

PIC18F8723 数据手册

PIC18F8723 数据手册
• 两个增强型可寻址 USART 模块: - 支持 RS-485、 RS-232 和 LIN 1.2 - 遇见起始位时自动唤醒 - 自动波特率检测
• 2 个带输入复用的模拟比较器 • 高灌 / 拉电流:25 mA/25 mA • 4 个可编程外部中断 • 4 个输入电平变化中断
• 寻址能力最高可达 2 MB • 8 位或 16 位接口 • 8 位、 12 位、 16 位和 20 位地址模式
注 1: ECCP2/P2A 引脚位置取决于 CCP2MX 配置位的设置。
DS39894A_CN 第2 页
2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
引脚图 (续)
80 引脚 TQFP
RH1/A17 RH0/A16 RE2/AD10/CS/P2B RE3/AD11/P3C(2) RE4/AD12/P3B(2) RE5/AD13/P1C(2) RE6/AD14/P1B(2) RE7/AD15/ECCP2(1)/P2A(1) RD0/AD0/PSP0 VDD VSS RD1/AD1/PSP1 RD2/AD2/PSP2 RD3/AD3/PSP3 RD4/AD4/PSP4/SDO2 RD5/AD5/PSP5/SDI2/SDA2 RD6/AD6/PSP6/SCK2/SCL2 RD7/AD7/PSP7/SS2 RJ0/ALE RJ1/OE

外文翻译---PIC18F4520 数据手册

外文翻译---PIC18F4520 数据手册

外文翻译---PIC18F4520 数据手册


- 高性能:工作频率高达40MHz,有助于处理复杂的计算任务。

- 大容量存储器:具有32KB的闪存和1536字节的RAM,可

- 丰富的通信接口:支持多种通信接口,包括SPI、I2C和USART,方便与其他设备进行通讯。

- 强大的计时器和计数器:多个定时器和计数器模块,可用于

- 多通道ADC:具有八个模拟输入通道,支持10位精度的模

- 丰富的外设:包括UART、PWM、比较器等外设,满足各种

- 工业自动化系统
- 汽车电子
- 家用电器
- 通信设备
- 医疗设备等




SPEN=1TRISx=1 异步模式、同步模式主动每个增强型USART模块的操作通过三个控制寄存器:•发送状态和控制(TXSTAx)•接收状态和控制(RCSTAx)•波特率控制(BAUDCONx)TXSTAx:第7位CSRC:时钟源选择位异步模式:随意设置。

同步模式:1 =主模式(时钟来自内部BRG)0=从模式(从外部时钟源)第6位TX9:9位发送使能位 1 =选择9位发送0 =选择8位传输第5位TXEN:发送使能位(1)1 =使能发送0=发送被禁用第4位SYNC同步:EUSART模式选择位 1 =同步模式0 =异步模式第3位 SENDB:发送间隔字符位异步模式: 1 =在下一次发送时发送同步间隔(完成后由硬件清零)0 =同步间隔发送完成同步模式:CSRC第2位BRGH:高波特率选择位异步模式: 1 =高转速0=低转速同步模式:未使用的这种模式。

位1 TRMT:发送移位寄存器状态位 1 = TSR为空0 = TSR是满位0 TX9D:发送数据的第9位可以是地址/数据位或奇偶校验位。

RCSTAx:第7位SPEN位置:串行端口使能位1 =使能串口(配置RXx /的DTX及TXXX / CKx为串口引脚引脚)0 =串行端口被禁用(在复位状态)第6位RX9位置:9位接收使能位 1 =选择9位接收0 =选择8位接收第5位SREN:单接收使能位异步模式:无需设置。

同步模式—主动模式: 1 =使能接收单0 =禁止接收单此位接收完成后清零。


第4位CREN:连续接收使能位异步模式: 1 =使能接收器0 =禁止接收器同步模式: 1 =使能连续接收,直到使能位CREN位被清零 0 =禁止连续接收第3位ADDEN:地址检测使能位异步模式9位(RX9位置= 1):1 =使能地址检测,允许中断并装载接收缓冲器当RSR <8>设置0 =禁止地址检测,所有字节接收和第九位,可作为奇偶校验位异步模式9位(RX9位置= 0):无需设置。



Important Notes and WarningsMicron Technology, Inc. ("Micron") reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. You may not rely on any information set forth in this docu-ment if you obtain the product described herein from any unauthorized distributor or other source not authorized by Micron.Automotive Applications. Products are not designed or intended for use in automotive applications unless specifi-cally designated by Micron as automotive-grade by their respective data sheets. Distributor and customer/distrib-utor shall assume the sole risk and liability for and shall indemnify and hold Micron harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury, death, or property damage resulting directly or indirectly from any use of non-automotive-grade products in automotive applications. Customer/distributor shall ensure that the terms and con-ditions of sale between customer/distributor and any customer of distributor/customer (1) state that Micron products are not designed or intended for use in automotive applications unless specifically designated by Micron as automotive-grade by their respective data sheets and (2) require such customer of distributor/customer to in-demnify and hold Micron harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury, death, or property damage resulting from any use of non-automotive-grade products in automotive applications.Critical Applications. Products are not authorized for use in applications in which failure of the Micron compo-nent could result, directly or indirectly in death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage ("Critical Applications"). Customer must protect against death, personal injury, and severe property and environ-mental damage by incorporating safety design measures into customer's applications to ensure that failure of the Micron component will not result in such harms. Should customer or distributor purchase, use, or sell any Micron component for any critical application, customer and distributor shall indemnify and hold harmless Micron and its subsidiaries, subcontractors, and affiliates and the directors, officers, and employees of each against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury, or death arising in any way out of such critical application, whether or not Mi-cron or its subsidiaries, subcontractors, or affiliates were negligent in the design, manufacture, or warning of the Micron product.Customer Responsibility. Customers are responsible for the design, manufacture, and operation of their systems, applications, and products using Micron products. ALL SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS HAVE INHERENT FAIL-URE RATES AND LIMITED USEFUL LIVES. IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE MICRON PRODUCT IS SUITABLE AND FIT FOR THE CUSTOMER'S SYSTEM, APPLICATION, OR PRODUCT. Customers must ensure that adequate design, manufacturing, and operating safeguards are included in customer's applications and products to eliminate the risk that personal injury, death, or severe property or en-vironmental damages will result from failure of any semiconductor component.Limited Warranty. In no event shall Micron be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including without limitation lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort, warranty, breach of contract or other legal theory, unless explicitly stated in a written agreement executed by Micron's duly authorized representative.质量等级领域:宇航级IC、特军级IC、超军级IC、普军级IC、禁运IC、工业级IC,军级二三极管,功率管等;应用领域:航空航天、船舶、汽车电子、军用计算机、铁路、医疗电子、通信网络、电力工业以及大型工业设备祝您:工作顺利,生活愉快!以深圳市美光存储技术有限公司提供的参数为例,以下为MTA18ASF2G72PZ-2G6D1的详细参数,仅供参考I DD SpecificationsTable 5: DDR4 I DD Specifications and Conditions (0° ≤ T C≤ 85°) – 16GB (Die Revision B)Values are for the MT40A2G4 DDR4 SDRAM only and are computed from values specified in the 8Gb (2 Gig x 4) compo-nent data sheetTable 6: DDR4 I DD Specifications and Conditions (0° ≤ T C≤ 85°) – 16GB (Die Revision D)Values are for the MT40A2G4 DDR4 SDRAM only and are computed from values specified in the 8Gb (2 Gig x 4) compo-nent data sheetTable 7: DDR4 I DD Specifications and Conditions (0° ≤ T C≤ 85°) – 16GB (Die Revision E)Values are for the MT40A2G4 DDR4 SDRAM only and are computed from values specified in the 8Gb (2 Gig x 4) compo-Note: 1.When T C > 85°C, the I DD and I PP values must be derated. Refer to the base device datasheet I DD and I PP specification tables for derating values for the applicable die-revision.Table 8: DDR4 I DD Specifications and Conditions (0° ≤ T C≤ 85°) – 16GB (Die Revision J)Values are for the MT40A2G4 DDR4 SDRAM only and are computed from values specified in the 8Gb (2 Gig x 4) compo-Note: 1.When T C > 85°C, the I DD and I PP values must be derated. Refer to the base device datasheet I DD and I PP specification tables for derating values for the applicable die-revision.。



PIC18F2525_05中⽂资料2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS80222B-page 1PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620Clarifications/Corrections to the Data Sheet:In the Device Data Sheet (DS39626B ), the following clarifications and corrections should be noted. Any silicon issues related to the PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620 devices will be reported in a separate silicon errata. Please check the Microchip web site for any existing issues.1.Module:I/O PortsThe TRIS setting for the TX pin on PORTC in T able 10-5 of the Device Data Sheet was incorrectly stated as ‘1’.The correct TRIS setting for the TX pin on PORTC is ‘0’.2.Module:ResetsThe PR2 initialization condition shown in Table 4-4RESET Instruction,Stack Resets and Wake-up via WDT or Interrupt should read “uuuu uuuu ” as shown in the following table (changes are shown in bold text):3.Module:Voltage-Frequency GraphThe title information for Figure 26-2: Voltage-Frequency Graph (Extended), references the wrong device family and has been changed to read as follows:FIGURE 26-2:PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620 VOLTAGE-FREQUENCY GRAPH (EXTENDED)TABLE 4-4:INITIALIZATION CONDITIONS FOR ALL REGISTERSRegisterApplicable DevicesPower-on Reset,Brown-out Reset MCLR Resets,WDT Reset,RESET Instruction,Stack ResetsWake-up via WDT or Interrupt PR225252620452546201111 1111uuuu uuuuuuuu uuuuLegend:u = unchanged, x = unknown, - = unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’, q = value depends on condition.Shaded cells indicate conditions do not apply for the designated device.PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620 Data Sheet ErrataPIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620DS80222B-page 2? 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.4.Module:DC CharacteristicsIn Section 26.3 “DC Characteristics” (page 336),the specifications for V IL parameters D033B and D034 have been clarified and now read as follows:5.Module:A/D Converter CharacteristicsIn Table 26-24: A/D Converter Characteristics (page 359), specification A40 has been added:TABLE 26-24:A/D CONVERTER CHARACTERISTICS:PIC18FX525/X620 (INDUSTRIAL, EXTENDED)PIC18LFX525/X620 (INDUSTRIAL)6.Module:Instruction SetIn Table 24-2: PIC18FXXXX Instruction Set (pages 270-271), the ADDWF , ADDWFC and BTG instructions have been modified. The changes are shown in bold text:26.3DC Characteristics:PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620 (Industrial, Extended)PIC18LF2525/2620/4525/4620 (Industrial)DC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated)Operating temperature -40°C ≤ T A ≤+85°C for industrialParamNo.Symbol CharacteristicMinMaxUnitsConditionsV ILInput Low Voltage D033B D034OSC1T13CKIV SS V SS0.30.3V VXT, LP modesParamNo.Symbol CharacteristicMin Typ Max Units Conditions A40I ADA/D Current from V DD PIC18FXXXX—180—µA Average current during conversionPIC18LFXX20—90—µATABLE 26-25:PIC18FXXXX INSTRUCTION SETMnemonic,OperandsDescriptionCycles16-Bit Instruction WordStatus AffectedNotesMSbLSbBYTE-ORIENTED OPERATIONS ADDWF ADDWFC f, d, a f, d, a Add WREG and fAdd WREG and Carry bit to f 110010001001da 00da ffff ffff ffff ffff C, DC, Z, OV, N C, DC, Z, OV, N 1, 21, 2BIT-ORIENTED OPERATIONSBTG f, b , aBit Toggle f10111bbbaffffffff None1, 2Note 1:When a Port register is modified as a function of itself (e.g., MOVF PORTB, 1, 0), the value used will be that value present on the pins themselves. For example, if the data latch is ‘1’ for a pin configured as input and is driven low by an external device, the data will be written back with a ‘0’.2:If this instruction is executed on the TMR0 register (and where applicable, ‘d’ = 1), the prescaler will be cleared if assigned. PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620 7.Module:Timing Diagrams andSpecificationsTable 26-6: External Clock Timing Requirements(page 343), has been revised (changes andadditions are shown in bold text).TABLE 26-6:EXTERNAL CLOCK TIMING REQUIREMENTS8.Module:EUSARTThe RX pin sampling information in Section 18.1.2“Sampling” has changed. This section now reads as follows:18.1.2SAMPLINGThe data on the RX pin is sampled three times by a majority detect circuit to determine if a high or a low level is present at the RX pin when SYNC is clear or when BRG16 and BRGH are both not set.The data on the RX pin is sampled once when SYNC is set or when BRGH16 and BRGH are both set.9.Module:MSSPIn Section 17.3.2 “Operation”, the following note has been added:10.Module:QFNIn the QFN pin diagram on page 3 and in Table1-3: PIC18F4525/4620 Pinout I/O Descriptions, the following note has been added: Note:It is recommended to connect the bottom pad of QFN package parts to V SS.Param.No.Symbol Characteristic Min Max Units Conditions1A F OSC External CLKI Frequency(1)DC1MHz XT, RC Oscillator modeDC25MHz HS Oscillator modeDC31.25kHz LP Oscillator modeDC40MHz EC Oscillator modeOscillator Frequency(1)DC4MHz RC Oscillator mode0.14MHz XT Oscillator mode425MHz HS Oscillator mode410MHz HS + PLL Oscillator mode5200kHz LP Oscillator mode1T OSC External CLKI Period(1)1000—ns XT, RC Oscillator mode40—ns HS Oscillator mode32—µs LP Oscillator mode25—ns EC Oscillator modeOscillator Period(1)250—ns RC Oscillator mode2501µs XT Oscillator mode40250ns HS Oscillator mode100250ns HS + PLL Oscillator mode5200µs LP Oscillator modeNote1:Instruction cycle period (T CY) equals four times the input oscillator time base period for all configurations except PLL. All specified values are based on characterization data for that particular oscillator type under standard operating conditions with the device executing code. Exceeding these specified limits may result in an unstable oscillator operation and/or higher than expected current consumption. All devices are tested to operate at “min.” values with an external clock applied to the OSC1/CLKI pin. When an external clockinput is used, the “max.” cycle time limit is “DC” (no clock) for all devices.Note:The SSPBUF register cannot be used withread-modify-write instructions, such asBCF, BTFSC, COMF, etc.2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS80222B-page 3PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620DS80222B-page 4? 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.11.Module:Electrical CharacteristicsParameters D031A and D041A have been added to Section 26-3 “DC Characteristics”, as shown below:12.Module:Electrical CharacteristicsIn Table 26-1: Memory Programming Require-ments, parameters D132, D132A, D133 and D133A have been changed. The changes are shown in bold :TABLE 26-1:MEMORY PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS13.Module:Pinout I/O DescriptionsThe QFN column has been removed from T able 1-2:PIC18F2525/2620 Pinout I/O Descriptions.The PIC18F2525/2620 devices are not available in a QFN package.26.3DC Characteristics:PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620 (Industrial)PIC18LF2525/2620/4525/4620 (Industrial)DC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated)Operating temperature -40°C ≤ T A ≤+85°C for industrialParamNo.Symbol CharacteristicMinMaxUnitsConditionsV ILInput Low Voltage I/O ports:D031Awith SMBus bufferV SS0.8VV IHInput High Voltage I/O ports:D041Awith SMBus buffer2.1V DDVDC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated)Operating temperature -40°C ≤ T A ≤+85°C for industrialParam No.SymCharacteristicMinTyp?MaxUnitsConditionsProgram Flash MemoryD132V IE V DD for Block Erase3.0— 5.5V Using ICSP? port, 25°C D132A V IW V DD for Externally Timed Erase or Write4.5—5.5V Using ICSP port, 25°C D133T IEICSP Block Erase Cycle Time —4—ms V DD ≥ 4.5V D133A T IW ICSP Erase or Write Cycle Time (externally timed) 1——ms V DD ≥ 4.5V, 25°CD133A T IWSelf-Timed Write Cycle Time—2—msPIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620REVISION HISTORYRev A Document (01/2005)First revision of this document.Data Sheet Clarification issues 1 (I/O Ports),2(Resets), 3 (Voltage-Frequency Graph), 4 (DCCharacteristics), 5 (A/D Converter Characteristics),6(Instruction Set) and 7 (Timing Diagrams andSpecifications).Rev B Document (09/2005)Added Data Sheet Clarification issues 8 (EUSART), 9(MSSP), 10 (QFN), 11-12 (Electrical Characteristics)and 13 (Pinout I/O Descriptions).2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS80222B-page 5PIC18F2525/2620/4525/4620NOTES:DS80222B-page 6? 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS80222B-page 7Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with yourspecifications.MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WAR-RANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE,REL ATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCL UDING BUT NOT L IMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUAL ITY , PERFORMANCE,MERCHANTABI LITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE .Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip’s products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Microchip. No licenses are conveyed,implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights.TrademarksThe Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron, dsPIC, K EE L OQ , micro ID , MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE, PowerSmart, rfPIC, and SmartShunt areregistered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.AmpLab, FilterLab, Migratable Memory, MXDEV, MXLAB, PICMASTER, SEEVAL, SmartSensor and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, dsPICDEM,/doc/e4ada243e45c3b3567ec8bce.html , dsPICworks, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, FlexROM, fuzzyLAB, In-Circuit SerialProgramming, ICSP , ICEPIC, Linear Active Thermistor, MPASM, MPLIB, MPLINK, MPSIM, PICkit, PICDEM,/doc/e4ada243e45c3b3567ec8bce.html , PICLAB, PICtail, PowerCal, PowerInfo, PowerMate, PowerTool, rfLAB, rfPICDEM, Select Mode, Smart Serial, SmartTel, Total Endurance and WiperLock are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies.2005, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved.Printed on recycled paper.Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:?Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions.There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property.Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code.Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 quality system certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona and Mountain View, California in October 2003. The Company’s quality system processes andprocedures are for its PICmicro ? 8-bit MCUs, K EE L OQ ? code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified.AMERICASCorporate Office2355 West Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Tel: 480-792-7200Fax: 480-792-7277 Technical Support:/doc/e4ada243e45c3b3567ec8bce.html Web Address:/doc/e4ada243e45c3b3567ec8bce.html AtlantaAlpharetta, GATel: 770-640-0034Fax: 770-640-0307BostonWestborough, MATel: 774-760-0087Fax: 774-760-0088 ChicagoItasca, ILTel: 630-285-0071Fax: 630-285-0075DallasAddison, TXTel: 972-818-7423Fax: 972-818-2924DetroitFarmington Hills, MITel: 248-538-2250Fax: 248-538-2260 Kokomo Kokomo, INTel: 765-864-8360Fax: 765-864-8387Los AngelesMission Viejo, CATel: 949-462-9523Fax: 949-462-9608San JoseMountain View, CATel: 650-215-1444Fax: 650-961-0286 Toronto Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Tel: 905-673-0699Fax: 905-673-6509ASIA/PACIFICAustralia - SydneyTel: 61-2-9868-6733Fax: 61-2-9868-6755China - BeijingTel: 86-10-8528-2100Fax: 86-10-8528-2104 China - ChengduTel: 86-28-8676-6200Fax: 86-28-8676-6599 China - FuzhouTel: 86-591-8750-3506 Fax: 86-591-8750-3521 China - Hong Kong SAR Tel: 852-2401-1200Fax: 852-2401-3431China - QingdaoTel: 86-532-8502-7355 Fax: 86-532-8502-7205 China - ShanghaiTel: 86-21-5407-5533 Fax: 86-21-5407-5066 China - Shenyang Tel: 86-24-2334-2829 Fax: 86-24-2334-2393 China - Shenzhen Tel: 86-755-8203-2660 Fax: 86-755-8203-1760 China - ShundeTel: 86-757-2839-5507 Fax: 86-757-2839-5571 China - WuhanTel: 86-27-5980-5300 Fax: 86-27-5980-5118 China - XianTel: 86-29-8833-7250 Fax: 86-29-8833-7256 ASIA/PACIFICIndia - Bangalore Tel: 91-80-2229-0061 Fax: 91-80-2229-0062 India - New Delhi Tel: 91-11-5160-8631 Fax: 91-11-5160-8632 India - PuneTel: 91-20-2566-1512 Fax: 91-20-2566-1513 Japan - Yokohama Tel: 81-45-471- 6166 Fax: 81-45-471-6122 Korea - GumiTel: 82-54-473-4301 Fax: 82-54-473-4302 Korea - SeoulTel: 82-2-554-7200Fax: 82-2-558-5932 or 82-2-558-5934 Malaysia - Penang Tel: 604-646-8870 Fax: 604-646-5086 Philippines - Manila Tel: 632-634-9065 Fax: 632-634-9069 SingaporeTel: 65-6334-8870 Fax: 65-6334-8850 Taiwan - Hsin Chu Tel: 886-3-572-9526 Fax: 886-3-572-6459 Taiwan - Kaohsiung Tel: 886-7-536-4818 Fax: 886-7-536-4803 Taiwan - TaipeiTel: 886-2-2500-6610 Fax: 886-2-2508-0102 Thailand - Bangkok Tel: 66-2-694-1351 Fax: 66-2-694-1350 EUROPEAustria - WeisTel: 43-7242-2244-399 Fax: 43-7242-2244-393 Denmark - Copenhagen Tel: 45-4450-2828 Fax: 45-4485-2829 France - ParisTel: 33-1-69-53-63-20 Fax: 33-1-69-30-90-79 Germany - Munich Tel: 49-89-627-144-0Fax: 49-89-627-144-44Italy - MilanTel: 39-0331-742611Fax: 39-0331-466781Netherlands - DrunenTel: 31-416-690399Fax: 31-416-690340Spain - MadridTel: 34-91-352-30-52Fax: 34-91-352-11-47UK - WokinghamTel: 44-118-921-5869Fax: 44-118-921-5820 W ORLDWIDE S ALES AND S ERVICE 08/24/05DS80222B-page 8? 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.。





//配置寄存器:CONFIG1LXINST://扩展指令集使能位1=指令集扩展和变址寻址模式被启用0=指令集扩展和变址寻址模式被禁用(传统模式)#define XINST_ON0xFFFF#define XINST_OFF0xFFBFSOSCSEL<1:0>:SOSC电源选择和模式配置位11=选择的高功率电路SOSC10=数字(SCLKI)模式;I/O端口RC0和RC1的功能启用01=选择低功耗SOSC电路00=保留#define SOSCSEL_HIGH0xFFFF#define SOSCSEL_LOW0xFFEF#define SOSCSEL_DIG0xFFF7INTOSCSEL:LF-INTOSC低功耗使能位1=休眠期间LF-INTOSC在高功率模式下0=休眠期间LF-INTOSC在低功耗模式下#define INTOSCSEL_HIGH0xFFFF#define INTOSCSEL_LOW0xFFFB______________RETEN:Vreg休眠使能位1=在休眠模式下超低功耗稳压电源关闭,由REGSLP(WDTCON<7>)控制0=在休眠模式下超低功耗稳压电源使能,由SRETEN(WDTCON<4>)控制,超低功耗调节器被启用#define RETEN_ON0xFFFE#define RETEN_OFF0xFFFF//配置寄存器:CONFIG1HIESO:内部/外部振荡器切换位1=双速启动时启用0=双速启动时禁用#define IESO_OFF0xFFFF#define IESO_ON0x7FFFFCMEN:故障保护时钟监视器使能位1=故障保护时钟监视器使能0=故障保护时钟监视器被禁用#define FCMEN_OFF0xFFFF#define FCMEN_ON0xBFFFPLLCFG:4X PLL使能位1=振荡器乘以40=振荡器直接使用#define PLLCFG_ON0xEFFF#define PLLCFG_OFF0xFFFFFOSC<3:0>:振荡器选择位1101=EC1,EC振荡器(低功耗,DC-160KHZ)1100=EC1IO,EC振荡器,RA6上CLKOUT功能(低功耗,DC-160KHZ)1011=EC2,EC振荡器(中功率,160KHZ-16MHZ)1010=EC2IO,EC振荡器,RA6上CLKOUT功能(中功率,160KHZ-16MHZ)1001=INTIO1,内部RC振荡器,RA6上CLKOUT功能1000=INTIO2,内部RC振荡器0111=RC,外部RC振荡器0110=RCIO,外部RC振荡器,在RA6CKLOUT功能0101=EC3,EC振荡器(高功率,16MHZ-64MHZ)0100=EC3IO,EC振荡器,RA6上CLKOUT功能(高功率,16MHZ-64MHZ)0011=HS1,HS振荡器(中功率,4MHZ-16MHZ)0010=HS2,HS振荡器(高功率,16MHZ-25MHZ)0001=XT振荡器0000=LP振荡器#define FOSC_RCIO0xF0FF#define FOSC_RC0xF1FF#define FOSC_EC10xFAFF#define FOSC_EC1IO0xFBFF#define FOSC_EC20xFCFF#define FOSC_EC2IO0xFDFF#define FOSC_INTIO10xFEFF#define FOSC_INTIO20xFFFF#define FOSC_EC30xF2FF#define FOSC_EC3IO0xF3FF#define FOSC_HS10xF4FF#define FOSC_HS20xF5FF#define FOSC_XT0xF6FF#define FOSC_LP0xF7FF注:该处发现PIC18F25K80.h与datasheet说明不一致,具体可以参照实验效果。



SRAM (字节)
数据 EEPROM (字节)
28 25 10 通道 2 1/1 有 无 1 1
256 40/44 36 13 通道 2 1/1 有 有 1 1
28 25 10 通道 2 1/1 有 无 1 1
256 40/44 36 13 通道 2 1/1 有 有 1 1
28 27 26 25 24 23 22
4 PIC18F2XK20 18
28 25 10 通道 2 1/1 有 无 1 1
256 40/44 36 13 通道 2 1/1 有 有 1 1
28 25 10 通道 2 1/1 有 无 1 1
1024 40/44 36 13 通道 2 1/1 有 有 1 1

PIC18FxxJxx HID Bootloader的实现

PIC18FxxJxx HID Bootloader的实现

PIC18FxxJxx HID Bootloader移植以及编译的经验之谈一、移植参考资料:microchip官方提供的MLA,本人下载的版本是V2018_11_26,主要参考资料路径如下(版本若是老一点的也没问题,我比较了V2016_11_07,在HID bootloader应用方面的例程代码是完全一样的):(1)参考例程:\microchip\mla\v2018_11_26\apps\usb\device\bootloaders\firmware\pic18fxxjx x\pic18f_starter_kit.x(2)文档:\microchip\mla\v2018_11_26\doc\help_mla_usb.pdf(章节1.6.3)、\microchip\ml a\v2018_11_26\apps\usb\device\bootloaders\firmware\pic18fxxjxx\Readme Usage Notes for B ootloader with XC8.txt(3)host application(PC主机的应用程序):\microchip\mla\v2018_11_26\apps\usb\device\ bootloaders\utilities\bin\win\HIDBootloader.exe(windows用户)二、移植开发环境:(1)编译器:XC8 V1.44(free mode)(2)IDE:MPLAB X IDE V2.30(3)硬件开发工具:PICKit3三、bootloader工程例程移植主要步骤(1)根据实际硬件设计,需要修改工程属性里面对应的芯片选项(官方提供的是pic1 8f46j50,需要修改为自己的芯片),并修改进入bootmain的判断条件(官方给的是按键S W2,若该IO拉高则表示有usb数据插入会进入bootmain,判断条件修改在hardwareProfile. h的80行处,详见图1,注:例程工程属性--xc8 compiler里面已经define macos PIC18F_ STARTER_KIT,所以所有修改代码都放在截图处就行)。



未来几年,CAN-bus技术将在低功耗、高速率、高可靠性、多系统互联和自主驾驶等方面得到进一步发 展和应用。
应用更先进的通信协议和物 理层,能够提供更高的传输 速度。
CAN-bus可作为不同通信总 线的桥梁,实现不同单元之 间的信息交换。
CAN-bus技术在自动驾驶控 制系统中得到广泛应用,加 速了自动驾驶的发展和普及。
CAN-bus是分布式控制的经典案例,具有稳定性、高可靠性和强大性。今后, CAN-bus技术将依然是难以匹敌的,用途布不同行业。
从基础知识到通信协议,我们深入探讨CAN-bus技术,为您介绍其常用芯片、 通信原理、应用领域、技术趋势等方面的知识。
采用环形结构,数据沿着环路传递, 同时数据具有广播特性,可以被总线 上所有控制器接收。
采用CSMA/ CR(非安全模式)与 CAN-ID实现数据和命令的传输,以 确保总线上数据的顺序和重要性。
SAE J1939
CAN-bus可用于车载电子控制系统、车身电子 控制系统等。
CAN-bus的高可靠性和高带宽可确保其在涵盖 整个船舶的所有系统和设备之间进行信息交换。
CAN-bus被广泛应用于各种工厂机器、机床和 物流机器人等设备控制中。



2017 Microchip Technology Inc.DS90003165A_CN 第1页TB3165简介有些应用需要测量单片机的内部温度。







采用这种布局时,温度模块的温度传感电压V TSENSE 与器件温度成反比。

V TSENSE 从阳极获得,它与ADC 模块的输入通道之一连接以供处理使用。

FVRCON 寄存器上的TSEN 和TSRNG 位分别用于使能温度传感器模块及选择其范围设置。

该温度传感器模块的运行方式与先前的8位PIC ®器件上的温度传感器不同。

有关先前的温度传感器模块的详细信息和工作原理,请参见AN2092“Using the Temperature Indicator Module ”(DS00002092)。

作者:June Anthony AsistioMicrochip Technology Inc.8位PIC ®单片机上的温度传感器模块TB3165DS90003165A_CN 第2页© 2017 Microchip Technology Inc.温度传感器模块的设置UART 可用于显示V TSENSE 的12位ADC 结果,请参见图2。

必须先对FVR 、ADC 和UART 模块进行初始化。

有关设置外设的初始化代码,请参见附录A :“通过UART 显示V TENSE 的代码设置”。



高范围设置可工作在2.5V 及更高的V DD 下。



RB1 C1 R1 4.7K RC3 104
RP1 1K VCC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
RD7 RD6 RD5 RD4 Y1 RD3 RD2 RD1 RD0 C2 22P 4M OSC2 C3 22P GND 1 VCC 2 VO1 3 RE0 4 RE1 5 RE2 6 RD0 7 RD1 8 RD2 9 RD310 RD411 RD512 RD613 RD714 VCC 15 GND 16 J7 GND VCC VL RS LCD1602 R/W E D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 BLA BLK LCD1602 GND VCC VO2 RE0 RE1 RE2 RD0 RD1 RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 RD6 RD7 VCC VOUT VCC GND VO2 VCC VOUT VR2 10K Title VIA VIA3
C8 J4 100uF
J5 0 0 2 1 VDD DD+ GND USB-B VIA VIA2 1 2 3 4 F1 FUSE1 VCC
SW1 2 4 6 SW 1 3 5
Size A4 Date: File: 15-Aug-2014 F:\PIC18F4520最最最最V2.ddb Sheet of Drawn By: 4 Number Revision



Internal Os# of Compar Product Program MemPin countMax. CPU Sp PeripheralRAM (bytes)EEPROM / HEPIC10F2020.7524064No 4 MHz 0PIC10F2060.7524064No 4 MHz 1PIC10F2200.37516068No 4 MHz, 8 MH0PIC10F2220.7523068No 4 MHz, 8 MH0PIC12F5080.7525084No 4 MHz 0PIC12F509 1.541084No 4 MHz 0PIC12F510 1.538088No 4 MHz, 8 MH1PIC12F609 1.75640820No 4 MHz, 8 MH1PIC12F615 1.75640820No 4 MHz, 8 MH1PIC12F617 3.51280 / HEF820No 4 MHz, 8 MH1PIC16F14541410240 / HEF1448No None 0PIC16F14551410240 / HEF1448No None 2PIC16F14591410240 / HEF2048No None 2PIC16F150872560 / HEF2020No16 MHz, 32 2PIC16F1526147680 / HEF6420No16 MHz, 32 0PIC16F152******** / HEF6420No16 MHz, 32 0PIC16F505 1.57201420No 4 MHz 0PIC16F506 1.56701420No 4 MHz, 8 MH2PIC16F540.752501820No No 0PIC16F5737202820No No 0PIC16F59313404020No No 0PIC16F610 1.756401420No 4 MHz, 8 MH2PIC16F616 3.512801420No 4 MHz, 8 MH2PIC16F716 3.512801820No None 0PIC16F72 3.512802820No No 0PIC16F73719202820No None 0PIC16F737736802820No8 MHz 2PIC16F74719204020No No 0PIC16F747736804020No8 MHz 2PIC16F761436802820No None 0PIC16F7671436802820No8 MHz 2PIC16F771436804020No No 0PIC16F7771436804020No8 MHz 2PIC16HV540 1.52501820No No 0PIC16LF190 3.51280 / HEF2820No16 MHz, 32 0PIC16LF19072560 / HEF2820No16 MHz, 32 0PIC16LF19072560 / HEF4020No16 MHz, 32 0PIC16LF190145120 / HEF2820No16 MHz, 32 0PIC16LF190145120 / HEF4020No16 MHz, 32 0PIC18F24101676802840No8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F2450167680 / HEF2848No32 kHz 0PIC18F24J11610240 / HEF2840No32 kHz 2PIC18F24J11638000 / HEF2848Yes8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F24J51638000 / HEF2848Yes8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F251032153602840No8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F251548396802840No8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F25J13210240 / HEF2840No32 kHz 2PIC18F25J13238000 / HEF2848Yes8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F25J53238000 / HEF2848Yes8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F261064396802840No8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F26J16438000 / HEF2848Yes8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F26J16438000 / HEF2848Yes8 MHz, 32 k3PIC18F26J56438000 / HEF2848Yes8 MHz, 32 k2PIC18F26J56438000 / HEF2848No8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F27J112838000 / HEF2848Yes8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F27J512838000 / HEF2848Yes8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F44101676804040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F4450167680 / HEF4048No32 kHz 0 PIC18F44J11610240 / HEF4040No32 kHz 2 PIC18F44J11638000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F44J51638000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F451032153604040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F451548396804040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F45J13210240 / HEF4040No32 kHz 2 PIC18F45J13238000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F45J53238000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F461064396804040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F46J16438000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F46J16438000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F46J56438000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F46J56438000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F47J112838000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F47J512838000 / HEF4448Yes8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F6310876806440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F6390876806440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F6393876806440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F63J1810240 / HEF6440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F63J9810240 / HEF6440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F64101676806440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F64901676806440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F64931676806432No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F64J11610240 / HEF6440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F64J91610240 / HEF6440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F65J13220480 / HEF6440No32 kHz 2 PIC18F65J13220480 / HEF6440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F65J14820480 / HEF6440No32 kHz 2 PIC18F65J53239040 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F65J93220480 / HEF6440No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F65J93238620 / HEF6464No8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F66J16420480 / HEF6440No32 kHz 2 PIC18F66J16439040 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F66J19639360 / HEF6440No32 kHz 2 PIC18F66J19639040 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F66J56439040 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F66J59639040 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F66J66438080 / HEF6442No32 kHz 2 PIC18F66J69638080 / HEF6442No32 kHz 2 PIC18F66J96439000 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F66J96439000 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F66J96438620 / HEF6464No8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F67J112839360 / HEF6440No32 kHz 2 PIC18F67J112839040 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F67J512839040 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F67J612838080 / HEF6442No32 kHz 2 PIC18F67J912839000 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F67J912839000 / HEF6448No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F67J912838620 / HEF6464No8 MHz, 32 k3PIC18F8310876808040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F8390876808040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F8393876808040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F83J1810240 / HEF8040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F83J9810240 / HEF8040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F84101676808040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F84901676808040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F84931676808032No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F84J11610240 / HEF8040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F84J91610240 / HEF8040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F85J13220480 / HEF8040No32 kHz 2 PIC18F85J13220480 / HEF8040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F85J14820480 / HEF8040No32 kHz 2 PIC18F85J53239040 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F85J93220480 / HEF8040No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F85J93238620 / HEF8064No8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F86J16420480 / HEF8040No32 kHz 2 PIC18F86J16439040 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F86J19639360 / HEF8040No32 kHz 2 PIC18F86J19639040 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F86J56439040 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F86J59639040 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F86J66438080 / HEF8042No32 kHz 2 PIC18F86J69638080 / HEF8042No32 kHz 2 PIC18F86J76439230 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F86J96439000 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F86J96439000 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F86J96438620 / HEF8064No8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F87J112839360 / HEF8040No32 kHz 2 PIC18F87J112839040 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F87J512839040 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F87J612838080 / HEF8042No32 kHz 2 PIC18F87J712839230 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F87J912839000 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F87J912839000 / HEF8048No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F87J912838620 / HEF8064No8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F95J93238620 / HEF10064No8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F96J66438080 / HEF10042No32 kHz 2 PIC18F96J69638080 / HEF10042No32 kHz 2 PIC18F96J96438620 / HEF10064No8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC18F97J612838080 / HEF10042No32 kHz 2 PIC18F97J912838620 / HEF10064No8 MHz, 32 k3 PIC10F2000.37516064No 4 MHz 0 PIC10F2040.37516064No 4 MHz 1 PIC12F1501 1.75640 / HEF820No16 MHz, 32 1 PIC12F1571 1.751280 / HEF832No32 MHz, 32 1 PIC12F1572 3.52560 / HEF832No32 MHz, 32 1 PIC12F752 1.8640 / HEF820No8 MHz 2 PIC16F1503 3.51280 / HEF1420No16 MHz 2 PIC16F1507 3.51280 / HEF2020No16 MHz, 32 0 PIC16F1509145120 / HEF2020No16 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F1516145120 / HEF2820No16 MHz, 32 0 PIC16F1517145120 / HEF4020No16 MHz, 32 0 PIC16F151******** / HEF2820No16 MHz, 32 0PIC16F151******** / HEF4020No16 MHz, 32 0 PIC16F157475120 / HEF1432Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F157******** / HEF1432Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F157875120 / HEF2032Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F157******** / HEF2032Yes16 MHz 2 PIC16F707143680 / HEF4020No16 MHz 0 PIC16F720 3.51280 / HEF2016No16 MHz 0 PIC16F72172560 / HEF2016No16 MHz 0 PIC16F722 3.51280 / HEF2820No16 MHz 0 PIC16F722A 3.51280 / HEF2820No16 MHz 0 PIC16F72371920 / HEF2820No16 MHz 0 PIC16F723A71920 / HEF2820No16 MHz 0 PIC16F72471920 / HEF4020No16 MHz 0 PIC16F726143680 / HEF2820No16 MHz 0 PIC16F727143680 / HEF4020No16 MHz 0 PIC16F753 3.51280 / HEF1420No8 MHz 2 PIC16F1703 3.52560 / HEF1432Yes32 MHz, 32 0 PIC16F170475120 / HEF1432Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F17051410240 / HEF1432Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F1707 3.752560 / HEF2032Yes32 MHz, 32 0 PIC16F170875120 / HEF2032Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F17091410240 / HEF2032Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F171375120 / HEF2832Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F17161410240 / HEF2832Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F17171410240 / HEF4032Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F17182820480 / HEF2832Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F17192820480 / HEF4032Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F176475120 / HEF1432Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F176******** / HEF1432Yes32 MHz, 32 2 PIC16F176875120 / HEF2032Yes32 MHz, 32 4 PIC16F176******** / HEF2032Yes32 MHz, 32 4 PIC16F177375120 / HEF2832Yes32 MHz, 32 6 PIC16F177******** / HEF2832Yes32 MHz, 32 6 PIC16F177******** / HEF4032Yes32 MHz, 32 8 PIC16F177******** / HEF2832Yes32 MHz, 32 6 PIC16F177******** / HEF2832Yes32 MHz, 32 8 PIC18F252548396810242840No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F258548332810242840No8 MHz, 32 k0 PIC18F25K832364810242864No16 MHz, 32 2 PIC18F262064396810242840No8 MHz, 32 k2 PIC18F268064332810242840No8 MHz, 32 k0 PIC18F268280332810242840No8 MHz, 32 k0 PIC18F268596332810242840No8 MHz, 32 k0 PIC18F26K264393610242864No16 MHz, 32 2 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详细可以参考datasheet的23.0 CPU 的特殊功能PIC18F2420/2520/4420/4520 器件具有几项特殊的功能旨在最大限度地提高系统可靠性,并通过减少外部元件把成本降到最低。

这些功能包括:• 振荡器选择• 复位:- 上电复位(POR)- 上电延时定时器(PWRT)- 振荡器起振定时器(OST)- 欠压复位(BOR)• 中断• 看门狗定时器(WDT)• 故障保护时钟监视器(FSCM)• 双速启动• 代码保护• ID 单元• 在线串行编程选择振荡器时,要根据具体应用对频率、功耗、精度和成本的要求。

在第2.0 节“振荡器配置”中详细讨论了所有的选项。


除了为复位提供了上电延迟定时器和振荡器起振定时器之外,PIC18F2420/2520/4420/4520 器件还提供了一个看门狗定时器,该定时器可配置成永久使能或用软件控制(如果使能位被禁止的话)。

器件自带的RC 振荡器还提供了故障保护时钟监视器(FSCM)和双速启动这两个额外的功能。

FSCM 对外设时钟进行后台监视,并在外设时钟发生故障时自动切换时钟源。



23.1 配置位可以通过对配置位编程(读为0)或不编程(读为1)来选择不同的器件配置。

这些配置位被映射到程序存储器从300000h 开始的单元中。

用户会注意到地址300000h 超出了用户程序存储空间的范围。



EECON1寄存器中的WR 位可启动对配置寄存器的自定时写操作。

在正常工作模式下,采用TBLPTR 指向配置寄存器的TBLWT 指令设置要用于写操作的地址和数据。



详细可以参考datasheet的23.0 CPU 的特殊功能PIC18F2420/2520/4420/4520 器件具有几项特殊的功能旨在最大限度地提高系统可靠性,并通过减少外部元件把成本降到最低。

这些功能包括:• 振荡器选择• 复位:- 上电复位(POR)- 上电延时定时器(PWRT)- 振荡器起振定时器(OST)- 欠压复位(BOR)• 中断• 看门狗定时器(WDT)• 故障保护时钟监视器(FSCM)• 双速启动• 代码保护• ID 单元• 在线串行编程选择振荡器时,要根据具体应用对频率、功耗、精度和成本的要求。

在第2.0 节“振荡器配置”中详细讨论了所有的选项。


除了为复位提供了上电延迟定时器和振荡器起振定时器之外,PIC18F2420/2520/4420/4520 器件还提供了一个看门狗定时器,该定时器可配置成永久使能或用软件控制(如果使能位被禁止的话)。

器件自带的RC 振荡器还提供了故障保护时钟监视器(FSCM)和双速启动这两个额外的功能。

FSCM 对外设时钟进行后台监视,并在外设时钟发生故障时自动切换时钟源。



23.1 配置位可以通过对配置位编程(读为0)或不编程(读为1)来选择不同的器件配置。

这些配置位被映射到程序存储器从300000h 开始的单元中。

用户会注意到地址300000h 超出了用户程序存储空间的范围。



EECON1寄存器中的WR 位可启动对配置寄存器的自定时写操作。

在正常工作模式下,采用TBLPTR 指向配置寄存器的TBLWT 指令设置要用于写操作的地址和数据。



2004 Microchip Technology Inc.PIC18FX5X5/X6X0DS39622A-page 2 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.PIC18FX5X5/X6X02004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS39622A-page 3PIC18FX5X5/X6X0DS39622A-page 4 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS39622A-page 5PIC18FX5X5/X6X0FIGURE 2-4:PIC18FX585/X680 FAMILY PIN DIAGRAMS44-Pin QFN1011236118192021221213.96 80.9991 1.0532PIC18FX5X5/X6X0DS39622A-page 6 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.2.3Memory MapThe code memory space extends from 0000h to 0FFFFh (64Kbytes) in four 16-Kbyte blocks.Addresses 0000h through 07FFh, however, define a “Boot Block” region that is treated separately from Block 0. All of these blocks define code protection boundaries within the code memory space.TABLE 2-2:IMPLEMENTATION OF CODE MEMORYFIGURE 2-5:MEMORY MAP AND THE CODE MEMORY SPACE FOR PIC18FX5X5/X6X0 DEVICESDevice Code Memory Size (Bytes)PIC18F2515000000h-00BFFFh (48K)PIC18F2525PIC18F2585PIC18F4515PIC18F4525PIC18F4585PIC18F2610000000h-00FFFFh (64K)PIC18F2620PIC18F2680PIC18F4610PIC18F4620PIC18F4680000000h 1FFFFFh3FFFFFh 01FFFFhNote:Sizes of memory areas are not to scale.Code MemoryUnimplemented Read as ‘0’Configurationand ID SpaceMEMORY SIZE/DEVICE64Kbytes (PIC18FX6X0)48Kbytes (PIC18FX5X5)Address Range Boot BlockBoot Block 000000h 0007FFh Block 0Block 0000800h 003FFFh Block 1Block 1004000h007FFFh Block 2Block 2008000h00BFFFh Block 3Unimplemented Read ‘0’s00C000h 00FFFFhUnimplemented Read ‘0’s01FFFFh2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS39622A-page 7PIC18FX5X5/X6X0In addition to the code memory space, there are three blocks in the configuration and ID space that are acces-sible to the user through table reads and table writes.Their locations in the memory map are shown in Figure 2-6.Users may store identification information (ID) in eight ID registers. These ID registers are mapped in addresses 200000h through 200007h. The ID locations read out normally, even after code protection is applied. Locations 300000h through 30000Dh are reserved for the configuration bits. These bits select various device options and are described in Section 5.0 “Configura-tion Word”. These configuration bits read out normally,even after code protection.Locations 3FFFFEh and 3FFFFFh are reserved for the device ID bits. These bits may be used by the program-mer to identify what device type is being programmed and are described in Section 5.0 “Configuration Word”. These device ID bits read out normally, even after code protection.2.3.1MEMORY ADDRESS POINTERMemory in the address space, 0000000h to 3FFFFFh,is addressed via the Table Pointer register, which is comprised of three Pointer registers: •TBLPTRU, at RAM address 0FF8h •TBLPTRH, at RAM address 0FF7h •TBLPTRL, at RAM address 0FF6hThe 4-bit command, ‘0000’ (Core Instruction), is used to load the Table Pointer prior to using many read or write operations.TBLPTRU TBLPTRH TBLPTRL Addr[21:16]Addr[15:8]Addr[7:0]PIC18FX5X5/X6X0DS39622A-page 8 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.2.4High-Level Overview of the Programming ProcessFigure 2-8 shows the high-level overview of the programming process. First, a bulk erase is performed.Next, the code memory, ID locations and data EEPROM (PIC18FXX2X and PIC18FXX8X only) are programmed. These memories are then verified to ensure that programming was successful. If no errors are detected, the configuration bits are then programmed and verified.2.5Entering High-Voltage ICSP Program/Verify ModeThe High-Voltage ICSP Program/Verify mode is entered by holding PGC and PGD low and then raising PP to V IHH (high voltage). Once in this mode,the code memory, data EEPROM (PIC18FXX2X and PIC18FXX8X only), ID locations and configuration bits can be accessed and programmed in serial fashion.The sequence that enters the device into the Program/Verify mode places all unused I/Os in the high-impedance state.2.5.1ENTERING LOW-VOLTAGE ICSP PROGRAM/VERIFY MODEWhen the LVP configuration bit is ‘1’ (see Section 5.3“Single-Supply ICSP Programming”), the Low-Voltage ICSP mode is enabled. Low-Voltage ICSP Program/Verify mode is entered by holding PGC and PGD low, placing a logic high on PGM and then raising MCLR/V PP to V IH . In this mode, the RB5/PGM pin is dedicated to the programming function and ceases to be a general purpose I/O pin.The sequence that enters the device into the Program/Verify mode places all unused I/Os in the high-impedance state.FIGURE 2-7:ENTERING HIGH-VOLTAGEFIGURE 2-8:HIGH-LEVELFIGURE 2-9:ENTERING LOW-VOLTAGE2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS39622A-page 9PIC18FX5X5/X6X02.6Serial Program/Verify OperationThe PGC pin is used as a clock input pin and the PGD pin is used for entering command bits and data input/output during serial operation. Commands and data are transmitted on the rising edge of PGC, latched on the falling edge of PGC and are Least Significant bit (LSb)first.2.6.14-BIT COMMANDSAll instructions are 20 bits, consisting of a leading 4-bit command followed by a 16-bit operand, which depends on the type of command being executed. To input a command, PGC is cycled four times. The commands needed for programming and verification are shown in Table 2-3.Depending on the 4-bit command, the 16-bit operand represents 16 bits of input data or 8 bits of input data and 8 bits of output data.Throughout this specification, commands and data are presented as illustrated in Table 2-4. The 4-bit com-mand is shown MSb first. The command operand, or “Data Payload”, is shown <MSB><LSB>. Figure 2-10demonstrates how to serially present a 20-bit command/operand to the device.2.6.2 CORE INSTRUCTIONThe core instruction passes a 16-bit instruction to the CPU core for execution. This is needed to setup registers as appropriate for use with other commands.TABLE 2-3:COMMANDS FOR PROGRAMMINGTABLE 2-4:SAMPLE COMMAND SEQUENCEDescription4-Bit Command Core Instruction(Shift in16-bit instruction)0000Shift out TABLAT register 0010Table Read1000Table Read, post-increment 1001Table Read, post-decrement 1010Table Read, pre-increment 1011Table Write1100Table Write, post-increment by 21101Table Write, start programming, post-increment by 21110Table Write, start programming11114-Bit Command Data Payload Core Instruction 11013C 40Table Write,post-increment by 2PIC18FX5X5/X6X0DS39622A-page 10 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.3.0DEVICE PROGRAMMINGProgramming includes the ability to erase or write the various memory regions within the device.In all cases except High-Voltage ICSP Bulk Erase, the EECON1 register must be configured in order to operate on a particular memory region.When using the EECON1 register to act on code mem-ory, the EEPGD bit must be set (EECON1<7> = 1) and the CFGS bit must be cleared (EECON1<6> = 0). The WREN bit must be set (EECON1<2> = 1) to enable writes of any sort (e.g., erases) and this must be done prior to initiating a write sequence. The FREE bit must be set (EECON1<4> = 1) in order to erase the program space being pointed to by the Table Pointer. The erase or write sequence is initiated by setting the WR bit (EECON1<1> = 1). It is strongly recommended that the WREN bit only be set immediately prior to a program erase.3.1ICSP Erase3.1.1HIGH-VOLTAGE ICSP BULK ERASEErasing code or data EEPROM is accomplished by configuring two Bulk Erase Control registers located at 3C0004h and 3C0005h. Code memory may be erased portions at a time, or the user may erase the entire device in one action. “Bulk Erase” operations will also clear any code-protect settings associated with the memory block erased. Erase options are detailed in Table 3-1. If data EEPROM is code-protected (CPD =0), the user must request an erase of data EEPROM (e.g., 0X84h as shown in Table 3-1, where X defines the block to be erased).TABLE 3-1:BULK ERASE OPTIONSThe actual Bulk Erase function is a self-timed opera-tion. Once the erase has started (falling edge of the 4th PGC after the NOP command), serial execution will cease until the erase completes (parameter P11).During this time, PGC may continue to toggle but PGD must be held low.The code sequence to erase the entire device is shown in Table 3-2 and the flow chart is shown in Figure 3-1.TABLE 3-2:BULK ERASE COMMAND SEQUENCEDescriptionData Chip Erase0F87h Erase Data EEPROM (1)0084h Erase Boot Block 0081h Erase Config Bits 0082h Erase Block 00180h Erase Block 10280h Erase Block 20480h Erase Block 30880hNote 1:PIC18FXX2X and PIC18FXX8X only.Note:A bulk erase is the only way to reprogram code-protect bits from an on-state to an off-state.4-Bit Command Data Payload Core Instruction 00000000000000000000000011000000000000000000000000001100000000000E 3C 6E F80E 006E F70E 056E F60F 0F 0E 3C 6E F80E 006E F70E 046E F687 8700 0000 00MOVLW 3ChMOVWF TBLPTRU MOVLW 00hMOVWF TBLPTRH MOVLW 05hMOVWF TBLPTRLWrite 0Fh to 3C0005h MOVLW 3ChMOVWF TBLPTRU MOVLW 00hMOVWF TBLPTRH MOVLW 04hMOVWF TBLPTRLWrite 8787h TO 3C0004h to erase entire device.NOPHold PGD low until erase completes.3.1.2LOW-VOLTAGE ICSP BULK ERASEWhen using low-voltage ICSP, the part must be sup-plied by the voltage specified in parameter #D111if a Bulk Erase is to be executed. All other Bulk Erase details as described above apply.If it is determined that a program memory erase must be performed at a supply voltage below the Bulk Erase limit, refer to the erase methodology described in Sections3.1.3 and3.2.1.If it is determined that a data EEPROM (PIC18FXX2X and PIC18FXX8X only) erase must be performed at a supply voltage below the Bulk Erase limit, follow the methodology described in Section3.3 “Data EEPROM Programming (PIC18FXX2X and PIC18FXX8X only)” and write ‘1’s to the array.3.1.3ICSP ROW ERASERegardless of whether high or low-voltage ICSP is used, it is possible to erase one row (64 bytes of data), provided the block is not code or write-protected. Rows are located at static boundaries beginning at program memory address 000000h, extending to the internal program memory limit (see Section2.3 “Memory Map”).The Row Erase duration is externally timed and is controlled by PGC. After the WR bit in EECON1 is set, a NOP is issued, where the 4th PGC is held high for the duration of the programming time, P9.After PGC is brought low, the programming sequence is terminated. PGC must be held low for the time spec-ified by parameter P10 to allow high-voltage discharge of the memory array.The code sequence to Row Erase a PIC18FX5X5/X6X0 device is shown in Table3-3. The flow chart shown in Figure3-3 depicts the logic necessary to completely erase a PIC18FX5X5/X6X0 device. The timing diagram that details the “Start Programming” command and parameters P9 and P10 is shown in Figure3-5. Note:The TBLPTR register can point at any byte within the row(s) intended for erase.TABLE 3-3:ERASE CODE MEMORY CODE SEQUENCE4-bit CommandData PayloadCore InstructionStep 1: Direct access to code memory and enable writes.0000000000008E A69C A684 A6BSF EECON1, EEPGD BCF EECON1, CFGS BSF EECON1, WRENStep 2: Point to first row in code memory.0000000000006A F86A F76A F6CLRF TBLPTRU CLRF TBLPTRH CLRF TBLPTRLStep 3: Enable erase and erase single row.00000000000088 A682 A600 00BSF EECON1, FREE BSF EECON1, WRNOP - hold PGC high for time P9.Step 4: Repeat step 3, with address pointer incremented by 64 until all rows are erased.3.2Code Memory ProgrammingProgramming code memory is accomplished by first loading data into the write buffer and then initiating a programming sequence. The write buffer is 64 bytes in size and can be mapped to any 64-byte area in code memory beginning at location 000000h. The actual memory write sequence takes the contents of this buffer and programs the 64-byte code memory region that contains the Table Pointer.The programming duration is externally timed and is controlled by PGC. After a “Start Programming” com-mand is issued (4-bit command, ‘1111’), a NOP is issued, where the 4th PGC is held high for the duration of the programming time, P9.After PGC is brought low, the programming sequence is terminated. PGC must be held low for the time spec-ified by parameter P10 to allow high-voltage discharge of the memory array.The code sequence to program a PIC18FX5X5/X6X0device is shown in Table 3-4. The flow chart shown in Figure 3-4 depicts the logic necessary to completely write a PIC18FX5X5/X6X0 device. The timing diagram that details the “Start Programming” command and parameters P9 and P10 is shown in Figure 3-5.TABLE 3-4:WRITE CODE MEMORY CODE SEQUENCENote:The TBLPTR register must point to the same 64-byte region when initiating the programming sequence as it did when the write buffers were loaded.4-bit CommandData PayloadCore InstructionStep 1: Direct access to code memory and enable writes.000000008E A69C A6BSF EECON1, EEPGD BCF EECON1, CFGSStep 2: Load write buffer.0000000000000000000000000E <Addr[21:16]>6E F80E <Addr[15:8]>6E F70E <Addr[7:0]>6E F6MOVLW <Addr[21:16]>MOVWF TBLPTRUMOVLW <Addr[15:8]>MOVWF TBLPTRHMOVLW <Addr[7:0]>MOVWF TBLPTRLStep 3: Repeat for all but the last two bytes.1101<MSB><LSB>Write 2 bytes and post-increment address by 2Step 4: Load write buffer for last two bytes.11110000<MSB><LSB>00 00Write 2 bytes and start programming NOP - hold PGC high for time P9To continue writing data, repeat steps 2 through 4, where the address pointer is incremented by 2 at each iteration of the loop.3.2.1MODIFYING CODE MEMORYThe previous programming example assumed that the device has been bulk erased prior to programming (see Section3.1.1 “High-Voltage ICSP Bulk Erase”). It may be the case, however, that the user wishes to modify only a section of an already programmed device.In this case, 64 bytes must be read out of code memory (as described in Section4.2 “Verify Code Memory and ID Locations”) and buffered. Modifications can be made on this buffer. Then, the 64-byte block of code memory that was read out must be erased and rewritten with the modified data.The WREN bit must be set if the WR bit in EECON1 is used to initiate a write sequence.TABLE 3-5:MODIFYING CODE MEMORY4-bitCommandData Payload Core InstructionStep 1: Direct access to code memory.Step 2: Read and modify code memory (see Section4.1 “Read Code Memory, ID Locations and Configuration Bits”).0000 00008E A69C A6BSF EECON1, EEPGDBCF EECON1, CFGSStep 3: Set the Table Pointer for the block to be erased.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000E <Addr[21:16]>6E F80E <Addr[8:15]>6E F70E <Addr[7:0]>6E F6MOVLW<Addr[21:16]>MOVWF TBLPTRUMOVLW<Addr[8:15]>MOVWF TBLPTRHMOVLW <Addr[7:0]>MOVWF TBLPTRLStep 4: Enable memory writes and setup an erase.0000 000084 A688 A6BSF EECON1, WRENBSF EECON1, FREEStep 5: Initiate erase.0000 000082 A600 00BSF EECON1, WRNOP - hold PGC high for time P9Step 6: Wait for P10.Step 7: Load write buffer. The correct bytes will be selected based on the Table Pointer.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1101 . . . 1111 00000E <Addr[21:16]>6E F80E <Addr[8:15]>6E F70E <Addr[7:0]>6E F6<MSB><LSB>...<MSB><LSB>00 00MOVLW <Addr[21:16]>MOVWF TBLPTRUMOVLW <Addr[8:15]>MOVWF TBLPTRHMOVLW <Addr[7:0]>MOVWF TBLPTRLWrite 2 bytes and post-increment address by 2Repeat 30 timesWrite 2 bytes and start programmingNOP - hold PGC high for time P9To continue modifying data, repeat Steps 2 through 7, where the address pointer is incremented by 64 at each iteration of the loop. Step 8: Disable writes.000094 A6BCF EECON1, WREN3.3Data EEPROM ProgrammingPIC18FXX8X only)Data EEPROM is accessed one byte at a time via an address pointer (register pair EEADRH:EEADR) and a data latch (EEDATA). Data EEPROM is written by loading EEADRH:EEADR with the desired memory location, EEDATA with the data to be written and initiat-ing a memory write by appropriately configuring the EECON1 register. A byte write automatically erases the location and writes the new data (erase-before-write). When using the EECON1 register to perform a data EEPROM write, both the EEPGD and CFGS bits must be cleared (EECON1<7:6> = 00). The WREN bit must be set (EECON1<2> = 1) to enable writes of any sort and this must be done prior to initiating a write sequence. The write sequence is initiated by setting the WR bit (EECON1<1> = 1).The write begins on the falling edge of the 4th PGC after the WR bit is set. It ends when the WR bit is cleared by hardware.After the programming sequence terminates, PGC must still be held low for the time specified by parame-ter P10 to allow high-voltage discharge of the memoryarray.TABLE 3-6:PROGRAMMING DATA MEMORY4-bitCommandData Payload Core Instruction Step 1: Direct access to data EEPROM.0000 00009E A69C A6BCF EECON1,EEPGDBCF EECON1,CFGSStep 2: Set the data EEPROM address pointer.0000 0000 0000 00000E <Addr>6E A9OE <AddrH>6E AAMOVLW <Addr>MOVWF EEADRMOVLW <AddrH>MOVWF EEADRHStep 3: Load the data to be written.0000 00000E <Data>6E A8MOVLW <Data>MOVWF EEDATAStep 4: Enable memory writes.000084 A6BSF EECON1, WREN Step 5: Initiate write.000082 A6BSF EECON1, WR Step 6: Poll WR bit, repeat until the bit is clear.0000 0000 0000 001050 A66E F500 00<MSB><LSB>MOVF EECON1, W, 0MOVWF TABLATNOPShift out data(1)Step 7: Disable writes.000094 A6BCF EECON1, WREN Repeat steps 2 through 7 to write more data.Note1:See Figure4-4 for details on shift out data timing.3.4ID Location ProgrammingThe ID locations are programmed much like the code memory. The ID registers are mapped in addresses 200000h through 200007h. These locations read out normally even after code protection.Table 3-7 demonstrates the code sequence required to write the ID locations.In order to modify the ID locations, refer to the method-ology described in Section 3.2.1 “Modifying Code Memory”. As with code memory, the ID locations must be erased before modified.TABLE 3-7:WRITE ID SEQUENCENote:The user only needs to fill the first 8 bytes of the write buffer in order to write the ID locations.4-bit CommandData PayloadCore InstructionStep 1: Direct access to code memory and enable writes.000000008E A69C A6BSF EECON1, EEPGD BCF EECON1, CFGSStep 2: Load write buffer with 8 bytes and write.000000000000000000000000110111011101111100000E 206E F80E 006E F70E 006E F6<MSB><LSB><MSB><LSB><MSB><LSB><MSB><LSB>00 00MOVLW 20hMOVWF TBLPTRU MOVLW 00hMOVWF TBLPTRH MOVLW 00hMOVWF TBLPTRLWrite 2 bytes and post-increment address by 2Write 2 bytes and post-increment address by 2Write 2 bytes and post-increment address by 2Write 2 bytes and start programming NOP - hold PGC high for time P93.5Boot Block ProgrammingThe code sequence detailed in Table 3-4 should be used, except that the address data used in “Step 2” will be in the range of 000000h to 0007FFh.3.6Configuration Bits ProgrammingUnlike code memory, the configuration bits are pro-grammed a byte at a time. The “Table Write, Begin Programming” 4-bit command (1111) is used, but only 8 bits of the following 16-bit payload will be written. The LSB of the payload will be written to even addresses and the MSB will be written to odd addresses. The code sequence to program two consecutive configuration locations is shown in Table 3-8.TABLE 3-8:SET ADDRESS POINTER TO CONFIGURATION LOCATIONNote:The address must be explicitly written for each byte programmed. The addresses can not be incremented in this mode.4-bit CommandData PayloadCore InstructionStep 1: Enable writes and direct access to config memory.000000008E A68C A6BSF EECON1, EEPGD BSF EECON1, CFGSStep 2(1): Set Table Pointer for config byte to be written. Write even/odd addresses.0000000000000000000000001111000000000000111100000E 306E F80E 006E F70E 006E F6<MSB ignored><LSB>00 000E 016E F6<MSB><LSB ignored>00 00MOVLW 30hMOVWF TBLPTRU MOVLW 00hMOVWF TBLPRTH MOVLW 00hMOVWF TBLPTRLLoad 2 bytes and start programming NOP - hold PGC high for time P9MOVLW 01hMOVWF TBLPTRLLoad 2 bytes and start programming NOP - hold PGC high for time P9Note 1:Enabling the write protection of configuration bits (WRTC = 0 in CONFIG6H) will prevent further writing of configuration bits. Always write all the configuration bits before enabling the write protection for configuration bits.4.0READING THE DEVICE4.1Read Code Memory, ID Locations and Configuration BitsCode memory is accessed one byte at a time via the 4-bit command, ‘1001’ (table read, post-increment).The contents of memory pointed to by the Table Pointer (TBLPTRU:TBLPTRH:TBLPTRL) is serially output on PGD.The 4-bit command is shifted in LSb first. The read is executed during the next 8 clocks, then shifted out on PGD during the last 8 clocks, LSb to MSb. A delay of P6 must be introduced after the falling edge of the 8th PGC of the operand to allow PGD to transition from an input to an output. During this time, PGC must be held low (see Figure 4-1). This operation also increments the Table Pointer pointer by one, pointing to the next byte in code memory for the next read.This technique will work to read any memory in the 000000h to 3FFFFFh address space, so it also applies to the reading of the ID and Configuration registers.TABLE 4-1:READ CODE MEMORY SEQUENCE4-bit CommandData PayloadCore InstructionStep 1: Set Table Pointer.0000000000000000000000000E <Addr[21:16]>6E F80E <Addr[15:8]>6E F70E <Addr[7:0]>6E F6MOVLW Addr[21:16]MOVWF TBLPTRUMOVLW <Addr[15:8]>MOVWF TBLPTRHMOVLW <Addr[7:0]>MOVWF TBLPTRLStep 2: Read memory and then shift out on PGD, LSb to MSb.100100 00TBLRD *+4.2Verify Code Memory and IDLocationsThe verify step involves reading back the code memory space and comparing it against the copy held in the programmer’s buffer. Memory reads occur a single byte at a time, so two bytes must be read to compare against the word in the programmer’s buffer. Refer to Section4.1 “Read Code Memory, ID Locations and Configuration Bits” for implementation details of reading code memory.The Table Pointer must be manually set to 200000h (base address of the ID locations) once the code memory has been verified. The post-increment feature of the table read 4-bit command may not be used to increment the Table Pointer beyond the code memory space. In a 64-Kbyte device, for example, a post-increment read of address FFFFh will wrap the Table Pointer back to 000000h, rather than point to unimplemented address 010000h.4.3Verify Configuration BitsA configuration address may be read and output on PGD via the 4-bit command, ‘1001’. Configuration data is read and written in a byte-wise fashion, so it is not necessary to merge two bytes into a word prior to a compare. The result may then be immediately compared to the appropriate configuration data in the programmer’s memory for verification. Refer to Section4.1 “Read Code Memory, ID Locations and Configuration Bits” for implementation details of reading configuration data.4.4Read Data EEPROM MemoryData EEPROM is accessed one byte at a time via an address pointer (register pair EEADRH:EEADR) and a data latch (EEDATA). Data EEPROM is read by loading EEADRH:EEADR with the desired memory location and initiating a memory read by appropriately configur-ing the EECON1 register. The data will be loaded into EEDATA, where it may be serially output on PGD via the 4-bit command, ‘0010’ (Shift Out Data Holding reg-ister). A delay of P6 must be introduced after the falling edge of the 8th PGC of the operand to allow PGD to transition from an input to an output. During this time, PGC must be held low (see Figure4-4).The command sequence to read a single byte of data is shown in Table4-2.FIGURE 4-3:READ DATA EEPROMFLOWTABLE 4-2:READ DATA EEPROM MEMORYStartSetAddressReadByteDoneNoYesDone?Move to TABLATShift Out Data4-bitCommandData Payload Core Instruction Step 1: Direct access to data EEPROM.0000 00009E A69C A6BCF EECON1,EEPGDBCF EECON1,CFGSStep 2: Set the data EEPROM address pointer.0000 0000 0000 00000E <Addr>6E A9OE <AddrH>6E AAMOVLW <Addr>MOVWF EEADRMOVLW <AddrH>MOVWF EEADRHStep 3: Initiate a memory read.000080 A6BSF EECON1, RD Step 4: Load data into the Serial Data Holding register.0000 0000 0000 001050 A86E F500 00<MSB><LSB>MOVF EEDATA, W, 0MOVWF TABLATNOPShift Out Data(1)Note1:The <LSB> is undefined. The <MSB> is the data.4.5Verify Data EEPROM4.6Blank CheckThe term “Blank Check” means to verify that the device has no programmed memory cells. All memories must be verified: code memory, data EEPROM, ID locations and configuration bits. The Device ID registers (3FFFFEh:3FFFFFh) should be ignored.A “blank” or “erased” memory cell will read as a ‘1’. So,“Blank Checking” a device merely means to verify that all bytes read as FFh except the configuration bits. Unused (reserved) configuration bits will read ‘0’ (pro-grammed). Refer to Table5-2 for blank configuration expect data for the various PIC18FX5X5/X6X0 devices.Given that “Blank Checking” is merely code and data EEPROM verification with FFh expect data, refer to Section4.4 “Read Data EEPROM Memory” and Section4.2 “Verify Code Memory and ID Locations”for implementation details.5.0CONFIGURATION WORDThe PIC18FX5X5/X6X0 devices have several configu-ration words. These bits can be set or cleared to select various device configurations. All other memory areas should be programmed and verified prior to setting con-figuration words. These bits may be read out normally, even after read or code-protected.5.1ID LocationsA user may store identification information (ID) in eight ID locations mapped in 200000h:200007h. It is recom-mended that the Most Significant nibble of each ID be 0Fh. In doing so, if the user code inadvertently tries to execute from the ID space, the ID data will execute asa NOP.5.2Device ID WordThe device ID word for the PIC18FX5X5/X6X0 devices is located at 3FFFFEh:3FFFFFh. These bits may be used by the programmer to identify what device type is being programmed and read out normally, even after code or read-protected. 5.3Single-Supply ICSP Programming The LVP bit in Configuration register, CONFIG4L, enables Single-Supply (Low-Voltage) ICSP Programming. The LVP bit defaults to a ‘1’ from the factory.If Single-Supply Programming mode is not used, the LVP bit can be programmed to a ‘0’ and RB5/PGM becomes a digital I/O pin. However, the LVP bit may only be programmed by entering the High-Voltage ICSP mode, where MCLR/V PP is raised to V IHH. Once the LVP bit is programmed to a ‘0’, only the High-Voltage ICSP mode is available and only the High-Voltage ICSP mode can be used to program the device.TABLE 5-1:DEVICE ID VALUE Note1:The normal ICSP mode is always avail-able, regardless of the state of the LVPbit, by applying V IHH to the MCLR/V PPpin.2:While in Low-Voltage ICSP mode, the RB5 pin can no longer be used as ageneral purpose I/O.DeviceDevice ID ValueDEVID2DEVID1PIC18F25150Ch111x xxxxPIC18F25250Ch110x xxxxPIC18F25850Eh111x xxxxPIC18F45150Ch011x xxxxPIC18F45250Ch010x xxxxPIC18F45850Eh101x xxxxPIC18F26100Ch101x xxxxPIC18F26200Ch100x xxxxPIC18F26800Eh110x xxxxPIC18F46100Ch001x xxxxPIC18F46200Ch000x xxxxPIC18F46800Eh100x xxxx Note:The ‘x’s in DEVID1 contain the device revision code.。



PIC18 8位单片机片机 选型列表PIC18 系列Product FamilyMemoryType ProgramMemoryKBytesProgramMemoryKWordsSelf-writeEEPROMDataMemoryBytesRAMBytesI/OPinsPincountMax.CPUSpeedMHzCPUSpeedMIPSInternalOscillator#ofA/DCh.CapTouchChannelsDigitalCommunicationTimersTemperatureRangeOperationVoltageRangePackagesPIC18F1220Flash42Yes256256161840108 MHz, 32kHz70 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1502V - 5.5V18/PDIP,18/SOIC 300mil,20/SSOP208mil,28/QFNPIC18F1230Flash42Yes128256161840108 MHz, 32kHz40 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 0 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V18/PDIP,18/SOIC 300mil,20/SSOP208mil,28/QFNPIC18F1320Flash84Yes256256161840108 MHz, 32kHz70 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1502V - 5.5V18/PDIP,18/SOIC 300mil,20/SSOP208mil,28/QFNPIC18F1330Flash84Yes128256161840108 MHz, 32kHz40 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 0 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V18/PDIP,18/SOIC 300mil,20/SSOP208mil,28/QFNPIC18F14K50Flash168Yes2567681520481216 MHz,32 kHz991 -A/E/USART,1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1251.8V -5.5V20/PDIP,20/QFN,20/SOIC300mil,20/SSOP 208mil,28/SOIC300milPIC18F2220Flash42Yes256512252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2221Flash42Yes256512252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIP,28/SSOP 208milPIC18F2320Flash84Yes256512252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2321Flash84Yes256512252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIP,28/SSOP 208milPIC18F2331Flash84Yes256768242840108 MHz, 32kHz50 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/PDIP 300mil,28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F23K20Flash84Yes2565122528641616 MHz,32 kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1251.8V -3.6V28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIP,28/SSOP208mil,28/UQFNPIC18F2410Flash168No0768252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/PDIP 300mil,28/QFN,28/SOIC300milPIC18F2420Flash168Yes256768252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2423Flash168Yes256768252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2431Flash168Yes256768242840108 MHz, 32kHz50 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/PDIP 300mil,28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2450Flash168Yes07682328481232 kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C1 - 8-bit, 2 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2455Flash2412Yes2562048242848128 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V28/PDIP 300mil,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2480Flash168Yes256768252840108 MHz, 32kHz80 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIP(SPI/I2C)PIC18F24J10Flash168Yes010242128401032 kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 2 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIP,28/SSOP 208milProduct FamilyMemoryType ProgramMemoryKBytesProgramMemoryKWordsSelf-writeEEPROMDataMemoryBytesRAMBytesI/OPinsPincountMax.CPUSpeedMHzCPUSpeedMIPSInternalOscillator#ofA/DCh.CapTouchChannelsDigitalCommunicationTimersTemperatureRangeOperationVoltageRangePackagesPIC18F24K20Flash168Yes2567682528641616 MHz,32 kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1251.8V -3.6V28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIP,28/SSOP 208milPIC18F2510Flash3216No01536252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2515Flash4824No03968252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/PDIP 300mil,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2520Flash3216Yes2561536252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2523Flash3216Yes2561536252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2525Flash4824Yes10243968252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/PDIP 300mil,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2550Flash3216Yes2562048242848128 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V28/PDIP 300mil,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2580Flash3216Yes2561536252840108 MHz, 32kHz80 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/QFN,28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2585Flash4824Yes10243328252840108 MHz, 32kHz80 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1502V - 5.5V28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F25J10Flash3216Yes010242128401032 kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 2 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIP,28/SSOP 208milPIC18F25K20Flash3216Yes25615362528641616 MHz,32 kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1251.8V -3.6V28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIP,28/SSOP 208milPIC18F2610Flash6432No03968252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/PDIP 300mil,28/SOIC 300milPIC18F2620Flash6432Yes10243968252840108 MHz, 32kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/PDIP 300mil,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2680Flash6432Yes10243328252840108 MHz, 32kHz80 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1502V - 5.5V28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2682Flash8040Yes10243328252840108 MHz, 32kHz80 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F2685Flash9648Yes10243328252840108 MHz, 32kHz80 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V28/SOIC 300mil,28/SPDIPPIC18F26K20Flash6432Yes102439362528641616 MHz,32 kHz100 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1251.8V -3.6V28/QFN,28/SOIC300mil,28/SPDIP,28/SSOP 208mil0 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -PIC18F4220Flash42Yes256512364040108 MHz, 32kHz13SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4221Flash42Yes256512364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4320Flash84Yes256512364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPProduct FamilyMemoryType ProgramMemoryKBytesProgramMemoryKWordsSelf-writeEEPROMDataMemoryBytesRAMBytesI/OPinsPincountMax.CPUSpeedMHzCPUSpeedMIPSInternalOscillator#ofA/DCh.CapTouchChannelsDigitalCommunicationTimersTemperatureRangeOperationVoltageRangePackagesPIC18F4321Flash84Yes256512364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4331Flash84Yes256768364040108 MHz, 32kHz90 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,40/PDIP600mil,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F43K20Flash84Yes2565123640641616 MHz,32 kHz13140 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1251.8V -3.6V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4410Flash168No0768364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP 600mil,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4420Flash168Yes256768364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4423Flash168Yes256768364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4431Flash168Yes256768364040108 MHz, 32kHz90 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,40/PDIP600mil,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4450Flash168Yes07683440481232 kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C1 - 8-bit, 2 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4455Flash2412Yes2562048354048128 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V40/PDIP,40/PDIP600mil,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4480Flash168Yes256768364040108 MHz, 32kHz110 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F44J10Flash168Yes010243240401032 kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 2 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F44K20Flash168Yes2567683640641616 MHz,32 kHz13140 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1251.8V -3.6V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4510Flash3216No01536364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4515Flash4824No03968364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP 600mil,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4520Flash3216Yes2561536364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4523Flash3216Yes2561536364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4525Flash4824Yes10243968364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP 600mil,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4550Flash3216Yes2562048354048128 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V40/PDIP,40/PDIP600mil,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4580Flash3216Yes2561536364040108 MHz, 32kHz110 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4585Flash4824Yes10243328364040108 MHz, 32kHz110 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1502V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPProduct FamilyMemoryType ProgramMemoryKBytesProgramMemoryKWordsSelf-writeEEPROMDataMemoryBytesRAMBytesI/OPinsPincountMax.CPUSpeedMHzCPUSpeedMIPSInternalOscillator#ofA/DCh.CapTouchChannelsDigitalCommunicationTimersTemperatureRangeOperationVoltageRangePackagesPIC18F45J10Flash3216Yes010243240401032 kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 2 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F45K20Flash3216Yes25615363640641616 MHz,32 kHz13140 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1251.8V -3.6V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4610Flash6432No03968364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP 600mil,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4620Flash6432Yes10243968364040108 MHz, 32kHz130 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,40/PDIP600mil,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4680Flash6432Yes10243328364040108 MHz, 32kHz110 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1502V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4682Flash8040Yes10243328364040108 MHz, 32kHz110 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F4685Flash9648Yes10243328364040108 MHz, 32kHz110 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V40/PDIP,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F46K20Flash6432Yes102439363640641616 MHz,32 kHz13140 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1251.8V -3.6V40/PDIP,40/UQFN,44/QFN,44/TQFPPIC18F6310Flash84No0768546440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V64/TQFPPIC18F6390Flash84No0768506440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V64/TQFPPIC18F63J11Flash84Yes01024546440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F63J90Flash84Yes01024516440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F6410Flash168No0768546440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V64/TQFPPIC18F6490Flash168No0768506440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V64/TQFP 8 MHz, 320 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 - 1 - 8-PIC18F64J11Flash168Yes0102454644010kHz12MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F64J90Flash168Yes01024516440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F6520Flash3216Yes1024204852644010120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V64/TQFPPIC18F6527Flash4824Yes10243936546440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V64/TQFPPIC18F65J10Flash3216Yes020485064401032 kHz110 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F65J11Flash3216Yes02048546440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPProduct FamilyMemoryType ProgramMemoryKBytesProgramMemoryKWordsSelf-writeEEPROMDataMemoryBytesRAMBytesI/OPinsPincountMax.CPUSpeedMHzCPUSpeedMIPSInternalOscillator#ofA/DCh.CapTouchChannelsDigitalCommunicationTimersTemperatureRangeOperationVoltageRangePackagesPIC18F65J15Flash4824Yes020485064401032 kHz110 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F65J50Flash3216Yes03904496448128 MHz, 32kHz80 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F65J90Flash3216Yes02048506440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)1 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F6622Flash6432Yes10243936546440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 5.5V64/TQFPPIC18F6627Flash9648Yes10243936546440108 MHz, 32kHz120 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 1252V - 5.5V64/TQFPPIC18F66J10Flash6432Yes020485064401032 kHz110 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F66J11Flash6432Yes03904506448128 MHz, 32kHz110 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F66J15Flash9648Yes039365064401032 kHz110 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C),0 -SSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F66J16Flash9648Yes03904506448128 MHz, 32kHz110 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F66J50Flash6432Yes03904496448128 MHz, 32kHz80 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F66J55Flash9648Yes03904496448128 MHz, 32kHz80 -UART, 2 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 2 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFPPIC18F66J60Flash6432Yes0380839644210.532 kHz110 -UART, 1 -A/E/USART, 0 -SPI, 0 -I2C, 1 -MSSP(SPI/I2C)2 - 8-bit, 3 -16-bit,0 - 32-bit-40 to 852V - 3.6V64/TQFP。



图5 ㊀车窗上升过程中的电流变化
图6 ㊀车窗遇障碍物时的电流变化
4 ㊀结语
本设计方案采用智能桥式驱动电路 B T N 7 9 6 0 , 电压输入范围宽, 工作电流大, 具有电流感应功能, 体积小 且性价比高; 采用 L I N总线通信则降低了成本。这种防夹手电动车窗具有过电压、 过热、 过电流自我保护功 能, 可以检测驱动电流, 判断车窗故障, 并把故障信息通过 L I N总线发送给主机, 方便用户查询故障信息, 具 有良好的市场前景。
图1 ㊀车窗控制器原理框图
A/ D , P WM, C A N控制器, U R A T , S P I 等功能。采用单片机 P I C 1 8 F 2 5 8 0控制功率器件的开关动作, 同时对系 统状态进行实时监控, 接收故障反馈信号, 并通过车载网络实现与中央车身控制器及其他车门控制器的故障 信息和按键控制信息的交换, 从而及时在用户界面上显示故障内容并对车门进行实时控制, 确保了行车安 全。 2 . 2 ㊀M C U及 L I N通信接口设计 P I C 1 8 F 2 5 8 0是 M i c r o c h i p公司生产的采 用纳 瓦 技 术 的 低 功 耗 芯 片, 片内具有 1 6 K , 有多个时钟源可供选择, 内部集成了 F l a s h 1 0位 A D转换器、 增强的可寻址 U S A R T等模
基于 P I C 1 8 F 2 5 8 0的智能防夹手电动车窗设计
孙能勇1, 王冬雪2, 马建辉2, 成巍
( 1 . 胜利油田电力管理总公司纯梁供电公司,山东 博兴 2 5 6 5 0 4 ; 2 . 山东省科学院自动化研究所汽车电子重点实验室,山东 济南 2 5 0 0 1 4 ) 摘要: 提出了一种基于 P I C 1 8 F 2 5 8 0的电动车窗防夹手控制方案, 系统采用 L I N总线通信, 利用可以检测负载 电流的半桥驱动芯片驱动车窗电机。该方案性价比较高。 关键词: L I N总线; 防夹手车窗; 半桥; M C U 中图分类号: T P 3 3 6 ㊀㊀㊀文献标识码: B



pic18f13k50编程18F13K50是一款由Microchip Technology Inc.推出的8位微控制器。




首先,我们需要一台Windows操作系统的计算机,然后下载并安装MPLAB X IDE集成开发环境,该环境被广泛应用于PIC单片机的开发。

此外,我们还需要一台PICkit 3编程器,用于将编写好的程序烧写到PIC18F13K50单片机中。


第二步:编写程序打开MPLAB X IDE集成开发环境,在主界面上选择"File"选项,然后点击"New Project",创建一个新的项目。

在弹出的窗口中,选择"Microchip Embedded"作为项目分类,并在"Device"栏中搜索"pic18f13k50",选择相应的单片机型号。




右键点击项目名称,选择"Add New",然后选择"C源文件"。




18,000 BTU 208 240V Portable Rack Air Conditioner商

18,000 BTU 208 240V Portable Rack Air Conditioner商

Portable AC Unit for Server Rooms - 18,000 BTU (5.275 kW), 208/240VMODEL NUMBER:SRCOOL18KPortable, self-contained 18,000 BTU server rack cooling system perfect for supplemental or backup cooling in server rooms and data centers, and as primary cooling in wiring closets and other IT environments without facility air conditioning.DescriptionThe SRCOOL18K SmartRack 18,000 BTU 208/240V Portable Rack Air Conditioner cools, dehumidifies and filters the air in your server room, data center or other environment with heat-sensitive equipment. The compact, portable unit fits into just 4 square feet of floor space. It is designed for supplemental or backup cooling of IT equipment to prevent shutdowns, malfunctions and costly downtime caused by overheating or fluctuating temperatures.The self-contained SRCOOL18K packs 18,000 BTU/h (5.275 kW) of cooling capacity into a rack-width chassis. A built-in evaporator expels condensation through a directional exhaust duct, eliminating the need for a floor drain or water collection tank. The SRCOOL18K also dehumidifies and filters the air, providing better air quality that can enhance equipment performance. Efficient close-coupled cooling reduces energy use and operating costs.Installation is quick and easy and does not require disruptive construction or the costly expense of hiring a plumber or HVAC specialist. The SRCOOL18K rolls into place on durable built-in casters. The NEMA L6-20P plug connects to a standard 208/240V 20A outlet. The unit restarts automatically after power failures, and a built-in timer supports unattended shutdown and startup.By installing the optional SRCOOLNET2LX network management card (sold separately), you can monitor temperatures, receive alerts, review logs, automate operation and control settings from anywhere via SNMP, web browser, SSH or telnet. The SRCOOLNET2LX includes the ENVIROSENSE remote sensor, which lets you monitor temperature and humidity up to 12-ft. (3.66 m) away from the SRCOOL18K.FeaturesPortable, High-Capacity Cooling Power Produces 18,000 BTU/h (5.275 kW) of cooling capacity in a portable, rack-width chassisPrevents equipment shutdowns, malfunctions and failures caused by overheating and temperature fluctuationsFilters and dehumidifies air to enhance equipment performanceUses environmentally friendly R410A refrigerant, which complies with worldwide standardsEfficient close-coupled cooling reduces energy use and operating costsConvenient Operation Adjustable louvers support area cooling applicationsFlexible output duct aims cold air where it's needed, such as an overheated rack enclosure or equipment hot spotSupports unattended shutdown and startup, including automatic restarts after power failuresEasy-to-read control panel with digital display and diagnostic LEDs for local managementSystem-lock function disables all other buttons to prevent accidental input Highlights18,000 BTU/h (5.275 kW) ofcooling capacity in 2 x 2-ft. (0.61 m) footprintqNEMA L6-20P plug connects tostandard 208/240V 20A outletqDirects cooling throughadjustable louvers or ductqRestarts automatically afterpower failuresqSupports network managementvia optional SRCOOLNET2qPackage IncludesSRCOOL18K SmartRackPortable Server Rack CoolingUnit - 18,000 BTU, 208/240Vq(2) Gray exhaust ductsqBlack cooling ductq(2) Exhaust duct adaptersq(2) Adjustable exhaust panelsq(4) Self-tapping screwsqCooling duct adapterqLouvered vent insert(preinstalled)q(2) Drainage plugs (preinstalled) qOwner’s manualqSpecificationsAdvanced Network Monitoring Optional SRCOOLNET2LX accessory (sold separately) allows remote monitoring of temperatures, alerts, logs and control settings from anywhere via SNMP, web browser, SSH or telnetSRCOOLNET2LX includes ENVIROSENSE remote sensor, which monitors temperature and humidity up to 12-ft. (3.66 m) awayEasy to Install Rolls into place on built-in castersFits into 2 x 2-ft. (0.61 m) section of floor space6.5-ft.(1.98 m) power cord with NEMA L6-20P plug connects to standard 208/240V 20A AC outletNo external condenser, refrigerant piping or professional maintenance requiredBuilt-in evaporator expelscondensation through exhaust tube—no floor drain or water collection tank neededExhaust kit removes hot air from room through drop ceiling, window or return ductIncludes all parts required for setup© 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。

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•A / D控制寄存器0(ADCON0寄存器)
•A / D控制寄存器1(ADCON1)进行
•A / D控制寄存器2(ADCON2寄存器)
•A / D端口配置寄存器1(ANCON0)
•A / D端口配置寄存器2(ANCON1)
•装入ADRESH(上,A / D结果寄存器)
•ADRESL(较低,A / D结果寄存器)
的A/ D模块的操作。


寄存器,如寄存器23-3所示,配置A/ D转换

bit 6-2 CHS<4:0>:模拟通道选择位
01111=(保留)(2)11111 =31频道(1.024V带隙)
第1位GO / DONE:A / D转换状态位
1 = A / D转换周期进度。

设置此位启动A/ D转换周期。

当A/ D转换完成时该位由硬件自动清零。

0 = A / D转换已完成或未完成
第0位ADON:A / D转换控制位
1 = A / D转换运行
0 = A / D转换模块关闭,不消耗工作电流



第7-6位 TRIGSEL<1:0>:特别触发选择位
11 =选择从CCP2特殊触发
10 =选择从特殊触发定时器
01 =选择从CTMU特殊触发
第5-4位的VCFG<1时00分>:A / D转换的VREF+配置位
11 =内部VREF+(4.096V的)
10 =内部VREF+(2.048V的)
01 =外部VREF+
00 = AVDD的
第3位 VNCFG:A / D转换和VREF -配置位
1 =外部VREF
0 = AVSS
第2-0位 CHSN<2:0>:模拟通道选择位负
第7位ADFM:A / D结果的格式选择位
1 =右对齐
0 =左对齐
位5-3 ACQT<2:0>:A / D采集时间选择位
111= 20TAD
110 =16TAD
101= 12TAD
100 =8TAD
011= 6TAD
010= 4TAD
001 =2TAD
000 =0应答设备(1)
第2-0位ADCS<2:0>:A / D转换时钟选择位
111 = FRC(由A / D内的RC振荡器产生时钟)(1)
110 = FOSC/64
101 = FOSC/16
100 =FOSC/ 4
011= FRC(由A / D内的RC振荡器产生时钟)(1)
010 = FOSC/32
001 =为FOSC/ 8
000 =为FOSC/ 2
A / D转换结果寄存器


A / D转换模块提供灵活的左对齐或右对齐选择(ADFM)控制A / D转换格式选择位当A/ D转换器被禁用,这8位寄存器可以用作两个,通用寄存器。

ADFM=0 左对齐、ADFM=1 右对齐
ADRESH:A / D转换结果高字节位
ADRESL: A / D转换结果低字节位
第7-4位:A / D转换结果的低字节位
第3-0位:(ADSGN)A / D转换结果的符号位
1 = A / D转换结果为负0 = A / D转换结果为正
1 =引脚配置为模拟通道 0 =引脚配置为数字端口
2.引脚RA3/VREF+ / AN3、RA2/VREF-/AN2引脚输入电压。


芯片休眠时的A/ D转换器可以工作,不过时钟要选择A/D内部RC振荡器。

A/D 转换完成后GO / DONE位(ADCON0的“1>)清零 A/ D中断标志位,如果设置ADIF位(PIR1<6“)器件将强制所有寄存器进入复位状态。

关闭A/ D模块,中止任何正在进行的A/D转换对装入ADRESH:ADRESL寄存器的值不产生修改

做一个A/ D转换,请按照下列步骤:

配置A/ D模块:
•选择A / D阳性和阴性输入
•选择A / D采集时间(ADCON2寄存器)
•选择A / D转换时钟(ADCON2寄存器)
•打开A / D转换模块(ADCON0)

配置A/ D中断(如果需要):



•将GO/ DONE位(ADCON0的“1>)

等待A / D转换完成,任何一方:
•查询GO/ DONE位是否被清零

•为A/ D中断等待

读取A/ D结果寄存器(装入ADRESH:ADRESL)



的A / D转换时间为定义为TAD。

A / D转换时间为定义为TAD。

A / D转换需要14% TAD12位转换

为了正确的A / D转换,A/ D转换时钟(TAD)必须尽可能短,但比最小TAD大。


)表23-1显示了结果的TAD来自倍器件的工作频率和A/ D时钟源。

的A / D转换即可开始由特殊事件触发这些模块之一:
•CCP2的- 需要CCP2M<3时00分>位(CCP2CON<三点>)设置在'1011'(†)
•CTMU- 要求的CTTRIG位的设置
•Timer1的要启动A/ D转换:A / D转换模块必须启用(ADON = 1时)选择模拟输入通道最小采
- 定时由用户提供
- 选择做一个适当的TACQ的时间
有了这些条件得到满足,触发设置GO / DONE位和A/ D采集开始。

如果A / D模块未启用(ADON位置=0),模块忽略了特殊事件触发。

