-40 to V5-T2-42.Coil Voltage and Hz Code Suffix Coil Voltage and Hz Code Suffix Coil Voltage and Hz Code Suffix120/60 or 110/50A277/60H24/60, 24/50 2T240/60 or 220/50B208–240/60J24/50U480/60 or 440/50C240/50K32/50V600/60 or 550/50D380–415/50L48/60W208/60E550/50N48/50YTwo-WindingAN700DN022One-WindingAN700BN0218One-WindingAN700DN02182Freedom SeriesKits and Accessories●Auxiliary contacts, contactor mounted—Pages V5-T2-25 to V5-T2-27●Transient suppressor, for magnet coil—Page V5-T2-24●Timers—solid-state and pneumatic, mount on contactor—Page V5-T2-22Renewal PartsPublication Numbers●See Page V5-T2-30Technical Data and SpecificationsWire (75°C) Sizes—AWG or kcmil—NEMA Sizes 00–2—Open and EnclosedWire (75°C) Sizes—AWG or kcmil—NEMA Sizes 3–8—Open and EnclosedPlugging and Jogging Service Horsepower Ratings 3Notes1Minimum per NEC. Maximum wire size: Sizes 00 and 0 to 8 AWG and Sizes 1–2 to 2 AWG.2Two compartment box lug.3Maximum horsepower where operation is interrupted more than 5 times per minute, or more than 10 times in a 10 minute period. NEMA Standard ICS2-1993 table 2-4-3.NEMA SizeWire Size 1 Cu OnlyPower T erminals—Line 0012–16 AWG stranded, 12–14 AWG solid 08–16 AWG stranded, 10–14 AWG solid 18–14 AWG stranded or solid23–14 AWG (upper) and/or 6–14 AWG (lower) stranded or solid 2Power T erminals—Load—Cu Only (stranded or solid)00–014–6 AWG stranded or solid 1–214–2 AWG stranded or solidControl T erminals—Cu Only 12–16 AWG stranded, 12–14 AWG solidNEMA SizeWire Size 2Power T erminals—Line and Load 31/0–14 AWG Cu/Al4Open—3/0–8 AWG Cu; Enclosed—250 kcmil—6 AWG Cu/Al 5750 kcmil—2 AWG; or (2) 250 kcmil—3/0 AWG Cu/Al 6(2) 750 kcmil—3/0 AWG Cu/Al 7(3) 750 kcmil—3/0 AWG Cu/Al 8(4) 750 kcmil—1/0 AWG Cu/AlControl T erminals—Cu Only 12–16 AWG stranded, 12–14 AWG solidNEMA Size 200V 230V 460V 575V 00—1/21/21/201-1/21-1/2221335527-1/21015153152030304253060605607515015061251503003002Wiring DiagramsThree-Phase and Single-Phase Applications。
江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司 Acrel-6000 B3 型电气火灾监控设备 安装使用说明书
目录1.概述 (2)2.基本功能 (2)2.1.监控报警功能 (2)2.2.控制输出功能 (2)2.3.故障报警功能 (2)2.4.自检功能 (2)2.5.报警记录存储查询功能 (2)2.6.电源功能 (2)2.7.远程控制功能 (3)2.8.权限控制功能 (3)3.主要技术参数 (3)3.1.电源 (3)3.2.工作制 (3)3.3.通讯方式 (3)3.4.监控容量 (3)3.5.监控报警项目 (3)3.6.故障报警项目 (3)3.7.控制输出 (3)3.8.自检项目 (3)3.9.事件记录 (4)3.10.操作分级 (4)3.11.使用环境条件 (4)4.设备组成部件 (4)4.1.主要参数及组成部件 (4)4.2.面板元件布置及功能说明 (4)5.安装与调试 (5)5.1.系统示意图 (5)5.2.设备安装 (5)5.2.1.环境 (5)5.2.2.安装方式 (5)5.2.3.设备尺寸 (5)5.3.接线 (6)5.4.单机调试 (6)5.5.系统调试 (7)6.使用说明 (8)6.1设备启动与登录 (8)6.2“隐患”页面操作 (10)6.3“状态”页面操作 (11)6.4“列表”页面操作 (12)6.5“事件”页面操作 (13)6.6“自检”页面操作 (14)6.7“维护”页面操作 (15)7.用户须知 (16)注意:本说明书针对Acrel-6000/B3型电气火灾监控设备及系统软件的使用进行全面介绍,用户使用前应仔细阅读,充分理解设备及系统软件的各项功能,以便正确、规范操作。
国电吉林江南热电有限公司DQ1500/1500.35悬臂式斗轮堆取料机电气系统使用说明书电气图号:DQ5918.9工程编号:15035-40长春发电设备有限责任公司二零零九年十二月审定:校核:编制:目录一.前言 (1)二.起动前的准备工作 (1)三.电源 (2)3.1上机电源 (2)3.2低压动力电源 (2)3.3低压控制电源 (2)四.电气系统的布置 (3)4.1电气室 (3)4.2司机室 (3)五.工作准备 (4)5.1锚锭抬起 (5)5.2高压电源合闸 (5)5.3控制电源合闸 (5)5.4动力电源合闸 (5)5.5夹轨器放松 (5)5.6控制方式选择 (5)六、斗轮机各机构控制 (6)6.1单动控制 (6)6.2联动控制 (10)6.3半自动控制 (13)6.4联锁控制 (15)6.5公用控制 (15)七.工作结束 (16)7.1夹轨器夹紧 (16)7.2动力电源分闸 (16)7.3控制电源分闸 (16)7.4锚锭落下 (17)八.操作安全注意事项 (17)8.1概述 (17)8.2操作注意事项 (17)8.3斗轮机在工作时需要检查注意项目 (18)8.4对于暴风的注意事项 (18)九.电气设备的维修与保养 (19)附录一:半自动取料工艺流程图 (21)附录二:半自动堆料工艺流程图 (22)一.前言1.1只有经过培训的专业操作人员才能操作本斗轮堆取料机。
CHAPITRE 1L ES PREACTIONNEURS ELECTRIQUESINTRODUCTIONLes préactionneurs sont des constituants qui, sur ordre de la partie de commande, assurent la distribution de l ’énergie de puissance aux actionneurs. Dans les circuits électriques, les préactionneurs sont généralement soit un relais, soit un contacteur. Le contacteur assure en plus l ’extinction de l ’a rc électrique qui accompagne souvent la commutation de l ’énergie de forte puissance. En effet, quand on ouvre un circuit en cours de fonctionnement, le contact en cause provoque un arc électrique qui peut être dangereux pour les biens et les personnes.1. LE RELAISLe relais est un composant électrique réalisant la fonction d’interfaçage entre un circuit de commande, généralement bas niveau, et un circuit de puissance alternatif ou continu (Isolation galvanique). On distingue deux types de relais : le relais électromagnétique et le relais statique.1.1. Relais électromagnétique :1.1.1. principe :Un relais électromagnétique est constitué d ’une bobine alimentée par le circuit de commande, dont le noyau mobile provoque la commutation de contacts pouvant être placé dans un circuit de puissance. Le relais électromagnétique est réservé pour les faibles puissances.1.1.2. Caractéristiques fondamentales :∙ Tension d’alimentation : C ’e st une tension continue qui permet d ’e xciter la bobine.∙ La résistance de la bobine : paramètre permettant de déterminer le courant circulant dans le circuit de commande.∙Le courant des contacts : c ’e st le courant maximal que peut commuter les contacts de relais sans dommage.1.2. Relais statique :1.2.1. DéfinitionCe qui est vrai pour un relais électromagnétique est vrai pour un relais statique. De plus un relais statique commute de manière totalement statique, sans pièce en mouvement, conférant au composant une durée de vie quasi illimitée. La structure de base d ’un relais statiqueainsi que son fonctionnement sont comme suit :Chapitre 1 : Les préactionneurs électriques371. Le circuit d'entrée correspond àl'unité de traitement ;2. Le circuit de mise à niveau ;3. Le circuit de détection de passagede zéro permet de ne commuter le relais que si la tension secteur est pratiquement nulle ; ainsi on évitera les rayonnements dus à une commutation d'une grande valeur ; 4. La charge.Le triac TR se comporte comme un interrupteur commandé : = 0, TR est bloqué (circuit ouvert), la charge A1AlimentationTR GA2Charge1.2.2. Caractéristiques fondamentales :∙ Courant d ’emploi : courant maximal que peut commuter le contact de sortie.∙ Tension d ’entrée : c ’est la tension d ’alimentation. Elle peut être continue ou alternative.∙Tension de sortie : c ’e st la tension d ’alimentation de la charge. Elle est généralement de type alternatif.1.3. Exemple de circuit :La figure suivante présente un exemple de relais statique bien connu le MOC 341, ainsi que le montage de base le mettant en œ u vre :∙Si l'unité de commande, ici matérialisée par une porte NAND, fournit un 0 à la sortie de cette porte, la diode infrarouge conduit, ce qui fait conduire l'optotriac interne, qui à son tour commande le triac extérieur, qui devient comme un circuit fermé ; la charge (LOAD) est alors alimentée par 240V AC∙ Le relais est muni du système "zero crossing", ce qui évite de commander le triac quand la tension secteur est grande, ce qui évite des parasites de commutation.Cours de : Capteurs et actionneurs en instrumentation 382. LE CONTACTEUR2.1. Principe :Un contacteur est un relais pouvant commuter de fortes puissances grâce à un de coupure d ’ou alternative. Sa constitution est comme suit :∙ Des pôles principaux de puissance ;∙ Un contact auxiliaire (avec possibilité d'additionner au contacteur un bloc de contacts auxiliaires instantanés ou temporisés) ;∙ une armature fixe et un autre mobile ; ∙ Un ressort de rappel ; ∙ Un circuit magnétique ;∙Une bobine de commande du contacteur. Si la bobine est alimentée elle attire l ’armature mobile pour actionner les pôles de puissance ; Si elle n ’est pas alimentée, un ressort de rappel ouvre les pôles de puissance.2.2. Caractéristiques électriques :∙ Tension nominale d ’emploi Ue : C ’e st la tension entre deux pôles de puissance qui ne provoque ni échauffement ni détérioration du contacteur.∙ Courant nominale d ’emploi Ie : C’est le courant qui peut circuler dans les pôles de puissance sans provoquer ni échauffement ni détérioration du contacteur.∙Courant thermique conventionnel (Ith ) : courant qu'un contacteur en position fermée peut supporter pendant 8 heures sans que l'échauffement de la bobine ne dépasse 90°C. ∙Pouvoir de coupure : courant maximal que le contacteur peut couper.2.3. Catégories de fonctionnement et choix :Pour choisir un contacteur il faut tenir compte, en plus des caractéristiques précédentes, des catégories d ’emploi. Une catégorie d ’emploie définit, pour l ’u tilisation normale d ’un contacteur, les conditions d ’établissement et de coupure du courant, en fonction du courant nominal d ’e mploi "Ie" et de la tension nominale d ’emploi "Ue" ; elle dépend :∙ De la nature du récepteur contrôlé (résistance, moteur à cage, moteur à bagues, etc.).∙Des conditions d ’e mploi dans lesquelles s’effectuent les fermetures et les ouvertures ( moteur lancé ou calé, en cours de démarrage, freinage par contre courant , etc. ).Pour choisir un contacteur on utilise généralement les guides de choix proposés par les constructeurs :Exemple de choix : Un circuit de chauffage est composé par deux charges résistives triphasés. Chaque charge consomme un courant de 10A par phase sous une tension U = 380V.Il s ’agit de la catégorie de fonctionnement AC1. Sur le guide de choix on peut opter pour le contacteur suivant :LC1-D09 A652.5. Schémas de mise en œ u vre :Pour alimenter la bobine d ’un contacteur on peut utiliser l ’un des deux montages suivants :Si on appuie sur le bouton poussoir MA la bobine du contacteur est alimentée et ferme le contact K. Même si on relâche le bouton poussoir la bobine reste alimentée (automaintien). Pour couper l’alimentation il suffit d ’ouvrir le bouton poussoir AR.Généralement, dans une chaîne d ’énergie électrique, le préactionneur ne s ’u tilise pas seul, mais associé à une classe d ’appareillage typique : sectionneur, relais thermique, etc.3. LE SECTIONNEURLe sectionneur est un appareil de connexion qui permet d'isoler (séparer électriquement) un circuit pour effectuer des opérations de maintenance ou de modification sur les circuits électriques qui se trouvent en aval. Ainsi il permet d ’assurer la sécurité des personnes qui travaillent sur le reste de l’installation en amont.Le sectionneur ne possède aucun pouvoir de coupure, par conséquent, il ne doit pas être man œuvré en charge.Cours de : Capteurs et actionneurs en instrumentationTableau 640On trouve également des sectionneurs qui servent en plus de porte-fusible. On les désigne par "Sectionneurs porte-fusible" :Sectionneur Simple4. LES FUSIBLESLes fusibles sont des appareils de protection dont la fonction est d’ouvrir un circuit par fusion d ’un élément calibré, lorsque le courant dépasse une valeur précise, pendant un temps donné. On trouve :∙La classe gI ou gG : ce sont les fusibles d’u sage général ; ils protègent contre les surcharges et les courts-circuits.∙La classe aM : ce sont les fusibles d ’a ccompagnement M oteur prévus pour la protection contre les courts-circuits et surtout pour la protection des moteurs.5. LE RELAIS THERMIQUELe relais thermique est un appareil de protection capable de protéger contre les surcharges prolongées. Une surcharge est une élévation anormale du courant consommé par le récepteur (1 à 3 In), mais prolongée dans le temps, ce qui entraîne un échauffement de l'installation pouvant aller jusqu'à sa destruction. Le temps de coupure est inversement proportionnel à l'augmentation du courant.SymboleContact commandéLe relais thermique utilise la propriété d'un bilame formé de deux lames minces ayant des coefficients de dilatation différents. L ’apparition d ’une surcharge se traduit par l ’augmentation de la chaleur (effet joule) ; Le bilame détecte l'augmentation de chaleur, se déforme et ouvre le contact auxiliaire.3 4 Chapitre 1 : Les préactionneurs électriques41Ce contact étant convenablement p lacé dans le circuit de commande va couper l'alimentation de la bobine du contacteur qui va ouvrir ses pôles de puissances et interrompre le passage de l'énergie électrique au travers du récepteur. C’est donc l'appareillage de commande qui coupe le circuit deBilame non déforméeE X E R C IEXERCICE N°1 :distribuer l’énergie vers l’actionneur,généralement adopté. Décrire le fonctionnement du montage :Cours de : Capteurs et actionneurs en instrumentation42I C E S N O N R E S O LChapitre 1 : Les préactionneurs électriques43。
武 昌 造 船 厂
使 用 说 明 书
图 3-1
共 第
24 11
页 页
OP015A 6FC5203-0AF0-50AA0 840D显示器
2 6FC5203-0AF10-0AA0 机床操作面板
T1 T4 T7 T10 T13
T2 T5 T8 T11 T14
T3 T6 T9 T12 T15
2. 3
搬运、运输和存储要求 搬运及运输 机床控制电柜及操作、悬挂箱等部分出厂时是包装好的,搬运 或运输时要依照包装箱上的指示吊装。 运输损坏
武 昌 造 船 厂
控制电柜及操作部件中的元器件如果在运输中损坏了,不经过 诊断测试,是不允许使用的,否则,可能导致人员或设备损害。
自 动 换 档 ( 例 : M40S100) 主轴Ⅰ档 主轴Ⅱ档 主轴Ⅲ档 主轴Ⅳ档
M63 M64 M74 武 昌 造 船 厂 M71 M72 M73
吹气开 吹气关 万能角铣头选择 滑枕端盖选择 平旋盘选择 直角铣头选择
使 用 说 明 书
码 功 能
共 24 第 9
页 页
M81 M82
主轴箱夹紧 主轴箱放松
武 昌 造 船 厂
使 用 说 明 书
走台操纵箱按钮站说明 走台操纵箱说明
共 第
24 10
页 页
3. 3. 1
3. 1. 1 走 台 操 纵 箱 示 意 图 3-1 序 1 2 号 功 840D显 示 器 集成式机床控制面板 能
10-34 40-54
操作按钮 集成式机床控制面板备用按钮
电使器用设手备册一、前言 -------------二、操作面板操作使用说明----------三、变频器故障排查及使用说明------------四、智能数显电动机保护器使用--------------注意:设备发生异常检修时须由熟悉当地有关法规和规定,并具备相应维修资格的人士承担。
二、操作面板操作使用说明操作面板在输入了程序与PLC通讯正常,同时供如24V 电源之后出现此主页面为正常:假如没有出现此界面或界面出现显示正在通讯请检查电源和PLC之间的通讯线是否松动,如果仍然没出现请考虑是否是文本已损坏,文本当真已损坏请联系安装商给予新文本和程序。
消防电气控制装置使用说明书消防电气控制装置使用说明书1. 引言消防电气控制装置是保障建筑物内部安全的重要设备之一。
2. 基本概述消防电气控制装置是用于监测、控制和保护建筑内部电气系统,并在火灾发生时采取相应措施的设备。
3. 使用方法3.1 火灾报警系统火灾报警系统是用于发现、报警和传递火灾相关信息的装置。
在使用火灾报警系统时,需要注意以下几点:- 确保装置正常运行:定期进行系统巡检和测试,确保火灾报警器、控制面板等设备处于良好状态。
- 系统布局规划:根据建筑物的特点,合理确定火灾报警器的安装位置。
- 火警信号处理:当火灾报警系统发出火警信号时,及时采取适当措施,如启动紧急疏散系统、联系消防部门等。
3.2 紧急疏散系统紧急疏散系统是用于指导人员有序疏散、帮助人员迅速离开建筑物的装置。
在使用紧急疏散系统时,需要注意以下几点:- 系统操作:学习并熟悉紧急疏散系统的操作方法,掌握报警按钮、疏散指示灯等设备的使用方式。
- 针对性培训:组织人员定期参加火灾疏散演练,提高人员对紧急疏散系统的熟悉度和操作能力。
- 维护保养:定期检查系统设备,确保疏散指示灯正常运行,紧急广播系统能够传递准确的信息。
3.3 灭火系统灭火系统是用于控制和扑灭火灾的装置。
在使用灭火系统时,需要注意以下几点:- 系统维护:定期检查并保养灭火系统,确保灭火器、灭火泵等设备处于正常工作状态。
- 灭火器选择:根据建筑物的特点和需求,合理选择和配置灭火器材,包括干粉灭火器、泡沫灭火器等。
- 使用方法:了解并掌握不同灭火器材的使用方法,例如使用干粉灭火器时,要掌握正确的操作步骤和喷射角度。
第二章实验人员的基本要求第五条实验人员必须具备以下基本要求:1. 对电气安全的基本知识有一定的了解;2. 具备基本的操作技能,包括仪器使用、电路连接和电路调试等;3. 具备基本的急救知识和技能。
特别注意以下几点:1. 检查设备的电源线、插座和开关等是否存在损坏或异常,若有发现应及时更换或报修;2. 检查设备的接地情况是否良好,防止因设备漏电而发生触电事故;3. 检查实验台面是否干燥,防止因液体溅到电路中导致短路或触电事故;4. 检查实验室的消防器材是否齐全,确保在发生火灾等紧急情况时能够及时进行处理。
第九条在操作电气实验设备时,必须严格遵守以下规定:1. 禁止擅自更改实验设备的内部连接、部件和元器件等;2. 禁止在实验设备上进行其他非实验需要的操作;3. 禁止使用损坏或失效的仪器进行实验;4. 禁止在实验过程中接触电路元件或设备的裸露部分;5. 禁止在有电气设备工作时穿着湿漉漉的衣物或手套等。
第十条在操作电气实验设备时,必须注意以下事项:1. 在操作前,必须了解实验设备的工作原理、功能和性能等,确保能正确的操作设备;2. 在操作过程中,必须仔细观察设备的工作状态,发现异常及时停机检修;3. 在操作过程中,必须保持设备清洁,防止灰尘、油污等进入设备内部导致故障;4. 在操作结束后,必须将设备关机并拔掉电源线,确保设备彻底停止工作;5. 在操作结束后,必须清理实验台及设备周围的杂物,保持整洁。
一、开关设备的操作规程1. 在操作任何开关设备之前,都需要保证设备的电源已经关闭,并确保自身的安全。
2. 打开开关时,应先触摸开关表面,确保没有阻碍物或异物存在,并保持手部干燥,以免发生触电事故。
3. 关闭开关时,应用适量的力度按下开关,保证其完全断开电源。
4. 严禁在湿手、带有电热器件的手套、玩水等情况下操作开关设备,以防触电危险。
二、插座设备的操作规程1. 插入插座前,应检查插座是否有损坏或松动现象,如有问题应及时更换或修复。
2. 插入插座时,应保持手部干燥,先轻微接触插座孔,确认无异常后才能插入插头。
3. 拔出插头时,应先关掉插头对应的电器开关,然后用适量的力度轻松拔出插头。
4. 不得在双脚潮湿或湿漉漉的环境中使用插座设备,以免触电危险。
三、照明设备的操作规程1. 开灯前,应确定电灯的壳体和灯泡是否完好无损,如有问题应换灯泡或更换照明设备。
2. 开灯时,应保持手部干燥,用适量的力度轻触开关,避免过度用力或暴力操作。
3. 熄灯时,应先关掉灯泡开关,待灯泡冷却后再进行更换或维修。
4. 在更换灯泡时,应先关闭电源,并使用安全工具,如梯子或扩展杆,以防止高处摔倒或触电危险。
四、电器设备的操作规程1. 使用电器设备前,应仔细阅读设备说明书,并按照说明书上的要求使用设备。
2. 插入电源前,应检查电源线和插头是否完好,避免电源线破损或插头变形。
3. 使用电器设备时,应保持设备周围通风良好,避免过度工作导致设备发热或短路。
4. 关闭电器设备时,先关闭设备本身的电源开关,再拔出插头,以确保设备彻底停止运行。
5. 长时间不使用电器设备时,应将其断开电源,并储存到干燥、无尘、避光的环境中,以延长设备使用寿命。
低压电气配电柜、操作台、操作箱 使用说明书
低压电气配电柜、操作台、操作箱使用说明书中冶南方(武汉)自动化有限公司二○一六年四月目录概述 (3)供货范围的产品介绍 (3)低压配电柜的运行维护 (16)低压配电柜检修维护保养方案 (18)安全注意事项 (18)结束语 (20)一、概述:本说明适用于中冶南方(武汉)自动化有限公司给日照酸再生供货的MCC柜、PLC柜、操作台、操作箱。
2.2 MCC低压配电柜1.产品概述:MCC电机控制中心是将各种电机控制单元及计量设备高度集成的电气成套设备,用于对单台电机和整条生产线电机进行统一的控制盒保护。
Standard arc flash relay schematics for Arc Quenching SwitchgearContentsDescription Page1 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 . Main and feeder breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 . Two mains and feeder breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 . Main-tie-main and feeder breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 . Main-main-tie-main-main and feeder breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematicsfor Arc Quenching SwitchgearEATON 1 AbbreviationsCC – Cable compartment CB – Circuit breaker BB – BusbarVT – Voltage transformer BS– Tie bus /tie circuit breakerI> (int .) – Internal overcurrent I> (activated by internal overcur-rent module from 3 phase A, B, C &/or G/N)I> (ext .) – External overcurrent I> (activated from externalbinary input(s))Inc . – Energy source Xfmr, or gen set Out . – Outgoing feeder SS – Scheme selection LHS – Left hand side RHS – Right hand sideL> – Light signal pickup (activated by light sensor)MT – Master tripSolid line– Required connectionDashed line – Optional connection3Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematics for Arc Quenching Switchgear EATON 2. Main and feeder breakers2.1. Main and feeder breakers (SAS-1)Figure 1. Main and feeder breakers (SAS-1).B O 2B I 5B I 6S1T1S4T2S2S2S32b 2aB O 2B I 5B I 6S4S3T2S1T1SS:0SS:0EAFR110PLV SS:1aEAFR101C SS:0S1/S2: L>/L>+C>S3/S4: L>/L>+C>T1/T2 Latch: ON/OFF CB1: In use / Not in use CB2: In use / Not in use BI5: MT / I>----------Scheme Select SS:1aT1T2Cb11b 1b1a2b 2a1a1b NA / Off4Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematicsfor Arc Quenching SwitchgearEATON Trip and I/O description EAFR110PLV – SS:1aT able 1. T rip and I/O description - EAFR110PL V SS:1aL>I> (int.)I/O descriptionTrip descriptionIL, IgCurrent inputs phase IL1, IL2, IL3 and ground Ig.No trip outputMeasuring current for incoming feed.BI2IL, IgBinary input 2.Trip criteria: I> + L>Trip outputs: T1 (Main LVCB), T2 (MVCB)Signal output: HSO2 (MT) to outgoing feeder EAFR101C input BI5.Signal input: L> from EAFR101C output BO1Signal output: QD fiber output signal to Arc Quenching Device.BI2Binary input 2.No trip outputT able 2. T rip and I/O logic - EAFR110PL V SS:1aL>I> (int.)T1T2T3T4HSO1 (I>)HSO2 (MT)BO1QDIL, Ig√BI2IL, Ig√√√√√*BI2√* Arc Quenching Device is triggered by the activation signals of phase overcurrent and arc light.EAFR101C – SS:0T able 3. T rip and I/O description - EAFR101C SS:0L>I> (ext.)I/O descriptionTrip descriptionSx*Sensor channel monitoring breaker compartment(s).Trip criteria: I> + L> (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip outputs: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L> ) to main breaker EAFR11OP LV-SS1A B12 after CBFP setting time. If CB opens (BI 1-4 status signals) activate 50 ms blocking timer. - over 50ms flash, trip activation**- Less than 50ms flash, no trip If CB closed (BI 1-4 status signals)- No blocking timer. Fast TripSy*Sensor channel monitoring bus compartment.Trip criteria: I> + L>. (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip output: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L>) to main breaker EAFR110PLV-SS:1a BI2 after CBFP setting time.Sz*Sensor channel monitoring cable compartment.Trip criteria: I> + L>. (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip output: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L>) to main breaker EAFR110P LV-SS:1a BI2 after CBFP setting time.* Light sensor S1, S2, S3 or S4 inputs.** Blocking timer activates only when a breaker is opened. This prevents potential nuisance operation when a circuit breaker trips to clear a downstream fault.T able 4. T rip and I/O logic - EAFR101C-SS:0L>MTT1T2T3BO1BI5√√√S1√S2√S3√S4√5Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematics for Arc Quenching SwitchgearEATON Wiring diagramFigure 2. Wiring diagram for main and feeder breakers (SAS-1).6Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematicsfor Arc Quenching SwitchgearEATON 3. Two mains and feeder breakers3.1. T wo mains and feeder breakers (SAS-2)Figure 3. T wo mains and feeder breakers (SAS-2).EAFR110PLV SS:1aEAFR101C SS:0T1T2T1T2T2L>SAS - 27Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematics for Arc Quenching Switchgear EATON Trip and I/O description EAFR110PL V – SS:1aT able 5. T rip and I/O description - EAFR110PL V SS:1aL>I> (int.)I/O descriptionTrip descriptionIL, IgCurrent inputs phase IL1, IL2, IL3 and ground Ig. No trip output Measuring current for incoming feed.BI1IL, IgBinary input 1.Trip criteria: I> + L>Trip outputs: T1 (Main LVCB), T2 (MVCB)Signal output: HSO2 (MT) to outgoing feeder EAFR101C input BI5.Signal input: L> from incomer output BO1Signal output: QD fiber output signal to Arc Quenching Device.BI2IL, IgBinary input2Trip criteria: I> + L>Trip outputs: T1 (Main LVCB), T2 (MVCB)Signal output: HSO2 (MT) to outgoing feeder EAFR101C input BI5.Signal input: L> from EAFR101C output BO1Signal output: QD fiber output signal to Arc Quenching Device.BI2Binary input2No trip outputT able 6. T rip and I/O logic - EAFR110PL V SS:1aL>I> (int.)T1T2T3T4HSO1 (I>)HSO2 (MT)BO1QDIL, Ig√BI1IL, Ig √√√√√*BI2IL, Ig√√√√√√** Arc Quenching Device is triggered by the activation signals of phase overcurrent and arc light.EAFR101C-SS:0T able 7. T rip and I/O description - EAFR101C SS:0L>I> (ext.)I/O descriptionTrip descriptionSx*Sensor channel monitoring breaker compartment(s).Trip criteria: I> + L> (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip outputs: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L> ) to main breaker EAFR11OPLV-SS1a BI2 after CBFP setting time. If CB opens (BI 1-4 status signals) activate 50 ms blocking timer. - over 50ms flash, trip activation**- Less than 50ms flash, no trip If CB closed (BI 1-4 status signals)- No blocking timer. Fast TripSy*Sensor channel monitoring bus compartment.Trip criteria: I> + L>. (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip output: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L>) to main breaker EAFR110PLV-SS:1a BI2 after CBFP setting time.Sz*Sensor channel monitoring cable compartment.Trip criteria: I> + L>. (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip output: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L>) to main breaker EAFR110PLV-SS:1a BI2 after CBFP setting time.* Light sensor S1, S2, S3 or S4 inputs.** Blocking timer activates only when a breaker is opened. This prevents potential nuisance operation when a circuit breaker trips to clear a downstream fault.T able 8. T rip and I/O logic - EAFR101C-SS:0L>MT T1T2T3BO1BI5√√√S1√S2√S3√S4√8Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematicsfor Arc Quenching SwitchgearEATON Wiring diagramFigure 4. Wiring diagram for two mains and feeder breakers (SAS-2).9Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematics for Arc Quenching Switchgear EATON 4. Main-tie-main and feeder breakers4.1. Main-tie-main and feeder breakers (SAS-3)Figure 5. Main-tie-main and feeder breakers (SAS-3).EAFR110PLV SS:1aEAFR101C SS:0T1T2T3T1T2T2L>T3SAS - 410Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematicsfor Arc Quenching SwitchgearEATON EAFR110PLV – SS:1aT able 9. T rip and I/O description - EAFR110PL V SS:1aL>I> (int.)I/O descriptionTrip descriptionIL, IgCurrent inputs phase IL1, IL2, IL3 and ground Ig. No trip output Measuring current for incoming feed.BI1IL, IgBinary input 1Trip criteria: I> + L>Trip outputs: T1 (Main LVCB), T2 (MVCB)Signal output: HSO2 (MT) to outgoing feeder EAFR101C input BI5.Signal input: L> from EAFR101C output BO1Signal output: QD fiber output signal to Arc Quenching Device.BI2IL, IgBinary input 2.Trip criteria: I> + L>Trip outputs: T1 (Main LVCB), T2 (MVCB)Signal output: HSO2 (MT) to outgoing feeder EAFR101C input BI5.Signal input: L> from EAFR101C output BO1Signal output: QD fiber output signal to Arc Quenching Device.BI2Binary input 2.No trip outputT able 10. T rip and I/O logic - EAFR110PL V SS:1aL>I> (int.)T1T2T3T4HSO1 (I>)HSO2 (MT)BO1QDIL, Ig√BI1IL, Ig √√√√√*BI2IL, Ig√√√√√√** Arc Quenching Device is triggered by the activation signals of phase overcurrent and arc light.Trip and I/O description EAFR110PLV – SS:1aT able 11. T rip and I/O description - EAFR110PL V SS:1aL>I> (int.)I/O descriptionTrip descriptionIL, IgCurrent inputs phase IL1, IL2, IL3 and ground Ig.No trip outputMeasuring current for incoming feed.BI1IL, IgBinary input 1.Trip criteria: I> + L>Trip outputs: T1 (Main LVCB), T2 (MVCB)Signal output: HSO2 (MT) to outgoing feeder EAFR101C input BI5.Signal input: L> from incomer output BO1Signal output: QD fiber output signal to Arc Quenching Device.BI2IL, Ig Binary input2Trip criteria: I> + L>Trip outputs: T1 (Main LVCB), T2 (MVCB)Signal output: HSO2 (MT) to outgoing feeder EAFR101C input BI5.Signal input: L> from EAFR101C output BO1Signal output: QD fiber output signal to Arc Quenching Device.BI2Binary input2No trip outputT able 12. T rip and I/O logic - EAFR110PL V SS:1aL>I> (int.)T1T2T3T4HSO1 (I>)HSO2 (MT)BO1QDIL, Ig√BI1IL, Ig √√√√√*BI2IL, Ig√√√√√√** Arc Quenching Device is triggered by the activation signals of phase overcurrent and arc light.11Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematics for Arc Quenching Switchgear EATON EAFR101C – SS:0T able 13. T rip and I/O description - EAFR101C SS:0L>I> (ext.)I/O descriptionTrip descriptionSx*Sensor channel monitoring breaker compartment(s).Trip criteria: I> + L> (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip outputs: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L> ) to main breaker EAFR11OPLV-SS1A B12 after CBFP setting time. If CB opens (BI 1-4 status signals) activate 50 ms blocking timer. - Over 50ms flash, trip activation**- Less than 50ms flash, no trip If CB closed (BI 1-4 status signals)- No blocking timer. Fast TripSy*Sensor channel monitoring bus compartment.Trip criteria: I> + L>. (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip output: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L>) to main breaker EAFR110PLV-SS:1a BI2 after CBFP setting time.Sz*Sensor channel monitoring cable compartment.Trip criteria: I> + L>. (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip output: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L>) to main breaker EAFR110PLV-SS:1a BI2 after CBFP setting time.* Light sensor S1, S2, S3 or S4 inputs.** Blocking timer activates only when a breaker is opened. This prevents potential nuisance operation when a circuit breaker trips to clear a downstream fault.T able 14. T rip and I/O logic - EAFR101C-SS:0L>MTT1T2T3BO1BI5√√√S1√S2√S3√S4√12Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematicsfor Arc Quenching SwitchgearEATON Wiring diagramFigure 6. Wiring diagram for main-tie-main and feeder breakers (SAS-3).13Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematics for Arc Quenching Switchgear EATON 5. Main-main-tie-main-main and feeder breakers5.1. Main main - tie - main main and feeder breakers (SAS-4)Figure 7. Main-main-tie-main-main and feeder breakers (SAS-4).T1T2T1T2T1T2T1T2L>SAS - 6T3T314Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematicsfor Arc Quenching SwitchgearEATON Trip and I/O description EAFR110PLV – SS:1bT able 15. T rip and I/O description - EAFR110PL V SS:1bL>I> (int.)I/O descriptionTrip descriptionIL, IgCurrent inputs phase IL1, IL2, IL3 and ground Ig. No trip output Measuring current for incoming feed.BI1IL, IgBinary input 1Trip criteria: I> + L>Trip outputs: T1 (Main LVCB), T2 (MVCB)Signal output: HSO2 (MT) to outgoing feeder EAFR101C input BI5.Signal input: L> from EAFR101C output BO1Signal output: QD fiber output signal to Arc Quenching Device.BI2IL, IgBinary input 2.Trip criteria: I> + L>Trip outputs: T1 (Main LVCB), T2 (MVCB)Signal output: HSO2 (MT) to outgoing feeder EAFR101C input BI5.Signal input: L> from EAFR101C output BO1Signal output: QD fiber output signal to Arc Quenching Device.BI2Binary input 2.No trip outputT able 16. T rip and I/O logic - EAFR110PL V SS:1bL>I> (int.)T1T2T3T4HSO1 (I>)HSO2 (MT)BO1QDIL, Ig√BI1IL, Ig √√√√√*BI2IL, Ig√√√√√√** Arc Quenching Device is triggered by the activation signals of phase overcurrent and arc light.EAFR101C – SS:0T able 17. T rip and I/O description - EAFR101C SS:0L>I> (ext.)I/O descriptionTrip descriptionSx*Sensor channel monitoring breaker compartment(s).Trip criteria: I> + L> (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip outputs: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L> ) to main breaker EAFR11OPLV-SS1A B12 after CBFP setting time. If CB opens (BI 1-4 status signals) activate 50 ms blocking timer. - Over 50ms flash, trip activation**- Less than 50ms flash, no trip If CB closed (BI 1-4 status signals)- No blocking timer. Fast TripSy*Sensor channel monitoring bus compartment.Trip criteria: I> + L>. (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip output: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L>) to main breaker EAFR110PLV-SS:1a BI2 after CBFP setting time.Sz*Sensor channel monitoring cable compartment.Trip criteria: I> + L>. (MT from EAFR110PLV)Trip output: T1 (CB), T2 (CB), T3 (trip alarm).Signal output: BO1 (L>) to main breaker EAFR110PLV-SS:1a BI2 after CBFP setting time.* Light sensor S1, S2, S3 or S4 inputs.** Blocking timer activates only when a breaker is opened. This prevents potential nuisance operation when a circuit breaker trips to clear a downstream fault.T able 18. T rip and I/O logic - EAFR101C-SS:0L>MTT1T2T3BO1BI5√√√S1√S2√S3√S4√15Instruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021Standard arc flash relay schematics for Arc Quenching SwitchgearEATON Wiring diagramFigure 8. Wiring diagram for main-main-tie-main-main and feeder breakers (SAS-4).Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United StatesEaton .com© 2021 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No . IB0191003EN / TBG 001490 February 2021Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners. Standard arc flash relay schematics for Arc Quenching SwitchgearInstruction Booklet IB0191003ENEffective February 2021DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety nota-tions in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies .If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted . Sale of the product shown in this literature is subjectto the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser .THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES . ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON . THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES .In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or other-wisefor any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein . The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice .。
18741886191118931983196219891984199919761977190819061899196319671934There’s a certain energy at Eaton. It’s the power of uniting some of the world’s most respected names to build a brand you can trust to meet every power management need. The energy created supports our commitment to powering business worldwide.Eaton is dedicated to ensuring that reliable, efficient and safe power is available when it’s needed most. With unparalleled knowledge ofelectrical power management across industries, experts at Eaton deliver customized, integrated solutions to solve our customers’ most critical challenges. /Electrical.All of the above are trademarks of Eaton Corporation or its affiliates. Eaton hasa license to use the Westinghouse brand name in Asia Pacific. ©2012 Eaton Corporation.System overviewMulti-function display2Multi-function displayDisplay/operating unit, power supply unit/CPU module3MFD-TitanThe multi-function display MFD-Titan can be used in the followingcombinations:Power supply unit/CPUPower supply unit/CPU + I/O modules Power supply unit/CPU + display and operating unitPower supply unit/CPU + display and Ethernet gatewayEASY209-SE224 V DCSerial interface, PSU/CPU module to EthernetBus modulesEASY204-DP3PROFIBUS DP connection as slave, 24 V DCEASY221-CO5CANopen connection, 24 V DC EASY205-ASI4AS-Interface connection as slave EASY222-DN6DeviceNet connection, 24 V DCMulti-function displayDisplay/operating units, CPU, communication modules4OrderingSupply voltageDescriptionPart no.Article no.Price See pricelistStd. packInformation relevant for export to North AmericaDisplay/keypadMonochrome display 132 × 64 pixels with switchable backlight IP65, removable silver front frame With keypad, with Moeller company logotypeMFD-80-B 2652511 off Power supply unit/CPU moduleCan be combined with display and control unit MFD-80-..and I/O module; expandable: Digital and analog inputs/outputs and bus systemsAS-Interface, CANopen, PROFIBUS-DP, DeviceNet; bus system easyNet optional on-board IP20 Spring-loaded terminals 100 - 240 V ACProgram and screen memory,MFD-AC-CP8-NT 274092Note 1) For availability please inquireSupply voltage DescriptionPart no.Article no.Price See price listStd. packInformation relevant for export to North AmericaProduct StandardsIEC/EN see Technical Data; UL 508;Product StandardsIEC/EN see Technical Data; UL 508;Multi-function displayCommunication modules5MFD-TitanSupply voltageDescriptionFor use withPart no.Article no.Price See price listStd. packInformation relevant for export toPower supply unit/communication modulesIP20, can be combined with display/operating unit MFD-80... as remote text displayIndividually inscribe your device in 4 stages:– Download the inscription software: , keyword: “Labeleditor”– Creation of label template (menu-guided in the software)– Send the label template to the factory by email. The email address is automatically set for the selected product by the program. When your template is sent, the Labeleditor issues a file name such as “EASY_12345.zip”. This file name is part of the article to be ordered (see Ordering examples).– Send order to the Eaton office or the electrical wholesalers.Ordering example: MFD-TitanMFD-80-B multi-function display with “company name”:1 x MFD-COMBINATION-*1 x MFD-80-B1 x the file name “MFD_xxxxx.zip” issued by the Labeleditorse i r o s s e c c A 1 Ethernet gateway 2 Connection cable3 Programming software4 PC programming cable5 Inputs/outputs expansion6 output expansion, bus module, coupling module7 Display/keypad8 Power supply unit/CPU module 9 I/O module 10 Memory card 11 easyNet12 Switched-mode power supply unitMulti-function displayI/O modules6MFD-Titane r u t a r e p m e T s t u p t u O s t u p n I ht i w e s u r o F yl p p u s r e w o P rangePart no.Article no.PriceSee price listStd. packDigitalOf w hich can be used as analogPt100Relays 10 A (UL)TransistorAnalogI/O modulesInformation relevant for export to North America Product Standards UL File No.UL CCN CSA File No.CSA Class No.NA Certification Degree of ProtectionIEC/EN see Technical Data; UL 508; CSA C22.2 No. 142-M1987;CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987; CE marking E135462NRAQ 0125282252-01 + 2258-02UL Listed, CSA certified IEC: IP20, UL/CSA Type: -7Multi-function displayAccessoriesMFD-TitanMFD-TitanConnecting cables DescriptionFor use withPart no.Article no.Price See price listStd. packInformation relevant for export to North AmericaBus connector plug DescriptionFor use withPart no.Article no.Price See price listStd. packInformation relevant for export to North AmericaMulti-function display Accessories8MFD-Titan MFD-TitanPoint-to-point connection cableDescription Part no.Article no.PriceSee pricelistStd. packSwitched-mode power supply unitsDescription For use with Part no.Article no.PriceSee pricelistStd. pack Information relevant for export to North AmericaMulti-function displayAccessories9MFD-TitanDescriptionFor use withPart no.Article no.Price See pricelistStd. packInformation relevant for export to North AmericaPROFIBUS-DP data cableControl relays, multi-function displayDisplay/operating units, CPU, communication modules10MFD-80..MFD-80, MFD-(AC)-CP...MFD-CP4…MFD-AC-CP4..MFD-CP10..MFD-AC-CP8..MFD-CP8..GeneralStandardsEN 61000-6-1/-2/-3/-4, IEC 60068-2-6, IEC 60068-2-27mm )D x H x W (s n o i s n e m i D 86.5 x 86.5 x 21.5 (with buttons) 86.5 x 86.5 x 20 (without buttons)75 x 58 x 36.2107.5 x 90 x 30107.5 x 90 x 30gk t h g i e W x 22.5 mm, display fastened using 2° threaded fixing rings.Wall thickness:without top-hat rail (CPU) 1 – 6 mm with top-hat rail 1 – 4 mm Plug-fitted to the display fixing shaft Fitted on the fixing shaft of the display or on top-hat rail according toIEC/EN 60715, 35 mm deep (without display)Fitted on the fixing shaft of the display or on top-hat rail according toIEC/EN 60715, 35 mm deep (without display)Terminal capacity m m di l o S 2––0.2/4 (AWG 24 - 12)0.2/4 (AWG 24 - 12)m m e l u r r e f h t i w e l b i x e l F 2––0.2/2.5 (AWG 24 - 12)0.2/2.5 (AWG 24 - 12)m m r e v i r d w e r c s e d a l b -t a l F –– 3.5 x 0.6 3.5 x 0.6m N e u q r o t g n i n e t h g i t .x a M ––––Ambient climatic conditions C°e r u t a r e p m e t t n e i b m a g n i t a r e p O -25 - 55, low temperatures to IEC 60068-2-1, high temperatures to IEC 60068-2-2Condensation Prevent condensation by means of suitable measures LCD display (clearly legible)°C -5 - 50C °eg a r o t S -40 - 70-40 - 70-40 - 70-40 - 70Relative humidity, non-condensing (IEC/EN 60068-2-30)% 5 - 95 5 - 95 5 - 95 5 - 95a P h )n o i t a r e p o n i (e r u s s e r p r i A 795 - 1080795 - 1080795 - 1080795 - 1080Ambient mechanical conditions Protection type(IEC/EN 60529, EN50178, VBG 4)IP65IP20IP20IP20Vibrations (IEC/EN 60068-2-6)Constant amplitude 0.15 mmHz 10 - 5710 - 5710 - 5710 - 57Constant acceleration, 2 g Hz 57 - 15057 - 15057 - 15057 - 150Mechanical shock resistance (IEC/EN 60068-2-27) semi-sinusoidal 15 g/11 ms Shocks18181818Drop to IEC/EN 60068-2-31Drop heightmm 50505050Free fall, packaged (IEC/EN 60068-2-32)m 1111Mounting positionVertical or horizontalunitControl relays, multi-function displayDisplay/operating units, CPU, communication modules11MFD-80, MFD-(AC)-CP...1)Backup time (hours) Service life (years)MFD-80..MFD-CP4…MFD-AC-CP4..MFD-CP10..MFD-AC-CP8..MFD-CP8.. unitControl relays, multi-function displayCPU, communication modules12MFD-(AC)-CP...MFD-CP4..MFD-CP8..MFD-CP10..MFD-AC-CP4..MFD-AC-CP8..Power supply Rated operational voltage U eV 24 DC (-15/+20 %)24 DC (-15/+20 %)100/110/115/120//230/240 AC (+10/-15 %)C A V e g n a r e l b i s s i m r e P 85…264C D V e g n a r e l b i s s i m r e P 20.4…28.820.4…28.8%e l p p i R ≦5≦5–zH y c n e u q e r F ––50/60 (± 5%)Input currentA m z H 06C A V 021/511t A ––Normally 90A m z H 05C A V 042/032t A ––Normally 60A m CD V 42t A Normally 185Normally 200–s m )2-13116NE /C E I (s p i d e g a t l o V 101010Heat dissipationA V C A V 021/511t A ––Normally 11At 230/A V C A V 042––Normally 15WCD V 42t A 1.5 3.4–Point-to-point connection Stations 1––Baud rates /t i B M 007y s a e ,005y s a e 9.6 kBaud ––easy800, MFD, EC4P 19.2 kBaud ––me c n a t s i D Max. 5Max. 5Max. 5Potential isolationFrom power supply Yes––From the connected device Yes––Terminal type Spring-loaded terminals––Power pulses -m u N sn o i t a t S berMax. 1Max. 8Max. 8Data transfer rate/distance–1000 Kbit/s, 6 m 500 Kbit/s, 25 m 250 Kbit/s, 40 m 125 Kbit/s, 125 m 50 Kbit/s, 300 m 20 Kbit/s, 700 m 10 Kbit/s, 1000 m 1000 Kbit/s, 6 m 500 Kbit/s, 25 m 250 Kbit/s, 40 m 125 Kbit/s, 125 m 50 Kbit/s, 300 m 20 Kbit/s, 700 m 10 Kbit/s, 1000 m Potential isolationFrom power supply –Yes Yes From the inputs ––Yes From the outputs–Yes Yes From PC interface, memory card, easyNet, easyLink–Yes Yes Bus termination (first and last station)–Yes Yes Terminal type–RJ45, 8 poleRJ45, 8 poleunitControl relays, multi-function displayI/O modules13MFD-(AC)-R..., MFD-T...MFD-R16MFD-RA17MFD-AC-R16MFD-T16MFD-TA17MFD-T.P..General StandardsEN 61000-6-1/-2/-3/-4, IEC/EN 61000-4, IEC 60068-2-6, IEC 60068-2-27EN 61000-6-1/-2/-3/-4, IEC/EN 61000-4, IEC 60068-2-6, IEC 60068-2-27EN 61000-6-1/-2/-3/-4, IEC/EN 61000-4, IEC 60068-2-6, IEC 60068-2-27EN 61000-6-1/-2/-3/-4, IEC 60068-2-6, IEC 60068-2-27m m )D x H x W (s n o i s n e m i D 89 x 90 x 4489 x 90 x 4489 x 90 x 25 (built-in)89 x 90 x 25 (built-in)gk th g i e W into the power supply unit.Terminal capacity m m di l o S 20.2/4 (AWG 24 - 12)0.2/4 (AWG 24 - 12)0.2/4 (AWG 24 - 12)0.2/4 (AWG 24 - 12)m m e l u r r e f h t i w e l b i x e l F 20.2/2.5 (AWG 24 - 12)0.2/2.5 (AWG 24 - 12)0.2/2.5 (AWG 24 - 12)0.2/2.5 (AWG 24 - 12)m m r e v i r d w e r c s e d a l b -t a l F 3.5 x 0.6 3.5 x 0.6 3.5 x 0.6 3.5 x 0.6Power supplym m di l o S 2––––m m e l u r r e f h t i w e l b i x e l F 2––––m m r e v i r d w e r c s e d a l b -t a l F ––––Data cablem m di l o S 20.08/2.5 (AWG 28 - 12)0.08/2.5 (AWG 28 - 12)0.08/2.5 (AWG 28 - 12)0.08/2.5 (AWG 28 - 12)m m e l u r r e f h t i w e l b i x e l F 20.08/1.5 (AWG 28 - 12)0.08/1.5 (AWG 28 - 12)0.08/1.5 (AWG 28 - 12)0.08/1.5 (AWG 28 - 12)Ambient climatic conditions C °e r u t a r e p m e t t n e i b m a g n i t a r e p O -25 - 55, low temperatures to IEC 60068-2-1, high temperatures to IEC 60068-2-2CondensationPrevent condensation by means of suitable measuresC °)e l b i g e l y l r a e l c (y a l p s i dD C L C °eg a r o t S -40 - 70-40 - 70-40 - 70-40 - 70Relative humidity, non-condensing (IEC/EN 60068-2-30)% 5 - 95 5 - 95 5 - 95 5 - 95aP h )n o i t a r e p o n i (e r u s s e r p r i A 795 - 1080795 - 1080795 - 1080795 - 1080Ambient mechanical conditions Pollution degree2222Protection type (IEC/EN 60529, EN50178, VBG 4)IP20IP20IP20IP20Vibrations (IEC/EN 60068-2-6)Constant amplitude 0.15 mm Hz 10 - 5710 - 5710 - 5710 - 57Constant acceleration, 2 g Hz 57 - 15057 - 15057 - 15057 - 150Mechanical shock resistance (IEC/EN 60068-2-27)semi-sinusoidal 15 g/11 ms Shocks18181818Drop to IEC/EN 60068-2-31Drop heightmm 50505050Free fall, packaged (IEC/EN 60068-2-32)m1111Mounting positionVertical or horizontalElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Electrostatic discharge (ESD),to IEC EN 61000-4-2V k e g r a h c s i d r i A 8888V k e g r a h c s i d t c a t n o C 6666Electromagnetic fields (RFI), to IEC EN 61000-4-2V/m10101010Radio interference suppression EN 55011 Class B, EN 55022 Class BBurst to IEC/EN 61000-4-4V k se l b a c y l p p u S 2222V k se l b a c l a n g i S 2222Power pulses (surge) (IEC/EN 61000-4-5)kVkV2 (supply cables, symmetrical) 2 (supply cables, symmetrical) 2 (supply cables, symmetrical) 2 (supply cables symmetrical, MFD-AC-CP8..)Power pulses (surge), to IEC/EN 61000-4-5kV kV0.5 (supply cables, symmetrical)0.5 (supply cables, symmetrical)0.5 (supply cables, symmetrical)0.5 (supply cables, symmetrical, MFD-CP8..)Radiated RFI, to IEC/EN 61000-4-6V10101010Insulation resistanceClearance in air and creepage distances EN 50178, UL 508, CSA C22.2, No. 142Insulation resistanceEN 50178unitMulti-function displayI/O modules14MFD-(AC)-R..., MFD-T...MFD-R16 MFD-RA17MFD-T16 MFD-TA17MFD-T...P...MFD-AC-R16Digital inputs 24 V DC Number12126Inputs can be used as analog inputs 4 (I7, I8, I11, I12) 4 (I7, I8, I11, I12) 2 (I11, I12)Potential isolationFrom power supply No No No Between digital inputs No No No From the outputsYes Yes Yes From PC interface, memory card, easy NET, easyLink YesYesYesRated operating voltage U e V DC 242424U ”0”l a n g i s n O e V DC < 5.0 (I1 - I6, I9 - I10), < 8 (I7, I8, I11, I12)< 5.0 (I1 - I6, I9 - I10), < 8 (I7, I8, I11, I12)< 5.0 (I1 - I4), < 8.0 (I11, I12) U ”1”l a n g i s n O eV DC> 15.0 (I1 - I6, I9 - I10), > 8.0 (I7, I8, I11, I12)> 15.0 (I1 - I6, I9 - I10), > 8.0 (I7, I8, I11, I12) >15.0 (I1 - I4), > 8.0 (I11, I12)Input current on signal "1"A m 6I o t 1I 3.3 (at 24 V DC) 3.3 (at 24 V DC)–A m 4I o t 1I ––3.3 (at 24 V DC)A m 8I ,7I 2.2 (at 24 V DC) 2.2 (at 24 V DC)–A m 01I ,9I 3.3 (at 24 V DC) 3.3 (at 24 V DC)–A m 21I ,11I 2.2 (at 24 V DC)2.2 (at 24 V DC)2.2 (at 24 V DC)Delay time from 0 to 1s m N O e c n u o b e D 202020s m F F O e c n u o b e D Normally 0.1 (I1 - I4), normally 0.25 (I5 - I12)Delay time from 1 to 0s m N O e c n u o b e D 202020sm FF O e c n u o b e D Normally 0.1 (I1 - I4), normally 0.4 (I5, I6, I9, I10), normally 0.2 (I7, I8, I11, I12)Normally 0.1 (I1 - I4), normally 0.4 (I5, I6, I9, I10), normally 0.2 (I7, I8, I11, I12)Normally 0.1 (I1 - I4), normally 0.2 (I11, I12)m )d e d l e i h s n u (h t g n e l e l b a C 100100100Frequency countersNumber 4 (I1, I2, I3, I4) 4 (I1, I2, I3, I4) 4 (I1, I2, I3, I4)z H k y c n e u q e r f r e t n u o C < 3< 3< 3Pulse shape Square Square Square Incremental countersNumber 2 (I1 + I2, I3 + I4) 2 (I1 + I2, I3 + I4) 2 (I1 + I2, I3 + I4)z H k y c n e u q e r f r e t n u o C ≦ 3≦ 3≦ 3Pulse shape Square Square Square Signal offset 90°90°90°High-speed counter inputsNumber 4 (I1, I2, I3, I4) 4 (I1, I2, I3, I4) 4 (I1, I2, I3, I4)z H k y c n e u q e r f r e t n u o C < 3< 3< 3Pulse shape Square Square Square m d e d l e i h s ,h t g n e l e l b a C < 20< 20< 20Digital inputs 115/230 V AC Number12Status displayLCD display (if provided)Potential isolationFrom power supply No Between digital inputs No From the outputsYes From PC interface, memory card, easyNet, easyLink YesRated voltage L (sinusoidal)C A V ”0”l a n g i s n O 0 - 40C A V ”1”l a n g i s n O 79 - 264z H yc n e u q e r fde t a R 50 - 60Input current on signal "1"Am 21I o t 1I 12 x 0.2 (at 115 V AC, 60 Hz), 12 x 0.5 (at 230 V AC, 50 Hz)Delay timeDelay time (0 - 1/1 - 0) I1 - I12, 50/60 Hz 10/100Max. admissible cable length (per input)m 21I o t 1I Normally 60unitControl relays, multi-function displayI/O modules15MFD-R..., MFD-T...MFD-R...MFD-T...MFD-RA17MFD-TA17MFD-TAPAnalog inputs Analog outputs Number4 (I7, I8, I11, I12)2 (I11, I12) for MFD-T(A)P Number11Potential isolation Potential isolation From power supply No From power supply NoNo From the digital inputs No From the digital inputs No No From the outputsYes From the digital outputsYes Yes From PC interface, memory card, easyNet, easyLink YesFrom PC interface, memory card, easyNet, easyLink YesYesInput type DC voltage Output type DC voltage DC voltage C D V e g n a r l a n g i S C D V eg n a r l a n g i S 01-00 - 100 - 10Resolution, analog V 0.01Max. output current A 0.010.01Resolution, digital V k ec n a t s i s e rd a o L 10.0Ω11t i B no i t u l o s e R 10 (value 0 - 1023)Overload and short-circuit protection Yes Yes k ec n ade p m i t u p n I Ω11.2Resolution, analog V DC 0.010.01Accuracy of actual value Resolution, digitalBit 10 (value 0 - 1023)12 (value 0 - 4095) at QA01, MDTwo MFD devices %± 3Resolution, digital V DC –0.1, 0.01, 0.001 at MD Within a single device %± 2 %Recovery time µs 100100Conversion time analog/digital ms Each CPU cycle AccuracyA m tn e r r u c t u p n I %C °55-C °52-1<22Cable length shieldedm %C5203<11Conversion time, analog/digital msEach CPU cycleEach CPU cycleMFD-TP, MFD-TAPAnalog input temperature resistance Pt100 or Ni1000 sensors Number2 x Pt 100 or 2 x Ni1000 (according to part no.)Input type resistance sensorPlatinum sensor Pt100 according to DIN EN 60751, IEC 751MFD-TP12-PT...Nickel sensor Ni1000 according to DIN 43760MFD-TP12-NI...Temperature range)F °(,C °e l b a t c e l e s ,A e g n a r ,001t P -40 - +90, (-40 - 194); 0 - 250, (32 - 482); 0 - 400, (32 - 752))F °(,C °e l b a t c e l e s ,A e g n a r ,0001i N -40 - +90, (-40 - 194); 0 - 250, (32 - 482))F °(,C °B e g n a r ,001t P -0 - +8500, (32 - 1562); -200 - 200, (-328 - 392)Potential isolation From power supply No From the digital inputs No From the outputsYes From PC interface, memory card, easyNet, easyLink YesResolution digital, scaling per sensorWith operands "IA" and "MD", selectable under scaling Bit 12 (0 - 4095))F °(,C °g n i l a c s r e d n u e l b a t c e l e s ,"D M "d n a r e p o h t i W 1, 0.1, (1), (0.1)t i B l a t i g i d /g o l a n a n o i t u l o s e r e u l a v t n e m e r u s a e M Depending upon the scaling Am tn e r r u c g n i r u s a e M < 1.6Damage limit (in the case of a wiring error)Apply external voltageMeasurement methodTwo or three wire per sensor, selectable by connection of sensor Accuracy (without EMC interference)%re h t o e h t e v o b a e n o s e c i v e d D F M o w T Normally 1; maximal 1.6 (Pt), 1.2 (Ni)Pt100 RTD (offset error, linearity error, repetition accuracy, temperature dependency of the device included)%± 0.8 of measurement range Ni1000 RTD (offset error, linearity error, repetition accuracy, temperature dependency of the device included) %± 0,6 of measurement rangeConversion time analog/digitalWithout sampling time setting, selectable per sensor ms 200With sampling time (adjustable), selectable per sensor ms 200 - 65535Additional measurement aidsFiltering (software), analog input signal smoothing (Pt1 characteristic), only with set sampling time, selectable for each detectorYesFilter for suppression of certain frequencies and their multiples Hz 50, 60, 250, 500DiagnosticsCard diagnosticYes Wire break diagnostic per sensor Yes Wire break diagnostic per sensor Yes Below lower measurement rangeYes Upper measuring range limit of sensor exceeded Yes mde d l e i h s h t g n e l e l b a C < 10unitunitunitControl relays, multi-function displayBasic devices, expansion devices16easy...T..., MFD-T...MFD-T..Transistor outputs Number4U e g a t l o v g n i t a r e p o d e t a R e V DC 24U e g n a r e l b i s s i m r e P eV DC 20.4 - 28.8%el p p i R ≦ 5Supply currentOn signal ”0”Normally/max.mA 18/32On signal ”1”Normally/max.mA24 /44Protection against polarity reversalYes (Caution: A short circuit will result if 0 V or GND is applied to the outputs in the event that the supply voltage is connected to the wrong poles.)Potential isolationPotential isolation from power supply, inputsYes From PC interface, memory card, easyNet, easyLink–From the inputsYesRated operational current on signal "1" DC I eA Max. 0.5Lamp load without R vW 5 (Q1 - Q4)A m l e n n a h c r e p "0"l a n g i s n o t n e r r u c l a u d i s e R < 0.1Max. output voltageOn "0" at external load < 10 M ΩV 2.5On “1” at I e VA 5.0=U = U e -1 VShort-circuit protectionThermal (Q1 – Q4), (analysis via diagnostics input I16)Short-circuit tripping current for R a ≦ 10 m ΩA 0.7≦I e ≦2 per output A t n e r r u c t i u c r i c -t r o h s l a t o T 8A t n e r r u c t i u c r i c -t r o h s k a e P 16Thermal cutoutYes Max. operating frequency at constant resistive loadR L < 100 k Ω(dependent on program and load)Ops/h40000Parallel connection of outputsWith resistive load, inductive load with external suppressor circuit, combination within a groupGroup 1: Q1 to Q4.x a M s t u p t u o f o r e b m u N 4At n e r r u c l a t o t .x a M Status indication of the outputs Inductive load to EN 60947-5-1Without external suppressor circuitT 0.95 = 1 ms, R = 48 Ω, L = 16 mHg r o t c a f n o i t a z i l i t U 0.25F D %ro t c a f y t u D 100Max. operating frequency f = 0.5 Hz (max. ED = 50 %)Operations 1500DC-13, T 0.95 = 72 ms, R = 48 Ω, L = 1.15 Hg r o t c a f n o i t a z i l i t U 0.25F D %ro t c a f y t u D 100Max. operating frequency f = 0.5 Hz (max. ED = 50 %)Operations 1500T 0.95 = 15 ms, R = 48 Ω, L = 0.24 Hg r o t c a f n o i t a z i l i t U 0.25F D %ro t c a f y t u D 100Max. operating frequency f = 0.5 Hz (max. ED = 50 %)Operations 1500With external suppressor circuitg r o t c a f n o i t a z i l i t U 1F D %ro t c a f y t u D 100Max. switching frequency, max. duty factorOperations Depending on the suppressor circuitNotesFor additional technical data EASY5… and EASY7… AWB2528-1508D, EASY8… AWB2528-1423D, MFD-Titan AWB2528-1480DunitControl relays, multi-function displayBasic devices, expansions, display/operating unit DimensionsMFD-80-BMFD-80MFD-80.........17Control relays, multi-function displayCentral processing unit, communicati18MFD-R...,MFD-T...,MFD-AC-R16MFD-CP...,MFD-AC-CP...MFD-80...+MFD-CP4MFD-80...+MFD-CP...+MFD-R.../MFD-T...MFD-80... + MFD-AC-CP... + MFD-AC-R1619Control relays, multi-function displayAccessoriesHinged inspection windowsSKF-FF6SKF-FF4Top-hat rail adapter for hinged inspection windowSKF-HAProtective coverProtective diaphragmMFD-XS-80MFD-XM-80Mounting railMFD-TS-144Eaton Industries Pte LtdElectrical Sector4 Loyang Lane #04-01/02Singapore 508914Electrical Sector Asia PacificNo.3, Lane 280, Linhong Road,Changning District, ShanghaiEaton is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.© 2012 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in SingaporeMFD-SEA-ENJuly 2012Eaton is dedicated to ensuring that reliable, efficient and safe power is available when it’s needed most. With unparalleled knowledge of electrical power management across industries, experts at Eaton deliver customized, integrated solutions to solve our customers’ most critical challenges.Our focus is on delivering the right solution for the application. But, decision makers demand more than just innovative products. They turn to Eaton for an unwavering commitment to personal support that makes customer success a top priority. For more information, visit /electrical.。
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搅拌机:380V/1.5Kw 一台
一键松板:在 灯灭掉的情况下,点击“一键松板”按钮,压滤机拉开,便于更换滤布。
点击图1中的 图标后进入如下图3界面:
首先要设置各个参数(设置前也需要输入密码 ):
加药泵:380V/0.25Kw 一台
1.4 通道
4.2 混凝剂
加药泵:380V/0.25Kw 一台
4.3 絮凝剂
点击“集水坑提升泵A”下方的 图形则该泵停止;
为各池液位显示,当到达该液位时, 会亮起。
点击图1中的 图标后进入如下图4界面:
地坑泵:380V/0.75Kw 一用一备
回用水泵:380V/2.2Kw 一台
加碱泵:380V/0.25Kw 一台
1.5 安全用具
1.6 安全检查表
压滤系统自动:设定好参数后点击此按钮,压滤机系统开始自动工作,该按钮亮起。当压泥板数到达设定的 次数后,压滤机停止工作,该按钮灭灯。
1 人身安全注意事项