Mad Men Season 01 Episode 07 - Red in the Face
广告狂人Mad Men第六季中英剧本第一集就是这样That's it.就是这样坚持住天啊That's it, hang in there. Woman: Oh, my God!我的天啊Oh, my God."在我们人生的旅途中"Midway in our life's journey,我偏离了笔直的大道I went astray from the straight road醒来发现自己孤单单一个人and woke to find myself alone身处黑暗的森林中"in a dark wood."谢谢Mahalo.继续记在二百二十八套房的账上It's still suite .我们晒了多久了How long has it been?我不能晒得太黑他们会解雇我的Can't get too suntanned,they'll fire me.你一定是弄进水了Oh, you must have gotten it wet.我看看Let me see.算了谁在乎现在是几点You know what? Who cares what time it is?你肯定不会喜欢那样的You would not have liked that.你绝对不会喜欢那样的You wouldn't have liked it at all.我沿着沙滩一直走远离人群I had to walk down the beach away from the crowds到达一个冲浪用品店去敲一个挂着停业牌的门to this surf shop and knock on a door with a closed sign.那边实在是太破了It was so seedy down there.而且我得从这里拿钱出来Plus, I had to get my money from here.来吧Come on.我知道你抽过但你没有在抽嗨了以后做爱I know you've tried it,but you haven't had sex high.那样会痛快强烈得多It makes it so much more intense.你们盘中的一切食物Everything you see on your plate is what you would find都是能上台面的夏威夷皇家盛宴in a royal Hawaiian feast.那个紫色的布丁是芋泥饼That purple pudding is poi.虽然很奇怪但绝对美味哦It's strange, but satisfying.我们夏威夷人称之为"奥布"And we Hawaiians say that it's ono,意思就是很好吃which means tasty.但你们或许会说"噢不我不要吃那个"But you might just say,"Ono, I'm not eating that."这是正宗的夏威夷食物This is real Hawaiian food.那个通心粉沙拉也是Even the macaroni salad.不过当然了在皇家夏威夷酒店But, of course,at the Royal Hawaiian,我们把每个顾客都当做...we try to treat every guest like they're这边什么都要好一些Well, everything is better here.我想也是I'm sure it is.要在天堂之地脱颖而出一定花了不少心思It must take a lot of work to stand out in paradise.唐你真得尝尝这个Don, you have to try this.不用了那简直是贴墙纸的浆糊Oh, don't bother.It's wallpaper paste.吃那个猪肉吧Just eat the pig.当你们逗留在这迷人的Now, while you stay with us at the lovely,美丽的皇家夏威夷酒店时beautiful Royal Hawaiian,请务必乘车或乘船去观赏风光秀丽的钻石山make sure you see enchanted Diamond Head以及夏威夷群岛的其他自然景观and all of the natural by bus or by boat. wonders of the island 去大厅预订我们导游带队的路线会更省心It's easy if you book one of our guided tours in the lobby.阿罗哈[问候语]Aloha.来来跳舞吧Come. Come dance.绝对不是我安排的I've got nothing to do with this.去嘛唐Go ahead, Don.别勉强他了亲爱的Leave him alone, honey.我想去跳I want to do it.不你得这样跳No, you have to do it like this.你必须完全放松You have to relax.感受小岛轻松的氛围Get in the spirit of the islands.大家都叫我夏威夷猫王They call me the Hawaiian Elvis.先生们容我提醒一下Gentlemen, I remind you,这是我的工作而已this is my job.别笑了不然我让她们再来邀请你Stop laughing or I'll make them come back for you.不好意思凯琳我冒昧打扰了Excuse me, Corinne. I hate to bother you.我知道你的名字不是凯琳I mean, I know your name's not Corinne.不我叫梅根No, It's Megan Calvet.天啊我真的打扰到你了不真没有Oh, my goodness. I'm really bothering you. No, not at all.你比电视上苗条显瘦得多有人跟你说过这一点吗You're so much trimmer than you are on TV. Do people tell you that?我没有《相爱相扶》是我最爱的剧I no. "To Have and to Hold" is my favorite.我看过一些你显然是来度假的I mean, I watch a few, and you're obviously on vacation.没关系的我知道你才加入《伯克希尔瀑布》It's okay. Well, I know you're new to "Berkshire Falls,"但我可以告诉你你有演戏的天赋but I can tell you you just have a way.非常感谢Thank you so much.你能给我侄女签个名吗Would you mind signing an autograph to my niece?她比我更迷你呢She's a bigger fan than I am.我很乐意I'd be delighted.她叫什么名字凯伦What's her name? Karen.跟凯琳很像It's like Corinne.我真不敢相信维克多不肯公开承认你I can't believe Victor won't acknowledge you.我们静待剧情的后续发展吧Well, we'll see what happens.祝您玩得愉快Enjoy your stay.那些女人真的认出我了Those women really knew me.其中一个来自明尼苏达州One of them was from Minnesota.我都不知道那边也在播我演的剧I didn't even know they had the show there.我爱这里I love it here.格洛威你想再来一杯吗Hey, Galloway, you want another?给我一大杯的啤酒快点Can I get a tall beer? Chop chop.先生你有看到他动过吗So, mister,has he moved at all?你要么是死了要么就是平衡感超好Well, you're either dead or you've got great balance.你服过役吗Hey, were you in the service?我也有个一样的I got the same one.你是哪个部队的陆军What branch? Army.你说得太好了You can say that again.朝鲜战场吗待过一阵Korea? Briefly.朝鲜跟这里一样吗Was Korea like this?我告诉你军队让你在火奴鲁鲁享受休息调整'Cause I'll tell you, they offer you R&R in Honolulu你会想有谁注意到这地方也没什么不同吗and you think, "Did anybody notice it's the same place?"但我可以说我很高兴能来这里But I'm glad to be here, I can tell you that.你是趁结婚纪念日来玩的吗You on your anniversary?现在的人都很友善Folks have been pretty friendly.经过去年夏天在本土发生的那一堆烂事After all the shit that went on last summer Stateside, 我原本还想找人打架呢I was looking for a fight.那就太帅气了戴着淤黑的眼眶上场That'd be classy showing up with a black eye.这是我的"告别单身"派对This is my bachelor party.我明天就要结婚了I'm getting married tomorrow.恭喜了我请你喝杯酒吧Congratulations. Let me buy you a drink.不用了我获得了一大笔参战补贴Nah, I got a shitload of combat pay.还是我请你吧Let me buy you one.你是宇航员吗You some kind of astronaut?我是做广告的I'm in advertising.我们有一种点的机关枪We got this . caliber machine gun.勃朗宁MThe M.你真该看看它是怎么打死一头水牛的You should see what it does to a water buffalo.老天血都能把这地方染红了Oh, my Lord. I could paint this place red.你还剩多少时间How long do you have left?婚礼是明早八点Ceremony's at .大约四个小时吧Four hours or so.不我是说去越南No, in Vietnam.八个月Eight months.有人告诉她结了婚的男人命大些Someone told her married guys live longer因为他们有活下去的动力'cause they got something to live for.她来自圣地亚哥She's from San Diego.是个墨西哥人She's Mexican.她在夏威夷之旅的途中认识了我She met me halfway in Hawaii.我为了哄她开心勉强答应结婚I met her halfway by getting married.你在朝鲜服役的时候结婚了吗Were you married when you were in Korea?没有No.你成功活下来了And you made it.听着中尉Listen, Lieutenant.我们不如来惹点麻烦吧What do you say we get into some trouble?我是一等兵丁金斯It's PFC Dinkins, by the way.一般都是印在这儿的It's usually printed right there.唐Don.你愿意陪新娘走红毯吗So how do you feel about giving away the bride?你觉得你朋友醒不过来吗You don't think your friend's gonna make it?他是我的伴郎Nah, he's my best man.她家在圣思多罗Her family's in San Ysidro.我可不想让那些酒店打杂的当她爸And I don't want some hotel employee being her dad.他们长得跟敌人差不多They look just like the enemy.我说错了吗Am I wrong?这儿有很多美国兵就没有你认识的吗There's plenty of GIs here. There's no one else you know?你的新娘是谁陪着走红毯的Who gave your bride away?我很愿意帮你可你都不认识我I'd love to help you out, but you don't even know me.我觉得你以后会后悔的I think you'd regret it later.我相信善有善报恶有恶报I believe in what goes around comes around.也许哪天我会成为升入天堂的老兵One day I'm gonna be a veteran in paradise.也许哪天我也会半夜失眠One day I'll be the man who can't sleep和陌生人聊天and talks to strangers.我詹姆斯愿意娶你康妮做我的合法妻子I, James, take you, Connie,for my lawful wife,从今相扶相爱直到永远to have and to hold from this day forward.无论顺境或逆境无论富有或贫穷For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,无论健康或疾病in sickness and in health,至死不渝until death do us part.但你做错什么了What were you doing wrong?很抱歉警官天太黑了看不清I'm so sorry, Officer. It's very hard to see.所以你得缓慢行驶That's why you have to drive slower.我们一般不要求限速但路面结冰了We go easy on the speed limit here, but not with this ice. 我以后会注意的I promise I will do that in the future.但我恐怕你已经违规了I'm afraid this is about what you already did.你或许不知道她就是贝蒂?弗朗西斯You may not be aware,but this is Betty Francis.你该认识她丈夫我儿子亨利?弗朗西斯You may know her husband,my son, Henry Francis.他在曼哈顿的市长办公室为林赛市长效劳He works in the mayor's office in Manhattan. Mayor Lindsay.我为纽约州效力我们有自己的市长I work for New York State. We've got our own mayor.你不必如此冷嘲热讽年轻人I'll do without your sarcasm, young man.如果你不介意Now, if you don't mind,我认为皆大欢喜的做法就是I think all concerned will be very content对我们做出严厉警告然后让我们走人if you issue a stern warning and let us be on our way. 宝琳Pauline.我尽量忍着不动用铲车来把你们拖走I'm trying to avoid taking you off the road with a shovel.她开车时像个疯子She's driving like a maniac.吼醒她Yell at her.我讨厌警察I hate cops.胡说他们只是履行职责而已Nonsense. They're just doing their job.他们也太一腔热血了Well, they're too enthusiastic.真扫兴气氛都被他毁了That ruined it. That ruined everything.我想不出有什么比这更阴郁的了I can't imagine it getting any darker than this.我妈妈死了My mom's dead.《胡桃夹子》怎么样How was "The Nutcracker"?精彩至极一如既往地迷人The highlight of the evening. Magical as always.博比吉恩和我很遗憾没能一起去Well, Bobby, Gene, and I are sorry we missed it.没什么比那个芭蕾更美妙对吧儿子们Nothing like the ballet, right, boys?桑迪留下过夜吗Is Sandy sleeping over?关你什么事What do you care?没人想说点什么吗Isn't somebody going to say something?贝蒂得到一张罚单Betty got a ticket.为什么For what?我以为是超速驾驶I thought it was going to be speeding,结果是鲁莽驾驶but apparently it's reckless driving.我想让你告诉你妻子I want you to tell your wife跟警察交涉时提你的名字that invoking your name in an interaction with a state trooper不是什么丢人的事is nothing to be ashamed of.妈妈我本人在场都没什么用Ma, it barely works for me.宝琳奶奶还冲他吼了呢Then Grandma Pauline yelled at him.我才没吼他干什么了I did nothing of the sort. What did he do?他出言不逊把罚单给他He was verbally abusive. Give him the ticket.他会解决的他帮所有人解决这种问题He'll fix it. He does it for everyone.妈妈你知道我怎么解决那些罚单吗Ma, you know how I fix those tickets?我老老实实交钱I pay 'em.可以打开吗Can I open it? Mmhmm.走开小怪物Get away, you little weirdo.我喜欢这个琴盒像个棺材I like the case. It looks like a coffin.要是能为我们拉上一曲就好了Would you play a little? That'd be nice.我不知道I don't know.拉一曲吧每次听都很有感觉Please. It makes me feel so much.真恶心别让他们勉强你This is disgusting. Don't let them force you.你已经练了很长时间了吗Have you been playing long?她下学期要去朱利亚德艺术学院了朱利亚德She's going to Juilliard next semester. Juilliard?原来站在我们面前的少女竟然是个神童Why didn't you tell me we were in the presence of a prodigy?岁不能叫神童了吧is not a prodigy.不好意思刚刚在检查蒸汽Sorry about that. Checking the steam.玩得怎么样很好How was your trip? Wonderful.温暖我可不怀念这里的冷天气Warm. I did not miss this.你感觉怎么样How are you feeling?让我来Let me in there.没事的乔纳西It's okay, Jonesy.老天他真名叫什么我不知道Jesus, what's his real name? I don't know.解开他的大衣解开他的大衣Open his coat. Open his coat.希维娅叫救护车Sylvia, call an ambulance.前台有部电话There's a phone at the desk.好了乔纳西听我说话Okay, Jonesy, keep listening to me.加油我知道你能听见Come on, I know you can hear me.撑住Come on.让我来拿吧Let me get those.不敢劳烦没想到你回来工作了Absolutely not. I'm surprised you're back at work.我老婆等不及要把我赶出来Oh, the missus couldn't wait to get me out of the house.我才不信等等I don't believe it. Oh, wait.邮差昨天给你送剧本来了Messenger came with your script yesterday.我一直小心保管着I didn't let it out of my sight.我送给你一瓶好酒作为圣诞礼物I got you a pretty nice bottle for Christmas怕你看不懂我写的字提前告诉你一下in case you can't read the handwriting.那你恐怕得送给罗森医生一整箱了Well, I hope you got Dr. Rosen a case.我以为你睡前不会再看那个了呢I thought you were going to stop reading that before bed.我今晚没感觉到烦心It's not bothering me tonight.我猜也是I bet it isn't.你听了小提琴之后可真是平静啊You're so calm from all that violin.她拉得很棒She plays beautifully.你当时和博比的表情一模一样You and Bobby had the same look on your face when she was playing.她只比萨丽大一岁你可真下流She's a year older than Sally. Shame on you.没人会责怪我因喜爱少女音乐天才而冷落你No one would blame me for leaving you for a teenage musician.她就在隔壁She's just in the next room.你不如进去把她强暴了吧Why don't you go in there and rape her?我帮你按住她的手贝蒂你他妈在想什么I'll hold her arms down. Betty, what the hell? 你说过你想增添点情趣You said you wanted to spice things up.我在场会不会扫兴Will it ruin it if I'm there?其实如果你想和她独处You know what? If you want to be alone with her,我可以穿上家居服带萨丽去兜风I'll put on my housecoat and take Sally for a ride.你可以用胶布粘住她的嘴以免吵醒孩子们You can stick a rag in her mouth and you won't wake the boys.够了贝蒂All right. All right, Betty.天呐你脸红了My goodness. You're blushing.她竟然把滑门开着She left the sliding door open.地毯上全是灰There's dirt all over the rug.她也许是想让屋子透透气Maybe she wanted to air out the place.她显然没打算把清洁作为圣诞礼物送给我们了I'm gonna take the cleaning out of her Christmas present.只有一个场景One scene.我帮人拿大衣给他们端饮料I take somebody's coat and offer them a drink.你演的是女仆那可比我们家女仆干得活多You're the maid. It's more than ours does.就一个场景唐他们让我去打包行李One scene, Don. They send me to pack suitcases.你的还是他们的Yours or theirs?维克多的Victor's.如果我是维克多的话我就该担心了Then I'd be worried if I was Victor.我就不该去度假I shouldn't have gone on vacation.你大半夜不睡在干什么What are you doing up?我睡不着我不想吵醒萨丽I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to wake Sally,虽然地板总是咯吱作响although you have the creakiest floor.老房子了你至少该把灯打开It's an old house. At least turn on a light.你饿了吗Are you hungry?你准备做东西吃吗Are you gonna have something?是的Yes,但我现在这个时节得悠着点but I really have to be careful this time of year.为什么Why?我在减肥I'm trying to reduce.你何不保持真我的风采你很漂亮Why don't you just be the way you are? You're beautiful.你的小嘴可真甜That's charming and you know it.我妈妈总是穿着紧身褡My mother wore a girdle all the time导致她经常胃痛我就想and she always had a stomachache and I always thought,"你为了讨老爸欢心宁愿忍受胃痛吗""You'd rather have a stomachache just so Dad will like you?"桑迪Sandy,我妈妈几年前去世了my mother passed away a few years ago我理解你的心情and I understand.这段时间是最难熬的This time of year is the hardest.亲爱的Oh, dear.我们家很高兴接纳你We're happy to include you in our family.我不能去朱利亚德艺术学院I can't go to Juilliard.我知道你的感受I know how you're feeling.我当时年纪比你大一些I was older than you, but I remember可我还记得我去上布林茅尔女院时心里害怕极了when I went to Bryn Mawr, I was terrified. 可当我... 不But then the minute I No.我根本就进不去I didn't get in.我的申请被拒绝了They rejected me.我能理解你为什么说谎Of course you'd lie about that.你明年还可以再试一次So you'll try again next year.跟大家说你想要先完成高中学业Tell everyone you wanted to finish high school.某些人编谎的速度可真快啊It's incredible how fast some people come up with lies.别这么刻薄Please don't do that.我已经错过了黄金年龄I'm old for a violinist.至少像我这样的资质已经太老了At least for one as good as I am.我不管我只想去纽约I don't care. All I wanted to do was go to New York.几年之后就行了In a few years.可那就太晚了But it'll be too late.我的心已经陷进去了My feet are already in wet cement.很多姑娘没去朱利亚德学院也很出色Plenty of girls do just fine without Juilliard.是啊你去上大学Sure, you go to college,遇到个男孩辍了学you meet a boy, you drop out,结了婚you get married,当他初涉社会时你在纽约苦撑了一年struggle for a year in New York while he learns to tie a tie,然后搬到了乡下又将这场灾难重新来过and then move to the country and just start the whole disaster over.你这说法太夸张了That's an arrogant exaggeration.你拥有很多东西You have so much.我没乞求这些也不需要这些I didn't ask for it and I don't need it.你不需要吗You don't need it?你尝过一无所有的滋味吗Do you know what it's like to have nothing?你尝过吗你为何总是侮辱我Do you? Why do you keep insulting me?我只是想帮你I'm trying to help.不你难道不好奇吗No, aren't you curious?格林尼治村里的那些人There are people in the Village.我读到过我甚至拜访过他们I read about it and I even visited them.你独自去城里了吗萨丽也去了吗You went to the city alone? Did Sally go with you?没No.但她说你去过But she told me you went.说你曾经当过模特That you were a model.没错Yes.我和另外个姑娘住在两间房里And I lived with five girls in two rooms喝着罐头汤and ate soup out of cans.一点都不光鲜It's not glamorous.但那种生活一定很棒But I bet it was great.那时候跟现在不一样It was different back then.那时没有骚乱与强盗There weren't all the riots and robberies.你看新闻吗Do you watch the news?我参观了一幢大厦I visited this building就坐落在圣马可大街上right off St. Mark's Place.孩子们自由自在地活着那很美好And the kids are just living and it's beautiful.你明白吗You know?只要有机会人自然就保持着民主作风People are naturally democratic if you give them a chance.你吸毒了吗Are you on dope?没No.可... 可But But...你得等到成年才能去过自在的生活you're going to wait until you're old enough to live on your own.那得等两年It's two years.那可算不上坐牢Hardly a jail sentence.你不是我的亲骨肉You know, you're not my child,所以我本没必要跟你说这些so there's no reason for me to say this,可我经常去听交响乐but I go to the symphony quite a bit,不管我喜欢与否whether I like it or not,但我很肯定你有那个天分and I am certain that you are talented.往好的方面想And on the bright side,如果你走了萨丽会心碎的Sally was crushed you were going away.你想去卫生间吗Want to use the bathroom?我感觉好多了可我还没I think I'm feeling better. I'm not.家里有胃药来不及了There's PeptoBismol. I think it's too late.我不喜欢素食I don't like vegetarian food.让我想起了大斋节Reminds me of Lent.没错那简直就是惩罚Exactly. It's a punishment.喂我找佩奇?奥尔森Hello? Peggy Olson, please.我就是佩奇你是哪位This is Peggy. Who is this?你看了卡森的节目吗你到底是谁Did you watch Carson? Who is this?我是伯特伯特?彼得森It's Burt. Burt Peterson.有什么事吗Oh. Is everything okay?我大半夜给你打电话我们完了佩奇I'm calling you at midnight. We're screwed, Peggy.我们现在处于三级戒备状态快要升到四级了We're at DEFCON . We're about to go to DEFCON .四级不如三级严重DEFCON is better than DEFCON .我跟你说过了一级才是最危急的状况I've told you that. One is the worst.那我们就是零级状态没有零级Then we're at zero. There is no zero.卡森提到的一件事让大家都了解到战争中的残酷Some comic on Carson was breaking everybody up with this routine about the war.伯特现在很晚了听你的声音好像不太舒服Burt, it's very late and you sound a little under the weather而且这个国家是有言论自由的and there's such a thing as free speech in this country.我会注意的高斯耳机想撤了我们的超级碗广告时段I could give a hoot. Koss Headphones wants to pull our Super Bowl spot.他不喜欢现在的文案He hates the line now."借我你的耳朵"吗那是莎士比亚的台词"Lend me your ears"? It's Shakespeare.反正那跟某事件扯上了关系Well, it's somehow related to something.总统我不知道我没看出来The president. I don't know. I didn't see it.你在听吗You there?在Yes.你得把你的广告改改So you got to change your ad.现在成我的广告了吗他想见面商量一下Now it's my ad? He wants to meet for a discussion.商量什么不知道一些"瑕疵" About what? I don't know. Something bad.我就直接引用客户的说法了I take the client's word for it.你得给泰德打电话干什么You've got to call Ted. About what?我都不知道问题何在I don't even know what the problem is.你来说比较好我挂了It's better coming from you. I've got to go.科罗拉多现在是几点What time is it in Colorado?不知道我现在什么都算不来I don't know. I can't do any math right now.完全不会算I can't do any math at all.求你了亲爱的别说话了Please, honey, don't talk.早上好Morning.我好像还没祝你圣诞快乐I guess I don't say Merry Christmas to you.留着跟希维娅说夏威夷之旅如何Save that for Sylvia. How was Hawaii?存于思念远在天边Long ago and far away.你们卖的相机是什么牌的What's that camera you guys are selling?宾得吗莱卡Pentax? Leica.哪款会改变我的生活呢And which model will change my life?跟大家一样我除了价格一无所知Like everybody else, I only know them by the price.你知道吗You know what?有空过来Come by.我有一整柜我送你一台吧I got a closetful. I'll give you one.别这样我会付钱的Come on. I'll pay for it.我愿意送一台给克里斯蒂?巴恩德[名医]I'd give one to Christiaan Barnard.我说不定真去I might just come by.就冲你这拍马屁的话你也得送我一台You owe me just for that comment alone.你现在就可以一起去不行You can come by right now. No.我有个手术要做到点可能做完后去吧I'm gonna be in surgery till :. Maybe after.记着你到我办公室来我才会去你那里Remember, you come by my office, I get to go to yours.又是一个美好的早晨罗森医生Another glorious morning, Dr. Rosen.没什么好事No good deed...我说不清I don't know.可能涉及到一个更深层次的问题Probably part of a deeper question.因为她们没一个是真正金发的对吧Because, I mean, none of them are really blonde anyway, right?她岁了She's years old.发色随年长而变深所以她可能是黑发女人Hair darkens by that age, so she's probably a brunette.也许她确实让我想起了简Maybe she does remind me of Jane.不我觉得不止是逢场作戏No, I think it's more than just distraction.你对我太苛刻了I think you're being hard on me.你刚刚用的词是"逢场作戏"You used the word "distraction."是吗看来我需要休假了Did I? Well, I need a vacation.我很忙非常忙I'm busy. I'm a busy man.我出现在那里人们总是会跟我问好I walk around that place, people say "Good morning" to me.他们其实并不在乎他们对我一无所知They don't really care. They don't know anything about me.天呐医生这都是为什么Oh, God, Doc, what is it all about?救救我Help me.我想说这是个笑话孩子I say I say that's a joke, son.我们讨论过这个什么We discussed this. What?不能你随便说什么我都得笑I can't laugh at everything you say.要么好笑要么不好笑Either it's funny or it's not.我不知道你怎么控制自己I don't know how you can control yourself.有时候是挺难的那个问题我们也谈过It's hard sometimes. We talked about that, too.你到底在取笑什么What exactly are you joking about?你明显不是在担心你很无趣You're obviously not afraid that you're boring.生命中最重要的事是什么What are the events in life?就好比你看见一扇门It's like you see a door.你第一次碰见时说The first time you come to it you say,门另一边是什么呢"Oh, what's on the other side of the door?"然后你开过几扇门之后Then you open a few doors.就会说我觉得我这次还是过桥吧Then you say, "I think I want to go over that bridge this time. 我厌倦门了最后你穿过了这些东西I'm tired of doors." Finally you go through one of these things来到了所谓的另一边结果你发现那边也还是这些东西and you come out the other side and you realize that's all there are门窗桥梁大铁门doors and windows and bridges and gates.打开的方式都一样And they all open the same way又在你身后关上and they all close behind you.听着生命应如一条长路你大步向前Look, life is supposed to be a path and you go along遇到各种各样的事情那些事情会改变你and these things happen to you and they're supposed to change you.改变你的方向结果发现根本不是这样Change your direction. But it turns out that's not true. 那些经历根本屁都不是It turns out the experiences are nothing.而只是你沿途从地上捡起来They're just some pennies you pick up off the floor,收入囊中的硬币而你其实一路笔直地stick in your pocket, and you're just going in a straight line通向终点to youknowwhere.你听起来很害怕You sound afraid.其实是恼怒More like irritated.你觉得是什么原因导致的And what do you think is causing that?最大的原因新年Top of the list, New Year's.就像多出了个生日It's like an extra birthday.你得吹灭蜡烛许下心愿You're supposed to blow out the candle and wish for something.我都不知道这是搞什么I don't even know what it is.你的圣诞过得怎么样How was your Christmas?跟过去五年一样被工作毁了Same as the last five ruined by work.你过得如何我是鳏夫佩奇How was yours? I'm a widower, Peggy.抱歉Oh. I'm sorry.显然《今夜秀》有很多笑话Apparently there was a bunch of jokes on the "Tonight Show,"关于士兵们在越南割耳朵一事in question, about soldiers cutting off ears in Vietnam.所以我们得另辟蹊径了And obviously we are gonna have to go in another direction.借我你的耳朵_他们说什么了What did they say?我没拿到Well, I wasn't able复件或抄本to obtain a copy or a transcript,但这位劳伦斯是一位热心观众but Lawrence here is a devout viewer.我不知道能不能做好I don't know if I can do it justice.闭嘴开始吧Just shut up and do it.他出来后开始说Well, he came out and started talking about南非的外科医生how that surgeon in South Africa移植心脏的事情他说transplanted a heart. And he says,我知道该给约翰逊总统送什么圣诞礼物了"Now I know what I'm getting President Johnson for Christmas."那人是谁我是劳伦斯Who is this guy? I'm Lawrence.不是我是说那个喜剧演员我们正在查No, the comedian. We're finding that out.你什么信息都没有我们知道主持人是菲丽丝?迪勒You have no information. We know the host was Phyllis Diller.继续说耳朵的事Get to the ears.我不记得他是怎么说到那事的Well, I don't remember how he got to it,但好像说的是什么but it was something about how第一例移植手术是在狗身上做实验的the first transplants they did were with dogs.所以肯定是混到一起了什么的So obviously there could be some sort of mixup or something.老爸要好一些但我们每次用开罐器他都会抓狂Dad's better, but he goes nuts every time we run the can opener.他很讨厌邮差什么的He hates the mailman or something.他不断把地毯弄脏And, oh, he keeps ruining the carpet.唯一能阻止他的就是把报纸卷起来敲打他的鼻子Only thing that stops him is hitting him on the nose with a rolledup newspaper.你到底还记不记得关于耳朵的那个笑话Do you remember the ear joke or not?他又说回到圣诞节一事上Well, he went back to Christmas.你听说过那些美国兵Did you hear about how there are these GIs发明了一种有趣的装饰品吗with interesting decorations?他们割下越共分子的耳朵'Cause they cut off the Vietcong's ears串成一圈像战利品一样挂在脖子上and wore them on a string around their neck like a trophy.他们真那样做了吗Oh. They really did that?不要忘了军事法庭的存在There's a courtmartial.他在卡森的节目上真用了越共这个词吗Did he actually say "Vietcong" on Carson?。
CriminalMinds(犯罪心理)名言 Season1◎Episode 1: Extreme Aggressor(2005.09.22)●The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary.Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad【约瑟夫·康拉德(波兰出生的英国作家):将邪恶的产生归结于超自然的因素是没有必要的,人类自身就足以实施每一种恶行。
】●Try again.Fail again.Fail better.——Samuel Beckett【Samuel Beckett(当代最著名的荒诞剧作家):再试,再失败,更好地失败。
】(Gideon片中台词)●Try not.Do or do not.——Y oda【尤达大师(『星球大战』中的主角):别试。
】(Morgan片中台词)●All is riddle,and the key to a riddle…is another riddle.——Emerson【爱默生(美国诗人、散文家、哲学家):所有的事物都是谜团,而解开一个谜的钥匙……是另一个谜。
】●The farther backward you can look,the farther forward you will see.——Winston Churchill【温斯顿·邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。
】●When you look long into an abyss,the abyss looks into you.——Nietzsche【尼采:当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。
】◎Episode 2: Compulsion(2005.09.28)●There are certain clues at a crime scene which,by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined.How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?——Dr. James T. Reese 【詹姆斯·瑞斯博士(美国精神创伤压力处理方面的专家):犯罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修三同步课件:Module 1 Europe1-1-1
2.across prep.横过,穿过;在……对面;与……交叉 adv.在对面;向对面 【教材原句】France is Europe's third largest country and faces the United 2. face 3. range 4. landmark
5. situated 6. symbol 7.located 8. project
9. civilisation 10. ancient
Ⅱ.重点短语 located________坐落于…… 2.because________由于 famous________因……而闻名 4.ever________自从……一直 5.of all________有史以来 6.work________从事,致力于 known________作为……而出名 8.________the coast of 在……海岸上 9.________design 故意 10.________the coast 离开海岸
across the room/field/bridge/river
across the world/China 在全世界/在全中国
come/run across
get across
across 表示从一个平面的一边到另一边,强调横过
同步 导练
生活大爆炸台词 第一季 01集
生活大爆炸第一季01[Leonard]: Agreed. What’s your point?[Sheldon]: There’s no point, I just think it’s a good idea for a t-shirt.[Leonard]: Excuse me.[Lady]: Hang on.[Leonard]: One across is “Aegean”. Eight down is “Nabokov”. 26across is “MCM”. 14down is…move your finger…”phylum” which makes 14 across port-au-prince”. See, “papa doc’s capital idea,” that’s “port-au-prince.” Haiti. [Lady]: Can I help you?[Leonard]: Yes. Is this the high-iq sperm bank?[Lady]: If you have to ask, maybe you shouldn’t be here.[Sheldon]: I think this is the place.[Lady]: Fill these out.[Leonard]: Thank you. We’ll be right back.[Lady]: Take your time. I’ll just finish my crossword puzzle. Oh wait.[Sheldon]: Leonard, I don’t think I can do this.[Leonard]: What, are you kidding? You are a semi–pro.[Sheldon]: No. we are committing genetic fraud. There’s no guarantee that our sperm is going to generate high-iq offspring. Think about that, I have a sister with the same basic dna mix who hostesses at Fuddruckers. [Leonard]: Sheldon, this was your idea. A little extra money to get fractional t-1 bandwidth in the apartment. [Sheldon]: I know, and I do yearn for faster downloads. But some poor woman who’s going to pin her hopes on my sperm...[Leonard]: I’m sure she’ll still love him.[Sheldon]: I wouldn’t.[Leonard]: Well, what do you want to do?[Sheldon]: I want to leave. What’s the protocol for leaving?[Leonard]: I don’t know…I’ve never reneged on a proffer of sperm before.[Sheldon]: Let’s try just walking out.[Sheldon]: Are you still mad about the sperm bank? You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?[Leonard]: Not really.[Sheldon]: If the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters, most people will trip.[Leonard]: I don’t care.Two millimeters…?That doesn’t seem right.[Sheldon]: No, it’s true, I did a series of experiments when I was 12, my father broke his clavicle.[Leonard]: Is that why they sent you to boarding school?[Sheldon]: No, that was a result of my work with lasers.[Leonard]: New neighbor?[Sheldon]: Evidently.[Leonard]: Significant improvement over the old neighbor.[Sheldon]: 200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? Yes, she is.[Leonard]: We don’t mean to interrupt. We live across the hall.[Penny]: Oh, that’s nice.[Leonard]: We don’t live together, I mean…we live together, but in separate, heterosexual bedrooms.[Penny]: Well. Guess I’m your new neighbor. Penny.[Leonard]: Well, welcome to the building.[Penny]: Thank you. Maybe we can have coffee sometime.[Leonard]: Should we have invited her for lunch?[Sheldon]: No, we’re gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.[Leonard]: We already watched the season two DVDs.[Sheldon]: Not with commentary.[Leonard]: I think we should be good neighbors. And invite her over, make her feel welcome.[Sheldon]: We never invited that person over.[Leonard]: And that was wrong of us. We need to widen our circle.[Sheldon]: I have a very wide circle. I have 212 friends on my space.[Leonard]: Yes, and you’ve never met one of them.[Sheldon]: That’s the beauty of it.[Leonard]: I’m gonna invite her over. We’ll have a nice meal and…chat.[Sheldon]: Chat? We don’t chat. At least not offline.[Leonard]: It’s not difficult. You just listen to what she says and then you say something appr opriate in response. [Sheldon]: To what end?[Leonard]: Anyway…we brought home Indian food. And I know that moving can be stressful, and I find that when I’m undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect. Also, curry is a natural laxative, and I don’t have to tell you that, you know, a clean colon is just…one less thing to worry about. [Sheldon]: I’m no expert, but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation, you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.[Penny]: You’re inviting me over to eat? Oh, that’s so nice. I’d love to. So, what do you guys do for fun around here? [Sheldon]: Today we tried masturbating for money.[Leonard]: Ok, make yourself at home.[Penny]: This looks like some serious stuff. Leonard, did you do this?[Sheldon]: Actually, that’s my work. Yeah, well, it’s just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory doodling around the edges. That part there, that’s just a joke.[Penny]: So you’re like one of those beautiful mind genius guys. This is really impressive.[Leonard]: I have a board. If you like boards, this is my board.[Penny]: Holy smokes.[Sheldon]: If by “holy smokes”, you mean a derivative restatement of the kind of stuff you can find scribbled on the wall of any men’s room at M.I.T, sure.[Leonard]: What?[Sheldon]: Come on. Who hasn’t seen this differential below “here I sit, broken-hearted”?[Leonard]: At least I didn’t have to invent 26 dimensions just to make the math come out.[Sheldon]: I didn’t invent them. They’re there.[Leonard]: In what universe?[Sheldon]: In all of them… that is the point.[Penny]: Do you guys mind if I start?[Sheldon]: Penny…that’s where I sit.[Penny]: So, sit next to me.[Sheldon]: No… I sit there.[Penny]: What’s the difference?[Sheldon]: Wha t’s the difference?[Leonard]: Here we go.[Sheldon]: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it’s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion. I can go on, but I think I’ve made my point.[Penny]: Do you want me to move?[Leonard]: Just sit somewhere else. Well, this is nice. We don’t have a lot of company over.[Sheldon]: That’s not true, Koothrappali and Wolowizt come over all the time.[Leonard]: Yes. I know, but…[Sheldon]: So don’t say we don’t have company.[Leonard]: Sorry.[Sheldon]: That is negative social implications.[Leonard]: I said I’m sorry![Penny]: So…klingon boggle?[Leonard]: Yeah. It’s like regular boggle, but… in klingon.That’s probably enough about us. So, tell us about you. [Penny]: Me? Ok. I’m a Sagittarius, w hich probably tells you way more than you need to know.[Sheldon]: Yes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion tha t the sun’s apparent position……somehow affects your personality.[Penny]: Participate in the what?[Leonard]: I think what Sheldon’s trying to say is that Sagittarius wouldn’t have been our first guess.[Penny]: Oh, yeah, a lot of people think I’m a water sign. Ok, let’s see, what else. Oh, I’m a vegetarian, expect for fish.And the occasional steak. I love steak.[Sheldon]: Well, that’s interesting. Leonard can’t process corn.[Leonard]: Well…do you have some sort of a job?[Penny]: Yeah, I’m a waitress at the cheesecake factory.[Leonard]: Oh~ I love cheesecake.[Sheldon]: You’re lactose-intolerant.[Leonard]: I don’t eat it…I just think it’s a good idea.[Penny]: Anyways, I’m also writing a screenplay. It’s about this sensitive girl who comes to L.A. from Lincoln, Nebraska, to be an actress and winds up a waitress at the cheesecake factory.[Leonard]: So, it’s based on your life.[Penny]: No, I’m from Omaha.[Leonard]: If that was a movie, I would go see it.[Penny]: I know, right? Ok, let’s see what else…guess that’s about it. That’s the story of Penny.[Leonard]: It sounds wonderful.[Penny]: It was. Until I fell in love with a jerk.[Sheldon]: What’s happening?[Penny]: God, you know, 4 years I lived with him. 4 years…that’s like as long as high school.[Sheldon]: It took you 4 years to get through high school?[Penny]: It just… I can’t believe I trusted him.[Leonard]: Should I say something? I feel like I should say something.[Sheldon]: You? No, you’ll only make it worse.[Penny]: You want to know the pathetic part? Even though I hate his lying, cheating guts…I still love him. Is that crazy? [Leonard]: No, it’s not crazy. It’s a…paradox. Paradoxes are part of nature. Think about light. If you look at Huygens, light is a wave, as confirmed by the double-slit experiments. But then along comes Albert Einstein, and discovers that light behaves like particles, too. Well, I didn’t make it worse.[Penny]: I’m so sorry. I’m such a mess. On top of everything else, I’m all gross from moving. And my stupid shower doesn’t even work.[Leonard]: Our shower works.[Penny]: Really? Would it be totally weird if I used it?[Leonard]: It’s right down the hall.[Penny]: Thanks. You guys are really sweet.[Sheldon]: Well, this is an interesting development.[Leonard]: How so?[Sheldon]: It has been some time since we’ve had a woman take her clothes off in our apartment.[Leonard]: That’s not true, remember at thanksgiving, my grandmother with Alzhei mer’s had that episode? [Sheldon]: Point taken. It has been some time since we’ve had a woman take her clothes off, after which we didn’t want to rip our eyes out.[Leonard]: The worst part was watching her carve that turkey.[Sheldon]: So what exactly are you going to accomplish here?[Leonard]: Excuse me?[Sheldon]: That woman is not going to have sex with you.[Leonard]: I’m not trying to have sex with her.[Sheldon]: Oh, good, then you won’t be disappointed.[Leonard]: What makes you think she wouldn’t have sex with me? I’m a male and she is a female.[Sheldon]: Yes, but not of the same species.[Leonard]: I’m not going to engage in hypotheticals here. I’m just trying to be a good neighbor.[Sheldon]: Oh, of course.[Leonard]: That’s not to say that if a carnal relationship were to develop, that I wouldn’t participate. However briefly. [Wolowitz]: Wait till you see this.[Koothrappali]: It’s fantastic, unbelievable.[Leonard]: See what?[Wolowitz]: It’s a Stephen hawking lecture from M.I.T in 1974.[Leonard]: This isn’t a good time.[Wolowitz]: It’s before he became a creepy computer voice.[Leonard]: That’s great. You guys have to go.[Koothrappali]: Why?[Leonard]: It’s just not a good time.[Sheldon]: Leonard has a lady over.[Wolowitz]: Yeah, right…your grandmother back in town?[Leonard]: No, and she is not a lady, she is just a new neighbor.[Wolowitz]: Hang on, there really is a lady here? And you want us out because you’re anticipating co itus? [Leonard]: I’m not anticipating coitus.[Wolowitz]: So she’s available for coitus?[Leonard]: Can we please just stop saying ”coitus”?[Penny]: Hey, is there a trick to getting it to switch from tub to shower…?[Wolowitz]: Howard Wolowitz, Caltech department of applied physics. You may be familiar with some of my work. It’s currently orbiting Jupiter’s largest moon taking high-resolution digital photographs.[Penny]: Penny, I work at the cheesecake factory.[Leonard]: I’ll show you the trick with the shower.[Wolowitz]: “Bonne douche”[Penny]: I’m sorry?[Wolowitz]: It’s French for “good shower.” It’s a sentiment, I can express in six languages.[Leonard]: Save it for your blog, Howard.[Leonard]: All right, there it goes. It sticks. I’m sorry.[Penny]: Hey, Leonard?[Sheldon]: The hair products are Sheldon’s.[Penny]: Can I ask you a favor?[Leonard]: A favor? Sure, you can ask me a favor. I would do you a favor for you.[Penny]: It’s ok if you say no.[Leonard]: I’ll probably say yes.[Penny]: It’s ju st not the kind of thing you ask a guy you just met.[Sheldon]: I really think we should examine the chain of causality here.[Leonard]: Must we?[Sheldon]: Event A: a beautiful woman stands naked in our shower. Event B: we drive halfway across town to retrieve a television set from the afore mentioned woman’s ex-boyfriend. Query…on what plane of existence is there even a semi-rational link between these events?[Leonard]: She asked me to do her a favor, Sheldon.[Sheldon]: Oh, yes, well, that may be the proximal cause of our journey. But we both know it only exists in contradistinction to the higher level distal cause.[Leonard]: Which is?[Sheldon]: You think with your penis.[Leonard]: That’s a biological impossibility. And you didn’t have to come.[Sheldon]: Oh, right, I could have stayed behind and watch Wolowitz try to hit on Penny in Russian, Arabic, and Farsi.Why can’t she get her own TV?[Leonard]: Come on, you know how it is with breakups.[Sheldon]: No I don’t…and neither do you.[Leonard]: I broke up with Joyce Kim.[Sheldon]: You did not break up with Joyce Kim, she defected to north Korea.[Leonard]: To mend her broken heart. This situation is much less complicated. There’s some kind of dispute between Penny and her ex-boyfriend as to who gets custody of the TV. She just wanted to avoid having a scene with him.[Sheldon]: So we get to have a scene with him?[Leonard]: No, there’s not going to be a scene. There’s two of us and one of him.[Sheldon]: Leonard, the two of us can’t even carry a TV.[Penny]: So, you guys work with Leonard and Sheldon at the university? I’m sorry, do you speak English? [Wolowitz]: He speaks English, he just can’t speak to women. He’s kind of nerd.[Leonard]: I’ll do the talking.We’re here to pick up Penny’s TV.[Man]: Get lost.[Sheldon]: Ok, thanks for your time.[Leonard]: We’re not going to give up just like that.[Sheldon]: Leonard, the TV’s in the building. We’ve been denied access to the building, ergo, we are done. [Leonard]: Excuse me. If I were to give up on the first little hitch, I never would have identified the fingerprints of string theory in the aftermath of the big bang.[Sheldon]: My apologies. What’s your plan? It’s just a privilege to watch your mind at work.[Leonard]: Come on, we have a combined iq of 360. We should be able to figure out how to get into a stupid building. [Sheldon]: What do you think their combined iq is?[Leonard]: Just grab the door! This is it. I’ll do the talking.[Sheldon]: Good thinking, I’ll just be the muscle.[Man]: How the hell did you get in the building?[Leonard]: We are scientists.[Sheldon]: Tell him about our iq.[Sheldon]: Leonard…[Leonard]: What?[Sheldon]: My mom bought me those pants.[Leonard]: I’m sorry.[Sheldon]: You’re going to have to call her.[Leonard]: Sheldon, I am so sorry I dragged you though this.[Sheldon]: It’s ok. It wasn’t my first pants and it won’t be my last.[Leonard]: And you were right about my motives. I was hoping to establish a relationship with Penny that might have someday led to sex.[Sheldon]: Well, you got me out of my pants.[Leonard]: Anyway, I’ve learned my lesson. She’s out of my league, I’m done with her. Got my work, one day, I’ll win the Nobel prize and I’ll die alone.[Sheldon]: Don’t think like that. You’re not going to die alo ne.[Leonard]: Thank you, Sheldon, you’re a good friend.[Sheldon]: And you’re certainly not going to win a Nobel prize.[Wolowitz]: This is one of my favorite places to kick back after a quest. They have a great house ale. Yeah, I’ve had him since level ten. His name is buttons. Anyway, if you had your own game character, we could hang out, maybe go on a quest.[Penny]: That sounds interesting.[Wolowitz]: You’ll think about it?[Penny]: I don’t think I’ll be able to stop thinking about it.[Koothrappali]: Smooth~[Leonard]: We’re home.[Penny]: Oh, my god, what happened?[Leonard]: Well, you ex-boyfriend sends his regards, and I think the rest is fairly self-explanatory.[Penny]: I’m so sorry, I really thought if you guys went instead of me he wouldn’t be such an ass.[Leonard]: No, it was a valid hypothesis.[Sheldon]: That was a valid…? What is happening to you?[Penny]: Really, thank you so much for going and trying, you’re just…you’re so terrific, really. Why don’t you put some clothes on, I’ll get my p urse, and dinner is on me, ok?[Sheldon]: You’re not done with her, are you?[Leonard]: Our babies will be smart and beautiful.[Sheldon]: Not to mention imaginary.[Leonard]: Is that food okay with you, Penny?[Sheldon]: We can’t have Thai food, we had In dian for lunch.[Penny]: So?[Sheldon]: They’re both curry-based cuisines.[Penny]: So?[Sheldon]: It would be gastronomically redundant. I can see we’re going to have to spell out everything for this girl [Penny]: Any ideas, Raj?[Wolowitz]: I know a wonderful little sushi bar that has karaoke.[Penny]: That sounds like fun.[Wolowitz]: Baby, baby don’t get hook up on me……[Sheldon]: I don’t know what your odds are in the world as a whole, but as far as the p opulation of this car goes, you're a veritable Mac daddy.------------- THE END -------------。
Mad Men Season 01 Episode 01 - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
35.Am I interrupting anything?
36.Mmm, no.
37.You're lucky I'm still up working And I'm alone.
你真会挑时候 我还在工作 而且只有我一个人
1.纽约麦迪逊大街广告策划人的故事 Finished, sir?
本片讲述了发生在上世纪五十年代末 先生 您用完餐了?
2.Yeah. Hey, do you have a light?
是的 你有火儿吗
3.Old Gold man, huh?
你抽的是黄金年代 对吗
4.Lucky Strike here.
下次你再见到我的时候 你会看到一群年轻的策划人 撕咬我肋骨上的肉
60.That's a pretty picture.
本文来源于 更多更全,请登录
61.What's your secret?
62.ine different ways to say...
63."I love you, Grandma. "
好的 还是古典鸡尾酒吧 谢谢
11.So you obviously need to relax after working here all night.
曼达洛人 -第1季第5集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语
They all hate you, Mando. 他们都恨你曼达人Because you're a legend! 因为你是传奇How many of them had fobs? 他们之中有多少人有追踪器All of them. 他们都有Any idea what they gonna happen to it? 你知道他们会怎么做吗I didn't ask. It's against the Guild Code. 我没问这违反公会规定Sorgan. 索尔根No star port, no industrial centers, 没有星际港没有工业中心no population density. 人烟稀少I'm leaving him here. 我要把他留在这里Traveling with me, that's no life for a kid. 和我一起走那孩子就过不上好日子了They know he's here. 他们知道孩子在这里Yes. 嗯Then they'll keep coming. 他们不会罢休的Yes. 嗯Hand over the child, Mando. 把孩子交出来曼达人I might let you live. 我可能会留你条命Hold on. 抓稳了Come on. 挺住I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold. 我把你带回去就行不论生死That's my line. 那是我的台词Losing fuel. 燃料泄露This is Mos Eisley Tower. 这里是莫斯艾斯利星际塔台We are tracking you. 我们正在跟踪你Head for bay three-five, over. 驶向35号泊位完毕Copy that. 收到Locked in for three-five. 锁定35泊位You damage one of my droids, you'll pay for it. 你毁了我一个机器人你得赔Just keep them away from my ship. 让它们不要靠近我的飞船Yeah? You think that's a good idea, do ya? 是吗你觉得这是个好主意吗Let's look at your ship. 我们来看看你的飞船Look at that. 你看看Ugh, you got a lot of carbon scorin' building up top. 上面有很多积碳呢Yeah. 是啊If I didn't know better, I'd think you were in a shootout. 乍一看我以为你跟别人交火过呢Special tool for that one. 那个要特殊工具I am gonna have to rotate that. 我得把这个转一下You got a fuel leak. 燃料泄漏了Look at that, this is a mess. 瞧瞧这也太惨了How did you even land? That's gonna set you back. 你居然还能降落你可得破费了I've got 500 Imperial Credits. 我有500帝国币That's all you got? Well, what do you guys think? 就这么多吗你们觉得呢That should at least cover the hangar. 起码够付机库的钱了I'll get you your money. 我会想办法筹钱的I've heard that before. 这话我听过- Just remember... - Yeah. -记住... -知道No droids. I heard ya. You don't have to say it twice. 不要机器人我听见了不用说第二遍Jeez. 天啊Womp rat. 王鼠I'm in. 我跟And I am gonna raise you three bolts and a motivator. 再加码三根螺栓和一个激发器Quick, grab my blaster rifle. 快把我的爆能步枪拿来I'd stay in that ship if I were you. 你最好待在飞船里What? 什么Now, now. 乖乖Let Peli take a good look at you. 让派丽好好看看你All right, there you go. 很好这就对了Did that bounty hunter 那个赏金猎人leave you all alone in that big nasty ship? 把你一个人丢在又大又破的飞船上了How do I know what it is? Give me a second. 我怎么知道这是啥别催All right. Now, would you like some food? 你想吃东西吗Are you hungry? 你饿吗Okay. Fetch us something to eat. Quick! 给我们拿点吃的快I don't know... Something with bones in it. 我也不知道... 带骨头的东西吧Okay. 好Now, here's the plan. 这样吧I am going to look after you until The Mandalorian gets back, 我会在曼达洛人回来之前照看你and then I'm gonna charge him extra for watching you. 然后我要加收照看你的钱You see how that works? Yeah, bright eyes? 明白了吧亮眼睛We're a team. 咱俩是一伙的Hey, droid, 机器人I'm a hunter. I'm lookin' for some work 我是赏金猎人想找活干Unfortunately, the Bounty Guild no longer operates from Tatooine. 很遗憾塔图因的赏金猎人公会关闭了I'm not looking for Guild work. 我不是找公会的活I am afraid that does not improve your situation, 即便这样情况也差不多at least by my calculation. 至少我的计算是这样Think again, tin can. 再想想金属壳If you're looking for work, have a seat, my friend. 如果你想找活就过来坐吧朋友Name's Toro, Toro Calican. 我叫托洛托洛·卡利肯Come on, relax. 来吧别紧张Picked up this Bounty Puck before I left the Mid Rim. 我离开中环时拿了这个赏金定位碟Fennec Shand, an Assassin. 芬尼克·尚德一个杀手Heard she's been on the run 听说新共和国把她的雇主们ever since the New Republic put all her employers in lockdown. 关起来以后她就一直在逃亡I know the name. 我知道名字I followed this tracking fob here. 我一直在盯着这个跟踪器Now the positional data suggests she's headed out beyond the Dune Sea.位置数据显示她跨越了沙丘海Should be an easy job. 这任务应该挺简单的Well, good luck with that. 祝你好运Wait, wait, wait, hey. I thought you needed work? 等等等等你不是在找活吗How long you've been with the Guild? 你在公会待多久了Long enough. 够久了Clearly not. Fennec Shand is an elite mercenary. 显然不够芬尼克·尚德是一个精英雇佣兵She made her name killing for all the top crime syndicates, 她专为顶级犯罪集团杀人including the Hutts. 包括赫特人If you go after her, you won't make it past sunrise. 你要去找她明天的太阳都见不到了This is my first job. 这是我的第一个任务You can keep the money, all of it. 所有的钱都归你I just need this job to get into the Guild. 我需要这个任务进入公会I can't do it alone. 我一个人干不了Meet me at Hangar three-five in half an hour. 半小时后在35机库等我Bring two speeder bikes and give me the tracking fob. 带上两辆飞行摩托把追踪器给我Don't worry, got it all memorized. 别担心都记下来了Half an hour. 半小时Looks like you're stuck with me now, partner. 看来你得跟我混了搭档I'm awake! I'm awake! 我醒了我醒了- Where is he? - Quiet! -他在哪里 -安静It's okay. You woke it up. 没事了你把它吵醒了Do you have any idea how long it took me to get it to sleep?你知道我花了多久才把它哄睡着吗Give him to me. 给我Not so fast! 别急You can't just leave a child all alone like that. 你不能就这样把孩子一个人留下You know, you have an awful lot to learn about raisin' a young one. 你有很多东西要学比如带孩子Anyway, I started the repair on the fuel leak. 总之我修理了漏油的地方There you go. I had a couple setbacks I want to talk to you about. 好了我有几个问题想和你谈谈You know, I didn't use any droids, as requested, 我按你的要求没有使用机器人so it took me a lot longer than I expected. 所以花的时间比我的预期要长很多But I figured you were good for the money 但我觉得你应该付得起钱since you have an extra mouth to feed. 毕竟你还有一个孩子要养Thank you. 谢谢Oh, I guess I was right. You got a job, didn't you? 看来我猜对了你找到工作了是吗You know, it's costing me a lot of money 光是给这些机器人充电to keep these droids even powered up. 就花了我很多钱Hey, Mando, what do you think? Not too shabby, huh? 曼多人怎么样还不错吧What'd you expect? This ain't Corellia. Ma'am. 想啥呢这里又不是科雷利亚夫人- What's going on? - Look. Up ahead. -怎么了 -看前面Tusken Raiders. 塔斯肯袭击者I heard the locals talking about this filth. 我听本地人谈论了这个肮脏的东西Tuskens think they're the locals. 塔斯肯人认为他们才是本地人Everyone else is just trespassing. 其他人都是非法闯入Whatever they call themselves, they best keep their distance. 不管他们怎么称呼自己最好离我们远点Yeah? Why don't you tell them yourself? 是吗那你自己说吧Relax. 放松- What are you doing? - Negotiating. -你干嘛 -谈判What's going on? 怎么回事We need passage across their land. 我们要通过他们的土地- Let me see the binocs. - Why? -把双筒望远镜给我 -为什么What? 什么- Those were brand new. - Yeah? They were. -那可是全新的 -是吗现在不是了Get down. 隐蔽What? 什么All right, tell me what you see. 告诉我你看到了什么Dewback. 沙地兽Looks like the rider is still attached. 骑手还在上面Is that her? Is that the target? 是她吗那是目标吗I don't know. 我不知道I'll go. You cover me. 我过去你掩护我Stay down. 保持隐蔽Well, is it her? Is she dead? 是她吗她死了吗It's another bounty hunter. 也是一个赏金猎人Hey, I hope you don't plan on keeping all that stuff for yourself. 别全贪了啊Can I at least have that blaster? 好歹给我留个爆能枪Get down! 趴下Mando! 曼多人What happened? 怎么回事Sniper bolt. 狙击螺栓Only an MK-modified rifle could make that shot. 只有MK改装步枪才能打出来Are you all right? 你没事吧Yeah. Hit me in the beskar, 嗯打中我的贝斯卡钢甲了and at that range beskar held up. 这个距离贝斯卡钢甲能抗住Wait, I don't wear any beskar. 等等我没穿贝斯卡钢甲Nope. 的确Well, so what do we do? 那我们该怎么办You see where that shot came from? 你看到那枪是从哪里打来的吗Yeah, it came from that ridge. 嗯从山脊那打过来的Okay, we're gonna wait until dark. 好我们等到天黑Well, what if she escapes? 如果她跑了呢She's got the high ground. 现在是她占领高地She'll wait for us to make the first move. 她会等我们采取行动的I'm gonna rest. You take the first watch. Stay low! 我休息一会你先守着注意隐蔽All right, suns are down. Time to ride, Mando. 太阳下山了该走了曼多人Come on, wake up. 快点醒醒Look at you, asleep on the job, old man. 看看你在工作中睡着了老头子You done? 说完了吗Yeah. I was just, you know, waking you up. Come on. 嗯我就是来叫你的走吧Get on your bike. 骑上摩托Ride as fast as you can towards those rocks. 尽快冲向那些岩石That's your plan? She'll snipe us right off the bikes. 这就是你的计划她会把我们从摩托上狙下来的It's a flash charge. 这是闪击电荷We alternate shots, it'll blind any scope temporarily. 我们交替射击就可以短暂致盲所有角度Combine that with our speed and we got a chance. 再加上我们的速度就有机会了A chance? 机会Hey, you wanted this. Get ready. 这次行动是你的主意准备Now! 开始Not so fast, Fennec. 别急芬尼克Nice distraction. 注意力分散得不错Yeah, good work, partner. 是啊干得漂亮搭档Cuff yourself. 自己铐上Why don't you go find your blaster? 去找你的爆能枪吧A Mandalorian. 曼达洛人It's been a long time since I've seen one of your kind. 我很久没见过你这种人了Ever been to Nevarro? 去过尼瓦罗吗I hear things didn't go so well there, 我听说那里的状况不太好but it looks like you got off easy. 但是看起来你轻易就脱身了You don't have to worry about gettin' to Nevarro, 我们把你上交后你就不用想着去尼瓦罗or anywhere else, once we turn you in. 或者其他地方了You know, I really should thank you. 我真的应该谢谢你You're my ticket into the Guild. 你是我进入公会的入场券You're welcome. 不客气Looks like one of us has to walk. 看来有个人要步行了Or we could drag you. 我们也可以拖着你All right, so what is the plan? 你有什么打算I need you to go find that dewback we saw. 你去找我们看到的沙地兽And leave you here with my bounty and my ride? 然后把你和我的赏金还有摩托留在这里吗Yeah, I don't think so, Mando. 你想多了曼达人Okay, I'll do it. 好吧我去Watch her, and don't let her get near the bike. 看着她别让她靠近摩托She's no good to us dead. 她死了对我们没好处Oh, it's been a while. 好久没睡这么好了Oh, look, the suns are coming up. 瞧太阳快出来了Quiet. 安静Look, there's still time to make my rendezvous in Mos Espa. 我还有时间赶去莫斯埃斯帕Take me to it and I can pay you double the price on my head. 载我过去我可以付你双倍的价钱I don't care about the money. 我不在乎钱Oh, so the Mandalorian keeps all the money for himself. 所以钱都归曼达洛人咯Only because I let him. 那是我送他的Doesn't seem that way. 感觉不是呢I mean, it seems like he's calling all the shots. 我感觉都是他说了算Shows what you know. 你知道啥I hired Mando, this is my job. 曼多人是我雇的这是我的任务Bringin' you in will make me a full member of the Bounty Hunters Guild. 把你交上去我就能正式加入赏金猎人公会You already have something the Guild values far more than me.你已经拥有公会更看重的东西了You just don't see it. 你只是没发现而已- What? - The Mandalorian. -什么 -曼达洛人His armor alone's worth more than my bounty. 光是他的盔甲就比我的赏金值钱I already told you, I don't care about the money. 我说了我不在乎钱Then think what it would do for your reputation. 那你应该在乎名声吧A Mandalorian shot up the Guild on Nevarro, 一个曼达洛人在尼瓦罗向公会开枪took some high value target and went rogue. 抢走重要目标以后逃跑了That Mandalorian? 那个曼达洛人Like I said, you don't see many. 我说了曼达洛人可不常见You bring the Guild that traitor, 你把那个叛徒上交公会and they'll welcome you with open arms. 他们肯定会热烈欢迎你加入的Your name will be legendary. 你的名字将会成为传奇How can we be sure he's the one? 我们怎么能确定是他Word is, he still has the target with him. 据说目标还在他身边Some say it's a child. 而且是个孩子Look, if you're afraid to take him on, fear not. 如果你害怕和他战斗不用担心I can help you with that. 我可以帮你Take some advice, kid. 听取我的建议孩子You wanna be a bounty hunter? 你想成为赏金猎人吗Make the best deal for yourself and survive. 做对自己最有利的买卖然后活下来That's good advice, 这是个好建议but if I took those binders off of you I'd be a dead man. 但是如果我帮你解锁我就死定了And if the Mandalorian's worth more than you are, well... 既然曼达洛人比你值钱那Who wouldn't want to be a legend? 谁不想成为传奇呢Thanks for the tip. 谢谢你的提醒Took you long enough, Mando. 这么久啊曼多人Looks like I'm calling the shots now. Huh, partner? 看来现在我说了算啊搭档Drop your blaster and raise 'em. 放下爆能枪把手举起来Cuff him. 把他铐起来You're a Guild traitor, Mando. 你是公会的叛徒曼多人And I'm willing to bet that 我敢打赌this here is the target you helped escape. 这就是你协助逃跑的目标You're smarter than you look. 你没有看上去那么笨Fennec was right. 芬尼克说得对Bringing you in won't just make me a member of the Guild,把你上交不但会让我成为公会的一员it'll make me legendary. 还会让我成为传奇- Stay back. - Gotta get it. -退后 -一定要救它Where is it? 哪去了There you are. 你在这里呀Are you hiding from us? 你在躲我们吗Look at you. 瞧瞧你That's all right. I know. 没关系我知道That was really loud for your big old ears, wasn't it? 你耳朵这么大一定很吵吧It's okay. 没事了Be careful with him. 好好照顾他So, I take it you didn't get paid? 你没拿到报酬吧That cover me? 够了吗Yeah. Yes, this is gonna cover you. 嗯嗯够了All right, Pit Droids! Let's drag this outta here! 维修机器人把这个拖出去I don't know, drag it to Beggar's Canyon. 我不知道拖到拜加峡谷吧。
Joey:This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.
Monica:Are you okay,sweetie
Ross:I just feel like someone reached down my throat,grabbedmy smallintestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...
Waitress:Can I get you some coffee?
Monica:(pointing at Rachel) De-caff. (to All) Okay, everybody, this is Rachel, another Lincoln High survivor. (to Rachel) This is everybody, this isChandler, and Phoebe, and Joey, and- you remember my brother Ross
Monica:Who wasn't invited to the wedding.
Rachel:Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱuldn't be an issue...
[Scene: Monica's Apartment, everyone is there and watching a Spanish Soap on TV and are trying tofigure outwhat is going on.]
All:Oh, yeah. Had that dream.
广告狂人Mad Men第七季中英剧本第一集准备好了吗Are you ready?我希望你能集中注意力听Because I want you to pay attention.接下来是一个伟大创意描述的开始This is the beginning of something.你有时间去改善生活吗Do you have time to improve your life?你有秒时间来了解一下阿克特隆电子表吗Do you have precisely seconds for a word from Accutron watches?此表长相平平The watch appears bottom third.秒针转动时呈流线体The second hand moves with a fluid sweep上面写着"阿克特隆时间"and above it--"Accutron Time."假设你出席一个商业会议You go into a business meeting.你的牙上是否粘着食物领带上是否有灰尘Is there food in your teeth? Ashes on your tie?你在会上无话可说And you've got nothing to say.会议可以无聊但你不可以The meeting is boring, but you can't be.不过你戴着阿克特隆手表But you're wearing an Accutron.那块表会让你显得有趣This watch makes you interesting.背景是会议室黑白片It's a boardroom. It's black and white.能依稀听到车辆的声音没有说话声We hear light traffic. No talking.我们看见了主角也就是你We just see our man, you,近岁留着彰显年轻的蓬乱鬈发late s, shaggy with a youthful cowlick,却身着正装but in a suit and tie.一看就是个生意人This is a businessman正盯着自己的表任由周围被谈话声席卷staring at his watch as muffled conversation swirls around him.接下来我们听到电子的嗡嗡声Now we just hear the electronic hum.他站了起来其他面孔进入镜头He stands up and the faces come into view.几个白发男人A couple of white haired men和一个酷似影星史提夫·麦昆的当代人and a contemporary who looks like Steve McQueen.你们互相握手史提夫·麦昆看了一眼你的表You shake hands and "Steve McQueen" gets a look at your watch.此刻终于有了声音We hear the first words."那是瑞士产的吗""Is that Swiss?"然后切换成彩色背景Now we're in color他们二人略微交谈and it's a little interview for the two of them另一位看着while the other men look,突显这块表带来的好处outlining the benefits of this watch.确实是瑞士的它非常精准It is Swiss. It is accurate.集最精美的设计和最尖端的科技于一身It is the height of design and technology."阿克特隆不仅仅是计时器"Accutron. It's not a timepiece.更是话题王"It's a conversation piece."哇弗雷迪Wow, Freddy.简直是全垒打That's a home run.其实更像是端线外侧迂回进攻Actually, it's kind of an end run.跟我预计得完全不一样That is not what I expected.你原本可以说得很动听的There's a nice way to say that却偏偏说出这种带贬义的话and there's t他们会反对黑白片的部分They're going to resist that black and white thing.确实但没人那样做过Yeah, but nobody's done it.至少据我所知没有Not that I know of."阿克特隆为您创造谈话机会""Accutron, it's time for a conversation."那样戏剧性不够强也显示不出它的优点It's not as dramatic and it hides the benefit.我也说不清就是觉得更文雅一些I don't know. It sounds more elegant to me.什么事Yes?你之前让我You wanted me to tell you在例会前分钟提醒你when it was five minutes until the status meeting.谢谢雪莉Thank you, Shirley.我们下周见So, I'll see you next week.我要再喝杯咖啡I'm gonna have another cup of coffee.{\an\fs\pos(,)\bord\fn经典楷体简}Free--自由/免费作为自由撰稿人你可真会享用免费的东西You really put the "free" in freelancer, don't you? 喂Hello?你好爸爸Hello, daddy.你好吗宝贝How are you, honey?我很好I'm well.我估摸着在你上班前能联系到你I thought I'd catch you before you went to the office.是啊Right.我想约你周日早晨一起吃早午餐I'd like to have brunch Sunday morning.好啊当然可以Sure. That'd be nice.我会带伏特加来的一起喝血腥玛丽I'll bring vodka. We'll have bloody marys.不是去餐厅吃No, in a restaurant.广场餐厅如何那里也有伏特加How about the plaza? They have vodka.只有我一个人来It'll just be me.真令人感动Sounds touching.点半拜拜:. Bye-bye.再见宝贝Bye, honey.我觉得我们昨晚真的共赴巫山了吧I feel like we really got somewhere last night.你好唐恩先生们Hello, Dawn. Gentlemen.大家都到了The team is here.准备好了就进来吧Fire when ready.要开多久的会How long is this meeting?那得看你们了不是吗That depends on you, doesn't it?都有谁Who do we have here?奈特和她的种子合唱团吗Gladys Knight and The Pips?你很时髦嘛卢That's very hip, Lou.要关门吗卢Should I get the door, Lou?是的护士小姐Yes, nurse.大家都好吗So, how is everybody today?准备好例行身体检查了吗Ready for your routine checkup?张开嘴说"啊"Just open your mouths and say "Ahh."先生们Gentlemen.你们周末也得给我加班And you do not have the weekend!我可以过会儿再来I can come back.不克莱拉帮我从大堂拿个奶油卷No. Clara, can I get a buttered roll, please, from the lobby?好的Yes, of course.进来吧Come on in.你拿着什么What are you holding?关于雅芳的文件你说你想见我It's Avon. You said you wanted to see me.我有多少客户How many accounts do I have?都在这儿了Well, it's all of them.我觉得该有更多It feels like more.我每天走进这间办公室I'm walking into this office every day但我这边的工作基本都无法展开and I barely get ahead of things一直要等到中午鲍勃从底特律向我汇报before I get Bob from Detroit around noon再到下午点听皮特的汇报and Pete from LA around :.这和雅芳相关吗Is this Avon related,还是说你只是想找个人来安慰你or did you just need someone to hand you a tissue?我根本没有帮手I have no real help除了托克森他还是卡特勒的人except Torkelson, who's Cutler's guy.他估计和克莱拉有一腿And I think he's making Clara nightly.真是个猛料That's juicy.他可以享用她He can have her.重点是巴特勒鞋业新雇了一名市场部主管The point is Butler Footwear just hired a new head of marketing如果我去见他那就是降级and if I meet with him, it's a demotion.你是业务部主管会让他觉得自己很重要的You're head of accounts. He'll think he's important.那是对他而言That's what it looks like to him.但小查尔斯·巴特勒But to Charles Butler Jr.,会觉得我和他的市场部主管是一个级别的it looks like I'm only as important as his head of marketing.要是没有下属我就废了If I have no underlings, I'm useless.让罗杰或者卡特勒去见他Have Roger or Cutler meet with him.那两个主意都很蠢你根本没用心听That's two dumb ideas. You're not listening to me.事关等级制度你明白吗This is a hierarchy. Do you understand that?就跟他说我临时有事去不了了Tell him I couldn't make it at the last minute.{\an\fs\pos(,)\bord\fn经典楷体简}杰瑞·刘易斯\N美国著名谐星说我和杰瑞·刘易斯或通用汽车公司的人约了晚饭I'm having dinner with Jerry Lewis or GM or somebody.算了别提其他客户No, don't mention other clients.我当然不会Certainly.真是太感谢你这么"信任"我了I appreciate your confidence in me.把他打发走Make him go away.奶油卷准备好了鲍勃·本森在线找您I have your roll and I have Bob Benson on the line.瞧见没我可没时间面对糟心的事You see this? I don't have time to take a crap.最后同样很重要的一项And last but not least,汽车城那边有消息吗any news from the Motor City?雪佛兰XP下周一会向媒体公开Chevy XP collateral is scheduled to go to press Monday.真好Hallelujah.但我们还没有定稿But we don't have approved copy.现在连名字都没想好We don't even have a name for it.见鬼Dang it.雪佛兰的摄影师不断跟我说Chevy Graphics people keep telling me雪佛兰有自己的处事方式there's a "Chevy Way" of doing things.钱都不是问题And money is no object.记下来Get it in writing.你还没选定阿克特隆的广告创意呢You didn't pick an angle for Accutron.今天就要定了吗Wow, is that today?我定过了唐恩我说的什么Sure, I did. Dawn, what did I say?"适时出现意在准时""Just in time to be on time."那根本不是候选方案我觉得那离题了That wasn't one of the choices. I think that was a digression."阿克特隆精准计时" 怎么样How about "Accutron is accurate."我确定这句是备选方案That was one of the choices, I'm positive."阿克特隆为您创造谈话机会""It's time for a conversation."我觉得这句更精巧I think that one's more finished.我觉得你是在逼我说And I think you're putting me in a position of saying"我不在乎你怎么想"I don't care what you think.既然你不想让我选它Why would you put something in front of me又为何把它当做备选方案呢that you don't want me to pick?因为你要我提供两个方案Because you told me to give you two ideas.你显然只提供给了我一个You apparently only gave me one.我上周给了你个提案Last week I gave you choices你却让我精简到个and you told me to bring you two.那就是我们的行事之道That's the way we do it.我喜欢你的车I like your car.你的飞机晚点了Your flight was late.我们没时间回家了We don't have time to go home.先简单赴个晚宴One quick dinner,然后就是甜蜜的二人周末了and the rest of the weekend we're alone.那走吧So let's go.车座没法移动I can't move the seat.我们先说哪个恒美或是肯恩&埃克哈公司Where should we start, DDB or K&E?你决定吧Surprise me.你好啊Well, hello there.怎么没见你晒黑Why aren't you brown?现在洛杉矶也是一月啊It's January in LA, too.那可不是个好借口That's no excuse.莫伊拉麻烦你记得提醒我Oh, Moira, can you remind me飞过去前要带两打百吉饼to pick up two dozen bagels before the end of my trip?看来你太太怀念纽约了啊So, the missus misses New York.不是给皮特的南超爱加州No, they are for Pete. Nan loves California.你的冒险之旅还没享受够吗Aren't you done with your adventure?我下来好多次找乐子你都不在You know how many times I've come down here looking for fun? 卢不幽默吗Isn't Lou fun?卢很不错但我们想你了Lou's great. We just miss you.不如你把圣约瑟夫日的假期往后推一天Why don't you move Saint Joseph's back another day? 你还是够时间赶上进度的You'll still have time to catch up.你可以跟我一起参加开幕式You can come to the inauguration with me.我本来要带斯特林去的只要你一句话I'm supposed to take Sterling, but say the word,我就甩了他I'll jettison.莫伊拉先说说雪佛兰的进展Moira, let's start with Chevy.你这就要干活了You're really going to work?把他加到明天的会客单里Pencil him in for tomorrow.我一直就是那个意思That's what I've been saying.知道好了艾拉我先挂了I know. Okay, Ira. I've got to go.你好艾伦对不起我来的有点儿早Hello, Alan. I'm sorry, I think I'm a little early.你是第一个对我说这话的女演员First actress ever to say that.你看上去真是美极了亲爱的You look wonderful, honey.这是唐·德雷柏这是艾伦·希尔沃Don Draper, this is Alan Silver.不必起来了Don't get up.你老公一看就是个万人迷The husband is a matinee idol.我就说吧I told you.唐有件事情我要说清楚Don, I want to get one thing out of the way.对我来说很重要的一点就是Know that it was important to me你能了解我这个人that you know the man毕竟你妻子有大量时间都跟我在一起your wife is spending so much time with.我保证我只是为了钱别无他求I assure you, it's greed and nothing else.我很放心I feel completely at ease.我那些在纽约的合作伙伴们My partners in New York对西行来到加州的姑娘们没少开空头支票promise a lot of things to girls when they come west.他们给我找了不少庸脂俗粉They passed off a lot of dogs.但你妻子真的很出色But your girl is something.我是说她重返小荧幕必将震惊电视网I mean, she's the kind of girl who's gonna shine for the network凭借《布拉肯的世界》试播集一炮而红in her callback for the "Bracken's World" pilot.什么不是吧What? Get out of here.我说真的I will not.我以为那家伙很讨厌我呢I thought the guy hated me.但是他老板很欣赏你But his boss loved you.我就稍微点评一下你妻子吧I'll say one thing about this girl,她演起戏来感情很到位she evokes strong feelings.我现在感觉心头小鹿乱撞I feel like I just ate a bag of butterflies.我们庆祝一下吧Let's celebrate.服务生Young man.给这位法国电视明星来一瓶法国香槟Let me get a bottle of French champagne for my French TV star here.我真不敢相信什么时候开始I can't believe it. When is it?周三: 整牙的事情可以拖一拖Wednesday, :. We can hold off on fixing your teeth.我已经先斩后奏了Obviously I jumped the gun on that.好吧Okay.哪家电视网What network?NBCNBC.真是个好消息亲爱的Such great news, honey.瞧瞧你们Look at you two.你们真是我心中的一对璧人You're my favorite couple.巴恩斯先生韦恩Mr. Barnes? Wayne?正是我That's me.我是SC&P公司的琼·哈里斯I'm Joan Harris from SC&P.可以让服务生带我们去预定的位置了吗Should I tell them that we're ready for a table?我们还是等等肯吧Maybe we should wait for Ken.请坐吧Please, sit.你想喝点什么What can I get you?可乐就行I'll have a coke.两杯可乐Two cokes.很抱歉I'm so sorry.肯临时有要事处理Ken was called away on an emergency但又不敢取消与您这等大客户的会面and rather than risk canceling on someone so important, 只好让我代为出席he asked that I stand in.我见到你这样的佳人又怎会失望Look, I must be crazy to be disappointed.我相信你一定拒绝了很多想坐你身旁的男人吧I'm sure you had a hard time keeping this seat empty,但有些事情还是跟肯谈好一些but this conversation is best for Ken.跟我说说你在新职位上的感想吧Tell me about your new position.市场部主管Head of marketing.不仅对你是个新职位That's not just new for you,对巴特勒鞋业也是一大新闻that's new for Butler Footwear.他们雇我做P营销They pay me to think about the four Ps,价格产品渠道促销四维结合price,product, place, and promotion.谢谢Thank you.真是个很有内涵的模式That's a smart way to think about it.我是商学科班出身I have a degree in business.虽然不如科学严谨但我们也在尽力为之It's not a science, but we try to make it one.广告只是市场营销的一个小环节Advertising is just a small piece of the marketing mixture如果能与公司业务实现更好的集成and it might be more effective运作起来一定会更加高效if it's better integrated into our business.所以你的想法是So are you thinking about让我们派驻一位客户经理到你们公司吗bringing one of our account executives into your office?实际上我是想在公司内部建立广告部Actually, I'd like to move all our advertising in-house. 听起来此事确实It does sound like the conversation不是你我二人能做决断的了is getting bigger than the two of us.你的上层有人下层也有人There's someone above you and someone below you大家相互间请客吃饭and everybody's buying everybody dinner.巴特勒先生走几步就能到成本岂不是要低得多Wouldn't it be cheaper for Mr. Butler to just walk down the hall?SC&P和巴特勒鞋业的合作关系SC&P's relationship with Butler Footwear对本公司来说非常重要is very important to our company.我觉得你低估了我们的价值And I think you're being shortsighted about our value.他们雇我就是进行大胆革新的Well, I was hired to be bold.我已经准备好了闪亮登场And I'm prepared to make my recommendation.原谅我如果我这周有一天能够Forgive me, but my wife will be excited早点回家替孩子们掖被子我妻子会很开心的to have me tuck the kids in at least once this week.当然了只是...Certainly, I just--你能过几天再向公司提交革新方案吗could you hold off on your recommendation a few days 那样你至少可以和你想要的人共进晚餐了so that you can at least have the dinner you thought you were having?当然很高兴认识你Sure. Pleasure to meet you.我也很高兴认识你You as well.打扰一下Excuse me.能给我加点威士忌吗Could I get a splash of whiskey in this?我来拿包你去坐下吧I'll get the bag. You go sit down.迅速扫视一眼吧Take a quick look.然后我想关掉灯让你欣赏美丽的夜景Then I want to turn off the lights so you can see the view.我喜欢你做的设计I like what you did with it.我爱死了I love it.但我下个家一定要有泳池我们的下个家But my next house is gonna have a pool. Our next house.你确定你不想搬到一个人迹更多的地方吗You sure you don't want to move into a more populated area?这里就像是吸血鬼德古拉的城堡It's like Dracula's castle up here.他们都远着呢唐They're far away, Don.山谷里的声音就是会有这样的回声效果It's just what happens to the sound in the canyon.我很怕但我不想开灯I'm scared, but I don't want to turn the lights back on.我有点头晕我得再接着走一会儿I'm a little dizzy. I just--I need to keep walking just for a second.对不起I'm sorry.我明天再补偿你I'll make it up to you tomorrow.好好休息吧Get some rest.唐亲爱的Don, honey.别把烟灰往阳台下面弹Please don't flick any cigarettes off the balcony.我也不知道是怎么回事I don't know how,但大家都说他们能查出起火点在哪儿but everyone says they can tell where the fire starts.唐Don?我好爱这条围巾I love my scarf.我觉得你开敞篷车得需要好几条才行I thought with the convertible, you'd need a few.已经点了我得去上课了It's : and I have to get to class.你想让我顺道把你送去办公室吗You want me to drop you at the office?不了我乘出租车吧No, I'll take a cab.别又工作一整天好吗Just don't work all day, okay?也别从我的杂志上撕广告了And don't rip the ads out of my magazines.斯坦你想要咖啡吗Stan, you want coffee?你在这儿干什么呢What are you doing here?我想抓紧时间掌握所有工作的进度I'm just catching up on all the work that's been going on.看起来很不错卢他...Looks good. Lou, he's--是啊绝对的Yes, absolutely.那个...So...我还有很多事要做I have a lot to do.斯坦你要喝咖啡吗Stan, do you want any coffee?要Yes.什么What?他说要He said yes.斯坦Stan!你不用替我泡的You don't have to make me any.我马上就走I'll be out of here in a minute.嘿泰德很高兴见到你Ted. Good to see you.你好斯坦Hey, Stan.我以为你晒成了小麦色呢I thought you'd be tan.在这儿是成天坐办公室在那儿也是坐办公室Well, you're in an office here, you're in an office there.有什么区别What's the difference?算了我去拿上文件离开这里了You know what? I'm just going to get my work and get out of here.很高兴见到你们Good to see you guys.似乎完全和咖啡无关啊None of this seems related to coffee.高兴一点老大Buck up, chief.我没事没事的I'm fine. It's fine.你看上去很不错You look good.你看上去也很好啊You look well, too.冰茶Iced tea.你真的完全融入到新环境中去了You really branched out into a new environment.我之前在思乡的时候发现了那个好地方I did discover it in a homesick moment.我除夕夜又飞回来了I flew back New Year's Eve当时我已经跟我哥过了一周after a week with my brother圣诞节是和塔米及我的岳父岳母一起过的and Christmas with Tammy and my in-laws.一个人坐在吧台边立刻有一种超脱感Sat at the counter by myself and immediately felt divine.给我来一份布鲁克林大道吧I'll have a Brooklyn Avenue.就是把熏肉和凉拌甘蓝直接放在三明治上面的It's pastrami with the coleslaw right on the sandwich.来两份吧Two of those.不管你信不信Believe it or not,布鲁克林大道真的是东洛杉矶的一条路名呢Brooklyn Avenue is a street in East Los Angeles.在这里的纽约人基本可以提供我们需要的一切The New Yorkers here, they brought as much as we need.但是百吉饼实在做的太差了But the bagels are terrible.你现在住在哪儿Where are you living?我在沥青池旁租了个公寓I have an apartment by the tar pits.只有一间卧室但是有两层It's one bedroom, but it's two stories.风景一定很不错吧Must have quite a view.整个城市平坦又丑陋空气也很污浊The city is flat and ugly and the air is brown,但我喜欢这里的氛围but I love the vibrations.你不仅穿得像个嬉皮士说起话来也像You not only dress like a hippie, you talk like one.你最近在忙什么呢What have you been up to?忙着呢你在这里签下单了吗Keeping busy. You sign anything out here?当然了我第一周就签下了鸡蛋咸鱼薯条店Yeah. The first week I signed egg, salt fish and chips.有家店面呢Four stores.罗杰没有在公司宣布这事吗Didn't Roger make an announcement?我又不知道I wouldn't know.对哦Oh, of course.听着你知道如果我能做决定Listen, you know if it was up to me,肯定已经把你弄回去了you'd be back there already.泰德怎么样How's Ted?我注意到你故意瞅准了时间I noticed you timed it趁他回纽约的时候来这里so you'd be out here while he was back there.我是来见我妻子的I came to see my wife.是啊当然了Yes, of course.我一直想找她出来呢I've been meaning to look her up.真是太棒了但他不开心It's incredible, but he's sour.或许是因为他不喜欢这里的阳光Maybe he doesn't like the sun.就在上周正值一月中Last weekend, middle of January,新奇士公司请我们去果园Sunkist sent us out to the groves我亲手从树上摘下了一个橙子and I picked an orange right off the tree.华氏度的天气山上还有雪呢It's . There's snow on the mountains.泰德坐在车里车门大开在本子上写着什么Ted sat in the car with the door open writing on a pad.很好吃对吧It's good, isn't it?尽管比弗利山是演艺界人士的古老聚居地So although Beverly Hills has the patina of show business,但其实现在住的都是会计师律师和牙医it's really just accountants, lawyers, and dentists.可以直接步行去吃午餐尽管我不会那样做And you can walk to lunch, although I don't.非常好Very nice.这里是"恐怖屋"So this is the chamber of horrors.那就是我的办公室And then that's my office.不知道会是谁呢Well. Wonder who that could be.你好啊Hello there.邦妮·维特萨德Bonnie Whiteside.这位是唐·德雷柏This is Don Draper.邦妮是位房地产经纪人Bonnie's a real estate agent.她在帮我找到理想的住所She's helping me find the ideal pad.怎么要搬离沥青池吗What, and leave the tar pits?这里很好但他不该租的It's cute, but he shouldn't be renting.看上去真是些很不错的房产Those are some nice-looking properties.你住在哪里Where are you living?我告诉过你亲爱的唐喜欢海边I told you, honey, Don's bicoastal.我想住在海边但我妻子在山上租了房子I wanted to be by the ocean, but my wife rented a house in the hills.风景不错Great view.城里还是谷里City or valley?我不知道I don't know.如果你厌倦了奔波给我来电Well, when you're tired of commuting, give me a call.别激动唐她对谁都这么热情Don't get excited, Don. She turns it on for everyone.帕杜斯基教授Professor Podolsky?你应该是哈里斯夫人吧Mrs. Harris, I presume?感谢你在周六见我I appreciate you meeting me on a Saturday.因为你出的价钱有诱惑公司也很有趣Well, the price is right and the company looks interesting.顺便问句那家公司是做什么的What exactly is the company, by the way?客户是鞋类公司The client is in footwear.女鞋Shoes, women's.新的市场部经理想减少开支The new head of marketing wants to cut costs.我懂了I get it.外面二十度年轻人都穿着凉鞋It's degrees out there and the kids are in sandals.减少开支不是个坏主意Lowering overhead is not a bad idea.你想以此作为切入点吗Is that where you'd start,时刻牢记"P"营销策略keeping in mind "The Four Ps"?你是工商管理硕士吗Do you have an MBA?不是但他们的市场部经理是No, but their head of marketing does.那帮年轻人啊These kids.相信我洛克菲勒可没有考虑过"P"Believe me, Rockefeller didn't worry about "The Four Ps."但我还是需要论点Still, I'm going to need an argument恐怕要比这个回答更学术些and I think it's going to need to be more technical than that.如果他们不半途而废I mean, if they're not quitters,丰富鞋类样式和设立外国分部更合理一些it makes more sense to diversify their lines or open foreign offices.写一篇这样的分析文章价格多少How much to get an analysis like that in writing?那要看你有没有东西交换了Well, let's see if you have anything to trade.这里是商学院不能用钱换吗This is a business school. Doesn't money work here?我在做一个广告调研I'm doing an advertising research study.我想知道你们公司采用酬金制和佣金制的I wanted to know what percentage of your clients客户分别有多少work on fees versus commission.当我开始工作时Well, when I started working,天啊那是年前了my goodness-- years ago,我们的所有客户都采用佣金制all of our clients were on commission.年前我们开始谈论酬金模式We started discussing a fee-based model three years ago.现在两者各占一半Now we're at -.我不知道你能否回答这个问题I don't know if you can answer this,或者理解这个问题or even understand it,这两者有什么区别but what is the difference?实际上我能回答Actually, I can answer that.你需要再拿一个本子You're going to need another pad.回来啦Hello.你在煎培根吗You frying bacon?在酒闷仔鸡里It's in the coq au vin.我做了蓝莓面包布丁当甜点And I made bread pudding with blueberries in it for dessert.仔鸡把酒都喝光了吧还有酒吗Any wine left or did the chicken drink it all?我给你买了一瓶I picked you up a bottle.更好Better.我想你们把地址搞错了我不知道Oh, I think you have the wrong address. I don't know.伙计们放到那里Fellas, why don't you put it over there?放到哪里啊太大了Over where? It's huge.窗户边有墙应该放这里By the window. There's a wall. That's where it goes.非常感谢Thank you very much.你得签字You've got to sign.谢谢Thank you.你为什么做这种事Why did you do that?房顶有天线吗You have an antenna on the roof?太大了It's huge.现在的电视都这么大It's the way they make them now.别人会怎么看唐How's it gonna look, Don?这里我认识的其他人都在挨饿You know, everyone I know here is starving.你要上电视了You're going to be on TV.你不想看自己演的《活色生香》吗Don't you want to watch yourself in "living color"?别说不吉利的话Don't jinx me.我不知道昂贵的礼物会惹你生气I didn't know an expensive gift would upset you.你刚来我不想跟你吵架You're not here long enough for a fight.你怎么这么晚还不睡What are you doing up so late?我妈妈让我告诉你马桶堵了My mama said to tell you the toilet's clogged.她不应该把某些东西冲下去Well, she's not supposed to flush things down it.她知道我是什么意思She'll know what I'm talking about.我妈妈说有些人会把那东西扔向窗外My mama said some people just throw it out the window, 但她不会的but she's not gonna.你必须去修You got to fix it.抱歉胡里奥但我刚下班回家I'm sorry, Julio, but I just got home from work.今天是周六你为什么去上班It's Saturday. Why you got to work?你必须修好You got to fix it!你语气好点说不定我还会考虑You could ask nicely. That might work better.她让我对你吼She said to yell at you.为什么Why?因为你不好好听Because you don't listen.我听不懂她说话I don't understand her.给送你了这是个礼物Here. This is yours. It's a gift.晚安Good night.{\fn经典楷体简\bord\an}在战火纷飞的年代\N你是否憧憬过一个和平安宁的所在\N那里没有纷扰唯有幸福安康{\fn经典楷体简\bord\an}你当然有过自从人行于世\N每个人都有过同样的梦想\N它有时被称为乌托邦长生泉\N有时仅仅叫做"小鸡农场"在播什么啊What is this?我们去床上睡吧Let's go to bed.怎么了Yes?我们还没庆祝呢We haven't celebrated.我不知道你是否想庆祝Oh, I didn't know if you wanted to.我想I do.让我刷一下牙Let me brush my teeth.等等Hold on.你没事吧Are you okay?我只是I'm just--不知为何我很紧张I don't know why I feel nervous.为这个吗About this?为所有事About everything.别紧张Don't.早Good morning.。
00:01:28,040 --> 00:01:30,240How's your blog going?200:01:31,800 --> 00:01:35,600Yeah, good, very good.00:01:35,600 --> 00:01:37,280You haven't written a word, have you?00:01:37,280 --> 00:01:40,120You just wrote "still has trust issues".00:01:40,120 --> 00:01:42,160And you read my writing upside down.00:01:44,120 --> 00:01:46,800You see what I mean?00:01:46,800 --> 00:01:50,720John, you're a soldier00:01:51,760 --> 00:01:55,360and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life00:01:55,360 --> 00:02:00,200and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you.00:02:01,840 --> 00:02:03,680Nothing happens to me.00:02:41,200 --> 00:02:44,680- What do you mean there's no ruddy car?' - He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry.00:02:44,680 --> 00:02:47,360- Get a cab! - I never get cabs!00:02:49,280 --> 00:02:51,200- I love you. - When?00:02:51,200 --> 00:02:53,400Get a cab!00:03:12,880 --> 00:03:15,000My husband00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:19,200was a happy man who lived life to the full. 00:03:19,200 --> 00:03:23,520He loved his family and his work,00:03:23,520 --> 00:03:28,040and that he should have taken his own life in this way00:03:28,040 --> 00:03:30,080is a mystery00:03:30,080 --> 00:03:33,400and a shock to all who knew him.00:03:46,640 --> 00:03:48,200 Taxi, taxi!00:03:52,160 --> 00:03:54,160- I'll be just two minutes, mate. - What?00:03:54,160 --> 00:03:57,200- I'm just going home to get my umbrella. - You can share mine.00:03:57,200 --> 00:03:58,640Two minutes, all right?00:04:33,680 --> 00:04:35,440She still dancing?00:04:35,440 --> 00:04:37,240Yeah, if you can call it that.00:04:37,240 --> 00:04:40,320- Did you get the car keys off her? - Got them out of her bag.00:04:40,320 --> 00:04:42,960Where is she?00:04:57,960 --> 00:05:00,280The body of Beth Davenport, Junior Minister for Transport,00:05:00,280 --> 00:05:04,920was found late last night on a building site in Greater London.00:05:04,920 --> 00:05:08,560Preliminary investigations suggest that this was suicide.00:05:08,560 --> 00:05:12,520We can confirm that this apparent suicide closely resembles those of00:05:12,520 --> 00:05:15,280Sir Jeffrey Patterson and James Phillimore. 00:05:15,280 --> 00:05:18,920In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked.00:05:18,920 --> 00:05:21,020The investigation is ongoing00:05:21,020 --> 00:05:23,920but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now.00:05:23,920 --> 00:05:26,280Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked?00:05:26,280 --> 00:05:29,400Well, they all took the same poison.00:05:29,400 --> 00:05:32,600They were all found in places they had no reason to be.00:05:32,600 --> 00:05:34,180None of them had shown any prior indication. 00:05:34,180 --> 00:05:35,760But you can't have serial suicides.00:05:35,760 --> 00:05:37,440Well, apparently you can.00:05:37,440 --> 00:05:40,480These three people, there's nothing that links them?00:05:40,480 --> 00:05:43,000There's no link we've found yet but00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:45,240we're looking for it. There has to be one.00:05:52,000 --> 00:05:55,560- If you've all got texts, please ignore them. - It just says "Wrong".00:05:55,560 --> 00:05:57,960Well, just ignore that. If there are no more questions,00:05:57,960 --> 00:06:00,600I'm going to bring this session to an end.00:06:00,600 --> 00:06:03,280If they're suicides, what are you investigating? 00:06:03,280 --> 00:06:08,600As I say, these suicides are clearly linked. 00:06:08,600 --> 00:06:13,280It's an unusual situation, we've got our best people investigating.00:06:16,040 --> 00:06:18,160Says "Wrong" again.00:06:18,160 --> 00:06:22,360-One more question. - Is there any chance that these are murders?-5400:06:22,360 --> 00:06:25,120And if they are, is this the work of a serial killer?00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:29,960I know that you like writing about these but these do appear to be suicides.00:06:29,960 --> 00:06:34,000We know the difference. The poison was clearly self-administered. 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:37,040Yes, but if they are murders, how do people keep themselves safe?00:06:37,040 --> 00:06:39,600Well, don't commit suicide.00:06:39,600 --> 00:06:40,960Daily Mail!00:06:40,960 --> 00:06:44,900This is a frightening time for people00:06:44,900 --> 00:06:48,840but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions.00:06:48,840 --> 00:06:51,720We are all as safe as we want to be.00:06:59,200 --> 00:07:00,680Thank you.00:07:04,400 --> 00:07:07,800You've got to stop him doing that. He's making us look like idiots.00:07:07,800 --> 00:07:10,360If you can tell me how he does it, I'll stop him. 00:07:21,880 --> 00:07:23,440John!00:07:23,440 --> 00:07:25,080John Watson!00:07:26,040 --> 00:07:28,440Stamford, Mike Stamford. We were at Barts together.00:07:28,440 --> 00:07:30,840- Yes, sorry, yes, Mike. - Hello.00:07:30,840 --> 00:07:33,320- Yes, I know, I got fat. - No, no.00:07:33,320 --> 00:07:36,120I heard you were abroad somewhere getting shot at. What happened?00:07:36,120 --> 00:07:38,600I got shot.00:07:44,080 --> 00:07:46,600Are you still at Barts then?00:07:46,600 --> 00:07:48,240Teaching now, yeah, bright young things 00:07:48,240 --> 00:07:49,880like we used to be.00:07:49,880 --> 00:07:51,960God, I hate them.00:07:51,960 --> 00:07:54,680What about you, just staying in town till you get yourself sorted?00:07:54,680 --> 00:07:56,440I can't afford London on an Army pension. 00:07:56,440 --> 00:07:58,800Couldn't bear to be anywhere else. That's not the John Watson I know.00:07:58,800 --> 00:08:01,160I'm not the John Watson.00:08:06,440 --> 00:08:08,560Couldn't Harry help?00:08:08,560 --> 00:08:10,640Yeah, like that's going to happen.00:08:10,640 --> 00:08:13,680I don't know, get a flatshare or something? 00:08:13,680 --> 00:08:15,360Who'd want me for a flatmate?00:08:17,800 --> 00:08:19,480What?00:08:19,480 --> 00:08:22,920You're the second person to say that to me today.00:08:22,920 --> 00:08:24,280Who was the first?00:08:26,560 --> 00:08:28,840How fresh?00:08:28,840 --> 00:08:31,720Just in. 67, natural causes.00:08:31,720 --> 00:08:34,880Used to work here. I knew him, he was nice. 00:08:34,880 --> 00:08:37,120Fine.00:08:37,120 --> 00:08:39,280We'll start with the riding crop.00:08:49,720 --> 00:08:53,080So, bad day was it?00:08:54,400 --> 00:08:56,300I need to know what bruises form in the next20 minutes.00:08:56,300 --> 00:08:58,200A man's alibi depends on it. Text me.00:08:58,200 --> 00:09:01,520Listen, I was wondering. Maybe later, when you're finished... 00:09:01,520 --> 00:09:03,600You're wearing lipstick. You weren't wearing lipstick before.00:09:03,600 --> 00:09:07,560I refreshed it a bit.00:09:07,560 --> 00:09:10,080Sorry, you were saying?00:09:10,080 --> 00:09:12,880I was wondering if you'd like to have coffee? 00:09:12,880 --> 00:09:15,600Black, two sugars, please. I'll be upstairs. 00:09:17,480 --> 00:09:19,160OK.00:09:31,160 --> 00:09:34,280- Bit different from my day. - You've no idea! 00:09:34,280 --> 00:09:36,480Mike, can I borrow your phone? There's no signal on mine.00:09:36,480 --> 00:09:39,360- And what's wrong with the landline? - I prefer to text.00:09:39,360 --> 00:09:42,520Sorry, it's in my coat.00:09:43,720 --> 00:09:46,280Here, use mine.00:09:46,360 --> 00:09:48,800Oh, thank you.00:09:48,800 --> 00:09:51,920This is an old friend of mine, John Watson. 00:09:55,000 --> 00:09:57,320Afghanistan or Iraq?00:09:59,840 --> 00:10:02,520- Sorry? - Which was it, in Afghanistan or Iraq?00:10:05,200 --> 00:10:07,840 Afghanistan, sorry, how did you know?00:10:07,840 --> 00:10:09,960Ah! Molly, coffee, thank you.00:10:09,960 --> 00:10:11,520What happened to the lipstick?00:10:11,520 --> 00:10:13,360It wasn't working for me.00:10:13,360 --> 00:10:17,560Really? It was a big improvement. Your mouth's too small now.00:10:17,560 --> 00:10:19,120OK.00:10:20,240 --> 00:10:21,760How do you feel about the violin?00:10:24,960 --> 00:10:27,520I'm sorry, what?00:10:27,520 --> 00:10:29,500I play the violin when I'm thinking00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:31,480and sometimes I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you?00:10:31,480 --> 00:10:33,680Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other.00:10:36,280 --> 00:10:38,480- You told him about me? - Not a word.00:10:38,480 --> 00:10:40,360Who said anything about flatmates?00:10:40,360 --> 00:10:42,520I did. Told Mike this morning00:10:42,520 --> 00:10:44,680that I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for.00:10:44,680 --> 00:10:47,920Now here he is just after lunch with an old friend clearly just home from00:10:47,920 --> 00:10:50,760military service in Afghanistan. Wasn't a difficult leap.00:10:50,760 --> 00:10:53,200How did you know about Afghanistan?00:10:53,200 --> 00:10:55,440Got my eye on a nice little place in central London.00:10:55,440 --> 00:10:57,120We ought to be able to afford it.00:10:57,120 --> 00:10:59,200We'll meet there tomorrow evening, seven o'clock.00:10:59,200 --> 00:11:03,120Sorry, got to dash. I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.00:11:03,120 --> 00:11:04,680Is that it?00:11:04,680 --> 00:11:06,640 Is that what?00:11:06,640 --> 00:11:10,360We've only just met and we're going to go and look at a flat?00:11:10,360 --> 00:11:12,120Problem?00:11:14,160 --> 00:11:16,200We don't know a thing about each other.00:11:16,200 --> 00:11:19,720I don't know where we're meeting, I don't even know your name.00:11:19,720 --> 00:11:22,760I know you're an Army doctor and you've been invalided home from Afghanistan.00:11:22,760 --> 00:11:25,880You've got a brother worried about you but you won't go to him for help00:11:25,880 --> 00:11:28,200because you don't approve of him, possibly because he's an alcoholic,00:11:28,200 --> 00:11:30,520more likely because he recently walked out on his wife.00:11:30,520 --> 00:11:32,800And I know that your therapist thinks00:11:32,800 --> 00:11:35,080your limp's psychosomatic, quite correctly, I'm afraid.00:11:35,080 --> 00:11:37,560That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?00:11:41,160 --> 00:11:45,760The name's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street.00:11:45,760 --> 00:11:47,280Afternoon.00:11:50,520 --> 00:11:52,960Yeah, he's always like that.00:12:57,800 --> 00:12:59,200Hello.00:12:59,200 --> 00:13:02,240- Ah - Mr Holmes. - Sherlock, please.00:13:03,280 --> 00:13:05,600Well, this is a prime spot. Must be expensive. 00:13:05,600 --> 00:13:08,600Mrs Hudson, the landlady - she's given me a special deal.00:13:08,600 --> 00:13:10,980Owes me a favour. A few years back,00:13:10,980 --> 00:13:13,360her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida.00:13:13,360 --> 00:13:17,280- I was able to help out. - Sorry, you stopped her husband being executed?00:13:17,280 --> 00:13:18,840Oh, no, I ensured it.00:13:20,360 --> 00:13:22,480Sherlock!00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:24,040Mrs Hudson, Dr John Watson.00:13:24,040 --> 00:13:25,540Hello. Come in.00:13:25,540 --> 00:13:27,040- Thank you. - Shall we...?00:13:53,120 --> 00:13:54,720Well, this could be very nice.00:13:56,400 --> 00:13:58,080Very nice indeed.00:13:58,080 --> 00:14:00,440Yes.00:14:00,440 --> 00:14:02,960Yes, I think so, my thoughts precisely.00:14:02,960 --> 00:14:05,900So I went straight ahead and moved in.00:14:05,900 --> 00:14:08,840Soon as we get all this rubbish cleaned out... 00:14:08,840 --> 00:14:14,040- So this is all... - Well, obviously I can...straighten things up a bit。
电影情书插曲电影情书插曲篇一:《致电影的一封情书》中所有经典电影及配乐《致电影的一封情书》中所有经典电影及配乐By 握不住的灵魂#1# Grouplove - Tongue Tied* 00:03 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)“Want you go to a real party?”* 00:12 艺术家 The Artist (2011)* 00:14 阳光姐妹淘 ?? (2011)* 00:15 两小无猜 Melody (1971)* 00:16 月升王国 Mooise Kingdom (2012)* 00:17 王子殿下 Your Highness (2011)* 00:18 布吉舞Стиляги (2008)* 00:19 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 00:19 独家新闻 Scoop (2006)* 00:20 127小时 127 Hours (2010)* 00:23 摇滚年代 Rock of Ages (2012)* 00:25 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 00:26 绝代艳后 Marie Antoinette (2006)* 00:27 两小无猜 Melody (1971)* 00:28 雨中曲 Singin" in the Rain (1952)* 00:29 摩登时代 Modern Times (1936)* 00:30 宿醉2 The Hangover Part II (2011)* 00:31 泰迪熊 Ted (2012)* 00:32 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 00:33 贫民窟的百万富翁 Slumdog Millionaire (2008)* 00:34 涉外大饭店 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)* 00:35 黑暗阴影 Dark Shadows (2012)* 00:36 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)* 00:37 一夜狂欢 A Hard Day"s Night (1964)* 00:38 我与梦露的一周 My Week with Marilyn (2011) * 00:39 女人就是女人 Une femme est une femme (1961) * 00:39 在路上 On the Road (2012)* 00:41 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 00:42 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)* 00:43 悬崖上的金鱼姬崖の上のポニョ (2008)* 00:44 太坏了 Superbad (2007)* 00:45 疯狂愚蠢的爱 Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)* 00:46 巴黎,我爱你 Paris, je t"aime (2006)* 00:47 荒野生存 Into the Wild (2007)* 00:48 四个婚礼和一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)* 00:49 独裁者 The Dictator (2012)* 00:50 喜剧之王 The King of Comedy (1982)* 00:51 一天 One Day (2011)* 00:51 单身男子 A Single Man (2009)* 00:52 里约大冒险 Rio (2011)* 00:53 被解救的姜戈 Django Unchained (2012)* 00:54 大傻瓜 Vollidiot (2007)* 00:55 天才一族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 00:55 超级英雄 Super (2010)* 00:56 狗镇之主 Lords of Dogtown (2005)* 00:57 篮球日记 The Basketball Diaries (1995)* 00:57 八部半 8? (1963)* 00:58 龙虎少年队 21 Jump Street (2012)* 00:59 让子弹飞 (2010)* 00:59 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 The Dark Knight (2008)* 01:00 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 01:01 一周 One Week (1920)* 01:03 四头狮子 Four Lions (2010)* 01:03 社交网络 The Social Network (2010)* 01:04 X计划 Project X (2012)* 01:05 芭萨提的颜色 Rang De Basanti (2006)* 01:06 罗马假日 Roman Holiday (1953)* 01:07 精武门精武門 (1972)* 01:07 X计划 Project X (2012)* 01:08 爱在黎明破晓前 Before Suise (1995)* 01:09 天才一族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 01:12 白日梦国度 Daydream Nation (2010)* 01:13 触不可及 Intouchables (2011)* 01:14 大师 The Master (2012)* 01:15 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 01:16 我爱你莫里斯 I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)* 01:17 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 01:18 操行零分Zéro de conduite: Jeunes diables au collège (1933)* 01:19 两小无猜 Jeux d"enfants (2003)* 01:20 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now (1979)* 01:21 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction (1994)* 01:22 狗男女 Go (1999)* 01:23 无敌破坏王 Wreck-It Ralph (2012)* 01:23 魔法师的学徒 The Sorcerer"s Apprentice (2010)* 01:25 城市之光 City Lights (1931)* 01:26 登堂入室 Dans la maison (2012)* 01:26 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 01:21 金玉满堂金玉滿堂 (1995)#2# Imagine Dragons - Radioactive* 01:29 指环王1:魔戒再现 The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) “You shall not pass!”* 01:35 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 01:35 悲惨世界Les Misérables (2012)* 01:36 悲惨世界Les Misérables (2012)* 01:38 公民凯恩 Citizen Kane (1941)* 01:38 无法无天 Lawless (2012)* 01:39 环形使者 Looper (2012)* 01:40 乡下人 Hick (2011)* 01:41 恶魔的替身 The Devil"s Double (2011)* 01:42 超能失控 Chronicle (2012)* 01:43 沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)* 01:44 饥饿游戏 The Hunger Games (2012)* 01:45 X战警:第一战 X-Men: First Class (2011)* 01:46 V字仇杀队 V for Vendetta (2005)* 01:47 西部往事 C"era una volta il West (1968)* 01:48 坠入 The Fall (2006)* 01:49 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)* 01:50 逃离德黑兰 Argo (2012)* 01:51 西北偏北 North by Northwest (1959)* 01:53 猎杀本·拉登 Zero Dark Thirty (2012)* 01:53 迫降航班 Flight (2012)* 01:54 普罗米修斯 Prometheus (2012)* 01:55 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 01:56 白雪公主之魔镜魔镜 Mirror Mirror (2012)* 01:56 白雪公主与猎人 Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)* 01:57 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)* 01:59 黑衣人3 Men in Black III (2012)* 01:59 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 The Dark Knight (2008)* 02:00 雨果 Hugo (2011)* 02:01 致命急件 Premium Rush (2012)* 02:03 霍比特人1:意外之旅 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)* 02:05 白雪公主与猎人 Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)* 02:08 无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 02:09 变形金刚3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)* 02:10 飞越疯人院 One Flew Over the Cuckoo"s Nest (1975)* 02:12 猜火车 Trainspotting (1996)* 02:15 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 02:16 盗梦空间 Inception (2010)* 02:17 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)* 02:18 环形使者 Looper (2012)* 02:19 盗梦空间 Inception (2010)* 02:20 康斯坦丁 Constantine (2005)* 02:21 搏击俱乐部 Fight Club (1999)* 02:22 诸神之怒 Wrath of the Titans (2012)* 02:22 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:24 勇敢传说 Brave (2012)* 02:25 出租车司机 Taxi Driver (1976)* 02:28 黑暗阴影 Dark Shadows (2012)* 02:29 迫降航班 Flight (2012)* 02:30 碟中谍4 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)* 02:30 亚伯拉罕·林肯:吸血鬼猎人 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)* 02:32 被解救的姜戈 Django Unchained (2012)* 02:32 大侦探福尔摩斯2:诡影游戏 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)* 02:33 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 02:33 亚伯拉罕·林肯:吸血鬼猎人 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)* 02:33 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)* 02:34 美国队长 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)* 02:36 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)* 02:36 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 02:37 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)* 02:40 海啸奇迹 Lo imposible (2012)* 02:41 盗梦空间 Inception (2010)* 02:42 变形金刚3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)* 02:43 云图 Cloud Atlas (2012)* 02:44 雷神 Thor (2011)* 02:45 伤心小号曲 Balada triste de trompeta (2010)* 02:45 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:46 铁甲钢拳 Real Steel (2011)* 02:48 超级战舰 Battleship (2012)* 02:49 源代码 Source Code (2011)* 02:50 无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 02:51 少年派的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi (2012)* 02:52 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:53 寻求正义 Seeking Justice (2011)* 02:54 在路上 On the Road (2012)* 02:55 通缉令 Wanted (2008)* 02:55 触不可及 Intouchables (2011)* 02:56 云图 Cloud Atlas (2012)* 02:58 亡命驾驶 Drive (2011)* 02:59 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994)* 03:03 诸神之怒 Wrath of the Titans (2012)* 03:04 无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 03:07 勇敢传说 Brave (2012)* 03:09 不明身份 Unknown (2011)* 03:11 海啸奇迹 Lo imposible (2012)* 03:12 复仇者联盟 The Avengers (2012)* 03:14 西游记大结局之仙履奇缘 (1995)* 03:16 普罗米修斯 Prometheus (2012)* 03:17 异星战场 John Carter (2012)* 03:18 饥饿 Hunger (2008)* 03:19 血色将至 There Will Be Blood (2007)* 03:20 西游降魔篇 (2013)* 03:21 复仇者联盟 The Avengers (2012)* 03:24 猩球崛起 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) * 03:27 超凡蜘蛛侠 The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)* 03:28 雷神 Thor (2011)* 03:29 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 03:31 英雄 (2002)* 03:34 三个火枪手 The Three Musketeers (2011)* 03:35 特警判官 Dredd (2012)* 03:36 黑暗阴影 Dark Shadows (2012)* 03:36 环形使者 Looper (2012)* 03:37 雷神 Thor (2011)* 03:38 细节 The Details (2011)* 03:41 云图 Cloud Atlas (2012)#3# Mew - Comforting Sounds* 03:45 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994) “I love you ,Leon”* 03:58 少年派的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi (2012)* 03:59 钢铁苍穹 Iron Sky (2012)* 04:01 无姓之人 Mr. Nobody (2009)* 04:02 本杰明·巴顿奇事 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)* 04:03 超市夜未眠 Cashback (2006)* 04:04 通灵男孩诺曼 ParaNorman (2012)* 04:05 荒野生存 Into the Wild (2007)* 04:07 天气预报员 The Weather Man (2005)* 04:08 雷神 Thor (2011)* 04:09 反基督者 Antichrist (2009)* 04:10 钢琴家 The Pianist (2002)* 04:11 机械师 The Machinist (2004)* 04:12 127小时 127 Hours (2010)* 04:13 V字仇杀队 V for Vendetta (2005)* 04:14 潜水艇 Submarine (2011)* 04:15 碧海蓝天 Le grand bleu (1988)* 04:17 天才一族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 04:19 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)* 04:21 随心所欲 Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux (1962)* 04:25 细节 The Details (2011)* 04:26 暖暖内含光 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)* 04:27 超脱 Detachment (2011)* 04:28 无姓之人 Mr. Nobody (2009)* 04:30 永远的莉莉亚 Lilya 4-ever (2002)* 04:31 蓝白红三部曲之蓝 Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993)电影情书插曲篇二:浅谈电影《情书》中的配乐浅谈电影《情书》中的配乐《情书》是一部唯美含蓄的爱情电影,主要讲述了两个陌生而外貌相似的女子因为一个误会开始了通信,而后一段少年往事中的暗恋,逐渐被抽丝剥茧、真相大白。
广告狂人(mad man)第一季第2集 台词 中英文
那些还在上预Байду номын сангаас的人
Freddy Rumsen从Ratazys酒吧抬出去
能去看Shirley Temple故事书节目吗?
Claire : Kids, breakfast! Kids? Phil, would you get them?Phil : Yeah, just a sec.Claire : Kids!Phil : That is so,..Claire : Okay...Phil : Kids, get down here!Haley : Why are you guys yelling at us, when we're way upstairs, just text me.Claire : Alright, That's not gonna happen, and, wow, you're not wearing that outfit.Haley : What's Wrong with it?Claire : Honey, do you have anything to say to your daughter... about her skirt?Phil : Sorry? Oh yeah, that looks really cute sweetheart!Haley : Thanks!Claire : No, it's way to short, people know you're a girl, you don't need to prove it to them. Alex: Luke got his head stuck in the banister again.Phil : I got it. Where's the baby oil?Claire : It's on our bedside tip... I Don't know, find it. Come on!Claire : I... was out of control growing up, there, you know, i said it. I...I, I just don't want my kids to make the same bad mistakes i made. If Haley never would exhibit on a beach in Florida, half naked... I've done my job.Phil : Our job.Claire : Right... I've done our job.Gloria : Bravo Manny! Kick it! Kick it! Manny go! No! That was a penalty!Jay : Gloria, there Owen's six, Let's take it down a notch.Gloria : We're, very different. He's from the city. He has big business. I come from a small village, very poor, but very very beautiful. It's the number one village in North-Columbia for all the... what's the word?Jay : Murders.Gloria : Yes, the murders.Gloria : Manny, stop him! Stop him!Boy : Dammit, manny!a Mom : Come on, coach! You've gotta take that kid out!Gloria : You wanna take him out? How about I take you out!?Jay : Honey, honey...Gloria : Why don't you worry about your son! He's spend the first half with his hands in his pants!Josh : I've wanted to tell her that for the last six weeks... I'm Josh, Ryan's dad.Gloria : Hi, I'm Gloria Pritchett... Manny's mother.Josh : Oh, this must be your dad.Jay : Her dad? Uh, no, no, that's funny. Actually no, I'm her husband! Don't be fooled by the... Give me a second here.Mitchell : Who's the good girl? Who's that?Old lady : Oh, She's adorable!Mitchell : Oh, thank you!Old lady : Hey precious...Mitchell : Hello. Hi, hi. We've just adopted her from Vietnam and we're bringing her home for the first time.Man : She's an angel. You and you're wife must be thrilled!Cameron : Sorry, sorry, sorry, Daddy needed snacks. Hi! So, what are we talking about?Mitchell : We have been together for... five, five years now? And we've decided we really wanted to have a baby... so, we initially asked one of our lesbian friends to be a surrogate. Cameron : Then we figured, they are already mean enough. Can you imagine one of them pregnant? No, thank you. Ekk...Mitchell :You saw that right? Everybody fondling up to Lillian, then you walk on... and suddenly it's all "Huu...". I'm gonna give a speech.Cameron : You are not giving a speech ... you gonna stuck with this people for the next five hours!Mitchell : You're right, it's okay, I'm sorry.Woman : Honey, look at that baby with those creampuffs.Mitchell : Okay, excuse me. Excuse me, but this baby would have grown up in a crowded orphanage if it wasn't for us creampuffs ... and you know what, to all of you who judge, hear this, love knows no race...Cameron : Mitchell!Mitchell : ... creed or gender and shame on you! You small minded, ignorant fe... Cameron : Mitchell!!Mitchell : What?Cameron : She's got the creampuffs.Mitchell : Oh!Cameron : We would like to pay for everyone's headsets.[MODERN FAMILY - SEASON 1 EPISODE 1]Phil : Buddy, why do you keep getting stuck like this?Luke :I thought I could get out this time.Alex :I'm just gonna say it... he needs to be checked by a specialist.Phil : There! Be free, Excalibur!Haley : I'm having a friend over today.Claire : Who?Haley : You don't know him.Claire : Him... Him?Luke : Oeh, a boy! You gonna kiss him?Haley : Shut up!Phil : Easy. Easy.Alex: You don't even...Claire : Luke, Alex, why don't you take it outside, okay?Alex: And do what?Phil : Fighting a son, it would be a nice change. I'm kidding!Claire : Haley! Who's the boy?Haley : His name is Dylan ... You know, I might as well just tell him not to come, because you guys are just going to embarrass me again.Claire : Honey! Hang on a second, you're fifteen, it's the first time you've had a boy over. I mean I'm bound to be a little surprised, but... We're not gonna embarrass you!Phil : I'm better go charge the camcorder. I'm kidding! Come on! Who are you talking to?Phil : I'm a cool dad. That's... that's my thang. I'm hype, I surf the web, I text. LOL, Laugh Out Loud, OMG, Oh My God, WTF, Why The Face. You know, I know all the dances to High School Musical, so...Alex: MOM! DAD!Claire : What happened?Alex: Luke just shot me!Luke : I didn't mean to!Claire : Are you okay?Alex: No, the little bitch shot me!Claire : Language!Luke : They're only plastic bb's! It was an accident!Claire : What did I tell you what happened if you got him a gun? Deal with this!Phil : Buddy... Uncool.Claire : That's it? No, no, no, the agreement was that, if he shoots someone ... you shoot him. Phil : We were serious about that?Claire : Yes, we were and now you have to follow through.Luke : I'm so sorry!Claire : Liar. Go!Phil : But he's got a birthday party.Alex: What's more important here dad?Claire : You can shoot him afterwards, he'll be home at two.Phil : I can't shoot him at two, showing a house at two.Alex: What about three?Claire : No, he's at a soccer game at three, and then... Oh, we gotta leave for that dinner thing in five. 4:15, you can shoot him at 4:15.Phil : Yeah, I guess that works for me.Claire : "Shoot Luke"Phil : Sorry dude, it's on the calendarLuke :Oh, come on!Manny : I'm quitting soccer, it is a game for children.Gloria : No, you're not quitting. You would have stopped that goal if you weren't staring at that little girl.Manny : She is not a girl, She is a woman.Jay : You know Gloria, that blowup with that other mom, why do you have to do things like that?Gloria : If someone says something about my family, I'm going to...Jay : I'm just ... saying you could take it down here a little bit, that's all.Gloria : Well yeah, coz' that's when you live down here ... but I live up here!Jay : You don't have to be so emotional all the time, that's all I'm saying! Manny, you're with me on this, right?Manny : I wanna tell Brenda Feldman I love her.Jay : Oh, for God's sake.Gloria : Honey, she's 16.Manny : Oh, it's okay for you to take an older lover?Jay : Hey! Watch it!Manny : I want to go to the mall where she works. But first we need to get my white shirt, the silk one.Gloria : Okay, if that's what you really want to do.Jay : Seriously, not to be the evil stepdad, but if you put on a puffy white shirt and declare your love for a 16 year old, you're gonna be swinging from the flagpole in your puffy white underpants!Manny : Stop the car!Gloria : Where are you going? You see? You hurt his feelings.Jay : Well, if it toughens him up a little bit, then ... oh, jeez, he's picking flowers!Gloria : Manny is very passionate, just like his father. My first husband is very handsome but, too crazy. It seemed like all what we did was, fight and make love, fight and make love, fight and make love. One time, I'm not kidding you, we fell out the window together.Jay : Which one were you doing? I'm hearing this for the first time!Mitchell : This doesn't worry you? She barely slept in the plane, and she's still wide awake. Cameron : Oh, stop worrying!Mitchell : But Cam, That orphanage, it was all women. Maybe she can't fall asleep unless she feels a woman's shape.Cameron : I guess that's possible.Mitchell : So, here.Cameron : What the hell is that suppose to mean?Cameron : Yes, I've gained a few extra pounds while we were expecting the baby... which has been very difficult. But, apparently you're body does a nesting, very maternal, primal... thing, were it retains nutrients. Some sort of molecular physiology thing. But that's science, you can't, you can't fight it, so...Mitchell : I'm not saying anything.Cameron : You're saying everything.Mitchell : Count to three, one, t...Cameron : Three!Mitchell : Okay. Oh Cam!Cameron : Oh My God, do you love it?Mitchell : Yes, I... What the hell is that?Cameron : I had Andre do it when we we're gone.Mitchell : Is that us? With wings?Cameron : We're floating above her, always there to protect her.Mitchell : Well, that's reassuring, right Lily? Yeah, we tore you away from everything you know but don't worry, things are normal here. You're fathers are floating fairies! Can you callAndre? Have him paint something a little less... gay? By the way, We need to stop having friends with names like Andre.Cameron : Redheaded dad is angry daddy.Mitchell : No I'm not.Cameron : Yes, you are. Even Pepper pointed it out on the way home from the airport. Mitchell : Okay, that's another one, Pepper!Cameron : Okay, what's up?Mitchell : Alright, look... I ... I never told my family we were adopting a baby.Cameron : I know.Mitchell : You do?Cameron : Ya, And I don't blame you, I know your family. You tell them, they say something judgmentally.Mitchell : Exactly!Cameron : You get mad.Mitchell : I know, and what's supposed to be nothing, but joyful suddenly turns into this huge fight.Cameron : And who wants a big emotional scene like that?Mitchell : Thank you, I'm so relieved you understand.Cameron : I invited them over for dinner tonight.Mitchell : What?Cameron : I had to! This would have gone on forever. You're an avoider.Mitchell : No, no! Cam, I'm calling them now, I'm cancelling.Cameron : No, you're not! You're telling your family you've adopted a baby, tonight. And you do have avoiding issues! Even Angelo said so.Mitchell : Are you really not hearing these things?Haley : Don't answer it, I'll get it!Claire : Hi! Hey, you must be Dylan.Phil : Hey, Dylan, yeah.Claire :: I'm Haley's mother.Haley : Hey, come on, let's go.Claire : Hang on one second. Dylan... You're still in High School?Dylan : Yeah, I’m a Senior.Claire : Phil, sweetie, honey. He is Dylan and he is a have to scare him.Phil : Let me meet this playa. Phil Dunphy, yo!Phil : It's like that, you just start down on him and let the eyes do the work. You're mouth might be saying: Hey, we cool! But you're eyes are like: No, we not! Nice to meet you! No, it's not! It's all good? No, it's ...Dylan : Jo.Haley : Okay, I've seen two guysPhil : Wait You two ... two keep it real? You know what I mean, son?Dylan : Not really.Haley : Please stop.Phil : That's cool! Oh, God, That's my back!Claire : Sweatheart.Phil : Owh, oh, I slipped in the baby oil.Phil :Ooh, where you from originally? I could defeat you if it came to a physical confrontation.Claire : I don't know about this, shall I call a doctor?Phil : No, no, no. You're very strong homesDylan : Thanks.Phil : Okay, nice, nice soft landing. Okay, I am on my side though, so flip me right back and we're good. We'll be good. Just need to get flipped right on my back, and we should be fine, so.Manny : Brenda Feldman.Gloria : What is that?Manny : A poem I’ve written for Brenda Feldman.Jay : Of course that is.Manny : I put my thoughts into words, and now my words into action!Jay : Ey, I give you 50 bucks not to do this.Manny : I'm eleven years old, what am I gonna do with money?Jay : What are you gonna do with a sixteen year old?Gloria : It's like a bullfight!Jay : Ever seen a bullfight? I can't watch this.Gloria : You're in such a bad mood. And I know why, It's because that man thought you were my father.Jay : No.Gloria : Yes.Jay : No.Gloria : When you say no like that, it's always yes. Come on, we're in the mall, let's get you like some younger clothes ... there's a store there that I know...Jay : I don't need any younger clothes! And I don't care what some jackass in a pair of ripped jeans thinks about me.Gloria : Good, you shouldn't. You should only care what I think. I love you, and I don't care how old you are. So stop being an gloomy goos, and stop being so hard on Manny.Jay : The only reason I'm hard on Manny is just because I don't wanna see him make a fool of himself. And I can smell that hair goo of his from here!Gloria : Look, I don't know what's gonna happen to him over there but you're his family now. And that means only one thing. You be there winning his back, not to spit in his face!Jay : What?Gloria : Something my mom always says, it's gorgeous in Spanish. Look, he's there. Manny : She has a boyfriend.Gloria : OHH, I'm sorry, mi nino.Manny : I gave her my heart. She gave me a picture of me as an old time sheriff. That was pretty stupid of me, wasn't it?Gloria : No mi amore, It was brave, right Jay? Brave.Jay : I.. b... you'll know better next time. Come on! Let's get a pretzel.Security guard : Oh, excuse me, sir? We asked all mall-walkers to stay to the right.Haley : Alex, get out! MOM!Claire : Alex, leave your sister alone!Alex: I was just getting my book, gosh!Claire : I know sweetie, but you need to respect her privacy. What are they doing up there? Alex: Nothing, lying in her bed, watching a movie.Claire : Okay... Okay... I'm making a cake for tonight, you wanna help me with the frosting? Alex: Sure. So, you know if Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she has mono for a few months and then like tell everyone the baby's yours?Claire : What?Alex: That senior at school was out sick for like four months, but Terna Wristniks says she was out breastfeeding in a cleanup carwash.Phil : Buddy, what are you wearing?Luke : Nothing.Phil : No jacket, one hat. How many pairs of underwear do you have on?Luke : One (ix)Alex: First of all, it would be really cool to see Haley that fat, and how awesome would it be to have a fake little brother who's really my nephew.Claire : Haley is not getting pregnant!Alex: I'm just saying if.Claire : I know, and I know you like to make trouble for your sister but it's not gonna work this time. You know why? 'Cause your sister is a good girl. I know, I was just like her when I was...Phil :I want you to know, I'm not enjoying this. This is an important lesson that you're leaning, so. It's all good, keep it...Luke : You're to close, it's gonna hurt.Phil : It's supposed to hurt!Luke : And why are you smiling?Phil :I'm... What? Oh, forget it. I can't do this. The point is, you're scared. I think you've learned your lesson.Luke : Awww!Haley : Mom?! What are you doing?Claire : Hey, I was just dropping off some laundry, This is a bad time?Haley : Yeah...Claire : Oh, okay.Haley : Can you shut the door please?Claire : Actually we're just gonna go ahead and leave that open.Haley : Why?Claire : Because I have seen this little show before: Lying on the bed with a tall, senior. one minute you're just friends, watching Falcon Crest, and the next you're lying underneath the air-hockey table with your bra un-pocket!Haley : Mom!Luke : You hit my bone!Phil : It was an accident!Luke : I thought we were friends!Phil : I am your friend!Haley : Dad?! Dad, you have got to talk to mom, she is like completely freaking out and embarrassing me.Phil : Well, honey, you're mom isn't always as cool about things as I... What is with this thing!Mitchell : My dad, ehm, my dad isn't completely comfortable with this, ehm, he still does this thing. It's been five years now. And he still does this thing where he announces himself before walking into any room were in. Just to make sure he doesn't have to ever see us kiss. Cameron : Wish my mother had that system. Remember?Mitchell : Not now.Mitchell : I still can't believe you did this to me!Cameron : Would you get in the spirit of things! It's a celebration!Mitchell : Oh God.Cameron : Okay, I'm gonna go get Lily ready, and I want you to just come straight out with it,Mitchell : Alright.Cameron : You can do this! Sports guy chest bump,Mitchell : No.Cameron : Sports guy chest bump!Mitchell : Cam. Do it, GO!Mitchell : Hey, how are you? Hi guys! Well thank you, thanks.Claire : Oh Don't thank us open it, dad is coming right behind.Jay : Knock, knock, we're here! Coming in!Mitchell : Don't worry dad, nothing gay going on here. May I take you're multicolored coat and you're bejeweled cap?Jay : Yeah.Phil : Hey Jay.Claire : Gloria, hi! How are you?Phil : Hi Gloria, how are you? What a beautiful dress!Gloria : Thank you, Phil! Oh, Okay.Claire : Phil! She said Phil, not feel!Jay : So how was you're trip?Mitchell : It was good, it was good actually but...about that I have something that I need to tell you guys. We didn't just go to Vietnam for pleasure. We, kinda have some big news. Jay : Oh, God, if Cam comes out here with boobs, I'm leaving!Claire : Dad!Haley : I hope he didn't embarrass you, mom.Claire : Don't mind her, Haley had her first boy over today, and Phil shot him.Mitchell : Anyway, so about a year ago. Cam and I sort of feeling this longing for something, maybe a baby.Jay : Woooh, that's a bad idea.Mitchell : What do you mean, bad idea?Jay : Well, kids need a mother! I mean, if you two guys are bored, get a dog!Mitchell : We're not bored, dad!Gloria : I support you Mitchell, and though you're not my sonClaire : I, I think what dad is trying to say is that, Mitchell you're a little uptight, kids bring chaos and you don't handle well.Mitchell : Oh, That's not what dad is saying . That's what you're saying. And it's insulting in an whole different way.Phil : Okay, people, let's all chillax!Alex: Hey! Where's uncle Cameron?Mitchell : Finally, thank you, someone who's not insulting me, notices he's not here.Jay : Oh! So, that's the big announcement. You two broke up. Well a baby wasn't gonna help that anyway! And you know? Let me tell you, your'll be better of, because he was a bit of a drama queen.Mitchell :No, no, no! Stop, stop! You come into my house and you insult me and my boyfriend who by the way is not that dramatic! We've adopted a baby. Her name is Lily. Cameron : Exciting!Mitchell : Just turn it off.Cameron : I can't turn it off, it's who I am!Mitchell : The music!Cameron : Oh, yes, the music. Come, say hello Lily.Haley : Oh, she's so cute!Phil : Let me see her. Hi Lily. Lily? Isn't that gonna be hard for her to say? No?Jay : Excuse me... Okay, I, I know that I said I thought this was a bad idea. But... What do I know? I mean, It's not like I wrote the book on fatherhood. I've been trying all my life to get it right, i'm still screwing up. Right, Manny?Manny : I wrote a song about it in the car.Jay : Of course you did. Anyway, I'm happy for you! And you should know that... I'm not here to spit in your face, I'm here to blow at your back. It's supposed to sound better in Spanish. Anyhow, Mitch...Mitchell : No, dad, it's... I got it, I got it.Claire : She want's her daddy.Mitchell : Do you wanna meet grandpa?Jay : You're kidding? She's one of us now, Let me see that little pot sticker! Eey, you're a cutie, aren't you!Jay :We're from different worlds. Yet we somehow fit together. Love is what's binds us. Through fair, or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda To let you know my heart is yours. Feldman, coma, Brenda I mean seriously!Phil : Luke, so far, he hasn't beaten me at basketball.Phil : It's 2-0. Get that! Will you step out of my kitchen! Could you just do me a favour and just grab... How's the weather down there?Phil : But, when the day comes that he does win, if, you know, if when...he beats me. I'm just gonna be like, "well done! Well done!" Just let him, just support him. In that kind of stuff. I'm probably just wanna go like, 2 out of 3, and just see what happens there, but.。
剧本由V信公众号v i c t o r r i i d2018施工整理~排版多样~希望对您有所帮助[美、英剧、电影、纪录片] [中英纯英]台词剧本定制也可以发邮箱*****************(自动回复)———————————该信息下载后删除页眉即可,谢谢理解与支持——————————America is still going to the polls at 4:00.美国大选在下午四点仍在进行当中With some precincts opening as early as 12 this morning,各大选区于今早十二点就已经开放Voters across the country are deciding全国的选民们将最终决定Who will hold the most important office in the fr...美国总统之位究竟花落谁家Herman Phillips, Bert Cooper.赫尔曼·菲利普斯这位是伯特伦·库珀Actually, "Herman" goes on my checks.其实我只有在签名时才用这个名字People call me Duck.大家都叫我达克[与"鸭子"同音]My research says I was not to call you Duck.经验告诉我不该叫你达克You should have told me that.你应该早提醒我I don't know. I like when you say Herman.我也不知道我喜欢你叫我赫尔曼Herman was in London with Y&R.赫尔曼曾在伦敦的扬雅广告公司工作Isn't this a step down?你是辞职了吗I don't know.我不清楚Moving back to the power center of the universe, New York,回到世界权力中心纽约来And the chance to put on some weight.还能趁机增加点体重English food. I actually ate a kidney.英国菜实在不合胃口He landed American Airlines.他曾做过美国航空公司的广告案You could make something like that happen here.但愿你也可以为我们争取到这么大的客户Well, you have to spend money to make money.只有舍得投资才能有大收益So you're not promising anything.这么说你什么也保证不了咯Why would I do that?我为什么要做保证呢My goodness, he does want this job.老天他真想要这份工作I hope you play your cards close to the vest with clients.但愿你能够让客户称心如意I will keep that in mind.我会铭记在心Here's a test. Who'd you vote for?考考你你会给谁投票If I say Nixon, you'll think I'm buttering you.若我说尼克松你会觉得我在讨好你If I say Kennedy, you'll want to reform me.若我说肯尼迪你又会试图说服我改变观点So, uh, I'll say Nixon.所以我选择尼克松That's nice to see.不错Cooper has a smoker at The Waldorf at 6:00.6点钟库珀在沃尔道夫酒店有个吸烟聚会Marge told me.是玛琪告诉我的23 skidoo.快点走人吧At 6:15, we turn on the returns到6点一刻我们就可以打开电视看选举At 6:15, we turn on the returns and send for some ice.再叫点冰品和甜点来Party at the in-laws'.我要参加妻子娘家那边的聚会Another ending to a perfect day.那也算是为这一天划上完美的句号了Well, Jennifer and I were going to get tickets to Can-Can.詹妮弗和我本想去买跳康康舞的票It's empty, you know.但现在泡汤了She says apparently the phone company显然她是抽不开身is a war zone on election night.她说在选举之夜电话公司简直形同战场That's what I'm hoping for around here.我希望这里也能成为战场Although, You better hope that she's sitting at her switchboard 不过你最好指望她的确是在工作and not doing what we're doing.而不是骗你自己出去风流就像我们这样It's my wife.那可是我的妻子Besides, what if Nixon loses?更何况如果尼克松输了呢Won't that put a damper on things around here?岂不是会很扫兴Who cares? They didn't want our help.管他呢他们又不要我们操心You should care.你应该关心一下I do. It matters for the nation and for Sterling Coop.的确不论对国家还是公司都至关重要But tonight, either way.但今晚都一样If Nixon wins, we win.如果尼克松赢了当然好If Nixon loses...但万一他输了Let me console you.那就让我来抚慰你吧That's him.就是他Duck Phillips.达克·菲利普斯I know his name.我听过他的大名Because it's Duck?是因为"鸭子"这个名字很特别吗I grew up with a Tuck.我还有一个叫塔克的童年玩伴呢[又意点心]At least that has an air of dignity.至少那家伙的名字要好听的多Don took him to Cooper. That's a first.唐向库珀引见他这还是第一次呢I heard he disintegrated in London.我听说他在伦敦落得声名狼藉Got involved with some woman he met at the British Museum.和一个在大英博物馆认识的女人纠缠不清Her name was Rosetta.她是传说中的罗塞塔Rosetta Stone.罗塞塔·斯通[古埃及的罗塞塔石碑此处调侃]He's divorced. Lives in a hotel.他离了婚现在住酒店So what's this? His last stop?那他来这里干嘛最后的救命稻草吗No. He's a killer, but he's...he's damaged goods.不他是个狠角色不过是打了折扣They're bargain hunting.他们是在趁低价收揽人才He's the best one Draper's paraded around.德雷柏寻觅了一番后他是最佳人选Let's see if Cooper's smart enough to know that.只是不知道库珀够不够聪明意识到这点Can I help you?有什么需要帮忙吗What?什么Can I help you?有什么需要帮忙的吗Mr. Campbell would like to see you.坎贝尔先生想要见您Send him in.让他进来Thank you, sweetheart.谢谢甜心So that Duck fellow,达克那家伙I heard he fell apart in London.我听说他在伦敦一败涂地American Airlines.美国航空公司$7 million in billings.7百万美元的宣传花销He's not going to bring that with him.他不会把那个广告案一起带过来的Listen, Don, I don't feel听着唐我觉得你you've taken me seriously as a candidate.没有认真考虑把我作为候选人Candidate for what?什么候选人For the head of account services.客户部经理的候选人We may have had our differences,我们之间可能存在差异But Roger knows I've done everything I could to emulate him.但罗杰知道我已尽全力赶上他Roger's not involved in this.罗杰与此事无关Anything else?还有其他事吗I have the loyalty of our most important clients:公司最重要客户的对我很忠心Calvin Highland, Lee Garner.卡文·海兰和李·加勒These men trust me.这些人信任我They invite me to their grandchildren's christenings.还邀请我参加他们孙辈的洗礼When Walter Veith needed a urologist,上次瓦尔特·维夫需要一名泌尿科医生He called me for a recommendation.他也是向我征询意见Look, you're good at your job. Cooper loves you.听着你工作出色而库珀又赏识你What's the hurry?有什么急的呢It's been two and a half years.我在公司已经2年半了I could have jumped ship a hundred times.我本有多次机会可以跳槽Is that supposed to persuade me?这有什么说服力吗I have tremendous value to this company.我对这个公司有重大价值I'm aware of that.这点我很清楚But I don't think you are.但我觉得你似乎没有意识到这点I am. I just hope you realize that, the way things stand,我明白我只是希望你明白there will continue to be someone senior to you.公司需要一个比你资深的后继者Why?为什么What can they offer?他们能贡献什么呢All I'm asking is that you think about it.我只是希望你能考虑一下There are men younger than me with this job at bigger firms.其他大公司里这个职位的人甚至比我还年轻Cooper sign off on what's-his-name?他用什么名字与公司签约Duck?达克吗I'll keep you posted.有事我会通知你的He's got a big lead.现在他遥遥领先See you at the victory party in the morning.等着明早开庆祝派对吧Absolutely.那是当然Well, good night, Don.那么晚安唐He's gone!他走了Olly olly oxen free!哦列哦列自由啦- Do it. - All rightie.-来吧 -好嘞- Who's got the cups? - Oh. Sorry.-杯子呢 -噢抱歉With early returns just coming in,根据早些时候的投票结果our NBC computer is puttingNBC电视台的统计结果发现Senator Kennedy's odds for victory肯尼迪议员当选的可能性at a grim-sounding 22-1.为22比1的概率This is not good.真扫兴酒喝完了And liquor stores are closed tonight.酒铺子今晚都关门了Draper has plenty of booze.德雷柏可有不少呢We could ask her to join us.我们可以让她加入我们That might soften her up a bit.那可得费点力气才能拉拢她呢I have a bottle of absinthe in my office.我办公室里有一瓶苦艾酒Isn't that illegal?那不是违反公司规定吗It's marvelous.那可是极品美酒I become incantatory.我简直受到了魔咒的召唤And what does that mean?那是什么意思It means he starts making up words.意思是他要开始胡编乱造了Can someone freshen this?谁帮我添点酒We're not going to make it.酒肯定不够Really?真的吗If I let you into that supply closet,如果我让你到储物柜里去it is not going to be the sack of Rome.你可不能洗劫一空啊What do we have too much of?有什么经得起喝的货色吗Rum, creme de menthe,朗姆酒薄荷酒dog biscuits.还有小狗饼干May the best man win.但愿最好的人赢得选举In matters national and... local.为了广大人民和渺小私人的利益...Majority decision of the American...多数的美国人民将作出决定I made my judgment long ago.很久以前我就已作出判断Stop that. You're going to break it.别弄了你会弄坏的Look. They're doing math.看啊他们在做算术What do the numbers say?这些数字代表什么Who the president is going to be.谁将会做总统Hello.好啊Daddy! Hi!你好爸爸I wasn't expecting you.没想到你会回来I thought you were going to be watching returns at the office.我以为你会在办公室里看选举结果呢What are you doing up?你怎么还不睡Mommy said it was okay.妈妈说了没关系I'm watching the news.我在看新闻Nixon definitely won our precinct.尼克松肯定赢得了我们选区的支持You should have seen the line.你真该看看那些队伍Mommy said to ask you. What's the...妈妈要我来问你什么是...Electoral College.选举团I don't think that's a conversation appropriate for children.小孩子不适合谈论这种话题Come here.过来Do you want something to eat?你要吃点什么吗I'm going to fix a drink. You?我想喝一杯你呢I'm set.我来准备Senator Kennedy seems to be closing the gap肯尼迪议员看上去快要on the vice president's early lead.赶超副总统早先的领先差距State-by-state, Ohio, Illinois...一个接着一个州俄亥俄州伊利诺斯州Come here.过来What?怎么You better run.你最好快跑Go, Allison!快跑艾莉森White!白色Pink!粉红色You can tell me, or I can find out.你最好乖乖告诉我不然我亲自来看What color panties are you wearing?你穿什么颜色的内裤What? Oh, my G...什么我的天Blue!蓝色Who had blue?谁猜的蓝色Can I walk you home?能让我送你回去吗I used to think I'd find a husband here.我原本还想在这里找个老公呢I think I'm going to go home.我想我该回去了No, don't go. It's going to be fun.别走啊很有意思的迪克和亚当 1944年What are you doing?你在干什么Why aren't you asleep?怎么还不睡What is that?那是什么Nothing.没什么Myrna found it on the top of the closet,梅娜在橱柜顶上找到的and I didn't want to look at it.我可不想看My father has a box like that,我父亲也有一个类似的盒子and I looked at it when I was a little girl,我小时候打开看了and it was a mistake.事实证明这是个错误So you didn't open it?所以你没打开吗Peter, I don't want secrets.皮特我不想偷窥别人的秘密I can't sleep.我睡不着I know.我知道I've seen it the last few weeks.这几周来我已经注意到了You're not very quiet,你总会弄出声响来and every time I see the closet door is open 我一看到橱柜门开着and that box is gone, I know you're out here.盒子不见了我就知道你又失眠了And you never looked in the box?你从未看过盒子里的东西吗It's not yours.这不是你的东西What are you doing with it?你拿着它干什么I got it by mistake.我是不小心错拿的So give it back.那就还回去It's peculiar.这对某人来说有特殊意义It's not yours.这不属于你Come to bed.去睡吧Vice President Nixon seems to have carried尼克松副总统似乎已获得了predominantly Catholic Hudson County, New Jersey.新泽西州哈德逊郡全体教徒的压倒性支持Kinsey, you're a liar.金西你是个骗子I couldn't find any absinthe.我可没找到什么苦艾酒Who said you could go in my office?谁允许你去我办公室了We were exploring.我们只是到处逛逛But all we found was a large collection of Mad magazines 但我们倒是找到一堆疯狂杂志的收藏[美国幽默杂志]and this fascinating dramatic piece.还有这份相当戏剧性的手稿Death is My Client... Whoa.死亡是我的客户A play in one act by Paul Kinsey.保罗·金西所著的独幕剧本Give it to me.还给我"Peter Tollifson"...皮特·托里弗森"An animal in the board room and the bedroom. "不论在会议室还是卧室都是一头禽兽Kenny!肯尼Now, remember, he's angry.记住你的角色他现在很生气Why do I have to play Tollifson?为什么要我演托里弗森I wanted to be Galt.我想演伽尔特Tollifson is the hero. He thinks.托里弗森是真英雄他很有头脑Galt's a thug born on the wrong side of the tracks.伽尔特不过是个出身贫寒的暴徒You don't want to be Galt.你可不会想成为他那样的人Go ahead.开始吧I'm sorry. I don't have the pages.抱歉我没有剧本Oh. Sorry.噢抱歉Um, "I worked with Tollifson for four years.我和托里弗森共事了4年之久I shared everything, but I never knew him. "我将所有事都与他分享却从不了解他"I thought I knew him.我自以为了解他He used to talk to me. "他曾和我谈过"I can't control my genius.我无法自制自身的才华I'm not some boorish natural like that hack Cosgrove."我可不是什么天生粗鲁的庸俗文人That's crackerjack, Kinsey.相当出色啊金西"Your genius be damned. "你的才华受到诅咒"Perhaps. "也许是吧"You can make anyone buy anything.你可以说服所有人Anyone but me. "却无法说服我Turn the music down.把音量调低We now have confirmation我们现在已确定that the State of Ohio has indeed理查德·尼克松副总统gone to Vice President Richard Nixon.已完全获得俄亥俄州选民的支持Its 25 electoral votes will go in Mr. Nixon's purse. 25个选区的投票支持尼克松I'm...我I'm really tipsy.我是真的喝醉了I feel awful.我感觉很糟No, no. Uh... it was me.不是我的错I'm... I'm drunk.我喝醉了I'm happy... but not myself.我很开心却失控了I've never really seen your eyes before.我之前都没有仔细看过你的眼睛There they are.现在你看见了Just the two of them.真真切切地As Vice President Nixon's home state of California 作为尼克松的家乡continues to count ballots,加州仍在统计选票数量both candidates bid their supporters a good night.两位候选人的支持者都得以度过一个良宵Vice presidential hopeful Senator Lyndon Johnson有望继任副总统的林登·约翰逊had these words:道出以下这番话I'm very proud of the manner我感到很骄傲in which the Democratic campaign has been conducted 能够参加这场如此民主的竞选and which the people have reacted,还有民众对其的积极回应particularly in my state, the entire South,尤其是在我自己的州和整个南方and in many states...还有其他许多州What's going on?怎么了- I don't know. - ... feel, uh, very confident... -我也不清楚 -感到相当自信...It'll be all right in the morning.到了明天就好了He'll win California.他会赢得整个加州的选票...the counting that...正在统计...Turn it off.关了All Americans will be proud,所有美国人都将引以为豪and I think we have much to be proud of.而我觉得我们理应自豪I think this is one of America's finest hours.我认为这是美国史上最伟大的时刻Sit down.坐我边上No.不You can't sit down in that dress.你穿这条裙子没法坐You look so different when you're drunk.你喝醉后和平时截然不同You're not going to call me Orson Welles again.你不会再叫我沃森·威勒斯了You loved that.你不是很喜欢嘛Who wouldn't like that?又有谁不喜欢呢What did I do wrong?我做错了什么You have a big mouth.你很多嘴Joan, I never said...琼我从没有说过You have a big mouth.你真的很多嘴I do.是的I'm not proud of it.我也知道这样不好Did you like the play?你喜欢我写的剧本吗No.不The meaner you are, the more I like you.你就是喜欢你的刻薄I know.我知道Just like that?就这样吗I thought we could dance.我想我们能跳支舞1, 2, cha-cha-cha.1 2 蹦恰恰Hildy, wake up.希迪快醒醒Mm, it's cold in here.这儿真冷It is. You have to get dressed.没错你得把衣服穿上I can't find my glasses.我找不到我的眼镜了That's too bad.真是糟糕Tremendous.糟糕透了Harry?哈里Yes?怎么了I hope I didn't step on them.但愿不是我踩坏的Damn it.真见鬼There's an optometrist on Lexington.莱星顿街上有个眼镜商Great. Of course.真是太好了I don't want you to be worried.你不用有任何顾虑It didn't mean anything, okay?这没有任何意义好吗You're not drinking for taste.你又不是为了品酒才喝Don't be such babies.别孩子气了Oh, God.老天爷It's definitely not helping.这么做可没用I'm sorry. Does it offend you?不好意思冒犯到你们了吗My shirt. And my mad money. Who did this?我的衬衫和备用零钱谁干的I stole your blouse.是我偷了你的衬衫I'm not joking. I had $3.00 in here.我可没开玩笑这里本来有3美元呢If I give you $3.00, will you keep your voice down?我给你3美元你能小声点吗You're animals.你们真是禽兽I'm reporting it to building security.我要报告给大楼保安人员Striking resemblance to Broderick Crawford.简直和勃洛特·克罗福一样[著名演员]Peggy Olsen, Highway Patrol.《公路巡警》佩奇·奥尔森[由勃洛特主演的电影]I've read three different newspapers我看了三份不同的报纸with three different results.报道结果各不相同I'm sure you know something I don't.你肯定有独家内部消息吧Well, I just spent the night literally确切地说我整晚都和一群烟鬼in a smoke-filled room at The Waldorf泡在沃尔道夫酒店的房间内with every Republican luminary.和共和党的头面人物一起Save MacArthur and Jesus.老天保佑麦克阿瑟[朝鲜战争美军总司令]There's been widespread fraud.虚假消息满天飞啊Daley gave Joe Kennedy every corpse in Cook County.德利和库克县全力支持乔·肯尼迪Otherwise, Nixon wins.要不然尼克松早赢了It shouldn't have been that close.本不该这么势均力敌But it is. It always is.但偏偏如此世事总如此Those jingles.那些艺人的参与When they got Frank Sinatra,他们请来法兰克·辛纳屈的支持[著名歌手和演员]I knew they would close the gap.我就知道他们能缩小差距So what does he do now?那他现在准备怎样Walk away? Concede?一走了之妥协认输吗A recount in Illinois alone伊利诺斯州单独重点选票means 30 days without a president.导致选举结果的公布推迟30天You don't want to win like that.赢得不够体面But you want to win.但你仍想要赢He got 50% of the vote, maybe more.他拥有50%的选票甚至更多This way he lives to see another day.因此他能够笑到最后So... what happens?那发生了什么事Neil from P&G said if Kennedy is willing to buy an election,宝洁公司的尼尔称要肯尼迪收买选举he's probably willing to play ball with us.还不如让他来陪我们玩橄榄球呢Ah, the optimism of the American corporation.美国企业的盲目乐观由来已久It's a football game to them.对他们而言这只是一场球赛Doesn't seem fair.不公正的球赛Fair?何来公正可言Very good.好极了Where do you think you're going?你以为自己是去哪儿If I were you,如果我是你I would be very, very careful from now on 从现在起我就会倍加小心地about the way you speak to me.注意你和我说话的方式Can I help you?有事吗What's that?那是什么It's yours.是你的东西It came to me by mistake.我无意中拿到的Well, thanks.好吧谢了Have you reconsidered my qualifications 对于我胜任客服经理这一事for the head of account services?你有没有重新考虑呢Would it disappoint you如果说我从没考虑过if I told you it hadn't crossed my mind?你会感到失望吗I feel strange having to talk to you in this way.要以这种方式跟你谈话我也觉得有些怪异Spit it out, Campbell.有话直说吧坎贝尔I know that your name is not Donald Draper.我知道你的真实姓名不是唐纳德·德雷柏It's Dick Whitman.而是迪克·惠特曼I don't know who Donald Draper is,我不知道唐纳德·德雷柏是何方人士but according to my friend Russ但根据我在国防部的朋友at the Department of Defense,罗斯的信息Dick Whitman died in Korea in 1950,迪克·惠特曼死于1950年的朝鲜战争and Donald Draper dropped off the map.而从那时起唐纳德·德雷柏便人间蒸发Although he's 43 years old,尽管他那时已经43岁in which case you look remarkably good.相对而言你看起来年轻得不可思议That's kind of elaborate.这个故事还真是细节详尽Really?真的吗I wish I knew more.我还希望自己知道更多I bet a lot of people do.我相信有很多人都想知道真相Pete...彼得get out.滚出去You're making a fool of yourself.你是在自取其辱You can deny it.你可以尽情否认But I know it's true.但我知道这是真相I can see from your face.你的表情出卖了你You should leave.你该走了Don...唐you should think about how Bert Cooper will react 你应该考虑一下when he hears this information.伯特·库珀听到这条消息后有何反应What information?什么消息You're not who you say you are,你隐瞒自己的真实身份and there's obviously a reason.显然这其中另有隐情Come on.得了吧I would like you to reconsider my qualifications.我希望你重新考虑一下我的能力You said everything except "or else. "你似乎没有考虑过其他因素Assuming this information is true, which it isn't,自以为是地把虚假的信息当真it sounds to me like you're blackmailing me.这么说来你是在敲诈我I'm not.不是I'm hoping you'll realize that this all can be forgotten.我只希望你明白这一切完全能掩饰过去It's not like you're a deserter, is it?你不是个逃兵是吧When you threaten someone in this manner,一旦你用这种方式威胁别人you should be aware of the fact最还是早做心理准备that if your information is powerful enough确保你掌握的消息的杀伤力to make them do what you want...足够迫使别人服从你的想法What else can it make them do?不然的话会不会适得其反呢It's very simple.这很简单And it's not a threat. It's just a job.我不是威胁你只是想要份职位而已Think about it.考虑一下吧Whitman.惠特曼Yes, Sergeant.是长官What is this?这算什么This is it.就是这样的One? I'm supposed to have 20.怎么只有1个不是说好20个人吗This is going to take a month, and it should take 48 hours.那得要一个月本该48小时内完工Well, you're whining to the wrong guy, sir.你冲我抱怨也没用长官At ease.稍息Uh, this is for officers.这里是军官休息的地方You can bunk next door.你可以去隔壁睡I- I'd introduce you to the men,我很乐意把你介绍给大家认识but you're looking at the complete company.但整个连就只剩我一个了Where is everybody, sir?大家都去了哪儿长官They were gone when I got here.我到这儿时已经人去楼空I'm an engineer.我是个工程师They're in some action 5 miles over that mountain.他们去5英里外的山那边执行任务You want to go?你想去吗The answer is no.当然是不了The locals stopped showing up three days ago,近三天来渐渐不见当地人的踪影which, by the way, is not good.我是说这看上去可不妙You're going to be doing all the digging.你只能一个人挖了Digging what?挖什么Well, this unit... that's you...这个连队其实也只有你一个人will be establishing a field hospital,计划建立一座战地医院but first we're going to be但我们得先digging fighting positions on four sides.在四面八方布好阵地What are you doing here? Are you poor?你为何来这儿穷光蛋吗I volunteered.我是志愿兵You're kidding me.不是吧Well, they got me with college.他们征兵时我还在上大学But I'm three years, six months nearly a civilian.但我才三年六个月和民兵差不多I'm supposed to be building swimming pools, not latrines.我本该去造游泳池而不是什么旱厕You any good with that rifle?你会使步枪吗I wouldn't want you to mistake me for Chinese.我可不想你把我错当成中国人杀了As much practice as I've had, yes.我进行了足够的练习没问题What misconception traveled down the road是什么样的错误认识and made you want to be here?驱使你心血来潮身在此处A movie?被一部电影骗了吗No. I just wanted to leave.不我只是想离开过去的生活I'll bet you're reconsidering if this was a step up.我猜你现在已经开始后悔了吧Miss Menken,麦肯小姐Mr. Draper is here to see you.德雷柏先生来看你了Please hold my calls.如果有电话找我让他们先等着Did you run over? You're flushed.你跑过来的吗满脸通红的Let's go away.我们远走高飞吧Really? Where?真的吗去哪儿Anywhere.哪儿都可以Warmer weather?去温暖宜人的地方吗Sure.当然How about Los Angeles?洛杉矶如何Mexico? I have money.抑或是墨西哥我有钱I have money, but I have a store to run.我也有钱但我还要照顾生意Don, are you well?唐你还好吧No, I'm not.不我不好Did something else happen to Roger?罗杰又怎么了吗No.不Something happened, and...出了一些事情I want to go, and I want you to come with me,我要离开想让你和我一起走and I don't want to come back.我这一走并不打算回来What happened?怎么回事What does it matter? Isn't this what you want?这有什么你不是一直想要这样吗Of course. I've thought about it.当然我是想过My God, we've talked about it.老天我们也谈过I just...我只是I just didn't think it would happen...我只是没想到这会发生I mean, especially this way.这么突如其来I just... don't want to be without you,我只是想要你陪着我and I don't want to be here.远远离开这个地方I can't just leave.我不能就这样一走了之Maybe this weekend...到这周末再说吧Rachel.雷切尔No. This isn't how I thought it would be.不这和我想象中的大不相同What is the difference?这有什么区别We'll go somewhere else.我们会寻觅到另一个天堂We'll start over like Adam and Eve.如同亚当和夏娃那般重新开始What, are you 15 years old?什么你还是小孩子吗My father...我的父亲...Can't we be together here?我们在这儿不能在一起吗There's nothing here.我对这里毫无留恋What about your children?那你的孩子怎么办I'll provide for them.我会给他们抚养费And live in Los Angeles?你却丢下他们住在洛杉矶吗My God, you haven't thought this through.老天你根本是心血来潮I feel sick.我讨厌这样You're wrong. I know exactly what I want.你错了我已完全考虑清楚You want your children to go on without a father?你想让你的孩子在缺失父爱中成长吗You know how that felt.你能体会这种感觉Are you having an attack of conscience after all this?事到如今你反而突然良心不安了吗No. I'm watching you talk不虽然是你站在我面前说话because I feel I don't know you.但是你对我来说仿佛全然陌生You know more about me than anyone.最了解我的人莫过于你You won't even tell me what happened.你甚至都不告诉我发生了什么Why are you doing this to me?你为何要这样对待我What kind of man are you?你这样算什么Go away, drop everything, leave your life?抛弃一切远远逃离一走了之People do it every day.大家都是这样This was a dalliance, a cheap affair.只是逢场作戏你我的感情根本毫无价值Rachel, don't.雷切尔别You don't want to run away with me.你不是想和我一起远走高飞You just want to run away.你只不过想要自己一走了之You're a coward.你是个懦夫Please go now.请你走吧Get out.快走Peggy, this is my office.佩奇这是我的办公室Does this door mean nothing to you?你以为这扇门是形同虚设的吗I'm sorry, Mr. Draper.我很抱歉德雷柏先生I didn't know you were coming back. I just...我不知道你回来了我只是I just...我只是Calm down.别这样Stop it.别哭了I didn't mean to yell at you.我不是故意冲你吼Got to be some semblance of privacy left here.这里仅剩下徒有虚表的隐私了I had to get away from them all for a minute.我要远离外面那些人只一会也好Drink this.喝了吧Sonny from the elevator and some janitor...。
剧本由V信公众号v i c t o r r i i d2018施工整理~排版多样~希望对您有所帮助[美、英剧、电影、纪录片] [中英纯英]台词剧本定制也可以发邮箱*****************(自动回复)———————————该信息下载后删除页眉即可,谢谢理解与支持——————————I know you said to call at night, but, uh,我知道你让我晚上打电话给你但是I haven't been alone.我昨晚不太方便I understand. I have a moment.我理解现在我还能挤出时间So how is she?她怎么样Well, it's only been a short period in therapeutic time.我们只进行了很短的治疗周期But she's making progress?她有改观吗She's not particularly forthcoming yet.还是没有真正的敞开心扉What has she been talking about?她都说了什么Mostly, she seems consumed with petty jealousies她的精力大多消耗在了嫉妒心理上And overwhelmed with everyday activities.被每天繁杂的生活折磨Basically,大体上讲we're dealing with the emotions of a child here.我们现在面临的是一个小孩的情感世界She wasn't always like this.她并不总是这样Well, we're finding that this kind of我们逐渐发现这种忧郁的症状anxiety is not uncommon in housewives.在家庭主妇身上很常见And let's not forget,还有别忘了the death of a parent is extremely destabilizing.母亲的故去对她来说是个多么大的打击So that's it.就这样吗Well, that's the beginning, certainly.当然这只是开始As she becomes more forthcoming, we may be able随着她变得更放得开了我们也许就能To shed some light on the deeper issues as she talks more.从她说得越来越多的话里发现更深层的问题- There are deeper issues? - Usually.-还有更深层的问题吗 -通常是这样These are not groundbreaking revelations, Mr. Draper.我们还没碰触到最根本的问题德雷柏先生I'm concerned, obviously.很明显我很关心这事Of course. We both are.当然我们都一样Time and talk. that's what I recommend right now.我现在的建议就是多花时间和她谈心And again, evenings are better for me.再次重申最好是晚上打给我Well, I appreciate your time.好的感谢您的宝贵时间Mona, I am drinking my milk right now.莫娜我正喝牛奶呢Go to Mim's. Bring the heiress.去米姆那儿散散心吧带上女儿The montclair air might wipe the scowl off her face.蒙特克莱尔的空气也许会冲淡她脸上的愁容Knock, knock.我能进来吗Call me from there.到了再打给我吧I'll try to make it out by sunday afternoon.我尽量在星期天下午赶过去I just got off the phone with UFC,我刚给UFC那边打过电话And they're having the nixon boys他们会让尼克松那帮人stop by at the end of week.在这个周末赶到- With Nixon? - No, thank god.-尼克松也来吗 -谢天谢地他不来Otherwise, I'd have to move the piano out of my office.否则我得把钢琴扔出我的办公室了Hopefully, he'll decide he needs us.但愿他会给我们用武之地Well, the ones with the best product make the worst clients.拥有最好商品的客户才是最难应付的Stop smoking so much.少抽点烟It's a sign of weakness.这是底气不足的表现You know how Hitler got Neville Chamberlain你知道希特勒怎么让内维尔·张伯伦to give him everything at munich?将慕尼黑拱手相让的吗He held the conference at an old palace that forbid smoking.他将会场设置在了一个禁烟的老宫殿里And after an hour and a half of not smoking,在经过90分钟的禁烟折磨后Neville chamberlain would have given内维尔·张伯伦甚至会答应Hitler his mother as a dance partner.让他老妈陪希特勒跳舞All I can get from this story is that Hitler didn't smoke.这个故事告诉我们希特勒不抽烟And I do.而我抽Good night, peanut.再见死顽固Last one to Chung Lee's谁最后一个到李钟那gets to wheel Kenneth Cosgrove,谁就给肯尼思·科斯格罗夫推车Published author, home in a baby carriage.出版作家住在婴儿车里hardy-har-har.好冷的笑话啊- Hello there. - Good news.-你好啊 -好消息Mona and Margaret are going out of town for the weekend.莫娜和玛格丽特去城外过周末去了Mona's mother fell down the steps.莫娜妈妈在台阶上摔倒了- You're really blessed. - Come on over.-你真走运 -来我这吧I'll put on my whites.我会穿得一身全白We'll pretend it's V.J. day.我们一起假装这是抗战胜利日What goes in there, an aspirin?那里面装的是什么阿司匹林吗I suppose I could have taken a我想这个周末我能带着suitcase anywhere this weekend.这个箱子到处转转去And I don't mean your apartment.而你家除外I got us a couple of sandwiches,我带了些三明治and filled thermos for the train.还灌满了热水瓶以备火车上用Mr. Sterling, this is Carol, my roommate.斯特林先生这是我室友卡罗Nice to meet you, Carol.见到你真高兴卡罗Miss Holloway, I have an accounting question.霍洛韦小姐我在账务上面有个问题We will go away, not tonight,我们可以离开这不是今晚but some weekend coming up.在接下来的某个周末Puerto Rico?波多黎各I don't care if it's Cuba.即使是古巴我也不在意I need a little notice.我只是不想引起别人太多的注意You've got a lot of rules, red.你已经够规矩的了小甜心Be good, girls.听话哦姑娘们I don't mind you staying late,我不介意你加班just as long as you're not trying从我们身上混取晚餐补助- to milk us for the dinner money. - It's work.-那就不行了 -是为了工作Just because tomorrow's friday doesn't mean I expect 别看明天是星期五我可不想To be pulling your head off the keys in the morning.一大早上将你的头从键盘上拉起来What are you doing tonight?今晚什么安排Uh, working and going home.工作之后回家I'll let you enjoy that one, honey,加班愉快亲爱的but I was talking to Donald here.但我刚刚是在和唐纳德说话呢- I'm on the 5:31. - Reservations at home.-准时赶上回家的那班车 -留在家里I've had those. easiest ones to break.我可受够了该找个更容易的乐子了Besides, they love it when you另外当你让他们猜不透的时候keep them guessing. It adds spice.她们就更难自拔了这是计策Trying to get me in trouble? Betty's cooking.你想让我犯错误啊贝蒂做饭了One drink. you owe me that.就喝一杯你还欠着我呢- Did I miss something? - No.-我错过了什么吗 -没有Don and I talk all the time when you're not around.唐纳德和我总是在你不在时才会滔滔不绝In fact, we're gonna do it right now.事实上现在也一样Don? Shall we?唐纳德借一步说话- Well, good night, boys. - Good night, Paul.-再见小伙子们 -再见保罗I love doing that.真爽啊You seem like a busy little girl.你看起来很忙Draper pushing you around enough?德雷柏是不是把你逼得太紧了What does that mean?什么意思Burning the midnight oil is not good for your skin.熬夜对你的皮肤可没有好处Oh, no, it's...不这不过It's for something else. I'm working on copy.是为了别的事情我在做些仿写的工作On your own?独立完成吗Mr. Rumsen liked what I did in the brainstorming thingy.卢门森先生对我在"头脑风暴"中的表现很满意Sanitary napkins?卫生棉那次- No. lipstick. - What did I say?-不是口红 -我说的是什么It's the belle jolie account.就是"妙龄佳人"那个牌子Mr. Campbell,坎贝尔先生your wife called from the Four Seasons.你老婆从四季酒店打电话过来- They've been seated. - Thank you, Hildy.-他们已经就座了 -谢了希迪Want me to take a look at it?要我帮你参谋参谋吗I do it for a lot of the fellas.我帮这里很多人都参谋过Really?真的吗Yeah. really.当然了That would be super.那太好了Well, we're all in it together.我们要齐心协力Two!两杯So they fired all the guys in the middle那他们炒了那些中层人员and moved up their mailroom staff.并且在薪水上涨之前Right before all the salaries got expensive.给邮件收发室里的人都升了职Smart.真精明啊Is that what we're gonna do?我们也会这么做吗We're not going to do anything.我们什么也不需要做At a certain age, they lose that.到了一定年龄她们会连这也失去What?什么That glow of pure youth.纯真年纪的光彩It's like they hit 30好像她们一到了30岁and somebody puts out a light.那种光彩就会忽然黯淡恍如灯灭I don't think those two have 30 years between them.我不觉得这两个女人年纪差了30岁啊Polka dots looks like a lot of fun.穿圆点图案的貌似很有意思Yeah, you'll have to let me know.是啊你真应该让我知道啊Jesus, you must be starving.天呐你一定饿坏了吧I know I am. what's Betty making?我可真有点饿了贝蒂做什么吃的了I don't know.不知道Mona hasn't cooked自从玛格丽特厌食之后since Margaret stopped eating.莫娜就再也没下过厨了They're fighting it out. I'm the one that gets hurt.她们为此争吵不休而受伤害的是我I'll call betty. Tell her we'll be three.我给贝蒂打个电话告诉她我带你回去No!不用You sure? Are you kidding?你确定吗你只是在开玩笑吧She'll be thrilled.她会很高兴的When's the last time she saw you?她应该很长时间没见到你了We'll take my car. Save you train fare.我们开车去省了你的车票钱了- My eyes are burning. - That's impossible.-我眼睛火辣辣地痛 -那不可能That better not be daddy saying he's going to be late.最好不是你爸爸说要晚些回来Don't do gymnastics in the house.不要在家里面做体操运动Draper residence.这是德雷柏家You are coming home, right?你马上就回家了是吧Yes. I'm coming home.对我马上回家Unfortunately, Roger has decided不幸的是罗杰说he needs a homecook meal.他想吃顿家常便饭You're kidding.你开玩笑吧I don't know if I have enough food.我不知道是否有足够的东西吃Birdie, what do you put in that freezer I bought you?宝贝我给你买的冰箱里你都放了什么Frozen food.速冻食品What do you want me to say?你还想让我说什么呢Betty, this steak...贝蒂这份牛排You sure you don't want some?你确定不来点吗No, thank you, Roger.不谢谢罗杰I'm a vegetarian sometimes.有时我是个素食者Mona has a little calorie book莫娜有一些关于热量方面的书籍she keeps on the refrigerator.总是放在冰箱上Always has her nose in there.总是看到她在埋头苦读Maybe she wants to look good for you.也许她是想讨好你Isn't that a nice thought?这是个美好的想法吗I was pudgy as a girl, if you can believe it.你能相信吗我曾经是个胖乎乎的女孩I came into home-ec in the eighth grade8年级的时候我回学校去上学With a pattern for big girl pajamas.带了一件尺寸肥大的睡衣The teacher asked who I was making the pajamas for.那个老师问我那件睡衣是为谁准备的I didn't realize how much weight I'd lost that summer.我都没意识到那个夏天我掉了多少体重Swim camp, I guess.我猜是游泳夏令营的功劳I went from tadpole to pollywog that year.让我破茧成蝶了Sounds like a lateral move.听起来像是无心插柳的变化When I was little,我小的时候in the summer we used to swim at night.我们常常在夏天的晚上去游泳In a pool, not the ocean.在水塘里而不是在海里面Warm air,温暖的气息Light dancing in the blue...满天繁星闪烁Night swimming. it's divine.在夜里游泳很神圣Sometimes naked.有时会裸泳Believe me, on those nights,it was very difficult to go to sleep.很难相信那些夜晚真的很难入睡You ever experienced that, don?你体验过那种感觉吗唐Trouble sleeping? never.睡眠出问题吗从来没有Your husband's a funny son of a bitch,你丈夫真他妈太有趣了you know that, Betty?你知道吗贝蒂Yeah.是的We used to swim in a quarry.我们过去常在采石场游泳By the way you drop your g's every once in a while,不过看你时不时透露出来的流氓劲I always thought you were raised on a farm.我还以为你在农场里长大的呢Someplace with a swimmin' hole.那种有游泳洞穴的地方What do you say we go to a commercial break...广告插播时间我们休息一下好了Brought to you by more liquor?去给你再拿点酒来You two.你俩啊Oh. jesus, don't tell me it's your anniversary.天呐别告诉我说今天是你们的纪念日- No. - Don't worry.-不是 -别紧张Sally got this frosting machine.萨丽弄了个霜糖机Oh. "mommy and daddy. ""妈妈和爸爸"Simple, to the point, colloquial.简单而且直白的表达She writes like her father.她写作风格像她爸爸I'll get hers. you get your own.我给她点你就靠你自己了Three on a match.三对佳偶 [电影名]Never understood that.我从未弄明白Is that like three on a horse?是不是就像三个人骑马一样Trench war. first war.壕沟战第一次世界大战的时候They used to say,人们常说"first man lights up, they notice you."第一个点火的人只会引起敌人的注意""second man, jerry takes aim."第二个瞄准Third one... auf wiedersehen. "第三个玩完了"But the professional wisdom says that one of our guys 但官方说法是那不过是Came up with that, as a way to sell matches.为卖火柴而想出来的广告语罢了You tell your kids there's no santa claus?你告诉你的孩子们没有圣诞老人吗He'd never do that.他从未那么做Tell us another story. a true one, though.再给我们讲一个故事但要真实的Well, my father was in the trenches.我父亲就曾在战壕里呆过With a bayonet.拿着一个刺刀Think about that.想象一下Poking a man to death three feet away from you.刺死一个离你3英尺远的人What does that sound like?听起来什么感觉Don never talks about the war.唐从来没说过关于战争的事The war? his war, you mean.战争你是说他生意上的事Not much to say.没什么好说的You boys used up all the glory.风光的总是你们We did, didn't we?是吗Of course my old man will always have one on me--that bayonet.当然我父亲总是拿着个刺刀对着我My biggest hit came when we were running oil我最风光的那次是在南中国海的Down to the islands in the south china sea.一个岛屿上探寻石油The pacific was all about gasoline.那时太平洋就是石油的代名词People forget that.人们常常会忘记这些You know what? I don't like to talk about it, either.其实我也不想谈起这些Oh, dear. I'm sorry.亲爱的抱歉Not much.没什么Now you have to tell us.那就继续说下去Well, the third day we picked第三天我们侦察到一架飞机up a dina circling the convoy,围绕着护航舰旋转uh, a recon plane.是一架侦察机They were mapping us for the nip他们在测绘地形为潜艇suicide submarine up ahead,进行自杀式袭击而做着准备Kaitens... basically, warheads with motors.那些潜艇都装备了制导导弹Made us feel good to know we had such a dedicated enemy.有这么无畏的敌人我们都感觉很棒That's one way of thinking about it.确实能这么去想Maybe I was bored, but I thought,也许我无聊了我当时在想"we should get that little plane.""我们应该打下那架飞机"Bored? what about scared?无聊难道没有害怕的感觉吗That never comes in to these stories.你故事里从未出现过的字眼You're making me look bad in front of the lady.你让我在女士面前面子保不住That's impossible. finish your story.不会的把故事讲完吧Well we gave it to them,接着我们正对着飞机right at 12 o'clock.进行射击He was going away from us, but we hit him.他正想逃走但我们击中了他I watched him dive into the waves我看真他一头扎进海浪里just beyond the horizon.消失在地平线处It was strange,那感觉很奇怪because we knew it was over for him,因为我们知道他必死无疑了But we didn't see or hear much.但是既没有挣扎也没有嚎叫The next four hours,接下来的四个小时里I took us off course, just to swing by.我带着我们的人在海里四处搜寻Looking for a hole in the ocean, I guess.可能是想在海里找到一个洞We saw the wreckage.我们找到了飞机残骸no chute, no body.却没有降落伞和尸体的踪迹It's incredible that something那么重的东西漂浮在海上that heavy can float.简直令人难以置信Isn't that something?那很了不起- Bet they gave you a medal. - They did.-我打赌你赢得了一个勋章 -是的But not for that. it was for drinking.但不是因为那个是为了赞赏我能喝酒Can something be done about this sadness?为了祭奠这份悲伤能再喝一杯吗Want to switch to gin?改喝松子酒了Did you check the golf bag?看看高尔夫球袋里有没有藏几瓶I might have something out in the也许我在车库里存了几瓶garage left over from new years.新年剩下来的酒I don't care if it has ants in it.就算是里面爬满了蚂蚁我也不介意的Roger, please, the kids.小声点罗杰孩子们睡了Sally will be happy her cake was such a hit.萨丽会为她的蛋糕这么受欢迎而感到高兴的Make sure you tell her你一定要告诉她I ate the "m" in "mom. "我把她"妈妈"那两个字吃掉了Roger...罗杰I can't believe you've had two babies.我真不敢相信你都有两个孩子了Don't do that.别这样You've been making eyes at me all night.你一晚上都在对我眉目传情You can't tell me that I'm not giving you hot pants.别告诉我你对我没有心痒难耐You smell so good.你的香味让我神魂颠倒I can make more coffee.我再煮点咖啡I just want you to know that when I go to sleep tonight,我只想让你知道我今晚睡觉的时候I will be thinking all about you.满脑子都会想着你的Where'd you go, to Russia to get that?你去哪了去俄罗斯弄的吗No, I ran down the street没有我跑遍了整条街knocking on doors.挨家挨户敲门Come on, you two. come on out here and wish me a bon voyage.你俩过来啊过来祝我一路顺风I was just saying what a lucky man you are.我刚才还说你是个多幸运的男人啊Beautiful children. enjoy it.孩子乖巧好好珍惜One minute you're drinking at a bar,一分钟前你还在酒吧里喝酒And they come and tell you your kid's been born,他们过来告诉你说你的孩子出生了Next thing you know, they're heading off to college.下一分钟他们就到了要上大学的年龄了Well, I should be on my way.我该走了I'll take this for the road.我带着这个路上喝I'll walk you out.我送你出去Magical night.难以忘怀的夜晚That's my car.那是我的车There you go.这回对了Lights!车灯- What was that? - What?-刚才怎么回事 -什么That. him.刚才他Felt like someone turned the oven on when我拿着酒回来时I came back in here with that bottle.感觉这里的气氛太过暧昧- That's ridiculous. - Bullshit.-无理取闹 -胡扯Nothing happened, Don.什么事也没有唐Other than your drunk boss ruining our evening.除了你醉醺醺的老板破坏了我们的夜晚Can we leave it at that?我们能不说这个了吗You seemed to be having a grand time.你看起来挺享受这个夜晚的I liked the wine.我享受的是红酒You made a fool of yourself.你这是自欺欺人Why would you say that?为什么你要这么说You were throwing yourself at him.你完全被他迷住了giggling at his stories.他讲的故事你笑个不停I was being friendly. he's your boss.我只是比较友好他是你的老板I don't like to be treated that way in my own home.我可不想在我的家里被别人戴绿帽I know what I saw.我相信我的眼睛You want to bounce me off the walls?你想把我推到墙上吗Would that make you feel better?那样会让你更好受些吗Sometimes I feel like I'm living with a little girl.有时我觉得自己和一个小女孩住在一起Humps, where were you last night?小骆驼昨晚去哪了I had a dinner with my in-laws我和岳父母在四季酒店at the Four Seasons, poolside.泳池旁吃晚餐Sounds refreshing.听起来很新鲜啊Norman mailer, Mayor Wagner.有诺曼·梅勒还有瓦格纳市长The naked and the dead.裸者和死者- What's in the box? - It's a wedding present.-盒子里装的什么 -新婚贺礼- We got two. - But what is it?-收到了两件一样的 -那到底是什么- It's a chip and dip. - Let me see.-是薯条盘 -我看看- Are you serious? - Yeah!-你确定吗 -当然I might have to go to somebody else's wedding.我说不定什么时也会去参加别人的婚礼I like to know what people are returning.我想看看人们常常会退掉哪类礼品What?怎么了I don't know what to say. you got two of these?我无话可说了你收到了两个这玩意儿- What is it? - You have your fingers in your ears?-这是什么啊 -你刚才没听到我说的It's a chip and dip. You have your friends over.是薯条盘你朋友到你家做客You put chips on the sides and dip in the middle.你把薯条放到两边把酱放中间蘸- Dip? - Yes.-蘸 -对We went to these peoples' house, and they had one.我们以前去朋友家就有这个It had sour cream with these little brown onions in it.里面放着酸奶油和褐色洋葱It was very good.很好吃的You'll have to give me that recipe sometime.看来你得给我配方才行Cost 22 bucks.这东西得22美元- Shit! - So.-不是吧 -所以I'm going to return it.我得去把它退掉Today? Freddy Rumsen's cousin今天弗雷迪·拉姆森的表妹works at general mills.在通用磨坊公司工作了We're all going to Ratazzi's for lunch.我们都去拉塔齐餐厅吃午饭为她庆祝- Maybe dinner. - No.-也可能是晚餐 -不行I have to return this thing.我得退掉这东西"Today," she said,I'm sure.她说过是"今天" 我确定I like doing things for her.我很乐意为她效劳You're right. I'm sorry.你说的对我错了抱歉When you finish shopping, come join us.你退完货后过来找我们吧I hear they make a great grasshopper, mildred.我听说他们做的蚂蚱很美味小妇人Mr. Draper? Mr. Sterling to see you.德雷柏先生斯特林先生要见你Send him in.让他进来Something for the golf bag.从高尔夫球袋里掏出来的That's the good stuff.这可是上品I take it you got home in one piece.看来你昨晚果然平安无恙地到家了Well, I made it as far as the knights inn off the Deconic.我只开到了德科尼克那边的骑士旅馆I know that place. it's got great water pressure.我知道那个地方自来水力道很大Yeah, I slept in the car.是啊我睡在了车里About last night.对于昨晚的事What about it?昨晚怎么了when a man get's to the point when his name's on a building,当一个男人用他的名字去给一栋楼命名时He can get an unnatural sense of entitlement.他会很自然地以为自己拥有至高无上的权力What does that mean, Roger?什么意思罗杰You're not gonna make this easy.你可真不会就此罢休啊I don't even know what this is.我真不知道你说什么呢One night, years ago, I got very drunk.几年前的一个晚上我喝得烂醉I drive home to my building,我开车回家到了楼下Pull into the garage, park at my spot.把车开进车库停在我的车位I get in the elevator.接着我走进电梯It's late. there's no operator.已经很晚了管理员早已下班了Go up to the 12th floor. get out.上到12楼出了电梯I'm walking down the hall.顺着走廊走下去It's pink and orange.是粉色和橙色相间的色调I remember how ugly it was.我现在还记得那有多丑Suddenly, my key won't fit in the door.忽然间发现我的钥匙开不了门Wasn't my building.这不是我的那栋楼I guess what I'm saying is, uh...我想我要说的是At some point, we've all parked in the wrong garage.有些时候我们都会停错车位Thanks for the bottle, Roger.谢谢你的酒罗杰And?还有呢Betty's going to want that glass back.贝蒂想要回那个玻璃杯Good man.好兄弟Maybe I should get a case of those, huh?这酒我是不是该买上一箱This is taking a long time.要等的时间可真够长的Is it that complicated?手续很复杂吗Ah, the blue box. you must be a newlywed.蓝色盒子你一定是个新婚That explains it.从那个盒子就能看出Yes, it does. adorable.对确实是真可爱My husband, he'd rather be drinking at lunch,我丈夫更愿意在午餐时间去喝酒Even when we were newlyweds, I think.即便是在我们新婚蜜月期He's in advertising.他从事广告业I'm in advertising. Sterling Cooper.我也从事广告业斯特林·库珀公司的He's at B.B.D.O. media buyer.他在天联广告公司是个媒介采购员Jim Wallace.吉姆·华莱士Don't know him.不认识That's because you're here at lunch.那是因为你午餐时跑这来了Next.下一个I'm here to return this.我想退掉这个There's nothing wrong with it.没有质量问题We got two.我们收到了两件一样的That's why we suggest that people这也是为什么我们建议人们register,to avoid duplications.登记一下以免撞上了We did register. Qe got two.我们登记过人家又送了一个Do you have your receipt?你有收据吗It was a gift.这是别人送的新婚礼物Rosemary, we have a bridal return.露丝玛丽有个退结婚礼物的Him?他吗Bridal registry.结婚购物单It's a chip and dip. we got two.是个薯条蘸酱盘我们收到了两份That's practically four of something.其实该算做是四个盘子Name?名字Campbell.坎贝尔I suppose you don't have a receipt.我猜你应该没有收据Gosh, I wish I did.真希望我有No. it was a gift.没有别人送的There's nothing here.这里没有记录Perhaps your wife told you she was registering 也许你妻子告诉你说登记过了And in the end forgot to give us her name.而最后忘记报她的名字了Her name?她名字Yes. it's under the maiden name.是的登记的可能是她婚前姓Hmm. it's Vogel.是沃格尔Why would you do that?为什么这么登记I don't know.我也不清楚Humps.小骆驼Humps the camel Campbell.小骆驼坎贝尔Matherton. what are you doing here?曼瑟顿你怎么在这Getting my racquet restrung.给球拍重新绑一下线Men's room back this way?男洗手间是从这里往回走吗Down the hall past the water fountain.顺着走廊走过了饮水器就到了What are you doing here?你在这干吗Returning a wedding gift.退一件新婚礼物Not mine, I hope.希望不是我送的No, it's a chip and dip. Trudy's aunt.不是薯条蘸酱盘特鲁迪姑妈送的That's Trudy Vogel. Do you mind, lovely?不好意思她叫特鲁迪·沃格尔Uh, what is it?是什么啊It's a chip and dip.是个薯条蘸酱盘You put chips on the side and dip in the middle.你可以把薯条放两边酱放中间蘸着吃For entertaining.招待客人用的It's a beaut.挺不错的Hell of a wedding, by the way.话说那真是场盛大的婚礼啊Your cousin Bethany... bridesmaid's bridesmaid.你表妹贝瑟尼女伴娘的女伴娘Connecticut college for women, indeed.还是康乃狄克女子学院的I think I found it.我想我找到了That's nice.很好Good to see you. we should do this sometime.见到你很高兴有时间一起打打球I'm coming back for you.我回头过来找你Do you have a receipt?你有收据吗No. I might have already said that.没有我刚才是不是说过了It was a gift.是别人送的I can give you store credit.我可以给你换购物券I was expecting cash.我希望能退成现金I'm sorry.抱歉Isn't there a way we could work this out?还有别的选择吗Let me buy you a drink.让我请你喝一杯吧I have an expense account.我能报销的The best I can do is put the store credit in your name 我最多只能在退货券上面写上你的名字So you can spend it here.那样的话你还能在这里买些别的什么I would think about spending it on you如果你能给我现金if you gave me cash.说不定我会把这些钱花在你身上呢It's $22.22美元呢Store credit.购物券Thank you.谢谢By the way, Matherton...顺便提一下曼瑟顿He has the clap.他有淋病Same price as a chip and dip.这和薯条蘸酱盘一个价钱Amazing.真神奇啊And I was going to try to make you feel bad我本来想过来告诉你卡洛塔的丝袜By telling you where Carlotta's stockings end.短到什么程度来打击你一下What the hell is that for?你买这玩意儿给谁的It's for me.我自己.22 caliber bolt action.22毫米口径手动枪机Use it in good health.得让其使得其所Why not?为什么不呢Boys will be boys, right?男孩子就应该像个男孩子对吧You couldn't hit the side of St. Patrick's with that.你用这枪都打不到圣帕特里克大街It's good for 20 yards.足够应付20码以内的了It's your 4:30,Mr. Campbell.坎贝尔先生 4点半开会The nixon brain trust is coming in tomorrow.尼克松竞选智囊团明天过来The nomination is expected as a lock.提名是毫无疑问的All we need is an opponent.万事俱备只欠一个对手了Rumor is Lyndon Johnson's going to传言说林登·约翰逊将会去be making a play a west virginia.西佛吉尼亚州发表一场连任演说So we may not be going against kennedy at all.所以也许我们根本就不会同肯尼迪对峙Then we have to worry about the south.那样我们就得应对来自南方的威胁了It's going to be Kennedy.一定会是肯尼迪Boston blackie won west virginia.波士顿黑人拿下了西佛吉尼亚州Now, where does that leave us?现在我们该如何应对Experience in office, knows foreign affairs.尼克松有政务经验熟知国际事务He probably learned that他可能是当年在委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯When they were throwing rocks at him in caracas.被人扔石头时学会的[拉美素有反美传统]"knows the real threat of communism, home and abroad. " "很清楚国内外共产主义势力的威胁"。
X档案剧集中⽂名称中⽂名称:X档案英⽂名称:The X-Files资源类型:RMVB版本:中⽂字幕发⾏时间:1993年导演:克⾥斯-卡特(Chris Carter)演员:⼤卫-杜楚尼(饰Fox Mulder)吉莉-安德森(饰Dana Scully)地区:美国语⾔:英语简介:X档案,是调查局的⼀个部门,那⾥⾯贮存着⼏⼗年来遇到的⽆法解释的超⾃然现象案件……特别探员Fox Mulder在⽜津⼤学修完⼼理学后,被调查局雇⽤,事业正⼀帆风顺时,他却突然将全部精⼒转向了超⾃然事件。
在⼀次催眠中,他回忆到⾃⼰失踪多年的妹妹Samantha 在他们还是孩童的时候被⼀种未知的⼒量带⾛,⾃此,他对于X档案中所隐藏真相的追寻着了迷,开始了全⾝⼼的调查⼯作。
特别探员Dana Scully不但是⼀个具备专业技能医学博⼠,还是⼀个认为在每⼀个X-File 案件背后,都会有⼀个合理的科学解释的坚定理性主义者。
然⽽在X- Files⼯作的过程中,她看到了许多⽆论科学或是逻辑都解释不通的事情,她的信仰受到了考验,她渐渐开始相信外星⽣命的存在。
探员丹娜-斯嘉丽(Dana Scully)特别探员丹娜-斯嘉丽不但是⼀个具备专业技能医学博⼠,同时也是⼀个认为在每⼀个X档案背后,都会有⼀个合理的科学解释的坚定的理性主义者。
探员福克斯-莫德(Fox Mulder)特别探员福克斯-莫德在⽜津⼤学修完⼼理学后,被调查局雇⽤,在他职业⽣涯的最初,就倾向于调查超出常规的事情。
所以 如果你不介意的话 我就去用真空排放 管了 很好 找到了 谢谢 可能需要一段时间 我正在蜕皮 感觉好多了 仍夏至开始我就没排泄过 是 我希望生命节那天我能有空 伍基人的节日 类似于圣诞节 甚至或许 回家和家人团聚 但我想今年是不可能了 可能不行了 太快了 你抓到他们所有人了吗 很好 我开始卸货 这些是帝国币 它们还能用的 我不知道你有没有听说 但已经没有帝 国了 我只有这些 别演了 好吧 我 我可以给你蒙卡拉马里币 但我只能付一半 好的 我有一个保释在逃犯 一个保释在逃 另一个保释在逃 一个被通缉的走私犯 我都要了 不 等等 工会还有其他赏金猎人 我就这么多悬 赏 为什么这么慢 其实一点也不慢 很忙 他们只是不想付工会的工资 他们不介意工作来得慢 -你的最高悬赏是多少 -不多 五千 这个世道这点钱连油钱都不够
I need passage to the yards. No droids.
Where to? You know what he's looking for?
星球大战 看他这腺囊 我敢打赌我们能去港口把它们卖了 求你们了 我有钱 都拿去吧 他挺年轻 麝香会是甜的 现在来看看真正的收获吧... 你把我的酒弄撒了... 曼达人 我刚才说 我刚才说 你把我的酒 我刚才说 你把我的酒 弄撒了 他说你把他的就弄撒了 没事 我请客 那是真的曼达洛铁吗 给你 谢谢 太感谢了 我衷心地感谢你 这样吧 拿去 你把我的钱都拿去 给自己买杯酒 那是赏金碟吗 那个是我吗 听着... 一定是搞错了 我可以给你更多的钱 我可以把你活着交回去... 死透的也行 曼达洛人 第一季 第一集 我需要摆渡到码头去 不要机器人开的 我向你保证 这个飞行摩托是崭新的 是最新的型号... 那就随你的便 去哪 你知道他在看什么吗
《曼达洛人 The Mandalorian (2019) 第 1-2 集》英中字幕
Mad Men season1-01
Mad Men(第一季第一集)Scene1waiter:Finished, sir?draper:Yeah. Hey, do you have a light?Old Gold man(黄金时代), huh? Lucky Strike(幸福时光) hereMay I ask a question? why do you smoke Old Gold?restaurant manager:I‟m sorry, sir. Is Sam here bothering you? He can be a little chatty.draper:No, we‟re actually just having a conversation. Is that ok?restaurant manager:Can I get you another drink?draper:Yeah. Do this again. Old-fashioned(古典鸡尾酒), please.So you obviously need to relax after working here all night.waiter:I guess. I don‟t know.draper:But what is it? I mean, low-tar(焦油量低)? Those new filters(新款滤嘴)?Why…I mean…why Old Gold?waiter:They gave‟ em to us in the service a carton a week for free.draper:So you‟re used to … em, is that it?waiter:They are a habit.draper:I could never get you to try another brand…say, my Luckies?waiter:I love my Old Golds.draper:All right ,Well, let‟s just say tomorrow a tobacco weevil(象鼻虫) comes and eats every last Old Gold on the planet.waiter:That‟s a sad story.draper:It‟s a tragedy. Would you just stop smoking?waiter:I think I could find something. I love smoking.draper:”I love smoking.”That‟s very good.waiter:My wife hates it. Reader‟s Digest says it will kill you.draper:Yeah, I heard about that.waiter:Ladies love their magazinesdraper:Yes, they do.(没错)Scene2女人:You weren‟t worried about waking me, were you?draper:Am I interrupting anything?女人:Mmm, no. You‟re lucky. I‟m still up working. And I‟m alone.draper:How‟s it going?女人:They invented something called Grandmother‟s Day.That ought to keep me busy drawing puppies(小狗) for a few months. draper:Can I run a few ideas past you? (能跟你说说我的想法吗?)女人:Does that mean what I think it means?(你要说的和我想的是一样的吗?) because I‟m familiar with most of your ideas.draper:I‟m having a situation with my cigarette account.(我那个香烟的企划案遇上了点麻烦)女人:Wow, you really are here to talk.(你还真是来找我倒苦水的)draper:The Trade Commission is cracking down on all of our health claims.(贸易委员会驳回了所有的健康证明)女人:I get Reader‟s Digest.This is the same scare you had five years ago.(五年前你也碰到过这种情况)You dealt with it.(你处理得很好)I know I slept a lot better knowing doctors smoke.draper:well, that‟s just it. The whole “safer cigarette‟ thing is over.(香烟无害论泡汤了)No more doctors, no more testimonials,(不再需要医生,不再需要健康证明) no more cough-free(不用再说他可以保护你的T型区), soothes your T-zone(而且不会引起咳嗽)low-tar, low-nicotine, filter tip.(低焦油,地低尼古丁,过滤嘴) nothing(什么都没有了)all I have is a crush-proof box.(只剩下一个空香烟盒)and “four out of five dead people smoke your brand”(和“百分之八十的人死于吸食此烟”)女人:is this the part where I say, “Don Draper is the greatest ad man ever, and his big, strong brain will find a way to lead the sheep to the slaughterhouse.” (把羊送入屠宰场)draper:I don‟t want to go to school tomorrow.女人:You gonna pitch to me or not? (你是在跟我撒娇吗?)draper:Midge, I‟m serious. I have nothing. I am over. (我什么都想不出,我江郎才尽了)And finally they‟re gonna know it. Next time you see me, there will be a bunch of young executives picking meat off my ribs.(你会看到一群年轻的策划人在撕扯我肋骨上的肉)That‟s a pretty picture. (好一番景象啊)What‟s your secret? (你心里是怎么想的)女人:nine different ways to say…”I love you, grandma”__(好吧,脱衣服,接吻···) Scene3draper:we should get married.女人:you think I‟d make a good ex-wife?(你是不是觉得我做前妻还挺不错的) draper:I‟m serious. You have your own business. (你事业有成)You don‟t mind when I c ome over. (也不介意我什么时候过来)What size Cadillac do you take? (你想要哪款凯迪拉克)女人:you know the rules. I don‟t make plans, and I don‟t make breakfast. (你知道我的,不对未来做长远打算,也不做早饭)draper:Sterling is having the tobacco people in nine hours, and I have nothing.女人:people love smoking. There is nothing you, the Trade Commission, or Reader‟s Digest can do to change that.draper:there is this kid who comes by my office every day, looks where he is gonna put his plants.女人:is he handsome?Scene4:23, UH,not rhgt away, pal, could you take the long way up?I am really enjoying the view here ,You going to Campbell`s bachelor party?Yeah, I want to be there before they tie an anchor around his neck andDrag him out to sea.I hear she`s nice girl. Eh, who wants that?.What did you do that for? She`ll probably be assigned to one of usThen she`ll know what she`s in for .besides, you got to let them knowWhat kind of guy you are.Then they`ll know what kind of girl to be .i have a feeling we won`t be going to your bachelor party soon.Yeah, well, compared to Campbell, i`m a boy scoutExcuse me , is he expecting you ? he`s not expecting anything.Oh, honey, don`t worry, i`ll get home safely ,I have an important appointment right now , so why don`t you go shopping or something?Take your mother to lunch, tell her it was my idea.Wow, he`s good, it`s just a bachelor party ,dear,No, I really don`t know what they have planned,But judging from the creative brain power around here,We`ll probably end up seeing my fair lady.i`ll tell you whatI`ll drop by your place on my way home , your mother can check underMy fingernails, of course I love you , i`m giving up my life to be with you , aren`t i? what a great gal.tell ya ,boys, she stole my heart.And her old Mr draper`s loaded.Now, this is the executive floor , it should be organized, but it`s notSo you`ll find account executives, and creative executives all mixed in together. Please don`t ask me the difference.great.hopefully,if you follow my lead, you can avoid some of the mistakes i`ve made here.Hello, joan, like that one , so how Mr drapery trains did it take you ?Only one, but I got up very early .In acouple of yuears with the right moves,you`ll be in the city, with the rest of us.Of course ,if you really make the right moves,you`ll be out in the countryAnd you won`t be going to work at all,you`ll be here just across theAisle from me .We`ll both take care of mr draper for the time being.I don`t know what your goals are , but don`t overdo with the perfumeKeep a fifth or something in your desk ,Mr, draper drinks rye. also, invest in some aspirin, band-aids.And a needle and thread,Rye is Canadian , right?You better find it out, he may act like he wants a secretary.But most of the time , they`re looking for something between a mother andA Waitress, and the rest of time ,well….go home, take a paper bag.And cut some eyeholes out of it, put it over your head, get undressedAnd look at yourself in the mirror, really evaluate where yourStrengths and weaknesses are , and be honest.I always try to be honestGood for you ,Now, try not to be overwhelmed by all this technologyIt looks complicated. But the men who designed it made it Simple enough for woman to use. I sure hope so ,At lunch , pick up a box of chocolates, a dozen carnations, andSome bath salts. I`ll explain later.Thank you ,miss Holloway, you`re really wonderful for lookingOut for me this way , it`s joan, and listen , don`t take this the wrongway , but a girl like you ,with those darling little ankles,I`d find a way to make`em sing, also men love scarves,good morningMr draper, oh and mr , sterling, how are you >? Morning, girlsYou look like a hundred bucks, long night? It`s not this tobacco thingIs it? It`s been on my mind. Yeah, well, I should hope so ,Lee garner, his father, the whole lucky strike family will be here at 4You worried?, noIf I was worried, i`d ask you what you`ve gotBut i`m not , so i`m just going to assume you`ve got something.Which means you should be worried. So you came here becauseYou wanted to watch me get dressed?No , iwanted to make sure you were here,In body, give me about a half hour for the rest of it.How do I put this? Have we ever hired any jews?Not on my watch that`s very funny, it`s not what I meant,We`ve got an Italian, salvator, my director.That won`t work, sorryMost of the jewish guys work for the jewish firmsYeah, I know , selling Jewish products to jewish people.That`s very goodIt`s just that our 11.00 is with menken`s department store,And I wish we had someone to make them feel,,, comfortable.You want me to run down to the deli and grab somebody?You missed a buttonLook at you, gidget. still trying to fill out that bikini?Summer`s coming ,without the medical claims, all we have is A White box with a red spot on it, my neighbor posed for that.Believe me , he always looks very relaxed, of course ,he doesn`t smoke. Had him hold a pencil.if I know these guys, you`re better off with a little sex appeal , can you give me a woman in a bathing suit. put her next to your guy?A sexy girl? I can do that.give you a chance to get a real model.Ho ,I love my work , speaking of sexy girls, are you going to pete`s bachelor party? I`m not really big on those things.tell me about it, it`s so embarrassing If a girl`s gonna shake it in my face , I want to be alone so I can do something.Should we drink before the meeting or after? Or both?So ,,, that`s it, hah? Relax? Don`t be short with me ,You`re the writer, I thought it was worth a try.Greta guttman is here to see you.sent her inOh great, now we get to hear from our man in researchMr draper, Mr romano. You both seemed more relaxed than I expected, Do you have some kind of surprise for the tobacco people?i`m doing my own research ,Mr draper ;if you`re planning to continue with medical testimony. You`ll only be inviting further government interference. We must police ourselves,there`s your sloganthe medical thing is dead, we understand that,yes , dead, an apt choice of words, considering the public Is convinced that cigarettes are poisonous, if we can`t insist that they`re not, I believe my most recent surveys have provided a solution ,we can still suggest that cigarettes are part of American life, or too good to give up, or most appealing, an assertion of independence,so , basically, if you love danger, you`ll love smoking,we can put a skull and crossbones on the label, I love itbefore the war, when I studied with adler in vienna, We postulated that, what freud called the death wish is as Powerful a drive, as those for sexual reproduction and physical sustenancefreud, you said? What agency is he with?So we`re supposed to believe that people are all living one way and secretly thinking the exact opposite? that`s ridiculous.let me tell you something , miss guttman.doctordr, guttman. Psychology might be great at cocktail parties, but it so happens that people were buying cicarettes, before freud was born. the issue here Isn`t why should people smoke, it`s why should people smoke lucky strike. suggesting that our customers have a…what did you call it? A death wish? I just don`t see that on billboard,so what if digest says they`re dangerous? They also said bambi was the book of the century. there is no proof ,there`s conclusive proof, that none of these low-tar, low-nicotine, or filtration systems, have any effect on the incidences of lung cancer.Just give me the damn report.I think you‟ll find it very convincing.I am sure I will. You are the one who found all of our medical testimonials in the first place.That is true, mr draper, but I…Has anyone seen this?Of course not. It is your account.Good.I don‟t wanna hear about it any more.I am sorry. I just find your whole approach perverse.Good luck at the meeting. I am sure it will be a quick one.Sal, I will take that drink now.Mr. draper. Excuse me. Mr. draper. I am sorry to wake you, but mr. campell is outside.He doesn‟t know I am sleeping in here, does he?No, sir.That‟s good. Who are you?I am peggy olsen, the new girl.Can you go out there and entertain him?I know it is my first day. And I don‟t wanna seem uncooperative. But do I have to? See your point.I brought you some aspirin.Send him in.You look like a hundred bucks. Ready to go sweet-talk to some retail jews?You are tough to take first thing in the morning, pete.I‟ve never had any complaints. Speaking of which, who …s your little friend here? She …s the new girl. You always get the new girl. Management gets all the perks.Where are you from, honey?Miss deaver‟s secretarial school.Top notch. But I meant where are you from? Are you amish or something?No, I am from Brooklyn.Well, you are in the city now. it wouldn‟t be a sin for us to see your legs. And if you pull your waist in, you might look a little bit like a woman.It that all, mr. draper?Hey, I am not done here. I am working my way up.That will be all. Peggy, right?Yes. Oh, and it is time for your 11:00 meeting.Oh, and sorry about mr. Campbell here. He left his manners back at the fraternity house.She‟s a little young for you, draper.The future mrs. Campbell is a very lucky woman. When is the wedding again? Sunday. Did ken tell you about the bachelor party tonight?He sure did.So do I get the first track at her? Word is she took down more sailors than the Arizona. How old are you, pete?I just turned 26.I bet the whole world looks like one great big brassiere strap, just waiting to besnapped, huh?You are good with words, draper.Campbell, we‟re both men here. So I am gonna be direct.Christ, are you already sleeping with her?Advertising is a very small world. And when you do something like malign the reputation of a girl from the steno pool on her first day, you make it smaller.Keep it up, and even if you do get my job, you‟ll never run this place. You‟ll die in that corner office, a mid-level executive with a little bit of hair, who women go home with out of pity. Wanna know why? Cause no one will like you.Oh, here are our miracle workers now. you know pete Campbell, of course. Your account executive if you choose to do business with us. And this handsome fellow is don draper, the best creative director in new York.Well, at least the building. Pleasure to meet you.Oops, sorry about that.I am Rachel menken,Oh ,sorry. I was expecting…You were expecting me to be a man. My father was, too.And you are?Why, don, you remember david cohen from the art department.Of course, david. One of those rising stars here at sterling cooper.Well, why don‟t we make ourselves comfortable? And miss menken, you can tell us what you have in mind.Wonderful.That‟s very subtle.Isn‟t that your shirt?Had to go all the way to the mailroom. But I found one.So you must be peggy olsen. Joan Holloway sent you over. Great girl. How was joan? She sends her regards.She‟s a lot fun. Must be scream to work with her.Yes, it‟s pretty terrific.Try to make yourself comfortable.relax.I see from your chart, and your finger. That you are not married.That‟s right.And yet you are interested in the contraceptive pills.Well, I was..No reason to be nervous. Joan sent you maybe cause I am not here to judge you.There is nothing wrong with a woman being practical about the possibility of sexual activity. Spread your knees.That‟s good to hear.Although as a doctor. I …d like to think that putting a woman in this situation is notgoona turn her into some kind of strumpet. Slide your fanny towards me. I am not gonna bite. I‟ll warn you now, I will take you off this medicine if you abuse it. It‟s for your own good, really. But the fact is, even in our modern times, easy women don‟t find husbands.I understand, dr. emerson. I really am a very responsible person.Well, I am sure you‟re not that kind of girl. Now , joan…I am just kidding along here.You can get dressed. I am gonna write you a prescription for enovid. They‟re $11 a month. but don‟t think that you have to go out and become the town pump just to get your money‟s worth. Excuse my French.So what don is saying is that through a variety of media, including a spot during the danny Thomas show, if you can afford it, we could really boost awareness. Then, a 10% off coupon in select ladies‟magazines will increase your first time visitors. Once we get them into the store, the rest is kind of up to you.Mr. draper. Our store is 60 years old. We share a wall with tiffay‟s. honestly, a coupon?Miss menken, coupons work. I think your father would agree with the strategy.He might, but he‟s not here because we just had our lowest sales year ever. So I suppose what I think matters most right now. miss menken, why did you come here? There are dozen other agencies better suited to your needs.If I wanted some men who happened to be from the same village as my father to manage my account, I would have stayed where I was. Their research favors coupons, too.It‟s not just research, miss menken. Housewives love coupons.I am not interested in housewives.What kind of people do you want?I want your kind of people, mr. draper. People who don‟t care about coupons.Whether or not they can afford it, people who are coming to the store because it is expensive.We obviously have very different ideas.Yes, like the customer is always right? Gentlemen, I really thought you could do better than this. Sterling cooper has a reputation for being innovative.Miss, you are way out of line.Don, please. Let‟s not get emotional here. There is no reason we can‟t talk this out. Talk out what? This silly idea? That people are gonna come to some store they‟ve never been to because it‟s more expensive?It works for chanel.Menkens is not chanel.That‟s a vote of confidence?What don‟s saying is, chanel is a very different kind of place. It is French, it‟s continental, it‟s…Not just another jewish department store?Exactly.You were right, roger. This place really runs on charm.This is ridiculous.Don.I am not gonna let a woman talk to me like this. This meeting is over. Good luck, missmenken.Hey don. I don‟t blame you. She was way out of line. Heading money and education doesn‟t take the rude head off people.Roger‟s not gonna happy, so I guess that‟s good for you.I am not gonna pretend I don‟t want your job, but you were right. I am not great withpeople, and you are. I mean, not counting that meeting we were just in. so I am kind of counting on you to help me out. There‟s plenty of room at the top. Look, I am sorry I was so hard on you before. It is just this damn tobacco thing.You‟ll think of something. A man like you, I …d follow into combat blindfolded. And I wouldn‟t be the first. Am right, buddy?Let‟s take it a little slower. I don‟t wanna wake up pregnant.Fuck you.Dr. emerson‟s a dream, isn‟t he?He seemed nice.He has a place in south Hampton. I am not saying that I‟ve seen it, but it‟s beautiful.Now don‟t be nervous. But this is the nerve center of the office. You and your boss rely on the willing and cheethe cooperation of a few skilled employees.Never snap, yell, or be sarcastic with them. And above all, always be a supplicant. I know you girls are busy, but we‟ve got a new one. Peggy, this is marge, Nanette, and ivy. I brought you some things. I guess a sort of getting to know your gift.Well, aren‟t you a sweetheart. If I know joan, the candy‟s for me. Joan, you‟re not fair.You know she has to lose 8 pounds by the Christmas party.I think you look great.Yeah, because I am sitting down.You can come and visit any time you want, honey. Who does she work for?Don draper.They got rid of Eleanor?She moved on. Draper was n‟t interested.Well, she couldn‟t get a call through.Rude little thing.We see that you‟ve got your hands full. Don‟t want to be a bother.Nice meeting you.Hey, you have great legs. I bet you mr. draper would like them if he could see them. Sterling cooper. How may I direct your call?Scene4Father: I just don‟t know what we have to do to make these government‟s antilogs happy.(才能让自相矛盾的政府高兴)They tell us to make a safer cigarette, we do it. And then suddenly that‟s not good enough. (突然间又说不够好)Son: might as well be living in Russia.Father: damn straight. (一语中的)You know, this morning I got a call from my competitors at Brown & Williamson, (布朗威廉森母公司) and they‟re getting sued by the Federal government.(被联邦政府起诉)Because of the health claims they made.经理:Yeah, we‟re aware of that, Mr. Garner, but y ou have to realize that through the manipulation of the mass media, the public is under the impression that your cigarettes are linked to …certain fatal diseases.(大众媒体的操控使得公众脑海中有种印象,认为你的香烟跟一些致命疾病有关联)Father: manipulation of the media? Hell, that‟s what I p ay you for. Our product is fine.I smoke myself.Son: my granddad smoked. He died at 95 years old. He was hit by a truck.经理:I understand. But our hands are tied. (我明白,但我们束手无策) We are no longer allowed to advertise that Lucky Strikes are safe.Father: so what the hell are we gonna to do? We‟ve already funded our own tobacco research center to put this whole rumor to rest. (平息这些谣言)经理: and that‟s a very good start. But it may not affect the sales.Don, I think maybe that‟s your cue. (唐,我想改到你力挽狂澜的时候了) Dan: well, I have been, uh…thinking quite a bit about this,and I mean, you know I‟m a Lucky Strike man from way back, so… (老早就开始抽这个牌子)I might have a solution. At sterling cooper, we‟ve been pioneering at the burgeoningfield research. And our analysis shows that the health risks associated with your product is not the end of the world. People get in their cars every day to go to work, and some of them die. Cars are dangerous. There is nothing you can do about it. You still have to get where you‟re going. Cigarettes are exactly the same. So why don‟t we simply say, so what if cigarettes are dangerous, you are a man, the world is dangerous. Smoke your cigarette, you still have to get where you‟re going.That‟s very interesting. I mean, if cigarettes were dangerous, It would be interesting. Except they aren‟t. that‟s your slogan? You‟re going to die anyway, die with us? Actually, it‟s a fairly well-established psychological principle that society has a death wish. And if we could just tap into that, the market potential is…What the hell are you talking about? Are you insane? I am not selling rifles here. I am in the tobacco business. We‟re selling America. The Indians gave it to us, for shit‟s sake.Come on, dad. Let‟s get out of here. The bright spot is at least we know if we have this problem, everybody has this problem.Gentlemen, before you leave, can I just say something?I don‟t know, don. Can you?The federal trade commission and reader‟s digest have done you a favor. They‟ve letyou know that any ad that brings up the concept of cigarettes and health together…well, it‟s just gonna make people think of cancer.Yes, and we‟re grateful to them.But what lee junior said it right. You can‟t make those health claims, neither can your competitors.So we‟ve got a lot of people not saying anything that selling cigarettes.Not exactly. This is the greatest advertising opportunity since the invention of serial.We have six identical companies making six identical products. We can say anything we want. How do you make your cigarettes?I don‟t know.Shame on you. We breed insect-repellent tobacco seeds, plant them in the north Carolina sunshine, grow it, cut it, cure it ,toast it…There you go.But everybody else‟s tobacco is toasted.No, everybody else‟s tobacco is poisonous. Lucky strikes is toasted.Well, gentlemen, I don‟t think I have to tell you what you just witnessed here.I think you do.Advertising is based on one thing- happiness. And you know what happiness is?Happiness is the smell of a new car, is freedom from fear, it‟s the billboard on the side of the road that screaming and really insurance of that whatever you‟re doing…it‟s ok. You‟re okay.It‟s toasted. I get it.You had me worried. I don‟t know if you were drunk or not drunk. But that was inspired.For the record, I pulled it out of thin air. So thank you, up there.You‟re looking in the wrong direction. So now that I have got you in the afterglow here, what do you say you reconsider this presidential campaign?I don‟t know, bunting and babies? That‟s hard work. I don‟t want to make hash of it. Modesty, that‟s adorable. Consider the product. He‟s young, handsome, navy hero.Honestly, it shouldn‟t be too difficult to convince American dick Nixon is a winner.Dr. draper, you‟ve got visitors.Could you be a little more specific, honey?We heard you saved the day?Oh, thank you, boys. I appreciate it.I told them how amazing you were. I am still tingling.Well, It looks like you are all going to engage in a little mid-level comradery. So I‟ll be on my way. Don, thanks again for the home run.I‟d love to come through.Speaking of which, any chance you could patch things up with Rachel menken? Any way you can be as charming as I said you were?Haven‟t you had enough of my magic for one day?She‟s worth $3 million.You‟re a whore.Peggy, could she get us a little more ice?Yes, mr. draper?Just a minute. Gentlemen, I think this party is gonna have to move elsewhere.Move wherever you want, but it‟s 5:15. The bachelor party‟s underway.I don‟t know.Come on ,don. All hands on deck.Aren‟t you gonna help give pete his big sendoff?Maybe next time.Come on, guys. Don will join us later, right, don?If greta‟s research was any good, I would have used it.What are you talking about?I am saying I had a report just like that. And it sounds like there‟s some magic machine that makes identical copies of things.I still think she was right.Have a great night, pete. Congratulations.I heard you were amazing in the meeting.Fear stimulates my imagination.I just want to thank you for a great first day. And for, you know, standing up for me with mr. Campbell.First of all, peggy, I am your boss, not your boyfriend. Second of all, you ever let pete Campbell go through my trash again, you won‟t be able to find a job selling sandwiches in pan station.He said he left his fountain pen in here. I didn‟t knowl. I hope you do n‟t think I am that kind of girl.Of course not. Go home, put your curls in. we‟ll get a fresh start tomorrow. Oh, and peggy, I need to place a call.I want to see you here every 15 minutes, whether you have drinks or not.Uh, every five minutes.Let’s live here.Better do more than look tonight.Do you have a girlfriend, salvatore?Come on, i am italian.Is there some kind of party here?How did you swing it?The work at the automat.He pressed a button, and they came out.I hope we’re not interrupting anything.Definitely not.Well, i have the best seat. What are we drinking?More of whatever’s making you the way you are.I love this place. It’s hot, loud, and filled with men.I know what you mean.Oh my god. I can already feel it.I have a feeling you like this all the time.I like to laugh.Is that right?Now, you stop that.You said you like to laugh.I mean it.It’’s tootoo delicious.Hey, i said stop it. What do you think you’re doing?You know exactly.Um,you know what, girls? I think we should go.Oh, come on.You’re hurting me.I’ll be good.Buy the girls whatever they want.So, uh. What do you fellas do?You are looking at the finest ad men in new york. Hell, the world.For the lady, a special mai tai and one whiskey neat.So, you’re going to ply me with drinks and convince me what a terrible mistake i am making.That’s quite a drink.You got in trouble, didn’t you?I shouldn’t have lost my temper, and i certainly shouldn’t have treated you like anything less than a client.Apology accepted.So you understand.Now i do.It was uh, refreshing, really. I mean, actually hearing all the things i always assumed people is thinking.Well, i am not really as bad as all that. I was under a lot of pressure. Another account. Doesn’t really matter.No, it doesn’t.So, without making things worse, can i ask you a personal question?Don’t you wat to get a second drink for me first?Why aren’t you married?Are you asking what’s wrong with me?It’s just that you’re a beautiful, educated woman. Don’t you think that getting。
祸根 -第一季第一集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语
第一季第一集祸根- Where is she? - She's in her studio. -她在哪 -在她工作室里She's workin'. 她在工作Why hasn't she come back? 她怎么还不回来Why hasn't she come back? 2天前It's crap. It's cra-- Could you just turn that down a bit? 胡说八道你能把声音关小一点吗- Please. I'm trying to concentrate... - What? -拜托我正努力集中注意力 -什么on a very delicate operation, here. 这手术很有难度Blenders don't have volume control. 搅拌机没法控制音量Well, that's a pathetic excuse. Just turn it down, anyway. 好吧理由真差劲不管怎样把音量弄小点Dad. Yeah. I did some research last night. 爸爸我昨晚做了些调查- Yes? - On golden doodles. -什么 -金毛和贵宾的串儿-Oh, God-- And they don't shed. They're hypoallergenic. -拜托 -它们不掉毛不容易导致过敏-No, no-- Listen, Hen. They're really, really, really cute. -不行听着亨利 -它们真的真的很可爱We're not having-- Tell him. Tell him. 我们不能养你跟他说- It's the dog thing again. - But why, Dad? -又纠结养狗的事了 -为什么啊爸We can't have a dog because as I've said before, 我们不能养狗因为我说过了all dogs make my throat close up, 什么狗都让我喘不了气so no air gets to my lungs, which makes me die. 空气进不了我的肺部我就完蛋了So it's-- It's undesirable. 所以不可能But...Think of another pet. You know, you can have a, 不过呢你再想个别的宠物吧比如a cat, or a hamster. 猫或仓鼠Or... I don't know what kids have these days. 或者我不知道现在的孩子们都养什么Have a, have a vampire bat. 养只吸血鬼蝙蝠- Is that a promise? - Yes. That is a promise. -这是承诺吗 -对这是一个承诺Like the, the promise of... 就像是那次...a road trip, too? Just you and me? 自驾游的承诺只有你和我That's a low blow. That will happen. 不带这么打击人的会实现的- Will it? - It will happen. -会吗 -会的Shit, my violin! 我的小提琴- Help me, please. - What is going on? -帮帮我 -什么情况I don't know why I'm suddenly six years old. 我不知道怎么突然变六岁了Oh, God. All right. Why the tie, hmm? 好吧为什么打领带Not another funeral? 又参加葬礼吗It's The Turd's idea. 讨厌鬼的主意And no, no. 另外不是葬礼Not all my patients die. 不是我所有的病人都会死Why are you so dressed up? What's his name? 你为什么盛装打扮他叫什么名字Ladies' tea. Planning the fundraiser. 太太们的下午茶计划筹款活动School auction. Did I mention I'm not going? 学校拍卖会我说过我不去了吗- Oh, did I mention you are? - I think you'll find I'm not, my love. -我说过你会去吗 -我想你会知道我不去的Isn't it enough we give them tons of money anyway? 我们给他们撒的钱还不够多吗We actually don't give them money. 我们实际上不给他们钱Well, your dad does, which is very sweet of him. 你爸会给他真是太贴心了Which reminds me, we have dinner with him next Thursday. 说到这个我们下周四和他一起吃晚饭Right. So I have Reardon and your dad in the same week. 好吧所以一周之内我得去里尔登还得见你爸I'm just the luckiest girl in New York. 我是纽约最幸运的宝宝Don't you like Reardon? 你不喜欢里尔登吗Well, do you like Reardon? You, you like your school? 你喜欢里尔登吗你喜欢你的学校Yeah. 喜欢- And I love it. Go on, kiss your mom. We have to go. - Mom... -那我也喜欢去亲亲你妈 -妈No, I'm not kissing Mom. You do it. 不要我才不亲老妈了你自己亲吧You need to clean this up. 你得把这个清理干净I'm not doing this every single morning. 我不能每天早上都清理这个No, no, I want to kiss you. I like this. 不我想吻你我喜欢Yeah. Right. 好了- Henry? Henry? - What? -亨利亨利 -什么No more smoothies. You never, ever clean up... 你不许吃冰沙了你从来都不清洗All right, here's a question and don't lie. 好吧问你个问题别撒谎Did you, in fact, practice that thing at all this week? 你这周练过这玩意吗- Because I heard nothing. - No, I practiced. -因为我没听见动静啊 -我练习过- Really? - Yeah. I swear. -真的 -嗯不骗你Do you know, he doesn't even think I'm any good. Mr. Rosenbaum. 你知道吗他觉得我根本不行罗森鲍姆先生He actually said that, did he? 他真是这么说的吗No. It's not that he says it. 不他没这么说It just-- He used to say a lot more good stuff. 只是他总是说些好听的I mean, sometimes with the looks he gives me, 但有时从他看我的眼神来说I-I think he wants me to quit. 我觉得他想让我退出Well, is it possible that, as your mom might say-- 有没有可能像你妈妈说的那样You're actually projecting that sentiment. 你实际上是在表达这种情绪Because somewhere deep down, 因为在你的内心深处in the bowels of your teenage psyche, 在你十几岁的心灵深处you actually want to give it up. 你其实是想放弃I don't want to give up. I love violin. 我不想放弃我喜欢小提琴Okay, well, that's great then. 好吧那太好了You know, Rosenbaum, he's an unhappy man. 你知道吗罗森鲍姆他是个不快乐的人It is never a good idea 通过不快乐的人to take measure of ourselves 来衡量我们自己through the eyes of the joyless. 不是个好主意Well, you can be joyless. 好吧你可以不快乐- Beg your pardon? - Yeah. -你说什么 -是啊You can be joyless when you're...When you're stressed. 当你有压力的时候你可能会不快乐Do I seem stressed a lot? 我看起来压力很大吗Some... lately. 最近有点Brilliant. Well, now... 太棒了好吧现在Now I'm stressed about being stressed, so... 我因为压力而感到有压力所以- Thank you very much. - You're welcome. -非常感谢你 -不客气You don't, you don't play your violin for Rosenbaum, anyway.你又不是为了罗森鲍姆拉小提琴You owe him your respect and your hard work, 你是该尊重他该努力but in the end, your relationship with song 但最后你和歌曲的关系is between you and your music. 就是你和音乐的关系- Got it. - Right. And you're brilliant, okay? -知道了 -好你很棒的So fuck Rosenbaum. 去他妈的罗森鲍姆- I'm telling Mom you said that. - Take your violin, -我告诉妈妈你这么说的 -拿起你的小提琴- and shove it up his Rosen-bum cheeks, okay? - Dad... -抽他丫的罗森鲍姆吧 -爸爸- Morning. - Morning. -早上好 -早上好Rebecca Harkness has arrived way too early. 丽贝卡·哈克尼斯特别早就来了Great. 好的It just doesn't make any sense to me. 我真的想不明白One minute, he's attentive, loving. 上一分钟他细心又有爱The next minute, he's borderline abusive. 下一分钟他几乎是在辱骂I got both swings last night. The full pendulum. 昨晚我承受两种情绪就像钟摆And fucking forbid I call him bipolar. I mean... 还不许我说他躁郁症Fucking forbid! 他妈的不许So you're back to thinking that he's, um, that he's bipolar. 所以你又开始认为他是躁郁症I don't know. The mood swings... 我不知道那种情绪波动What do you think? 你怎么认为Well, I don't know him. 我不认识他- I only know you. - Meaning? -我只认识你 -什么意思- Do not give me that look. - This is your third marriage. Isn't it? -别那样看我 -这是你的第三次婚姻不是吗So, what, we're keeping score? 怎么着还得计数的No. No, I'm just... 不不我只是- I'm not doing that. - Okay, this is going somewhere, -我不会那么做的 -好吧情况有所进展and I'm not exactly sure where, 但我不确定是什么进展other than a direction not in my favor. So just say it. 除了对我不利的方向之外你就说吧- Say it! I pay you. Say it. - Reb-- -说啊我付钱给你说吧 -丽贝卡Rebecca. 丽贝卡I have met few people more discriminating than you. 你是我见过的最有鉴别能力的人You read 100 Yelp reviews 在选择铺地毯的人之前before choosing someone to install your carpet. 你得先看上百条网站评价Am I right? You, you try on 20 pairs of shoes 我说得对吗你试了20双鞋before making a choice. 才做出决定You do background checks on your hair colorist. 你对你的染发师做背景调查You did a background check on me, no doubt. 毫无疑问你对我做了背景调查You vet everything. Everything. 你什么都检查过什么都查- Which is fine. I mean, that's appropriate. - But... -这很好这样做没问题 -但是But an attractive man comes along, 但是一个有魅力的男人出现了and shows an interest in you, and judgment be gone. 对你表现出兴趣你的判断力就消失了No. That is not what is happening. 不不是这样的I mean, the day that you met Kevin, you floated into this office. 你认识凯文那天你走进了这间办公室It was an appointment that was made to deal 那次约诊是为了解决with the anguish of husband number two, 你第二任丈夫给你的痛苦only to declare that you'd met husband number three. 结果成了宣布你认识了第三任丈夫So, I'm saying... 所以我是说Maybe it's possible... 也许有可能that you're less of a victim of Kevin's moods 你不是凯文情绪的受害者than you are of your own. 而是你自己情绪的受害者So, excuse me, this is my fault? 不好意思这是我的错- No. - It is. You're blaming me. -不 -就是你在怪我I'm not blaming you. 我没有怪你I'm just saying there's a particular type of person 我只是想说你想和that you want to be with, 特定类型的人在一起and maybe you're a little too quick 也许你有点太快了to see that person in the men that you meet, 在你遇到的男人中找到那个人instead of seeing what's actually there. 而没有看清真实情况Well, i'll probably Never see her again 好吧我可能再也见不到她了Because they hire you to give them the hard truths, 因为她们雇你来告诉她们真相And then, then they fire you for delivering them. 然后又因为你说了真相而解雇你Well, just-- just up your prices. 好吧你就把价格提高The more exclusive you seem, the more she'll come begging. 你越高不可攀她就会越上赶着你I have some bad news. 我有个坏消息The, um, 就是the dress code for the fundraiser is fancy-glam. 募捐活动的着装要求很花哨I'm not wearing a tux. 我可不穿燕尾服Listen, this is for Henry's school. 听着这是给亨利的学校If I can tough out a ladies' tea, 如果我能忍受太太们的下午茶you can stomach one fundraiser. For Henry. 你就能忍受一次募捐都是为了亨利I will do it. But not for Henry's school. 我同意但不是为了亨利的学校I will do it for you. 我是为了你Because you're hot. 因为你很性感Anyway, I'm here. Okay? 都行我到了好吗Later, smart ass. 晚点见就会耍嘴皮子Yeah, later. Bye. 晚点见拜拜Come in. 进来- Let me take your coat. - Yes. -把你外套给我 -好的They're waiting for you upstairs. 她们在楼上等你- Hello! - Sorry I'm late. -你好 -对不起我迟到了Not a problem. 没关系We have a new mom. 来了一个新妈妈A Scholarship. 靠奖学金的She brought her infant. She's changing her in the bathroom. 她带了个婴儿正在卫生间给她换衣服You look fabulous. 你看起来好美- Oh, hi, Grace. - Hi. -你好格蕾丝 -你好Is she, uh, on the committee? 她是委员会成员吗Uh, wants to be an involved parent. 想成为一个有责任感的家长Sorry. 不好意思Thanks. 谢谢Did any of you even know that she was coming? 你们有人知道她要来吗I mean, I'm usually the first one to learn of anything. 通常有情况我是第一个知道的People can't wait to tell me stuff. 大家都迫不及待地想跟我先说Because you're so quick to disapprove. 因为你特别快就会否定Well, exactly. 嗯没错All right, we should get going here. Sorry! 好吧我们该开始了对不起She's a bit nervous. 她有点紧张She's back to being the auctioneer. 她又当起了拍卖师I thought you got the guy from Sotheby's. 我以为你找了苏士比拍卖行的人No, he dropped out. We'll be fine. 不他退出了我们没问题的I've done this before. 我以前做过I'm Grace Fraser. 我是格雷丝·弗雷泽Elena Alves. Nice to meet you. 埃琳娜·阿尔维斯很高兴认识你Elena has a boy in fourth grade? 埃琳娜有个四年级的男孩You said his name was Miguel? 你说他叫米格尔- Yeah, yeah. - Your baby's gorgeous. -是的没错 -你孩子真漂亮- Thank you. - Hello. Boy or girl? -谢谢 -你好男孩还是女孩Girl. Teresa. 女孩特蕾莎Teresa. 特蕾莎- I love your eyelashes. - Okay, come on, folks. -我爱你的睫毛 -好了开始吧各位The auction's tomorrow. 明天的拍卖会Thank you so much for letting me join. 非常感谢你们让我加入Are you kidding? We're happy to get all the help we can. 说什么呢有人帮忙我们来者不拒That you even have the time with two kids. 你带两个孩子还能有时间呢- I have twins. So regret it. - Jolene! -我有双胞胎可后悔了 -乔琳I mean, they're so much work, right? 我是说工作量很大对吧Okay, let's, uh... 好了我们- let's rank the items. - Yes. -我们把物品列一下 -嗯We'll start with the least expensive. 我们先从最便宜的开始Work our way up to the... the big tickets. 循序渐进到最贵的There's a lot of stuff here. 东西还真不少啊- Well, we have over 200 people confirmed coming. - That's a record. -我们已经确认有200多人来了 -破纪录了Thanks to the Spensers lending us their home. 多亏了斯宾塞夫妇借给我们地方用I did a walk-through yesterday. Oh, my God. 我昨天逛了一圈我的天啊Did you see the David Hockneys? 你看到大卫·霍克尼的作品了吗Two of them, on facing walls in the dining room. 其中两张挂在餐厅正对的墙上- And what about Suki's closet? - Oh, I'll get there. -苏姬的衣橱呢 -我会去的- Maybe Monday night, with any luck. - Yes! -如果运气好的话可能周一晚上 -好- Okay, let's do this. - Okay! -好了开始吧 -好We got four separate stays in the Hamptons. 我们有四晚汉普顿斯A pair in Vail and Aspen. 两晚阿斯比和维尔地区A cooking lesson at Tribeca for eight. 在翠贝卡的八天烹饪课You never know how much those go for. 你可不知道这些要花多少钱Stem-cell facelift. 干细胞整容Does anybody really believe in those? 真有人相信这些吗Kathy Sennot got one. Did not work. 凯西·森做过一次没用We have a bunch of consults. A college admissions counselor. 我们有一群顾问大学招生顾问A pre-school admissions counselor. 学前教育招生顾问A genealogist that'll come to your house. 一位系谱专家会去你家That could actually go. 这是可以的I don't see any artists. Where are the artists? 我没有看到任何艺术家艺术家们在哪里Are you saying we can't scratch up 你是说整个纽约市one lousy playwright in all of New York City? 我们连个差劲的剧作家都找不到Grace, maybe you could donate a therapy session. 格蕾丝也许你可以捐个心理辅导课程I am not doing that. That is not happening. 我不要这可不行Why not? "Do I hear $500 on saving your marriage?" 为什么不行"我听说花500元就能挽救婚姻"500, and I will throw in my husband. 500 我送我老公去Grace, you know what would be awesome? 格蕾丝你知道怎么样会很棒吗I think Jonathan would be a huge get. 我想乔纳森会是个大卖点You want to auction Jonathan? 你想拍卖乔纳森- Well... - Yes! I'm putting him up. -嗯... -可以我要把他放上去Grace's husband is a doctor. 格蕾丝的丈夫是个医生He was featured in "New York" magazine. 他上了《纽约》杂志的特辑He's an oncologist, Sally. Who's gonna bid on cancer? 他是研究肿瘤的莎莉谁会竞标癌症啊A private, after-hours tour at the Guggenheim. 古根海姆博物馆闭馆后私下参观They're doing the Salon de la Rose Croix. 他们要办玫瑰十字沙龙You know, I was just there on Tuesday for the Chagall exhibit. 我周二刚去看夏加尔的展览I swear, I actually felt light-headed. 我发誓我真的感到头晕I don't really get Chagall. 我不太喜欢夏加尔I mean, who doesn't get Chagall? 有谁不喜欢夏加尔啊Me. One minute he's a modernist. 我啊前一分钟他还是现代派Then it's stained glass. The guy's all over the place. 然后就是彩色玻璃到处都是那家伙If he were alive today, they'd put him on Prozac... 如果他今天还活着他得喝百忧解抗抑郁Hold on. 等下Tell me that wasn't odd. My God! 这还不奇怪啊我的天She was just feeding her child. 她只是在喂孩子Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. 不不是的There was definitely something more going on. 肯定还有其他情况- Excuse me. - Like what? -不好意思 -比如Like she was... 比如她是Point! Point your foot! 踮脚尖踮脚尖Like she was being passive-aggressive about it. 好像她就是在消极反抗You didn't get that? 你不觉得吗No. 没有You know, I've seen her at the school before. 知道吗我以前在学校见过她Sitting across the street On one of those benches. 坐在街对面的长椅上After she drops her son off, She just sits there. 她送儿子下车后她就坐在那里With the baby? 带着孩子Well now with the baby. Before when she was pregnant. 现在是带着孩子在她怀孕之前She wouldn't even be reading a book. 她甚至连本书都不看的I feel like telling her, "You live in New York. 我想告诉她你住在纽约It is a crime not to be frantically busy." Who just... 不忙是犯法的谁能就那么Sits around quietly? 呆坐着What an unfathomable state of being. 多么深不可测的状态啊Albeit with... 尽管...spectacular breasts. 胸部可是够大的- You're bad. - Oh, my god. They were beautiful. -你真够坏的 -我天可是真好看啊Up, up, up, up, up. 往上往上Up, up, tall. Get your-- Tall. 往上高点高点Shoulders down. Shoulders down. 肩膀压低肩膀压低Stop smiling. Stop smiling! 别笑别笑了Elena, what's wrong? 埃琳娜怎么了It was hostile. It just was. 这就是敌意就是But I don't blame her. I mean, we were talking about art. 但我不怪她我们当时在谈论艺术We were talking about money. It was, it was pretty vulgar. 我们当时说的都是钱非常俗不可耐And she was just trying to say, "Hey, here I am. 她就好像在表达看到我没"I'm a real, real woman. I'm a real mom. 我是个真正的女人我是个真正的妈妈I'm struggling, and..." 我在挣扎而且I don't know. Sometimes I think we should move out of the city. 说不好有时候我觉得我们应该离开这座城市Said the most New York person I've ever met in my life. 我这辈子见过的最纽约的人如是说No, but don't you worry sometimes 不但你有时不担心that you're raising your son in a bubble? 你把你儿子养在一个泡泡里I thought that was the whole 我以为这就是essence of modern parenting, isn't it? 现代育儿的精髓不是吗Keep them protected from reality for as long as possible 尽可能让他们远离现实so that when they finally emerge, 这样当现实最终浮现时they can't cope and end up self-harming. 他们无法应对最后自残I thought we were doing really well at that. 我觉得我们在这方面做得很好What about Schenectady, huh? 斯克内克塔迪市怎么样- I've heard nice things about Schenectady. - It sounds horrible. -我听说斯克内克塔迪不错 -听起来就可怕Even phonetically. 读着都可怕So, is this a serious conversation? 咱俩这谈话是认真的吗Yeah. 是啊Yep. Manhattan is a lonely place. 是的曼哈顿是一个孤独的地方I mean, when you think about it, 当想起它的时候we don't have a lot of close friends. 我们都没什么亲密的朋友Well, that's only 'cause we hate everyone. 好吧那只是因为我们恨所有人You hate everyone. I don't. 你恨所有人我可不是I wouldn't call us isolated. 我不会说我们是孤立的Our days are stuffed with people and their problems. 我们的生活充满了人和他们的问题I mean, we're right up close with them at their most vulnerable. 我们就在他们最脆弱的地方It's not a conventional social life, 这不是传统的社交生活but in terms of meaningful human interaction, 但就有意义的人际互动而言I would say we did very well. 我想说我们做得很好I don't like you being lonely. 我不喜欢你孤独You lonely in there? 你在里面寂寞吗Would you like some company? 你需要人陪吗Would you like to be washed? 你想洗个澡吗Grace, Dr. Fraser, with his magic hands. 格蕾丝弗雷泽医生用他的魔法之手Shall I get my rubber gloves? 我要拿我的橡胶手套吗- Come on. Come in. - I'm coming, Grace. -来吧进来 -我来了格蕾丝Grace? 格蕾丝Elena. 埃琳娜- We met at the fundraiser committee. - Yes, yes. Of course. -我们在筹款委员会见过面 -是的当然How are you? 你好吗- I'm, I'm well. - Good. -我很好 -那好Thank you so much for making me feel so welcome. 非常感谢你让我感到如此受欢迎The other women... 其他女人嘛I don't know, I felt like an intruder. 我觉得自己像个外人But you made me feel at home. So... 但你让我有宾至如归的感觉所以Thank you. 非常感谢Well, I know that, 我知道Everybody was very happy to have you there. 大家都很高兴有你参加We need all the help we can get. 所有的帮助我们都来者不拒How can I help? 我怎么帮忙呢'Cause nobody actually made me do anything. 因为没人让我做事I suppose... 我想because most of the work was already done, and... 是因为大部分的工作已经完成了And you were occupied with your sweet baby. 你得顾着你可爱的宝宝Yeah. 是啊But I want to be a part of it. 但我想成为其中一份子At school. 在学校I really do. 我真的想I know. 我知道I really do. 我真的想She was just standing there. 她就站在那里Naked. 赤身裸体- Yeah? - I'm all for women being comfortable with their bodies, -是吗 -我完全赞成女人对自己身体感到舒服but it was... 但当时- Weird. - Good weird? -有点奇怪 -正常的那种吗Were you a little bit... 你有没有一点St-- Aroused? 兴奋- No. - Oh, Christ. We're nearly there. -才没有 -天哪我们快到了The sooner we can get out, the better. 我们越快出来越好Look, I've got that early flight to Cleveland. 我得搭去克利夫兰的早班机When do you get back? 你什么时候回来Possibly tomorrow night, if I can get away, 可能明天晚上如果我能脱身but you know, I do hate to forfeit my Hyatt reward points. 但你知道我不想失去凯悦酒店的奖励积分And that's how you get the complimentary breakfast, Grace. 你就是这样得到免费早餐的格蕾丝Okay, here we are. 好了我们到了Slump, dread, sob... 沮丧恐惧哭泣- Despair... - Look at me. -绝望 -看看我I'm very proud of my wife. Come on. 我为我妻子感到骄傲来吧Oh, Christ. They're coming. 天哪他们来了Hold the elevator! 按住电梯Sorry. Sorry! Just-- 不好意思没按住- Couldn't face it. - You're so bad. -无法面对 -你太坏了Profound, and existential dread. 深刻存在的恐惧Profound, and existential dread. 里尔顿学校- May I take your coat? - Thank you. -我可以帮你拿外套吗 -感谢Thank you. 感谢Thanks. Thank you. 谢谢非常感谢- Champagne? - Thank you. -香槟 -感谢Thank God. Thank you. I love you very much. 太好了非常感谢爱死你了I thought there was gonna be some glam. I didn't think this much. 我还以为会多精彩呢没想到是这场面Can we hide? 我们能躲起来吗Let's go and pretend to be interested in those Hockneys, mm?我们去假装对那些霍克尼作品感兴趣吧No, we're stuck here for a bit. 不行我们得在这待会We have to have cocktails with the headmaster first. 我们得先和校长喝鸡尾酒- Come on. - Oh, Christ. -来吧 -天啊- Robert. - Hi. Grace. -罗伯特 -你好格蕾丝Jonathan. 乔纳森Oh, thank you both so much for coming. 感谢两位到场- There you are. - It's a-- -你们在这 -真是一个- Dad? - Hello. -爸 -你好Franklin. 富兰克林Such an honor and a privilege, sir. 真是荣幸先生- You left out "thrill." - Yes, I did. -你忘了说激动 -是的是的- Well, thank you for coming. - I'm not coming. I'm going. -好吧谢谢你来 -我不是来而是要走- Really? Now? - I bid on the silent auction. -现在就走吗 -我在无声拍卖中竞价了I'm apt to win one of Henry Ford's original dipsticks. 我很有可能赢得亨利·迪普姆的原作之一I would like to be long gone before that happens. 我得趁竞标成功之前赶紧走人- Jonathan. - Franklin. -乔纳森 -富兰克林- You're looking well. - I am? -你看着状态不错 -是吗Uh, very surprising. Thank you. 真没想到非常感谢- Dinner Thursday? - Absolutely. -星期四吃晚饭 -当然Hello. 你好Hi, darling. 你好亲爱的- Jonathan. - Franklin. -乔纳森 -富兰克林You're not gonna fucking believe this. 你简直没法相信- What? - They're not even here. -什么 -他们竟然没来- Who? - The Spensers. -谁啊 -斯宾塞夫妇What, you don't think that's rude? 什么你不觉得这样很无礼吗We could take it as rude or it could be, 我们可以视为无礼或者可以视为"While we're gonna be out of town, 我们要出城了happy to let you use our palace." 有幸各位使用我们的宫殿Can't you ever just be not nice? 你就不能别那么善解人意吗Oh, she can, I promise you. 她能我向你保证You hear those fucks didn't show? 你们知道那些混球没来吧It's a fabulous turnout. I was worried that people wouldn't show, 到场率真不错我还担心没人来呢and it seems that absolutely everybody is here, so we can relax. 似乎都到齐了我们可以放松一下了There she is. 她在那Our lactator-in-chief. 我们的首席哺乳师She looks a bit uncomfortable. 她看起来有点不舒服That's the mom I was telling you about. 她就是我跟你说的那个妈妈Oh, that's her? 就是她啊- The nudist? - I want those boobs. -那位裸体主义者 -我想要那对胸You know, we should go talk to her. 我们应该去找她谈谈She must be feeling so awkward. 她一定觉得很尴尬Actually, she seems okay. 其实她看起来还好Mm, maybe better than okay. 可能不止还好呢- Am I missing something? - Look at the men. -我错过什么了吗 -看看那个男的Like Pavlov's dogs. 就像巴甫洛夫的狗Grace, I, I think she might be looking at you. 格蕾丝我想她可能在看着你Really? Is she? 是吗她看我呢- Uh, yeah. I think she is. - Well, here you all are. -是的我想她是的 -你们都来了I think they'd like to get started. It's bidding time. 我想他们应该开始了投标时间到了- Start herding the people. - All right. Here we go. -赶紧组织人 -好吧我们开始吧Come on. 来吧Is that enough? We've put in an appearance. 可以了吗我们都到场了- Can we go? - Would you stop? -能走了吗 -别说了I'll make it up to you later. 我晚点会补偿你的Make it up to me now. Let's find a room. They must have a few. 现在就补偿我吧我们找个房间吧这肯定有- You're so bad. - Come on. In Suki's closet. -你太坏了 -来吧苏姬的衣橱- In Suki's clothes. Both of us. - Stop! -穿苏姬的衣服我们一起 -别说了Make an Englishman happy. Come on. 让英国人高兴来吧- You know what I love about this? - What? -你知道我喜欢这里什么吗 -什么You could never tell they were rich. 你永远看不出他们很有钱It's all so classy and understated. 这一切都是那么优雅和低调Hi. We're ready to start. Welcome, welcome, welcome. 各位我们要开始了非常欢迎I'm Sally Maybury, head of the auction committee, 我是莎莉•梅普里拍卖委员会的负责人for our wonderful Reardon School! 为了我们美好的里尔顿学校We have a positively fabulous afternoon in store for you. 我们为大家准备了美妙的下午Now, some of you might be thinking, 现在你们中的一些人可能会想"Don't I already pay enough in tuition?" 我不是已经交够学费了吗Damn right! 可不是嘛Yes. Of course you do. Yes, I feel the same way. 是的当然交够了我也有同感But, it is our responsibility 但是这是我们的责任to make sure that Reardon can accept 以确保里尔登学校能录取the students it wants to accept, 它想录取的学生and that those students are able to attend, 还有那些可以入校的学生despite their financial circumstances, 不论他们的经济条件如何ensuring that the name Reardon is always synonymous with...确保一提到里尔登这个名字就能想到Diversity! 多样性And of course, we have to make sure that our teachers are so well paid 当然我们必须保证我们老师的薪水that we do not lose them to other schools. 避免被其他学校挖人We love our teachers at Reardon! 我们爱里尔登的老师Just not enough to invite them to the party. 那也没邀请他们参加派对啊Okay, now, Diane Porter is gonna start the party. Let's go! 现在黛安·波特要开始派对了走起Before we turn to our scheduled items for bid... 在我们开始拍卖之前Observe. 请看This may look like an ordinary glass of tap water, 这看起来就是一杯普通的自来水but it is much more than that. 但是没这么简单This is very special water 这杯水很特别that will serve to prime the pipes to your generously deep pockets. 它可以填充你们雄厚的财力What is the value, you may ask, 你们可能很好奇of an ordinary glass of tap water? That depends. 一杯普通的自来水值几个钱那要看情况了What is the value of your children's education? 你们孩子的教育价值是多少The value of his or her teachers? 老师的价值呢The opportunity of the less fortunate 让不幸的人to enjoy the privilege of your offspring. 有机会享受你们后代的特权Who will bid $1,000 for this glass of water? 谁愿意出一千美元买这杯水Who is gonna stand up and clang that bell? 谁愿意敲响这个竞价铃- 1,000! - $1,000! -一千 -一千Thank you. Money for our kids. 非常感谢为我们的孩子投资Elena. Sorry-- 埃琳娜抱歉- I... - Sorry. -我 -抱歉Are you okay? 你没事吧I'm sorry. 对不起'Cause sometimes I just feel... 有时候我觉得overwhelmed. 不知所措And lost. 迷茫I... 我Do you ever feel that? 你有这种感觉吗If you ever want to talk... 如果你想谈谈For free, uh... 免费的I apologize. I didn't mean it to sound like that. 抱歉我不是这个意思But if you do ever wanna talk... 但如果你想谈谈You're so kind. Thank you. 你真好谢谢。
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27.Call me from there.
28.I'll try to make it out by sunday afternoon.
29.I just got off the phone with UFC, And they're having the nixon boys stop by at the end of week.
莫娜 我正喝牛奶呢
24.Go to Mim's. Bring the heiress.
去米姆那儿散散心吧 带上女儿
25.The montclair air might wipe the scowl off her face.
26.Knock, knock.
谁最后一个到李钟那 谁就给肯尼思·科斯格罗夫推车 出版作家 住在婴儿车里
44.- Hello there. - Good news.
-你好啊 -好消息
45.Mona and Margaret are going out of town for the weekend.
31.Otherwise, I'd have to move the piano out of my office.
否则 我得把钢琴扔出我的办公室了
32.Hopefully, he'll decide he needs us.
60.I need a little notice.
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61.You've got a lot of rules, red.
你已经够规矩的了 小甜心
62.Be good, girls.
听话哦 姑娘们
63.I don't mind you staying late, just as long as you're not trying - to milk us for the dinner money. - It's work.
54.Mr. Sterling, this is Carol, my roommate.
斯特林先生 这是我室友卡罗 to meet you, Carol.
见到你真高兴 卡罗
56.Miss Holloway, I have an accounting question.
加班愉快 亲爱的 但我刚刚是在和唐纳德说话呢
68.- I'm on the 5:31. - Reservations at home.
-准时赶上回家的那班车 -留在家里
69.I've had those. easiest ones to break.
我可受够了 该找个更容易的乐子了
霍洛韦小姐 我在账务上面有个问题
57.We will go away, not tonight, but some weekend coming up.
我们可以离开这 不是今晚 在接下来的某个周末
58.Puerto Rico?
59.I don't care if it's Cuba.
33.Well, the ones with the best product make the worst clients.
34.Stop smoking so much.
Байду номын сангаас 少抽点烟
35.It's a sign of weakness.
70.Besides, they love it when you keep them guessing. It adds spice.
还有别忘了 母亲的故去对她来说是个多么大的打击
13.So that's it.
14.Well, that's the beginning, certainly.
15.As she becomes more forthcoming, we may be able To shed some light on the deeper issues as she talks more.
我不介意你加班 从我们身上混取晚餐补助 -那就不行了 -是为了工作
64.Just because tomorrow's friday doesn't mean I expect To be pulling your head off the keys in the morning.
别看明天是星期五 我可不想 一大早上将你的头从键盘上拉起来
49.We'll pretend it's V.J. day.
50.What goes in there, an aspirin?
那里面装的是什么 阿司匹林吗
51.I suppose I could have taken a suitcase anywhere this weekend.
36.eville Chamberlain to give him everything at munich?
你知道希特勒怎么让内维尔·张伯伦 将慕尼黑拱手相让的吗
37.He held the conference at an old palace that forbid smoking.
我刚给UFC那边打过电话 他们会让尼克松那帮人 在这个周末赶到
30.o, thank god.
-尼克松也来吗 -谢天谢地 他不来
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38.And after an hour and a half of not smoking, eville chamberlain would have given Hitler his mother as a dance partner.
在经过90分钟的禁烟折磨后 内维尔·张伯伦甚至会答应 让他老妈陪希特勒跳舞
4.Well, it's only been a short period in therapeutic time.
5.But she's making progress?
6.She's not particularly forthcoming yet.
我想 这个周末我能带着 这个箱子到处转转去
52.And I don't mean your apartment.
53.I got us a couple of sandwiches, and filled thermos for the train.
我带了些三明治 还灌满了热水瓶 以备火车上用
65.What are you doing tonight?
66.Uh, working and going home.
67.I'll let you enjoy that one, honey, but I was talking to Donald here.
我们还没碰触到最根本的问题 德雷柏先生
18.I'm concerned, obviously.
很明显 我很关心这事
19.Of course. We both are.
当然 我们都一样
20.Time and talk. that's what I recommend right now.
1.I know you said to call at night, but, uh, I haven't been alone.
我知道你让我晚上打电话给你 但是 我昨晚不太方便
2.I understand. I have a moment.
我理解 现在我还能挤出时间
3.So how is she?
46.Mona's mother fell down the steps.
47.- You're really blessed. - Come on over.
-你真走运 -来我这吧
48.I'll put on my whites.
39.All I can get from this story is that Hitler didn't smoke.
这个故事告诉我们 希特勒不抽烟