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rpreting Skills
• Chinese- English Interpretation • 1. Manufacturing accouted for just 17.5 per cent of global gross doMestic product in 2007, but much activity in the considerably larger area of services, for instance, in retailing, distribution, transport and communications, depends on it. • 2. Labor costs are rising fast in China and India and it is no longer always clear that the great lurch east makes commercial sense. • 3. Even if oil prices return to less scary levels, the cost of transportation and the delays created by extended supply chains all have to be taken into account. • 4. Investing in China will often be a much less straightforward task for a Western multinational than committing to France or Germany.
English-Chinese Interpretation
• 6. 一般来说,我们只按到岸价交易,保水渍险。 • 7. 根据合同条款,货物装船后,我方已经马上通过航空寄给你 方一整套不可转让的单据。 • 8. 很遗憾,我方不能按你方要求于4月初装船,因为直达班轮每 月22日左右才开往你方港口。 • 9. 因厂方所接订单甚多,我们不能在规定日期前装运。 • 10. 我方无法许诺11月前发货,因为我们的厂家目前的交货任务 压得很紧。
Unit 3
transportation and Shipment
listening practice
• • • • • • • • • • • 1.independent entities 2. price 3. quantity 4. ordered overseas 5. national financial interests 6. commecial fraud 7. customs duty evasion 8. inadequancies 9. transparency 10. confidential 11. unreasonable delay
interpretation practice
• English-Chinese Interpretation
• 1. 驳船用来把货物从港口运到深海船上或从深海船上运到装 卸港。 • 2. 不定期货轮之所以得名是因为它们环球行没有固定航线, 随时随地装上一批货物并把它送到某地。 • 3. 定期租船的收费根据船的吨位来定,另外加上船的运转费, 不包括船员的工资。 • 4. 从希思罗到利雅得的运费是每公斤540美元,另加226美元 的空运费用及2100美元的报关费及手续费。 • 5. 贵方能否处理装运手续及保险并寄给我方提单和商业发票 的复印件?
Chinese-English Interpretation
• 6. Sometimes, some of the goods are lost due to the complicated formalities of combined transportation. • 7. The delay in delivery is due to short supplies from Sichuan province where an earthquake took place last week. • 8. The consignment appears to have been roughly handled and left near a heater. • 9. Barges, the large flat bottomed boats, transport goods inland along canals and waterways. • 10. Freight fees and insurance premiums for container-shipped goods are generally lower than those for goods not shipped by containers.
Chinese-English Interpretation
• The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of the trade in bulk commodities has been touching historic lows, China, which in 2014 overtook the US as the biggest trading nation this month reported double-digit falls in both exports and imports in January. In Brazil, which is experiencing its worst recession in more than a century, imports from China have collapsed.
Practice of Interpreting Skills
• English-Chinese Interpretation • 1. 天然气,玉米,小麦和运费上月大跌10%至30%,不过都是从 各自的历史高点下跌。 • 2. 由于原油价格从每桶147.27美元的历史高点暴跌逾20美元,商 品价格出现了28年来的最大单月跌幅。 • 3. 美国(英国也日趋明显)消费者底气的不断降低,对印度外包 行业而言是个福音。 • 4. 香港相对于其竞争对手的优势在于,它可以进入全球非常重要 的投资银行业市场。 • 5. 由于美国经济快速走弱,中国势将于明年超过美国,成为全球
12. price verification 13. conflicts of interest 14. domestic laws and regulations 15. publication 16. technical assistance 17. independent review 18. inspection agencies 19. exporters 20. resolve disputes
Chinese-English Interpretation
• 1. If the goods couldn't arrive in time for the Christmas rush, good quality and competitive price would mean nothing at all. • 2. I'm sorry to say earlier shipment is impossible, at present the workers are working three shifts to step up production. • 3. In compliance with the contract, we will ship the goods in 3 monthly installments of 600 tons from February. • 4. July and August are the selling seasons for T-shirts, so would you please try your best to advance shipment to June? • 5. As a rule, we stipulate “”China Port as the port of loading, so it will be convenient to ship the goods at a nearby port and negotiate payment.
Practice of Interpreting Skills
• English-Chinese Interpretation • 6. 有迹象表明,目前的经济不确定性导致中国铁矿石需求放缓, 造成钢产量下降。 • 7. 部分国家的通胀压力已经开始趋缓,这在一定程度上反映了能 源和其他大宗商品价格的明显下滑。 • 8. 在一个道路拥堵,油价飙升的时代,一些美国人怀疑汽车是否 仍可作为他们的主要交通工具。 • 9. 由于燃油税相对较低,美国遭受的价格冲击远比其他国家更为 严重。 • 10. 食品及其他商品价格的高涨令美国人缩减开支,也加剧了人 们对通胀的担忧。
Practice of Interpreting Skills
• Chinese- English Interpretation • 5. Some industries are facing an enforced holiday in order to preserve power and limit pollution. • 6. Cities and states are already countering funding shortages, either by inviting private companies to bid to build and operate new toll highways or by privatizing existing toll roads. • 7. The impact of some countries banning rice exports has prompted stores to limit purchases of certain foods, including rice and cooking oils--and that has helped to trigger a return to 1970s-style stockpiling.
Paragraph Interpretation
• English-Chinese Interpretation • 当美林证券将其遭受的290亿美元亏损记入伦敦子公司后,这家美国投 资银行可能几十年内都不用在英国缴纳企业所得税了。美林证券在递交 给监管机构的文件中公布的上述数字,突显了美国次级抵押贷款市场的 崩溃如何损害到那些与美国相距甚远的异国政府的税收。 • 因担心经济增长放缓会抑制原材料需求,全球大宗商品基准指数下跌了 10.01%,这是自1980年3月该指数下跌10.05%以来的最大单月跌幅。 如果能源和农产品价格能够持续下跌,正面对通胀加剧压力的各国央行 将表示欢迎。
Chinese-English Interpretation
• . The new data released yesterday represent the first snapshot of global trade for 2015. But the figures also come amid growing concerns that 2016 is already shaping up to be more fraught with dangers for the global economy than previously expected. Those concerns are casting a heavy shadow over a two-day meetig of G20 central bank governors and finance ministers due to start tomorrow.
• Chinese- English Interpretation • 1. Manufacturing accouted for just 17.5 per cent of global gross doMestic product in 2007, but much activity in the considerably larger area of services, for instance, in retailing, distribution, transport and communications, depends on it. • 2. Labor costs are rising fast in China and India and it is no longer always clear that the great lurch east makes commercial sense. • 3. Even if oil prices return to less scary levels, the cost of transportation and the delays created by extended supply chains all have to be taken into account. • 4. Investing in China will often be a much less straightforward task for a Western multinational than committing to France or Germany.
English-Chinese Interpretation
• 6. 一般来说,我们只按到岸价交易,保水渍险。 • 7. 根据合同条款,货物装船后,我方已经马上通过航空寄给你 方一整套不可转让的单据。 • 8. 很遗憾,我方不能按你方要求于4月初装船,因为直达班轮每 月22日左右才开往你方港口。 • 9. 因厂方所接订单甚多,我们不能在规定日期前装运。 • 10. 我方无法许诺11月前发货,因为我们的厂家目前的交货任务 压得很紧。
Unit 3
transportation and Shipment
listening practice
• • • • • • • • • • • 1.independent entities 2. price 3. quantity 4. ordered overseas 5. national financial interests 6. commecial fraud 7. customs duty evasion 8. inadequancies 9. transparency 10. confidential 11. unreasonable delay
interpretation practice
• English-Chinese Interpretation
• 1. 驳船用来把货物从港口运到深海船上或从深海船上运到装 卸港。 • 2. 不定期货轮之所以得名是因为它们环球行没有固定航线, 随时随地装上一批货物并把它送到某地。 • 3. 定期租船的收费根据船的吨位来定,另外加上船的运转费, 不包括船员的工资。 • 4. 从希思罗到利雅得的运费是每公斤540美元,另加226美元 的空运费用及2100美元的报关费及手续费。 • 5. 贵方能否处理装运手续及保险并寄给我方提单和商业发票 的复印件?
Chinese-English Interpretation
• 6. Sometimes, some of the goods are lost due to the complicated formalities of combined transportation. • 7. The delay in delivery is due to short supplies from Sichuan province where an earthquake took place last week. • 8. The consignment appears to have been roughly handled and left near a heater. • 9. Barges, the large flat bottomed boats, transport goods inland along canals and waterways. • 10. Freight fees and insurance premiums for container-shipped goods are generally lower than those for goods not shipped by containers.
Chinese-English Interpretation
• The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of the trade in bulk commodities has been touching historic lows, China, which in 2014 overtook the US as the biggest trading nation this month reported double-digit falls in both exports and imports in January. In Brazil, which is experiencing its worst recession in more than a century, imports from China have collapsed.
Practice of Interpreting Skills
• English-Chinese Interpretation • 1. 天然气,玉米,小麦和运费上月大跌10%至30%,不过都是从 各自的历史高点下跌。 • 2. 由于原油价格从每桶147.27美元的历史高点暴跌逾20美元,商 品价格出现了28年来的最大单月跌幅。 • 3. 美国(英国也日趋明显)消费者底气的不断降低,对印度外包 行业而言是个福音。 • 4. 香港相对于其竞争对手的优势在于,它可以进入全球非常重要 的投资银行业市场。 • 5. 由于美国经济快速走弱,中国势将于明年超过美国,成为全球
12. price verification 13. conflicts of interest 14. domestic laws and regulations 15. publication 16. technical assistance 17. independent review 18. inspection agencies 19. exporters 20. resolve disputes
Chinese-English Interpretation
• 1. If the goods couldn't arrive in time for the Christmas rush, good quality and competitive price would mean nothing at all. • 2. I'm sorry to say earlier shipment is impossible, at present the workers are working three shifts to step up production. • 3. In compliance with the contract, we will ship the goods in 3 monthly installments of 600 tons from February. • 4. July and August are the selling seasons for T-shirts, so would you please try your best to advance shipment to June? • 5. As a rule, we stipulate “”China Port as the port of loading, so it will be convenient to ship the goods at a nearby port and negotiate payment.
Practice of Interpreting Skills
• English-Chinese Interpretation • 6. 有迹象表明,目前的经济不确定性导致中国铁矿石需求放缓, 造成钢产量下降。 • 7. 部分国家的通胀压力已经开始趋缓,这在一定程度上反映了能 源和其他大宗商品价格的明显下滑。 • 8. 在一个道路拥堵,油价飙升的时代,一些美国人怀疑汽车是否 仍可作为他们的主要交通工具。 • 9. 由于燃油税相对较低,美国遭受的价格冲击远比其他国家更为 严重。 • 10. 食品及其他商品价格的高涨令美国人缩减开支,也加剧了人 们对通胀的担忧。
Practice of Interpreting Skills
• Chinese- English Interpretation • 5. Some industries are facing an enforced holiday in order to preserve power and limit pollution. • 6. Cities and states are already countering funding shortages, either by inviting private companies to bid to build and operate new toll highways or by privatizing existing toll roads. • 7. The impact of some countries banning rice exports has prompted stores to limit purchases of certain foods, including rice and cooking oils--and that has helped to trigger a return to 1970s-style stockpiling.
Paragraph Interpretation
• English-Chinese Interpretation • 当美林证券将其遭受的290亿美元亏损记入伦敦子公司后,这家美国投 资银行可能几十年内都不用在英国缴纳企业所得税了。美林证券在递交 给监管机构的文件中公布的上述数字,突显了美国次级抵押贷款市场的 崩溃如何损害到那些与美国相距甚远的异国政府的税收。 • 因担心经济增长放缓会抑制原材料需求,全球大宗商品基准指数下跌了 10.01%,这是自1980年3月该指数下跌10.05%以来的最大单月跌幅。 如果能源和农产品价格能够持续下跌,正面对通胀加剧压力的各国央行 将表示欢迎。
Chinese-English Interpretation
• . The new data released yesterday represent the first snapshot of global trade for 2015. But the figures also come amid growing concerns that 2016 is already shaping up to be more fraught with dangers for the global economy than previously expected. Those concerns are casting a heavy shadow over a two-day meetig of G20 central bank governors and finance ministers due to start tomorrow.