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Member oChartOfAccounts oBusinessPartners oBanks oItems oVatGroups oPriceLists oSpecialPrices oItemProperties oUsers oInvoices oCreditNotes oDeliveryNotes oReturns oOrders oPurchaseInvoices oPurchaseCreditNotes oPurchaseDeliveryNotes oPurchaseReturns oPurchaseOrders oQuotations oIncomingPayments oJournalVouchers oJournalEntries oStockTakings oContacts oCreditCards oCurrencyCodes oPaymentTermsTypes oBankPages oManufacturers oVendorPayments oLandedCostsCodes oShippingTypes oLengthMeasures oWeightMeasures oItemGroups oSalesPersons oCustomsGroups oChecksforPayment oInventoryGenEntry oInventoryGenExit oWarehouses oCommissionGroups oProductTrees oStockTransfer oWorkOrders oCreditPaymentMethods oCreditCardPayments oAlternateCatNum oBudget oBudgetDistribution oMessages oBudgetScenarios
Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 30 31 33 36 37 40 42 43 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 59 60 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 73 77 78 81 91
oChooseFromList oFormattedSearches oAttachments2 oUserLanguages oMultiLanguageTranslations oDynamicSystemStrings oHouseBankAccounts oBusinessPlaces oLocalEra oSalesTaxInvoice oPurchaseTaxInvoice BoRecordset BoBridge oNotaFiscalUsage oNotaFiscalCFOP oNotaFiscalCST oClosingDateProcedure oBusinessPartnerGroups oBPFiscalRegistryID oDownPayments oPurchaseDownPayments
218 219 221 223 224 229 231 247 250 280 281 300 305 260 258 259 261 10 278 203 204
ChartOfAccounts object. BusinessPartners object. Banks Object. Items object. VatGroups Object. PriceLists object. SpecialPrices object. ItemProperties Users object. Documents object that represents a draft of sales invoice document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales credit note document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales delivery note document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales return document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales order document. Documents object that represents a draft of purchase invoice document. Documents object that represents a draft of purchase credit note document. Documents object that represents a draft of purchase delivery note document. Documents object that represents a draft of a purchase return document. Documents object that represents a draft of purchase order document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales quotation document. Payments object. JournalVouchers object. JournalEntries object that represents a normal journal entry. StockTaking object. Contacts object. CreditCards Object Currencies object. PaymentTermsTypes object. BankPages object. Manufacturers Payments object that represents payments to vendors. LandedCostsCodes ShippingTypes LengthMeasures WeightMeasures ItemGroups object. SalesPersons CustomsGroups ChecksforPayment object. Documents object that is used to enter general items to the inventory. Documents object that is used to exit general items from inventory. Warehouses object. CommissionGroups ProductTrees object. StockTransfer object. WorkOrders object. CreditPaymentMethods CreditCardPayments AlternateCatNum object. Budget object. BudgetDistribution object. Messages object. BudgetScenarios object.
SalesOpportunities object. UserDefaultGroups SalesStages ActivityTypes object. ActivityLocations object.
Documents object that represents a draft document (see Creating a draft document sample).
DeductionTaxHierarchies object. DeductionTaxGroups object. AdditionalExpenses object. SalesTaxAuthorities object. SalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes object. SalesTaxCodes object. QueryCategories object. object. FactoringIndicators Payments object. AccountSegmentations object. AccountSegmentationCategories object. WarehouseLocations object. Forms1099 object. InventoryCycles object. WizardPaymentMethods object. BPPriorities object. DunningLetters object. UserFieldsMD object. UserTablesMD object. PickLists object. PaymentRunExport object. UserQueries object. MaterialRevaluation object. Documents object that represents a Documents object that represents a document. Documents object that represents a Documents object that represents a ContractTemplates object. EmployeesInfo object. CustomerEquipmentCards object. WithholdingTaxCodes object. BillOfExchangeTransaction object. KnowledgeBaseSolutions object. ServiceContracts object. ServiceCalls object. UserKeysMD object. Queue object. SalesForecast object. Territories object. Industries object. ProductionOrders object. PackagesTypes object. UserObjectsMD object. Teams object. Relationships object. UserPermissionTree object. ActivityStatus object.
97 93 101 103 104 112 116 117 125 126 127 128 134 138 140 142 143 144 145 146 147 150 151 152 153 156 158 160 162 163 164 165 166 170 171 176 178 182 189 190 191 193 194 198 200 201 202 205 206 211 212 214 217
oSalesOpportunities oUserDefaultGroups oSalesStages oActivityTypes oActivityLocations oDrafts oDeductionTaxHierarchies oDeductionTaxGroups oAdditionalExpenses oSalesTaxAuthorities oSalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes oSalesTaxCodes oQueryCategories oFactoringIndicators oPaymentsDrafts oAccountSegmentations oAccountSegmentationCategor ies oWarehouseLocations oForms1099 oInventoryCycles oWizardPaymentMethods oBPPriorities oDunningLetters oUserFields oUserTables oPickLists oPaymentRunExport oUserQueries oMaterialRevaluation oCorrectionPurchaseInvoice oCorrectionPurchaseInvoiceRe versal oCorrectionInvoice oCorrectionInvoiceReversal oContractTemplates oEmployeesInfo oCustomerEquipmentCards oWithholdingTaxCodes oBillOfExchangeTransactions oKnowledgeBaseSolutions oServiceContracts oServiceCalls oUserKeys oQueue oSalesForecast oTerritories oIndustries oProductionOrders oPackagesTypes oUserObjectsMD oTeams oRelationships oUserPermissionTree oActivityStatus
Member oChartOfAccounts oBusinessPartners oBanks oItems oVatGroups oPriceLists oSpecialPrices oItemProperties oUsers oInvoices oCreditNotes oDeliveryNotes oReturns oOrders oPurchaseInvoices oPurchaseCreditNotes oPurchaseDeliveryNotes oPurchaseReturns oPurchaseOrders oQuotations oIncomingPayments oJournalVouchers oJournalEntries oStockTakings oContacts oCreditCards oCurrencyCodes oPaymentTermsTypes oBankPages oManufacturers oVendorPayments oLandedCostsCodes oShippingTypes oLengthMeasures oWeightMeasures oItemGroups oSalesPersons oCustomsGroups oChecksforPayment oInventoryGenEntry oInventoryGenExit oWarehouses oCommissionGroups oProductTrees oStockTransfer oWorkOrders oCreditPaymentMethods oCreditCardPayments oAlternateCatNum oBudget oBudgetDistribution oMessages oBudgetScenarios
Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 30 31 33 36 37 40 42 43 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 59 60 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 73 77 78 81 91
oChooseFromList oFormattedSearches oAttachments2 oUserLanguages oMultiLanguageTranslations oDynamicSystemStrings oHouseBankAccounts oBusinessPlaces oLocalEra oSalesTaxInvoice oPurchaseTaxInvoice BoRecordset BoBridge oNotaFiscalUsage oNotaFiscalCFOP oNotaFiscalCST oClosingDateProcedure oBusinessPartnerGroups oBPFiscalRegistryID oDownPayments oPurchaseDownPayments
218 219 221 223 224 229 231 247 250 280 281 300 305 260 258 259 261 10 278 203 204
ChartOfAccounts object. BusinessPartners object. Banks Object. Items object. VatGroups Object. PriceLists object. SpecialPrices object. ItemProperties Users object. Documents object that represents a draft of sales invoice document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales credit note document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales delivery note document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales return document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales order document. Documents object that represents a draft of purchase invoice document. Documents object that represents a draft of purchase credit note document. Documents object that represents a draft of purchase delivery note document. Documents object that represents a draft of a purchase return document. Documents object that represents a draft of purchase order document. Documents object that represents a draft of sales quotation document. Payments object. JournalVouchers object. JournalEntries object that represents a normal journal entry. StockTaking object. Contacts object. CreditCards Object Currencies object. PaymentTermsTypes object. BankPages object. Manufacturers Payments object that represents payments to vendors. LandedCostsCodes ShippingTypes LengthMeasures WeightMeasures ItemGroups object. SalesPersons CustomsGroups ChecksforPayment object. Documents object that is used to enter general items to the inventory. Documents object that is used to exit general items from inventory. Warehouses object. CommissionGroups ProductTrees object. StockTransfer object. WorkOrders object. CreditPaymentMethods CreditCardPayments AlternateCatNum object. Budget object. BudgetDistribution object. Messages object. BudgetScenarios object.
SalesOpportunities object. UserDefaultGroups SalesStages ActivityTypes object. ActivityLocations object.
Documents object that represents a draft document (see Creating a draft document sample).
DeductionTaxHierarchies object. DeductionTaxGroups object. AdditionalExpenses object. SalesTaxAuthorities object. SalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes object. SalesTaxCodes object. QueryCategories object. object. FactoringIndicators Payments object. AccountSegmentations object. AccountSegmentationCategories object. WarehouseLocations object. Forms1099 object. InventoryCycles object. WizardPaymentMethods object. BPPriorities object. DunningLetters object. UserFieldsMD object. UserTablesMD object. PickLists object. PaymentRunExport object. UserQueries object. MaterialRevaluation object. Documents object that represents a Documents object that represents a document. Documents object that represents a Documents object that represents a ContractTemplates object. EmployeesInfo object. CustomerEquipmentCards object. WithholdingTaxCodes object. BillOfExchangeTransaction object. KnowledgeBaseSolutions object. ServiceContracts object. ServiceCalls object. UserKeysMD object. Queue object. SalesForecast object. Territories object. Industries object. ProductionOrders object. PackagesTypes object. UserObjectsMD object. Teams object. Relationships object. UserPermissionTree object. ActivityStatus object.
97 93 101 103 104 112 116 117 125 126 127 128 134 138 140 142 143 144 145 146 147 150 151 152 153 156 158 160 162 163 164 165 166 170 171 176 178 182 189 190 191 193 194 198 200 201 202 205 206 211 212 214 217
oSalesOpportunities oUserDefaultGroups oSalesStages oActivityTypes oActivityLocations oDrafts oDeductionTaxHierarchies oDeductionTaxGroups oAdditionalExpenses oSalesTaxAuthorities oSalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes oSalesTaxCodes oQueryCategories oFactoringIndicators oPaymentsDrafts oAccountSegmentations oAccountSegmentationCategor ies oWarehouseLocations oForms1099 oInventoryCycles oWizardPaymentMethods oBPPriorities oDunningLetters oUserFields oUserTables oPickLists oPaymentRunExport oUserQueries oMaterialRevaluation oCorrectionPurchaseInvoice oCorrectionPurchaseInvoiceRe versal oCorrectionInvoice oCorrectionInvoiceReversal oContractTemplates oEmployeesInfo oCustomerEquipmentCards oWithholdingTaxCodes oBillOfExchangeTransactions oKnowledgeBaseSolutions oServiceContracts oServiceCalls oUserKeys oQueue oSalesForecast oTerritories oIndustries oProductionOrders oPackagesTypes oUserObjectsMD oTeams oRelationships oUserPermissionTree oActivityStatus