
模型库 - 环评模型知多少

模型库 - 环评模型知多少

环评用到的模型分类••地理信息系统(GIS)- GIS是一种基于计算机的工具,用于存储、管理、分析和可视化空间数据。


•生命周期评价(LCA)- LCA是一种工具,用于评估产品或服务在整个生命周期内的环境影响,从原材料提取到处置。


•生态风险评估(ERA)- ERA是一种过程,用于评估拟议项目或开发对环境和生态系统可能带来的潜在风险。

•栖息地适宜性指数(HSI)- HSI是一种用于评估某种物种栖息地适宜性的模型。


•多标准决策分析(MCDA)- MCDA是一种工具,用于基于多个标准,包括环境影响,评估和比较不同选项。


•碳足迹评估- 碳足迹评估是一种工具,用于评估与特定活动或产品相关的温室气体排放量。


•水质模型- 水质模型用于评估拟议项目对水质的潜在影响。


•空气质量模型- 空气质量模型用于评估拟议项目对空气质量的潜在影响。










Journal of Water Resources Research 水资源研究, 2014, 3, 247-256Published Online June 2014 in Hans. /journal/jwrr/10.12677/jwrr.2014.33031The Research and Application Progress ofEnvironmental Fluid Dynamics CodeHainan Ai, Wenshi Zhang, Xuebin Hu, Qiang He, Yuanyuan LiuKey Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment, Ministry of Education,Chongqing University, ChongqingEmail: aihainan@Received: Apr. 2nd, 2014; revised: Apr. 9th, 2014; accepted: Apr. 15th, 2014Copyright © 2014 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY)./licenses/by/4.0/AbstractWith improvement of people’s understanding of environmental problems and the rapid develop-ment of computer science, simulation of environmental processes has become a research focus in the field of environmental science and geochemistry. Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code is de-veloped according to multiple mathematical models by Virginia Institution of Marine Science.Based on more than 200 papers from journal at home and abroad from 2003 to 2013, this paper presents the application and study of hydrodynamic model, water quality model and sediment model about estuaries, rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and meanwhile analyzes the development di-rection of EFDC.KeywordsEFDC, Hydrodynamic Model, Water Quality Model, Sediment Model环境流体动力学代码EFDC模型的研究及应用进展艾海男,张文时,胡学斌,何强,刘媛媛重庆大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆Email: aihainan@作者简介:艾海男(1982-),男,副教授,主要从事活性污泥数学模型、排水管道污水处理研究。


作者简介: 韩殿鹏(1991 -) ,男,博士,助理研究员。 从事食源性致 病菌快速检测及耐药机制的研究。 *通信作者
境安全领域的主要应用,列举了当前水质预测预警 的研究热点,并展望了其未来发展方向,为后续建立 水质预测预警体系奠定基础。
1摇 水质监测技术及应用研究现状
摇 摇 水质监测通过对水质指标参数的实时监测和异 常监测,不仅可以及时捕捉水质变化,对其变化规律 的研究也是实现水质预测预警的前提条件,传统水 质监测指标大多是针对水质中汞、铅和砷等重金属 离子的检测。 随着科技的进步与发展,由依赖于人 工手动定点、定时采样和检测的传统水质监测发展 到基于传感器的自动化、无人化和智能化的实时监 测,监测指标也在原先基础上拓展至对水质温度、浊 度、酸碱度、溶解氧、电导率、氨氮、总磷、总氮以及高 猛酸盐指数等指标多参数的检测也1页 。
2摇 水质预测技术及应用研究现状
摇 摇 水质预测是对水环境进行管理的重要组成部分, 通过讨论和分析水质预测模型可以获得有关水质变 化的结论和信息。 Streeter 等在 1925 年研究俄亥俄 河污染时提出了描述河流水质变化的第一个预测模 型,即基于氧平衡的水质模型( S-P 模型),其为后续 水质预测模型的研究奠定了基础也9页 。 随着计算机技 术、环境科学的发展,以及模糊数学、地理信息技术等 新方法和技术的诞生,水质模型进入了多元化发展时 代。 Howland 认为 BOD 与泥沙的沉降和絮凝相关,故 在先前基础上增加了絮凝系数。 O爷 Connor 提议将 BOD 分为两部分,即碳酸化阶段的 CBOD 和硝化阶 段的 NBOD,并且 DO 的减少也应为这两个部分的总 和,故在 S-P 模型基础上考虑了硝化过程对 DO 变化 的影响。 1970 年美国环保局提出 QUAL 水质模型,其 把水环境分成七个关联单元,引入有机磷、氨氮和浮 游生物等多种输入源和泄漏源,并将浮游生物对水体 底泥的吸附和解吸附影响考虑在内,此后 QUAL 模型 经多次完善和升级一直沿用至今也10页 。 1983 年美国环 保局在研究地表水水质时提出了 WASP 模型,其可以 模拟常规污染物、水文动力学以及有害污染物在河流 中的迁移和变化规律等也11页 。 丹麦水动力研究所设计 的 MIKE 模型能模拟河网、河口和滩涂等不同地区的





Contract no.: n/a
Groups own reg. no.: 1130 600-1
Sponsorship: n/a
Cover: Wind turbines close to Viscaria, Kiruna, Sweden.
Photo by Gunnar Britse,
Risø-I-2571(EN) June 2007
Abstract (max. 2000 char.):
The Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) is a PC-program for horizontal and vertical extrapolation of wind data. The program contains a complete set of models to calculate the effects on the wind of sheltering obstacles, surface roughness changes and terrain height variations. The analysis part consists of a transformation of an observed wind climate (speed and direction distributions) to a wind atlas data set. The wind atlas data set can subsequently be applied for estimation of the wind climate and wind power potential, as well as for siting of specific wind turbines. The WAsP 9 Help Facility includes a Quick Start Tutorial, a User's Guide and a Technical Reference. It further includes brief descriptions of and links to the Observed Wind Climate Wizard, the WAsP Climate Analyst tool, the WAsP Map Editor tool, the WAsP Turbine Editor tool, the Air Density Calculator and various scripting tools.






图1 污染物排放入水体中混合示意图在环境介质中处于稳定流动状态和污染源稳定排放的条件下,环境中的污染物分布状况也是稳定的。




在最早出现的水质完全混合断面有:h h P P E PC Q C Q C Q Q +=+ 式中:Q h -河水流量,m 3/s ;C h -河水背景段的污染物浓度,mg/LC P -废水中污染物的浓度,mg/LQ P -废水的流量,m 3/sC-完全混合的水质浓度,mg/L2.零维模型零维是一种理想状态,把所研究的水体如一条河流或一个水库看成一个完整的体系,当污染物进入这个体系后,立即均匀的分散到这个体系中,污染物的浓度不会随时间的变化而变化。


此时,有:00=x 1kt 1k()86400uC C C =++ 式中:C-流出河段的污染物浓度,mg/LC 0-完全混合模型计算出的浓度值,mg/Lx-河段长度,mk-污染物的衰减速率常数 1/du-河水的流速,m/st-两个断面之间的流动时间3.一维模型一维模型适用的假设条件是横向和垂直方向混合相当快,认为断面中的污染物的浓度是均匀的,或者是根据水质管理的精确度要求不考虑混合过程而假设在排污口断面瞬时完成充分混合。

1.3inch LCD HAT 用户手册说明书

1.3inch LCD HAT 用户手册说明书

产品概述1.3inch LCD HAT 是微雪电子专为树莓派开发的1.3寸LCD显示屏模块,分辨率为240 * 240,LCD带有内部控制器,使用SPI接口通信,与树莓派ZERO大小一致,已封装好基本函数,可以实现图片旋转、画点、线、圆、矩形,显示英文字符,显示BMP图片。


产品参数工作电压: 3.3V通信接口:SPI屏幕类型:TFT控制芯片:ST7789VM分辨率:240(H)RGB x 240(V)显示尺寸:23.4(H)x 23.4(V)mm像素大小:0.0975(H)x 0.0975(V)mm产品尺寸65 x 30.2(mm)1接口说明2硬件说明1.LCD及其控制器本款LCD使用的内置控制器为ST7789VM,是一款240 x RGB x 320像素的LCD控制器,而本LCD本身的像素为240(H)RGB x 240(V),同时由于初始化控制可以初始化为横屏和竖屏两种,因此LCD的内部RAM并未完全使用。



此LCD使用四线SPI通信接口,这样可以大大的节省GPIO 口,同时通信速度也会比较快。

2.通信协议从上的得知使用的是4线SPI通信,查阅数据手册可以得到如下的通信时序图,以传输RGB556为例:注:与传统的SPI协议不同的地方是:由于是只需要显示,故而将从机发往主机的数据线进行了隐藏,该表格详见Datasheet Page 105。




2020年10月江苏水利水利信息化Oct.2020JIANGSU WATER RESOURCES41基于EFDC模型的水质在线模拟系统王亦斌1,孙涛1,徐希涛2#(1.南水北调东线江苏水源有限责任公司,江苏南京210019;2.南瑞集团(国网电力科学研究院)有限公司,江苏南京211000)摘要:详细阐述了EFDC的模型原理和模型的数据结构,总结了模型的建模过程,提出了EFDC模型与GIS软件的集成的基本思路,基于B/S架构设计并实现了EFDC模型的水质在线模拟展示系统,将水质实时扩散过程以空间可视化的形式展示给用户,为水污染管理提供辅助决策。

关键词:水质模型;EFDC;GIS;集成框架中图分类号:TU991.21文献标识码:B文章编号:1007-7839(2020)10-0041-04Research on water quality online simulation system baser on EFDC modelWANG Yibin1,SUN Tao1,XU Xitao2*(1.Thc Eastern Route O South—I o—North Water DgeTsSg Project Jiangsu Water Source Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing210019,China;2.NARI Geup Corporatiog/State Grii Electrie卩^!Research Institute,Nanjing211000,China)Abstract:The model pOnciple and data stmeture of EFDC was elaborated in detail,the modeling process of the model was summamzed,and the basic inea of intearation of EFDC model and GIS softwao was proposed.The wateo quality online sieulation deplay system of EFDC model was designed and nnplemented based on B/S architecture,which displayed the real—time diffusion process of watea quality to uses in the fomi of spatial visualization,provi­ding auxiliaa decision—making for wateo pollution management.Key worUi:wateo quality model;EFDC;GIS;intearation framework水是人类生存发展不可或缺的重要资源,随着社会经济的不断发展,水污染情况日渐严重,传统的先污染后治理方法,需要耗费大量人力物力财力,且见效周期长,因此,通过水质模型准确估算出入河入湖污染物通量,控制污染物总量对水环境生态保护具有重要意义。



This datasheet contains new product information. Feeling Technology reserves the rights to modify the product specification without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of the use of this product. No rights under any patent accompany the sales of the product.
Rev1.0 Jun 13, 2013 P.3/FM8PB513B
FM8PB513B memory is organized into program memory and data memory.

Direct, indirect addressing modes for data accessing 8-bit real time clock/counter (Timer0) with 8-bit programmable prescaler Internal Power-on Reset (POR) Built-in Low Voltage Detector (LVD) for Brown-out Reset (BOR) Power-up Reset Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer(OST) On chip Watchdog Timer (WDT) with internal oscillator for reliable operation and soft-ware watch-dog enable/disable control One I/O port IOB with independent direction control Soft-ware I/O pull-high/pull-down or open-drain control One internal interrupt source: Timer0 overflow; Two external interrupt source: INT pin, Port B input change Wake-up from SLEEP by INT pin or Port B input change Power saving SLEEP mode Built-in 8MHz, 4MHz, 1MHz, and 455KHz internal RC oscillator Programmable Code Protection Selectable oscillator options: - ERC: External Resistor/Capacitor Oscillator - HF: High Frequency Crystal/Resonator Oscillator - XT: Crystal/Resonator Oscillator - LF: Low Frequency Crystal Oscillator - IRC: Internal Resistor/Capacitor Oscillator - ERIC: External Resistor/Internal Capacitor Oscillator Wide-operating voltage range: 2.0V to 5.5V



品牌模型名称模型类型高频头Deviation协议Align T-Rex 100S FP A7105FlyskyAlign T-Rex 100X FP A7105FlyskyAres Ethos QX75Quad NRF24L01YD717Art-techAviator YK016Quad NRF24L01V2x2Blade/Horizon All models CYRF6936DSM2/DSMX Cheerson CX-10Quad NRF24L01YD717 Cheerson CX-11Quad NRF24L01YD717 CopterX all 'RTF'CP NRF24L01Unsupported CrazyFlie Nano Quad NRF24L01CFlieDouble HorseE-sky All modelsGreat Wall9928FP A7105FlyskyGreat Wall9938FP A7105FlyskyGreat Wall9958FP A7105FlyskyGreat Wall9968FP A7105FlyskyHuan QI 881Quad NRF24L01SymaXHeli-Max AXE 100 CP CP NRF24L01SLTHeli-Max AXE 100 FP FP NRF24L01SLTHisky HFP80FS FP A7105FlyskyHisky HFP100FS FP A7105FlyskyHisky FBL70FP NRF24L01HiSkyHisky HFP80FP NRF24L01HiSkyHisky FBL90FP NRF24L01HiSkyHisky HCP80CP NRF24L01HiSkyHisky HCP100CP NRF24L01HiSkyHisky FBL80CP NRF24L01HiSkyHisky FBL100CP NRF24L01HiSkyHisky FF120Quad NRF24L01HiSkyHisky HMX120Quad NRF24L01HiSky HobbyKing Q-Bot Micro Quad NRF24L01HiSky Hubsan X4Quad A7105Hubsan Hubsan H101 D/F FP A7105Hubsan Hubsan H102 D/F FP A7105Hubsan Hubsan H201 D/F FP A7105Hubsan Hubsan H202 D/F FP A7105Hubsan Hubsan H107C Quad A7105Hubsan Hubsan H107L Quad A7105Hubsan Hubsan H107D Quad A7105Hubsan Hubsan H111Quad A7105Hubsan Hubsan H301F Plane A7105Hubsan Hubsan H302F Plane A7105Hubsan Hubsan H303F Plane A7105Hubsan Hubsan H304F Plane A7105HubsanJD JXD 385Quad NRF24L01V2x2JD JXD 388Quad NRF24L01V2x2JD JXD 389Quad NRF24L01YD717JD JXD 390Quad NRF24L01YD717JD JXD 391Quad NRF24L01YD717JD JXD 392Quad NRF24L01V2x2JD JXD 393Quad NRF24L01YD717JJR/C1000A Quad NRF24L01V2x2JJR/C F180Quad NRF24L01V2x2 Landbow X-Dart Next Quad NRF24L01V2x2Nine Eagles YAK54Plane CYRF6936J6ProNine Eagles P47Plane CYRF6936J6ProNine Eagles Solo Pro 125A CP CYRF6936J6ProNine Eagles Solo Pro 126 V2CP CYRF6936J6ProNine Eagles Solo Pro 100D CYRF6936J6ProNine Eagles Solo Pro 287CP CYRF6936J6ProNine Eagles Solo Pro 180CYRF6936J6ProNine Eagles Solo Pro 319CP CYRF6936J6ProNine Eagles Solo Pro 125A CP NRF24L01SLTNine Eagles Solo Pro 260FP NRF24L01Unsupported Nine Eagles Solo Pro 319CP NRF24L01SLTPropel RC CloudquestPropel RC SpeedstarSanlianhuan SH 6047 Scorpion Y6NRF24L01YD717Sky Walker HM-1306Quad NRF24L01YD717Skyartec WASP NanoCP(X)CP CC2500SkyartecSkyartec WASP 3X(V)CP CC2500Skyartec Skyartec Butterfly Quad CC2500Skyartec Skybotz Mini UFO Quad NRF24L01YD717 Skyline YD717Quad NRF24L01YD717 Syma X1Quad A7105Flysky Syma X4Quad NRF24L01SymaX Syma X6Quad NRF24L01SymaX Toybase L6036Quad NRF24L01V2x2 Toybase L6038Quad NRF24L01V2x2UDI U816Quad Unsupported UDI U818Quad Unsupported Walkera QR Ladybird Quad CYRF6936DEVO Walkera Mini-CP CP CYRF6936DEVO Walkera V120D02s CP CYRF6936DEVO Walkera Super-CP CP CYRF6936DEVO Walkera QR X350Quad CYRF6936DEVO Walkera V120D02CP CYRF6936WK2801 Walkera V450D01CP CYRF6936WK2801 Walkera4G6S CP CYRF6936WK2601 Walkera4F200CP CYRF6936WK2801 Walkera4F200LM CP CYRF6936DEVO Walkera Genius-CP WK CP CYRF6936WK2801 Walkera Genius-CP CP CYRF6936DEVO Walkera4/6S???CYRF6936WK2401 Walkera Master-CP CP CYRF6936DEVO Walkera V100D01FP CYRF6936WK2401 Walkera4G6CP CYRF6936WK2801 Walkera RX120212Ch Receiver CYRF6936DEVO Walkera RX100210Ch Receiver CYRF6936DEVO Walkera RX8028Ch Receiver CYRF6936DEVO Walkera RX8018Ch Receiver CYRF6936DEVO Walkera RX7017Ch Receiver CYRF6936DEVO Walkera RX6016Ch Receiver CYRF6936DEVOWL TOYS A949Car NRF24L01V2x2WL TOYS A959Car NRF24L01V2x2WL TOYS A969Car NRF24L01V2x2 WL TOYS A979Car NRF24L01V2x2 WL TOYS v911FP A7105Flysky WL TOYS v911-Pro FP A7105Flysky WL TOYS v912FP A7105Flysky WL TOYS v912 Brushless Ed FP A7105Flysky WL TOYS v913FP A7105Flysky WL TOYS v913 Brushless Ed FP A7105Flysky WL TOYS v915FP A7105Flysky WL TOYS v929Quad A7105Flysky WL TOYS v930FP NRF24L01KNWL TOYS v922CP NRF24L01HiSky WL TOYS v933CP NRF24L01HiSky WL TOYS v939Quad A7105Flysky WL TOYS v944FP NRF24L01HiSky WL TOYS v949Quad A7105Flysky WL TOYS v955FP NRF24L01HiSky WL TOYS v959Quad A7105Flysky WL TOYS v966CP NRF24L01KNWL TOYS v977CP NRF24L01KNWL TOYS v988FP NRF24L01KNWL TOYS v202Quad NRF24L01V2x2 WL TOYS v212Quad NRF24L01V2x2 WL TOYS v222Quad NRF24L01V2x2 WL TOYS v252Quad NRF24L01V2x2 WL TOYS v252 Pro Quad NRF24L01YD717 WL TOYS v262Quad NRF24L01V2x2 WL TOYS v272Quad NRF24L01V2x2 WL TOYS v282Quad A7105Flysky ? 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Requires SDR snooping to determineSame as Hisky HFP80Current modelSame as Hisky HFP100Current modelCurrent modelSame as Hisky HCP80Same as Hisky HCP100Same as HMX120Current modelSame as HMX120With version D, cam recording on/off with CH5With version D, cam recording on/off with CH5With version D, cam recording on/off with CH5With version D, cam recording on/off with CH5Camera version: first version 0.3MP cam, second version 2MP cam, 6 axis With led lights, 6 axisFPV version, 6 axispicoquad, 6 axisFPVFPVFPVFPVSelect 'Sky Wlkr' protocol optionSelect 'Sky Wlkr' protocol option (not tested)Select 'Sky Wlkr' protocol option (not tested)Select 'Sky Wlkr' protocol optionmicro plane, 4CHmicro plane, 4CHStand-alone'RTF' NE-480133'BNF' w/General Link'BNF' NE-480192Select 'Sky Wlkr' protocol optionSelect 'Sky Wlkr' protocol optionUntestedSame as Skyline YD717Same as Skybotz Mini UFOSet channels to 5 and turn on WLToys 9x9 protocol option for flip control on ch51/18 th car1/18 th car1/18 th car1/18 th car4 axisSame as Hisky HCP100Same as Hisky HCP804 axisSame as Hisky HFP1004 axisSame as Hisky HFP804 axismicro quad,6 axismini quad,6 axismini quad w/ camera,6 axisenhanced micro quad,6 axisSelect 'Sky Wlkr' protocol optionenhanced mini quad,6 axispico quad,6 axispico quad,6 axispico quad,6 axisenhanced mini quad,6 axismicro plane, 4CHmicro plane, 4CH1/10 th car1/10 th car1/10 th car1/10 th car, brushless version of L9591/10 th car, brushless version of L9691/10 th car, brushless version of L979Select 'Sky Wlkr' protocol option, invert RUD channel (Not tested) Select 'Sky Wlkr' protocol option, invert RUD channelSelect 'Sky Wlkr' protocol option, invert RUD channel (Not tested) Select 'Sky Wlkr' protocol option, invert RUD channelSelect 'Sky Wlkr' protocol option, invert RUD channel (Not tested)。

BenQ W1070 3D projector 使用手册 - 中文说明书

BenQ W1070 3D projector 使用手册 - 中文说明书

How to watch 3D content on a BenQ projector:Y our BenQ projector supports playing three-dimensional (3D) content transferred through D-Sub, Component, HDMI, Video, and S-Video. Y et you need the required compatible hardware accessories and software to play 3D content on BenQ projector.Minimum computer system requirements for playing 3D content on a BenQ projector:●BenQ projector with 3D ready●BenQ 3D glasses●Processor: Intel® Pentium, Intel® Core™2 Duo, Intel® i3/i5/i7 Core, AMDAthlon™ X2 CPU or higher.●Recommended OS: Microsoft Windows Vista 32/64 bit or Microsoft Windows 732/64 bit●Graphic card (512MB VRAM Recommended): NVIDIA 240/250/Quadro series orhigher, ATI 4000 series or higher, or Intel GMA 4500 series. Please remember tocheck the graphic card support list of media player software you installed.●At least 1GB memory●Output signal: D-Sub or HDMI●Software compatible for playing 3D content (Y ou can download Stereoscopic Playerat●Have 3D content ready. Please check the content format before purchase (Thesample files are available for download at⏹If computer output setting is Frame Sequential, please set the refreshrate at 60 or 120Hz.⏹If computer output setting is over/under, please set the refresh rate at60Hz.●Only set-top DVD players support HQFS 3D disc playback. Computer optical discdrives are not supportedProcedure for playing 3D content from a computer:1.Connect your BenQ projector to a computer using a D-Sub or HDMI cable.2.Switch the signal output of the computer to display on the BenQ projector ONLY(DO NOT use dual mode).e the projector default resolution value and set the refresh rate at 60 or 120Hz.Alternatively, set resolution and refresh rate marked with “*” in the timing table listed in the BenQ projector user manual.4.Make sure the screen is in the full screen mode.5.Start a 3D video player (such as Stereoscopic Player).6.If you are using Stereoscopic Player:●T o playback a 3D content and output Frame Sequential signal to Projector,click the Stereoscopic Player menu and selectView → Viewing Method → Software Page flipping.●T o playback a 3D content and output T op and Bottom signal to Projector,click the Stereoscopic Player menu and selectView → Viewing Method → Over/Under, Right Image T op(Over/Under, Left Image T op is OK too).T o playback a 3D content and output Side by Side half signal to Projector, click the Stereoscopic Player menu and selectView → Viewing Method → Side by Side, Right Image T op(Side by Side, Left Image T op is OK too).7.Load 3D image file and playback it.8.Press the “MENU” button on the projector, and then make sure the 3D sync item isturned on. (Y ou might need to base on the 3D format of the video to make anappropriate setting of the projector.)9.Make sure the power of BenQ 3D glasses is on.10.When you discover the inversion of the image depth, enable “3D Sync Invert”function on the OSD menu to correct the problem.11.Wear the BenQ 3D glasses, and then enjoy your 3D experience!For set-top DVD player users:●BenQ projector with 3D ready●BenQ 3D glasses●Make sure your set-top DVD player supports NTSC and has a video, S-video,Component or HDMI output.●Output signal: 480i●Make sure 3D DVD disk is HQFS format.Procedure for playing 3D content from a set-top DVD player:1.Connect your BenQ projector to a set-top DVD Player using a video, S-Video,Component or HDMI cable.2.Press the “MENU” button on the projector, and then make sure 3D sync item is “on”or “Frame Sequential”.3.Press the “PLAY” button on the player.4.Make sure the power of BenQ 3D glasses is on.5.Wear BenQ 3D glasses, and then enjoy your 3Dexperience!For set-top 3D Blu-ray player users:●BenQ projector with 3D HDMI 1.4a ready or support 3D Frame Packing /Side by Side half / T op and Bottom format.●BenQ 3D glasses●Make sure your set-top Blu-ray player supports 3D HDMI output.●Output Signal: 3D Frame Packing / Side by Side half / T op and Bottom format(refer to BenQ user manual support timing table).●Make sure Blu‐ray disk is 3D format.Procedure for playing 3D content from a set-top Blu-Ray player: 1.Connect your BenQ projector to a Blu-Ray Player using a HDMI cable.2.Press the “MENU” button on the projector, and then make sure 3D mode item is“Auto” (if 3D content can’t be projected normally, please select 3D format of content manually).3.Press the “PLAY” button on the player.4.Make sure the power of BenQ 3D glasses is on.5.Wear BenQ 3D glasses, and then enjoy your 3D experience!。



哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂的研究进展张俊玉;吕珊;牛慧敏;雷安民【摘要】The mammalian oocyte maturation process consists of two consecutive asymmetric divisions, and produces three daughter cells of vastly different sizes: one larger egg cell and two smaller polar bodies. Asymmetric division is a typical feature of mammalian oocyte meiosis that results in a highly polar egg cell. The mitosis of the cell after fertilization exhibits restored symmetric division, but the polarity characteristics formed during meiosis of oocytes are preserved and affect the polarity of early embryos. In this review, we summarize the research progress on asymmetric division of mamma-lian oocytes in recent years, and mainly focus on the asymmetric division of cytoplasmic and the asymmetric division of nucleus, including the functions of chromosome and cytoskeleton in asymmetric division of mammalian oocytes, the redis-tribution of cytoplasmic organelles occurring in oocyte maturation, and chromosome nonrandom separation. We aim to demonstrate the main mechanism of asymmetry division in mammalian oocytes from both cellular and molecular levels.%哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟过程需要进行两次连续的不对称分裂,最终形成体积差异巨大的子细胞:大体积的卵母细胞和两种体积较小的极体.不对称分裂现象是哺乳动物卵母细胞减数分裂的典型特征,不对称分裂后的卵母细胞是高度极化的细胞.精卵结合后,细胞重新恢复了对称分裂,但是在卵母细胞减数分裂过程中形成的极性特征却得以保留并影响早期胚胎的极性.本文对近年来在哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂方面的相关研究展开综述,从细胞质不对称分裂和细胞核不对称分裂两个方面对染色体、细胞骨架在哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂中的作用、细胞器在哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟过程中的重组分配、染色体非随机分离等过程进行介绍,旨在从细胞和分子水平阐述哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂的主要机制.【期刊名称】《遗传》【年(卷),期】2018(040)004【总页数】13页(P279-291)【关键词】卵母细胞极性;不对称分裂;纺锤体迁移;非随机分离【作者】张俊玉;吕珊;牛慧敏;雷安民【作者单位】陕西省干细胞工程技术研究中心,西北农林科技大学动物医学院,杨凌712100;陕西省干细胞工程技术研究中心,西北农林科技大学动物医学院,杨凌712100;陕西省干细胞工程技术研究中心,西北农林科技大学动物医学院,杨凌712100;陕西省干细胞工程技术研究中心,西北农林科技大学动物医学院,杨凌712100【正文语种】中文哺乳动物卵母细胞的不对称分裂可以大致分为两个方面:一个是形态学意义的细胞质不对称分裂;另外一个是细胞核的不对称分裂。

Endrich NBIoT M910-GL 三模LPWA模块说明书

Endrich NBIoT M910-GL 三模LPWA模块说明书

Fibocom has developed the brand new LPWA module M910-GL. M910-GL is a multi-mode (LTE Cat.M1, LTE Cat.NB1 and EGPRS) IoT wireless communication module which supports half-duplex LTE and GSM. It can provide data connection in LTE-FDD, LTE-TDD, GPRS and EGPRS networks, and also supports GNSS and VOLTE (LTE C at.M1). The module is available with LGA footprint (27.6 x 25.4 x 2.3 mm) and global certifications.It is characterized by low power consumption and robust accessibility even inside buildings. In addition, it is very cost effective and has an enormous range, which opens up new possibilities for applications in cities or agriculture.The module is primarily recommended for applications in which low data throughput rates have to be transmitted securely, like asset tracking, industrial monitoring and control, security systems, smart home, smart metering, etc.APPLICATIONS• Asset tracking• Industrial monitoring and control • Security systems • Smart home • Smart meteringFEATURESDimension 25.40 x 27.60 x 2.30 mm PackageLGA, 120PinOperating Frequency BandLTE FDD: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/ B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B26/B28 LTE TDD: B39 (Cat.M1 only)GSM: GSM850/GSM900/ DCS1800/PCS1900Power Supply 3.3 V ~ 4.3 V (3.8 V recommended)Operating Temperature -40 °C ~ +85 °CeSIM eCallOptionalJamming Detection USSD STK DFOTA GNSS LBS PSMeDRX SMS OS Driver Linux/Win, XP/Win, 7/Win, 8/Win10/AndroidVoLTE ProtocolsPPP/TCP/UDP/IPV4/IPV6/SSL/TLS/ FTP(S)/HTTP(S)DATA TRANSMISSIONCat.M1 (DL / UL)375 / 375 kbps Cat.NB1 (DL / UL)32 / 70 kbps GPRS (DL / UL)107 / 85.6 kbps EDGE (DL / UL)296 / 236.8 kbpsINTERFACESAntennaMain x 1, GNSS x 1Functional InterfacesUSIM 3.0V/1.8VAPPLICATIONS • Commercial refrigerator • Freezer • Icemaker• Vending machine • Air-conditioningUF-T12ABPB0AM1D4AMore than 60 % energy saving Higher efficiency with more air flowSelectableCustomized speedApplicable for ErP2015IP55 / IP68 / ATEX is available for choiceHAVE A LOOKHAVE A LOOKTMR-sensors from C ROC US are based on a new technology for magnetic field measurement. The main advantage of the TMR-sensors compared to Hall-sensors are low current consumption and high sensitivity.The basic unit of TMR-sensors is the so called magnetic logic unit (MLU) which is a stack of several layers of different materials. The resistance of this stack perpendicular to the layers is dependent on the orientation of an external magnetic field compared to a fixed axis.The substrate for this stack is an antiferromagnetic layer. Above this layer there is the so called pinned layer which is a ferromagnetic layer that has a fixed magnetization in a fixed direction. The direction of this magnetization defines the reference direction and it cannot be changed by an external field. Above this pinned layer there is a very thin, insulating layer with a thickness of only a few Nanometers. Above this insulaing layer another magnetic layer is deposited. The orientation of the magnetization of this so called free layer can be influenced by a external field. The resistance of the whole stack of layers is dependent on angle between the magnetizations of the free and the fixed layer. It can be measured by applying a voltage at conducting electrodes at the top and bottom side of the stack. The resistance of the stack varies between 10 kΩ and 60 kΩ. This resistance range of the MLU is much higher compared to other magnetoresistive technologies like AMR (Anisotropic Magnetic Resistance) und GMR (Giant Magneto Resistance). The field necessary to rotate the magnetization of the free layer is quite small. Most of the TMR-sensors operate below 10 mT, some even below 1 mT.FEATURES OF CT83xx-SERIES• Low power consumption of down to typ. 200nA • High sensitivity of typ. 600 mV / mT @ 3 V• Stable performance over temperature with a linearity error of down to less than ±0.25 %• Open drain or push pull output • SOT23 or LGA packageFEATURES OF CT400 CURRENT SENSOR• High Sensitivity • Differential Outputs• Supply Voltage: 1.0 V to 5.5 V• 6-lead SOT23 package or 6-lead DFN packageAPPLICATIONS OF CT83xx-SERIES• Low power assemblies like metering or general battery driven devices• Tamper-proofing for utility meters • Fluid level detection • Reed switch replacement • Motor controllers• Door closure detectionAPPLICATIONS OF CT400 CURRENT SENSOR • Battery Management Systems • Motor Control • White Goods• Power Utility Meters• Over-Current Fault Protection • Induction Cooking • Renewable EnergyBasically this technology can be used to build magnetic switches or magnetic sensors with analog output. For magnetic switches the current through the MLU is measured and a comparator drives the output stage of the sensor (either open collector or push-pull) high or low, depending on fixed internal threshold values.The most important switch family is the C T83xx-series. Latches, unipolar and omnipolar types with different switching fields are available. Most members of this family work internally in a pulsed mode and this leads to a current consumption down to 200 nA for some types, depending on the duty cycle.However, TMR-sensors can also be used as analog sensors measuring the strength of the magnetic field as well. This allows measuring the distance between a magnet and the sensor. C urrent sensing is also possible with this technology because electrical current always produces a magnetic field.Since this magnetic field decreases very strongly with distance between the conducting wire and the sensor, the TMR-sensors are a good choice for simple current sensors due to their high sensitivity to small magnetic fields. The CT100 is a linear contactless current sensor in full-bridge configuration. The CT100 enables high accuracy current measurements for many consumer, enterprise and industrial applications. The CT100 is a non-intrusive current sensor that can be adapted to measure different current ranges.TMR-Sensor : Resistance depends on the orientation of the external magnetic field relative to the internal fixed magetization (blue arrow)Layer structure ofthe Magnetic Logic UnitAPPLICATIONS• Industrial Control Interfaces • Dash Boards • Digital Signage• Interactive Classrooms • Meeting RoomsPrecise optical bonding processes combined with chemically etched glasses and super high brightness backlights contribute a perfect readability in all environments. Additionally, reflections are reduced by the chemically etched cover lens with anti-glare coating. In direct sunlight, bright enlightened shopping centers or industrial workshops, the displays’ quality is always crystal clear. Also, Faytech guarantees zero dead pixels at all TFT-displays! As option, an ambient light sensor can be integrated enabling automated backlight dimming, e.g. at night time. Equipped with various interfaces these monitors can be connected to any computer system. There are touch drivers available for Windows, Linux, Mac and Android.SerialUSB12 V DC-InVGA Audio DVI-D HDMI 1.315.0” FTE15HDKSUPER HIGH BRIGHTNESS1500 cd / m 2ULTRA-HD RESOLUTIONOPTICALLY BONDED CAPACITIVE MULTI TOUCH86"2,1844 mHAVE A LOOKCUSTOMIZED TEMPERATURE SENSORS FEATURES• Extensive use in all global automotive brands • D ozens of customized assemblies for battery and EV motor applications • Already high market share for Japanese hybrid car batteries • C ompetitive pricing especially for integrated design assemblies (sensor part + resin mold)APPLICATIONS• Automotive applications • Consumer products• Instrumentation industrial ovens • Electric showers• HVAC and refrigeration • Fire detectors• Battery management systems • E-mobilityAPPLICATIONS • EV batteries• Electric motors • Air conditioners • CapacitorsSPECIFICATIONS OF TT-4:Part No.TT4Measurement element NTC, PTC, PtRTD, KTY, DS1820Resistance tolerance ±0.2 ... ±5 %B-Value (25 / 85)2700 ... 5100 KWires / Cables PVC, Silicone, FEP, Fiberglass insulation, etc.Diameter >1.25 mm Temperature range-80 ... 800 °CBATTERY MODULE STEERING- & SEAT HEATER INVERTER / CONVERTER AIR CONDITIONING MODULE MOTOR MODULEAttached to PCB by crewFoil NTCCell pack Epoxy dipping type High precision typeATF oil submersionHigh temp. range typeScrew fix typeFEATURES• Proven stability and reliability • Low cost • V ariety of metal and plastic housings and tubings designed for specific applications • P otted with different kinds of resin for reliable sensor protection • P rovides good protection from the environmental conditions• P roven high voltage and dynamic strength• Available with special cables (2-core cables or stranded with PVC, teflon or kynar insulation, cables with screen & other), connectors and other attachments • W ide range of resistance and temperature characteristics • D esigned for temperature measurement, temperature control and temperature compensationTEWA temperature sensors offer a wide range of standard and customized temperature sensors designed according to individual customer’s requirements covering applications in temperature range between -80 °C and +800 °C. The TT-4 series group contains temperature sensors using NTC / PTC thermistors, PTRTDs and other sensing elements mounted into a wide range of metal /plastic housings.HAVE A LOOKHAVE A LOOKFEATURESSound Quality• Membrane active transformation itself (direct conversion), self-moving without coil assembly• High resolution for mid-high frequency play• To have wide band function by ACTS / dynamic combination • Input / output impedance internally matched to 50Ω• Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GLONASS)APPLICATIONS• Communication devices like headsetsmm package offers a very SR106560EP01NSR080670HP01NDemokit Headset from BSEEndrich is proud to introduce the new EARPHONE RECEIVER Technology “Advanced Concept & Technology speaker” (ACTS) from BSE. The ACTS are perfectly used for some new Earphone Receiver, which are found in headsets.HAVE A LOOKHAVE A LOOKHEADQUARTERSENDRICH Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH P.O.Box 1251 · 72192 Nagold, Germany T +49 (0) 7452 6007-0F +49 (0) 7452 6007-70*******************SALES OFFICES IN EUROPESwitzerland − Novitronic Zurich:T +41/44 306 91 91******************France Paris:T +33/186653215******************Lyon:T +33/186653215*******************Bulgaria Sofia:********************Spain Barcelona:T +34/93 217 31 44*****************Hungary Budapest:T +361/2 97 41 91*******************Austria & Slovenia Brunn am Gebirge:T +43/1 665 25 25*******************Romania Timisoara:*******************INPAQ Technology C o., Ltd. is the world leading patch antenna manufacturer that specializes in all kinds of GPS / GNSS antennas including GPS ceramic substrate. Ceramic patch antenna is widely used in global positioning systems, provided by INPAQ in different shapes, sizes and a high-gain, low return loss, low axial ratio characteristics of the ceramic antenna.For navigation systems, different Stacked Patch Antenna solutions are designed. As Dual Band GPS could enhance the positioning accuracy to the next level – it will be improved from 10 meter grade to centimeter grade. INPAQ is ready for Tier 1, to customize GPS L1L2L5L6 antennas according to their need to meet the requirements of the new systems design on self-driving automotive systems. Peak Gain Radiation for above design examples is up to 4.9 dBic for L1, L2 and L5 Band.Additional L1L2L5L6 Full Band C hip Antenna (5.0 x 3.6 mm SMD Antenna) is already available for test, as AC LX-5036-A1-C C -S. This antenna is a coupling antenna with linear polarization. The Application PCB will be used as an antenna.INPAQ is ready for Tier 1, GPS L1L2L5L6 stack proposal, and 5G application to connect everything, including self-driving needed L1L2L5L6 to get message of precise position; via 3D Lidar or 77 GHzRadar is for relative position message. Connected car, automated car, smart car, self-driving car do difference by the degrees of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and application method.APPLICATIONS• Self-driving• Connected car • Automated car• ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)• Smart carPatch AntennaChip AntennaHAVE A LOOK。

GEPRC Cinebot30 商业用FPV机器人说明书

GEPRC Cinebot30 商业用FPV机器人说明书

User ManualCatalogUser Manual (1)Overview (3)Specifications: (4)Features: (5)Warranty Policy: (6)PS: (6)DJI Digital FPV System: (7)Bind FrSky R-XSR: (8)Bind TBS NanoRX: (9)Bind ELRS: (10)Install Betaflight: (11)ARM(DJI Transmitter): (12)OpenTX Transmitter (13)IRC Tramp: (15)Install Silicone Pad,Landing pad: (17)Install Propellers: (18)Quick disassembly scheme (19)Pre-flight Check: (20)Includes: (21)Contact Details: (21)OverviewTaking your drone photography to the next level,the new series Cinebot30,take you to the real world,shooting extreme footage.Cinebot30is a new generation of Cinematic FPV drone developed by GEPRC team. The high-strength7075aircraft-grade aluminum alloy bracket for FPV camera escort, the combination of classic engineering and aesthetics.The newly polished gimbal damping module can easily fix high-frequency vibration and jello issues.It can be mounted with GEPRC Naked GoPro Hero8and GoPro Black Bones,Insta360GO2 and other cameras.The image is stable and clear,and it’s easy to film.Adopts high-strength one-piece injection-molded propeller guard and high-toughness and impact-resistant PC material for injection molding.A ring-shaped Cob light strip is embedded in the propeller guard,and the light effect is carefully tuned.High-strength grain-cut carbon fiber sheet,the overall strength of the fuselage is upgraded again! Cinebot30will be equipped with a powerful1804motor with optimized motor magnetic circuit and surging torque,which can easily cope with ultra-low altitude shooting.With HQ prop T76mm*3propeller,it gets the lowest noise effect in its ingGEP-F722-45A AIO v2flight controller,higher performance redundancy,and easy handling of unexpected situations.Finely polished frame design,only6screws need to be removed to separate the aircraft top plate and protection frame.Easy to cope with the urgent need to replace the accessories,at any time to restore the state. Tuned by GEPRC professionals,the Cinebot30is a Cinematic FPV that performs both indoor and outdoor flights equally well.The Cinebot30explores endless possibilities for your drone shots!Specifications:Model:Cinebot30HD QuadcopterBrand:GEPRCFrame:GEP-CT30Wheelbase:127mmTop plate thickness:2mmMain plate thickness:3mmBase plate thickness:1.5mmFC:GEP-F722-45A AIO V2MCU:STM32F722IMU:ICM-42688-PVTX:Vista Nebula Pro/Runcam Link/Walksnail Avatar/GEPRC RAD1W/DJI O3air unit Propeller:Hq prop T76mmAntenna:5.8GBattery Interface:XT60H-MMotor:SPEEDX21804-2450KV(6S Version)/SPEEDX21804-3450KV(4SVersion)Weight:222g(vista HD pnp)/Nebula Pro version222.5g/Avatar version221g/Analog version209.2g/Link Wasp version222.5g(excluding the battery,the above are TBS RXnano version)Receiver:PNP,Frsky R-XSR,TBS Nano915M RX,ELRS2.4GRecommended Battery:LiPo4S1100mAh-1300mAh(4S Version)/LiPo6S850mAh-1100mAh(6S Version)Features:1.Design that combines engineering and aesthetics.2.Quick-disassembly design,only need to remove6screws to upgrade or replace parts.3.Selected high-toughness and impact-resistant PC material for injection molding.4.Aviation7075aluminum alloy camera mounting bracket and fuselage aluminum column.5.Propeller guard embedded ring Cob light strip,carefully tuned light effect.Color brightness in the day and night can be clearly displayed.6.The newly developed gimbal shock absorption structure can disintegrate high frequency jitter and jello effect.Easily carry a variety of action cameras.7.Powerful1804motor,surging torque to deal with ultra-low altitude flight at will.8.With the new GEP-F722-45A AIO V2,stable performance,more secure flight9.Four kinds of FPV system with the program,choose to belong to your first-person view10.Tuned by GEPRC professionals,delicate and silky flying feelWarranty Policy:1.If Quadcopter is damaged or unknow issue,please contact GEPRC and send it back.We'll do our best to get this taken care of quickly for you.2.Any impact damage,product liquid damage,high temperature burn or other artificial damage is not covered by warranty.PS:1.All components has been strictly inspected and tested before shipping.2.If you have any problems,please cooperate with our engineers to figure out solutions. (E-mail:*****************.)DJI Digital FPV System:1.Turn the power of the FPV Goggles,DJI FPV Transmitter,andQuadcopter.Press the FPV Goggles bind button twice,and it will beep to indicate the binding state.2.Press the VISTA bind button,the indicator light turn red ,indicating that it is binding.Then the indicator light turns yellow,means the binding is successful,and the FPV Goggles will display the received picture.3.Press the C1custom button ,record button and right scroll wheel button of the remote controller,at the same time.The indicator light turns blue,and the remote controller sends a beep indicating that it is binding.4.Press the VISTA bind button,the indicator light turn red ,indicating that it is binding.Then the indicator light turns yellow,means the binding is successful.And the remote controller indicator light turnsGreen.BindingBindingSuccessfulBind Record Button C1CustomRight Scroll Wheel ButtonBinding Bind ButtonBindButtonBind FrSky R-XSR:1.For Taranis X9D/X9D Plus/X9E and Taranis QX7,turn on the transmitter,go to the MENU –MODEL SETUP –PAGE 2,choose Internal RF,and select BIND.2.Turn on the receiver while holding the bind button on the receiver,release the button and the bule,red,yellow LED on .3.When the red light flashes,it indicates that the binding is successful.Turn off the receiver,and then turn on the receiver.The blue light and yellow light of receiver are on,indicating that the link isnormal.123Binding ButtonBindingBinding SuccessfulBind TBS NanoRX:1.For Taranis X9D/X9D Plus/X9E and Taranis QX7,turn on the transmitter,go to the TOOLS –CROSSFIRE SETUP –XF Micro TX ,and select Bind.2.Turn on the receiver while holding the bind button on the receiver,release the button and the green LED on flash .and then holding the button for 8second ,and release.And the green light is off and the red light is flashing,‘update micro RX ?’will appear on the transmitter screen,and select ‘ENTER’.3.Wait for the update to complete,the binding is successful,and the receiver green light ison.123456Bind Button BindingBinding SuccessfulBind ELRS:GEPRC’s ELRS868MHz,ELRS915MHz and ELRS2.4G receivers have the same operation method for frequency alignment.1.When the receiver is powered on and off three times continuously(1second interval),the blue light of the receiver indicator will double flash continuously,indicating that the receiver has entered the frequency pairing status.2.For X9D/X9D Plus/X9E and Taranis QX7remote control,turn on the power of the remote control,press and hold the MENU key to enter TOOLS-ELRS and select Bind to enter the frequency pairing status.3.Wait for the blue light of the receiver indicator to change from continuous double flash to constant light,that is,the frequency pairing is successful.Turn off the receiver power,then turn on the receiver power,the blue light is always on,which means the receiver and remote control are connected normally.①②Bind ButtonBindingBinding SuccessfulInstall Betaflight:Although your Quadcopter comes from the factory nearly completely ready to fly,you still need to install betaflight to facilitate your subsequent use of betaflight for debugging. Installation package download address:https:///betaflight/betaflight-configurator/releasesEnter the web page,pull to the bottom,and select the appropriate installation package to download.EXE suffix is Windows system,DMG suffix is MacOS system,RPM/DEB suffix is Linux system,APK suffix is Android system.Install Drivers:If you are on windows,you must install the driver manually.MacOS and Linux do not.CP210x Drivers:https:///products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-dri versSTM USB VCP Drivers:/en/development-tools/stsw-stm32102.htmlZadig: Transmitter):With DJI FPV Transmitter,the toggle switch is set at the factory.Thecorresponding functions of each switch are as follows:SA AUX1(ARM)SB AUX2(MODES)SC AUX3(BEEPER)SD AUX4(Vacancy)DJI toggle switches are all three sections.If you move the Yellow cursor ofthe corresponding aux channel of the switch,the corresponding functionwill be turned on when you move to the set range.OpenTX TransmitterThe transmitter of openTX system needs to check the AUX channel.For Taranis X9D/X9D Plus/X9E and Taranis Q X7,turn on the transmitter,go to the MENU–MIXS and view the current AUX channel settings.CH1-CH4corresponds to four channels of rocker CH5(SF)γAUX1(ARM)CH6(SG)γAUX2(MODES)CH7(SA)γAUX3(BEEPER)CH8(SB)γAUX4(Light strip switch)·FrSky X9D transmitter SF toggle switch are two sections.If you move the Yellow cursor of the corresponding aux channel of the switch,the corresponding function will be turned on when you move to the set range.Use the transmitter wheel to move the cursor to select the AUX channel,and then press and hold the wheel key to edit the channel.You can name the aux channel,or set the toggle switches you want,and exit and save it.IRC Tramp:1.Turn on the transmitter,THR middle,YAW left,PITCH up,enter the OSD menu.2.The PITCH moves the cursor up and down,and the ELE right to enter the next item. Now,save and exit.Frequency table:Install Silicone Pad,Landing pad:Install Propellers:CINEBOT30Although the propeller of cinebot30are installed in the factory,the direction of the propeller should be checked before taking off.Although the blades of the CINEBOT30have been installed in the factory,it is necessary to check the direction,positive and negative of the blades before takeoff.Quick disassembly schemeIt is only necessary to remove6screws of the arm plate to open theinternal space for easy maintenance and replacement.Pre-flight Check:In many cases,the cause of a Quadcopter crash is not checked before takeoff.For the sake of safety,we suggest that you check before every flight.The steps are as follows:1.Turn on the transmitter and select the correct mode.Please confirm that the arming switch on the transmitter is in the“disarmed”position and throttle is all the way down;2.Please perform a physical inspection of the Quadcopter for damage.If there is damage, please repair first;3.Please comfirm the propeller is in the right direction and the propeller nut is locked, otherwise there is a risk of crash;4.Check LiPo battery voltage.A fully-charged LiPo should be about4.2volts per cell,or about12.6volts for a3S,or16.8volts for a4S;5.Please comfirm the battery is securely attached to the aircraft by the strap.And secure the balance lead so that it can’t be struck by the props;6.Please Scan the flight area for any safety issues that might be present,such as people or animals;7.Verify that you have clean,strong video in your FPV goggles or screen.If you see interference or you see another pilot’s feed,resolve this issue before flying;8.Arm the quadcopter.Listen for the props hitting anything like an antenna or the battery wire;9.At this stage,take off and enjoy flying.Note:if you choose to fly close to water,please pay attention to the flight safety.It is difficult to salvage the Quadcopter when it falls into the water,and the water in the Quadcopter is not covered by the warranty.21/15Includes:1x Cinebot30Quadcopter 2x HQProp T76MM(pair)1x Battery strap M15*200mm 1x Battery strap M15*220mm 2x Battery Silicone Pads 1x Set of screws1x L-shaped screwdriver 1.5mm 1x L-shaped screwdriver 2mm 1x Antenna fixed tube(pair)1x Key Chain1x GoPro camera mount holder 1x Antenna mount holder 1x Naked GoPro 4S Version 1x Naked GoPro 6S Version Contact Details:Website:https:///。

WCH-Link 使用说明说明书

WCH-Link 使用说明说明书


例:当前WCH-Link空闲时蓝灯常灭,为RISC-V模式;断电后短接Tx和GND并将其插上USB 接口,模式切换为ARM,此时空闲时蓝灯常亮;断开Tx和GND,下次插上USB接口时仍为ARM模式。

注:1.下载和调试时,蓝灯闪烁2.切换模式时,WCH-Link上电后请断开Tx和GND3.MounRiver Studio获取网址:/4.二、引脚连接部分芯片需使用ISP工具开启两线调试接口,具体见手册,使用时请注意WCH-Link的模式三、虚拟串口及支持波特率1.Win7下需安装CDC驱动2.若重新拔插WCH-Link,请重新开启串口调试助手三、 固件更新方式点击下载或调试按钮时请点击蓝灯闪烁,请等待固件更新MounRiver ISP 方式手动更新固TTL 接口,点击下载后再将接口;安装路径,1.WCH-Link重新上电2.点击RISC-V下载按键,见下图3.弹窗提醒升级,升级后WCH-Link处于RISC-V模式WCH-Link在ARM模式下,若固件版本小于1.4,点击下图两个按钮出现错误弹窗所需工具:WCHISPTool获取方式:1. MounRiver Studio菜单栏Tools -> In-System Programming Tool2./downloads/WCHISPTool_Setup_exe.html四、典型问题说明WCH-Link处于RISC-V模式下,点击下载功能是否开启(若未开启,可通过检查芯片内用户程序是否开启睡眠功能(若开启,可检查芯片内用户程序的两线调试接口是否复用为普通WCH-Link处于RISC-V模式下,点击下载配置有误,具体操作见下图;WCH-Link处于RISC-V模式下,点击debugWCH-Link处于ARM模式下,点击下载注:1. 用户程序开启睡眠功能时,不支持调试功能2. 若使用debug 功能时异常退出,建议重新拔插WCH-Link3. 使用CH32V103/ CH32F103的下载和调试功能时,BOOT0接地4.使用CH569的调试功能时,用户代码必须小于配置的ROM 空间,具体见CH569手册表2-25. 使用调试功能时,请确保芯片处于读保护关闭状态五、 驱动相关安装Mounriver Studio 时会自动安装WCH-Link 在RISC-V 模式下的驱动,安装成功后设备管理器如下表所示,如果驱动安装失败,请打开Mounriver Studio 安装路径下的LinkDrv 文件夹,手动安装Link 文件夹下的SETUP .EXE 。



ViewPAC3VP-23W6/VP-25W6/VH-23W6/VH-25W6ViewPAC-2000 Series3VP-25W6VP-23W6 VH-25W6VH-23W6FeaturesHighlight InformationRuntime InduSoft Web Studio InsideISaGRAF Ver .3 SoftLogic Inside (IEC 61131-3) PXA270 CPU (32-bit & 520 MHz) 128 MB SDRAM & 96 MB Flash IP65 Compliant Front Panel3.5”/5.7” TFT LCD and Rubber KeypadAudio with Microphone-In and Earphone-Out 3 I/O Expansion Slots for VP-23W6/25W6 One or two 10/100M Ethernet Ports 2 or 3 Serial Ports (RS-232, RS-485) DCON Bundle Driver is ProvidedProtocol Support: MODBUS, OPC DDE, SNMP …etc. Supports IEC 61131-3 Standard PLC Programming LanguagesHost Application via Regular Web Browser Operating Temperature: -20 ~ +70 °CSoftwareHardwareWindows CE .NET 5.0 Operating System FTP Server VCEP SoftwareBuilt-in OPC Server: QuickerProvides Library for eVC, C# or VB .NET InduSoft Web Studio v6.1 InsideFull-Featured WinCE-based run-time environment Conform to Industry Standards: OPC, DDE, SNMP . Full-Featured web Thin Client solution ISaGRAF Ver .3 SoftLogicEasy Integrating to HMI/SACDA/MMI Support CAN/CANopen (via I-7530W) Support Ebus Data ExchangeSupport Modbus Master & Slave Protocols Support FRnet I/O (via I-8172W) Support Wireless Communication & SMS Development Software InduSoft Web Studio ISaGRAF Ver .3 SoftLogicVisual Studio .NET 2003/2005/2008 and eVCPXA270 CPU (32-bit & 520 MHz)IP65 Compliant Front Panel3.5”/2.7” TFT LCD (5.7” LCD is with Touch Panel) Rubber Keypad with 24/6 KeysAudio with Microphone-In and Earphone-Out 3 Slots for High Pro fi le I/O Modules (VP Series) 64-bit Hardware Serial Number for Software Protection Built-in Flash Disk (31 MB)Dual Battery Backup SRAM (512 KB) Rich I/O Expansion Ability Ethernet RS-232/422/485 FRnetCAN BusOperating Temperature: -20 ~ +70 °CIntroductionApplicationsVP-23W6/25W6 and VH-23W6/25W6 series are the new generation Windows CE .NET 5.0based InduSoft and ISaGRAF PACs of ICP DAS. ViewPAC combines WinPAC, color graphic display and keypad in one unit. It is equipped with a PXA270 CPU (520 MHz), various connectivity (USB, Ethernet, RS-232/485), 3 I/O slots, 3.5”/5.7” TFT LCD and a rubber keypad. ViewPAC has hard real-time capability, small core size, fast boot speed, interrupt handling at a deeper level and achievable deterministic control by running Windows CE .NET 5.0 operating system.InduSoft Web Studio is a powerful, integrated collection of automation tools that includes all the building blocks needed to develop modern Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, and ViewPAC applications. ISaGRAF is the most powerful SoftLogic package on the market. ISaGRAF is a PLC-like software and it supports IEC 61131-3 standard PLC programming languages ( LD, FBD, SFC, ST , IL, FC), and can run the application generated by the workbench on any ISaGRAF PACs.AudioAudioET-7000ET-7000CAN/CANopen DevicesI-7530CAN busRS-232I/O SlotsI-8K/I-87K High Pro fi le SeriesFR-2000I-8172WFR I/O ModuleM-7000M-7000I-7000I-7000ET-7000ET-7000RU-87PnRU-87PnRS-485RS-485Slot FRnetEthernetEthernetVH-2000VP-2000I-8KE4-MTCPI-8KE8-MTCP I-8KE4-MTCPI-8KE8-MTCP NS-205NS-205CAN/CANopen DevicesI-7530CAN busRS-232ViewPAC3VP-23W6/VP-25W6/VH-23W6/VH-25W6ViewPAC-2000 SeriesViewPAC3VP-23W6/VP-25W6/VH-23W6/VH-25W6ViewPAC-2000 Series3Protocols (some protocols need optional devices)Modbus TCP/IP Master Link to max. 100 devices that support Standard Modbus TCP/IP Slave protocol (FAQ-113)Modbus RTU/ASCII Master Support Multi-port. Max. 10 ports: COM2, 3 and COM5 ~ 14 (Expansion boards must be plugged in slot 0 ~ 3)Modbus RTU Slave Max. 5 Ports: one of COM2/3, COM5 ~ 8.Modbus TCP/IP Slave Yes, up to 32 connections.Web HMI ProtocolEthernet Ports for connecting PC running Internet ExplorerI-7000 & I-87K RS-485 Remote I/O One of COM2 or COM3 I-7000 I/O modules, I-87K base + I-87K Serial I/O boards and RU-87Pn + I-87K High Pro fi le I/O boards as Remote I/O. Max. 255 modules for one controller .M-7000 Series Modbus I/O Max. 10 RS-485 ports (COM2, 3, 5 ~ 14) can support M-7000 I/O. Each port can connect up to 32 M-7000 Modules.Modbus TCP/IP I/O Support ICP DAS Ethernet I/O: I-8KE4-MTCP and I-8KE8-MTCP .FRnet I/O Max. 3 pcs. I-8172W boards in slot 0 to 2 to connect to FRnet I/O modules. Each I-8172w board can connect up to 256 DI plus 256 DO channels.Send Email Support functions to send email with one attached fi le via Ethernet port.EbusTo exchange data between ISaGRAF Ethernet PAC via Ethernet port. (LAN1 Port only)SMS: Short Message Service COM3 or COM5 can link to a GSM Modem to support SMS. User can request data/control the controller by cellular phone. The controller can also send data & alarms to user’s cellular phone.Optional GSM Modems: GTM-201-RS232 (850/900/1800/ 1900 GSM/ GPRS External Modem)User-De fi ned Protocol COM2, 3 and COM5 ~ COM14 by Serial communication function blocks MMICON/LCDCOM3 or COM5 supports ICP DAS’s MMICON.UDP Server & UDP Client :Exchange Message & Auto-Report Support UDP Server and UDP Client protocol to send/receive message to/from PC/HMI or other devices.TCP Client :Exchange Message & Auto-Report Support TCP Client protocol to send/receive message to/from PC/HMI or other devices which support TCP server protocol. Ex: automatically report data to InduSoft’s RXTX driver , or to connect a location camera.CAN/CANopenCOM3 or COM5 ~ COM14 can connect one I-7530 (Converter: RS-232 to CAN) to support CAN/CANopen devices and sensors. One VP-2xW7 supports max.10 RS-232 ports to connect max.10 I-7530.Counter , Encoder , FrequencyPWM OutputHigh Speed PWM ModuleI-8088W , 8-ch. PWM outputs, 10 Hz ~ 500 kHz (non-continuous), duty: 0.1 ~ 99.9%DO Moudle as PWM8-ch. max. 250 Hz max. For Off=2 & On=2 ms. Output square curve: Off: 2 ~ 32766 ms, On: 2 ~ 32766 ms.Optional DO Boards: I-8037W , 8041W , 8041AW , 8042W , 8050W , 8054W , 8055W , 8056W , 8057W , 8060W , 8063W , 8064W , 8068W , 8069W (Relay Output boards can not generate fast square pulse)Counter, Encoder, FrequencyParallel DI Counter8-ch. max. for 1 controller . Counter val: 32-bit. 250 Hz max. Min. ON & OFF width must > 2 ms. Optional DI Boards: I-8040W , 8040PW , 8042W , 8048W...Serial DI Counter Counter input: 100 Hz max. Counter value: 0 ~ 65535 (16-bit). Optional Serial I-87K DI Boards: I-87040W , 87046W , 87051W , 87052W , 87053W , 87054W , 87055W , 87058W , 87059W , 87063W.Remote DI CounterAll I-7K/I-87K DI modules support counters. 100 Hz max. Value: 0 ~ 65535High Speed CounterI-8084W: 250 kHz max. 32 bit I-87082W: 100 kHz max. 32 bit;I-87088W: 500 kHz max. 32 bitEncoderI-8093W : 3-axis Encoder Module, max. 1M Hz for quadrant input mode, max. 4 MHz for pulse/direction and cw/ccw input mode. (FAQ-112)I-8084W: 250 kHz max. , 4-ch encoder , can be dir/pulse, or up/down or A/B phase (Quad. mode), No support Encoder Z-index. (FAQ-100)FrequencyI-87082W: 2-ch, 1 Hz ~ 100 kHz;I-87088W: 8-ch, 0.1 Hz ~ 500 kHz;I-8084W: 8-ch, 1 Hz ~ 250 kHz;MotionMotion ControlWith one I-8091W (2-axis) or two I-8091W (4-axis), only one I-8091W can do X-Y dependent motion ISaGRAF Speci fi cationsViewPAC3VP-23W6/VP-25W6/VH-23W6/VH-25W6ViewPAC-2000 Series RS-232EthernetRS-485Appearance.G..G.RS-232EthernetRS-485LAN2• Elegant Graphics • Multi-Language• Database (Access, Excel, SQL, Oracle…)• Recipes and Reports• Online and History Alarm / Event / Trend• Various Communication Driver (DCON, Modbus, OPC, DDE, TCP/IP …)• Remote Web Client Control & Security• ActiveX (GSM / SHM / COM /WEB provided by ICP DAS)• System Redundancy • Online Con fi guration and debugging • Others (VBScript, E-mail, FTP , SNMP ...)ViewPAC3VP-23W6/VP-25W6/VH-23W6/VH-25W6ViewPAC-2000 Series123456789DCD TxD DTR RxD GNDRTS DSR CTS RI D+D-123456789DCD TxD DTR RxD GNDRTS DSR CTS RI D+D-123456789DCDTxD DTR RxD GNDRTS DSR CTS RIRecommended Panel Cut-Out Left Side View Right Side View Top View Bottom View Back View Front View Front View Dimensions (Unit: mm)Pin AssignmentsCOM2: RS-485COM1: RS-232COM3: RS-232COM3: RS-232COM2: RS-485Left Side View Right Side View Top ViewBottom ViewBack View Front ViewFront ViewRecommended Panel Cut-OutViewPAC3VP-23W6/VP-25W6/VH-23W6/VH-25W6ViewPAC-2000 Series Accessories。



WASP公布其创新型DLP3D打印机TOPDLP在经过了3年的艰苦研发之后,意大利知名3D打印机制造商WASP近日终于揭开了其全新DLP 3D打印机— WASP TOP DLP的神秘面纱。


TOP DLP的投影图像宽度可达9cm,精度可达0.08mm,不过它的最大亮点却不是这些数字,而是解决了目前DLP打印机中普遍存在的一个痛点—打印过程中的物体脱落的问题。







而TOP DLP则同时解决了这些问题,那么,它是怎么实现的呢?据中国3D打印第一互动媒体平台南极熊了解,其实秘密就在于在这台设备中,固化过程是发生在树脂槽中一张神奇的薄膜上的,而这层薄膜不但可以保证固化的精度,还具有足够的力量对抗重力,放置打印品掉落情况的发生。

此外,TOP 3D还有着两项不错的创新:第一就是配备了特制的防水盖,打印完成后会将树脂槽封闭,从而减少清洁的需要。





Sebastian Rupley;伍颖文



与此同时,Apple正急于使其OuickDraw 3D API同时适用于Macin-【总页数】1页(P5-5)
【作者】Sebastian Rupley;伍颖文
1.基于蛋白质结构知识解析活性多肽的酶解制备反应行为(Ⅰ)酶解反应动态特性的3-D图形表征 [J], 齐崴;何志敏;何明霞
2.基于数据场与3-D图形表示的DNA序列分析 [J], 郑卓;赵佳玲;李春
3.三个新2-D图形加速卡面市但3-D卡还在研制 [J], Jon Hill;许宁
4.旋转机械长历程偏心故障的数值与图形特征获取方法研究 [J], 赵西伟;徐小力;赵
5.基于3-D图形表示的DNA序列的相似性分析(英文) [J], 张玉森;廖波

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