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马士基附加费详解(Maersk surcharges)
Expense code cost description
AMF Transport Document Amendment Fee the cost of modifying the bill of lading and the requirements of the shipper, consignee or his agent in accordance with the transport document
BAF - Bunker Adjustment Factor additional costs associated with ship fuel costs
BAS - Basis ocean freight and shipping related charges
BLF Transport Document Issuance Fee the cost of issuing transport documents
CAF - Currency Adjustment Factor charges related to exchange rate fluctuations
CAM - Cargo Declaration Amendment Fee estimates and modifies costs according to the electronic goods declaration form
CAP - Capatazia charges related to the specific expenses of the port of discharge or departure port of Brazil
CAS - Controlled Atmosphere Gas Regulation Charge charges related to refrigerated containers providing adjustable gas mixtures
CCL - Container Cleaning is charged with the shipper's request for clean containers
CDD - Submission of Cargo Declaration Data Fee charges for submission of electronic goods declaration
CER - Government Agency Certification services related to the representation of government agencies on behalf of clients
CFI - Customs Fine when the Maersk shipping company represents the shipper, consignee or his agent paying a penalty to the customs, the cost of the goods is estimated
CIP - Cargo Insurance Premium the insurance premium paid to the insurer by the representative of Ma Shiji as the buyer of the goods insured against the carriage of the goods
CLF - Freight Collection Fee costs related to receiving goods
CLL - Cancellation Fee charges the shipper, consignee or his agent for cancellation of the booked service
CNS - Container Nomination Service Fee when the customer specifies the special conditions for the container (e.g., the container's age, the container's material or the loading of the specific freight yard, etc.) the cost is assessed
COD - Change of Destination charges for the change of the destination of goods
CON - Congestion Surcharge charges for port congestion assessment
CSC - Container Service Charge and Maersk represent customer
handling fees (special charges for Kenya imports)
CSH - Container Shifting Charge related charges for container transfer in port
CTO - Container Terminal Order Fee and the costs associated with making container booking documents
CTS - Cold Treatment Charge provides special reefer containers and detectors and provides daily monitoring / reporting charges throughout the course of sea / intermodal transportation
CUS - Customs Clearance and Maersk shipping company on behalf of the customer, arrange and implement clearance related charges
DCF - Dangerous Cargo Documentation Fee charges related to document processing of dangerous goods
DCI - Dangerous Cargo Surcharge - Inland charges related to land transportation of dangerous goods
DDF - Documentation Fee - Destination charges related to destination document processing
DHC - Handling Charge - Destination charges related to the specific cost of the port of discharge
DIT - Detention in Transit charges related to the transportation delay required by the customer
DMR - Demurrage Equipment Charge is assessed for the use of the equipment of the Maersk Line after exceeding the free time limit, and is paid by the shipper, consignee or his agent
DPA - Transport Arbitrary - Destination this fee is an additional fee,
Collection of goods carried by regional vessels or barges passing through the destination seaport
DTS - Detention/Demurrage Combination Equipment Charge (Merchant Haulage) for more than a free time after the Maersk Line equipment and overstaying sets, and by the shipper, consignee or its agent to pay the cost of
EBS - Emergency Bunker Surcharge charges related to the high fuel cost of ships
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange Fee is charged with providing electronic data interchange (EDI) on behalf of customers to ports, customs authorities and / or other government or quasi government agencies
EFS - Export Intermodal Fuel Surcharge charges for fuel costs associated with export intermodal transportation
EMF - Equipment Management Fee. equipment management fee applies to all FCL export containers, covering the following service fee charged:
- the costs associated with the purchase of high seal seals
(including purchase, storage and handling of these seals) to all export shippers
To issue shipping notices (also known as container transfer orders, EIR) to authorized truck drivers to indicate their collection of empty container related costs.
And in shipment or from ship unloading check seal state and condition of all container (damage / intact) related expenses
ERI - Ecological and Radiological Fee the cost of the goods required for biological and radiation inspection in accordance with the transport document
ERS - Emergency Risk Surcharge and Maersk shipping's fees related to the risk of handling goods
EXA - Examination Charge is related to container charges required to be transported to inspection (inspection) stations for various types of inspections
EXP - Export Service Charge and equipment release, arrange the collection box / back box, handling or notification of export supply management service related costs (no longer separate charges for these services, service coverage) including but not limited to the shipper, consignee or its agent for delivery of transport documents related services
FFC - Freight Forwarder Commission/Brokerage –Origin. serves as the service fee of the originating agency to the shipping agent and / or the customs broker
FOC - Freight Forwarder Commission/Brokerage – Destination. serves as a service charge for a destination agent to a shipping agent and / or a customs broker
FRI - Free In charges related to loading, storage and bundling
FRO - Free Out charges related to unloading, unloading and handling
FTS - Freight Tax Surcharge is related to the freight tax levied by the government, and the additional fees paid by the shipper or consignee by Maersk shipping
FUM - Fumigation, when shippers or government agencies require fumigation, Maersk shipping should arrange fumigation for the goods. All expenses relating to fumigation (including delivery and delivery of fumigation places) shall be included in the account of the goods
GEN - Genset is charged by a generator set supplied by Maersk
HBL - House Transport Document Fee costs for the management of the place of origin or destination due to the use of the internal transport document
HDL - Lift On Lift Off and charges related to container loading or unloading container trailers
HEC - Garments on Hangers charges related to the provision, installation and withdrawal of clothing rack / hanging service
in the equipment of Maersk lines
IBC - Transfer to Bonded Warehouse shall deliver the container to the bonded warehouse at the request of the customer
ICF - Inland Cancellation Fee costs related to cancellation of land transportation
IEC - Inspection Empty Containers and the fee required by the shipper to check empty containers
IHW -内陆运输集装箱称重与客户或海关部门要求运输服务供应商为集装箱称重的陆运相关的费用

MHH -商船运输与运输单据覆盖范围外的运输相关的收费
OHC -手续费-起源与始发港具体费用相关的收费
OOG -超限附加针对货物尺寸超标估定的费用
PIO -接送与在客户指定的地点收箱或退箱相关的收费
PRM -输入附加费与马士基执行塞浦路斯和土耳其港口集装箱的码头装卸作业相关的收费

PSI -港口安全充电与进口港安全费相关的费用转运货物不收取此费用进口。

pre trip inspection 与行前检查和集装箱准备相关的收费 itp
reb - rebate 基础货运费的折减
rfm: reefer monitoring / plug in 与监控冷柜集装箱或马士基航运公司使用电力运行冷藏设备相关的收费!
the 与马士基航运代客户为河道工具支付费用相关的收费 sdn river office
- special equipment 与提供和 / 或装卸特殊设备相关的收费overload
carrier security charge service 与马士基航运遵守有关船舶和集装箱安全措施的 isps (规则相关的收费国际船舶和港口设施安全)
but 与提供舱位保证相关的收费) space
soc shipper owned / leased equipment management 当托运人使用自由 / 租赁设备时针对集装箱估定的收费
在协商 stripping / stuffing) container cy / cy 费率的情况下, 与马士基装箱和 / 或拆空集装箱相关的收费
shanghai port surcharge at 针对中华人民共和国驶往北美或墨西哥航船在上海港的货运接收而估定的收费
与穿越苏伊士运河的费用相关的收费 of suez transit fee
this paper 与为执行从卸货港到最终目的地的货运而重做运输单据相关的收费 swc - transport
t1d documentation 当马士基航运公司在欧盟成员国间运输非海关结关货物时 t1, t1 单据收取的费用针对
tax policy and tax 与马士基航运公司代港口或政府向客户收取税费相关的收费 port
与处理出口货运中集装箱 tce temporary customs export 的临时性海关结关相关的费用 (非货物)
tci - temporary customs import 与处理进口货运中集装箱的临时性海关结关相关的费用 (非货物)
与接到电子信息后执行货物放行相关的收费 tlx electronic cargo release
rt 与使用由马士基提供的三轴集装箱拖车相关的费用 use triaxle chassis
flu logistics fee 与港口设施内的代理工作相关的费用 (包括但不限于船舶通关、海关申报及与其他机构的交涉)
vat (value added tax 与马士基航运公司代客户支付增值税相关的收费
与发放经政府证明、能够证实动物源食品符合卫生要求的证书相关的收费 vet veterinary certificate
a discrepancy fee 与集装箱入港重量和运输单据申报重量的差异相关的费用 wdf -
与针对马士基航运公司船舶收取的港口评估费相关的收费 wfc and wharfage
wsc winter 与在冬季季节性条件下马士基航运公司的额外货运成本相关的附加收费 overload
waiting time 与由于一般拥堵或客户影响造成延期而导致卡车等候相关的收费 wti inland haulage
用 trx cross booking fee。
