1--4页 高中英语书面表达必备句子翻译练习

Module 1 Unit 11. 在三鹿有毒奶粉事件曝光后,家长们为该给孩子吃什么而忧虑。
(expose; be concerned about)2. 好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人。
(share…with)3. 我很感激你的建议,它帮助了我与同学们融洽相处。
(be grateful, advice, get along with)4. 这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。
(the first time, communicate with)5. 当我们在游泳池边玩的时候, 那个淘气的男孩故意把我推到了水里。
(while… doing, on purpose)6. 爱好是不会让你感到厌倦的—你投入的时间越长,乐趣越多(the more… the more; devote to; get tired of).7. 计算机使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也能面对面地交流, 这彻底改变了我们的生活。
(make …possible;8. 每当考试遇到很多难题的时候,我首先告诉自己要平静下来。
(a series of, calm down)9.根据新闻报道,是天气决定神舟七号发射的准确时间。
(according to, it is ….that强调句)10. 为了实现他的冠军梦,他在过去十年里经历了许多的艰辛。
(in order to, suffer)Module 1 Unit 21.现在, 每年有超过100万的旅客来广州观光旅游. (at present, more than)2. 他们的友谊是建立在多年相互开放沟通的基础上的. (base … on, communication)3. 我们要充分利用我们现有的资源. (make use of, resources)4. 我们应该积极参加社区服务. 这样可以丰富我们的生活. (take part in, enrich)5. 不管你相不相信, 我们已经逐渐地可以用英语流利地表达自己了。

He set off for Shanghai in the hope of finding a good job there.He set out for Shanghai in hopes of finding a good job there.2.虽然他是个孩子,但他知道的很多。
Although/Though he is a child, he knows a lot.Child as/though he is, he knows a lot.3.我建议我们举行一个英语晚会。
I suggest that we (should) hold an English evening party.I suggest our holding an English evening party.My suggestion is that we (should) hold an English evening party.4.艰苦的工作使他获得了成功。
His hard work led to / resulted in his success.His success resulted from his hard work.He succeeded as a result of his hard work.The reason for his success /why he succeeded was that he worked very hard.It was because of his hard work that he succeeded.He succeeded as a result of his hard work.5. 穿着红色羊毛衫的那个女孩是我们班长。
The girl (who is) dressed in a red sweater is our monitor.The girl dressing herself in a red sweater is our monitor.The girl (who is) wearing a red sweater is our monitor.The girl in a red sweater is our monitor.6. 我母亲喜爱音乐。

高中英语写作单句翻译练习1. 保持生态平衡很重要。
2. 懒汉谋生日益艰难。
3. 夏天到湖里游泳多有趣呀!4. 我们多兴奋啊!5. 如何处理垃圾是个大问题。
6. 他的爱好是晚饭后下棋。
7. 我对他的话深感失望。
8. 他的演讲鼓舞人心。
9. 他不知道是否该去那里。
10. 他认为帮助别人是他的责任。
11. 我盼望收到你的回信。
12. 他一定要我们俩都接受邀请。
13. 请接受我诚挚的歉意,我昨晚没参加宴会。
14. 谢谢你在英语上给予我的帮助。
15. 我们听到他大声唱歌。
16. 我回到家时,发现客人已走了。
17. 她发现房间收拾得井井有条。
18. 他总是第一个来,最后一个走。
19. 一个人开着车从北京赶来。
20. 现在讨论的问题必须保密。
21. 我多么懊悔在林间和田野里浪费那么多时间!22. 她轻轻地走进来,以免吵醒睡觉的孩子。
23. 他回到家里,发现老朋友Tom正在等他。
24. 海水太冷,不能游泳。
25. 我们爬到塔顶,看到一片美景。
26. 如果照管得好些,这些树会长得好些。
27. 他气喘喘地跑到她面前。
28. 老师走进教室,后面跟着几个来访者。
29. 女孩一个人坐在那里,陷入深思。
30. 鱼必须呆在水里,否则会死。
31. 要努力工作,否则不会成功。
32. 那就是他所住的地方。
33. 他失败的原因是他太依赖别人了。
34. 站在那儿的高个子是我弟弟。
35. 书在桌上,你放在那里的。
36. 只有你的话他才可能听。
37. 我每次见到她,她都在读书。
38. 把它放在原来的地方。
39. 无论到哪,雷锋都乐于助人。
40. 机会这样好,我们可不能失掉。
41. 大声点,以便大家都能听见。
42. 他讲得很慢,以便让人人都能听见。
43. 只要你努力,就能通过英语考试。
44. 不管喜欢与否,你非做不可。
45. 他经常受表扬,但从不骄傲。
46. 我除了学英语,还学法语。
47. 这件事对你我都很重要。
48. 他不光给我钱,还给我建议。

100个高中英语写作汉译英句子翻译练习(含答案)100个高中英语写作汉译英句子翻译练习1. 那时他没有意识到发生了什么事情。
(be aware)2. 站在陌生人面前时,她不敢大声说好话。
(dare)3. 我们要求酒后驾车的人必须受到严厉的惩罚。
(demand v)4. 我的故乡变化之大,超乎了我的预期。
(so…that)5. 飞机上的任何人都几乎没有从这次空难中侥幸存活的可能。
(survive)6. 既然你的英语很棒,你就应该在谋职时充分利用你的语言优势。
(make use of)7. 坏习惯一旦被养成了就很难被戒除。
(Once)8. 很难找到像Albert Einstein一样伟大的科学家。
(as…as)9. 毫无疑问,金钱有用但不是万能的。
(doubt n)10. 我喜欢购买一些值得反复阅读的好书籍。
(worth)11. 他讲英语特别流利,好像他是在英国长大的。
(as if)12. 我希望学生们都能在接下来的一年里不遗余力地学习各门功课。
(spare v)13. 他送给妈妈一朵康乃馨(carnation)作为母亲节的礼物。
(as prep)14. 我不知道你能否让我用一下你的电脑。
(wonder v)15. 未经深思熟虑,他不会做出任何决定的。
(without)16. 一天到晚,他总是命令别人该干什么。
(order v)17. 令我倍感欣慰的是,我的亲戚、朋友在那次地震中都没有受伤。
(relief)18. 她没有参加演讲比赛,这使她失去了一个锻炼英语口语的机会。
(非限制性定语从句)19. 很快你就会习惯戴眼镜的。
(before)20. 不尊重别人的人不能指望别人尊重他们。
(expect)21. 不管你多么聪明,不努力就不会成功。
(However)22. 当她见到寻找了多年的姐姐时,忍不住哭了起来。
(help v)23. 教室足够大,可以容纳下比你预料的还要多的学生。
(enough adv)24. 这项工程听起来很完美,但是否能实施还是个问题。

高考英语书面表达满分作文必练-一句多译100例-全1. 他宁愿工作,也不愿在家休息。
He would rather work than have a rest at home.He prefers to work than have a rest at home .He prefers working to having a rest at home.2. 虽然他累了,但他继续工作。
Though / Although he was tired, he went on working.Tired as / though he was, he went on working.He was tired, but he went on working.3. 他决不是傻子。
He is anything but a fool.He is not a fool at all.He is far from being a fool.He is by no means a fool4. 这个城市是那个城市的三倍那么大。
This city is there times as large as that one.This city is three times the size of that one.This city is twice larger than that one.5. 那个男孩为祖国献出了自己的生命。
The boy devoted his life to his country.The boy died for his country.The boy gave / lost his life for his country.6. 天下雨了,我们出不去。
The rain prevented us from going out.The rain stopped us from going out.The rain kept us from going out.7. 他只有服从命令别无选择。

1. 没有人能够预测未来的发展。
No one can predict the future development.2. 她太累了,无法继续前进。
She was too tired to carry on.3. 我不仅学习英语,还学习法语。
I study not only English but also French.4. 儿子放学后会去和他的朋友们一起踢足球。
My son will go and play football with his friends after school.5. 这本书非常有趣,我已经读了两遍了。
This book is very interesting. I have read it twice already.6. 如果你需要帮助,记得随时找我。
If you need help, remember to come to me anytime.7. 他每天早上都静静地坐在阳台上观察鸟类。
He sits quietly on the balcony and observes birds every morning.8. 我们应该善待他人,不论他们来自什么地方。
We should treat others well, no matter where they come from.9. 这个问题需要深入研究才能找到答案。
This question needs further research to find the answer.10. 她是一个非常有才华的音乐家,人们都为她的表演感到震撼。
She is a highly talented musician, and her performances leave people amazed.以上是高一英语句子翻译练习题及答案。

基本句型汉译英练习主谓结构说明:本结构是由主语加不及物的谓语动词构成, 常用来表示主语的动作。
如,The sun rises.主语可有修饰语---定语,如,The red sun rises.谓语可有修饰语---状语,如,The red sun rises in the east.翻译练习:1.你应当努力学习。
参考答案:1.You should study hard.2.She went home very late yesterday evening.3.That morning we talked a great deal.4.The meeting will last two hours.5.Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years.6.Things of that sort are happening all over the world every day.7.The May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.8.Classes begin at eight every day.9.This box weighs five kilos.10.I lived in Beijing five years ago.11.Alice swims very well.12.John’s father died last night.13.In autumn, some birds fly to the south.14.My grandfather gets up early in the morning.15.Every afternoon a lot of students come to the library to borrow books.基本句型汉译英练习主系表结构说明:本结构是由主语+系动词+表语组成,主要用以说明主语的特征,类属,状态,身份等。

1. 我们正在为明年的比赛做准备。
答案:We are preparing for next year's competition.2. 无论发生什么事情,你都可以依靠我。
答案:No matter what happens, you can rely on me.3. 这个问题很难回答。
答案:This question is difficult to answer.4. 我们必须采取行动解决这个问题。
答案:We must take action to solve this problem.5. 他们正在讨论如何实施新的政策。
答案:They are discussing how to implement the new policy.练习二:将以下英文句子翻译成中文,并附上答案。
1. The conference will be held in the main auditorium.答案:会议将在主要礼堂举行。
2. She is studying abroad to broaden her horizons.答案:她出国留学是为了开阔视野。
3. The government aims to reduce poverty through social welfare programs.答案:政府旨在通过社会福利计划减少贫困。
4. The company plans to expand its market share by launching new products.答案:公司计划通过推出新产品来扩大市场份额。
5. The teacher asked the students to complete the assignment by Friday.答案:老师要求学生们在星期五之前完成作业。

书面表达基本功训练句型翻译训练(一)句型1 主系表结构(连系动词be, turn, get, become, go, remain, stay, keep, smell, taste, look, sound, appear, seem等)Examples:1. Iron feels cold in winter.2. This idea sounds good.3. He looks young.1 这些天天气凉快。
2 房前的花很香。
3 这种苹果味道好。
答案:1. The weather remains cool these days.2. The flowers in front of the house smell nice.3. This kind of apple tastes good.句型2 主谓结构和主谓宾结构Examples:1. My father worked in Beijing last year.2 .They will plant 3000 trees next year.3 The teacher gave me an interesting book yesterday.1 太阳从东方升起从西方落下。
2 十年前他生活在美国。
3 年轻人喜欢听流行音乐。
4 下个月我们将去看望那些老人。
5 上周那个著名歌手给我们唱了许多歌曲。
6 他说他不能把照片给我看。
7 我妈妈上个月给我买了台电脑。
答案:1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.2. He lived in America ten years ago.3. Young people enjoy listening to pop music.4. We will visit the old people next month.5. This famous singer sang us a lot of songs last weekend.6. He said he couldn’t show the photo to me/show me the picture.7. My mother bought me a computer last month.句型3 There be /there lives/stands/must be1.我家房前有棵树。

These were the strengths and weaknesses of his argument.2.她得病后一直情绪低落。
She’s been feeling rather low since her illness.3.一阵愤怒的情绪迅速传遍人群。
A wave of anger swept through the crowd.4.我们通过说话学会说话。
We learn to speak through speaking.5.把你的想法坦率地告诉我。
Tell me straight what you think.6.他朝着相反的方向走去。
He walked in the opposite direction.7.他把到那里的方法给我们讲得十分清楚。
He gave us specific instructions on how to get there.8.很可惜这个始建与19世纪的工业城市没有吸引游客。
It is a pity that the industrial city built in the 19th century doesn't attract visitors.9.我的书法不及他。
My handwriting cannot compete with his.10.他向我们表达了谢意。
He expressed his thanks/ gratitude to us.11.他刚刚创造了一个跳高新记录。
He just set a new record for the high jump.12.他的演讲引起了公众注意。
His speech brought him into public notice.13.我们都需要饮食多样化。
We all need variety in our diet.14.这条路是死胡同,换句话说,它和别的路不相连,所以你开车过不去。

书面表达高级句型实操翻译练习100句(上)1~2018. 当今,社会上似乎有种共识,那就是上大学是成功的唯一通道。
19. 他正在努力实现他的目标。
20. 演讲过程中,他不时地参阅发言稿。
参考答案21~4021. 如果明天下雨,我们该怎么办呢?22. 非常偶然的是,我在书店里遇到了我的一个大学同学,我们已经有五年没有见面了。
23. 海洋的味道,让我想起了童年。
24. 放学的时候,我顺便拜访了乔治。
25. 父母应该尽力帮助孩子改掉上网玩游戏的坏习惯。
26. 我的车子坏了。
27. 我们如何能用更多的方法处理这个问题呢?28. 我们最好利用这次机会来提高我们的口语水平。
29. 他现在正处于困境,我们必须帮他渡过难关。
30. 有许多方法能解决这个问题,但是我们还是不能断定哪一种是最合适的。
31. 他似乎是一个难以接近的人,但是当别人遇到困难的时候,他总是很愿意帮助别人。
32. 对很多人来说,掌握一门外语不是一件容易的事。
33. 很显然,他已经意识到了有危险。
34. 尽管她努力控制,声音还是颤抖。
35. 幸运的是,在当地群众的帮助下,他在这次交通事故中幸存了下来。
36. 她的病情不是很严重,很快就好起来了。
37. 由于天气恶劣,所有航班被取消。
38. 由于没有公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。
39. 什么导致了火灾对警察来说是个谜。
40. 据说,医疗的疏忽导致了她的死亡。
参考答案21.①Assuming/ Providing / Provided / Supposing/ Suppose/ Assume it rains tomorrow, what should we do?②What if it rains tomorrow?22.①I happened to meet/It happened that I met one of my college mates in a bookshop.②Rather by accident /Quite by chance,in a bookstore I came across / ran into one of my schoolmates in college, whom I had never met with for 5 years.23.①The smell of the sea called up/brought back /reminded me of memories of my childhood.② Memories of my childhood were brought back by the smell of the sea.③ The memories of my childhood flooded back to my mind when I smelt the smell of the sea.24.① I dropped in at /called at the George's on my way home from school.② I dropped in on / called on George on my way home from school.25. Parents should do as much as they can/do whatever they can/try any possible means/make every effort to help children get rid of/cure them of their bad habit of playing computer games.26. My car is out of order/ doesn't work/ has broken down..③ It takes many people great efforts to have a good command of a foreign language.33.①Apparently,he has been conscious of the danger.②It is obvious/apparent/evident that he has realized/been aware of the danger.34.①Her voice was shaking/trembling, despite/in spite of all her efforts to control it.②All her efforts made, she still cannot stop/keep her voice from shaking.35.①So lucky was he that he got the assistance of the local people and survived the car accident.②Luckily/Fortunately,the local people came to his aid and saved his life from the traffic accident.36.①Not being seriously ill, she picked up soon/r ecovered from it soon afterwards.②There was nothing serious and she overcame it soon.37.①Weather being bad,all the flights have been cancelled.②The weather is really bad, for which all the flights have been called off.38. There being no bus,what we had to do was to walk home.39.① What resulted in/caused the fire puzzles/is a puzzle to the police.②What puzzles the police is what contributed to/led to the fire.③ The police are in a puzzle about/are puzzled about the cause of the fire.40.① Medical neglect was said to have contributed to/led to her death.② Her death was said to have resulted from medical neglect.③It was said that medical neglect had resulted in/was to blame for/ accounted for her death.41~5050. 卓别林被认为是最滑稽的演员之一。

He would rather work than have a rest at home.He prefers to work than have a rest at home .He prefers working to having a rest at home.2.固然他累了,但他持续工作。
Though / Although he was tired , he went on working.Tired as / though he was , he went on working.He was tired , but he went on working.3.他决不是傻子。
He is anything but a fool.He is not a fool at all.He is far from being a fool.He is by no means a fool.4.这个城市是那个城市的三倍那么大。
This city is there times as large as that one.This city is three times the size of that one.This city is twice larger than that one.5.那个男孩为祖国献出了自己的生命。
The boy devoted his life to his country.The boy died for his country.The boy gave / lost his life for his country.6.天下雨了,我们出不去。
The rain prevented us(from)going out.The rain stopped us(from)going out.The rain kept us from going out.7.他只有听从命令别无选择。

(promising)There is not doubt he is a promising painter.2.一方面,我喜欢这桌子的颜色,但另一方面,我不喜欢它的形状。
(on the one hand…on the other hand)On the one hand, I like the table’s color, on the other hand, I don’t like its shape.3、继续争辩下去没有意义了。
(argue)It is no meaning continue to argue.4.他们仔细地观察他们所感兴趣的东西。
(observe)They observe it carefully that they were interested5.他假装很勇敢,但结果是一个懦夫。
(turn out: coward)He pretended to brave, turn out he is a coward.He pretended to be brave, turn out he is a coward.6.他们对沉溺于计算机游戏的年轻人感到很忧虑。
(be concerned with, be addicted to)They are concerned with it who are addicted to computer games.7.你能告诉我他住在哪儿吗?(inform)Can you inform me where he lived?8.他毫不费力地完成了这项任务。
(without effort)He finished this task without effort.9.这家超市位于市中心。
(be located)The supermarket is located in center of the city,10.十分之九被采访到的妇女都说她们喜欢这种产品。
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1.I would like to ask you to write an article for the column,
“Voice of English”, of our school’s English newspaper.
2.This column is very popular among us students.
3.It carries articles written by foreign friends about “How to
learn English Well”.
4.Would you please write something about the learning
methods of listening, speaking, reading and writing?
5.We would especially welcome articles about the best way
to remember/memorize new words.
6.About 300 words would be fine.
7.Could I have your article before April 20th?
8.I’m looking forward to hearing from you..
9.Would you please write something about the changes of
food, clothing, housing and transportation in recent years?
10.By the way, your article may have a title made up by
11.How is everything going recently?
12.Currently, in order to welcome the new students, an
evening party will be held in our school.
13.As chairman of the Students’ Union, I’m writing to invite
you to join us.
14.Here is a brief schedule.
15.First, it will be held in the school meeting hall from 7:00
to 9:00 p.m. next Sunday.
16.Additionally, there will be many wonderful performances
presented by the teachers and students,such as singing, dancing, performing plays and so on.
17.Everyone is longing for your coming,and it would be
more cheerful if you could give a performance.
18.I have the confidence that we students would be extremely
delighted to see you.
19.Please let me know your decision if it is convenient for
20.I sincerely hope you can accept our invitation.。