6. The American Character
American_History英美文学复习 美国历史精华篇

The Founding of the 13 Colonies
– The first English colony in America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607; known as the mother state
– Between 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North America.
Colonization of North America (1607-1776)
The discovery of America Early Colonial Era
Indians: The “first Americans”
The Discovery of thቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ New World
Christopher Columbus
Amerigo Vespucci
Discovery of The New World
• In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, sailed across the vast ocean under the Spanish flag and discovered an unknown new continent, but he mistook it for India.
“我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋 予他们若干不可让与的权力,其中包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权 力。为了保障这些权利,人类才在他们中间建立政府,而政府的正当权 力则是经被统治者同意所授予的。任何形式的政府一旦对这些目标的实 现起破坏作用时,人民便有权予以更换或废除…”
Unit 02-03 the american character

Shu Yan 2014 HNUST
This strong American belief in individualism has both positive and negative sides. On the positive side, it has strengthened American’s inventiveness and their belief in hard work. On the negative side, the belief in individualism has sometimes prevented Americans from using their government to solve their common problems. Americans prefer not to have government solutions to social problems.
Energetic honest industrious sophisticated intelligent friendly greedy inventive rude adventurous extroverted(外向性的,喜社交的) introverted(内向的,含蓄的) fast-paced out-going modest reserved(内向的;寡言少语的) self-reliant aggressive materialistic romantic optimistic
Shu Yan 2014 HNUST
Shu Yan 2014 HNUST
American idealism comes largely from the nation’s Protestant religious heritage. Early Americans did not have to belong to any particular church to have this belief. It influenced all Americans so strongly that idealism came to mean that each individual should possess a high moral

American character and habits[Abstract]Cultural differences, the first in customs. Culture shock is due to customs difference. Therefore, the United States to study cultural adaptation, the first to understand and adapt to American customs. Romans, can adapt to American culture, but also on various occasions that allow them to avoid making inappropriate moves, let you feel down or embarrassed. Arriving in the United States, nervous excitement is inevitable, and will be very excited; you hope to be able to quickly melt into American society. Asking someone else more for you to solve cultural barriers and see more and hear more can open imports to independent proactive attitude to overcome initial challenges. Make foreign friends, broaden their horizons, and improve English proficiency. The more opportunities to solve problems independently, English is also more rapid progress. Rights and obligations of the United States is a clear, customer-oriented society, and you try to express your displeasure, and correct their mistakes.[Key Words]American character; Habits; Get along with AmericanEvery nation has its own unique personality; people often talk about British modesty, French romance, Japanese Woman's supple, etc. Similarly, the American character has its distinctive features.Americans are generally cheerful, sociable, informal etiquette. The first meeting is not necessarily shake hands, sometimes just smile, and say "Hi" or "Hello" is even polite. Americans generally shake hands with women gently. In farewell, they just waved to you or said "goodbye", "See you tomorrow." But if others bow to them, they also use the appropriate etiquette, such as shaking hands, nodding, hugging, and salute and so on. When you first make an American friend, he will tell be talking with you even forever. More glances to strangers with no intention when you walk in the street, he might smiling nod to you, or call out "hello"; if your car broke down on the road, the enthusiastic people help you repair; if you got lost in the streets, and people were eager to help you.Americans do things fast-paced make visitors feel puzzled, and the first impression is probably all of them are Americans rush. It becomes very impatient even if they are blocking a moment, At first, you might think this is unfriendly to you. The bus drivers urge you; shop assistant hurried to treat you; Y ou buy something or go out to eat, no one told you joking greeting. Do not think that Americans are in such a hurry to you expressed unfriendly. Typically, outside the large cities have slower paceof life; in fact, other countries also have same phenomenon.They find out you were a stranger, most will be friendly and try to help you. If you need help or would like to ask what the problem is, you may find kind man, and say to him: "I was out of town, can you help me?"At this point, most people would stop and give you a smile pointing way or reply to your question. But you have to let them know you need help, otherwise they will probably come from your side. Occasionally you will encounter a hurry to act them too busy or can not help you. In such circumstances, you do not be discouraged, just get somebody else. Most Americans are willing to help foreign visitors.Americans do not like to be subordinated to others when dealing with each other and do not like people too polite to compliment yourself. Americans are worried about the entry of others deemed unapproachable been isolated which mean loneliness campaign failed to politicians.Therefore, Americans make friends and hope to give people a good impression, but can often lack the kind of heart-familiar.The second feature of the American character is independent and enterprising. They do not like to depend on others, do not like people dependent on them; develop independently from the urine of Americans struggle; do not rely on their parents. On the street, every morning you can see eleven-year-old boy delivering newspapers door to door regardless of wind and thunder rain.They will come up the social life of great benefits. the results obtained by their own scholarships or work part time earn tuition. They have to leave their parents live on their own when they are in adulthood;Once you get married, they even move about independently, rely on their own ability in the United States. Y oung couples have children and tend completely on their own instead of expecting grandmother or grandmother to take care of grandchildren. However, these independent spirits in the United States tend to become old tragedy.A third characteristic of the American character is pragmatic.They did not like the French like rambling fantasy, like the British did not speak panache to face.They admired the kind of savvy stronger than man. They can solve many things on their own. Most Americans know how to use the machine, repair of electrical equipment, furniture, paint and stucco walls. They believe that doing these menial jobs in life is granted. On the contrary, those nerds, fake gentleman, talkative short lines will be made fun of.American way of thinking has a big difference from which we had. English is this expression: 1) Like to be different; 2) Agree to disagree; 3) Everything is above board."Disabled priority, ladies first, the elderly priority, children first" is the American habit. Because they are vulnerable, people deserve health care. Americans do things all in regulations. Therefore, the queue becomes their established habits. Y ou have to wait until he or she calls you when it's your turn, and you can cross the yellow line toreceive services. Otherwise you will be criticized.Americans dressed very casually. They usually wear very little when the weather is hot, and a windbreaker or denim fabric is wrapped when it is cold. Only in formal occasion wear suits, skirts and other more formal clothes.Therefore, important events should pay attention to the dress code on the invitation. If you are unsure clothing requirements, they may first ask the other participants.Americans love to develop a healthy habit. Americans would say when you are walking on the streets in the United States for a week, and your shoes do not rub. Y ou go to school, and feel thirsty, you can drink tap water. After eating, the customer will consciously take home in doggy bags. And try not to make noise when eat dinner. No littering, spitting chaos.Americans use body potential language than we do. Shrug and face with unhappy expression expresses surprise and shrugging and smiling means sure. Thumb and forefinger form the number "6", which means "consent." Americans speak, move the body all the time, but without losing the sense of humor, you have to pay attention. Speech, the body can not give back, not too far away from the speaker should face each other. Thumb and index finger rubbing beep expresses encouragement, support, or having a new idea. Hands crossed together or on the waist pledge to fight pose. A palm facing up to greet people coming back and forth movement represents.With American friends shaking hands should be hard not too small, otherwise there is impolite suspected. The Americans are language-rich, sometimes hand catch to your shoulders, which means that affirmation and encouragement. Chinese people are more conservative character and difficult to greet strangers, but a greeting after he thought had friendship with each other. As everyone knows, the greetings and friendship between Americans is nothing. Americans understand this custom, on the one hand to learn their culture greetings, good morning, good afternoon, good night, thank you, I'm sorry all day. We must also recognize that the United States is owned greetings and friendship.Generally speaking, Americans do not receive gifts. Some receiving gifts often seem somewhat embarrassed. But birthdays, weddings or patient visits, gifts or inevitable.In addition, the Americans believe that the singular is auspicious. Sometimes only get three pears not feel happy, it is unlike the Chinese people pay attention to pairs. Americans received a gift, be sure to immediately open----at the front of the giver's face -----appreciate gift or sample and immediately thanks to the giver.In the United States, if you want to visit, you must first make a call the appointment. If the owner please resumes your seat, you not sit down immediately in order to express polite, but will make the owner feel uneasy, thinking chair unclean or other inconveniences. When a guest is not free to watch the master table of the wordof paper or read files. Do not fondle indoor antique curios, not to ask the price of indoor appliances.Do not smoke. If you want to smoke, you should first ask here whether they mind if the owner initiative to invite you to smoke, even if they have a smoke, has to accept the owner's smoke, rather than reject each other and suck their own. Otherwise, the owner will think that you are looking down on him and feel very happy.Do not leave immediately after a meal and the owner should have a chat for a while, and then leave. If it is someone's home to go to a couple of guests, leave to stand by his wife first. In more formal banquet, if more guests, you should wait a bit high elderly guests or important ladies first left after he will leave. If guests need something to go ahead, the owner should ask forgiveness before leaving. If you are not familiar with the owner, then a stranger after a call to the owner should be thanked, or write a "thank you" sent to the owner of the short Cambodia, so that the more comprehensive the courtesy.More open exchanges between American men and women. Dating men and women sometimes do not have other meanings, does not mean that will become a special partner. Therefore, if you want to meet someone to talk or watch movies, eat, in order to enhance mutual friendship and spend a pleasant time, as proposed initiative generous, both men and women can take the initiative to offer. Of course, there are some rules of dating American men and women, especially in the beginning stages. If you want to invite an American girl eating alone, please be sure to point the different meanings lunch and dinner.In general, the more casual lunch, easily accepted; dinner more seriously, after a meal may be further developed. So the first invitation, it is best to eat lunch as easily. Chinese female students as male students invited by the United States, also pay attention to different lunch and dinner. If you do not want to go to each other's appointments or make you uncomfortable with the move, you can kind but surely declined. In the United States, mutual respect is the basic principles of engagement, but also rights.The United States obey law, human rights in the country. Their values are equal and free. Therefore, marriage depends on the foundation that equality, mutual respect and preservation of privacy. Americans can have their marriage before several heterosexual friends, but after they get married to each other do not want to get involved in each of the opposite sex friends, once found, the divorce was inevitable. According to the U.S. habit, all important social events, banquets or parties held between friends, the couple attended together. I have found that American couples have a double into the right, very loving. However, the American divorce rate is high, which about 60% of the world's highest divorce rate in the country. It was the Americans marriage summarized twenty words: romantic teenager, passionate youth, middle-aged faithful, tragically old age.Of course, the white-collar marriage isrelatively stable.About money, Americans and the Chinese people have different attitude. Americans are generous to themselves, but to others, Americans are surprisingly careful, and don’t want to spend even a penny. On the contrary, the Chinese people liking to save are famous, and often conscious of their spending, but perhaps due to face relationship, a friend has been more generous. Together with the Americans to eat outside, pay each general account, even though they are women is also true.Even if the Americans propose to dinner, but also do not think that he or she is going to treat, and it is often still their pay. The Chinese people "who suggested who pays" habits are very different.In the U.S., it is best not to borrow money,even if you have to, because it is often denied. Of course, a little money can still be borrowed. However, Americans do have the habit of donations; many Americans donated large sums of money each year. This is very different from the Chinese people.Americans are also very pragmatic in terms of money. So they respect labor and remuneration calculation clearly. Friends went out to dinner, which is usually the payment of money;Tipping although the behavior of free evaluation of evidence, but there is the customary one, it is best to ask customs before entry. Generally speaking, tipping is about ten to fifteen percent or so in restaurant.But do not need to eat in the cafeteria to tip, if someone poured tea and inquired diligently demand, then according to the number of discretionary tip. Evening dining tip needed more than during the day. Tipping is an assessment of service quality; some waiters to will show particularly enthusiastic for tips. Remember never to penny tip, when the penny thrown on the table, even though you pay a lot of tips, is likely to be dissatisfied with the waiter misunderstood as their service is a humiliating manner.Unless the service is really bad, never be placed in the tip of any penny. Of course, if you pay by credit card, and the amount will be rounded tips and dining, it is not in this case.Americans see work as part of life. Despite they are wealthy; they have to have their own job. Their work is very professional, work efficiency is high. They think that wasting time is not idle. Working time and leisure time are entirely different. Americans like to talk about "the dignity of work".America's leading CEOs such a class may participate in any physical labor. They will be respected by others rather than look down.Americans work and rest time is very distinct. Business should be completed within the time at work.Americans prefer face to face or on the table in the negotiations finalized.Friday night is the night of friends get together, they can enjoy singing, dancing, drinking, playing games and other recreational activities. On Saturday, they took a family member or three or five friends drove to the outside world to play.Most shops open Monday through Saturday, half past nine or ten o'clock to 5:00pm, or about six. Some of the shops in the mall is open until nine p.m. Sunday will be open from noon until six later.Banking hours are relatively short, mostly Monday to Friday nine o'clock to 3:30 pm, some banks will extend the hours until Friday 6:00 pm Saturday morning. Regardless of companies and business firms, shopping centers, schools, generally there is no lunch break. The students have the habit of taking a nap are more difficult to adapt. Everyday life in the United States, Email has become the most practical, the most common means of communication. Communication between teachers and students in school, class, and usually use it to change jobs. Schools are used Email meeting notice.Major holidays: New Y ear's, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day (Commemorating U.S. President George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's birthday), National Day (Independence Day), Labor Day, Columbus Day, V eterans Day, Election Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.Generally they are willing to entertain guests in their own homes, rather than customary dinner in a restaurant.Do not like steamed and braised dishes. Do not like too hot dishes like salt taste, avoid salty taste, slightly to the sweet side as well. Like to drink Coca-Cola, beer, ice, mineral water, whiskey, brandy and so on. Do not like the people in their own meal dish leftover food, which is considered impolite. Like China's Jiangsu, Sichuan, Cantonese cuisine.Do not put blacks in the United States called "Negro", preferably use "Black". Blacks on this call will readily accept. Negro mainly refers to trafficking to the United States from Africa as slaves’blacks. Otherwise, blacks will feel indemnity for his contempt.Understanding the Americans customs need daily accumulation. American universities or student research group often hold communicative activities or picnics, graduate had been invited. But the Chinese students often do not participate actively. In fact, this is not only an understanding of professors and students opportunity, but also a good occasion to understand American customs.If it is possible, and try to attend these activities. If you live in the United States home, there are more opportunities to exchanges with the Americans, and have a deeper understanding of the American way of life, customs, habits and values.In order to save the money, Chinese students often shared with others, many of whom are American roommate. This is also a good way to understand American culture.People often say: "do as the Romans."In fact, it is quite difficult to do. Some people suggested that Chinese students lose their cultural baggage, and adapt to the American culture, social and educational environment. Indeed, the vast majority of Chinese students to the United States, more or less have to do some cultural adjustments to adapt to the United States learning and living environment. But adapting to American culture completely, and give Chinese culture up, and may alsohave to be carefully considered. In fact, more than twenty years of the Chinese student in the United States, it is difficult to give up Chinese culture. The correct attitude is a positive awareness and understanding of Americans and American society, and do not need to give up your culture. Y ou're still a Chinese person, but an understanding of the United States, to know how to live in the United States.[Reference Materials]1、国人的性格(2012-01-04 10:23:22) 美国人尼亚加拉大瀑布夏威夷岛性格杂谈2、美国习俗礼仪:生活礼仪 2008年09月18日新浪教育美国人的生活礼仪3、美国人的生活习惯/syy/yywh/201107/22676.html。

2023年安徽省高考英语模拟卷姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解The University of Waikato will provide you with the foundational knowledge and experience you need to achieve your career and life goals.With our focus on academic excellence and innovation,you will become part of a group known for making a big difference in the world around them.Join our warm and welcoming community of students from all over New Zealand and the globe.CampusThe University of Waikato have two unique campuses.Each campus has quality in their facilities and services student will have access to during their studies.Hamilton campus enjoys the vibrant(有活力的)student atmosphere,offering a range of cafes,on-campus accommodation,and cutting-edge learning facilities.Tauranga campus in the heart of the CBD adds to the current range of qualifications and combines beautiful beaches,a relaxed lifestyle,and world-class university study.Accessibility ServicesOur Accessibility Services are on-site to help impaired(有缺陷的)students such as,but not limited to:sensory impairment,physical impairment,specific learning disability,mental health and temporary impairment.They offer a range of services to students such asnote-taking support,assistive technology,alternative exam arrangements,sign-language interpreters,mobility parking permits,specialist equipment and more.Employability Plus AwardJoin the Employability Plus Award!It is a great way to engage and connect with dozens of local non-profit organizations,adds value to your CV(个人简历),and is a fun student community to belong to.Enhance your student experience!Boost your employability status!Engage with like-minded people!You will get recognition for community volunteering,supporting university events and attending workshops whilst you are studying.You will gain work-ready skills that will assist you in standing out to prospective employers.Student CentreThe Student Centre is located at the heart of our Hamilton Campus and will be your choice for study and enrolment help,books,computers and printing and group study rooms.It is a great place to study,with lots of PowerPoints to plug in your computer and help on offer. The Student Centre team will also print and set up your Student ID card when you first arrive on campus.Within the Student Centre,you will find a range of services to help you throughout your time at university,from enrolment to graduation.1.What do we know about the campus of the University of Waikato?A.Tauranga campus can offer free accommodation to the students.B.Students on Hamilton campus have access to advanced facilities.C.The location of Tauranga campus contributes to its popularity.D.Both campuses combine beautiful beaches and vibrant atmosphere.2.A student with mental health problem in the university can________.A.receive necessary treatment they needB.own assistive technology on the campusC.be allowed flexibly organized examsD.serve as a sign-language interpreter3.You can benefit a lot by joining the Employability Plus Award except________. A.improving your student experienceB.learning new skills before you workC.bettering your qualification for employmentD.impressing your future employers4.What can students do at the Student Centre?A.They can find enrolment information there.B.They are allowed to print PowerPoints online.C.They can get their student ID card repaired.D.They may get together in group study rooms.5.Which of the following is the passage probably taken from?A.An education magazine.B.A travel book.C.A university newspaper.D.A student guide.Cheating is considered to be a major problem in colleges and universities.Colleges and universities across the US have decided to do more than talk about the rise in student cheating.We frequently hear about“the good old days”,when Americans were better,happier,and more honest.But were they more honest?Maybe yes,a long time ago when life was very different from what it is today.School children used to know the story of how Abraham Lincoln walked five miles to return a penny he’d overcharged a customer.It’s the kind of story we think of as myth.But in the case of Lincoln,the story is true—unlike the story of George Washington and the cherry tree.Washington’s first biographer invented the tale of little George saying to his father,“I cannot tell a lie.I did it with my ax.”What is important in both stories,however,is that honesty was seen as an important part of the American character.And these are just two stories out of many.Students in the last century usually didn’t read“fan”stories.They read stories that taught moral values.Such stories pointed out quite clearly that children who lied,cheated,or stole came to bad ends.Parents may have further reinforced those values.It’s difficult to know.We do know that children didn’t hear their parents talk of cheating the government on income taxes—there weren’t any.The vast majority of Americans still believe that honesty is an important part of the American character.For that reason,there are numerous watch-dog committees at all levels of society.Although signs of dishonesty in school,business,and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past,could it be that we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty?There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow(起伏).When times are hard,incidents of theft and cheating usually go up.And when times get better such incidents tend to go down.Cheating in school also tends to ebb and flow.But it doesn’t seem linked to the economy. Many educators feel that as students gain confidence in themselves and their abilities,they are less likely to cheat.Surprisingly,some efforts to prevent cheating may actually encourage cheating—a person may feel“they don’t trust me anyway,”and be tempted to“beat the system.”Distrust can be contagious(传染的).But,so can trust!6.Why does the author mention the two stories of Lincoln and Washington?A.To show Lincoln is more admired than Washington.B.To introduce the topic to be discussed.C.To compare them with the presidents today.D.To prove honesty used to be very important in American character.7.What lesson do all the stories try to convey?A.Those who do something evil will have to answer for it.B.Those who steal will be put to prison.C.Those who cheat will be sentenced.D.Those who don’t behave themselves will die young.8.What may be a main reason for dishonesty in society?A.Family life.B.Fun stories.C.Economic condition.D.School education.9.The underlined sentence‘some efforts to prevent cheating…..’means________. A.Distrust will result in dishonesty sometimes.B.The measures to stop cheating in schools are badly taken.C.Dishonesty is a long-time discouragement.D.There will never be an effective way to stop cheating.When it comes to generation gap(代沟),we usually think of different tastes in music,or pastimes.But now the generation gap is handwriting.After one teacher in Tennessee discovered that she had students who couldn’t read what she was writing on the board,she posted it on the Internet saying that handwriting should be taught in schools.Others who are against it claim that handwriting has become out of time in our modern world.Typed words have become a main form of communication.Once a practical skill, handwriting is no longer used by most of Americans.It is no longer taught in schools,and some claim that the time that it would take to teach it could be put to better use,for example, by teaching the technical skills.But even in today’s world there are still plenty of reasons to pick up a pen and write on the paper.In America,signatures(签字)by hand are still often required,for example,signing for a registered letter and buying a house.And original signatures are much more difficult to fake(伪造).There is also strong evidence that writing by hand is good for the mind.It makes adifferent part of the brain active and improves fine moving skills in young children.People are also more likely to remember what they write by hand than what they type,and the process of writing by hand has been shown to stimulate ideas.Not only those,studies have shown that kids who write by hand learn to read and spell earlier than those who don’t.Yes,we live in a modern world,but we live in a modern world of basic and important values.10.What did the teacher find in her class?A.Her students were too lazy to follow her class.B.Her handwriting was too terrible to understand.C.There was something wrong with some students,eyes.D.Some students could not recognize her written words on the board.11.Some people are against handwriting teaching because they think________. A.handwriting is a practical skillB.handwriting is no longer popularC.it’s difficult to fake typed signaturesD.handwriting is no longer used by Americans12.How many advantages does handwriting have for the mind?A.3.B.4.C.7.D.8. 13.The underlined word“stimulate”in Paragraph4probably means________. A.cause B.collect C.exchange D.influenceThe need to feed a growing population is putting much pressure on the world’s supply of water.With97%of the world’s water too salty to be drunk or used in agriculture,the worldwide supply of water needs careful management,especially in agriculture.Although the idea of a water shortage(短缺)seems strange to someone fortunate enough to live in a high rainfull country,many of the world’s agricultural industries experience constant water shortages.Although dams can be built to store water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons, the costs of water redistribution(重新分配)are very high.Notonly is there the cost of the engineering itself,but there is also an environmental cost to be considered.Where valleys(山谷)are flooded to create dams,houses are lost and wildlife homes destroyed.Besides,water many flow easily through pipes to fields,but it cannot be transported from one side of theworld to the other.Each country must therefore rely on the management of its own water to supply its farming requirements.This is particularly troubling to countries with agricultural industries in areas dependent on irrigation(灌溉).In Texas,farmers’overuse of irrigation water be resulted in a25%redcution of the water stores.In the Central Valley area of south eastern USA,a huge water engineering project provided water for farming in dry vallege,but much of the water use has been poorly managed.Saudi Arabia’s attempts to grow wheat in desert areas have been the pumping of huge quantities of irrigation water from underground reserves.Because there is no rainfall in these areas,such reserves can only decrease,and it is believed that fifty years of pumping will see them run dry.14.From the first two paragraphs we learn that_______.A.much of the world’s water is available for useB.people in high rainfll countries feel luckyC.the costs of water redistribution should be consideredD.water can be easily carried through pipes across the world15.Which of the following is true?A.The water in Texas have been reduced by75%.B.Most industries in the world suffer from water shortagers.C.The underground water in Saudi Arabia might run out in50years.D.Good management of water use resulted from the project in the Central Valley. 16.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?A.Steps to improve water use management.B.Ways tor redjuce the costs of builing dams.C.Measures to deal with worldwide water shortages.D.Applies to handle the pressure on water supply.17.The text is mainly about____________.A.water supply and increasing populationB.water use management and agricultureC.water redistribution and wildlife protectionD.water shortages and environmental protection.二、七选五With advances in transportation and information technology,even the most remote places on Earth are within reach of the traveler.In fact,tourism is now the world’s largest industry,with nature tourism growing the fastest.___18___In response to this increasing appreciation of nature experiences,a new form of travel has arisen called ecotourism.___19___The Nature Conservancy adopts the concept explained by the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN):Environmentally responsible travel to natural areas,in order to enjoy and appreciate nature that promotes conservation,has a low visitor influence and provides for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local people.Increased tourism to sensitive natural areas without appropriate planning and management can threaten(威胁)the whole of ecosystems and local cultures.___20___ Likewise,local communities and can be harmed in numerous ways by crowded foreign visitors and wealth.___21___Ecotourism can provide much-needed reveriues(收益)for the protecting of national parks and other natural areas,which might not be available from other sources.Additionally,ecotourism can provide a practical economic development alternative for local communities with few other income-generating options.Besides,ecotourism can increase the level of education and activism(积极)among travelers.___22___ A.What is ecotourism?B.The growth of the ecotourism income is also beneficial to the local people. C.And it makes them more enthusiastic and effective spokesmen for conservation. D.But most of the tourism in natural areas nowadays is not ecotourism at all. E.However,this same growth does good to both conservation and local communities. F.People want to experience nature,but should try not to affect the natural environment. G.The increase of visitors to ecologically sensitive areas can lead to much environmental damage.三、完形填空If you had the choice of seeing the world by going on a trip or bettering the world bystaying home and focusing your energies there,which would it be?The island of Islesboro___23___three miles off the mainland in America.___24___, Islesboro’s Central School seniors hold fundraising events to finance a once-in-a-lifetime class___25___at the end of their final semester.Former students’___26___include Paris,Iceland,Norway and Panama.The Class of2021had already___27___close to$8,000in donations by the time their hopes of a journey to Greece,Japan,or South Korea were___28___by COVID-19travel restrictions.With their plans___29___,the group decided to spend the money___30___to home by reinvesting it in their community.As18-year-old senior Liefe Temple___31___,“We could really see how the whole world and the island,too,was struggling.So it felt really_____32_____to do that in this special way—to_____33_____the money to the people who gave it to us.”The students’earnings were_____34_____to the Island Community Fund in aid of residents whose livelihoods were_____35_____by the COVID-19pandemic.“There is a strong sense of_____36_____in these students.That’s because their_____37_____demonstrated an awareness of the hardship in their community and a willingness to do something about it,”Community Fund president Fred Thomas said. 23.A.lies B.sets C.takes D.leaves 24.A.Hopefully B.Traditionally C.Fortunately D.Eventually 25.A.trip B.group C.team D.project 26.A.activities B.hobbies C.suggestions D.destinations 27.A.borrowed B.collected C.managed D.discovered 28.A.supported B.prevented C.confirmed D.stressed 29.A.decided B.revised C.cancelled D.introduced 30.A.closer B.farther C.cheaper D.shorter 31.A.suggested B.requested C.demanded D.explained 32.A.funny B.strange C.good D.terrible 33.A.give back B.take over C.turn down D.make out 34.A.raised B.donated C.arranged D.delivered 35.A.exchanged B.determined C.controlled D.influenced 36.A.time B.hope C.pride D.dream 37.A.advice B.principle C.decision D.program四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。
The American character - sentences for students - 答案

The American CharacterMost Americans have great vigor and enthusiasm.参考答案: 大多数的美国人精力充沛,热情高涨.They perfer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others.参考答案: 他们宁愿自律,而不愿受制于人.discipline我翻译, 我觉得不够好.They pride themselves on their independence, their right to make up their own minds.参考答案: 他们为能独立行事和有权做出自己的决定而感到骄傲.They are prepared to take the initiative, even when there is a risk in doing so.参考答案: 他们做事会采取主动,即使这样要冒风险,也在所不惜.They have courage and do not give in easily.参考答案: 他们有勇气, 不会轻易屈服.They will take any sort of job anywhere rather than be unemployed.参考答案: 他们愿意在任何地方干任何工作,也不愿意失业.They do not care to be looked after by the government.参考答案: 他们不想得到政府的照顾.The average American changes his or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life.参考答案: 普通美国人一生中换九到十次工作.Americans have a warmth and friendliness which is less superficial than many foreigners think.参考答案: 美国人热情友好, 其友好程度要比许多外国人所想的要真实一些.They are considered sentimenta l.参考答案: 人们认为美国人易动感情.When on ceremonial occasions they see a flag, or attend parades celebrating America'sglorious past, tears may come to their eyes.参考答案: 在典礼上看到国旗,或者参加庆祝美国光荣历史的游行时,美国人可能会热泪盈框.我的错误: 美国根据上下文语境, 把flag理解为国旗.Reunions with family and friends tend to be emotional, too.参考答案: 与家人团圆或与朋友相聚时,他们也会十分激动.They like to dress correctly, even if "correctly" means flamboyantly.参考答案: 他们喜欢穿着得体,即使”得体”无异于奢华炫耀.They love to boast, though often with tongue in cheek.参考答案: 他们喜欢自吹自擂,尽管多数情况下,只不过是说说而已.They can laugh at themselves and their country, and they can be very self-critical, while remaini ng always intensely patriotic.参考答案: 他们有时会嘲笑自己, 嘲笑自己的国家,有时候甚至极为自责,然而他们始终有着强烈的爱国之心.They have a wide knowledge of everyday things, and a keen interest in their particular city and state.参考答案: 他们对日常事情所知甚广,对自己所在的周和城市深为关切.Foreigners sometimes complain, however, that they have little interest in or knowledge of the out side world.参考答案: 然而,有时候外国人却抱怨说,美国人对外部世界漠不关心,一无所知.The Americans have a passion for grandeur.参考答案: 美国人酷爱豪华的气派.Their skyscapers, bridges and dams often have a splendor which matches in beauty and scale th e country's natural wonders.参考答案:他们的摩天大楼,桥梁和水霸往往气势壮观,与美国的自然奇观之壮美和恢宏相得益彰.Is the sole aim of most Americans to make money and possess luxuries which could be called ex cessive? The majority of Americans would certainly deny this, though hard work.参考答案: 赚钱和拥有可以称得上过多的奢侈品, 是不是大多数美国人唯一的目标? 多数美国人肯定会予以否认,虽然他们通过辛勤劳动而积攒钱财而引以为豪.The USA still has one of the highest standards of living in the world, although, at the present ti me, 10% are below what the Government considers to be the "poverty line."参考译文: 美国的生活水平在世界上依然名列前茅, 尽管现在还有百分之十左右的人处在政府所认为的”贫困线”以下.While these underprivileged people receive help from the Government, they have no high hopes f or their future.参考译文: 这些生活水平低下的人们虽然得到政府的救助,但是他们对未来不抱多大希望.It is from this "underclass", and those who take advantage of it, that most of the violence sprin gs the violence which is one of the least pleasant aspects of American society.参考译文:正是这个”社会下层阶级”以及利用这个阶层的人引发了社会上的大多数暴乱, 使之成为美国社会中最令人不快的一面.Americans are beginning to realize that this terrible problem of poverty is their problem and not just the Government’s.参考答案: 美国人开始意识到,这个非常严重的问题是他们自身的问题, 而不仅仅是政府的问题.It has been said that the individual American is generous, but that the American nation is hard .参考答案: 有这样的说法: 美国人作为个人是慷慨的, 但美国作为一个民族则是吝啬的.The USA reputed to be a classless society.参考译文: 人民普遍认为,美国是个没有阶级的社会.There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.参考答案:的确, 美国人对社会地位或不同工作并没有多少势力的看法.The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company.参考译文:体力劳动者在任何场合通常都相当自在.This is partly explained by the fact that people of all income groups to together to the same sch ools.参考译文: 收入档次不同的人上同一所学校, 这个事实多少说明了这一点.Americans are far more race-conscious than they are class-conscious.参考译文:与其说美国人有阶级意识, 还不如说他们有种族意识.。

Success as a Goal 成功作为目标包括美国人在内几乎每一个人都会赞同的一点是,美国人极为看重成功。
英美文化6 American character

We hold these truths to be selfself-evident, that all men are created equal, that they equal, are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Happiness.
Benjamin Franklin
Born poor and obscure
Jack of all trades • Founding
Father • Eminent scientist
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin God help them that help themselves
Elections are held on party level
Democrats vs. Republicans
Gun Show
• 250,000,000 private guns • Over 1/3 family own guns
• 5,000,000 new guns bought
50 states) 3. The Republican Party 4. National Rifle Association (NRA)
SelfSelf-made man
One man of tolerable abilities will work great changes and accomplish great affairs among mankind
英语阅读:The American Character美国人的性格

美联英语提供:英语阅读:The American Character美国人的性格两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0The American Character美国人的性格Most Americans have great vigor and enthusiasm. They prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others. They pride themselves on their independence, their right to make up their own minds. They are prepared to take the initiative, even when there is a risk in doing so. They have courage and do not give in easily. They will take any sort of job anywhere rather than be unemployed. They do not care to be looked after by the government. The average American changes his or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life.大多数的美国人精力充沛,热情高涨。
The American Character (I)翻译 英语泛读教程3(高等教育出版社)

参考译文1. 课文一2. 课文二Text 1The American Character (I)by Bradford SmithThe following is part of an essay taken from Bradford Smith's book, Why We Behave Like Americans. Success as a goal and materialism, according to Smith, are among the underlying factors that make up the American character. When visitors from abroad undertake to describe the American Character, the results are frequently puzzling to Americans."All Americans are Puritans; that's what's wrong with them," says one."They're always thinking aboutenjoying themselves," says another. "They spend too much time at work," a distinguished visitor tells us. "They don't know how to play." "Americans don't know what work is, " retorts another." Their machines do it all." "American women are shamelesssirens."─"No, they're prudes.""The children here are wonderful─outgoing and natural."─"Natural as little beasts. They have no manners, no respect for their elders." There is, of course, no single patternof American character any more than there is a single English or Turkish or Chinese character. Personality in America is further complicated by our diverse racial and cultural origins, by successive waves of immigration from all parts of the world, by our regional diversities. It is complicated by several 课文一 美国人的性格(一) 布拉德福德·史密斯以下节选自布拉德福德所著《为什么我们的举止象美国人》里的一篇文章。
Chapter 6 discussion

Chapter 6. The American Character Question 1What`s the definition of Pioneering spirit? Describe it in chronological order.(1)In the mid-nineteenth century, it was this pioneering spirit that led Americansetters to travel westward by the thousands in search of gold and land.(2)It is still an important part of the American character.(3)Today, Northerners and Midwesterners are attracted to the west because of goodbusiness opportunities and a mild climate.Question 2Wh y America is called “A Nation of Strangers”(1)There’s a problem of American residential shifting.(2)The highly mobile American society leaves individuals with feelings ofrootlessness, isolation, indifference to community welfare, and shallow personal relationships.(3)Efforts were made to stabilize American shifting population.Question 3What is American Dream?(1)It is the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth andfame through diligence and virtue.(2)The American Dream symbolized the American belief in equality of opportunity.(3)It attracted a lot of people in the other parts of the world to immigrate to Americaand inspired them to rise on the social and economic scales.Question 4What`s the current situation of American population?With roughly 275 million people, the U.S. is the third-largest nation in populationafter China and India. About 90% of the people now living in the U.S. were born there. Still, the U.S. has one of the world’s most varied populations in terms of national ancestry. This diversity is often highlighted and celebrated at school and community festivals. Racially, the U.S. is about 82% white, 13% black, 4% Asian and Pacific Islander, and 1% Native American (including Eskimo and Aleut). Hispanics are roughly 12% of the entire American population, making Spanish-speaking people the nation’s second largest ethnic minority.Question 5How many people change residences every year? How many times does the average American move in his lifetime? How about Japanese?40 million; 14 ; 5Question 6Why are Americans often accused of being materialistic? Are they really so?Because of their tremendous expenditures for goods and services.No. Americans are, on the whole, quite idealistic. They ask that life be meaningful.Discussion 1How can the population trends change the American character?Three significant population trends may change the American character to some extent. First, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that, by the year 2050, the country’s population will be 394 million. Will more crowded conditions lead to closer friendships or more disputes between neighbors? Second, in recent years, the average age of Americans has been increasing (from 28 in 1970 to about 35 today). This trend, often referred to as the “graying” of American, is expected to continue. By 2038, that figure will reach 34%. “America is a country of young men”, wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson in the nineteenth century. Americans have often been accused of worshipingyouth and undervaluing their elders. Now, the typical American is approaching middle age. Some 72,000 Americans are at least 100 years old! By 2050, there may be 800,000 centenarians. What will happen to the youth culture then? Third, the nation’s ethnic and racial minority groups are growing much faster than the general population. Demographers predict that by 2050, this country’s minority groups combined will make up the majority of the population. No doubt, this change will affect attitudes, values and customs.Discussion 2What is the most important characteristic of the Americans?The most important characteristic of the U.S.A can be stated in one world: diversity. Most Americans take pride in the great variety found in the country’s geography and population. Covering 3, 700, 00 square miles (9,590,000 square kilometers), the U.S is the fourth –largest nation in the world (after Russia, China and Canada). Within this vast nation are tall mountains and flat cornfields, deserts and tropical regions, prairies and forests, rugged coastlines and gentle, rolling hills. The climate, too, covers all extremes. In southern Florida, visitors come to swim and sunbathe in December. In northern Alaska, winter temperatures may drop to -75°Fahrenheit (-54°Celsius). 4. With roughly 275 million people, the U.S. is the third-largest nation in population after China and India. About 90% of the people now living in the U.S. were born there. Still, the U.S. has one of the world’s most varied populations in terms of national ancestry. This diversity is often highlighted and celebrated at school and community festivals. Racially, the U.S. is about 82% white, 13% black, 4% Asian and Pacific Islander, and 1% Native American (including Eskimo and Aleut). Hispanics are roughly 12% of the entire American population, making Spanish-speaking people the nation’s second largest ethnic minority. Some newcomers to the U.S. may be surprised by the varieties of skin color they see, but Americans take it for granted. Racism and prejudice are still serious problems in the U.S.; however, most Americans believe in the ideals of equality and mutual respect.Discussion 3What is the typical America behavior and values?(1)Watching Americans in action, foreigners sometimes see behavior that seems rude,misguided, or just plain silly. Among them are the following traits, which are characteristically, but certainly not exclusively, American.(2)Hurry, hurry, hurry. Almost every American wears a watch, and, in nearly everyroom in an American home, there's a clock. "Be on time". "Don't waste time"."Time is money". "Time waits for no one". All these familiar sayings reflect the American obsession with promptness and efficiency. Students displease their teachers employees displease their bosses when they arrive late. This desire to get the most out of every minute often makes Americans impatient when they have to wait. The pressure to make every moment count sometimes makes it difficult for Americans to relax.(3)The desire to save time and do work more quickly and easily leads Americans tobuy many kinds of machines. These range from office equipment such as PC, photocopy machines, and computers to dozens of home and personal appliances, such as microwave ovens.(4)The importance of money, after visiting the U.S.in the 1830s, the French historianAlexis de Tocqueville wrote, "I know of no country... where the love of money has taken stranger hold..." Americans are often accused of being materialistic, of valuing wealth and possessions all above else. Money is valued both as a symbol of success and also for a more obvious reason---its purchasing power. Many items that didn't even exist 50 years ago are now considered necessities in the American home. In addition, purchases are made in order to "keep up with the Joneses," to show friends that one can afford a bigger house or a fancier car. Also, advertising encourage people to keep buying things far beyond what they need. In the mid-nineteenth century, the American author Henry David Thoreau advised his countrymen, "Simplify your needs!" However, Americans have moved in the opposite direction. Now, just as Thoreau predicted, many find that their possessions own them. They must work hard to earn enough money to buy andmaintain the many possessions they consider necessities.(5)Yes, Americans love to make a lot of money and spend it on themselves---to buythings that save time, give them pressure, or serve as status symbols. However, Americans are also very generous and very willing to donate money to good causes. The American character includes a strong sense of obligation to help those in need.(6)Say What You Mean, and mean what you say. Americans believe that "honesty isthe best policy." They are direct and assertive. They ask for what they want. In many cultures, respect for those in positions of authority keeps people from expressing their true feelings or intentions. In the U.S.A, however, children often argue with their parents and citizens express opposition to actions of the government. If the soup is cold or the meat is tough, the diner can complain to the waiter. If a teacher is wrong or confusing, a student may say so. If the boss makesa mistake, an employee may politely point it out. Assertive behavior sometimesseems improper and rude to foreigners, but it works well for Americans. In fact, assertiveness is almost a necessity in the business world.(7)The need to win. The extremely competitive nature of Americans is oftencriticized. Of course, competition isn't always bad. In fact, it promotes excellence by encouraging individuals (and businesses) to try to do their best. But the desire to get ahead of others sometimes cause people to do things that are unkind and even dishonest.。
The United States of America

1.The United States of America, also called America, the States, the U(nited)S(tates),or Uncle Sam.2.Hawaiian islands, composed of eight large islands and many small islands, liesfar out in the Pacific.3.The population of the United States is a bit more than 272 million.4.Today more than 80% of Americans live in urban areas.5.The framers relied on four political principles that finally gave birth to a newpolitical order. these principles were republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances.(美国制定宪法的原则)6.The American Constitution itself is just4,300 words, but these words are thebasic of American national government.7.Divided the government into three bunches: Legislative Branch, ExecutiveBranch, Judicial branch.8.Today,the presidents exercise their powers chiefly throw The White HouseOffice.9.In 1801, Thomas Jefferson became the first President to be inaugurated inWashington D.C.cation is engine that drives the American dream of success.11.4 features of elementary and secondary education: universality, decentralization,comprehensiveness, professionalism.12.Political parties are organizations that seek to achieve power by owningpublic.13.Homeownership is an integral part of the American dream.14.There are more 2600 regular magazines in America.15.All judges are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, with asimple majority of senators present required for confirmation.16.1.What is the primary reason most Americans live in fear?The primary reason most Americans live in fear is not crime itself butviolence.17.Historians agree it is sensible to divide American society into upper, middle,and working classes.18.U.S government plays an important role in the economic.19.The most populous states in 1999 were California, Texas, New York, Florida,and Illinois.20.According to the U.S government, a family is those people who live with others towhom they are related by blood, marriage, and adoption.21.More than thirty thousand people serve as judges in the United States.22.The primary reason most Americans live in fear is not crime itself butviolence.23.Violent crime is a major problem in localized arrears of inner cities.24.Although the constitution declares the separation of Church and State, religionhas always pervaded American political life.25.86% of Americans say they believed in God.26.When the ship enters New York Harbor, visitors can see the Statue ofLiberty, which is regarded as symbol of America.27.Conservative is believed to be the typical character of the British.28.The British state is made up of England, Wales and Scotland and NorthernIreland.29.The total population of the United Kingdom is around 60 million.30.The teenager years in Britain are characterized as a time of questioningattitudes, beliefs and values.31.Faithfulness is seen by many to be the most important aspect of a goodmarriage.32.In Britain the academic year is divided into three terms of about 12 week each.33.About 70% of 16 year old pupils choose to continue in full-time education.34.Work generally refers to regular paid employment.35.Trade Unions negotiate with management to try to get better pay and conditionsfor their members.36.The “rule of law”, ”natural law”and “natural justice”are basic principle ofEnglish law.37.Crimes are activities determined by the state to be criminal, and state canpunish those who offend against the law.38.Christianity is the religion of the followers of Jesus Christ.39.The church of England was established in 1534. King Henry VIII wanted toobtain permission from the pope divorce his queen.40.The British Parliament consists of the two chambers. The House of Loads and theHouse of commons.41.There are now three main parties in Britain, though only two of these have areal chance of forming a government.42.T he police provide a service to the community and considered as a force with aprimary function of enforcing the criminal law. That is the role of the British police.43.Citizens are allowed to complain about the conduct of any police officer andany wrongful treatment they may have had from the action of the police.44.Shakespeare added more phrases and sayings to the English Language thananyone else. ”To be or not to be: that is question.” Is quoted from Hamlet.45.Many of the great iconic buildings of London were built in the VictorianPeriod.46.The Jewish community in British is the second largest in Europe and has about350 congregations.47.The successful applicant will then be offered a contract which will specify pay,conditions of work and the responsibilities of both the employer and employee.48.Young people often have a part-time job while they are still at school.49.The Ten Commandments are found in the Bible and central to both the Jewishand Christian faiths.50.An immoral rule can never be made into a real law simply by being passedthrough a national legislature.。

The American Character 美国人的性格(Bradford Smith 布拉德福德·史密斯)The following is part of an essay taken from Bradford Smith's book, Why We Behave Like Americans. Success as a goal and materialism, according to Smith, are among the underlying factors that make up the American character.以下节选自布拉德福德所著《为什么我们的举止象美国人》里的一篇文章。
When visitors from abroad undertake to describe the American Character, the results are frequently puzzling to Americans. "All Americans are Puritans; that's what's wrong with them," says one. "They're always thinking about enjoying themselves," says another. "They spend too much time at work," a distinguished visitor tells us. "They don't know how to play." "Americans don't know what work is, " retorts another." Their machines do it all." "American women are shameless sirens." -"No, they're prudes." "The children here are wonderful -outgoing and natural." -"Natural as little beasts. They have no manners, no respect for their elders."要是让国外来客描述美国人的性格,结果常常令美国人感到奇怪。

美国人性格英文作文高中英文:As an American, I believe that our national characteris diverse and complex. The United States is a melting potof cultures, and this diversity is reflected in our personalities. Americans are often described as friendly, outgoing, and open-minded. We are known for our can-do attitude and entrepreneurial spirit. For example, many Americans are not afraid to take risks and pursue their dreams, which is why the country has produced so many successful entrepreneurs and innovators.On the other hand, Americans can also be seen as individualistic and competitive. We value independence and self-reliance, and this can sometimes lead to a sense of isolation or loneliness. In addition, Americans are often viewed as direct and assertive in their communication style. We are not afraid to speak our minds and express our opinions, which can sometimes be perceived as brash orconfrontational.Overall, I think the American character is a combination of these traits – friendly and outgoing, yet also individualistic and competitive. It's important to recognize that these are generalizations and that there is a wide range of personalities within the United States. However, I do believe that these characteristics are part of what makes us uniquely American.中文:作为一个美国人,我相信我们的国民性格是多样而复杂的。

小学上册英语第六单元期末试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A ______ (青蛙) can jump very far.2.The _______ (小金哈巴) swims gracefully in the lake.3.Which word means "not heavy"?A. LightB. DarkC. HeavyD. Strong答案: A. Light4.The country famous for its architecture is ________ (西班牙).5.What do we use to write?A. BrushB. PenC. HammerD. Scissors答案:b6.The ________ was a significant battle during the American Revolution.7.What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?A. CrustB. MantleC. CoreD. Shell答案:A8.I enjoy visiting historical sites to learn about __________.9.What is the opposite of "big"?A. HugeB. SmallC. TallD. Long答案:B10.What do you call the part of the plant that grows above the ground?A. RootB. StemC. LeafD. Flower答案: B11.My favorite season is _______.12.My ___ (小狗) likes to dig holes.13.What do we call the study of living organisms?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. PhysicsD. Geology答案: A14.What do we call the time of year when plants start to grow?A. WinterB. SpringC. SummerD. Fall答案:Bpounds can only be separated into their elements through a ________ reaction.16.The chemical symbol for chlorine is _______.17.What is the capital of France?A. MadridB. BerlinC. ParisD. Rome答案: C18.I love to watch ______ (舞蹈表演). It’s amazing to see the creativity and talent of the performers.19.The ______ is the part of a plant that attracts pollinators.20.I enjoy ___ (learning) new things.21.My favorite animal is a _______ (我最喜欢的动物是_______).22.My pet responds to the name ____. (我的宠物对名字____有反应。

Unit 11.inherited from parents), shaped by environment, and influenced by chance events.Who we are is determined by three things: First, our genes, or what our parents have given us, our legacy; second, environment; and third, luck or opportunities.2. college education.Actually, if the students choose to go to college to continue their education, they will face an even more serious struggle between the desire to be independent and the need to depend on the financial support of their parents.3.College students need to stand back and see where they are in the independence/dependence struggle.(In the face of the arrays of challenges,) it is necessary for college students to avoid getting too emotionally involved in the struggle and try to get a clear idea of their situation.4. . Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotionally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with.Perhaps nothing can make a student experience such a big emotional change except his/her relationships with his/helover.Unit 21.I realized that while my satisfaction in the sheer act of reading had not abated in the least, the world was often as hostile, or as blind, to that joy as had been my girlfriends.I realized that while my joy in reading had notweakened a bit, the world was just as blind or hostile to my joy as my girlfriends had been.2. turning away from human contact is suspect, especially one that interferes with the go-out-and-get-going ethos America is a nation that highly values sociability and community, and believes that being alone will naturally lead to being a loner, and being a loner is sure to end up being a loser. Therefore if someone separates himself or herself from other people, people have a good reason to suspect him or her, especially if it prevents that person from going out and starting to get things done, which is the most important part of the American character.3. Reading for pleasure, spurred on by some interior compulsion, became as suspect as getting on the subway to ride aimlessly from place to place.Some people did not believe that there was such a thing as reading for pleasure driven by a strong desire from the heart. They regarded it as an idle, aimless, meaningless occupation just like driving from place to place aimlessly on the subway.4. And in circles devoted to literary criticism…there was sometimes a kind of horrible exclusivity surrounding discussions of reading.When literary critics discussed the problem of reading, they sometimes showed the terrible attitude that reading was a right that only belonged to the elite, not to be shared with other people.Unit 31. I am just as ignorant for all your telling me.I am still as ignorant as before of the names of flowers although you had told me.2. But now, as he spoke, that memory faded. His was the truer.Now, that memory about the ridiculous scene gradually disappeared. His memory was more accurate. They did have a good time that afternoon.3. He was certainly far better looking now than he had been then. He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision. Now he had the air of a man who has found his place in life.He was no longer impractical or unrealistic and uncertain what to do with his life.4. Now he had the air of a man who has found his place in life.At that time, the man was much younger, full of dreams, very impractical, very unclear about what he should do with his life. But now he looks like a man who has a successful career.5. As he spoke, …she felt the strange beast that had slumbered so long within her bosom stir, stretch itself, yawn, prick up its ears, and suddenly bound to its feet, and fix its longing, hungry stare upon those far away places.As he spoke, she felt that her lifelong dream of traveling around the world, which had been lying at the back of her mind all these years because her healthconditions had not allowed her to do that, now began to wake up. It was just like a strange beast waking up with longing and hungry eyes for those wonderful places.6. As he spoke she lifted her head as though she drank something; the strange beast in her bosom began to purr.when she heard those beautiful words, she feltgood. And her long-buried love for him seemed to wake up again.Unit 41. Lying on the bare earth, …he looked like a beggaror a lunatic.He was lying on the ground which was not covered with anything, and he didn’t wear shoes but wore a beard and kept his body half-naked, so he looked like a 2. He had emptied his bowels or passed water like a dog at the roadside.3. Sometimes they threw bits of food, and got scantthanks; sometimes a mischievous pebble, and got a shower of stones and abuse.Sometimes people would throw bits of food to him, but he hardly thanked them at all. Sometimes they would throw a pebble at him for fun, but get a shower of stones and a stream of abuse in return.4. He knew they were mad, each in a different way.They amused him.He knew that other people were all insane in this way or another. For example, some were mad about money;some were mad about power; some were mad about sex, etc. Their folly was funny to him.5. It was not…even a squatter’s hutHe thought that everybody’s life was too complicated, too costly, and thus gave them too much pressure. (He argued that people should live a simplest life possible.)6. He spent much of his life in the rich, lazy, corrupt Greek city of Corinth, mocking and satirizing itspeople, and occasionally one of them.He chose to live among the wealthy, lazy and dishonest citizens of Corinth for many of his years, ridiculing and criticizing them. And he occasionally persuading one of them into adopting his belief.7. He was not the first to inhabit such a thing. But hewas the first who ever did so by choice, out of principle.He was not the first to live in a cask. Yet he was the first to do so because he wanted to, based on his principle, not because he was forced to by necessity.8. But he taught chiefly by example.Diogenes sometimes taught by talking to people, but he mainly taught by setting an example for others to follow.9. Live without conventions, which are artificial andfalse; escape complexities and extravagances:only so can you live a free life.Only when you get rid of those man-imposed and false conventions and avoid living complex and luxurious lives can you live a real, free life.10. In order to procure a quantity of false, perishablegoods he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence.People all toil to get only those material things that are false and fleeting, but at the sacrifice of their own everlasting independence.11. His life’s aim was clear to him: it was ―to restampthe currency‖: to take the clean metal of human life, to erase the old false conventional markings, and to imprint it with its true values.His purpose in life was clear to him: it was ―to reprint the coins.‖ Human life can be taken as the clean coins which are imprinted with false markings. He was to remove the false markings and print the true values on it. In other words, his aim in life was to call on people to reject the false, conventional way of life and return to the simple and natural life.12. Diogenes took his old cask and began to roll it upand down. ―When you are all so busy,‖ he said, ― I feel I ought to do something!‖When the Corinthians were busy preparing for the coming war, Diogenes rolled his cask up and down to ridicule their silly behavior.13. Only twenty, Alexander was far older and wiserthan his years.Alexander looked far older than a man of his agenormally does, and was much wiser than a man of his age normally is.14. ―Yes,‖ said the Dog. ―Stand to one side. You’reblocking the sunlight.‖When Alexander asked Diogenes whether there was anything he could do for him, he of course wasthinking of money, power, a job, a decent house or a warm garment.Unit 51. There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings.Once upon a time there was a town in the central part of America where all living things seemed to co-exist peacefully with their environment.2. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that background of pines.In autumn, the oak, maple and birch trees turned yellow, red or brown, thus making a beautiful show of colors against the dark green of pine trees.3. The rapidity of change follows the impetuous pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature.Man is changing nature rapidly while nature adjusts to the changes slowly. Therefore adjustment can never keep up with change, and a new balance between living things and their environment can hardly be reached.4. The whole process of spraying seems caught up in an endless spiral.The more insecticides are sprayed, the less effective they will become in destroying the ―pests‖. Then more deadlychemicals will be developed to kill them. This process will go on endlessly.5. One important natural check is a limit on the amount of suitable habitat for each species.one important check mechanism of nature itself is to restrict the living area of each animals or plants.6. Insect problems arose with the intensification of agriculture – the devotion of immense acreage to a single crop.Insect problems resulted from the intensification of agriculture, that is, the practice of planting a single crop on a large area of cropland.7. Obviously then, an insect that lives on wheat can build up its population to much higher levels on a farm devoted to wheat than on one in which wheat is intermingled with other crops to which the insect is not adapted.Obviously then, an insect that lives on wheat can build up its population to much higher levels on a farm devoted to wheat than on one in which wheat is intermingled with other crops to which the insect is not adapted.8. In new territories, out of reach of the restraining hand of natural enemies that kept down its numbers in its native land, an invading plant or animal is able to become enormously abundant.when a plant or animal is introduced into a new area, it can multiply rapidly, since it has broken away from the threats of its natural enemies in its native land.Unit 61. Simply make all drugs available and sell them at cost.Just make all drugs easy to buy and sell them without profit.2. Don’t say that marijuana is addictive anddangerous when it is neither, unlike ―speed‖,which kills most unpleasantly, or heroin, which is addictive and difficult to kick.Don’t exaggerate the harmful effect of marijuana. It is neither addictive nor dangerous, as is ofte n described. Differentiate it from ―speed‖ and heroin. ―Speed‖ causes death while heroin is difficult to stop using once a person is addicted to it.3. Along with exhortation and warning, it might be good for our citizens to recall that the UnitedStates was the creation of men who believed that each man has the right to do what he wants with his own life as long as he does not interfere with his neighbor’s pursuit of happiness.While urging people not to take drugs and warning them of the dangers, we should remind our citizens that their country was created by the early European settlers who believed that a man has the right to do whatever he wishes to his own life as long as what he doesn’t prevent his neighbor from seeking happiness.4. Now one can hear that the warning rumble begin: if everyone is allowed to take drugs Zombies.Now we hear those people who are against legalization giving us warnings. They say if drugs are legalized,everyone will become addicts, and our nation will become one near to living death.5. It is a lucky thing for the American moralist that we have no public memory of anything that happened last Tuesday.Most Americans have a bad memory and don’tremember anything that happened in the past. This is a lucky thing for those people who advocate forbidding drugs (for if they remembered what Prohibition in the1920s resulted in, they would see that prohibition of drugs will not be feasible, either).6. Last year when the supply of marijuana was slightly reduced by the Feds, the pushers got the kids hooked on heroin and deaths increased dramaticallyLast year when the FBI got tough with drug dealing, and the supply of marijuana went slightly down, young marijuana users had to shift to a more harmful drug—heroin. Pushers got them addicted, and the number of people who died of overdose went up sharply.7. Finally, if there was no money in it, the Bureau of Narcotics would wither away, something they are not about to do without a struggle.Finally, if the Mafia couldn’t get money out of legal drug dealing when drugs are legal, the Bureau of Narcotics would be disbanded. This is something the government will surely try hard to prevent because the people working in the Bureau would lose their jobs.8. Last year the debate was stirred anew whenBaltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke called for aserious national debate on the subject.Last year Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke suggested a nation-wide debate on legalization, and it started off another debate.9. Drugs are a symptom of deeper ills in certain segments of our society, particularly theimproverished segments.Widespread use of drugs is a sign of more serious social problems for some groups of the population, especially for the poor.10. You must start cracking down hard on users. You must start dealing with users much more harshly.。

What is a world citizen?
It does not, however, imply abandonment of legitimate loyalties, the suppression of cultural diversity, the abolition of national autonomy, nor the imposition of uniformity. Its hallmark is 'unity in diversity.' World citizenship encompasses the principles of social and economic justice, both within and between nations; non-adversarial decision making at all levels of society; equality of the sexes; racial, ethnic, national and religious harmony; and the willingness to sacrifice for the common good. Other facets of world citizenship—including the promotion of human honor and dignity, understanding, amity, co-operation, trustworthiness, compassion and the desire to serve—can be deduced from those already mentioned."[2]
II. Ame Character of Teaching and learning: social and interpersonal skills vs. intellectual skills --- large umber of extra curriculum activities --- important as the scores on SAT ---“ well-rounded” students public concerns—environmental pollution --nuclear issues --crimes --drugs

跨文化交际考试资料1.W h e n c u l t u r e s d i f f e r,c o m m u n i c a t i o n p r a c t i c e s m a y a l s o d i f f e r.(T)2.C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d c u l t u r e a r e i n s e p a r a b l e.A C h i n e s e b o y w h o i sa s k e d t o s a y g o o db y e w h e n h e t a k e s h i s l e a v e i s l e a r n i n gc u l t u r e.(T)3.F r o m t h e i n s t a n t a c h i l d i s b o r n,c u l t u r e t e a c h e s i t h o w t o b e h a v e i n a m a n n e r t h a t i s a c c e p t a b l e t o a d u l t s a n d t h a t g a r n e r s t h e m r e w a r d s.(T)4.W h e n w e r e f e r t o c u l t u r e,w e a r e a p p l y i n g t h e t e r m t o t h e d o m i n a n tc u l t u r e a nd s u b c u l t u re s a s w e l l.(F)5.W h a t a r e t h e t h r e e w a y s o f e n c u l t u r a t i o n?(I n t e r a c t i o n,i m i t a t i o n,o b s e r v a t i o n)6.H u m a n b e i n g s a r e b o r n w i t h c u l t u r e l i k e o t h e r b a s i c n e e d s,s u c h a se a t i n g,d r i n k i n g,u r i n a t i n g,a n d s o o n.(F)7.G i v e a n e x a m p l e a b o u t h o w p e o p l e l e a r n t h e i r o w n c u l t u r e.(o p e n)8.T h e f a m o u s s t o r y C i n d e r e l l a e m p h a s i z e s t h e s a m e v a l u e i n d i f f e r e n tc u l t u r e s.(F)9.A m e r i c a n s t e l l e a c h g e n e r a t i o n a l w a y s t o l o o k f o r w a r d,w h i l e w eC h i n e s e h a v e t h e s a y i n g“F o r g e t t i n g t h e p a s t m e a n s b e t r a y a l”.(T)10.W e l e a r n f r o m c u m u l a t i v e s h a r e d e x p e r i e n c e t h r o u g h l a n g u a g e---b e i t v e r b a l,n o n v e r b a l,o r i c o n i c.(T)11.C u l t u r e i s s t a t i c,c o n s t a n t a n d n e v e r c h a n g i n g.(F)12.C u l t u r e i s b a s e d o n s y m b o l s w h i c h a r e l e a r n e d a n d p a s s e d o n t h r o u g hg e n e r a t i o n t o g e n e r a t i o n.(T)13.W e f i n d w h i t e-c o l l a r w o r k e r s i s o l a t e d f r o m b l u e-c o l l a r o n e s,A f r i c a nA m e r i c a n s l i v i n g a p a r t f r o m w h i t e s,w h i c h s h o w sa)C u l t u r e i s c h a n g i n g.b)C u l t u r e i s l e a r n e d.c).c u l t u r e i se t h n o c e n t r i c.d)C u l t u r e i s i n t e g r a t e d.14.W h a t i s a c c u l t u r a t i o n?(O p e n)15.E x p l a i n t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t r a d i t i o n a n d i n n o v a t i o n.(o p e n)16.M o r e a n d m o r e C h i n e s e,e s p e c i a l l y t h e y o u n g,r e s p o n d t o ac o mp l i m e n t b y s a y i n g“T h a n k y o u”, a nd g re e t p e o p l e w i t h j u s t“H e l l o”i n s t e a d o f“H a v e y o u h a d y o u r m e a l?”.T h i s i s d i f f u s i o n.(T)17.G i v e a n e x a mp l e t o s h o w c u l t u r e i s b a s e d o n s y m b o l s.重点Difficult point: Process o f c o mmu n i c a ti on; S te re o ty pe; C u l tu res h o ck;A me r ic a n s’i n d iv i du a lis m;Ch i n e s e f a ce c on ce pt...Basics of CommunicationCommunication occurs if:1. There are at least two or more people;a. human communicationb. animal communicationc. human-animal communicationd. human-machine communicatione. machine-to-machine communication2. There must be some contact between communicators;two-way contact---direct communicationone-way contact---indirect communication3. There must be a language shared by communicators;a. human language verbal nonverbal non-word sound body languageb. artificial language special purpose machine---computer4. An exchange of information has taken place.Components of CommunicationSourceThe source is a person with an idea he or she desires to communicate. EncodingEncoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol. (Our communication is in the form of a symbol representing the idea we desire to communicate. )MessageMessage identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object.ChannelThe term channel refers to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted. We also use the word “media”. The channel or medium may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of face-to-face communication.ReceiverThe receiver is a person who attends to the message. Receivers may be intentional; that is, they may be the people the source desired to communicate with, or they may be any person who comes upon and attends to the message.DecodingDecoding is the opposite process of encoding and just as much an active process. The receiver is actively involved in the communication process by assigning meaning to the symbols received.ResponseReceiver response refers to anything the receiver does after having attended to and decoded the message. That response can range from doing nothing to taking some action or actions that may or not be the action desired by the source.FeedbackFeedback refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning.A reader of this text may have many responses, but only when the reader responds to a survey or writes a letter to the author does feedback occurs. When a radio interview show host receives enthusiastic telephone calls and invites a guest back, feedback has occurred.NoiseNoise refers to anything that distorts the message the source decodes.External noise can be sights, sounds, and other stimuli that draw our attention away from the message. Having a radio on while reading is external noise.Internal noise refers to our thoughts and feelings that can interfere with the message. For example, being tired or being hungry can distract you from paying complete attention to the message.source →encode →message →channel →receiver →decode →response →feedback →contextnoiseAll communication has seven components: a source who, using symbols, encodes an internal state to produce a message that travels by a channel to a receiver who decodes the message into a usable form and gives feedback to the source.The uniqueness of men--- the superiority of men in the world of animals---lies not in his ability to perceive ideas, but to perceive that he perceives, and to transfer his perceptions to other’s minds through words.---Albert EinsteinDefining Culture and Characteristics of Culture (I)Questions (A)When cultures differ, communication practices may also differ. (T or F) Communication and culture are inseparable. A Chinese boy who is asked to say goodbye when he takes his leave is learning culture. (T or F)From the instant a child is born, culture teaches it how to behave in a manner that is acceptable to adults and that garners them rewards. (T or F)Without having the guidelines of our culture to govern our actions, we would soon feel helpless. (T or F)When we refer to culture, we are applying the term to the dominant culture and subcultures as well. (T or F)What is enculturation?What are the three ways of enculturation?Human beings are born with culture like other basic needs, such as eating, drinking, urinating, and so on. (T or F)Give an example about how people learn their own culture.The famous story Cinderella emphasizes the same value in different cultures. (T or F) Questions (B)Barriers to Cross-cultural CommunicationStereotypes Prejudice EthnocentrismQuestions:1. what is stereotyping?2. How do we acquire stereotypes?3. How to reduce or eliminate stereotypes in cross-cultural communication?4. of stereotyping, prejudice, ethnocentrism, which one can be the most serious cultural bias and the biggest obstacle in cross-cultural communication? Why?What is stereotyping?People often use labels or categories to describe others, these labels can be based on such characteristics as clothing, looks, the way a person talks, or the groups to which he or she belongs. People often make assumptions about groups of people they don't even know.Stereotypes are general ideas of a person, created without taking the whole person into account. When we stereotype a group of people, we depict all of the individuals within that group as having the same characteristics even though they are probably all very different. Stereotyping is assuming that a person has certain qualities (good or bad) just because the person is a member of a specific group (Jandt, 2001). An example of a stereotype is the belief that one group of people is lazy or poor, or that another is smart or romantic. A stereotype is an oversimplified statement based on a single characteristic. They are often based on faulty information, they get in the way of knowing people as individuals, and they can lead to serious misunderstandings.Stereotyping is gross simplification that prevents a more profound understanding of others as individuals and as members of social groups, and it prevents our dealing effectively with members of other societies. Stereotypes can have a negative effect when people use them to interpretbehavior. They are probably the most difficult stumbling block to overcome in cross-cultural communication.Areas of stereotypingAge: All teenagers love KFC, rock and roll, and have no respect for their elders.Sex: All good-looking girls are simple-minded.Sexual preference: Only men can be pilots.Race: All women in Islamic countries wear clothing that cover up their arms and legs and hide their body shape.All Indians wear nose-rings.Education level: All those with little schooling do not know how to use computers.Places: New York is a hotbed of all crimes.Things: All luxurious cars are made in Germany. Sichuan food is very spicy.How and where do we acquire stereotypes?Young children learn to stereotype others by the comments or behavior of their parents, relatives, teachers or other adults in their lives.We are acquiring a stereotype from limited data, i.e. stereotypes develop through limited personal contact.Stereotypes have a strong presence in the media, in movies, TV programs, advertising, newspapers, books and magazines, and even in school textbooks.People may learn stereotypes by believing someone else’s opinion when they have not had firsthand experience. Knowing less about people of different cultural backgrounds increases one’s chances of making stereotypes.The damaging effect of stereotypes in cross-cultural communication: According to Fred, stereotypes are harmful because they impede communication in at least four ways:They cause us to assume that a widely held belief is true when it may not be.Stereotypes also impede communication when they cause us to assume that a widely held belief is true of any one individual.The stereotype can become a “self-fulfilling prophecy” for t he person stereotyped.When stereotypes lead us to interpret an individual’s behaviour from the perceptual screen of the stereotype they impede communication.Fred E. Jandt (2001:73)How to reduce or eliminate stereotypes in cross-cultural communication?Although it is easy to fall into the habit of using stereotypes to prejudge people, there are ways to reduce stereotypes and combat prejudice. One way is to check our own thinking, to be careful of jumping to conclusions based on generalizations or others' opinions. Another way is to politely challenge stereotypes when we hear them by offering evidence that the stereotype is false.Some other ways to reduce or eliminate stereotypes in cross-cultural communication:Focus on every person as an individual.Become more aware of how stereotypes interfere with our ability to perceive and interact with people from the target culture.Remember that there are more differences within a group than between groups.Recognize that we are all part of many groups, none of which can totally explain or define who we are.What is prejudice?Think about a situation when someone made a biased judgment about you or acted unfairly toward you because of your age, skin color, clothes you were wearing, gender, the way you speak, where you live, how much money your family has, or some other reason.Discuss the negative effect of prejudice in cross-cultural communication. How do we acquire prejudice?What are some of the ways prejudice is expressed?(See Page 247)Defining prejudice:“Prejudice refers to an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitude towards another group of people.” (Plotnik & Mollenaucer)The negative effect of prejudice:Misunderstanding, misjudgment, contempt, hostility, …Prejudice is expressed in a variety of ways:Prejudice can be expressed through ant locution;People act out prejudice when they avoid and /or withdraw from contact with the disliked group;Discrimination is third expression of prejudice;The next level of expression is physical attacks;The last, and also the most alarming form of prejudice is extermination. EthnocentrismDo you think ethnocentrism is the major barrier to cross-cultural communication?What is the negative effect of ethnocentrism on cross-cultural communication?How does ethnocentrism impede cross-cultural communication?(See Page 250-251)Defining ethnocentrism:the belief that one’s culture is primary to all explanations of realityThe negative impact of ethnocentrism on cross-cultural communication: (see page 250-251)Americans tell each generation always to look forward, while we Chinese have the saying “Forgetting the past means betrayal”. (T or F)We learn from cumulative shared experience through language---be it verbal, nonverbal, or iconic. (T or F)Culture is static, constant and never changing. (T or F)Culture is based on symbols which are learned and passed on through generation to generation. (T or F)We find white-collar workers isolated from blue-collar ones, African Americans living apart from whites, which shows●culture is changing. culture is learned. culture is ethnocentric. culture is integrated. What is acculturation?Explain the relationship between tradition and innovation.More and more Chinese, especially the young, respond to a compliment by saying “Thank you”, and greet people with just “Hello” instead of “Have you had your meal?”. This is diffusion. (T or F)Give an example to show culture is based on symbols.What is “culture shock”?Questions (C)1. Since culture is subject to change, everything ranging from what we eat, what we wear to values like people’s attitudes toward time, gender, age is always ready to change. (T or F)2. The Australians would have an easier time adapting to American culture than the Chinese. ( T or F)3. Give one example to show culture is integrated.4. What is ethnocentrism? Give one example to show we learn ethnocentrism at the unconscious level.5. What cultural changes have taken place because of the naturaldisaster---earthquake?The Concept of “Face” in Chinese-American Interaction▪Why do you think the vast majority of Chinese students are so reluctant to voluntarily participate in class or even during less formal activities such as English corners?▪(The fear of making a mistake in front of others is just too overwhelmingly prohibitive.)▪Lin Yutang considered the psychology of "face."Interesting as the Chinese physiological face is, the psychological face makes a still more fascinating study. It is not a face that can be washed or shaved, but a face that can be "granted" and "lost" and "fought for" and "presented as a gift." Here we arrive at the most curious point of Chinese social psychology. Abstract and intangible, it is yet the most delicate standard by which Chinese social intercourse is regulated. (1935: 199-200)Lin refers to liu mianzi留面子"grant face; give (someone) a chance to regain lost honor", shi mianzi失面子"lose face", zheng mianzi爭面子"fight for face; keeping up with the Joneses", and gei mianzi給面子"give face; show respect (for someone's feelings)."The Chinese language has three common words meaning "face": mian, lian, yan.▪A general explanation of the concept of faceContrasts between Chinese and American concepts of face▪Recognizing common face-saving behaviors of the Chinese▪Why should concern for face have such high importance for the Chinese?▪1. China over the centuries has been an extraordinarily stable society. The Chinese have had little opportunity to move away from the locality of our birth and have tended to spend our entire lives in the company of the same friends, neighbors, and relatives. When one is attached for life to a given group of people, maintaining harmonious relationships among all its members becomes of paramount importance. Consequently, face-saving behaviors take on great significance. We maintain harmony, avoid conflicts, and protect the integrity of the group.▪Life in North America has been mobile virtually from the earliest days of European colonization: colonial peoples did not hesitate to move on if life in a certain locality did not suit them. Thus, the composition of one’s community and friendship groups changed often during one’s lifetime, even relatives would be left behind when one decided to search elsewhere for a better life. Given the constant shifting of group memberships, attention increasingly focused on individuals instead of on groups or collectives. As a result, the maintenance of group integrity and harmony rarely attained the significance for Americans that it customarily did for the Chinese.▪2. Confucius emphasized that humans exist in interactive relationships with others and that most human relationships are unequal in nature. Confucius found no fault with inequality because, in his view, the obligations between senior and junior ran in both directions. The senior party was assumed to have prerogatives and authority of constrained in dealing with his or her junior by a morality of compassion and righteousness. The junior party, in turn, was bound to be respectful and obedient toward the senior party; but he or she also could confidently expect protection, loyalty, and mentorship from his or her senior.▪Although life in the United States certainly involves people in hierarchies, Americans typically make efforts to deemphasize the social distance implied in anysuperior-subordinate relationship and thus to promote, at least superficially, an ethic of egalitarianism. In the main, they rely on their all-encompassing habit of informality to blur the distinctions of social status and authority, to pretend, as it were, that all people are fundamentally the same. In addition, high social mobility has consistently characterized life in the U.S. and is widely thought to be a good thing.▪If there is a qualitative difference between face in the two cultures, it may be related to the notion of integrity (wholeness, lack of internal contradictions). In the United States, individual integrity is uniquely important. In China, individual and group integrity are both important. In China, face can be lost as a result of understanding the long-established relationships that give a group its identity and its members a sense of security.1993年毕业于四川外国语学院,获文学学士学位,专业:英语语言与文学1993-2000年就职于四川省外贸集团成都进出口公司2000至今就职于成都大学外国语学院,期间:2003-2004年参加四川大学外国语学院翻译专业研修班2006-2007年在Simon Fraser University, Canada进修,专业:English Language & Culture。

Chapter 1 American History (1)1.The "first American "were the Indians. The first English colony in the Americas was founded at Jamestown, Virginaia, in 1607.Between 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North American.“最早的美国人”是印地安人,英国于1607年在美国建立了第一块殖民地,即在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯,1607-1733年间,英国在北美洲的东海岸建立了十三个殖民地。
2.In 1620,201 of Pilgrims sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. They arrived at Plymouth and built the Plymouth colony.1620年,有201名英国清教徒乘坐一名为”五月花号“的船到达了普利茅斯并建立了殖民地。
3.From 1630 to 1643,some 200 ships transported over 20000 Englishmen to the Massachusetts Bay colony.从1630-1643年,约有200艘船把2万英国人抵马萨者萨弯殖民地。
4.The colonists were building a new way of life in the New World. There were a number of features, which would play a role in forming the American character. They were :representative from of government, rule of law, respect of individual rights, religious tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise.殖民主义者新生活方式的这些特点在美国人性格形成中发挥了重要作用:建立代义制政府,法治,对个人权利的尊重,宗教上的宽容及强烈的个人进取心。
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6. The American Character1. Regional distinctions: a. most notably in cooking styles and speech patternsb. have been erased by modern transportation, communication andmass production2. Pioneering spirit: a. come from immigrant and is an important part of the American characterb. the spirit of going to America voluntarily, eagerly, in search of greaterprosperity and freedomc. led westward movement3. Residential shifting in American:a. definition: about 40 million Americans change residences every year, and theaverage American moves fourteen times in his lifetimeb. reason and impact: In American, the desire to start a new life in a new place isthroughout the nation. The highly mobile Americansociety leaves individuals with feelings of rootlessness,isolation, indifferent to community welfare, and shallowpersonal relationships.4. American democracya. the creation of American democracy is one of the greatest experiment of all timesstarted by American founding fathersb. Under American democracy, the citizens of the United States, through theirelected representatives, establish the nation`s law and determine its policiesc. American democracy means majority rule, and also means protection of minorityrights which are outlined in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, knownas the Bill of Rightsd. in the U. S. democracy is a form of government, and a way of life5. Equality in American societyFrom the Declaration of Independence, “All men are created equal.” whichmeans that all people should be treated equally before the law and given equalprivileges and opportunities. But there have always been those who would denythe rights of others for their own self-interest. However, equal treatment andopportunity for all are ideals which American society is moving loser6. Horatio Alger mytha. a nineteenth-century American novelist who wrote stories about por boys whobecame successful through hard work.b. These popular “rags-to-riches” stories exemplified the American Dreamc. inspired a lot of Americans to work hard for success.7. the American dream:a. the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealthand fame through diligence and virtue.b. symbolized the American belief in equality of opportunityc. attracted a lot of people in the other parts of the world to immigrate toAmerica and inspired them to rise on the social and economic scales.8. Ralf Nader:a. published a shocking book in 1965 telling the American public that theirautomobiles were unnecessarily dangerousb. As a result of his efforts, the huge automobile industry was forced to produce asafer product.c. His success in dealing with the auto industry inspired others to campaign forbetter products and triggered the consumer protection revolution in the U.S.9. Four basic consumer rights listed by President KennedyThe right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to choose and the right to be heard10. What killed American optimism by the end of 1960s?Viet Nam War and growing involvement and the entered bloodshed. Severalassassinations of public figures and crime rate. And there were races riots inmany cities, students riots on many campuses, policeman with tear gas and gunsto quiet the riots11. the situation of pollution in the 1960sAir, water, land and food were being polluted in a variety of ways. And thispollution was reaching a dangerous level which could in the near future becomea threat to human, plant and animal life.Air pollution was coming primarily from automobile exhaust fumes andindustrial smokestacks. Water pollution was due to industrial waste, garbage,detergent, and other sources. The land and its animal and plant life were beingpolluted by a variety of man-made chemicals, especially insecticides andherbicides. Disposable but indestructible products of plastic and mental werecluttering the land.Consumers were asked to buy only product that could be recycled. Americanswere encouraged to bring these products to the recycling centers rather thendiscard them with other garbage12. Materialistic outlook of AmericansAmericans are pragmatic, they like DIY and believe that the value of knowledgeis related to its usefulness. Their tremendous expenditure for goods and servicesand value above all else money and the comfort and pleasures that money buy.13. Idealistic outlookThey ask much more of life than just day-to-day enjoyment and financialsecurity. They ask that life be meaningful. In choosing careers, they consider thesignificance of their work just as important as the income the job will bring.Most of them are under the influence of the Protestant ethic, which considers alife of pleasure sinful and hard work ennobling. They place great value uponuseful activity14. Social mobility:Movement of individuals, families, or groups through a system of socialhierarchy or stratification.。