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一些上网用户抱怨他们不能够发送Email Y,但他们仍然能够接收到新的Email信件。
那么,作为管理员,下而哪一个项是首先应该检查的:Some Internet users complain they cannot send Emails but they can still receive new ones. Then as an administrator, which of the following item will you check first?
「该Email 服务器H 前是否未连接到网络上?Whether this Email server is disconnected
from the In ter net now
SMTP流量的条H Whether the ACL of the ZXR10 router interface between the client and the Email server defaults the entry of deny SMTP traffic
Q 处丁•客户端和Email月艮务器之间的ZXR10路由器接口的访问列表项是否隐含了deny any
的条U ? Whether the ACL of the ZXR10 router interface between the client and the Email server defaults the entry of deny any
r处丁喀户端和Email服务器Z间的ZXR10路由器接口的访问列表项是否隐含了deny POP
流量的条目? Whether the ACL of the ZXR10 router interface between the client and the
Email server defaults the entry of deny POP traffic
当今世界上最流行的TCP/IP协议的层次并不是按OSI参考模型来划分的,相对应于OSI的七层网络模型,没有定义()The layers of the most-welcomed TCP/IP protocol are not divided accordi ng to the OSI ref ere nee model, for ( ) are not defi ned in contr a st with the 7-layer network model of the OSI
厂链路层网络层Link layer and network layer
网络层与传输层Network layer and transport layer
C _
传输层与会话层Transport layer and session layer
* 会话层与表示层Session layer and presentation layer
冃前,我国应用最为广泛的LAN标准是基丁-的以太网标准At present, the most widely-used
LAN standard in China is the Ether net sta ndard based on ()
IEEE 802.1
IEEE 802.2
IEEE 802.3
IEEE 802.5
一个 VLAN 可以看做是一个()A VLAN can be seen as a ()
管理域 Management domain
阻塞域 Blocked domain
以下不属于动态路由协议的是 Which of the following options is not a dynamic routing protocol? r RIP
关于千兆以太网,以下说法正确的是 Which of the following statements about the gigabit Ether net is correct?
IEEE802.3ab 定义了千兆以太网在光纤上的标准The IEEE802.3ab defines the
standard for the gigabit Ethernet on the optical fiber
「在同一冲突域屮,千兆以太网不允许中继器的互连In the same collision domain, the
gigabit Ether net does not permit in terc onn ecti on with the repeater
IEEE 802.3z 专门定义了千兆以太网在双绞线上的传输标准The IEEE802.3z specially defi nes the tra nsmissi on standard for the gigabit Ether net on the twisted pair
冲突域 Collision domain
广扌番域 Broadcast domain
* 千兆以太网支持网络速率的自适应,可以与快速以太网自动I办商传输速率It supports
n etwork rate adaptati on and can automatically n egotiate with the fast Ether net on
transmission rate
ZXR10路由器在转发数据包到非頁连网段的过程中,依靠下列哪一个选项来寻找下一跳地址When the ZXR10 router forwards data packets to the non-directly cormected network segments, it relies on ( ) to look for the next hop address
帧头Frame header
厂IP 报文头部IP packet header
( SSAP 字段SSAP field
' DSAP 字段DSAP field
DHCP客户端是使用地址()来申请一个新的IP地址的The DHCP client uses address ( ) to apply for a new IP address
为什么说共享介质的以太网存在一泄的安全隐患Why is it said that the medium-sharing Ethernet has certain potential security problems?
the hosts in a collision domain can see the data frames sent by others, even if the
destination MAC address is not themselves
所有的用户都在同一网段All the users are in the same network segment
一些拥有较高权限的用户可以查找到网段内的其它用户,获得敏感数据Users with higher authority can search for other users in the network segment to acquire sensitive data
“*共享介质的以太网容易产生冲突问题,导致帧报文丢失The medium-sharing Ethernet
easily causes collision problems and leads to frame packet loss
纶成树协议是怎样处理地址老化的How does the spanning tree protocol handle address aging?
r只要交换机启动了生成树协议,就必须将地址老化时间配置为10秒以内Once the switch
starts the spa rrning tree protocol, it must con figure the address aging time as withi n
10 seconds
being started, the sparrning tree protocol automatically changes the address aging time to 10 sec on ds, without r egard to what value the user set originally
交换机会对某些符合条件的端口上学习到的MAC地址作特殊处理After discovering changes to network topology structure, the sparrning tree protocol transmits the topology cha nge message in the n etwork. The switch that receives this message will con duct special
processing to the MAC address learned from the port satisfying certain conditions
但不再传播该拓扑变化消息After a switch discovers changes to the network topology
structure, it processes the MAC address learned from all the ports on this switch but it does not transmit the topology change message
TELNETS作于()TELNET works at ()
网络层network layer
传输层Transport layer
会话层Session layer
衣示层Presentation layer
应用层Application layer
在传输层采用了以下哪个方法來保证接收缓冲区不溢出At the transport layer, the () method is adopted to ensure the receive buffer does not overflow
数据分段Data segmentation
确认机制Ack no wledgeme nt mecha nism
滑动窗口Sliding window
数据包分片Data packet fragmentation
选出下列关于802.1Q 标签头的错误叙述Which of the following statements about the 802.IQ label header is wrong?
' 802. IQ 标签头长度为4 字节The length of the 802.IQ label header is 4 bytes
" 802.IQ标签头包含了标签协议标识和标签控制信息The 802.IQ label header contains
the label protocol ID and label control information
' 802.IQ标签头的标签协议标识部分包含了一个尚定的值0x8200The label protocol ID
part of the 802.IQ label header contains a fixed value: 0x8200
2 802. IQ标签头的标签控制信总部分包含的VLAN Identified VLAN ID )是-・个12Bit的
域The label control information part of the 802.IQ label header contains VLAN Identifier (VLAN ID), which is a 12Bit domain
以下对ZXR10系列路由器的访问列表设置规则描述不正确的是Which of the following statements about the setting rule for the access list of the ZXR10 series routers is wrong?
一条访问列表叮以冇多条规则组成An access list can consist of multiple rules 一个接口只可
以应用一条访问列表An interface is only able to use one access list
对冲突规则判断的依据是:深度优先The judgment criterion for the collision rule is: depth priority
r如果您定义一个访问列表而没冇应用到接口上,路由器默认允许所冇数据包通过If you
defi ne an access list but not use it on the in terface, the router allows all the data
packets to pass by default
IP地址中,网络部分和主机部分都为全0的地址表示If the network part and host part of an IP address are both 0z this address indicates ()
• 网络土也址Network address
「待定网段的广播地址Broadcast address of a specific network segment
「所冇网络All the networks
「本网段所有节点的广播地址Broadcast address of all the nodes in this network segme nt
以太网交换机一个端口在接收到数据帧时,如果没有在MAC地址表屮查找到H的MAC地址,通常如何处理When a port of the Ethernet switch receives a data frame, if it fails to find the
destination MAC address in the MAC address table, what does the port do then?
「把以太网帧复制到所冇端口Copy the Ethernet frame to all the ports
「把以太网帧单点传送到特定端口Transfer the Ethernet frame to a specific port in a single point mode
" 把以太网帧发送到除木端口以外的所冇端口Send the Ethernet frame to all the port but the local port
「丢弃该帧Discard this frame
「把以太网帧发送到一组特定的端口Send the Ethernet frame to a group of specific ports
对于这样一个网段192.168.2.16/28,请问最多可以容纳多少台主机For network segment, how many hosts can it hold at most?
在配置了帧中继木地DLCI 和对端IP 地址的映射后,使用什么命令来校验配置? After configured mapping between the local DLCI and peer-end IP addressing of the frame relay, which of the following commands is used to check the configuration?
「show frame-relay pvc
show frame-relay map
C show frame-relay traffic
C show frame-relay Imi
下面关于 PPP 说法正确的是()Of all the statements below about PPP, ( ) are correct " 具有验证功能,保证了网络的安全性Provide with verification function to ensure
network security
" 支持各种 NCP 协议 Support various NCP protocols
" 物理层可以是同步方式或异步方式The physical layer can be either in synchronous or
asynchronous mode
" ZXR10 串 口的缺省封装 It is the default encapsulation of the ZXR10 serial port
与动态路Eb 协议相比,静态路由冇哪些优点()
Compared to the dynamic routing protocol, the 15
static route has the following merits ()
带宽占用少Less bandwidth occupation
厂路山器能自动发现网络拓扑变化The router can automatically discover network topology
厂路由器能口动计算新的路由The router can automatically calculate new routes
以下说法哪些是正确的()Which of the following statements are correct?()
" 路由优先级•路由权值的计算是一致的The calculation of routing priority and routing metrics is consistent
17路由权的计算可能基于路径某单--特性计算,也可能基于路径多种属性Routing metrics
can be calculated either based on a single path feature or on multiple path attributes 厂如果几个动态路由协议都找到了到达同一冃标网络的最佳路由,这几条路由都会被加入路由表中If
several dynamic routing protocols all find the optimal route to the same target network, these routes will be all added to the route table
17动态路由协议是按照路由的路由权值來判断路由的好坏,并耳每一种路由协议的判断方法都是不一样的The dynamic routing protocol judges a route according to the routing metrics value
and different routing protocols have different judging methods
在ZXR10 路lid器上配置命令:Configuration command on ZXR10 router:Access-list 100 deny icmp 100 deny tcp any 10212 eq 23Access-list 100 permit ip any any并将此规则应用在接口上,卜列说法正确的是()When this rule is applied to the in terface, which of the followi ng stateme nts are correct?()
" 禁止从10.1.0.0 网段发來的ICMP 报文通过Forbid the ICMP messages sent from the network segment to pass
疋禁止所冇用户远程登录到10.2.1.2 主机Forbid all the users to log in the host at the remote end
允许所有的数据包通过Allow all the data packet to pass
厂以上说法均不正确None of the above is correct
T64E 查看接口状态的命令“J以显示出()Using the interface status query command,on T64E, you can view ()
莊端口的带宽使用率Bandwidth utilization rate of the port
対端口的峰值速率Peak value rate of the port
" 端口的MTU 值MTU value of the port
厂端口的MAC 地址MAC address of the port
以太网交换机端口的匚作模式可以被设置为()The working mode of the Ethernet switch port can be set as ()
厂Trunk 模式Trunk mode
V 一
口动协商方式Automatic negotiation mode
卜列WAN连接种类屮属于分组交换网络的冇()Which of the following WAN connection types belong to the packet switched network?()
IEEE802.3把以太网链路层分成两个子层,分别是()The IEEE802.3 divides the Ethernet link layer into two sub-layers:()
厂物理子层Physical sub-layer
" LLC 子层LLC sub-layer
" MAC 子层MAC sub-layer
厂IP 子层IP sub-layer
某ZXR10路曲器的两个以太网口EO和El分别连接了两个网段:EO (IP地址10.1.1.1,子网掩码255.255.255.0)连接的是网络A, El (IP地址10.1.2.1,子网掩码255.255.255.0)连接的是网络B:> Two Ether net ports EO and El of a ZXR10 router are corm ected to two n etwork segme nts respectively: EO (IP address:; sub net mask: is
connected to network A; El (IP address: 10・l・2.1; subnet mask: 255.255・255.0) is connected to network B・问题,下而的哪些主机能够Ping通网络A中的主机()Question: Which of the following hosts can Ping the host in network A?()
厂处于网络A中的某主机,其IP地址为10.1.1.12,子网掩码为255.255.0.0A host in
n etwork A; its IP address is and its sub net mask is
厂处于网络A中的某主机,其IP地址为10.1.2.16,子网掩码为255.255.0.0A host in
n etwork A; its IP address is and its sub net mask is
17处于网络B中的某主机,其IP地址为10.1.2.14,子网掩码为255.255.255.0A host in
network B; its IP address is and its subnet mask is
17处于网络A中的某主机,其IP地址为10.1.1.8,子网掩码为255.255.255.0A host in
network A; its IP address is and its subnet mask is
为了保证同属一个VLAN的所冇主机都能接收到发往此V3N的广播报文,交换机必须进行如下的哪些转发操作()To ensure all the hosts in the same VLAN can receive the broadcast messages sent to this VLAN, which of the following forwarding operations must be con ducted by the switch?
厂将报文从本交换机的所有端口发送出去Send messages from all the ports of this switch
" 将报文发送给本交换机中同一个VLAN中的其它端口Send messages to the other ports of the same VLAN in this switch
" 将报文发送给木交换机的包含这个VLAN的所冇屮继链路Send messages to all the trunk links including this VLAN of this switch
厂将报文从本交换机的所有中继链路发送出去Send messages from all the trunk links of this switch
以下关于快速以太网技术标准100BASE-TX线缆类型描述正确的是()Which of the following
statements correctly describe the cable type of fast Ether net tech nical sta ndard 100BASE-TX?()
厂多模光纤Multi-mode fiber
" EIA/TIA 5 类EIA/TIA type 5
厂单模光纤Single-mode fiber
OSI 模型中,传输层的功能有()In the OSI model, the functions of the transport layer are ()" 进行流控控制Conduct flow control
" 提供面向连接与面向非连接的服务Provide connection-oriented and
norrconnection-oriented services
" 捉供町靠或不i叮靠的服务Provide reliable or unreliable services
在应用主机稈序Z间建立端到端的连接Set up end-to-end connection between host programs
2826S端口的广播抑制功能与端口限速功能使用同样的方式,可以选择限速所包括的数据报()The broadcast suppress!on function and port rate limit function of the 2826S port adopt the same mode・ The data packets that can select rate limit are ()
B 广播 + 组播Broadcast + multicast
厂广播+组播 + 未知单播Broadcast + multicast + unknown unicast
厂所有数据报All data packets
下血关T CSMA/CD 网络的叙述哪个是正确的()Which of the following describe the CSMA/CD network correctly?()
疋数据都是以广播方式发送的Data are all transmitted in the broadcast mode
厂一个节点的数据发往最近的路由器,路由器将数据f(•接发到H的地The data of a node is
sent to the nearest router, which then sends the data directly to the destination
厂如果源节点知道目的地的IP和MAC地址的话,信号是直接送往目的地If the source node
learns the IP and MAC of the destination, the signal is directly sent to the destination
communication data of any node must pass through the entire network and each node receives and checks the data
对于网络172.168.16.0 MASK,与它相邻的子网是()For network MASK, its adjacent subnets are ()
在以太网中()可以将网络分成多个冲突域,但不能将网络分成多个广播域In the Ethernet, () can divide
the network into multiple collision domains but not into multiple broadcast domai ns?
疋 单一 VLAN 交换机 Single VLAN switch
厂 集线器 Concentrator (HUB)
No35( 1分)填空题
I 1,2, 3?6 | 1;2,4, 5 I ,而RJ48使用8芯线中的I 。
RJ45 and RJ48 are completely the same in their form but the linear order is different.
RJ45 uses I
of the 8-core cable while RF48 uses I of
the 8・core cable. No36( 1分)填空题
The El in terface has bala need and unbalan ced modes ・ The comm on coaxial in terface
in terface while the RJ48 El in terface is
No37( 1分)填空题
in terface El 接口有平衡型和非平衡型接口两种,常见的同轴E1 口屈于 非平衡 接口,RJ48 E1
口属心 接口。
is a/an
There are two types of optical fibers: single-mode fiber and multimode fiber. The optical wavelengths used by single-mode fiber
while those used by the multimode fiber
No38( 1分)填空题
running, cfg
For the 28 series switches to recover ex-factory configuratior\ all you need to do is to enter the
file system configuration mode and delete'
, and restart the
system. No39( 1分)填空题 1-1899 1901-4C 2818S 的1
端口设置PVID 为1900,其余端口的PVID 号可以设置的范围为I '
The PVID of port 1 of the 2818S is set as 1900; and the range for PVID configuration of other ports is' 。
No40(l 分)填空题
I ansi cisco
For LMI type con figurati on of the frame-relay in terface, the available optio ns
No41(l 分)填空题
GER 的VSwitch 功能与普通的二层交换机在工作原理上有本质的区别,主要是Vswitch 没有学习 The VSwitch fun ctio n of GER is d if fere nt from the comm on L2 switch in its worki ng prin ciple; to be specific,
I 15 5 0 8 To
的过 and and
the process of learning
No42(l 分)填空题
tcp I udp
在TCP/IP 协议簇中,有两个不同的传输协议:丨 利I ,它们分 别承载不同的应用。
There are two different types of transmission protocols in the TCP/IP protocol
cluster: I and I ・ They bear different applications.
No43( 1分)填空题
El 有平衡式和非平衡式,他们的线缆阻抗分别是I 7° 姆。
El has balaneed mode and unbalanced mode. The cable impedanee of the two modes is I ohm and I ohm respective!y.
No44( 1分)填空题
定义物理源地址和物理li 的地址,是由osi 参考模型中 数据链路层 定义的,数据链路层的地 址在局域网屮是I
MAC ,在不同的广域网链路层协议中采用不同的地址,如在FRAME
RELAY 中的数据链路层地址为I
The physical source & destination addresses are defined by of OSI
Reference Model. The address of the Data-link Layer in LAN is differe nt addresses are adopted in different WAN Link Layer protocols; e.g. the address of the data link layer in the Frame Relay is
No45( 1分)判断题
2826S 和 2826E 之间是可以在-起做集群管理的。
Cluster management can be implemented at
the same time between the 2826S and the 2826E.
(Yes ) 120
No46( 1分)判断题
网络设备的MAC地址是全球唯-的,ZTE数据通讯产品MAC地址前六位是OxOOdOdO The MAC address of all network devices is unique globally. The first 6 bits of the MAC address of ZTE data communication products is OxOOdOdO.
No47( 1分)判断题
IP被认为是不可靠的I办议,因为它不保证数拥包正确发送到H的地IP is considered an unreliable protocol, for it does not ensure data packets can be correctly transmitted to the desti nation.
No48( 1分)判断题
2826S 系歹ij交换机支持SNMPV1. 72、V3。
The 2826S series switches support SNMPV1, V2 and V3.
会话层可以对信息格式和编码起转换作用The session layer can convert the information format and coding.
° 否(No)
No50( 1分)判断题
2818S 也支持POE 供电方式。
The 2818S also supports the POE power supply mode.
是(Yes) 否(No)
No51( 1分)判断题
只要速率相同,使用不同介质的以太网接口可以使用端口汇聚技术进行聚合Ethernet interfaces
employed differe nt media are able to be aggregated through the port trunki ng tech no logy as long as the speed/ rate is the same
No52( 1分)判断题
The connection
establishing process of TCP is usually called three-way negotiation, which aims to
synchronize the initial sequenee numbers of the two communication sides.
The HDLC protocol adopts the ''O〃bit addition and deletion tech no logy to differe ntiate the character same as the flag bit in the information domain.
帧中继2字节地址的DLCI长度为10比特,用户可任取0-1023之间的值The DLCI length of the 2・byte frame-relay address is 10-bit z so the users are free to select any value between 0 and 1023.