TP-LINK 8口VLAN交换机 TL-SF1008V 安装手册
工作说明 供电正常 端口工作在100Mbps模式 端口工作在10Mbps模式或链路未建立 链路建立 端口在收发数据 链路未建立
表1-1 指示灯工作状态描述
2 VLAN开关
面板中间有一个VLAN开关,当VLAN开关拨动到“ON”档位时,开机后将启动 MTU VLAN模式,此时端口1~7将不能相互通信,只能通过第8端口共享上联。当 VLAN开关拨动到“OFF”档位时,开机后TL-SF1008V可作为一款普通8口VLAN 交换机。
2222 安装工具准备
■■ 十字螺丝刀 ■■ 防静电手腕 ■■ 可选网线 ■■ 普通PC机
2222 产品安装
■■ 安装在桌面上
注意:交换机机壳周围预留5~10cm空隙,确保散热和空气流通,交换机表面避免摆放其他 重物。
该系列交换机可放置在平稳的桌面上。此种安装方式操作比较简单,具体安装步骤如下: 111 将交换机的底部朝上放置于足够大且稳定的桌面上; 222逐个揭去4个脚垫的胶面保护纸,分别黏贴在位于机壳底部四角的圆形凹槽中;如图2-1
说明: ■■ 对于10Base-T以太网,建议使用3类或以上UTP/STP线; ■■ 对于100Base-TX以太网,建议使用5类或以上UTP/STP线。
注意: ■■ 当交换机与工作站、服务器、路由器或其它以太网设备连接时,网线长度不能大于100米; ■■ 交换机以太网口Auto MDI/MDIX功能默认开启,采用5类双绞线连接以太网时,标准网线
1111 产品外观
■■ 前面板
1 指示灯 2 VLAN开关 3 10/100/1000Mbps自适应RJ45端口
图图图图图 TL-SF1008V前面板示意图
1 指示灯含义 指示灯 Power 100Mbps
IO = 10 A to 20 A or 20 A to 10 A di/dt = 0.5 A/ µs IO = 10 A to 20 A or 20 A to 10 A, di/dt = 0.5 A/ µs, Time for VOUT to Return within 2% of Final Value IO = 20 A, From Inhibit High to Status High IO = 12 A IO = 12 A IO = 12 A IO = 20 A IO = 20 A IO = 20 A IO = 20 A IO = 2 A IOH = 400 µA IOL = 1 mA IAUX = 5 mA, Load Current = 20 A 75 75 72 74 74 73
IO = 2 A to 20 A, VIN = 18 V to 40 V dc IO = 2 A to 20 A, VIN = 18 V to 40 V dc IO = 2 A to 16 A, VIN = 16 V to 50 V dc IO = 20 A, VIN = 18 V to 40 V dc VIN = 28 V dc, IO = 2 A to 20 A IO = 20 A, 5 kHz – 2 MHz BW VIN = 18 V to 40 V dc IO = 20 A, Open Remote Sense Connection VO = 90% VOUT Nom
(TC = +25؇C, VIN = 28 V dc ؎ 0.5 V dc, unless otherwise noted; full temperature range is –55؇C to +90؇C; all temperatures are case and TC is the temperature measured at the center of the package bottom.)
TL-SF1008V_TL-SF1008L_TL-SF1016L_TL-SF1024L 用户手册
3.3 连接交换机.................................................................................................................. 11
第 4 章 功能设置 ..........................................................................13
4.2 交换机功能设置...........................................................................................................14
4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4
端口设置........................................................................................................... 14 QoS 设置..........................................................................................................16 VLAN 设置 .......................................................................................................17 安全设置........................................................................................................... 22
RAiO RA8803 RA8822 双图层中文文字 图形 LCD 控制器 应用手册
RA i ORA8803RA8822双图层中文文字/图形LCD控制器应用手册Version 2.6July 7, 2007RA i O Technology Inc.©Copyright RAiO Technology Inc. 2005, 2006, 2007改版说明版本日期说明1.0 January 26, 2004 First Release Version1.1 March 9, 2004 增加 9-23 灰阶显示1.2 April, 12, 2004 增加附录B-3 Power 应用电路增加 9-24 扩展模式显示1.3 May 3, 2004 增加4-1、4-2、8-2、附录C、D节修改2-3、5、7、8、8-1、9-24、附录B节1.4 October 1, 2004 增加表3-1:RA8803/8822与驱动器IC的接口名称对照表修改图5-2:用DAC控制LCD亮度的应用电路及文字说明增加图8-2A:重置脚位 RST# 的时序修改图8-3:一般RA8803/8822电源开启或重置的流程图修改表8-2:基本的缓存器设定范例增加图9-21B : Key Scan流程图修改图B-3, B-4修改附录G. 范例程序 – C51增加附录H. 字型与字码表(BIG-5)2.0 January 20, 2005 修改附录B-2电源应用电路2.1 March 4, 2005 修改附录B-2电源应用电路的图B-4, B-5 增加附录B-2-4电路板的电源布局建议2.2 March 11, 2005 增加附录B-3 Frame 信号、图B-72.3 April 22, 2005 修改表8-2:基本的缓存器设定范例移除附录B-3 Frame 信号2.4 August 4, 2005 修改第5章液晶显示器的亮度调整增加图5-4 REG[D0h]与Iout输出的对应曲线图修改附录B-2-1 电源结构与图B-32.5 January 10, 2006 修改第25页: REG [D0h] LCD Contrast Control Register (LCCR)2.6 July 7, 2007 修改第2-3 节4Bit/8Bit的MPU界面增加第2-5 节MPU接口的范例修改第9-14节中断(Interrupt) 与忙碌(Busy) 设定修改第9-19节Key Scan应用增加附录B-3用8051的片选模式应用电路章节内容页数1. 简介 (6)2. 微控制器(MPU)的接口 (7)2-1 8080 系列的MPU接口 (7)2-2 6800系列的MPU接口 (9)2-3 4Bit/8Bit的MPU界面 (11)2-4 MPU接口的程序范例 (12)2-5 MPU接口的范例 (16)3. 液晶显示驱动器(LCD Driver)的接口 (19)4. 中文字型ROM (22)4-1 中文字型ROM的使用 (22)4-2 自建字型ROM (23)5. 液晶显示器的亮度调整 (28)6. 触摸式面板(Touch Panel)的界面 (31)6-1 电阻式触摸面板 (31)6-2触摸面板的应用 (34)7. 系统时序(System Clock) (38)8. 软硬件的启始设定 (40)8-1 重置(Reset)与系统设定 (40)8-2 电源开启或重置(Power On/Reset)的程序 (42)8-3 缓存器的起始设定 (44)8-4 Wakeup 的程序 (45)9. RA8803/8822功能应用介绍 (46)9-1文字模式设定 (46)9-1-1 文字显示 (46)9-1-2 粗体字之显示功能 (48)9-2 绘图模式设定 (48)9-3 闪烁与反白显示 (54)9-3-1 闪烁显示 (54)9-3-2 屏幕反白 (55)9-3-3 文字反白 (56)9-4 中/英文文字对齐 (57)9-5 LCD 屏幕显示On/Off设定 (58)9-6 光标On/Off设定 (58)9-7 光标位置与移位设定 (59)9-7-1 光标位置 (59)9-7-2 游标移位 (61)9-8 光标闪烁设定 (61)9-9 光标高度与宽度设定 (62)9-9-1 游标高度 (62)9-9-2 游标宽度 (62)9-10 工作及显示窗口大小设定 (63)9-11 行距设定 (68)9-12 自动填入数据到DDRAM (68)9-13 屏幕更新频率设定 (70)9-14 中断(Interrupt)与忙碌(Busy)设定 (71)9-15 省电模式 (74)9-16 如何读取Font ROM字型 (75)9-17 字号放大设定 (77)9-18 图层显示功能设定 (79)9-19 Key Scan应用 (81)9-20 屏幕水平卷动及垂直卷动设定 (84)9-21 ASCII区块选择设定 (87)9-21-1 ASCII 字形区块 0 (87)9-21-2 ASCII 字形区块 1 (88)9-21-3 ASCII 字形区块 2 (89)9-21-4 ASCII 字形区块 3 (90)9-22 自行造字 (91)9-23 灰阶显示 (93)9-24 扩展模式显示 (95)附录A. 液晶显示驱动器(LCD Driver)的时序图 (99)附录B. 应用电路图 (101)B-1 应用电路 (101)B-2 电源(Power)应用电路 (103)B-2-1 电源结构 (103)B-2-2 3V电源应用电路 (104)B-2-3 5V电源应用电路 (104)B-2-4 电路板的电源布局建议 (105)B-3用8051的片选模式应用电路 (106)附录C. RA8803/8822控制板 (107)附录D. 除错与分析流程 (108)附录E. RA8803/8822支持的驱动器型号 (109)附录F. 指令时间 (110)附录G. 范例程序 – C51 (111)G-1 范例程序(1) – 显示一中文字 (111)G-2 范例程序(2) – 显示一中文字符串 (111)G-3 范例程序(3) – 8x8(Key_Scan)扫描 (112)G-4 子程序范例 (115)附录H. 字型与字码表(GB) (120)1. 简介RA8803/8822是一个双图层(Two Pages)中英文文字与绘图模式的点矩阵液晶显示(LCD)控制器,可支持最大320x240 / 240x160点的LCD面板。
2002 V216 N6 Part I J Sys and Ctrl Eng IMechE
467 A pole placement controller for non-linear dynamic plantsQ M Zhu*and L Z GuoFaculty of Computing,Engineering and Mathematical Sciences,University of the West of England,Bristol,UKAbstract:In this study a control-oriented model is proposed to represent a wide range of non-linear discrete-time dynamic plants.As a testimony to the e ciency of the model structure forcontrol system design,a pole placement controller is designed for non-linear discrete-time plants.Mathematically the solution of the controller output is converted into resolving a polynomial equationin the current control term u(t),which signi cantly reduces the di culties encountered in non-linearcontrol system synthesis and computational complexities.The integrated procedure provides astraightforward methodology to use in linear control system design techniques when designing non-linear control systems.For a demonstration of the e ectiveness of the proposed methodology usedto deal with practical problems,pole placement controllers are designed for three non-linear plants,including the Hammerstein model,a laboratory-scale liquid level system and a continuous stirredtank reactor.The simulation results are presented with graphical illustrations.Keywords:non-linear control systems,control oriented plant models,pole placement control1INTRODUCTION ler for a non-linear dynamic plant is based on a locallinearization model of the plant around an operatingpoint,and linear design methods are employed in order Pole placement is one of the most useful and popularto obtain the placement of poles of the linearized plant control techniques used to solve a variety of control[3–5].However,it is well known that this method su ers problems in many di erent engineering elds.from its local applicability,which might result in an Particularly for linear systems,synthesis of the poleunacceptable performance of the closed-loop system in placement controllers,where the closed-loop eigenvaluesthe presence of severe non-linearities.To overcome the are placed in some speci ed position in a complex planelimitations arising from the application of linear control in order to meet a set of performance speci cations,hastechniques and methods to non-linear control problems, been very popular due to its intuitive appeal andmany non-linear feedback control approaches have been straightforward algorithmic structure[1,2].However,proposed,including the exact input/output feedback lin-control problems arising in a wide variety of engineeringearization method[4,6,7]and the non-linear coordinate elds are characterized by essential non-linearities.Intransformation approach[8,9].In the case of non-linear the case of non-linear dynamic plants,the pole place-discrete-time systems,the feedback linearization prob-ment approach cannot generally be directly appliedlem with pole placement received a lot of attention as because the dynamic behaviour of non-linear plantswell[10,11].However,those approaches are either only cannot be easily determined according to the position ofapplicable to a limited class of non-linear plants,i.e. zeros and poles.It is obvious that applying pole place-feedback linearizable plants,or based on a set of very ment to non-linear plants synthesizes a control systemrestrictive conditions[4].in such a way that the non-linearities of the non-linearIt should be mentioned that the main di culty for plant should be removed,resulting in a closed-loopnon-linear control system design lies in the lack of a system that behaves linearly.To this end,many di erentgeneral modelling framework for non-linear plants, approaches have been proposed.A popular and tra-which allows the synthesis of control input for the plant ditional approach to designing a pole placement control-to be performed analytically and e ectively.Thereforethere is a need for some kind of non-linear dynamic The MS was recei v ed on16July2002and was accepted after re v isionfor publication on27September2002.model that is general enough to describe a wide range *Corresponding author:Faculty of Computing,Engineering and of non-linear plants and provides a concise basis for con-Mathematical Sciences,Uni v ersity of the West of England,FrenchayCampus,Coldharbour Lane,Bristol BS161QY,UK.troller design.Motivated by some previous theoretical468Q M ZHU AND L Z GUOresults [12,13],in this study a control-oriented model cedure is applicable for arbitrary known plant delay as well.Leontarities and Billings [15]have shown that such structure is proposed to represent a class of non-linear discrete-time plants.Accordingly,a pole placement con-a NARMAX model can represent a broad class of non-linear systems.Furthermore,the Hammerstein,Wiener,trol design procedure is presented to provide a straight-forward methodology to design non-linear control bilinear and several other well-known linear and non-linear model sets can be shown to be special classes systems by using linear control system design techniques.The proposed model can be explained as an expansion of the NARMAX model.With its generality,the di -culty occurs when controlling a plant based on the of the plant output according to its current control term u (t )and therefore the input /output behaviour of the NARMAX model is considered because of the lack of a manoeuvrable structure.Therefore various possibilities plant is described by a power series of u (t ).This is a quite general modelling framework because many non-for parameterizing f (·)exist,including the extended model set NARMAX models [16].In this paper a newly linear systems can be represented by this model.In particular,the sampled-data representation of any parameterized control-oriented model is proposed.The control-oriented model can be obtained by continuous-time feedback linearization system can be of such a format [14].With this modelling framework,expanding the non-linear function f (·)as a polynomial with respect to u (t 1)as follows:those controller design methodologies derived from linear plants can be conveniently extended to design non-linear discrete-time systems.Furthermore,since the y (t )=Mj =0a j (t )u j (t 1)(2)model structure exhibits a polynomial structure in the current control u (t ),there is only a need to solve a poly-where M is the degree of model input u (t 1),parameter a j(t )is a function of past inputs and outputs nomial equation to obtain a pole placement controller output.u (t 2),...,u (t n ),y (t 1),...,y (t n )and errors e (t ),...,e (t n ).By this arrangement,the control-The main contents of this paper are divided into three sections.In Section 2a control-oriented U-model is pro-oriented model can be treated as a pure power series of input u (t 1)with associated time-varying parameters posed to represent a wide range of non-linear plants.In Section 3a general pole placement controller is designed a j(t ).Such an example is shown below:with the U-model framework,and the corresponding y (t )=0.1y (t 1)y (t 2)0.5y (t 1)u 2(t 1)root solver,the Newton–Raphson algorithm,is intro-duced to obtain the controller output.In Section 4three +0.8u (t 1)u (t 2)(3)typical non-linear plants,i.e.the Hammerstein model,a which can be rewritten in the notation of equation (2)laboratory-scale liquid level system and a continuous asstirred tank reactor,are selected to demonstrate the pole placement controller design procedure and the corre-y (t )=a 0(t )+a 1(t )u (t 1)+a 2(t )u 2(t 1)(4)sponding simulation results are presented with graphical where a 0(t )=0.1y (t 1)y (t 2),a 1(t )=0.8u (t 2)andillustrations.a 2(t )=0.5y (t 1).Note that the parameter a j(t )is a function of past inputs and outputs u (t 2),...,u (t n ),y (t 1),...,y (t n )and errors e (t ),...,e (t n )and,in 2CONTROL-ORIENTED NON-LINEAR PLANT particular,e (t )is an unknown quantity,which hence is MODELSunpredictable.Although equation (1)is a more realistic representation for real non-linear plants,the following Consider single-input single-output (SISO)non-linear representation is mathematically simple and can be used dynamic plants with a NARMAX (non-linear auto-to represent a wide class of non-linear plants in practice regressive moving average with exogenous inputs)as well:representation of the form y (t )=Mj =0a j (t )u j (t 1)+e (t )(5)y (t )=f [y (t 1),...,y (t n ),u (t 1),...,u (t n ),e (t ),...,e (t n )](1)where a j(t )is a function of u (t 2),...,u (t n ),y (t 1),...,y (t n ),e (t 1),...,e (t n )[note that the where y (t )and u (t )are the output and input signals of same notations are used as in equation (2)but this the plant respectively at the discrete-time instant t ,n is should not cause any confusion].In this paper,a pole the plant order,f (·)is a non-linear function and the placement controller will be designed under the model modelling error term e (t )could be induced from structure of equation (5).measurement noise,disturbance,plant variation,uncer-There are several advantages of the proposed control-tain dynamics,modelling inaccuracy and imperfect or oriented model over many other parameterizing partial knowledge of plants.Note that here the plant approaches:delay has been assumed to be one for the sake of brevity.Without losing generality,the proposed control pro- 1.The control-oriented model has a more general appeal469A POLE PLACEMENT CONTROLLER FOR NON-LINEAR DYNAMIC PLANTSthan many other parameterizing approaches,such as where q is the forward operator and n,m and l are theorders of the polynomials R,T and S respectively.A the polynomial NARMAX model[17,18],theHammerstein model,etc.designed controller must satisfy the following causalitycondition:2.The sampled-data representation of many non-linearcontinuous-time systems can be of the form oforder(S)<order(R),order(T)order(R)(10) equation(2)[14].3.Since the control-oriented model exhibits a poly-i.e.l<n and m n.nomial structure in the current control u(t1),the The control law of equation(8)represents a negativenon-linear algebraic equations,which need to be feedback with the transfer function S/R and a feedfor-solved to obtain the output value of the pole place-ward with the transfer function T/R.It thus has2degrees ment controller,are polynomials in u(t1).This of freedom.A block diagram of the closed-loop control is a clear advantage of the proposed modelling system is shown in Fig.1.The output y(t)can be linked approach,since many other methods,in general,lead to the reference w(t)asto complex non-linear algebraic equations such astranscendental algebraic equations.y(s)=TR+Sw(t)=TA cw(t)(11)In order to apply linear control system design method-ologies to the non-linear model,a further transform is where polynomial Ac is the closed-loop characteristic presented as follows:equation speci ed by designers in advance,i.e.y(t)=U(t)(6)R+S=A c(12) whereTo cancel the possible output o set in the steady state,U(t)=W[u(t1)]+e(t)=Mj=0a j(t)u j(t1)+e(t)i.e.to make the steady state error equal to zero at thecontrolled output,polynomial T is speci ed with(7)T=A c(1)(13)The expression of equation(6)is de ned as a U-model.In other words,this is a pseudo-input-only polynomialThe key idea of the design is to specify the desired closed-non-linear model.loop characteristic polynomial A c and then to resolvethe polynomials R and S through a Diophantine equa-tion.An algorithm solving the Diophantine equation is 3DESIGN OF THE POLE PLACEMENTpresented in the Appendix.The signal U(t)can be CONTROLLERobtained by equation(8)as long as polynomials R,Sand T are determined.A standard reference[19]is used to develop the follow-With U(t)as a root solver,the Newton–Raphson ing formulations for designing a pole placement control-algorithm[20]can be used to nd the controller output ler.Considering the U-model of equation(6),a generalu(t1).The recursive computation can be described by controller can be described byRU(t)=Tw(t)Sy(t)(8)u k+1(t1)=u k(t1)W[U k (t1)]U(t)d W[u(t1)]d u(t1) where w(t)is the reference for the output target and R,S and T are the polynomials of the forward shift oper-ator q,which are described by=u k(t1)åM j=0a j(t)u j k(t1)U(t)d[åM j=0a j(t)u j(t1)]/d u(t1)u j(t1)=u jk(t1)(14)R=q n+r1q n1+···+r nT=t0q m+t1q m1+···+t m S=s0q l+s1q l1+···+s lwhere the subscript k is the iteration index,such that the(k+1)th iteration is obtained from the k th iteration,k0.(9)Fig.1A general closed-loop non-linear control system470Q M ZHU AND L Z GUORemarksy (t )=T R +S w (t )+RR +S ¢(t )1.Actually,there will be a future unknown term e (t )contained in U (t )that is unpredictable.This value is =T A c w (t )+RA c¢(t )(19)set to zero,its conditional mean during the period of recursive computation.Furthermore,other terms wheree (t 1),...,e (t n )are unknown,but may be esti-mated at each sampling instant.From equation (5),¢(t )=Mj =0[a j (t )a ˆj (t )]u ¯j (t 1)+e (t )an estimate may be found at each sampling instant for those terms as follows:which can be regarded as an additional disturbance signal.Obviously,this additional signal does not e ˆ(t )=Mj =0a ˆj (t )u j (t 1)y (t )(15)change the location of the poles of the closed-loop system.The rst term in ¢(t )is caused by the esti-where a ˆj (t )is the estimate of a j (t ),which is calculated mation,which can diminish when a ˆj(t )converges to using eˆ(t 1),...,e ˆ(t n ).Therefore,substituting its true value a j(t ).To suppress the e ect of theequation (15)into equation (14)yields a new iterative second term of ¢(t ),polynomials R and A cmay beformula for computing the controller output:chosen to form a lter according to the spectral characteristics of e (t )if its statistics are available u k +1(t 1)=u k(t 1)earlier.3.There are two problems that may occur when using åM j =0a ˆj(t )u j (t 1)U (t )d[åj =0a ˆj (t )u j (t 1)]d u (t 1)Ku j (t 1)=u j k (t 1)the root solver of equation (16).The rst one is(16)d[åM j =0a ˆj(t )u j (t 1)]d u (t 1)#02.If the root solver (16)converges to a real root in each sampling interval and is performing satisfactorily,in the neighbourhood of a solution.This is a critical then the output of the closed-loop system should be point because in practice it cannot be guaranteed that close to the desired value,but with some discrepancy the derivative of the function will not approximately due to the modelling error terms.Considering theequate to zero after any particular recursion due to estimated terms a ˆj(t )and neglected term e (t )in the plant variation,computation error and even an root solver (16),the actual closed-loop dynamics unsuitable initial value.The second one is the pos-could be derived as follows.sibility that no real root of the polynomial exists,thus Assume that u¯(t 1)is a root of equation (16),causing a breakdown of the algorithm.To deal with which obviously satis es equation (8).Substituting the problems,Zhu et al.[12]proposed an improved u ¯(t 1)into equation (7)and then equation (6)gives computation for the traditional Newton–Raphson algorithm.y (t )=Mj =0a j (t )u ¯j (t 1)+e (t )4.If the system output is linear with respect to the cur-rent control u (t 1)then the proposed controller has the following simpli ed form from equation (16):=M j =0a ˆj (t )u ¯j (t 1)u (t 1)=U (t )a ˆ0(t )a ˆ1(t )(20)+Mj =0[a j (t )a ˆj (t )]u ¯j (t 1)+e (t )(17)which can be viewed as a kind of feedback lineariz-Multiplying both sides of equation (17)by R and ation control.More particularly,consider an SISO considering equation (8)yield linear discrete-time plant as follows:A (q )y (t )=B (q )u (t 1)+e (t )(21)Ry (t )=R Mj =0a ˆj (t )u ¯j (t 1)with+R Mj =0[a j (t )a ˆj (t )]u ¯j (t 1)+Re (t )A (q )=1+a 1q 1+···+a nq nB (q )=b 0+b 1q 1+···+b n 1q n +1=Tw (t )Sy (t )(22)+R Mj =0[a j (t )a ˆj(t )]u ¯j (t 1)+Re (t )An equivalent U-model for such a linear plant (21)(18)can be obtained readily as y (t )=U (t )=a 0(t )+a 1(t )u (t 1)+e (t )(23)Then the actual closed-loop dynamics is471A POLE PLACEMENT CONTROLLER FOR NON-LINEAR DYNAMIC PLANTS wherefollows:a 0(t )=[A 1(q )y (t )+B 1(q )u (t 1)]and a 1(t )=b 0withy (t )=BTRBA +B (S +RA 1)w (t )+RBRBA +B (S +RA 1)e (t )=BT B (S +R )w (t )+RB B (S +R )e (t )=T S +R w (t )+RS +Re (t )u (t 1)=ATRBA +B (S +RA 1)w (t )+S +RA1RBA +B (S +RA 1)e (t )=AT B (S +R )w (t )+S +R RA B (S +R )e (t )A 1(q )=(a 1q 1+···+a nq n )B 1(q )=b 1q 1+···+b n 1q n +1(24)Based on the linear model (21),a standard pole assignment design Ru (t 1)=Tw (t )Sy (t )(25)(29)leads to the following characteristics of the closed-loop system:From equation (29),if polynomial B is stable,i.e.equa-tion (21)is a minimum-phase system,the stability of thecontroller can be guaranteed.y (t )=BT RA +BS w (t )+RRA +BSe (t )u (t 1)=AT RA +BS w (t )+SRA +BSe (t )4CASE STUDIESA Hammerstein model,a laboratory-scale liquid level (26)system and a continuous stirred tank reactor are selected to test the design methodology.The same closed-loop On the other hand,obviously as long as b 00,aspeci cations are assigned for these models to demon-solution always exists for the U-model based pole strate that the proposed method is generally suitable for placement design.From equations (8)and (20)andcontrolling di erent dynamics.considering that a ˆj (t )is equal to its true value a j(t ),The closed-loop characteristic equation is speci ed by j =0,1,the solution yields A c=q 2 1.3205q +0.4966(30)Rb 0u (t 1)=RU (t )R [A 1y (t )+B 1u (t 1)]Therefore the closed-loop poles are 1and 0.61.This =Tw (t )Sy (t )RA 1y (t )design speci cation corresponds to a natural frequency of 1rad /s and a damping ratio of 0.7.To achieve zero RB 1u (t 1)(27)steady state error,specifyand then T =A c(1)=1 1.3205+0.4966=0.1761(31)For the polynomials R and S ,specify RBu (t 1)=Tw (t )(S +RA 1)y (t )(28)R =q 2+r 1q +r2S =s 0q +s1Comparing the controllers of equations (25)and (28),it can be seen that for linear plants the proposed (32)U-model based pole placement design is an extension Substituting the speci cations of equations (30)and (32)of the conventional one in the sense that a set of into the Diophantine equation of (12),the coe cients special controller parameters is used in equation (28).in polynomials R and S can be expressed by Generally the standard pole placement controller of equation (25)requires the polynomials A and B to r 2+s 1=0.4966r 1+s 0= 1.3205be relatively prime,but the U-model based controller of equation (28)does not.Similar to equation (26)(33)the closed-loop characteristics for plant (21)under the U-model based controller can be derived asTo guarantee the computation convergence of the472Q M ZHU AND L Z GUOsequence U (t ),i.e.to keep the di erence equation with 4.2Control of a laboratory-scale liquid level system stable dynamics,let r 1=0.9and r 2=0.009.ThisIn this simulation example,the developed control assignment corresponds to the characteristic equation of approach is applied to the height control of a laboratory-U (t )as (q 0.89)(q 0.01)=0.Then the coe cients in scale liquid level system [17].The system described by polynomial S can be determined from the Diophantine Sales and Billings [17]consists of a d.c.water pump feed-equation of (33)as ing a conical ask which in turn feeds a square tank.The control input is the voltage to the pump motor and the s 0=0.4205s 1=0.4876system output is the height of the water in the conical ask.Following Sales and Billings [17],the plant model was (34)constructed to be Substituting the coe cients of the polynomials R and S y (t )=0.9722y (t 1)+0.3578u (t 1)0.1295u (t 2)into the controller of equation (8)gives rise to 0.3103y (t 1)u (t 1)0.04228y 2(t 2)U (t +1)=0.9U (t )0.009U (t 1)+0.1761w (t 1)+0.1663y (t 2)u (t 2)+0.4205y (t )0.4876y (t 1)(35)+0.2573y (t 2)e (t 1)Therefore the controller output u (t )can be determined 0.03259y 2(t 1)y (t 2)by solving the root in terms of equation (16).0.3513y 2(t 1)u (t 2)+0.3084y (t 1)y (t 2)u (t 2)4.1Control of the Hammerstein model +0.2939y 2(t 2)e (t 1)+0.1087y (t 2)u (t 1)u (t 2)Consider the following Hammerstein model:+0.4770y (t 2)u (t 1)e (t 1)y (t )=0.5y (t 1)+x (t 1)+0.1x (t 2)x (t )=1+u (t )u 2(t )+0.2u 3(t )+0.6389u 2(t 2)e (t 1)+e (t )(41)(36)The noise sequence e (t )was Gaussian and given as N (0.0,0.05).The corresponding control-oriented model The corresponding control-oriented model is obtained is obtained from equation (6)as follows:from formulation (6):y (t )=a 0(t )+a 1(t )u (t 1)+e (t )(42)y (t )=a 0(t )+a 1(t )u (t 1)+a 2(t )u 2(t 1)which is linear with respect to u (t 1)and +a 3(t )u 3(t 1)(37)a 0(t )=0.9722y (t 1)0.04288y 2(t 2)where+0.1663y (t 2)u (t 2)a 0(t )=0.5y (t 1)+1+0.3x (t 2),a 1(t )1a 2(t )=1,a 3(t )=0.2+0.2573y (t 2)e (t 1)0.03259y 2(t 1)y (t 2)(38)0.3513y 2(t 1)u (t 2)The controller output u (t )is determined by solving +0.3084y (t 1)y (t 2)u (t 2)a 3(t +1)u 3(t )u 2(t )+u (t )+a 0(t +1)U (t +1)+0.2939y 2(t 2)e (t 1)0.1295u (t 2)=0(39)+0.6389u 2(t 2)e (t 1)(43)The derivative of U (t +1)against u (t )is required in the andNewton–Raphson root solving algorithm,which is given bya 1(t )=0.35780.3103y (t 1)+0.1087y (t 2)u (t 2)d[U (t +1)]d u (t )=3a 3(t +1)u 2(t )2u (t )+1(40)+0.4770y (t 2)e (t 1)(44)Figure 2gives the system response under the proposedBecause the output of the plant is linear with respect to pole placement control.It can be seen from the simu-the control u (t 1),the controller output can be simply lation result that the resultant closed-loop system obtained from behaves similarly to that of a linear system,which is due to cancellation of the non-linearity by the proposed u (t )=U (t +1)a ˆ0(t +1)a ˆ1(t +1)(45)control-oriented model and controller design approach.A POLE PLACEMENT CONTROLLER FOR NON-LINEAR DYNAMIC PLANTS473Fig.2System response of the Hammerstein modelIn this simulation,a periodic triangular wave was selec- 4.3Control of a continuous stirred tank reactor(CSTR) ted to be the reference signal,to be followed by theThe dynamics of a perfectly mixed,continuous stirred system output.The simulation results are shown intank reactor may be written in dimensionless variables Figs3and4,where Fig.3gives the system response andas follows[14]:Fig.4the controller output.The simulation results showthat the proposed control strategy provides a stable y b=(1+2a)y+au uy ay2(46) system performance even in the presence of randomnoise.It should be mentioned that,because the output where y is the dimensionless representation of the con-of the system is linear with respect to the current controlcentration of some species in the reactor,which is the input,the proposed method is equivalent to the feedback measured output of the plant,and u is the dimensionless linearization control approach.However,compared torepresentation of the owrate,which is the control input the feedback linearization approach,the approach pro-of the plant.posed in this paper is applicable to more general dynamicIf a zero holder is considered between the control-systems,as shown in the other two simulation examples.ler and the plant,an approximate sampled dataFig.3System output of the liquid level control474Q M ZHU AND L Z GUOFig.4Controller output of the liquid level control systemrepresentation of equation (46)resulting from a third-the reference signal to be tracked by the system output.The simulation results are shown in Fig.5.For the pur-order truncation of the Taylor expansion can be expressed aspose of comparison,two linear models were also con-sidered based on the controllers developed and tested.y (t +1)=y (t )+T s {3y (t )y 2(t )+[1y (t )]u (t )}The rst linear model was obtained using Euler’s discret-ization method for the plant (46),which resulted in the +T 2s 2{9y (t )+9y 2(t )+2y 3(t )following sampled data representation:+[3+4y (t )+3y 2(t )]u (t )y (t +1)=0.85y (t )0.05y 2(t )+[0.050.05y (t )]u (t )(49)+[1+y (t )]u 2(t )}Using the feedback linearization controller design based +T 3s 6{27y (t )63y 2(t )36y 3(t )6y 4(t )upon equation (49)to control the plant model (48)resulted in the estimation blowing up around 100+[92y (t )18y 2(t )12y 3(t )]u (t )samples during the period of simulation.The reason is +[4y (t )7y 2(t )]u 2(t )the denominator,0.050.05y (t ),of the controller became close to zero,which means that model (49)+[1y (t )]u 3(t )}(47)cannot match the dynamics of the plant well enough.If it is assumed that the sampling period of T s=0.05The second linear model of the stirred tank reactor was was set,then this model becomes identi ed using the least squares algorithm with a sinus-oidal exciting signal.The linear model obtained is as y (t +1)=0.8606y (t )0.0401y 2(t )+0.0017y 3(t )follows:0.000125y 4(t )y (t +1)=0.1673y (t )0.1673y (t 1)+[0.04640.045y (t )+0.0034y 2(t )+0.9997y (t 2)0.0476u (t )0.00025y 3(t )]u (t )0.066u (t 1)0.03u (t 2)(50)+[0.0012+0.0013y (t )0.0001458y 2(t )]u 2(t )Based on equation (50),a linear controller was designed and applied to control the stirred tank reactor model +[0.000020830.00002083y (t )]u 3(t )(48)(48).The system response under this linear control is shown in Fig.6.It can be observed that the linear con-As discussed in the paper by Kazantzis and Kravaris [14],a third-order truncation is accurate enough to rep-troller results in the loss of control of the overall system.Therefore the proposed methods are superior to the resent the original plant dynamics.Again,in this simu-lation the periodic triangular wave was selected to beother two linear model based approaches.A POLE PLACEMENT CONTROLLER FOR NON-LINEAR DYNAMIC PLANTS475Fig.5System response of the stirred tank reactorFig.6System response of the stirred tank reactor under linear control5CONCLUSIONS controller is investigated,but it is strongly believed thatthe principles are straightforward for other linear con-trollers.Further studies on the developed methodology, A general control-oriented U-model and the correspond-such as stability,robustness,expansion to other format ing pole placement controller design formulations havecontrollers,and so on,will be conducted to provide been derived to enhance non-linear control systema comprehensive prospectus in designing non-linear design.The U-model transforms non-linear dynamiccontrol systems by using linear control system design models into a class of pseudo-input-only non-linear poly-techniques.nomials with time-varying parameters.With modulariz-ation,the procedure of non-linear control system designcan be conducted as a linear control system design,ACKNOWLEDGEMENTwhere the only di erence is in obtaining a root as thecontroller output from a polynomial equation.Also,the U-model structure signi cantly simpli es linear con-The authors are grateful for the support from GrantGR/M84305of the Engineering and Physical Sciences troller design procedures and the routine to resolve theDiophantine equation.Here only the pole placement Research Council(EPSRC),UK.。
贵州省社会保险全省统一应用系统 医保支付接口应用编程接口规范(V1.0.0.8)四川久远银海软件股份有限公司2011年9月1、概述1.《贵州省社会保险全省统一应用系统医保支付接口应用编程接口规范》(以下简称规范)的使用对象为将使用银海医保支付组件库(以下简称组件库)来完成医保支付的为定点医疗机构提供应用软件的HIS供应商、药店MIS供应商或其它第三方应用软件供应商。
§1.1.术语及参考资料COM:Common Object ModelHIS:Hospital Information SystemMIS:Management Information System§1.2.应用模式银海医保支付组件库是一组运行在WINDOWS 32位环境下的COM组件,第三方应用软件使用相应的COM组件调用方式来调用它。
§1.3.环境要求§1.3.1.硬件环境指标指标值CPU ≧1.6MHzMemory ≧512MBHardDisk ≧2000M(free)NetCard ≧10MB§1.3.2.网络环境指标指标值协议TCP/IP、HTTP/HTTPS广域网带宽≧56k网络连接客户端直接访问医保中心网络§1.3.3.网络拓扑图§1.3.4.系统软件指标指标值操作系统WIN2000/NT/XP及以上WIN系列操作系统辅助软件IE6.0及其以上;Msxml4.0§2.修改记录修改时间版本修改描述2011-6-24 V1.1 修改91交易主要为字段变更2011-6-24 V1.1 增加交易53、54、55、56、56a、56d,602011-6-29 V1.1 增加交易76,、76a、76b修改91交易增加字段修改时间版本修改描述修改41交易增加输出字段2012-07-24 V1.2 1、增加附录说明2、修改41、42、43、48号交易必须传入个人编号3、修改75(适用贵州省统一项目)号交易<prm_aka130></prm_aka130>【默认:31 医疗;M31 生育;G31 工伤】4、调用21号交易传入<prm_aac001> 个人编号</prm_aac001>5、调用48、21号交易<prm_ykb065>执行社会保险办法</prm_ykb065>2013-9-23 V1.3 1、增加清算方式修改交易47号交易2013-10-09 V1.4 1、修改71、75增加异地医疗清算相关。
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S.A系列产品/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=745&totable=1雀巢咖啡平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=735&totable=1食品-哈根达斯冰淇淋月饼/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=736&totable=1欧洲家喻户晓的糖果品牌HARIBO/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=730&totable=1食品-海天一品鲜酱油平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=737&totable=1食品-麦当劳平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=738&totable=1微星优秀平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=739&totable=1饮料-百事可乐平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=740&totable=1饮料-茶叶竹叶青平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=741&totable=1饮料-可口可乐广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=742&totable=1饮料-雪碧禁播的广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=743&totable=1油-金龙鱼花生平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=744&totable=1-------------------------------------------------------------------四。
RAiO RA8803 RA8822 双图层中文文字 图形LCD控制器 应用手册
RA i ORA8803RA8822双图层中文文字/图形LCD控制器应用手册Version 2.4August 4, 2005RA i O Technology Inc.Copyright RAiO Technology Inc. 2004, 2005改版说明版本日期说明1.0 January 26, 2004 First Release Version1.1 March 9, 2004 增加 9-23 灰阶显示1.2 April, 12, 2004 增加附录B-3 Power 应用电路增加 9-24 扩展模式显示1.3 May 3, 2004 增加4-1、4-2、8-2、附录C、D节修改2-3、5、7、8、8-1、9-24、附录B节1.4 October 1, 2004 增加表3-1:RA8803/8822与驱动器IC的接口名称对照表修改图5-2:用DAC控制LCD亮度的应用电路及文字说明增加图8-2A:重置脚位 RST# 的时序修改图8-3:一般RA8803/8822电源开启或重置的流程图修改表8-2:基本的缓存器设定范例增加图9-21B : Key Scan流程图修改图B-3, B-4修改附录G. 范例程序 – C51增加附录H. 字型与字码表(BIG-5)2.0 January 20, 2005 修改附录B-2电源应用电路2.1 March 4, 2005 修改附录B-2电源应用电路的图B-4, B-5 增加附录B-2-4电路板的电源布局建议2.2 March 11, 2005 增加附录B-3 Frame 信号、增加图B-72.3 April 22, 2005 修改表8-2:基本的缓存器设定范例移除附录B-3 Frame 信号2.4 August 4, 2005 修改第5章液晶显示器的亮度调整增加图5-4 REG[D0h]与Iout输出的对应曲线图修改附录B-2-1 电源结构与图B-3章节内容页数1. 简介 (6)2. 微控制器(MPU)的接口 (7)2-1 8080 系列的MPU接口 (7)2-2 6800系列的MPU接口 (8)2-3 4Bit/8Bit的MPU界面 (10)2-4 MPU接口的程序范例 (11)3. 液晶显示驱动器(LCD Driver)的接口 (15)3-1液晶显示器面板(LCD Panel) 大小的设定 (16)4. 中文字型ROM (18)4-1 中文字型ROM的使用 (18)4-2 自建字型ROM (19)5. 液晶显示器的亮度调整 (24)6. 触摸式面板(Touch Panel)的界面 (27)6-1 电阻式触摸面板 (27)6-2触摸面板的应用 (29)7. 系统时序(System Clock) (34)8. 软硬件的启始设定 (36)8-1 重置(Reset)与系统设定 (36)8-2 电源开启或重置(Power On/Reset)的程序 (38)8-3 缓存器的起始设定 (39)8-4 Wakeup 的程序 (41)9. RA8803/8822功能应用介绍 (42)9-1文字模式设定 (42)9-1-1 文字显示 (42)9-1-2 粗体字之显示功能 (43)9-2 绘图模式设定 (44)9-3 闪烁与反白显示 (49)9-3-1 闪烁显示 (49)9-3-2 屏幕反白 (49)9-3-3 文字反白 (50)9-4 中/英文文字对齐 (51)9-5 LCD 屏幕显示On/Off设定 (52)9-6 光标On/Off设定 (53)9-7 光标位置与移位设定 (53)9-7-1 光标位置 (53)9-7-2 游标移位 (55)9-8 光标闪烁设定 (55)9-10 工作及显示窗口大小设定 (57)9-11 行距设定 (62)9-12 自动填入数据到DDRAM (62)9-13 屏幕更新频率设定 (63)9-14 中断(Interrupt)与忙碌(Busy)设定 (63)9-15 省电模式 (65)9-16 如何读取Font ROM字型 (66)9-17 字号放大设定 (67)9-18 图层显示功能设定 (68)9-19 Key Scan应用 (71)9-20 屏幕水平卷动及垂直卷动设定 (73)9-21 ASCII区块选择设定 (76)9-21-1 ASCII 字形区块 0 (76)9-21-2 ASCII 字形区块 1 (77)9-21-3 ASCII 字形区块 2 (78)9-21-4 ASCII 字形区块 3 (79)9-22 自行造字 (79)9-23 灰阶显示 (81)9-24 扩展模式显示 (83)附录A. 液晶显示驱动器(LCD Driver)的时序图 (87)附录B. 应用电路图 (89)B-1 应用电路 (89)B-2 电源(Power)应用电路 (91)B-2-1 电源结构 (91)B-2-2 3V电源应用电路 (92)B-2-3 5V电源应用电路 (92)B-2-4 电路板的电源布局建议 (93)附录C. RA8803/8822控制板 (94)附录D. 除错与分析流程 (95)附录E. RA8803/8822支持的驱动器型号 (96)附录F. 指令时间 (97)附录G. 范例程序 – C51 (98)G-1 范例程序(1) – 显示一中文字 (98)G-2 范例程序(2) – 显示一中文字符串 (98)G-3 范例程序(3) – 8x8(Key_Scan)扫描 (99)G-4 子程序范例 (102)附录H. 字型与字码表(GB) (107)1. 简介RA8803/8822是一个双图层(Two Pages)中英文文字与绘图模式的点矩阵液晶显示(LCD)控制器,可支持最大320x240 / 240x160点的LCD面板。
ISO 8820-1_2005 定义和基本要求_中文版
ISO 8820-1 道路车辆-熔断器Date: 2005-09-20第1部分定义和基本要求内部使用文件,仅供参考,不具备任何正式效力,如有冲突以ISO委员会正式发布版本为准!1.范围2.参考文献3.术语和定义3.1保险丝装置3.1.1 保险丝座套将熔断器接入到线束系统的装置3.1.2 熔断器保险丝装置中可更换的部分,包括绝缘体,电导通部分(比如端子和熔断丝)。 绝缘体熔断器的电导体件的不导电承载体。端子是熔断器和保险丝座之间建立起机械和电气连接的电导体件部分。 熔断丝当过载电流通过时,可使电路永久断开的电导体件部分。
3.2 额定电流I R通过指定试验后,用来区分不同熔断器的电流。
3.3额定电压U R熔断器设计时指定的最大施加电压。
3.4 电压降U D通以指定电流,在熔断器的指定测量点上测得的电压。
3.5 分断能力I B熔断器在规定的电压和正常的使用情况下,能够发挥分断电路的作用的电流范围。
3.6 时间常数???Time required for a physical quantity to rise from 0 to 1 - 1/e (that is 63.2%) of its final steady value when itvaries with time, t, as 1 – e-kt.3.7 熔断时间从施加过载电流到电路中电流降至ISO 8820相关章节指定的数值下时所需要的时间。
而且,额定电流应按照ISO 8820相关规定,用不同的颜色区分。
5.试验及要求5.1基本要求5.1.1 基本试验条件如果没有特殊说明,所有试验应在室温(RT)(23 ± 5)C°,相对湿度(RH) 45%to75%(标准条件)。
EN 10088-2 2005(中文版参考)
中央秘书处:rue de Stasssart, 36 B-1050 Breussels
©2005 CEN
为全世界 CEN 国家成员保留以任何形式 和用任何方式进行宣传的所有权利。
参考号 EN 10088-1:2005:E
EN 10088-2:2005 (E)
1 范围.................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2 标准参考.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 3 术语和定义...................................................................................................................................................... 4 4 命名和订购......................................................................................................................................
SCD5584A,SCD5580A,SCD5581A,SCD5582A,SCD5583A, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
Lead (Pb) Free Product - RoHS Compliant Standard Red SCD5580A Yellow SCD5581A High Efficiency Red SCD5582A Green SCD5583A High Efficiency Green SCD5584ASlimline0.145’’ 8-Character 5x5 Dot Matrix Serial InputDot Addressable Intelligent Display® Devices 2006-01-231DESCRIPTIONThe SCD5580A (Red), SCD5581A (Y ellow), SCD5582A (Super-red), SCD5583A (Green) and SCD5584 (HEG) are eight digit dot addressable 5 x 5 matrix, Serial Input, Intelligent Display devices. The eight 3.68 mm (0.145") high digits are packaged in a transparent, 7,62 mm (0.3") pin spacing plastic DIP .The on-board CMOS has a 200 bit RAM (one bit associ-ated with one LED) to generate User Defined Characters. Due to the reduced LED count, power requirement and heat dissipation are reduced by 30%. Additionally in Power Down Mode quiescent current is <50 µA.The SCD558XA is designed to work with the Serial port of most common microprocessors. The Clock I/O (CLK I/O) capability to supply a high speed external clock. This feature can minimize audio in-band interference forportable communication equipment or eliminate the visual synchronization effects found in high vibration environments such as avionics equipment.FEATURES•Low Profile Package: 60% Smaller than Industry Stan-dard 8-Digit Display•Eight 3.68 mm (0.145") 5 x 5 Dot Matrix Characters in Red, Y ellow, Super-red, Green, or High Efficiency Green•Optimum Display Surface Efficiency (display area to package ratio)•Low Power–30% Less Power Dissipation than 5 x 7 Format•High Speed Data Input Rate: 5.0 MHz •ROMless Serial Input, Dot Addressable Display—Ideal for User Defined Characters •Built-in Decoders, Multiplexers and LED Drivers •Readable from 1.8 meters (6 Feet)•Wide Viewing Angle, X Axis ± 55°, Y Axis ± 65°•Attributes:– 200 bit RAM for User Defined Characters – Eight Dimming Levels– Power Down Mode (<250 µW)– Hardware/Software Clear Function – Lamp Test•Internal or External Clock•End-Stackable Dual-in-line Plastic Package – 3.3 V CapabilityOrdering InformationType Color of Emission Character Heightmm (inch)Ordering CodeSCD5580A standard red3.68 (0.145)Q68000A0994SCD5581A yellow Q68000A0996 SCD5582A super-red Q68000A0997 SCD5583A green Q68000A0998 SCD5584A high efficiency green Q68000A10002006-01-2322006-01-233Maximum RatingsParameterSymbol Value Unit Operating temperature range T op – 40 … + 85°C Storage temperature range T stg – 40 … + 100°C DC Supply VoltageV CC-0.5 to + 7.0V Input Voltage Levels Relative to GND-0.5 to V CC to 0.5V Solder Temperature1.59 mm (0.063“) below seating plane, t < 5.0 s T S 260°C Relative Humidity 85%ESD (100 pF, 1.5 k Ω)V Z2.0kV Input Current± 100 mA Max. SDCLK Frequency5.0MHzMaximum Number of LEDs on at 100% Brightness 128IC Junction Temperature125°C Optical Characteristics at 25°C(V CC =5.0 V at 100% brightness level, viewing angle: X axis ± 55°, Y axis ± 65°)DescriptionSymbolValuesUnitR e d S C D 5580AY e l l o w S C D 5581AS u p e r -r e d S C D 5582A G r e e n S C D 5583A H i g h E f f i c i e n c y G r e e n S C D 5584A Luminous Intensity (min.) (typ.)I V 3690124 213124 265124 221124 505µcd/dot µcd/dot Peak Wavelength (typ.)λpeak 660583630565568nm Dominant Wavelength(typ.)λdom639585626570574nm Notes:1.Dot to dot intensity matching at 100% brightness is 1.8:1.2. Displays are binned for hue at 2.0 nm intervals.3. Displays within a given intensity category have an intensity matching of 1.5:1 (max.).2006-01-234Input/Output CircuitsFigures …Inputs“ and …Clock I/O“ show the input and output resis-tor/diode networks used for ESD protection and to eliminate sub-strate latch-up caused by input voltage over/under shoot.Electrical Characteristics at 25°CParameter Min.Typ.Max.Units ConditionsV CC 4.5 5.0 5.5V—I CC (Pwr Dwn Mode) (1)(2)— 5.0—µA V CC=5.0 V, all inputs=0 V or V CCI CC 8 digits(3)16 dots/character—200240mA V CC=5.0 V, “#” displayed in all 8 digitsat 100% brightness at 25°CI IL Input current——–10µA V CC=5.0 V, V IN=0 (all inputs)I IH Input current——10µA V CC=V IN=5.0 V (all inputs)V IH 3.5——V V CC=4.5 V to 5.5 VV IL—— 1.5V V CC=4.5 V to 5.5 VI OH (CLK I/O)—–8.9—mA V CC=4.5 V, V OH=2.4 VI OL (CLK I/O)— 1.6—mA V CC=4.5 V, V OL=0.4 VθJ-pin—35—°C/ W—FextExternal Clock Input Frequency120—347kHz VCC=5.0 V, CLKSEL=0F osc Internal Clock Input Frequency120—347kHz V CC=5.0 V, CLKSEL=1.0Clock I/O Bus Loading——240pF—Clock Out Rise Time——500ns V CC=4.5 V, V OH=2.4 VClock Out Fall Time——500ns V CC=4.5 V, V OH=0.4 VDigit Multiplex Frequency3757681086Hz—Notes:1)When an external clock is used it must be stopped.2)Unused inputs must be tied high.3)Peak current 5/3x I CC.2006-01-235Pin AssignmentPin Function Pin Function1SDCLK28GND2LOAD27DATA3NP26NP4NP25NP5NP24NP6NP23NP7NP22NP8NP21NP9NP20NP10NP19V CC11NP18NC12NP17NP13RST16CLKSEL14GND15CLK I/O Switching Specifications(over operating temperature range and V CC=4.5 V to 5.5 V) Symbol Description Min.Units T RC Reset Active Time600nsT LDS Load Setup Time40nsT DS Data Setup Time40nsT SDCLK Clock Period200nsT SDCW Clock Width70nsT LDH Load Hold Time0nsT DH Data Hold Time20nsT WR Total Write Time 2.2µsT BL Time Between Loads600ns Note: SDCLK duty cycle = 30% Min. and 50% Max.Pin DefinitionsPin Function Definitions1SDCLK Loads data into the 8-bit serial data registeron a low to high transition.2LOAD Low input enables data clocking into 8-bitserial shift register. When LOAD goes high,the contents of 8-bit serial Shift Register willbe decoded.3NP No pin4NP No pin5NP No pin6NP No pin7NP No pin8NP No pin9NP No pin10NP No pin11NP No pin12NP No pin13RST Asynchronous input, when low will clear theMultiplex Counter, User RAM and DataRegister. Control Word Register is set to100% brightness and the Address Register isset to select Digit 0. The display is blanked. 14GND Power supply ground15CLK I/O Outputs master clock or inputs external clock. 16CLKSEL H=internal clock, L=external clock17NP No pin18NC No connection19V CC Power supply20NP No pin21NP No pin22NP No pin23NP No pin24NP No pin25NP No pin26NP No pin27DATA Serial data input28GND Power supply ground2006-01-2362006-01-237Operation of the SCD558XThe SCD558X display consists of 2 CMOS IC containing control logic and drivers for eight 5 x 5 characters. These components are assembled in a compact (38 mm x 10 mm) plastic package.Individual LED dot addressablity allows the user great freedom in creating special characters or mini-icons. The User DefinableCharacter Set Examples illustrate 200 different character and sym-bol possibilities.The use of a serial data interface provides a highly efficient inter-connection between the display and the mother board. TheSCD558X requires only 4 lines as compared to 15 for an equiva-lent 8 character parallel input part.The on-board CMOS IC is the electronic heart of the display. The IC accepts decoded serial data, which is stored in the internal RAM. Asynchronously the RAM is read by the character multiplexer at a strobe rate that results in a flicker free display. Figure …SCD558X Block Diagram“ (page 7) shows the three functional areas of the IC. These include: the input serial data register and control logic, a 200 bits two port RAM, and an internal multiplexer/display driver.Display Column and Row FormatC0C1C2C3C4Row 011111Row 100100Row 200100Row 300100Row 411= Display dot …ON“ 0=Display dot …OFF“Column Data RangesRow 000H to 1FH Row 120H to 3FH Row 240H to 5FH Row 360H to 7FH Row 480H to 9FH2006-01-238The following explains how to format the serial data to be loaded into the display. The user supplies a string of bit mapped decoded characters. The contents of this string is shown in Figure …Loading Serial Character Data a“ (page 8). Figure …Loading Serial Charac-ter Data b“ (page 8) shows that each character consist of six 8 bit words. The first word encodes the display character location and the succeeding five bytes are row data. The row data represents the status (On, Off) of individual column LEDs. Figure …Loading Serial Character Data c“ (page 8) shows that each 8 bit word is formatted to include a three bit Operational Code (OPCODE)defined by bits D7–D5 and five bits (D4–D0) representing Column Data, Character Address, or Control Word Data.Figure …Loading Serial Character Data d“ (page 8) shows thesequence for loading the bytes of data. Bringing the LOAD line low enables the serial register to accept data. The shift action occurs on the low to high transition of the serial data clock (SDCLK). The least significant bit (D0) is loaded first. After eight clock pulses the LOAD line is brought high. With this transition the OPCODE is decoded. The decoded OPCODE directs D4–D0 to be latched in the Character Address register, stored in the RAM as Column data, or latched in the Control Word register. The control ICrequires a minimum 600 ns delay between successive byte loads. As indicated in Figure …Loading Serial Character Data a“ (page 8), a total of 528 bits of data are required to load all eight characters into the display.The Character Address Register bits, D4–D0 (T able …Load Charac-ter Address“ (page 9)) and Row Address Register bits, D7–D5 (T able …Load Column Data“ (page 9)) direct the Column Data bits, D4–D0 (T able …Load Column Data“ (page 9)) to specific RAM loca-tion. T able …Character ’D’“ (page 8) shows the Row Address for the example character “D.” Column data is written and read asynchro-nously from the 200 bit RAM. Once loaded the internal oscillator and character multiplexer reads the data from the RAM. These characters are row strobed with column data as shown in Figures …Row and Column Location“ (page 9) and …Row Strobing“(page 10). The character strobe rate is determined by the internal or user supplied external MUX Clock and the IC’s ÷320 counter.Character “D”Op code D7D6 D5Column Data D4D3D2D1D0 C0C1C2C3C4HexRow 0000111101E Row 10011000131Row 20101000151Row 3011 1000171Row 4111119EThe user can activate four Control functions. These include: LED Brightness Level, Lamp T est, IC Power Down, or Display Clear. OPCODEs and five bit words are used to initiate these functions. The OPCODEs and Control Words for the Character Address and Loading Column Data are shown in T ables …Load Character Address“ (page 9) and …Load Column Data“ (page 9).The user can select seven specific LED brightness levels, T able …Display Brightness“ (page 9). These brightness levels (in percent-ages of full brightness of the display) include: 100% (F0 HEX), 53% (F1HEX), 40% (F2HEX), 27% (F3HEX), 20% (F4HEX), 13% (F5HEX), and 6.6% (F6HEX). The brightness levels are controlled by chang-ing the duty factor of the row strobe pulse.The SCD558XA offers a unique Display Power Down feature which reduces I CC to less than 50 µA. When FF HEX is loaded, as shown in Table …Power Down“ (page 9), the display is set to 0% brightness and the internal multiplex clock is stopped. When in the Power Down mode data may still be written into the RAM. The display is reactivated by loading a new Brightness Level Control Word into the display.The Lamp T est is enabled by loading F8 HEX, T able …Lamp T est“ (page 9), into the serial shift register. This Control Word sets all of the LEDs to a 53% brightness level. Operation of the Lamp T est has no affect on the RAM and is cleared by loading a Brightness Control Word.The Software Clear (C0HEX), given in T able …Software Clear“ (page 9), clears the Address Register and the RAM. The display is blanked and the Character Address Register will be set to Charac-ter 0. The internal counter and the Control Word Register are unaf-fected. The Software Clear will remain active until the next data input cycle is initiated.Load Character AddressOp codeD7D6 D5Character AddressD4D3D2D1D0Hex OperationLoad10100000A0Character 0 10100001A1Character 1 10100010A2Character 2 10100011A3Character 3 10100100A4Character 4 10100101A5Character 5 10100110A6Character 6 10100111A7Character 7 Load Column DataOp codeD7D6 D5Column DataD4D3D2D1D0Operation Load000C0C1C2C3C4Row 0 001C0C1C2C3C4Row 1 010C0C1C2C3C4Row 2 011C0C1C2C3C4Row 3 100C0C1C2C3C4Row 4Display BrightnessOp codeD7D6 D5Control WordD4D3D2D1D0Hex OperationLevel 11110000F0100% 11110001F153% 11110010F240% 11110011F327% 11110100F420% 11110101F513% 11110110F6 6.6%Power DownOp codeD7D6 D5Control WordD4D3D2D1D0Hex OperationLevel 11111111FF0%brightnessLamp TestOp codeD7D6 D5Control WordD4D3D2D1D0Hex OperationLevel 11110B B B Lamp Test(OFF) 11111001F8Lamp Test(OFF)Software ClearOp codeD7D6 D5Control WordD4D3D2D1D0Hex OperationLevel 11000000C0CLEAR2006-01-239Row StrobingMultiplexer and Display DriverThe eight characters are row multiplexed with RAM resident col-umn data. The strobe rate is established by the internal or external MUX Clock rate. The MUX Clock frequency is divided by a 320 counter chain. This results in a typical strobe rate of 750 Hz. By pulling the Clock SEL line low, the display can be operated from an external MUX Clock. The external clock is attached to the CLK I/O connection (pin 15). The maximum external MUX Clock frequency should be limited to 1.0 MHz.An asynchronous hardware Reset (pin 13) is also provided. Bring-ing this pin low will clear the Character Address Register, Control Word Register, RAM, and blanks the display. This action leaves the display set at Character Address 0, and the Brightness Level set at 100%.Thermal ConsiderationsThe SCD558XA has been designed to provide lowest thermal resistance from the CMOS to the ground pin.The heat is then conducted through the traces on the users circuit board to free air. The max. IC operating temperature is 125°C. Maximum. IC junction temperature is calculated using the following equation:T J (IC) Max.=T A+(P D Max.) (RθJ-PIN+RθPIN-A)where RθJ-PIN=35°C/W.P D Max.=V CC Max.x I CC Max=5.5 Vx0.240=1.32 W.RθPIN-A will depend on ground trace thickness, whether parts are soldered to the pcb or socketed and on air circulation.Electrical & Mechanical ConsiderationsInterconnect ConsiderationsOptimum product performance can be had when the following electrical and mechanical recommendations are adopted. The SCD558XA’s IC is constructed in a high speed CMOS process, consequently high speed noise on the SERIAL DAT A, SERIAL DAT A CLOCK, LOAD and RESET lines may cause incorrect data to be written into the serial shift register. Adhere to transmission line termination procedures when using fast line drivers and long cables (>10 cm).Good digital grounds (pins 14, 28) and power supply decoupling (pins 6, 9, 20, 23) will insure that I CC (<400 mA peak) switching currents do not generate localized ground bounce. Therefore it is recommended that each display package use a 0.1 µF and 20 µF capacitor between V CC and ground.When the internal MUX Clock is being used connect the CLKSEL pin to V CC. In those applications where RESET will not be con-nected to the system’s reset control, it is recommended that this pin be connected to the center node of a series 0.1 µF and 100 kΩRC network. Thus upon initial power up the RESET will be held low for 10 ms allowing adequate time for the system power supply to stabilize.ESD ProtectionThe input protection structure of the SCD558XA provides signifi-cant protection against ESD damage. It is capable of withstanding discharges greater than 2.0 kV. T ake all the standard precautions, normal for CMOS components. These include properly grounding personnel, tools, tables, and transport carriers that come in contact with unshielded parts. If these conditions are not, or cannot be met, keep the leads of the device shorted together or the parts in anti-static packaging.Soldering ConsiderationsThe SCD558XA can be hand soldered with SN63 solder using a grounded iron set to 260°C.Wave soldering is also possible following these conditions: Pre-heat that does not exceed 93°C on the solder side of the PC board or a package surface temperature of 85°C. Water soluble organic acid flux (except carboxylic acid) or rosin-based RMA flux without alcohol can be used.Wave temperature of 245°C ± 5°C with a dwell between 1.5 sec. to 3.0 sec. Exposure to the wave should not exceed temperatures above 260°C for five seconds at 1.59 mm (0.063") below the seat-ing plane. The packages should not be immersed in the wave. Post Solder Cleaning ProceduresThe least offensive cleaning solution is hot D.I. water (60 °C) for less than 15 minutes. Addition of mild saponifiers is acceptable. Do not use commercial dishwasher detergents.For faster cleaning, solvents may be used. Exercise care in choos-ing solvents as some may chemically attack the nylon package. Maximum exposure should not exceed two minutes at elevated tem-peratures. Acceptable solvents are TF (trichlorotrifluorethane), T A, 111 T richloroethane, and unheated acetone.(1)Note:1)Acceptable commercial solvents are: Basic TF, Arklone, P.Genesolv, D. Genesolv DA, Blaco-T ron TF and Blaco-T ron T A.2006-01-2310Unacceptable solvents contain alcohol, methanol, methylene chloride, ethanol, TP35, TCM, TMC, TMS+, TE, or TES. Since many commercial mixtures exist, contact a solvent vendor for chemical composition information. Some major solvent manufac-turers are: Allied Chemical Corporation, Specialty Chemical Divi-sion, Morristown, NJ; Baron-Blakeslee, Chicago, IL; Dow Chemical, Midland, MI; E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Wilming-ton, DE.For further information refer to Appnotes 18 and 19 atAn alternative to soldering and cleaning the display modules is to use sockets. Naturally, 28 pin DIP sockets 7.62 mm (0.300") wide with 2.54 mm (0.100") centers work well for single displays. Multi-ple display assemblies are best handled by longer SIP sockets or DIP sockets when available for uniform package alignment. Socket manufacturers are Aries Electronics, Inc., Frenchtown, NJ; Garry Manufacturing, New Brunswick, NJ; Robinson-Nugent, New Albany, IN; and Samtec Electronic Hardward, New Albany, IN.For further information refer to Appnote 22 at Optical ConsiderationsThe 3.68 mm (0.145") high character of the SCD558XA gives readability up to eight feet. Proper filter selection enhances read-ability over this distance.Using filters emphasizes the contrast ratio between a lit LED and the character background. This will increase the discrimination of different characters. The only limitation is cost. T ake into consider-ation the ambient lighting environment for the best cost/benefit ratio for filters.Incandescent (with almost no green) or fluorescent (with almost no red) lights do not have the flat spectral response of sunlight. Plas-tic band-pass filters are an inexpensive and effective way to strengthen contrast ratios. The SCD558XA are red/super-red dis-plays and should be matched with long wavelength pass filter in the 570 nm to 590 nm range. The SCD558XA should be matched with a yellow-green band-pass filter that peaks at 565 nm. For dis-plays of multiple colors, neutral density grey filters offer the best compromise.Additional contrast enhancement is gained by shading the dis-plays. Plastic band-pass filters with built-in louvers offer the next step up in contrast improvement. Plastic filters can be improved further with anti-reflective coatings to reduce glare. The trade-off is fuzzy characters. Mounting the filters close to the display reduces this effect. Take care not to overheat the plastic filter by allowing for proper air flow.Optimal filter enhancements are gained by using circular polarized, anti-reflective, band-pass filters. The circular polarizing further enhances contrast by reducing the light that travels through the fil-ter and reflects back off the display to less than 1%.Several filter manufacturers supply quality filter materials. Some of them are: Panelgraphic Corporation, W. Caldwell, NJ; SGL Homa-lite, Wilmington, DE; 3M Company, Visual Products Division, St. Paul, MN; Polaroid Corporation, Polarizer Division, Cambridge, MA; Marks Polarized Corporation, Deer Park, NY, Hoya Optics, Inc., Fremont, CA.One last note on mounting filters: recessing displays and bezel assemblies is an inexpensive way to provide a shading effect in overhead lighting situations. Several Bezel manufacturers are: R.M.F. Products, Batavia, IL; Nobex Components, Griffith Plastic Corp., Burlingame, CA; Photo Chemical Products of California, Santa Monica, CA; I.E.E.–Atlas, Van Nuys, CA.Microprocessor InterfaceThe microprocessor interface is through the serial port, SPI port or one out of eight data bits on the eight bit parallel port and also con-trol lines SDCLK and LOAD.Power Up SequenceUpon power up display will come on at random. Thus the display should be reset at power-up. The reset will set the Address Regis-ter to Digit 0, User RAM is set to 0 (display blank) the Control Word is set to 0 (100% brightness with Lamp T est off) and the internal counters are reset.2006-01-23112006-01-2312Cascading Multiple DisplaysMultiple displays can be cascaded using the CLKSEL and CLK I/O pins as shown below. The display designated as the Master Clock source should have its CLKSEL pin tied high and the slaves should have their CLKSEL pins tied low. All CLK I/O pins should be tied together. One display CLK I/O can drive 15 slave CLK I/Os. Use RST to synchronize all display counters.Loading Data Into the DisplayUse following procedure to load data into the display:1.Power up the display.2.Bring RST low (600 ns duration minimum) to clear the Multiplex Counter, Address Register, Control Word Register,User Ram and Data Register. The display will be blank. Display brightness is set to 100%.3. If a different brightness is desired, load the proper brightness opcode into the Control Word Register.4. Load the Digit Address into the display.5. Load display row and column data for the selected digit.6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all digits.2006-01-2313Data Contents for the Word “Displays”Step D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0FunctionAB (optional) 1101110000010B B BCLEARBRIGHTNESS SELECT1 2 3 4 5 6101000001010011100100001111010001100011000111110DIGIT D0 SELECTROW 0 D0 (D)ROW 1 D0 (D)ROW 2 D0 (D)ROW 3 D0 (D)ROW 4 D0 (D)7 8 9 10 11 12101000001010011100100010111000100001000010001110DIGIT D1 SELECTROW 0 D1 (I)ROW 1 D1 (I)ROW 2 D1 (I)ROW 3 D1 (I)ROW 4 D1 (I)13 14 15 16 17 18101000001010011100100100111110000011100000111110DIGIT D2 SELECTROW 0 D2 (S)ROW 1 D2 (S)ROW 2 D2 (S)ROW 3 D2 (S)ROW 4 D2 (S)19 20 21 22 23 24101000001010011100100111111010001111101000010000DIGIT D3 SELECTROW 0 D3 (P)ROW 1 D3 (P)ROW 2 D3 (P)ROW 3 D3 (P)ROW 4 D3 (P)25 26 27 28 29 30101000001010011100101001000010000100001000011111DIGIT D4 SELECTROW 0 D4 (L)ROW 1 D4 (L)ROW 2 D4 (L)ROW 3 D4 (L)ROW 4 D4 (L)31 32 33 34 35 36101000001010011100101010010001010111111000110001DIGIT D5 SELECTROW 0 D5 (A)ROW 1 D5 (A)ROW 2 D5 (A)ROW 3 D5 (A)ROW 4 D5 (A)37 38 39 40 41 42101000001010011100101101000101010001000010000100DIGIT D6 SELECTROW 0 D6 (Y)ROW 1 D6 (Y)ROW 2 D6 (Y)ROW 3 D6 (Y)ROW 4 D6 (Y)43 44 45 46 47 48101000001010011100101110111110000011100000111110DIGIT D7 SELECTROW 0 D7 (S)ROW 1 D7 (S)ROW 2 D7 (S)ROW 3 D7 (S)ROW 4 D7 (S)Note:If the display is already reset at Power Up, there is no need for Software Clear.2006-01-2314User Definable Character Set Examples*Upper and Lower Case AlphabetsNumerals and Punctuation*CAUTION: No more than 128 LEDs “on” at one time at 100% brightness. 2006-01-2315User Definable Character Set Examples* (continued) Scientific Notations, etc.Foreign Characters*CAUTION: No more than 128 LEDs “on” at one time at 100% brightness.2006-01-23162006-01-2317P ublished byOSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbHWernerwerkstrasse 2, D-93049 Regensburg © All Rights Reserved.Attention please!The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics.Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact our Sales Organization. If printed or downloaded, please find the latest version in the Internet.PackingPlease use the recycling operators known to you. We can also help you – get in touch with your nearest sales office. By agreement we will take packing material back, if it is sorted. You must bear the costs of transport. For packing material that is returned to us unsorted or which we are not obliged to accept, we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred.Components used in life-support devices or systems must be expressly authorized for such purpose! Critical components 1) may only be used in life-support devices or systems 2) with the express written approval of OSRAM OS.1) A critical component is a component used in a life-support device or system whose failure can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect its safety or the effectiveness of that device or system.2)Life support devices or systems are intended (a) to be implanted in the human body, or (b) to support and/or maintain and sustain human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health and the life of the user may be endangered.Revision History:2006-01-23 Previous Version:2005-01-10Page Subjects (major changes since last revision)Date of change allLead free device2006-01-23。
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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 DCLK DISP HS VS DE NC GND XR YD XL YU Data clk Display ON/OFF control. Internally pulled high Horizontal sync input in RGB mode Vertical sync input in RGB mode Data Enable No connection Ground T/p X-Right(No connection) T/p Y-Bottom(No connection) T/p X-Left(No connection) T/p Y-Up(No connection)
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1. General Specifications
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 LCD size Driver element Resolution Display mode Dot pitch Active area Module size Surface treatment Color arrangement Interface Backlight power consumption Panel power consumption Weight Note 1: Refer to Mechanical Drawing. Item Specification 5.0 inch(Diagonal) a-Si TFT active matrix 800× 3(RGB) × 480 Normally White, Transmissive 0.135(W) ×0.135(H) mm 108(W) ×64.8 (H) mm 120.7(W) ×75.8(H) ×4.2(D) Anti-Glare RGB-stripe Digital TBD TBD TBD mm Note 1 Remark
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