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101 ways to encourage a Child
1. Wow 哇!(叫绝声)
2. Way To Go 就该这么做
3. Super 极好的
4. You're Special 你不一样
5. Outstanding 杰出的
6. Excellent 优秀的
7. Great 伟大的
8. Good 好的
9. Neat 真整洁
10. Well Done 做得好
11. Remarkable 专门的
12. I Knew You Could Do It 我明白你能做的
13. I'm Proud Of You 我为你而自豪
14. Fantastic 太奇异了
15. Super Star 超级明星
16. Nice Work 干得好
17. Looking Good 看上去不错
18. You're On Top Of It 你是数一数二的
19. Beautiful 美极了
20. Now You're Flying 现在你起飞了(进步了)
21. You're Catching On 你是有吸引力的
22. Now You've Got It 现在你做到了
23. You're Incredible 你简直难以置信
24. You Can Do It 你能做到
25. How Did You Do That? 你如何样完成的?
26. Bravo 好啊!妙!
27. You're Fantastic 你真太妙了
28. You're Improving 你在进步
29. Hurray For You 为你喊万岁
30. You're On Target 你达到目标了
31. You're On Your Way 你在前进中
32. How Nice 多好啊
33. Good Job 干的杰出
34. That's Incredible 简直难以置信
35. Hot Dog 热狗
36. Let's Try Again 再试试
37. Dynamite 非同凡响
38. You're Beautiful 你太美了
39. You're Unique 你太不平常了
40. Nothing Can Stop You Now 现在你已所向无敌了
41. Good For You 为你好
42. I Like You 我喜爱你
43. You're A Winner 你是赢家
44. I Respect You 我尊敬你
45. You'll Make It 你一定会成功的
46. Remarkable Job 杰出的工作
47. Beautiful Work 完美的工作
48. Spectacular 壮观的,引人入胜的
49. I Like The Way You Handled That 我观赏你的做法
50. You're Precious 你是宝贵的
51. Great Discovery 伟大的发觉
52. You've Discovered The Secret 你差不多发觉了隐秘
53. You're Making Progress 你正在进步
54. You Figured It Out 你搞明白了
55. Fantastic Job 干的太好了
56. Hip, Hip Hurray 万岁!(喝彩声)
57. Bingo 你成功了
58. I Believe You'll Handle It 我确信你能行
59. Magnificent 杰出的
60. Marvelous 专门的
61. Terrific 太妙了
62. You Really Tried 你确实尽力了
63. Thanks For Helping 感谢你的关心
64. Super Job 杰出完成任务
65. Creative Job 制造性的完成任务
66. Super Work 超级完成任务
67. You're Sensational 你真令人感动
68. I Like Your Work 我观赏你的工作
69. I Can See Progress 我差不多看到了进步
70. Exceptional Performance 非同一样的表现
71. You're A Real Trooper 你真实一个好骑手
72. You Are Responsible 你是负责任的
73. You Are Exciting 你真令人兴奋
74. You Learned It Right 你做对了
75. Look How Far You've Come 瞧,你差不多有多领先了
76. What An Imagination 多么丰富的想象力!
77. What A Good Listener 多么用心的听众啊!
78. You Are Fun 你真有味
79. You're Growing Up 你长大了
80. You Tried Hard 你尽力了
81. You Care 你专门认真
82. Outstanding Performance 杰出的表现
83. You're A Good Friend 你是一个好朋友
84. I Have Confidence In Your Judgment 我坚信你的判定
85. I Trust You 我相信你
86. You're Important 你专门重要
87. You Belong 你属于我们
88. You've Got A Friend 你差不多得到了一个朋友
89. You Make Me Laugh 你让我开怀大笑
90. You Brighten My Day 你让我今天增辉许多
91. I Respect You 我崇敬你
92. That's Correct 正确
93. You're A Joy 你真让人快乐
94. You're A Treasure 你是个宝
95. You're Wonderful 你真妙极了
96. Awesome 真了不得
97. You Made My Day 你今天真让我快乐
98. That's The Best 真杰出
99. A Big Hug 热情拥抱你
100. A Big Kiss 亲吻你
101. Say I Love You! 我要说,我爱你!
P.S. Remember, A Smile Is Worth 1000 Words! 附:请记住,一个微笑胜过1000句话语。
Teacher’s Tender 教师的关怀---- Reward and Recognition coupons 赞扬用语手册
1. You may bring something special from home to school. 你能够从家中带些专门的东西到校。
2. Tomorrow is your special day to read in _____ class. 改日你将特许在××班阅读。
3. You may sit wherever you like today. 今天你能够选择你喜爱的座位。
4. Please share your ____expertise (skills) with ____.请把你的××见解和××分享。
5. Please help the new student today. 今天请你关心新来的同学。
6. You’re a SUPER student! 你是一个超级学生!
7. You may pick the story at storytime. 你在阅读课上可自选故事。
8. Your work is improving. 你的作业大有进步。
9. You followed directions well today. 今天你专门听话。
10. You may pick from the treat jar. 你能够从奖赏盒中选一样礼品。
11. You listened well today. 今天你听课十分认真。
12. You may design and put up the bulletin board. 你能够设计一个作品并贴在公告栏上。
13. You worked really hard today. 今天你学习确实十分努力。
14. You may choose the game we play. 你能够选择我们要玩的游戏
15. This coupon entitles the bearer to one HOMEWORK PASS. 那个奖
16. I think you’re WONDERFUL! May I call your parents to tell them so? 我认为你真不错!我能够打告诉你的父母吗?
17. You are a success! 你成功了!
18. You may be the teacher’s helper today. 今天你能够担任助教。
19. Today we will have lunch together. 今天让我们共进午餐。
20. You are FIRST today. 今天你第一名。