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1. Why was Seattle so taken with this coffee maker when the rest of the country was using electric coffee makers?
2. The minute the door opened, a heady aroma of coffee drew me in.
3. My company’s connection to coffee lovers did not have to be limited to their homes, where they ground and brewed our coffee.
4. I was torn between loyalty to Starbucks and confidence in my vision for coffee bars. In the end I followed my vision. 我左右为难,一方面我对公司应该忠诚,另一方面我对咖啡吧的构想
5. I believe life is a series of near misses. A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all. It’s seizing the day and accepting responsibility for your future. It’s seeing what other people don’t see and pursuing that vision.
1. 我站起身时,胃里一阵翻腾。
My stomach churned as I stood up.
2. 喝一小口葡萄酒不要紧。
It is fine to take a sip of wine.
3. 他们把成功归因于其商品的质量。
(ascribe ... to)
They ascribe their success to the quality of the goods.
4. 我们应当充分利用社会资源。
We should maximize the community resources.
5. 我们多年来一直是这么做的,你最好别用一些新方法来找麻烦。
(rock the boat)
We’ve been doing it in this way for years, so you’d better not rock the boat by new methods.
1. AlphaGo, the artificial intelligence system built by the Google subsidiary DeepMind, has just defeated the human champion, Lee Se-dol, four games to one in the tournament of the strategy game of Go.
由谷歌旗下 DeepMind 公司开发的人工智能程序 AlphaGo 最近在策略性游戏围棋比赛中,以 4:1 的成绩战胜了人类冠军李世石。
2. … when stones are surrounded on all four sides by those of the other color, they are removed from the board, and the player with more territory and stones remaining at the game’s end wins.
3. … it can’t be used in the many domains, like Go, where we know more than we can tell, or other tasks like recognizing common objects in photos, translating between human languages and diagnosing diseases — all tasks where the rules-based approach to programming has failed badly over the years.
4. The AlphaGo victories vividly illustrate the power of a new approach in which instead of trying to program smart strategies into a computer, we build systems that can learn winning strategies almost entirely on their own, by seeing examples of successes and failures.
5. Deep learning and reinforcement learning have both been around for a while, but until recently it was not at all clear how powerful they were, and how far they could be extended.
1. 精通一门语言不是一件简单的事情,非下苦功不可。
(require; painstaking)
The mastery of a language is not so easy; it does require painstaking efforts.
2. 照理说,价格应该标在货架上。
(be supposed to)
Theoretically/In theory, the price is supposed to be marked on the shelf.
3. 他太太因为车祸还在住院。
(to make matters worse; severely)
His wife is still in hospital because of the car accident. To make matters worse, his left arm was severely injured in the accident too.
4. 自己奋斗要好过依赖别人。
(on one’s own)
It is better to struggle on one’s own than to rely on others.
5. 全球变暖将给全球气候变化带来深远的影响。
(bring on; profound)
Global warming will bring on profound effects on global climate change.
. 1. In theory, by comparing his qualifying time to the times for the other runners, he should finish close to last.
2. …, with the love and understanding of my parents and teachers, I had somehow stumbled through those years and had ultimately gone on to law school.
3. Finally, he came over the brow of the hill, his right shoulder lurching up and down with each pumping motion of his loosely swinging arms.
他终于从山背后跑过来了,胳膊自然摆动, 右肩也随之上下耸动。
4. As if he had heard me, Bill suddenly swung to the outside and spurted from 20th to 6th place in less than one hundred yards. 比尔好象听见了我的心声,只见他忽然转向跑道外侧,在
不到 100 码的距离内,就从第 20 名追到了第 6 名。
5. Thinking he was about to collapse, l instinctively ducked
under the ropes, ran over, grabbed his arm and put it over my shoulder. 我担心他就要跌倒,出于本能,赶紧弯腰钻过绳子,跑上去一把抓起他的一只胳膊,架到我肩上。
1. 失败的发生是不可避免的, 并且是不以人的意志为转移的。
The occurrence of failure is inevitable and independent of man’s will
. 2. 儿童节总是让我想起我快乐的童年时光。
(remind … of)
The Children’s Day always reminds me of my happy childhood.
3. 尽管困难重重,一些女性还是在商场上获得了成功。
(odds) Some women do manage to achieve business success despite all odds.
4. 香港是世界上最好的天然海港之一。
(be endowed with)
Hong Kong has been endowed with one of the finest natural harbors in the world.
5. 她觉得这份工作既无趣又辛苦,在六个月后便决定辞职。
She found the work boring and exhausting and decided to quit after six months.
1. This is too bad, not only because art can be a great source of pleasure in our lives, but because even a passing acquaintance with art can enrich and deepen our understanding of the world around us.
2. It is true that some people devote their entire lives to studying the minutest details of an artist’s work, but there’s no need to become an expert to have a meaningful relationship with art.
3. Vermeer’s Milkmaid, on the other hand, is notable for it’
s incredibly fine detail and careful application of thin glazes of oil paints which create a luminous quality, imparting a kind of nobility and even divinity to the simple act of a servant pouring milk.
4. It’s easy to dismiss work that upsets our notion of what art could be, and any visitor to a gallery of modern art is likely to overhear at least one person complaining that “any three-year-old with a box of crayons could do that!”
5. This is by no means a complete introduction to art, let alone a complete course, but it should help get you started
in appreciating art.
1. 每天适度运动是大有裨益的。
(it pays to …; moderate)
It pays to do moderate exercise on a daily basis/every day.
2. 她一点儿都不喜欢教书这一行,更别说当这个领域中的专家了。
(by no means; let alone)
She is by no means a lover of the career as a teacher, let alone an expert in the field.
3. 他对我非常友善,似乎是特意帮我的忙。
(go out of one’s way) He was very kind to me and seemed to go out of his way to help me.
4. 约翰在昨晚回家的路上遇到了大暴雨。
(get caught in)
John got caught in a big rainstorm on his way home last night.
5. 诚然,杰克是个思维敏捷的人,但是他经常行事冲动。
(it is true that …; impulse)
It is true that Jack is a fast thinker. However, he often acts on impulse.。