


1.4 储存
NO.1 安全注意事项
NO.2 产品介绍
No.2 产品介绍
● 实施配线,务必关闭电源。 ● 切断交流电源后,充电指示灯未熄灭前,表示变频器内部仍有高压,十分危险,请勿触
摸内部电路及零部件。 ● 运转时,请勿检查电路板上零部件及信号。 ● 请勿自行拆装更改变频器内部连接线或线路,零部件。 ● 请勿用湿手操作开关按钮,防止触电。 ● 变频器接地端请务必正确接地。 ● 严禁私自改装、更换控制板及零部件,否则有触电、发生爆炸等危险。
附录 ...................................................................... 79
附录一 简单应用举例 ....................................................... 79 附录二 外型及安装尺寸 ..................................................... 85
NO.5 功能一览表 ............................................................ 13
5.1 基本功能功能参数 ....................................................... 13 5.2 应用功能参数 ........................................................... 14 5.3 输入/出端子功能参数 .................................................... 15 5.4 模拟量功能参数 ......................................................... 17 5.5 多段速功能参数 ......................................................... 17 5.6 保护功能参数 ........................................................... 19 5.7 恒压供水功能参数 ....................................................... 19 5.8 马达功能参数 ........................................................... 20 5.9 PID 功能参数 ........................................................... 20 5.10 通讯功能参数 .......................................................... 21 5.11 监视功能参数 .......................................................... 21



Japan / (Internal Sales)
Tokyo Yokohama Nagoya Kyoto 2-1-1, Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0082 TEL : +81(3)5203-0321 FAX : +81(3)5203-0300 2-4-8, Shin Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-8575 TEL : +81(45)476-2131 FAX : +81(45)476-2128 Dainagayo Building 9F 3-28-12, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya,Aichi 450-0002 TEL : +81(52)581-8521 FAX : +81(52)561-2173 579-32 Higashi Shiokouji-cho, Karasuma Nishi-iru, Shiokoujidori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8216 TEL : +81(75)311-2121 FAX : +81(75)314-6559 TEL : +81(45)476-9270 FAX : +81(045)476-9271
Please contact our sales offices for details ;
U.S.A / San Diego Atlanta Dallas Germany / Dusseldorf TEL : +1(858)625-3630 TEL : +1(770)754-5972 TEL : +1(972)312-8818 TEL : +49(2154)9210 FAX : +1(858)625-3670 FAX : +1(770)754-0691 FAX : +1(972)312-0330 FAX : +49(2154)921400 FAX : +44(1)908-282-528




丹佛斯是丹麦最大的跨国工业制造公司,创立于 1933年,丹佛斯以推广应用先进的制造技术,并关注节能环保而闻名于世,是制冷和空调控制,供热和水控制,以及传动控制等领域处于世界领先地位的产品制造商和服务供应商。


海利普是目前中国最大的变频器生产厂家,其核心产品HLP系列变频器,广泛应用于起重、纺织、印染 、石油、化工、建筑、建材、橡胶、塑料、包装、印刷、造纸、食品、饮料、环保、水处理、机床等行业,先后被列入“国家重点新产品”、 “国家火炬计划项目”,并于2004年被授于“浙江省名牌产品”、“国内最具有竞争力的产品”。



目录通用型变频器HLP-A通用型变频器 / 4HLP-C+迷你型变频器 / 12矢量型变频器HLP-B高性能矢量型变频器/ 17HLP-NV矢量型变频器 / 24专用型变频器HLP-P风机/水泵专用变频器 / 30 HLP-H中频机 / 36HLP-F纺织专用变频器 / 40HLP-J注塑机专用变频器 / 43HLP-CP跑步机/手套机专用变频器 / 47 HLP-M机床专用变频器 / 51常用选配件直流电抗器 / 55交流输入/输出电抗器 / 55输入/输出滤波器 / 57制动单元与制动电阻 / 57接线用断路器及漏电开关 / 58电磁接触器及浪涌吸收器 / 59隔离变压器 / 59 海利普变频器 系列产品本产品为通用型变频器,软件功能强大,具有多种控制方式;内置PID、简易PLC;输出转矩高(150%/1分钟),过载能力强,广泛应用于编织、化纤、印染、塑料、轻工、机械、化工、钢铁、造纸等各种行业,并受到用户的一致好评。



第二章 产品外形尺寸及规格...... 6
2.1 产品外形尺寸 ........................................ 6 2.2 CDI9000 变频器系列规格 ...................... 8
第六章 输入输出功能介绍....... 44
6.1 模拟表输出 ..........................................44 6.2 多功能输出选择 ...................................44 6.3 频率检测(03-10,03-11) ........................45 6.4 输入功能介绍 ......................................46 6.4.1 模拟输入 ........................................46 6.4.2 端子运行控制方式(02-17) .........47 6.4.3 上电处理端子运行选择(02-19) ..48 6.3.4 复位启动方式选择(02-20) .........48 6.4.5 点动频率(01-50) .......................48 6.4.6 使用多功能输入信号 ......................49 6.4.7 定时器功能 ....................................50 6.4.8 禁止加减速指令 .............................50 6.4.9 UP/DOWN(上升/下降)指令 .............50 6.4.10 计数器功能 ..................................51 6.5 多段速度和程序运行 ............................52 6.5.1 多段速度的选择 .............................52 6.5.2 程序运行 ........................................53 6.5.3 摆频运行 ........................................57 6.6 PI 控制参数 ..........................................57 6.6.1 外部 V2 给定值 (03-17,03-18) ....57 6.6.2 外部 IF 反馈值 (03-21,03-22) .....58 6.6.3 反馈滤波时间(03-24) .....................58 6.6.4 PI 调节误差极性(05-01)..................58 6.6.5 PI 调节方式最小运行频率(05-09) ...58 6.6.6 PI 调节方式最大运行频率(05-10) ...58 6.7 保护参数..............................................59 6.7.1 过电压失速保护 (01-29).................59 6.7.2 能耗制动选择(06-06) .................59 6.7.3 自动电压调整 AVR(01-16) .........59 6.7.4 电流限制(01-27) .......................60 6.7.5 过转矩检测 ....................................61 6.7.6 电机保护 ........................................62 6.8 其他功能 ..............................................63 6.8.1 瞬时停电再启动选择(02-11) ......63 6.8.2 追踪启动方式(02-13) ................63 6.8.3 跳跃频率 ........................................64 6.8.4 自动转矩补偿(01-14) ................64 6.8.5 节能控制(01-30) .......................64



150% 1分钟,180% 0.2 秒
电源 额定输入电压
AC 380V: 340~460V
AVR功能有效时,在输入电压变动的情况下,输出电 输出电压自动调整 压基本不变,保持恒定V/f 值
数 字 式:0 . 01% (-10 ~ 4 0 ℃);模 拟 式:0 .1% (2 5± 10℃)
FOR HZ 进入编程状态

¢ ¤ 显示功能CD000
000.0 0
FOR HZ 显示CD000中内容 ¢ ¤
5 0.00
FOR HZ 修改CD000中内容
END→50.00 ¢ ¤ 确定修改数值

3、安装空间与方向 ● 为了冷却及维护方便起见,变频器周围需留有足够的空间。如图所示; ● 为使冷却效果良好,必须将变频器垂直放置,并保证空气流通顺畅。 ● 安装如果有不牢固的情形,在变频器底座下置一平板后再安装,安装在松 脱的平面上,应力可能会造成主回路零件损坏,因而损坏变频器;
(2)良 ·7·
三相 380V
变频器功率(KW) 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75
适用电机(KW) 额定输出电流(A)
11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 24 33 40 47 65 80 91 110 152



该功能运行中不可以更改; 功能用户不可以更改;
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中国·海达Plastic Machinery Parameter塑料注射成型机参数表HDJS Servo Series /伺服系列HDX General Series /通用系列宁波市海达塑料机械有限公司NINGBO HAIDA PLASTIC MACHINERY CO.,LTD.DESIGN BY IDEA 2014.3 0574-********地址:宁波市镇海区俞范东路77号(石塘下) 邮编(P.C):315200Add:(Shitangxia) 77 Yufan East Road, Zhenhai, Ningbo, China 电话 (TEL):0086-574-86370758 86379155传真 (FAX):0086-574-86373405Http://E-mail:***************宁波市海达塑料机械有限公司是专业制造HDX、HDJS、HDJL系列全自动塑料注射成型机的生产厂家,系中国塑料机械工业协会副会长单位,宁波塑料机械协会副会长单位,公司在行业内享有较高的知名度。








VRF产品参数表标准2015版型号RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) RFUT(D) 18MX 22MX 25MX 28MX 32MX 36MX 40MX 45MX 50MX 56MX 63MX 71MX 80MX 90MX 100MX 112MX 125MX 140MX电源(Ph/V/Hz)单相,220V,50Hz名义制冷能力(kW)※1 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.5 5 5.6 6.3 7.1 8 9 10 11.2 12.5 14 制冷制冷输入功率(W)57 57 57 57 57 57 89 89 120 120 120 120 120 138×2138×2138×2138×2138×2制冷运行电流(A)0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.4 0.4 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 名义制热能力(kW)※2 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.5 5 5.6 6.3 7.1 8 9 10 11 12.5 15 16 制热制热输入功率(W)57 57 57 57 57 57 89 89 120 120 120 120 120 138×2138×2138×2138×2138×2制热运行电流(A)0.26 0.26 0.260.26 0.26 0.26 0.4 0.4 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.251.25 辅助电电热能力(kW) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 加热辅电电流(A) 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 低温制热能力(kW)※3 1.6 22.2 2.5 2.83.2 3.6 44.5 8 9 10 11.2 12.5 风扇类别及数量离心×1离心×1离心×1离心×1离心×1离心×1离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×4离心×4离心×4离心×4离心×4电机输出功率(kw)0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.014 0.032 0.032 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.065×20.065×20.065×20.065×20.065×2风机特标准风量(m3/ h) 400 400 400 400 500 500 850 850 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 性标准静压(Pa)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 最大静压(Pa)20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20室内机外形尺寸:长×宽610×500×2201105×500×2201656×520×220×高(mm)室内机装箱尺寸:长×宽707×548×2801174×549×2941696×523×255×高(mm)尺寸面板外形尺寸:长×宽×------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 高(mm)面板装箱尺寸:长×宽×------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 高(mm)15/17 15/17 15/17 15/17 16/18 16/18室内机净重/毛重(kg)((((((25/27 25/27 28/30 28/30 28/30 28/30 28/30 38/40 40/42 40/42 40/42 40/42重量15.5/17 15.5/17 15.5/17 15.5/17 16.5/18 16.5/18 (26/28) (26/28) (29/31) (29/31) (29/31) (29/31) (29/31) (40/42) (42/44) (42/44) (42/44) (42/44) .5).5).5).5).5).5)面板净重/毛重(kg)------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 节流方式电子膨胀阀线控器YR-E14/YR-E17/YR-E16/YR-E160控制器是否标配否遥控器YR-H005遥控器总成是否标配否气管(mm) φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ15.88 φ15.88 φ15.88 φ15.88 φ19.05 φ19.05 φ19.05 φ19.05配管尺液管(mm) φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 寸水管(mm) φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24 φ24冷媒配管连接方式喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口噪音声压级(dB(A))35/32/ 35/32/ 35/32/ 35/32/ 35/32/ 35/32/ 35/32/ 35/32/ 39/37/ 39/37/ 39/37/ 39/37/ 39/37/ 47/45/ 47/45/ 47/45/ 47/45/ 47/45/ 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 35 35 43 43 43 43 43※4声功率级(dB(A))------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------※1 室内温度:27℃DB,19℃WB/室外温度:35℃DB,24℃WB /等效管长:7.5m,高低差:0m ※2室内温度:20℃DB,14.5℃WB/室外温度:7℃DB,6℃WB /等效管长:7.5m,高低差:0m ※3 室内温度:20℃DB,14.5℃WB/室外温度:2℃DB,1℃WB /等效管长:7.5m,高低差:0m ※4 本噪音值是在半消音室内测得的,因受周围噪音及反射声的影响,一般要高于本噪音值编制人:型号RFTS(D)18MX RFTS(D)22MX RFTS(D)25MX RFTS(D)28MX RFTS(D)32MX RFTS(D)36MX RFTS(D)40MX RFTS(D)45MX RFTS(D)50MX RFTS(D)56MX RFTS(D)63MX RFTS(D)71MX 电源(Ph/V/Hz)单相,220V,50Hz名义制冷能力(kW)※1 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.5 5 5.6 6.3 7.1制冷制冷输入功率(W)50 50 50 50 56 56 65 65 80 80 117117 制冷运行电流(A)0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.26 0.26 0.3 0.3 0.37 0.37 0.54 0.54 名义制热能力(kW)※2 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.5 5 5.6 6.3 7.1 8制热制热输入功率(W)50 50 50 50 56 56 65 65 80 80 117 117 制热运行电流(A)0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.26 0.26 0.3 0.3 0.37 0.37 0.54 0.54辅助电电热能力(kW) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8加热辅电电流(A) 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 低温制热能力(kW)※3 1.6 2 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.5 5 5.6 6.3 风扇类别及数量离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×3离心×3离心×3离心×3电机输出功率(kw)0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.023 0.023 0.051 0.051 0.044 0.044 0.055 0.055风机特标准风量(m3/ h) 480 480 480 480 550 550 600 600 800 800 930 930性标准静压(Pa)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 最大静压(Pa)30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30室内机外形尺寸:长×宽850×420×1851170×420×185×高(mm)室内机装箱尺寸:长×宽1045×540×2701365×540×270×高(mm)尺寸面板外形尺寸:长×宽×------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 高(mm)面板装箱尺寸:长×宽×------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 高(mm)室内机净重/毛重(kg)16.5/21.5 16.5/21.5 16.5/21.516.5/21.5 17.5/22.5 17.5/22.5 18.5/23.5 18.5/23.5 22.2/28.5 22.2/28.5 24/30 24/30重量(17.5/22.5) (17.5/22.5) (17.5/22.5) (17.5/22.5) (18.5/23.5) (18.5/23.5) (19.5/24.5) (19.5/24.5) (23.7/30) (23.7/30) (25.5/31.5) (25.5/31.5) 面板净重/毛重(kg)------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 节流方式电子膨胀阀线控器YR-E14/YR-E17/YR-E16/YR-E160控制器是否标配否遥控器YR-H005遥控器总成是否标配否气管(mm) φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ15.88 φ15.88配管尺液管(mm) φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ9.52 φ9.52 寸水管(mm) φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25冷媒配管连接方式喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口噪音声压级(dB(A))27/24/21 27/24/21 27/24/21 27/24/21 30/28/25 30/28/25 33/30/37 33/30/37 33/30/28 33/30/28 36/33/31 36/33/31 ※4声功率级(dB(A))------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------※1 室内温度:27℃DB,19℃WB/室外温度:35℃DB,24℃WB /等效管长:7.5m,高低差:0m ※2室内温度:20℃DB,14.5℃WB/室外温度:7℃DB,6℃WB /等效管长:7.5m,高低差:0m ※3 室内温度:20℃DB,14.5℃WB/室外温度:2℃DB,1℃WB /等效管长:7.5m,高低差:0m ※4 本噪音值是在半消音室内测得的,因受周围噪音及反射声的影响,一般要高于本噪音值编制人:型号RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) RFTSA(D) 18MX 22MX 25MX 28MX 32MX 36MX 40MX 45MX 50MX 56MX 63MX 71MX电源(Ph/V/Hz)单相,220V,50Hz名义制冷能力(kW)※1 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.5 5 5.6 6.3 7.1 制冷制冷输入功率(W)50 50 50 50 56 56 65 65 80 80 117 117 制冷运行电流(A)0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.26 0.26 0.3 0.3 0.37 0.37 0.54 0.54 名义制热能力(kW)※2 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.5 5 5.6 6.3 7.1 8制热制热输入功率(W)50 50 50 50 56 56 65 65 80 80 117 117 制热运行电流(A)0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.26 0.26 0.3 0.3 0.37 0.37 0.54 0.54辅助电电热能力(kW) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 加热辅电电流(A) 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 低温制热能力(kW)※3 1.6 2 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.5 5 5.6 6.3 风扇类别及数量离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×3离心×3离心×3离心×3电机输出功率(kw)0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.023 0.023 0.051 0.051 0.044 0.044 0.055 0.055 风机特标准风量(m3/ h) 480 480 480 480 550 550 600 600 800 800 930 930 性标准静压(Pa)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 最大静压(Pa)30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30室内机外形尺寸:长×宽850×420×1851170×420×185×高(mm)室内机装箱尺寸:长×宽1045×540×2701365×540×270×高(mm)尺寸面板外形尺寸:长×宽×------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 高(mm)面板装箱尺寸:长×宽×------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 高(mm)室内机净重/毛重(kg)15.7/20.7 15.7/20.7 15.7/20.7 15.7/20.7 16.7/21.7 16.7/21.7 17.7/22.7 17.7/22.7 21.4/27.4 21.4/27.4 23.2/29.2 23.2/29.2重量(16.7/21.7) (16.7/21.7) (16.7/21.7) (16.7/21.7) (17.7/22.7) (17.7/22.7) (18.7/23.7) (18.7/23.7) (22.9/28.9) (22.9/28.9) (24.7/30.7) (24.7/30.7) 面板净重/毛重(kg)------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 节流方式电子膨胀阀线控器YR-E14/YR-E17/YR-E16/YR-E160控制器是否标配否遥控器YR-H005遥控器总成是否标配否气管(mm) φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ9.52 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ12.7 φ15.88 φ15.88配管尺液管(mm) φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ6.35 φ9.52 φ9.52 寸水管(mm) φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25 φ25冷媒配管连接方式喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口噪音声压级(dB(A))27/24/21 27/24/21 27/24/21 27/24/21 30/28/25 30/28/25 33/30/37 33/30/37 33/30/28 33/30/28 36/33/31 36/33/31 ※4声功率级(dB(A))------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------※1 室内温度:27℃DB,19℃WB/室外温度:35℃DB,24℃WB /等效管长:7.5m,高低差:0m ※2室内温度:20℃DB,14.5℃WB/室外温度:7℃DB,6℃WB /等效管长:7.5m,高低差:0m ※3 室内温度:20℃DB,14.5℃WB/室外温度:2℃DB,1℃WB /等效管长:7.5m,高低差:0m ※4 本噪音值是在半消音室内测得的,因受周围噪音及反射声的影响,一般要高于本噪音值编制人:相当马力2 2.53 3.2 3.64 4.5 5 5.3型号RFUM(D)56MX RFUM(D)71MX RFUM(D)80MX RFUM(D)90MX RFUM(D)100MX RFUM(D)112MX RFUM(D)125MX RFUM(D)140MX RFUM(D)150MX电源(Ph/V/Hz )单相,220V ,50Hz名义制冷能力(kW )※1 5.6 7.1 8 9 10 11.2 12.5 14 15 制冷制冷输入功率(W ) 235 235 235 280 280 280 280 280 280 制冷运行电流(A ) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 名义制热能力(kW )※2 6.3 8 9 10 11.2 12.5 15 16 17制热制热输入功率(W ) 235 235 235 280 280 280 280 280 280制热运行电流(A ) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4辅助电电热能力(kW ) 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4加热辅电电流(A )8.2 8.2 8.2 10.91 10.9110.91 10.91 10.91 10.91 低温制热能力(kW )※35 6 7.1 8 910 11.2 12.5 13风扇类别及数量离心×2 离心×2 离心×2 离心×3 离心×3 离心×3 离心×3 离心×3 离心×3电机输出功率(kw ) 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.14 0.140.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 风机特标准风量(m 3/ h)1200 1200 1200 1900 19001900 2100 2100 2100 性标准静压(Pa ) 50 50 50 50 5050 50 50 50最大静压(Pa )969696969696969696室内机外形尺寸:长×宽×高(mm )990×655×3001418×655×350室内机装箱尺寸:长×宽尺寸×高(mm )1180×743×3401610×765×400面板外形尺寸:长×宽×高(mm )------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------面板装箱尺寸:长×宽×高(mm )------ ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------ ------ ------ 重量室内机净重/毛重(kg ) 40/46 40/46 40/46 61/68 61/6861/68 61/68 61/68 61/68 面板净重/毛重(kg ) ------------------------------------------------------节流方式电子膨胀阀线控器YR-E14/YR-E17/YR-E16/YR-E160控制器是否标配否遥控器YR-H005遥控器总成是否标配否气管(mm)¢12.7 ¢15.88 ¢15.88 ¢15.88 ¢15.88 ¢15.88 ¢15.88 ¢15.88 ¢15.88 配管尺液管(mm)¢6.35 ¢9.52 ¢9.52 ¢9.52 ¢9.52¢9.52 ¢9.52 ¢9.52 ¢9.52 寸水管(mm)¢32 ¢32 ¢32 ¢32 ¢32¢32 ¢32 ¢32 ¢32冷媒配管连接方式喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口噪音※4声压级(dB(A))43/37/35 43/37/35 43/37/35 43/37/35 43/37/3543/37/35 44/40/36 44/40/36 44/40/36 声功率级(dB(A))------------------------------------------------------※1 室内温度:27℃DB ,19℃WB/室外温度:35℃DB ,24℃WB /等效管长:7.5m ,高低差:0m ※2 室内温度:20℃DB ,14.5℃WB/室外温度:7℃DB ,6℃WB /等效管长:7.5m ,高低差:0m ※3 室内温度:20℃DB ,14.5℃WB/室外温度:2℃DB ,1℃WB /等效管长:7.5m ,高低差:0m ※4 本噪音值是在半消音室内测得的,因受周围噪音及反射声的影响,一般要高于本噪音值编制人:高静压风管机RFU (D )-A 系列参数表相当马力2. 型号RFU(D)56MX-A RFU(D)71MX-A RFU(D)80MX-ARFU(D)90MX-A RFU(D)112MX-A RFU(D)140MX-ARFU226MX-ARFU280MX-A电源(Ph/V/Hz )单相,220V ,50Hz单相,220V ,50Hz名义制冷能力(kW )※ 9.0 11.2 14.022.628.0 制冷制冷输入功率(W )450450 450560 560 560600 600制冷运行电流(A )2.05 2.55 2.553.0名义制热能力(kW )※ 12.5 16.025.0 31.0制热制热输入功率(W )450450450560 560 560600600制热运行电流(A ) 2.552.553.0 3.0辅助电电热能力(kW ) 2.6 2.6 2.6 3.8 3.8 3.8 ------ ------ 加热辅电电流(A )11.9 11.9 11.9 17.317.3 17.3 ------ ------低温制热能力(kW )※ 10.012.5 21.525.0风扇类别及数量离心×2离心×2离心×2 离心×2离心×2离心×2离心×4 离心×4电机输出功率(kw )0.26 0.26 0.26 0.2650.265 0.265 0.238×2 0.238×2 风机特标准风量(m 3 / h)15001500 1500156016002100 40504050 性标准静压(Pa )100 100100 100100 100100 100最大静压(Pa ) 196196 196196196 196196室内机外形尺寸:长×宽×高(mm )975×906×360 1355×876×3601725×876×360室内机装箱尺寸:长×宽尺寸×高(mm )1050×945×405 1386×966×4181830×985×490面板外形尺寸:长×宽×------------------------------------------------高(mm )面板装箱尺寸:长×宽×------------------------------------------高(mm )重量室内机净重/毛重(kg )48/5862/77120/140面板净重/毛重(kg )------------------节流方式电子膨胀阀线控器YR-E14/YR-E17/YR-E16/YR-E160 控制器是否标配否遥控器YR-H005遥控器总成是否标配否气管(mm)¢12.7¢15.88¢15.88¢15.88 ¢15.88¢15.88¢25.4¢25.4 配管尺液管(mm)¢9.52¢9.52 ¢9.52¢9.52¢9.52¢9.52 ¢9.52水管(mm) ¢36 ¢36 ¢36 ¢36 ¢36 ¢36 ¢36 ¢36寸冷媒配管连接方式喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口喇叭口液管喇叭口/气管液管喇叭口/气管焊接焊接噪音声压级(dB(A))42/40 42/40 42/40 45/4045/40 45/40 54/49 54/49 ※4声功率级(dB(A))------------------------------------------------※1 室内温度:27℃DB ,19℃WB/室外温度:35℃DB ,24℃WB /等效管长:7.5m ,高低差:0m ※2 室内温度:20℃DB ,14.5℃WB/室外温度:7℃DB ,6℃WB /等效管长:7.5m ,高低差:0m ※3 室内温度:20℃DB ,14.5℃WB/室外温度:2℃DB ,1℃WB /等效管长:7.5m ,高低差:0m ※4 本噪音值是在半消音室内测得的,因受周围噪音及反射声的影响,一般要高于本噪音值编制人:。

GEH-3500F型号的GE Power Management制造的ET-16和ET-17指示灯产品

GEH-3500F型号的GE Power Management制造的ET-16和ET-17指示灯产品

INSTRUCTIONSTYPE ET-16 and ET-17INDICATING LAMPSManual Part Number: GEH-3500FCopyright © 2000 GE Power ManagementGE Power Management 215 Anderson Avenue Markham, Ontario L6E 1B3 CanadaTelephone: (905) 294-6222Fax: (905) 201-2098E-mail:*****************.com Internet: /indsys/pmgGE Power ManagementManufactured under anISO9002 Registered SystemBCS Switchgear Inc.Switchgear | Circuit Breakers | Parts | Tech Support | 888.599.0486Need Help? 888.599.0486GEH-3500FGE Power ManagementType ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps2CONTENTSPAGE NO.Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................3Application ................................................................................................................................................................3Features ....................................................................................................................................................................3Ratings ......................................................................................................................................................................4Connections .............................................................................................................................................................4Recommended Panel Assembly .............................................................................................................................4Table 1: ET-16 – Indicating Lamp ...........................................................................................................................4Table 2: ET-16 – for dim-bright application ...........................................................................................................4Table 3: ET-16 – For LEDs .......................................................................................................................................5Table 4: ET-17 – Indicating Lamp ...........................................................................................................................5Table 5: ET-16 Special 127B8177 INDICATING LAMP COMPLETE .....................................................................6Table 6: ET-17 Special 128B1654 INDICATING LAMP COMPLETE .....................................................................6Table 7: Color Cap ...................................................................................................................................................7Ordering table 8: COLOR CAP ................................................................................................................................7TABLE 9: ET-16 LEDs RENEWAL PARTS INFORMATION .. (7)These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purposes, the matter should be referred to the General Electric Company (USA)To the extent required the products described herein meet applicable ANSI, IEEE and NEMA standards; however, no such assurance is given with respect to local codes and ordinances because they vary greatly. | 888.599.0486Need Help? 888.599.0486GE Power ManagementGEH-3500FType ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps3INTRODUCTIONThe ET-16 (incandescent and LEDs) and ET-17 (neon) indicating lamps consist of a common receptacle, plug in type resistors and lamps, escutcheon, and color cap. They are available for mounting on switchboard panels up to and including ¼ inch thickness.APPLICATIONThese lamps can be used whenever a panel mounted signal or indicating lamp is desired.The ET-16 is available for either one brilliance or dim bright operation when incandescent lamps are used. ET-16lamps are also available with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The incandescent type can be easily upgraded to the LED type. It only requires acquiring the appropriate color LED and lens cap and inserting into the lamp receptacle.The ET-17 can be used when extra long life is a factor and brilliance is not. It also can be used when low current is desired.FEATURES1.The simple “push-twist” type plug has been adopted for both the bulb and the resistor. This wasaccomplished by incorporating a bayonet base on both components.2. A common receptacle for both the ET-16 and ET-17 coupled with the plug-in resistor and bulb makes iteasy to change on the panel without disassembling.3.The resistor is in series with the bulb, and the ohmic value for the different circuit voltages is designed at80% of the rated bulb voltage to give it longer life. Changing voltages is easily accomplished by changing the series resistor (see listed tables for the proper resistor).4. A short circuit plug is available when a series resistor is not required or if an external resistor is to be used.5.The ET-16 uses GE Catalog No. 1819 for the 24 DC lamp and GE Catalog Number 1835 for the balanceof the ratings. For LED types, long life LEDs (100,000 hours) are specified. Additional features are as follows: reduced heat, resistance to shock and vibration, improved safety, lower current, cost savings, and no cold filament inrush current. The LED lamps come in red, green, and amber colors. White is not an option because a white light LED is not available. ET-17 uses GE Catalog Number B1A.6.Terminals are readily available. They are designed for either AMP “FASTON” type connectors, solder, orscrews.7.Nine basic color caps designed for maximum visibility are available for ET-16 incandescent types. FiveTranslucent caps: red, green, yellow, white; and four transparent caps: amber, red, green, blue, and clear.For ET-16 LED types, only the transparent lens caps are recommended. This is because the transparent lens allows more LED light to pass through than the translucent lens cap used on incandescent lamps.The available colors are as follows: red, green, amber, yellow smoke, clear and blue.ET-17: Because of the special properties of neon, only amber, transparent red, and clear lenses are suitable.The color caps have a knurled OUTSIDE DIAMETER FOR EASY REMOVAL.8.The ET-16 is also available for dim bright applications.9.When special voltage or resistance is required other than those listed, a special lamp may be ordered withthe proper design, or designated series resistor.10.A two-inch insulating washer is supplied with each indicating light. It should be mounted on the inside ofthe panel as illustrated in Figs. 2, 3, and 4. The function of this washer is to provide additional insulation between the terminal and ground (panel) if a surge were to be induced on one of the potential leads.If a bulb other than those listed above is required, the lamp will be furnished less the bulb.Listed tables give some of the specials made available. | 888.599.0486Need Help? 888.599.0486GEH-3500F GE Power ManagementType ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps4RATINGSResistors ET-16:12.5 WattsET-17: 1 WattBULB DESIGN VOLTAGEDESIGN AMPSCANDLE POWER AVERAGE LIFE(HOURS)1819280.04 A Approx. 0.3425001835550.05 A Approx. 1.15000B1A105-1250.3 mA-15,000CONNECTIONSSee Figure 1A and 1B for typical tell-tale and dim-bright connections.RECOMMENDED PANEL ASSEMBLYThread the pal nut against the shoulder of the receptacle. Install the two-inch insulating washer on the front of the receptacle against the pal nut. Insert the receptacle through the panel and thread the escutcheon nut against panel. Install the color cap and hand tighten (do not force). Turn the escutcheon nut back up against the color cap,then back off ½ to ¾ turn (¾ turn recommended) to give at least 1/64 inch clearance but not more than 1/32 inch clearance between the color cap and escutcheon nut (for up to 3/16 inch panel). For the ¼-inch panel, the color cap will be flush with the escutcheon nut. Tighten the pal nut against panel to 10 to 12 inch-pounds of torque.TABLE 1: ET-16 – INDICATING LAMPCIRCUIT VOLTAGE Resistor 0165A7844Rated volts MIN.volts MAX.volts CATALOG NUMBER(includes lamp, color cap, and resistor)Part No.Ohmic Value Bulb(GE Catalog Number)receptacleColor capcartonoutline24 V DC 48 V DC 125 V DC 250 V DC 120 V AC 240 V AC 22 V 44 V 110 V 220 V 95 V 195 V 28 V 56 V 140 V 280 V 130 V 260 V0116B6708G10116B6708G20116B6708G30116B6708G40116B6708G50116B6708G6123456102002000510019004800181918350116B 6709G 1See ordering Table 60165A 9257P 10165A 7859TABLE 2: ET-16 – FOR DIM-BRIGHT APPLICATIONCIRCUIT VOLTAGE Resistor 0165A9217Ohmic Value Rated volts MIN.volts MAX.volts CATALOG NUMBER (inlcudes lamp, color cap, and resistor)PartNo.Total Tap Bulb (GE Catalog Number)receptacleColor capcartonoutline48 V DC 125 V DC 250 V DC 120 V AC 240 V AC44 V 110 V 220 V 95 V 195 V56 V 140 V 280 V 130 V 260 V0116B8108G20116B8108G30116B8108G40116B8108G50116B8108G612345450255060002450570050170044001600420018350116B 6709G 3See ordering Table 60165A 9257P 20165A 9216GE Power Management GEH-3500FType ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps5TABLE 3: ET-16 – FOR LEDsReceptacle with Resistor by Voltage LED Lamp by Voltage No.3 - Transparent Color Lens Cap Rated Voltage Min.Max.Catalog No.RatedVoltage Lamp Color Cat. No.Digits Transp.Cap Color Cat. No.Digits 24 DC2228116B6708G4124 DCRed Green Amber R92G92A9248 DC 4456116B6708G4248 DC Red Green Amber R52G52A52125 DC250 DC 110220140280116B6708G43116B6708G44125 DC 250 DC Red Green Amber R53G53A5370 AC 120 AC 130 AC 240 AC559510519576130140260116B6708G47116B6708G45116B6708G48116B6708G4670 AC 120 AC 130 AC 240 ACRed Green AmberR53G53A53Red Green Amber Yellow Smoke Clear NoneR4G4A4Y4S4C4N4Example: Using Table 3 to specify a complete ET-16 LED catalog number for a 24 V DC, Red LED Lamp, red Transparent Color CapReceptacle and Resistor by VoltageLED Lamp Color by VoltageLens Cap by ColorCatalog Number: 116B6708G41 R92 R4TABLE 4: ET-17 – INDICATING LAMPResistor 0165A7956Voltage Range AC/DC Cat. No.*(includes Lamp, color gap,and resistor)Part No.Ohmic Value Bulb (GE Catalog Number)receptacleColor CapCartonOutline110-139140-219220-299300-374375-449450-6000116B6734G10116B6734G20116B6734G30116B6734G40116B6734G50116B6734G6123456200 K 560 K 750 K 1 M 1.2 M 1.6 MB1A0116B 6709G 1see Ordering Table 70165A 9257P 30165A 7955Specify color cap from Table 6 or 7GEH-3500F GE Power ManagementType ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps6TABLE 5: ET-16 SPECIAL 127B8177INDICATING LAMP COMPLETE1 REQ D of GR. or PT NO. LISTED BELOWRESISTOR Group No*VoltsReceptacleDRG. No.Part No.Value BULB GE Cat. No.Color CapCartonOnline1234567897017140220321252771401300116B 6709G -10165A 78447891021112913750 Ω50 Ω2500 Ω4300 Ω200 Ω3300 Ω5900 Ω2500 Ω2300 Ω1835756NONE 183518191835183518351835** S e e O r d e r i n g T a b l e 60165A 9257P -10165A 7859** 756 Bulb Furnished by CustomerTABLE 6: ET-17 SPECIAL 128B1654INDICATING LAMP COMPLETE1 REQ D of GR. or PART NUMBER LISTED BELOWRESISTOR BULBGroup No*VoltsReceptacle DRG. No.Part No.Value GE Cat. No.ColorCapCartonOnline1210 to 250V AC/DC156 K ΩNE51H **267 to 120V AC0116B 6709G R -10165A 7956880 K ΩNE51 or B1AS e e O r d e r i n g T a b l e 70165A 92570165A 7955** NE51H BULB Furnished by CustomerGE Power Management GEH-3500FType ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps 7TABLE 7: COLOR CAPCOLOR CAPCAT. NO.COLOR CAT. NO.0116B6708G NONE NONE 0116B6708G*C CLEAR Π208A3768P10116B6708G*R RED ∅208A3768P20116B6708G*G GREEN ∅208A3768P30116B6708G*Y YELLOW ∅208A3768P40116B6708G*W WHITE ∅208A3768P50116B6708G*B BLUE Π208A3768P60116B6708G*A AMBER Π208A3768P70116B6708G*D GREEN Π208A3768P80116B6708G*ERED Π208A3768P9ORDERING TABLE 8: COLOR CAPCOLOR CAPCAT. NO.COLOR CAT. NO.0116B6734G*NONE NONE0116B6734G*C CLEAR Π208A3768P10116B6734G*E RED Π208A3768P90116B6734G*AAMBER Π208A3768P7HOW TO ORDER:Order by the complete Catalog Number and specify color cap. To order renewal parts for ET-16 LEDs or for Incandescent ET16 conversion to LEDs, use the following table:TABLE 9: ET-16 LEDs RENEWAL PARTS INFORMATIONReceptacle: 116B6709G1Resistor 165A7844PRatedVoltagePart No.Ohmic Value LampColor LED Lamp 286A5442P GE Part mp Marking Lens Cap 286A5443PLens Color24 DC 110Red Green Amber R92G92A921819L2R 1819L2G 1819L2A 48 DC 2200Red Green Amber R52G52A521835L2R 1835L2G 1835L2A 125 DC 250 DC 3420005100Red Green Amber R53G53A531835L3R 1835L3G 1835L3A 70 AC 120 AC 130 AC 240 AC75136750190023004800Red Green AmberR53G53A531835L3R 1835L3G 1835L3ARed Green Amber Yellow Smoke ClearR4G4A4Y4S4C4GEH-3500F GE Power ManagementType ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps8Figure 1 (0246A3685[1]): TYPICAL TELL-TALE AND DIM-BRIGHT CONNECTIONGE Power Management GEH-3500FType ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps9Figure 2 (0165A9216[4]): OUTLINE AND PANE DRILLING FOR TYPE ET-16 INDICATING LAMP WITH TAPRESISTOR FOR DIM BRIGHT OPERATIONSGEH-3500F GE Power ManagementType ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps10Figure 3 (0165A7859[6]): OUTLINE AND PANEL DRILLING FOR TYPE ET-16 INDICATING LAMPGE Power Management GEH-3500F Type ET-16 and ET-17 Indicating Lamps11Figure 4 (0165A7955[6]): OUTLINE AND PANEL DRILLING FOR NEON INDICATING LAMP TYPE ET-17gGE Power Management215 Anderson AvenueMarkham, OntarioL6E 1B3 CanadaTelephone (905) 294-6222/indsys/pm。


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在通话或音乐播放状态,按加键将 增加耳机音量,按着加键不放,可 快速增加音量。
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1. 1.1 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – This manual contains important safety and operating instructions.1.2 Keep out of reach of children.1.3 Do not expose the charger to rain or snow.1.4Use of an attachment not recommended or sold by the battery charger manufacturer may result in a risk of fire, electric shock or injury to persons.1.5 To reduce the risk of damage to electric plug and cord, pull by the plug rather than the cord whendisconnecting charger.1.6 An extension cord should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Use of improper extension cordcould result in a risk of fire and electric shock. If an extension cord must be used, make sure:• The pins on plug of extension cord are the same number, size and shape as those of plug on charger.• The extension cord is properly wired and in good electrical condition• The wire size is large enough for AC ampere rating of charger as specified in section 8.1.7 Do not operate charger with damaged cord or plug – replace the cord or plug immediately.1.8 Do not operate charger if it has received a sharp blow, been dropped, or otherwise damaged in any way;take it to a qualified serviceman.1.9 Do not disassemble charger; take it to a qualified serviceman when service or repair is required. Incorrectreassembly may result in a risk of electric shock or fire.1.10 To reduce risk of electric shock, unplug charger from outlet before attempting any maintenance orcleaning. Turning off controls will not reduce this risk.1.11 WARNING: RISK OF EXPLOSIVE GASES.a. WORKING IN VICINITY OF A LEAD-ACID BATTERY IS DANGEROUS. BATTERIES GENERATEEXPLOSIVE GASES DURING NORMAL BATTERY OPERATION. FOR THIS REASON, IT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS EACH TIME YOU USE THE CHARGER.b. To reduce risk of battery explosion, follow these instructions and those published by battery manufacturer and manufacturer of any equipment you intend to use in vicinity of battery. Review cautionary markings on these products and on engine.2. 2.1 Consider having someone close enough by to come to your aid when you work near a lead-acid battery.2.2 Have plenty of fresh water and soap nearby in case battery acid contacts skin, clothing, or eyes.2.3 Wear complete eye protection and clothing protection. Avoid touching eyes while working near battery.2.4If battery acid contacts skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water. If acid enters eye, immediately flood eye with running cold water for at least 10 minutes and get medical attention immediately.2.5 NEVER smoke or allow a spark or flame in vicinity of battery or engine.2.6 Be extra cautious to reduce risk of dropping a metal tool onto battery. It might spark or short-circuitbattery or other electrical part that may cause explosion.2.7 Remove personal metal items such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, and watches when working with a lead-acid battery. A lead-acid battery can produce a short-circuit current high enough to weld a ring or the like to metal, causing a severe burn.Automatic Battery ChargerOWNERS MANUALPLEASE SAVE THIS OWNERS MANUAL AND READ BEFORE EACH USE. This manual will explain how to use the charger safely and effectively. Please read and follow these instructions and precautions carefully.For the manual with Spanish,visit or call 1-800-621-5485.Para obtener el manual en español,2.8 Use charger for charging 12V LEAD-ACID (STD or AGM) rechargeable batteries. It is not intended tosupply power to a low voltage electrical system other than in a starter-motor application. Do not use battery charger for charging dry-cell batteries that are commonly used with home appliances. These batteries may burst and cause injury to persons and damage to property.2.9 NEVER charge a frozen battery.3.3.1 If necessary to remove battery from vehicle to charge, always remove grounded terminal from batteryfirst. Make sure all accessories in the vehicle are off, so as not to cause an arc.3.2 Be sure area around battery is well ventilated while battery is being charged.3.3 Clean battery terminals. Be careful to keep corrosion from coming in contact with eyes.3.4 Add distilled water in each cell until battery acid reaches level specified by battery manufacturer. Do notoverfill. For a battery without removable cell caps, such as valve regulated lead acid batteries, carefully follow manufacturer’s recharging instructions.3.5 Study all battery manufacturer’s specific precautions while charging and recommended rates of charge.3.6 Determine voltage of battery by referring to car owner’s manual and make sure that output voltage selectorswitch is set at correct voltage. If charger has adjustable charge rate, charge battery initially at lowest rate.4.4.1 Locate charger as far away from battery as DC cables permit.4.2 Never place charger directly above battery being charged; gases from battery will corrode and damage charger.4.3 Never allow battery acid to drip on charger when reading electrolyte specific gravity or filling battery.4.4 Do not operate charger in a closed-in area or restrict ventilation in any way.4.5 Do not set a battery on top of charger.5.5.1 Connect and disconnect DC output clips only after setting any charger switches to “off” position andremoving AC cord from electric outlet. Never allow clips to touch each other.5.2 Attach clips to battery and chassis, as indicated in sections 6 and 7.6.WARNING: A SPARK NEAR THE BATTERY MAY CAUSE A BATTERY EXPLOSION.TO REDUCE THE RISK OF A SPARK NEAR THE BATTERY:6.1 Position AC and DC cords to reduce risk of damage by hood, door, or moving engine part.6.2 Stay clear of fan blades, belts, pulleys, and other parts that can cause injury to persons.6.3 Check polarity of battery posts. POSITIVE (POS, P, +) battery post usually has larger diameter thanNEGATIVE (NEG, N, –) post.6.4 Determine which post of battery is grounded (connected) to the chassis. If negative post is grounded tochassis (as in most vehicles), see (6.5). If positive post is grounded to the chassis, see (6.6).6.5 For negative-grounded vehicle, connect POSITIVE (RED) clip from battery charger to POSITIVE (POS, P, +)ungrounded post of battery. Connect NEGATIVE (BLACK) clip to vehicle chassis or engine block away from battery. Do not connect clip to carburetor, fuel lines, or sheet-metal body parts. Connect to a heavy gauge metal part of the frame or engine block.6.6 For positive-grounded vehicle, connect NEGATIVE (BLACK) clip from battery charger to NEGATIVE(NEG, N, –) ungrounded post of battery. Connect POSITIVE (RED) clip to vehicle chassis or engine block away from battery. Do not connect clip to carburetor, fuel lines, or sheet-metal body parts. Connect to a heavy gauge metal part of the frame or engine block.6.7 When disconnecting charger, turn switches to off, disconnect AC cord, remove clip from vehicle chassis,and then remove clip from battery terminal.6.8 See Operating Instructions for length of charge information.WARNING: A SPARK NEAR THE BATTERY MAY CAUSE A BATTERY EXPLOSION.TO REDUCE THE RISK OF A SPARK NEAR THE BATTERY:7.1 Check polarity of battery posts. POSITIVE (POS, P, +) battery post usually has a larger diameter thanNEGATIVE (NEG, N, –) post.7.2 Attach at least a 24-inch-long 6-gauge (AWG) insulated battery cable to NEGATIVE (NEG, N, –) battery post.7.3 Connect POSITIVE (RED) charger clip to POSITIVE (POS, P, +) post of battery.7.4 Position yourself and free end of cable as far away from battery as possible – then connect NEGATIVE(BLACK) charger clip to free end of cable.7.5 Do not face battery when making final connection.7.6 When disconnecting charger, always do so in reverse sequence of connecting procedure and break firstconnection while as far away from battery as practical.7.7 A marine (boat) battery must be removed and charged on shore. To charge it on board requiresequipment specially designed for marine use.8.8.1 This battery charger is for use on a nominal 120 volt circuit and has a grounded plug. The charger must begrounded, to reduce the risk of electric shock. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. The plug pins must fit the receptacle (outlet).Do not use with an ungrounded system.8.2 DANGER: Never alter the AC cord or plug provided – if it does not fit the outlet, have a proper groundedoutlet installed by a qualified electrician. An improper connection can result in a risk of an electric shock or electrocution.NOTE: Pursuant to Canadian Regulations, use of an adapter plug is not allowed in Canada. Use of an adapter plug in the United States is not recommended and should not be used.8.3 USING AN EXTENSION CORDThe use of an extension cord is not recommended. If you must use an extension cord, follow these guidelines:• Pins on plug of extension cord must be the same number, size, and shape as those of plug on charger.• Ensure that the extension cord is properly wired and in good electrical condition.• Wire size must be large enough for the AC ampere rating of charger, as specified:Length of cord (feet)2550100150AWG* size of cord18161210*AWG-American Wire Gauge9.9.1 Remove all cord wraps and uncoil the cables prior to using the battery charger.10.LED INDICATORSCLAMPS REVERSED/BAD BATTERY (red) LED flashing: The connections are reversed.CLAMPS REVERSED/BAD BATTERY (red) LED lit: The charger has detected a problem with thebattery. See Troubleshooting for more information.CHARGING (yellow/orange) LED lit: The charger is charging the battery.CHARGED/MAINTAINING (green) LED lit: The battery is fully charged and the charger is in maintain mode.NOTE: See Operating Instructions for a complete description of the charger modes.RATE SELECTIONUse this button to select one of the following:6<>2A CHARGE/MAINTAIN – For charging small and large batteries. Not recommended for industrialapplications. The charger will automatically adjust the charging current, based on battery size, in order tocharge the battery completely, efficiently and safely.BOOST – For quickly adding energy to a severely discharged or large capacity battery prior to Engine Start.ENGINE START – Provides additional amps for cranking an engine with a weak or run-down battery.WARNING: A spark near the battery may cause an explosion.NOTE: This charger is equipped with an auto-start feature. Current will not be supplied to the battery clamps until a battery is properly connected. The clamps will not spark if touched together. CHARGING A BATTERY IN THE VEHICLE1. Turn off all the vehicle’s accessories.2. Keep the hood open.3. Clean the battery terminals.4. Place the charger on a dry, non-flammable surface.5. Lay the AC/DC cables away from any fan blades, belts, pulleys and other moving parts.6. Connect the battery, following the precautions listed in sections 6 and7.7. Connect the charger to an electrical outlet.8. Select the desired rate.9. When charging is complete, disconnect the charger from the AC power, remove the clamp from thevehicle’s chassis, and then remove the clamp from the battery terminal.CHARGING A BATTERY OUTSIDE OF THE VEHICLE1. Place battery in a well-ventilated area.2. Clean the battery terminals.3. Connect the battery, following the precautions listed in sections 6 and 7.4. Connect the charger to the electrical outlet.5. Select the desired rate.6. When charging is complete, disconnect the charger from the AC power, disconnect the negativeclamp, and finally the positive clamp.7. A marine (boat) battery must be removed and charged on shore.Times are based on a 50% discharged battery and may change, depending on age and condition of battery. AUTOMATIC CHARGINGWhen an Automatic Charge is performed, the charger switches to the maintain mode automatically after the battery is charged.ABORTED CHARGEIf charging cannot be completed normally, charging will abort. When charging aborts, the charger’s output is shut off and the Bad Battery (red) LED will light. Do not continue attempting to charge this battery. Check the battery and replace, if necessary.DESULFATION MODEDesulfation could take 8 to 10 hours. If desulfation fails, charging will abort and the Bad Battery (red) LED will light.COMPLETION OF CHARGECharge completion is indicated by the Charged/Maintaining (green) LED. When lit, the charger has switched to the maintain mode of operation.MAINTAIN MODE (FLOAT MODE MONITORING)When the Charged/Maintaining (green) LED is lit, the charger has started maintain mode. In this mode, the charger keeps the battery fully charged by delivering a small current when necessary. If the charger has to provide its maximum maintain current for a continuous 12 hour period, it will go into abort mode (see Aborted Charge section). This is usually caused by a drain on the battery or the battery could be bad. Make sure there are no loads on the battery. If there are, remove them. If there are none, have the battery checked or replaced.MAINTAINING A BATTERYThe unit charges and maintains 12V batteries, keeping them at full charge.NOTE: The maintain mode technology allows you to safely charge and maintain a healthy batteryfor extended periods of time. However, problems with the battery, electrical problems in the vehicle, improper connections or other unanticipated conditions could cause excessive current draws. As such, occasionally monitoring your battery and the charging process is required.USING THE ENGINE START SETTINGYour battery charger can be used to jump start your car if the battery is low. Follow all safety instructions and precautions for charging your battery. Wear complete eye protection and clothing protection.WARNING: Using the ENGINE START setting WITHOUT a battery installed in the vehicle could cause damage to the vehicle’s electrical system.NOTE: If you have charged the battery and it still will not start your car, do not use the Engine Start setting, or it could damage the vehicle’s electrical system. Have the battery checked.1. With the charger unplugged from the AC outlet, connect the charger to the battery, following theinstructions given in Follow These Steps When Battery Is Installed In Vehicle.2. With the charger plugged in and connected to the battery of the vehicle, set the Rate Selectionto the Engine Start position.3. Crank the engine until it starts or 3 seconds pass. If the engine does not start, wait 3 minutes beforecranking again. NOTE: During extremely cold weather, or if the battery is under 2 volts, use theBoost setting for 5 minutes before cranking the engine.4. If the engine fails to start, boost the battery for 5 more minutes before attempting to crank the engine again.5. After the engine starts, unplug the AC power cord before disconnecting the battery clamps from the vehicle.NOTE: If the engine does turn over but never starts, there is not a problem with the starting system;there is a problem somewhere else with the vehicle. STOP cranking the engine until the other problem has been diagnosed and corrected.12.A minimal amount of care can keep your battery charger working properly for years.• Clean the clamps each time you are finished charging. Wipe off any battery fluid that may have come in contact with the clamps to prevent corrosion.• Occasionally cleaning the case of the charger with a soft cloth will keep the finish shiny and helpprevent corrosion.• Coil the input and output cords neatly when storing the charger. This will help prevent accidental damage to the cords and charger.• Store the charger unplugged from the AC power outlet in an upright position.• Store inside, in a cool, dry place. Do not store the clamps clipped together, on the handle, on or around metal, or clipped to the cables.13.PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTIONBattery clamps do not spark when touched together.The charger is equipped with anauto-start feature. It will not supplycurrent to the battery clamps until abattery is properly connected. Theclamps will not spark if touchedtogether.No problem; this is a normalcondition.Three LEDs come on for 2 seconds, then turn off.The charger is plugged into anAC outlet.The charger was recentlyunplugged from an AC outlet.No problem; this is normal.This is normal. Allow a fewminutes for the charger to shut off.The charger will not turn on whenproperly connected.AC outlet is dead.Poor electrical connection.Check for open fuse or circuit breaker supplying AC outlet. Check power cord and extension cord for loose fitting plug.Short or no start cycle whencranking engine.No power at receptacle.AC cord and/or extension cord isloose.The clamps are not making agood connection.Failure to wait 3 minutes (180seconds) between cranks.The battery may be severelydischarged.The battery is drawing more thanthe Engine Start rate.The charger may be overheated.Check for open fuse or circuit breaker supplying AC outlet.Check power cord and extension cord for loose fitting plug.Check for poor connection at battery and frame.Wait 3 minutes of rest time before the next crank, to allow the battery and charger to cool down.On a severely discharged battery, use the Boost setting for few minutes, to help assist in cranking. Crank time varies with the amount of current drawn. If cranking draws more than the Engine Start rate, crank time may be less than 3 seconds.The thermal protector may have tripped and needs a little longer to close. Make sure the charger vents are not blocked. Wait and try again.PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTIONThe red LED is lit.The battery voltage is still below10V (for a 12V battery) or 5V(for a 6V battery) after 2 hours ofcharging.(or)In maintain mode, the outputcurrent is more than 2.0A for 12hours.Desulfation was unsuccessful.Lack of progress is detected andbattery voltage is below 14.2V (fora 12V battery) or 7.1V (for a 6Vbattery).The battery’s initial voltage isbelow 12.2V (for a 12V battery)or 6.1V (for a 6V battery) and thetotal input is less than 1.5 Ah.The battery voltage drops tobelow 12.2V (for a 12V battery) or6.1V (for a 6V battery) in MaintainMode.The battery may be defective. Make sure there are no loads on the battery. If there are, remove them. If there are none, have the battery checked or replaced. The battery may be defective. Have battery checked or replaced.The battery may be overheated. If so, allow the battery to cool. The battery may be too large or have a short circuit. Have battery checked or replaced.The battery capacity is too low,or the battery is too old. Have it checked or replaced.The battery won’t hold a charge. May be caused by a drain on the battery or the battery could be bad. Make sure there are no loads on the battery. If there are remove them. If there are none, have the battery checked or replaced.14.For REPAIRS OR RETURNS, visit Visit for Replacement Parts.15.For information on our one year limited warranty, please visit or call 1-800-621-5485 to request a copy.Go to to register your product online.。

海为变频器 E 系列经济型变频器使用说明说明书

海为变频器 E 系列经济型变频器使用说明说明书

厦门海为科技有限公司E目录前言 (3)第一章安全及注意事项 (3)1.1安全事项 (4)1.2注意事项 (5)第二章产品信息 (7)2.1命名规则 (7)2.2铭牌 (7)2.3变频器系列 (7)2.4技术规范 (8)2.5产品外型图、安装孔位尺寸 (9)2.6变频器的日常保养与维护 (10)2.7变频器的保修说明 (10)2.8制动组件选型指南 (11)第三章变频器的安装 (12)3.1安装环境 (12)3.2安装方向与空间 (12)3.3外围设备的连接图 (12)3.4主回路外围器件的使用说明 (13)3.5主回路外围器件选型 (13)3.6操作面板及盖板的拆卸和安装 (14)3.7接线端子图示说明 (15)3.8主回路端子图示及说明 (15)3.9主回路配线注意事项 (16)3.10控制回路及主回路端子说明 (18)第四章操作与显示 (22)4.1操作与显示界面介绍 (22)4.2功能码查看、修改方法说明 (23)4.3参数显示方式 (24)4.4用户定制参数操作方式 (25)4.5状态参数的查看方法 (25)4.6密码设置 (25)4.7电机参数自动调谐 (26)第五章功能参数表 (27)第六章参数说明 (49)6.1b0组基本功能组 (49)6.2b1组启停控制参数 (57)6.3b2组辅助功能 (59)6.4b3组开关输入端子参数 (64)6.5b4组开关输出端子参数 (69)6.6b5组脉冲/模拟量输入端子 (74)6.7b6组脉冲/模拟量输出端子 (77)6.8b7组虚拟IO (77)6.9b9组键盘与显示 (80)6.10bA组通信参数 (84)6.11bb组故障保护设定 (85)6.12bC组故障诊断参数 (91)6.13C0组过程PID参数 (92)6.14C1组多段指令 (96)6.15C2组简易PLC (97)6.16C3组摆频、定长和计数 (99)6.17d0组电机1参数 (100)6.18d1组电机1矢量控制参数 (101)6.19d2组电机1V/F控制参数 (104)6.20d3组~d5组电机2相关参数 (107)6.21d6组控制优化 (108)6.22U0组监控组0 (109)6.23A0组系统参数 (113)6.24A1组用户制定参数组 (114)第七章EMC(电磁兼容性) (116)7.1定义 (116)7.2EMC标准介绍 (116)7.3EMC指导 (116)第八章故障诊断及对策 (118)8.1故障报警及对策 (118)8.2常见故障及其处理方法 (120)附录A Modbus通讯协议 (121)前言首先感谢您购买由海为公司开发生产的变频器!E系列经济型变频器具有以下特点:●电压等级:支持单相220V、三相380V。



FVI–2Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at FVI-500 VARIABLE VOLUME FAN TERMINAL UNITMETALAIRE’s model FVI-500 parallel fan-powered terminal unit is designed to provide superior comfort tozones by intermittent parallel fan operation. Conditioned primary air is varied during cooling while the fan cycles on during heating. Parallel fan-powered terminal units allow for recovery of waste heat from the return plenum and a potential reduction in central fan energy, thereby lowering operating costs. In the heating mode with the fan energized, parallel fan-powered terminal units improve air circulation through better diffuser performance. The primary air does not pass through the fan.The primary function of the METALAIRE model FVI-500 parallel fan-powered terminal unit is to deliver variable volume, constant temperature primary air to the space in the cooling mode. The volume of supply air is varied in response to a control signal. In the heating mode, with the fan energized, the terminal unit mixes conditioned air and plenum air in response to a control signal to supply constant volume, variable temperature supply air into the space. Supplemental heating is available in both electric heat and hot water coils if plenum heat is insufficient. METALAIRE model FVI-500 parallel fan-powered terminal units are available with a wide range of control options to suit any application. These include pneumatic, analog electronic, electric, factory provided commissioned direct digital control (DDC) or factory mounted field supplied (DDC) controls. With the demands of today’s building designs to reduce energy in smaller mechanical spaces, the METALAIRE model FVI-500 parallel fan-powered terminal unit is the perfect choice.STANDARD FEATURES■ Available in 7 casing sizes to handle 150–5600 CFM.■20 ga. galvanized steel casing, mechanically sealed, low leakage construction.■ Mechanically fastened damper assembly is double layer, 18 gauge equivalent, galvanized steel with integral blade seal. (<1% at 3” static pressure).■ Factory calibrated controls per each job requirement.■METALAIRE multi-quadrant averaging flow sensor provides highly accurate +/- 5% flow readings after certified balancer has balanced terminal.■ Easy access, steel balancing taps.■Energy efficient six pole single speed PSC motors with adjustable SCR solid state fan speed controllers are standard.■ Electronically Commutated Motors (ECM) available as an option.■ Available fan motor voltages of 120,277 and 208-240 (50 / 60 HZ)■External control cabinet with offset mounting plate as standard.■ Single point electrical connections.■3-beaded primary inlet connection tube for added rigidity and secure flex duct connections.■ Round inlets available in sizes 6" through 16".■1" thick, dual density (1.5lb / ft 3 min.) fiberglass insulation with edges coated. Meets NFPA 90A and UL 181. (1/2" thick insulation standard on FVL-600).■Rectangular flanged discharge with optional slip and drive cleat duct connection.■Large Bottom access panel provides access to fan motor / blower assembly.■ Independently tested and certified laboratory performance data.■Full range of options and accessories available (heating coils, disconnects, attenuators, etc.).■ Full range of liners / insulation available.■Auto and manual thermal resets on every electric heater.F V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M E© 2020 Metal IndustriesFVI-500 FEATURES AND BENEFITS1 2 of casing. 3 4 for added rigidity. 5 67 8 9 10 11 thermoplastic bearing.FVI–4Metal Industries ■ For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at Case sizeInlet SizeHorsepowerUnit DimensionsInduction Attenuator Loc.D Discharge Standard Optional Height H Width W Length L Height A Width B Length C Height E Width F 1 6 (152)4,5,8,101/817 1/2 (445)30 (718) 36 (914)16 (406)16 (406)15 (381)7 (178)15 (381)16 (406)28 (203)4,5,6,101/617 1/2 (445)30 (718) 36 (914)16 (406)16 (406)15 (381)7 (178)15 (381)16 (406)310 (254)4,5,6,8,121/417 1/2 (445)36 (914) 40 (1016)16 (406)20 (508)19 (483)8 (203)17 1/2 (445)20 (508)412 (305)8,10,141/417 1/2 (445)36 (914)40 (1016)16 (406)20 (508)19 (483)8 (203)17 1/2 (445)20 (508)514 (356)10,12,161/320 (508)40 (1016)40 (1016)20 (508)20 (508)19 (483)10 (254)17 1/2 (445)20 (508)616 (406)10,12,141/220 (508)42 (1067)42 (1067)20 (508)24 (610)21 (533)10 (254)18 (457)22(559)716 (406)12,14120 (508)42 (1067)42 (1067)20 (508)24 (610)23 (584)6 (152)20 (508)30 (762)FVI-500 PARALLEL FAN POWERED AIR TERMINAL UNIT COOLING ONLYThe standard location for control enclosure is Left Hand on Model FVI. Looking in the direction of airflow, the control enclosure is on the left.All dimensions are in inches; parentheses ( ) indicate millimeters.Updated Page Version 9/26/2016Top ViewPrimary Air518 [130mm]L H Inlet SizeInlet ViewDischarge ViewFDEWOptional Slip & Drive Adapter2 [51mm]10" Length 4&5 InletOptional Inlet AttenuatorInduced Air FlowAC2 [51mm]BOptional Inlet AttenuatorAir FlowFor use with 4" Transitions on standard 6" Inlet DuctControlEnclosure3214 [819mm]634 [171mm]15316 [386mm]17116 [433mm]Fan/Motor AccessControlEnclosure1214 [311mm]Control Enclosure1214 [311mm]Models:P A R A L L E L F A N P O W E R E DF V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVI–6Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at FVI-500 PARALLEL FAN POWERED AIR TERMINAL UNIT WITH HOT WATER COIL MOUNTED ON DISCHARGE* “A” dimension will increase or decrease 1" as the inlet diameter increases or decreases 2" from the standard inlet diameter.All dimensions are in inches; parentheses ( ) indicate millimeters.Updated Page Version 9/26/2016Inlet ViewTop View1&2 Row 6 [152]3&4 RowDischarge ViewF V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVI–8Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at FVI-500 ECM PARALLEL FAN POWERED AIR TERMINAL UNIT COOLING ONLYAll dimensions are in inches.Updated Page Version 9/26/2016Top ViewInlet ViewDischarge ViewF V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVI–10Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at FVI-500 ECM PARALLEL FAN POWERED AIR TERMINAL UNIT WITH HOT WATER COIL MOUNTED ON DISCHARGEThe standard location for control enclosure is Left Hand on Model FVI. Looking in the direction of airflow, the control enclosure is on the left.All dimensions are in inches.Updated Page Version 9/26/2016Top ViewInlet ViewDischarge View3&4 RowF V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVI–12Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at Updated Page Version 9/26/2016FVI-500 APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHTS FVI-500 FILTER SIZESPER CASE SIZEFilters are mounted on the fan induction and are available in 1" or 2" thickness.■ Units tested per ASHRAE Standard 130-2016.■ All model sizes certified in accordance with AHRI 880-2017 certification program.■ ETL listed to meet requirements of UL 1995 and CSA 236.■ Dual-density fiberglass insulation meets UL 181 and NFPA 90A/90B.■ Insulation meets ASHRAE 62.1 requirements for resistance to mold growth and erosion.■ Hot water coils are manufactured in accordance to AHRI Standard 410.CERTIFICATIONS AND STANDARDSF VI-5VA RIABLEVOLUMEFVI–14Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at 1) AHRI certified data is highlighted while all other data are application ratings 2) Radiated sound is the noise transmitted through the unit casing3) Sound power levels expressed in decibels, (dB) re 10-12 Watts 4) Min ΔPs is the minimum operating pressure requirement of the unit with the damper full open and is the static pressure drop from the unit inlet to the unit discharge 5) Performance data based on laboratory tests conducted in accordance with ASHRAE 130-2016 and AHRI 880-20176)NC values are calculated using attenuation credits outlined in AHRI 885-2008 Appendix E 7) Blank spaces indicate Minimum Ps if unit exceeds the ΔPs across the unit8)Sound performance based on units lined with standard dual density fiberglass insulation9)Discharge (external) static pressure is 0.25” w.g. for all cases10) Discharge sound power levels include duct end reflection corrections per AHRIStandard 880-2017FVI RADIATED AND DISCHARGE SOUND - PSC MOTOR - FAN ONLY HEATINGF VI-5VA RIABLEVOLUMEFVI–16Metal IndustriesFor complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at FVI DISCHARGE SOUND - PSC MOTOR - PRIMARY AIR ONLY COOLING 1) AHRI certified data is highlighted while all other data are application ratings 2) Radiated sound is the noise transmitted through the unit casing 3) Sound power levels expressed in decibels, (dB) re 10-12 Watts 4) Min ΔPs is the minimum operating pressure requirement of the unit with the damper full open and is the static pressure drop from the unit inlet to the unit discharge 5) Performance data based on laboratory tests conducted in accordance with ASHRAE 130-2016 and AHRI 880-20176)NC values are calculated using attenuation credits outlined in AHRI 885-2008Appendix E 7) Blank spaces indicate Minimum Ps if unit exceeds the ΔPs across the unit8)Sound performance based on units lined with standard dual density fiberglass insulation9)Discharge (external) static pressure is 0.25” w.g. for all cases10) Discharge sound power levels include duct end reflection corrections per AHRI Standard 880-2017F VI-5VA RIABLEVOLUMEFVI–18Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at FVI-500 AIR TERMINALS OPTIONAL ELECTRONIC ANTI-REVERSE ROTATION DEVICE The fan wheel in a constant fan box may rotate backward whenever the fan motor is not running and primary air from the inlet duct is passing through the fan. In some cases the torque developed by the fan wheel when rotating backward cannot be overcome by the starting torque of the fan motor. In this condition the fan motor will run in reverse rotation, resulting in insufficient airflow delivery.Constant fan boxes must have means to coordinate energizing the fan motor with start up of the Primary Fan System to prevent the reverse rotation or a positive method to create enough motor torque to reverse the rotation of the fan wheel.Other manufacturers choose to deal with this issue by running their motors with larger capacitors than recommended by the motor manufacturer . The oversized capacitor will cause the motor to run less efficiently, run hotter than normal and draw more current than with a proper capacitor . All of this will result in reducedmotor life and increased energy costs.METALAIRE’S Model FCL-600 is available with an optional Electronic Anti-Reverse Rotation Device which will positively prevent the reverse rotation of any fan. This option does not draw additional current while running and will not cause the motor to run at higher temperatures.The results are greater efficiency, quieter motors, longer motor life and happier building owners.through terminal.Backward Rotation of fan blades.F VI-5VA RIABLEVOLUMEwith male sweat Coils are leak tested to 300 psi with minimum burst of 2000 psi at ambientFVI–20Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at FVI-500 HOT WATER COILS MBH SELECTION DATA 1) All coil performance in accordance with AHRI Standard 410-20012) Heating capacities are in MBH 3) Performance data based on a temperature differential of 115°F (180°F entering water temperature and 65°F entering air temperature)4) For temperature differentials other than 115°F , multiply the MBH by the correction factors below 5) Head Loss is in feet of water6) Airside ΔPs is the air pressure drop of the hot water coil7) Aire temperature rise =927 x MBH/CFM8) Water temperature drop = 2.04 x MBH/GPM9)Values in tables are listed for 0 ft. of altitude and no glycol in the system MBH CORRECTION FACTORSF VI-5VA RIABLEVOLUMEFVI-500 ELECTRIC HEATThe discharge end has slip and drive connections for easy connection to downstream ductwork. ETL ® listed heaters are provided with a fan interlock relay. Heaters that will be controlled electronically must include a 24 VAC control circuit to operate with the low voltage controls on the air terminal. Heater plenums are internally insulated. When an air terminal is ordered with clean room lining and electric heat, the heater plenum is either internally lined with optional foil backed insulation or closed cell foam or may require external insulation in field. INCLUDED WITH EACH HEATER ASSEMBLY:■Heater and cabinet mounted on the discharge of the FVI-500■ Electric Heater is interlocked into fan control relay ■ De-energizing magnetic contactors per step■ Primary automatic reset high temperature limit (disc type)■ Backup manual reset high temperature limit (disc type)■ Non-fused transformer with voltage to match Heater voltage ■ Single point power wiring connection■ Heater is shipped factory mounted and wiredELECTRIC HEATER ASSEMBLY CONSTRUCTION DETAILS■Electric Reheat Coils are factory mounted on the discharge of the Air Terminal. The heaters are ETL ® listed for zero clearance, are tested in accordance with UL ® Standard 1995, CSA-C22.2 No. 236 and the National Electric Code (NEC). Heater casings are constructed of galvanized steel. Element wire is high grade nichrome alloy derated to 45 watts per square inch density. Element wire is supported by moisture-resistant steatite ceramics.■Ceramics are enclosed in reinforcement brackets spaced across the heater element rack at 2" to 4" intervals. Controls are contained in a NEMA 1 control cabinet with a hinged, latching door. A permanent wiring diagram is affixed to the inside of the control cabinet door for field reference.■The 208 and 480 volt units require a neutral connection for both single and three phase service. Our standard motors are 120 and 277 volt singlephase. The 208-240 volt single phase motor is optional. 480 volt motors are not available for our units. See table for reference.All accessories that can be attached to the Parallel Fan Boxesare not a part of the AHRI certification programbut ratings can be affected by their use.F V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVI-500 ELECTRIC HEATER CAPACITIESNOTES:1. Heaters less than 10 kW are specifiable to nearest 0.5 kW. Heaters greater than 10.0 kW are specifiable to nearest 1.0 kW.2. Minimum flow rate for electric heat is 70 CFM / kW.Lower CFM’s can cause nuisance tripping, excessive discharge temperatures, rapid cycling, and rapid element failure. Electric Heat units running below 70 CFM / kW will void all warranties.3. For optimum thermal comfort, the suggested discharge temperature should not exceed 20°F above room set point.4. We do not recommend discharge temperatures in excess of 115°F to protect heater coils.5. Maximum number of steps at minimum kW per step is one step.6. If more than 1 heater is wired into a building’s circuit breaker (multi-outlet branch circuit) each heater will require the addition of power side fusing.ELECTRIC HEAT SELECTION:A. Specify electric duct heaters using voltage, phase, kW, and number of steps.B. Use above chart to select voltage. Calculate required kW using following equations: kW = BTU / HR kW = CFM X Δ X 1.085Δ = kW X 34133413 3413 CFM X 1.085CFM = kW X 3413 CFM = kW X 3413Δ x 1.085Δ x 1.085* air density at sea level — reduce by 0.036 for each 1000 feet of altitude above sea level Where: BTU / Hr = Required heating capacityCFM = volume of air during heating. Typically 100% of maximum cooling air volume Δ = desired air temperature rise across the electric heater Inlet air temperature = primary air temperature, usually 55°FF V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVI-500 FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES UNIT SIZE 1 - STANDARD HW COILFVI-500 FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES UNIT SIZE 2 - STANDARD HW COIL1002003000.10.20.3 0.4 i r F l o w R a t e (C F M )Static Pressure (in.wg.)Standard HW Coil2003004000.10.20.3 0.4 i r F l o w R a t e (C F M )Standard HW CoilF V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVI-500 FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES UNIT SIZE 5 - STANDARD HW COILFVI-500 FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES UNIT SIZE 6 - STANDARD HW COIL700900110013001700150019000. i r F l o w R a t e (C F M )Static Pressure (in.wg.)Standard HW Coil600800100014002000120022001600180024000. i r F l o w R a t e (C F M )Standard HW CoilF V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M E03752501255006250. i r F l o w R a t e (C F M )FVI ECM Case 1 Standard HW CoilStatic Pressure (in.wg.)100600FVI-500 ECM FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES UNIT SIZE 1 - STANDARD HW COILFVI-500 ECM FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES UNIT SIZE 2 - STANDARD HW COIL06004002008000. i r F l o w R a t e (C F M )FVI ECM Case 2 Standard HW CoilStatic Pressure (in.wg.)750100F V I -500 V A R I A B L E V O L U M EFVI–32Metal Industries For complete product specifications and submittal data, visit us at FVI-500 ECM FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES UNIT SIZE 6 - STANDARD HW COILFVI-500 ECM FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES UNIT SIZE 5 - STANDARD HW COIL 0240016008000 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.1 0.6 A i r F l o w R a t e (C F M ) FVI ECM Case 5 Standard HW Coil Static Pressure (in.wg.) 4002000015001000500200025000 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.70.1 0.6 AirFlo wRate(CFM )FVI ECM Case 6 Standard HW Coil Static Pressure (in.wg.)4002400F VI-5VA RIABLEVOLUME。

bh1750FVI 中文数据手册

bh1750FVI 中文数据手册

解释异步复位和重置的命令 "0000_0111"
1. 异步重置
电源供应时序基础上将所有寄存器复位序列。请参考本页的“VCC 和 DVI 电源供给时序
图供电序列。在 DVI =“L”时是电源掉电模式。
2. 重置命令
EV=1000 lx
DVI≧1.8V 1.65V≦DVI<
1.8V DVI≧1.8V 1.65V≦DVI<

2 / 17
© 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
2010.04 - Rev.C
BH1750FVI 参考数据
※70mm×70mm×1.6mm 玻璃纤维环氧树脂电路板。
VCC 电压
I2C 参考电压

1 / 17
© 2010 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
7. 支持 1.8V 逻辑输入接口。
8. 无需其他外部件。
9. 光源依赖性弱(白炽灯,荧光灯,卤素灯,白光 LED,日光灯)。 10. 有两种可选的 I2C slave 地址。
11. 可调的测量结果影响较大的因素为光入口大小。

ABB PVS-175-TL三相字串逆变器商品介绍说明书

ABB PVS-175-TL三相字串逆变器商品介绍说明书

—SO L A R I N V ERTER SABB string invertersPVS-175-TLThe PVS-175-TL is ABB’s innovativethree-phase string inverter,delivering a six-in-one solution toenhance and optimize solar powergeneration for ground mountedutility scale applications.High power densityThis new high-power string inverter with thehighest power density within the 1500 Vdc segment,delivers up to 185 kVA at 800 Vac. This not onlymaximizes the ROI for ground-mounted utility-scaleapplications but also reduces Balance of Systemcosts (i.e. AC side cabling) for small to large scale,free field ground mounted PV installations.Design flexibilityThe inverter comes equipped with 12 MPPT, thehighest available in the market, assuring maximumPV plant design flexibility and increasing yields alsoin case of complex installations.Installer friendly designQuick and easy installation, thanks to plug and playconnectors, as the existing PV module’s mountingsystems can be used to install the inverters, thussaving time and cost on site preparation and hireof plant.The fuse and combiner free design eliminates theneed for external components, such as separate DCcombiner boxes and AC first level combiners, thanksto the integrated DC disconnect and AC wiringcompartment with optional AC disconnect.The Advanced Cooling Concept preserves thelifetime of the system and minimizes O&M coststhanks to internal heavy-duty inverter cooling fans.These can be easily removed during scheduledmaintenance cycles whilst the power module can beeasily replaced without removing the wiring box.Advanced communication for O&MStandard wireless access from any mobile devicemakes the configuration of inverter and plant easierand faster. Improved user experience thanks to abuilt-in User Interface (UI) enables access toadvanced inverter configuration settings.The Installer for Solar Inverters mobile APP andconfiguration wizard enable a quick multi-inverterinstallation and commissioning thus reducing thetime spent on site.Fast system integrationIndustry standard Modbus (RTU/TCP)/SUNSPECprotocol enables fast system integration.Two Ethernet ports enable fast and future-proofcommunication for PV plants.Protect your assetsMonitoring your assets is made easy, as everyinverter is capable to connect to ABB cloud platformand thanks to the state-of-the-art cybersecurity andArc Fault Detection option, your assets andprofitability are secure in the long term.Highlights• Up to 185 kW power rating, highest in class• All-in-one combiner and fuse free design• Separate power module and wiring compartmentfor fast swap and replacement• Easy access to consumables for fast inspectionand replacement• 12 MPPT and wide input voltage range formaximum energy yield• WLAN interface for commissioning andconfiguration• Remote monitoring and firmware upgrade via ABBcloud platform (logger free)• Free of charge standard access to Aurora Vision®cloud—PVS-175-TLthree-phase outdoorstring inverter—ABB string invertersPVS-175-TL—Technical data and typesType code PVS-175-TLInput sideAbsolute maximum DC input voltage (V max,abs)1500 VStart-up DC input voltage (V start)750 V (650...1000 V)Operating DC input voltage range (V dcmin...V dcmax)0.7 x Vstart…1500 V (min 600 V)Rated DC input voltage (V dcr)1100 VdcRated DC input power (P dcr)188000 W @ 30°C - 177000 W @ 40°CNumber of independent MPPT 12MPPT input DC voltage range (V MPPTmin...V MPPTmax) at P acr850..1350 VMaximum DC input current for each MPPT (I)22 AMPPTmax)30 AMaximum input short circuit current for each MPPT (ISCmaxNumber of DC input pairs for each MPPT 2 DC inputs per MPPTDC connection type PV quick fit connector 1)Input protectionDC Series Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter 2)Type I acc. to UL 1699B with single-MPPT sensing capability Reverse polarity protection Yes, from limited current sourceInput over voltage protection for each MPPT - varistor Yes, 2 (S/S2 version only)Input over voltage protection for each MPPT - replaceable surge arrester Type 2 with monitoring (SX/SX2 version only) Photovoltaic array isolation control (insulation resistance)Yes, acc. to IEC 62109-2Residual Current Monitoring Unit (leakage current protection)Yes, acc. to IEC 62109-2DC Load Breaking Disconnect Switch (rating for each MPPT)20 A/1500 V - 35 A/1250 V - 50 A/1000 VFuse rating N/A, No fusesString current monitoring MPPT-level current senseOutput sideAC Grid connection type Three phase 3W+PE (TN system)Rated AC power (P acr @cosφ=1)175 000 W @ 40°CMaximum AC output power (P acmax@cosφ=1)185 000 W @≤ 30°CMaximum apparent power (S max)185 000 VARated AC grid voltage (V ac,r)800 VAC voltage range(552...960) 3)Maximum AC output current (I ac,max)134 ARated output frequency (f r)50 Hz/60 HzOutput frequency range (f min...f max)45...55 Hz/55…65 Hz 3)Nominal power factor and adjustable range> 0.995, 0…1 inductive/capacitive with maximum S max Total current harmonic distortion< 3%Max DC current injection (% of In)< 0.5%*InMaximum AC Cable outer diameter / multi core 1 x 53 mm (1 x M63 cable gland)Maximum AC Cable outer diameter / single core 3 x 32 mm (3 x M40 cable gland)AC connection type 4)Copper Busbar for lug connections with M10 bolts (included) Output protectionAnti-islanding protection According to local standardMaximum external AC overcurrent protection200 AOutput overvoltage protection - replaceable surge protection device Type 2 with monitoringOperating performanceMaximum efficiency (ηmax)98.7%Weighted efficiency (EURO/CEC)98.4%CommunicationEmbedded communication interfaces Dual port Ethernet, WLAN 5), RS-485User interface 4 LEDs, Web User Interface, Mobile APP Communication protocol Modbus RTU/TCP (Sunspec) Commissioning tool Web User Interface, Mobile APP/APP for plant level Monitoring Plant Portfolio Manager, Plant ViewerABB PVS-175-TL string inverter block diagram—Technical data and typesType code PVS-175-TLFW update Remote inverter FW (all components) upgrade via Ethernet/WLAN interfacelocally/remotelyParameter upgrade Remote inverter parameter (all components) upgrade via Ethernet/WLANinterface locally/remotelyEnvironmentalOperating ambient temperature range-25...+60°C/-13...140°F with derating above 40°C/133 °F Relative humidity4%...100% condensingSound pressure level, typical65dB(A) @ 1mMaximum operating altitude without derating2000 m / 6560 ftPhysicalEnvironmental protection rating IP 65 (IP54 for cooling section)Cooling Forced airDimension (H x W x D)867x1086x419 mm / 34.2”x42.7”x16.5” for -S, -SX model867x1086x458 mm / 34.2”x42.7”x18.0” for -S2, SX2 modelWeight ~76 kg / 167,5 lbs for power module;~77 kg / 169,7 lbs for Wiring box Overall max ~153 kg / 337,2 lbs Mounting system Mounting bracket (vertical support only)SafetyIsolation level TransformerlessMarking CESafety and EMC standardIEC/EN 62109-1, IEC/EN 62109-2, EN 61000-6-2,EN 61000-6-4, EN 61000-3-11, EN 61000-3-12, EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-17,EN 300 328, EN 62311,Grid standard 6)CEI 0-16, UTE C 15 712-1, JORDAN IRR-DCC-MV and IRR-TIC, BDEW, VDE-AR-N 4110, VDE-AR-N 4120, P.O. 12.3, DRRG D.4Available products variantsInverter power module PVS-175-TL-POWER MODULE24 quick fit connector pairs (2 each mppt) + DC switches + DC side varistors WB-S-PVS-175-TL24 quick fit connector pairs (2 each mppt) + DC switches + DC side varistors+ AC disconnection switch WB-S2-PVS--175-TL24 quick fit connector pairs (2 each mppt) + DC switches + SPD Type 2Pluggable Cartridges (DC & AC)WB-SX-PVS-175-TL24 quick fit connector pairs (2 each mppt) + DC switches + AC disconnectionswitch + SPD Type 2 Pluggable Cartridges (DC & AC)WB-SX2-PVS--175-TLOptional availableDC Series Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter Type I acc. to UL 1699B 2) with single-MPPT sensing capabilityAC Plate, Single Core Cables Plate with 4 individual AC cable glands:3 x M40: Ø 22...32mm, 1 x M32: Ø 18...25mmAC Plate, Multi Core Cables Plate with 2 individual AC cable glands:1 x M63: Ø 37…53mm, 1 x M32: Ø 18...25mmDC link recharge circuit Night time operation with restart capabilityAnti-PID 7)Based on night time polarization of the array1) Multicontact MC4-Evo2. Cable couplers may accept up to 10mm2 (AWG8)2)Available as an option. Performance in line with the relevant requirements of the Draft IEC 63027 standard3) The AC voltage and frequency range may vary depending on specific country grid standard 4) Use of aluminum cables is possible via bi-metallic cable lugs5) as per IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standard, 2.4 GHz6) check your sales channel for availability of the applicable grid standard for your country7) Cannot operate simultaneously when installed in conjunction with the DC link recharge circuit9A K K 107046A 3492 _E N R E V . C 06.12.2018—We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction,disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – isforbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG. Copyright© 2018 ABB All rights reserved—For more information please contact your local ABB representative or visit:/solarinverters —Efficiency curves of PVS-175-TL。

Jenway UE1080400 产品说明书

Jenway UE1080400 产品说明书

MechanikMechanik der Flüssigkeiten und Gase1 / 2OberflächenspannungMESSUNG DER OBERFLÄCHENSPANNUNG NACH DER ABREISSMETHODE.UE1080400 04/16 JSALLGEMEINE GRUNDLAGENDie Oberflächenspannung einer Flüssigkeit ist eine Ei-genschaft der Grenzfläche zwischen der Flüssigkeit und der angrenzenden Luft. Sie resultiert aus der Tatsache, dass auf jedes Flüssigkeitsmolekül an der Oberfläche die Kräfte seiner Nachbarmoleküle nur von einer Seite wirken können, während auf ein Molekül in der Flüssigkeit Kräfte von allen Seiten wirken (siehe Fig. 1). Daher wirkt auf das Molekül an der Oberfläche insgesamt eine Kraft senk-recht zur Oberfläche ins Innere der Flüssigkeit. Um zur Vergrößerung der Oberfläche weitere Moleküle an die Oberfläche zu bringen, muss somit Energie zugeführt werden. Den Quotienten(1) AE∆∆=σ aus der bei konstanter Temperatur zugeführten Energie ∆E und der Änderung ∆A der Oberfläche bezeichnet man als Oberflächenspannung oder auch Oberflächenenergiedichte. Zur Veranschaulichung dieser Definition kann man z.B. eine ringförmige Schneide betrachten, die zunächst vollständig in die Flüssigkeit eintaucht. Zieht man die Schneide langsam aus der Flüssigkeit, so wird an der Unterkante eine Flüssig-keitslamelle hochgezogen (siehe Fig. 2). Deren Oberfläche auf der Außen- und der Innenseite der Schneide ändert sich insgesamt um(2) x R A ∆⋅⋅π⋅=∆4, R : Radius des Ringswenn die Schneide um die weitere Strecke ∆x hochgezogen wird. Hierfür muss eine Kraft(3) xEF ∆∆=0 aufgebracht werden. Wird die Kraft F 0 beim Hochziehen über-schritten, reißt die Flüssigkeitslamelle ab.Im Experiment hängt ein Metallring mit einer scharfen Unter-kante waagerecht an einem Präzisionskraftmesser. Der Me-tallring wird zunächst vollständig in die untersuchte Flüssig-keit, z.B. Wasser, eingetaucht und anschließend langsamFig. 1: W echselwirkungskräfte auf ein Flüssigkeitsmolekül ander Oberfläche und ein Molekül im Inneren einer Flüs-sigkeit durch die jeweiligen NachbarmoleküleFig. 2: S chematische DarstellungUE1080400 3B SCIENTIFIC® PHYSICS EXPERIMENT3B Scientific GmbH, Rudorffweg 8, 21031 Hamburg, Deutschland, © Copyright 2016 3B Scientific GmbHGERÄTELISTE1 Ring für Oberflächenspannung 1000797 (U8412160) 1 Präzisions-Kraftmesser 0,1 N 1003102 (U20030) 1 Becherglas, aus 1002872 (U14210) 1 Laborboy II1002941 (U15020) 1 Stativfuß, 3-Bein, 150 mm 1002835 (U13270) 1 Stativstange, 470 mm 1002934 (U15002) 1 Muffe mit Haken 1002828 (U13252) 1 Messschieber, 150 mm 1002601 (U10071)AUFBAU∙ Becherglas mit destilliertem Wasser füllen und auf La-borboy stellen.∙Kraftmesser an der an der Stativstange befestigten Muffemit Haken aufhängen.Fig. 3: MessaufbauDURCHFÜHRUNG∙ Laborboy auf maximale Höhe stellen.∙ Durchmesser des Rings messen und Ring am Kraftmes-ser aufhängen.∙ Muffe mit Haken, samt Kraftmesser und Ring herunter-lassen, bis der Ring vollständig ins Wasser eintaucht. ∙ Kraft auf den Kraftmesser ablesen und notieren.∙ Laborboy mit Becherglas langsam absenken, bis die Flüssigkeitslamelle abreißt.∙ Im Moment des Abrisses die Kraft auf den Kraftmesser ablesen und notieren.∙ Differenz der Kräfte berechnen.∙ Messung mehrfach wiederholen und die Reproduzierbar-keit überprüfen.MESSBEISPIELd =60 cmKraft bei eintauchendem Ring: F 1 = 0,033 N Kraft im Moment des Abrisses: F 2 =0,065 NDifferenz: F 0 = F 2 – F 1 = 0,032 NAUSWERTUNGAus (1), (2) und (3) folgtσ⋅⋅π⋅=∆∆=R xEF 40Also rechnet manmmN8540=⋅π⋅=σRF。



Dimensions: [mm]7443641000B7443641000B7443641000B7443641000B7443641000BT e m p e r a t u r eT pT L7443641000BFurther informationComponent Libraries:Altium_WE-HCF (23a)Downloads_CADENCE_WE-HCF (23a)Download_CadStar_WE-HCF (20a)Eagle_WE-HCF (23a)Download_IGS_WE-HCF-2818BPSpice_WE-HCF (22a)Download_STP_WE-HCFT-2818BSpectre_WE-HCF (23a)Free Sample Order:Order free samples of this article directly here!Tutorials:■Single Coil Inductors (PDF)■Redefining Rated Current Measurements for Power Inductors (PDF)REDEXPERT:Calculate losses for 7443641000B in REDEXPERTWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODALa003.0012023-11-30DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-HCF SMT High CurrentInductor ORDER CODE7443641000BSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGECautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-HCF of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component was designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component was designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, as the core may flake apart.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not guarantee any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of their own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the Würth Elektronik technical soldering specification. All other profiles will void the warranty. •All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application may damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the costumer application, the potting material may shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the core or wire contacts. Werecommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects. Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties. •Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations may have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompletenessWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODALa003.0012023-11-30DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-HCF SMT High CurrentInductor ORDER CODE7443641000BSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODALa003.0012023-11-30DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-HCF SMT High CurrentInductor ORDER CODE7443641000BSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。



用一根两端带JR头的排线将电调与OTA Programmer连接起来,一端连接电调的独立编程口,一端连接OTA Programmer, 最后给电调上电。

再使用手机安装 HW LINK软件进行电调设置。

(详情请参阅LCD编程盒说明书)此电调支持使用LCD编程盒或利用LCD编程盒连接到电脑端来设置参数(使用HOBBYWING USB LINK软件),用一条两端带JR公头的排线将电调和编程盒连接,然后给电调接上电源,LCD 设定盒将显示出开机界面,按LCD 设定盒上任意按键,设定盒和电调开始建立通信,并显示“CONNECTING ESC” ,等待几秒后,将显示出当前的模式名 ,随后显示出第一个设置参数。

使用 “ITEM”和“VALUE” 按键即可更改设置参数,按“OK”键可将设置参数存入电调。



我们不承担因使用本产品而引起的任何责任,包括但不参数说明2有以下几种恢复出厂参数方法:1) 利用Set键恢复出厂设置,方法如下:在油门摇杆处于中立点位置的任意时刻(除进行油门校调或编程设定时),按住 SET 键3秒以上,可恢复出厂设定。

红绿灯同时闪烁时表示恢复设定成功,出厂设定需重新上电方 可生效。

2) 利用LCD多功能编程盒恢复出厂设定:LCD编程盒与电调连通后,通过“ITEM”选项选到“RESTORE DEFAULT”项,然后再按下“OK”保存,即可恢复出厂设置。

3) 利用OTA模块(使用HW LINK 手机APP)恢复出厂设置OTA Programmer 与电调连通后,进入“参数设置“项目,点击”恢复出厂设置“按钮即可。

· 电调与相关连接部件连接前,请确保所有电线和连接部件绝缘良好,短路将会毁坏电调;· 请务必仔细连接好各部件,若连接不良,您可能不能正常控制赛车,或出现设备损坏等其他不可预知的情况;· 使用此电调前,请认真查看各动力设备以及车架说明书,确保动力搭配合理,避免因错误的动力搭配导致电机超载,最终损坏电调;· 若需对电调的输入输出线、插头做相关焊接时,为保证焊接牢靠,请使用至少50W功率的焊接设备进行焊接;· 勿使电调外部温度超过90℃/194℉,高温将会毁坏电调并且可能导致电机损坏;· 使用完毕后,切记断开电池与电调,因只要接着电池,即使开关未开电调也会一直消耗电流,长时间连接会导致电池最终完全放电;进而导致电池或电调或者二者故障; 我们不对因此而造成的任何损害负责。



变频器周边产品索引手册Exist ,only for quality!存在,只为品质!Suzhou Du Fei Electrical Co.,Ltd.度飞电气Braking UnitRipple ResistorWire-wound ResistorAluminum ResistorFilterReactorBraking Resistors boxPower Resistors unit制动单元波纹电阻器铝壳电阻器滤波器电抗器电阻箱电阻柜Inverter accessories为了您的高品质要求,我们精益求精!选择我们的理由:-你-质量-服务-性价比Reason for choosing us:-YOU -Quality -Ser vice-Cost performance +86(0512) 8219 1829/6766 6706 T:M:135****1508(深圳)186****3780/189****2858(苏州)¦▐ 01/02公司简介Company Profile是中国领先的变频器周边配件提供商,专注于研发、制造高品质的产品。


()筹备于2008年,公司总部位于江苏省苏州市,在深圳、北京、成都、上海等地设立或即将设立办事处,将进一步为当地客户提供及时周到的服务!任重而道远,望崦嵫而勿迫.公司期待实现良好的社会价值,成为行业的领航者!苏州度飞电气有限公司度飞电气Su Zhou Du Fei Electrical Co.,Ltd .企业核心价值观:使命:目标:精神:企业文化:提倡:务实、认真、敬业、创新为客户、为员工、为股东、为社会;为客户:度飛电气将提供信息技术、工具和服务;为社会:服务社会文明进步;为投资人:回报股东长远利益;为员工:创造发展空间,提升员工价值,提高工作生活质量。

做“Made in China”的典范,我们不追求数量的第一,只追求质量的前列!诚信、服务、奉献、分享、执行、合作、创新、专精尊重、快乐、激情、分享工作即是生活,享受工作,享受生活!▐ ►►►►►►►For your high quality requirements, We pursue and keep improving. +86(0512) 8219 1829/6766 6706 T:M:135****1508(深圳)186****3780/189****2858(苏州)¦▐▍铝壳电阻广泛应用于电源、变频器、伺服系统等高要求的电气回路中,并能使用于恶劣的工控环境¬¬主要用途 Main application¬¬▐03/04产品图片Product Image +86(0512) 8219 1829/6766 6706 T:M:135****1508(深圳)186****3780/189****2858(苏州)¦规格 Type specification电气性能 Electrical parametersPIC-APIC-B +86(0512) 8219 1829/6766 6706 T:M:135****1508(深圳)186****3780/189****2858(苏州)¦▍波纹绕线电阻广泛用于变频器制动,起重机械以及负载电阻之用。

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Ambient Light Sensor IC SeriesDigital 16bit Serial Output Type Ambient Light Sensor ICBH1751FVI●DescriptionsBH1751FVI is an digital Ambient Light Sensor IC for I 2C bus interface. This IC is the most suitable to obtain the ambient light data for adjusting LCD and Keypad backlight power of Mobile phone. It is possible to detect wide range at High resolution. ( 1 - 65535 lx ).●Features1) I2C bus Interface (f / s Mode Support)2) Spectral responsibility is approximately human eye response 3) Illuminance to Digital Converter4) Wide range and High resolution. (1 - 65535 lx) 5) Low Current by power down function 6) 50Hz / 60Hz Light noise reject-function 7) 1.8V Logic input interface 8) No need any external parts9) Light source dependency is little. (ex. Incandescent Lamp. Fluorescent Lamp. Halogen Lamp. White LED. Sun Light ) 10) It is possible to select 2 type of I2C slave-address.11) Adjustable measurement result for influence of optical window ( It is possible to detect min. 0.11 lx, max. 100000 lx by using this function. ) 12) Small measurement variation (+/- 20%) 13) The influence of infrared is very small. 14) Build in power on reset circuit●ApplicationsMobile phone, LCD TV, NOTE PC, Portable game machine, Digital camera, Digital video camera, Car navigation, PDA, LCD display●Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Limits UnitsSupply Voltage Vmax 4.5 V Operating Temperature Topr -40~85 ℃ Storage Temperature Tstg -40~100℃ SDA Sink Current Imax 7mAPower DissipationPd260※ mW※ 70mm × 70mm × 1.6mm glass epoxy board. Derating in done at 3.47mW/℃ for operating above Ta=25℃.●Operating ConditionsParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. UnitsVCC Voltage Vcc 2.4 3.0 3.6 V I 2C Reference Voltage V DVI 1.65 - V CC VNo.10046EAT09● Electrical Characteristics ( VCC = 3.0V, DVI = 3.0V, Ta = 25℃, unless otherwise noted )Parameter SymbolMin. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Supply Current Icc1 - 120 190 µA Ev = 100 lx ※1 Powerdown Current Icc2 -0.851.5µANo input LightPeak Wave Length λp- 560 - nmMeasurement Accuracy S/A 0.96 1.2 1.44 timesSensor out / Actual lxEV = 1000 lx ※1, ※2 Dark ( 0 lx ) Sensor out S0 03count H-Resolution Mode ※3H-Resolution Mode Resolution r HR - 1 - lx L-Resolution Mode Resolutionr LR - 4 - lx H-Resolution Mode Measurement Time t HR - 120 180 ms L-Resolution Mode Measurement Time t LR - 16 24 ms Incandescent / Fluorescent Sensor out ratio rI F - 1 - times EV = 1000 lx ADDR Input ‘H’ Voltage V AH 0.7 * VCC- - V ADDR Input ‘L’ Voltage V AL - -0.3 * VCCVDVI Input ‘L’ Voltage V DVL - - 0.4 V SCL, SDA Input ‘H’ Voltage 1 V IH 10.7 * DVI-- V DVI ≧ 1.8V SCL, SDA Input ‘H’ Voltage 2 V IH 2 1.26 - - V 1.65V ≦ DVI <1.8V SCL, SDA Input ‘L’ Voltage 1 V IL 1 - - 0.3 * DVI V DVI ≧ 1.8VSCL, SDA Input ‘L’ Voltage 2 V IL 2 - - DVI – 1.26V1.65V ≦ DVI < 1.8VSCL, SDA, ADDR Input ‘H’ Current I IH - - 10 µA SCL, SDA, ADDR Input ‘L’ Current I IL - - 10 µA I 2C SCL Clock Frequency f SCL--400 kHz I 2C Bus Free Timet BUF 1.3 - - µs I 2C Hold Time ( repeated ) START Conditiont HDSTA0.6 - - µs I 2C Set up time for a Repeated START Condition t SUSTA 0.6 - - µs I 2C Set up time for a Repeated STOP Condition t SUSTD 0.6 - - µs I 2C Data Hold Time t HDDAT 0 - 0.9 µs I 2C Data Setup Timet SUDAT100-- ns I 2C ‘L’ Period of the SCL Clock t LOW 1.3 - - µs I 2C ‘H’ Period of the SCL Clock t HIGH0.6-- µs I 2C SDA Output ‘L’ VoltageV OL 0 -0.4 V I OL = 3 mA※1 White LED is used as optical source.※2 Measurement Accuracy typical value is possible to change '1' by "Measurement result adjustment function". ※3 Use H-resolution mode or H-resolution mode2 if dark data ( less than 10 lx ) is need. [ deg ]R a t i o110100100010000100000M e a s u r e m e n t R e s u l t501001502002 2.53 3.54VCC [ V ]I C C @ M ea s u r e m e n t8162432404856640816243240485664Illuminance [ lx ]M e a s u r e m e n t R e s u l t0. 3.54VCC [ V ]R a t i o00. [ V ]R a t i o0.511.52Light LightLight Light Ratio0. [ ℃ ]R a t i o-40-20020406080100Ta [ ℃ ] [ deg ]R a t i oFig.8 Light Source Dependency (Fluorescent Light is set to ‘1’)Fig.4 Directional Characteristics 1 Fig.5 Directional Characteristics 2Fig.6 Dark Response246810-40-2020406080100Ta [ ℃ ]M e a s u r e m e n t R e s u l tFig.7 Measurement AccuracyTemperature DependencyFig.9 V CC - I CC (During measurement)Fig.10 V CC – I CC @0 Lx( POWER DOWN ) Fig.1 Spectral Response Fig.11 Measurement Result V CC DependencyFig.12 Measurement ResultDVI Dependency00. [ nm ]R a t i oFig.2 Illuminance -Measuremnet Result 1●Block Diagram Descriptions・PDPhoto diode with approximately human eye response. ・AMPIntegration-OPAMP for converting from PD current to Voltage. ・ADCAD converter for obtainment Digital 16bit data.・Logic + I 2C InterfaceAmbient Light Calculation and I 2C BUS Interface. It is including below register.Data Register → This is for registration of Ambient Light Data. Initial Value is "0000_0000_0000_0000". Measurement Time Register → This is for registration of measurement time. Initial Value is "0100_0101". ・OSCInternal Oscillator ( typ. 320kHz ). It is CLK for internal logic. ・PORPower on reset. All register is reset after VCC is supplied. Please refer P .8 (Caution of power on reset function).●* "Power On" Command is possible to omit.SCLSDA GNDADDR DVI●Instruction Set ArchitectureInstruction OpecodeCommentsPower Down 0000_0000 No active state.Power On0000_0001Waiting for measurement command.Reset 0000_0111Reset Data register value. Reset command is not acceptable inPower Down mode. Continuously H-Resolution Mode 0001_0000 Start measurement at 1lx resolution. Measurement Time is typically 120ms. Continuously H-Resolution Mode2 0001_0001 Start measurement at 0.5lx resolution. Measurement Time is typically 120ms. Continuously L-Resolution Mode 0001_0011 Start measurement at 4lx resolution. Measurement Time is typically 16ms.One Time H-Resolution Mode 0010_0000 Start measurement at 1lx resolution. Measurement Time is typically 120ms.It is automatically set to Power Down mode after measurement. One Time H-Resolution Mode2 0010_0001 Start measurement at 0.5lx resolution. Measurement Time is typically 120ms.It is automatically set to Power Down mode after measurement. One Time L-Resolution Mode 0010_0011 Start measurement at 4lx resolution. Measurement Time is typically 16ms.It is automatically set to Power Down mode after measurement. Change Measurement time ( High bit )01000_MT[7,6,5]Change measurement time.※ Please refer "adjust measurement result for influence of optical window."Change Masurement time ( Low bit )011_MT[4,3,2,1,0]Change measurement time.※ Please refer "adjust measurement result for influence of optical window."※ Don't input the other opecode.●Measurement mode explanationMeasurement ModeMeasurement Time.Resolurtion H-resolution Mode2 Typ. 120ms. 0.5 lx H-Resolution Mode Typ. 120ms. 1 lx. L-Resolution Mode Typ. 16ms.4 lx.We recommend to use H-Resolution Mode.Measurement time ( integration time ) of H-Resolution Mode is so long that some kind of noise( including in 50Hz / 60Hz noise ) is rejected. And H-Resolution Mode is 1 l x resolution so that it is suitable for darkness ( less than 10 lx ) H-resolution mode2 is also suitable to detect for darkness.●Explanation of Asynchronous reset and Reset command "0000_0111" 1) Asynchronous resetAll registers are reset and BH1751FVI becomes power down during DVI = 'L'. Initial reset is not necessary, because power on reset function is included in this product.2) Reset commandReset command is for only reset Illuminance data register. ( reset value is '0' )It is not necessary after power supply to VCC because power on reset function is included in this product.It is used for removing previous measurement result. This command is not working in power down mode, so that please set the power on mode before input this command.●Timing chart for VCC and DVI power supply sequenceDVI is I 2C bus reference voltage terminal. And it is also asynchronous reset terminal. In DVI 'L' term, internal state is set to Power Down mode.Initial reset is not necessary, because power on reset function is included in this product. DVI supply with VCC supply, or after VCC supply. Please do not become DVI >VCC.1) Recommended Timing chart1 for VCC and DVI supply.2) Recommended Timing chart2 for VCC and DVI supply. ( If DVI can not supply with VCC supply )VCC DVIVCCDVI●Measurement sequence example from "Write instruction" to "Read measurement result"ex1) Continuously H-resolution mode ( ADDR = 'L' )① Send "Continuously H-resolution mode " instructionST01000110 Ack00010000 Ack SP② Wait to complete 1st H-resolution mode measurement.( max. 180ms. )③ Read measurement result.ST01000111AckHigh Byte [ 15:8 ]AckHow to calculate when the data High Byte is "10000011" and Low Byte is "10010000" ( 215 + 29 + 28 + 27 + 24 ) / 1.2 ≒ 28067 [ lx ]The result of continuously measurement mode is updated.( 120ms.typ at H-resolution mode, 16ms.typ at L-resolution mode )ex2 ) One time L-resolution mode ( ADDR = 'H' )① Send "One time L-resolution mode " instructionST10111000 Ack00100011 Ack SP② Wait to complete L-resolution mode measurement.( max. 24ms. )③ Read measurement resultST10111001AckHigh Byte [ 15:8 ]AckHow to calculate when the data High Byte is "00000001" and Low Byte is "00010000"( 28 + 24) / 1.2 ≒ 227 [ lx ]In one time measurement, Statement moves to power down mode after measurement completion.If updated result is need then please resend measurement instruction.from Master to Slave from Slave to Master●Application circuit example* I 2C BUS is trademark of Phillips Semiconductors. Please refer formality specification for pull up resister.●Caution of power on reset functionBH1751FVI has power on reset (POR) function. POR is to reset all register and flip flop when VCC Power supplies. There are some cautions about power on and down sequence seeing in below.① Power on time : t1More than 2ms is need to active BH1751FVI after VCC supplies more than 2.0V from VCC is less than 0.4V.② Power off time : t2More than 1ms (VCC < 0.4V) is need to active BH1751FVI.*”active state” is that BH1751FVI works and accept I 2C bus access correctly.VCC ADDRSCL SDA DVI GND BH1751FVI●I 2C Bus Access1) I 2C Bus Interface Timing chartWrite measurement command and Read measurement result are done by I 2C Bus interface. Please refer the formallyspecification of I 2C Bus interface, and follow the formally timing chart.2) Slave AddressSlave Address is 2 types, it is determined by ADDR Terminal ADDR = ‘H’ ( ADDR ≧ 0.7VCC ) → “1011100“ ADDR = 'L' ( ADDR ≦ 0.3VCC ) → “0100011“3) Write FormatBH1751FVI is not able to accept plural command without stop condition. Please insert SP every 1 Opecode.ST Slave AddressR/W 0Ack Opecode Ack SP4 ) Read FormatST Slave AddressR/W 1AckHigh Byte [15:8] 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28Ackex )High Byte = "1000_0011" Low Byte = "1001_0000"( 215 + 29 + 28 + 27 + 24) / 1.2 ≒ 28067 [ lx ]* I 2C BUS is trademark of Phillips Semiconductors. Please refer formality specification.from Master to Slavefrom Slave to MasterS t f●Adjust measurement result for influence of optical window. (sensor sensitivity adjusting )BH1751FVI is possible to change sensor sensitivity. And it is possible to cancel the optical window influence (difference with / without optical window) by using this function. Adjust is done by changing measurement time. For example, when transmission rate of optical window is 50% (measurement result becomes 0.5 times if optical window is set ), influence of optical window is ignored by changing sensor sensitivity from default to 2 timesSensor sensitivity is shift by changing the value of MTreg (measurement time regisiter). MTreg value has to set 2 times if target of sensor sensitivity is 2 times. Measurement time is also set 2 times when MTreg value is changed from default to 2 times.ex) Procedure for changing target sensor sensitivity to 2 times.Please change Mtreg from”0100_0101” (default) to”1000_1010” (default * 2).1) Changing High bit of MTregST Slave Address R/WAck01000_100 Ack SP2) Changing Low bit of MTregST Slave Address R/WAck011_01010 Ack SP3) Input Measurement CommandST Slave Address R/WAck0001_0000 Ack SP* This example is High Resolution mode, but it accepts the other measurement.4) After about 240ms, measurement result is registered to Data Register.( High Resolution mode is typically 120ms, but measurement time is set twice. )The below table is seeing the changable range of MTreg.Min.Typ.Max.changable range of MTregbinary0001_1111( sensitivity : default * 0.45 )0100_0101default1111_1110( sensitivity : default * 3.68 ) decimal31( sensitivity : default * 0.45 )69default254( sensitivity : default * 3.68 )It is possilbe to detect 0.23lx by using this function at H-resolution mode. And it is possilbe to detect 0.11lx by using this function at H-resolution mode2.The below formula is to calculate illuminance per 1 count.H-reslution mode: Illuminance per 1 count ( lx / count ) = 1 / 1.2 *( 69 / X )H-reslution mode2: Illuminance per 1 count ( lx / count ) = 1 / 1.2 *( 69 / X ) / 21.2 : Measurement accuracy69 : Default value of MTreg ( dec )X : MTreg valueThe below table is seeing the detail of resolution.MTreg valuelx / countat H-resolution modelx / countat H-resolution mode20001_1111 1.85 0.93 0100_0101 0.83 0.42 1111_1110 0.23 0.11●H-Resolution Mode2H-resolution mode2 is 0.5lx (typ.) resolution mode. It is suitable if under less than 10 lx measurement data is necessary.This measurement mode supports “Adjust measurement result for influence of optical window ". Please refer it. It is possible to detect min. 0.11 lx by using H-resolution mode2.○Instruction set architecture for H-resolution mode2Instruction Opecode CommentsContinuously H-Resolution Mode2 0001_0001 Start measurement at 0.5lx resolution. Measurement Time is typically 120ms.One Time H-Resolution Mode2 0010_0001 Start measurement at 0.5lx resolution.Measurement Time is typically 120ms.It is automatically set to Power Down mode after measurement.○Measurement sequence example from "Write instruction" to "Read measurement result"ex) Continuously H-resolution mode2 ( ADDR = 'L' )①Send "Continuously H-resolution mode2 " instructionST 0100011 0 Ack00010001 AckSP②Wait to complete 1st H-resolution mode2 measurement.( max. 180ms. )③Read measurement result.ST 0100011 1 Ack High Byte [15:8]214 213 212 211 210 29 28 27AckHow to calculate when the data High Byte is "00000000" and Low Byte is "00010010"( 23+ 20 ) / 1.2 ≒7.5 [ lx ]from Master to Slave from Slave to Master●PD area ( 0.25 mm x 0.3 mm )Please design the optical window so thatlight can cover at least this area.Min.0.4 mmMin.0.4 mm ●Package Outlines●About an optical design on the deviceWSOF6I ( Unit : mm )●The method of distinguishing 1pin.There is some method of distinguishing 1pin. ① Distinguishing by 1Pin wide-lead ② Distinguishing by die pattern③ Distinguishing by taper part of 1-3pin side ④ Distinguishing by 1Pin line marking④ (by 1Pin line marking ) is the easiest method to distinguish by naked eye.BAProduction code① ② ③④●Notes for use1) Absolute Maximum RatingsAn excess in the absolute maximum ratings, such as supply voltage ( Vmax ), temperature range of operating conditions ( Topr ), etc., can break down devices, thus making impossible to identify breaking mode such as a short circuit or an open circuit. If any special mode exceeding the absolute maximum ratings is assumed, consideration should be given to take physical safety measures including the use of fuses, etc.2) GND voltageMake setting of the potential of the GND terminal so that it will be maintained at the minimum in any operating state.Furthermore, check to be sure no terminals are at a potential lower than the GND voltage including an actual electric transient.3) Short circuit between terminals and erroneous mountingIn order to mount ICs on a set PCB, pay thorough attention to the direction and offset of the ICs. Erroneous mounting can break down the ICs. Furthermore, if a short circuit occurs due to foreign matters entering between terminals or between the terminal and the power supply or the GND terminal, the ICs can break down.4) Operation in strong electromagnetic fieldBe noted that using ICs in the strong electromagnetic field can malfunction them.5) Inspection with set PCBOn the inspection with the set PCB, if a capacitor is connected to a low-impedance IC terminal, the IC can suffer stress.Therefore, be sure to discharge from the set PCB by each process. Furthermore, in order to mount or dismount the set PCB to/from the jig for the inspection process, be sure to turn OFF the power supply and then mount the set PCB to the jig.After the completion of the inspection, be sure to turn OFF the power supply and then dismount it from the jig. In addition, for protection against static electricity, establish a ground for the assembly process and pay thorough attention to the transportation and the storage of the set PCB.6) Input terminalsIn terms of the construction of IC, parasitic elements are inevitably formed in relation to potential. The operation of the parasitic element can cause interference with circuit operation, thus resulting in a malfunction and then breakdown of the input terminal. Therefore, pay thorough attention not to handle the input terminals; such as to apply to the input terminals a voltage lower than the GND respectively, so that any parasitic element will operate. Furthermore, do not apply a voltage to the input terminals when no power supply voltage is applied to the IC. In addition, even if the power supply voltage is applied, apply to the input terminals a voltage lower than the power supply voltage or within the guaranteed value of electrical characteristics.7) Thermal designPerform thermal design in which there are adequate margins by taking into account the power dissipation ( Pd ) in actual states of use.8) Treatment of packageDusts or scratch on the photo detector may affect the optical characteristics. Please handle it with care.9) Rush currentWhen power is first supplied to the CMOS IC, it is possible that the internal logic may be unstable and rush current may flow instantaneously. Therefore, give special consideration to power coupling capacitance, power wiring, width of GND wiring, and routing of connections.10) T he exposed central pad on the back side of the packageThere is an exposed central pad on the back side of the package. Please mount by Footprint dimensions described in the Jisso Information for WSOF6I. This pad is GND level, therefore there is a possibility that LSI malfunctions and heavy-current is generated.●Ordering part numberB H 1 7 5 1 F V I - T RPart No. Part No.PackageFVI: WSOF6IPackaging and forming specificationTR: Embossed tape and reelNoticeN o t e sNo copying or reprod uction of this d ocument, in part or in whole, is permitted without theconsent of ROHM Co.,Ltd.The content specified herein is subject to change for improvement without notice.The content specified herein is for the purpose of introd ucing ROHM's prod ucts (hereinafter"Products"). If you wish to use any such Product, please be sure to refer to the specifications,which can be obtained from ROHM upon request.Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained hereinillustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions mustbe taken into account when designing circuits for mass production.Great care was taken in ensuring the accuracy of the information specified in this document.However, should you incur any d amage arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of suchinformation, ROHM shall bear no responsibility for such damage.The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of andexamples of application circuits for the Prod ucts. ROHM d oes not grant you, explicitly orimplicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM andother parties. ROHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising from theuse of such technical information.The Products specified in this document are intended to be used with general-use electronicequipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, commu-nication devices, electronic appliances and amusement devices).The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant.While ROHM always makes efforts to enhance the quality and reliability of its Prod ucts, aProduct may fail or malfunction for a variety of reasons.Please be sure to implement in your equipment using the Products safety measures to guardagainst the possibility of physical injury, fire or any other damage caused in the event of thefailure of any Product, such as derating, redundancy, fire control and fail-safe designs. ROHMshall bear no responsibility whatsoever for your use of any Product outside of the prescribedscope or not in accordance with the instruction manual.The Prod ucts are not d esigned or manufactured to be used with any equipment, d evice orsystem which requires an extremely high level of reliability the failure or malfunction of whichmay result in a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury (such as a medicalinstrument, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controller, fuel-controller or other safety device). ROHM shall bear no responsibility in any way for use of anyof the Prod ucts for the above special purposes. If a Prod uct is intend ed to be used for anysuch special purpose, please contact a ROHM sales representative before purchasing.If you intend to export or ship overseas any Product or technology specified herein that maybe controlled under the Foreign Exchange and the Foreign Trade Law, you will be required toobtain a license or permit under the Law.Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations.More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us.ROHM Customer Support System/contact/。
