Two characteristics of learner language
1.Systematic 2.Variable
They are not contradictory because it’s possible that variability is also systematic.
Evidences for systematic variability
Linguistic context
Situational Psycholinguistic context context
systematic variability
Concept: systematic variability refers to the variability that can be predicted and accounted for, as due to the effect of situation, linguistic context, degree of planning or some other identifiable cause.
Evidence 3
:Psycholinguistic context
Another important factor that accounts for the systematic nature of variability is the psycholinguistic context. Planned-more correct target language form Unplanned-less correct target language form
Evidence 1
Labov also deals with variability determined by linguistic factors. He examined the use of the copula (‗be‘) in utterances produced by speakers of Black English Vernacular in New York and found that the presence of absence of the copula was largely systematic. Thus ‗be‘ was variability in all contexts, but certain contexts predisposed the speaker to use it more frequently than other contexts. Labov views contextual factors as an integral part of the user‘s ability to use his linguistic knowledge.
What is variability?
Language users (including language learners) vary in the use they make of their linguistic knowledge. This variability can be unsystematic (i.e. haphazard) or systematic (two or more linguistic forms function as variants, which are used predictably according to the context).
在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学 生带着 问题来 学习, 而问题 的设置 具有一 定的梯 度,由 浅入深 ,所提 出的问 题也很 明确
Negative Transfer
Lado proclaimed that most of the difficulties originated from the differences between L1 and L2. He believed that the more different the two languages are, the more difficult learning would be, and by knowing this, we could predict what errors would appear.
在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学提 出的问 题也很 明确
Contrastive Analysis (CA)
Contrastive Analysis was rooted in the practical need to teach a L2 in the most effective way possible. It’s psychological base is behaviorism and linguistic base is structuralism.
Many of the errors which learners make are not predictable on the basis of the CAH.
1. Some errors are similar across learners from a variety of L1 backgrounds.
偏误分析 1960-1980’s
• 偏误/错误 能够观察到的现象 • 错误Mistake:
– 由于疲劳、激动等原因导致的语言失误 – 学习者能够自己纠正这种失误
• 偏误Error:
– 学习者由于处在尚未掌握目的语规则的阶段而 产生的对系统性的偏移。
– Is the book of my friend. 我学习中文在师大。
• 语内偏误:泛化 Overgeneralization • I wonder where are you going。这里都是内人。
• Corder(1974)提出了偏误分析步骤和 方法及其评价方法,大大地促进了偏误 分析的发展。偏误分析包括五个步骤:
• 「学习外语到底容易或困难,其关键就在 于母语与外语的比较。类似母语的部份就
比较容易学,不同的部份就比较难学。 」
• (Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis,CAH)
Moulton's 5 Audiolingual slogans
• 1. A language is speech, not writing. • 2. A language is a set of habits. • 3. Teach the language, not about the
Contrastive analysis 对比分析
Error analysis 偏误分析
Pedagogical orientation 教学法导向
《第二语言习得》PPT课 件
comprehension production
First Language,Second Language, and Foreign Language
• First Language refers to the mother tongue one learns during childhood
Unit 3
Defining Concepts of Second Language Acquisiton
Contents ❶ Competence and Performance ❷ First Language, Second Language, and Foreign Language ❸ Acquisition and Learning ❹ Input and Output ❺ Interlanguage ❻ Variability ❼ Fossilization ❽ Language Transfer
Acquisition and learning
Comprehensible Input or Output
• Comprehensible input is a hypothesis first proposed by Stephen Krashen(1981). He purports that learners acquire a second language by hearing and understanding messages that are slightly above their current second language language level.
• basic similarity: non-native language • basic distinction:
the nature of learner language 二语习得PPT
(1) What are the different opinions on universal “natural order”? (2) Whether acquisition can be treated as a process of accumulating linguistic structures?
It can be seen as a process involving transitional constructions
(1) What are the different opinions on universal “natural order”?
Some think that the order of accuracy differs from the order of acquisition.
A silent period ( just listening to or reading)
Two characteristics
First characteristic:
formulaic chunks
Eg, fixed expressions
“ How do you do?” “I don’t know”, “ Can I have a__”
Eated, ated (overgeneralization) (restructuring)
Learners fail to mark the verb for past time Learners begin to produce irregular past tense forms
汉语声母有鼻音m、n,边音l和翘舌音r等,英 语辅音也有鼻音/m/、/n/,边音/l/和卷舌音/r/ 等。汉语拼音的声母和英语音标的辅音在发音
/p/、/b/、/t/、/d/、/k/、/g/和/f/在英语中可 以相应为p、b、t、d、k、g、和f。发元音音素 /i:/、/u:/和/a:/也同样能对应找到汉语中的i、 u、和a。我们可以通过比较读音的异同,掌握 正确的读音。
把语言看成封闭的结构系统,采用静态 的形式分析,不分析语言的功能和意义。 简单地将“不同”等同于“困难”。语 言教学的实际表明,并非不同点即是难 点。有时两种语言的相近之处反而是学 生最大的难点,另外学习中的困难也不 完全是来自第一语言的干扰。
总之,对比分析假说过于简单地看待第 二语言的习得过程和迁移的作用。弥补 这一缺陷的办法并不是抛弃这个假说, 而在于详细研究学习者的语言,提供迁 移确实存在的证据。因为学习者的困难 和错误确实与第一语言和第二语言的差 异有关。
(二)语言偏误分析 1、定义:是对学习者在第二语言习得过程中所产 生的偏误进行系统的分析,研究其来 源,揭示学习者的中介语体系,从而了 解第二语言习得的过程与规律。
失误:偶然产生的口误或笔误。 偏误:由于目的语掌握不好而产生的一种规律性
错误。 2、代表人物: 科德 3、理论基础:语言学基础:普遍语法理论
----No, no. / Where, where. (“哪里哪里”是中国人的谦虚
之词,但是应该说thank you)
又如,学生在写作文时总喜欢逐字逐句 翻译。
[一]对比分析 [Contrastive Analysis] 一 对比分析
[一]、对比分析 [Contrastive Analysis] 一、 Contrastive analysis: Comparing and contrasting two languages Contrastive analysis is an inductive investigative approach based on the distinctive elements in a language. It involves the comparison of two or more languages or subsystems of languages in order to determine both the differences and similarities between them. It could also be done within one language. Contrastive analysis can be both theoretical and applied according to varied purposes. 对比分析是把两种语言进行对比, 对比分析是把两种语言进行对比,从而确定其中的相同 点和不同点。 点和不同点。对比分析最终的目是为了预测母语对第二语言 的学习所可能造成的影响。有语言之间的接触, 的学习所可能造成的影响。有语言之间的接触,也就有语言 的对比。这一派的观点认为母语与目的语的能力彼此冲突, 的对比。这一派的观点认为母语与目的语的能力彼此冲突, 会妨碍目的语能力。将两种语言对比一下, 会妨碍目的语能力。将两种语言对比一下,就能预测可能会 出现的错误。 出现的错误。
二 错误分析(error analysis) 错误分析( )
二语习得4单元 中介语中的变异体
1. Variability 2. Problems posed by variability for SLA research 3. The role of variability
1. Variability
1.1 Definition:
1) Language users (including language learners) vary in the use they make of their linguistic knowledge.
2) This variability can be unsystematic (haphazard) or systematic (two or more linguistic forms function as ts, which are used predictably according to the context).
1. Variability Contextual variability in situational context.
The interlanguage continuum
Tarone represents the effect of situational context a continuum of interlanguage styles:
2) Careful style: when language users are able to attend closely to the form of the language they produce, they call upon their ‘careful style’. This contrasts with ‘vernacular style’. A ‘careful style’ is clearly evident in formal language tasks such as reading pairs of words, or doing a grammar test.
• “语言能力”(competence): • 反映交际双方语言知识的心理语法。 • 母语使用者对句子的合语法性的直觉判断所依据的隐性语言知
识。 • “语言表达”(performance): • 交际双方在语言的理解与生成过程中对其内在语法的运用。 • 区别:语言能力是关于语言的知识,语言表达是关于语言运用
第 要•• 一二三回、十第世节顾二纪语6第0言年二习代语得末研:言究习的发得端研究的发端与发展的简
• 1. Corder:《学习者偏误的意义》 • 2. Selinker:《中介语》 • 二、第二语言习得研究发展的途径 • 1. 50-60年代:理论初创 • 2. 70年代:理论大发展 • 3. 80年代中期至今:新兴研究领域与方法 • 三、汉语作为第二语言习得的研究 • 80年代、90年代和90年代后
• 描写(Description):对两个语音系统进行细 致描写。
• 选择(selection): 结合偏误找出困难语项。 • 比较(comparison):对选定语项进行分析对
比,寻找共同处与不同处。 • 预测(prediction):在对比基础上预测可能
出现的错误。 • 2、难度等级:根据相同与不同点难度上的差异
进行了分级。认为差异越大难度越大,其实也 不尽然。
对比分析在60年代盛行,在70年代衰落。 对比分析的局限性主要表现在: 1、心理学基础为行为心理学,其核心思想“刺激—反应”理论受到乔姆斯基的猛
烈抨击和批判。 2、结构主义语言学并没有为对比分析找到解决问题的出路。(有共同范畴与否) 3、将“差异”等同于“难度”是不符合逻辑的。 4、其他理论假设也受到来自实验研究和教学实践的挑战和质疑。
具体步骤是:模仿——强化——重复——成 形。
影响行为形成的要素有三:模仿、 强化、扩展(类比)。
遵循六原则: 结果控制原则 对可观察现象的测量 邻近原则 反应强度原则 概括原则 连锁和定型原则
过分强调语言学习之外在行为,忽视语 言学习的内在过程。这样使语言学习过 程机械化简单化,不利于对语言学习的 研究。
阶段1 阶段2 阶段3 阶段4 ……
可渗透性:中介语是非封闭的,是一个有待 充实完善的系统,并非“紧实”,可受来自 母语、目标语规则的渗透。
渐变性(动态性):学习者的中介语始终处 于变化发展当中,且朝着目标语方向发展。
化石性(僵化):指中介语某些项目的僵化 。
反复性(多变性):中介语不是直线型发展 的,而是曲折发展的,会反复、多变。
将“差异”、“难”、“错误”这些概念简单的画上 等号是不对的。
将语言看作是可以分割的结构的组合,语言习得是掌 握各种结构的积累过程:1+1=2+1=3+1=4+……忽视能 动性、创造性。1+具 有很大的局限性。
1967年科德(Corder)发表了《学习者言语错 误的重要意义》一文,从一个全新的角度来 看待学习者的错误及第二语言习得研究。
※去中国的人都要去看看世界文明的万里长城 。
※方便的时去自选商场,要求服务高级、商品 高级的时去百货商场。
My daughter can be very troublesome these days.
3.Psycholinguisti conextIt is clear that learners use the target language is strong influenced by the availability of planning time.
Examlpe : Joe’s a day
This morning I got up early. After breakfast, I helped mom with housework. Then I did my homework. The homework was very interesting, so I did it well. In the afternoon, I played table tennis with my friend Lingling, we enjoyed ourselves very much. In the evening I didn’t watch TV with my parents because I prepared my self for the next day's lesson. What a busy day today!
2.verb “be” and it’s variants “is ,’s,omitted” The teacher not here. The teacher is ont here yesterday. The teacher was not here now.
SLA是20世纪50年代开始出现的一门新兴学科。 R.Ellis(1986)在其著作Understanding Language Acquisition中提出了一个研究SLA 的框架,他称所列因素为SLA的“key issues”, 这些因素是:情境因素、语言输入、学习过程、 学习者的差异、语言输出。 除了如上关键问题,SLA研究还较多地关心如 下两个问题:1.第一语言的作用;2.正规训练
上世纪70年代,第二语言习得研究已经发展成 为一个独立的研究领域。
这个时期是第二语言习得研究理论大发展的阶段, 对比分析衰落之后,偏误分析应运而生, Lightbown (1985) 指出,在第二语言习得研究领域, 学者们大都把Corder 1967年发表的 “The significance of leaners’ errors” 以及Selinker 1972发 表的 “Interlanguage” 这两篇文章看作这个学科建 立的标志。
上世纪60年代,乔姆斯基对行为主义学习理论的 批判对第二语言教学领域曾经产生过巨大的影响。
正象Corder(1967)指出的那样,这种影响之 一就是第二语言教学领域以教学为中心向以学习 为中心的转变。
在70年代还有两个重要的理论研究和创建, 一个是以Dulay和Burt为代表的第二语言习
SLA这一术语也可以指一门学科,即研究习得第二语 言过程和规律的学问。SLA是应用语言学的一个分支, 已经发展成为一门诸多学科交叉的有明确研究对象及 一整套独立于普通语言学、母语习得理论的完整知识 体系和研究方法的独立学科, 并迅速发展成为当代应用 语言学的前沿阵地和相关学科( 如外语教学法理论)的 基础理论研究。
代表人物是英国语言学家韩礼德。 语言功能论是从语言交际功能的角度研
究儿童语言的发展。认为儿童习得母语 的过程,应看做是逐步探索并掌握用语 言来表示功能的各种方式的过程。
功能论触及到语言的核心——语言的交 际功能,从一个全新的角度说明第一语 言的习得过程。语言功能理论也影响到 功能法教学流派的形成。该理论着重阐 述儿童对语言意义和功能的掌握,而对 语言结构的发展则论述不多。
一、流派 “对比分析假说”有两派:强硬派和温和派。
强硬派宣称:第二语言所有偏误都可以通过对 比目标语和母语来预测。
温和派认为:并非所有偏误都来源于母语干 扰;对比分析需要跟偏误分析共同进行;偏 误应来自学习者的真实语言,而不是从语言 对比中推测出来;对比分析可以证实哪些偏 误是由第一语言和第二语言的区别引发的。
学习与习得这两种获得语言的途径,并 非完全隔绝或相互排斥,而是相互交叉、 相辅相成。
学习与习得不仅相互交叉,而且还主要 体现在不同的学习阶段。
三、第一语言习得和第二语 言学习的差异
第一语言习得的主体是幼儿。 第二语言学习的主体是成年人。
幼儿习得母语,是生存的本能。 成人学习第二语言,目的不一。
(1)人脑中存在的语言习得机制只是 一种假说,是思辨的结果,究竟有没有 LAD很难通过实验来证明。
(2)语言习得机制如果只是指人类具 有的语言习得能力,不会有争议,但如 果指的是普遍语法,就产生了疑问。
二语习得一.二语习得概述(一)语言习得研究中的两个基本问题(1)逻辑问题(logical problem):语言习得是如何成为可能的?(学习语言:儿童和猫狗的区别)说明:A.接触语言是语言习得的必要条件,但并不是充分条件;B.在语言习得方面,人类似乎天生有一种其他动物没有的潜能。
(2)发展问题( developmental problem ):语言习得遵循一定的发展顺序和步骤。
应用语言学早期代表人物之一皮特·科德(Pit Corder)曾说,第二语言习得研究的首要目的,是找到第二语言发展的“自然顺序”(natural route of development)。
(二)二语习得研究中的四大方面(1)学习者在二语习得过程中获得了什么? 关于“学习者语言”( learner language)的研究(2).学习者是怎样获得第二语言的?即关于习得过程的研究。
(3).学习者的个体差异,即关于“第二语言学习者”( language learner)自身的研究。
(三)二语习得研究的理论框架*研究领域一:二语学习者语言特征:(1) errors (2) acquisition orders and developmental sequences(3) variability (4) pragmatic features*研究领域二:学习者外部因素(learner external factors )(1) social context (2) input and interaction*研究领域三:学习者内部习得机制(1) L1 transfer (2) learning processes(3) communication strategies (4) knowledge of linguistic universals*研究领域四:二语学习者(the language learner ) :(1) general factors (2) learner strategies*二语习得研究的目标:系统研究二语习得的过程和本质。
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This morning I geted up early. After breakfast, I help mom with housework. Then I did my homework. The homework were very interesting, so I doed it well. In the afternoon, I played table tennis with my friend Lingling, we enjoyed ourselves very much. In the evening I don’t watched TV with my parents because I prepared my self for the next day's lesson. What a busy day today!
1.Lingustic conext
In one context they use one form while in other context they use alternate forms. The crucial element and some other constituent interchange frequently in the linguistic context.
Psycholinguistic conext – whether the learners have the opportunity to plan their pruduction.(time is available or not)
Planned discourse VS Unplaned discourse
L2 learners = native speakers Use the language differently(formal or informal) in different situations. Eg. 1.to friends or some one very familiar to.(informal)
2.verb “be” and it’s variants “is ,’s,omitted” The teacher not here. The teacher is ont here yesterday. The teacher was not here now.
2.Situation conext
1.Learner use a high proportion of irregular language forms in the unplanned narrative than in the planned one.
2.Learner use the forms correctly in the planned than the unplanned narrative.
It is clear that learners use the target language is strong influenced by the availability of planning time.
Examlpe : Joe’s a day
This morning I got up early. After breakfast, I helped mom with housework. Then I did my homework. The homework was very interesting, so I did it well. In the afternoon, I played table tennis with my friend Lingling, we enjoyed ourselves very much. In the evening I didn’t watch TV with my parents because I prepared my self for the next day's lesson. What a busy day today!
Variability in learner language
Languange is systematic.Learner usually use the same grammatical form,although this is ofen different from that used by native.
My kid’s a real pain these days. 2. to some one not very familiar or the strangers(formal)
My daughter can be very troublesome these days.
3.Psycholinguistic conext
correct terget-language
The boy eat an apple.
The boy eats an apple.
So learner language is systematic since that variability is also systematic.
types of variability
And learners have different types of error and expression,and use them alternately.
Eg. 1. error
The boy eat an an apple.
Eg. 2. error
Learner vary their use of L2according to several types of variability 1.Lingustic conext 2.Situation conext 3.Psycholinguistic conext 4. free variability