MOTOROLA MC14499 数据手册
![MOTOROLA MC14499 数据手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5a918d12cd1755270722192e453610661ed95ad4.png)
MC1449917-Segment LED Display Decoder/Driverwith Serial InterfaceCMOSThe MC14499 is a 7–segment alphanumeric LED decoder/driver with a serial interface port to provide communication with CMOS microprocessors and microcomputers. This device features NPN output drivers which allow interfacing to common cathode LED displays through external series resistors.•High–Current Segment Drivers On–Chip •CMOS MPU compatible Input Levels•Wide Operating Voltage Range: 4.5 to 6.5 V •Operating T emperature Range: 0 to 70°C •Drives Four Characters with Decimal Points •Also See MC14489BLOCK DIAGRAMDECIMAL h g f e d c b a I II III IVS E G M E N T O U T P U T SC H A R A C T E R S E L E C T O R SOrder this documentby MC14499/DMOTOROLASEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAMC14499MC14499MOTOROLA2MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages referenced to V SS )Rating Symbol Value Unit DC Supply Voltage V DD – 0.5 to + 7V Input Voltage, All InputsV in– 0.5 to V DD + 0.5VStorage T emperature RangeT stg– 65 to + 150°C*Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.Functional operation should be restricted to the limits in the Electrical Characteristics table or Circuit Operation section.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V DD = 4.5 to 6.5 V)0°C25°C70°CCharacteristicSymbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit Serial Port Input Voltage ‘0’ Level ‘1’ LevelV IL V IH —0.7 x V DD0.3 x V DD——0.7 x V DD0.3 x V DD——0.7 x V DD0.3 x V DD—V Serial Port Input Current (V in = 0 to V DD )I in —± 0.1—± 0.1—± 1.0µA Oscillator Input Voltage ‘0’ Level ‘1’ Level V IL V IH —0.75 x V DD 0.25 x V DD — —0.75 x V DD 0.25 x V DD ——0.8 x V DD 0.2 x V DD—V Oscillator Input CurrentV OSC = 0V OSC = V DDI IL I IH ——100– 10030– 3080– 8010– 10——µA Segment Driver Voltage Below V DDI out = 50 mA I out = 10 mA ∆V OH—— 1.10.8—— 1.00.75—— 1.10.8VSegment Driver Off Leakage V out = 0I OZ—100—50—100µA Digit Drivers Source (On)V out = 0.8 V Sink (Off)V out = 0.5 VI OH I OL 6– 0.2—— 5.5– 0.2——4– 0.1——mASupply Current V in = 0, I out = 0,C OSC = 0.015 µFI DD—1—1—1mA Maximum Power DissipationP D—500—500—500mWSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (V DD = 5 V ± 10%, T A = 0 to 70°C)CharacteristicFigure No.Symbol Min Max Unit Clock High Time 2t CH 2—µs Clock Low Time 2t CL 2—µs Clock Rise Time 2t CR —2µs Clock Fall Time 2t CF —2µs Enable Lead Time 2t E LEAD 200—ns Enable Lag Time 2t E LAG 200—ns Data Set–Up Time 2t D SUP 200—ns Data Hold Time 2t D HOLD 1—µs Scanner Frequency*41/t SCAN 50300Hz OSC/Digit Lead Time 4t OD —10µs OSC/Segment Lead Time 4t OS —10µs Digit Overlap4t OV—5µs*Scanner Capacitance = 0.022 µF.This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is ad-vised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maxi-mum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation, it is recom-mended that V in and V out be constrained to the range V SS ≤ (V in or V out ) ≤V DD .MC14499MOTOROLA3CIRCUIT OPERATIONThe circuit accepts a 20–bit input, 16 bits for the four–digit display plus 4 bits for the decimal point — these latter four bits are optional.The input sequence is the decimal point code followed by the four digits, as shown in Figure 1.In order to enter data the enable input, ENB, must be ac-tive low. The sample and shift are accomplished on the fal-ling clock edge, see Figure 2. Data are loaded from the shift register to the latches when ENB goes high. While the shift register is being loaded, the previous data are stored in the latches.If the decimal point is used, the system requires 20 clock pulses to load data; otherwise only 16 are required.CASCADINGThe circuit may be cascaded in the following manner.If a 1111 word is loaded into the decimal point latch, the output of the shift register is switched to the decimal point driver, see Figure 3. Therefore, to cascade n four–digit dis-play drivers, a set–up is used which loads the 1111 cascad-ing word:1.ENB = active low.2.Load 20 bits, the first four bits being 1, with 20 clock pulses.3.ENB = high, to load the latch.4.Repeat steps 1 to 3 (n – 1) times.5.(n x 20) bits can be loaded into n circuits, with 1111 as decimal point word to continue the cascading.SCANNERThe scanner frequency is determined by an on–chip oscil-lator, which requires an external frequency–determining ca-pacitor. The capacitor voltage varies between two trigger levels at the oscillator frequency.An external oscillator signal can be used, within the recom-mended operating range of 200 to 800 Hz. For test purposes this frequency may be increased up to 10 kHz.A divide by four counter provides four non–overlapping scanner waveforms corresponding to the four digits — see Figure 4.SEGMENT DECODERThe code used in these matrix decoders is shown in Fig-ure 5.OUTPUT DRIVERSThere are two different drivers:•The segment and decimal point drivers; these are NPN emitter followers with no current limiting devices.•The digit output buffers; these are short–circuit protected CMOS devices.A typical application circuit is shown in Figure 6.Figure 1. Input Sequence1817161514131211109876541920321TIMESHIFTBIT NO.DIGIT IV DIGIT III DIGIT II DIGIT I DECIMAL POINTM S BL S BM S BL S BM S BD I G I T I VD I G I T I I ID I G I T I ID I G I T IM S BL S BL S BMC14499MOTOROLA4Figure 2a. Serial Input, Positive ClockDATAD1D2D NC2C1C NENBCLKt E LEAD t CLt CHt DHt E LAGt DSUPFigure 2b. Serial Input, Negative ClockDATA D1D2D NC2C1C NENBCLKt E LEAD t CLt CHt DHt SUPt E LAGFigure 2. Serial InputFigure 3. Cascading MC14499sDATA ENBCLK DIGIT SEGMMC14499(1)h10 k47DATAENBCLK DIGIT SEGMMC14499(2)h47MC14499MOTOROLA5Figure 4. Scanner WaveformsDIGIT IVDIGIT IIIDIGIT IISEGMENT OUTPUTSDIGIT It ODOSCt SCAN1/t OSCt OVt OSFigure 5. Segment Code0000000100100011010001010110011110001001101010111100110111101111DASHBLANKMC14499MOTOROLA6Figure 6. Application ExampleCLKENB DATA OSCSEGMENT OUTPUTS (7)Chg f e d c b a III III IV GNDDIGIT OUTPUTS (4)Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4I DI SR1 – R8#1#2R1 – R8:36 – 82 ΩC:0.015 µF V DD Typ: 5 – 6 V I S max:40 – 50 mA I D max:8 I S max#3#4V DDMC14499...MC14499MOTOROLA7PACKAGE DIMENSIONSP SUFFIX PLASTIC DIP CASE 707–02MIN MIN MAX MAX MILLIMETERS INCHESDIM°0.510.8750.2400.1400.0140.0500.0400.0080.1150.9150.2600.1800.0220.0700.0600.0120.13515°1.022.54 BSC 7.62 BSC0.100 BSC 0.300 BSC 0°0.02015°0.040A B C D F G H J K L M NNOTES:1.POSITIONAL TOLERANCE OF LEADS (D),SHALL BE WITHIN 0.25 (0.010) AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION, IN RELATION TO SEATING PLANE AND EACH OTHER.2.DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL.3.DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH.191018BAHF GDSEATING PLANENKMJLCDW SUFFIX SOG PACKAGE CASE 751D–04NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER.3.DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION.4.MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.150(0.006) PER SIDE.5.DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.13(0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION.–A––B–2011110SAM0.010 (0.25)BST D20XMBM0.010 (0.25)P10XJFG18XKC–T–SEATINGPLANEMRX 45_DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX INCHESMILLIMETERS A 12.6512.950.4990.510B 7.407.600.2920.299C 2.35 2.650.0930.104D 0.350.490.0140.019F 0.500.900.0200.035G 1.27 BSC 0.050 BSC J 0.250.320.0100.012K 0 7 0 7 P 10.0510.550.3950.415R0.250.750.0100.029____MC14499MOTOROLA8Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit,and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.◊。
华为麦芒系列比较手机型号C199S C199B199A199手机类型4G手机,3G手机,智能手机,平板手机4G手机,3G手机,智能手机,平板手机3G手机,智能手机,平板手机3G手机,智能手机,平板手机运营商定制中国电信手机价格2184-2299元1625-1768元1269-1299元851-1350元屏幕触摸屏类型电容屏,多点触控电容屏,多点触控电容屏,多点触控电容屏,多点触控主屏尺寸 5.5英寸 5.5英寸 5.5英寸5英寸主屏材质TFT材质(IPS技术)TFT材质(IPS技术)TFT材质(IPS技术)IPS主屏分辨率1280x720像素1280x720像素1280x720像素1280x720像素屏幕像素密度267ppi267ppi267ppi294ppi窄边框 4.41mm 4.41mm 4.26mm 5.12mm屏幕占比70.28%70.28%71.72%67.17%网络网络类型双卡双卡双卡双通双卡双模双通4G网络电信TD-LTE,电信FDD-LTE 电信TD-LTE,电信FDD-LTE3G网络电信3G(CDMA2000),联通3G(WCDMA,仅限国际漫游),联通2G/移动2G(GSM)电信3G(CDMA2000),联通2G/移动2G(GSM)电信3G(CDMA2000),联通2G/移动2G(GSM)电信3G(CDMA2000),联通2G/移动2G(GSM)支持频段2G:GSM 900/1800/19003G:CDMA EVDO 800MHz2G:GSM 900/1800/19003G:CDMA EVDO 800MHz2G:GSM 900/1800/19003G:CDMA EVDO 800MHzWLAN功能WIFI,IEEE 802.11 n/b/g WIFI,IEEE 802.11 n/b/g WIFI,IEEE 802.11 n/b/g WIFI,IEEE 802.11 n/b/g连接与共享DLNA,WLAN热点,蓝牙4.0,NFC DLNA,WLAN热点,蓝牙4.0,NFC DLNA,WLAN热点,蓝牙4.0DLNA,WLAN热点,蓝牙4.0导航GPS导航,A-GPS技术,GLONASS导航,北斗导航GPS导航,A-GPS技术,GLONASS导航,北斗导航GPS导航,GLONASS导航,北斗导航GPS导航,GLONASS导航硬件操作系统Android OS 4.4 Android OS 4.4Android OS 4.3华为 Emotion 1.5(基于Android OS 4.1)用户界面Emoion UI 3.0 Emoion UI 2.3核心数真八核四核四核四核CPU型号高通骁龙615(MSM8939)高通骁龙Snapdragon MSM8928高通骁龙Snapdragon MSM8628海思 K3V2CPU频率 1.5GHz 1.6GHz 1.6GHz1536MHzRAM容量2GB2GB2GB2GBROM容量16GB16GB16GB8GB存储卡MicroSD卡,支持App2SD功能MicroSD卡,支持App2SD功能MicroSD卡,支持App2SD功能MicroSD卡,支持App2SD功能扩展容量32GB64GB32GB32GB电池类型不可拆卸式电池不可拆卸式电池可拆卸式电池可拆卸式电池电池容量3000mAh3000mAh3000mAh2150mAh理论通话时间300分钟300分钟600分钟理论待机时间200小时200小时300小时(2G),220小时(3G)摄像头摄像头内置内置内置内置摄像头类型双摄像头(前后)双摄像头(前后)双摄像头(前后)双摄像头(前后)后置摄像头1300万像素1300万像素1300万像素800万像素前置摄像头500万像素500万像素500万像素130万像素传感器类型背照式/BSI CMOS(一代)背照式/BSI CMOS(一代)背照式/BSI CMOS(一代)CMOS闪光灯LED补光灯LED补光灯LED补光灯光圈f/2.2f/2.2f/2.2视频拍摄1080p(1920×1080,30帧/秒)视频录制1080p(1920×1080,30帧/秒)视频录制拍照功能快拍,连拍,全焦,HDR,美颜,全景快拍,连拍,全焦,HDR,美颜,全景连拍,自动对焦外观造型设计直板直板直板直板手机尺寸153.5x77.3x7.6mm153.5x77.3x7.6mm151x77x8.9mm141.5x72.5x8.9mm手机重量167g167g170g160g机身材质金属机身金属机身金属机身操作类型触控按键触控按键触控按键触控按键感应器类型重力感应器,光线传感器,距离传感器重力感应器,光线传感器,距离传感器重力感应器,光线传感器,距离传感器重力感应器,光线传感器,距离传感器机身接口 3.5mm耳机接口Micro USB v2.0数据接口 3.5mm耳机接口Micro USB v2.0数据接口 3.5mm耳机接口Micro USB v2.0数据接口 3.5mm耳机接口Micro USB v2.0数据接口SIM卡类型Micro SIM卡,Nano SIM卡Micro SIM卡,Nano SIM卡服务与支持音频支持支持MIDI/MP3/AAC/AMR/WAV等格式支持MIDI/MP3/AAC/AMR/WAV等格式支持MIDI/MP3/AAC/AMR/WAV等格式支持MIDI/MP3/AAC/AMR/WAV等格式视频支持支持3GP/MP4/WMV等格式支持3GP/MP4/WMV等格式支持3GP/MP4/WMV等格式支持3GP/MP4/WMV等格式图片支持支持JPEG/PNG/GIF/BMP等格式支持JPEG/PNG/GIF/BMP等格式支持JPEG/PNG/GIF/BMP等格式支持JPEG/PNG/GIF/BMP等格式常用功能计算器,记事本,收音机,电子书,闹钟,日历,录音机,情景模式,主题模式,收音机计算器,记事本,收音机,电子书,闹钟,日历,录音机,情景模式,主题模式,收音机计算器,记事本,收音机,电子书,闹钟,日历,录音机,情景模式,主题模式计算器,记事本,收音机,电子书,闹钟,日历,录音机,情景模式,主题模式商务功能飞行模式,数据备份飞行模式,数据备份飞行模式,数据备份飞行模式,数据备份。
190g 190g 202g 179g 193g 198g 190.8g 206g
120Hz 120Hz 120Hz 60Hz 120Hz 120Hz OLED直 120Hz
234g 204g 225g 196g
120Hz 120Hz
46 小米 Redmi K40S 47 小米 Redmi K50 48 小米 Redmi K50 至尊版 49 小米 Redmi Note10 50 小米 Redmi Note11 51 小米 Redmi Note11 52 小米 Redmi Note11T Pro+ 53 OPPO A93s 54 OPPO A96 55 OPPO A97 56 OPPO A97 57 OPPO K9x 58 OPPO K9x 59 荣耀 80 Pro 60 荣耀 80 61 荣耀 80 SE 62 荣耀 70 Pro 63 荣耀 70 64 荣耀 60 65 荣耀 60 Pro 66 荣耀 X30i 67 荣耀 畅玩40 Plus 68 荣耀 magic3至臻版 69 荣耀 Magic4 70 荣耀 Magic4 Pro 71 荣耀X40 72 realme GT 大师探索版 73 realme GT2 Pro 74 U-Magic 50 Plus 75 百事乐 K50s 76 百事乐 K50s 77 海信 音乐阅读墨水瓶 78 金立 L9+ 79 酷维 A13 80 魅族 18X 81 纽曼 F20 82 努比亚 红魔7 83 诺基亚 T20
6.57英 66W
不支持 Android
6.57英 66W
不支持 Android
6.78英 120W 不支持 Android
6.78英 80W
Page 6
子领域 RAN预研 (新技术研究孵化) MBB预研 (移动宽带核心技术研究) 工作简介 从事无线接入网领域的新技术研究和孵化,包括但不限于WCDMA、LTE等 物理层和高层协议设计,M2M等应用的全系统的创新方案设计孵化等。 进行移动宽带网络核心技术研究,包括网络架构、功能和流程分析和验证、 算法分析和验证、性能优化、可靠性分析等。例如:控制信令、数据转发、 组网、安全、软件定义网络(SDN)、网络能力开放、数据挖掘、网络虚 拟化和云计算等关键技术。 代表华为公司参加国内外无线通信标准会议,推广公司的标准观点;管理 标准项目,分析国际、国内标准,跟踪国内外标准工作动态,制定和实施 标准策略,开发或者预开发标准,运用标准工作经验支撑产品设计、研究 决策;负责无线专利管理和运营。 从事UMTS/LTE演进以及未来无线通信系统技术的创新研究和技术验证工作, 例如网络架构演进,系统容量和覆盖技术研究(包含物理层技术,MAC调 度技术,干扰协调技术,以及异构网络技术等),研究内容包括技术创新, 算法分析和设计,样机开发,性能验证和优化等; 进行GSM、WCDMA、LTE等通信系统基带算法的研究,例如均衡、解调 与检测、编解码、同步、信道估计、多天线技术及其它物理层关键技术; 包括算法分析,算法设计,算法验证,定点化,性能分析,性能优化;
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黑莓 规格表
![黑莓 规格表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7652bbeb19e8b8f67c1cb9d1.png)
7105T规格表:体积(长x阔x深) 119×59×19mm重量120 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话综合扬声器、传声器、免提听筒(支持蓝芽耳筒)及免提对话提示多和弦铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.4寸(240*260像素)高解像彩色TFT LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘带背光SureType 键盘技术及QWERTY 键盘内存32 MB flash 内存加4MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (700mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新**7105T是7100T的升级版,除了继续沿续7100T的瘦身外形外,7105T的颜色由蓝色改为了更为讨人喜欢的黑色,同时键盘也进行了了升级,凹凸的立体设计,比较有手感另外7105T加入了类似三星显示器的显亮技术,屏幕背光开二级的时候非常亮,阳光直射也能看清楚。
7100G规格表体积(长x 阔x深) 119 x 58 x 19 mm重量120 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话综合扬声器、传声器、免提听筒(支持蓝芽耳筒)及免提对话提示多和弦铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.4寸(240*260像素)高解像彩色TFT LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘带背光SureType 键盘技术及QWERTY 键盘内存32 MB flash 内存加4MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (700mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新*7230规格表:体积(长x阔x深) 113×74.5×20 mm重量136 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话内置扬声器、麦克风、免提耳机提示MIDI铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.8寸(240×160像素)高解像彩色CSTN LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘带背光QWERTY 键盘内存16 MB flash 内存加2MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (700mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新*7130规格表:体积(长x阔x深) 114.5×56×18.4 mm重量120 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话综合扬声器、传声器、免提听筒(支持蓝芽耳筒)及免提对话提示MP3铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.4寸(240*320像素)高解像彩色TFT LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘背光QWERTY 键盘内存64 MB flash 内存加16MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (700mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新*7290规格表:体积(长x阔x深) 113×74.5×22 毫米重量139 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话内置扬声器、麦克风、免提耳机、支持蓝芽耳机提示MIDI铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.8寸(240×160像素)高解像彩色CSTN LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘带背光QWERTY 键盘内存32 MB flash 内存加4MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (700mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新*7100T规格表体积(长x 阔x深) 119 x 59 x 21 mm重量120 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话综合扬声器、传声器、免提听筒(支持蓝芽耳筒)及免提对话提示多和弦铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.4寸(240*260像素)高解像彩色TFT LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘带背光SureType 键盘技术及QWERTY 键盘内存32 MB flash 内存加4MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (700mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新*7730规格表:体积(长x阔x深) 121×77×18 mm重量142 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话内置扬声器、麦克风、免提耳机提示MIDI铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 3.2寸(240×240像素)高解像彩色CSTN LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘带背光键盘内存16 MB flash 内存加2MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (700mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新*8700G规格表体积(长x 阔x深) 110×69.5×19.5mm重量131 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话综合扬声器、传声器、免提听筒(支持蓝芽耳筒)及免提对话提示mp3铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.8寸(320*240像素)高解像彩色TFT LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘带背光QWERTY 键盘内存64 MB flash 内存加16MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (100mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新*8100规格表体积(长x 阔x深) 107×50×14.5mm重量90 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话综合扬声器、传声器、免提听筒(支持蓝芽耳筒)及免提对话提示mp3铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.4寸(240*260像素)高解像彩色TFT LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘带背光QWERTY 键盘内存64 MB flash 内存加16MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (100mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新*扩展卡支持microSD(T-Flash)卡摄像头130万像素播放器内置mp3播放器;支持MP3、AAC格式音乐8800规格表体积(长x 阔x深) 114×66×14mm重量134 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话综合扬声器、传声器、免提听筒(支持蓝芽耳筒)及免提对话提示mp3铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.8寸(320*240像素)高解像彩色TFT LCD屏幕,支持超过26万色键盘带背光QWERTY 键盘内存64 MB flash 内存加16MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (100mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新*扩展卡支持microSD(T-Flash)卡摄像头130万像素播放器内置mp3播放器;支持MP3、AAC格式音乐7100V规格表:体积(长x阔x深) 119×59×19mm重量120 克支持频段850/900/1800/1900MHz电话综合扬声器、传声器、免提听筒(支持蓝芽耳筒)及免提对话提示多和弦铃声、话音、震动、画面或LED显示显示屏 2.4寸(240*260像素)高解像彩色TFT LCD屏幕,支持超过65000色键盘带背光SureType 键盘技术及QWERTY 键盘内存32 MB flash 内存加4MB SRAM浏览器内置浏览器,可通过GPRS浏览网页电池可拆式/充电池Lithium Ion (700mAH)操作时间通话时间约4小时,备用时间约4天调解器内置RIM* 无线调制解调器接驳埠USB兼容的接驳端口用作数据更新及充电桌面软件可与计算机连络人、日程表及记事簿同步更新**7105T是7100T的升级版,除了继续沿续7100T的瘦身外形外,7105T的颜色由蓝色改为了更为讨人喜欢的黑色,同时键盘也进行了了升级,凹凸的立体设计,比较有手感另外7105T加入了类似三星显示器的显亮技术,屏幕背光开二级的时候非常亮,阳光直射也能看清楚。
高通处理器高通公司成立于1985 年 7 月,成立之初主要致力于为无线通讯业提供项目研究、开发服务,以在CDMA 技术方面处于领先地位而闻名。
高通骁龙Snapdragon 处理器是高通集团推出的手机芯片,由于具备处理速度快、功耗低、领先的无线通讯技术以及高集成度的特点,目前已经成为当下市场占有率最大的智能手机芯片组。
高通骁龙 Snapdragon 发展到现在,已经推出了四代产品,性能由低到高依次为S1、S2、S3、S4,每一代新产品的推出都具有更强的性能和更低的功耗。
不得不提的是高通一代的处理器现在依然在用,采用了65nm 工艺并集成Adreno 200图形处理器( GPU),处理器型号包括MSM7627/7227以及 MSM7625/7225,MSM7625A/7225A,高通每个系列都包含两个型号,区别是前者可支持CDMA,而后者不支持。
MSM7627/7227采用的是ARM11和 ARM11( T)架构,主频为600-800MHz。
高通骁龙Snapdragon S1高通骁龙 Snapdragon S1 是针对当今大众市场的智能手机所开发的处理器,是全球首款达到 1GHz主频的移动单核产品。
采用了65nm工艺并集成Adreno 200图形处理器(GPU),代表型号为QSD8650/8250。
QSD8650/8250 采用的是Scorpion核心,主频为1GHz。
以后的S2、S3 都是采用了Scorpion核心。
2012 年,高通推出骁龙S4 组处理器——环蛇。
诺基亚 1202
• 上市时间:2009年 • 网络频率:GSM;900/1800MHz • 重 量 :78 克 • 尺寸/体积:105.3×45×13.1mm • 可选颜色:灰色,蓝色 • 屏幕参数:单色屏幕;96×68像素,1.3英
寸; • 通话时间:540 分钟
128×160像素,1.8英寸; • 操作系统:S40第三版 • 通话时间:234 分钟
诺基亚 2330c
• 上市时间:2009年 • 网络频率:GSM/GPRS/EDGE;900/1800MHz • 重 量 :90 克 • 尺寸/体积:107×46×13.8mm • 可选颜色:黑色,深红色 • 屏幕参数:65536色TFT彩色屏幕;128×160像素,1.8英寸; • 通话时间:288 分钟 • 待机时间:540 小时 • WAP上网:支持飞笺 • 标准配置:BL-5C锂电池(1020mAh),AC-3充电器,立体声耳机 • 中文短信:短信容量250条 • 话机通讯录:共1000条 • 内存容量: 32MB • 摄像头:30万像素 • 视频播放:支持3GP文件播放 • 收音机:内置FM立体声收音机 • 蓝牙接口:v2.0 • E-Mail:IMAP4,POP3,SMTP协议,Push e-mail • 参考报价: 未上市
诺基亚 1203
• 上市时间:2009年 • 网络频率:GSM;900/1800MHz • 重 量 :78 克 • 尺寸/体积:105.3×45×13.1mm • 可选颜色:银灰色 • 屏幕参数:单色屏幕;96×68像素,1.3英
寸; • 通话时间:540 分钟
• 上市时间:2009年01月 • 网络频率:CDMA2000;
G Series LCD Monitor G244F E2 (3BB4) G244PF E2 (3B
![G Series LCD Monitor G244F E2 (3BB4) G244PF E2 (3B](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/781f3331178884868762caaedd3383c4bb4cb41f.png)
G Series LCD MonitorG244F E2 (3BB4) G244PF E2 (3BB4) User GuideContentsGetting Started (3)Package Contents (3)Installing the Monitor Stand (4)Adjusting the Monitor (6)Monitor Overview (8)Connecting the Monitor to PC (11)OSD Setup (13)Navi Key (13)Hot Key (14)OSD Menus (15)Gaming (15)Professional (17)Image (18)Input Source (19)Navi Key (19)Setting (20)Specifications (22)Preset Display Modes (24)Troubleshooting (25)Safety Instructions (26)TÜV Rheinland Certification (28)Regulatory Notices (29)RevisionV1.0, 2023/09Getting StartedThis chapter provides you with the information on hardware setup procedures. While connecting devices, be careful in holding the devices and use a grounded wrist strap to avoid static electricity.∙Contact your place of purchase or local distributor if any of the items is damaged or missing.∙Package contents may vary by country.∙The included power cord is exclusively for this monitor and should not be used with other products.Installing the Monitor Stand1. Leave the monitor in its protective packaging. Align the stand bracket to the monitor groove.2. Tighten the stand bracket with screws.3. Connect the base to the stand and tighten the base screw to secure the base.4. Make sure the stand assembly is properly installed before setting the monitor upright.G244F E2G244PF E2Important ∙Place the monitor on a soft, protected surface to avoid scratching the display panel. ∙Do not use any sharp objects on the panel. ∙The groove for installing the stand bracket can also be used for wall mount. Please contact your dealer for proper wall mount kit. ∙This product comes with NO protective film to be removed by the user! Any mechanical damages to the product including removal of the polarizing film mayAdjusting the MonitorThis monitor is designed to maximize your viewing comfort with its adjustment capabilities.⚠ImportantAvoid touching the display panel when adjusting the monitor.G244F E2G244PF E2Monitor Overview G244F E2G244PF E2Connecting the Monitor to PC1. Turn off your computer.2. Connect the video cable from the monitor to your computer.3. Assemble the external power supply & power cord. (Figure A)4. Connect the external power supply to the monitor power jack. (Figure B)5. Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet. (Figure C)6. Turn on the monitor. (Figure D)7. Power on the computer and the monitor will auto detect the signal source. G244F E2G244PF E2OSD SetupThis chapter provides you with essential information on OSD Setup.⚠ImportantAll information is subject to change without prior notice.Navi KeyThe monitor comes with a Navi Key, a multi-directional control that helps navigate the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu.G244F E2G244PF E2Up/Down/Left/Right:∙selecting function menus and items∙adjusting function values∙entering into/exiting from function menusPress (OK):∙launching the On-Screen Display (OSD)∙entering submenus∙confirming a selection or settingHot Key∙Users may enter into preset function menus by moving the Navi Key up, down, left or right when the OSD menu is inactive.∙Users may customize their own Hot Keys to enter into different function menus.OSD Menus⚠ImportantThe following settings will be grayed out when HDR signals are received:∙Night Vision ∙MPRT∙Low Blue Light∙HDCR ∙Brightness ∙Contrast3.0A 3.0A* Based on CIE1976 test standards.Preset Display Modes ImportantTroubleshootingThe power LED is off.• Press the monitor power button again.• Check if the monitor power cable is properly connected.No image.• Check if the computer graphics card is properly installed.• Check if the computer and monitor are connected to electrical outlets and are turned on.• Check if the monitor signal cable is properly connected.• The computer may be in Standby mode. Press any key to activate the monitor. The screen image is not properly sized or centered.• Refer to Preset Display Modes to set the computer to a setting suitable for the monitor to display.No Plug & Play.• Check if the monitor power cable is properly connected.• Check if the monitor signal cable is properly connected.• Check if the computer and graphics card are Plug & Play compatible. The icons, font or screen are fuzzy, blurry or have color problems.• Avoid using any video extension cables.• Adjust brightness and contrast.• Adjust RGB color or tune color temperature.• Check if the monitor signal cable is properly connected.• Check for bent pins on the signal cable connector.The monitor starts flickering or shows waves.• Change the refresh rate to match the capabilities of your monitor.• Update your graphics card drivers.• Keep the monitor away from electrical devices that may cause electromagnetic interference (EMI).Safety Instructions∙Read the safety instructions carefully and thoroughly.∙All cautions and warnings on the device or User Guide should be noted.∙Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.Power∙Make sure that the power voltage is within its safety range and has been adjusted properly to the value of 100~240V before connecting the device to the power outlet. ∙If the power cord comes with a 3-pin plug, do not disable the protective earth pin from the plug. The device must be connected to an earthed mains socket-outlet.∙Please confirm the power distribution system in the installation site shall provide the circuit breaker rated 120/240V, 20A (maximum).∙Always disconnect the power cord or switch the wall socket off if the device would be left unused for a certain time to achieve zero energy consumption.∙Place the power cord in a way that people are unlikely to step on it. Do not place anything on the power cord.∙If this device comes with an adapter, use only the MSI provided AC adapter approved for use with this device.Environment∙To reduce the possibility of heat-related injuries or of overheating the device, do not place the device on a soft, unsteady surface or obstruct its air ventilators.∙Use this device only on a hard, flat and steady surface.∙To prevent the device from tipping over, secure the device to a desk, wall or fixed object with an anti-tip fastener that helps to properly support the device and keep it safe in place.∙To prevent fire or shock hazard, keep this device away from humidity and high temperature.∙Do not leave the device in an unconditioned environment with a storage temperature above 60℃ or below -20℃, which may damage the device.∙The maximum operating temperature is around 40℃.∙When cleaning the device, be sure to remove the power plug. Use a piece of soft cloth rather than industrial chemical to clean the device. Never pour any liquid into the opening; that could damage the device or cause electric shock.∙Always keep strong magnetic or electrical objects away from the device.∙If any of the following situations arises, get the device checked by service personnel:• The power cord or plug is damaged.• Liquid has penetrated into the device.• The device has been exposed to moisture.• The device does not work well or you can not get it working according to the User Guide.• The device has dropped and damaged.• The device has obvious sign of breakage.TÜV Rheinland CertificationTÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light CertificationBlue light has been shown to cause eye fatigueand discomfort. MSI now offers monitors with TÜVRheinland Low Blue Light certification to ensureusers’ eye comfort and well-being. Please followthe instructions below to reduce the symptoms fromextended exposure to the screen and blue light.∙Place the screen 20 – 28 inches (50 – 70 cm) away from your eyes and a little below eye level.∙Consciously blinking the eyes every now and then will help to reduce eye strain after extended screen time.∙Take breaks for 20 minutes every 2 hours.∙Look away from the screen and gaze at a distant object for at least 20 seconds during breaks.∙Make stretches to relieve body fatigue or pain during breaks.∙Turn on the optional Low Blue Light function.TÜV Rheinland Flicker Free Certification∙TÜV Rheinland has tested this product toascertain whether the display produces visibleand invisible flicker for the human eye andtherefore strains the eyes of users.∙TÜV Rheinland has defined a catalogue oftests, which sets out minimum standardsat various frequency ranges. The test catalogue is based on internationally applicable standards or standards common within the industry and exceeds these requirements.∙The product has been tested in the laboratory according to these criteria.∙The keyword “Flicker Free” confirms that the device has no visible and invisible flicker defined in this standard within the range of 0 - 3000 Hz under various brightness settings.∙The display will not support Flicker Free when Anti Motion Blur/MPRT is enabled. (The availability of Anti Motion Blur/MPRT varies by products.)Regulatory NoticesCE ConformityThis device complies with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility (2014/30/EU), Low-voltage Directive (2014/35/EU), ErP Directive (2009/125/EC) and RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). This product has been tested and found to comply with the harmonized standards for Information Technology Equipment published under Directives of Official Journal of the European Union.FCC-B Radio Frequency Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limitsfor a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the measures listed below:∙Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.∙Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.∙Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.∙Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help. Notice 1The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Notice 2Shielded interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.MSI Computer Corp.901 Canada Court, City of Industry, CA 91748, USA(626) 913-0828WEEE StatementUnder the European Union (“EU”) Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Directive 2012/19/EU, products of “electrical and electronic equipment” cannot be discarded as municipal waste anymoreand manufacturers of covered electronic equipment will be obligated totake back such products at the end of their useful life. Chemical Substances InformationIn compliance with chemical substances regulations, such as the EU REACH Regulation (Regulation EC No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council), MSI provides the information of chemical substances in products at: https:///global/indexRoHS StatementJapan JIS C 0950 Material DeclarationA Japanese regulatory requirement, defined by specification JIS C 0950, mandates that manufacturers provide material declarations for certain categories of electronic products offered for sale after July 1, 2006.https:///global/Japan-JIS-C-0950-Material-Declarations India RoHSThis product complies with the “India E-waste (Management and Handling) Rule 2016” and prohibits use of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethers in concentrations exceeding 0.1 weight % and 0.01 weight % for cadmium, except for the exemptions set in Schedule 2 of the Rule. Turkey EEE RegulationConforms to the EEE Regulations of the Republic Of Turkey Ukraine Restriction of Hazardous SubstancesThe equipment complies with requirements of the Technical Regulation, approved by the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine as of 10 March 2017, № 139, in terms of restrictions for the use of certain dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.Vietnam RoHSAs from December 1, 2012, all products manufactured by MSI comply with Circular 30/2011/TT-BCT temporarily regulating the permitted limits for a number of hazardous substances in electronic and electric products.31Green Product Features∙Reduced energy consumption during use and stand-by ∙Limited use of substances harmful to the environment and health∙Easily dismantled and recycled ∙Reduced use of natural resources by encouraging recycling ∙Extended product lifetime through easy upgrades ∙Reduced solid waste production through take-back policy Environmental Policy ∙The product has been designed to enable proper reuse of parts and recycling and should not be thrown away at its end of life. ∙Users should contact the local authorized point of collection for recycling and disposing of their end-of-life products. ∙Visit the MSI website and locate a nearby distributor for further recycling information. ∙*******************************************************************disposal, take-back, recycling, and disassembly of MSI products.Warning!Overuse of screens is likely to affect eyesight.Recommendations: 1. Take a 10-minute break for every 30 minutes of screen time. 2. Children under 2 years of age should have no screen time. For children aged 2 years and over, screen time should be limited to less than one hour per day.Copyright and Trademarks Notice Copyright © Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. The MSI logo used is a registered trademark of Micro-Star Int’l Co., Ltd. All other marks and names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. No warranty as to accuracy or completeness is expressed or implied. MSI reserves the right to make changes to this document without prior notice.The terms HDMI™, HDMI™ High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI™ Trade dress and the HDMI™ Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI™ Licensing Administrator, Inc.Technical Support If a problem arises with your product and no solution can be obtained from the user’s manual, please contact your place of purchase or local distributor. Alternatively,please visit https:///support/ for further guidance.。
标准版 16GB/1999元 标准版 32GB/2249元 标准版 32GB/2299元 四核1.5GHz 四核1.7GHz 高通APQ8064 骁龙600 Adreno 320 Adreno 320 MIUI系统,支持Android4.1 MIUI系统,支持Android4.1 2GB 2GB 16GB/32GB 16GB/32GB 标准版:WCDMA/GSM 标准版:WCDMA/GSM 电信版:主频CDMA,次频WCDMA/GSM 电信版:主频CDMA,次频WCDMA/GSM 蓝牙4.0,蓝牙HID 蓝牙4.0,蓝牙HID GPS + GLONASS AGPS GPS + GLONASS AGPS WIFI Display、WIFI Direct WIFI Display、WIFI Direct 2000mAh 可换锂离子聚合物电池 4.3英寸 全视角IPS屏幕 1280x720像素 800万像素 200万像素(支持1080p 摄像) 126mm 62mm 10.2mm 145g 2000mAh 可换锂离子聚合物电池 4.3英寸 பைடு நூலகம்视角IPS屏幕 1280x720像素 800万像素/1300万像素 200万像素 126mm 62mm 10.2mm 145g
小米手机 标准版 16GB/1949元
CPU频率 CPU型号 GPU 系统 内存 高速闪存 网络制式 蓝牙 GPS WIFI NFC 容量 屏幕尺寸 屏幕材质 分辨率 后置摄像头 前置摄像头 高度 宽度 厚度 重量
标准版 16GB/¥1499元 双核1.7GHz 骁龙S4 Pro Adreno 320 MIUI系统,支持Android4.1 1GB 16GB 标准版:WCDMA/GSM 蓝牙4.0,蓝牙HID GPS + GLONASS AGPS WIFI Display、WIFI Direct 支持 2030mAh 可换锂离子聚合物电池 4.5英寸 全视角IPS屏幕 1280x720像素 800万像素 200万像素(支持1080p 摄像) 133mm 66.5mm 9.5mm 133g
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感谢您购买本产品。本手册讲述了如何使用 FUJIFILM X-E1 数码照相机及安装附带的软件。 在使用照相机之前,请确定您已阅读并理解了本 手册内容。
使用之前 开始步骤 基础拍摄与回放 基础动画录制与回放 Q(快速菜单)按钮 有关拍摄和回放的详细信息 菜单
部件名称 外壳(金属部件) 外壳(树脂部件) 传感器部件 显示部件 光学部件 基板部件 外壳(金属部件) 外壳(树脂部件) 基板部件 电缆 电池 光盘 电池充电器 电缆部件
铅* (Pb) × ○ ○ ○ × × × ○ × × × × 汞 (Hg) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 有毒有害物质或元素 镉 六价铬 (Cd) (Cr (VI)) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 多溴联苯 (PBB) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
在常温下,电池大约可以充电 300 次。当电池可容纳电量的使用时间长度明 显减少时,表明电池已达最终使用寿命,需要进行更换。
■ 存放
电池在充满电时若长期闲置不用,其性能可能会被削弱。存放电池前请先 将其电量放尽。
标志 危险级别
严重警告! 不遵守此项将导致严重的身体伤害甚至死亡。 警告! 不遵守此项将导致轻微的身体伤害或者会损坏该器材。 重要事项! 不遵守此项将导致该器材或者周边仪器设备的损坏。 注意! 最恰当的使用方法和一些其他有用的信息的提示。
德国 RICHARD WOLF GmbH 75438 Knittlingen Pforzheimerstr. 32 电话: +49 70 43 35-0 传真: +49 70 43 35-300 MANUFACTURER info@ 比利时/荷兰 N.V. Endoscopie RICHARD WOLF Belgium S.A. Industriezone Drongen Landegemstraat 6 9031 Gent -Drongen 电话: +32 92 80 81 00 传真: +32 92 82 92 16 endoscopy@richard-wolf.be www.richard-wolf.be 阿拉伯联和酋长国市场部 RICHARD WOLF Middle East P.O. Box 500283 AL Thuraya Tower 1 9th Floor, Room 904, Dubai 电话: +9 71 43 68 19 26 传真: +9 71 43 68 61 12 middle.east@ 美国 RICHARD WOLF Medical Instruments Corp. 353 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061 电话: +1 84 79 13 11 13 传真: +1 84 79 13 14 88 sales&marketing@ 法国 RICHARD WOLF France S.A.R.L. Rue Daniel Berger Z.A.C. La Neuvillette 51100 Reims 电话: +33 3 26 87 02 89 传真: +33 3 26 87 60 33 endoscopes@richardwolf.fr 英国 RICHARD WOLF UK Ltd. Waterside Way Wimbledon SW 17 0HB 电话: + 44 20 89 44 74 47 传真: + 44 20 89 44 13 11 admin@ 奥地利 RICHARD WOLF Austria Ges.m.b.H. Wilhelminenstraße 93 a 1160 Wien 电话: +43 14 05 51 51 传真: +43 1405 51 51 45 info@richard-wolf.at www.richard-wolf.at
目录简介技术特点Snapdragon S1Snapdragon S2Snapdragon S3Snapdragon S4骁龙各代产品对比编辑本段简介Snapdragon是高度集成的移动优化系统芯片(SoC),结合了业内领先的3G/4G移动宽带技术与高通公司自有的基于ARM指令集的微处理器内核,拥有强大的多媒体功能、3D图形功能和GPS引擎。
通过更好地优化定制CPU 内核,Snapdragon获得了出色的移动性,兼具前所未有的处理性能与低功耗,使制造商能够基于Snapdragon推出具有全天电池使用时间的轻薄且功能强大的终端产品。
企业招聘系统错误 !未指定书签。
Version:1.0项目承担部门:撰写人:完成日期:文档使用部门:评审负责人:评审日期:标准目录1 目标和范围 (6)2 文档读者 (6)3 定义、首字母缩写和缩写 (6)4 参考资料 (6)5 需求概述 (6)5.1 项目背景 (6)5.2 项目功能 (6)5.3 操作环境 (7)5.4 用户指定选择的技术 (7)5.5 用户文档 (7)5.6 假设、依赖和外部风险 (7)6 外部接口需求 (7)6.1 用户接口 (7)6.2 硬件接口 (8)6.3 软件接口 (8)6.4 通讯接口 (8)7 功能性需求 (8)7.1 系统管理模块 SRS001~SRS020 (8)部门管理 (8)用户管理 (9)标准实用文案群组管理 (10)角色管理 (11)功能管理 (12)模块管理 (12)职务管理 (13)企业用户登录 (14)企业用户密码修改 (14)7.2 招聘管理模块 SRS021~SRS040 (14)招聘申请 (14)招聘审批 (15)招聘发布 (15)查询应聘 (16)职位管理 (17)7.3 测评管理 SRS041~SRS060 (17)测评类型 (17)测评试卷 ............................................................................... 错误 ! 未定义书签。
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联想a616配备大容量电池和智能充电 管理,确保长时间使用和快速充电的 双重体验。
这款手机采用可拆卸式电池设计,支 持长时间使用。同时,智能充电管理 技术可有效延长电池寿命,让您畅享 无忧的移动生活。
打开包装盒,检查手机、充电 器、数据线等配件是否齐全。
熟悉浏览器、社交媒体等网络应用的 使用。
掌握相机、相册、音乐播放器、视频 播放器等多媒体应用的使用。
学习使用日历、闹钟、计算器等日常 工具应用。
了解并使用手机的多任务处理功能。 掌握手机的安全和隐私设置,如指纹识别、面部识别等。
提供优质的产品和服务,让消费者对联想A616产生良好的 使用体验,通过口碑传播,吸引更多潜在消费者。
包括保修期限、保修范围、保修期内外的维修费用等,确保用户 在购买后能够享受到全面的保障。
确保销售人员和客服人员充分了解售后服务政策,以便为用户提供 准确的信息和解答。
这款手机配备了高性能的处理器和大容量内存,让您在处理多个应用程序时都能 保持高效流畅,提高您的工作效率。
联想a616拥有高像素主摄像头和多种拍 照模式,轻松捕捉生活中的美好瞬间。
这款手机的主摄像头采用1300万像素传 感器,支持自动对焦和多种拍照模式,如 夜景模式、全景模式和人像模式等。无论 是拍摄风景还是人物,都能获得清晰细腻 的照片效果。
以致敬,踏上电竞新征程 努比亚红魔5G
![以致敬,踏上电竞新征程 努比亚红魔5G](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6fc4187149d7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de8007e6.png)
以致敬,踏上电竞新征程努比亚红魔5GDETAILS 参数表网络制式:5G全网通版双模尺寸:168.56mm×78mm×9.75mm 重量:约218g颜色版本:骇客黑、火星红、赛博霓虹、透明版屏幕:6.65英寸(2340×1080像素)FHD+全高清操作系统:RedMagic OS 3.0(基于Android Q 版本深度定制)处理器:高通骁龙865+X55M基带内存:128GB/256GB UFS3.0 ROM,8GB/12GB/16GB LPDDR5 RAM后置摄像头:6400万像素+800万像素+200万像素前置摄像头:800万像素电池:55W风冷涡轮快充+4500mAh电池价格:3799元起,顶配4999元,透明版顶配5199元毫无疑问,电竞手机的市场虽然体量不算特别大,但也恰恰因为这种容易“狭路求生”的局面而杀得刺刀见红,针锋相对才能最本源地“发扬风格”。
经历了过去几年的“三代半”四款机型更迭,整个红魔电竞手机都有着非常Geek 化的核心技术呈现。
realme q3参数
![realme q3参数](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a25042d4162ded630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77d9486.png)
realme q3参数realme q3是一款备受期待的智能手机,它具备出色的参数和功能,为用户提供了全面的使用体验。
接下来,我们将详细介绍realme q3的各项参数。
realme q3采用了一块6.5英寸的IPS LCD显示屏,分辨率为1080 x 2400像素。
同时,realme q3还具备90Hz的刷新率,使得屏幕滑动更加流畅,触控响应更加敏捷。
在性能方面,realme q3搭载了强大的处理器和大容量的内存。
它搭载了一颗联发科Dimensity 700处理器,配合6GB/8GB的RAM,保证了系统的流畅运行和多任务处理能力。
无论是运行大型游戏还是切换多个应用程序,realme q3都能够轻松应对。
realme q3还配备了一颗5000mAh的大容量电池,支持30W的快速充电技术。
同时,realme q3还支持反向充电,可以作为移动电源为其他设备充电,非常实用。
对于摄影爱好者来说,realme q3也是一款不错的选择。
此外,realme q3还配备了一枚800万像素的超广角镜头和一枚200万像素的景深镜头,可以满足用户对不同拍摄场景的需求。
在存储方面,realme q3提供了128GB/256GB的存储空间,可以满足用户对大量文件、照片和视频的存储需求。
同时,realme q3还支持存储卡扩展,用户可以根据自己的需求进行扩展。
在操作系统方面,realme q3运行基于Android 11的realme UI 2.0。
realme q3还具备一系列实用的功能和设计。
realmec33参数摘要:1.Realme C33 参数概述2.处理器和内存3.屏幕和摄像头4.电池和其他特性5.总结正文:Realme C33 是一款面向中低端市场的智能手机,由Realme 公司推出。
下面我们来详细了解一下Realme C33 的各项参数。
1.Realme C33 参数概述Realme C33 配备了一块6.5 英寸的屏幕,分辨率为1600x720 像素。
这款手机采用联发科天玑700 处理器,内存为4GB 或6GB,存储容量为64GB 或128GB。
此外,Realme C33 还配备了一块5000mAh 的电池。
2.处理器和内存Realme C33 使用的是联发科天玑700 处理器,这是一款性能较为出色的处理器,可以满足日常使用需求。
内存方面,Realme C33 提供了4GB 和6GB 两种选择,用户可以根据自己的需求和预算来选择合适的内存容量。
3.屏幕和摄像头Realme C33 配备了一块6.5 英寸的屏幕,分辨率为1600x720 像素。
摄像头方面,Realme C33 后置主摄像头为1200 万像素,前置摄像头为500 万像素。
4.电池和其他特性Realme C33 拥有一块5000mAh 的大电池,可以提供较长的续航时间。
其他特性方面,RealmeC33 支持双卡双待、3.5mm 耳机插孔以及microSD 卡扩展,提供了较为丰富的功能。
5.总结总的来说,Realme C33 是一款性价比较高的中低端智能手机。
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Radiotherapy Complements Immune Checkpoint BlockadeShin Foong Ngiow,1,2Grant A.McArthur,3,4and Mark J.Smyth1,2,*1Immunology in Cancer and Infection Laboratory,QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute,Herston,QLD4006,Australia2School of Medicine,University of Queensland,Herston,QLD4006,Australia3Cancer Therapeutics Programs,Trescowthick Laboratories,Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre,St.Andrews Place,East Melbourne,VIC3002, Australia4Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology,University of Melbourne,Parkville,VIC3010,Australia*Correspondence:mark.smyth@.au/10.1016/ell.2015.03.015Adaptive immune resistance ablates effective anti-tumor immune responses.In a recent issue of Nature, Victor and colleagues describe that anti-PD-L1combats adaptive immune resistance upon localized radiation plus anti-CTLA-4therapy.The superior activity of radiation and dual immune checkpoint blockade is mediated by non-redundant immune mechanisms in cancer.Combinations of two or more immuno-therapies with additive or synergistic benefit in preclinical models(Uno et al., 2006)have set the framework for combi-nation successes in the clinic(Wolchok et al.,2013).With the recent success of immune checkpoint inhibitors and other immunomodulators,there has been re-newed interest in evaluating the combina-tion of such agents with radiation therapy (RT)in clinical trials(Verbrugge et al., 2012;Formenti and Demaria,2013).The biologic premise behind such a strategy is that the tumor-antigen release and change in the tumor microenvironment achieved by localized RT will promote specific tumor targeting by the adap-tive immune system,which can be augmented further by systemic immune-stimulating agents(Tang et al.,2014).In this manner,clinicians hope to induce a phenomenon known as the abscopal effect,whereby localized RT results in im-mune-mediated tumor regression in dis-ease sites well outside of the radiation field.RT also induces DNA damage and tumor cell death by promoting tumor-cell expression of Fas and MHC class I.Dying tumor cells release not only tumor anti-gens but also ATP and danger signals such as HMGB1and calreticulin.RT also has some potentially deleterious effects by increasing the tumor cell expression of PD-L1,secretion of TGF b,and induc-tion of Treg.A small pilot phase I/II study in prostate cancer(Slovin et al.,2013) and case reports in melanoma(Postow et al.,2012;Hiniker et al.,2012;Golden et al.,2013)combining RT with ipilimu-mab show the possible clinical activity ofthis approach.Now,Victor et al.(2015)report a phase Iclinical trial of22patients with advancedmelanoma treated with RT and anti-CTLA-4.In the trial,a single lesion wasirradiated with hypofractionated stereo-tactic body radiation(6–8Gy deliveredover two or three fractions),followed byfour cycles of ipilimumab beginning3–5days after the last fraction of RT.Assess-ment of unirradiated lesions using RECISTcriteria demonstrated18%patients hada partial response as the best response,18%had stable disease,and64%hadprogressive disease.So,although partialresponses were observed,like mono-therapy with anti-CTLA-4,the majority ofthe patients did not respond.The authors then describe the use ofthe B16-F10melanoma mouse model,where RT plus anti-CTLA-4was moreeffective than either treatment alone,pro-moting the regression of both irradiatedand unirradiated tumors(Victor et al.,2015).RT given before,or concurrentlywith,anti-CTLA-4yielded similar results.Complete responses in these combina-tion-treated mice were CD8+T cell-dependent,and memory to rechallengewas demonstrated.However,not allmice responded,and melanoma celllines from relapsing mice were derived.In these cell lines,resistance to the com-bination was confirmed,but the lesionswere not RT resistant.Random forest ma-chine learning analysis for sub-types ofTIL isolated from the resistant melanomasdemonstrated that the top predictor forresistance was the CD8+CD44+to Tregratio,which failed to increase after RTplus anti-CTLA-4(as it did in sensitivetumors).Transcriptomic profiling revealed thatPD-L1was among the top0.2%ofupregulated genes in melanoma(RT plusanti-CTLA-4resistance signature).Ge-netic elimination of PD-L1on the ther-apy-resistant Res499melanoma cells byCRISPR dramatically restored responseto RT plus anti-CTLA-4(0%to60%sur-vival),suggesting upregulation of PD-L1was one major mechanism,but notthe only mechanism of resistance to RTplus anti-CTLA-4.In the original parentalB16-F10,RT plus anti-CTLA-4increasedthe proportion of PD-1+Eomes+CD8T cells and the proportion that wereKi67+and granzyme(Grz)B+.But in theresistant sublines,the Ki67+GrzB+CD8T cells were not increased.The frequencyof PD-1+CD8+T cells that were Eomes+was a striking modifier of the likelihoodof a complete response(CR),becausenearly all the CRs occurred when thefrequency of Ki67+GrzB+in PD-1+CD8+was high,but the relative size of the PD-1+Eomes+-exhausted population wassmall.Critically,adding anti-PD-L1improved responses to the naive B16-F10and resistant sublines after RT plusanti-CTLA-4.Similar results were ob-tained in the mouse TSA mammary tumorand a mouse pancreatic tumor model.Random forest modeling showed thatanti-CTLA-4predominantly caused adecrease in Treg cells,anti-PD-L1strongly increased CD8TILfrequency,Cancer Cell27,April13,2015ª2015Elsevier Inc.437 Cancer CellPreviewsand blockade of both increased the CD8/Treg ratio.RT only caused a modest increase in CD8TILs;however,TCR sequencing revealed that there was an increased diversity of TCR clonotypes,which was also observed with RT plus anti-CTLA-4.This effect was also seen in the spleen and peripheral blood.Some clones reached 20%post-treatment in the blood with triple treatment.By contrast,peripheral T cell expansion was modest with RT and anti-CTLA-4alone.So the concept gleaned from the mouse studies was that favorable immune changes in TILs after immune check-point blockade promoted their peripheral clonal expansion.When combined with increased TCR repertoire diversity af-forded by RT,selection and oligoclonal peripheral expansion of clones with distinct TCR traits were favored (Figure 1).From the clinical trial of RT +ipilimu-mab,12patients had pre-treatment tumor biopsies,and pre-and post-treatment blood was available on 10patients.From these low numbers,it was revealed that PD-L1lo intensity on melanoma cells was associated with re-invigoration of PD-1+Eomes +CD8+T cells after RT plus anti-CTLA-4,while PD-L1hi status was associated with persistent exhaustion of the CD8+T cells.PD-L1hi on melanoma biopsies collected from therapy-resistant patients is potentially reflecting the failure of CTL anti-tumor cytotoxicity,consistent with the lower frequencies of Ki67+GrzB +PD1+CD8+T cells.As dis-cussed above,it is also worth empha-sizing that a proportion of the mice with PD-L1knockout Res499cells still suc-cumbed to disease after RT plus anti-CTLA-4treatment,suggesting a role for non-tumor PD-L1in promoting resistance to RT/anti-CTLA-4.Intriguingly,despite other recent reports (Herbst et al.,2014)PD-L1status on the macrophages was neither associated with reinvigoration nor independently predictive of progres-sion-free survival.Although there may be activation of other T cell checkpoint path-ways,the hierarchy of PD-L1expression on tumor cells and non-tumor cells in driving T cell exhaustion warrants further study in larger patient cohorts.Nonethe-less,the mechanism of radiation to diversify TCR clonotypes remains to be discerned.Radiotherapy is a major component of cancer treatment,with over 50%of can-cer patients receiving radiation during the course of their disease.Radiation is used for both palliation of local symptoms and curative therapy in some malig-nancies,like lung,prostate,or head and neck cancer.However,although radiation offers clear benefits in terms of both local control and survival,disease recurrence outside the radiation field remains all toocommon,and most patients eventually die from progressive metastatic disease.A considerable amount of work remains to be done to create successful com-binations of immunotherapeutics and radiation,which includes identifying the optimal radiation dose,fractionation,and sequence for use in combination with im-mune checkpoint inhibitors.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe wish to acknowledge funding support from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia,The Susan Komen for the Cure,and the Cancer Council of Queensland.REFERENCESFormenti,S.C.,and Demaria,S.(2013).J.Natl.Cancer Inst.105,256–265.Golden,E.B.,Demaria,S.,Schiff,P.B.,Chachoua,A.,and Formenti,S.C.(2013).Cancer Immunol Res 1,365–372.Herbst,R.S.,Soria,J.C.,Kowanetz,M.,Fine,G.D.,Hamid,O.,Gordon,M.S.,Sosman,J.A.,McDermott, D.F.,Powderly,J.D.,Gettinger,S.N.,et al.(2014).Nature 515,563–567.Hiniker,S.M.,Chen,D.S.,Reddy,S.,Chang,D.T.,Jones,J.C.,Mollick,J.A.,Swetter,S.M.,and Knox,S.J.(2012).Transl Oncol 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