offers and counter-offers

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What are the characteristics of a firm offer?
A firm offer although not a contractual obligation (合约规定的义务), cannot be withdrawn by the seller within its validity. It is the buyer’s option to accept or reject or counter-offer (还盘) during the validity period. If the buyer accepts, then it is a contractual obligation(合同义务).
The differences between a quotation and an offer
• A quotation is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated. It, however, is not legally binding as a firm offer if the seller later decides not to sell. It can be regarded as an non-firm offer in simple form including a notice of the price of certain goods being sold, but in no legal sense. • A firm offer is made when a seller promised to sell at a stated price and within a stated period of time. The promise may be expressed, as when it takes the form of a letter; or it may be implied, as when it takes the form of a quotation that contains the words “for acceptance within seven days”,or similar qualifying words.
• We confirm having cabled you a firm offer subject to??? by Nov. 29.
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• Thank you for your recent asking for the prices of our new products.
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Different offers:
Offer Buyer-offer ( bid ) Offer with engagement ( firm offer/formal offer/ effective offer ) Offer without engagement ( free offer/ nonfirm offer ) A volunteer offer A reply to an enquiry
• (5)We confirm your cable ofDecember16. (6)We confirm our telephone conversation.
• subject to 以……为条件,取决于; 倾向于,易于
• This offer is subject to your reply( acceptance, confirmation)reaching here by September20,Beijing time. (实盘) • We offer you the following goods, subject to our final confirmation.(虚盘) (1)Prices are subject to change without notice. • 价格可以改变,事先不予通知。 • (2)Our quotation is subject to a discount of 5% . • 报价内有 5% 的折扣。 • (3)Our quotation is subject to the fluctuations of the market. • 报价按行市变化而调整。 • (4)These commodities are subject to damage(moisture). • 此商品易损(易潮)。
• 3. 我们将向贵方开下述商品实盘,特此通知 并希望你们介绍给贵方未来的买主。 • You are kindly advised that we are sending you a firm offer for the following goods in the hope that you will introduce them to prospective buyers at your end.
• This offer is open until March 3rd.
• This offer will remain ??? until March 3.
open effective valid firm available good
• 5.现确认已向贵方电开实盘,10月 23 日复到有效. • We confirm having cabled you a firm offer subject to your reply reaching us by October23.
The differences between a quotation and an offer
• The firm offer creates a power of acceptance permitting the offeree accepting the offer to transform the offerer’s promise into a contractual obligation. Thus, once it has been accepted it cannot be withdrawn.
How to make an offer?
An offer of goods is usually made through: • Advertisements • Circulars (邮件,信函) • Reply to enquires It is the first substantial step in business negotiation!
• 2.感谢贵方最近的传真——得知我方康佳电视 机在贵地市场有较大需求,现十分高兴地为贵 方报盘如下。 • Thank you for your recent fax telling us that there is a good demand for our KONKA televisions in your market. We are pleased to offer them as follows.
Unit Five Offers and Counter-offers
Unit Five Offers and Counter-offers
What is an offer?
An offer(报盘), especially a firm offer (实 盘), is a promise to sell goods at a stated price, usually within a certain period of time. It must be: • Clear • Definite • Complete • Final
• confirm vt. 确认,证实 • (1)We confirm having sold you 80 metric tons citric acid. (2)We confirm that we have sold... (3)We confirm your order for...(accept) (4)We confirm your offer for...(accept)
There is a brisk (great, high, increasing, growing ) demand for ...大量需求…… There is a low (poor) demand for…需求量小
as follows = as what follows
• We note from your recent fax that there is a good demand for oin hopes of in the hope of in expectation of
in the hope that,或 in hopes of,in the hope of怀着……的希望 We are sending out samples in hopes of …
• 4.此盘有效期至 3月 3日为止。
Some other information included in an offer • An exact description of the goods • Patterns or samples
• 1.敬请按我们下面所询商品以厦门到岸 价报盘。 • You are kindly requested to make us an offer on CIF Xiamen basis for the commodities we inquire hereunder.
hereunder= below, following adj.
• You are kindly requested to ? ? ? Us an offer for the commodities we have listed below.
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• We are sending you this special offer hoping/ in the hope /in expectation that you will introduce them to at the prospective buyers at your end. We are sending you this special offer? ? ? Your introducing them to the prospective buyers at your end.
A satisfactory offer usually includes:
1. An expression of thanks for the enquiry 2. Details of prices, discounts and terms of payment 3. A statement or clear indication of what the prices cover (e.g. freight and insurance, etc.) 4. A promise to the date of delivery or time of shipment 5. The period for which the offer is valid / validity period It will conclude with an expression of hope that the offer will be accepted.