N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Branes and Orientifolds
On Non-Perturbative Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories - A Lecture
a rXiv:h ep-th/9611152v12N ov1996CERN-TH/96-268hep-th/9611152ON NON-PERTURBATIVE RESULTS IN SUPERSYMMETRIC GAUGE THEORIES –A LECTURE 1Amit Giveon 2Theory Division,CERN,CH-1211,Geneva 23,Switzerland ABSTRACT Some notions in non-perturbative dynamics of supersymmetric gauge theories are being reviewed.This is done by touring through a few examples.CERN-TH/96-268September 19961IntroductionIn this lecture,we present some notions in supersymmetric Yang-Mills(YM) theories.We do it by touring through a few examples where we face a variety of non-perturbative physics effects–infra-red(IR)dynamics of gauge theories.We shall start with a general review;some of the points we consider follow the beautiful lecture notes in[1].Phases of Gauge TheoriesThere are three known phases of gauge theories:•Coulomb Phase:there are massless vector bosons(massless photonsγ;no confinement of both electric and magnetic charges).The behavior of the potential V(R)between electric test charges,separated by a large distance R,is V(R)∼1/R;the electric charge at large distance behaves like a constant:e2(R)∼constant.The potential of magnetic test charges separated by a large distance behaves like V(R)∼1/R,and the magnetic charge behaves like m2(R)∼constant,e(R)m(R)∼1 (the Dirac condition).•Higgs Phase:there are massive vector bosons(W bosons and Z bosons), electric charges are condensed(screened)and magnetic charges are confined(the Meissner effect).The potential between magnetic test charges separated by a large distance is V(R)∼ρR(the magnetic flux is confined into a thin tube,leading to this linear potential witha string tensionρ).The potential between electric test charges isthe Yukawa potential;at large distances R it behaves like a constant: V(R)∼constant.•Confining Phase:magnetic charges are condensed(screened)and elec-tric charges are confined.The potential between electric test charges separated by a large distance is V(R)∼σR(the electricflux is confined1into a thin tube,leading to the linear potential with a string tensionσ).The potential between magnetic test charges behaves like a constant at large distance R.Remarks1.In addition to the familiar Abelian Coulomb phase,there are theorieswhich have a non-Abelian Coulomb phase[2],namely,a theory with massless interacting quarks and gluons exhibiting the Coulomb poten-tial.This phase occurs when there is a non-trivial IRfixed point of the renormalization group.Such theories are part of other possible cases of non-trivial,interacting4d superconformalfield theories(SCFTs)[3,4]. 2.When there are matterfields in the fundamental representation of thegauge group,virtual pairs can be created from the vacuum and screen the sources.In this situation,there is no invariant distinction between the Higgs and the confining phases[5].In particular,there is no phase with a potential behaving as V(R)∼R at large distance,because the flux tube can break.For large VEVs of thefields,a Higgs description is most natural,while for small VEVs it is more natural to interpret the theory as“confining.”It is possible to smoothly interpolate from one interpretation to the other.3.Electric-Magnetic Duality:Maxwell theory is invariant underE→B,B→−E,(1.1) if we introduce magnetic charge m=2π/e and also interchangee→m,m→−e.(1.2) Similarly,Mandelstam and‘t Hooft suggested that under electric-magnetic duality the Higgs phase is interchanged with a confining phase.Con-finement can then be understood as the dual Meissner effect associated with a condensate of monopoles.2Dualizing a theory in the Coulomb phase,one remains in the same phase.For an Abelian Coulomb phase with massless photons,this electric-magnetic duality follows from a standard duality transforma-tion,and is extended to SL(2,Z)S-duality,acting on the complex gauge coupling byτ→aτ+b2π+i4πBy effective,we mean in Wilson sense:[modes p>µ]e−S=e−S ef f(µ,light modes),(2.3) so,in principle,L eff depends on a scaleµ.But due to supersymmetry,the dependence on the scaleµdisappear(except for the gauge couplingτwhich has a logµdependence).When there are no interacting massless particles,the Wilsonian effec-tive action=the1PI effective action;this is often the case in the Higgs or confining phases.2.1The Effective SuperpotentialWe will focus on a particular contribution to L eff–the effective superpo-tential term:L int∼ d2θW eff(X r,g I,Λ)+c.c,(2.4) where X r=light chiral superfields,g I=various coupling constants,and Λ=dynamically generated scale(associated with the gauge dynamics): log(Λ/µ)∼−8π2/g2(µ).Integrating overθ,the superpotential gives a scalar potential and Yukawa-type interaction of scalars with fermions.The quantum,effective superpotential W eff(X r,g I,Λ)is constrained by holomorphy,global symmetries and various limits[9,1]:1.Holomorphy:supersymmetry requires that W eff is holomorphic in thechiral superfields X r(i.e.,independent of the X†r).Moreover,we will think of all the coupling constants g I in the tree-level superpotential W tree and the scaleΛas background chiral superfield sources.This implies that W eff is holomorphic in g I,Λ(i.e.,independent of g∗I,Λ∗).2.Symmetries and Selection Rules:by assigning transformation laws bothto thefields and to the coupling constants(which are regarded as back-ground chiral superfields),the theory has a large global symmetry.This implies that W eff should be invariant under such global symmetries.43.Various Limits:W eff can be analyzed approximately at weak coupling,and some other limits(like large masses).Sometimes,holomorphy,symmetries and various limits are strong enough to determine W eff!The results can be highly non-trivial,revealing interesting non-perturbative dynamics.2.2The Gauge“Kinetic Term”in a Coulomb Phase When there is a Coulomb phase,there is a term in L eff of the formL gauge∼ d2θIm τeff(X r,g I,Λ)W2α ,(2.5) where Wα=gauge supermultiplet(supersymmetricfield strength);schemat-ically,Wα∼λα+θβσµνβαFµν+....Integrating overθ,W2αgives the term F2+iF˜F and its supersymmetric extension.Therefore,τeff=θeffg2eff(2.6)is the effective,complex gauge coupling.τeff(X r,g I,Λ)is also holomorphic in X r,g I,Λand,sometimes,it can be exactly determined by using holomorphy, symmetries and various limits.2.3The“Kinetic Term”The kinetic term is determined by the K¨a hler potential K:L kin∼ d2θd2¯θK(X r,X†r).(2.7) If there is an N=2supersymmetry,τeff and K are related;for an N=2 supersymmetric YM theory with a gauge group G and in a Coulomb phase, L eff is given in terms of a single holomorphic function F(A i):L eff∼Im d4θ∂F2 d2θ∂2FA manifestly gauge invariant N =2supersymmetric action which reduces to the above at low energies is[10]Imd 4θ∂F2 d 2θ∂2F3Some of these results also appear in the proceedings [13]of the 29th International Symposium on the Theory of Elementary Particles in Buckow,Germany,August 29-September 2,1995,and of the workshop on STU-Dualities and Non-Perturbative Phe-nomena in Superstrings and Supergravity ,CERN,Geneva,November 27-December 1,1995.6N A supermultiplets in the adjoint representation,Φab α,α=1,...,N A ,and N 3/2supermultiplets in the spin 3/2representation,Ψ.Here a,b are fundamental representation indices,and Φab =Φba (we present Ψin a schematic form as we shall not use it much).The numbers N f ,N A and N 3/2are limited by the condition:b 1=6−N f−2N A −5N 3/2≥0,(3.1)where −b 1is the one-loop coefficient of the gauge coupling beta-function.The main result of this section is the following:the effective superpoten-tial of an (asymptotically free or conformal)N =1supersymmetric SU (2)gauge theory,with 2N f doublets and N A triplets (and N 3/2quartets)isW N f ,N A (M,X,Z,N 3/2)=−δN 3/2,0(4−b 1) Λ−b 1Pf 2N f X det N A (Γαβ)2 1/(4−b 1)+Tr N A ˜mM +1√4Integrating in the “glueball”field S =−W 2α,whose source is log Λb 1,gives the non-perturbative superpotential:W (S,M,X,Z )=S log Λb 1S 4−b 1Here,the a,b indices are raised and lowered with anǫab tensor.The gauge-invariant superfields X ij may be considered as a mixture of SU(2)“mesons”and“baryons,”while the gauge-invariant superfields Zαij may be considered as a mixture of SU(2)“meson-like”and“baryon-like”operators.Equation(3.2)is a universal representation of the superpotential for all infra-red non-trivial theories;all the physics we shall discuss(and beyond) is in(3.2).In particular,all the symmetries and quantum numbers of thevarious parameters are already embodied in W Nf,N A .The non-perturbativesuperpotential is derived in refs.[11,12]by an“integrating in”procedure, following refs.[14,15].The details can be found in ref.[12]and will not be presented here5.Instead,in the next sections,we list the main results concerning each of the theories,N f,N A,N3/2,case by case.Moreover,a few generalizations to other gauge groups will be discussed.4b1=6:N f=N A=N3/2=0This is a pure N=1supersymmetric SU(2)gauge theory.The non-perturbative effective superpotential is6W0,0=±2Λ3.(4.1) The superpotential in eq.(4.1)is non-zero due to gaugino(gluino)conden-sation7.Let us consider gaugino condensation for general simple groups[1].Pure N=1Supersymmetric Yang-Mills TheoriesPure N=1supersymmetric gauge theories are theories with pure superglue with no matter.We consider a theory based on a simple group G.The theorycontains vector bosons Aµand gauginosλαin the adjoint representation of G.There is a classical U(1)R symmetry,gaugino number,which is broken tosubgroup by instantons,a discrete Z2C2(λλ)C2 =const.Λ3C2,(4.2) where C2=the Casimir in the adjoint representation normalized such that, for example,C2=N c for G=SU(N c).This theory confines,gets a mass gap,and there are C2vacua associ-symmetry to Z2by gaugino ated with the spontaneous breaking of the Z2C2condensation:λλ =const.e2πin/C2Λ3,n=1,...,C2.(4.3) Each of these C2vacua contributes(−)F=1and thus the Witten index is Tr(−)F=C2.This physics is encoded in the generalization of eq.(4.1)to any G,givingW eff=e2πin/C2C2Λ3,n=1,...,C2.(4.4) For G=SU(2)we have C2=2.Indeed,the“±”in(4.1),which comes from the square-root appearing on the braces in(3.2)when b1=6,corresponds, physically,to the two quantum vacua of a pure N=1supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory.The superpotentials(4.1),(4.3)can be derived byfirst adding fundamen-tal matter to pure N=1supersymmetric YM theory(as we will do in the next section),and then integrating it out.5b1=5:N f=1,N A=N3/2=0There is one case with b1=5,namely,SU(2)with oneflavor.The superpo-tential isΛ5W1,0=vacuum degeneracy of the classical low-energy effective theory is lifted quan-tum mechanically;from eq.(5.1)we see that,in the massless case,there is no vacuum at all.SU(N c)with N f<N cEquation(5.1)is a particular case of SU(N c)with N f<N c(N f quarks Q i and N f anti-quarks¯Q¯i,i,¯i=1,...,N f)[1].In these theories,by using holomorphy and global symmetries,U(1)Q×U(1)¯Q×U(1)RQ:100¯Q:010(5.2)Λ3N c−N f:N f N f2N c−2N fW:002onefinds thatW eff=(N c−N f) Λ3N c−N f N c−N f,(5.3) whereX i¯i≡Q i¯Q¯i,i,¯i=1,...,N f.(5.4) Classically,SU(N c)with N f<N c is broken down to SU(N c−N f).The ef-fective superpotential in(5.3)is dynamically generated by gaugino condensa-tion in SU(N c−N f)(for N f≤N c−2)8,and by instantons(for N f=N c−1).The SU(2)with N f=1ExampleFor example,let us elaborate on the derivation and physics of eq.(5.1).An SU(2)effective theory with two doublets Q a i has one light degree of freedom: four Q a i(i=1,2is aflavor index,a=1,2is a color index;2×2=4)threeout of which are eaten by SU(2),leaving4−3=1.This single light degree of freedom can be described by the gauge singletX=Q1Q2.(5.5) When X =0,SU(2)is completely broken and,classically,W eff,class=0 (when X =0there are extra masslessfields due to an unbroken SU(2)). Therefore,the classical scalar potential is identically zero.However,the one-instanton action is expected to generate a non-perturbative superpotential.The symmetries of the theory(at the classical level and with their cor-responding charges)are:U(1)Q=number of Q1fields(quarks or squarks),1=number of Q2fields(quarks or squarks),U(1)R={number of U(1)Q2gluinos}−{number of squarks}.At the quantum level these symmetries are anomalous–∂µjµ∼F˜F–and by integrating both sides of this equation one gets a charge violation when there is an instanton background I.The instanton background behaves likeI∼e−8π2/g2(µ)= Λ9For SU(N c)with N fflavors,the instanton background I has2C2=2N c gluino zero-modesλand2N f squark zero-modes q and,therefore,its R-charge is R(I)=number(λ)−number(q)=2N c−2N f.Since I∼Λb1and b1=3N c−N f,we learn thatΛ3N c−N f has an R-charge=2N c−2N f,as it appears in eq.(5.2).11and,therefore,W eff has charges:U(1)Q(5.9)1×U(1)Q2×U(1)RW eff:002Finally,because W eff is holomorphic in X,Λ,and is invariant under symme-tries,we must haveΛ5W eff(X,Λ)=c10This is reflected in eq.(3.2)by the vanishing of the coefficient(4−b1)in front of the braces,leading to W=0,and the singular power1/(4−b1)on the braces,when b1=4, which signals the existence of a constraint.12At the classical limit,Λ→0,the quantum constraint collapses into the clas-sical constraint,Pf X=0.SU(N c)with N f=N cEquations(6.1),(6.2)are a particular case of SU(N c)with N f=N c.[1]In these theories one obtains W eff=0,and the classical constraint det X−B¯B=0is modified quantum mechanically todet X−B¯B=Λ2N c,(6.3) whereX i¯i=Q i¯Q¯i(mesons),B=ǫi1...i N c Q i1···Q i N c(baryon),¯B=ǫ¯i1...¯i N c¯Q¯i1···¯Q¯iN c(anti−baryon).(6.4)6.2N f=0,N A=1,N3/2=0The massless N A=1case is a pure SU(2),N=2supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.This model was considered in detail in ref.[17].The non-perturbative superpotential vanishesW non−per.0,1=0,(6.5) and by the integrating in procedure we also get the quantum constraint:M=±Λ2.(6.6) This result can be understood because the starting point of the integrating in procedure is a pure N=1supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.Therefore,it leads us to the points at the verge of confinement in the moduli space.These are the two singular points in the M moduli space of the theory;they are due to massless monopoles or dyons.Such excitations are not constructed out of the elementary degrees of freedom and,therefore,there is no trace for them in W.(This situation is different if N f=0,N A=1;in this case,monopoles are different manifestations of the elementary degrees of freedom.)137b1=3There are two cases with b1=3:either N f=3,or N A=N f=1.In both cases,for vanishing bare parameters in(3.2),the semi-classical limit,Λ→0, imposes the classical constraints,given by the equations of motion:∂W=0; however,quantum corrections remove the constraints.7.1N f=3,N A=N3/2=0The superpotential isW3,0=−Pf X2Tr mX.(7.1)In the massless case,the equations∂X W=0give the classical constraints; in particular,the superpotential is proportional to a classical constraint: Pf X=0.The negative power ofΛ,in eq.(7.1)with m=0,indicates that small values ofΛimply a semi-classical limit for which the classical constraints are imposed.SU(N c)with N f=N c+1Equation(7.1)is a particular case of SU(N c)with N f=N c+1[1].In these theories one obtainsW eff=−det X−X i¯iB i¯B¯iThis is consistent with the negative power ofΛin W eff which implies that in the semi-classical limit,Λ→0,the classical constraints are imposed. 7.2N f=1,N A=1,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in(3.2)readsW1,1=−Pf X2Tr mX+12TrλZ.(7.5)Here m,X are antisymmetric2×2matrices,λ,Z are symmetric2×2 matrices andΓ=M+Tr(ZX−1)2.(7.6) This superpotential was foundfirst in ref.[18].Tofind the quantum vacua, we solve the equations:∂M W=∂X W=∂Z W=0.Let us discuss some properties of this theory:•The equations∂W=0can be re-organized into the singularity condi-tions of an elliptic curve:y2=x3+ax2+bx+c(7.7)(and some other equations),where the coefficients a,b,c are functions of only thefield M,the scaleΛ,the bare quark masses,m,and Yukawa couplings,λ.Explicitly,a=−M,b=Λ316,(7.8)whereα=Λ62Γ.(7.10)15•W1,1has2+N f=3vacua,namely,the three singularities of the elliptic curve in(7.7),(7.8).These are the three solutions,M(x),of the equations:y2=∂y2/∂x=0;the solutions for X,Z are given by the other equations of motion.•The3quantum vacua are the vacua of the theory in the Higgs-confinement phase.•Phase transition points to the Coulomb branch are at X=0⇔˜m= 0.Two of these singularities correspond to a massless monopole or dyon,and are the quantum splitting of the classically enhanced SU(2) point.A third singularity is due to a massless quark;it is a classical singularity:M∼m2/λ2for large m,and thus M→∞when m→∞, leaving the two quantum singularities of the N A=1,N f=0theory.•The elliptic curve defines the effective Abelian coupling,τ(M,Λ,m,λ), in the Coulomb branch:Elliptic Curves and Effective Abelian CouplingsA torus can be described by the one complex dimensional curve in C2 y2=x3+ax2+bx+c,where(x,y)∈C2and a,b,c are complex parameters.The modular parameter of the torus isτ(a,b,c)= βdx αdxIn this form,the modular parameterτis determined(modulo SL(2,Z)) by the ratio f3/g2through the relation4(24f)3j(τ)=8b1=2There are three cases with b1=2:N f=4,or N A=1,N f=2,or N A=2.In all three cases,for vanishing bare parameters in(3.2),there are extra massless degrees of freedom not included in the procedure;those are expected due toa non-Abelian conformal theory.8.1N f=4,N A=N3/2=0The superpotential isW4,0=−2(Pf X)1Λ+12N c<N f<3N c the theory is in an interacting,non-AbelianCoulomb phase(in the IR and for m=0).In this range of N f the theory is asymptotically ly,at short distance the coupling18constant g is small,and it becomes larger at larger distance.However, it is argued that for32N c<N f<3N c,the IR theory is a non-trivial4d SCFT.The elementary quarks and gluons are not confined but appear as in-teracting massless particles.The potential between external massless electric sources behaves as V∼1/R,and thus one refers to this phase of the theory as the non-Abelian Coulomb phase.•The Seiberg Duality:it is claimed[2]that in the IR an SU(N c)theory with N fflavors is dual to SU(N f−N c)with N fflavors but,in addition to dual quarks,one should also include interacting,massless scalars. This is the origin to the branch cut in W eff at X =0,because W eff does not include these light modes which must appear at X =0. The quantum numbers of the quarks and anti-quarks of the SU(N c) theory with N fflavors(=theory A)are11A.SU(N c),N f:The Electric TheorySU(N f)L×SU(N f)R×U(1)B×U(1)RQ:N f111−N cN f(8.2)The quantum numbers of the dual quarks q i and anti-quarks¯q¯i of the SU(N f−N c)theory with N fflavors theory(=theory B)and its mass-less scalars X i¯iareB.SU(N f−N c),N f:The Magnetic TheorySU(N f)L×SU(N f)R×U(1)B×U(1)R q:¯N f1N cN f ¯q:1N f−N c N fX:N f¯N f02 1−N ctheory A and theory B have the same anomalies:U(1)3B:0U(1)B U(1)2R:0U(1)2B U(1)R:−2N2cSU(N f)3:N c d(3)(N f)SU(N f)2U(1)R:−N2cN2f(8.5)Here d(3)(N f)=Tr T3f of the global SU(N f)symmetries,where T fare generators in the fundamental representation,and d(2)(N f)=Tr T2f2.Deformations:theory A and theory B have the same quantummoduli space of deformations.Remarks•Electric-magnetic duality exchanges strong coupling with weak cou-pling(this can be read offfrom the beta-functions),and it interchanges a theory in the Higgs phase with a theory in the confining phase.•Strong-weak coupling duality also relates an SU(N c)theory with N f≥3N c to an SU(N f−N c)theory.SU(N c)with N f≥3N c is in a non-Abelian free electric phase:in this range the theory is not asymptoti-cally ly,because of screening,the coupling constant becomes smaller at large distance.Therefore,the spectrum of the theory at large distance can be read offfrom the Lagrangian–it consists of the elemen-tary quarks and gluons.The long distance behavior of the potential between external electric test charges isV(R)∼1R,e(R→∞)→0.(8.6)For N f≥3N c,the theory is thus in a non-Abelian free electric phase; the massless electrically chargedfields renormalize the charge to zero21at long distance as e −2(R )∼log(R Λ).The potential of magnetic test charges behave at large distance R asV (R )∼log(R Λ)R ,⇒e (R )m (R )∼1.(8.7)SU (N c )with N f ≥3N c is dual to SU (˜N c )with ˜N c +2≤N f ≤3R ∼e 2(R )2˜N c ,the massless magnetic monopoles renormal-ize the electric coupling constant to infinity at large distance,with a conjectured behavior e 2(R )∼log(R Λ).The potential of magnetic test charges behaves at large distance R asV (R )∼1R ⇒e (R )m (R )∼1.(8.9)•The Seiberg duality can be generalized in many other cases,includ-ing a variety of matter supermultiplets (like superfields in the adjoint representation [20])and other gauge groups [21].8.2N f =2,N A =1,N 3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in (3.2)readsW 2,1=−2(Pf X )1ΛΓ+˜mM +1√•The equations∂W=0can be re-organized into the singularity condi-tions of an elliptic curve(7.7)(and some other equations),where the coefficients a,b,c are functions of only thefield M,the scaleΛ,the bare quark masses,m,and Yukawa couplings,λ.Explicitly[11,12],a=−M,b=−α4Pf m,c=α16detλ,µ=λ−1m.(8.12)•As in section7.2,the parameter x,in the elliptic curve(7.7),is given in terms of the compositefield:x≡1•As in section7.2,the negative power ofΛ,in eq.(8.10)with˜m= m=λ=0,indicates that small values ofΛimply a semi-classical limit for which the classical constraints are imposed.Indeed,for vanishing bare parameters,the equations∂W=0are equivalent to the classical constraints,and their solutions span the Higgs moduli space[22].•For special values of the bare masses and Yukawa couplings,some of the 4vacua degenerate.In some cases,it may lead to points where mutually non-local degrees of freedom are massless,similar to the situation in pure N=2supersymmetric gauge theories,considered in[3].For example,when the masses and Yukawa couplings approach zero,all the 4singularities collapse to the origin.Such points might be interpreted as in a non-Abelian Coulomb phase[1]or new non-trivial,interacting, N=1SCFTs.•The singularity at X=0(inΓ)and the branch cut at Pf X=0 (due to the1/2power in eq.(8.10))signal the appearance of extra massless degrees of freedom at these points;those are expected similar to references[2,20].Therefore,we make use of the superpotential only in the presence of bare parameters,whichfix the vacua away from such points.8.3N f=0,N A=2,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in eq.(3.2)readsdet MW0,2=±212The fractional power1/(4−b1)on the braces in(3.2),for any theory with b1≤2, may indicate a similar phenomenon,namely,the existence of confinement and oblique24theory has two quantum vacua;these become the phase transition points to the Coulomb branch when det˜m=0.The moduli space may also contain a non-Abelian Coulomb phase when the two singularities degenerate at the point M=0[18];this happens when˜m=0.At this point,the theory has extra massless degrees of freedom and,therefore,W0,2fails to describe the physics at˜m=0.Moreover,at˜m=0,the theory has other descriptions via an electric-magnetic triality[1].9b1=1There are four cases with b1=1:N f=5,or N A=1,N f=3,or N A=2, N f=1,or N3/2=1.9.1N f=5,N A=N3/2=0The superpotential isW5,0=−3(Pf X)1Λ12Tr mX.(9.1)This theory is a particular case of SU(N c)with N f>N c+1.The discussion in section8.1is relevant in this case too.9.2N f=3,N A=1,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in(3.2)readsW3,1=−3(Pf X)1Λ13+˜mM+1√confinement branches of the theory,corresponding to the4−b1phases due to the fractional power.It is plausible that,for SU(2),such branches are related by a discrete symmetry.25•The equations∂W=0can be re-organized into the singularity condi-tions of an elliptic curve(7.7)(and some other equations),where the coefficients a,b,c are[11,12]a=−M−α,b=2αM+α4Pf m,c=α64detλ,µ=λ−1m.(9.4) In eq.(9.3)we have shifted the quantumfield M toM→M−α/4.(9.5)•The parameter x,in the elliptic curve(7.7),is given in terms of thecompositefield:x≡12.(9.6)Therefore,as before,we have identified a physical meaning of the pa-rameter x.•W3,1has2+N f=5quantum vacua,corresponding to the5singularities of the elliptic curve(7.7),(9.3);these are the vacua of the theory in the Higgs-confinement phase.•From the phase transition points to the Coulomb branch,we conclude that the elliptic curve defines the effective Abelian coupling,τ(M,Λ,m,λ), for arbitrary bare masses and Yukawa couplings.As before,on the sub-space of bare parameters,where the theory has N=2supersymmetry, the result in eq.(9.3)coincides with the result in[7]for N f=3.•For special values of the bare masses and Yukawa couplings,some of the 5vacua degenerate.In some cases,it may lead to points where mutually non-local degrees of freedom are massless,and might be interpreted as in a non-Abelian Coulomb phase or another new superconformal theory in four dimensions(see the discussion in sections7.2and8.2).26•The singularity and branch cuts in W3,1signal the appearance of extra massless degrees of freedom at these points.•The discussion in the end of sections7.2and8.2is relevant here too.9.3N f=1,N A=2,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in(3.2)reads[12]W1,2=−3(Pf X)1/32Tr mX+12TrλαZα.(9.7)Here m and X are antisymmetric2×2matrices,λαand Zαare symmetric 2×2matrices,α=1,2,˜m,M are2×2symmetric matrices andΓαβis given in eq.(3.3).This theory has3quantum vacua in the Higgs-confinement branch.At the phase transition points to the Coulomb branch,namely, when det˜m=0⇔det M=0,the equations of motion can be re-organized into the singularity conditions of an elliptic curve(7.7).Explicitly,when ˜m22=˜m12=0,the coefficients a,b,c in(7.7)are[12]a=−M22,b=Λ˜m21132 2detλ2.(9.8)However,unlike the N A=1cases,the equations∂W=0cannot be re-organized into the singularity condition of an elliptic curve,in general.This result makes sense,physically,since an elliptic curve is expected to“show up”only at the phase transition points to the Coulomb branch.For special values of the bare parameters,there are points in the moduli space where (some of)the singularities degenerate;such points might be interpreted as in a non-Abelian Coulomb phase,or new superconformal theories.For more details,see ref.[12].9.4N f=N A=0,N3/2=1This chiral theory was shown to have W non−per.0,0(N3/2=1)=0;[24]perturb-ing it by a tree-level superpotential,W tree=gU,where U is given in(3.4), may lead to dynamical supersymmetry breaking[24].2710b1=0There arefive cases with b1=0:N f=6,or N A=1,N f=4,or N A= N f=2,or N A=3,or N3/2=N f=1.These theories have vanishing one-loop beta-functions in either conformal or infra-red free beta-functions and, therefore,will possess extra structure.10.1N f=6,N A=N3/2=0This theory is a particular case of SU(N c)with N f=3N c;the electric theory is free in the infra-red[1].1310.2N f=4,N A=1,N3/2=0In this case,the superpotential in(3.2)readsW4,1=−4(Pf X)1Λb12+˜mM+1√β2 2α+1β2α13A related fact is that(unlike the N A=1,N f=4case,considered next)in the(would be)superpotential,W6,0=−4Λ−b1/4(Pf X)1/4+1。
Supersymmetric Microscopic Theory of the Standard Model
arXiv:hep-ph/0009046v1 5 Sepnological standard model (SM) of high energy physics [4-22] with enormous success settles order in entangled experimental data. Although it has proven to be in spectacular agreement with experimental measurements and highly successful in a description and predicting a wide range of phenomena, however, it suffers from some vexing problems and many key questions of both the phenomenological and SUSY aspects have yet to be answered. • In phenomenological aspect the mechanism of the electroweak symmetry breaking is a complete mystery. The most problematic ingredient of such a breaking is the Higgs boson (in simplest version), which has not yet been discovered experimentally. If a weakly interacting Higgs boson exists, it will then appear below the TeV scale. Many possible
Supersymmetry in 5d Gravity
Supersymmetry in 5d Gravity
C. S. Lim,1, ∗ Tomoaki Nagasawa,2, † Satoshi Ohya,3, ‡ Kazuki Sakamoto,3, § and Makoto Sakamoto1, ¶
of Physics, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan National College of Technology, 265 Aoki, Minobayashi, Anan 774-0017, Japan 3 Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan (Dated: October 2, 2007)
arXiv:0710.0170v2 [hep-th] 1 Oct 2007st decade a considerable number of studies have been made on gauge/gravity theories with extra dimensions. In gauge-Higgs unification scenario, extra components of gauge fields play a role of Higgs fields [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. Attractive models of grand unified theories (GUTs) on orbifolds have been constructed, avoiding common problems of four-dimensional GUTs [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. Higgsless gauge symmetry breaking can be realized via boundary conditions of extra dimensions [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28] and a large mass hierarchy can naturally be obtained in this scenario [17]. A higher dimensional scenario with a warped geometry has been proposed to solve the hierarchy problem by Randall-Sundrum [29]. In the scenario, all scales except for the scale of gravity are reduced to the weak scale by a warped factor. According to this scenario, various attempts have been made to construct realistic models [22, 23, 30, 31, 32]. Randall and Sundrum have also proposed a mechanism to localize gravity in the vicinity of a brane [33] which has attracted enormous attention [32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40]. In constructing realistic models with extra dimensions, the spectrum of light Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes becomes important if those masses are accessible to future collider experiments. Thus, it will be worthwhile investigating what are characteristic features of the 4d spectrum of KK modes coming from extra dimensions. A related subject to study is to clarify the cancellation mechanism of divergences in loop corrections. Mass corrections to extra components of gauge fields are found to be finite at least at one-loop order. The finiteness is very important because finite quantities can be considered to be predictions of higher-dimensional theories though they will not be renormalizable. The cancellation of would-be divergences has not been, however, understood fully yet. 1 In a 4-dimensional point of view, the cancellation of divergences
N=(4,4) 2D Supersymmetric Gauge Theory and Brane Configuration
a rXiv:h ep-th/9712v28O ct1997IPM-97-2382Oct.1997N =(4,4)2D Supersymmetric Gauge Theory and Brane Configuration Mohsen Alishahiha 1Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics,P.O.Box 19395-1795,Tehran,Iran Abstract We construct type II A brane configuration of N =(4,4)supersymmetric two dimensional gauge theory with gauge group U (1)and N f hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation.By lifting to M-theory (strong coupling),we can see the origin of the R-symmetry enhancement of the Coulomb branch.One can also find two theories which become equivalent at strong coupling.Brane theory gives us a very useful tool to construct supersymmetric gauge theory in various dimension with various supercharges.Atfirst,Hanany and Witten [1]constructed a particular brane configuration in type II B string theory which describes mirror symmetry in three dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory with 8supercharges.It was shown that there is a duality between the Higgs branch and the Coulomb branch of N=4SYM in three dimension[2].This duality acts as mirror symmetry,exchanging the Higgs and Coulomb branches of the theories. Applying string duality to the configuration of branes in type II B string theory,one can provide an explanation for the mirror symmetry.It has been shown[3]by a particular configuration of type II A string theory that one can obtain supersymmetric U(n)gauge theory in four dimension with four supercharges.Then by making certain deformation in brane configuration, Seiberg’s duality can be realized in brane theory.Introducing orientifold plane in brane configuration help us to generalize this work to other classical Lie gauge groups.[4]N=2four dimensional gauge theory with gauge group SU(n)was also obtained from brane configuration in type II A string theory[5].By lifting from type II A to M-theory,one can obtain the exact solution of N=2D=4SYM theory. More precisely,in M-theory point of view,we have afive brane with worldvolume R3,1×Σ,where the theory on the R3,1space is N=2D=4SYM theory andΣis the Seiberg-Witten curve corresponding to it.This work was generalized to other classical Lie gauge groups in[6].There is another method to studying gauge theory from string theory,the so called Geometric Engineering.By this approach the same class of the above theories can be studied by using wrapped D-branes on Calabi-Yau cycles in type II B and A string theory compactified on the K3-fibered Calabi-Yau3-fold.[7]This approach was generalized in[8]to explain mirror symmetry in N=4three dimensional gauge theory as well as Seiberg-Witten models with product of gauge groups.Recently,Hanany and Hori[9]used brane configuration in type II A string theory to construct N=2supersymmetric gauge theory in two dimension.The aim of this article is to construct brane configuration for N=(4,4)gauge theory in two dimension,through a particular brane in type II A and M-theory.Very recently, this theory was analyzed in[10]and[11].Here we will use three kinds of objects in type II A string theory:NS5-brane with worldvolume(x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)which lives at a point in the(x6,x7,x8,x9)direc-tions.D2-brane with worldvolume(x0,x1,x6)at the point(x2,x3,x4,x5,x7,x8,x9) and also D4-brane with worldvolume(x0,x1,x7,x8,x9)living at the point(x2,x3,x4, x5)and x6.Brane configuration which we will consider is two NS5-branes at r1=(x71,x81,x91), x6=0and r2=(x72,x82,x92),x6=L.A D2-brane suspended between these two NS 5-branes,so it isfinite in the x6direction,and N f D4-branes at m i=(x2i,x3i,x4i,x5i) between two NS5-branes.(See the followingfigure)2,3,4,57,8,96have the Coulomb branch,which means that if we want to have a supersymmetric configuration,the D2-beane must be broken into D2-branes between NS5-branes and D4-branes.If the D4-branes have the same position in x2,x3,x4,x5(equal mass m i=m j),the theory is in the Higgs branch.Note that,for N f=1the D 2-brane must be suspended between D4-brane and two NS5-branes,so thses two D2-brane arefixed from two sides by boundary condition,then the theory does not have the Coulomb and Higgs branches,classically[11].(followingfigure)It was shown[10]that quantum mechanically the theory with N f=1can have Higgs branch although classically it does not have it.The distance between two NS5-branes determines the gauge coupling constant of the two dimensional theory,more precisely1λ(1) whereλis the string coupling constant.The gauge coupling constant can be pro-moted to a background vector superfield,thus it can affect only the metric on the Coulomb branch[11].From our interpretation of mass and Fayet-Iliopoulos termes it is easy to see that[11]:i)The mass terms can be regarded as scalar components of vector superfield,thus can affect only the Coulomb branch.ii)The Fayet-Iliopoulos terms can be promoted to hypermultiplets,thus can affect the metric on the Higgs branch.In the spirit of[1]presence of N f D4-branes induce magnetic charges in(u,v) space.So it can affect the metric on the Coulomb branch.2Minimizing the totalfive brane worldvolume,wefind four dimensional Laplace equation which has solution of the form A+Bg2+N fg2+1|X−m2|2+···+12Note that in two dimension,moduli space of vacua is not well defined.But in the spirit of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation,on can refer to it as a target space on non-linear sigma model[11]which is one-loop correction to the metric in the Coulomb branch[11].Therefore, the generalized Kahler potential is[13]K=1u¯u dη4N f sin2θ2v=e i(χ+φ)/2sinθReferences[1]A.Hanany,E.Witten,Nucl.Phys.B492(1997)152.[2]K.Intriligator,N.Seiberg,Phys.Lett.B387(1996)513.[3]S.Elitzur,A.Giveon,D.Kutasov,hep-th/9702014.[4]N.Evans,C.V.Johnson,A.D.Shapere,hep-th/9703210.S.Elitzur, A.Giveon, D.Kutasov, E.Rabinovici, A.Schwimmer,hep-th/9704104.R.Tatar,hep-th/9704198.J.H.Brodie,A.Hanany,hep-th/9704043.A.Hanany,A.Zaffaroni,hep-th/9706047.A.Brandhuber,J.Sonnenschein,S.Theisen,S.Yankielowicz,hep-th/9704044E.Witten,hep-th/9706109A.Brandhuber,N.Itzhaki,V.Kaplunovsky,J.Sonnenschein,S.Yankielowicz,hep-th/97060127K.Hori,H.Ooguri,Y.Oz,hep-th/9706082.[5]E.Witten,hep-th/9703166.[6]ndsteiner,E.Lopez,D.A.Lowe,hep-th/9705199.A.Brandhuber,J.Sonnenschein,S.Theisen,S.Yankielowicz,hep-th/9705232.[7]S.Kachru,C.Vafa,Nucl.Phys.B450(1995)69.A.Klemm,W.Lerche,P.Mayr,C.Vafa,N.Warner,Nucl.Phys.B477(1997)746.H.Ooguri,C.Vafa,Nucl.Phys.B463(1996)55.S.Katz,A.Klemm,C.Vafa,hep-th/9609239.[8]K.Hori,H.Ooguri,C.Vafa,hep-th/9705220.S.Katz,P.Mayr,C.Vafa,hep-th/9706110.H.Ooguri,C.Vafa,hep-th/9702180.C.Ahn,K.Oh,hep-th/9704061.C.Ahn,hep-th/9705004.C.Ahn,R.Tatar,hep-th/9705106.[9]H.Hanany,K.Hori,hep-th/9707192.[10]E.Witten,hep-th/9707093.[11]D.E.Diaconescu,N Seiberg,hep-th/9707158.[12]E.Witten,hep-th/9507121.(World Scientific,1996).[13]M.Rocek,K.Schoutens,A.Sevrin,Phys.Lett.B265(1991)303.M.Rocek,C.Ahn,K.Schoutens,A.Sevrin,hep-th/9110035.D.E.Diaconescu,N Seiberg,hep-th/9707158.[14]J.H.Brodie,hep-th/9709228.。
Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Gravitational Instantons
a rXiv:h ep-th/987237v13J ul1998CALT-68-2190SUPERSYMMETRIC GAUGE THEORIES AND GRA VITATIONAL INSTANTONS SERGEY A.CHERKIS California Institute of Technology,Pasadena CA 91125,USA E-mail:cherkis@ Various string theory realizations of three-dimensional gauge theories relate them to gravitational instantons 1,Nahm equations 2and monopoles 3.We use this correspondence to model self-dual gravitational instantons of D k -type as moduli spaces of singular monopoles,find their twistor spaces and metrics.This work provides yet another example of how string theory unites seem-ingly distant physical problems.(See references for detailed results.)The central object considered here is supersymmetric gauge theories in three di-mensions.In particular,we shall be interested in their vacuum structure.The other three problems that turn out to be closely related to these gauge theories are:•Nonabelian monopoles of Prasad and Sommerfield,which are solutions of the Bogomolny equation ∗F =D Φ(where F is the field-strength of a nonabelian connection A =A 1dx 1+A 2dx 2+A 3dx 3and Φis a nonabelian Higgs field).•An integrable system of equations named after Nahm dT i2εijk [T j ,T k ],(1)for T i (s )∈u (n ).These generalize Euler equations for a rotating top.•Solutions of the Euclideanized vacuum Einstein equation called self-dual gravitational instantons ,which are four-dimensional manifolds with self-dual curvature tensorR αβγδ=1The latter provide compactifications of string theory and supergravity that preserve supersymmetry and are of importance in euclidean quantum gravity.The compact examples are delivered by a four-torus and K3.The noncom-pact ones are classified according to their asymptotic behavior and topology.Asymptotically Locally Euclidean (ALE)gravitational instantons asymptoti-cally approach R 4/Γ(Γis a finite subgroup of SU (2)).These were classified by Kronheimer into two infinite (A k and D k )series and three exceptional (E 6,E 7and E 8)cases according to the intersection matrix of their two-cycles.Asymp-totically Locally Flat (ALF)spaces approach the R 3×S 1 /Γmetric.(To be more precise S 1is Hopf fibered over the two-sphere at infinity of R 3.)Sending the radius of the asymptotic S 1to infinity we recover an ALE space of some type,which will determine the type of the initial ALF space.For example,the A k ALF is a (k+1)-centered multi-Taub-NUT space.Here we shall seek to describe the D k ALF space.M theory on an A k ALF space is known to describe (k+1)D6-branes of type IIA string theory.Probing this background with a D2-brane we obtain an N =4U (1)gauge theory with (k+1)electron in the D2-brane worldvolume.As the D2-brane corresponds to an M2-brane in M theory,a vacuum of the above gauge theory corresponds to a position of the M2-brane on the A k ALF space we started with.Thus the moduli space of this gauge theory is the A k ALF.Next,considering M theory on a D k ALF one recovers 4k D6-branes parallel to an orientifold O 6−.On a D2-brane probe this time we find an N =4SU(2)gauge theory with k matter multiplets.Its moduli space is the D k ALF.So far we have related gauge theories and gravitational instantons .D3NS5NS5pp p k D3Figure 1:The brane configuration corresponding to U (2)gauge theory with k matter mul-tiplets on the internal D3-branes.There is another way of realizing these gauge theories.Consider the Chalmers-Hanany-Witten configuration in type IIB string theory (Figure 1).2In the extreme infrared limit the theory in the internal D3-branes will appear to be three-dimensional with N=4supersymmetry.This realizes the gauge theory we are interested in.A vacuum of this theory describes a particular position of the D3-branes.In the U(2)theory on the NS5-branes the internal D3-branes appear as nonabelian monopoles,while every external semiinfinite D3-brane appears as a Dirac monopole in the U(1)of the lower right corner of the U(2).Thus the moduli space of such monopole configurations of non-abelian charge two and with k singularities is also a moduli space of the gauge theory in question.Another way of describing the vacua of the three-dimensional theory on the D3-branes is by considering the reduction of the four-dimensional theory on the interval.For this reduction to respect enough supersymmetry thefields (namely the Higgsfields of the theory on the D3-branes)should depend on the reduced coordinate so that Nahm Equations(1)are satisfied.Thus the Coulomb branch of the three-dimensional gauge theory is described as a moduli space of solutions to Nahm Equations.At this point we have two convenient descriptions of D k ALF space as a moduli space of solutions to Nahm equations and as a moduli space of sin-gular monopoles.It is the latter description that we shall make use of here. Regular monopoles can be described5by considering a scattering problem u·( ∂+ A)−iΦ s=0on every lineγin the three-dimensional space di-rected along u.The space of all lines is a tangent bundle to a sphere T=TP1. Let(ζ,η)be standard coordinates on T,such thatζis a coordinate on the sphere andηon the tangent space.Then the set of lines on which the scat-tering problem has a bound state forms a curve S∈T.S is called a spectral curve and it encodes the monopole data we started with.In case of singular monopoles some of the linesγ∈S will pass through the singular points.These lines define two sets of points Q and P in S,such that Q and P are conjugate to each other with respect to the change of orientation of the lines.Analysis of this situation1shows,that in addition to the spectral curve,we have to consider two sectionsρandξof the line bundles over S with transition functions eµη/ζand e−µη/ζcorrespondingly.Alsoρvanishes at the points of Q andξat those of P.Since we are interested in the case of two monopoles the spectral curve is given byη2+η2(ζ)=0whereη2(ζ)=z+vζ+wζ2−¯vζ3+¯zζ4.z,v and w are the moduli.z and v are complex and w is real.The sectionsρand ξsatisfyρξ= k i=1(η−P i(ζ)),where P i are quadratic inζwith coefficients given by the coordinates of the singularities.The above equations provide the description of the twistor space of the singular monopole moduli space.3Knowing the twistor space one can use the generalized Legendre transform techniques6tofind the auxiliary function F of the moduliF(z,¯z,v,¯v,w)=1ζ3+2 ωr dζ√ζ2−a1ζ2(√−η2−za(ζ)).(2)Imposing the consistency constraint∂F/∂w=0expresses w as a function of z and v.Then the Legendre transform of FK(z,¯z,u,¯u)=F(z,¯z,v,¯v)−uv−¯u¯v,(3) with∂F/∂v=u and∂F/∂¯v=¯u,gives the K¨a hler potential for the D k ALF metric.This agrees with the conjecture of Chalmers7.AcknowledgmentsThe results presented here are obtained in collaboration with Anton Kapustin. This work is partially supported by DOE grant DE-FG03-92-ER40701. References1.S.A.Cherkis and A.Kapustin,“Singular Monopoles and GravitationalInstantons,”hep-th/9711145to appear in Nucl.Phys.B.2.S.A.Cherkis and A.Kapustin,“D k Gravitational Instantons and NahmEquations,”hep-th/9803112.3.S.A.Cherkis and A.Kapustin,“Singular Monopoles and SupersymmetricGauge Theories in Three Dimensions,”hep-th/9711145.4.A.Sen,“A Note on Enhanced Gauge Symmetries in M-and String The-ory,”JHEP09,1(1997)hep-th/9707123.5.M.Atiyah and N.Hitchin,The Geometry and Dynamics of MagneticMonopoles,Princeton Univ.Press,Princeton(1988).6.N.J.Hitchin,A.Karlhede,U.Lindstr¨o m,and M.Roˇc ek,“Hyperk¨a hlerMetrics and Supersymmetry,”Comm.Math.Phys.108535-589(1987), Lindstrom,U.and Roˇc ek,M.“New HyperK¨a hler metrics and New Su-permultiplets,”Comm.Math.Phys115,21(1988).7.G.Chalmers,“The Implicit Metric on a Deformation of the Atiyah-Hitchin Manifold,”hep-th/9709082,“Multi-monopole Moduli Spaces for SU(N)Gauge Group,”hep-th/9605182.4。
Ginzburg–Landau theoryFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn physics, Ginzburg–Landau theory, named after Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg and Lev Landau, is a mathematical physical theory used to describe superconductivity. In its initial form, it was postulated as a phenomenological model which could describe type-I superconductors without examining their microscopic properties. Later, a version of Ginzburg–Landau theory was derived from the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer microscopic theory by Lev Gor'kov, thus showing that it also appears in some limit of microscopic theory and giving microscopic interpretation of all its parameters.Contents•1Introduction•2Simple interpretation•3Coherence length and penetration depth•4Fluctuations in the Ginzburg–Landau model•5Classification of superconductors based on Ginzburg–Landau theory•6Landau–Ginzburg theories in string theory•7See also•8References•8.1PapersIntroduction[edit]Based on Landau's previously-established theory of second-order phase transitions, Ginzburg and Landau argued that the free energy, F, of a superconductor near the superconducting transition can be expressed in terms ofa complex order parameter field, ψ, which is nonzero below a phase transition into a superconducting state and isrelated to the density of the superconducting component, although no direct interpretation of this parameter was given in the original paper. Assuming smallness of |ψ| and smallness of its gradients, the free energy has the form ofa field theory.where F n is the free energy in the normal phase, α and β in the initial argument were treated as phenomenologicalparameters, m is an effective mass, e is the charge of an electron, A is the magnetic vector potential, and is the magnetic field. By minimizing the free energy with respect to variations in the order parameter and the vector potential, one arrives at the Ginzburg–Landau equationswhere j denotes the dissipation-less electric current density and Re the real part. The first equation — which bears some similarities to the time-independent Schrödinger equation, but is principally different due to a nonlinear term —determines the order parameter, ψ. The second equation then provides the superconducting current.Simple interpretation[edit]Consider a homogeneous superconductor where there is no superconducting current and the equation for ψ simplifies to:This equation has a trivial solution: ψ = 0. This corresponds to the normal state of the superconductor, that is for temperatures above the superconducting transition temperature, T>T c.Below the superconducting transition temperature, the above equation is expected to have a non-trivial solution (that is ψ ≠ 0). Under this assumption the equation above can be rearranged into:When the right hand side of this equation is positive, there is a nonzero solution for ψ (remember that the magnitude of a complex number can be positive or zero). This can be achieved by assuming the following temperature dependence of α: α(T) = α0 (T - T c) with α0/ β > 0:•Above the superconducting transition temperature, T > T c, the expression α(T) / β is positive and the right hand side of the equation above is negative. The magnitude of a complex number must be a non-negative number, so only ψ = 0 solves the Ginzburg–Landau equation.•Below the superconducting transition temperature, T < T c, the right hand side of the equation above is positive and there is a non-trivial solution for ψ. Furthermorethat is ψ approaches zero as T gets closer to T c from below. Such a behaviour is typical for a second order phase transition.In Ginzburg–Landau theory the electrons that contribute to superconductivity were proposed to forma superfluid.[1] In this interpretation, |ψ|2 indicates the fraction of electrons that have condensed into a superfluid.[1] Coherence length and penetration depth[edit]The Ginzburg–Landau equations predicted two new characteristic lengths in a superconductor which wastermed coherence length, ξ. For T > T c (normal phase), it is given bywhile for T < T c (superconducting phase), where it is more relevant, it is given byIt sets the exponential law according to which small perturbations of density of superconducting electrons recover their equilibrium value ψ0. Thus this theory characterized all superconductors by two length scales. The second one is the penetration depth, λ. It was previously introduced by the London brothers in their London theory. Expressed in terms of the parameters of Ginzburg-Landau model it iswhere ψ0 is the equilibrium value of the order parameter in the absence of an electromagnetic field. The penetration depth sets the exponential law according to which an external magnetic field decays inside the superconductor. The original idea on the parameter "k" belongs to Landau. The ratio κ = λ/ξ is presently known asthe Ginzburg–Landau parameter. It has been proposed by Landau that Type I superconductors are those with 0 < κ< 1/√2, and Type II superconductors those with κ> 1/√2.The exponential decay of the magnetic field is equivalent with the Higgs mechanism in high-energy physics. Fluctuations in the Ginzburg–Landau model[edit]Taking into account fluctuations. For Type II superconductors, the phase transition from the normal state is of second order, as demonstrated by Dasgupta and Halperin. While for Type I superconductors it is of first order as demonstrated by Halperin, Lubensky and Ma.Classification of superconductors based on Ginzburg–Landau theory[edit]In the original paper Ginzburg and Landau observed the existence of two types of superconductors depending on the energy of the interface between the normal and superconducting states.The Meissner state breaks down when the applied magnetic field is too large. Superconductors can be divided into two classes according to how this breakdown occurs. In Type I superconductors, superconductivity is abruptly destroyed when the strength of the applied field rises above a critical value H c. Depending on the geometry of the sample, one may obtain an intermediate state[2] consisting of a baroque pattern[3] of regions of normal material carrying a magnetic field mixed with regions of superconducting material containing no field. In Type II superconductors, raising the applied field past a critical value H c1 leads to a mixed state (also known as the vortex state) in which an increasing amount of magnetic flux penetrates the material, but there remains no resistance to the flow of electric current as long as the current is not too large. At a second critical field strength H c2, superconductivity is destroyed. The mixed state is actually caused by vortices in the electronic superfluid, sometimes called fluxons because the flux carried by these vortices is quantized. Most pure elemental superconductors, except niobium and carbon nanotubes, are Type I, while almost all impure and compound superconductors are Type II.The most important finding from Ginzburg–Landau theory was made by Alexei Abrikosov in 1957. He used Ginzburg–Landau theory to explain experiments on superconducting alloys and thin films. He found that in a type-II superconductor in a high magnetic field, the field penetrates in a triangular lattice of quantized tubes offlux vortices.[citation needed]Landau–Ginzburg theories in string theory[edit]In particle physics, any quantum field theory with a unique classical vacuum state and a potential energy witha degenerate critical point is called a Landau–Ginzburg theory. The generalization to N=(2,2) supersymmetric theories in 2 spacetime dimensions was proposed by Cumrun Vafa and Nicholas Warner in the November 1988 article Catastrophes and the Classification of Conformal Theories, in this generalization one imposes thatthe superpotential possess a degenerate critical point. The same month, together with Brian Greene they argued that these theories are related by a renormalization group flow to sigma models on Calabi–Yau manifolds in thepaper Calabi–Yau Manifolds and Renormalization Group Flows. In his 1993 paper Phases of N=2 theories intwo-dimensions, Edward Witten argued that Landau–Ginzburg theories and sigma models on Calabi–Yau manifolds are different phases of the same theory. A construction of such a duality was given by relating the Gromov-Witten theory of Calabi-Yau orbifolds to FJRW theory an analogous Landau-Ginzburg "FJRW" theory in The Witten Equation, Mirror Symmetry and Quantum Singularity Theory. Witten's sigma models were later used to describe the low energy dynamics of 4-dimensional gauge theories with monopoles as well as brane constructions. Gaiotto, Gukov & Seiberg (2013)See also[edit]•Domain wall (magnetism)•Flux pinning•Gross–Pitaevskii equation•Husimi Q representation•Landau theory•Magnetic domain•Magnetic flux quantum•Reaction–diffusion systems•Quantum vortex•Topological defectReferences[edit]1.^ Jump up to:a b Ginzburg VL (July 2004). "On superconductivity and superfluidity (what I have and havenot managed to do), as well as on the 'physical minimum' at the beginning of the 21 st century". Chemphyschem.5 (7): 930–945. doi:10.1002/cphc.200400182. PMID15298379.2.Jump up^ Lev D. Landau; Evgeny M. Lifschitz (1984). Electrodynamics of Continuous Media. Course ofTheoretical Physics8. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN0-7506-2634-8.3.Jump up^ David J. E. Callaway (1990). "On the remarkable structure of the superconductingintermediate state". Nuclear Physics B344 (3): 627–645. Bibcode:1990NuPhB.344..627C.doi:10.1016/0550-3213(90)90672-Z.Papers[edit]•V.L. Ginzburg and L.D. Landau, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.20, 1064 (1950). English translation in: L. D. Landau, Collected papers (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1965) p. 546• A.A. Abrikosov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.32, 1442 (1957) (English translation: Sov. Phys. JETP5 1174 (1957)].) Abrikosov's original paper on vortex structure of Type-II superconductors derived as a solution of G–L equations for κ > 1/√2•L.P. Gor'kov, Sov. Phys. JETP36, 1364 (1959)• A.A. Abrikosov's 2003 Nobel lecture: pdf file or video•V.L. Ginzburg's 2003 Nobel Lecture: pdf file or video•Gaiotto, David; Gukov, Sergei; Seiberg, Nathan (2013), "Surface Defects and Resolvents" (PDF), Journal of High Energy Physics。
BPS Equations, BPS States, and Central Charge of N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
exact solution of the low–energy effective Lagrangian and BPS spectrum of the Coulomb phase of N =2 SU(2) Yang-Mills theory, and subsequent work, has provided us with solvable examples of gauge theories exhibiting many of the strong–coupling phenomena associated with QCD [1, 2]. BPS states appear at several key steps in Seiberg and Witten’s derivation, which leads to a formula for their exact mass spectrum. A crucial role is played by the central charge Z of the N =2 algebra in the presence of a charged state, which appears in the BPS mass inequality √ M ≥ 2| Z | The masses of BPS states saturate this inequality, and are therefore determined by the central charge, which in turn depends on the vevs and masses that parameterize the moduli space of Coulomb vacua. As given by Seiberg and Witten for pure SU(2), the formula for the central charge is Z = a∞ ne + aD∞ nm (1.1)
Extensions of the N=2 Supersymmetric a=-2 Boussinesq Hierarchy
a rXiv:h ep-th/97765v22O ct1997EXTENSIONS OF THE N=2SUPERSYMMETRIC a=-2BOUSSINESQ HIERARCHY Z.Popowicz 1Institute of Theoretical Physics,University of Wroclaw pl.M.Borna 9,50-204Wroclaw,Poland Abstract.We present two different Lax operators for a manifestly N=2supersymmetric extension of ”a=-2”Boussinesq hierarchy .The first is the supersymmetric generalization of the Lax operator of the Modified KdV equation.The second is the generalization of the supersymmetric Lax operator of the N =2supersymmetric a=-2KdV system.The gauge transformation of the first Lax operator provide the Miura link between the ”small”N=4supersymmetric conformal algebra and the supersymmetric W 3algebra .1IntroductionThe integrable hierarchies of differential equations in1+1dimensions occupy an important place in diverse branches of theoretical physics as exactly solvable models of fundamen-tal physical phenomena ranging from nonlinear hydrodynamics to string theory[1-3]. Recently N=2supersymmetric integrable hierarchies have attracted much attention(see [5-17]for example).This interest is motivated by both pure mathematical reasons and possible physical applications of these systems in non-pertubative2D supergravity,matrix models,etc.The integrable supersymmetric extensions of the KdV hierarchy bear an intimate relation to superconformal(super Virasoro)algebras via their second Hamiltonian struc-ture[5].This connection has been extended to more complicated algebra as N=2super W3algebra.Due to it three different super N=2Boussinesq equations have been found [11-12].The Lax formulation of these systems has been given however only for two cases[12,13,14,9].Recently Liu[15]constructed the N=1super W3algebra via the sec-ond Gel’fand-Dickey bracket from the N=1supersymmetric Lax operator.Moreover he conjectured that this Lax operator producesome N=2supersymmetric extension of the Boussinesq equation and the corresponding algebra coincides with the N=2super W3 algebra.On the other side up to now,most efforts were focused on studing N=1or N=2 supersymmetric systems.The higher supersymmetry N=4have been used to supersym-metrization of the Liouville and Korteweg-de Vries system.Recently Delduc,Ivanov and Krivonos[7]has shown that the N=4super KdV equation could be written down in terms of the N=2superfields.Such system are called”quasi”N=4Susy KdV hi-erarchies for which the Lax operator has been found also[8].It appeared that the so called”small”supersymmetric conformal algebra(SCA)is responsible for the the second hamiltonian structure of this hierarchy.Moreover this algebra is connected via the Miura transformation with the N=2supersymmetric W3algebra[8].In this letter we would like to study the relationship between the generalized Boussi-nesq and”quasi”N=4Susy KdV hierarchy.We show that similarly to the KdV hierarchy it is possible to construct new hierarchy for the supersymmetric a=−2Boussinesq equa-tion.The investigations of such generalizations is interesting from the several reasons. One of them is the possibility of the construction of a new generalization of the con-strained Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy[18].Indeed,in the so called bosonic sector of our generalized supersymmetric Boussinesq hierarchy we recover new integrable hierarchy, different than this considered by Melnikov[19].In order to end this we consider two different Lax operators.Thefirst is a new and in the particular case coincides with the Lax operator considered by Liu[15].The second is the generalization of the Lax operator considered by Delduc and Gallot[8].Moreover as the byproduct of our analysis we show that,in the particular case,our first operator give us new Lax representation of the”quasi”N=4supersymmetric KdV system also.We show that the Lax operator of the supersymmetric generalization of the Boussinesq equation is gauge equivalent with the Lax operator of the”quasi”N=4supersymmetric KdV system.This gauge transformation define us the Miura transformation between”small”SCA algebra and supersymmetric W3algebra.Finally we show that the modification of the chirality conditions in the Lax operatorof the”quasi”N=4Susy KdV hierarchy create new Lax opeartor which generate the supersymmetric Boussinesq hierarchyThe hierarchies constructed by these operators constitue the hamiltonian structures and are connected by simple transformation among themselves.We explicitely constructed first Hamiltonian structure for these hierarchies.Let us mention that the similar construction us our for the supersymmetric N=2 Boussinesq equation but for the a=−1/2case has been carried out in[10].However there is a basic difference between our aproach and this presented in[10]where authors included to the generalization,different from our,conformal dimensional chiral and anti-chiral superfields.All computation presented in this paper has been carried out with the help of the symbolic computer language Reduce[20]and utilizing the package Susy2[21].2NotationThe basic objects in the supersymmetric analysis are superfileds and the supersymmetric derivatives.The Taylor expansion of the superfield with respect to theθisφ(x,θ1,θ2)=w(x)+θ1ξ1+θ2ξ2θ2θ2u,(1) where thefields w,u are to be interpreted as the boson(fermion)fields for the superboson (superfermion)field whileξ1,ξ2,as the fermion(boson)for the superboson(superfermions) respectively.The superderivatives are defined asD1=∂θ1−12θ1∂,(3)and satisfy D21=D22=0and D1D2+D2D1=−∂.Below we shall use the following notation:(D i F)denotes the outcome of the action of the superderivative on the superfield F,while D i F denotes the action itself of the superderivative on the superfiled F.We use,in the next an obvious relationdxdθ1dθ2A= dxdθ1(D2A),(4) valid for an arbitrary superfuction A which rapidly vanishes when x→±∞.Notice that this identity can be interpreted as the supersymmetric analog of the Stokes formula[4].3Supersymmetric N=2Boussinesq equationThis equation is written down as[12]ddt T=−2V xxx+([D1,D2]T x)+10(D1V)(D2V)x−2(V[D1,D2]V)x+4V2V x −2V x([D1,D2]V)+4V2V x+(5−2a)((D1V)(D2T)+(D2V)(D1T))+(8+4a)V x T+(3+2a)V T x,(6)Here a is an arbitrary parameter.As was shown in[11,12]for three values of parameter a=−2,1/2,−5/2this equation posseses at leastfive nontrival conserved currents.The Lax operator has been found only for two values of a(a=−1/2,−2)[13,14,12,9]and hence,for these values,this system is integrable.In the next we consider the a=−2case only.Then the equations(5-6)can be reduced to much simpler form.Indeed if we shift the T superboson to the new one WT→W+2([D1,D2]V)+16V2,(7) and rescale in an appriopriate way the time,we obtain the following system of equations ∂∂tW=([D1,D2]W x)+V W x+(D2W)(D1V)+(D1W)(D2V).(9)We present here two differnt Lax operator for this equation.Thefirst isL=∂2+V∂−(D2V)D1+W+D1∂−1(D2W),(10) while the second isL=[D1,D2]∂−D1V D2−D2V D1+12W[D1,D2]∂−1.(11)The corresponding Lax pair which,produces equation(8-9)for both cases isd2(13) where tr denotes the coefficient standing before∂−1D1.Now using the formula(4)we can cast these currents to the evident N=2supersymmetric form.Indeed.It is easy to noticed that an arbitrary power of our Lax operator(10)commutes with the D2operator.Let us present symbolicaly the expansion ofL k→...B+D1∂−1F+ (14)and[L k,D2]→...(D2B)+F+D1∂−1(D2F)+...=0,(15) for the zero andfirst pseud-Susy-derivative terms only.The superfunction B and F could be explicitely computed from the Lax operator(10).We conclude,from these expansions, that F=−(D2B).Therefore we can use the analog of Stokes formula(4)in order to bring the currents to the evidently N=2supersymmetric form.This supersymmetric generalization is bihamiltonian.The second hamiltonian struc-ture is connected with the supersymmetric W3algebra[12]whilefirst has simple form and reads as[13,12]P= 0,2∂2∂,[D1,D2]∂+V∂−(D1V)D2−(D2V)D1).(16)4Susy N=2Boussinesq hierarchyThefirst generalization which we would like to study is connected with the Lax operator (10)and has the following formL=∂2+V∂−(D2V)D1+W+∂−1D1(D2W)−mi=1(F i D1∂−1(D2G i)−∂−1D1(F i(D2G i)).(17) Here m pairs of superbosons chiral and anit-chiralfields F i and G i satysfying(D1G i)=(D2F i)=0.(18) with dimension1were introduced.We have checked that this Lax pair gives rise through the Lax pair(12)to the new hierarchy of the evolution equation.When all F k=0and G k=0,the Lax operator reduces to the(10).Explicitly thefirst threeflows are∂∂t1W=W x,∂∂t1G i=G ix,(19)∂∂∂t 2F i =F ixx +V F ix −(D 2V )(D 1F i ),(22)∂4t and obtained∂2V 3−6([D 1,D 2]W )−6W V +12mi =1(D 2G i )(D 1F i )),(24)∂2W x V 2−6W x W−3 (D 1W )(D 2V )x −3(D 1W x )(D 2V )+3 (D 2W )(D 1V )x +3(D 2W x )(D 1V )−3 ([D 1,D 2]W )V x −3([D 1,D 2]W x )V−3V (D 1W )(D 2V )+(D 2W )(D 1V ) +6mi =1 2V(D 2G i )(D 1F i ) x −2 G ix F ixx (D 2V )(D 1F i )G ix −(D 1V )(D 2G i )F ix ,(25)∂2V 2F ix ,(26)∂2V 2G ix .(27)If we transform our W superfield to the following formW →mi =1F iG i ,(28)then we obtain that the transformed Lax operatorL=∂2+V∂−(D2V)D1+mi=1F iG i+F i∂−1D1(D2G i) ,(29)generates for m=1the so called”quasi”N=4Susy KdV system considerd in[8].In that manner we obtained different Lax representation,than this considered in[8]for these equations.Now let us assume that m=1and eliminate thefield F1in the operator(29).In order to do it we assume that F1=0and gauge this operator to the new oneF1LF1.(30)We see that this transformed Lax operator has the same structure as the operator(10)if we make the following identificationF1,(31)F1+V F1xF1.(32)These formulas define us the Miura transformation between”small”N=4supersym-metric conformal algebra and supersymmetric W3algebra.This transformation coincides with this considerd in[8].We succeedfind thefirst Hamiltonian structure for our equations(20-23).It has the following formP P= P00II ,(33) where P is defined by(16)while II is2m dimensional matrixII= 0I−I0,(34)and I is an identity m-dimensional matrix.This Poisson tensor produces a new hierarchy of integrable equations of the form∂2(W2+2mk=1(G kx F kx−V G k F kx+G k(D2V)(D1F k))).(36)It is interesting to check what kind of the hierarchy we obtain if we add chiral and antichiralfields to the Lax operator(11),in a simillar manner as for Lax operator(10). We have checked several possibilities and concluded that this generalization can be cast into the formL=[D1,D2]∂+D1V D2+D2V D1+[D1,D2]∂−1W+W[D1,D2]∂−1++mi=1 F i∂−1[D1,D2]G i+G i∂−1[D1,D2]F i .(37)If we assume the chirality conditions on the superfields F i and G i(eq.18)then we obtain the following secondflow:∂∂t W=−([D1,D2]W x)+W x V+(D1W)(D2V)+(D2W)(D1V),(39)∂∂tG i=−G ixx+V G ix−(D2V)(D1G i).(41) Interestingly these equations are equivalent with the equations(20-23)if we transformthe superboson WW→W+mk=1G k F k.(42)Hence we can state that this system is also the hamiltonian system.5From SUSY KdV Hierarchy to the Boussinesq Hi-erarchyWe have seen in the previous section that it was possible to describe two different hier-archies,”quasi”N=4Susy Kdv and Boussinesq,using one Lax operator only.We now show that our generalized Boussinesq hierarchy can be described also by the Lax operator of the”quasi”N=4Susy KdV with much weaker condition than the chirality assumption (18).In order to do it,let usfirst consider the Lax operator(29)where we do not assume any chirality conditions.Then in order to obtain the self-consistent equation of motion, it appeares that we can assume much weaker conditions than(18).Indeed,it is enough to assume that(D2F i)=0,F ix G ix+(D1D2G i) =0,(43) for all i.We canfind two different solutions for the last equations.Thefirst one isF1=const,G1=W,(44) while for i=2,3,..m we assume the conditions(18).The second solution is given by the conditions(18)for all i.In thefirst case we obtain the generalization of the Boussinesq hierarchy,while for the second case we got new Lax operator for the”quasi”N=4Susy KdV system.Let us now consider our second Lax operator which we rewrite it as followL=[D1,D2]∂+D1V D2+D2V D1++mi=1 F i∂−1[D1,D2]G i+G i∂−1[D1,D2]F i .(45)We do not assume the(anti)chirality conditions(18)on thefileds F i and G i.This Lax operator generates the self-consistent equations provided(D2F i)(D1D2G i)+(D2G i)(D1D2F i)=0,(46) (D1F i)((D1D2G i)+G ix)+(D1G i)((D1D2F i)+F ix) =0,(47) for all i.We obtained weaker conditions than(18)also.Moreover,the constraints(46-47)have the same solution as in the previous case.Therefore,similarly to the previous case we conclude that ourfirst solution give us the generalization of the Boussinesq equation while the second solution the”quasi”N=4Susy KdV Lax operator.Finally let us present the connection of our Lax operator(11)with the Lax operator of the Boussinesq equation considered in[9].First let us notice that the Susy N=2a=−2 KdV posseses four different Lax operatorsL1=∂2+D1V D2−D2V D1,(48)L2=D1 ∂+2V D2,(49)L3=∂2+D1V D2,(50)L4=∂2+V∂−(D2V)D1.(51) These Lax operators generate the same Susy N=2a=−2KdV equation∂supersymetrization.One of them is the observation that sometimes the linear combination of Lax operator andits hermitean conjugation gives us the equation which is different than this produced by Lax operator only.For example,the Lax operator[17]L=∂+∂−1[D1,D2]V,(56) produces the Susy N=2a=1KdV system while its linear combination as(54)gives the Susy N=2a=4KdV system.The operator(55)where L is defined by(54)coincides with the Lax operator(11). Indeed we can repeat the previous arguments to this Lax operator to establish the same connection with the Boussinesq hierarchy also.On the other hand it is also possible to decompose this Lax operator in a different ly,we introduce the operatorN=D1 ∂+V+D2∂−1W∂−1D1+m i=1G i∂−1F i D2,(57) where we now assume the chirality conditions(16)on thefields F i and G i.We quickly realize that it is possible to write LL as LL=N−N∗.When all F i=0and G i=0than the operator N is exactly the Lax operator introduced in[9].References[1]Faddeev L and Takhtajan L1987”Hamiltonian Methods in the Theory of Solitons(Berlin:Springer)Das A1989”Integrable Models”(Singapore:World Scientific)Ablowitz M Segur1981”Solitons and the Inverse Scattering Transforms”(Philadel-phia,PA:SIAM)[2]Polyakov A1989”Fields,Strings and Critical Phenomena”ed.E Brezin and J Zinn-Justin(Amsterdam:North-Holland)[3]Gross D and Migdal A1990Nucl.Phys.B.340333Brezin E and Kazakov V1990Phys.Lett.236B144[4]D.A.Leites”Theory of supermanifold”(Pietrozawodsk1983)(in Russian)[5]J.Gervais Phys.LettB.160,(1985)277.[6]Z.Popowicz J.Phys.A.19(1996)1281.[7]F.Delduc,E.Ivanov and S.Krivonos,J.Math.Phys37(1996)1356.[8]F.Delduc,L.Gallot and E.Ivanov,Phys.Lett.B.396(1997)122.[9]F.Delduc and L.Gallot”N=2KP and KdV hierarchies in extended superspace”ENSLAPP-L-617/96,solv-int/9609191.[10]E.Ivanov and S.Krivonos Phys.Lett.A.231.(1997)75.[11]C.M.Yung Phys.Lett.B.309(1993)75.[12]S.Belluci,E.Ivanov,S.Krivonos,A.Pichugin Phys.LettB312(1993)463.[13]Z.Popowicz Phys.Lett.B319(1993)487.[14]Z.Popowicz Int.J.Modern.Phys.A.9(1993)2001.[15]Q.P.Liu”On the Integrable Hierarchies Associated with N=2super W n Algebras”toappeare in Phys.Lett.A.[16]berge and P.Mathieu Phys.Lett215B(1988)718.[17]Z.Popowicz Phys.LettA.174(1993)411.[18]W.Oevel and W.Strampp Comm.Math.Phys.157(1993)51.[19]V.K.Melnikov Phys.Lett.A118(1986)22.[20]A.Hearn REDUCE User’s Manual Version3.6(1995).[21]Z.Popowicz Computer Physics Communications100(1997)277.11。
A New Supersymmetric Index
Lyman Laboratory of Physics
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
dimensions, ependent of almost all deformations of the theory. This index is related to the geometry of the vacua (Berry’s curvature) and satisfies an exact differential equation as a function of β . For integrable theories we can also compute the index thermodynamically, using the exact S -matrix. The equivalence of these two results implies a highly non-trivial equivalence of a set of coupled integral equations with these differential equations, among them Painleve III and the affine Toda equations.
HUTP-92/A021 SISSA 68/92/EP BUHEP-92-14
arXiv:hep-th/9204102v1 30 Apr 1992
A New Supersymmetric Index
Sergio Cecotti† , Paul Fendley⋆ , Ken Intriligator∞ and Cumrun Vafa∞
partition function Tr e−βH . This powerful method is known as the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA)[10]. In particular, the TBA analysis for a large class of N =2 integrable theories in two dimensions was carried out in [11,12], confirming the conjectured S -matrices as in particular reproducing the correct central charges in the UV limit. One can extend the usual TBA analysis by allowing arbitrary chemical potentials, and in particular one can compute objects such as TreiαF e−βH . This allows us, as a special case, to compute Tr(−1)F F e−βH in these theories in terms of integral equations. Thus for integrable theories we seem to have two inequivalent methods to compute the
Duality Cascade in Brane Inflation
Preprint typeset in JHEP style - HYPER VERSION
Duality Cascade in Brane Inflation
arXiv:0802.0491v2 [hep-th] 28 Feb hen2,3 †, Girma Hailu4 ‡, S.-H. Henry Tye3,4 § and Jiajun Xu3,4 ¶
2 1
Abstract: We show that brane inflation is very sensitive to tiny sharp features in extra dimensions, including those in the potential and in the warp factor. This can show up as observational signatures in the power spectrum and/or non-Gaussianities of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). One general example of such sharp features is a succession of small steps in a warped throat, caused by Seiberg duality cascade using gauge/gravity duality. We study the cosmological observational consequences of these steps in brane inflation. Since the steps come in a series, the prediction of other steps and their properties can be tested by future data and analysis. It is also possible that the steps are too close to be resolved in the power spectrum, in which case they may show up only in the non-Gaussianity of the CMB temperature fluctuations and/or EE polarization. We study two cases. In the slow-roll scenario where steps appear in the inflaton potential, the sensitivity of brane inflation to the height and width of the steps is increased by several orders of magnitude comparing to that in previously studied large field models. In the IR DBI scenario where steps appear in the warp factor, we find that the glitches in the power spectrum caused by these sharp features are generally small or even unobservable, but associated distinctive non-Gaussianity can be large. Together with its large negative running of the power spectrum index, this scenario clearly illustrates how rich and different a brane inflationary scenario can be when compared to generic slow-roll inflation. Such distinctive stringy features may provide a powerful probe of superstring theory.
Two-dimensional Quantum Field Theory, examples and applications
Abstract The main principles of two-dimensional quantum field theories, in particular two-dimensional QCD and gravity are reviewed. We study non-perturbative aspects of these theories which make them particularly valuable for testing ideas of four-dimensional quantum field theory. The dynamics of confinement and theta vacuum are explained by using the non-perturbative methods developed in two dimensions. We describe in detail how the effective action of string theory in non-critical dimensions can be represented by Liouville gravity. By comparing the helicity amplitudes in four-dimensional QCD to those of integrable self-dual Yang-Mills theory, we extract a four dimensional version of two dimensional integrability.
2 48 49 52 54 56
5 Four-dimensional analogies and consequences 6 Conclusions and Final Remarks
Yang-Mills theory, for its relevance to the mathematical physics of fields, for its relevance to the mathematical physics of strings, and for its own direct application to theories of Nature. But the best reason to explore this subject is that it justifies itself through its beauty and richness. In these lectures, I will provide an introduction to the physics of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, and I will try to capture at least a bit of the underlying beauty. These lectures will analyze the physics of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories through the analysis of effective Lagrangians constructed to describe their low-energy dynamics. In Section 2, I will discuss the general idea of an effective Lagrangian description of a strongly-coupled quantum field theory. In Section 3, I will discuss the special properties of supersymmetric effective Lagrangians and, in the process, introduce the most important tools that we will use in our study. In Section 4, I will give a first illustration of these tools by describing the Affleck-Dine-Seiberg picture1 of the dynamics in the supersymmetric generalization of QCD. In Section 5, I will present the Seiberg-Witten solution2,3 of the SU (2) Yang-Mills theory with N = 2 supersymmetry. In this solution, magnetic monopoles which appear as solitons in the weak-coupling analysis of the theory play a crucial dynamical role at strong coupling. The dynamics of this theory illustrates a role reversal of electrically and magnetically charged fields which illustrates electric-magnetic duality in a quite unusual context. This analysis, which showed how solitons could take on the dynamical properties of quantum particles, has become an important touchstone in many aspects of field theory and string theory duality, and in mathematical studies which make use of concepts of quantum field theory. In Section 6, I will present some generalizations of the Seiberg-Witten theory which illustrate additional novel effects that may be found in these models. In Section 7, I will return to supersymmetric QCD and consider this theory for the case of many quark and squark flavors. In this case, Seiberg4 has given evidence for a new type of dual description, which he calls ‘non-Abelian electricmagnetic duality’. I will explain this duality and its relation to new nontrivial renormalization group fixed points in four dimensions. Finally, in Section 8, I will discuss some generalizations of non-Abelian duality and the connection of this idea to the Abelian electric-magnetic duality of the Seiberg-Witten model. 2 General Principles
• Discrete symmetries: C, P, and T.
dimensional supersymmetry algebra is given in the Appendix; here we will be content with checking some of the features of this algebra. The anticommutator of the QA α with their adjoints is: { QA ˙ } α , QβB =
A where the CB are complex Lorentz scalar coefficients. Taking the adjoint of the left-hand side of Eq. 2, using m σα ˙ β † m = σβ α ˙
, , (3)
† QA α
= Qα ˙
A tells us that CB is a hermitian matrix. Furthermore, since {Q, Q} is a positive A definite operator, CB is a positive definite hermitian matrix. This means that A A we can always choose a basis for the QA α such that CB is proportional to δB . The factor of two in Eq. 2 is simply a convention. The SUSY generators QA α commute with the translation generators:
Three-dimensional topological quantum field theory of Witten type
In 3d, we have the two important topological quantum field theories (of “cohomological” type): topological SU(2) gauge theory of flat connection and 3d version of the (topological) SW theory. The former is a 3d twisted N = 4 SUSY SU(2) pure gauge theory or a 3d version of the Donaldson-Witten (DW) theory, and “by definition” it describes the Casson invariant that appropriately counts the number of flat SU(2) connections [7] (see, Section A). The latter (3d SW) is a 3d twisted version of N = 4 SUSY U(1) gauge theory with a matter hypermultiplet [2], [3] (see, Section B). It is interesting to note that the both theories can be derived from 4d N = 2 SUSY SU(2) pure gauge theory corresponding via twist to DW theory.
First of all, let us recall the milestones in the development of four-dimensional TQFT. In 1988, Witten proposed a description of Donaldson’s theory (“topological” invariants of four-dimensional manifolds) in terms of an appropriately twisted N = 2 SUSY SU(2) pure gauge theory [1]. But not so many mathematical consequences had followed from this approach until 1994 when Seiberg-Witten (SW) theory entered the scene. It has appeared that a newly-discovered dual description of the N = 2 theory in low-energy limit [2] provides us a new, alternative (but essentially equivalent and simpler) formulation of “topological” invariants of four-dimensional manifolds [3].
Supersymmetric Quantization of Gauge Theories
We develop a new operator quantization scheme for gauge theories in which the dynamics of the ghost sector is described by a N = 2 supersymmetry. In this scheme no gauge condition is imposed on the gauge elds. The corresponding path integral is explicitly Lorentz invariant and, in contrast to the BRST-BVF path integral in the Lorentz gauge, it is free of the Gribov ambiguity, i.e., it is also valid in the non-perturbative domain. The formalism can therefore be used to study the nonperturbative es of gauge theories in the infra-red region (gluon con nement).
From the previous introductory remarks it should be clear that one needs to develop a quantization procedure which eliminates the unphysical degrees of freedom while it (a) avoids imposing a gauge condition on the gauge elds, i.e., the Gribov ambiguity and (b) leads to a Lorentz covariant theory. The basic ingredients for such a scheme were given in 12]. The idea of 12] is to extend the theory in a supersymmetric and gauge invariant way by introducing bosonic and fermionic ghosts transforming in a gauge multiplet. The supersymmetry insures that the contributions of the boson and fermion ghosts cancel in the partition function, while the gauge invariance makes it possible to avoid imposing a gauge condition on the gauge elds, but rather to eliminate the unphysical degrees of freedom by imposing a gauge condition on the bosonic ghost elds. Finally the whole procedure respects the Lorentz invariance of the theory. This program was, however, performed within the functional integral setting and, given the ambiguities that arise in the functional integral formalism, it is highly desirable to develop this program on the operator level and derive the corresponding functional integral representation from there. Our aim with the present paper is to develop this operator quantization scheme. The steps we follow in doing this are essentially the same as outlined above. We show how any quantum mechanical system (regardless whether it has a gauge symmetry or not) can be extended by adding N = 2 supersymmetric ghosts. In the extended theory physical states are identi ed as those invariant under SUSY transformations. Matrix elements of any system operator calculated in the physical subspace coincide with those of the original system. In the case of gauge theories this extension is done by putting the ghosts in a gauge multiplet. This implies (a) that we not only modify the Hamiltonian, but also the constraints and (b) that the extension respects the gauge symmetry, i.e, commutators of the extended Hamiltonian with the extended constraints and the extended constraints with each other vanish weekly. The presence of scalar ghosts is then exploited to impose gauge xing on them and remove the unphysical degrees of freedom. We organize the paper as follows: In section 2 we consider a 1-dimensional quantum system to illustrate the supersymmetric extension and to construct the functional integral representation of the system transition amplitude in the extended space. In section 3 a simple mechanical model with a gauge symmetry is considered to show how the ghosts can be added to the theory and how gauge xing of the variables describing the original gauge system can be avoided. We emphasize that the choice of simple mechanical models to illustrate the procedure is only for the convenience of presentation since the generalization is straightforward. In section 4 the scheme is applied to Yang-Mills theories. Section 5 discusses the relation to normal gauge xing and section 6 contains our conclusions. 2. Ghost extension of a quantum system. Consider a 1-dimensional quantum system with Hamiltonian 2 ^ ^ Hs = p2 + V (^) ; x; p] = i : x ^^ (1) We denote by jsi (or j is) vectors in the system Hilbert space. Consider the ghost Hamiltonian ^ Hgh = py p + py pz + !2(x)(^yz + ^y ^) ^ ^ ^z ^ z^ (2) Here (^y)2 = ^2 = (^y )2 = p2 = 0, i.e., they are Grassmann canonical operators, while z , p ^ ^ 2
Ginzburg–Landau theoryFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn physics, Ginzburg–Landau theory, named after Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg and Lev Landau, is a mathematical physical theory used to describe superconductivity. In its initial form, it was postulated as a phenomenological model which could describe type-I superconductors without examining their microscopic properties. Later, a version of Ginzburg–Landau theory was derived from the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer microscopic theory by Lev Gor'kov, thus showing that it also appears in some limit of microscopic theory and giving microscopic interpretation of all its parameters.Contents•1Introduction•2Simple interpretation•3Coherence length and penetration depth•4Fluctuations in the Ginzburg–Landau model•5Classification of superconductors based on Ginzburg–Landau theory•6Landau–Ginzburg theories in string theory•7See also•8References•8.1PapersIntroduction[edit]Based on Landau's previously-established theory of second-order phase transitions, Ginzburg and Landau argued that the free energy, F, of a superconductor near the superconducting transition can be expressed in terms ofa complex order parameter field, ψ, which is nonzero below a phase transition into a superconducting state and isrelated to the density of the superconducting component, although no direct interpretation of this parameter was given in the original paper. Assuming smallness of |ψ| and smallness of its gradients, the free energy has the form ofa field theory.where F n is the free energy in the normal phase, α and β in the initial argument were treated as phenomenologicalparameters, m is an effective mass, e is the charge of an electron, A is the magnetic vector potential, and is the magnetic field. By minimizing the free energy with respect to variations in the order parameter and the vector potential, one arrives at the Ginzburg–Landau equationswhere j denotes the dissipation-less electric current density and Re the real part. The first equation — which bears some similarities to the time-independent Schrödinger equation, but is principally different due to a nonlinear term —determines the order parameter, ψ. The second equation then provides the superconducting current.Simple interpretation[edit]Consider a homogeneous superconductor where there is no superconducting current and the equation for ψ simplifies to:This equation has a trivial solution: ψ = 0. This corresponds to the normal state of the superconductor, that is for temperatures above the superconducting transition temperature, T>T c.Below the superconducting transition temperature, the above equation is expected to have a non-trivial solution (that is ψ ≠ 0). Under this assumption the equation above can be rearranged into:When the right hand side of this equation is positive, there is a nonzero solution for ψ (remember that the magnitude of a complex number can be positive or zero). This can be achieved by assuming the following temperature dependence of α: α(T) = α0 (T - T c) with α0/ β > 0:•Above the superconducting transition temperature, T > T c, the expression α(T) / β is positive and the right hand side of the equation above is negative. The magnitude of a complex number must be a non-negative number, so only ψ = 0 solves the Ginzburg–Landau equation.•Below the superconducting transition temperature, T < T c, the right hand side of the equation above is positive and there is a non-trivial solution for ψ. Furthermorethat is ψ approaches zero as T gets closer to T c from below. Such a behaviour is typical for a second order phase transition.In Ginzburg–Landau theory the electrons that contribute to superconductivity were proposed to forma superfluid.[1] In this interpretation, |ψ|2 indicates the fraction of electrons that have condensed into a superfluid.[1] Coherence length and penetration depth[edit]The Ginzburg–Landau equations predicted two new characteristic lengths in a superconductor which wastermed coherence length, ξ. For T > T c (normal phase), it is given bywhile for T < T c (superconducting phase), where it is more relevant, it is given byIt sets the exponential law according to which small perturbations of density of superconducting electrons recover their equilibrium value ψ0. Thus this theory characterized all superconductors by two length scales. The second one is the penetration depth, λ. It was previously introduced by the London brothers in their London theory. Expressed in terms of the parameters of Ginzburg-Landau model it iswhere ψ0 is the equilibrium value of the order parameter in the absence of an electromagnetic field. The penetration depth sets the exponential law according to which an external magnetic field decays inside the superconductor. The original idea on the parameter "k" belongs to Landau. The ratio κ = λ/ξ is presently known asthe Ginzburg–Landau parameter. It has been proposed by Landau that Type I superconductors are those with 0 < κ< 1/√2, and Type II superconductors those with κ> 1/√2.The exponential decay of the magnetic field is equivalent with the Higgs mechanism in high-energy physics. Fluctuations in the Ginzburg–Landau model[edit]Taking into account fluctuations. For Type II superconductors, the phase transition from the normal state is of second order, as demonstrated by Dasgupta and Halperin. While for Type I superconductors it is of first order as demonstrated by Halperin, Lubensky and Ma.Classification of superconductors based on Ginzburg–Landau theory[edit]In the original paper Ginzburg and Landau observed the existence of two types of superconductors depending on the energy of the interface between the normal and superconducting states.The Meissner state breaks down when the applied magnetic field is too large. Superconductors can be divided into two classes according to how this breakdown occurs. In Type I superconductors, superconductivity is abruptly destroyed when the strength of the applied field rises above a critical value H c. Depending on the geometry of the sample, one may obtain an intermediate state[2] consisting of a baroque pattern[3] of regions of normal material carrying a magnetic field mixed with regions of superconducting material containing no field. In Type II superconductors, raising the applied field past a critical value H c1 leads to a mixed state (also known as the vortex state) in which an increasing amount of magnetic flux penetrates the material, but there remains no resistance to the flow of electric current as long as the current is not too large. At a second critical field strength H c2, superconductivity is destroyed. The mixed state is actually caused by vortices in the electronic superfluid, sometimes called fluxons because the flux carried by these vortices is quantized. Most pure elemental superconductors, except niobium and carbon nanotubes, are Type I, while almost all impure and compound superconductors are Type II.The most important finding from Ginzburg–Landau theory was made by Alexei Abrikosov in 1957. He used Ginzburg–Landau theory to explain experiments on superconducting alloys and thin films. He found that in a type-II superconductor in a high magnetic field, the field penetrates in a triangular lattice of quantized tubes offlux vortices.[citation needed]Landau–Ginzburg theories in string theory[edit]In particle physics, any quantum field theory with a unique classical vacuum state and a potential energy witha degenerate critical point is called a Landau–Ginzburg theory. The generalization to N=(2,2) supersymmetric theories in 2 spacetime dimensions was proposed by Cumrun Vafa and Nicholas Warner in the November 1988 article Catastrophes and the Classification of Conformal Theories, in this generalization one imposes thatthe superpotential possess a degenerate critical point. The same month, together with Brian Greene they argued that these theories are related by a renormalization group flow to sigma models on Calabi–Yau manifolds in thepaper Calabi–Yau Manifolds and Renormalization Group Flows. In his 1993 paper Phases of N=2 theories intwo-dimensions, Edward Witten argued that Landau–Ginzburg theories and sigma models on Calabi–Yau manifolds are different phases of the same theory. A construction of such a duality was given by relating the Gromov-Witten theory of Calabi-Yau orbifolds to FJRW theory an analogous Landau-Ginzburg "FJRW" theory in The Witten Equation, Mirror Symmetry and Quantum Singularity Theory. Witten's sigma models were later used to describe the low energy dynamics of 4-dimensional gauge theories with monopoles as well as brane constructions. Gaiotto, Gukov & Seiberg (2013)See also[edit]•Domain wall (magnetism)•Flux pinning•Gross–Pitaevskii equation•Husimi Q representation•Landau theory•Magnetic domain•Magnetic flux quantum•Reaction–diffusion systems•Quantum vortex•Topological defectReferences[edit]1.^ Jump up to:a b Ginzburg VL (July 2004). "On superconductivity and superfluidity (what I have and havenot managed to do), as well as on the 'physical minimum' at the beginning of the 21 st century". Chemphyschem.5 (7): 930–945. doi:10.1002/cphc.200400182. PMID15298379.2.Jump up^ Lev D. Landau; Evgeny M. Lifschitz (1984). Electrodynamics of Continuous Media. Course ofTheoretical Physics8. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN0-7506-2634-8.3.Jump up^ David J. E. Callaway (1990). "On the remarkable structure of the superconductingintermediate state". Nuclear Physics B344 (3): 627–645. Bibcode:1990NuPhB.344..627C.doi:10.1016/0550-3213(90)90672-Z.Papers[edit]•V.L. Ginzburg and L.D. Landau, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.20, 1064 (1950). English translation in: L. D. Landau, Collected papers (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1965) p. 546• A.A. Abrikosov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.32, 1442 (1957) (English translation: Sov. Phys. JETP5 1174 (1957)].) Abrikosov's original paper on vortex structure of Type-II superconductors derived as a solution of G–L equations for κ > 1/√2•L.P. Gor'kov, Sov. Phys. JETP36, 1364 (1959)• A.A. Abrikosov's 2003 Nobel lecture: pdf file or video•V.L. Ginzburg's 2003 Nobel Lecture: pdf file or video•Gaiotto, David; Gukov, Sergei; Seiberg, Nathan (2013), "Surface Defects and Resolvents" (PDF), Journal of High Energy Physics。
Dynamical SUSY Breaking in Meta-Stable Vacua
a r X i v :h e p -t h /0602239v 3 1 A p r 2006UCSD-PTH-06-03Dynamical SUSY Breaking in Meta-Stable VacuaKenneth Intriligator 1,2,Nathan Seiberg 2and David Shih 31Department of Physics,University of California,San Diego,La Jolla,CA 92093USA 2School of Natural Sciences,Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton,NJ 08540USA 3Department of Physics,Princeton University,Princeton,NJ 08544USA Dynamical supersymmetry breaking in a long-lived meta-stable vacuum is a phenomeno-logically viable possibility.This relatively unexplored avenue leads to many new models of dynamical supersymmetry breaking.Here,we present a surprisingly simple class of mod-els with meta-stable dynamical supersymmetry breaking:N =1supersymmetric QCD,with massive flavors.Though these theories are strongly coupled,we definitively demon-strate the existence of meta-stable vacua by using the free-magnetic dual.Model buildingchallenges,such as large flavor symmetries and the absence of an R-symmetry,are easily accommodated in these theories.Their simplicity also suggests that broken supersymmetry is generic in supersymmetric field theory and in the landscape of string vacua.February 20061.Introduction1.1.General RemarksAtfirst glance,dynamical supersymmetry breaking appears to be a rather non-generic phenomenon in supersymmetric gauge theory.The non-zero Witten index of N=1Yang-Mills theory immediately implies that any N=1supersymmetric gauge theory with mas-sive,vector-like matter has supersymmetric vacua[1].So theories with no supersymmetric vacua must either be chiral,as in the original examples of[2,3],or if they are non-chiral, they must have massless matter,as in the examples of[4,5].The known theories that sat-isfy these requirements and dynamically break supersymmetry look rather complicated, and applications to realistic model building only compounds the complications.The result has been a literature of rather baroque models of dynamical supersymmetry breaking and mediation.For reviews and references,see e.g.[6].We point out that new model building avenues are opened up by abandoning the prej-udice that models of dynamical supersymmetry breaking must have no supersymmetric vacua.This prejudice is unnecessary,because it is a phenomenologically viable possibility that we happen to reside in a very long lived,false vacuum,and that there is a super-symmetric vacuum elsewhere infield space.Meta-stable supersymmetry breaking vacua have been encountered before in the literature of models of supersymmetry breaking and mediation;some examples are[7-9].Indeed,even if the supersymmetry breaking sector has no supersymmetric vacua,there is a danger that the mediation sector will introduce supersymmetric vacua elsewhere.Such encounters of meta-stable supersymmetry break-ing are generally accompanied with a(justified)apology for the aesthetic defect and,in favorable cases,it is shown that the lifetime can nevertheless be longer than the age of the Universe.The novelty here is that we accept meta-stable vacua from the outset,even in the supersymmetry breaking sector.This approach leads us immediately to many new and much simpler models of supersymmetry breaking.Classic constraints,needed for hav-ing no supersymmetric vacua,no longer constrain models of meta-stable supersymmetry breaking.For instance,theories with non-zero Witten index and/or with no conserved U(1)R symmetry[3,10]can nevertheless have meta-stable supersymmetry breaking vacua.A condition for supersymmetry breaking that does still apply in the meta-stable context is the need for a massless fermion to play the role of the Goldstino.But even this condition can be subtle:the massless fermion can be present in the low-energy macroscopic theory,1even if it is not obvious in the original,ultraviolet,microscopic theory.This happens in our examples.Phenomenologically,we would like the lifetime of our meta-stable state to be longer than the age of the Universe.Moreover,the notion of meta-stable states is meaningful only when they are parametrically long lived.It is therefore important for us to have a dimensionless parameter,ǫ,whose parametric smallness guarantees the longevity of the meta-stable state.In our examples,ǫis given by a ratio of a mass and a dynamical scale,µmǫ≡1.2.Our main exampleOur main example of meta-stable dynamical supersymmetry breaking in this paper is surprisingly simple:N=1supersymmetric SU(N c)QCD,with N f massive fundamental flavors.In order to have control over the theory in the IR,we take N f in the free magnetic range[12-14],N c+1≤N f<3mN c,(1.3)arises as the infrared free,low-energy2effective theory of the magnetic dual[13],with N=N f−N c andµ∼√potential for the pseudo-moduli can be computed using the one-loop correction to the vacuum energy,V(1) eff =1Λ2≡1Λ2−Tr m4F logm2F1The ultraviolet cutoffΛin(1.4)can be absorbed into the renormalization of the coupling constants appearing in the tree-level vacuum energy V0.In particular,STr M4is independent of the pseudo-moduli.4group,taking N f>3N(which becomes N f<32.The Macroscopic Model:Part IIn this section we discuss our macroscopic theory(1.3)without the gauge interactions. This is a Wess-Zumino model with global symmetry groupSU(N)×SU(N f)2×U(1)B×U(1)′×U(1)R(2.1) (later we will identify N=N f−N c),with N f>N and the following matter contentSU(N)SU(N f)SU(N f)U(1)B U(1)′U(1)RΦ11110˜ϕThe vacua of maximal unbroken global symmetry are(up to unbrokenflavor rotations)Φ0=0,ϕ0=˜ϕ0=µ1I N,(2.7) This preserves an unbroken SU(N)D×SU(N f−N)×U(1)B′×U(1)R,as well as a discrete charge conjugation symmetry that exchangesϕand˜ϕ.We now examine the one-loop effective potential of the classical pseudo-flat directions around the vacua(2.7).To simplify the presentation,we will expand around(2.7)and show that the classical pseudo-moduli there get positive mass-squared.To see what the lightfields are,we expand around(2.7)using the parametrizationΦ= δYδZ T δ˜Zδ Φ ,ϕ= µ+12(δχ++δχ−)12(δρ++δρ−) ,˜ϕT=µ+12(δχ+−δχ−)12(δρ+−δρ−)(2.8)(HereδY andδχ±are N×N matrices,andδZ,δ˜Z,andδρ±are(N f−N)×N matrices.) The potential from(2.4)gives most of thefields tree-level masses∼|hµ|.There are also massless scalars,some of which are Goldstone bosons of the broken global symmetries:µ∗|µ|δρ+,Im µ∗|µ|δχ−+h.c.(2.10) These pseudo-moduli acquire masses,starting at one-loop,from their couplings to the massivefields.The effective theory for the pseudo-moduli has the formL eff=Tr∂(δ Φ)†∂(δ Φ)+1The one-loop effective potential for the pseudo-moduli can be computed from the one-loop correction (1.4)tothe vacuumenergy,in thebackground where the pseudo-moduli have expectation values.Expanding to quadratic order around the vacua (2.7),the effective potential for the pseudo-moduli must be of the formV (1)eff = h 4µ2 18π2(N f −N ),b =log 4−18π2 12Equivalently,it is easily verified that only planar diagrams contribute at one loop.83.The Macroscopic Model:Part II–Dynamical SUSY RestorationWe now gauge the SU(N)symmetry of the previous section.We are interested in the case N f>3N,where the SU(N)theory is IR free instead of asymptotically free.Thus the theory has a scaleΛm,above which it is strongly coupled.(The subscript m onΛm is for“macroscopic.”)The running of the holomorphic gauge coupling of SU(N)is given bye−8π2/g2(E)+iθ= Eg2 A(Trϕ†T Aϕ−Tr˜ϕT A˜ϕ†)2.(3.2)2The D-term potential(3.2)vanishes in the vacua(2.7),so(2.7)remains as a minimum of the tree-level potential.The SU(N)gauge symmetry is completely Higgsed in this vacuum.Through the super-Higgs mechanism,the SU(N)gaugefields acquire mass gµ, the erstwhile Goldstone bosons Im(µ∗δχ−/|µ|)′are eaten(the prime denotes the traceless part),and the erstwhile pseudo-moduliδ χ′=Re(µ∗δχ−/|µ|)′get a non-tachyonic,tree-level mass gµfrom(3.2).3Thus,thefieldsδ Φand Trδ χremain as classical pseudo-moduli.We should compute the leading quantum effective potential for these pseudo-moduli, as in the previous section,to determine whether the vacua(2.7)are stabilized,or develop tachyonic directions.Actually,no new calculation is needed:the effect of the added SU(N)gaugefields drops out in the leading order effective potential for the pseudo-moduli. The reason is that the tree-level spectrum of the massive SU(N)vector supermultiplet is supersymmetric,so its additional contributions to the supertrace of(1.4)cancel.To see this,note that the SU(N)gaugefields do not directly couple to the supersymmetrybreaking:the D-terms(3.2)vanish on the pseudo-flat space,and the non-zero expectation values ofϕand˜ϕ,which give the SU(N)gaugefields their masses,do not couple directly to any non-zero F terms.We conclude that the leading order effective potential(2.14)for the pseudo-moduli is unaffected by the gauging of SU(N).The vacua are as in(2.7),with broken supersymmetry and no tachyonic directions.Though gauging the SU(N)does not much affect the supersymmetry breaking vacua (2.7),it does have an important effect elsewhere infield space:it leads to supersymmetric vacua.To see this,consider givingΦgeneral,non-zero expectation values.By the super-potential(2.4),this gives the SU(N)fundamentalflavors,ϕand˜ϕ,mass hΦ .Below the energy scale hΦ ,we can integrate out these massiveflavors.The low-energy theory is then SU(N)pure Yang-Mills,with holomorphic coupling given bye−8π2/g2(E)+iθ= ΛLΛN f−3N m E3N.(3.3) In the last equality,we matched the running coupling to that above the energy scale hΦ , as given in(3.1).The low-energy theory has superpotentialW low=N(h N fΛ−(N f−3N)m detΦ)1/N−hµ2TrΦ,(3.4) where thefirst term comes from SU(N)gaugino condensation,upon using(3.3)to relate ΛL toΛm.We stress that the appearance ofΛm in(3.4)does not signify that we are including any effects coming from physics at or above the ultraviolet cutoffΛm.Rather, it appears because we have expressed the infrared free coupling g as in(3.1).Extremizing the superpotential(3.4),wefind N f−N supersymmetric vacua at.(3.5) hΦ =Λmǫ2N/(N f−N)1I N f=µ1ΛmNote that,for|ǫ|≪1,|µ|≪| hΦ |≪|Λm|.(3.6) Because hΦ is well below the Landau pole atΛm,this analysis in the low-energy,macro-scopic theory is justified and reliable.As we will discuss in section7,|µ|≪| hΦ |also guarantees the longevity of the meta-stable,non-supersymmetric vacua(2.7).We see here an amusing phenomenon:dynamical supersymmetry restoration,in a theory that breaks supersymmetry at tree-level.ForΛm→∞withµfixed,the theorybreaks supersymmetry.ForΛm large butfinite(corresponding to small but nonzeroǫ),a supersymmetric vacuum comes in from infinity.The relevant non-perturbative effect arises in an IR free gauge theory,and it can be reliably computed.The existence of these supersymmetric vacua elsewhere infield space implies that the non-supersymmetric vacua of the previous section become only meta-stable upon gauging SU(N).The model with gauged SU(N)therefore exhibits meta-stable supersymmetry breaking.We shall realize it dynamically in section5.We note that our conclusions are in complete accord with the connection of[3,10]be-tween the existence of a U(1)R symmetry and broken supersymmetry.The theory of the previous section has a conserved U(1)R symmetry,and it has broken supersymmetry.In the theory of this section,there is no conserved U(1)R symmetry,because it is anomalous under the gauged SU(N);this breaking is explicit in(3.4).Correspondingly,there are supersymmetric vacua.For Φ near the origin,the SU(N)gauge theory is IR free,so the U(1)R symmetry returns as an accidental symmetry of the infrared theory.So super-symmetry breaking in our meta-stable vacuum near the origin is related to the accidental R-symmetry there.4.Effects from the underlying microscopic theoryThe theory we discussed in the previous sections is IR free and therefore it cannot be a complete theory.It breaks down at the UV scale|Λm|where its gauge interactions becomelarge.(The coupling h in(2.4)also has a Landau pole;for simplicity we discuss only a single scale|Λm|.)In this section we will examine whether our results above depend on the physics at the scale|Λm|which we do not have under control.The only dimensionful parameter of the low energy theory isµand therefore,we will assume|ǫ|= µ|Λm|2Tr(Φ†Φ)2+...,(4.2)with c being a dimensionless number of order one.The standard decoupling argument is based on the fact that such high dimension operators are suppressed by inverse powers of |Λm|and therefore they do not affect the dynamics of the low energy theory.Let us explore in more detail this fact and its relation to the one-loop computation of the effective potential described in section2.There,we calculated the effect of super-symmetry breaking mass terms on the low energy effective potential of the pseudo-flat directions.In that computation we focused on the lightfields,whose mass is of orderµ(for simplicity,we set h=1),and we neglected the modes with mass of orderΛm.Can the effect of these modes,whose masses are also split by supersymmetry breaking,change our conclusion about the effective potential?Our one-loop effective potential(2.14)is proportional to|µ2|,and is thus not real analytic in the parameterµ2appearing in the superpotential.This non-analyticity is because the modes that we integrated out become massless asµ→0,so their contribution to the effective potential is singular there.On the other hand,corrections from heavier modes,whose masses are of orderΛm,are necessarily real analytic inµ2.In particular,the leading correction from the microscopic theory to the mass of the pseudo-modulus must have coefficient|µ2|2/|Λm|2=|µ2ǫ2|≪|µ2|.Such corrections are much smaller than our result from the low-energy macroscopic theory.One way to see that is to integrate out the massive modes forµ=0and summarize the effect in a correction to the K¨a hler potential as in(4.2).Then we can use this corrected K¨a hler potential with the tree level superpotential tofind the effect on the pseudo-flat directions.These corrections are∼|µ2ǫ2|,and are negligible.This fact is significant.Without knowing the details of the microscopic theory,we cannot determine these loop effects involving modes with mass∼Λm.We cannot even determine the sign of the dimensionless coefficients like c in(4.2),and therefore we cannot determine whether they bend the pseudo-flat directions upward or downward.Fortunately, these effects which we cannot compute are smaller than the one loop effects in the low energy theory which we can compute.The latter have the effect of stabilizing our vacuum.Of course,this discussion about the irrelevance of irrelevant operators which are sup-pressed by powers ofΛm is obvious and trivial.However,in equation(3.4)we took into account a nonperturbative effect which leads to a superpotential which is suppressed by powers ofΛm.We are immediately led to ask two questions.First,how come this non-renormalizable interaction is reliably computed even though it depends onΛm?Second,given that we consider this interaction,why is it justified to neglect other terms as in (4.2)which are also suppressed bypowers of Λm ?Let us first address the first question.As in (3.1),Λm appears as a way to parameterize the infrared free gauge coupling g ,at energy scales below |Λm |.This is conceptually different from the appearance of |Λm |in (4.2),which has to do with effects from the microscopic theory,above the Landau pole scale.The superpotential (3.4)is generated by low energy effects and therefore it is correctly computed in the low energy effectivetheory.As a check,the resulting expectation value of Φ(3.5)is much smaller than Λm and therefore it is reliably calculated.Let us now turn to the second question,of how we can neglect higher order corrections to the K¨a hler potential while keeping the superpotential (3.4).The leading contribution of such terms comes from corrections in the K¨a hler potential (4.2)of the schematic form |Φ|4/|Λm |2.The leading effect of such corrections in the scalar potential are,schematically,∆K V eff ∼ µ2ΦΛm ,and are clearly negligible for |Φ|≪|Λm |.The correction (4.3)should be comparedwith the correction to the tree level potential from the superpotential (3.4),which is of the form∆W V eff ∼ µ2ΦN f −N ΛN f −3N N f −3N|the correction due to the superpotential (4.4)is more importantthan the correction due to the K¨a hler potential (4.3).For smaller values of Φboth correc-tions are negligible.This answers our second question.We conclude that the corrections due to the high energy theory and other modes at the scale Λm do not invalidate our conclusions.Our perturbative computations in section 2and the nonperturbative computations in section 3are completely under control and lead to the dominant contributions to the low energy dynamics.5.Meta-stable Vacua in SUSY QCDIn the preceding sections,we have gradually assembled the tools necessary for ana-lyzing supersymmetry breaking in SQCD.Now let us put these tools to work.The model of interest is SU(N c)SQCD with scaleΛcoupled to N f quarks Q f,˜Q g,f,g=1,...,N f (for a review,see e.g.[14]).We take for the tree-level superpotentialW=Tr mM,where M fg=Q f·˜Q g,(5.1) and m is a non-degenerate N f×N f mass matrix.This theory has N c supersymmetric ground states withM = Λ3N c−N f det m 1m(5.2) All these supersymmetric ground states preserve baryon number and correspondingly the expectation values of all the baryonic operators vanish.The mass matrix m can be diagonalized by a bi-unitary transformation.Its diagonal elements can be set to real positive numbers m i.We will be interested in the case where the m i are small and of the same order of magnitude.More precisely,we explore the parameter rangem i≪|Λ|;m im j∼1the expectation values M in(5.2)approach the origin.The region around the origin can be studied in more detail using the duality of[13] between our electric SU(N c)SQCD and a magnetic SU(N f−N c)gauge theory with scale Λ,coupled to N2f singlets M fg and N f magnetic quarks q f and˜q f in the fundamental and anti-fundamental representation of SU(N f−N c).We will mostly limit ourselves to the free magnetic range N f<3βTr(q†q+˜q†˜q)+1they are not associated with the holomorphic information in the theory.Our quantitative answers will depend onαandβ,but our qualitative conclusions will not.The superpotential of the dual SU(N f−N c)theory is[13]W dual=1Λ2) and are negligible.Therefore,the theory based on the K¨a hler potential(5.4)and the superpotential(5.5)is the same as the model studied in section3,with the parameters andfields related by the dictionaryϕ=q,˜ϕ=˜q,Φ=M αΛ,h=√Λ,µ2=−m0 Λ,Λm= Λ,N=N f−N c(5.7)Here we have chosenβ=1and expressed our answers as functions of Λand Λ.As a consistency check,notice that(5.2)becomes identical to the supersymmetric vacuum(3.5) discussed at the end of section3,after applying the dictionary(5.7)and the identity(5.6).An interesting special case is N f=N c+1,where the magnetic gauge group is trivial. Here it is not natural to setβ=1.Instead,we scale q and q such that they are the same as the baryons B=Q N c and B= Q N c of the electric theory.Then,we should replace the kinetic term for the magnetic quarks in(5.4)with1(˜B T MB−det M)+Tr mM(5.8)Λ2N c−1(Note the additional determinant term.)For N c>2the determinant interaction is neg-ligible near the origin and this theory is the same as the N=1version of the theory in section2.We can now essentially borrow all our results from sections2and3.We thus conclude that,for N f in the range N c+1≤N f<3h Tr ϕΦ˜ϕ−hN f i =1µ2i Φi i ,where µ2i =−m i Λ.We order the m i so that m 1≥m 2...≥m N f >0.The meta-stable vacuum is then given byΦ=0,ϕ= ϕT = ϕ00 ,ϕ0=diag(µ1,µ2,...,µN ).(5.9)In this vacuum,the non-vanishing F-terms are F Φi i for i =N +1,...N f ,and the vacuum energy is V 0= N f i =N +1|hµ2i |.For the vacuum (5.9)to be (meta)stable,it is crucial that the ϕ0expectation values in (5.9)are set by the N largest masses m i .Replacing one of the ϕ0entries µi ≤N in (5.9)with a µi>N does not yield a (meta)stable vacuum –the treelevel spectrum contains an unstable mode,sliding down to the vacuum (5.9).What happens for m i large compared with |Λ|?Clearly,our approximations can no longer be trusted.In particular,if all m i ≫|Λ|we have no reason to believe that such a meta-stable state exists.However,let us try to make one of the masses,m N f large whilekeeping the other masses small.For m N f ≫|Λ|we can integrate out the heavy quark and reduce the problem to that of smaller number of flavors.As long as the number of lightflavors Nf satisfies N f ≥N c +1,our effective Lagrangian argument shows that such a meta-stable vacuum exists.Let us try to go one step further and flow down from N f =N c +1→N c .We start with N c +1light flavors with m i =1...N c ≪m N c +1≪|Λ|and find a meta-stable state which up to symmetry transformations has B i =˜B i =0,for all i =1...N c ,and B N c +1=˜B N c +1=0.If we can trust this approximation as m N c +1≫|Λ|,we find the following picture for the N f =N c problem.For m =0the low energy theory is characterized by the modifiedmoduli space of vacua [12]det M −B ˜B =Λ2N c (5.10)and the K¨a hler potential on that space is smooth.Consider the theory at the vicinity of the points related toM =0,B =˜B =i ΛN c (5.11)by the action of the global baryon number symmetry.The K¨a hler potential around that point depends on the fields which are tangent to the constraint (5.10)K =1βb †b +...(5.12)where B =i ΛN c e b ,˜B=i ΛN c e −b ,and again αand βare dimensionless real and positive numbers which we cannot compute.Turning on the superpotential m 0Tr M leaves un-lifted,to leading order,the pseudo-flat directions labelled by M and b .These pseudo-flatdirections are lifted by the higher order terms in(5.12)which we cannot compute.(Note that unlike the case with moreflavors,where the loops of massive but lightfields give the dominant correction to the pseudo-flat directions,here there are no such lightfields which can lead to a reliable conclusion.)Although we cannot prove it in this case,motivated by theflow from the problem with one moreflavor,we suggest that the states(5.11)might also be meta-stable.So far we have restricted attention to N f<3N c<N f<3N c the theoryflows to a nontrivial2fixed point[13].We can again use the magnetic description whichflows to the samefixed point.However,the analysis above in the magnetic theory should be modified in this case.The duality is still valid only belowΛ,but unlike the free magnetic case,here the magnetic theory is interacting in this range.A closely related fact is that,for nonzero M, the dynamically generated superpotential is[16,14,17]:W dyn=(N c−N f) det M N f−N c(5.13)(One can check that this is the same as(3.4)after using(5.7)and(5.6).)For M near theN forigin,this scales like MN c is more subtle because the magnetic theory is IR free only because2of its two loop beta function.Here the superpotential(5.13)scales like M3and again it cannot be neglected near the origin.It is interesting that in this case(5.13)is independent ofΛand in terms of the magnetic variables the superpotential(5.13)is independent of Λm.To summarize,we have demonstrated in this section that SU(N c)SQCD with N c+1≤N f<3If we take the masses m i to all be equal,there is a vector-like U(N f)∼=SU(N f)×U(1)B global symmetry.This symmetry is unbroken in the supersymmetric vacua(5.2),which is consistent with their mass gap.In the meta-stable,dynamical supersymmetry breaking vacua,the U(N f)global symmetry is spontaneously broken to S(U(N f−N c)×U(N c)) (plus there is an accidental U(1)R symmetry).The meta-stable dynamical supersymmetry breaking vacua is thus a compact moduli space of vacua,M c∼=U(N f)mΛ≪Λ;this includes the magnetic gaugefields and gauginos,which are Higgsed.The pseudo-moduli have masses which are smaller,suppressed by a loop factor of the IR free Yukawa coupling of the magnetic dual. There are massless scalars:the Goldstone bosons of the vacuum manifold(5.14).There are also massless fermions(including the Goldstino):the N2c fermionic partners of the pseudo-moduliΦ0,i.e.the fermionsψM in the null space of both q and q .We also note that the non-trivial topology of the vacuum manifold(5.14)means that there are topological solitons,whose lifetime is expected to be roughly the same as that of the meta-stable vacuum.In4d,there are p-brane topological solitons ifπ3−p(M c)is non-trivial.In particular,the vacuum manifold(5.14)leads to solitonic strings.6.SO(N)and Sp(N)GeneralizationsIn this section,we give the generalizations of our models to SO(N)and Sp(N)groups. The SO(N)theory(or more precisely,Spin(N),so we can introduce sources in the spinor representation)exhibits a new phenomenon:the meta-stable,non-supersymmetric vacua are in the confining phase,whereas the supersymmetric vacua are in a different phase,the oblique confining phase.These different phases occur in this case because the dynamical matter is in an unfaithful representation of the center of the gauge group,leaving Z2×Z2electric and magnetic order parameters which can not be screened.The order parameters determine whether Wilson and’t Hooft loops in the spinor representation of the SO(N) group have area or perimeter law.We will argue that,in the meta-stable vacua with broken supersymmetry,the’t Hooft loop with magnetic Z2charge has perimeter law,while that with oblique electric and magnetic Z2charges has area law.In the supersymmetric vacua the situation is reversed:the oblique charged loop has perimeter law,and the magnetic charged loop has area law.6.1.The SO(N)macroscopic theoryConsider a model with global symmetry and matter contentSO(N)SU(N f)U(1)′U(1)R(6.1)Φ1−22ϕ10The K¨a hler potential is taken to be canonical,K=Trϕ†ϕ+TrΦ†Φ(6.2) (BecauseΦis a symmetric matrix,the K¨a hler potential has an extra factor of2for the off-diagonal components ofΦ.This will be properly taken into account in the following analysis.)The superpotential is taken to beW=h TrϕTΦϕ−hµ2TrΦ.(6.3)Forµ=0,the SU(N f)×U(1)′global symmetry is broken to SO(N f).For N f>N andµ=0,supersymmetry is spontaneously broken as the rank condition again prevents FΦfrom all vanishing.Up to global symmetries,the potential is minimized byΦ= 000Φ0 ,ϕ= ϕ00 ,withϕT0ϕ0=µ21I N(6.4) whereΦ0is an arbitrary(N f−N)×(N f−N)symmetric matrix,andϕ0is an N×N matrix subject to the condition in(6.4).All vacua on this space of classical pseudo-flat directions have degenerate vacuum energy densityV min=(N f−N)|h2µ4|.(6.5)20We can use the SU(N)result of section2to show that(6.5)is indeed the absolute minimum of the potential.The classical potential of this SO(N)theory satisfies V SO(N)≥|hϕϕT−hµ2|2≥(N f−N)|h2µ4|,where for thefirst inequality we simply setΦ=0and in the second we used the SU(N)result,restricted to the smaller space where˜ϕ=ϕT.We now show that perturbative quantum effects lift the above classical vacuum degen-eracy,and that a local minimum of the one-loop effective potential is(up to symmetries)Φ0=0,ϕ0=µ1I N.(6.6) Of the classical vacua(6.4),this has maximal unbroken global symmetry,with SO(N)×SO(N f)×U(1)R→SO(N)D×SO(N f−N)×U(1)R.We will focus on the leading perturbative corrections to the effective potential,expanded around the vacuum(6.6).Expanding around(6.6),we write thefields asΦ= δYδZ T δZδ Φ ,ϕ= µ+δχA+δχSδρ .(6.7)whereδχA andδχS denote the antisymmetric and symmetric part,respectively,of δχA+δχS.The Goldstone bosons of the broken global symmetry are Re µ∗|µ|δρ .The former are in the adjoint of SO(N)×SO(N)F/SO(N)D∼=SO(N) (with SO(N)F⊂SO(N f)),and hence they are antisymmetric;the latter are in SO(N f)/SO(N)F×SO(N f−N).There are also the classically massless pseudo-modulifields,δ Φandδ χ≡Im µ∗2a Trδ χTδ χ+b Trδ Φ†δ Φ +...(6.9) for some numerical coefficients a and b.These coefficients are computed in appendix B; the calculation is very similar to the SU(N)case.The result isV(1)eff=|h4µ2|(log4−1)。
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a rXiv:h ep-th/975199v21J un1997NSF-ITP-97-052UCSBTH-97-12CALT-68-2119hep-th/9705199N =2Supersymmetric Gauge Theories,Branes and Orientifolds Karl Landsteiner a ,Esperanza Lopez b and David A.Lowe c a Physics Department,University of California,Santa Barbara,CA 93107,USA b Institute of Theoretical Physics,University of California,Santa Barbara,CA 93107,USA c California Institute of Technology,Pasadena,CA 91125,USA Abstract Starting with configurations of fourbranes,fivebranes,sixbranes and orientifolds in Type IIA string theory we derive via M-theory the curves solving N =2supersymmetric gauge theories with gauge groups SO (N )and Sp (2N ).We also obtain new curves describ-ing theories with product gauge groups.A crucial role in the discussion is played by the interaction of the orientifolds with the NS-fivebranes.May 19971.IntroductionRecently it has become increasingly clear that D(irichlet)-branes[1]are an extremely powerful tool for studying supersymmetric gauge theories.In fact many phenomena are actually better understood from the D-brane point of view.There are essentially two philosophies for studying gauge theories with D-branes.One is to compactify string theory on a Calabi-Yau space.The BPS-states of the gauge theory can then be identified as the wrapping modes of certain branes around the non-trivial homology cycles of the Calabi-Yau space[2].A recent review of this geometrical engineering[3]of gauge theories can be found in[4].A different approach has been pioneered in[5]and further developed in [6–13]and especially in[14].Here one utilizes the fact that branes themselves can end on branes[15]to construct gauge theories from intersecting branes in aflat background spacetime.More precisely,D-threebranes in Type IIB or D-fourbranes in Type IIA string theory can stretch between a pair of NSfivebranes.Since the the D-branes arefinite in one direction the effective world volume gauge theory will be three-dimensional in the IIB case or four-dimensional in the IIA ing the SL(2,Z)symmetry of IIB string theory one can then rederive[5,6]the recently discovered mirror symmetry of three-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories[16].On the Type IIA side the dualities[17]which are characteristic for N=1supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions1have been recovered[7–13].N=2supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions were the subject of interest in[14].The Coulomb branch of the moduli space of four-dimensional N=2gauge the-ories coincides with the moduli space of a particular family of Riemann surfaces.This wasfirst shown in the ground-breaking work of Seiberg and Witten[19]for the case of the gauge group SU(2).In a series of papers this has been generalized to the other clas-sical gauge groups[20–27]2.The construction of Witten in[14]lifts a configuration of fourbranes stretched betweenfivebranes in Type IIA string theory to M-theory.The im-portant feature here is that the fourbranes themselves are secretlyfivebranes of M-theory wrapped around the eleventh dimension.The configuration of intersecting branes in ten dimensions is a projection of an eleven-dimensional configuration with a singlefivebrane wrapped around a two-dimensional Riemann surface.The effective worldvolume theory on thefivebrane becomes four dimensional and is precisely the N=2gauge theory whoselow-energy effective action is described by that same Riemann surface.In the context of gauge theories these Riemann surfaces have been derived by a good-guess ansatz which could be justified by performing some highly nontrivial,physical consistency tests.The power of the brane construction lies in the fact that it gives a physical and comparatively straightforward derivation from“first principles”of these Riemann surfaces!While Witten restricted himself to the case of unitary gauge groups and products thereof this paper is devoted to the generalization these results to the case of the classical gauge groups SO(N) and Sp(2N).The new ingredient that we need is an orientifold.In adding an orientifold we follow recent work in[8].N=1dualities from this point of view have been discussed in[8,11].The role played by the Riemann surfaces in describing the nonperturbative cor-rections to the classical brane configurations in situations with N=2has been pointed out also in[8].Our aims differ in that we are solely interested in deriving the Riemann surfaces of the N=2theories from D-brane considerations.In the course of doing this, using information from Type IIA string theory,M-theory and N=2gauge theories,we will obtain a rather interesting picture of the interaction of NS-fivebranes with an orientifold fourplane.We will review Witten’s construction[14]in section two.Section three deals with the addition of an orientifold fourplane.Although an orientifold is an intrinsically stringy object we will argue that many of its properties(at least the properties crucial to our con-struction)carry over to M-theory.We derive the Riemann surfaces for the N=2theories with gauge groups SO(N)and Sp(2N)with and without matter hypermultiplets trans-forming in the fundamental representation of the gauge group.Witten pointed out that there are two mechanisms(albeit connected by a phase transition)for adding hypermulti-plets.One consists of adding fourbranes stretching from a NS-fivebrane offto infinity,the other by adding D-sixbranes.The latter will be the subject of section four.Sectionfive deals with generalizations of the elliptic models of[14].Many new theories with vanishing beta-function emerge.2.Review of Witten’s constructionThe basic configuration of intersecting branes is schematically depicted infig.1.The fivebranes3extend in the directions x0,x1,···,x5,are located at x7=x8=x9=0and atFig.1:A configuration offivebranes connected by parallel fourbranes.some arbitrary value of x6.The latter is only well defined in the classical approximation. We introduce the complex variable v=x4+ix5.The fourbranes are stretched between thefivebranes.They extend over x0,···,x3,live(classically)at a point in the v-plane and arefinitely extended in x6.Since they are stretched between thefivebranes they live at the same point in the remaining dimensions.Sixbranes may also be present.These extend then in the directions x0,···,x3,x7,x8,x9and live at a point in x4,x5,x6.The end of a fourbrane looks like a vortex on thefivebrane worldvolume.The position of thefivebrane in the x6direction becomes a scalarfield in the worldvolume theory and obeys∇2x6= i q iδ2(v−a i).(2.1) Here the a i are the positions of the fourbranes ending on thefivebrane in consideration. The charges q i are either+1or−1depending if the corresponding fourbrane extends to the left or to the right of thefivebrane in the x6direction.In section three we will argue that an orientifold fourplane parallel to the fourbranes induce charges±2.Because the fourbrane extends over three dimensions of thefivebrane,equation(2.1) is effectively a two-dimensional Poisson equation with solutionx6=k i q i log|v−a i|.(2.2)These formulas are only valid in a kind of semiclassical approximation where one is at large|v|and simultaneously far away from each fourbrane.Afivebrane has a well defined x6-value for v→∞only if it is neutral,i.e. q i=0.The constant k depends only on the Type IIA string coupling constant.The contribution of the ends of the fourbrane to the energy of afivebrane is given by a term in the action of thefivebrane of the form d4x d2v∂µx6∂µx6,where the indicesµrun over0,···,3.For this to befinite it is necessary thata i− jb j=const.,(2.3)iwhere a i are the positions of the fourbranes to the left and b j the positions of the fourbranes to the right.This configuration is lifted to M-theory by taking into account the eleventh dimension, which we denote by x10.It parameterizes a circle of radius R.Introducing the complex coordinate s=(x6+ix10)/R equation(2.2)is generalized tos= i q i log(v−a i).(2.4)If there are kαfourbranes in between theα-th and(α+1)-thfivebranes we will get a SU(kα)gauge theory in the four dimensions x0,···,x3.The overall U(1)factor,usually present in gauge theories realized by D-branes,is frozen out.This is essentially due to the finite energy condition(2.3).Fourbranes to the left of theα-thfivebrane and to the right of the(α+1)-thfivebrane give rise to hypermultiplets in the fundamental of SU(kα).In a configuration with n+1fivebranes the gauge group is thus nα=1SU(kα)with matter content transforming in the(k1,¯k2)⊕(k2,¯k3)⊕···⊕(k n−1,¯k n)(we are assuming that there are no semi-infinite fourbranes at the ends of the chain offivebranes).The constant in thefinite energy condition(2.3)is a characteristic parameter of theα-thfivebrane giving rise to a bare mass to the hypermultiplets in the(kα,¯kα+1).One can also compactify the x6direction by periodic identification of the n+1-thfivebrane with thefirst one.Then there is an overall U(1)-factor in the gauge group.When we are going to place an orientifold fourplane we will always work on the covering space.For each fourbrane there is then a mirror image.This will have two related effects. The constant on the right hand side of(2.3)is forced to vanish thus there are no bare mass parameters in the theories with orientifolds.This restriction also arises from the gaugetheory point of view as we see later.Secondly,even upon compactifying the x6-direction we do not get an overall U(1)factor in the gauge group.Although atfirst glance it might seem so,there is no loss of generality.The gauge coupling constant of a SU(kα)factor is essentially given by the distance between theα-th and(α+1)-thfivebranes.Taking into account the eleventh dimension of M-theory this gives rise to the formula−iτα=sα−sα−1.(2.5).The difference in the positions of thefivebranes in x10determines We haveτα=θαg2αthe theta angle of theα-factor of the gauge group.The scale of the gauge theory is set by v.At large v and using iτ=b0log v,we can read offthe one loop beta function coefficient b0,αfor the SU(kα)factorb0,α=−2kα+kα+1+kα−1.(2.6) In M-theory thefivebranes and fourbranes are really the same object.What appears as fourbranes in Type IIA string theory are just M-theoryfivebranes wrapped around the eleventh dimension.Thus the fourbranes are actually better thought of as tubes connecting thefivebranes.In this way one sees very directly that there is really only onefivebrane wrapped around a Riemann surfaceΣ.It is embedded in the two-dimensional complex space parameterized by v and s.There is a slight subtlety though:the Riemann surface obtained in this way extends to some points at infinity and is therefore noncompact.A compact one can be made by adding afinite number of points.It has already been shown in[2]that afivebrane wrapped around a Riemann surface gives rise to a N=2SU(k)gauge theory on the four-dimensional part of its world volume.Precisely the same mechanism is present here.BPS states are M-theory membranes of minimum area whose boundaries live onΣ.The properties of low-energy supersymmetric effectivefield theory imply that the low-energy dynamics is described by an integrable system[29].Examples of these integrable systems have been constructed in[29–32].The integrable systems that appear in this context can be described as generalizations of the Hitchin system[33],which associates an integrable system to a complex curveΣembedded in some complex two-dimensional symplectic manifold Q in the following way.LetΣ′be a curve in Q corresponding to a deformation ofΣand let L′be a line bundle onΣ′.Then the deformation space of the pairs(Σ′,L′)defines an integrable system[34].They actually considered the case ofcompactΣ,but the results can be extended to the noncompact case.The gauge theories we consider in this paper are all described by integrable systems of this type with Q identified appropriately either asflat space C(E an elliptic curve),andΣidentified with the curve describing the theory.To compute the genus of the compactified Riemann surface we just have to count the number of tubes connecting thefivebranes,g= α(nα−1).Here we are slightly more general than[14]in that we do not necessarily identify the number of fourbranes kαwith the number of tubes nαconnecting thefivebranes.What we have in mind is the following.On thefivebrane we have an antisymmetric tensorfield with self-dualfield strength T.Harmonic one formsΛonΣgive rise to gaugefields in four dimensions through T=F∧Λ+∗F∧∗Λ.The gaugefield is obtained by integrating T over one cycles ofΣ. The number of harmonic one-forms on a Riemann surface equals its genus and their period integrals are points on the Jacobian ofΣ.However,as emphasized in[30]the physics of the N=2gauge theory is not determined simply by the Jacobian ofΣbut by a sub-abelian variety whose rank coincides with the rank of the gauge group.This is the so-called special Prym variety Prym(Σ).Typically it is the subspace invariant under an involution of the Riemann surface.Therefore we have to take into account the possibility that there are more tubes connecting thefivebranes than arise simply from the fourbranes.Such tubes would be generated by nonperturbative effects.The gaugefields originating from them however are expected to play no physical role and should vanish upon projecting onto Prym(Σ).In our cases this will be naturally achieved by orientifolding the configuration.The physically relevant quantity of the low-energy gauge theory that the curves de-termine is the matrix of couplingsτµν(u l)as a function of the parameters of the Coulomb moduli space u l,which appears as the period matrix of the curve.We takeµ,ν=1,···g where g is the genus of the Riemann surfaceΣ.If one also knows the Seiberg-Witten differentialλof the curve one may also derive the masses of all BPS states via the equa-hµ|,where qµare electric and hµare magnetic quantum numberstion M=|aµqµ+aµDand a D and a are given by integrals ofλ,aµD= αµλ,and aν= βνλ.Here we use a basis of the2g one-cycles(αµ,βν)onΣwith a standard intersection form αµ,βν =δµν, αµ,αν = βµ,βν =0.Following[2]we may determine the Seiberg-Witten differential for all the cases consid-ered in this paper.The BPS states in thefivebrane worldvolume theory arise as membranes whose boundary lies on the Riemann surface[15].The BPS condition requires the world-volume to be of the form I R×D where D is a complex Riemann surface of minimal area.Let us consider here the case when the Riemann surfaceΣis embedded inflat Q=I R3×S1. It is convenient to introduce the single valued variable t=exp(−s).The area of D is given byV∼ D dv dt t .(2.7) We should therefore setλ=v dt/t.This differential agrees with that obtained for SU(N) gauge group with fundamental matter[19–22].This form for the differential will also carry over to the all theories considered in the following section.The precise form of the Riemann surface can be obtained by relatively simple consid-erations.It will be described by an equation F(t,v)=0.Forfixed v the zeros of F(t,v) are the positions of thefivebranes.Forfixed t the solutions in v indicate the presence of the fourbranes.F(t,v)can be determined uniquely by using the information about the bending of thefivebranes.At large v the solutions in t should have the form tα=cαv aαwhere−aαis the sum of the charges sitting on theα-thfivebrane,−aα= i q i,αand cαis some constant.Semi-infinite fourbranes sitting to the left or to the right of afivebrane will bend thisfive brane to x6=±∞.If v equals the position of such a semi-infinite fourbrane F(t,v)must have t=0or t=∞as solution at this particular value of v.For a situation with only twofivebranes and k fourbranes in between them these considerations determine F=t2+B(v)t+1.B(v)is of the form v k+u2v k−2+···u k where a shift in v has been performed to absorb the term proportional to v k−1.This is equivalent to the curves of[20,21].In the following we will show how one can determine the curves for the orthogonal and symplectic gauge groups by taking properly into account the effects of the orientifold.3.Including an Orientifold3.1.The OrientifoldIn this section we want to extend the previous construction to N=2four-dimensional gauge theories with orthogonal and symplectic gauge groups.Orthogonal and symplectic groups can be obtained from D-brane configurations by introducing an orientifold projec-tion.This consists of a projection that combines the process of modding out a space-timeFig.2:A configuration of fourbranes andfivebranes and an orientifoldfourplane.symmetry and world-sheet parity inversion.Thefixed points of the space-time symmetry define orientifold planes.Orientifold projections generically break half of the existing supersymmetries.We can however introduce an orientifold plane in the D-brane configuration considered in the previous section without breaking any further supersymmetry.This can be achieved by placing an orientifold fourplane parallel to the fourbranes4.This corresponds to modding out by the space-time transformation:(x4,x5,x7,x8,x9)→(−x4,−x5,−x7,−x8,−x9).(3.1)Each object which does not lie at thefixed point of(3.1),over the orientifold plane, must have a mirror image.Since fourbranes joining mirror pairs offivebranes would break supersymmetry,in our configurations allfivebranes will sit at x7=x8=x9=0. Therefore as in the previous section,we can neglect the x7,x8,x9directions in describing the orientifolded brane configurationfig.2.The world-sheet parity projectionΩallows forΩ2=±1.The sign determines if we will obtain an orthogonal(Ω2=1)or symplectic(Ω2=−1)gauge group[35].Orientifoldplanes behave as non-dynamical BPS objects,carrying a net charge under RR gaugefields. The orientifold charge5depends on the type of parity projection,being∓1forΩ2=±1in the normalization in which Dirichlet branes have charge1.As argued in[8],we will assume that the orientifold extends along the entire x6-direction and each time it crosses afivebrane its charge changes sign.This can be justified by considering a configuration with k>2fivebranes in which an orientifold projection has been performed.Fivebranes in the presence of orientifolds have further been considered in[36].Fourbranes ending to the left of theα-thfivebrane and to the right of theα+1-th fivebrane provide fundamental matter for the gauge theory on the fourbranes in between theα-th and(α+1)-thfivebranes.Theflavor group for SO(N c)or Sp(N c)gauge theories is constrained to be respectively Sp(2N f)or SO(2N f)[27].Since gauge andflavor groups are interchanged when we move from one set of fourbranes to the next,we see that the orientifold should change nature each time it crosses afivebrane and should therefore extend along the whole configuration.In the next subsections we will propose a way of deriving the exact solution for N=2 four-dimensional gauge theories based on orthogonal and symplectic groups by lifting Type IIA brane configurations to M-theory along the lines of[14].Thefirst question that is raised is how to describe an orientifold plane in M-theory.Our orientifold fourplane is charged under the same RR gaugefield as Dirichlet fourbranes.We will assume that,as Dirichlet fourbranes,it corresponds to a six-dimensional object in M-theory which is wrapped around the eleventh direction.The details of this picture will be explained further in the following.3.2.SO(2k)Gauge GroupsIn this subsection we consider orthogonal groups with an even number of colors, SO(2k).We will restrict to pure Yang-Mills theories.Our space-time is now an orbifold, we will however work on the covering space by considering Z Z2invariant configurations.The simplest configuration consists of2fivebranes traversed by the orientifold plane, together with2k fourbranes ending on thefivebranes.In order to describe the embedding of this configuration in M-theory it is sufficient to consider the2-complex dimensional space Q={v=x4+ix5,s=x6+ix10}.The orientifold sits at v=0,and each fourbraneat v has a mirror image at−v.We expect that in M-theory,the set of fourbranes andfivebranes can be described in terms of a single M-fivebrane wrapped around a certain Riemann ing the variable t=e−s,the Riemann surface will be given in our case by F(t,v2)=0.Since we have2fivebranes,F must be a quadratic polynomial in tA(v2)t2+B(v2)t+C(v2)=0.(3.2)Thefirst condition this curve must satisfy is to reproduce the correct bending of each of thefivebranes at large values of v.This bending is determined by the RR charge of the objects that end or traverse thefivebrane.The essential ingredient for the determination of F is that the orientifold plane,though it traverses thefivebranes,provides a net charge contribution to them.This is due to the fact that the orientifold charge changes sign when crossing afivebrane.In the case we are considering,the orientifold is seen by the leftfivebrane as a+2charge,and as a−2charge6by the rightfivebrane.Therefore for v→∞(3.2)should reduce tot i∼v a i,a1=−a2=2k−2,(3.3) where2k is the number of fourbranes ending on eachfivebrane.We analyze now the locus v=0,where the orientifold sits.A semi-infinite fourbrane ending to the left of thefirstfivebrane would be represented by(3.2)as the solution t=∞at the value of v where fourbrane andfivebrane,in the perturbative picture,meet.In the M-theory picture,the whole configuration is described as a single M-fivebrane.We could then view the fourbrane as the deformation of thefivebrane induced by the presence of a non-zero charge in its world-volume.Following this reasoning,we can treat the interaction betweenfivebrane and orientifold in the same way.Since the orientifold is seen by the fivebrane as a net charge contribution,it should deform thefivebrane in the direction determined by the sign of that charge.In our case,this implies that at v=0thefirst fivebrane will deform to t=∞and the second to t=0.Therefore the quadratic equation (3.2)must have as a solution v=0,with t=0and t=∞.The curve that meets this requirement,together with(3.3),isv2t2+B(v2)t+v2=0,(3.4)with B the most general polynomial of order k in v2B(v2)=v2k+u2v2k−2+···+u2k.(3.5)The normalizations in(3.4)and(3.5)arefixed by conveniently rescaling v and t.Multi-plying(3.4)by v2and redefining˜t=v2t+B/2,the previous curve reads2)2˜t2=B(v7There is a subtlety here in that the highest Casimir of SO(2k)is actually reducible.More precisely,due to the structure of the Weyl group u2k=˜u2.The gauge invariant quantity˜u is the trace of the Pfaffian of the Higgsfield in the adjoint in gauge theory language.on thefivebrane so that thefivebranes are no longer bent.The effective gauge coupling squared is proportional to the inverse distance between thefivebranes.Thus we see that the gauge coupling at this particular singularity of the Riemann surface staysfinite.This indicates that no additional BPS states become massless at this point8.Thus we get a nice physical picture why the singularity of the curve is not associated with massless states.3.3.Symplectic Gauge GroupsWe leave the study of SO(2k+1)for the next subsection,and consider now symplectic gauge groups,Sp(2k).The reason for this is that the treatment of SO(2k)and Sp(2k) groups share many common features.In particular,we will consider the same configuration of branes that we used in the previous ly,2fivebranes on which2k fourbranes end.Each fourbrane at v will have a mirror image at−v since we are working on the double cover of an orbifolded space.The sole difference will be that the orientifold plane sitting at v=0will have opposite charge assignments with respect to the SO(2k)case.Let us analyzefirst the bending of thefivebranes at large values of v.The orientifold contributes now with a charge−2to thefirstfivebrane and a charge+2to the second. Therefore we havet i∼v a i,a1=−a2=2k+2.(3.7) We notice here afirst difference.For unitary and orthogonal groups a2−a1=b0,where b0was the one-loop beta function coefficient.However for symplectic groups we obtaina2−a1=−(4k+4)=2b Sp0.(3.8) The extra factor2can be explained as a normalization effect intrinsic to the way in which orthogonal or symplectic groups are derived from orientifold constructions.It is helpful now to have an explicit look on the orientifold construction of SO(2k) and Sp(2k)out of SU(2k).Happily everything can be done in the semiclassical regime. The(classical)moduli space of an SU(2k)gauge theory can be represented by2k points moving in a complex plane.Gauge symmetry enhancement corresponds to colliding pointse e 345e e e e e 345(b)(a)Fig.4:(a)The vanishing cycles for the SU (n )case.(b)After performingan orientifold projection only certain linear combinations survive.Only twoof these cycles are shown.Solid lines correspond to cycles surviving bothSO (2k )and Sp (2k )projections.The dashed line corresponds to a long rootgenerator of Sp (2k ).(vanishing 0-cycles).Of course we have a direct realization of this in terms of the endpoints of the fourbranes moving in the v-plane!A typical situation for k =3is shown in figure fig.4(a).A simple basis of vanishing cycles is given by e 1−e 2,e 2−e 3,e 3−e 4,e 4−e 5and e 5−e 6.Their intersection form coincides with the Cartan matrix of SU (6).The orientifold projection selects now cycles that are odd under the space reflection 9v →−v fig.4(b).For the case of an SO (2k )projection a simple basis of vanishing cycles is given by e 1−e 2−e 4+e 5,e 2−e 3−e 5+e 6and e 4−e 1−e 2+e 5.Their intersection form is proportional to the Cartan metric of SO (6).For the case of an Sp (2k )projection a simple basis is given by the first two of the former cycles and in addition 2(e 1−e 4).The intersection form of these cycles is proportional to the metric on root space of Sp (6).The important point is that there is a subset of cycles left invariant by both orientifold projections.However in the case of SO (2k )these cycles give the long roots whereas the same cycles correspond to the short roots in the case of Sp (2k ).If we fix the normalization of the common roots to one,as is usual in physics,the length-squared of the long roots in the symplectic group will be two.The one loop beta function coefficient is given by a sum over the indices of the representations under which the various fields in a gauge theory transform.These indices depend however upon the normalization of the roots,e.g.for the adjoint C θ=(θ,θ)g ∨whereθis the highest root and g∨the dual Coxeter number.This overall factor two can be absorbed into the definition of the gauge coupling of the Sp(2k)theory.Now we would like to derive the Riemann surface F(t,v2)=0that provides the exact solution for N=2Yang-Mills theories with symplectic gauge groups.From(3.8),the curve should take the formt2+(v2B(v2)+c)t+1=0.(3.9)To reproduce the correct bending of thefivebranes at infinity,B(v2)should be a polynomial even in v,of degree2k.A general polynomial of this form will depend on k+1parameters. The coefficient of v2k may be set to one by a rescaling of the gauge coupling.However, this leaves us with one parameter too many to describe the Coulomb branch of Sp(2k) gauge theory.Let us analyze more carefully the behavior at v=0.In the previous section we modeled the interaction between thefivebranes and the orientifold as the deformation induced on thefivebranes by the charge carried by the orientifold.This deformation depends on the sign(and the magnitude)of the charge.According to this,since now we are considering an orientifold with the opposite charges,the deformation of thefivebranes should point in the reverse direction.O4NS5Fig.5:Behavior offivebranes near an orientifold plane that gives rise toSp(2k)gauge theory on fourbranes.。