uscar-30 中文版
4 一般要求概述 ................................................................................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
4.1 持續紀錄................................................................................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.2 樣品文件................................................................................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.3 樣品尺寸................................................................................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.4 默認測試公差......................................................................................................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.5 默認測試條件......................................................................................................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.6 設備......................................................................................................................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.7 測量方法................................................................................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.8 測量重復性&標准性............................................................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.9 一致性規定............................................................................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.10 樣品處置................................................................................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 4.11 零件耐久性 E.......................................................................................................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
between the fixed steps to be ob tained. Deviation occurs from the
indicated main dial frequency to
ward a lower frequency and is es sentially linear, an important con venience for measurement work. The linear sweep has been obtained by deriving the sweep voltage from an exponential RC discharge curve which matches the exponential char acter of the BWO voltage vs fre quency curve.
sweep oscillator. In addition to conventional uses, such an oscillator, when combined with the proper external components, has special value in the microwave region in that it per mits rapid wide-range evaluations to be made not only of reflection but of gain, attenuation, and other network transfer characteristics as well.
甲方(公章):_________ 乙方(公章):_________法定代表人(签字):_________ 法定代表人(签字):__________________年____月____日 _________年____月____日委托生产加工委托书2发包人(甲方):住所:委托代理人:电话:承包人(乙方):住所:营业执照号:法定代表人:电话:委托代理人:电话:本程设计人:电话:施工负责人:电话:依照《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关法律、法规的规定,结合家庭居室装饰装修工程施工的特点,双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,就发包人的家庭居室装饰装修工程(以下简称工程)的有关事宜,达成如下协议:第一部分工程概况第1条、工程地点:________________________________________________第2条、工程内容及做法(详见海天人装修工程施工项目确认表及报价单)。
ASTM D130-12译文
ASTM D 130-12译文石油产品铜片腐蚀标准试验方法1 范围1.1本方法适用于测定航空汽油、喷气燃料、车用汽油、清洗溶剂油、煤油、柴油、馏分燃料油、润滑油、天然汽油或其他具有37.8℃雷德蒸气压不大于124干帕斯卡(18磅/平方英尺)的其他石油烃类产品对铜的腐蚀。
雷德蒸气压超过124干帕斯卡(18磅/平方英寸)的试样要采用D 1838试验法来测定1.2 本标准采用国际单位制SI单位。
2 参考文件2.1 ASTM标准ASTM D 396燃料油规格ASTM D 975柴油规格ASTM D 1655 航空喷气燃料规格ASTM D 1838 液化石油气铜片腐蚀测定法ASTM D 4057石油和石油产品的手工取样用标准实施规程ASTM D 4177石油和石油产品自动抽样的标准实施规程ASTM D 6300石油产品和润滑剂试验方法中使用的精确度和偏差数据测定的标准实施规程ASTM E 1 ASTM玻璃液体热力计规格2.2 ASTM标准附件ASTM铜片腐蚀标准色板3 术语3.1首字母缩略词3.1.1 CAMI:表明覆盖磨料制造者协会3.1.2 FEPA:欧共体生产者协会4方法概要4.1把一块已抛光好的铜片浸没在一定里的试样中,并按产品标准要求加热到指定的温度,保持一定的时间。
5 意义和用途5.1原油中的大部分硫化物在精制的过程中被除去,但是,残留在油品中的某些硫化物会对各种金属产生腐蚀。
BDM800BDM800低压电动机微机保护监控装置技术资料版本号 V2.6北京北斗银河科技有限公司目录1.概述 (1)1.1主要用途及方案 (1)1.2应用功能简表 (1)2.BDM800功能对照简表 (2)2.1BDM800选型表 (3)2.2BDM800型装置外观及安装尺寸图 (4)2.3BDM800型装置端子描述 (5)2.4BDM800型装置典型工程图 (6)3.外置互感器 (8)3.1BDCTAD-00外置式电流互感器 (8)3.2BDCTAD-01外置式电流电压互感器 (9)3.3BDCTL外置式漏电流互感器 (10)4.BDM800产品技术说明 (11)4.1电机保护功能 (11)4.1.1 热过载保护 (11)4.1.2 防爆电机EExe热过载保护(tE时间保护) (12)4.1.3 断相保护 (13)4.1.4 三相电流不平衡保护 (14)4.1.5 堵转保护 (14)4.1.6 起动时间过长保护 (15)4.1.7 零序过流保护 (16)4.1.8 自动重起动 (16)4.1.9 欠电流保护 (17)4.1.10 低电压保护 (18)4.1.11 过压保护 (18)4.1.12 漏电保护 (19)4.1.13 工艺联锁跳闸 (20)4.1.14 工艺联锁合闸 (20)4.1.15 速断保护 (21)4.1.16 溢出分断 (21)4.2电机运行监测功能 (22)4.3电机控制功能 (22)4.4模拟量 (22)4.4.1三相电流输入方式 (22)4.4.2电流输入接线图 (23)4.4.3零序电流与漏电流 (23)4.4.4三相电压输入方式 (24)4.4.5模拟量输出 (25)4.5开关量 (25)4.5.1开关量输入 (25)4.5.2开关量输出 (25)4.6事件记录 (25)5.标准与通用参数 (26)5.1通用电气参数 (26)5.2环境条件 (27)5.3电磁兼容试验 (27)5.4标准实验 (27)1.概述1.1主要用途及方案BDM800型低压电动机微机保护监控综合装置(简称低压综保)是基于微处理器技术开发研制的电动机智能管理装置。
天津塑力电缆手册PVC insulated power cables with rated voltages 0.6/1kV一、产品用途Products application本产品适用于配电网、工业装置等领域,用于固定敷设在交流50Hz、额定电压0.6/1kV的电力输配电线路上,要紧功能是输送电能。
This product is applicable to being fixedly laid on the transmission and distribution line of alternative current rating 50Hz and rated voltage up to 0.6/1.0Kv with the use for power transmission, which is applied to the range of distribution network, industrial equipments, etc.This product is the nomal used cable, not suitable for some special places, such asunderwater, ship, nuclear station, etc.二、产品要紧技术特点Technique features本产品电缆除具有可靠的电气性能外,还具有较强的防止化学腐蚀性,耐酸、碱和有机溶剂,电缆不受敷设落差的限制,可在任何落差甚至垂直的场合敷设。
The product has good performance on electrical characteristic, chemical resistance, such as acid resistance, alkali resistance and organic solvent resistance. The product can be laid on any head drop condition even vertically in any place, that is to say, the cable can be laid without limit on head drop.三、产品执行标准Standards7GB/T 12706.1-2002 额定电压1 kV(Um=1.2 kV)到35 kV(Um=40.5 kV)挤包绝缘电力电缆及附件第1部分:额定电压1kV(Um=1.2 kV)和3 kV(Um=3.6 kV)电缆Power cables with extruded insulation and their for rated voltages from 1kV(Um=1.2kV)up to 35kV(Um=40.5kV) Part 1:Cables for rated voltages of 1kV(Um=1.2kV) and 3kV(Um=3.6 kV)IEC 60502-1:1997 额定电压1 kV(Um=1.2 kV)到30 kV(Um=36 kV)挤包绝缘电力电缆及附件第2部分:额定电压1 kV(Um=1.2kV)和3 kV(Um=3.6kV)电缆Power cables with extruded insulation and their for rated voltages from 1kV(Um=1.2kV)up to 35kV(Um=40.5kV) Part 1:Cables for rated voltages of 1kV(Um=1.2kV) and 3 kV(Um=3.6 kV)Q/12BJ4973-2002 额定电压0.6/1kV 五芯塑料绝缘电力电缆Q/12BJ4973-2002 Five cores extruded plastic insulated power cables with rated voltages0.6/1kVGB/T 3956-1997 电缆的导体GB/T 3956-1997 Conductor of CablesGB/T19666-2005 阻燃耐火电线电缆通则GB/T 19666-2005 General Rules of flame-retarding and fireproof cables四、使用特性Operating characteristics1、额定电压Rated Voltage电缆额定电压U0/U(U m)为:0.6/1(1.2)kVRated V oltage of cable U0/U(U m):0.6/1(1.2)kV其中:Notes:U0:电缆设计用的导体对地或金属屏蔽之间的额定工频电压;Rated A.C. V oltage between conductor and ground/metal screen;U:电缆设计用的导体间的额定工频电压;Rated A.C. Voltage between conductorsU m:设备可承担的“最高系统电压“的最大值。
品名/ 极性/ 管脚/功能/ 参数D718 NPN 30 音频功放开关120V8A80W /B668D774 NPN 39B 通用100V1A1W /B734D789 NPN 21 音频输出100V1A0.9WD820 NPN 12 彩行1500V5A50WD870 NPN 12 彩行1500V5A50W RRRRD880 NPN 28 音频功放开关60V3A10WD882 NPN 29 音频功放开关40V3A30WD884 NPN 28 音频功放开关330V7A40WD898 NPN 12 彩行1500V3A50WD951 NPN 12 彩行1500V3A65WD965 NPN 21 音频40V5A0.75WD966 NPN 21 音频40V5A1WD985 NPN 29 功放150V1.5A10WD986 NPN 29 功放150V1.5A10WD1025 NPN 28 达林顿功放200V8A50WD1037 NPN BCE 音频功放开关150V30A180WD1047 NPN 30 音频功放开关160V12A100W /B817D1071 NPN 28 功放300V6A40W DRA-LD1163A NPN 28 行偏转用350V7A40W60MHzD1175 NPN 12 行偏转用1500V5A100W β=15 原D1273 NPN 28 音频功放80V3A40W50MHZβ=1500D1302 NPN 21 音频25V0.5A0.5W200MHZD1397 NPN BCE 开关1500V3.5A50W3MHzD1398 NPN BCE 开关1500V5A50W3MHzD1403 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A120WD1403 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A120W 原D1415 NPN 28B 功放电源开关100V7A40Wβ=6000达林顿D1416 NPN 28B 功放电源开关80V7A40Wβ=6000(达林顿) D1426 NPN 28B 彩行1500V3.5A80Wβ=12 RRRRRD1427 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=12 RRRRRD1428 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A80Wβ=12 RRRRD1431 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=20D1433 NPN 28B 彩行1500V7A80Wβ=20D1439 NPN BCE 彩行1500V3A80Wβ=8D1541 NPN 28B 彩行1500V3A80Wβ=20D1545 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A50Wβ=20D1547 NPN BCE 彩行1500V7A80Wβ=20D1554 NPN BCE 彩行1500V3.5A80Wβ=12D1555 NPN BCE 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=12D1556 NPN BCE 彩行1500V6A80Wβ=12D1559 NPN BCE 达林顿功放100V20A100Wβ=5000/B1079 D1590 NPN 28 达林顿功放150V8A25W β=15000D1632 NPN 28B 彩行1500V4A70WD1640 NPN 29 达林顿功放120V2A1.2W β=4000-40000 D1651 NPN SP 彩行1500V5A60W3MHZD1710 NPN BCE 彩行1500V5A50WD1718 NPN 28C 音频功放180V15A3.5W20MHZD1762 NPN BCE 音频功放开关60V3A25W90MHZ /B1185 D1843 NPN BCE 低噪放大50V1A1WD1849 NPN 50A 彩行1500V7A120WD1850 NPN 50A 彩行1500V7A120WD1859 NPN 50A 音频80V0.7A1W120MHZD1863 NPN 50A 音频120V1A1W100MHZD1877 NPN 30 彩行1500V4A50W(带阻尼)D1879 NPN 30 彩行1500V6A60W(带阻尼)D1887 NPN 30 彩行1500V10A70WD1930 NPN 21 达林顿达林顿100V2A1.2Wβ=1000D1975 NPN 53A 音频功放180V15A150W COP:B1317D1978 NPN 21 达林顿120V1.5A0.9Wβ=30000D1980 NPN 61B 达林顿100V2A10Wβ=1000-10000D1981 NPN ECB 达林顿100V2A1WD1993 NPN 45B 音频低噪55V0.1A0.4WD1994A NPN ECB 音频驱动60V1A1WD1997 NPN 45B 激励管40V3A1.5W100MHZD2008 NPN ECB 音频功放80V1A1.2WD2012 NPN BCE 音频功放60V3A2W3MHZD2136 NPN ECB 功放80V1A1.2WD2155 NPN 53A 音频功放180V15A150WD2256 NPN 46 达林顿功放120V25A125Wβ=2000-20000 D2334 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80WD2335 NPN BCE 彩行1500V7A100WD2349 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管D2374 NPN BCED2375 NPN BCED2388 NPN EBC 达林顿90V3A1.2WD2445 NPN BCE 彩行1500V12.5A120WD2498 NPN BCE 彩行1500V6A50WD2588 NPN BCE 点火器用DK55 NPN BEC 开关400V4A60WBC307 PNP 21a 通用50V0.2A0.3WBC327 PNP CBE 低噪音频50V0.8A0.625W COM BC337 BC337 NPN 21a 音频激励低噪50V0.8A0.625W COM BC327 BC338 NPN 21a 通用激励50V0.8A0.6BC546 NPN 21a 通用80V0.2A0.5WBC547 NPN CBE 通用50V0.2A0.5W300MHZBD135 NPN 29 音频功放45V1.5A12.5WBD136 PNP 29 音频功放45V1.5A12.5WBD137 NPN 29 音频功放60V1.5A12.5WBD138 PNP 29 音频功放60V1.5A12.5WBD139 PNP 29 音频功放80V1.5A12.5WBD237 NPN 29 音频功放100V2A25WBD238 PNP 29 音频功放100V2A25WBD243 NPN 28 音频功放45V6A65WBD244 PNP 28 音频功放45V6A65WBD681 NPN 29 达林顿功放100V4A40WBD682 NPN 29 达林顿功放100V4A40WBF458 NPN 29 视放250V0.1A10WBU208A NPN 12 彩行1500V5A12.5WBU208D NPN 12 彩行1500V5A12.5W (带阻尼)BU323 NPN 28 达林顿功放450V10A125WBU406 NPN 28 行管400V7A60WBU508A NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75WBU508A NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75W 原BU508D NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75W (带阻尼)BU806 NPN 28 功放400V8A60W DAR-LBU932R NPN 12 功放500V15A150W DAR-LBU941 NPN 12BU1508DX NPN 28 开关功放BU2506DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V7A50W /600NSBU2508AF NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W /600NSBU2508AX NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W /600NSBU2508DF NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W/600NS(带阻尼) BU2508DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V8A50W/600NS(带阻尼) BU2520AF NPN 30 开关功放800V10A150W 1/500NSBU2520AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V10A150W 1/500NSBU2520DF NPN 30 开关功放800V10A150W1/500NS(带阻) BU2520DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V10A50W/600NS (带阻) BU2522AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V11A150W /350NSBU2522AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V11A150W /350NSBU2525AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /350NSBU2525AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /350NSBU2527AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150WBU2532AW NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150W(大屏) BUH515 NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80WBUH515D NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80W(带阻尼)BUS13A NPN 12 开关功放1000V15A175WBUS14A NPN 12 开关功放1000V30A250WBUT11A NPN 28 开关功放1000V5A100WBUT12A NPN 28 开关功放450V10A125WBUV26 NPN 28 音频功放开关90V14A65W /250nsBUV28A NPN 28 音频功放开关225V10A65W /250nsBUV48A NPN 30 音频功放开关450V15A150WBUW13A NPN 30 功放开关1000V15A150WBUX48 NPN 12 功放开关850V15A125WBUX84 NPN 30 功放开关800V2A40WBUX98A NPN 12 功放开关400V30A210W5MHZDTA114 PNP 10K-10K 160V0.6A0.625W(带阻)DTC143 NPN 录像机用4.7K-4.7KHPA100 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HPA150 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HSE830 PNP BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZHSE838 NPN BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZ COP/MJ4502MN650 NPN BCE 行管1500V6A80WMJ802 NPN 12 音频功放开关90V30A200WMJ2955 PNP 12 音频功放开关60V15A115WMJ3055 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V15A115WMJ4502 PNP 12 音频功放开关90V30A200W COP/MJ802MJ10012 NPN 12 达林顿400V10A175WMJ10015 NPN 12 电源开关400V50A200WMJ10016 NPN 12 电源开关500V50A200WMJ10025 12 电源开关850V20A250WMJ11032 NPN 12 电源开关120V50A300W DAR-LMJ11033 PNP 12 电源开关120V50A300W DAR-LMJ13333 NPN 12 电源开关400V20A175WMJ15024 NPN 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ(原25.00) MJ15025 PNP 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ(原25.00) MJE271 PNP 29 达林顿MJE340 NPN 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE350 PNP 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE2955T PNP BCE 音频功放开关60V1075W2MHZMJE3055T NPN BCE 音频功放开关70V1075W2MHZMJE5822 PNP BCE 音频功放开关500V8AMJE9730 NPN BCEMJE13003 NPN 29 功放开关400V1.5A14WMJE13005 NPN 28 功放开关400V4A60WMJE13007 NPN 28 功放开关1500V2.5A60WBU2525AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /350NSFBU2525AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /350NSBU2527AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150WZBU2532AW NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150W(大屏)BUH515 NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80W;BUH515D NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80W(带阻尼)BUS13A NPN 12 开关功放1000V15A175W.BUS14A NPN 12 开关功放1000V30A250WBUT11A NPN 28 开关功放1000V5A100WBUT12A NPN 28 开关功放450V10A125WBUV26 NPN 28 音频功放开关90V14A65W /250nsBUV28A NPN 28 音频功放开关225V10A65W /250ns BUV48A NPN 30 音频功放开关450V15A150WBUW13A NPN 30 功放开关1000V15A150WBUX48 NPN 12 功放开关850V15A125WBUX84 NPN 30 功放开关800V2A40WBUX98A NPN 12 功放开关400V30A210W5MHZDTA114 PNP 10K-10K 160V0.6A0.625W(带阻)DTC143 NPN 录像机用4.7K-4.7KHPA100 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HPA150 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HSE830 PNP BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZHSE838 NPN BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZ COP/MJ4502 MMN650 NPN BCE 行管1500V6A80WMJ802 NPN 12 音频功放开关90V30A200WMJ2955 PNP 12 音频功放开关60V15A115W!MJ3055 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V15A115WMJ4502 PNP 12 音频功放开关90V30A200WMJ10012 NPN 12 达林顿400V10A175WMJ10015 NPN 12 电源开关400V50A200WMJ10016 NPN 12 电源开关500V50A200WMJ10025 12 电源开关850V20A250WMJ11032 NPN 12 电源开关120V50A300WMJ11033 PNP 12 电源开关120V50A300WMJ13333 NPN 12 电源开关400V20A175WMJ15024 NPN 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ MJ15025 PNP 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ MJE271 PNP 29 达林顿MJE340 NPN 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE350 PNP 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE2955T PNP BCE 音频功放开关60V1075W2MHZ MJE3055T NPN BCE 音频功放开关70V1075W2MHZ MJE5822 PNP BCE 音频功放开关500V8AMJE9730 NPN BCEMJE13003 NPN 29 功放开关400V1.5A14WMJE13005 NPN 28 功放开关400V4A60WMJE13007 NPN 28 功放开关1500V2.5A60WTIP31C NPN BCE 功放开关100V3A40W3MHZTIP32C PNP BCE 功放开关100V3A40W3MHZTIP35C NPN 30 音频功放开关100V25A125W3MHZTIP36C PNP 30 音频功放开关100V25A125W3MHZTIP41C NPN 30 音频功放开关100V6A65W3MHZTIP42C PNP 30 音频功放开关100V6A65W3MHZTIP102 NPN 28 音频功放开关100V8A2WTIP105 28 音频功放开关9 WTIP122 NPN 28 音频功放开关100V8A65W DARLTIP127 PNP 28 音频功放开关100V8A65W DARLTIP137 PNP 28 音频功放开关100V8A70W DARLTIP142 NPN 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-L TIP142大NPN 30 音频功放开关100V10A125WTIP147 PNP 30 音频功放开关100V10A125WTIP147大PNP 30 音频功放开关100V10A125WTIP152 电梯用TL431 21 电压基准源UGN3120 SGO 霍尔开关UGN3144 SGO 霍尔开关60MIAL1 电磁/微波炉1000V60A300WT30G40 NPN BCE 大功率开关管400V30A300W MPSA42 NPN 21E 电话视频放大300V0.5A0.625W MPSA92 PNP 21E 电话视频放大300V0.5A0.625W MPS2222A NPN 21 高频放大75V0.6A0.625W300MHZ 9011 NPN EBC 高频放大50V30mA0.4W150MHz9012 PNP 贴片低频放大50V0.5A0.625W9013 NPN EBC 低频放大50V0.5A0.625W9013 NPN 贴片低频放大50V0.5A0.625Wc9014 NPN EBC 低噪放大50V0.1A0.4W150MHZx9015 PNP EBC 低噪放大50V0.1A0.4W150MHZs9018 NPN EBC 高频放大30V50MA0.4W1GHZH8050 NPN EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ8550 PNP EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ2N2222 NPN 4A 高频放大60V0.8A0.5W25/200NSβ=45 2N2222A NPN 小铁高频放大75V0.6A0.625W300MHZ 2N2369 NPN 4A 开关40V0.5A0.3W800MHZ2N2907 NPN 4A 通用60V0.6A0.4W26/70NSβ=200K2N3055 NPN 12 功率放大100V15A115Ws2N3440 NPN 6 视放开关450V1A1W15MHZ2N3773 NPN 12 音频功放开关160V16A150W2N3904 NPN 21E 通用60V0.2Aβ=100-4002N3906 PNP 21E 通用40V0.2Aβ=100-400u2N5401 PNP 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100MHZ k2N5551 NPN 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100MHZ Y2N5685 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V50A300W2N6277 NPN 12 功放开关180V50A250W2N6609 PNP 12 音频功放开关160V15A150Wu2N6678 NPN 12 音频功放开关650V15A175W15MHZ 2N6718 NPN 小铁音频功放开关100V2A2W50MHZ3DA87A NPN 6 视频放大100V0.1A1W3DG6A NPN 6 通用15V20mA0.1W100MHz3DG6B NPN 6 通用20V20mA0.1W150MHz3DG6C NPN 6 通用20V20mA0.1W250MHz3DG6D NPN 6 通用30V20mA0.1W150MHzl3DG12C NPN 7 通用45V0.3A0.7W200MHz3DK2B NPN 7 开关30V30mA0.2W3DK4B NPN 7 开关40V0.8A0.7W3DK7C NPN 7 开关25V50mA0.3W3DD15D NPN 12 电源开关300V5A50W3DD102C NPN 12 电源开关300V5A50W3522V 5.2V稳压管录像机用HA634 PNP 28E 音频功放开关40V2A10WA708 PNP 6 NF/S 80V0.7A0.8WA715C PNP 29 音频功放开关35V2.5A10W160MHZfA733 PNP 21 通用50V0.1A180MHZRA741 PNP 4 S 20V0.1A <70/120nSA781 PNP 39B 开关20V0.2A <80/160NSA928 PNP ECB 通用20V1A0.25WA933 PNP 21 Uni 50V0.1A140MHzA940 PNP 28 音频功放开关150V1.5A25W4MHZA950 PNP 21 通用30V0.8A0.6WA966 PNP 21 音频激励输出30V1.5A0.9WA968 PNP 28 音频功放开关160V1.5A25W100MHZA1009 PNP BCE 功放开关350V2A15WA1012 PNP 28 音频功率放60V5A25WA1013 PNP 21 视频放大160V1A0.9WA1015 PNP 21 通用60V0.15A0.4W8MHZA1020 PNP 21 音频开关50V2A0.9WA1123 PNP 21 低噪放大150V0.05A0.75WNA1162 PNP 21d 通用贴片50V0.15A0.15WFA1216 PNP BCE 功放开关180V17A200W20MHZA1220 PNP 29 音频功放开关120V1.5A20W150MHZ/C2690 A1265 PNP BCE 功放开关140V10A100W30MHZ /C3182 A1295 PNP BCE 功放开关230V17A200W30MHZ /C3264 A1301 PNP BCE 功放开关160V10A100W30MHZ /C3280 A1302 PNP BCE 功放开关200V15A150W30MHZ /C32814 A1358 ? PNP 高频120V1A10W120MHZA1444 PNP BCE 高速电源开关100V15A30W80MHZA1494 PNP BCE 功放开关200V17A200W20MHZ /C3858 A1516 PNP BCE 功放开关180V12A130W25MHZA1668 PNP 28B 电源开关200V2A25W20MHZTA1785 PNP BCE 驱动400V1A1W/120V1A0.9W140MHA1941 PNP BCE 功放开关140V10A100WCOP:5198A1943 PNP BCE 功放开关230V15A150WA1988 PNP 30 功放开关B449 PNP 12 功放开关50V3.5A22.5W 锗管B631K PNP 29 音频功放开关120V1A8W130MHZ /D600K8 B647 PNP 21 通用120V1A0.9W140MHZ /D667B649 PNP 29 视放180V1.5A1W /D669B669 PNP 28 达林顿功放70V4A40WB673 PNP 28 达林顿功放100V7A40WB675 PNP 28 达林顿功放60V7A40WB688 PNP BCE 音频功放开关120V8A80WB734 PNP 39B 通用60V1A1WB744 PNP 21 通用30V0.1A0.25WB772 PNP 29 音频功放开关40V3A10WB774 PNP 21 通用30V0.1A0.25WB817 PNP 30 功放开关160V12A100W /D1047B834 PNP 28 功放开关60V3A30WB937A PNP 功放开关60V2A35 WB1020 PNP 28 功放开关达林顿100V7A40Wβ=6000B1079 PNP 30 达林顿功放100V20A100Wβ=5000/D1559 B1185 PNP 28B 功放开关60V3A25W 70MHZ /D1762B1238 PNP ECB 功放开关80V0.7A1W 100MHZB1240 PNP 39B 功放开关40V2A1W100HZB1243 PNP 39B 功放开关40V3A1W70HZB1316 PNP 54B 驱动功放达林顿100V2A10Wβ=15000 B1317 PNP BCE 音频功放180V15A150WB1335 PNP 28 音频功放低噪80V4A30W 12MHZB1375 PNP BCE 音频功放60V3A2W9MHZB1400 PNP 28B 达林顿功放120V6A25W β=1000-20000 B1429 PNP BCE 功放开关180V15A150WB1494 PNP BCE 达林顿功放120V25A120Wβ=2000-20000 C106 NPN EBC 音频功放开关60V1.5A15WC380 NPN 21 高频放大35V0.03A250MHZC458 NPN 21 通用30V0.1A230MHzC536 NPN 21 通用40V0.1A180MHZC752 NPN 21 通用30V0.1A300MHzC815 NPN 21 通用60V0.2A0.25WC828 NPN 21 通用45V0.05A0.25WC900 NPN 21 低噪放大30V0.03A100MHZC943 NPN 4A 通用60V0.2A200MHZC945 NPN 21 通用50V0.1A0.5W250MHZC1008 NPN 6 通用80V0.7A0.8W50MHZC1162 NPN 29 音频功放开关35V1.5A10WC1213 NPN 39B 监视器专用35V0.5A0.4WC1222 NPN 21 低噪放大60V0.1A100MHZ。
MCC MMBD301 30伏特液体状洁净屏蔽二极管数据手册说明书
FeaturesMaximum Ratings30 Volts Schottky Barrier Diodes•Operating Junction Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C •Storage Temperature Range: -55°C to +150°C•Thermal Resistance :500°C/W Junction to Ambient •High Efficiency UHF and VHF Detector Applications.•Low Capacitance and Low Reverse Leakage•Extremely Low Minority Carrier Lifetime – 15ps (Typ)•Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant ("P" Suffix Designates RoHS Compliant. See Ordering Information)•Epoxy Meets UL 94 V-0 Flammability Rating •Moisture Sensitivity Level 1•Halogen Free. "Green" Device (Note 1)Reverse LeakageI R200nA(Max)V F0.60V(Max) Reverse Breakdown VoltageV (BR)R 30V(Min)Forward VoltageJunction CapacitanceC J0.9pF(Typ)Measured at f=1.0MHz,V R =15VV R = 25V 200mW P TOT Power DissipationI FM =10mA;MMBD30130VMCC Part Number Device Marking Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse VoltageMaximum DC Blocking Voltage4T30V1.5pF(Max)Electrical Characteristics @ 25°C Unless Otherwise SpecifiedI R =10µAT A = 25°C2.0mW/°C 0.52V(Typ) 0.45V(Max)I FM =1.0mA;0.38V(Typ) 13nA(Typ)Internal Structure :Note: 1. Halogen free "Green” products are defined as those which contain <900ppm bromine, <900ppm chlorine (<1500ppm total Br + Cl) and <1000ppm antimony compounds.Curve Characteristics0.010.111050Forward Voltage (V)F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )Fig. 1 - Forward Characteristics0.0010.010.1110R e v e r s e C u r r e n t (μA )Reverse Voltage (V)Fig. 2 - Reverse Characteristics02510012550100150200250P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (m W )5075Ambient Temperature (°C)Fig. 4 - Power Derating Curve5152001234C a p a c i t a n c e B e t w e e n T e r m i n a l s (p F )10Reverse Voltage (V)Fig. 3 - Capacitance CharacteristicsOrdering InformationDevice PackingPart Number-TP Tape&Reel: 3Kpcs/Reel***IMPORTANT NOTICE***Micro Commercial Components Corp. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any product herein to make corrections, modifications , enhancements , improvements , or other changes . Micro Commercial Components Corp . does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights ,nor the rights of others . The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Micro Commercial Components Corp . and all the companies whose products are represented on our website, harmless against all damages.***LIFE SUPPORT***MCC's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the expresswritten approval of Micro Commercial Components Corporation.***CUSTOMER AWARENESS***Counterfeiting of semiconductor parts is a growing problem in the industry. Micro Commercial Components (MCC) is taking strong measures to protect ourselves and our customers from the proliferation of counterfeit parts. MCC strongly encourages customers to purchase MCC parts either directly from MCC or from Authorized MCC Distributors who are listed by country on our web page cited below. Products customers buy either from MCC directly or from Authorized MCC Distributors are genuine parts, have full traceability, meet MCC's quality standards for handling and storage. MCC will not provide any warranty coverage or other assistance for parts bought from Unauthorized Sources. MCC is committed to combat this global problem and encourage our customers to do their part in stopping this practice by buying direct or from authorized distributors.。
“迪姆特”快速接头系列产品快接----宝塔(直通)水管切刀产品编号快接宝塔产品编号水管切刀06020422 1/4” 1/4” 06001300 MAX:13mm 06020432 3/8” 1/4”06020433 3/8” 3/8” 06020434 3/8” 1/2”06020443 1/2” 3/8”06020444 1/2” 1/2”快接-----外丝(弯头)进 口 水 管产品编号 快接N P TF 外丝产品编号尺寸水压(PSI) 温度(℃) 06020622 1/4” 1/4” 06001302 1/4”230 -29℃~+85℃06020623 1/4” 3/8” 06001303 3/8”170 -29℃~+85℃06020632 3/8” 1/4”06001304 1/2”170 -29℃~+85℃06020633 3/8” 3/8”06020643 1/2” 3/8”06020644 1/2” 1/2”快接-----内丝(直通)快接-----快接(斜角)产品编号快接BSP 内丝产品编号快接06021223 1/4” 3/8” 06022432 3/8” × 1/4”06021224 1/4” 1/2” 06021233 3/8” 3/8” 06021234 3/8” 1/2”06021243 1/2” 3/8”06021244 1/2” 1/2”快接-----快接(弯头)快接-----快接(板卡)产品编号 快接 产品编号快接板卡孔径06021422 1/4” 06022622 1/4” 17mm 06021432 3/8” × 1/4” 06022632 3/8”×1/4”22mm 06021433 3/8” 06022633 3/8” 22mm060214431/2” × 3/8”06022644 1/2”28mm06021444 1/2”快接-----快接(直通)快插-宝塔(弯头)产品编号 快接 产品编号 快插 宝塔 06021622 1/4” 06022822 1/4” 1/4” 06021632 3/8” × 1/4” 06022832 3/8” 1/4”06021633 3/8”060216431/2” × 3/8”06021644 1/2”快接(四通)快接三通(T 型)产品编号快接产品编号快接x2快接x106021822 1/4” 06023022 1/4” 1/4” 06021833 3/8” 06023032 3/8” 1/4” 06021844 1/2”06023033 3/8” 3/8” 06023043 1/2”3/8”06023044 1/2” 1/2”快接(三通)快接(闷头)产品编号快接x1 快接x2产品编号 快接 06022022 1/4” 1/4” 06023220 1/4” 06022033 3/8” 3/8” 06023230 3/8” 06022034 3/8” 1/2” 06023240 1/2”06022044 1/2” 1/2”快接-----快接(U 型回转)快插(闷头)产品编号快接产品编号快接06022222 1/4” 06023420 1/4” 06022233 3/8” 06023430 3/8” 06022244 1/2”06023440 1/2”快插-外丝(直通)流量控制阀(快接-----外丝)产品编号快插N P I I F 外丝产品编号快接NPIF 外丝06023622 1/4” 1/4” 06025022 1/4” 1/4” 06023632 3/8” 1/4” 06025033 3/8” 3/8”06023633 3/8” 3/8”06023643 1/2” 3/8”06023644 1/2” 1/2”快接-快插(直通)手动开关(快接----内丝)产品编号快接快插产品编号快接NPIF 内丝06023823 1/4” 3/8” 06025222 1/4” 1/4” 06023834 3/8” 1/2” 060252333/8” 3/8”快接(斜四通)手动开关(快接直通)产品编号快接产品编号 快接 06024032 3/8” × 1/4” 06025422 1/4” 06024043 1/2” × 3/8”060254333/8”06025444 1/2”快接卡环手动开关(快接-----外丝)产品编号快接产品编号快接NPIF 外丝06024202 1/4” 06025622 1/4” 1/4” 06024203 3/8” 06025633 3/8” 3/8”06024204 1/2”流量控制阀(快接直通)单向阀(快接直通)产品编号快接产品编号快接06024422 1/4” 06025822 1/4” 06024433 3/8” 06025833 3/8” 06025844 1/2”流量控制阀(快接弯头)过滤器(快接直通)产品编号快接产品编号快接06024622 1/4” 06026022 1/4” 06024633 3/8”06026033 3/8”06026044 1/2”流量控制阀(快接-----内丝)产品编号快接NPIF 外丝06024822 1/4” 1/4” 06024833 3/8” 3/8”“迪姆特”快速接头系列产品快速接头身体。
TOSHIBA LED lampsTL12W01-D(T30)○ Surface-mount devices• 10.5 (L) mm × 5.0 (W) mm × 2.1 (H) mm • High luminous flux: 40 lm(typ.)@250 mA • Color: white• Topr / Tstg: -40 to 100°C • Reflow-solderable• Standard embossed tape packing: T30 (500/reel)24-mm tape reel• Application: light sources for lighting equipmentColor and MaterialAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)Note: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and the significantchange in temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if theoperating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings. Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook(“Handling Precautions”/“Derating Concept and Methods”) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc).Note 1: The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, Rth(j-a), should be kept below 40℃/W so that the TL12W01-D(T30)is not exposed to a condition beyond the absolute maximum ratings. Rth(j-a): Thermal resistance from the LEDjunction to ambient temperatureUnit: mmWeight: 0.29 g (typ.)Part Number Color Material TL12W01-D WhiteInGaNCharacteristics Symbol Rating UnitForward Current I F 300 mAPower Dissipation P D 1.2 WOperating Temperature T opr−40 to 100 °C Storage Temperature T stg−40 to 100°CJunction TemperatureT j 110°C050100150200250300350020406080100120Ambient temperature Ta (°C)A l l o w a b l e f o r w a r d c u r r e n t I F (m A )I F – Ta洸子其科技是一家从事发光二极管产品研发、生产及销售公司,致力于为国内国际市场提供高品质,低成本的各类发光管。
D3RETROFIT TERMINAL UNITSDRound Duct External Retrofit Terminal UnitConver t existing constant volume systems or old "system power ed" mechanical r egulator ter minals to ener gy efficient variable volume operation.• Available in 10 sizes to suit and install simply in ound ductwork. 0 – 4050 cfm (0 – 1911 l/s).• Va ious configu ations custom fab icated to suit individual applications.• Pressure dependent or independent airflow control.• Diamond Flow multi-point aver aging flow sensor on pr essur e independent models.• Digital, electric, analog electronic or pneumatic control.Model 36VRR See page D5Rectangular Slide-in Retrofit Terminal UnitConvert existing constant volume systems to energy efficientvariable volume operation.• Available in 15 valve sizes to handle a large range of air volumes. 0 – 15000 cfm (0 – 7079 l/s).• Custom fab icated to suit any duct size f om 5" x 5" (127 x 127) up to 52" x 26" (1321 x 660).• Diamond Flow multi-point averaging sensor.• Pressure independent airflow control.• Digital, analog electronic or pneumatic control.Model 36VRSSee Page D10GENERAL PRODUCT OVERVIEWInternal Retrofit Terminal UnitsDesigned to replace the mechanical regulators in old systempower ed ter minal units in or der to substantially lower the ope r ational static p r essu r e r equi r ement. The ai r valves include a damper , flow sensor and actuator and make use of state-of-the-art controls in order to reduce operating cost.• Custom built on a specific project basis.• Variable or constant volume pressure independent airflow control.• Diamond Flow multi-point averaging flow sensor.• Models available to r etr ofit most br and name mechanical regulator design terminal units.• Digital, analog electronic or pneumatic control.Model 36VRTR Contact your Nailor Sales Rep.Retrofit Terminal Units• Convert Constant Air Volume Systems to Variable Air Volume.• Convert Constant Volume Dual Duct Systems to Variable Air Volume.• Convert Multizone Systems to Variable Air Volume.• Convert Mechanical Constant Volume Regulators to Low Pressure Digital, Analog Electronic or Pneumatic Controls.Nailor manufactures a range of standard and custom design retrofit terminal units for all applications.Model 36VRRModel 36VRS Model 36VRTRModel 36VRSD4R E T R O F I T T E R M I N A L U N I T SConstant Volume Reheat SystemCold ai f om the cent al station is dist ibuted th ough the existing main t unk and b anch ducts. The Model 36VRS Retrofit Terminals will convert the constant volume system to pressure independent variable air volume operation.Each 36VRS te r minal is signaled by a di r ect acting the r mostat. The p r essu r e independent minimum ai r flow is set at a thermostat output pressure of 8 psi or less, while the maximum is set at 13 psi or greater.The existing reheat coil in each zone is actuated on a fall in room temperature, as the thermostat output decreases from 8 to 3 psi.The fan capacity must be reduced since the total air volume is reduced.Multizone SystemHot or cold air from the central station multizone air handler is distributed through the existing zone system. The Series 36VR Retrofit Terminals will convert the multizone system to variable air volume operation.The zone damper s in the centr al station air handler ar e made with two-position actuator s; each zone is fully open, either heating or cooling. There is no mixing. (Controls may be selected for an outdoor thermostat, a manual selector or changeover signal.)A dual function ther mostat in each zone is dir ect acting for cooling, r ever se acting for heating. In r esponse to the r oom temper atur e, the ther mostat r esets the velocity contr oller for pressure independent control of the Series 36VR .The fan capacity may be reduced since the total air volume is reduced.Some Typical Applications for the Model Series 36VR Retrofit Terminal UnitsDual Duct SystemHot and cold air from the central station is distributed through the existing supply ducts and terminals. The Series 36VR Retrofit Terminals will convert the constant volume system to variable air volume pressure independent operation.Remove the mechanical constant volume regulator from the existing ter minal, while a Model 36VRS is installed in the dischar ge box or duct. A dir ect acting ther mostat contr ols both the 36VRS unit and the modulating tandem damper in the existing box. On a rise in room temperature, the 36VRS reduces the hot airflow. At the minimum setting, the damper in the existing terminal begins to modulate, and mixing occurs. A fur ther temper atur e r ise incr eases the cold air flow to the maximum.The fan capacity may be r educed down since the total air volume is reduced.D5RETROFIT TERMINAL UNITSDModel 36VRR is designed for r ound ductwor k r etr ofit application. Ter minals ar e available in 10 sizes and ar e nominally undersized to ensure a good fit.Easy, low-cost installation into existing ductwor k. The installer cuts out a section in the round duct and replaces the duct section with the conversion unit.STANDARD FEATURES:• Casing 22 ga. (0.86), corrosion-resistant steel with stiffening beads. Sizes 14 and 16 are 20 ga. (1.0).• Blade: Two layers of 22 ga. (0.86), cor osion-r esistant steel laminated together (equivalent to 16 gauge) with across-linked polyurethane peripheral gasket for tight shut-off, 90° rotation, CW to close. Damper leakage is less than 1% of terminal rated airflow 3” w.g. (750 Pa) as tested in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 130.• Bearing: Self-lubricating oilite bronze and less than 2% at 6” w.g. (1500 Pa).• Drive Shaft/Axles: 1/2” (13) diameter plated steel, double-bolted to blades. Indicator mark on the end of the shaft to show damper position.• Full electrical controls enclosure for factory mounted DDC and analog electronic controls.• Multi-point aver aging ‘Diamond Flow’ sensor . Aluminum constr uction. Gauge taps ar e pr ovided for field balancing when controls are factory mounted.• Right-hand contr ol location is standar d (as shown). Left-hand is optional.Options:• FMI Removable Flow Sensor• Available in Type 304 and 316 stainless steel construction for laboratory/fume hood exhaust applications.• Controls enclosure for field mounted controls.• 24 volt control transformer. • Toggle disconnect switch.• Pneumatic o Analog Elect onic P essu e Independent controls by Nailor. Factory mounted and calibrated.• Digital contr ols by BMS Contr actor. Factor y mounted byNailor.FACTORY MOUNTED CONTROLSD6R E T R O F I T T E R M I N A L U N I T S4GEQOOGPFGF #KTƀQY 4CPIGU (QT /QFGN 844 4QWPF 4GVTQſV 6GTOKPCN 7PKVUThe r ecommended ai r flow r anges below a r e fo r Round Duct Ret ofit Te minal Units with p essu e independent cont ols and ar e pr esented as r anges for total and contr oller specific minimum and maximum airflow. Airflow ranges are based upon maintaining reasonable sound levels and controller limits using Nailor’s Diamond Flow Sensor as the air flow measur ing device. For a given unit size, the minimum, auxiliar y minimum (wher e applicable) and the maximum flow setting must be within the r ange limits to ensur e pressure independent operation, accuracy and repeatability. Minimum airflow limits are based upon .02" w.g. (5 Pa) differential p r essu r e signal f r om Diamond Flow Senso r on analog/digital contr ols and .03" (7.5) for pneumatic contr ollers. This is a realistic low limit for many transducers used in the digital controls industry. Check with your controls supplier for minimum limits. Setting airflow minimums lower , may cause hunting and failur e to meet minimum ventilation requirements. Factory settings will therefore not be made outside these r anges. A minimum setting of zer o (shut-off) is also available. Where an auxiliary setting is specified, the value must be greater than the minimum setting.The high end of the tabulated Total Airflow Range on pneumatic and analog electr onic contr ols r epr esents the Diamond Flow Sensor ’s differential pressure reading at 1" w.g. (250 Pa). The high end airflow range for digital controls is represented by the indicated transducer differential pressure.ASHRAE 130 "Per for mance Rating of Air Ter minals" is the method of test for the cer tification pr ogr am. The "standar d r ating condition" (certification rating point) airflow volumes for each terminal unit primary valve size ar e tabulated below per AHRI Standar d 880. These air volumes equate to an approximate inlet velocity of 2000 fpm (10.2 m/s).When digital or other controls are mounted by Nailor, but supplied by others, these values are guidelines only, based upon experience with the majority of controls currently available. Controls supplied by others for factory mounting are configured and calibrated in the field. Airflow settings on pneumatic and analog controls supplied by Nailor are factory preset when provided.Model 36VRRImperial Units, Cubic Feet per MinuteMetric Units, Liters per SecondD7RETROFIT TERMINAL UNITSDPerformance Data • NC Level Application GuideModel 36VRRPerformance Notes:1. NC levels ar e calculated fr om thepublished r aw data and based on pr ocedur es outlined in AHRI Standar d 885, Appendix E. 2. Discha r ge sound attenuation deductions are based on environmental effect, duct lining, br anch power division, insulated flex duct, end r eflection and space effect and are as follows:3. Radiated sound attenuation deductions are based on a mineral tile ceiling and envi onmental effect and are as follows:0LQ LQOHW ¨3V LV WKH PLQLPXP VWDWLF p r essu r e r equi r ed to achieve r ated airflow (damper full open).5. Dash (–) in space denotes an NC level of less than 20.Discharge attenuation Octave Band234567< 300 cfm 242839535940300 – 700 cfm 272940515339> 700 cfm293041515239Radiation attenuationOctave Band 234567Total dB reduction181920263136D8R E T R O F I T T E R M I N A L U N I T SPerformance Notes:1. Discharge sound power is the noise emitted from the unit discharge into the downstream duct.2. Sound power levels are in decibels, dB re 10-12 watts.3. All sound data listed by octave bands is raw data without any corrections for room absorption or duct attenuation.4. Min. inlet ţPs is the minimum ope r ating p r essu r e r equi r ement (damper full open).5. Data der ived fr om tests conducted in acco r dance with ANSI/ASHRAEStandard 130 and AHRI Standard 880.RETROFIT TERMINAL UNITS D Performance Notes:1. Radiated sound powe r is the breakout noise transmitted through the unit casing walls.2. Sound power levels are in decibels, dB re 10-12 watts.3. All sound data listed by octave bandsis raw data without any corrections forroom absorption or duct attenuation.4. Min. inlet ţPs is the minimumope r ating p r essu r e r equi r ement(damper full open).5. Data der ived fr om tests conductedin acco r dance with ANSI/ASHRAEStandard 130 and AHRI Standard 880.D9D10R E T R O F I T T E R M I N A L U N I T SSTANDARD FEATURES:• Damper: 16 ga. (1.6) galvanized steel blade and frame construction with extruded PVC blade seals and metallic side jamb seals. Leakage is less than 2% of nominal *******"w.g.(746Pa)astestedinaccordancewith ASHRAE Standard 130.• Bea r ings: Celcon ®.• Dr ive Shaft: 1/2" (13) dia. plated steel, double-bolted to blade. Indicator mar k on the end of the shaft to show damper position. 90o rotation. CW to close.• Full electrical controls enclosure for factory mounted DDC and analog electronic controls.• Multi-point ave r aging ‘Diamond Flow’ senso r : Aluminum. Gauge taps ar e pr ovided for field balancing when controls are factory mounted.• Gasket under the mounting plate and around periphery of terminal insert seal the unit to the sides of the duct.Options:• Controls enclosure for field mounted controls.• 24 volt control transformer. • Toggle disconnect switch.• Pneumatic o r Analog Elect r onic P r essu r e Independent controls by Nailor. Factory mounted and calibrated.• Digital contr ols by BMS Contr actor. Factor y mounted by Nailor.A slide-in type Retrofit Air Terminal Unit forsquar e or r ectangular ductwor k. Conver ts constant volume systems to var iable air volume. Available in 15 individual valve sizes up to 15,000 cfm (7079 l/s). Nominal valve size is the same as smallest available duct size in table. Each unit (valve) size is available to suit var ious duct sizes asshown in the table. Top, bottom and/or side blank-off plates ar e used to br ing valve up to the r equir ed nominal ductwor k dimension. Airflow ranges are based on valve size and acoustical considerations for duct velocity. Model 36VRS is available to suit duct sizes within the tabulated range in 1" (25) increments.Simple, low cost installation into existing ductwork. The installer cuts a rectangular hole in the side of the duct, cuts away the insulation (where present), slides the unit into the duct and screws the mounting plate to the side of the duct.Dimensional Data:D11RETROFIT TERMINAL UNITSDRecommended Airflow RangesFor Model 36VRS Slide-in Retrofit Terminal UnitsThe r ecommended air flow r anges below ar e for ter minal units with pressure independent controls and are based upon controller sensitivity limits as shown for each control type and acoustical consideration for duct velocity. For a given unit size, the minimum, auxiliar y minimum (wher e applicable) and the maximum flow settings must be within the r ange limits to ensur e pr essur e independent oper ation, accur acy and repeatability. For these reasons, factory settings will not be made outside these r anges. A minimum setting of zer o (shut-off) is also available. Wher e an auxiliar y setting is specified, the value must be greater than the minimum setting.When digital or other controls are mounted by Nailor, but supplied by others, these values are guidelines only, based upon experience with the majority of controls currently available. Controls supplied by others for factory mounting are configured and calibrated in the field.Model 36VRSModel 36VRS Square or RectangularD12R E T R O F I T T E R M I N A L U N I T SPerformance Data • NC Level Application GuideModel 36VRSFor full performance table notes, see page D7.D13RETROFIT TERMINAL UNITSDPerformance Data • NC Level Application GuideModel 36VRSFor full performance table notes, see page D7.D14R E T R O F I T T E R M I N A L U N I T SSTANDARD FEATURES:• 22 ga. (0.86) corrosion-resistant steel casing with stiffening beads and corrosion-resistant steel blade up to 12" (305) dia., 20 ga. (1.00) over 12" (305) dia.• Sized to fit nominal round duct sizes.• Inlet and outlet stiffening beads p ovide a means fo secure flexible duct connection.• Balancing damper with hand locking quadrant.• Multi-point aver aging Diamond Flow Sensor : Aluminum construction.• Sensor design minimizes pressure drop and regenerated noise.The Model 36FMSD Flow Measuring Station is a multi-point aver aging air flow sensor combined with integr al balancing damper. The 36FMSD allows the field balancer to measure and adjust the airflow to a diffuser or other air terminal device located downstream.The 36FMSD is an especially useful option for balancing individual displacement ventilation diffusers.A chart is provided on the unit which gives airflow vs. signal differential pressure for direct reading of airflow.Dimensional Data – 36MSFD。
astm d330物理测试标准
astm d330物理测试标准
ASTM D330是美国材料与试验协会(American Society for Testing and Materials,ASTM)发布的一个标准,其全称为"ASTM D330 - Standard Specification for 1-Octanol (98 % and 99 %)"。
以下是ASTM D330标准中包括的一些物理测试项目,这些测试项目通常用于评估1-辛醇的质量和性能:
1.密度:ASTM D330规定了测量1-辛醇密度的方法,以确定其
4.水含量:ASTM D330标准中包括了测量1-辛醇中水含量的测
5.酸值:1-辛醇的酸值用于评估其酸性,ASTM D330中规定了
因此,在进行测试时,建议查阅最新版本的ASTM D330标准以获取准确和详细的测试信息。
5)冷弯性能试验 冷弯是评定钢材塑性和工艺性能的重要 依据, 依据,用于检验钢材在常温下承受规定弯曲程 度的弯曲变形能力。 度的弯曲变形能力。 弯曲试验时, 弯曲试验时,试样在所给定的条件和在力 作用下弯曲至规定的弯曲角度。试验时, 作用下弯曲至规定的弯曲角度。试验时,应缓 慢施加弯曲力。 慢施加弯曲力。 操作中应注意: 操作中应注意: a、试样的表面不得有影响检测结果的毛刺、 试样的表面不得有影响检测结果的毛刺、 伤痕、刻痕等缺陷。 伤痕、刻痕等缺陷。 b、弯曲试验在规定的弯心直径下,弯曲 弯曲试验在规定的弯心直径下, 180°或规定角度后, 180°或规定角度后,受弯曲部位的表面不得 产生裂纹。 产生裂纹。
抗拉强 度MPa
8~20 6~25 28~50
HRB400 6~25 28~50
伸长率 冷弯 % d:弯心直径 d:弯心直径 a:钢筋直径 a:钢筋直径
光圆钢筋 HPB235
235 370 335 490 400 570
25 16 14
180° 180°d=a 180° 180°d=3a 180° 180°d=4a 180° 180°d=4a 180° 180°d=5a
4)测定延伸率,应使用分辨率优于 测定延伸率,应使用分辨率优于0.1mm的量具或测 的量具或测 量装置测定断后标距( )准确到± 如规定 量装置测定断后标距(L)准确到±0.25mm,如规定 的最小断后小于5%,则采用下述方法测定: 的最小断后小于 ,则采用下述方法测定: 试验前在平行长度的一端处作一很小的标记, 试验前在平行长度的一端处作一很小的标记,使用调 节到标距的分规,以此标记为圆心,划一圆弧。 节到标距的分规,以此标记为圆心,划一圆弧。拉断 后,将拉断的试样置于一装置上,最好借助螺丝施加 将拉断的试样置于一装置上, 轴向力,以使其在测量时牢固地对接在一起。 轴向力,以使其在测量时牢固地对接在一起。以原圆 心为圆心,以相同的半径划第二个圆弧, 心为圆心,以相同的半径划第二个圆弧,用工具显微 镜或其他合适的仪器测量两个圆弧之间的距离即为断 后伸长,准确至± 后伸长,准确至±0.02mm,为使划线清晰可见,试 ,为使划线清晰可见, 验前涂上一层染料。 验前涂上一层染料。
T304 ST AINLESS STEEL O V AL MANDREL BENDSPart No.Nominal Size Bend AngleTube Thickness Centerline Radius 131893”45 deg. (horizontal)16 gauge 4 1/2”131913”90 deg. (horizontal)16 gauge 4 1/2”132003”45 deg. (vertical)16 gauge 4 1/2”132023”90 deg. (vertical)16 gauge 4 1/2”13192 3 1/2”45 deg. (horizontal)16 gauge 5 1/4”131943 1/2”90 deg. (horizontal)16 gauge5 1/4”STAINLESS STEEL MANDREL BENDSPart No.DescriptionOverall Length131703” Oval (nom.) to 3” Round 6”13171 3 1/2” Oval (nom.) to 3 1/2” Round6”131724” Oval (nom.) to 4” Round6”T304 S.S. O V AL TO ROUND TRANSITIONSTECH TIPThe nominal size listed for oval tubing approx.equals the equivalent diameter for like-size round tubing.T304 S.S. O V AL TUBING, STRAIGHT LENGTHSPart No.Nominal Size Tube Thickness Overall Length 131823”16 gauge 5 ft.13183 3 1/2”16 gauge 5 ft.131844”16 gauge5 ft.Please note: Overall length tolerance = +/- 2”T304 S.S. O V AL FLANGESNominal SizeActual Tube Size 3” 2.20” x 3.45”3.5” 2.375” x 4.125”4”2.60” x 4.80”Part No.Description 13175S Fits 3” Nom. Oval tubing 13176S Fits 3 1/2” Nom. Oval tubing 13177SFits 4” Nom. Oval tubingPlease Note: Vibrant also offers Genuine Torca® Stainless SteelEasy Seal Exhaust Sleeve Clamps which permiteffective clamping of our 3”, 3 1/2” and 4” nominal oval tubing (please refer to pg. 75).All Oval Bends feature 6” leg lengthsTHE SOURCE FOR PROFESSIONAL FABRICATION COMPONENTSU-J MANDREL BENDSVibrant U-J Mandrel Bends give you a 180° bend, a 45° bend and a straight leg, making them an economical option for custom fabricators because each piece can yield up to three separate bends and a straight section.Ideal for custom fabricating exhaust systems, headers and intercooler pipes. Available in T304 Stainless Steel and Aluminized (Mild) Steel.Leg Length CC LL eg L en g t hBLe g L en g t hATube O.D.Tube Thickness Centerline RadiusLeg Length ALeg Length BLeg Length C T304 Stainless SteelPart No.1 1/2”16 gauge 3”4”7”10”26011 5/8”16 gauge2 1/4” 4 1/2”8”9”26021 3/4”16 gauge3 1/2”4 1/2”8”8”26031 7/8”16 gauge 3”6”7”12”26042”16 gauge 4” 4 1/2”7”7”26052 1/4”16 gauge 3 1/2” 4 1/2”8”8”26072 1/2”16 gauge 3 1/2”5”7”8”26092 3/4”16 gauge 4 1/8”6”7”11”26153”16 gauge 5” 6 1/2”9”12”26113 1/2”16 gauge5 3/4”7”9”9”26124”16 gauge6”7 1/2”8 1/2”10”2613T304 ST AINLESS STEEL U-J MANDREL BENDSTube O.D.Tube Thickness Centerline RadiusLeg Length ALeg Length BLeg Length CAluminized (Mild) SteelPart No.1 1/2”16 gauge 3”5”8”8”126011 3/4”16 gauge 3 1/2”5”7”7”126032”16 gauge 4”4”9”12”126052 1/4”16 gauge 3 1/2”4”8”12”126072 1/2”16 gauge 4 1/4”5”8”12”126093”16 gauge 5”8”10”23”126113 1/2”16 gauge 5”7”13”21”126124”16 gauge6”7”8”8”12613ALUMINIZED MILD STEEL U-J MANDREL BENDSWALL MOUNT BRACKETThese powder coated Steel Brackets make it easy to organize your inventory of Vibrant Performance Mandrel Bends and Straight Tubing.Part No. 2995Part No.Tube O.D.Tube Thickness Centerline Radius Leg Length ALeg Length B 13000 1 1/4”16 gauge 2 3/4”4”12”13001 1 3/8”16 gauge 2 3/8”4”12”13002 1 1/2”16 gauge 1 1/2”4”12”13003 1 5/8”16 gauge 1 5/8”4”12”13004 1 3/4”16 gauge 1 3/4”4”12”13005 1 7/8”16 gauge 2”6”12”130062”16 gauge 2”4”12”13007 2 1/8”16 gauge 3 1/8”4”12”13008 2 1/4”16 gauge 3 3/8”4”12”13009 2 3/8”16 gauge 3 1/2”4”12”13010 2 1/2”16 gauge 3 1/2”4”12”130123”16 gauge5”4”12”T304 S.S. 120° BENDSNo.O.D.Thickness Radius Length ALength B2618 1 1/4”16 gauge 2 3/4”4”4”2619 1 3/8”16 gauge 2 3/8”4”4”2620 1 1/2”16 gauge 1 1/2”4”4”2694 1 1/2”16 gauge 2 3/8”4”4”2621 1 5/8”16 gauge 1 5/8”4”4”2695 1 5/8”16 gauge 2 1/8”4”4”2622 1 3/4”16 gauge 1 3/4”4”4”2696 1 3/4”16 gauge 2 5/8”4”4”2623 1 7/8”16 gauge 2”6"6"2697 1 7/8”16 gauge 3”5”5”26242”16 gauge 2”4”4”26982”16 gauge 2 1/2”4”4”2625 2 1/8”16 gauge 3 1/8”4”4”2626 2 1/4”16 gauge 3 3/8”5”5”2627 2 3/8”16 gauge 3 1/2”5”5”2628 2 1/2”16 gauge 3 1/2”5”5”2629 2 3/4”16 gauge 4 1/8”5”5”26563”16 gauge 5”5”5”2657 3 1/2”16 gauge 5 1/2”5”5”26584”16 gauge 6”5”5”26595”14 gauge7 1/2”5”5”TECH TIPCustomers often ask us what type of filler rod should be used when welding all the different products we offer. The following is a quick reference guide for the most commonly asked questions:For Welding 304 S.S. to 304 S.S. use 308 filler rodFor Welding 304 S.S. to 321 S.S. also use 308 filler rod For Welding 304 S.S. to Mild Steel, use 309 filler rodFor welding 6061-T6 Aluminum, we suggest either 5356 or 4043 filler rod. 5356 is stronger, more ductile and most suitable if you intend to anodize the aluminum after welding. 4043 is more crack resistant, especially if you intend to heat treat the aluminum and it will perform better if the aluminum product you are welding is exposed to elevated temperatures (150 deg. F and up).Please refer to page 65 of this catalog to view the full offering of Vibrant Performance TIG Weld Wires.THE SOURCE FOR PROFESSIONAL FABRICATION COMPONENTSPart No.Tube O.D.TubeThickness Centerline Radius Leg Length ALeg Length B13092 1 1/2”16 gauge 1 1/2”6”6”13094 1 3/4”16 gauge 1 3/4”6”6”13095 1 7/8”16 gauge 2”6”6”130962”16 gauge 2”6”6”13098 2 1/4”16 gauge 3 3/8”6”6”13100 2 1/2”16 gauge 3 1/2”6”6”13101 2 3/4”16 gauge 4 1/8”6”6”131023”16 gauge 5”6”6”13103 3 1/2”16 gauge 5 1/2”6”6”131044”16 gauge 6”6”6”131055”14 gauge7 1/2”6”6”T304 S.S. 45° BENDSNo.O.D.Thickness Radius Length ALength B 13030 1 1/4”16 gauge 2 3/4”4”12”13031 1 3/8”16 gauge 2 3/8”4”12”13032 1 1/2”16 gauge 1 1/2”4”12”13033 1 5/8”16 gauge 1 5/8”4”12”13034 1 3/4”16 gauge 1 3/4”4”12”13035 1 7/8”16 gauge 2”6”12”130362”16 gauge 2”4”12”130502”16 gauge 2 1/2 ”4”12”13037 2 1/8”16 gauge 3 1/8”4”12”13038 2 1/4”16 gauge 3 3/8”4”12”13039 2 3/8”16 gauge 3 1/2”4”12”13051 2 1/2”16 gauge 2 1/2”4”12”13040 2 1/2”16 gauge 3 1/2”4”12”13052 2 3/4”16 gauge 2 3/4”4”12”13041 2 3/4”16 gauge 4 1/8”4”12”130533”16 gauge 3”4”12”130423”16 gauge 5”4”12”13043 3 1/2”16 gauge 5 1/2”6”6”130444”16 gauge 6”6”6”130455”14 gauge7 1/2”6”6”Part No.Tube O.D.Tube Thickness Centerline Radius Leg Length ALeg Length B13062 1 1/2”16 gauge 1 1/2”6”6”13064 1 3/4”16 gauge 1 3/4”6”6”130662”16 gauge 2”6”6”13068 2 1/4”16 gauge 3 3/8”6”6”13070 2 1/2”16 gauge 3 1/2”6”6”13071 2 3/4”16 gauge 4 1/8”6”6”130723”16 gauge 5”6”6”13073 3 1/2”16 gauge 5 1/2”6”6”130744”16 gauge6”6”6”T304 S.S. 60° BENDSPart No.Description2685 1 1/2” x 2” Reducer,2” overall length 26862” x 2 1/2” Reducer,2” overall length 2630 2 1/2” x 3” Reducer,2” overall length 26323” x 4” Reducer,4” overall lengthT304 S.S. ROUND TUBING, STRAIGHT LENGTHSPart No.Tube O.D.Tube Thickness Overall Length 2634 1 1/4”16 gauge 5 ft.2635 1 3/8”16 gauge 5 ft.2636 1 1/2”16 gauge 5 ft.2637 1 5/8”16 gauge 5 ft.2638 1 3/4”16 gauge 5 ft.2639 1 7/8”16 gauge 5 ft.26452”16 gauge 5 ft.2646 2 1/8”16 gauge 5 ft.2640 2 1/4”16 gauge 5 ft.2647 2 3/8”16 gauge 5 ft.2641 2 1/2”16 gauge 5 ft.2648 2 3/4”16 gauge 5 ft.26423”16 gauge 5 ft.2643 3 1/2”16 gauge 5 ft.26444”16 gauge 5 ft.26495”16 gauge5 ft.Please note: Overall length tolerance = +/- 2”T304 S.S.15° BENDSTIG WELD WIRESVibrant Performance now offers a wide array of TIG Weld Wires in several popular material grades and thicknesses.Vibrant Weld Wire offersoutstanding weld properties so that you can lay down a top quality bead.Sold in cost effective 1lb. and 3lb. pre-packs. Only buy what you need!Call to inquire about Bulk Quantities.Material Grade Rod Thickness Rod Length 1lb Box Part No.3lb Box Part No.Stainless - ER308L0.035” (0.9mm)0.045” (1.2mm)0.062” (1.6mm)36”36”36”291312914129161291332914329163Stainless - ER309L0.035” (0.9mm)0.045” (1.2mm)0.062” (1.6mm)36”36”36”292312924129261292332924329263Aluminum - ER40430.062” (1.6mm)0.09” (2.3mm)36”36”29461294912946329493Aluminum - ER53560.062” (1.6mm)0.09” (2.3mm)36”36”29561295912956329593Chromoly - ER70S-20.045” (1.2mm)0.062” (1.6mm)36”36”29741297612974329763Chromoly - ER80S-20.045” (1.2mm)0.062” (1.6mm)36”36”29841298612984329863T304 S.S. CONCENTRIC REDUCERSPart No.Tube O.D.Tube Thickness CLR Leg Length 13122 1 1/2”16 gauge 1 1/2”4”x4”13124 1 3/4”16 gauge 1 3/4”4”x4”131262”16 gauge 2”4”x4”13127 2 1/8”16 gauge 3 1/8”5”x5”13128 2 1/4”16 gauge 3 3/8”5”x5”13130 2 1/2”16 gauge 3 1/2”5”x5”131323”16 gauge5”5”x5”。
Adsyl 3HP起始热封温度都是115℃,都属于(丙烯-乙烯-丁烯)三元无规共聚热封塑料;
Adsyl 5起始热封温度都是105℃,都属于(丙烯-乙烯-丁烯)三元无规共聚热封塑料;
Adsyl 6和Adsyl 7都属于(丙烯/a烯烃)三元无规共聚热封塑料。
巴赛尔的PP的热封塑料广泛应用于CPP流延膜行业;至于应用在POF热收缩膜行业Adsyl 5系列和Adsyl 3HP系列,由于价格太高而逐渐
被新加坡FS6612(起始热封温度115℃)代替,这几年市场占有率下降很厉害;至于在BOPP薄膜行业生产烟膜,由于二元无规共聚热封塑料Adsyl RP系列牌号太少,与Adsyl 5配搭使用生产烟膜,质量不如我司代理经营的英国英力士(INEOS)的超低温的二元(KS407、KS409系列起始热封温度都是115℃)、三元(KS309、KS359系列起始热封温度都是105℃)PP热封塑料,英力士BOPP热封塑料在BOPP烟膜生产中一直占主导地位;而北欧化工超低温的三元热封塑料(Borseal TD220BF SIT108 ℃,TD210BF、TD211BF、TD215BF、TD218BF SIT 都是103℃) 主要应用于BOPP电容薄膜。
1.1 产品型号/规格及其划分说明:一次性使用乳腺定位丝及其导引针(简称:定位丝和导引针)型号有:SureAnchor 1、SureAnchor 2、SureAnchor 1E、SureAnchor 2E、SureAnchor 1S、SureAnchor 2S、SureAnchor 1ES和SureAnchor 2ES。
1.2 一次性使用乳腺定位丝及其导引针产品由定位丝和导引针组成,定位丝位于导引针内。
1.3 一次性使用乳腺定位丝及其导引针材质见附录A中表A4材质清单。
2.1 物理性能2.1.1 定位丝2.1.1.1 外观定位丝外表面应清洁无杂质,应无加工缺陷和表面缺陷。 定位标记2. 定位丝应有定位标记,且靠近定位丝的头端,用以确定定位丝头端定位钩在组织中的位置。 定位标记应是可触摸式的。 定位标记应牢固,经过耐腐蚀性试验后,用脱脂棉擦试,不应脱落或发生移动。 操作标记2. 定位丝应有一段连续操作标记,操作标记的两端用于指示定位丝头端的定位钩从导引针内开始释放至完全释放。 操作标记为可视的。 操作标记应牢固,经过耐腐蚀性试验后,用脱脂棉擦试,不应脱落或发生移动。 抗弯曲性能定位丝尾端(操作标记以外)抗弯曲性能良好,应无缺陷或损坏现象。
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VEB= -5V; IC= 0 IC= -0.2A ; VCE= -4V IC= -1A ; VCE= -4V IC= -0.2A ; VCE= -10V 40 15 3
75 MHz
Switching Times ton toff Turn-On Time IC= -1.0A; IB1= -IB2= -0.1A Turn-Off Time 1.0 μs 0.3 μs
INCHANGE Semiconductor
isc Product Specification
isc Silicon PNP Power Transistors
DESCRIPTION ·DC Current Gain -hFE = 40(Min)@ IC= -0.4A ·Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage: VCEO(SUS) = -40V(Min)- BDT30; -60V(Min)- BDT30A -80V(Min)- BDT30B; -100V(Min)- BDT30C ·Complement to Type BDT29/A/B/C APPLICATIONS ·Designed for use in output stages of audio and television amplifier circuits where high peak powers can occur. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25℃)
SYMBOL PARAMETER BDT30 BDT30A VCBO Collector-Base Voltage BDT30B BDT30C BDT30 BDT30A VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage BDT30B BDT30C VEBO IC ICM IB
PC Tj Tstg
SYMBOL Rth j-c Rth j-a PARAMETER Thermal Resistance,Junction to Case Thermal Resistance,Junction to Ambient MAX 4.17 70 UNIT ℃/W ℃/W
N -40 -60
Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage
V -80 -100 -0.7 -1.3 -0.2 V V mA
IC= -1A ; VCE= -4V VCE= VCEOmax; VBE= 0 VCE= -30V; IB= 0
VALUE -80 -100
V -120 -140 -40 -60 V -80 -100 -5 -1 -3 -0.4 30 150 -65~150 V A A A W ℃ ℃
Emitter-Base Voltage Collector Current-Continuous Collector Current-Peak Base Current Collector Power Dissipation TC=25℃ Junction Temperature Storage Ttemperature Range
Collector Cutoff Current
-0.1 VCE= -60V; IB= 0
IEBO hFE-1 hFE-2 fT
Emitter Cutoff Current DC Current Gain DC Current Gain Current-Gain—Bandwidth Product
isc Website:
TC=25℃ unless otherwise specified SYMBOL PARAMETER BDT30 BDT30A IC= -30mA; IB= 0 BDT30B BDT30C VCE(sat) VBE(on) ICES Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Base-Emitter On Voltage Collector Cutoff Current BDT30/A BDT30B/C IC= -1A; IB= -0.125A
isc Website:
INCHANGE Semiconductor
isc Product Specification
isc Silicon PNP Power Transistors