自己动手制作64位联想Windows 7旗舰版boot
自己动手制作64位联想Windows 7旗舰版boot.wim文件在远景看到制作联想OEM Windows 7 64位旗舰版boot.wim文件这篇帖子后,终于解决了无法安装联想OEM Windows 7 64位旗舰版的问题。
其实,与MS DN推出的Windows 7 64位旗舰版ISO文件相比,联想OEM Windows 7 64位旗舰版ISO文件就在于sources下的boot.wim文件不同而已。
boot.wim是win dows 7系统的启动库文件,OEM版包含了密钥、OEM信息、主题等文件。
我们完全可以借助一款软件,来修改这一个文件,从而制作成联想OEM Windows 7旗舰版boot.wim文件。
一、准备工作1、下载联想OEM windows7 32位旗舰版。
4、下载GImageX 2.0.17汉化版,解压备份。
二、修改boot.wim文件1、在windows7系统下,以管理员身份打开用UltraISO软件,打开刚才下载的联想oe m windows7 32位旗舰版,提取sources文件夹中的boot.wim到任意一个盘中。
以管理员身份运行GImageX 2.0.17汉化版文件夹下的GImageX程序。
(如果你现在的系统是32位的系统,请运行X86文件夹下的GIma geX程序;如果是64位的系统,请运行X64文件夹下的GImageX程序)3、选择选项卡中的“装载映像”。
已证实,新的批量授权版镜像是集成了GA Rollup A更新,并且更新了内置应用的版本。
微软已经针对R TM版本推送了GA Rollup A更新。
Win8.1正式版新镜像文件信息如下:Windows 8.1 Pro VL (x86) – DVD (Chinese-Simplified)文件名:cn_windows_8_1_pro_vl_x86_dvd_2972620.iso语言:Chinese – SimplifiedSHA1:6AC5615556753D3EC163651645C69B169C802DBCWindows 8.1 Pro VL (x64) – DVD (Chinese-Simplified)文件名:cn_windows_8_1_pro_vl_x64_dvd_2971907.iso语言:Chinese – SimplifiedSHA1:62711AD210B7872A30C1CE188A60724CEB4D606BWindows 8.1 Enterprise (x86) – DVD (Chinese-Simplified)文件名:cn_windows_8_1_enterprise_x86_dvd_2972257.iso 语言:Chinese – SimplifiedSHA1:CA89F9E297BF7E10D714E6316EAC85BED485D071 Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64) – DVD (Chinese-Simplified)文件名:cn_windows_8_1_enterprise_x64_dvd_2971863.iso 语言:Chinese – SimplifiedSHA1:FBC9DF261E6DBF3E0027A835C7A593D8B524BB73 Windows 8.1 Pro VL (x86) – DVD (English)文件名:en_windows_8_1_pro_vl_x86_dvd_2972633.iso语言:EnglishSHA1:9F1FCEC3B267EDB6F3BD02566BC889BB4A372BFD Windows 8.1 Pro VL (x64) – DVD (English)文件名:en_windows_8_1_pro_vl_x64_dvd_2971948.iso语言:EnglishSHA1:CFCDF895679A5116F7F1C6406C20F99A1F850E49 Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86) – DVD (English)文件名:en_windows_8_1_enterprise_x86_dvd_2972289.iso 语言:EnglishSHA1:5EFB981C94E1223C85F3BB504D04E0642A85C1D4Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64) – DVD (English)文件名:en_windows_8_1_enterprise_x64_dvd_2971902.iso语言:EnglishSHA1:AE792B2EF982DAC7391224B624EAB8D6340D78AB===========================================有朋友拿此次镜像更新与当初Win7 RTM时的16384和16385情况类比,要注意二者情况是不同的。
NXP SCM-i.MX 6 Series Yocto Linux 用户指南说明书
© 2017 NXP B.V.SCM-i.MX 6 Series Yocto Linux User'sGuide1. IntroductionThe NXP SCM Linux BSP (Board Support Package) leverages the existing i.MX 6 Linux BSP release L4.1.15-2.0.0. The i.MX Linux BSP is a collection of binary files, source code, and support files that can be used to create a U-Boot bootloader, a Linux kernel image, and a root file system. The Yocto Project is the framework of choice to build the images described in this document, although other methods can be also used.The purpose of this document is to explain how to build an image and install the Linux BSP using the Yocto Project build environment on the SCM-i.MX 6Dual/Quad Quick Start (QWKS) board and the SCM-i.MX 6SoloX Evaluation Board (EVB). This release supports these SCM-i.MX 6 Series boards:• Quick Start Board for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad (QWKS-SCMIMX6DQ)• Evaluation Board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX (EVB-SCMIMX6SX)NXP Semiconductors Document Number: SCMIMX6LRNUGUser's GuideRev. L4.1.15-2.0.0-ga , 04/2017Contents1. Introduction........................................................................ 1 1.1. Supporting documents ............................................ 22. Enabling Linux OS for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad/SoloX .. 2 2.1. Host setup ............................................................... 2 2.2. Host packages ......................................................... 23.Building Linux OS for SCM i.MX platforms .................... 3 3.1. Setting up the Repo utility ...................................... 3 3.2. Installing Yocto Project layers ................................ 3 3.3. Building the Yocto image ....................................... 4 3.4. Choosing a graphical back end ............................... 4 4. Deploying the image .......................................................... 5 4.1. Flashing the SD card image .................................... 5 4.2. MFGTool (Manufacturing Tool) ............................ 6 5. Specifying displays ............................................................ 6 6. Reset and boot switch configuration .................................. 7 6.1. Boot switch settings for QWKS SCM-i.MX 6D/Q . 7 6.2. Boot switch settings for EVB SCM-i.MX 6SoloX . 8 7. SCM uboot and kernel repos .............................................. 8 8. References.......................................................................... 8 9.Revision history (9)Enabling Linux OS for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad/SoloX1.1. Supporting documentsThese documents provide additional information and can be found at the NXP webpage (L4.1.15-2.0.0_LINUX_DOCS):•i.MX Linux® Release Notes—Provides the release information.•i.MX Linux® User's Guide—Contains the information on installing the U-Boot and Linux OS and using the i.MX-specific features.•i.MX Yocto Project User's Guide—Contains the instructions for setting up and building the Linux OS in the Yocto Project.•i.MX Linux®Reference Manual—Contains the information about the Linux drivers for i.MX.•i.MX BSP Porting Guide—Contains the instructions to port the BSP to a new board.These quick start guides contain basic information about the board and its setup:•QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q Quick Start Guide•Evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX Quick Start Guide2. Enabling Linux OS for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad/SoloXThis section describes how to obtain the SCM-related build environment for Yocto. This assumes that you are familiar with the standard i.MX Yocto Linux OS BSP environment and build process. If you are not familiar with this process, see the NXP Yocto Project User’s Guide (available at L4.1.15-2.0.0_LINUX_DOCS).2.1. Host setupTo get the Yocto Project expected behavior on a Linux OS host machine, install the packages and utilities described below. The hard disk space required on the host machine is an important consideration. For example, when building on a machine running Ubuntu, the minimum hard disk space required is about 50 GB for the X11 backend. It is recommended that at least 120 GB is provided, which is enough to compile any backend.The minimum recommended Ubuntu version is 14.04, but the builds for dizzy work on 12.04 (or later). Earlier versions may cause the Yocto Project build setup to fail, because it requires python versions only available on Ubuntu 12.04 (or later). See the Yocto Project reference manual for more information.2.2. Host packagesThe Yocto Project build requires that the packages documented under the Yocto Project are installed for the build. Visit the Yocto Project Quick Start at /docs/current/yocto-project-qs/yocto-project-qs.html and check for the packages that must be installed on your build machine.The essential Yocto Project host packages are:$ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-devThe i.MX layers’ host packages for the Ubuntu 12.04 (or 14.04) host setup are:$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev xterm sed cvs subversion coreutils texi2html docbook-utils python-pysqlite2 help2man make gcc g++ desktop-file-utils libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial autoconf automake groff curl lzop asciidocThe i.MX layers’ host packages for the Ubuntu 12.04 host setup are:$ sudo apt-get install uboot-mkimageThe i.MX layers’ host packages for the Ubuntu 14.04 host s etup are:$ sudo apt-get install u-boot-toolsThe configuration tool uses the default version of grep that is on your build machine. If there is a different version of grep in your path, it may cause the builds to fail. One workaround is to rename the special versi on to something not containing “grep”.3. Building Linux OS for SCM i.MX platforms3.1. Setting up the Repo utilityRepo is a tool built on top of GIT, which makes it easier to manage projects that contain multiple repositories that do not have to be on the same server. Repo complements the layered nature of the Yocto Project very well, making it easier for customers to add their own layers to the BSP.To install the Repo utility, perform these steps:1.Create a bin folder in the home directory.$ mkdir ~/bin (this step may not be needed if the bin folder already exists)$ curl /git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo2.Add this line to the .bashrc file to ensure that the ~/bin folder is in your PATH variable:$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH3.2. Installing Yocto Project layersAll the SCM-related changes are collected in the new meta-nxp-imx-scm layer, which is obtained through the Repo sync pointing to the corresponding scm-imx branch.Make sure that GIT is set up properly with these commands:$ git config --global "Your Name"$ git config --global "Your Email"$ git config --listThe NXP Yocto Project BSP Release directory contains the sources directory, which contains the recipes used to build, one (or more) build directories, and a set of scripts used to set up the environment. The recipes used to build the project come from both the community and NXP. The Yocto Project layers are downloaded to the sources directory. This sets up the recipes that are used to build the project. The following code snippets show how to set up the SCM L4.1.15-2.0.0_ga Yocto environment for the SCM-i.MX 6 QWKS board and the evaluation board. In this example, a directory called fsl-arm-yocto-bsp is created for the project. Any name can be used instead of this.Building Linux OS for SCM i.MX platforms3.2.1. SCM-i.MX 6D/Q quick start board$ mkdir fsl-arm-yocto-bsp$ cd fsl-arm-yocto-bsp$ repo init -u git:///imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-4.1-krogoth -m scm-imx-4.1.15-2.0.0.xml$ repo sync3.2.2. SCM-i.MX 6SoloX evaluation board$ mkdir my-evb_6sxscm-yocto-bsp$ cd my-evb_6sxscm-yocto-bsp$ repo init -u git:///imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-4.1-krogoth -m scm-imx-4.1.15-2.0.0.xml$ repo sync3.3. Building the Yocto imageNote that the quick start board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q and the evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX are commercially available with a 1 GB LPDDR2 PoP memory configuration.This release supports the imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks, imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks-rev3, and imx6sxscm-1gb-evb. Set the machine configuration in MACHINE= in the following section.3.3.1. Choosing a machineChoose the machine configuration that matches your reference board.•imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks (QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6DQ with 1 GB LPDDR2 PoP)•imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks-rev3 (QWKS board Rev C for SCM-i.MX 6DQ with 1GB LPDDR2 PoP) •imx6sxscm-1gb-evb (EVB for SCM-i.MX 6SX with 1 GB LPDDR2 PoP)3.4. Choosing a graphical back endBefore the setup, choose a graphical back end. The default is X11.Choose one of these graphical back ends:•X11•Wayland: using the Weston compositor•XWayland•FrameBufferSpecify the machine configuration for each graphical back end.The following are examples of building the Yocto image for each back end using the QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q and the evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX. Do not forget to replace the machine configuration with what matches your reference board.3.4.1. X11 image on QWKS board Rev C for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-x11 imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks-rev3 source -b build-x11$ bitbake fsl-image-gui3.4.2. FrameBuffer image on evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SX$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-fb MACHINE=imx6sxscm-1gb-evb source –b build-fb-evb_6sxscm$ bitbake fsl-image-qt53.4.3. XWayland image on QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks source –b build-xwayland$ bitbake fsl-image-gui3.4.4. Wayland image on QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks source -b build-wayland$ bitbake fsl-image-qt5The fsl-setup-release script installs the meta-fsl-bsp-release layer and configures theDISTRO_FEATURES required to choose the graphical back end. The –b parameter specifies the build directory target. In this build directory, the conf directory that contains the local.conf file is created from the setup where the MACHINE and DISTRO_FEATURES are set. The meta-fslbsp-release layer is added into the bblayer.conf file in the conf directory under the build directory specified by the –e parameter.4. Deploying the imageAfter the build is complete, the created image resides in the <build directory>/tmp/deploy/images directory. The image is (for the most part) specific to the machine set in the environment setup. Each image build creates the U-Boot, kernel, and image type based on the IMAGE_FSTYPES defined in the machine configuration file. Most machine configurations provide the SD card image (.sdcard), ext4, and tar.bz2. The ext4 is the root file system only. The .sdcard image contains the U-Boot, kernel, and rootfs, completely set up for use on an SD card.4.1. Flashing the SD card imageThe SD card image provides the full system to boot with the U-Boot and kernel. To flash the SD card image, run this command:$ sudo dd if=<image name>.sdcard of=/dev/sd<partition> bs=1M && syncFor more information about flashing, see “P reparing an SD/MMC Card to Boot” in the i.MX Linux User's Guide (document IMXLUG).Specifying displays4.2. MFGTool (Manufacturing Tool)MFGTool is one of the ways to place the image on a device. To download the manufacturing tool for the SCM-i.MX 6D/Q and for details on how to use it, download the SCM-i.MX 6 Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux 4.1.15-2.0.0 under the "Downloads" tab from /qwks-scm-imx6dq. Similarly, download the manufacturing tool for the SCM-i.MX 6SoloX evaluation board under the "Downloads" tab from /evb-scm-imx6sx.5. Specifying displaysSpecify the display information on the Linux OS boot command line. It is not dependent on the source of the Linux OS image. If nothing is specified for the display, the settings in the device tree are used. Find the specific parameters in the i.MX 6 Release Notes L4.1.15-2.0.0 (available at L4.1.15-2.0.0_LINUX_DOCS). The examples are shown in the following subsections. Interrupt the auto-boot and enter the following commands.5.1.1. Display options for QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/QHDMI displayU-Boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp}root=${mmcroot} video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24'U-Boot > run bootcmd5.1.2. Display options for EVB for SCM-i.MX 6SXNote that the SCM-i.MX 6SX EVB supports HDMI with a HDMI accessory card (MCIMXHDMICARD) that plugs into the LCD connector on the EVB.Accessory boards:•The LVDS connector pairs with the NXP MCIMX-LVDS1 LCD display board.•The LCD expansion connector (parallel, 24-bit) pairs with the NXP MCIMXHDMICARD adapter board.LVDS displayU-Boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp}root=${mmcroot} ${dmfc} video=mxcfb0:dev=ldb,1024x768M@60,if=RGB666 ldb=sep0'U-Boot > run bootcmdHDMI display (dual display for the HDMI as primary and the LVDS as secondary)U-Boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp}root=${mmcroot} video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24video=mxcfb1:dev=ldb,LDBXGA,if=RGB666'U-Boot > run bootcmdLCD displayu-boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs}root=${mmcroot} rootwait rw video=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,if=RGB565'u-boot> run bootcmd6. Reset and boot switch configuration6.1. Boot switch settings for QWKS SCM-i.MX 6D/QThere are two push-button switches on the QWKS-SCMIMX6DQ board. SW1 (SW3 for QWKS board Rev B) is the system reset that resets the PMIC. SW2 is the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad on/off button that is needed for Android.There are three boot options. The board can boot either from the internal SPI-NOR flash inside the SCM-i.MX6Dual/6Quad or from either of the two SD card slots. The following table shows the switch settings for the boot options.Table 1.Boot configuration switch settingsBoot from top SD slot (SD3)Boot from bottom SD slot (SD2)Boot from internal SPI NORDefault1.References6.2. Boot switch settings for EVB SCM-i.MX 6SoloXThis table shows the jumper configuration to boot the evaluation board from the SD card slot SD3.7. SCM uboot and kernel repositoriesThe kernel and uboot patches for both SCM-i.MX 6 QWKS board and evaluation board are integrated in specific git repositories. Below are the git repos for SCM-i.MX 6 uboot and kernel:uBoot repo: /git/cgit.cgi/imx/uboot-imx.gitSCM Branch: scm-imx_v2016.03_4.1.15_2.0.0_gakernel repo: /git/cgit.cgi/imx/linux-imx.gitSCM branch: scm-imx_4.1.15_2.0.0_ga8. References1.For details about setting up the Host and Yocto Project, see the NXP Yocto Project User’s Guide(document IMXLXYOCTOUG).2.For information about downloading images using U-Boot, see “Downloading images usingU-Boot” in the i.MX Linux User's Guide (document IMXLUG).3.For information about setting up the SD/MMC card, see “P reparing an SD/MMC card to boot” inthe i.MX Linux User's Guide (document IMXLUG).9. Revision historyDocument Number: SCMIMX6LRNUGRev. L4.1.15-2.0.0-ga04/2017How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: /supportInformation in this document is provided solely to enable system and softwareimplementers to use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequentia l or incidental damages. “Typical”parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be valida ted for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions .NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD, Freescale, and the Freescale logo are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.ARM, the ARM Powered logo, and Cortex are registered trademarks of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved. © 2017 NXP B.V.。
Windows Server 2012 R2 快速入门指南说明书
For more information about the installation options, what is included with each option, how to switch between them, and related features such as the Minimal Server Interface and Features on Demand, see Windows Server Installation Options at /fwlink/p/?LinkId=242140.
Automated Installation You can automate Windows Server installation by using the tools and documentation in the Windows Assessment and Deployment mating deployment eliminates the need for any user interaction during installation. In addition, you can configure different options within the operating system, such as Internet Explorer settings and network settings.
The two installation options are available for most Windows Server editions. Not all server roles and features are available in all editions. For details about the roles and features available in each Windows Server edition, see /fwlink/p/?LinkId=251499
⾸先我们先看⼀下从iPhone中随机抽出的⼀个Crash⽇志://1. 进程信息Hardware Model: iPhone9,1Process: com.sogou.sogouinput.BaseKeyboard[4447]Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D121D4D7-C3EE-4861-B5AF-10C367749E24/ Identifier: com.sogou.sogouinput-.basekeyboardVersion: 79794 (4.1.0)Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)Role: ForegroundParent Process: launchd [1]Coalition: com.sogou.sogouinput-.basekeyboard[4557]//2. 基本信息Date/Time: 2016-11-22 18:55:46.2041 +0800Launch Time: 2016-11-22 18:55:45.4011 +0800OS Version: iPhone OS 10.0.2 (14A456)Report Version: 104//3. 异常信息Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)Exception Subtype:KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x006e006e00000010Triggered byThread: 7//4. 线程回溯(显⽰发⽣crash线程的信息)Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: 0:0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000185fa016cmach_msg_trap + 81 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000185f9ffdcmach_msg + 722 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186f9dcec __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 1923 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186f9b908 __CFRunLoopRun + 11324 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186eca048 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 4445 GraphicsServices 0x000000018894d198GSEventRunModal + 1806 UIKit 0x000000018cea4628 -[UIApplication _run] + 684Thread 7 name: SGInputThreadThread 7 Crashed:0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x0000000185eda77cfclose + 401 libsystem_c.dylib 0x0000000185eda778fclose + 362 ...gou.sogouinput.BaseKeyboard 0x000000010034e420 t_fileRead::Close()(t_file.cpp:251)3 ...gou.sogouinput.BaseKeyboard 0x000000010034e49c t_fileRead::Open(unsignedshort const*) (t_file.cpp:221)4 ...gou.sogouinput.BaseKeyboard 0x00000001002ac8f4t_lbsDict::AddSCD(unsigned short const*, int) (t_lbsDict.cpp:218)5 ...gou.sogouinput.BaseKeyboard 0x00000001003f718ct_convertInterface::AddSCD(unsigned short const*, int)(t_convertInterface.cpp:544)6 ...gou.sogouinput.BaseKeyboard 0x0000000100362478t_pyDictInterface::BuildExtDict(unsigned short const*, s_cellDictInput*,s_cellDictOutput*) (Dict.cpp:961)//5. 进程状态Thread 7 crashedwith ARM Thread State (64-bit):x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1:0x0000000185f1b89c x2: 0x0000000000000000 x3:0x00000001080e422cx4: 0x0000000100000001 x5:0x0000000000000001 x6: 0x0000000000000000 x7: 0x0000000000000000x8: 0x000000004f4e4345 x9:0x0000000000000038 x10: 0x0000000000000010 x11:0x000000000000001fx12: 0x000000000000000d fp:0x000000016e399d50 lr: 0x0000000185eda778 sp:0x000000016e399d40pc:0x0000000185eda77c cpsr:0x20000000//6. ⼆进制映像Binary Images:0x100fa8000 -0x100fd7fff dyld arm64 <fc8715469f7b30228b67a5ae12cadf10> /usr/lib/dyld0x102a88000 -0x102a8ffff sdk.dylib arm64 <5d710be25db4309d8b5e344066a9cb29>/System/Library/Caches/ -0x1859a5fff libSystem.B.dylib arm64 <8788325e11bc31a39b075a3497d26ebd> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib0x1859a6000 -0x1859fbfff libc++.1.dylib arm64 <95f6dd603b933208ba95cc2d84613c54> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib0x1859fc000 -0x185a1cfff libc++abi.dylib arm64 <286b3adc78d1308eaa0d6f10914b1fa7>⽇志组成分析:在上述六个部分中,我们最需要关注的是异常信息和线程回溯的内容。
Adobe Acrobat SDK 开发者指南说明书
This guide is governed by the Adobe Acrobat SDK License Agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this agreement. Except as permitted by any such agreement, no part of this guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Adobe. Please note that the content in this guide is protected under copyright law.
微软IE补丁-KB2786081-双语介绍当注销或重启安装了 Windows 7 SP1 或 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 的计算机后,Internet Explorer 10 不保存网站凭据Internet Explorer 10 does not save credentials for a website after you log off or restart a computer that is running Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1问题现象 - Symptoms请考虑以下情形:Consider the following scenario:在正在运行Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 或Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 的计算机上已安装 Internet Explorer 10。
Internet Explorer 10 is installed on a computer that is running Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.您浏览的网站时,将提示您输入用户名和密码才能登录。
You browse to a website that prompts you to enter a user name and password to sign in.您输入的用户名和密码,配置 Internet Explorer 保存的凭据,然后您登录到网站。
You enter a user name and password, you configure Internet Explorer to save the credentials, and then you sign in to the website.您可执行下列操作之一:You preform one of the following operations:从计算机注销,然后再登录到该计算机。
Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd. Wavit11 User's Manual.p
Wavit11 User’s Manual Revision 1.01Revision HistoryDecember 6, 2001 Revision 1.0 Translated from Japanese edition (Rev. 1.0) January 19, 2002 Revision 1.01 Regulatory Compliance Notice changedContentsRevision History (2)About This Guide (5)Regulatory Compliance Notices (6)1. Preface (8)1. Preface (8)2. Accompanied Accessories (8)3. Features (8)4. How to use Wavit11 (9)5. About Wireless LAN Network (10)5.1. Ad-Hoc LAN (11)5.2. IBSS LAN (12)5.3. Infrastructure LAN (13)5.4. Wireless Bridge (14)6. Installation method of Wavit11 Configuration Utility (15)6.1. Microsoft Windows Version (16)6.2. Confirm an Ethernet port (17)6.3. Confirm the TCP/IP protocol (19)6.4. Confirm an IP Address (25)6.5. Installation of the Wavit11Configuration Utility (28)7. Wavit11 Set Up (33)7.1. How to Start the Wavit11Configuration Utility (34)7.2. How to setup the Ad-Hoc mode (38)7.3. How to Setup the 802.11 Ad-Hoc mode (41)7.4. How to Setup the Infrastructure mode (44)7.5. How to Setup the Both mode (47)7.6. How to Setup the AP mode (51)7.7. How to Setup the Wireless Bridge Mode (55)7.8. How to Change the Wavit11 IP address (59)7.9. How to Change the Control Password (61)7.10. Wavit11 Initialization (63)8. Encryption Setting (65)8.1. Encryption setting (65)8.2. Original Encryption (68)8.2. 40bit WEP Encryption (71)8.3. 128bit WEP Encryption (74)8.4. Encryption Disable (77)9. Wavit11Setting up (79)9.1. Connection to personal computer (80)9.2. Connection to Printer (81)9.3. Connection to Network Equipment (82)10. Items that can be set with Configuration Utility (83)10.1. Operational Mode (84)10.2. SS ID (85)10.3. Channel (86)10.4. Data Rate (87)10.5. Roaming (88)10.6. Hidden Node Compensation (89)10.7. Details (90)10.8. RTS Threshold (91)10.9. Fragmentation Threshold (92)10.10. Short Retry Limit (93)10.11. Long Retry Limit (94)10.12. Beacon Interval (95)10.13. SSID transmission (96)10.14. Authentication Algorithm (97)10.15. Basic Rate Set (98)10.16. Encryption mode (99)10.17. Encryption Key (100)10.18. Default Key (101)10.19. Destination Address (102)11. Interoperability with third vendor wireless LAN (103)11.1. Confirmed wireless LAN card (103)11.2. Confirmed Access Point (104)11.3. Setting (105)12. Troubleshooting (106)13. Specifications (108)About This GuideAbsolutely do not do the operation when the instruction is given with this mark.Please pay attention in the case you do the operation indicated with this mark.The relevant usage is explained. Please refer, as occasion demands. This is for an explanation such as terminology.Regulatory Compliance NoticesWavit is a registered trademark of Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.Wi-Fi TM is a registered trademark of Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance. RC4 is a registered trademark of RSA Security Inc. in United State and other country.Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.All company names and product names are trademark of their respective companies.Mitsumi are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the Wavit11 Wireless LAN.Mitsumi hold the copyright on this User’s Manual. Anyone cannot copy or reproduce this User’s manual unless Mitsumi grant agreement in writing form.If this product is used near the television set or radio receiver, the TV display may be sometimes disturbed or the noise may be heard in audio output. In such a situation, it will be necessary to install this product far from TV and radio set. This product may affect the medical apparatus, so you cannot install this product inside a hospital.If you install this product near the microwave oven,communication performances may degrade due to the radio waveemitted from microwave oven. Install this product far from microwave oven or prevent from the simultaneous usage.Accompanied AC adapter is designed for 117volts AC use only.The use of AC other than 117volts is dangerous and not permitted.The use of other AC adapters is prohibited. If other AC adapters were used, the product would heat or it may lead to a fire.1. PrefaceThank you for purchasing the Wavit11. This user’s manual includes various notices to allow you to use the Wavit11 safely and properly. Keep this anytime and read carefully. In this way, you can always refer to this.2. Accompanied AccessoriesThe following accessories are accompanied to Wavit11.If you could not check all accessories, contact with the distributor.AccessoriesItem QuantityNoteWavit11 Wireless LAN 1AC Adapter 1Ethernet Cable 1 Straight Cable (1m)Wall Mount Attachment 1User’s Manual 1 This documentWavit11 Configuration Utility 1 3.5 inch Floppy disk3. FeaturesThe Wavit11 is standalone wireless LAN with 10BASE-T interface. When using Wavit11, you can install wireless network not only to personal computers but also to printer and other network equipment that have 10BASE-T ports. The Wavit11 is connected to network devices with 10BASE-T cable, so you do not need to install device drivers to set up Wavit11.The Wavit11 operates as Access Point that supports up to 16 Wavit11. Also, it operates as Wireless Bridge. Wireless Bridge connects two networks that are physically separated by two Wavit11s.Wavit11Wireless LANAC Adapter EthernetCableWall MountAttachmentUsersManual ConfigurationUtility5. About Wireless LAN NetworkThere are 4 types of wireless LAN network that using Wavit11.Make a selection according to the usage of the wireless LAN network. Wireless LAN Type FunctionAd-Hoc LAN The network consists of only wireless clients.IBSS LAN The network consists of only wireless clients. Infrastructure LAN The network combined both wired and wireless clients. Wireless Bridge The network connects two networks wirelessly.5.1. Ad-Hoc LANThe Ad-Hoc LAN is a network consisting of only wireless LAN. It is the network that does not connect to the Ethernet backbone and external network such as Internet. There is not a restriction on the number of wireless LAN units in the Ad-Hoc LAN.Set the communication mode of Wavit11 to “Ad-Hoc” mode.5.2. IBSS LANThe IBSS LAN is a network of only wireless LAN. It is the network that does not communicate to the Ethernet backbone and external network such as Internet. There is not a restriction on the number of wireless LAN units in the IBSS LAN. Set the communication mode of Wavit11 to “802.11 Ad-Hoc” mode.5.3. Infrastructure LANCommunication is established via an Access Point in the infrastructure LAN, therefore direct communication with other Wavit11s is not possible. This is the network that is used in such an occasion where Ethernet is being connected to Access Point and Internet access is carried out through Ethernet.Set the communication mode of one Wavit11 to “AP” mode and set the other Wavit11 communication mode to “Infrastructure” mode.5.4. Wireless BridgeThe Wireless Bridge connects two wired network using two Wavit11. The maximum number of network equipment that can be connected to wired LAN is 16.Set the communication mode of Wavit11 to “Wireless Bridge” mode.6. Installation method of Wavit11 Configuration Utility6.1. Microsoft Windows VersionWavit11 Configuration Utility runs on Microsoft Windows of the following version.OS Status NotesWindows95 Install 4.01 or above Internet Explorer Windows95 OSR2 Install 4.01 or above Internet Explorer Windows95OSR2.5Install 4.01 or above Internet Explorer Windows98 OKWindows98 SE OKWindows Me OKWindows NT 4.0 WorkStation Install 4.01 or above Internet Explorer Windows NT SP3 is required to install Internet Explorer 4.01.Windows 2000 OK Windows XP OK6.2. Confirm an Ethernet portWavit11 Configuration Utility should be installed to the personal computer with Ethernet port. Also, the device driver needs to be set up appropriately. Confirm in accordance with the following procedure.[STEP1] Select “Start”->”Setting”->”Control Panel”.[STEP2] Click “Network” icon in the control panel.[STEP3] Check to see t hat an Ethernet adapter is installed in “Configuration” page.[STEP4] Click the “Cancel” button.6.3. Confirm the TCP/IP protocolThe TCP/IP protocol should be installed to the personal computer with Wavit11 Configuration Utility. It is necessary that Wavit11 Configuration Utility is set up appropriately. Confirm the TCP/IP protocol in accordance with the following procedure.[STEP1] Select “Start”->”Setting”->”Control Panel”[STEP2] Click “Network” icon in the “Control Panel”.[STEP3] Check to see that the relevant TCP/IP protocol is installed that corresponds to the Ethernet adapter used in the “Configuration” page. Select TCP/IP protocol corresponding to the Ethernet adapter and click the “Properties” button.[STEP4] Confirm your selection in the “IP address” page. Which one is selected, either “Obtain an IP address automatically” or “Specify an IP address”?[STEP5] Click “Cancel” button.[STEP6] Click “Cancel” button.[STEP10] In the case that “Specify an IP address” is selected in the “IP Address” page, check that the “IP Address” and “Subnet Mask” are set.[STEP11] Click the “Cancel” button.[STEP12] Click the “Cancel” button.6.4. Confirm an IP Address[STEP1] Click “Start”->”Run”[STEP2] Input “winipcfg” to “Open” and click “OK” button.[STEP3] Select Ethernet adapter at “Adapter Address” in “IP Configuration” window.[STEP4] Confirm the “IP Address” and “Subnet Mask”.[STEP5] Click “OK” button.6.5. Installation of the Wavit11Configuration Utility [STEP1] Insert Wavit11Configuration Utility disk to drive A. [STEP2] Click “My Computer” icon.[STEP3] Click “3.5 ½ floppy (A:)” icon.[STEP4] Click “Setup” icon.The “Install Shield Wizard” window appears.[STEP5] Click the “Next>” button in “Install Shield Wizard” window.[STEP6] Select “Destination Folder”. Click “Next>” button to install the Configuration Utility to the default folder. Click the “Browse” button in the case that you want to install to a different folder.[STEP7] Select Program Folder. Click “Next>” button if you agree the default folder. If you prefer to install it to another folder, select from the “Existing Folders” and click “Next” button.The “Setup Status” appears.[STEP8] Install Shield Wizard Complete appears. Click the “Finish” button.。
ID: F:
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Filesystem Descriptor:
LfoFilesystemManager diagnostic...
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Date : Thu Nov 28 19:36:58 2013
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Message: Arguments must be preceeded with a '-' or a '/'
Version: (Nov 14 2007, Build=1573)
Type Disk
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Desc X: [Boot]
Type Disk
一、卸载KB3146706补丁首先制作一个U盘启动盘,其次把电脑启动项改为U盘启动,进入U盘启动WinPe 系统,找到新更新的KB3146706补丁并卸载即可!卸载方法为在PE命令提示符用中如下命令进行卸载:32位dism /Image:C:\ /Remove-Package/PackageName:Package_for_KB3146706~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~位dism /Image:C:\ /Remove-Package/PackageName:Package_for_KB3146706~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~需要注意的是,如果你手中有可启动的Windows PE系统光盘或者快启动U盘,可以直接以此启动进入PE系统,然后运行bat文件。
如果你没有U盘启动盘,可用Windows7/Windows 8.1/Windows10系统光盘代替。
二、U盘重装系统安装ghost win7之前,我们需要做好下面工作:①制作好一个U盘启动盘。
②从网上下载一个ghost win7系统镜像文件,并将其存放到u盘中。
完成上述准备工作后,便可以开始安装ghost win7:1、将准备好的u盘插入电脑usb接口,接着开启电脑,等到屏幕上出现开机画面后按快捷键进入到主菜单页面,选择“【03】运行Win8PE防蓝屏版(新机器)”,回车确认,如下图所示:2、进入到pe系统桌面后,系统会自启一键装机工具,在工具界面点击“浏览”按钮,如下图所示:3、随后会弹出一个窗口,我们点击打开u盘,并选中ghost win7系统镜像文件,然后点击“打开”按钮即可,如下图所示:4、添加完系统镜像文件后,在磁盘分区列表中选择C盘作为系统盘,然后点击“确定”按钮,如下图所示:5、此时会弹出一个窗口,询问是否执行还原操作,我们只需点击“确定”按钮即可,如下图所示:6、接着程序便会开始释放系统镜像文件,我们只需耐心等待操作完成并重启即可,如下图所示:完成以上操作后,电脑重启后便会自动进入到ghost win7桌面。
WinlicenseWinlicenseBy VirusWizard今天第一次接触Themida/Winlicense,基本上都是脚本,算不上什么技术,但作为实验,记录一下。
我这里的Base是01015000,所以对应的代码修改成:mov tmdbase, 01015000接下来用StrongOD,选项全部勾上,开始跑脚本。
跑完脚本之后,来到这里:01007568 68 BA750001 push 010075BA0100756D 64:A1 00000000 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[0]01007573 50 push eax01007574 8B4424 10 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+10]01007578 896C24 10 mov dword ptr [esp+10], ebp0100757C 8D6C24 10 lea ebp, dword ptr [esp+10]01007580 2BE0 sub esp, eax01007582 53 push ebx01007583 56 push esi01007584 57 push edi01007585 8B45 F8 mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-8]01007588 8965 E8 mov dword ptr [ebp-18], esp0100758B 50 push eax0100758C 8B45 FC mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-4]0100758F C745 FC FFFFFFF>mov dword ptr [ebp-4], -101007596 8945 F8 mov dword ptr [ebp-8], eax01007599 8D45 F0 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-10]0100759C 64:A3 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0], eax010075A2 C3 retn观察堆栈,发现这个:0006FF8C 011ABF9B NOTEPAD_.011ABF9B0006FF90 01001898 NOTEPAD_.010018980006FF94 0000007070有些眼熟,用OD打开原记事本,看到头两行:0100739D > $ 6A 70 push 70 ; (initial cpu selection) 0100739F . 68 push 01001898然后F4到011ABF9B,这个时候会进入VM,我暂时还没那技术去分析。
HP ProLiant DL580 Gen9 用户手册(中文)
摘要 本文适合那些安装、管理服务器和存储系统以及 对其进行故障排除的人员使用。 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 假定您有资格维修计算机设备,并经 过培训,能够识别高压带电危险产品。
© Copyright 2015, 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
本文档中包含的信息如有更改,恕不另 行通知。随 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 产品和服务提供的明确保修 声明中阐明了此类产品和服务的全部保 修服务。本文档中的任何内容均不应理 解为构成任何额外保证。 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 对本文档 中出现的技术错误、编辑错误或遗漏之 处概不负责。
2 操作 ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 打开服务器电源 .................................................................................................................................. 19 关闭服务器电源 .................................................................................................................................. 19 将服务器从机架中取出 ....................................................................................................................... 19 将服务器从机架中拉出 ....................................................................................................................... 20 卸下检修面板 ...................................................................................................................................... 21 安装检修面板 ...................................................................................................................................... 22 卸下 SPI 板 ......................................................................................................................................... 22 安装 SPI 板 ......................................................................................................................................... 23
怎么解决装系统出现application error 10008
最近有网友反映到用U大侠安装ghost系统的时候出现application error 10008错误的提示,那么怎么解决装系统出现application error 10008呢?下面店铺来为大家提出解决方案。
解决装系统出现application error 10008方法
1.上文对话框之中所出现的英文是If this problem,contact Symanteo Technical Support,其中文意义为如果出现了这个问题,请联系赛门铁克(也就是ghost的研发方)获得技术支持。
之后把安装器和之前需要安装的GHO镜像文件复制到同一个非C 盘分区的英文目录之中。
4.电脑重新启动,之后进入了ghost安装界面,这个时候就不会出现application error 10008问题了。
打开Visual Studio Code,新建⼀个⽂件opencv.pc,内容请根据⾃⼰的⽬录进⾏更改。
opencv.pc# Package Information for pkg-configprefix=E:/Opencv345exec_prefix=${prefix}libdir=${exec_prefix}/x64/mingw/libincludedir_old=${prefix}/include/opencvincludedir_new=${prefix}/includeName: OpenCVDescription: Open Source Computer Vision LibraryVersion: 3.4.5Libs: -L${exec_prefix}/x64/mingw/lib -lopencv_worldLibs.private: -ldl -lm -lpthread -lrtCflags: -I${includedir_old} -I${includedir_new}说明:prefix:在=后⾯加上opencv的安装⽬录。
Windows 7 SP1补丁包(Win7补丁汇总)更新到本⽉最新。
包含Windows7SP1中⽂版所有重要补丁,可离线安装,适⽤于Windows 7 SP1 32 位简体中⽂系统。
包含Internet Explorer 8补丁和IE兼容性补丁。
包含Internet Explorer 11补丁和IE兼容性补丁。
以上就是⼩编为⼤家整理的Win7/8.1 KB2685811、KB2685813和KB2670838蓝屏补丁下载汇总的全部内容,希望对⼤家有所帮助,请继续关注。