



电 气 工 程 系
★例4:某广场由130个喷嘴组成一动态喷泉,喷泉水 柱高度由变频器的输出频率进行控制。选择富士 FRN5.5G11S型变频器同时驱动两台型号为QY65-7-2.2的潜 水泵,潜水泵所配电动机为两极。变频器采用程序 运行,要求其运行过程如图3-19所示。根据运行要求设置 变频器参数。
电 气 工 程 系
电 气 工 程 系
★例3:要求变频器由外端子进行操作,由外端子进 行频率增/减控制,并将设定的参数锁定。请选择功能参 数。 解:变频器由外端子进行操作。 由外端子进行频率增/减控制:F01=8; 由多功能端子X1、X2分别设为UP、DOWN端子:E01=17、 E02=18; 参数锁定:各功能参数设定完成后,若试机正常,再 将设定F00=1,进行参数锁定。
电 气 工 程 系
三、编程举例 ★例1:有一电动机拖动系统需要变频调速,对变频 器的基本要求为:输出功率11kW,能控制两台电动机交替 工作,工作时可进行转矩矢量控制;在工作中可由模拟表 头指示输出频率,在过电压、过热、短路等情况下能进行 保护。请选择合适的变频器。 解:变频器应具有的功能:变频器输出功率为11kW, 具有第二电动机切换功能、转矩矢量控制功能、有多功能 模拟输出端子用于接频率计、有过电压、过热、短路等保 护功能保护。 G11S变频器输出功率从0.4~280 kW共23个规格,上述 需要的其他功能,这种变频器全部具备,故选择G11S系列 11 kW的变频器即可满足工程需要。
电 气 工 程 系



找电子元器件网上商城就上万联芯城,万联 芯城销售IC电子元器件,芯片,电阻,电容,二极管,三极管等 多种类别,现货型号能够满足各种物料需求,BOM报价可有效提 高采购效率,只需提交物料清单,商城即可为您查询物料报价 ,整单下单有优惠,电子元器件一站式采购,满足客户多样化物的考勤系统,完整masteringof速度与CPU贸易。时钟源包括:•外部时钟输入•高速晶体或陶瓷振荡器•集成高 速RC oscillatorThe选择时钟源可以除以2 - 512在孵蛋的CPU和theperipherals之前。当设置X2函数时,CPU每周期需要6个时钟周期。时钟 由几个SFR寄存器控制:OSCON, CKCON0, CKCON1, CKRL。AT8xC5112包括以下振荡器:•晶体振荡器•集成高速RC振荡器,典型频率为 12 MHzCrystal振荡器:OSCAThe晶体振荡器使用两个外部引脚,XTAL1作为输入,XTAL2作为输出。80C51晶体谐振器和陶瓷谐振器都可 以使用。在振荡器源中,XTAL1是人工启动产品的。OSCCON寄存器中的OSCAEN是晶体振荡器或外部振荡器输入的使能信号。集成 高速RCOscillator: oscb高速RC振荡器的典型频率为12mhz。注意片上振荡器的频率容限为±50%,可能不适合在某些应用中使 用。OSCCON寄存器中的OSCBEN是一种用于高速RC振荡器的使能信号。CKS寄存器中的时钟选择器位用于从晶体到RC振荡器的选 择。OSCCON寄存器中的OSCBEN位用于启动RC振荡器。OSCCON寄存器中的OSCAEN位用于启用晶体振荡器或外部振荡器输入。时 钟预调器在提供CPU和外围设备之前,根据CKRL寄存器的定义,主时钟除以2到512的因数。80C51每条指令的CPU需要12到256*12个时 钟周期。这允许:•接受要在XTAL1输入上接受的任何循环比率。•降低CPU功耗。X2位允许绕过时钟预调器;在这种情况下,CPU每台机 器周期只需要6个时钟周期。在X2模式下,当这个分配器被绕过时,onXTAL1上的信号的循环比率必须在40到60%之间WDT的目的是作 为一种恢复方法,在某些情况下,CPU可能被细分为软件故障。WDT由一个14位计数器和看门狗TimerReset (WDTRST) SFR组成。默认 情况下,退出重置时禁用WDT。要启用WDT,用户必须将01EH和0E1H按顺序写入WDTRST、SFR loca-tion 0A6H。当WDT被启用时, 它将增加每一个机器周期(6个内部时钟周期),除了通过重置(hardwarereset或WDT溢出重置)之外,没有其他方法可以禁用 WDT。WDTPRG寄存器的T0位用于选择10位或14位之后的溢出。当WDT溢出时,它将生成一个内部重置。它还将在模拟器的st -pin上 驱动输出复位高脉冲。脉冲长度为WD时钟的24个时钟周期。使用wdto启用WDT,用户必须将01EH和0E1H按顺序写入WDTRST、SFR 位置0A6H。当启用WDT时,用户需要通过将to01EH和0E1H写入WDTRST来对其进行服务,以避免WDT溢出。当14位计数器达到16383 (3FFFH)或1024 (1FFFH)时溢出,这将重置设备。当WDT启用时,80C51将在振荡器运行时增加每一个机器周期。这意味着用户必须至 少每16383个机器周期重置一次WDT。要重置WDT,用户必须将01EH和0E1H写入WDTRST。WDTRST是一个只写寄存器。wdt计数器 不能读或写。当WDT溢出时,它将在RST-pin处生成一个输出集脉冲。复位脉冲持续时间为96x TOSC,其中TOSC =1/FOSC。为了更好 地利用WDT,应该在那些代码段中提供服务,这些代码段将在防止WDT重置所需的时间内定期执行。为了拥有更强大的WDT,增加 了27个计数器来扩展超时能力,在FOSC = 12mhz和T0=0时,从16ms到2s。要管理这个特性,请参考WDTPRG寄存器描述表13。 (SFR0A7h)。表12。WDTRST注册地址(0A6h)

EP2C8Q208C8中文资料(Altera)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

EP2C8Q208C8中文资料(Altera)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

Cyclone II器件手册,第1卷ii内容章修订日期............................................... ............................喜关于本手册............................................... .............................十三如何触点Altera ..........................................................................................................................十三印刷约定....................................................................................................................十三第一节Cyclone II器件系列数据表修订记录.................................................................................................................................... 1-1第1章简介简介............................................................................................................................................低成本嵌入式处理解决方案............................................ ......................................低成本DSP解决方案.................................................................................................................特征...................................................................................................................................................参考文献.........................................................................................................................文档修订历史记录.................................................................................................................1–1 1–1 1–1 1–2 1–9 1–9第2章Cyclone II架构功能说明.......................................................................................................................... 2-1逻辑元件....................................................................................................................................... 2-2LE操作模式........................................................................................................................ 2-4逻辑阵列模块................................................................................................................................ 2-7LAB互连............................................................................................................................ 2-8LAB控制信号......................................................................................................................... 2-8MultiTrack互联..................................................................................................................... 2-10行互连.......................................................................................................................... 2-10列互连.................................................................................................................... 2-12设备路由............................................................................................................................... 2-15全局时钟网络和锁相环.......................................... ..................................... 2-16专用时钟管脚..................................................................................................................... 2-20双用时钟引脚.............................................................................................................. 2-20全局时钟网络................................................................................................................... 2-21全局时钟网络分布.............................................. .............................................. 2-23锁相环.................................................................................................................................................. 2-25嵌入式存储器............................................................................................................................. 2-27内存模式............................................................................................................................... 2-30时钟模式.................................................................................................................................... 2-31M4K路由接口.................................................................................................................. 2-31iii内容嵌入式乘法器........................................................................................................................乘法器模式............................................................................................................................嵌入式乘法器路由接口.............................................. .......................................I / O结构及特点....................................................................................................................外部存储器接口.......................................................................................................可编程驱动强度.....................................................................................................漏极开路输出........................................................................................................................摆率控制...........................................................................................................................总线防护持..........................................................................................................................................可编程上拉电阻............................................. .................................................. ...高级I / O标准支持............................................ .................................................. ..高速差分接口............................................. .................................................系列片上端接.........................................................................................................I / O组........................................................................................................................................多电压I / O接口.................................................................................................................2–32 2–35 2–36 2–37 2–44 2–49 2–50 2–51 2–51 2–51 2–52 2–53 2–55 2–57 2–60第3章配置与测试IEEE标准. 1149.1(JTAG)边界扫描支持........................................... ..................................构造.........................................................................................................................................操作模式...................................................................................................................................配置计划......................................................................................................................... Cyclone II自动单粒子翻转检测........................................... ...........................定制电路....................................................................................................................软件界面.............................................................................................................................文档修订历史记录.................................................................................................................3–1 3–5 3–5 3–6 3–7 3–7 3–7 3–8第4章热插拔和上电复位简介............................................................................................................................................旋风II热插拔规格............................................ ................................................设备可以在电源时会驱动.......................................... ...........................................I / O引脚防护持三态电期间...................................... ......................................在Cyclone II器件热插拔功能实现......................................... ..............上电复位电路...................................................................................................................."唤醒"时间Cyclone II器件........................................ ...............................................结论..............................................................................................................................................文档修订历史记录.................................................................................................................4–1 4–1 4–2 4–2 4–3 4–5 4–5 4–7 4–7第5章直流特性和时序规范运行条件........................................................................................................................... 5-1单端I / O标准.......................................................................................................... 5-5差分I / O标准.............................................................................................................. 5-7DC特性不同针类型............................................ ......................................... 5-11片上端接规格............................................. .............................................. 5-12能量消耗........................................................................................................................... 5-13时序规格.......................................................................................................................... 5-14预,决赛时序规范............................................. ................................ 5-14演出.................................................................................................................................... 5-15 ivCyclone II器件手册,第1卷内容内部时序...............................................................................................................................Cyclone II时钟时序参数............................................. ..............................................时钟网络偏移加法器.......................................................................................................IOE可编程延迟.............................................................................................................不同I默认容性负载/ O标准......................................... .................I / O延迟.......................................................................................................................................最大输入和输出时钟频率............................................ ........................................高速I / O时序规格........................................... ............................................外部存储器接口规范.............................................. ....................................JTAG时序规范..........................................................................................................PLL时序规范............................................................................................................占空比失真.........................................................................................................................DCD测量技术............................................... .................................................. ..参考文献.......................................................................................................................文档修订历史记录...............................................................................................................5–18 5–23 5–29 5–30 5–31 5–33 5–46 5–55 5–63 5–64 5–66 5–67 5–68 5–74 5–74第6章参考和订购信息软体..................................................................................................................................................器件引脚输出.....................................................................................................................................订购信息...........................................................................................................................文档修订历史记录.................................................................................................................6–1 6–1 6–1 6–2第二节.时钟管理修订记录.................................................................................................................................... 6-1第7章锁相环在Cyclone II器件简介............................................................................................................................................ 7-1Cyclone II PLL硬件概述............................................. .................................................. ... 7-2PLL参考时钟产生.............................................. .................................................. ... 7-6时钟反馈模式....................................................................................................................... 7-10正常模式.................................................................................................................................. 7-10零延迟缓冲器模式................................................................................................................ 7-11无补偿模式............................................................................................................... 7-12源同步模式........................................................................................................... 7-13硬件特性.............................................................................................................................. 7-14时钟倍频和科.............................................. .................................................. .. 7-14可编程占空比........................................................................................................... 7-15移相实施.............................................. .................................................. .... 7-16控制信号................................................................................................................................ 7-17手动时钟切换............................................................................................................. 7-20时钟................................................................................................................................................ 7-21全局时钟网络................................................................................................................... 7-21时钟控制模块....................................................................................................................... 7-24全局时钟网络时钟源产生............................................ .......................... 7-26全局时钟网络掉电............................................. .............................................. 7-28vCyclone II器件手册,第1卷。

PCSC SIM Series Controller 控制器型号指南

PCSC SIM Series Controller 控制器型号指南

SIM Series ControllerA/E Guide SpecificationRevision 2.0PCSC makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents herein, and disclaims any implied warranties of operation for any particular purpose. Further, PCSC may modify this document without obligation to notify any person of any such changes or revisions.Third Party Trademarks: All other trademarks, trade names, or company names referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners.PCSC3541 Challenger St.Torrance, California 90503Phone: (310) 638-0400; Fax: (310) 638-6204E-Mail:***************1. System Characteristics1.1 Logical Processing Controller (LPC)1.1.A The Logical Processing Controller is used as the sub-component to the SecurityManagement System for the purpose of initiating all decision making criteria as itrelates to the cardholders, readers, and associated hardware connected.Decisions made by the LPC are uploaded to the host computer as historicalevents. Each LPC shall:1.1.B The LPC shall be listed for Underwriters Laboratory (UL):1.1.B.1 UL294 (Access Control System)1.1.B.2 UL1076 (Proprietary Alarm Monitoring System)1.1.B.3 CE Mark1.1.C Support year 2000 compliance without the need for future software orhardware updates.1.1.D Operate without the need for the host to be on-line. No decisions shall bereliable on the host.1.1.E Utilize RS485 multi-point communications to the host for communicationsintegrity. Any system that cannot maintain communications integrity when one ormore LPC is off-line shall not be accepted.1.1.F Have the ability of supporting a minimum of 4 individual readers within a singleenclosure with the ability of expanding to 8 readers while consuming only oneterminal address.1.1.G Have a minimum of 32 inputs and 4 outputs expandable to 66 input points and28 output relays and 8 voltage outputs.1.1.H Include a request-to-exit and door status contact input for each reader withoutthe need for additional modules.1.1.I Detect “forced entry” and “door left open”. A separate action is required foreach.1.1.J Allow mapping of readers to any output address within the same controller.1.1.K Support up to 64 time periods1.1.K.1 A total of 7 start/7 stop intervals, per time period, shall be included.1.1.L Support up to 999 authorization groups1.1.L.1 Each authorization group shall include one (1) time period.1.1.L.2 Each cardholder shall support four (4) authorization groups.1.1.L.3 Each authorization group shall have an alphanumeric description.1.1.M Support up to 365 user selected holidays.1.1.N Allow all unused door logic, such as door strike relays, request-to-exit inputs,and door status inputs to be assigned as general-purpose points.1.1.O Support optional modules for additional customization of inputs and outputs.The following modules shall be available:1.1.O.1 Output Point Module. A minimum of 16 additional output pointsshall be provided1.1.O.2 Combination Module. Where inputs and outputs are necessarywithin the same enclosure, a combination of 16 inputs and 16outputs shall be provided.1.1.P Support a minimum of 8,000 and expandable to 20,000 cardholderassignments.1.1.Q Support a minimum of 4,000 historical transactions in the event communicationsto the host is disrupted.1.1.Q.1 Each LPC transaction shall be time-stamped with the following:1.1.Q.1.a Date (Month, Day, Year)1.1.Q.1.b Time (Hours, Minutes)1.1.Q.1.c Message Text1.1.R Support the downloading of cardholder names in addition to the cardholdernumber.1.1.S Support “reader detection” in the event the reader has been removed or cut.No additional wires or switches shall be used. An alarm condition shall beannunciated.1.1.T Backup programmed data for a minimum of five (5) years without AC power.1.1.U Maintain historical information for a minimum of five (5) years without ACpower.1.1.V Support direct or voice grade 3002 phone line connection1.1.W Automatically adjusts for daylight savings time and leap year independent of thehost system.1.1.X Be supplied with battery backup for a period of four (4) hours.1.1.Y Support a variety of reader technologies. Only non-proprietary readers shall beapproved. Include manufacturer, model number and cut sheet with proposal.1.1.Y.1 Readers shall be provided with the ability of showing a red andgreen LED.1.1.Y.2 The LPC shall show the following characteristics using the bi-colorLED’s:1.1.Y.2.a Power LED (constant red LED)1.1.Y.2.b Card data being processed (fast blink red and greenLEDs)1.1.Y.2.c Access authorized (solid green LED)1.1.Y.2.d Denied access (constant red after card data processing)1.1.Y.2.e Escort authorized (Slow blink red and green LED’s)1.1.Y.2.f Two man rule (slow blink red/green LED’s)1.1.Y.3 Card read errors of four (4) or more within one minute shall bereported to the host.1.1.Z Support the following card/reader technologies as a minimum:1.1.Z.1 Magnetic Stripe1.1.Z.2 Proximity1.1.Z.3 Biometrics1.1.Z.4 Wiegand1.1.Z.5 Protech Barium Ferrite1.1.Z.6 Vehicle Identification1.1.Z.7 Bar Code1.1.Z.8 Keypad1.1.AA Support multiple technologies simultaneously.1.1.BB Support card plus pin, card, or pin only type readers Support a minimum of three (3) “Card Classes” which can be utilized withUser Programmable Logic to interact with external devices or functions, suchas lights, sirens, or HVAC.1.1.DD Integrate each physical input independent of its polarity.1.1.EE Maintain the expiration date for each cardholder. Once the date is reachedthe card will automatically be disabled. No access shall be authorized.1.1.FF Maintain a second expiration date for each cardholder. This date shall beused to prevent access to a unique group of readers, such as parking lots orrecreational facilities. Once the date has expired the card shall be disabledonly for this group of readers.1.1.GG Maintain three (3) access times for each door location; Standard, Long, andEgress.1.1.GG.1 STANDARD access time shall be used for the majority of thecardholders and shall support a range from 0-254 seconds.1.1.GG.2 LONG access time shall be assigned to cardholders who requireextra time to enter/exit a location, such a delivery persons, or tomeet American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The Longaccess time shall support from 0-254 seconds. A Long shunt timeshall also be required to prevent a door held open alarm exceedingthe standard shunt time. The time shall not require additionalhardware nor be dependent on the host for the decision.1.1.GG.3 EGRESS time shall be used for request to exit devices and support atime between 0 - 254 seconds.1.1.HH Have the ability to maintain an automatic door unlock during specific hoursand days.1.1.II Be required to activate the automatic unlock only after the first valid cardaccess at that location within a pre-defined period of time.1.1.JJ Support three (3) “zones” of Anti-Passback; Building, Department, Parking.1.1.KK Support three (3) “levels” of Anti-Passback; Strict, Soft, and Lenient.1.1.KK.1 STRICT Anti-Passback prevents access after the first attempt andforwards a message to the host. An exit reader shall be used to exitthe door location.1.1.KK.2 SOFT Anti-Passback authorizes access with the use of the card thesecond time using an “in” reader. An event message shall beforwarded to the host indicating entry/exit out of sequence.1.1.KK.3 LENIENT Anti-Passback uses the Entry/Exit criteria, but allowsautomatic sequencing between Department and Building Status if notin proper sequence.1.1.LL Utilize User Programmable Logic (UPL) for the manipulation of inputs, cardstatus, outputs, and elevators.1.1.LL.1 Each LPC shall allow the following inputs to trigger UPL:1.1.LL.1.a Card Access / Card Denied1.1.LL.1.b P hysical Input Point1.1.LL.1.c Time periods1.1.LL.2 Each LPC shall support the following computations for UPL:1.1.LL.2.a Increment Count (range 0-65000)1.1.LL.2.b D ecrement Count (range 0-65000)1.1.LL.2.c Increment by Seconds or Minutes (0-65000)1.1.LL.2.d D ecrement by Seconds or Minutes (0-65000)1.1.LL.2.e Clear1.1.LL.2.f Reset1.1.LL.2.g Flip/Flop (Flip output toggle)1.1.LL.3 Each LPC shall support the following results from UPL:1.1.LL.3.a Activate / De-Activate1.1.LL.3.b S hunt / Un-Shunt1.1.LL.3.c Pause / Resume (suspend/restore)1.1.LL.3.d O verride for 1 Cycle1.1.LL.4 Escort/Visitor Control1.1.LL.4.a Maintain the assignment of access cards for VisitorControl. Each visitor shall be assigned an “EscortRequired” status requiring an employee or “EscortCapable” cardholder to grant a valid entry. The decisionshall not be dependent on the host.1.1.LL.4.b A ll visitor badges shall expire automatically at midnight ofthe date issued without operator intervention. Based uponprogrammed expiration date.1.1.LL.5 Two-Person Minimum Occupancy Rule (TPMOR) for high securityapplications.1.1.LL.5.a The TPMOR feature requires the first two- (2) people tobadge into an area at the same time before access isgranted. An exit reader shall be used for decrementingthe count.2 Execution2.1 The supplier shall install all system components and appurtenances in accordance withthe manufacturer’s instructions, and shall furnish all necessary interconnections, services,and adjustments required for a complete and operable system as specified and shown.Control signal, communications, and data transmission lines grounding shall be installedas necessary to preclude ground loops, noise, and surges from adversely affectingsystem operation. Provide mounting hardware as required. .2.2 All low voltage wiring outside the control console, cabinets, boxes and similarenclosures, shall be plenum rated where required by code. Cable not pulled throughconduits or placed in raceways, outlet boxes, junction boxes, or similar fittings withother building wiring.2.3 The supplier shall perform system testing to ensure it is operable to the manufacturer’sspecifications. The test report shall be submitted to the customer for approval and sign-off.3 Warranty3.1 The access control system shall be warranted for a period of one (1) year from the dateof acceptance.3.2 The supplier shall provide all services required to maintain the system in an operationalstate as specified by the manufacturer for a period of one (1) year after acceptance.3.3 The system supplier shall include a line item bill of materials included in the project andthe warranty associated with each.3.4 The system supplier shall maintain equipment stock for any high-usage equipment.。



www .be t l u m BL-S230X-11Features:56.80mm (2.3”) single digit numeric display series Low current operation.Excellent character appearance.Easy mounting on P .C. Boards or sockets. I.C. Compatible.ROHS Compliance.Super BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25) (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVFUnit:V Common CathodeCommon AnodeEmitted ColorMaterialλP (nm)Typ Max Iv TYP.(mcd)BL-S230E-11S-XX BL-S230F-11S-XX Hi Red GaAlAs/GaAs,SH 660 1.852.20150BL-S230E-11D-XX BL-S230F-11D-XX Super Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DH 660 1.852.20220 BL-S230E-11UR-XX BL-S230F-11UR-XX Ultra Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DDH6601.852.20250 BL-S230E-11E-XX BL-S230F-11E-XXOrange GaAsP/GaP635 2.102.50165 BL-S230E-11Y-XX BL-S230F-11Y-XXYellow GaAsP/GaP 585 2.102.50165 BL-S230E-11G-XXBL-S230F-11G-XXGreenGaP/GaP 570 2.202.50165Ultra BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25) (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVFUnit:V Common Cathode Common AnodeEmitted Color MaterialλP(nm)Typ Max Iv TYP .(mcd) BL-S230E-11UHR-X XBL-S230F-11UHR-XXUltra Red AlGaInP645 2.10 2.50 250BL-S230E-11UE-XXBL-S230F-11UE-XX Ultra Orange AlGaInP 630 2.10 2.50 170 BL-S230E-11YO-XX BL-S230F-11YO-XX Ultra Amber AlGaInP 619 2.10 2.50 170 BL-S230E-11UY-XXBL-S230F-11UY-XX Ultra Yellow AlGaInP 590 2.10 2.50 170 BL-S230E-11UG-XX BL-S230F-11UG-XX Ultra Green AlGaInP574 2.20 2.50 220 BL-S230E-11PG-XX BL-S230F-11PG-XX Ultra Pure Green InGaN 525 3.80 4.50 245 BL-S230E-11B-XX BL-S230F-11B-XX Ultra Blue InGaN 470 2.70 4.20 150 BL-S230E-11W-XXBL-S230F-11W-XXUltra WhiteInGaN/2.704.20180-XX: Surface / Lens colorNumber1 2 3 4 5 Ref Surface Color White Black Gray Red Green Epoxy Color WaterclearWhite diffusedRed DiffusedGreen DiffusedYellow Diffusedwww .be t l u m BL-S230X-11Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25)ParameterS D UR E Y G Unit Forward Current I F 25 2525 25 25 30 mA Power Dissipation P d 60 60 60 60 60 65 mW Reverse Voltage V R5 5 5 5 5 5 V Peak Forward Current I PF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150150150 150150150mAOperation Temperature T OPR -40 to +80 Storage Temperature T STG -40 to +85Lead Soldering Temperature T SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C) ParameterUHRUE YO UYUGPGUBUWUnitForward Current I F 30 3030 30 30 3030 30 mA Power Dissipation P d 75 65 65 65 75 110 120 120 mW Reverse Voltage V R55555 555V Peak Forward Current I PF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150150150150150150100100mA Operation Temperature T OPR -40 to +80Storage Temperature T STG-40 to +85Lead Soldering TemperatureT SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)w.b e t l mBL-S230X-11Package configuration & Internal circuit diagram Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches)2. Tolerance is 0.25(0.01")unless otherwise noted.3. Specifications are subject to change without notice.w wwwu m BL-S230X-11Typical electrical-optical characteristics curves:1.00.503504004505005506006507007508008509009501000(A)(B)(C)(D)(2)(3)(8)(4)(1)(6)(5)(9)(10)Wavelength(nm)RELATIVE INTENSITY Vs WAVELENGTH()p (1) - GaAsP/GaAs 655nm/Red (2) - GaP 570nm/Yellow Green (3) - GaAsP/GaP 585nm/Yellow(4) - GaAsp/GaP 635nm/Orange & Hi-Eff Red (5) - GaP 700nm/Bright Red(6) - GaAlAs/GaAs 660nm/Super Red (8) - GaAsP/GaP 610nm/Super Red(9) - GaAlAs 880nm(10) - GaAs/GaAs & GaAlAs/GaAs 940nm (A) - GaN/SiC 430nm/Blue (B) - InGaN/SiC 470nm/Blue(C) - (D) - InGaN/SiC 505nm/Ultra Green InGaAl/SiC 525nm/Ultra Green504030201001.21.62.0 2.4 2.63.016345285040302010020406080100162,4,8,A 353210.50.20.1-30-20-10102030405060701542310987654321110100100010,00010KHz 3KHz1KHz 300KHz 100KHz F-REFRESH RATE100KHz 30KHz10KHz 3KHz 1KHz 300Hz 100Hz 10987654321110100100010,000FORWARD VOLT AGE (Vf)FORWARD CURRENT VS.FORWARD VOLTAGERELATIVE LUMINOUSINTENSITY VS. FORWARD CURRENTAMBIENT TEMPERATURE T a()FORWARD CURRENT VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATUREtp-PULSE DURATION uS (1,2,3,4,6,8,B.D.J.K)NOTE:25 free air temperature unless otherwise specifiedtp-PULSE DURATION uSFORWARD CURRENT(mA)FORWARD CURRENT (mA)RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYFORWARD CURRENT(mA)RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYAMBIENT TEMPERATURE T a()(5)Ipeak MAX.IDC MAX.Ipeak MAX.IDC MAX.。



Démarreurs sous boîtier pour applications de démarreurs et de contacteursCaractéristiques•• Variétés des produitsAvantages•NEMA• Calibres 00 à 2•••IEC•Bâti du contacteur de calibre B à C, 7 à 32 A ••Contacteurs d'éclairage 10 à 60 A, 2 à 4 pôles • Démarreurs CVAC 15 à 45 A*•Plus de 60 options de commandes pour couvercle•••*disponible sur commande spéciale• •• La nouvelle génération de démarreurs sous boîtier de type 1 permet de concevoir des démarreurs de type NEMA de calibre 00 à 2, de type IEC jusqu'à 32 A, pour CVCAjusqu'à 45 A ou des contacteurs d'éclairage jusqu'à 60 A/4 pôles avec un seul et même boîtier, en plus de donner accès à une vaste sélection de couvercles et d'éléments de contrôle M22. De plus, comme il est plus simple que jamais d'intégrer un relais de surcharge électronique de la série C440, c'est le démarreur idéal pour les applications de contrôle de faibles charges sous boîtier de type 1.Contacteurs et démarreurs avec ou sans inversion Le relais de surchargeélectronique C440 assure une protection able et précise. Protection de bonne valeur et polyvalente, notamment grâce aux options de communicationCouvercles avec composantes de contrôle assemblée s en usine; installation rapide au chantierSélection de composantes offertes: boutons, sélecteurs et lampes pilotes à DEL Dimensions du nouveauboîtier: 10 po (H) x 6 po (L) x 6 po (P)Démarreurs avec relais de surcharge électronique pour calibres 00 à 2Démarreurs avec relais de surcharge thermique pour calibres 00 à 1Réduit l'inventaire dudistributeur: un seul boîtier pour tous les besoinsIl n'est plus nécessaire de surdimensionner le boîtier lors de l'ajout d'un relais desurcharge électronique C440Boîtier commun de type 1 pour les équipements des séries XT, NEMA, d'éclairage et de CVAC jusqu'à 60 ADémarreurs avec relais de surcharge électronique et thermique pour les bâtis de calibre B à C, 7 à 32 AEaton est une marque de commerce déposée.Toutes les autres marques de commerce sont la propriété de leur détenteur respectif.Activités canadiennes 5050 MainwayBurlington, ON L7L 5Z1 Canada© 2015 EatonTous droits réservés Imprimé au CanadaPublication No. PA123004FR / Z16764Mars 2016Guide de sélection rapidePour la gamme complète des démarreurs sous boîtiers de type 1, voir le catalogue Eaton Volume 10—Catalogue des produits de contrôle sous boîtier, CA08100012E, onglets 1 à 4Démarreurs NEMADémarreurs IECContacteurs d'éclairageAccessoires de commande pour couvercleCes contrôles fabriqués en usine sont livrés avec un harnais et des supports de montage. Ils sont approuvés CSA pour installation au chantier. Inclut les boutons et sélecteurs M22.Toujours disponible pour les boîtiers de type 2 et plus grands.Boîtiers seulsde surcharge électronique, 9 à 45 A (FLA), 25 HP à 600VEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122États-Unis Le même boîtier s'utilise avec tous les démarreurs et contacteurs de cette gamme. La seule différence réside dans la longueur de la tige de réarmement, qui se change facilement. Les ensembles de réarmement sont livrés avec tous les accessoires requis pour une installationadéquate: tiges de toutes les longueurs, un protecteur, un levier et un bouton de réarmement.Le tableau ci-dessous spéci e les ensembles de réarmement correspondant à un démarreur ou à un contacteur particulier.。




通过并行总线外扩了128KW SRM和64K展:通过RS-232连接了UART口;通过跳线器可选两个IO口来虚拟I2C总线,并外接带I2C总线的EEPROM和RTC。





MCU内部存储器:8KB片内FLASH/EE程序存储器,256Byte片内数据RAM,外部存储器:128KW外部SRAM,64KB外部FLASH ROM,256K EEPROM串行接口:一个UART接口,一个虚拟I2C总线接口12MHz工作频率2 模块主要芯片介绍2.1 89C52芯片(1)主要性能特点兼容8052的单片机内核,12MHz额定工作频率(最大24MHz),8KB片内FLASH 程序存储器,256Byte片内数据RAM ,3个16位定时/计数器,32条可编程I/O 线,可允许2个优先级的8个中断源。

(2)功能方块图图0101-2 89C52结构框图(3)引脚排列图 0101-3 89C52引脚排列(4)89C52单片机存储器◆片内ROM存储器 SFR映射到内部数据存储空间的高128B,仅通过直接寻址来访问(地址为X0H或X8H的SFR可位寻址),并提供CPU和所有片上外设间的接口。


◆片内Flash程序存储器 作为89C52可寻址64k程序存储器的低8k空间,用于存放用户程序代码。

(5) 89C52单片机接口资源并行I/O接口P0:当作为通用的I/O口时,P0口的引脚以“开漏”的方式输出,所以必需外加上拉电阻。



DESCRIPTIONThe TruStability ® Standard Accuracy Silicon Ceramic (SSC) Series is a piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor offering a ratiometric analog output for reading pressure over the specified full scale pressure span and temperature range.The SSC Series is fully calibrated and temperaturecompensated for sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature effects, and non-linearity using an on-board Application SpecificIntegrated Circuit (ASIC). Calibrated output values for pressure are updated at approximately 1 kHz.The SSC Series is calibrated over the temperature range of -20 C to 85 C [-4 F to 185 F]. The sensor is characterized for operation from a single power supply of either 3.3 Vdc or 5.0 Vdc.These sensors measure absolute, differential, and gage pressures. The absolute versions have an internal vacuum reference and an output value proportional to absolutepressure. Differential versions allow application of pressure to either side of the sensing diaphragm. Gage versions are referenced to atmospheric pressure and provide an output proportional to pressure variations from atmosphere.The TruStability ®pressure sensors are intended for use with non-corrosive, non-ionic gases, such as air and other dry gases. An available option extends the performance of these sensors to non-corrosive, non-ionic liquids.All products are designed and manufactured according to ISO 9001 standards.FEATURESIndustry-leading long-term stabilityExtremely tight accuracy of 0.25% FSS BFSL (Full ScaleSpan Best Fit Straight Line)Total error band of2% full scale span maximumModular and flexible design offers customers a variety of package styles and options, all with the same industry-leading performance specificationsMiniature 10 mm x 10 mm [0.39 in x 0.39 in] packageLow operating voltageExtremely low power consumptionRatiometric analog outputHigh resolution (min. 0.03 %FSS) Precision ASIC conditioning and temperature compensated over -20 C to 85 C [-4 F to 185F] temperature rangeRoHS compliantVirtually insensitive to mounting orientationInternal diagnostic functions increase system reliabilityAlso available with I 2C or SPI digital outputAbsolute, differential and gage typesPressure ranges from 1 psi to 150 psi (60 mbar to 10 bar)Custom calibration availableVarious pressure port options Liquid media option2 /sensingPOTENTIAL APPLICATIONS Medical:- Airflow monitors- Anesthesia machines - Blood analysis machines - Gas chromatography - Gas flow instrumentation - Kidney dialysis machines - Oxygen concentrators - Pneumatic controls - Respiratory machines - Sleep apnea equipment - VentilatorsIndustrial:- Barometry- Flow calibrators- Gas chromatography - Gas flow instrumentation - HVAC- Life sciences- Pneumatic controls1Honeywell Sensing and Control 3101. Absolute maximum ratings are the extreme limits the device will withstand without damage.2. Ratiometricity of the sensor (the ability of the device to scale to the supply voltage) is achieved within the specified operating voltage for eachoption.3. The sensor is not reverse polarity protected. Incorrect application of supply voltage or ground to the wrong pin may cause electrical failure.4. The compensated temperature range is the temperature range over which the sensor will produce an output proportional to pressure withinthe specified performance limits.5. The operating temperature range is the temperature range over which the sensor will produce an output proportional to pressure but may notremain within the specified performance limits.6. Accuracy: The maximum deviation in output from a Best Fit Straight Line (BFSL) fitted to the output measured over the pressure range at25 °C [77 °F]. Includes all errors due to pressure non-linearity, pressure hysteresis, and non-repeatability.7. Total Error Band: The maximum deviation from the ideal transfer function over the entire compensated temperature and pressure range.Includes all errors due to offset, full scale span, pressure non-linearity, pressure hysteresis, repeatability, thermal effect on offset, thermal effect on span, and thermal hysteresis.8. Full Scale Span (FSS) is the algebraic difference between the output signal measured at the maximum (Pmax.) and minimum (Pmin.) limits ofthe pressure range. (See Figure 1 for ranges.)9. Life may vary depending on specific application in which sensor is utilized. 10. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for detailed material information.CAUTIONPRODUCT DAMAGEEnsure liquid media is applied to Port 1 only; Port 2 is not compatible with liquids.Ensure liquid media contains no particulates. All TruStability ®sensors are dead-ended devices. Particulates can accumulate inside the sensor, causing damage or affecting sensor output.Recommend that the sensor be positioned with Port 1 facing downwards; any particulates in the system are less likely to enter and settle within the pressure sensor if it is in this position.Ensure liquid media does not create a residue when dried; build-up inside the sensor may affect sensor output. Rinsing of a dead-ended sensor is difficult and has limited effectiveness for removing residue.Ensure liquid media are compatible with wetted materials. Non-compatible liquid media will degrade sensor performance and may lead to sensor failure.Failure to comply with these instructions may result in product damage.4 /sensing11. The transfer function limits define the output of the sensor at a given pressure input. By specifying Pmin. and Pmax., the output at Pmin. andPmax., the complete transfer function of the sensor is defined. See Figure 2 for a graphical representation of the transfer function. Other transfer functions are available. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for more information.12. Digital outputs (SPI or I 2C) are also available. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for more information. 13. Custom pressure ranges are available. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for more information. 14. See Table 5 for an explanation of sensor pressure types. 15. See CAUTION on previous page.Honeywell Sensing and Control 5SSCSANN100PGAA3 SIP package, AN pressure port, no diagnostics, 100Output is proportional to the difference between the pressures applied to each port. (Port 1 Port 2)50% point of transfer function set at Port 1 = Port 2.Long-term Stability (1000 hr, 25 C [77 F]) 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS6 /sensingLong-term Stability (1000 hr, 25 C [77 F]) 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS16. Overpressure: The maximum pressure which may safely be applied to the product for it to remain in specification once pressure is returned tothe operating pressure range. Exposure to higher pressures may cause permanent damage to the product. Unless otherwise specified this applies to all available pressure ports at any temperature with the operating temperature range.17. Burst pressure: The maximum pressure that may be applied to any port of the product without causing escape of pressure media. Productshould not be expected to function after exposure to any pressure beyond the burst pressure.18. Common mode pressure: The maximum pressure that can be applied simultaneously to both ports of a differential pressure sensor withoutcausing changes in specified performance.Honeywell Sensing and Control78 /sensingHoneywell Sensing and Control910 /sensingHoneywell Sensing and Control 11Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive NorthGolden Valley, MN 55422 008215-2-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA March 2011© 2011 Honeywell International Inc.WARNINGWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONThe information presented in this product sheet is forreference only. DO NOT USE this document as aproduct installation guide.Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied witheach product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.SALES AND SERVICEHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office or:E-mail:*********************Internet: /sensingPhone and Fax:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828; +65 6445-3033 FaxEurope +44 (0) 1698 481481; +44 (0) 1698 481676 Fax Latin America +1-305-805-8188; +1-305-883-8257 FaxUSA/Canada +1-800-537-6945; +1-815-235-6847+1-815-235-6545 Fax。



C O NF ID EN T IA LNSi8120/NSi8121/NSi8122: High ReliabilityDual-Channel Digital IsolatorsDatasheet (EN) 1.8Product OverviewThe NSi812x devices are high reliability dual-channel digital isolator. The NSi812x device is safety certified by UL1577 support several insulation withstand voltages (3.75kV rms , 5kV rms ), while providing high electromagnetic immunity and low emissions at low power consumption. The data rate of the NSi812x is up to 150Mbps, and the common-mode transient immunity (CMTI) is up to 150kV/us. The NSi812x device provides digital channel direction configuration and the default output level configuration when the input power is lost. Wide supply voltage of the NSi812x device support to connect with most digital interface directly, easy to do the level shift. High system level EMC performance enhance reliability and stability of use. AEC-Q100 (Grade 1) option is provided for all devices.Key Features• Up to 5000V rms Insulation voltage• Date rate: DC to 150Mbps• Power supply voltage: 2.5V to 5.5V • All devices are AEC-Q100 qualified • High CMTI: 150kV/us • Chip level ESD: HBM: ±6kV• High system level EMC performance:Enhanced system level ESD, EFT, Surge immunity• Default output high level or low level option • Isolation barrier life: >60 years• Low power consumption: 1.5mA/ch (1 Mbps) • Low propagation delay: <15ns • Operation temperature: -40℃~125℃ • RoHS-compliant packages:SOIC-8 narrow body SOIC-16 wide bodySafety Regulatory Approvals• UL recognition: up to 5000V rms for 1 minute per UL1577• CQC certification per GB4943.1-2011• CSA component notice 5A • DIN VDE V 0884-11:2017-01Applications• Industrial automation system • Isolated SPI, RS232, RS485• General-purpose multichannel isolation • Motor controlFunctional Block DiagramsC O NF ID EN T IA LIndex1.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS .............................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. E LECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.2. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................... 7 2.3. P ARAMETER M EASUREMENT I NFORMATION . (8)3.0 HIGH VOLTAGE FEATURE DESCRIPTION (9)3.1. INSULATION AND SAFETY RELATED SPECIFICATIONS (9)3.2. DIN VDE V 0884-11(VDE V 0884-11):2017-01 INSULATION CHARATERISTICS ....................................................................... 9 3.3. R EGULATORY INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................... 11 4.0 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ..........................................................................................................................................11 5.0 APPLICATION NOTE ................................................................................................................................................... 12 5.1. PCB L AYOUT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12 5.2. H IGH SPEED PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................................................... 12 5.3. T YPICAL S UPPLY C URRENT E QUATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 13 6.0 PACKAGE INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................... 13 7.0 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 17 8.0 ORDER INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................................. 20 9.0 REVISION HISTORY . (21)C O NF ID EN T IA L1.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPower Supply Voltage VDD1, VDD2 -0.5 6.5 V Maximum Input Voltage VINA, VINB -0.4 VDD+0.41 V Maximum Output Voltage V OUTA , V OUTB -0.4 VDD+0.41 VMaximum Input/Output Pulse VoltageVINA, VINB, V OUTA , V OUTB-0.8VDD+0.8VPulse width should be less than 100ns, and the duty cycle should be less than 10%Common-Mode Transients CMTI ±150 kV/us Output currentIo -15 15mAMaximum Surge Isolation VoltageV IOSM5.3kVOperating Temperature Topr -40125 ℃Storage Temperature Tstg -40150℃Electrostatic dischargeHBM±6000VCDM±2000V1 The maximum voltage must not exceed 6.5V.2.0 SPECIFICATIONS2.1. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VDD1=2.5V~5.5V, VDD2=2.5V~5.5V, Ta=-40℃ to 125℃. Unless otherwise noted, Typical values are at VDD1 = 5V, VDD2 = 5V, Ta =25℃)Power on ResetVDD POR2.2 V POR threshold as during power-upVDD HYS 0.1 V POR threshold Hysteresis Input ThresholdV IT1.6 V Input Threshold at rising edge V IT_HYS 0.4 V Input Threshold Hysteresis High Level Input Voltage V IH 2 V Low Level Input Voltage V IL 0.8 V High Level Output Voltage V OH VDD-0.3 V I OH ≤ 4mA Low Level Output VoltageV OL0.3VI OL ≤ 4mAC O NF ID EN T IA LOutput Impedance R out 50 ohm Input Pull high or low CurrentI pull 8 15 uA Start Up Time after POR trbs 40 usec Common Mode Transient ImmunityCMTI±100±150kV/us(VDD1=5V± 10%, VDD2=5V± 10%, Ta=-40℃ to 125℃. Unless otherwise noted, Typical values are at VDD1 = 5V, VDD2 = 5V, Ta = 25℃)Supply currentNSi8120 I DD1(Q0) 0.58 0.87 mAAll Input 0V for NSi8120x0 Or All Input at supply for NSi8120x1 I DD2(Q0) 1.18 1.77 mA I DD1(Q1) 2.92 4.38 mA All Input at supply for NSi8120x0 Or All Input 0V for NSi8120x1I DD2(Q1) 1.241.86mAI DD1(1M) 1.71 2.56 mA All Input with 1Mbps, C L =15pFI DD2(1M)1.382.07mAI DD1(10M) 1.78 2.67 mA All Input with 10Mbps, C L =15pF I DD2(10M)3.24.8mA I DD1(100M)2.103.15 mA All Input with 100Mbps, C L =15pFI DD2(100M)21.031.5mANSi8121/ NSi8122 I DD1(Q0) 1.031.55 mA All Input 0V for NSi812xx0 Or All Input at supply for NSi812xx1 I DD2(Q0) 1.00 1.5 mA I DD1(Q1)2.203.3 mA All Input at supply for NSi812xx0Or All Input 0V for NSi812xx1 I DD2(Q1)2.133.2 mA I DD1(1M) 1.72 2.58 mA All Input with 1Mbps, C L =15pFI DD2(1M) 1.68 2.52 mA I DD1(10M) 2.62 3.93 mA All Input with 10Mbps, C L =15pFI DD2(10M) 2.71 4.06 mA I DD1(100M) 11.01 16.5 mA All Input with 100Mbps, C L = 15pF I DD2(100M)12.8 19.2 mA Data RateDR 0 150 MbpsC O NF ID EN T IA LPropagation Delayt PLH 5 8.20 15 ns See Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pF t PHL 5 10.56 15 ns See Figure 2.7, C L = 15pF Pulse Width Distortion |t PHL – t PLH | PWD5.0nsSee Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pFRising Time t r 5.0 ns See Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pF Falling Timet f 5.0 ns See Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pFPeak Eye Diagram Jitter t JIT (PK) 350 ps Channel-to-Channel Delay Skewt SK (c2c) 2.5 nsPart-to-Part Delay Skewt SK (p2p)5.0ns(VDD1=3.3V± 10%, VDD2=3.3V± 10%, Ta=-40℃ to 125℃. Unless otherwise noted, Typical values are at VDD1 = 3.3V, VDD2 = 3.3V, Ta =25℃)Supply currentNSi8120 I DD1(Q0) 0.550.83mA All Input 0V for NSi8120x0 Or All Input at supply for NSi8120x1 I DD2(Q0) 1.12 1.68 mA I DD1(Q1) 2.87 4.3 mA All Input at supply for NSi8120x0 Or All Input 0V for NSi8120x1 I DD2(Q1)1.18 1.77mA I DD1(1M)1.72.55mA All Input with 1Mbps, C L = 15pFI DD2(1M)1.271.91 mA I DD1(10M) 1.732.6 mA All Input with 10Mbps, C L = 15pF I DD2(10M)2.413.6 mA I DD1(100M) 2.05 3.08 mA All Input with 100Mbps, C L = 15pF I DD2(100M)14.0521.08mANSi8121/ NSi8122 I DD1(Q0) 0.98 1.47 mA All Input 0V for NSi812xx0 Or All Input at supply for NSi812xx1 I DD2(Q0) 0.95 1.43 mA I DD1(Q1) 2.14 3.21 mA All Input at supply for NSi812xx0 Or All Input 0V for NSi812xx1 I DD2(Q1) 2.08 3.12 mA I DD1(1M) 1.63 2.45 mA All Input with 1Mbps, C L = 15pFI DD2(1M) 1.59 2.39 mA I (10M)2.223.33mAAll Input with 10Mbps,C O NF I D EN T IA LI DD2(10M) 2.25 3.38 mA C L = 15pFI DD1(100M) 7.57 11.36 mA All Input with 100Mbps, C L = 15pF I DD2(100M)8.5 12.75 mA Data RateDR 0 150 Mbps Minimum Pulse Width PW 5.0 nsPropagation Delayt PLH 5 9.20 15 ns See Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pF t PHL5 10.40 15 ns See Figure 2.7, C L = 15pF Pulse Width Distortion |t PHL – t PLH | PWD5.0nsSee Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pFRising Time t r 5.0 ns See Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pF Falling Timet f5.0 nsSee Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pFPeak Eye Diagram Jitter t JIT (PK) 350psChannel-to-Channel Delay Skewt SK (c2c)2.5nsPart-to-Part Delay Skew t SK (p2p)5.0ns(VDD1=2.5V± 10%, VDD2=2.5V± 10%, Ta=-40℃ to 125℃. Unless otherwise noted, Typical values are at VDD1 = 2.5V, VDD2 = 2.5V, Ta =25℃)Supply currentNSi8120I DD1(Q0) 0.53 0.8 mA All Input 0V for NSi8120x0 Or All Input at supply for NSi8120x1 I DD2(Q0) 1.11.65 mA I DD1(Q1)2.85 4.28 mA All Input at supply for NSi8120x0 Or All Input 0V for NSi8120x1 I DD2(Q1)1.15 1.73 mA I DD1(1M) 1.632.45 mA All Input with 1Mbps, C L = 15pFI DD2(1M) 1.21 1.82 mA I DD1(10M) 1.68 2.52 mA All Input with 10Mbps, C L = 15pFI DD2(10M) 2.05 3.08 mA I DD1(100M) 1.95 2.93 mA All Input with 100Mbps, C L = 15pFI DD2(100M)10.415.6mANSi8121/ NSi8122I DD1(Q0) 0.96 1.44 mA All Input 0V for NSi812xx0 Or All Input at supply for NSi812xx1I (Q0)0.931.395mAF ID EN T IA LI DD1(Q1) 2.11 3.165 mA All Input at supply for NSi812xx0Or All Input 0V for NSi812xx1 I DD2(Q1) 2.05 3.075 mA I DD1(1M) 1.58 2.37 mA All Input with 1Mbps, C L = 15pFI DD2(1M) 1.54 2.31 mA I DD1(10M) 2.02 3.03 mA All Input with 10Mbps, C L = 15pFI DD2(10M) 2.04 3.06 mA I DD1(100M) 6.03 9.045 mA All Input with 100Mbps, C L = 15pF I DD2(100M)6 9 mAData RateDR 0 150 Mbps Minimum Pulse Width PW 5.0 nsPropagation Delayt PLH 5 10 15 nsSee Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pF t PHL5 10 15nsSee Figure 2.7, C L = 15pFPulse Width Distortion |t PHL – t PLH | PWD5.0nsSee Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pFRising Time t r5.0ns See Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pF Falling Timet f5.0 ns See Figure 2.7 , C L = 15pFPeak Eye Diagram Jitter t JIT (PK)350ps Channel-to-Channel Delay Skewt SK (c2c)2.5ns Part-to-Part Delay Skew t SK (p2p)5.0ns2.2. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSFigure 2.1 NSi8120 VDD1 Supply Current vs Data Rate Figure 2.2 NSi8120 VDD2 Supply Current vs Data RateC OE2.3. PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONC LFigure 2.7 Switching Characteristics Test Circuit and WaveformFigure 2.8 Common-Mode Transient Immunity Test CircuitC O NF ID EN T IA L3.0 HIGH VOLTAGE FEATURE DESCRIPTION3.1. INSULATION AND SAFETY RELATED SPECIFICATIONSMinimum External Air Gap (Clearance)L(I01) 4.0 8.0 mm Shortest terminal-to-terminal distance through air Minimum External Tracking (Creepage)L(I02)4.08.0mmShortest terminal-to-terminal distance across the package surfaceMinimum internal gap DTI 20 um Distance through insulationTrackingResistance(Comparative Tracking Index) CTI>400VDIN EN 60112 (VDE 0303-11); IEC 60112Material GroupⅡ3.2. DIN VDE V 0884-11(VDE V 0884-11):2017-01 INSULATION CHARATERISTICSSOIC-8 SOIC-16 Installation Classification per DIN VDE 0110For Rated Mains Voltage ≤ 150V rms Ⅰto Ⅳ Ⅰto Ⅳ For Rated Mains Voltage ≤ 300V rms Ⅰto Ⅲ Ⅰto Ⅳ For Rated Mains Voltage ≤ 400V rms Ⅰto Ⅲ Ⅰto Ⅳ Climatic Classification10/105/2110/105/21 Pollution Degree per DIN VDE 0110, Table 122Maximum repetitive isolation voltageVIORM 565 849 Vpeak Input to Output Test Voltage, Method B1V IORM × 1.5 = V pd (m) , 100%production test, t ini = t m = 1 sec, partial discharge < 5 pCV pd (m)8471273VpeakInput to Output Test Voltage, Method AAfter Environmental Tests Subgroup 1V IORM × 1.2= V pd (m) , t ini = 60 sec, t m = 10 sec, partial V pd (m)6781018VpeakC O N T IA LAfter Input and /or Safety Test Subgroup 2 and Subgroup 3 V IORM × 1.2= V pd (m) , t ini = 60 sec, t m = 10 sec, partialdischarge < 5 pC V pd (m)6781018VpeakMaximum transient isolation voltage t = 60 sec VIOTM 5300 7000 Vpeak Maximum Surge Isolation VoltageTest method per IEC60065,1.2/50uswaveform, VTEST=VIOSM×1.3VIOSM53845384VpeakIsolation resistance VIO =500V RIO >109 >109 Ω Isolation capacitance f = 1MHzCIO 0.6 0.6pFInput capacitanceCI22pF Total Power Dissipation at 25℃Ps1499 mW Safety input, output, or supply currentθJA = 140 °C/W, V I = 5.5 V, T J = 150 °C, T A = 25 °C Is160mAθJA = 84 °C/W, V I = 5.5 V, T J = 150 °C, T A = 25 °C237 mA Case TemperatureTs150150℃Figure 3.2 NSi8120W/NSi8121W/NSi8122W Thermal Derating Curve, Dependence of Safety Limiting Values with Case Temperature per DIN VDE V 0884-11C O NF ID EN T IA L3.3. REGULATORY INFORMATIONThe NSi8120N/NSi8121N/NSi8122N are approved by the organizations listed in table.UL 1577 Component Recognition Program 1Approved under CSA ComponentAcceptance Notice 5ADIN VDE V 0884-11:2017-012Certified by CQC11-471543-2012 GB4943.1-2011Single Protection, 3750V rms Isolation voltageSingle Protection, 3750V rms IsolationvoltageBasic Insulation 565Vpeak, V IOSM =5384VpeakBasic insulation at 400V rms (565Vpeak)File (E500602)File (E500602)File (5024579-4880-0001)File (pending)1 In accordance with UL 1577, each NSi8120N/NSi8121N/NSi8122N is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥ 4500 Vrms for 1 sec.2 In accordance with DIN VDE V 0884-11, each NSi8120N/NSi8121N/NSi8122N is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥ 847 V peak for 1 sec(partial discharge detection limit = 5 pC). The * marking branded on the component designates DIN VDE V 0884-11 approval.The NSi8120W/NSi8121W/NSi8122W are approved by the organizations listed in table.UL 1577 Component Recognition Program 1Approved under CSAComponent Acceptance Notice5ADIN VDE V 0884-11(VDE V 0884-11):2017-012 Certified by CQC11-471543-2012 GB4943.1-2011Single Protection, 5000V rms Isolation voltageSingle Protection, 5000V rmsIsolation voltageBasic Insulation 849Vpeak, V IOSM =5384Vpeak Basic insulation at 800V rms (1131Vpeak) Reinforced insulation at 400V rms (565Vpeak)File (E500602)File (E500602)File (5024579-4880-0001)File (pending)1 In accordance with UL 1577, each NSi8120W/NSi8121W/NSi8122W is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥ 6000 V rms for 1 sec.2 In accordance with DIN VDE V 0884-11, each NSi8120W/NSi8121W/NSi8122W is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥ 1273 V peak for 1 sec(partial discharge detection limit = 5 pC). The * marking branded on the component designates DIN VDE V 0884-11 approval.4.0 FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONThe NSi812x is a Dual-channel digital isolator based on a capacitive isolation barrier technique. The digital signal is modulated with RF carrier generated by the internal oscillator at the Transmitter side. Then it is transferred through the capacitive isolation barrier and demodulated at the Receiver side.The NSi812x devices are high reliability dual-channel digital isolator with AEC-Q100 qualified. The NSi812x device is safety certified by UL1577 support several insulation withstand voltages (3.75kV rms , 5kV rms ), while providing high electromagnetic immunity and low emissions at low power consumption. The data rate of the NSi812x is up to 150Mbps, and the common-mode transient immunity (CMTI) is up to 150kV/us. The NSi812x device provides digital channel direction configuration and the default output level configuration when the input power is lost. Wide supply voltage of the NSi812x device support to connect with most digital interface directly, easy to do the level shift. High system level EMC performance enhance reliability and stability of use.The NSi812x has a default output status when VDDIN is unready and VDDOUT is ready as shown in Table 4.1, which helps for diagnosis when power is missing at the transmitter side. The output B follows the same status with the input A within 1us after powering up.C O NF ID EN T IA LCopyright © 2019, NOVOSENSEPage 12 Table 4.1 Output status vs. power statusH Ready Ready H Normal operation.L Ready Ready L XUnreadyReadyL HThe output follows the same status with the input within 60us after input side VDD1 is powered on.X Ready Unready XThe output follows the same status with the input within 60us after output side VDD2 is powered on.5.0 APPLICATION NOTE5.1. PCB LAYOUTThe NSi812x requires a 0.1 µF bypass capacitor between VDD1 and GND1, VDD2 and GND2. The capacitor should beplaced as close as possible to the package. Figure 5.1 to Figure 5.4 show the recommended PCB layout, make sure the space under the chip should keep free from planes, traces, pads and via. To enhance the robustness of a design, the user may also include resistors (50–300 Ω ) in series with the inputs and outputs if the system is excessively noisy. The series resistors also improve the system reliability such as latch-up immunity.The typical output impedance of an isolator driver channel is approximately 50 Ω, ±40%. When driving loads where transmission line effects will be a factor, output pins should be appropriately terminated with controlled impedance PCB traces.Figure5.1 Recommended PCB Layout — Top Layer Figure5.2 Recommended PCB Layout — Bottom LayerFigure5.3 Recommended PCB Layout — Top Layer Figure5.4 Recommended PCB Layout — Bottom Layer5.2. HIGH SPEED PERFORMANCEFigure 5.5 shows the eye diagram of NSi812x at 200Mbps data rate output. The result shows a typical measurement on the NSi812x with 350ps p-p jitter.C O NF ID EN T IA LFigure5.5 NSi812x Eye Diagram5.3. TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT EQUATIONSThe typical supply current of NSi812x can be calculated using below equations. I DD1 and I DD2 are typical supply currents measured in mA, f is data rate measured in Mbps, C L is the capacitive load measured in pFNSi8120:I DD1 = 0.19 *a1+1.45*b1+0.82*c1. I DD2 = 1.36+ VDD1*f* C L *c1*10-9When a1 is the channel number of low input at side 1, b1 is the channel number of high input at side 1, c1 is the channel number of switch signal input at side 1.NSi8121/ NSi8122:I DD1 = 0.87 +1.26*b1+0.63*c1+ VDD1*f* C L *c2*10-9I DD2 = 0.87 +1.26*b2+0.63*c2+ VDD1*f* C L *c1*10-9When b1 is the channel number of high input at side 1, c1 is the channel number of switch signal input at side 1, b2 is the channel number of high input at side 2, c2 is the channel number of switch signal input at side 2.6.0 PACKAGE INFORMATIONVDD GND 22VDD INA GND 2VDD 2Figure 6.1 NSi8120N Package Figure 6.2 NSi8121N PackageC O NF ID EN T IA LVDD INBGND 22Figure 6.3 NSi8122N PackageFigure 6.4 SOIC8 Package Shape and Dimension in millimeters (inches)Table6.1 NSi8120N/ NSi8121N/ NSi8122N Pin Configuration and DescriptionNSi8121N PIN NO.NSi8122N PIN NO.SYMBOL FUNCTION1 1 1 VDD1 Power Supply for Isolator Side 12 7 2 INA Logic Input A3 3 6 INB Logic Input B4 4 4 GND1 Ground 1, the ground reference for Isolator Side 15 5 5 GND2 Ground 2, the ground reference for Isolator Side 26 6 3 OUTB Logic Output B7 2 7 OUTA Logic Output A888VDD2Power Supply for Isolator Side 2C O NFVDD GND GND 2VDD 2GND 2GND NC NCNC VDD GND GND 2VDD 22GND NC NC NCFigure 6.5 NSi8120W Package Figure 6.6 NSi8121W PackageVDD INB GND GND 2VDD 2GND 2GND NC NC NCFigure 6.7 NSi8122W PackageFigure 6.8 WB SOIC16 Package Shape and Dimension in millimeters and (inches)C O NF ID EN T IA LTable 6.2 NSi8120W/ NSi8121W/ NSi8122W Pin Configuration and Description1 1 1 GND1 Ground 1, the ground reference for Isolator Side 12 2 2 NC No Connection.3 3 3 VDD1 Power Supply for Isolator Side 14 13 4 INA Logic Input A5 5 12 INB Logic Input B6 6 6 NC No Connection.7 7 7 GND1 Ground 1, the ground reference for Isolator Side 18 8 8 NC No Connection. 9 9 9 GND2 Ground 2, the ground reference for Isolator Side 210 10 10 NC No Connection. 11 11 11 NC No Connection. 12 12 5OUTB Logic Output A 13 4 13OUTALogic Output B 14 14 14 VDD2 Power Supply for Isolator Side 215 15 15 NC No Connection.161616GND2Ground 2, the ground reference for Isolator Side 27.0TAPE AND REEL INFORMATIONLAITNEDIFNOCC O NF ID EN T IA LFigure 7.1 Tape and Reel Information of SOIC8LAITNEDIFNOCFigure 7.2 Tape and Reel Information of WB SOIC16NF ID EN T IA L8.0 ORDER INFORMATIONNSi8120N0 3.75 2 0 150 Low -40 to 125℃ NO SOIC8 NSi8120N1 3.75 2 0 150 High -40 to 125℃ NO SOIC8 NSi8121N0 3.75 1 1 150 Low -40 to 125℃ NO SOIC8 NSi8121N1 3.75 1 1 150 High -40 to 125℃ NO SOIC8 NSi8122N0 3.75 1 1 150 Low -40 to 125℃ NO SOIC8 NSi8122N1 3.75 1 1 150 High -40 to 125℃ NO SOIC8 NSi8120W0 5 2 0 150 Low -40 to 125℃ NO WB SOIC16 NSi8120W1 5 2 0 150 High -40 to 125℃ NO WB SOIC16 NSi8121W0 5 1 1 150 Low -40 to 125℃ NO WB SOIC16 NSi8121W1 5 1 1 150 High -40 to 125℃ NO WB SOIC16 NSi8122W0 5 1 1 150 Low -40 to 125℃ NO WB SOIC16 NSi8122W1 5 1 1 150 High -40 to 125℃ NO WB SOIC16 NSi8120N0Q 3.75 2 0 150 Low -40 to 125℃ YES SOIC8 NSi8120N1Q 3.75 2 0 150 High -40 to 125℃ YES SOIC8 NSi8121N0Q 3.75 1 1 150 Low -40 to 125℃ YES SOIC8 NSi8121N1Q 3.75 1 1 150 High -40 to 125℃ YES SOIC8 NSi8122N0Q 3.75 1 1 150 Low -40 to 125℃ YES SOIC8 NSi8122N1Q 3.75 1 1 150 High -40 to 125℃ YES SOIC8 NSi8120W0Q 5 2 0 150 Low -40 to 125℃ YES WB SOIC16 NSi8120W1Q 5 2 0 150 High -40 to 125℃ YES WB SOIC16 NSi8121W0Q 5 1 1 150 Low -40 to 125℃ YES WB SOIC16 NSi8121W1Q 5 1 1 150 High -40 to 125℃ YES WB SOIC16 NSi8122W0Q 5 1 1 150 Low -40 to 125℃ YES WB SOIC16 NSi8122W1Q 5 1 1 150 High -40 to 125℃YES WB SOIC16 NOTE: All packages are RoHS-compliant with peak reflow temperatures of 260 °C according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications and peak solder temperatures. All devices are AEC-Q100 qualified.Part Number Rule:NSi(81)(2)(1)(N)(1)(Q)C O NF ID EN T IA LNSi8120/NSi8121/NSi81229.0 REVISION HISTORY1.0 Original2017/11/15 1.1 Change to Ordering information2018/3/26 1.2 Add maximum operation current specification. 2018/6/20 1.3 Change block diagram 2018/7/28 1.4 Correct Table 6.2 Pin No.2018/8/20 1.5 Add specification “Input Pull high or low Current” 2018/9/10 1.6 Add “Maximum Input/Output Pulse Voltage” 2018/10/91.7 Change to Ordering information 2018/12/20 1.8 Change Certification Information2019/06/17。



The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at , or contact your Hirose sales representative.


3.5.1 文件操作: ������������������������� 1-9 3.5.2 程序编辑: ������������������������� 1-10 3.5.3 参数设置: ������������������������� 1-10 3.5.4 运行准备: ������������������������� 1-10 3.5.5 监视: ��������������������������� 1-11 3.5.6 编程指令: ������������������������� 1-12 3.5.7 用户工艺: ������������������������� 1-12 第二章 主菜单介绍�������������������������� 2-1 一、文件操作���������������������������� 2-2 1.1 参数 保存到U盘 ������������������������ 2-2 1.2 用户程序 保存到U盘 ���������������������� 2-3 1.3 用户PLC 保存到U盘 ���������������������� 2-3 1.4 系统PLC 保存到U盘 ���������������������� 2-4 1.5 一键系统备份 ������������������������� 2-4 1.6 焊机曲线 保存到U盘 ���������������������� 2-5 2.1 读入 参数 到系统������������������������ 2-5 2.2 读入 用户程序 到系统���������������������� 2-6 2.3 读入 用户PLC 到系统���������������������� 2-7 2.4 读入 系统PLC 到系统���������������������� 2-8

自由安装类旋转机械螺纹镀铝旋钮电机 55-CRBU2-Z 系列 II 2G说明书

自由安装类旋转机械螺纹镀铝旋钮电机 55-CRBU2-Z 系列 II 2G说明书

Instruction ManualFree Mount Type Rotary ActuatorMarking Description:II2GEx hThe intended use of this Free Mount Type Rotary Actuator is to convert potential energy provided by compressed air into a force which causes Note 1: The X at the end of the certificate number represents that this product is subject to “Special Conditions of Use”, please see Section 2.3.1 Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in additionto International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 1: Robots.Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and Handling Precautions for SMC Products for additional information.Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.WarningAlways ensure compliance with relevant safety laws and standards.All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person in compliance with applicable national regulations. 2 SpecificationsThis product is suitable for use in Zones 1 and 2 only.2.1 Product Specifications:Refer to the operation manual for this product;2.1.3 Energy and Speed Specification:WarningEnsure a speed is selected that is within the products allowable kineticenergy limit.In the case that the kinetic energy value exceeds the specification usean external method of absorbing the energy e.g. a shock absorber, ifthere are still concerns, please contact SMC.Do not stop or hold the product at the midpoint by keeping air pressurein the product, this is not an acceptable use of the product.If the product is used at low speed below the specified speedadjustment range, it can introduce problems such as the stick-slip2.2 Production Batch Code:The batch code printed on the label indicates the month and the year ofproduction as per the following table;2.3 Special Conditions of Use:Products are suitable for sub-divisions IIC.Products are suitable for Zones 1 and 2 only.2.3.1 Temperature Marking: Standard Product:In the normal ambient temperature range (+5°C to +40°C) the productis rated to temperature class T4.In the special ambient temperature range (+40°C to +60°C) the productis rated to temperature class T3.3 Installation3.1 InstallationWarningDo not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.Do not twist or bend the cylinder or mount the product when subject totension.Do not use in an application where the product is stopped mid-stroke,via an external stop.Do not use where cylinders are being synchronised to move a singleload.For direct mounting, use standard hexagon socket head cap screws3.1.1 Direct Loading to the ShaftAlthough applying static loads as shown in the table below areallowable, it is recommended that they are not applied directly to theIn order to improve operating conditions, it is recommended that aflexible couple shall be used to avoid the direct loading on the shaft.3.1.2 Axis Alignment on Extended ShaftsWhen the rotary actuator is used with an extended shaft, ensure thatthe axis centres of the rotary actuator and its counterpart are aligned.If they are off-centred, the load factor becomes large and an excessivebending moment may be applied to the shaft. In such a condition, theassembly may not perform a stable operation and the shaft may bedamaged, in which case it is recommended to use a flexible fitting.3.2 EnvironmentWarningDo not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, saltwater or steam are present.Do not use in an explosive atmosphere except within the specifiedrating.Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess ofthe product’s specifications.Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result intemperatures in excess of the product’s specifications.Do not use in a place subject to heavy vibration and/or shock.Do not use in wet environments, where water can remove the presenceof the lubrication.Do not use in case of heavy dusty environments where dust canpenetrate into the cylinder and dry the grease.Do not allow dust layers to build up on the cylinder surface and insulatethe product.3.3 PipingCautionBefore connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dustetc.When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does notenter inside the port. When using seal tape, leave 1 thread exposedon the end of the pipe/fitting.Tighten fittings to the specified tightening torque.Port Size ModelSize 10 & 15 M3 x 0.5 Size 20,30&40The rotary actuator port is equipped with a fixed size orifice. Do notenlarge the hole. Enlarging the hole will increase the operation speedof the actuator and the consequent impact at the end of each strokecould lead to the actuator failure.ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSBody Axial3.4 LubricationCautionSMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do not require lubrication in service.If a lubricant is used in the system, refer to catalogue for details.3.5 Basic CircuitPlugging one of the ports on the actuator is considered a non-intended use, and could relate to an increase in maximum surface temperature above what the product specification declares.3.6 Electrical ConnectionThe product should be grounded by the piston rod and the body in order to create an electrically conductive path to the system/application. Ground the product in accordance with applicable regulations. Do not pass an electrical current through the product.4 SettingsRefer to the standard product catalogue for general setup precautions.5 How to OrderRefer to catalogue for ‘How to Order’.6 Outline DimensionsRefer to catalogue for outline dimensions. 7 Maintenance7.1 General maintenanceCautionNot following proper maintenance procedures could cause the product to malfunction and lead to equipment damage.If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only by qualified personnel.Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sure to cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released to atmosphere.After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out as required to ensure continued compliance with applicable national regulations.Do not make any modification to the product.Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.Do not use a product which looks or contains damage, this will invalidate the certification. If damage is seen, please replace the product immediately.Periodically check the product for any damage or rust appearing. This could result in an increase in friction and lead to dangerous conditions. Replace the whole actuator if any of these conditions appear.8.1 Limited warranty and disclaimer/compliance requirements Refer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products.8.2 Obligations of the end-userEnsure the product is used within the specification outlined.Ensure that the maintenance periods are suitable for the application. Ensure any cleaning processes to remove dust layers are made with the atmosphere in mind (e.g. using a damp cloth to avoid static build up).Ensure that the application does not introduce additional hazards by mounting, loading, impacts or other methods.Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation and air circulation around the product.If the product is subject to direct heat sources in the application, they should be shielded so that the actuator temperature stays within the stated operating range.DangerDo not exceed any of the specifications listed in Section 2 of this document as this will be deemed improper use.Air equipment has an air leakage during operation within certain limits. Do not use this equipment when the air itself introduces additional hazards and could lead to an explosion.Use only Ex certified auto switches. These should be ordered separately.Do not use this product in the presence of strong magnetic fields that could generate a surface temperature higher than the product specification.Avoid applications where the shaft and the adjoining part in the application can create a possible ignition source.Do not install or use these actuators where there is the possibility for the shaft and adjoining parts to impact foreign objects.In the event of damage or failure of any parts located in the vicinity where this product has been installed, it is the responsibility of the user to determine whether or not this has compromised the safety and condition of this product and/or the application.External impact on the cylinder body could result in a spark and/or cylinder damage. Avoid any application where foreign objects can hit or impact the cylinder. In such situations the application should install a suitable guard to prevent this occurrence.Do not use this equipment where vibration could lead to failure.9 Product DisposalThis product shall not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check your local regulations and guidelines to dispose this product correctly, in order to reduce the impact on human health and the environment.10 ContactsRefer to or for your local distributor/importer.URL : https:// (Global) https:// (Europe) SMC Corporation, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JapanSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2022 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved. Template DKP50047-F-085M。

KSC12 说明书V1.0

KSC12 说明书V1.0
本手册对KSC12系列开关磁阻电机及控制器的原理进行了介绍,并对安全注意事项、安装、调试、运行 及维护等内容进行了详细的说明,请用户在使用该设备前详细阅读本手册的相关内容,严格按照手册的要求 使用本设备。
〖手册目标〗 本手册主要对安全注意事项、开关磁阻电机及控制器的原理、安装、调试、参数设定及维护等内容进行
§1.5.1 产品标识..............................................................................................................1-2 §1.5.2 应用范围..............................................................................................................1-2 §1.6 使用条件 ...........................................................................................................................1-2 §1.6.1 正常使用条件 ......................................................................................................1-2 §1.6.2 特殊使用条件 ......................................................................................................1-3 §1.6.3 工作条件..............................................................................................................1-3 §1.6.4 法定规章..............................................................................................................1-3



附录E 8200c- Landscape 系统操作手册RCI 8200 / 3100履带起重机全力矩系统8200c display (illustrative purposes only) (SCC6300 Tower crane shown)目 录使用本产品需要注意的事项 (5)1特殊说明 (6)1.1商标 (6)1.2重要安全注意事项 (6)1.3产品质量保证 (6)2简介 (7)2.1手册内容 (8)2.2手册适用范围 (8)2.3适用人群 (8)2.4从业人员要求 (8)3系统描述 (9)3.1特殊应用 (9)3.2用途 (9)3.3性能: (10)3.4可用的选项 (10)4操作指导 - RCI-8200C 显示器 (11)4.1显示器按键功能 (11)4.2ROBWAY系统通电 (11)4.38200L显示图标和报警的使用 (12)4.4操作界面–简介 (15)4.5彩色液晶显示器 (19)4.6力矩条形图 (19)4.7安全负载(SWL),负载重量,吊钩半径和绳数显示框 (19)4.8卷扬/吊钩负载 (19)4.9主臂/副臂长度 (20)4.10主臂角度 (20)4.11变幅副臂角度 (20)4.12固定副臂角度 (20)4.13半径 (20)4.14警报,警告提示和错误代码 (20)4.15显示器按键 (21)4.15.1数字键 (21)4.15.2ENTER 确认键 (21)4.15.3去皮键 (21)4.15.4装备按键(Rigging Button) (21)4.16解除开关O VER-RIDE K EY-S WITCH (22)4.17旁路开关D ISABLE K EY S WITCH (I F F ITTED) (22)4.18RCI-8200通电 (22)4.18.1送电后 (23)4.19菜单导航 (23)4.19.1吊机参数改变菜单(Crane Configuration Change Menu) (23)4.19.2改变设置工况(CHANGE DUTY) (24)4.19.3改变绳数(倍率)CHANGE FALLS (24)数据存储和数据下载 (25)5力矩校准和调试(LEARNING THE BOOM FORCE) (26)5.1‘L EARNING THE B OOM F ORCE’力矩校准步骤 (26)6维护和保养 (28)6.1检查表 (28)6.2驾驶室内的项目 (29)6.3电气设备 (29)6.4维护之后的检查 (30)6.5记录 (30)6.6故障处理 (30)6.7故障代码表 (31)6.7.1不会出现错误代码的故障 (32)7配件 (34)8综合描述 (35)9附录 (37)9.1图纸 (37)9.2起重机参数表 (37)9.3起重机工况代码表 (37)使用本产品需要注意的事项电子超负荷保护器可以帮助操作者安全及有效地使用起重机. 我们还为您提供RCI-1550系统电子载荷表,以帮助操作者更安全和有效地操作起重机。

LTUR 振子水平开关产品说明书

LTUR 振子水平开关产品说明书

LTUR Series Tuning Fork Level SwitchContents1.Introduction (4)2.Feature (4)3.Dimensions (5)4.Terminals Arrangement (6)5.Output Description (7)6.Panel Function (8)7.Output Mode (9)8.Installation For Tuning Fork (10)1. IntroductionThe tuning fork level switch is a mechanical resonant device which excited by piezoelectric (PZT) elements. When the measured medium comes into contact with the tuning fork, it will change the feedback resonant frequency due to the damping resonances between the exciting PZT and receiving PZT. Bydetecting the frequency and appropriately tuning the sensitivity of tuning forklevel switch on measured material, such device can easily operate formonitoring the alarm level of measured material.2. Feature1. Providing a universal power supply for operating in voltage range of20 to 250 (Vac / Vdc).2. No calibration or complex setting procedure are needed, robust, free ofmaintenance.3. High / Low fail safe modes provide user the safety monitoring and real timecommunication.4. Equipped with Remote Self-Testing function (RST) to diagnostic the hardwareconnection with peripherals3. Dimensions4. Terminals ArrangementFig-1. SPDT contact output model Terminal Description:●L+, N-: Power Supply●NC, COM, No: Relay Output●RT1, RT2: Remote-Test● : Ground Connection●COM, NO: PNP/NPN OutputDescription of terminal functions:●L+, N-: Power Supply●NC, COM, No: Relay Output●RT1, RT2: Remote-Test●: Ground Connection●COM, NO: SSR(MOSFET) Output5. Output Description1. Make sure provide power supply (L+/N-) in range of 20 to 250(Vac or Vdc,50/60Hz)and output relay (Relay or PNP/NPN before wiring. Detail please see Fig-1.2. RT1 and RT2 are the testing points that easy user to verify the situation.When the RT1 and RT2 are in electric short, it means the measured materialis in contact with the tuning fork level switch.The Relay or PNP/NPN should be activated. In examining the tuning fork level switch, user will finds it keep excitation.3. Set OUTPUT MODE to FSH,Please refer to Fig 2 and 3:Relay contact output:a. When vibrating fork is not contacted with media or the bin is empty,Signalis switched on. Relay N.O and COM are connected.b. When vibrating fork is contacted with media, Signal is not switched on.Relay N.C and COM are connected.PNP/NPN contact output:a. When vibrating fork is not contacted with media or the bin is empty, Signalis switched on. Ourput transistor is connected and output functions.b. When vibrating fork is contacted with media, Signal is not switched on.MOSFET transistor is not connected and output doesn’t function.4. Adjust OUTPUT MODE to FSL. (Please refer to Fig. 2, 3)Relay contact output:a. When vibrating fork is not contacted with media or the bin is empty, Signalis not switched on. Relay N.C and COM are connected.b. When vibrating fork is contacted with media, Signal is switched on. RelayN.O and COM are connected.PNP/NPN contact output:a. When vibrating fork is not contacted with media or the bin is empty, Signalis not switched on. Output transistor is not connected and output doesn’tfunction.b. When vibrating fork is contacted with media, Signal is switched on. Outputtransistor is connected and output functions.6. Panel Function●PWR: Power Supply (Green Light)●SIGNAL: Output Indication (Red Light)●FSH: Power on. The signal LED is on and the relay acts.While the tuning fork level switch contacts with measured material, thesignal LED is off and the relay is in not act.●FSL: Power on. The signal LED is off and the relay is in not act.While the tuning fork level switch contacts with measured material, thesignal LED is on and the relay is in act.●SENSITIVITY L: Low Sensitivity●SENSITIVITY H: High SensitivityFig-2. Diagram of Relay contact outputFig-3. Diagram of PNP/NPN transistor outputSensitivity Adjustment/Calibration:Sensitivity knob located on the right side of the PCB board. It approximately allows22 turns for sensitivity adjustment. For higher sensitivity need, user please turn theknob clockwise toward H and counterclockwise toward L for lower sensitivity. Factory default is set in high. The physical contact point is located at 15mm from the tip of the fork and it will slightly moving upward or downward along the axis of fork while the sensitivity is changed. For example, the point will move downward for L sensitivity and vice versa. The total range of the physical contact point can be adjusted around 60mm.7. Output ModeFSH (FAIL-SAFE HIGH) PROTECTION:On the OUTPUT MODE, select Fail-Safe High Mode (FSH) and install the tuning fork switch at the high position.Relay Output:Normal Status: NO & COM contact of the relay are conducted and the Signal Lamp lights up when tuning fork level switch doesn't sense any materials.Failure: NC & COM contact of the relay are conducted and the Signal Lamp is out when tuning fork level switch senses the material or when there is power breakdown.PNP/NPN Output:Normal Status: Output is conducted and the Signal Lamp lights up when tuning fork level switch doesn't sense any materials.Failure: Output is not conducted and the Signal Lamp is out when tuning fork level switch senses the material or when there is power breakdown.FSL (FAIL-SAFE LOW) PROTECTION:On the OUTPUT MODE, select Fail-Safe Low Mode (FSL) and install the tuning fork switch at the low position.Relay Output:Normal Status: NO & COM contact of the relay are conducted and the Signal Lamp lights up when tuning fork level switch senses the materials.Failure: NC & COM contact of the relay are conducted and the Signal Lamp is out when tuning fork level switch does not sense the material or when there is power breakdown.PNP/NPN Output:Normal Status: Output is conducted and the Signal Lamp lights up when tuning fork level switch senses materials.Failure: Output is not conducted and the Signal Lamp is out when tuning fork level switch does not sense the material or when there is power breakdown.8. Installation For Tuning ForkHorizontal Installation:1. Can be applied in viscosity, powder, and liquid. Do not install near substanceinlet. (Figure 1)2. Conduit faces downward at installation. (Figure 2)3. To be installed with the surface of two fork blades facing each otherhorizontally. (Figure 3)(Figure 1) (Figure 2) (Figure 3) Vertical Installation:1. With high sensitivity, switching point is distanced 15mm away from the tip offork. (Figure 4)2. Opening of the two fork blades is to be as the flow direction. (Figure 5)3. Do not install near substance inlet. (Figure 6)(Figure 4) (Figure 5)(Figure 6)11M5734/0119 12。




产品特性西驰变频器具有以下特性:- 变频范围广:适用于多种工业场合,可满足不同的变频需求。

- 稳定性高:采用先进的控制算法和高质量的元器件,保证了变频器的稳定性和可靠性。

- 节能高效:通过电能调节,可以将电机的运行效率最大化,节约能源。

- 配置灵活:具有多种接口和通信方式,可方便地与其他设备进行集成和通讯。

- 操作简便:可通过操作面板或远程控制进行参数设置和监测,方便用户进行操作和维护。





安装方法1. 首先,确保安装环境干燥、通风良好,并且远离高温、高湿等影响设备正常工作的因素。

2. 将变频器放置在固定位置,使用螺丝将其固定在安装面上。

3. 将电源线与变频器的电源接口相连,确保连接稳固。

4. 将电机与变频器的输出接口相连,确保连接稳固。

5. 确保所有连接都正确安装,并对整个系统进行检查和测试。

使用方法参数设置1. 打开变频器的操作面板,进入参数设置界面。

2. 根据需要,设置相应的参数,如电压、频率、过载保护等。

3. 设置完成后,保存参数并退出设置界面。

启动和停止1. 确保所有连接正确安装。

2. 打开变频器的操作面板,按下启动按钮。

3. 变频器将开始向电机供电,电机开始工作。

4. 若要停止电机运行,按下停止按钮。

监测和维护1. 定期检查变频器的工作状态,如温度、电流等参数是否正常。

2. 如有异常情况,及时采取措施解决。

3. 定期对变频器进行维护,如清理灰尘、紧固螺丝等。

注意事项- 在安装和维护过程中,务必断开电源,以避免触电事故。

Endress+Hauser LVCN-80 级位传感器说明书

Endress+Hauser LVCN-80 级位传感器说明书

K K-26LVCN-80-12"shown smaller than actual size.LEVEL TRANSMITTER WITh BuILT-IN STILLINg WELLAppLiCAtioN The LVCN-80 level transmitter is the low-cost OEM and process solution to continuous level measurement. The transmitter is best applied in atmospheric vessels that contain non-coating or scaling-type liquids, including water, acid, and chemical solutions. The measurement tube also serves as a built-in still well to help separate the point of measurement from any surface foam caused by process agitation. Industrial liquid examples include sulfuric acid, ultra-pure water, and nitric acid.† For model with CE approval, add suffix “-CE” to model number for additional cost.CE-approved configuration complies with EN50082-2 immunity, EN55011 emission and EN 61010-1 safety standards.Product is available in lengths from 1 to 10' in 1⁄2" increments. The length must be specifiedwith the model number (example: LVCN-80-64.00") at the time of your order. For PVC or PP, additional costper foot for each foot or portion thereof up to 10'. For PVDF, additional cost per foot for each foot or portion thereof up to 10'. The length is measured from the top of the threads to the tip of the probe.Ordering Examples:LVCN-80-36, two-wire transmitter, PVC 3'.LVCN-80-12, two-wire transmitter, PVC 1'LVCN-80AppLiCAtioND IS C O N T I N U ED U 2-Wire Level transmitter with 4 to 20 mA output U Accurate and reliable Level Measurement from 0.3 to 3.0 m (1 to 10')U Low-Cost solution for broad range of oeM Applications U Not influenced by Changing Liquid Conductivity or Dielectric Values U All-plastic Construction with polypropylene Materials U true Union interface with standard pp, pVC, or pVDF pipe sections U standard pipe sections May be easily Cut to Length and Assembled in Minutes U Automatic temperature Compensation over entire range A sound wave is pulsed 5 timesper second from the base of the transducer. The sound wave travels down the measurement tube and reflects against the process medium before returning to the receiver. The electronics measure the time of flight between the sound generation and the receipt, and translates this figure into thedistance between the transmitterand the process medium below.speCiFiCAtioNsrange: 0.3 to 3 m (1 to 10’)Accuracy: ±1% of span resolution: 3 mm (0.125”)Frequency: 2 kHz (nominal)pulse rate: 5 pulses/second blocking Distance:51 mm (2”) minimum supply Voltage: 12 to 36 Vdcsignal output: 4 to 20 mA signal invert: 4 to 20 mA/20 to 4 mA Adjustment: Potentiometer indication: Power status temperature rating:-20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)temperature Compensation:Automatic over entire range pressure rating: Atmospheric pipe interface: 1⁄2”pipe Material: PVC, PP or PVDF enclosure rating: NEMA 4X (IP65)enclosure Mat’l: Polypropylene Mounting threads: 1 NPT Conduit Connection: 1⁄2 NPT thread Material: Polypropylene Diaphragm Material: Polyethylene。



Congratulations on your purchase of this Dual Super Lead (DSL) amplifier from Marshall Amplification.The DSL provides the legendary Marshall tone, allowing you to express your distinct playing style and attitude.From clean to distorted overdrives, the DSL 1 is a versatile all valve amp that allows you to easily dial in the sound you desire.This DSL amplifier not only delivers the tone you expect from a Super Lead amplifier it is also packed with an array of features such as an effects loop, power reduction and studio quality digital reverb.Your DSL has been specifically engineered to sound great at much lower volumes than its larger counterparts. This makes the amp ideal for use at home or other quiet environments.We hope you enjoy your DSL amplifier.- The Marshall TeamI NTRODUCTIONThe DSL 1 Head and DSL 1 Combo feature the same functions. The combo is equipped with an 8” Celestion Eight-15 speaker chosen for its ability to deliver exceptional tone at lower volumes.The DSL features two foot switchable channels: CLASSIC GAIN and ULTRA GAIN.The CLASSIC GAIN channel delivers sparkling clean sounds through to the more aggressive break-up of a Marshall JCM800 amplifier. The ULTRA GAIN channel provides even more distortion and break-up for players looking for higher gain tone from their amplifier.Both channels share a passive three-band EQ, with BASS, MIDDLE and TREBLEcontrols. The EQ section also features Tone Shift, which when activated reconfigures the pre-amp mid frequencies making DSL ideal for contemporary metal tones, especially when combined with higher gain settings.The DSL 1 features professional quality digital REVERB and a series FX LOOP , giving you rich valve tone at an ear-friendly volume.OVERVIEWPLEASE READ THIS MANUAL CAREFULLYBEFORE PLUGGING IN.FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND HEED ALL WARNINGS.KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interferencethat may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.CAUTION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B)COMPLIANCE STATEMENTWARNING:Before going any further, make sure that your amplifier is compatible with your mains electricity supply. If you have any doubt, please seek help from a qualified technician – your Marshall dealer can help you with this.MAINS INPUT & FUSE:The specific mains input voltage rating that your amplifier has been manufactured for is indicated on the rear panel of the amplifier. Your amplifier is provided with a detachable mains(power) lead, which should be connected to the MAINS INPUT socket on the rear panel of the amplifier (Rear Panel Function #12). The correct value and type ofmains fuse is specified on the rear panel of the amplifier.NEVER attempt to bypass the fuse or fit one of the incorrect value or type.TRANSPORTING YOUR EQUIPMENT: Please ensure that your amplifier is switched off, unplugged from the mains electricity supply and all removable cables have been disconnected from your equipment before attempting to move it.WARNING! IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT SET UP INFORMATION:1. When using the DSL1HR, orthe DSL1CR with an extension speaker cabinet, you must ensure that the speaker cabinet is of the correct impedance rating. See the LOUDSPEAKER guide in this manual for specific informationregarding impedance matching (Rear Panel Function #19). WARNING Failure to do the above may damage your amplifier. When connecting a speaker cabinet make sure that you use a proper speaker cable. Never use a screened (shielded) guitar cable for this purpose.2. Ensure that the POWER switch is set to the OFF position. (Front Panel Function #11)3. Connect the supplied mains (power) lead into the MAINS INPUT on the rear panel first and then into the mains electricity supply. (Rear Panel Functions #12)4. Ensure that the volume controls on the front panel are set to zero. (Front panel Functions #2 & #5)5. Plug your guitar into the INPUT jack socket. (Front Panel Function #1)6. Switch the amplifier ON using the POWER switch (Front Panel Function #11).7. Turn the selected channel volume up to your preferred level and your amplifier is ready to play.1. INPUTInput jack socket for your guitar cable. Use a good quality screened/shielded guitar cable to help prevent noise interference.CLASSIC GAIN CHANNEL2. VOLUMEControls the volume level of the CLASSIC GAIN channel.3. CHANNEL SELECTPress to switch between CLASSIC GAIN and ULTRA GAIN channels:The CLASSIC GAIN channel status light will illuminate green to indicate that CLASSIC GAIN channel is selected. The ULTRA GAIN channel status lightwill illuminate red to indicate the ULTRAGAIN channel is selected.Note: Channels can be selected using thesupplied footswitch.ULTRA GAIN CHANNEL4. GAINControls the gain level for the ULTRAGAIN channel. Running a higher gainsetting increases the level of distortionin your sound.5. VOLUMEControls the volume level of the ULTRAGAIN channel.EQUALISATION SECTION6. TONE SHIFTTone Shift reconfigures the preamp EQ,adding a new dimension to tonal shaping.7. TREBLEControls the higher frequency contentof your sound. Turning clockwise willincrease the highs making the soundbrighter and more crisp.8. MIDDLEControls the middle register of yoursound. Turning clockwise increasesthe level of mid frequencies in yoursound. Turning anti-clockwise reducesthe middle frequencies, ‘scooping’ thesound – this is accentuated when used inconjunction with Tone Shift (Front PanelFunction #6).9. BASSControls the amount of lower frequencyin your sound. Turning clockwise willincrease bottom-end making the soundfuller.Tonal Note: The EQ network is dynamic andhighly interactive. Please note that becauseof this, altering the setting of one controlcan change the way that the other controlsbehave – experiment to find your sound.10. REVERBControls the overall REVERB level.11. POWERMains power switch.DSL1CR FRONT PANELDSL1HR FRONT PANEL12. MAINS INPUTConnects the amplifier to the mains electricity supply.Note: The MAINS INPUT socket has an integrated fuse compartment. Ensure that the value of a replacement fuse matches the labelling on the amplifier rear panel. You MUST ALWAYS switch the amplifier OFF and disconnect it from the mains electricity supply before attempting to access the fuse compartment. If in doubt, contact your Marshall dealer.13. FX LOOP RETURNConnect the output of an external FX pedal or processor.14. FX LOOP SENDConnect the input of an external FX pedal or processor.15. F/SConnect the supplied channel footswitch here (PEDL-90011).16. AUDIO INConnect an external device here to practice with or jam along to music. 17. EMULATED OUTFrequency compensated line level output for headphones or for connection to a mixer. The DSL is equipped witha high quality emulated output using Softube-designed studio cabinetDSL1CR REAR PANELemulation. This ensures that your headphone and output signal from this socket provide the best possible tone for practice or recording.WARNING: When using the DSL1HR head for ‘silent’ practice or DI recording ALWAYS disconnect the speaker cabinet from the amplifier’s rear panel before switching on. NEVER unplug the speaker cable from the speaker cabinet while it is still connected to the amplifier rear panel. This may stress the amplifier’s power-stage and in extreme cases may lead to valve and/or transformer failure.18. LOW POWERUse LOW POWER to reduce power level from 1 Watt down to 0.1 Watt.19. LOUDSPEAKERConnect a single speaker cabinet here for the DSL1HR head, or a optional 1 x 16OHM extension speaker cabinet for the DSLCR combo.WARNING: Only ever connect a single1 x 16 Ohm speaker cabinet. Any other speaker configuration may stress the power amplifier section and in extreme cases may lead to valve and/or output transformer failure.DSL1HR REAR PANEL。

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www .be t l u m BL-S80X-11Features:20.4mm (0.8”) Single digit numeric display series. Low current operation.Excellent character appearance.Easy mounting on P .C. Boards or sockets. I.C. Compatible.ROHS Compliance.Super BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25) (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVFUnit:V Common CathodeCommon AnodeEmitted ColorMaterialλP (nm)Typ Max Iv TYP.(mcd)BL-S80C-11S-XX BL-S80D-11S-XX Hi Red GaAlAs/GaAs,SH 660 1.852.2050BL-S80C-11D-XX BL-S80D-11D-XX Super Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DH 660 1.852.2075 BL-S80C-11UR-XX BL-S80D-11UR-XX Ultra Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DDH6601.852.2085 BL-S80C-11E-XX BL-S80D-11E-XX Orange GaAsP/GaP635 2.102.5065 BL-S80C-11Y-XX BL-S80D-11Y-XX Yellow GaAsP/GaP 585 2.102.5065 BL-S80C-11G-XXBL-S80D-11G-XXGreenGaP/GaP 570 2.202.5065Ultra BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25) (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVFUnit:V Common Cathode Common AnodeEmitted Color MaterialλP(nm)Typ Max Iv TYP .(mcd)BL-S80C-11UHR-XX BL-S80D-11UHR-XX Ultra Red AlGaInP645 2.10 2.50 85 BL-S80C-11UE-XXBL-S80D-11UE-XXUltra Orange AlGaInP 630 2.10 2.50 70 BL-S80C-11YO-XX BL-S80D-11YO-XXUltra Amber AlGaInP 619 2.10 2.50 70 BL-S80C-11UY-XXBL-S80D-11UY-XX Ultra Yellow AlGaInP 590 2.10 2.50 70 BL-S80C-11UG-XX BL-S80D-11UG-XX Ultra Green AlGaInP574 2.20 2.50 75 BL-S80C-11PG-XX BL-S80D-11PG-XXUltra Pure Green InGaN 525 3.80 4.50 97.5 BL-S80C-11B-XX BL-S80D-11B-XX Ultra Blue InGaN 470 2.70 4.20 65 BL-S80C-11W-XXBL-S80D-11W-XXUltra WhiteInGaN/2.704.2080-XX: Surface / Lens colorNumber1 2 3 4 5 Ref Surface Color White Black Gray Red Green Epoxy Color WaterclearWhite diffusedRed DiffusedGreen DiffusedYellow Diffusedwww .be t l u m BL-S80X-11Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25)ParameterS D UR E Y G Unit Forward Current I F 25 2525 25 25 30 mA Power Dissipation P d 60 60 60 60 60 65 mW Reverse Voltage V R5 5 5 5 5 5 V Peak Forward Current I PF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150150150 150150150mAOperation Temperature T OPR -40 to +80 Storage Temperature T STG -40 to +85Lead Soldering Temperature T SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C) ParameterUHRUE YO UYUGPGUBUWUnitForward Current I F 30 3030 30 30 3030 30 mA Power Dissipation P d 75 65 65 65 75 110 120 120 mW Reverse Voltage V R55555 555V Peak Forward Current I PF (Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150150150150150150100100mA Operation Temperature T OPR -40 to +80Storage Temperature T STG-40 to +85Lead Soldering TemperatureT SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max. (1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)w.b e t l mBL-S80X-11Package configuration & Internal circuit diagram Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches)2. Tolerance is 0.25(0.01")unless otherwise noted.3. Specifications are subject to change without notice.w wwwu m BL-S80X-11Typical electrical-optical characteristics curves:1.00.503504004505005506006507007508008509009501000(A)(B)(C)(D)(2)(3)(8)(4)(1)(6)(5)(9)(10)Wavelength(nm)RELATIVE INTENSITY Vs WAVELENGTH()p (1) - GaAsP/GaAs 655nm/Red (2) - GaP 570nm/Yellow Green (3) - GaAsP/GaP 585nm/Yellow(4) - GaAsp/GaP 635nm/Orange & Hi-Eff Red (5) - GaP 700nm/Bright Red(6) - GaAlAs/GaAs 660nm/Super Red (8) - GaAsP/GaP 610nm/Super Red(9) - GaAlAs 880nm(10) - GaAs/GaAs & GaAlAs/GaAs 940nm (A) - GaN/SiC 430nm/Blue (B) - InGaN/SiC 470nm/Blue(C) - (D) - InGaN/SiC 505nm/Ultra Green InGaAl/SiC 525nm/Ultra Green504030201001.21.62.0 2.4 2.63.016345285040302010020406080100162,4,8,A 353210.50.20.1-30-20-10102030405060701542310987654321110100100010,00010KHz 3KHz1KHz 300KHz 100KHz F-REFRESH RATE100KHz 30KHz10KHz 3KHz 1KHz 300Hz 100Hz 10987654321110100100010,000FORWARD VOLT AGE (Vf)FORWARD CURRENT VS.FORWARD VOLTAGERELATIVE LUMINOUSINTENSITY VS. FORWARD CURRENTAMBIENT TEMPERATURE T a()FORWARD CURRENT VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATUREtp-PULSE DURATION uS (1,2,3,4,6,8,B.D.J.K)NOTE:25 free air temperature unless otherwise specifiedtp-PULSE DURATION uSFORWARD CURRENT(mA)FORWARD CURRENT (mA)RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYFORWARD CURRENT(mA)RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYAMBIENT TEMPERATURE T a()(5)Ipeak MAX.IDC MAX.Ipeak MAX.IDC MAX.。
