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Key to the Exercises (for reference only)
Keys to the exercises for the first semester
1 They considered that such work is of particular relevance in helping developing countries, in particular governments and SMEs, to better understand and participate in processes under way in other intergovernmental organizations dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications, in particular the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization.
1) Analysis of the original:
A) Grammatical analysis:
The selection consists of a single sentence, consisting of a main clause and an object clause. Additionally, in the sentence, in particular governments and SMEs is embedded as a parenthesis. In the object clause, better understand and participate in processes could be understood as better understand the processes and better participate in them. Then the word processes is modified by both under way and in other intergovernmental organizations. It can be understood that the processes are dealing with… or preferably, other intergovernmental organizations are dealing with … . However, the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization is in apposition to other intergovernmental organizations.
B) Stylistic analysis:
Stylistically speaking, the selection consists of a periodic sentence for the embedding of a parenthesis. In terms of structure, the sentence is rather formal and complicated in that it is grammatically complete and every grammatical unit is formally connected with every relevant others. The complication mainly lies in the gerundial phrase helping…, which takes an object and an object complement, consisting of two coordinate verb phrases and the word processes is followed by two attributes, as revealed in the grammatical analysis. And the content in the prepositional phrase in particular… is used to specify or exemplify the content in another prepositional phrase in other intergovernmental organizations…. In the selection, parallel structures could be easily identified, for example, governments and SMEs; to better understand and participate; telecommunications and their trade applications; the International Telecommuni- cations Union and World Trade Organization; in other intergovernmental organizations dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications, and in particular the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization. In terms of lexical cohesive device, examples could be found as follows:particular, organization, telecommunications, and others are repeatedly used; government is used as a partial repetition for intergovernmental, though of different categories. In the selection, formal words, including nominalizations, are frequently used, for example, consider, particular, relevance, developing, country, government, understand, participate, telecommunications, and many others.
2) Staged translation:
A) Translation 1:

The translation, produced by following the original strictly, has missed some important
relations concerned with the fact that the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization is among other intergovernmental organizations, which, including ITUWTO, or the processes are dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications, as revealed in the grammatical analysis.
B) Translation 2:

With the wordings reorganized, the present translation has caught the important relations as discussed above. However, 活动in the last line remains incongruous in the context.
C) Translation 3:


The present translation is reorganized again, and to a large extent, irrespective of the original structures. Consequently, it sounds more logic, coherent, authentic and readable either locally or taking the text as a whole. This example shows that English textualization much depends on grammatical patterning while Chinese textualization much depends on logic sequencing.
2 The meeting considered that the recommendations made by the United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency in the sector of telecommunications remain a valid basis for the continuation of intergovernmental activities in the area of the telecommunications, business facilitation and trade efficiency. The experts underlined that UNCTAD should pursue its work in this area by complementing UNISTE recommendations through the consideration of a number of recent trends and events, which have been and will continue to be of critical importance for the competitiveness of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, in the years to come.
1) Analysis of the original:
A) Grammatical analysis:
The selection consists of two sentences, of which the first is a complex sentence, containing a main clause and an object clause, in subjunctive mood, and the second sentence is similarly a complex sentence, containing a main clause and an object clause, also in subjunctive mood, with an attributive clause embedded. Additionally, in the attributive clause embedded in the object clause of the second sentence, especially small and medium-sized enterprises is embedded as a parenthesis, grammatically in apposition to enterprises that goes before. In the object clause of the first sentence, the word recommendations is modified by the past participle phrase that follows.
B) Stylistic analysis:
Stylistically speaking, the two sentences in the selection are complex in structure and they are both structurally formal for their grammatical completeness and freedom from colloquial structures. In the selection, parallel structures are frequently used, for example, in the first sentence,
telecommunications, business facilitation and trade efficiency are parallel, and in the second sentence, trends and events and small and medium are parallel. And the two sentences are structurally parallel. Cohesively, the above-mentioned parallel structures can be regarded as structural cohesive devices. Besides, lexical cohesive devices are also frequently used, for example, repetitions and synonyms could be found throughout the selection, specifically speaking, recommendations, United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency, enterprises are repeated; consideration is used as a repetition for consider; consider is used as a near synonym for underline; and so on.In the selection, formal words, nominalizations and names of international organizations are popularly used such as consider, recommendation, international, symposium, intergovernmental; and UNCTAD, UNISTE, and many others.
2) Staged translation:
A) Translation 1:



The translation tries to be authentic and readable by following the original structure rigidly, though with some readjustments made for the translation of the last part of the second sentence and of some end-positioned attributes scattered in the selection. This way of translation is problematic if the original sentence is too long and the structure is very complicated.
B) Translation 2:



In the present translation, some readjustments are made on the previous, but not sufficiently made, for the sentences in the translation are still a little bit too long and somewhat incoherent. For example, the translation consists three long sentences and the second clause in the second sentence consists of 61 Chinese characters. In other words, the second sentence could be retranslated like this: 最近出现了许多新的趋势和事件,专家们强调指出,联合国贸易和发展会议应该考虑这些趋势和事件,以便执行联合国贸易效率国际会议提出的各项建议,在此领域做好自身的工作.
C) Translation 3:




In the present translation, necessary readjustments are made on the previous, by fronting some parts and pushing other parts further back. The greatest readjustment made in that the original contains two parallel sentences, each dealing an aspect of meaning. In the translation, however, three sentences are used, of which two are parallel and the two are cut off by a third sentence in between, not parallel to either of the two. In addition, the ideas in the intervening sentence could be found at the end of the original second sentence. In this way, authenticity, coherence and readability are greatly reinforced but the original ideas are not difficult to spot out in the translation, though not sequenced in the original way.
3 Such trends and events include in particular:
(a) The continuation of the liberalization and privatization processes pursued by a growing number of countries in the sector of telecommunications services and equipment; these processes have been reinforced by the recent WTO Agreements on Information Technology and on Basic Telecommunications Services.
(b) The continuation of the trend towards lower prices for international telecommunications services;
(c) The accelerated advent of new infrastructures such as low earth orbiting satellite systems;
(d) The rapid expansion of the Internet, which will have far-reaching consequences on the ways in which individuals and enterprises access and provide information, in particular for the purpose of business transactions.
1) Analysis of the original:
A) Grammatical analysis:
Grammatically speaking, the selection can be regarded as a simple sentence, which is not structurally very complicated, for the four noun phrases are used as the objects of the predicate verb include in the introductory clause. After the first noun phrase, there is a clause, in coordination with the introductory clause together with the first noun phrase; and the last noun phrase is followed by an attributive clause, which in turn has another attributive clause embedded. The other two noun phrases have no clause to follow.
B) Stylistic analysis:
Stylistically speaking, the structure of the selection is not structurally very complicated for the four noun phrases are parallel to each other but with variation in that, first, the two noun phrases in the middle have nothing at clausal level to follow, but the one at the beginning and the one at the end each have a clause to follow, though one of the followers is a coordinate clause and the other is an attributive clause, which has still another embedded. And consequently, the four items as listed vary in length. However, the selection is structurally formal for as a sentence, it is grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. In the selection, parallel structures are frequently used, for example, in addition to what we have mentioned about the four parallel noun phrases, there are other such examples as liberalization and privatization; on Information Technology and on Basic Telecommunications Services; individuals and enterprises, and there are others. In terms oflexical cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: continuation, telecommunications, processes and information are repeated; trend is used to repeat trends; and (a), (b), (c) and (d) are used in series. In the selection, formal words, including nominalizations, are
popularly used, for example, particular, continuation, liberalization, privatization, process, pursue, agreement, telecommunications, and many others, and of the formal words, some are examples of nominalization, for example, continuation, liberalization, privatization, information, telecommunication, transaction, and so on.
2) Staged translation:
A) Translation 1:
(a) 越来越多的国家追求的自由化和私有化进程的继续,在电讯服务和设备方面;这些进程由于最近世贸组织关于信息技术和基本电讯服务协议而已经得到了加强。

(b) 国际电讯服务价格下降的趋势的继续;
(c) 加速出现的新的基础设施如低地球轨道卫星系统;
(d) 互联网的迅速扩张,它会对个体和企业接触和提供信息的方式产生深远意义,尤其对企业间的相互行动。

The translation has produced, by following the original strictly, a somewhat readable text, however, all the sayings could be further altered by taking Chinese norms into consideration. For example, in the first item, the phrase在电讯服务和设备方面should be fronted; the meaning of 由于最近世贸组织关于信息技术和基本电讯服务协议could be explicitated; the third item could be altered into新的基础设施如低地球轨道卫星系统的迅速出现so that it will be parallel to the first two items, and similar improvements could be made in the similar manner on the last item.
B) Translation 2:
(a) 在电讯服务和设备方面,越来越多的国家继续追求自由化和私有化进程;这些进程由于最近世贸组织通过了《关于信息技术和基本电讯服务协议》而得到了加强;
(b) 国际电讯服务的价格继续下降;
(d) 互联网迅速扩展,它会对个体和企业接触和提供信息的方式产生深远意义,尤其对企业间的互动。

Compared with the previous translation, improvements have been made in the present translation in the following points: first, the four items are of verb phrases and parallel to each other; second, 关于信息技术和基本电讯服务协议is positioned in 《》; third, the translation of the last item is readjusted to some extent, and so on.
C) Translation 3:
(a) 在电讯服务和设备方面,越来越多的国家继续追求自由化和私有化进程,这些进程由于最近世贸组织通过了《关于信息技术和基本电讯服务协议》而得到了加强;
(b) 国际电讯服务的价格持续下降;
(d) 互联网迅速发展,对个体和企业获取信息、提供信息具有深远意义,对企业间的往来尤
Actually, translating such a paragraph is an easy job. However, we have deliberately left some points to be desired in the previous translations, revealing to students that translating, in some cases, if not all, is a step by step process and improvements can be repeatedly made. In the present translation, two points are altered: first, the introductory phrase before the first item is retranslated; and second, the translation of the last item is further improved on.
4 Since dialogue is an interaction process, not an event, it must be structured, relevant, transparent, and representative, and it should have an effective influence on both policy formulation and implementation; effective dialogue must occur at all appropriate levels, regional, local and sectional, etc.
1) Analysis of the original:
A) Grammatical analysis:
The selection consists of only a single complex sentence, containing an adverbial clause of reason and a main clause, which in turn consists of two coordinate clauses, it must be structured,… and effect ive dialogue must occur at…; and of the two, the first clause in turn contains two coordinate clauses, it must be… and it should have… . Additionally, the sentence begins with an adverbial clause of reason.
B) Stylistic analysis:
Stylistically, the selection is characterized by the following features. First, it consists of a single periodic sentence, beginning with an adverbial clause; second, it assumes a coordinate and a parallel structure, with coordination within coordination, indicating that the sentence is structurally complicated. In addition, the sentence is grammatically complete and free from any colloquial structure. Besides structural parallelism realized in coordination, parallelism is also realized at phrasal and lexical levels, for example, an interaction process, not an event; structured, relevant, transparent, and representative; policy formulation and implementation; regional, local and sectional, and so on. In addition, formal words, including nominalizations, are prevailing throughout the selection, for example, dialogue, interaction, structure, relevant, representative, formulation, implementation, transparent, appropriate, regional, sectional and others.
2) Staged translation:
A) Translation 1:

The translation is produced by following the original strictly, although in the selection of words and phrases, attention has been paid to contextual factors. Consequently, punctuations are almost imitations, and so is the structure of the translation, especially on the whole.
B) Translation 2:

In the process of preparing the present translation, 由于, 一种, 它and so on are deleted; 具有结构性、相关性、透明性、代表性and应该对形成和执行政策产生有效影响are substituted for the previous counterparts, together with other necessary readjustments made. Consequently, the translation has become more readable, authentic, and coherent as well.
C) Translation 3:


In the present translation, 对话是互动不是事件is substituted for the previous; regional, local and sectional, etc. is transpositioned with relevant parts readjusted. Consequently, it sounds more like a Chinese work than an English one.
5 Based on the assessment of lessons learned from past experience, the experts recommended that, in the interest of achieving stability and coherence in macro and micro policies for SME promotion, Governments should identify their appropriate role and activities to better support SMEs; they should adopt the principle of subsidiary, that is to identify who can do what best and at what level; in this context it might be necessary to develop the necessary legislation for non-state service providers. Governments should understand needs assessment and develop tools to evaluate impacts of policies and program, including support mechanisms.
1) Analysis of the original:
A) Grammatical analysis:
The selection consists of two sentences, of which the first is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and an object clause, which in turn is composed of three coordinate clauses; and the second is a simple sentence. Additionally, the first sentence begins with past participle; in the sentence, in the interest of achieving stability and coherence in macro and micro policies for SME promotion is embedded as a parenthesis; and the third coordinate clause begins with a prepositional phrase. Also in the third coordinate clause, it serves as the formal subject and to develop the necessary legislation for… serves as the real subject.
B) Stylistic analysis:
Stylistically speaking, the selection consists of two sentences, of which the first is periodic in that it begins with a prepositional phrase and in the object clause, there is a prepositional phrase embedded serving as a parenthesis. And in the second coordinate clause in the object clause, that is can be regarded as a parenthesis, and the third coordinate clause begins with a prepositional phrase. In other words, the three coordinate clauses in the object clause are periodic clauses, indicating that the first sentence in the selection is complicated and periodic in structure. in addition, the two sentences are structurally formal for their grammatical completeness and freedom from colloquial structures. Another preeminent stylistic feature lies in that all the three coordinate clauses are parallel to each other and the second sentence is parallel to the main body of the first coordinate clause in the object clause. In addition, parallel structures at phrasal and lexical levels are quite frequently used, for example, stability and coherence; macro and micro; role and activities; what best and at what level; understand needs assessment and develop tools…; and policies and program. In terms of lexical cohesive device, examples can be found as follows:
macro and micro are used as antonyms; the acronym SMEs is used as a repetition for SME; governments and assessment are repeated; evaluate is used as a partial synonym for assessment; and so on. Besides, formal words, including nominalizations, are also frequently used, for example, assessment, experience, expert, recommend, achieve, stability, coherence, and many others.
2) Staged translation:
A) Translation 1:


Following the vocabulary and structure of the original strictly, we have generated basically a word-for-word translation, though with some readability, coherence and authenticity obtained. However, the translation could be reorganized from a number of angles. For example, the first two clauses could be retranslated like this: 过去的经验教训颇多,专家们曾对之进行过评估,以便吸取教训。

在此基础上,他们建议:Such a translation sounds more authentic, though irrespective to the original structure to some extent.
B) Translation 2:





In the present translation, readjustments are made in that, first, the first sentence in the translation is readjusted both lexically and structurally. In what follows, 在这方面is inserted for coherence and 把握is used as a repeated translation of identify for the collocation in the new context; 好到什么水平is used for the translation of the more precise meaning in the original. In addition, periods are now used to substitute for the semi-colons to achieve authenticity in Chinese sense.
C) Translation 3:






In the present translation, readjustments are made in that, first, the previous first sentence in is now translated into two, with readjustments made both lexically and structurally, especially in the second sentence of the translation. For example, with the fronting of 促进中小企业发展的宏观
政策与微观政策, 在制定和执行……方面is inserted. In this way, the original long clause in Translation 2 is chopped into pieces. In what follows, 以便改善对中小企业的支持is substituted for the previous together with minor readjustments made in what follows. Consequently, at least readability and authenticity are improved.
6 The experts were of the opinion that policy coherence must occur in at least five areas:
(i) There must be coherence between macroeconomic conditions and micro policies favoring SMEs, because macroeconomic instability not only affects SMEs more but can also destroy whatever impact SME program could have;
(ii) Policy coherence is needed among all public and private sector bodies involved in SME support services in the country, because fragmented policies and programs waste scarce resources;
(iii) There must be policy coherence among all levels of government, since what is achieved at the federal level might be undermined at a lower level and vice versa;
(iv) There must be stability, clarity and coherence in implementation;
(v) There must be coherence between policies to promote internal growth of SMEs while respecting external obligations and commitments such as WTO agreements. SME issue should be integrated into overall industrial policy. However, Governments should also have a national strategy to redress biases against SMEs by addressing their specific needs such as access to a range of business services which large firms commonly have internally.
1) Analysis of the original:
A) Grammatical analysis:
The selection can be regarded as composed of quite eight sentences whose structures will be analyzed in the following manner. The introductory sentence is complex in structure, composed of a main clause and a clause in apposition to the noun opinion that goes before it. Item (i) as a sentence is also complex in structure, composed of a main clause and an adverbial clause of reason, which in turn consists of two coordinate verb phrases and in the second verb phrase, there is an object clause embedded. Item (ii) as a sentence is again complex in structure, composed of a main clause and an adverbial clause of reason. Item (iii) as a sentence is once more complex in structure, composed of a main clause and an adverbial clause of reason, whose subject is itself a clause. Item (iv) as a sentence is simple in structure. Item (v) consists of three sentences, of which the structure of the second sentence is rather simple and straightforward. The first can be regarded as a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and an elliptic clause; the secondsentence is simple in structure while the last is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and an attributive clause deeply embedded in a noun phrase. Additionally, the main clauses in Item (i), (iii), (iv) and the first two sentences in Item (v) are inverted.
B) Stylistic analysis:
Stylistically speaking, the six items, including the introductory sentence, vary in length, structure and complication in that, of the six, only Item (iv) is a simple sentence while Item (v) consists of three sentences, and all of the sentences in the items (i)-(v), including the introductory sentence, are complex in structure, except for Item (iv) and the second sentence in the last item. However, all the sentences in the selection are formal in structure for their grammatical completeness and freedom from colloquial structures. In the selection, parallel structure are frequently used, for example, of the five items, the first three are parallel in structure, each with a main clause plus an
adverbial clause of reason, though varying in details. Besides, there are other parallel structures, for example, macroeconomic conditions and micro policies; not only affects SMEs more but can also destroy…; public and private; policies and programs; stability, clarity and coherence;and obligations and commitments. In terms of lexical cohesive device, examples can be found as follows: the key word coherence is repeatedly used six times, the second repeatedly used word is policy, either in singular or plural form. The term SME is used four times while must, macro- economic and government(s) are used twice; stability is used in contrast with instability; micro is used as an antonym to macro; obligation is used in connection with must, need and should, and so on. Besides, formal words, including nominalizations, are frequently used throughout the selection, for example, coherence, macroeconomic, policy, instability, destroy, whatever, impact, program, involve, support, service, fragment, resources, and many others.
2) Staged translation:
A) Translation 1:



This is a basically word-for-word translation, though with some local readjustments made in the translating process. Consequently, some words and phrase are not appropriately collocated, for example, 毁掉……影响; 国家的……公共的与私有的经济体; 支离破碎的项目;稳定性、清晰性和连贯性, and others. Besides, the last two clauses should be repositioned or retranslated.
B) Translation 2:


