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Electric Construction Technical Guideline
IMPT Construction Department, Shanghai Secco June,2002
一、编制说明- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Description of compilation
二、编制依据- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Compilation references.
三、施工准备- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Construction preparation
四、土建中间交接- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Interim hand over of civil work
五、设备、材料开箱检查- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Open-box inspection for equipment and material
六、主要项目施工方法及技术质量标准- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Construction plan and technical quality criteria of main
(一)预埋施工- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Embedding construction for
(二)变压器安装- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installation of the transformer
(三)高压开关柜安装- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installation of the high voltage switch cabinet
(四)其他配电柜安装- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installation of the other power distribution cabinet
(五)母线安装- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installation of the bus bar
(六)桥架安装- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installation of the tray
(七)电动机安装- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installation of the electromotor
(八)照明安装- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installation of the lighting
(九)接地安装- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Earthing
(十)电缆敷设- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Laying of the cable
(十一)二次接线- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Small wiring
(十二)防爆区域施工要求- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Construction specification at explosion proof area
七、电气试验调整- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Adjustment for an electric test
八、竣工资料- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As built documentation
九、电气施工安全- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Electric construction safety
Supply power to the transformer station
十一、附则- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Compilation description

This technical documentation is a technical measurement of electric construction for the 900,000 tons of ethylene project of Shanghai Secco Petrochemical Company Limited. The electric construction consists of:

One head transformer station of 220KV.

Six transformer stations of 35 KV for production equipments, circulating water field, area for tanks and etc.

Transformer and distribution substation of 10(6) KV for production equipments, circulating water field, area for tanks and other places.

Electric equipment, earthing device and lighting etc. for production equipments, circulating water field, area for tanks, transformer station, central control room and other places.

SECCO IPMT (party A), Contractor for Construction (party B) and supervisor (party C) are principal performance bodies of the measurement; the relative departments and its personnel should observe this measurement.

This technical documentation should be managed by SECCO IMPT Construction Department.
Compilation references.
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for high voltage electrical appliances (GBJ147-90)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for power transformer, liquid immersed reactor and instrument transformer (GBJ148-90)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for bus bar device (GBJ149-90)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for cable line (GBJ50168-92)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for earthing device (GBJ50169-92)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for rotary electric machine (GBJ50170-92)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for wiring of cabinet and secondary loop (GBJ50171-92)
Test standard of electrical device installation works for take over of electric equipment (GB50150-91)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for electric device in hazardous environment of explosion and fire (GBJ50257-96)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for wire laying project of 1KV or less (GBJ50258-96)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for current transformation equipment (GBJ50255-96)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for battery (GBJ50172-92)
Construction and acceptance specification of electrical device installation works for eclectic lighting device (GBJ50259-96)
Regulation for as built technical documentation of project construction (SH3503-2001)
Technical preparation of construction


The construction technical manager and the engineer etc. of party A should take part in the checkup of the construction drawings. The keystone of the check up should be the feasibility of the construction. Relative technician in charge from the party B should also take part in if the situation is available.

The relative technical personnel of party A, party B and party c must study the construction drawings and technical specification carefully and record the questions of the designed drawing before starting the project; take part in the technical clarify of the design unit to design purpose and requirement, which organized by the construction manager of party A, and present questions and ask for its answer; sign the minutes of the design clarify meeting.

Party B should prepare electric construction plan and party C should prepare electric supervision outline, which will instruct the electric construction work after checked up and confirmed by party A.
The electric construction plan consists of:
Amount of construction work
Labor force organization plan
Construction plan for main equipment
Plan for construction stuff
Construction schedule
Construction procedure and quality control diagram
Safety measurement of the construction
Technical measurement of the construction (construction method and quality
requirement for main project, items and criteria of electric test, construction
log and as built documentation and etc.)


Party B must perform the technical clarify carefully before the construction, carrying out the clarify at the aspect of construction task, technique, safety and quality etc. The installation personnel should enter the site group by group according to the project schedule, and perform the preparation work sufficiently for each construction work in advance.
Interim hand over of civil work
An Interim inspection to the civil work of transformer substation should be organized; the installation unit must take part in and hand it over as follows:

The construction unit for civil work should hand over all embedded parts and reserved holes one by one to the installation unit according to the dimension and position marked on the construction drawings of civil work.

The intensity of the concrete foundation and support and the embedded parts should meet the design and installation specification.

The center distance and the height deviation of concrete foundation, the center distance deviation and the level and parallel requirement for the section steel of support or foundation, the center distance deviation of the embedded iron plate should be in the permitted range.

The final floor has been completed.

The render work of the inner wall has been completed.

No leakage appears at the roof.

The door and the window have been installed, and the keys are delivered.

The construction facilities indoors for civil work have been removed, and the site is clean.
Open-box inspection for the equipment and the material

The open-box inspection is organized by purchase department , the open-box inspection for the equipment and the material is performed at silo or construction site.


Before open-box inspection, check whether the original package from the
manufacturer of the equipment and material is in good condition. If it is not in good condition, a photo of the damaged status should be taken and kept to make a convenience for handling the problems found during open-box inspection.

Check whether the technical documentations (certificate of conformity, test report, drawing and instruction manual etc.) are complete, whether the type and specification is in conformity to the design of the construction drawings.

Count one by one to check whether the main equipments, material, fittings, spare parts, special tools etc. are complete.
The appearance checking consists of:

Whether the porcelain parts have defects such as cracks and damage etc. (2)各充油设备、油位指示是否正常,有无渗漏现象。

Whether the oil filling equipment and oil level indication are normal, and
whether they have seepage.

Whether the equipment frames have deformation and damage on the painting

Whether the operating mechanism and electrical element are complete, and
whether they are affected with rust, damp and are damaged. Whether they
have defects, for example, the set bolts and pins of component parts are loose
and etc.

During the appearance checking, only the problems existing on the surface of the equipments can be found, the problems found gradually during the installation or electric commissioning should be report at any moment.


A detailed record of the open-box inspection should be made, and also the
signatures of the persons who take part in the inspection. The problems found during the inspection should be solved through specified ways and means in time.

The equipments should be moved in room for storage (except the outdoor equipments). If it is required to store outdoors temporarily, a reliable rainproof measurement must be taken and the time should be shorten as less as possible. 9、设备开箱资料、记录等由开箱牵头部门保存,工程验收后转负责竣工的部门。


The department who organize the open-box inspection should keep the open-box documentation and record and handed over to the department who are responsible for the completion of the project after checking and accepting the project. The documentation and record required during the construction may be copied and distributed.
10 、特殊情况时,安装班组领取的部分未开箱设备,应书面承诺在开箱后及时将回箱内合格证等技术证明文件,交付上述保管部门。

In the special occasion, if the installation unit take the equipment without open-box inspection, they should promise in written form that they will hand over the technical certificating documentations such as a certificate of conformity in the box to above mentioned department in time after the box is opened.
Construction plan and technical quality criteria of main project


The basic principle of the electric construction is to perform the construction according to the drawings, normalize the construction plan, and unify the standard of construction technical quality. If it is required to modify the drawings, which is caused by the problems met during the construction, the construction unit should present it to relative electric engineer from the IPMT (or supervisor) for solution. (一)予埋施工
Embedding Construction
Section steel of the foundation of transformer substation

In order to enhance the embedded precision and guarantee the embedded quality, the electric personnel should join in the embedding construction for the section steel of the foundation of transformer substation in advance.

The section steel for the foundation of cabinet and panel in the transformer station are
always installed upright with channel steel (according to the instruction manual supplied by the manufacturer). Before the civil work on the terrace indoors, the section steel of the foundation should be welded on the embedded iron part of the civil work.

中臵式高压柜、变频柜、低压柜、继保屏等的基础型钢高出室内地坪10mm为宜,手车式高压柜宜高出内地坪2 mm。

Before the embedding construction, the final level of the terrace indoors must be found. The section steel of the foundation for the middle-placed high voltage cabinet, the frequency conversion cabinet, low voltage cabinet, relay protection panel and etc. should be 10 mm higher than the terrace indoors, and the handcart high voltage cabinet could be 2 mm higher than the terrace indoors.

The section steel should be leveled up during the installation. The level deviation per meter should be less than 1mm. And the level deviation of the whole length should be less than 2mm.


When installing more than one section steels, the section steels should be parallel one to another. Two foundation section steels, which are nearest to the central operating channel, should be installed first according to the designed distance between the cabinets. The installation of the bus bar should be also taken into consider at the same time.


The foundation channel steel should be earthed. After being welded with galvanized flat steel, the channel steel will be connected with disconnecting clip, which is made from the outgoing wire of the earthed cooper-packed steel. This foundation channel steel can also be used as earth connection.
concealed lighting wiring indoors

When being embedded, the steel pipeline should be layout at the middle of the wall. It is not permitted to install the pipes very close to the wall, and cover the pipe only by the float coat of the brick wall.

The surface of the concealed iron junction box for the switch and plug set should be app. 10mm higher than the brick wall to prevent the iron box sinking too deep inside
the wall after the float work.

The steel pipe line laying in the cast-in-place concrete should be installed above the reinforcing steel bar of the first floor (roof) of the civil work. This work should be finished before installing the reinforcing steel bar of the second floor (roof) of the civil work.

The concealed pipe laying in the cast-in-place concrete should be fixed on the reinforcing steel bar. The nozzle and the iron box should be jam-packed with cloth or paper to prevent that the nozzle (or box opening) cannot be found after remove the templates or are jammed by the concrete.

The work of looking for the nozzle (or box opening) should be performed immediately after removing the complete of the civil work.

The installation height of the center of the switch box is 1.2m, and the height of the box of plug set is 0.3m. The installation height of each switch and plug set should be in coincidence, and the height difference should not more than 2mm.

The center of concealed lighting box should be 1.5m from the ground. The internal units should be removed in advance; only the iron box is embedded inside the wall. The vertical deviation of the box should not more than 3mm. It should be considered at the same time that the four brims of the box’s faceplate shoul d be close to the surface of the wall when performing the float work.



When the concealed steel pipe entering the lamp holder box, switch box, plug set box and lighting box, for the steel pipes with DN50 or less, they should be threaded connected and locked with locknut at the inside and outsides of the iron junction box; for the protection pipes more than DN50, they could be fixed by welding. The nozzle exposed above the box should be less than 5mm.


The protection nozzle of the switch box, plug set box and lighting box should be temporarily blocked with paper, cloth or stopper etc reliably to prevent the foreign substance dropping in and bring future trouble. It is required to check this problem always together with the construction workers of civil work, and to make a supplement in time if the blocking stuff falls off.


The opening should have a pipe protection ring. The compression connection cap should be used to connect the wires.
Wire crossing inside the lighting pipe should be performed strictly according to the color as follows:
A – yellow
B – green
C – red N – baby blue PE – yellow and green
control wire – white
earth mat indoors

the layout of the earth mat should meet the position requirement of the designed drawings, especially the distance between the main earth line and the buildings. (2)明接地网过门处应事先予埋,穿过墙壁、混凝土现浇地板处应预先埋设钢套管。

the exposed earth mat going across the door should be embedded in advance. The steel sleeve should be embedded at the wall and the floor made from cast-in-place concrete where the visual earth mat passing through.

when the earth mat indoors s is fetched abroad, the part indoors should be embedded deep enough, viz. the earth mat should be fetched out at least from the lower part of apron revetment.

the distance between the exposed part of the earth wire along the wall indoors and the wall should be 10~15mm.
protection line at the area of the equipment

the protection tube should not concave obviously after being bended, the bending degree should be not more than 10% of the tube.

the inner diameter of selected protection tube should be not less than 1.5 times of external diameter of the cable.

it is required to check whether the caliber of the protection tube is appropriate according to the cable-laying table before embedded the protection tube of the cable. The caliber of the protection tube can be increased if necessary.

the actual laying position of the protection tube underground should be in conformity with the drawing. If it is not in some cases, the inconformity should be marked in detail on the drawing after the construction.


the nozzle of the protection tube should be protected specially and blocked temporarily to prevent the foreign substance coming in.

the general embedded depth of the protection tube should be 0.4m, the steel tube is 200mm higher above the ground.

it is forbidden to open a hole with the welder at the steel plate where the protection tube passes through.

it is required for all support to remove the welding slag and mend with anti-rust paint and top coat.
earth mat at the area of equipment

the laying of the earth mat at the area of equipment should be finished before paving the terrace.

the construction for earth mat should be performed together with drainage work underground if it is permitted. And it is required to make the best of the reusable existing pipe ditch. However, the laying position should be in conformity with the requirement of the drawing.






the embedded earth wire connects with end lap weld. It is forbidden to contact directly with the iron parts and process pipe underground. Insulation protection must be taken with PVC plastic tube at the connection in unavoidable occasion. Insulation protection must be taken with PVC plastic tube in the area 1.5m from the iron parts and process pipe underground, which should not be missed. It is not required to take into account the electric protection tube. The embedded depth should not be less than 0.7m; the hard substance such as stone should not exist in the ditch before laying the earth wire; the earth ditch should be back filled with clay, big stone block should not be put on the ditch.


when connect the earth mat with multiple sub earth points, the disconnection clip which is easy to disconnect, should be setup according to the design specification. The contact surface of the disconnection clip should be painted with conductive grease.

all earth wire going through the ground, floor and steel plate should be protected with the galvanized steel pipe.

when embedding the earth mat, it is required to learn about the final level of the ground from the civil work specialty, thus to determine the relative embedded depth of the earth mat.

the laying route of the earth mat should avoid the equipment foundation and the valve well underground. The earth mat should not be paralleled above or below the line underground.

when meeting the barrier, the laying position can be changed appropriately, which must get the agreement according to the regulations in advance.

when fetching out the earth wire from the ground, the position should be close to the equipment that need to earth as near as possible. But the earth wire should be prevented from embedding in the float coat of the equipment foundation.

the lighting line etc., which are not drawn on the designed earth drawing, should be earthed reliably according to the specification but not missed.

the main earth wire should be protected with galvanized steel pipe DN100 when go through the road.

the earthing device at the whole area of the equipments (including the outside of the transformer station) composes an earth mat, which is a common mat for the lightning arrester, antistatic and protection earth with a earth resistance not more than 4Ω。


if the finished earth mat is broken by the construction work of other specialty, rehabilitation should be performed in time.

if the construction work for the earth underground completes, record of concealed work should be taken in truth and in time. The back filling can be done after inspected and signed by the party A (party C).
Installation of the transformer


the levelness of the foundation channel should be adjusted before emplacing the transformer. And proper shim block should be welded at one side of it to form an uprising grade of 1~1.5% for the head cover of the transformer along the gas relay. The transformer without gas relay should be installed horizontally.

The wheel of the transformer should be removed, the foundation of the transformer should be fixed with braking device.


whether the transformer’s body should be inspected (excepting the unnecessary inspection specified by the manufacturer) is determined with the manufacturer according to the delivery status. If inspecting the body, the construction technical measurement should be prepared and the inspection should be performed by the unit with responding qualification.

the oil storage tank should be cleaned before installation. The rubber bladder or diaphragm should be complete without any damage. The rubber bladder can expand slowly with gas charging and has no gas leakage.


the gas relay should be calibrated before installation, the arrow marked on the head cover of it directs to the oil storage tank. The installation of the gas relay will be performed together with the oil storage tank.



before the installation it is required to check whether the original sealing package from the manufacturer of the radiator is in good condition. If there are damages, it should be flushed with transformer oil to remove the foreign substance. When emplacing the radiator, it should be considered that the direction of the top and the bottom should not reverse. When lifting the radiator, it is not permitted to bind the steel wire directly on the radiating pins. If each radiating pin has a number marked by the manufacturer when it delivered, then the pins should be installed according to the numbers. If the deviation is too large and the pins can not be installed, the installation should be stopped temporarily and the personnel sent from the manufacturer will solve the problems.

before the installation it is required to check whether there are drying silica gel inside the oil purifier with amount of 2% of the total weight of transformer oil, the filter cloth of the silica gel should be fixed at the outlet (lower part) of oil purifier.

the cooling fan should be installed tightly, the test run should have no vibration, the correct direction of rotation of the impeller is a direction blowing the wind upward. 9、吸湿器里的硅胶应干燥,油封存油位应在油面线上,油杯拧紧后应松开3mm 左右。

the silica gel inside the dehydrating breather should be dry, the oil storage level of oil seal should be above the oil level, the oil cup should be loosen about 3 mm after it is tightened.


if the explosion protection device adapts pressure release valve, then it cannot be。
