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Songle Vowels 前元音 (1)
Single Vowels 后元音 (3)
Single Vowels 央元音 (4)
Double Vowels 双元音 (4)
Consonants 爆破音 (5)
Consonants 破擦音 (6)
Consonants 摩擦音 (6)
Consonants 鼻音 (7)
Consonants 舌边音 (7)
Consonants 半元音 (7)
Single Vowels单元音(12个) 前元音[i: ], [i], [e], [æ](4个)
[i: ]常发这个音的元音字母组合有uea, ee, ie 例如:l ea f ch ee se th ie f Gr ee n Str ee t
A friend in n ee d is a friend ind ee d.
[i]常发这个音的元音字母有i, y
例如:cl i p g y m t h i n Pop mus i c
T i m’s as th i n as a p i n.
例如:ch e rry l e ft h ea d
B e tter later than n e ver.
East or w e st, home is b e st.
All is w e ll that e nds w e ll.
例如:c a p b a d f a mily n a tural
A f a ct is a f a ct.
Don’t let the c a t out of the b a g.
后元音[a: ], [ɔ:], [ɔ], [u: ], [u](5个)
[a:]常发这个音的元音字母组合有a, ar, au, al 例如:gr a ss p ar ty h ear t l au gh h al f
Sm ar t and interesting
[ɔ:]常发这个音的元音字母组合有aw, or, au, al 例如:s aw l aw h or se st or y d au ghter Pride goes bef ore a f al l.
例如:sh o p h o t w a tch s o rry c o llege
L o st time is never found again.
The cl o ck has st o pped.
[u: ]常发这个音的元音字母组合有o, oo, u 例如:wh o f oo d d u ty
Don’t l o se the opport u nity.
[u]常发这个音的元音字母组合有u, oo
例如:p u t f oo t w o man s u gar
He l oo ks like a g oo d c oo k.
央元音[ʌ],[ə], [ə: ](3个)
例如:p u b th u s c u t b u t d u ck
[ə]常发此音的字母有a, o, i
例如:a head a broad opp o site pos i tive poss i ble
[ə: ]常发此音的字母或字母组合有ur, ir, er, or
例如:f ur h ur t b ir d w or ker mak er teach er w or d
Double Vowels双元音(8个)
[ei ]常发此音的字母或字母组合有a, ai, ay
例如:f a ce c a ke g a te r ai se pl ay
[ai]常发此音的字母或字母组合有i, ie, y, uy, igh
例如:b i ke t ie ps y chology b y b uy m igh t r igh t
[əu]常发此音的字母或字母组合有oa, ow, o
例如:b oa t g oa t b ow l sparr ow potat o tomat o
Little str o kes fell great oa ks.
[au]常发此音的字母或字母组合有ow, ou
例如:c ow bl ou se m ou se t ow el h ou se sh ou t March wind and April sh ow ers bring May fl ow ers.
[ɔi] 常发此音的字母或字母组合有oy, oi
例如:b oy t oy b oi l s oi l
[iə]常发此音的字母或字母组合有eer, ear, ea, eu 例如:d eer t ear b eer th ea tre ear mus eu m
[ɛə]常发此音的字母或字母组合有ear, air, are
例如:p ear ch air b ear squ are air plane
Wherever th ere is oppression, th ere is resistance.
[uə]常发此音的字母或字母组合有our, ue, ur
例如:t our ist d ue l E ur ope j ur y
爆破音[p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g]
[p] p ie sou p p ower ro p e
[b] b ike la b b ill ro b e
[t] sea t hear t fee t ki t e
[d] see d co d e har d fee d
[k] coc k kic k c ar c arry [g]g oose g rass g o g uitar
破擦音[ʧ], [dʒ], [tr], [dr], [ts], [dz]
[ʧ] ch ina ch erry wat ch ch ain
[dʒ]oran ge chan ge j oin ma j ority [tr] tr ee tr eat tr ue tr ip [dr] dr aw a ddr ess dr ink dr y [ts]wan ts tes ts res ts studen ts [dz]ri des frien ds kin ds fin ds
摩擦音[v], [f], [θ], [ð], [s], [z], [ʃ], [ʒ], [h], [r] [f]f an sa f e f ast f ine [v]v an sa v e v ast v ery [θ] thought theme both eighth [ð]th ere brea th e tee th e th at
[s]s ink sh ip sh ould sh are [z]vi s it chee s e z oo plea s e [ʃ]sh e A s ia sh y deli c ious [ʒ] televi s ion vi s ion lei s ure u s ual
[h] h orse h ead h air h and
[r] r abbit b r ead r ose f r esh
鼻音[m], [n], [η]
[m] m onkey mo m m ilk m ud [n]do n key ka n garoo n oo n n ot main [η]wro n g doi n g lo n g E n glish
舌边音[l], [£]
[l] l ong l eft l eaf l eave [£]ta ll wor l d o l d si l ver
半元音[w], [j]
[w]w atch w indow awk w ard sq u ad [j] y acht y ak y ellow y our
Rules of Pronunciation拼读规则。