数字电子技术大纲 英文
数字电子技术大纲 英文
Teaching Programme Of Digital Electronic Technology 一、Basic information of courseCourse title: Digital electronic technologyEnglish name: Digital electronic technologyCourse nature: compulsory courseCourse number: 1510123002Weekly hours: three hoursTotal hours: 48 hoursLearning points: three pointsApplicable to professional : Applicable to each major of the information engineering collegeprerequisite knowledge: circuit\analog electronics techniqueteaching material: Thomas L.Floyd, Digital Fundamentals,(Tenth edition), publishing house of electronics industry, Oct 2011Appraisal method: examination二、Aim and task of courseDigital electronic technology is one of the core courses designed for sophomores in all curricular relating to electrical engineering and computer science. The overall goals are to analyze and design digital logic circuits which constitute the foundation for preparing a student to take follow-on courses, develop skills required to solve engineering problems. Main topics include digital systems and codes, logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic simplification, combinational logic circuits, flip-flops and related devices, programmable logic devices, sequential logic circuits, large-scale integrated circuits, and analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters.三、Course content and course scheduleChapter 1 Logic Algebra (7 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Master the conversion among binary, decimal and hexadecimal;2.Master symbol、truth table and function expression of the three basic logic operations, the basic formula of logic algebra3.. Master logic function simplification using formula method and karnaugh map二、Teaching contents1. Introduction2. logic algebra3. logic functionChapter 2 gate circuit (six hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Understand the working features of the triode in the state of switch, the workingprinciple of TTL inverter,Master static input and output characteristics of the TTL inverter2. Understand the working principle of CMOS inverter二、Teaching contents1. TTL gate circuit2. CMOS gate circuitChapter 3 combinational logic circuit(8 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Understand the features of combinational circuits, Master the analysis method of combinational circuits2. Master the analysis method of combinational circuits3.Master the working principle and the using method of the commonly used combinational logic devices including : encoder, decoder, and data selector , Understand r and the working principle of adders and numerical comparator.二、Teaching contents1. Analysis of Combinational Logic Circuit2.Design of Combinational Logic Circuit3. Several commonly used combinational logic circuitChapter 4 Flip-flops(5 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Understand the characteristics and classification of flip-flops; 2.Understand circuit structure and action characteristic of basic RS flip-flops andsynchronous RS flip-flops; Master circuit structure and action characteristic ofMaster-Slave JK and D flip-flops;3.Understand property list、the characteristic equation and state transition diagram that describe the logic functions of flip-flops.二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.circuit structure and action characteristic of flip-flops3.Logic function and description method of flip-flopsChapter 5 Sequential logic circuit(8 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Understanding the characteristics and structure of the sequential logic circuit; 2.Master the analysis method of the synchronous sequential logic circuit, acquire these skills of writing drive equation and state equation and output equation of the circuit, drawing state transition diagram;3.Understand the working principle of shift register registers and counters, grasp common counter chips and counter connection method4.Understand the design method of synchronous sequential logic circuit.二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.Analysis method of the sequential logic circuit3.Some common sequential logic circuit4.Design method of synchronous sequential logic circuitChapter 6 Pulse waveform generation and shaping (5 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Understand several main parameters describing pulse waveform;2. Understand the role and action characteristics of Schmitt trigger composed by gate circuit,understand the definition and determination method of characteristic parameters VT +、VT— and ΔVT, know the application of Schmitt trigger3.Understand the role and operation characteristics of one-shot that is composed of gate circuit ;;4.Understand the working principle of symmetric multivibrator and multivibrator composed by Schmitt trigger;5.Master the circuit structure and function of 555 timer, Calculate the parameters of Schmitt trigger and multivibrator composed by 555 timer.二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.Schmitt trigger3.one-shot that is composed of gate circuit4.multivibrator5.555 timer and its applicationChapter 7 large scale integrated circuit (3 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Know classification of semiconductor memory, Know working principleof the masked ROM, know the characteristics of the programmable read-only memory, know the characteristics of the programmable read-only memory and erasable programmable read only memory;2.Understand the structure and working principle of the static random access memory; 3.To grasp the way of storage capacity and memory is used to implement the concept of combined logic function. Master memory capacity expansion mode and the concept of realization of combinational logic with memory .二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.Read-only memory (ROM)3.Random access memory4.The extension of storage capacityChapter 8 programmable logic device (2 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapterUnderstand the logic graphic symbol of the programmable logic devices, Understand the circuit structure and working principle of PAL二、Teaching contents1.Programmable Logic Array(PAL)2.Generic array logic(GAL)Chapter 9 digital-analog and analog-to-digital conversion (4 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.master the basic concept of D/A converter, Understand the basic working principle of D/A converter、the conversion accuracy and conversion speed of D / A converter,Understand the calculation of input and output relationship of D/A converter;2.master the basic concept of A/D converter, Understand the basic working principle of A/D converter、the conversion accuracy and conversion speed of A/D converter,know the main types, structure features, basic working principle and performance comparison of A/D converter.二、Teaching contents1.D/A converter2.A/D converter。
The AND Gate
Symbol Logic expression Truth table
X = AB
Inputs A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Output X 0 0 1 1
The AND Gate
Boolean multiplication is the same as the AND function.
3-3 THE OR GATE(或门) GATE(或门)
The OR gate produces a LOW only when all of the inputs are LOW. When any of the inputs is HIGH, the output is HIGH. The basic purpose of an OR gate is to determine when one or more conditions are true.
The NAND Gate
Symbol Logic expression Truth table
X = AB
Inputs A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Output X 1 1 1 0
3-5 THE NOR GATE(或非门) GATE(或非门)
The NOR gate produces a HIGH only when all of the inputs are LOW. When any of the inputs is HIGH, the output is LOW.
Symbol Logic expression Truth table
Teaching Programme Of Digital Electronic Technology一、of courseCourse title: Digital electro nic tech no logyEn glish n ame: Digital electro nic tech no logyCourse nature: compulsory courseCourse nu mber: 02Weekly hours: three hoursTotal hours: 48 hoursLear ning poin ts: three pointsApplicable to professional: Applicable to each major of the information engineering college prerequisite kno wledge: circuit\a nalog electr onics tech niqueteachi ng material: Thomas , Digital Fun dame ntals,(Te ntheditio n), publish ing house of electro nics in dustry, Oct 2011 Appraisal method: exam in ati on二、Aim and task of courseDigital electro nic tech no logy is one of the core coursesdesig ned for sophomores in all curricular relati ng to electrical engin eeri ng and computer scie nee. The overall goals are to analyze and design digital logic circuits which constitute the foundation for preparing a stude nt to take follow-on courses, develop skills required to solve engin eeri ng problems. Main topics include digital systems and codes, logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic simplificati on, comb in ati on al logic circuits, flip-flops and related devices, programmable logic devices, sequential logic circuits, large-scale integrated circuits, and analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters.三、Course content and course scheduleChapter 1 Logic Algebra (7 hours )一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Master the conv ersi on among bin ary, decimal and hexadecimal2. Master symbol、truth table and fun cti on expressi on of the three basic logic operations, the basic formula of logic algebra3. . Master logic function simplification using formula method and karnaugh map二、Teachi ng contents1. In troducti on2. logic algebra3. logic fun ctio nChapter 2 gate circuit (six hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Understand the working features of the triode in the state of switch, the workingprinciple of TTL inverter,Master static in put and output characteristics of the TTL inv erter2. Understand the working principle of CMOS inverter二、Teachi ng contents1. TTL gate circuit2. CMOS gate circuitChapter 3 comb in ati on al logic circuit (8 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Un dersta nd the features of comb in ati onal circuits, Master the an alysis method of comb in ati onal circuits2. Master the an alysis method of comb in ati onal circuits3. Master the working principle and the using method of the commonly used comb in ati on al logic devices in clud ing : en coder, decoder, and data selector , Un dersta nd r and the work ing prin ciple of adders and nu merical comparator.二、Teachi ng contents1. An alysis of Comb in ati onal Logic Circuit2. Desig n of Comb in ati onal Logic Circuit3. Several com monly used comb in ati on al logic circuitChapter 4 Flip-flops (5 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Understand the characteristics and classification of flip-flops;2. Understand circuit structure and action characteristic of basic RS flip-flops and synchronous RS flip-flops; Master circuit structure and acti on characteristic of Master-Slave JK and D flip-flops;3. Understand property list、the characteristic equation and state transition diagram that describe the logic functions of flip-flops.二、Teachi ng contents1. Introduction2. circuit structure and action characteristic of flip-flops3. Logic function and description method of flip-flopsChapter 5 Seque ntial logic circuit (8 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Understanding the characteristics and structure of the sequential logic circuit;2. Master the analysis method of the synchronous sequential logic circuit, acquire these skills of writing drive equation and state equation and output equation of the circuit, draw ing state tran siti on diagram;3. Understand the working principle of shift register registers and counters, grasp com mon coun ter chips and coun ter connection method4. Understand the design method of synchronous sequential logic circuit.二、Teachi ng contents1. Introduction2. Analysis method of the sequential logic circuit3. Some com mon seque ntial logic circuit4. Design method of synchronous sequential logic circuitChapter 6 Pulse waveform gen erati on and shap ing (5 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Un dersta nd several main parameters describ ing pulse waveform;2. Understand the role and action characteristics of Schmitt trigger composed by gatecircuit,u ndersta nd the defi niti on and determ in ati on method of characteristic parameters VT +、VT —and △ VT, know the application of Schmitt triggerthe role and operati on characteristics of on e-shot that is composed of gate circuit;the worki ng prin ciple of symmetric multivibrator and multivibrator composed by Schmitt trigger;5. Master the circuit structure and function of 555 timer, Calculate the parameters of Schmitt trigger and multivibrator composed by 555 timer.二、Teachi ng contents1. Introduction2. Schmitt trigger3. one-shot that is composed of gate circuit4. multivibrator5. 555 timer and its application\ Chapter 7 large scale in tegrated circuit (3 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Know classificatio n of semic on ductor memory, Know worki ng prin cipleof the masked ROM, know the characteristics of the programmable read-only memory, know the characteristics of the programmable read-only memory and erasable programmable read on ly memory;2. Understand the structure and working principle of the static random access memory;3. To grasp the way of storage capacity and memory is used to implement the concept of comb ined logic fun cti on. Master memory capacity expa nsion mode and the con cept of realizati on of comb in ati on al logic with memory .二、Teachi ng contents1. Introduction2. Read-only memory (ROM)3. Random access memory4. The extension of storage capacityChapter 8 programmable logic device (2 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapterUnderstand the logic graphic symbol of the programmable logic devices, Understand the circuit structure and work ing prin ciple of PAL二、Teachi ng contents1. Programmable Logic Array (PAL)2. Gen eric array logic( GAL)Chapter 9 digital-a nalog and an alog-to-digital conversion (4 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. master the basic concept of D/A converter, Understand the basic working principle of D/A converter、the conversion accuracy and conversion speed of D / A converterUn dersta nd the calculatio n of in put and output relati on ship of D/A conv erte;2. master the basic concept of A/D converter, Understand the basic working principle of A/D converter、the conversion accuracy and conversion speed of A/D converterknow the main types, structure features, basic work ing prin ciple and performa nee comparis on of A/D conv erter.二、Teachi ng contents1. D/A converter2. A/D converter。
Totem Pole (Image of a ) natural object, considered by American Indians as the symbol of a family. Tall wooden pole carved or painted with a series of totems.
Tristate CMOS Gates The three output states are HIGH, LOW, and high-impedance (high-Z).
Tristate CMOS Gates When the enable input is active, the device is enabled for normal logic operation. When the enable input is inactive, the device is disabled and the output is effectively open.
t PLH + t PHL tP = 2
Basic Operational Characteristics and Parameters Speed-power product (in picojoule, pJ): the lower the speedpower product, the better the logic gate.
Basic Operational Characteristics and Parameters
TTL loading. The total source current or sink current increases with each load gate input that is added. One input of the same logic family as the driving gate is called a unit load.
The Weighting Structure of Binary Numbers A binary number is a weighted number(加权数). number(加权数). The right-most bit is the LSB(最低有效位) in a rightLSB(最低有效位) binary whole number and has a weight of 20=1. The weights increase from right to left by a power of two for each bit. The left-most bit is the MSB(最 leftMSB(最 高有效位). 高有效位). Fractional numbers(小数) can also be represented numbers(小数) in binary by placing bits to the right of the binary point. point. The left-most bit is the MSB in a binary leftfractional number and has a weight of 2-1=0.5. The fractional weights decreases from left to right by a negative power of two for each bit. The weight structure of a binary number is
– Not really. – Probably the fact that we have 10 fingers influenced this.
Will a base other than 10 work?
《数字电子技术》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:050341课程名称:数字电子技术英文名称:Digital Electronic Technology课程类别:专业基础课学时:54学分:3.0适用对象:机械电子工程专业(本科)考核方式:考试先修课程:《高等数学》,《高等物理》二、课程简介数字电子技术是机械电子工程学科的一门专业基础课,是一门与电子技术应用领域密切关联的课程。
The course digital electronic technique is a special and basic course of electromechanical engineering discipline, meanwhile is one connects closely to the application of electronic Technique. It is a basic course of hardware class for Electronic and computer specialty. It’s called digital logic and digital system in computer specialty with different emphasis. The content is studying the analysis method, the principle of work and the design method of the circuits, which deal with numbers appearing in nature.三、课程性质与教学目的本课程是机械电子工程专业的一门专业必修课程。
数字电子技术基础,英语作文The Fundamentals of Digital Electronic Technology.Digital electronic technology is the backbone of modern electronics, serving as the foundation for a wide range of devices and systems that shape our world. From smartphones and computers to complex industrial control systems and space exploration equipment, digital electronics plays a crucial role in enabling these advancements.At its core, digital electronics deals with the representation and manipulation of information using discrete values, typically binary numbers. These binary values, consisting of only two states – 0 and 1 – form the building blocks of all digital systems. This simplicity in representation allows for highly efficient and reliable data processing, making digital electronics the preferred choice for many modern applications.The fundamental components of digital electronics arelogic gates. These are basic building blocks that perform logical operations on binary inputs to produce a binary output. The most common logic gates include the AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, and others. By combining these logic gates in different configurations, complex digital circuits can be created to perform a wide range of tasks.Digital circuits are designed using principles such as Boolean algebra, which provides a mathematical frameworkfor analyzing and designing logic circuits. This allows engineers to predict the behavior of digital systems and optimize their design for specific applications.Beyond logic gates, digital electronics also encompasses a range of other technologies and concepts. Microprocessors, for instance, are digital devices that execute instructions stored in memory to perform complex tasks. Memory devices like RAM and ROM store and retrieve data in digital format, enabling computers and other systems to retain information.Digital signal processing is another crucial aspect ofdigital electronics. It involves the manipulation and analysis of digital signals to extract useful information or modify their characteristics. This is essential in areas like audio processing, image processing, and communications systems.The rapid development of digital electronics has been enabled by advancements in semiconductor technology. The miniaturization of transistors and other electronic components has led to the creation of integrated circuits (ICs), which pack millions or even billions of transistors onto a single chip. This has made digital electronics more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective, driving the revolution in consumer electronics and beyond.In conclusion, digital electronic technology is the backbone of modern electronics, enabling the creation of complex and sophisticated systems that have transformed our world. Its fundamental principles, such as binary representation, logic gates, and Boolean algebra, provide a solid foundation for understanding and developing digital systems. As technology continues to evolve, digitalelectronics will play an even more critical role in shaping the future of electronics and beyond.。
Other reference books
Recommended:清华大学电子学教研组 编,阎石主编,数字电子技术基础,第四版, 高等教育出版社,7-04-006696-3
Recommended:王毓银主编,数字电路逻 辑设计〔脉冲与数字电路,第三版〕,高等 教育出版社,7-04-007730-2
Recommended:Digital Logic Applications and Design by John M. Yarbrough, China Machine Press & Thomson Learning, 7-111-10837-X
Digital Fundamentals 7/E
design digital logic circuits
digital systems and codes, logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic simplification, combinational logic circuits, flip-flops and related devices, programmable logic devices, sequential logic circuits, large-scale integrated circuits analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog
The two-state number system is called binary, and its two digits are 0 and 1.
A binary digit is called a bit.
Binary Digits
The two digits in the binary system, 1 and 0, are called bits, which is a contraction of the words binary digit.
数字电子技术大纲 英文
Teaching Programme Of Digital Electronic Technology 一、Basic information of courseCourse title: Digital electronic technologyEnglish name: Digital electronic technologyCourse nature: compulsory courseCourse number: 02Weekly hours: three hoursTotal hours: 48 hoursLearning points: three pointsApplicable to professional : Applicable to each major of the information engineering collegeprerequisite knowledge: circuit\analog electronics techniqueteaching material: Thomas L.Floyd, Digital Fundamentals,(Tenth edition), publishing house of electronics industry, Oct 2011Appraisal method: examination二、Aim and task of courseDigital electronic technology is one of the core courses designed for sophomores in all curricular relating to electrical engineering and computer science. The overall goals are to analyze and design digital logic circuits which constitute the foundation for preparing a student to take follow-on courses, develop skills required to solve engineering problems. Main topics include digital systems and codes, logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic simplification, combinational logic circuits, flip-flops and related devices, programmable logic devices, sequential logic circuits, large-scale integrated circuits, and analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters.三、Course content and course scheduleChapter 1 Logic Algebra (7 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Master the conversion among binary, decimal and hexadecimal;2.Master symbol、truth table and function expression of the three basic logic operations, the basic formula of logic algebra3.. Master logic function simplification using formula method and karnaugh map二、Teaching contents1. Introduction2. logic algebra3. logic functionChapter 2 gate circuit (six hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Understand the working features of the triode in the state of switch, the workingprinciple of TTL inverter,Master static input and output characteristics of the TTL inverter2. Understand the working principle of CMOS inverter二、Teaching contents1. TTL gate circuit2. CMOS gate circuitChapter 3 combinational logic circuit(8 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Understand the features of combinational circuits, Master the analysis method of combinational circuits2. Master the analysis method of combinational circuits3.Master the working principle and the using method of the commonly used combinational logic devices including : encoder, decoder, and data selector , Understand r and the working principle of adders and numerical comparator.二、Teaching contents1. Analysis of Combinational Logic Circuit2.Design of Combinational Logic Circuit3. Several commonly used combinational logic circuitChapter 4 Flip-flops(5 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Understand the characteristics and classification of flip-flops;2.Understand circuit structure and action characteristic of basic RS flip-flops and synchronous RS flip-flops; Master circuit structure and action characteristic ofMaster-Slave JK and D flip-flops;3.Understand property list、the characteristic equation and state transition diagram that describe the logic functions of flip-flops.二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.circuit structure and action characteristic of flip-flops3.Logic function and description method of flip-flopsChapter 5 Sequential logic circuit(8 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Understanding the characteristics and structure of the sequential logic circuit; 2.Master the analysis method of the synchronous sequential logic circuit, acquire these skills of writing drive equation and state equation and output equation of the circuit, drawing state transition diagram;3.Understand the working principle of shift register registers and counters, grasp common counter chips and counter connection method4.Understand the design method of synchronous sequential logic circuit.二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.Analysis method of the sequential logic circuit3.Some common sequential logic circuit4.Design method of synchronous sequential logic circuitChapter 6 Pulse waveform generation and shaping (5 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Understand several main parameters describing pulse waveform;2. Understand the role and action characteristics of Schmitt trigger composed by gate circuit,understand the definition and determination method of characteristic parameters VT +、VT— and ΔVT, know the application of Schmitt trigger3.Understand the role and operation characteristics of one-shot that is composed of gate circuit ;;4.Understand the working principle of symmetric multivibrator and multivibrator composed by Schmitt trigger;5.Master the circuit structure and function of 555 timer, Calculate the parameters of Schmitt trigger and multivibrator composed by 555 timer.二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.Schmitt trigger3.one-shot that is composed of gate circuit4.multivibrator5.555 timer and its applicationChapter 7 large scale integrated circuit (3 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Know classification of semiconductor memory, Know working principleof the masked ROM, know the characteristics of the programmable read-only memory, know the characteristics of the programmable read-only memory and erasable programmable read only memory;2.Understand the structure and working principle of the static random access memory; 3.To grasp the way of storage capacity and memory is used to implement the concept of combined logic function. Master memory capacity expansion mode and the concept of realization of combinational logic with memory .二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.Read-only memory (ROM)3.Random access memory4.The extension of storage capacityChapter 8 programmable logic device (2 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapterUnderstand the logic graphic symbol of the programmable logic devices, Understand the circuit structure and working principle of PAL二、Teaching contents1.Programmable Logic Array(PAL)2.Generic array logic(GAL)Chapter 9 digital-analog and analog-to-digital conversion (4 hours) 一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.master the basic concept of D/A converter, Understand the basic working principle of D/A converter、the conversion accuracy and conversion speed of D / A converter,Understand the calculation of input and output relationship of D/A converter;2.master the basic concept of A/D converter, Understand the basic working principle of A/D converter、the conversion accuracy and conversion speed of A/D converter,know the main types, structure features, basic working principle and performance comparison of A/D converter.二、Teaching contents1.D/A converter2.A/D converter。
2.3 最简单的与、或、非门电路
二、二极管或门 Implement OR-gate with diodes
uA uB
0V 0V 0V 5V 5V 0V 5V 5V
0V 4.3V 4.3V 4.3V
VD1 VD2 截止 截止 截止 导通 导通 截止 导通 导通
2.1 概述
TTL: HIGH 2-5V and LOW 0-0.8V.
高电平下限 2V
低电平上限 0.8V
2.2 半导体二极管和三极管的开关特性
选择合适的电路参数,则可以保证 当uI=UIH时,MOS管导通,uo=0=UOL 当uI=UIL时,MOS管截止,uO=VDD=UOH
- 开关闭合 - 开关断开
2.4 TTL集成门电路
2.输入噪声容限 实际应用中,由于外界干扰、电源波动等原因,可能
《数字电子技术》教学大纲—、课程基本信息课程编号:2320030课程中文名称:数字电子技术课程英文名称:Digital Electronic Technology课程类型:专业基础必修课总学时;72 理论学时:54学分:4适用专业:电气工程及其自动化电子信息工程通信工程开课院系:信息与电气工程学院二、课程性质和任务本课程是一门实践性很强的面向电子类专业的专业基础课。
三、课程教学目标通过教学,使学生掌握数字电路的基本知识、基本工作原理和基本分析方法, 掌握常用逻辑功能器件的使用方法,初步掌握数字电子电路设计方法,具备一•定的实验能力,并通过实验对所学知识加以消化、巩固和培养动手能力,使学生具有较好的数字屯路应用能力和实验技能,对学生进行逻辑思维能力训练,为学习后续专业课准备必要的知识。
四、理论教学环节和基本要求1.数字逻辑概论理解数制与码制的意义;掌握二进制、十进制以及它们之间的转换;了解八进制、十六进制及8421 BCD码;掌握逻辑代数的三种杲本运算。
了解COMS反相器的工作原理;了解其它COMS门(与非门、或非门、异或门、三态门)的工作原理及COMS 门的改进系列;4.组合逻辑电路掌握组合逻辑电路的设计与分析方法。
Simplified Symbols
Since PALs are very complex integrated circuit devices, manufacturers have adopted a simplified notation for the logic diagrams to keep them from being overwhelmingly complicated.
Example 7-3
The programmed array using simplified notation is shown below.
Block Diagram
Байду номын сангаас
The AND array outputs go to the output logic macrocells (OLMC).
The OR Array(或阵列)
This type of array consists of an array of OR gates connected to a programmable matrix with fusible links at each cross point of a row and column. The array is programmed by blowing fuses to eliminate selected variables from the output functions.
The GAL consists of a programmable AND array and a fixed OR array with programmable output logic. The main differences between GAL and PAL are (a) the GAL is reprogrammable because it uses E2CMOS technology and (b) the GAL has programmable output configurations.
数字电子技术课程教学大纲课程名称:数字电子技术英文名称:Digital Electronic Technique学时数:45其中实验学时数:15课外学时数:14适用专业:2006级电气自动化技术1.大纲制定参考依据(1)教高[2006]16号关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见。
2. 课程的性质、目的和任务数字电子技术是电气自动化技术专业的重要专业技术基础课。
3. 课程教学内容与知、技、能点及教学差不多要求针对专业需要优化整合教学内容,建立“能力包”化的教学内容模块。
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Teaching Programme Of Digital Electronic Technology 一、Basic information of courseCourse title: Digital electronic technologyEnglish name: Digital electronic technologyCourse nature: compulsory courseCourse number: 02Weekly hours: three hoursTotal hours: 48 hoursLearning points: three pointsApplicable to professional : Applicable to each major of the information engineering collegeprerequisite knowledge: circuit\analog electronics techniqueteaching material: Thomas L.Floyd, Digital Fundamentals,(Tenth edition), publishing house of electronics industry, Oct 2011Appraisal method: examination二、Aim and task of courseDigital electronic technology is one of the core courses designed for sophomores in all curricular relating to electrical engineering and computer science. The overall goals are to analyze and design digital logic circuits which constitute the foundation for preparing a student to take follow-on courses, develop skills required to solve engineering problems. Main topics include digital systems and codes, logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic simplification, combinational logic circuits, flip-flops and related devices, programmable logic devices, sequential logic circuits, large-scale integrated circuits, and analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters.三、Course content and course scheduleChapter 1 Logic Algebra (7 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Master the conversion among binary, decimal and hexadecimal;2.Master symbol、truth table and function expression of the three basic logic operations, the basic formula of logic algebra3.. Master logic function simplification using formula method and karnaugh map二、Teaching contents1. Introduction2. logic algebra3. logic functionChapter 2 gate circuit (six hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Understand the working features of the triode in the state of switch, the workingprinciple of TTL inverter,Master static input and output characteristics of the TTL inverter2. Understand the working principle of CMOS inverter二、Teaching contents1. TTL gate circuit2. CMOS gate circuitChapter 3 combinational logic circuit(8 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Understand the features of combinational circuits, Master the analysis method of combinational circuits2. Master the analysis method of combinational circuits3.Master the working principle and the using method of the commonly used combinational logic devices including : encoder, decoder, and data selector , Understand r and the working principle of adders and numerical comparator.二、Teaching contents1. Analysis of Combinational Logic Circuit2.Design of Combinational Logic Circuit3. Several commonly used combinational logic circuitChapter 4 Flip-flops(5 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Understand the characteristics and classification of flip-flops;2.Understand circuit structure and action characteristic of basic RS flip-flops and synchronous RS flip-flops; Master circuit structure and action characteristic ofMaster-Slave JK and D flip-flops;3.Understand property list、the characteristic equation and state transition diagram that describe the logic functions of flip-flops.二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.circuit structure and action characteristic of flip-flops3.Logic function and description method of flip-flopsChapter 5 Sequential logic circuit(8 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Understanding the characteristics and structure of the sequential logic circuit; 2.Master the analysis method of the synchronous sequential logic circuit, acquire these skills of writing drive equation and state equation and output equation of the circuit, drawing state transition diagram;3.Understand the working principle of shift register registers and counters, grasp common counter chips and counter connection method4.Understand the design method of synchronous sequential logic circuit.二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.Analysis method of the sequential logic circuit3.Some common sequential logic circuit4.Design method of synchronous sequential logic circuitChapter 6 Pulse waveform generation and shaping (5 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1. Understand several main parameters describing pulse waveform;2. Understand the role and action characteristics of Schmitt trigger composed by gate circuit,understand the definition and determination method of characteristic parameters VT +、VT— and ΔVT, know the application of Schmitt trigger3.Understand the role and operation characteristics of one-shot that is composed of gate circuit ;;4.Understand the working principle of symmetric multivibrator and multivibrator composed by Schmitt trigger;5.Master the circuit structure and function of 555 timer, Calculate the parameters of Schmitt trigger and multivibrator composed by 555 timer.二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.Schmitt trigger3.one-shot that is composed of gate circuit4.multivibrator5.555 timer and its applicationChapter 7 large scale integrated circuit (3 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.Know classification of semiconductor memory, Know working principleof the masked ROM, know the characteristics of the programmable read-only memory, know the characteristics of the programmable read-only memory and erasable programmable read only memory;2.Understand the structure and working principle of the static random access memory; 3.To grasp the way of storage capacity and memory is used to implement the concept of combined logic function. Master memory capacity expansion mode and the concept of realization of combinational logic with memory .二、Teaching contents1.Introduction2.Read-only memory (ROM)3.Random access memory4.The extension of storage capacityChapter 8 programmable logic device (2 hours)一、The basic requirements of this chapterUnderstand the logic graphic symbol of the programmable logic devices, Understand the circuit structure and working principle of PAL二、Teaching contents1.Programmable Logic Array(PAL)2.Generic array logic(GAL)Chapter 9 digital-analog and analog-to-digital conversion (4 hours) 一、The basic requirements of this chapter1.master the basic concept of D/A converter, Understand the basic working principle of D/A converter、the conversion accuracy and conversion speed of D / A converter,Understand the calculation of input and output relationship of D/A converter;2.master the basic concept of A/D converter, Understand the basic working principle of A/D converter、the conversion accuracy and conversion speed of A/D converter,know the main types, structure features, basic working principle and performance comparison of A/D converter.二、Teaching contents1.D/A converter2.A/D converter。