CA. 购买汽车作为出租车使⽤B. 农民购买化肥C. 购买商品房⾃⼰居住D. 政府出资修筑⾼速公路2、投资的收益和风险往往()。
AA. 同⽅向变化B. 反⽅向变化C. 先同⽅向变化,后反⽅向变化D. 先反⽅向变化,后同⽅向变化⼆、判断题1、资本可以有各种表现形态,但必须有价值。
()×三、多项选择题1、以下是投资主体必备条件的有()ABDA.拥有⼀定量的货币资⾦ B.对其拥有的货币资⾦具有⽀配权C.必须能控制其所投资企业的经营决策 D.能够承担投资的风险2、下列属于真实资本有()ABCA.机器设备 B.房地产 C.黄⾦ D.股票3、下列属于直接投资的有()ABA.企业设⽴新⼯⼚ B.某公司收购另⼀家公司60%的股权C.居民个⼈购买1000股某公司股票 D.发放长期贷款⽽不参与被贷款企业的经营活动四、简答题1、直接投资与间接投资第2章市场经济与投资决定习题⼀、单项选择题1、市场经济制度与计划经济制度的最⼤区别在于()。
BA. 两种经济制度所属社会制度不⼀样D. 两种经济制度的⽣产资料所有制不⼀样2、市场经济配置资源的主要⼿段是()。
?DA. 分配机制B. 再分配机制C. ⽣产机制D. 价格机制⼆、判断题1、在市场经济体制下,⾃利性是经济活动主体从事经济活动的内在动⼒。
()×四、简答题1、市场失灵、缺陷第3章证券投资概述习题⼀、单项选择题1、在下列证券中,投资风险最低的是()AA、国库券B、⾦融债券C、国际机构债券D、公司债券2、中国某公司在美国发⾏的以欧元为⾯值货币的债券称之为()BA.外国债券 B.欧洲债券 C.武⼠债券 D.扬基债券3、中央银⾏在证券市场市场买卖证券的⽬的是()DA、赚取利润B、控制股份C、分散风险D、宏观调控4、资本证券主要包括()。
CA. 购买汽车作为出租车使用B. 农民购买化肥C. 购买商品房自己居住D. 政府出资修筑高速公路2、投资的收益和风险往往()。
AA. 同方向变化B. 反方向变化C. 先同方向变化,后反方向变化D. 先反方向变化,后同方向变化二、判断题1、资本可以有各种表现形态,但必须有价值。
()×三、多项选择题1、以下是投资主体必备条件的有()ABDA.拥有一定量的货币资金 B.对其拥有的货币资金具有支配权C.必须能控制其所投资企业的经营决策 D.能够承担投资的风险2、下列属于真实资本有()ABCA.机器设备 B.房地产 C.黄金 D.股票3、下列属于直接投资的有()ABA.企业设立新工厂 B.某公司收购另一家公司60%的股权C.居民个人购买1000股某公司股票 D.发放长期贷款而不参与被贷款企业的经营活动四、简答题1、直接投资与间接投资第2章市场经济与投资决定习题一、单项选择题1、市场经济制度与计划经济制度的最大区别在于()。
BA. 两种经济制度所属社会制度不一样B. 两种经济制度的基础性资源配置方式不一样C. 两种经济制度的生产方式不一样D. 两种经济制度的生产资料所有制不一样2、市场经济配置资源的主要手段是()。
DA. 分配机制B. 再分配机制C. 生产机制D. 价格机制二、判断题1、在市场经济体制下,自利性是经济活动主体从事经济活动的内在动力。
()×四、简答题1、市场失灵、缺陷第3章证券投资概述习题一、单项选择题1、在下列证券中,投资风险最低的是()AA、国库券B、金融债券C、国际机构债券D、公司债券2、中国某公司在美国发行的以欧元为面值货币的债券称之为()BA.外国债券 B.欧洲债券 C.武士债券 D.扬基债券3、中央银行在证券市场市场买卖证券的目的是()DA、赚取利润B、控制股份C、分散风险D、宏观调控4、资本证券主要包括()。
8、β的含义二、单选1、根据CAPM,一个充分分散化的资产组合的收益率和哪个因素相关(A )。
A.0.06 B.0.144 C.0.12美元D.0.1325、对于市场投资组合,下列哪种说法不正确(D)A.它包括所有证券B.它在有效边界上C.市场投资组合中所有证券所占比重与它们的市值成正比D.它是资本市场线和无差异曲线的切点6、关于资本市场线,哪种说法不正确(C)A.资本市场线通过无风险利率和市场资产组合两个点B.资本市场线是可达到的最好的市场配置线C.资本市场线也叫证券市场线D.资本市场线斜率总为正7、证券市场线是(D)。
第五章投资管理一、单项选择题1. 项目投资决策中,完整的项目计算期是指( )。
A.建设期B.生产经营期C.建设期+达产期D.建设期+运营期2. 净现值属于()。
A.25B.35C.10D.155. 某投资项目年营业收入为180万元,年付现成本为60万元,年折旧额为40万元,所得税税率为25%,则该项目年经营净现金流量为()万元。
A.81.8B.100C.82.4D.76.46. 下列投资项目评价指标中,不受建设期长短、投资回收时间先后及现金流量大小影响的评价指标是()。
A.静态投资回收期B.总投资收益率C.净现值率D.内部收益率7.某投资项目原始投资为12000元,当年完工投产,有效期3年,每年可获得现金净流量4600元,则该项目内部收益率为( )。
则该项目包括建设期的静态投资回收期为( )年。
A.7.909B.8.909C.5.833D.6.83310.下列指标的计算中,没有直接利用净现金流量的是( )。
A.净现值 B. 净现值率C.内部收益率 D.总投资收益率11.若某投资项目的净现值为15万元,包括建设期的静态投资回收期为5年,项目计算期为7年,运营期为6年,则该方案()。
a.这是实物资产还是金融资产?b.社会财富会因此而增加吗?c.你会更富有吗?d.你能解释你回答b、c时的矛盾吗?有没有人因为这个发现而受损呢?a. 现金是金融资产,因为它是政府的债务。
b. 不对。
c. 是。
d. 如果经济已经是按其最大能力运行了,现在你要用这1 0 0亿美元使购买力有一额外增加,则你所增加的购买商品的能力必须以其他人购买力的下降为代价,因此,经济中其他人会因为你的发现而受损。
nni Products 是一家新兴的计算机软件开发公司,它现有计算机设备价值30000美元,以及由Lanni的所有者提供的20000美元现金。
a. 银行贷款是L a n n i公司的金融债务;相反的,L a n n i的借据是银行的金融资产。
L a n n i获得的现金是金融资产,新产生的金融资产是Lanni 公司签发的票据(即公司对银行的借据)。
b. L a n n i公司将其金融资产(现金)转拨给其软件开发商,作为回报,它将获得一项真实资产,即软件成品。
c. L a n n i公司将其真实资产(软件)提供给微软公司以获得一项金融资产—微软的股票。
由于微软公司是通过发行新股来向L a n n i支付的,这就意味着新的金融资产的产生。
金融投资理财练习题及答案1. 题目:股票投资假设您有100,000美元的可投资资金,您计划投资股票市场。
问题:a) 如果您将全部资金均匀分配在这三只股票上,请计算每只股票的购买数量。
b) 如果您计划长期持有这些股票,并重新投资所有股息收入,计算未来5年内每只股票的总收益。
答案:a) 股票A购买数量:100,000 / 50 = 2,000股股票B购买数量:100,000 / 100 = 1,000股股票C购买数量:100,000 / 75 ≈ 1,333股b) 预计每只股票的年度总收益计算:股票A总收益 = 股息收入 + 股价增长= (2 * 2,000) + (2,000 * 50 * 0.05) = 4,000 + 5,000= 9,000美元股票B总收益 = 股息收入 + 股价增长= (3 * 1,000) + (1,000 * 100 * 0.08) = 3,000 + 8,000= 11,000美元股票C总收益 = 股息收入 + 股价增长= (1 * 1,333) + (1,333 * 75 * 0.04) = 1,333 + 3,200= 4,533美元未来5年内每只股票的总收益:股票A总收益 = 5 * 9,000 = 45,000美元股票B总收益 = 5 * 11,000 = 55,000美元股票C总收益 = 5 * 4,533 = 22,665美元2. 题目:债券投资假设您决定将一部分资金投资于债券市场。
♦ 作业1:股票定价1、假设某公司现在正处于高速成长阶段,其上一年支付的股利为每股1元,预计今后3年的股利年增长率为10%,3年后公司步入成熟期,从第4年开始股利年增长率下降为5%,并一直保持5%的增长速度。
(元) 09.40%)5%8(%)51(%)101(1%)81(1%)81(%)101(1%)81(%)101(1%81%)101(1)()1()1()1()1()1(3333222323103110=-++⨯•++++⨯+++⨯+++⨯=-++++++=∑=g k k g g D k g D V t tt 注:不管是2阶段,还是3阶段、n 阶段模型,股票估值都是计算期0时点的价格或价值,所以对第2阶段及以后阶段的估值,均需要贴现至0时点。
(元)元0949064068611811811551<-=-==-+⨯•+++=∑=NPV .P V NPV )(.%)%(%)(%)(%V n n3、某股份公司去年支付每股股利1元,预计在未来该公司股票股利按每年6%的速率增长,假定必要收益率为8%,请计算该公司股票的内在价值。
(1)净现值法:)(%%%)(V 元5368611=-+⨯=。
低估,建议购买该股票,所以当前股票价格被023>=-=P V NPV(2)内部收益率法:30=%6%)61(1-+⨯r , r =9.5%>8%(必要收益率)当前股票价格被低估,建议购买该股票。
作业1 资产组合理论&CAPM一、基本概念1、资本资产定价模型的前提假设是什么?2、什么是资本配置线?其斜率是多少?3、存在无风险资产的情况下,n种资产的组合的可行集是怎样的?(画图说明);什么是有效边界?风险厌恶的投资者如何选择最有效的资产组合?(画图说明)4、什么是分离定理?5、什么是市场组合?6、什么是资本市场线?写出资本市场线的方程。
8、β的含义二、单选1、根据CAPM,一个充分分散化的资产组合的收益率和哪个因素相关( A )。
A.市场风险 B.非系统风险 C.个别风险 D.再投资风险2、在资本资产定价模型中,风险的测度是通过( B )进行的。
A.个别风险 B.贝塔系数 C.收益的标准差 D.收益的方差3、市场组合的贝塔系数为( B )。
根据CAPM模型,贝塔值为1.2的证券X的期望收益率为( D )。
A.0.06 B.0.144 C.0.12美元 D.0.1325、对于市场投资组合,下列哪种说法不正确( D )A.它包括所有证券B.它在有效边界上C.市场投资组合中所有证券所占比重与它们的市值成正比D.它是资本市场线和无差异曲线的切点6、关于资本市场线,哪种说法不正确( C )A.资本市场线通过无风险利率和市场资产组合两个点B.资本市场线是可达到的最好的市场配置线C.资本市场线也叫证券市场线D.资本市场线斜率总为正7、证券市场线是( D )。
A、充分分散化的资产组合,描述期望收益与贝塔的关系B、也叫资本市场线C、与所有风险资产有效边界相切的线D、描述了单个证券(或任意组合)的期望收益与贝塔关系的线8、根据CAPM模型,进取型证券的贝塔系数( D )A、小于0B、等于0C、等于1D、大于19、美国“9·11”事件发生后引起的全球股市下跌的风险属于( A )A、系统性风险B、非系统性风险C、信用风险D、流动性风险10、下列说法正确的是( C )A、分散化投资使系统风险减少B、分散化投资使因素风险减少C、分散化投资使非系统风险减少D、.分散化投资既降低风险又提高收益11、现代投资组合理论的创始者是( A )A.哈里.马科威茨B.威廉.夏普C.斯蒂芬.罗斯D.尤金.珐玛12、反映投资者收益与风险偏好有曲线是( D )A.证券市场线方程B.证券特征线方程C.资本市场线方程D.无差异曲线13、不知足且厌恶风险的投资者的偏好无差异曲线具有的特征是( B)A.无差异曲线向左上方倾斜B.收益增加的速度快于风险增加的速度C.无差异曲线之间可能相交D.无差异曲线位置与该曲线上的组合给投资者带来的满意程度无关14、反映证券组合期望收益水平和单个因素风险水平之间均衡关系的模型是( A )A.单因素模型B.特征线模型C.资本市场线模型D.套利定价模型三、多项选择题1、关于资本市场线,下列说法正确的是( ABD )。
投资练习题及答案问题一:股票市场基础知识1. 股票是什么?答:股票是公司为了筹集资金而发行的一种证券,代表了持有者对于公司所有权的权益。
2. 股票市场是什么?答:股票市场是股票交易的场所,包括了证券交易所和场外交易市场。
3. 证券交易所和场外交易市场有什么区别?答:证券交易所是由政府机构管理和监管的公开交易市场,交易过程更加规范和透明;场外交易市场是指在交易所以外的场所进行的交易,交易更加灵活,但也存在一定的风险。
问题二:投资组合1. 什么是投资组合?答:投资组合是指将资金按照一定的比例分配到不同的资产类别或投资品种中,以达到风险分散和收益最大化的目的。
2. 投资组合的优势是什么?答:投资组合可以分散风险,降低投资的整体风险;同时,投资组合可以根据投资者的风险偏好和投资目标来选择不同的资产类别和投资品种,以实现收益最大化。
3. 投资组合的构建原则有哪些?答:投资组合的构建原则包括风险分散、资产配置、定期调整和适时调整等。
问题三:风险与回报1. 投资中的风险是什么?答:投资中的风险是指投资者在追求高收益的同时可能面临的损失风险,包括市场风险、信用风险、流动性风险等。
2. 投资回报可以从哪些方面产生?答:投资回报可以从股票、债券、房地产等资产的价格上涨中产生,也可以从股息、利息和租金等分红中产生。
3. 风险与回报之间存在什么样的关系?答:一般情况下,风险和回报存在正相关关系,即风险越高,回报也可能越高,但同时也增加了损失的风险。
A.营业现金净流量=税后收入-税后成本B.营业现金净流量=税后净利-折旧C.营业现金净流量=收入 x(1-税率)+ 付现成本 x(1-税率)+ 折旧 x 税率D.营业现金净流量=营业收入-年付现成本-年税金正确答案:D3、某投资方案的年营业收入为120000元,年总营业成本为80000元,其中年折旧额15000元,所得税税率为25%,该方案的年营业现金净流量为()元。
1.某投资项目投产后预计第一年流动资产需用额为100 万元,流动负债需用额为 80 万元,第二年流动资产需用额 120 万元,流动负债需用额 90 万元,则第二年的流动资金投资额为()万元。
【正确答案】 C【答案解析】第一年流动资金需用额= 100-80 = 20 (万元),首次流动资金投资额= 20 (万元),第二年流动资金需用额= 120-90 = 30 (万元),第二年的流动资金投资额= 30-20 = 10(万元)。
2.某项目投资需要的固定资产投资额为100 万元,无形资产投资10 万元,流动资金投资 5万元,建设期资本化利息 2 万元,则该项目的原始总投资为()万元。
【正确答案】 B【答案解析】原始总投资= 100 + 10+ 5 = 115 (万元)。
A.更新改造项目中旧设备的变现收入B.因项目的投产引起的企业其他产品销售收入的减少C•固定资产的折旧额D.以前年度支付的研究开发费【正确答案】 D【答案解析】以前年度支付的研究开发费属于沉没成本,所以在计算现金流量时不必考虑其影响。
5•某企业投资方案 A的年销售收入为 200万元,年总成本为100万元,年折旧为10万元,无形资产年摊销额为 10万元,所得税率为 40%,则该项目经营现金净流量为()。
万元万元万元万元【正确答案】 A【答案解析】经营现金净流量=净利润+折旧+摊销=( 200-100) X (1-40%)+ 10+ 10 =80(万元)。
差异成本、未来成本、替换成本和机会成本都是相关成本c .一台设备可以以3500元租330年,而该设备是三年前以5000元购买的,因此销售决定的相关费用为5000元。
第一个投资计划的年销售收入为300万元,年销售成本为210万元,其中折旧85万元,所得税税率为40%,则该计划的年净现金流量为()万元在投资决策评价方法中,互斥方案的最佳评价方法是() a。
净现值法b .盈利能力指数法c .内部收益率法d .会计收益率法
一个投资项目的原始投资在1XXXX年内完成并投入运营,预计使用寿命为3年,每年净现金流量为4600元,那么该项目的内部收益率为()A.7.33% b.7.68% c.8.32% d.6.68% 5。
当贴现率等于内部收益率时()A.净现值> 0b。
净现值= 0c。
投资学题型;一、选择题 6 分二、计算题 78 分三、论述题 16 分(主要是有效市场假说)1.假设某一中期国债每 12 个月的收益率是 6%,且该国债恰好还剩 12 个月到期。
那么你预期一张 12 个月的短期国库券的售价将是多少?解:P=面值/(1+6%)2.某投资者的税率等级为 20%,若公司债券的收益率为 9%,要想使投资者偏好市政债券,市政债券应提供的收益率最低为多少?解:9%×(1-20%)=7.2%3.下列各项中哪种证券的售价将会更高?a.利率 9%的10 年期长期国债和利率为 10%的10 年期长期国债。
b.期限 3 个月执行价格为 50 美元的看涨期权和期限 3 个月执行价格为45 美元的看涨期权。
c.期限 3 个月执行价格为 40 美元的看跌期权和期限 3 个月执行价格为35 美元的看跌期权。
解:a.利率为10%的10年期长期国债b.3个月执行价格为45美元的看涨期权c.期限 3 个月执行价格为 40 美元的看跌期权4.若预期股市将会大幅度上涨,股票指数期权市场上的下列哪项交易的风险最大?a.出售一份看涨期权 b 出售一份看跌期权c 购买一份看涨期权d 购买一份看跌期权解:a.出售一份看涨期权5.短期市政债券的收益率为4%,应税债券的收益率为6%,当你的税率等级分别为下列情况时,哪一种债券可以提供更高的税后收益率?a.0b.10%c.20%d.30%解:当短期市政债券收益率与应税债券收益率税后收益率相等时,设税率为 X,则:6%(1-X)=4%,解得:X=33.3%由于0、10%、20%、30%都小于33.3%所以在 0、10%、20%、30%的税率时,应税债券可以提供更高的税后收益率。
6.免税债券的利率为 6.4%,应税债券的利率为 8%,两种债券均按面值出售,当投资者的税率等级为多少时投资两种债券是无差别的?解:设税率等级为 X,则:8%(1-X)=6.4%,解得X=20%7.假设你卖空 100 股IBM 的股票,其当前价格为每股 110 美元。
解答: 投资者1:PV=1000×8%×(P/A,6%,5)+1000×(P/F,6%,5)≈1083。
(1)预计未来A公司股票每股股息将维持2010年水平不变;(2)预计未来A公司股票每股股息将每年递增5% 。
A、长期股权投资——投资成本B、投资收益C、盈余公积D、实收资本A B C D【正确答案】B【答案解析】长期股权投资中,成本法转公允价值时,从个别报表的角度看确认的处置损益应计入的科目为投资收益。
A、新的持股比例B、旧的持股比例C、固定10%的比例D、固定30%的比例A B C D【正确答案】A【答案解析】选项A表述正确。
A、审计B、法律服务C、评估咨询D、应收未收股利A B C D【正确答案】ABC【答案解析】企业通过非同一控制下合并方式取得长期股权投资的,所发生的审计、法律服务、评估咨询等中介费用,应于发生时计入当期损益。
1、The efficient frontier of risky assets isA)the portion of the investment opportunity set that lies above the global minimum variance portfolio.B)the portion of the investment opportunity set that represents the highest standard deviations.C)the portion of the investment opportunity set which includes the portfolios with the lowest standard deviation.D)the set of portfolios that have zero standard deviation.E)both A and B are true.2、The Capital Allocation Line provided by a risk-free security and N risky securities is ______A) the line that connects the risk-free rate and the global minimum-variance portfolio of the risky securities.B) the line that connects the risk-free rate and the portfolio of the risky securities that has the highest expected return on the efficient frontier.C) the line tangent to the efficient frontier of risky securities drawn from the risk-free rate.D) the horizontal line drawn from the risk-free rate.E) none of the above.3、Consider an investment opportunity set formed with two securities that are perfectly negatively correlated. The global minimum variance portfolio has a standard deviation that is always_____A) greater than zero.B) equal to zero.C) equal to the sum of the securities' standard deviations.D) equal to -1.E) none of the above.4、Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the variance of a portfolio of two risky securities?A) The higher the coefficient of correlation between securities, the greater the reduction in the portfolio variance.B) There is a linear relationship between the securities' coefficient of correlation and the portfolio variance.C) The degree to which the portfolio variance is reduced depends on the degree of correlation between securities.D) A and B.E) A and C.5、Efficient portfolios of N risky securities are portfolios thatA) are formed with the securities that have the highest rates of return regardless of their standard deviations.B) have the highest rates of return for a given level of risk.C) are selected from those securities with the lowest standard deviations regardless of their returns.D) have the highest risk and rates of return and the highest standard deviations.E) have the lowest standard deviations and the lowest rates of return.6、As diversification increases, the total variance of a portfolio approaches ____________.A) 0 B) 1 C) the variance of the market portfolioD) infinity E) none of the above7、The index model was first suggested by ____________.A) Graham B) Markowitz C) Miller D) SharpeE) none of the above8、.A single-index model uses __________ as a proxy for the systematic risk factor.A) a market index, such as the S&P 500B) the current account deficitC) the growth rate in GNPD) the unemployment rateE) none of the above9、According to the index model, covariances among security pairs areA) due to the influence of a single common factor represented by the market index returnB) extremely difficult to calculateC) related to industry-specific eventsD) usually positiveE) A and D10、In a factor model, the return on a stock in a particular period will be related to _________.A) firm-specific events B) macroeconomic events C) the error termD) both A and B E) neither A nor B11、Which of the following statement(s) is (are) true regarding the selection of a portfolio from those that lie on the Capital Allocation Line?A) Less risk-averse investors will invest more in the risk-free security and less in the optimal risky portfolio than more risk-averse investors.B) More risk-averse investors will invest less in the optimal risky portfolio and more in the risk-free security than less risk-averse investors.C) Investors choose the portfolio that maximizes their expected utility.D) A and C.E) B and C.12、An investor who wishes to form a portfolio that lies to the right of the optimal risky portfolio on the Capital Allocation Line must:A) lend some of her money at the risk-free rate and invest the remainder in the optimal risky portfolio.B) borrow some money at the risk-free rate and invest in the optimal risky portfolio.C) invest only in risky securities.D) such a portfolio cannot be formed.E) B and C13、Portfolio theory as described by Markowitz is most concerned with:A) the elimination of systematic risk.B) the effect of diversification on portfolio risk.C) the identification of unsystematic risk.D) active portfolio management to enhance returns.E) none of the above.14、The measure of risk in a Markowitz efficient frontier is:A) specific risk.B) standard deviation of returns.C) reinvestment risk.D) beta.E) none of the above.15、A statistic that measures how the returns of two risky assets move together is:A) variance. B) standard deviation. C) covariance. D) correlation.E) C and D.16、Rosenberg and Guy found that __________ helped to predict a firm's beta.A) the firm's financial characteristicsB) the firm's industry groupC) firm sizeD) both A and BE) A, B and C all helped to predict betas.17、If a firm's beta was calculated as 0.6 in a regression equation, Merrill Lynch would state the adjusted beta at a numberA) less than 0.6 but greater than zero.B) between 0.6 and 1.0.C) between 1.0 and 1.6.D) greater than 1.6.E) zero or less.18、The beta of Exxon stock has been estimated as 1.2 by Merrill Lynch using regression analysis on a sample of historical returns. The Merrill Lynch adjusted beta of Exxon stock would be ___________.A) 1.20 B) 1.32 C) 1.13 D) 1.0 E) none of the above19、Consider the single-index model. The alpha of a stock is 0%. The return on the market index is 16%. The risk-free rate of return is 5%. The stock earns a return that exceeds the risk-free rate by 11% and there are no firm-specific events affecting the stock performance. Theβ of the stock is _______.A) 0.67 B) 0.75 C) 1.0 D) 1.33 E) 1.5020、Suppose you forecast that the market index will earn a return of 15% in the coming year. Treasury bill s are yielding 6%. The unadjusted β of Mobil stock is 1.30. A reasonable forecast of the return on Mobil stock for the coming year is _________ if you use Merrill Lynch adjusted betas.A) 15.0% B) 15.5% C) 16.0% D) 16.8% E) none of the above21、The unsystematic risk of a specific securityA) is likely to be higher in an increasing market.B) results from factors unique to the firm.C) depends on market volatility.D) cannot be diversified away.E) none of the above.22、Which statement about portfolio diversification is correct?A) Proper diversification can reduce or eliminate systematic risk.B) The risk-reducing benefits of diversification do not occur meaningfully until at least 50-60 individual securities have been purchased.C) Because diversification reduces a portfolio's total risk, it necessarily reduces the portfolio's expected return.D) Typically, as more securities are added to a portfolio, total risk would be expected to decrease at a decreasing rate.E) None of the above statements is correct.23、Given an optimal risky portfolio with expected return of 12% and standard deviation of 23% and a risk free rate of 3%, what is the slope of the best feasible CAL?A) 0.64 B) 0.39 C) 0.08 D) 0.35 E) 0.3624、Given an optimal risky portfolio with expected return of 13% and standard deviation of 26% and a risk free rate of 5%, what is the slope of the best feasible CAL?A) 0.60 B) 0.14 C) 0.08 D) 0.36 E) 0.3125、The individual investor's optimal portfolio is designated by:A) The point of tangency with the indifference curve and the capital allocation line.B) The point of highest reward to variability ratio in the opportunity set.C) The point of tangency with the opportunity set and the capital allocation line.D) The point of the highest reward to variability ratio in the indifference curve.E) None of the above.26、The single-index modelA) greatly reduces the number of required calculations, relative to those required by the Markowitz model.B) enhances the understanding of systematic versus nonsystematic risk.C) greatly increases the number of required calculations, relative to those required by the Markowitz model.D) A and B. E) B and C.27、The Security Characteristic Line (SCL)A) plots the excess return on a security as a function of the excess return on the market.B) allows one to estimate the beta of the security.C) allows one to estimate the alpha of the security.D) all of the above. E) none of the above.28、The expected impact of unanticipated macroeconomic events on a security's return during the period isA) included in the security's expected return. B) zero.C) equal to the risk free rate. D) proportional to the firm's beta. E) infinite.29、Covariances between security returns tend to beA) positive because of SEC regulations.B) positive because of Exchange regulations.C) positive because of economic forces that affect many firms.D) negative because of SEC regulationsE) negative because of economic forces that affect many firms.30、One “cost” of the single-index model is that itA) is virtually impossible to apply.B) prohibits specialization of efforts within the security analysis industry.C) requires forecasts of the money supply.D) is legally prohibited by the SEC.E) allows for only two kinds of risk -- macro risk and micro risk.。
项目投资练习题一、单项选择题1、对投资项目内部收益率的大小不产生影响的因素是(D )A.投资项目的原始投资B.投资项目的现金流入量C.投资项目的有效年限D.投资项目的预期报酬率2、当贴现率为 10%时,某项目的净现值为 500 万元,则说明该项目的内含报酬率( A )A.高于 10% B.低于 10% C.等于 10% D.无法确定3、如果其他因素不变,一旦折现率提高,则下列指标中其数值将会变小的是( A )A.净现值 B.投资利润率 C.内部收益率 D.投资回收期4、某投资方案年营业收入 240 万元,年销售成本 170 万元,其中折旧 70 万元,所得税税率 40%,则该方案年营业现金净流量为( B )A. 70 万元B. 112 万元C. 140 万元D.84 万元5、获利指数与净现值指标相比,其优点是( B )A. 便于投资额相同的方案的比较B. 便于进行独立投资机会获利能力的比较C. 考虑了现金流量的时间价值D. 考虑了投资风险性6、如果投资者着重考虑投资效益,那末做出长期投资的多项目组合决策的主要依据就应当是:在保证充分利用资金的前提下,尽可能( D )A. 提前收回投资B. 获取最大利润并上交最多的税C. 延长经营期间D. 获利最大的净现值总量7、一个投资方案年销售收入 300 万元,年销售成本 210 万元,其中折旧 85 万元,所得税税率为 40%,则该方案年现金流量净额为( B )A. 90B. 139C. 175D. 548、下列说法中不正确的是( D )A. 按收付实现制计算的现金流量比按权责发生制计算的净收益更加可靠B. 利用净现值不能揭示投资方案可能达到的实际报酬率C. 分别利用净现值、现值指数、回收期、内含报酬率进行同一项目评价时,评价结果有可能不一致D. 回收期法和投资利润率法都没有考虑回收期满后的现金流量状况9、某公司拟投资 10 万元建一项目,估计该项目当年投资当年完工,估计投产后每年获得净利 1.5 万元,年折旧率为 10%,则该项目回收期为( C )A.3 年B.5 年C.4 年D.6 年10、某公司当初以 100 万元购入一块土地,目前市价为 80 万元,如欲在这块土地上兴建厂房,应( B )A. 以 100 万元作为投资分析的机会成本考虑B. 以 80 万元作为投资分析的机会成本考虑C. 以 20 万元作为投资分析的机会成本考虑D. 以 180 万元作为投资分析的机会成本考虑11、某投资方案的年营业收入为 100 000 元,年付现成本为 60 000 元,年折旧额 10 000 元,所得税率为 33%,该方案的每年营业现金流量为( D )A.26 800 元 B.36 800 元 C.16800 元 D.30100 元12、如果其他因素不变,一旦折现率降低,则下列指标中其数值将变大的是( C )A.内部收益率B.投资利润率C.净现值D.内部收益率13、投资项目评价指标中,不受建设期的长短,投资的方式、回收额的有无以及净现金流量大小影响的评价指标是( A )A. 内部收益率B.投资利润率C.净现值D. 获利指数14、在考虑所得税因素以后,下列( A )公式能够计算浮现金流量。
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1、The efficient frontier of risky assets isA)the portion of the investment opportunity set that lies above the global minimum variance portfolio.B)the portion of the investment opportunity set that represents the highest standard deviations.C)the portion of the investment opportunity set which includes the portfolios with the lowest standard deviation.D)the set of portfolios that have zero standard deviation.E)both A and B are true.2、The Capital Allocation Line provided by a risk-free security and N risky securities is ______A) the line that connects the risk-free rate and the global minimum-variance portfolio of the risky securities.B) the line that connects the risk-free rate and the portfolio of the risky securities that has the highest expected return on the efficient frontier.C) the line tangent to the efficient frontier of risky securities drawn from the risk-free rate.D) the horizontal line drawn from the risk-free rate.E) none of the above.3、Consider an investment opportunity set formed with two securitiesthat are perfectly negatively correlated. The global minimum variance portfolio has a standard deviation that is always_____A) greater than zero.B) equal to zero.C) equal to the sum of the securities' standard deviations.D) equal to -1.E) none of the above.4、Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the variance of a portfolio of two risky securitiesA) The higher the coefficient of correlation between securities, the greater the reduction in the portfolio variance.B) There is a linear relationship between the securities' coefficient of correlation and the portfolio variance.C) The degree to which the portfolio variance is reduced depends on the degree of correlation between securities.D) A and B.E) A and C.5、Efficient portfolios of N risky securities are portfolios thatA) are formed with the securities that have the highest rates of return regardless of their standard deviations.B) have the highest rates of return for a given level of risk.C) are selected from those securities with the lowest standard deviations regardless of their returns.D) have the highest risk and rates of return and the highest standard deviations.E) have the lowest standard deviations and the lowest rates of return.6、As diversification increases, the total variance of a portfolio approaches ____________.A) 0 B) 1 C) the variance of the market portfolioD) infinity E) none of the above7、The index model was first suggested by ____________.A) Graham B) Markowitz C) Miller D)SharpeE) none of the above8、.A single-index model uses __________ as a proxy for the systematic risk factor.A) a market index, such as the S&P 500B) the current account deficitC) the growth rate in GNPD) the unemployment rateE) none of the above9、According to the index model, covariances among security pairs areA) due to the influence of a single common factor represented by the market index returnB) extremely difficult to calculateC) related to industry-specific eventsD) usually positiveE) A and D10、In a factor model, the return on a stock in a particular period will be related to _________.A) firm-specific events B) macroeconomic events C)the error termD) both A and B E) neither A nor B11、Which of the following statement(s) is (are) true regarding the selection of a portfolio from those that lie on the Capital Allocation LineA) Less risk-averse investors will invest more in the risk-free security and less in the optimal risky portfolio than more risk-averse investors.B) More risk-averse investors will invest less in the optimal risky portfolio and more in the risk-free security than lessrisk-averse investors.C) Investors choose the portfolio that maximizes their expected utility.D) A and C.E) B and C.12、An investor who wishes to form a portfolio that lies to the right of the optimal risky portfolio on the Capital Allocation Line must:A) lend some of her money at the risk-free rate and invest the remainder in the optimal risky portfolio.B) borrow some money at the risk-free rate and invest in the optimal risky portfolio.C) invest only in risky securities.D) such a portfolio cannot be formed.E) B and C13、Portfolio theory as described by Markowitz is most concerned with:A) the elimination of systematic risk.B) the effect of diversification on portfolio risk.C) the identification of unsystematic risk.D) active portfolio management to enhance returns.E) none of the above.14、The measure of risk in a Markowitz efficient frontier is:A) specific risk.B) standard deviation of returns.C) reinvestment risk.D) beta.E) none of the above.15、A statistic that measures how the returns of two risky assets move together is:A) variance. B) standard deviation. C)covariance. D) correlation.E) C and D.16、Rosenberg and Guy found that __________ helped to predict a firm's beta.A) the firm's financial characteristicsB) the firm's industry groupC) firm sizeD) both A and BE) A, B and C all helped to predict betas.17、If a firm's beta was calculated as 0.6 in a regression equation, Merrill Lynch would state the adjusted beta at a numberA) less than but greater than zero.B) between and .C) between and .D) greater than .E) zero or less.18、The beta of Exxon stock has been estimated as by Merrill Lynch using regression analysis on a sample of historical returns. The Merrill Lynch adjusted beta of Exxon stock would be ___________.A) B) 1.32 C) D) E) none of the above19、Consider the single-index model. The alpha of a stock is 0%. The return on the market index is 16%. The risk-free rate of return is 5%. The stock earns a return that exceeds the risk-free rate by 11% and there are no firm-specific events affecting the stock performance. The β of the stock is _______.A) B) 0.75 C) D) E)20、Suppose you forecast that the market index will earn a return of 15% in the coming year. Treasury bills are yielding 6%. The unadjusted β of Mobil stock is . A reasonable forecast of the return on Mobil stock for the coming year is _________ if you use Merrill Lynch adjusted betas.A) % B) % C) % D) % E) none of the above21、The unsystematic risk of a specific securityA) is likely to be higher in an increasing market.B) results from factors unique to the firm.C) depends on market volatility.D) cannot be diversified away.E) none of the above.22、Which statement about portfolio diversification is correctA) Proper diversification can reduce or eliminate systematic risk.B) The risk-reducing benefits of diversification do not occur meaningfully until at least 50-60 individual securities have been purchased.C) Because diversification reduces a portfolio's total risk, it necessarily reduces the portfolio's expected return.D) Typically, as more securities are added to a portfolio, total risk would be expected to decrease at a decreasing rate.E) None of the above statements is correct.23、Given an optimal risky portfolio with expected return of 12% and standard deviation of 23% and a risk free rate of 3%, what is the slope of the best feasible CALA) B) 0.39 C) D) E)24、Given an optimal risky portfolio with expected return of 13% and standard deviation of 26% and a risk free rate of 5%, what is the slope of the best feasible CALA) B) 0.14 C) D) E)25、The individual investor's optimal portfolio is designated by:A) The point of tangency with the indifference curve and the capital allocation line.B) The point of highest reward to variability ratio in the opportunity set.C) The point of tangency with the opportunity set and the capital allocation line.D) The point of the highest reward to variability ratio in the indifference curve.E) None of the above.26、The single-index modelA) greatly reduces the number of required calculations, relative to those required by the Markowitz model.B) enhances the understanding of systematic versus nonsystematic risk.C) greatly increases the number of required calculations,relative to those required by the Markowitz model.D) A and B. E) B and C.27、The Security Characteristic Line (SCL)A) plots the excess return on a security as a function of the excess return on the market.B) allows one to estimate the beta of the security.C) allows one to estimate the alpha of the security.D) all of the above. E) none of the above.28、The expected impact of unanticipated macroeconomic events ona security's return during the period isA) included in the security's expected return. B) zero.C) equal to the risk free rate. D) proportional to the firm's beta. E) infinite.29、Covariances between security returns tend to beA) positive because of SEC regulations.B) positive because of Exchange regulations.C) positive because of economic forces that affect many firms.D) negative because of SEC regulationsE) negative because of economic forces that affect many firms.30、One “cost” of the single-index model is that itA) is virtually impossible to apply.B) prohibits specialization of efforts within the security analysis industry.C) requires forecasts of the money supply.D) is legally prohibited by the SEC.E) allows for only two kinds of risk -- macro risk and micro risk.。