A Generic Operating System Framework for Secure SmartPhones





错选、多选或未选均无分.1. ( )If a system is being developed where the customers are not sure of what theywant, the requirements are often poorly defined。

Which of the following would be an appropriate process model for this type of development?(A)prototyping(B)waterfall(C)V-model(D)spiral2. ()The project team developing a new system is experienced in the domain.Although the new project is fairly large, it is not expected to vary much from applications that have been developed by this team in the past. Which process model would be appropriate for this type of development?(A)prototyping(B)waterfall(C)V-model(D)spiral3. ()Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers?(A)Process(B)Manufacturing(C)Methods(D)T ools4. ()Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities?(A)communication,planning,modeling,construction,deployment(B) communication, risk management, measurement,production, reviewing(C)analysis,designing,programming, debugging, maintenance(D)analysis, planning,designing,programming,testing5. ()The incremental model of software development is(A)A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.(B)A good approach when a working core product is required quickly。



Chapter 1 – Computer Systems OverviewTrue / False Questions:1.T / F – The operating system acts as an interface between the computerhardware and the human user.2.T / F –One of the processor’s main functions is to exchange data withmemory.3.T / F – User-visible registers are typically accessible to system programs butare not typically available to application programs.4.T / F – Data registers are general purpose in nature, but may be restricted tospecific tasks such as performing floating-point operations.5.T / F – The Program Status Word contains status information in the form ofcondition codes, which are bits typically set by the programmer as a result of program operation.6.T / F – The processing required for a single instruction on a typical computersystem is called the Execute Cycle.7.T / F – A fetched instruction is normally loaded into the Instruction Register(IR).8.T / F – An interrupt is a mechanism used by system modules to signal theprocessor that normal processing should be temporarily suspended.9.T / F – To accommodate interrupts, an extra fetch cycle is added to theinstruction cycle.10.T / F – The minimum information that must be saved before the processortransfers control to the interrupt handler routine is the program status word (PSW) and the location of the current instruction.11.T / F – One approach to dealing with multiple interrupts is to disable allinterrupts while an interrupt is being processed.12.T / F – Multiprogramming allows the processor to make use of idle timecaused by long-wait interrupt handling.13.T / F – In a two-level memory hierarchy, the Hit Ratio is defined as thefraction of all memory accesses found in the slower memory.14.T / F – Cache memory exploits the principle of locality by providing a small,fast memory between the processor and main memory.15.T / F – In cache memory design, block size refers to the unit of dataexchanged between cache and main memory16.T / F – The primary problem with programmed I/O is that the processormust wait for the I/O module to become ready and must repeatedlyinterrogate the status of the I/O module while waiting.Multiple Choice Questions:1.The general role of an operating system is to:a.Act as an interface between various computersb.Provide a set of services to system usersc.Manage files for application programsd.None of the above2.The four main structural elements of a computer system are:a.Processor, Registers, I/O Modules & Main Memoryb.Processor, Registers, Main Memory & System Busc.Processor, Main Memory, I/O Modules & System Busd.None of the above3.The two basic types of processor registers are:er-visible and Control/Status registersb.Control and Status registerser-visible and user-invisible registersd.None of the above4.Address registers may contain:a.Memory addresses of datab.Memory addresses of instructionsc.Partial memory addressesd.All of the above5. A Control/Status register that contains the address of the next instruction tobe fetched is called the:a.Instruction Register (IR)b.Program Counter (PC)c.Program Status Word (PSW)d.All of the above6.The two basic steps used by the processor in instruction processing are:a.Fetch and Instruction cyclesb.Instruction and Execute cyclesc.Fetch and Execute cyclesd.None of the above7. A fetched instruction is normally loaded into the:a.Instruction Register (IR)b.Program Counter (PC)c.Accumulator (AC)d.None of the above8. A common class of interrupts is:a.Programb.Timerc.I/Od.All of the above9.When an external device becomes ready to be serviced by the processor, thedevice sends this type of signal to the processor:a.Interrupt signalb.Halt signalc.Handler signald.None of the abovermation that must be saved prior to the processor transferring controlto the interrupt handler routine includes:a.Processor Status Word (PSW)b.Processor Status Word (PSW) & Location of next instructionc.Processor Status Word (PSW) & Contents of processor registersd.None of the above11.One accepted method of dealing with multiple interrupts is to:a.Define priorities for the interruptsb.Disable all interrupts except those of highest priorityc.Service them in round-robin fashiond.None of the above12.In a uniprocessor system, multiprogramming increases processor efficiencyby:a.Increasing processor speedb.Taking advantage of time wasted by long wait interrupt handlingc.Eliminating all idle processor cyclesd.All of the above13.As one proceeds down the memory hierarchy (i.e., from inboard memory tooffline storage), the following condition(s) apply:a.Increasing cost per bitb.Decreasing capacityc.Increasing access timed.All of the above14.Small, fast memory located between the processor and main memory iscalled:a.WORM memoryb.Cache memoryc.CD-RW memoryd.None of the above15.When a new block of data is written into cache memory, the followingdetermines which cache location the block will occupy:a.Block sizeb.Cache sizec.Write policyd.None of the above16.Direct Memory Access (DMA) operations require the following informationfrom the processor:a.Address of I/O deviceb.Starting memory location to read from or write toc.Number of words to be read or writtend.All of the aboveQuestions1.1,1.4,1.7,1.8Problems1.1,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.7Chapter 2 – Operating System OverviewTrue / False Questions:1.T / F – An operating system controls the execution of applications and acts asan interface between applications and the computer hardware.2.T / F – The operating system maintains information that can be used forbilling purposes on multi-user systems.3.T / F – The operating system typically runs in parallel with applicationpro grams, on it’s own special O/S processor.4.T / F – One of the driving forces in operating system evolution isadvancement in the underlying hardware technology.5.T / F – In the first computers, users interacted directly with the hardwareand operating systems did not exist.6.T / F – In a batch-processing system, the phrase “control is passed to a job”means that the processor is now fetching and executing instructions in auser program.7.T / F – Uniprogramming typically provides better utilization of systemresources than multiprogramming.8.T / F –In a time sharing system, a user’s program is preempted at regularintervals, but due to relatively slow human reaction time this occurrence isusually transparent to the user.9.T / F – A process can be defined as a unit of activity characterized by a singlesequential thread of execution, a current state, and an associated set ofsystem resources.10.T / F – A virtual memory address typically consists of a page number and anoffset within the page.11.T / F – Implementing priority levels is a common strategy for short-termscheduling, which involves assigning each process in the queue to theprocessor according to its level of importance.12.T / F – Complex operating systems today typically consist of a few thousandlines of instructions.13.T / F – A monolithic kernel architecture assigns only a few essential functionsto the kernel, including address spaces, interprocess communication andbasic scheduling.14.T / F – The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) maps between generichardware commands/responses and those unique to a specific platform.Multiple Choice Questions:17.A primary objective of an operating system is:a.Convenienceb.Efficiencyc.Ability to evolved.All of the above18.The operating system provides many types of services to end-users,programmers and system designers, including:a.Built-in user applicationsb.Error detection and responsec.Relational database capabilities with the internal file systemd.All of the above19.The operating system is unusual i n it’s role as a control mechanism, in that:a.It runs on a special processor, completely separated from the rest ofthe systemb.It frequently relinquishes control of the system processor and mustdepend on the processor to regain control of the systemc.It never relinquishes control of the system processord.None of the above20.Operating systems must evolve over time because:a.Hardware must be replaced when it failsers will only purchase software that has a current copyright datec.New hardware is designed and implemented in the computer systemd.All of the above21.A major problem with early serial processing systems was:a.Setup timeck of input devicesc.Inability to get hardcopy outputd.All of the above22.An example of a hardware feature that is desirable in a batch-processingsystem is:a.Privileged instructionsb. A completely accessible memory arearge clock cyclesd.None of the above23.A computer hardware feature that is vital to the effective operation of amultiprogramming operating system is:a.Very large memoryb.Multiple processorsc.I/O interrupts and DMAd.All of the above24.The principle objective of a time sharing, multiprogramming system is to:a.Maximize response timeb.Maximize processor usec.Provide exclusive access to hardwared.None of the above25.Which of the following major line of computer system development createdproblems in timing and synchronization that contributed to the development of the concept of the process?a.Multiprogramming batch operation systemsb.Time sharing systemsc.Real time transaction systemsd.All of the above26.The paging system in a memory management system provides for dynamicmapping between a virtual address used in a program and:a. A virtual address in main memoryb. A real address in main memoryc. A real address in a programd.None of the above27.Relative to information protection and security in computer systems, accesscontrol typically refers to:a.Proving that security mechanisms perform according to specificationb.The flow of data within the systemc.Regulating user and process access to various aspects of the systemd.None of the above28. A common problem with full-featured operating systems, due to their sizeand difficulty of the tasks they address, is:a.Chronically late in deliverytent bugs that show up in the fieldc.Sub-par performanced.All of the above29. A technique in which a process, executing an application, is divided intothreads that can run concurrently is called:a.Multithreadingb.Multiprocessingc.Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)d.None of the above QUESTIONS2.1,2.3,2.4,2.7,2.10PROBLEMS2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4。


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第一章 .NET Framework框架简介..

第一章 .NET Framework框架简介..
Visual Studio 概述
Visual Studio 简介:
IDE 开发Windows、Web程序、Office、Web服务、移动 高效开发 历经版本:
• • • • • • • Visual Studio 6.0 Visual Studio .NET Visual Studio 2003 Visual Studio 2005 Visual Studio 2008 Visual Studio 2010 Visual Studio 2012
第一章 理解.NET Framework与 C#
学会用面向对象思想来编写程序 更深入理解 .NET 类库,使用类库进行快速开发 会使用泛型存储集合数据 掌握设计模式基本概念,为成为系统设计师打好基础
理解.NET框架的组成及其基本工作原理 了解.NET 框架与C#的特性 理解类库中各个命名空间的主要用途 回顾并加深理解命名空间
对应的是 .NET Framework 4.5
.NET 框架体系结构
.NET 框架组件2-1
无论是WinForms和都 可以使用与基类库
.NET 框架组件2-2
提供所有.NET 应用程序运行的环境
{ namespace MySchool { namespace Class { class Student { // 此处编写代码 } } } } 引用命名空间: using City.MySchool.Class;


验证活动范围应根据风险评估来确定,并考虑OMCL计算机化系统的测试结果对正确性和 可追溯性的依赖程度。
Due to the great variety of computerised systems available, it is not possible to state in a single document all the specific validation elements that are applicable.
This guideline is intended for use by OMCLs working under Quality Management Systems based on the ISO/IEC 17025 standard, which use computerised systems for a part or the totality of the processes related to the quality control of medicines.
Previous titles/other references / last valid version 原文件名/其他索引号/ 最新验证版本
Custodian Organisation 托管机构
Concerned Network 相关网络
Validation of Computerised Systems – Core document PA/PH/OMCL (08) 69 R7 计算机化系统的验证-核心文件PA/PH/OMCL (08) 69 R7 Guideline 指南 -
本文件适用于OMCL中使用的所有类型计算机化系统。但是,根据其复杂程度,测试与文 件管理的范围将有所不同。计算机化系统可以分为三类:豁免的、简单的和复杂的(见第3 部分表1)。本文件描述了简单和复杂计算机化系统的可扩展验证方法。



23.分时系统不存在作业的感念 24.作业调度算法中先来先服务不适合均衡的作业
1.从人机交互方式来看,操作系统是用户与机器的___ 2.从管理角度看,操作系统是管理资源的___ 3.计算机操作系统是____,管理和控制____的系统软件 4.从用户的角度看,操作系统可以看成是计算机的____ 5.从计算机的系统结构看,操作系统是一种__化,___化结构
• 9.多用户系统一定采用多道技术 正确 • 10.只有多重处理系统可以为多用户服务 • 11.多用户必须使用多终端 • 12.分时系统中时间片越长越好 • 13.用户可以完全按照自己的意愿"生成"操作系统 • 14.操作系统的冷,热启动差别只在于是否有加电自检
的过程 • 15.作业就是一个程序 • 16.作业步之间的关系是同步的
的程序集合 6.操作系统是计算机技术和____________的结合 7.操作系统的设计观点包含_____和_____两方面 8.计算机系统结构的第一个重大突破是采用___技术
9.操作系统的生成过程,运行操作系统厂商提供的_____或 ______ 10.操作系统五大类型_____,______,_____,_________ 11.多用户系统的关键技术是在用户之间有____ 12.分时系统追求的目标为_______,实时系统则追求_____ 13.网络操作系统的用户工作时必须知道_____ 14.分布式操作系统需要全局的___,所有的CPU运行同样的 ____ 15.批处理系统加上________就是多道批处理系统 16.现在的网络操作系统常用的有____,____
25.联机用户接口是指用户与操作系统之间的接口,是 _______



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and Design

and Design

The JikesXen Java Server PlatformGeorgios GousiosAthens University of Economics and Businessgousiosg@aueb.grAbstractThe purpose of the JVM is to abstract the Java language from the hardware and software platforms it runs on.For this rea-son,the JVM uses services offered by the host operating sys-tem in order to implement identical services for the Java lan-guage.The obvious duplication of effort in service provision and resource management between the JVM and the operat-ing system has a measurable cost on the performance of Java programs.In my PhD research,I try tofind ways of min-imizing the cost of sharing resources between the OS and the JVM,by identifying and removing unnecessary software layers.Categories and Subject Descriptors C.0[General]:Hard-ware/software interfaces; C.4[Performance of Systems]: Performance Attributes; D.4.7[Operating Systems]:Orga-nization and DesignGeneral Terms Performance,LanguagesKeywords JVM,Performance,Operating System,Virtual Machine1.Background and MotivationThe raison d’ˆe tre of contemporary JVM s is to virtualize the Java language execution environment to allow Java pro-grams to run unmodified on various software and hardware platforms.For this reason,the JVM uses services provided by the host OS and makes them available to the executing program through the Java core libraries.Table1provides an overview of those services.The JVM is a software representation of a hardware ar-chitecture that can execute a specific format of input pro-grams.Being such,it offers virtual hardware devices such as a stack-based processor and access to temporary storage (memory)through bytecode instructions.The JVM is not a general purpose machine,though:its machine code includesCopyright is held by the author/owner(s).OOPSLA’07,October21–25,2007,Montr´e al,Qu´e bec,Canada.ACM978-1-59593-786-5/07/0010.support for high level constructs such as threads and classes,while memory is managed automatically.On the other hand, I/O is handled by the OS and access to I/O services is pro-vided to Java programs through library functions.The ob-servation that the JVM is both a provider and a consumer ofservices leads to the question of whether the JVM can assumethe role of the resource manager.Generic architectures sacrifice absolute speed in favor ofversatility,expandability and modularity.A question thatemerges is whether the services provided by the OS arestrictly necessary for the JVM to execute Java programsand,if not,what will be the increase in the performanceof the JVM if it is modified so as to manage the computingresources it provides to programs internally.Part of my workis to assess the necessity of certain services offered by the OS to the operation of the JVM and to measure their effect on the JVM performance,to get an estimate of the possible speedup that could be expected if the JVM replaced in the OS in the role of the resource provider/broker,in the context of purpose-specific systems.My initialfindings show that Java pays a large price to the OS for services it does not necessarily require.All standard OS s are designed for a specific purpose:to protect programs from accessing each other’s memory and to protect I/O re-sources from being accessed concurrently.As others have shown[2],if the execution environment is based on a type-safe language and therefore protects itself against invalid memory access,then memory protection,as it is currently implemented by OS s,is mostly unnecessary.My currently unpublishedfindings show that the mechanisms employed by JVM s to overcome the restrictions placed to them by the OS API s can deteriorate their performance,mainly when ex-ecuting memory and I/O intensive applications.2.Our ResearchThe specific question my research tries to answer is the fol-lowing:Can the performance of Java server platforms be improved by allowing them to manage directly the comput-ing resources they require?For the purposes of my research,I make the following assumptions—based on worked published by other re-searchers:Resources JVM System Library OS Kernel JikesXenCPU Java to Native Thread Map-ping Native to Kernel ThreadMappingThread Resource Alloca-tion,Thread SchedulingMultiplexing Java threadsto CPU s,Thread initializa-tionMemory Object Allocation andGarbage Collection Memory Allocation andDeallocation from theprocess address spaceMemory protection,PageTable Manipulation,Mem-ory AllocationObject Allocation andGarbage CollectionI/O Java to System Library I/OMapping,Protect Java frommisbehaving I/O Provide I/O abstractions System call handling,Uni-fied access mechanisms toclasses of devicesDriver infrastructure,I/OmultiplexingTable1.Resource management tasks in various levels of the Java execution stack and in JikesXen JVM•A JVM is able to manage efficiently computational re-sources by scheduling Java threads to physical processors internally.Multiprocessing can be implemented within the JVM very efficiently[1].•Virtual memory is deteriorating the performance of garbage collection[4]and thus it should be omitted in favor of a single,non-segmented address space.•A specially modified JVM can be run directly on hard-ware with minimal supporting native code[3],and there-fore the unsafe part of the system can be minimized down to a very thin hardware abstraction layer.To investigate my research question,I am in the pro-cess of designing and building the JikesXen virtual machine, which is a port of JikesRVM to the Xen VMM platform. JikesXen is based on a very thin layer of native code,the nanokernel,whose main purpose is to receive VMM inter-rupts and forward them to the Java space and also to initial-ize the VMM on boot.I use parts of the Xen-provided Mini OS demonstration operating system as the JikesXen nanokernel. The system itself is essentially a blob that lumps together the JikesRVM core image and stripped down version of the classpath which are already pre-compiled to native code dur-ing the JikesRVM build phase.JikesXen does not require a device driver infrastructure;instead,the Java core libraries will use the devices exported by the VMM directly,through adapter classes for each device.The adapter classes are also responsible to prevent concurrent access to shared resources, such as I/O-ports using Java based mutual exclusion prim-itives(e.g.synchronized blocks).It also implements other functionality relevant to the device class such as caching, network protocols,file systems and character streams.Ta-ble1presents an overview of the functionality of JikesXen as a resource manager.My work falls into the bare metal JVM research stream. But how does it differ from already existing approaches? The distinctive characteristic of my system is that it does not run directly on hardware.The use of the Xen VMM for taking care of the hardware intricacies,allows me to focus on more important issues than communicating with the hardware,such as providing a copy-less data path from the hardware to the application.Additionally,since all access to hardware is performed through the classpath,I plan to use the JVM locking mechanisms to serialize access to it. This will render the requirement for a resource manager, or a kernel,obsolete.Finally,my system’s focus being a single multithreaded application,I do not consider a full-fledged process isolation mechanism.Instead,we base our object sharing models on proven lightweight object sharing mechanisms(isolates[1]).3.ConclusionsMy work is in its early stages of development.I am currently constructing a build system that will compile the classpath and JikesRVM in a single binary image.I have already suc-ceeded in loading the JikesRVM boot image in the Xen hy-pervisor,but at the moment the system does nothing useful as important subsystems remain to be implemented. AcknowledgmentsThis work is partially funded by the Greek Secretariat of Re-search and Technology thought,the Operational Programme “COMPETITIVENES”,measure8.3.1(PENED),and is co-financed by the European Social Funds(75%)and by na-tional sources(25%)and partially by the European Com-munity’s Sixth Framework Programme under the contract IST-2005-033331“Software Quality Observatory for Open Source Software(SQO-OSS)”.References[1]Grzegorz Czajkowski,Laurent Dayn`e s,and Ben Titzer.Amulti-user virtual machine.In Proceedings of the General Track:2003USENIX Annual Technical Conference,pages 85–98,San Antonio,Texas,USA,ENIX. [2]Galen Hunt et al.An overview of the Singularity project.Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2005-135MSR-TR-2005-135,Microsoft Research,2005.[3]Georgios Gousios.Jikesnode:A Java operating system.Master’s thesis,University of Manchester,September2004. [4]Matthew Hertz,Yi Feng,and Emery D.Berger.Garbagecollection without paging.In PLDI’05:Proceedings of the 2005ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implementation,pages143–153,New York,NY, USA,2005.ACM Press.。

nt authority system

nt authority system

nt authority systemnt authority system is a built-in system account in Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is a privileged account with extensive permissions and is used by the operating system itself to perform critical system functions. In this document, we will explore the concept of nt authority system, its role in the Windows operating system, and the importance of managing it effectively.1. Introduction to nt authority systemThe nt authority system account is a special account that is created during the installation of Windows operating systems. It is a part of the Windows security model and represents the operating system itself. The nt authority system account has full control over the system and can perform actions that are beyond the capabilities of regular user accounts.2. Role of nt authority systemThe nt authority system account is used by Windows for various critical functions. Some of the key roles performed by nt authority system include:System processes: The nt authority system account is responsible for running essential system processes and services. These processes include system startup, shutdown, and management of system files.Windows services: Many Windows services are executed under the context of the nt authority system account. These services include the Windows Installer service, Windows Update service, and many others. Running these services under the nt authority system account ensures that they have the necessary privileges to perform their tasks.Security context: The nt authority system account is used by the Windows security subsystem to enforce security policies and access controls. It has the ability to access secure resources and perform actions on behalf of other user accounts.3. Managing nt authority systemDue to the critical nature of the nt authority system account, it is important to manage it effectively to ensure the security and stability of the Windows operating system. Here are some key points to consider while managing nt authority system:Password policy: It is recommended to set a strong and unique password for the nt authority system account. This helps in preventing unauthorized access and ensures that only authorized personnel can perform administrative tasks using this account.Least privilege principle: Follow the principle of least privilege while assigning permissions to the nt authority system account. Only assign the necessary privileges required for the account to perform its designated tasks. This reduces the risk of unauthorized actions and potential misuse of the account.Monitoring and auditing: Monitor the activities performed by the nt authority system account through comprehensive logging and auditing mechanisms. This helps in identifying any suspicious or unauthorized actions performed using this account.4. Security considerationsThe nt authority system account holds extensive privileges and is a potential target for attackers. It is important to take certain security considerations into account to mitigate the risks associated with this account:Regular patching: Keep the Windows operating system up to date with the latest security patches and updates. This helps in addressing any vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.Securing administrator accounts: It is important to secure all administrative accounts, including the nt authority system account. Implement strong password policies, limit remote access, and use multi-factor authentication to protect administrative accounts from unauthorized access.Privilege separation: Implement privilege separation to limit the capabilities of the nt authority system account. Separate administrative tasks into different accounts with limited privileges to minimize the potential impact of a compromise.5. ConclusionThe nt authority system account is a critical component of the Windows operating system. Understanding its role and effectively managing it is essential for maintaining the security and stability of the system. By following best practices, such as strong password policies, least privilege principle, and regular monitoring, organizations can ensure that the nt authority system account is properly managed and secure.。



JA V A关键字Abstract['æbstrækt]adj. 抽象的n. 摘要;抽象;抽象的概念Boolean['bu:liən] adj. 布尔Break[breik]vt. 打破,弄破;中断;中止Byte[bait]n. [计]字节;8位元组case [keis] n.情形,情况,箱,案例cast [kɑ:st] n.投掷catch [kætʃ] v.抓住;赶上,了解,感染char[tʃɑ:]n.字符class[klɑ:s, klæs]n. 阶级;班级;种类continue [kən'tinju:]vi. 继续,延续;连续default [di'fɔ:lt]n. [计]系统默认值do[du:] vt. 做;进行;完成;解答double ['dʌbl] n. 两倍;[计]双精度型else [els] adv. 其他;否则;另外extends [ik'stends]v. 延伸;扩充;继承false [fɔ:ls]adj. 错误的;虚伪的;伪造的final ['fainəl] adj. 最终的;不可更改的future ['fju:tʃə] adj. 将来的finally ['fainəli]adv. 最后;决定性地float[fləut] n.漂流物;浮舟;浮萍for [fɔ:; fə]conj. 因为prep. 给,为循环if [if] conj. 如果n. 条件,设想implements['implimənt, 'impliment]vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效import[im'pɔ:t] n. 进口vt. 输入,进口instanceof['instəns] n. 实例;运算符int[int] abbr. [计]整数,中断interface['intə(:),feis]n. [计] 界面,接口long[lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ]长整型native['neitiv] adj. 本国的;本地的new[nju:]创建新的实例null[nʌl] n. 零,空package['pækidʒ] n. 包,包裹private['praivit] adj. 私人的;私有的protected[prə'tektid]受保护的public['pʌblik]a. 公共的,公众的return [ri'tə:n] v. 返回,归还,回来short [ʃɔ:t] adj. 短的static['stætik] adj. 静态的super['sju:pə]switch[switʃ] vi. 转换n. 开关synchronized['siŋkrənaiz]adj. 同步的this [ðis]pron. 这;这个throw [θrəu] vt. 投;抛throwstransient['trænziənt] adj. 短暂的true[tru:]adj. 真实的;正确的常用编程术语try[trai]vi. 尝试;努力;试验void[vɔid]无类型volatile['vɔlətail] 【计算机】易失的while[(h)wail]conj. 当...的时候const n. 常量,常数goto vi. 转到无条件转移Utility[ju:'tiliti] n. 公用程序Struts[strʌtz] n. [计算机]标记层;源代码Dynamic[dai'næmik]adj. 动态的features ['fi:tʃə] n. 特色,特征graphics ['græfiks] n.[计算机]图形学template ['templit]模板,样板enum(enumerate)[ɪˈnu:məˌreɪt]枚举allocation[,æləu'keiʃən] 分配、定位applications [,æpli'keiʃən]应用程序client ['klaiənt]客户,客户机directory [di'rektəri]目录domain [dəu'mein] name 域名filter ['filtə]过滤器IP(Internet Protocol ['prəutəkɔl])网际协议authorization [,ɔ:θərai'zeiʃən]授权Back up备份browser ['brauzə]浏览器channel ['tʃænəl]信道、通路CGI(Common ['kɔmən] Gateway Interface)公用网关接口crash [kræʃ](崩溃)Component[kəm'pəunənt]组件environment variable['vєəriəbl]环境变量fragments['fræɡmənt] 分段gateway ['geitwei]网关hyperlink ['haipəliŋk]超文本链接icon ['aikɔn]图标Java Virtual['və:tjuəl] Machine Java虚拟机message ['mesidʒ]消息Module['mɔdju:l]模块path [pɑ:θ]路径permission[pə(:)'miʃən]权限prority['prɔriti]优先权protocol ['prəutəkɔl]协议process [prə'ses]进程proxy ['prɔksi]代理route [ru:t]路由router ['ru:tə(r)]路由器thread[θred]线程Virtual directory虚目录Virtual Machine虚拟机workstation ['wə:ksteiʃ(ə)n]工作站application framework应用程式框架architecture ['ɑ:kitektʃə]系统架构、体系结构array [ə'rei]阵列数组assembly [ə'sembli] language 汇编语言binary['bainəri] operator二元操作符border['bɔ:də]边框、框线边框button ['bʌtən]按钮按钮communication [kə,mju:ni'keiʃn] 通讯command [kə'mɑ:nd] line 命令列命令行combo ['kɔmbəu] box 复合方块、复合框组合框compiler [kəm'pailə]编译器编译器component [kəm'pəunənt]组件组件composition[kɔmpə'ziʃən]复合、合成、组合组合concept['kɔnsept]概念概念concurrent [kən'kʌrənt]并行并发configuration [kən,figju'reiʃən]组态配置connection [kə'nekʃən]连接,连线constraint[kən'streint] 约束(条件)construct [kən'strʌkt] 构件构件container [kən'teinə] 容器容器containment[kən'teinmənt]内含包容context ['kɔntekst]背景关系、周遭环境control [kən'trəul]控制元件、控件控件console [kən'səul]主控台控制台cursor ['kə:sə]游标光标custom['kʌstəm]订制、自定定制database schema ['ski:mə]数据库结构纲目data structure ['strʌktʃə]数据结构debug [di:'bʌg] 除错调试debugger [di:'bʌgə]除错器调试器declaration [,deklə'reiʃən]宣告声明define [di'fain]定义预定义definition [,defi'niʃən]定义、定义式constant ['kɔnstənt]常数常量constructor[kən'strʌktə]建构式构造函数destroy [dis'trɔi]摧毁、撤消destructor [dis'trʌktə]解构式析构函数directive [di'rektiv]指令(编译)指示符dispatch [dis'pætʃ]分派分派distributed[dis'tribju:tid]computing分布式计算document ['dɔkjumənt]文件文档equal ['i:kwəl]相等event [i'vent]事件e vent driven ['drivn]事件驱动的exception [ik'sepʃən]异常情况异常procedure [prə'si:dʒə]程序过程profile ['prəufail]评测评测programmer ['prəugræmə]程序员project ['prɔdʒekt]专案项目、工程property ['prɔpəti]属性qualified ['kwɔlifaid]经过资格修饰qualifier ['kwɔlifaiə]资格修饰词queue [kju:]伫列队列random ['rændəm] number随机数、乱数record ['rekɔd,ri'kɔ:d] 记录reference ['refrəns]引用、叁考址叁器register ['redʒistə]暂存器寄存器reflection [ri'flekʃən]反射、映像relational[ri'leiʃənəl]database关系数据库represent [,ri:pri'zent] 表述,表现routine [ru:'ti:n]常式例程schedule ['skedʒjul]排程调度scroll [skrəul]bar/ 卷轴滚动条serial ['siəriəl]串行specification [,spesifi'keiʃən]规格、规范solution[sə'lju:ʃən]解法,解决方案方案stack [stæk]堆叠栈statement['steitmənt]述句语句、声明symbol ['simbəl]符号记号syntax ['sintæks]语法template ['templit]模板、范本模板transaction [træn'zækʃən]交易事务trigger ['trigə]触发UML unified['ju:nifaid]modeling['mɔdliŋ] language统一建模语言variable['vєəriəbl]变量vector ['vektə]向量viable ['vaiəbl]可实行的、可行的exception declaration异常声明exception handling['hændliŋ]异常处理exception specification [,spesifi'keiʃən]异常规格exit ['eksit]退离,退出expression [iks'preʃən]运算式、表达式facility [fə'siliti]设施、设备feature ['fi:tʃə]特性field [fi:ld]栏位,资料栏flush [flʌʃ]清理、扫清刷新formal ['fɔ:məl] parameter[pə'ræmitə]形式叁数function['fʌŋkʃən]函式、函数function object ['ɔbdʒikt]函数对象functionality [,fʌŋkəʃə'næliti]功能、机能generate['dʒenə,reit]生成,产生generic [dʒi'nerik] /泛型、通用的、泛化global object全域物件全局对象node[nəud]节点assignment [əˈsaɪnmənt] 指派、指定赋值、分配cache[kæʃ]快取高速缓存character[ˈkæriktə]字元字符dialog[ˈdaiəlɔɡ]对话窗、对话框expression[iksˈpreʃən]运算式、表达式identifie r[aiˈdentifaiə]标识符initialize[iˈniʃəlaiz] 初始化invoke [ɪnˈvəʊk] 唤起调用modifier[ˈmɔdifaiə]饰词修饰符operating system (OS)/ 作业系统操作系统operation[ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]操作、操作行为override[ˌəuvəˈraid]改写、覆写重载、overflow[ˌəuvəˈfləu]上限溢位overload[ˌəʊvəˈləʊd]多载化、重载Agent[ˈeidʒənt]代理Attachment [əˈtætʃmənt]附件Column[ˈkɔləm]列Search engines[ˈendʒins]搜索引擎virus[ˈvaiərəs]病毒web portals[ˈpɔ:təl] 门户网站DBMS database management[ˈmænidʒmənt] system数据库管理系统HTML Hypertext Markup Language超文本标示语言SQL structured query[ˈkwiəri] language结构化查询语言URL uniform resource locator[ləuˈkeitə] 统一资源定位器CPU central[ˈsentrəl] processing unit [ˈju:nit]中央处理器file transfer protocol[ˈprəʊtəˌkɔ:l] (FTP)文件传送协议hypertext[ˈhaipəˌtekst] markup language(HTML)超文本链接标识语言uniform[ˈju:nifɔ:m]resource locator(URL)统一资源定位器Wide area network(WAN)广域网Local area network(LAN)局域网align [əˈlaɪn] 排列、对齐asynchronous[eiˈsiŋkrənəs]异步的bitmap[ˈbɪtˌmæp]位图cascading [kæˈskeɪd] delete级联删除cascading update级联更新console[kənˈsəul]控制台data integrity[inˈteɡriti]数据完整性digest[daiˈdʒest]摘要formal[ˈfɔ:məl]parameter[pəˈræmitə]形参infinite[ˈinfinit] loop无限循环initialization[iˌniʃəlaiˈzeiʃən]list初始化列表integrity[inˈteɡriti]完整性、一致性object oriented[ˈɔ:rientid]面向对象的。

USB3.0中英文翻译 (2)

USB3.0中英文翻译 (2)

USB3.0中英文翻译 (2)USB3.01 Introduction1.1 MotivationThe original motivation for the Universal Serial Bus (USB) came from several considerations, two of the most important being:• Ease-of-useThe lack of flexibility in reconfiguring the PC had been ackn owledged as the Achilles’ heel toits further deployment. The combination of user-friendly graphical interfaces and the hardware and software mechanisms associated with new-generation bus architectures have made computers less confrontational and easier to reconfigure. However, from the end user’s point of view, the PC’s I/O interfaces, such as serial/parallel ports, keyboard/mouse/joystickinterfaces, etc., did not have the attributes of plug-and-play.• Port ExpansionThe addition of external peripherals continued to be constrained by port availability. The lackof a bidirectional, low-cost, low-to-mid speed peripheral bus held back the creative proliferation of peripherals such as storage devices, answering machines, scanners, PDA’s,keyboards, and mice. Existing interconnects were optimized for one or two point products. Aseach new function or capability was added to the PC, a new interface had been defined toaddress this need.Initially, USB provided two speeds (12 Mb/s and 1.5 Mb/s) that peripherals could use. As PCs became increasingly powerful and able to process larger amounts of data, users needed to get more and more data into and out of their PCs. This led to the definition of the USB 2.0 specification in 2000 to provide a third transfer rate of 480 Mb/s while retaining backward compatibility. In 2005, with wireless technologies becoming more and more capable, Wireless USB was introduced to provide a new cable free capability to USB.USB is the most successful PC peripheral interconnect ever defined and it has migrated heavily into the CE and Mobile segments. In 2006 alone over 2 billion USB devices were shipped and there are over 6 billion USB products in the installed base today. End users “know” what USB is. Product developers understand the infrastructure and interfaces necessary to build a successful product.USB has gone beyond just being a way to connect peripherals to PCs. Printers use USB tointerface directly to cameras. PDAs use USB connected keyboards and mice. The USB On-The-Go definition provides a way for two dual role capable devices to be connected and negotiate which one will operate as the “host.” USB, as a protocol, is also being picked up and used in many nontraditional applications such as industrial automation.Now, as technology innovation marches forward, new kinds of devices, media formats, and large inexpensive storage are converging. They require significantly more bus bandwidth to maintain the interactive experience users have come to expect. HD Camcorders will have tens of gigabytes of storage that the user will want to move to their PC for editing, viewing, and archiving. Furthermore existing devices like still image cameras continue to evolve and are increasing their storage capacity to hold even more uncompressed images. Downloading hundreds or even thousands of 10 MB, or larger, raw images from a digital camera will be a time consuming process unless the transfer rate is increased. In addition, user applications demand a higher performance connection between the PC and these increasingly sophisticated peripherals. USB 3.0 addresses this need by adding an even higher transfer rate to match these new usages and devices.Thus, USB (wired or wireless) continues to be the answer to connectivity for PC, ConsumerElectronics, and Mobile architectures. It is a fast, bidirectional, low-cost, dynamically attachable interface that is consistent with the requirements of the PC platforms of today and tomorrow.1.2 Objective of the SpecificationThis document defines the next generation USB industry-standard, USB 3.0. The specification describes the protocol definition, types of transactions, bus management, and the programming interface required to design and build systems and peripherals that are compliant with this specificationUSB 3.0’s goal remains to enable devices from different vendors to interoperate in an openarchitecture, while maintaining and leveraging the existing USB infrastructure (device drivers, software interfaces, etc.). The specification is intended as an enhancement to the PC architecture, spanning portable, business desktop, and home environments, as well as simple device-to-device communications. It is intended that the specification allow system OEMs and peripheral developers adequate room for product versatility and market differentiation without the burden of carrying obsolete interfaces or losing compatibility.1.3 Scope of the DocumentThe specification is primarily targeted at peripheral developers and platform/adapter developers, but provides valuable information for platform operating system/ BIOS/ device driver, adapter IHVs/ISVs, and system OEMs. This specification can be used for developing new products and associated software.Product developers using this specification are expected to know and understand the USB 2.0Specification. Specifically, USB 3.0 devices must implement device framework commands and descriptors as defined in the USB 2.0 Specification.1.4 USB Product ComplianceAdopters of the USB 3.0 specification have signed the USB 3.0 Adopters Agreement, whichprovides them access to a reasonable and nondiscriminatory (RANDZ) license from the Promoters and other Adopters to certain intellectual property contained in products that are compliant with the USB 3.0 specification. Adopters can demonstrate compliance with the specification through the testing program as defined by the USB Implementers Forum. Products that demonstrate compliance with the specification will be granted certain rights to use the USB Implementers Forum logos as defined in the logo license.1.5 Document OrganizationChapters 1 through 4 provide an overview for all readers, while Chapters 5 through 11 contain detailed technical information defining USB 3.0.Readers should contact operating system vendors for operating system bindings specific toUSB Design GoalsUSB 3.0 is the next evolutionary step for wired USB. The goal is that end users view it as the same as USB 2.0, just faster. Several key design areas to meet this goal are listed below:• Preserve the USB model of smart host and simple device.• Leverage the existing USB infrastructure. There are a vast number of USB products in use today. A large part of their success can be traced to the existence of stable software interfaces, easily developed software device drivers, and a number of generic standard device class drivers (HID, mass storage, audio, etc.). SuperSpeed USB devices are designed to keep this software infrastructure intact so that developers of peripherals can continue to use the same interfaces and leverage all of their existing development work.• Significantly improve power management. Reduce the active power when sending data and reduce idle power by providing a richer set of power management mechanisms to allow devices to drive the bus into lower powerstates.• Ease of use has always been and remains a key design goal for all varieties of USB.• Preserve the investment. There are a large number of PCs in use that support only USB 2.0. There are a larger number of USB 2.0 peripherals in use. Retaining backward compatibility at the Type-A connector to allow SuperSpeed devices to be used, albeit at a lower speed, with USB 2.0 PCs and allow high speed devices with their existing cables to be connected to the USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Type-A connectors.1.7 Related DocumentsUniversal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0USB On-the-Go Supplement to the USB 2.0 Specification, Revision 1.3Universal Serial Bus Micro-USB Cables and Connectors Specification, Revision 1.01EIA-364-1000.01: Environmental Test Methodology for Assessing the Performance of ElectricalConnectors and Sockets Used in Business Office ApplicationsUSB 3.0 Connectors and Cable Assemblies Compliance DocumentUSB SuperSpeed Electrical Test Methodology white paperUSB 3.0 Jitter Budgeting white paperINCITS TR-35-2004, INCITS Technical Report for Information Technology – Fibre Channel –Methodologies for Jitter and Signal Quality Specification (FC-MJSQ)USB 3.0 Architectural OverviewThis chapter presents an overview of Universal Serial Bus 3.0 architecture and key concepts. USB 3.0 is similar to earlier versions of USB in that it is a cable bus supporting data exchange between a host computer and a wide range of simultaneously accessible peripherals. The attached peripherals share bandwidth through ahost-scheduled protocol. The bus allows peripherals to be attached, configured, used, and detached while the host and other peripherals are in operation.USB 3.0 utilizes a dual-bus architecture that provides backward compatibility with USB 2.0. It provides for simultaneous operation of SuperSpeed and non-SuperSpeed (USB 2.0 speeds)information exchanges. This chapter is organized into two focus areas. The first focuses onarchitecture and concepts related to elements which span the dual buses. The second focuses on SuperSpeed specific architecture and concepts.Later chapters describe the various components and specific requirements of SuperSpeed USB in greater detail. The reader is expected to have a fundamental understanding of the architectural concepts of USB 2.0. Refer to the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0 for complete details.3.1 USB 3.0 System DescriptionUSB 3.0 is a physical SuperSpeed bus combined in parallel with a physical USB 2.0 bus (seeFigure 3-1). It has similar architectural components as USB 2.0, namely:• USB 3.0 interconnect• USB 3.0 devices• USB 3.0 hostThe USB 3.0 interconnect is the manner inwhich USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 devicesconnect to and communicate with theUSB 3.0 host. The USB 3.0 interconnectinherits core architectural elements fromUSB 2.0, although several are augmented toaccommodate the dual bus architecture.The baseline structural topology is the sameas USB 2.0. It consists of a tiered startopology with a single host at tier 1 andhubs at lower tiers to provide busconnectivity to devices.The USB 3.0 connection modelaccommodates backwards and forwardcompatibility for connecting USB 3.0 orUSB 2.0 devices into a USB 3.0 bus.Similarly, USB 3.0 devices can be attachedto a USB 2.0 bus. The mechanical andelectrical backward/forwards compatibility for USB 3.0 is accomplished via a composite cable and associated connector assemblies that form the dual-bus architecture. USB 3.0 devices accomplish backward compatibility by including both SuperSpeed and non-SuperSpeed bus interfaces. USB 3.0 hosts also include both SuperSpeed and non-SuperSpeed bus interfaces, which are essentially parallel buses that may be active simultaneously.The USB 3.0 connection model allows for the discovery and configuration of USB devices at the highest signaling speed supported by the device, the highest signaling speed supported by all hubs between the host and device, and the current host capability and configuration.USB 3.0 hubs are a specific class of USB device whose purpose is to provide additional connection points to the bus beyond those provided by the host. In this specification, non-hub devices are referred to as peripheral devices in order to differentiate them from hub devices. In addition, in USB 2.0 the term “function” was sometimes used interchangeably with device. In this specification a function is a logical entity within a device, see Figure 3-3.The architectural implications of SuperSpeed on hosts and devices are described in detail inSection USB 3.0 Physical InterfaceThe physical interface of USB 3.0 is comprised of USB 2.0 electrical (Chapter 7 of the USB 2.0 specification), mechanical (Chapter 5), and SuperSpeed physical (Chapter 6) specifications for the buses. The SuperSpeed physical layer is described in Section USB 3.0 MechanicalThe mechanical specifications for USB 3.0 cables and connector assemblies are provided inChapter 5. All USB devices have an upstream connection. Hosts and hubs (defined below) have one or more downstream connections. Upstream and downstream connectors are not mechanically interchangeable, thus eliminating illegal loopback connections at hubs.USB 3.0 cables have eight primary conductors: three twisted signal pairs for USB data paths and a power pair. Figure 3-2 illustrates the basic signal arrangement for the USB 3.0 cable. In addition to the twisted signal pair for USB 2.0 data path, two twisted signal pairs are used to provide the SuperSpeed data path, one for the transmit path and one for the receive path.3-2. USB 3.0 CableUSB 3.0 Architectural Overview3-3USB 3.0 receptacles (both upstream and downstream) are backward compatible with USB 2.0connector plugs. USB 3.0 cables and plugs are not intended to be compatible with USB 2.0upstream receptacles. As an aid to users, USB 3.0 mandates standard coloring for plastic portions of USB 3.0 plugs and receptacles.Electrical (insertion loss, return loss, crosstalk, etc.) performance for USB 3.0 is defined withregard to raw cables, mated connectors, and mated cable assemblies, with compliance requirements using industry test specifications established for the latter two categories. Similarly, mechanical (insertion/extraction forces, durability, etc.) and environmental (temperature life, mixed flowinggas, etc.) requirements are defined and compliance established via recognized industry test specifications.3.1.2 USB 3.0 PowerThe specification covers two aspects of power:• Power distribution over the USB deals with the issues of how USB devices consume power provided by the downstream ports to which they are connected. USB 3.0 power distribution is similar to USB 2.0, with increased supply budgets for devices operating at SuperSpeed.• Power management deals with how hosts, devices, hubs, and the USB system software interact to provide power efficient operation of the bus. The power management of the USB 2.0 bus portion is unchanged. The use modelfor power management of the SuperSpeed bus isdescribed in Appendix C.3.1.3 USB 3.0 System ConfigurationUSB 3.0 supports USB devices (all speeds) attaching and detaching from the USB 3.0 at any time. Consequently, system software must accommodate dynamic changes in the physical bus topology. The architectural elements for the discovery of attachment and removal of devices on USB 3.0 are identical to those in USB 2.0. There are enhancements provided to manage the specifics of the SuperSpeed bus for configuration and power management. The independent, dual-bus architecture allows for activation of each of the buses independently and provides for the attachment of USB devices to the highest speed bus available for the device.3.1.4 USB 3.0 Architecture SummaryUSB 3.0 is a dual-bus architecture that incorporates USB 2.0 and a SuperSpeed bus. Table 3-1summarizes the key architectural differences between SuperSpeed USB and USB 2.0.Characteristic SuperSpeed USB USB 2.0Data Rate SuperSpeed (5.0 Gbps) low-speed (1.5 Mbps),full-speed (12 Mbps),and high-speed (480 Mbps)Data Interface Dual-simplex,four-wire differentialsignalingseparate from USB 2.0signalingSimultaneousbi-directional dataflows Half-duplex two-wire differential signaling Unidirectional data flow with negotiateddirectional bus transitionsCable signal count Six: Four forSuperSpeed data pathTwo fornon-SuperSpeed datapath Two: Two forlow-speed/full-speed/highspee ddata pathBus transaction Protocol Host directed,asynchronous trafficflowPacket traffic isexplicitly routedHost directed, polled trafficflowPacket traffic is broadcast toall devices.Power management Multi-level link powermanagementsupportingidle, sleep, and suspendstates. Link-, Device-,and Function-levelpower managementPort-level suspend with twolevels of entry/exitlatencyDevice-level powermanagementBus power Same as for USB 2.0with a 50% increase forunconfigured powerand an 80% increaseforconfigured power Support for low/high bus-powered devices with lower power limits forun-configured and suspended devicesPort State Port hardware detectsconnect events and Port hardware detects connect events. Systembrings the port into operational state ready forSuperSpeed data communication software uses port commands to transition theport into an enabled state (i.e., can do USBdata communication flowsData transfer types USB 2.0 types withSuperSpeedconstraints.Bulk has streamscapability (refer toSection 3.2.8)Four data transfer types:control, bulk,Interrupt, and Isochronous二、英文翻译:USB3.01简介1.1动机原始动机,通用串行总线(USB )来自几个因素,两个最重要的是:•易用性缺乏易用性是现今电脑弱点之一,将得到进一步的开发。



编程常用英语单词A类application 应用程式应用、应用程序application framework 应用框架、应用程序框架architecture 架构、系统架构体系结构argument 引数(传给函式的值)。

array 阵列数组arrow operator arrow (箭头)运算子箭头操assembly 装配件assembly language 组合语言汇编语言assert(ion) 断言assign 指派、指定、设值、赋值赋值assignment 指派、指定赋值、分配assignment operator 指派(赋值)运算子=赋值操作符associated 相应的、相关的相关的、关联、相应的associative container 关联式容器atomic 不可分割的原子的attribute 属性、特性audio 音讯音频A.I. 人工智能B类background 背景(用于图形着色);后台(用于行程) backward compatible 回溯相容向下兼容bandwidth 频宽带宽base class 基础类别基类base type 基础型别(等同于base class)batch 批次(意思是整批作业) 批处理benefit 利益收益best viable function 最佳可行函式binary search 二分搜寻法二分查找binary tree 二元树二叉树binary function 二元函式双叁函数binary operator 二元运算子二元操作符binding 系结绑定bit 位元位bit field 位元栏、位域bitmap 位元图、位图bitwise copy 以bit 为单元进行复制block 区块,区段块、区块、语句块boolean 布林值(真假值,true 或false ) 布尔值border 边框、框线brace(curly brace) 大括弧、大括号花括弧、花括号bracket(square brakcet) 中括弧、中括号breakpoint 中断点断点build 建造、构筑、建置( MS 用语)build-in 内建内置bus 汇流排总线business 商务,业务buttons 按钮byte 位元组(由8 bits 组成) 字节C类cache 快取高速缓存call 呼叫、叫用调用callback 回呼回调call operator call (函式呼叫)运算子调用操作符candidate function 候选函式候选函数chain 串链(例chain of function calls ) 链character 字元字符check box 核取方块(i.e. check button) 复选框checked exception 可控式异常(Java)check button 方钮(i.e. check box) 复选按钮child class 子类别(或称为derived class,subtype ) 子类class 类别类class body 类别本体类体class declaration 类别宣告、类别宣告式、类声明class definition 类别定义、类别定义式类定义class derivation list 类别衍化列类继承列表class head 类别表头类头class hierarchy 类别继承体系, 类别阶层类层次体系class library 类别程式库、类别库、类库class template 类别模板、类别范本、类模板class template partial specializations类模板部分特化class template specializations 类别模板特化类模板特化cleanup 善后清理、清除client 客户端、客户client-server 主从架构客户/服务器clipboard 剪贴簿剪贴板clone 复制克隆collection 群集集合combo box 复合方块、复合框组合框command line 命令列命令行(系统文字模式下的整行执行命令) communication 通讯compatible 相容兼容compile time 编译期编译期、编译时compiler 编译器component 组件composition 复合、合成、组合computer 电脑、计算机concept 概念concrete 具象的实在的concurrent 并行并发configuration 组态配置connection 连接,连线(网络,资料库) 连接constraint 约束(条件)construct 构件container 容器containment 内含包容context 背景关系、周遭环境、上下脉络环境、上下文control 控制元件、控件console 主控台、控制台const 常数( constant 的缩写,C++ 关键字)constant 常数(相对于variable ) 常量constructor (ctor ) 建构式;构造函数copy (v) 复制、拷贝拷贝copy (n) 复件, 副本cover 涵盖覆盖create 创建、建立、产生、生成creation 产生、生成创建cursor 游标光标custom 订制、自定、定制D类data 资料数据database 资料库、数据库database schema 数据库结构纲目data member 资料成员、成员变数数据成员、成员变量data structure 资料结构数据结构datagram 资料元数据报文dead lock 死结死锁debug 除错调试debugger 除错器调试器declaration 宣告、宣告式声明deduction 推导(例template argumentdeduction ) 推导、推断default 预设缺省、默认defer 延缓推迟define 定义预定义definition 定义、定义区、定义式delegate 委派、委托、委任delegation (同上)demarshal 反编列散集dereference 提领(取出指标所指物体的内容)解叁考dereference operator dereference (提领)运算子* 解叁考操作符derived class 衍生类别派生类design by contract 契约式设计design pattern 设计范式、设计样式设计模式destroy 摧毁、销毁destructor 解构式析构函数device 装置、设备dialog 对话窗、对话盒对话框directive 指令(例:using directive ) (编译) 指示符directory 目录disk 碟盘dispatch 分派distributed computing 分布式计算(分布式电)document 文件文档dot operator dot (句点)运算子 . (圆)点操作符driver 驱动程式驱动(程序)dynamic binding 动态系结动态绑定E类exception 异常情况异常exception declaration 异常宣告;异常声明exception handling 异常处理、异常处理机制exception specification 异常规格;异常规范exit 退离(指离开函式时的那一个执行点);退出explicit 明白的、明显的、显式显式export 汇出引出、导出expression 运算式、算式表达式efficiency 效率、效率efficient 高效、高效end user 终端用户entity 物体实体、物体encapsulation 封装、封装enclosing class 外围类别(与巢状类别nested class 有关)外围类enum (enumeration) 列举(一种C++ 资料型别) 枚举enumerators 列举元( enum型别中的成员)枚举成员、枚举器equal 相等相等equality 相等性相等性equality operator equality (等号)运算子== 等号操作符equivalence 等价性、等同性、对等性等价性equivalent 等价、等同、对等等价escape code 转义码转义码evaluate 评估、求值、核定评估event 事件事件event driven 事件驱动的事件驱动的explicit 明白的、明显的、显式显式export 汇出引出、导出expression 运算式、算式表达式F类facility 设施、设备设施、设备feature 特性field 栏位,资料栏(Java ) 字段, 值域(Java )file 档案文件firmware 韧体固件flag 旗标标记flash memory 快闪记忆体;闪存flexibility 弹性灵活性flush 清理、扫清;刷新font 字型字体form 表单( programming 用语) 窗体formal parameter 形式叁数形式叁数forward declaration 前置宣告前置声明forwarding 转呼叫,转发转发forwarding function 转呼叫函式,转发函式转发函数fractal 碎形分形framework 框架框架full specialization 全特化( ref. partial specialization )function 函式、函数function call operator 同call operatorfunction object 函式物件(ref. C++ Primer 3/e,12.3 ) 函数对象function overloaded resolution 函式多载决议程序函数重载解决functionality 功能、机能功能function template 函式模板、函式范本函数模板functor 仿函式、仿函式、函子G类game 游戏generate 生成generic 泛型、一般化的;通用的、泛化generic algorithm 泛型演算法通用算法getter ( 相对于setter) 取值函式global 全域的(对应于local ) 全局的global object 全域物件;全局对象global scope resolution operator 全域生存空间;全局范围解析操作符group 群组group box 群组方块;分组框guard clause 卫述句、卫语句GUI 图形界面H类hand shaking 握手协商handle 识别码、识别号、号码牌、权柄句柄handler 处理常式处理函数hard -coded 编死的硬编码的hard -copy 硬拷图屏幕截图hard disk 硬碟硬盘hardware 硬体;硬件hash table 杂凑表哈希表、散列表header file 表头档、标头档头文件heap 堆积堆hierarchy 阶层体系;层次结构(体系)hook 挂钩钩子hyperlink 超链接I类icon 图示、图标IDE 整合开发环境集成开发环境identifier 识别字、识别符号标识符if and only if 若且唯若当且仅当Illinois 伊利诺伊利诺斯image 影像、图像immediate base 直接的(紧临的)上层immediate derived 直接的(紧临的)下层immutability 不变性immutable 不可变(的)implement 实作、实现implementation 实作品、实作体、实作码、实件实现implicit 隐喻的、暗自的、隐式、隐式import 汇入导入increment operator 累加运算子++ 增加操作符infinite loop 无穷回圈无限循环infinite recursive 无穷递回无限递归information 资讯信息infrastructure 公共基础建设inheritance 继承、继承机制inline 行内内联inline expansion 行内展开内联展开initialization 初始化(动作) 初始化initialization list 初值列初始值列表initialize 初始化、初始化inner class 内隐类别内嵌类instance 实体实例(根据某种表述而实际产生的东西) instantiated 具现化、实体化(常应用于template ) 实例化instantiation 具现体、具现化实体(常应用于template ) 实例integer (integral) 整数(的)、整型(的)integrate 整合集成interacts 交谈、互动交互interface 介面接口interpreter 直译器解释器invariants 恒常性,约束条件invoke 唤起调用iterate 迭代L类level 阶层(级)high level 高阶高层library 程式库、函数库lifetime 生命期、寿命link 联结、连结连接,链接linker 联结器、连结器连接器literal constant 字面常数(例3.14 或"hi" 这等常数值) 字面常数list 串列( linked -list) 列表、表、链表list box 列表方块、列表框列表框load 载入装载loader 载入器装载器、载入器local 区域的(对应于global ) 局部的log 日志login 登录lock 锁local object 区域物件局部对象lock 机锁loop 循环lvalue 左值M类macro 巨集宏magic number 魔术数字魔法数maintain 维护manipulator 操纵器( iostream 预先定义的一种东西) 操纵器marshal 编列列集(叁考demarshal )mechanism 机制member 成员member access operator 成员取用运算子(有dot 和arrow 两种) 成员存取操作符member function 成员函式成员函数member initialization list 成员初值列成员初始值列表memberwise copy 以members 为单元逐一复制memory 记忆体内存menu 表单、选单菜单message 消息message based 以消息为基础的基于消息的message loop 消息环method (java) 方法、行为、函式meta 超元meta -programming 超编程元编程micro 微middleware 中介层、中间件modeling 模塑modeling language 塑模语言,建模语言modem 数据机调制解调器module 模组模块modifier 饰词修饰符most derived class 最末层衍生类别、最底层的派生类mouse 滑鼠鼠标mutable 可变的可变的multi -tasking 多工多任务N类name 名称namespace 命名空间名字空间native 原生的本地的、固有的nested class 巢状类别嵌套类network 网路网络network card 网路卡网卡O类object 物件对象object based 以物件为基础的基于对象的object file 目标文件object model 物件模型对象模型object oriented 物件导向的面向对象的online 线上在线opaque 不透明的operand 运算元操作数operating system (OS) 作业系统操作系统operation 操作、操作行为操作operator 运算子操作符、运算符option 选项,可选方案选项ordinary 常规的常规的上限溢位(相对于underflow )overflow 出溢underflow: 下溢overhead 额外负担、额外开销额外开销overload 多载化、多载化、重载overloaded function 多载化函式重载的函数overloaded operator 多载化运算子被重载的操作符overloaded set 多载集合重载集合override 改写、覆写重载、改写、重新定义(在derived class 中重新定义虚拟函式)P类package 套件包pair 对组palette 调色盘、组件盘、工具箱pane 窗格(有时为嵌板之意,例Java Content Pane )parallel 平行并行parameter 叁数(函式叁数列上的变数)、形式叁数parameter list 叁数列表parent class 父类别(或称base class ) 父类parentheses 小括弧、小括号圆括弧、圆括号parse 解析part 零件部件partial specialization 偏特化、局部特化( ref. full specialization ) pass by address 传址(函式引数的传递方式)(非正式用语)传地址pass by reference 传址(函式引数的一种传递方式) 传地址, 按引用传递pass by value 传值(函式引数的一种传递方式) 按值传递pattern 范式、样式模式performance 效率、性能兼而有之性能persistence 永续性持久性pixel 图素、像素platform 平台pointer 指标指针址位器(和址叁器reference 形成对映,满好) poll 轮询polymorphism 多型多态pop up 冒起式、弹出式port 埠端口postfix 后置式、后序式后置式precedence 优先序(通常用于运算子的优先执行次序)prefix 前置式、前序式前置式preprocessor 前处理器预处理器prime 质数素数primitive type 基本型别(不同于base class, 基础类别)print 列印打印printer 印表机打印机priority 优先权(通常用于执行绪获得CPU 时间的优先次序) procedure 程序过程procedural 程序性的、程序式的过程式的、过程化的process 行程进程profile 评测评测profiler 效能(效率)评测器效能(性能)评测器programmer 程式员程序员programming 编程、程式设计、程式化编程progress bar 进度指示器进度指示器project 专案项目、工程property 属性protocol 协定协议pseudo code 假码、虚拟码、伪码Q-R类qualified 经过资格修饰(例如加上scope运算子) 限定qualifier 资格修饰词、饰词限定修饰词quality 品质质量queue 队列radian 弧度radio button 圆钮单选按钮raise 引发(常用来表示发出一个exception ) 、引起random number 随机数、乱数range 范围、区间(用于STL时)rank 等级、分等raw 生鲜的、未经处理的record 记录Recordset 记录集recursive 递回递归re-direction 重导向重定向refactoring 重构、重整重构refer 取用叁考refer to 指向、指涉、指代reference (C++ 中类似指标的东西,相当于" 化身") 引用、叁考址叁器reflection 反射反射、映像relational database 关联式资料库关系数据库represent 表述,表现表述,表现- 7 -resolve 决议(为算式中的符号名称寻找解析对应之宣告式的过程) resolution 决议程序、决议过程、解析过程resolution 解析度分辨率restriction局限return 传回、回返返回return type 回返型别返回类型return value 回返值返回值robust 强固、稳健健壮robustness 强固性、稳健性健壮性routine 常式例程runtime 执行期运行期、运行时common language runtime (CLR) 译为「通用语言执行层」rvalue 右值S类save 储存存储see pointer register 暂存器寄存器schedule 排程调度scheduler 排程器调度程序scheme 结构纲目、组织纲目scroll bar 卷轴滚动条scope 生存空间、生存范围、范畴、作用域生存空间scope operator 生存空间(范围决议)运算子、生存空间操作符scope resolution operator 生存空间决议运算子生存空间解析操作符(与scope operator 同)screen 萤幕屏幕search 搜寻查找semantics 语意语义sequential container 序列式容器顺序式容器(对应于associative container )server 伺服器、伺服端服务器、服务端serial 串行serialization 次第读写,序列化序列化(serialize) setter ( 相对于getter) 设值函式signal 信号signature 标记式、签名式、署名式签名slider 滚轴滑块slot 条孔、槽槽smart pointer 灵巧指标、精灵指标智能指针snapshot 萤幕快照(图) 屏幕截图specialization 特殊化、特殊化定义、特殊化宣告特化specification 规格规格、规范splitter 分裂视窗切分窗口software 软体软件solution 解法,解决方案方案source 原始码源码、源代码stack 堆叠;栈stack unwinding 堆叠辗转开解;栈辗转开解standard library 标准程式库standard template library 标准模板程式库statement 述句语句、声明status bar 状态列、状态栏状态条STL 见standard template librarystream 资料流、串流流string 字符串subroutine 子程序subscript operator 下标运算子[ ] 下标操作符subtype 子型别子类型support 支援支持suspend 虚悬挂起symbol 符号记号syntax 语法语法T类tag 标签标记索引标签,页签target 标的(例target pointer :标的指标) 目标task switch 工作切换任务切换template 模板、范本模板template argument deduction 模板引数推导模板叁数推导template explicit specialization 模板显式特化(版本) 模板显式特化template parameter 模板叁数temporary object 暂时物件临时对象text 文字文本test 测试、检测U-W类Unicode统一字符标准uploading上传usenet世界性新闻组网络Virtual memory虚拟内存Video display screen视频显示屏Voice recognition system声音识别系统vertical portal纵向门户video privacy protection act of 1988视频隐私权保护法案virus checker病毒检测程序virus病毒Voiceband音频营宽Volatile storage易失性用诸voltage surge冲击性电压Wand reader条形码读入Web网络Web appliance环球网设备Web page网页Web site address网络地址Web terminal环球网终端Webcam摄像头What-if analysis假定分析Wireless revolution无线革命Word processing 文字处理Word wrap自动换行Worksheet file 工作表文件web auctions 网上拍卖web broadcasters 网络广播web portals 门户网站web sites 网站web storefront creation packages网上商店创建包web storefronts 网上商店web utilities 网上应用程序web-downloading utilities 网页下载应用程序webmaster web t占点管理员web 万维网Wireless modems 无线调制解调器wireless service provider 无线服务供应商world wide web 万维网worm蠕虫病毒Write-protect notch 写保护口21。



计算机术语与中文解释FFMA(full-motion animated backdrops)FMAC(Floating-Point Multiply-Accumulators,浮点累积乘单元)FMC(Frictionless Memory Control,无阻内存控制)FMD ROM(Fluorescent Material Read Only Memory,荧光质只读存储器)FMT(fine-grained multithreading,纯消除多线程)FMUL(Floationg Point Multiplication,浮点乘)Fog table quality(雾化表画质)Fog(雾化效果)FPD(flat panel display,平面显示器)FPM(Fast Page Mode,快页模式内存)FPRs(floating-point registers,浮点寄存器)FPS(First Person Shooters,第一人称射击游戏)FPS(FourPointSurround,创新的四点环绕扬声器系统)fps(frames per second,帧/秒)FPU(Float Point Unit,浮点运算单元)FR(Frames Rate,游戏运行帧数)FR(Frequence Response,频率响应)Frames rate is King(帧数为王)FRC(Frame Rate Control,帧比率控制)FRICC(Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee,联邦调查因特网协调委员会) FRJS(Fully Random Jittered Super-Sampling,完全随机移动式超级采样)Front Buffer(前置缓冲)FSAA(Full Scene/Screen Anti-aliasing,全景/屏幕抗锯齿)FSB(Front Side Bus,前端总线)FSE(Frequency Shifter Effect,频率转换效果)FSR(force sensor resistance,动力感应电阻)FSTN(Film compensated Super Twisted liquid crystal,带补偿膜超扭曲相列)FSUB(Floationg Point Subtraction,浮点减)FTC(Federal Trade Commission,联邦商业委员会)FTG(Fighting Game,格斗类游戏)FTP(File Transfer Protocol,文件传输协议)Fur(软毛效果)FW(Fast Write,快写,AGP总线的特殊功能)FWH(Firmware Hub,固件中心)GART(Graphic Address Remappng Table,图形地址重绘表)GB(Game Boy,任天堂4位手提游戏机)GB(Garibaldi架构,Garibaldi基于A TX架构,但是也能够使用WTX构架的机箱) GBA(Game Boy Advanced,任天堂增强型手提游戏机)GBC(Game Boy Color,任天堂手提16色游戏机)GBL(GameBoy Light,GB夜光型)GBP(GameBoy Pocket,GB口袋型)GDC(Game Developer Conference,游戏发展商会议)GDI(Graphics Device Interface,图形设备接口)GFD(Gold finger Device,金手指超频设备)GG(Game Gear,世嘉彩色手提游戏机)GHC(Global History Counter,通用历史计数器)Ghost((General Hardware Oriented System Transfer,全面硬件导向系统转移)GI(Global Illumination,球形光照)GIC(Gold Immersion Coating,化金涂布技术)GIF(Graphics Interchange Format,图像交换格式)GIF(Graphics Interface unit,图形接口单元)GLV(grating-light-valve,光栅亮度阀)GM(General Midi,普通MIDI)GM(Glass Mould,玻璃铸制)GMCH(Graphics & Memory Controller Hub,图形和内存控制中心)GMR(giant magnetoresistive,巨型磁阻)Gouraud Shading,高洛德描影,也称为内插法均匀涂色GPA(Graphics Performance Accelerator,图形性能加速卡)GPF(General protect fault,一般保护性错误)GPIs(General Purpose Inputs,普通操作输入)GPL(GNU Public License,GNU公众授权)GPRS(General Packet Raice,整合封包无线服务)GPRs(General Purpose Registers,通用寄存器)GPS(Global Positioning System,全球定位系统)GPT(Graphics Performance Toolkit,图形性能工具包)GPU(Graphics Processing Unit,图形处理器)GS(Graphic Synthesizer,图形合成器)GSM(Galvanization Superconductive Material,电镀锌超导材料)GTF(General Timing Formula,普通调速方程式)GTL(Gunning Transceiver Logic,发射接收逻辑电路)GTS(Giga Textel Sharder,十亿像素填充率)Guard Band Support(支持保护带)GUI(Graphics User Interface,图形用户界面)GVPP(Generic V isual Perception Processor,常规视觉处理器)GWS(graphics workstations,图形工作站)HAL(Hardware Abstraction Layer,硬件抽像化层)HCF(Host Controller,主体控制处理)HCI(Host Controller Interface,主机控制接口HCL(Hardware Compatibility List,硬件兼容性列表)HCRP(Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile,硬复制电缆复位协议子集)HCT(Hardware Compatibility Test,硬件兼容性测试HDA(Head Disk Assembly,头盘组件)HDA(high-efficiency Audax High Definition Aerogel,高效高清楚气动)HDIT(High Bandwidth Differential Interconnect Technology,高带宽微分互连技术) HDMI(High Definition Multimedia Interface,高精度多媒体接口)HDR(High Dynamic Range,高级动态范围)HDRL(high dynamic-range lighting,高动态范围光线)HDSL(High bit rate DSL,高比特率数字订阅线路)HDSS(Holographic Data Storage System,全息数据存储系统)HDTV(high definition television,高清晰度电视)HDVP(High-Definition V ideo Processor,高精度视频处理器)HE(Home Edition,家庭版)HEL(Hardware Emulation Layer(硬件模拟层)HID(Human Interface Device,人机对话接口设备)Hierarchical Z(Z分级)HiFD(high-capacity floppy disk,高容量软盘)Hi-fi(high fidelity,高精度设备)high triangle count(复杂三角形计数)HLL(high level language,高级语言)HLLCA(High-Level Language Computing Architecture,高级语言计算架构) HL-PBGA(表面黏著,高耐热、轻薄型塑胶球状网阵封装HLSL(High Level Shading Language,高级描影语言)HMC(hardware motion compensation,硬件运动补偿)HMC(holographic media card,全息媒体卡)HMD(holographic media disk,全息媒体磁盘)Home PNA(Home Private Network Adapter,家庭私人网络适配器)HOS(Higher-Order Surfaces,高次序表面)HPC(Hand held PC,手持电脑设备)HPDR(High-Precision Dynamic-Range,高精度动态范围)HPF(High-Pass Filter,高通滤波器)HPNA(home phoneline networking,家庭电话线网络)HPS(High Performance Server,高性能服务器)HPTC(high performance technical computing,高性能技术运算)HPW(High Performance Workstation,高性能工作站)HRAA(High Resolution Anti-aliasing,高分辨率抗锯齿)HRTF(Head Related Transfer Function,头部关联传输功能)HSCSD(High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data,高速巡回开关数据) HSDRAM(High Speed DRAM,超高速内存)HSF(Host Signal,主体信号处理)HSI(High Speed Interconnect,高速内连)HSLB(High Speed Link Bus,高速链路总线)HSP(Host Signal Processing,主体信号处理)HSR(Hidden Surface Removal,隐藏表面移除)HT(Hyper Transport,超级传输)HTA(Hypertext Application,超文本应用程序)HTML(Hypertext Markup Language,超文本标记语言)HTP(Hyper Texel Pipeline,超级像素管道)HTT(Hyper Threading Technology,超级线程技术)HTTC(Hyper Transport Technology Consortium,Hyper Transport技术协会)HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol,超文本传输协议)HVD(High V oltage Differential,高分差动)HWMC(Hardware Motion Compensation,硬件运动补偿)Hz(hertz,赫兹)I/O(Input/Output,输入/输出)I2C(Inter-IC)I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit,内置集成电路)I3DL2(Interactive 3D Level 2,第二级交互式3D音效)IA(information appliance,信息器具)IA(Intel Architecture,英特尔架构)IAA(Intel Application Accelerator,英特尔应用程序加速器)IAB(Internet Activities Board,因特网工作委员会)IAS(Internet Authentication Service,因特网证明服务器)IBASES(Intel Baseline AGP System Evaluation Suite,英特尔基线AGP系统评估套件) IC(integrate circuit,集成电路)ICD(Installable Client Driver,可安装客户端驱动程序)ICH(Input/Output Controller Hub,输入/输出控制中心)ICH-S(ICH-Hance Rapids,ICH高速型)ICMB(Inter-Chassis Management Bus,内部管理总线ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol,因特网信息控制协议)ICP(Integrated Communications Processor,整合型通讯处理器)ICS(Internet Connection Sharing,因特网连接共享)ICSA(International Computer Security Association,国际计算机安全协会)ICT(Information and Communications Technology,信息和通讯技术)ICU(Instruction Control Unit,指令控制单元)ID(identify,鉴别号码)iDCT(inverse Discrete Cosine Transformation,负离散余弦转换)IDE(Integrated Development Environment,集成开发环境)IDE(Integrated Drive Electronics,电子集成驱动器)IDF(Intel Developer Forum,英特尔开发者论坛)IEC(International Electro technical Commission,国际电子技术委员会)IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,电子电路工程师协会)IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force,因特网工程任务组)IETF(Internet Engineering Task Framework,因特网工程任务组)IEU(Integer Execution Units,整数执行单元)IFT(Infinite FlatTube,无限平面管,三星丹娜)IFWP(International Forum White Paper,国际白皮书论坛)IGP(Integrated Graphics Processor,整合图形处理器)IHA(Intel Hub Architecture,英特尔Hub架构)IHE(Inertial Harmonic Drive Engine,惯性谐振驱动引擎)IHS(Integrated Heat Spreader,完整热量扩展)IHVs(Independent Hardware V endors,独立硬件销售商)IHW(Information High Way,信息高速公路)IID(Intramural Intensity Difference,两侧声音强度差别)IIR(infinite impulse response,无限推进响应)IIS(Internet Information Server,因特网信息服务器)IKE(Internet Key Exchange,因特网密钥交换协议)ILP(Instruction Level Parallelism,指令级平行运算)IMAP4(Internet Message Access Protocol V ersion 4,第四版因特网信息存取协议)IMB(Inter Module Bus,隐藏模块总线)IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity,国际移动设备身分码)IMM(Intel Mobile Module,英特尔移动模块Immediate Mode(直接模式)IMMT(Intelligent Memory Manager Technology,智能内存管理技术)iMOVE(Internet Mobile ObserV ation Equipment,因特网移动观察装置)Imposters(诈欺模型)INF File(Information File,信息文件)InfoLithium(带电池使用时间信息的可充锂电池)INI File(Initialization File,初始化文件)Instruction Coloring(指令分类)Instructions Cache(指令缓存)Intel PCA(Intel Personal Internet Client Architecture,英特尔个人因特网客户机架构)Interactive 3D Audio(交互式3D音效)Interactive Around-Sound(交互式环绕声)Internet(因特网)INTIN(Interrupt Inputs,中断输入)INV AR(不胀铜)IOMON(Intel WDM I/O Subsystem Performance Monitor,英特尔WDM输入/输出子系统性能监视)IOP(I/O Processor,输入/输出处理器)IOPs(Integer Operations Per Second,整数操作/秒)IP(intellectual property,知识产权)IP(Internet Protocol,网际协议)IPC(Instructions Per Clock Cycle,指令/时钟周期)IPEAK GPT(Intel Performance Evaluation and Analysis Kit - Graphics Performance Toolkit,英特尔性能评估和分析套件- 图形性能工具包)IPEAK SPT(Intel Performance Evaluation and Analysis Kit - Storage Performance Toolkit,英特尔性能评估和分析套件- 存储性能工具包)IPMA T(Intel Power Management Analysis Tool,英特尔能源管理分析工具)IPP(Internet Printing Protocol,因特网打印协议)IPPR(Image Processing and Pattern Recognition,图像处理和模式识别)IPS(in-plane switching,平面开关)IPSec(Internet Protocol security,因特网协议安全性)IPU(Image Processing Unit,图像处理单元)IPW(Incremental Packet Writing,增量包刻录)IQ(inverse quantization,反转量子化)IR(Immediate Rendering,直接渲染)IR(infrared ray,红外线)IRA(immediate-mode rendering architecture,即时渲染架构)IrDA(infrared ray,红外线通信接口,可进行局域网存取和文件共享)IRQ(Interrupt Request,中断请求)ISA(Industry Standard Architecture,工业标准架构)ISC(International Steering Committee,国际筹划指导委员会)ISD(inbuilt speed-throttling device,内藏速度控制设备)ISDN(Integrated Service Digital Network,综合服务数字网络)ISO/MPEG(International Standard Organization s Moving Picture Expert Group,国际标准化组织的活动图片专家组)ISOC(Internet Society,因特网协会)ISOM(International Symposium on Optical Memory,光盘国际会议)ISP(Internet Service Provider,因特网服务提供商)ISSCC(IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,IEEE国际固态电路协议)ISSCC(International Solid-State Circuits Conference,国际晶体管电路讨论会)ISVs(Independent Software V endors,独立软件销售商)IT(Information Technology,信息技术)ITAA(Information Technology Association of American,美国信息技术协会ITC(Instruction Trace Cache,指令追踪缓存)ITC(Internal True Color,内部真彩色)ITD(Intramural Time Difference,两侧声音时间延迟差别)ITRS(International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors,国际半导体技术发展蓝图) ITU(International Telecommunications Union,国际电信同盟)ITWG(international technology working groups,国际技术工作组)IVC(Indexed V ertex Cache,索引顶点缓存)IXA(Internet Exchange Architecture,英特尔交换架构)J2ME(Java 2 Platform,Micro Edition,JA V A2平台微型版)JBOD(Just a Bunch Of Disks,磁盘连续捆束阵列)JCIA(Japan Camera Industry Association,日本摄影机工业协会)JEDEC(Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council,联合电子设备工程委员会)JEITA(Japan Electronic Information Technology Association,日本电子信息技术产业协会) JFAA(Jitter Free Anti Aliasing,自由跳跃进抗锯齿)JGSS(Jittered Grid Super-Sampling,移动式栅格超级采样)JIT(Just In Time,准时制生产)JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group,联合图像专家组开发的一种图像压缩格式)JPRS(Jittered pseudo random sampling,抖动假取样)JTAG(Joint Test Action Group,连接测试行动小组)JUMP(Java User Move Path,Java用户移植路径)JVM(Java Virtual Machine,Java虚拟机)K8HTB(K8 HyperTransport Bridge,K8闪电传输桥)K-A(Kids to Adults,小孩至成年人)KBC(KeyBroad Control,键盘控制器)Key Frame Interpolation,关键帧插补)KNI(Katmai New Instructions,Katmai新指令集)L2TP(Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol,二级通道协议)LAN(Local Area Network,局域网)large textures(大型纹理)Latency(潜伏期)LBA(Logical Block Addressing,逻辑块寻址)LCD(liquid crystal display,液晶显示屏)LCOS(Liquid Crystal On Silicon(硅上液晶)LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,轻权目录访问协议)LDT(Lightning Data Transport,闪电数据传输总线)LE(low end,低端)LED(light emitting diode,光学二级管)LF(Linear Filtering,线性过滤,即双线性过滤)LFB(Linear Frame-Buffer,线性帧缓冲)LFE(Low Frequency Sound Channel,低频声音通道)LFM(Light Field Mapping,光照区域贴图)LFU(Legacy Function Unit,传统功能单元)LG(Land Groove,岸地凹槽)LGA(land grid array,接点栅格阵列)lighting(光源)lightmap(光线映射)LIMDOW(Light Intensity Modulation Direct OverWrite,光学调制直接覆盖)LMA(Lightspeed memory Architecture,光速内存架构)LMDS(Local Multipoint Distributed System,局域多点分布式系统)LN2(Liquid Nitrogen,液氮)LOB(Large Object,大型对象)LOC(Lab on chip,芯片实验室)Local Interconnect(局域互连)Local Peripheral Bus(局域边缘总线)LOD(Levels-of-Detail,细节级)LOM(LAN-on-Montherboard)Lossless Z Compression(无损Z压缩)LP(Long Play,长时间播放)LPC(Low Pin Count,少针脚型接口)LPF(Low-Pass Filter,低通道滤波器)LRTC(LCD Response Time Compensation,液晶响应时间补偿)LRU(least recently used,最少最近使用)L-SAGIC(Low Power-Small Aperture G1 wiht Impregnated Cathode,低电压光圈阴极管) LSI(Large Scale Integration,大规模集成电路)LSR(Light Shaft Rendering,光线轴渲染)LTPS(Low Temperature Polysilicon,低温多硅显示器)LVD(Low V oltage Differential,低分差动)LVDS(Low V oltage Differential Signal,低分差动信号)。

generic pnp monitor参数

generic pnp monitor参数

Generic PnP Monitor1. IntroductionA Generic PnP (Plug and Play) Monitor refers to a type of monitor thatis automatically recognized by a computer’s operating system without requiring any additional drivers or software installation. PnPtechnology allows for seamless integration and easy setup of peripherals, including monitors, printers, and other external devices.In this article, we will explore the concept of Generic PnP Monitor in detail, including its features, advantages, and how it works. We will also discuss common issues related to Generic PnP Monitors and provide troubleshooting tips.2. Features of Generic PnP Monitor2.1 Automatic RecognitionOne of the key features of a Generic PnP Monitor is its ability to be automatically recognized by the operating system. When you connect a new monitor to your computer, the system will identify it as a Generic PnP Monitor and configure the appropriate display settings. This eliminates the need for manual driver installation, making the setup process convenient and hassle-free.2.2 CompatibilityGeneric PnP Monitors are designed to be compatible with a wide range of computers and operating systems. Whether you are using Windows, macOS,or Linux, the monitor will be recognized and function properly without requiring specific drivers. This compatibility ensures that users can easily connect and use their monitors across different devices and platforms.2.3 Plug and Play FunctionalityAs the name suggests, Generic PnP Monitors support the plug and play functionality. This means you can connect or disconnect the monitorwhile the computer is running, and the system will automatically detect the changes. This feature is particularly useful when you need to switch between multiple monitors or connect a projector for presentations.2.4 Standardized Communication ProtocolGeneric PnP Monitors adhere to a standardized communication protocol, which allows them to exchange information with the computer’s graphics card. This protocol ensures that the monitor and the graphics card can communicate effectively, enabling the system to optimize displaysettings based on the monitor’s capabilities.3. How Generic PnP Monitor WorksWhen you connect a Generic PnP Monitor to your computer, the operating system performs the following steps to recognize and configure the monitor:1.Identification: The computer sends a query to the monitorrequesting identification information.2.EDID Data: The monitor responds with an Extended DisplayIdentification Data (EDID) block, which contains details about the monitor’s capabilities, such as supported resolutions, refreshrates, and color depth.3.Driver Selection: Based on the EDID data, the operating systemselects the appropriate display driver to configure the monitor. 4.Configuration: The operating system configures the monitor withthe selected display driver, setting the optimal resolution,refresh rate, and other display settings.The entire process happens automatically in the background, allowing you to start using the monitor without any manual intervention.4. Common Issues and Troubleshooting TipsWhile Generic PnP Monitors offer seamless integration, there can be instances where you may encounter issues. Here are some common problems and troubleshooting tips:4.1 Incorrect Resolution or Refresh RateIf your monitor is not displaying the correct resolution or refresh rate, follow these steps:1.Right-click on the desktop and select “Display settings”(Windows) or “System Preferences” > “Displays” (macOS).2.Check if the correct resolution and refresh rate are selected. Ifnot, adjust them according to the monitor’s specifications.3.If the desired resolution is not available, update your graphicscard driver or check for any available system updates.4.2 Monitor Not DetectedIf your monitor is not being recognized by the operating system, try the following:1.Ensure that the monitor is properly connected to the computer andpowered on.2.Restart your computer and check if the monitor is detected duringthe boot process.3.If the monitor is still not detected, try connecting it to adifferent port or using a different cable.4.Update your graphics card driver to the latest version, asoutdated drivers can sometimes cause detection issues.4.3 Limited Color DepthIf your monitor is displaying a limited color range, follow these steps:1.Right-click on the desktop and select “Display settings”(Windows) or “System Preferences” > “Displays” (macOS).2.Look for an option called “Color depth” or “Color format” andselect the highest available value (e.g., 32-bit or True Color). 3.If the desired color depth is not available, update your graphicscard driver or check for any available system updates.5. ConclusionGeneric PnP Monitors provide a seamless and hassle-free experience when connecting a monitor to a computer. Their automatic recognition, compatibility, and plug and play functionality make them convenient to use across different devices and operating systems. By adhering to a standardized communication protocol, they ensure effective communication with the graphics card for optimal display settings.While issues may arise, such as incorrect resolution or monitor detection problems, following the troubleshooting tips mentioned above can help resolve these problems. Overall, Generic PnP Monitors offer a user-friendly solution for connecting and using monitors without the need for manual driver installation.。


Operating System Concepts- Chapter1 Introduction 9

September 2012
§1.2 Computer-System Organization
1.2.1 Computer-System Operation Fig. 1.2 A modern computer system
Commonly acknowledged classifications of OS PC/Desktop OS : Windows, Linux,Mac OS X Server OS : Unix, Linux, Windows NT Mainframe OS : Unix, Linux——open source!! Embedded OS : Vxworks, (Palm OS), (Symbian), (WinCE)/Windows Mobile/Phone, Android, iOS, embedded Linux (e.g. μcLinux)

September 2012 Operating System Concepts- Chapter1 Introduction 8
1.1.2 OS Concepts (cont.)

For OS definitions in other textbooks, refer to Appendix 1.B OS definitions
September 2012
Operating System Concepts- Chapter1 Introduction -
Fig.1.1-1 Components of a computer system
Application Software



外文翻译原文Core vs.Non-Core FrameworkMaterialSource:/articles/2009/01/core-vs-noncore-fra mework,2004.02 Author: Neil Mac Allister, Richard Evans, and Katherine WallaceAcross the pharmaceutical industry,dramatic and durable changes to the operating environment are calling for modifications to companies’strategies and structures. The industry is facing a period of eroding pricing power, falling growth in the consumption of branded drugs, and tighter regulatory standards.As a consequence, companies are finding that revenue growth is becoming both slower and more volatile, and that returns on R&D spending are pushing below the cost of capital. We recommend changes to the current business model that include smaller, more efficient and more flexible cost structures, as well as the increase of efforts to mitigate revenue volatility.Our aim in this article is to apply an analytical framework for how to think about an evolving business model for pharmaceutical companies.The pharmaceutical industry is operating within an increasingly unfavorable political,economic,and regulatory environment,largely as a result of negative public opinion,rising healthcare costs,and increasing involvement from governments in the purchase,reimbursement and market approval of pharmaceuticals.These pressures are being brought to bear on an industry whose structures reflect past rather than present and future conditions,particularly with costs that are both too high and too inflexible.To estimate profitability over long time cycles,we compared year one R&D spending to year 10 net income, a rate of return that has been falling for as long as we can measure. Apparent returns are no longer higher than the industry’s cost of capital.Profits must exceed costs of capital for a business to remain viable.Inpharma, this gap can be widened by either increasing the revenue return generated by each dollar spent on R&D or by reducing the cost of commercializing the industry’s innovationsWe also see revenue growth slowing and becoming more volatile, consisting of interspersed periods of growth and contraction. As real pricing power and per-capita branded volume effects fade,revenue growth slows.Historically,real pricing power and per-capita volume growth made steady, predictable contributions to total revenue growth and more pricing power could be applied when needed to stabilize growth;as they fade,revenue growth defaults to —or at least toward —the remaining variables: population growth and product mix. Population growth is too small to matter,leaving mix as the dominant variable.Product mix is extremely volatile from period to period, consisting of significant gains (i.e. new products) and significant losses (i.e. patent expiry) interspersed at uneven intervals. Absent the buffers of real pricing and per-capita volume gains,it follows that future revenue patterns contain both ups and downs; unless cost structures become more flexible, periods of revenue contraction will result in outright earnings losses.Competitive differentiation must consider whether ownership or control of the activity is important for competitive and/or strategic reasons,and whether or not the company is able to perform the activities at such a level that it provides them with a point of differentiation against their competitors. The availability of sourcing options needs to examine whether or not there are ample vendors performing the activity that can deliver world-class quality at a cost-effective price.Core activities•Enable the overarching business strategy•Are key components of the company’s value proposition•Are a major source of durable competitive advantage (e.g.intellectual capital)•Protect intellectual property•Have internal capabilities that cannot be matched or exceeded by outside vendors or other partnersNon-core activities•Can be pushed outside of pharma to improve flexibility within cost structure •Are general “supportive” activities to the pharma value proposition•Can be conducted by third parties and match or exceed internal quality/economicsDetermining core and non-core activities for your company will depend upon the benefits of outsourcing or partnerships versus keeping the function in-house and the strategic importance of the function relative to your company. The importance and value of these two dimensions will differ depending upon the product stage. For example, elements of screening in discovery that have low risk of IP exposure may be considered non-core,while aspects of lead optimization in development involving high risks of IP exposure are likely to be considered core activities.We have broken R&D down into four phases:basic research,discovery, preclinical, and development. By examining the key activities within each of these phases, a core or non-core determination can be made based on the strategic context underlying each element.In some cases the activity may be “on the fence”–this simply means that the determination will vary for each company depending on their internal capabilities, capacity, and strategic direction.Basic research functions are core only if they provide a point of differentiation for the company. For example, in therapeutic areas in which very few companies are working on a limited number of mechanisms, target identification and validation activities may be a point of differentiation. Beyond this, the activities are thought to be non-core. In therapeutic areas with multiple mechanisms and multiple companies competing,it is likely in the best interest for the company to change their orientation to search for and evaluate targets rather than to generate IP.Basic research around different mechanisms may be found within academia,but increasingly commercial organizations are developing platforms necessary to conduct these activities – providing a variety of capable vendors and partners.Discovery efforts should be considered for outsourcing because they are easily systematized and — in some instances — are automated. For companies that have already built discovery capabilities in-house — e.g. high through-put screening —the cost effectiveness and quality standards must be evaluated against outsourcing options.Preclinical activities are increasingly being outsourced in order to take advantage of specialist modeling capabilities. Assembly of the information gathered in preclinical development will remain in-house,while the actual generation of perspectives will move to outsourcing. The vendor environment for preclinical work,particularly in specialty areas,is maturing quickly,allowing pharmaceutical companies to tap into new efficiencies by outsourcing in these areas.In clinical development,strategy,development plans, and management functions should always be kept in-house. In all development activities, consideration should be given to two rules: the protection of critical relationships and the active management of the outsourcing.Another factor that influences outsourcing in development is the philosophy of the company.This should be considered when examining “on the fence” activities; some companies may view certain activities as generic skills where others see a core strategic advantage.Once the core vs.non-core determination has been made,companies must assess the optimal outsourcing approach for non-core activities.We have divided outsourcing approaches into two categories, functional and integrated, based on the degree of integration necessary between the sponsor and the vendor. As a general rule, if a core activity must be outsourced for some reason, integration with vendors is essential. For non-core activities, a functional approach is usually best.Integrated outsourcing arrangements would focus on accelerated decision making and minimizing time to proof of concept.Vendors would work with integrated workflows and pre-established standard operating procedures (SOPs), with IT decision support. In many cases,integrated outsourcing calls for a component of risk sharing in the compound’s success,and an economic model should be established in which there is an emphasis on quality, not quantity, and it is in the interest of the vendor to “kill” compounds as soon as they begin showing unfavorable results.Clinical data management has been one area of development activity that is routinely outsourced and has been increasingly off-shored. As a very basic example of the application of the core/non-core decision process, we have used the example of the partnership between Accenture and Wyeth to illustrate the use of our framework.To begin,from the company perspective,data management is not a differentiating activity. It does not provide a point of competitive advantage over a competitor, and it is unlikely that any one company possesses a leadership position in this area.As a result,in outsourcing there is very little executional or IP risk associated with outsourcing data management.In terms of capacity,many companies have been moving away from holding data management capabilities in-house over the last decade,so many may not even have internal resources.Additionally,there are no key relationships associated with the data management function.From a company situation standpoint,all variables point toward data management being a non-core activity.The vendor situation for data management points toward the same conclusion. Sophisticated vendor environments already exist for conducting data management, particularly in off-shore communities. Because of the ample supply of vendors, quality standards are high and generally well trusted, and competition has lowered prices to a very attractive level.With both situations pointing toward outsourcing, there is very little by way of company situation that would compel a pharmaceutical company to keep data management activities in-house. Below we have profiled an example of Wyeth’s shifting of data management to an outsource partner and the impact the relationship has had.Wyeth and Accenture formed a deal in which Wyeth gave its entire data management operation to Accenture over a 10-year contact.In doing so,half of Wyeth’s 300 data management positions were eliminated,and the remaining employees were transferred to Accenture for employment. The more mundane data management tasks, such as data entry, would be sent offshore to India to make use of Accenture’s specialized facilities. In order to get the contract, Accenture had to accept a risk-sharing arrangement and meet highly specific performance criteria all while cutting Wyeth’s data management costs by 50%.The result was a deal that provides significant cost savings for Wyeth, shifting fixed costs to variable costs while also tapping into new capabilities through Accenture’s service delivery center in India. New efficiencies can also be reached; functions that would have taken Wyeth more than 100 days must be reduced to about 20 days under the deal, or Accenture will have to pay Wyeth.In contrast to the data management example, program management activities can be examined as an extreme illustration of an activity that is core and must be kept in-house.As a result,we do not have a case studied to apply to this framework because we are not aware of outsourced program management arrangements.While specific company situations will vary,all companies will find a very high executional and IP risk associated with outsourcing the program management function. Program management is one of the remaining areas where companies can hold a significant leadership advantage over competitors and continue to buildinternal know-how (intellectual capital).Additionally, it is critical that internal program management teams develop and leverage key relationships along the value chain.The vendor situation further reinforces that program management remains in-house.While program management functions may be a portion of outsourcing specific activities, vendors solely dedicated to program management do not readily exist. Even if an extreme company situation dictated that program management activity be outsourced, a fully integrated outsourcing approach would be necessary. This arrangement would require oversight from the pharma company and would therefore result in significant overlap of responsibilities.Across the industry’s R&D functions,significant un-tapped degrees of freedom exist for making the cost base more variable. Opportunities for flexibility gains have to be balanced against IP and organizational know-how risks; in general the economic value of flexibility gains increases toward the sell end of the continuum while IP concerns lessen. Means for reducing revenue volatility clearly exist, including co-development of products and/or sharing of commercial rights/returns with commercial partners, and expansion of effective portfolio size in partnership with passive investors.Whether such volatility gains are worth the associated costs can and should be analyzed.Determining a company's degrees of freedom and how they may be leveraged is a two-step process. First, this general framework of core vs. non-core needs to be fine-tuned by persons having greater proximity to each component of the value chain (in general),and to the company’s business circumstances and organizational status (in particular).Second,available degrees of freedom (i.e. owned non-core functions)should be prioritized according to likely gains, associated risks,and the extent to which well-developed external platforms for performing these functions exist.译文核心和非核心结构资料来源:/articles/2009/01/ core-vs-noncore-framework作者:尼尔·麦克利斯特,理查德·埃文斯,凯瑟琳·沃利斯在整个制药行业,戏剧性和持续性的对于经营环境的改变,正在呼吁对公司的战略和结构的修改。



Windows⾃带.NETFramework版本⼤全The following is a complete list of which version of the .NET Framework is included in which version of the OS: (Windows XP SP1) includes the .NET Framework 1.0 + SP2 as an OS component(Windows XP SP2 and higher) includes the .NET Framework 1.0 + SP3 as an OS component. On Windows XP Media Center Edition, the only way to get the .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 is to install Windows XP SP2 or higher. There is not a standalone 1.0 SP3 installer for this edition of Windows XP.(Windows XP SP1) includes the .NET Framework 1.0 + SP2 as an OS component(Windows XP SP2 and higher) includes the .NET Framework 1.0 + SP3 as an OS component. On Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, the only way to get the .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 is to install Windows XP SP2 or higher. There is not a standalone 1.0 SP3 installer for this edition of Windows XP.(all x86 editions) includes the .NET Framework 1.1 as an OS component; 64-bit versions of Windows Server 2003 do not include a version of the .NET Framework as an OS component(all editions) includes the .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0 as OS components 3.0 can be added or removed via the Programs and Fatures control panel.(all editions) includes the .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 and 3.0 SP1 as OS components. 3.0 SP1 can be added or removed via the Programs and Features control panel.(all editions) includes the .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 and 3.0 SP1 as OS components. The .NET Framework 3.0 SP1 is not installed by default and must be added via the Programs and Features control panel though.(all editions) includes the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 and 3.0 SP2 as OS components. The .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 is not installed by default and must be added via the Programs and Features control panel though.(all editions) includes the .NET Framework 3.5.1 as an OS component. This means you will get the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1 plus a few post 3.5 SP1 bug fixes. 3.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1 can be added or removed via the Programs and Features control panel.(all editions) includes the .NET Framework 3.5.1 as an OS component. This means you will get the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1 plus a few post 3.5 SP1 bug fixes. 3.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1 can be added or removed via the Programs and Features control panel.Windows 8 (all editions) includes the .NET Framework 4.5 as an OS component, and it is installed by default. It also includes the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 as an OS component that is not installed by default. The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 can be added or removed via the Programs and Features control panel.Windows 8.1 (all editions) includes the .NET Framework 4.5.1 as an OS component, and it is installed by default. It also includes the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 as an OS component that is not installed by default. The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 can be added or removed via the Programs and Features control panel.Windows Server 2012 (all editions) includes the .NET Framework 4.5 as an OS component, and it is installed by default except in the Server Core configuration. It also includes the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 as an OS component that is not installed by default. The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 can be added or removed via the Server Manager.Windows Server 2012 R2 (all editions) includes the .NET Framework 4.5.1 as an OS component, and it is installed by default except in the Server Core configuration. It also includes the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 as an OS component that is not installed by default.The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 can be added or removed via the Server Manager.Windows 10 (all editions) includes the .NET Framework 4.6 as an OS component, and it is installed by default. It also includes the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 as an OS component that is not installed by default. The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 can be added or removed via the Programs and Features control panel.Note - for the .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5, you can see a graphical view of the above information in .In addition, the .NET Framework shipped with the following versions of Windows but not as truly integrated OS components: Home and Professional SP1 includes the MSI-based .NET Framework 1.0 + SP2 in the Additional Components folder on the installation CD. It is not an OS component on this OS.Windows XP Home and Professional SP2 includes the MSI-based .NET Framework 1.1 + SP1 in the Additional Components folder on the installation CD. It is not an OS component on this OS.Windows XP Home and Professional SP3 includes the MSI-based .NET Framework 1.1 + SP1 in the Additional Components folder on the installation CD. It is not an OS component on this OS.includes the MSI-based .NET Framework 2.0. It appears in Add/Remove Windows Components as an OS component, but selecting it simply invokes the MSI-based installer. The MSI can be repaired and removed using Add/Remove Programs regardless of whether it is installed via the standalone MSI or via the Add/Remove Windows Components UI.。



【转】单独编译androidframework模块出现的问题全编andorid后,单独修改编译⼀个framwork模块,make snod会有如下告警信息:Warning: with dexpreopt enabled, you may need a full rebuild使⽤这样make snod 出来的镜像,内核不能启动,模拟器⼀直停留在“android”标志状态。

查看log发现有如下错误打印:DexOpt: mismatch dep signature for '/system/framework/framework.odex查看makefile有这样的语句# Enable dex-preoptimization to speed up the first boot sequence# of an SDK AVD. Note that this operation only works on Linux for now# 看起来这是⼀项为了加快第⼀次启动速度的特性ifeq (true,$(WITH_DEXPREOPT))$(warning Warning: with dexpreopt enabled, you may need a full rebuild.)endif修改⽅法1:build/target/board/generic/BoardConfig.mkifeq ($(HOST_OS),linux)ifeq ($(WITH_DEXPREOPT),)WITH_DEXPREOPT := true #把这个改为falseendifendif修改⽅法2:全编译的时候加载参数make showcommands WITH_DEXPREOPT=false这样编译出来的结果,如果以后单独修改打包运⾏,就不会有上述问题了。


前一种目的的计算机程序称为“审评程序”,加了较大的保守性因素; 后一种目的的计算机程序称作“最佳估算程序”,力求尽可能准确地模 拟反应堆系统的行为。
瞬态热工过程的全面分析,需要用到:反应堆冷却剂系统热工水力分析 程序(简称系统分析程序)、堆芯子通道分析程序、燃料元件行为分析 程序等,有时会用到物理-热工耦合程序。
计算机程序的研制过程 • 一个完满的计算机系统程序的发展需要经历很长的过程。 • 首先是需要大量的单一效应实验和燃料性能实验做基础。 • 对编制好的系统程序还需安排模拟事故过程的整体实验来检验程序的预 计结果。 • 影响分析模型及其数值准确度有许多因素,如物理描述、流体物性、经 验关系式的准确度以及数值离散化问题等。当要把计算结果同实验数据 进行比较时,所有的误差都会合在一起,要把误差源分开,需要仔细的 研究,进行不确定性分析。 • 见下图所示开发系统程序的一般过程:
第6章 反应堆热工分析程序
1. 核分析程序概况 2. Relap5程序 3. TRACE程序
第1部分 核分析程序概况
目前,已经研制很多的计算机分析程序——分析反应堆各种瞬态过程和 事故过程。
瞬态分析的作用: (1)揭示和预计反应堆瞬态工况—尤其是各种事故工况的演变过程,审 查关键参数的变化是否符合安全准则. (2)作为反应堆设计、评价和对各种瞬变及事故过程研究的手段.
Thermal-hydraulics codes developed by the NRC:
Legacy tools that are no longer actively supported include the following thermal-hydraulics codes:
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L4Android:A Generic Operating System Framework forSecure SmartphonesMatthias Lange1Steffen Liebergeld1Adam Lackorzynski2Alexander Warg2Michael Peter11Security in TelecommunicationsTechnische Universität Berlin and Deutsche Telekom Laboratories {mlange,steffen,peter}@sec.t-labs.tu-berlin.de2Chair of Operating Systems Technische Universität Dresden {adam,warg}@os.inf.tu-dresden.deABSTRACTSmartphones became many people’s primary means of com-munication.Emerging applications such as Near Field Com-munication require new levels of security that cannot be en-forced by current smartphone operating systems.Therefore vendors resort to hardware extensions that have limitations inflexibility and increase the bill of materials.In this work we present a generic operating system framework that does away with the need for such hardware extensions.We encap-sulate the original smartphone operating system in a virtual machine.Our framework allows for highly secure applica-tions to run side-by-side with the virtual machine.It is based on a state-of-the-art microkernel that ensures isola-tion between the virtual machine and secure applications. We evaluate our framework by sketching how it can be used to solve four problems in current smartphone security. Categories and Subject DescriptorsC.0[Computer Systems Organization]:General–Sys-tem architecturesGeneral TermsSecurityKeywordsSmartphones,Secure Operating Systems,System Virtual-ization,Near Field Communication1.INTRODUCTIONSmartphones have become omnipresent devices.They combine the computing power previously known from desk-top computers with the mobility and connectivity of cellular phones.With their plethora of interfaces like Bluetooth, Wifi,and the cellular network they remain connected to the Internet at all er-installable applications allow Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.SPSM’11,October17,2011,Chicago,Illinois,USA.Copyright2011ACM978-1-4503-1000-0/11/10...$ers to customize their smartphone with features accord-ing to their needs.Therefore,many people have adopted smartphones as their primary means of communication. With their computing power and widespread adoption, smartphones promise to materialize the idea of ubiquitous computing.That made major companies such as Google, Apple,and Microsoft invest a lot of money and resources to increase the rate of innovation.New applications and use cases,which were previously unimaginable on this class of devices,appear at a short rate.One emerging trend is using Near Field Communication(NFC)for authentication, mobile payment[24],ticketing and secure banking.These applications have high demands on security.It is the task of the operating system(OS)to enforce the security of the system.Android has become the most popular mobile OS[13]in terms of market share.It is de-veloped by Google and the Open Handset Alliance as an open source project.Unfortunately Android is riddled with security problems,such as delayed security updates and an insufficient access control model[15].To improve on An-droid’s security,a number of solutions were proposed by the academic research community.These range from extensive taint tracking[46],behavioral analysis[33],mocking inter-faces[7],application of mandatory access control[47,17], analysis of remote duplicates[22],label based tracking[36], to an implementation of a custom privacy mode[49]. These solutions rely on the integrity of the Android kernel. However,kernel integrity cannot be ensured when a device is rooted.Rooting can happen voluntarily by the user to enable custom features or by malware due to a vulnerability of the Android kernel.A recent study found88vulnerabili-ties in the Android kernel[14],which shows that unintended rooting is a serious threat.This number of vulnerabilities is inherent to the monolithic architecture of the Android kernel.Therefore Android is not suited for prospective ap-plications that have high demands on security.We address future demands on security with a novel OS base architecture.In our work,we do not improve on An-droid security,but provide an isolated environment for ap-plications with high demands on security.The Android OS is securely encapsulated inside a virtual machine(VM). 1.1ContributionsThis work has two major contributions.One is the intro-duction of a general OS framework for mobile devices that allows for highly secure applications.The second contribu-tion is the detailed evaluation of our framework.There wepresent how our framework can solve current smartphone security issues.We designed a generic framework for secure smartphone architectures and implemented a proof-of-concept setup that runs on a real phone.It consists of three core components.A state-of-the-art microkernel establishes high assurance isola-tion boundaries.Our framework comprises the infrastruc-ture for applications with high demands on security.These are implemented as applications directly on the microker-nel.Consequently,these applications have a tiny trusted computing base(TCB)and lend themselves to certification. The third core component are virtual machines,which act as a secure container to run the original smartphone OS. We show how our framework can be used to solve four problems in current smartphone security.Software Smartcards:Our framework facilitates the se-cure implementation of smartcard functionality in soft-ware.Unified Corporate and Private Phone:We show howa private and a business phone can be unified on onedevice in a secure manner.Mobile Rootkit Detection:We describe how our frame-work enables rootkit detection on mobile devices. Hardware Abstraction:We propose to implement device specific drivers in a layer below Android.This allows Google to supply generic kernel versions that are read-ily applicable to all devices,which allows for much faster security updates.It also enables vendors to supply non GPL compliant drivers without violating Linux’development rules.The rest of the paper is organized as follows.In Section2, we give an overview on the background of our work.Sec-tion3describes details on the vulnerabilities of Android.We proceed in Section4with details on the design of our frame-work.L4Android is our prototype implementation of the framework which we describe in Section5.In Section6,we demonstrate how our framework solves four long-standing security challenges.Section7gives an overview on related work.In Section8we conclude and summarize our results and contributions.We also provide an outlook on future work.2.BACKGROUNDIn this section we provide the reader with background in-formation on microkernels and virtualization in the context of mobile devices.We briefly outline the general hardware architecture of a smartphone.The architecture of Android is described in Section2.4.2.1MicrokernelThe OS kernel runs at the most privileged mode of the CPU(kernel or supervisor mode).The applications run with less privileges in user mode.Because of the kernel running with the highest privileges, all functionality critical to maintain system security has to be implemented in kernel mode.The essential mechanisms implemented in the kernel are protection domains,schedul-ing and means of communication between protection do-mains.Additionally to those essential mechnisms,monolithic ker-nels such as Linux implement more functionality likefile sys-tems,device drivers,and protocol stacks.The drawback of this architecture is that monolithic kernels contain function-ality with high complexity.Because no means of isolation exist in kernel mode,any in-kernel bug can modify kernel memory,leading to crashes or to the installation of rootkits. In contrast to monolithic kernels a microkernel imple-ments only the essential mechanisms outlined above.File systems,device drivers,and protocol stacks are implemented as user-mode tasks[27].This dramatically reduces the com-plexity of the kernel.Isolation between user-mode tasks is enforced with address spaces.All communication between tasks is done via efficient explicit kernel-mediated inter-pro-cess communication(IPC).2.2VirtualizationA formal definition of virtualization was made by Popek and Goldberg[21].They define a VM to be an efficient, isolated duplicate of a real machine.A special piece of soft-ware,the virtual machine monitor(VMM),establishes the VM.The formal model requires a CPU with two modes,a privileged mode(kernel mode)and a less privileged mode (user mode).Guest code runs in user mode under the con-trol of the VMM.For an instruction set architecture(ISA)to be virtualiz-able all sensitive instructions need to trap into kernel mode when executed in user mode.Sensitive instructions are in-structions that produce different results when executed in user mode as compared to being executed in kernel mode. According to this definition the x86[28]and ARM[40]ISA were found to be non-virtualizable.To implement virtualization on non-virtualizable architec-tures,several well-known workarounds exist.Emulation In an emulator all guest-instructions are inter-preted and their results computed in software.Hybrid approaches allow for guest user-mode code to execute directly on the host CPU.However,emulation comes with a significant performance penalty[20].Binary Translation In systems using binary translation, the guest-code is modified prior to execution.Sensi-tive instructions are replaced with either non-sensitive ones or with explicit calls to the VMM[30].Binary translation can be more efficient than pure emulation, but is still less efficient than native execution. Rehosting OS rehosting is a port of the guest’s kernel from the machine interface to the host’s kernel interface.This effectively makes the guest kernel an application of the host OS.Such a port does not require an addi-tional VMM1.To enable more efficient virtualization solutions,Intel and AMD added hardware virtualization capabilities to their CPUs[42].ARM recently announced similar virtualization support for their Cortex-A15design[41].While hardware virtualization support is widespread in desktop systems to-day,it hasn’t found its way into the embedded market yet.2.3Smartphone ArchitectureModern smartphones comprise many complex subsystems. The central one is the application processor that runs the smartphone OS such as Android or iOS and all the applica-tions.Other systems include the baseband,GPS and audio hardware.See Figure1for a conceptual hardware layout of a smartphone.Figure1:The basic design of a modern smartphone. The application processor comes in the form of a System on a Chip(SoC).The CPU,memory and interrupt con-troller,timer as well as additional functional units are inte-grated on one silicon chip.This design helps to reduce the bill of materials and power ually the SoC also inte-grates a graphics processing unit and controllers for system buses such as I2C,SPI and USB.These buses are used to connect peripheral devices.The baseband is the phone’s gateway to the cellular net-work.The baseband uses credentials stored on the SIM card to identify a subscriber on the mobile network.The SIM card is a smartcard and forms an isolated execution environment.2.4Android ArchitectureIn general Android is a software stack for smartphones and tablets.It consists of the kernel,the Android runtime, libraries,an application framework,and the applications. Each of these parts will be described briefly in this section. Kernel Android is based on a specially crafted Linux ker-nel.Google enhanced Linux to better address the needs of mobile platforms with improved power management,bet-ter handling of limited system resources and a special IPC mechanism.Libraries Android provides a set of native libraries that are used by various components in the system.This includes libraries for media,2D/3D graphics,and a custom C stan-dard library(bionic).The functionality of these libraries is exposed to applications by the Application Framework. Many libraries are based on open source projects.Exam-ples are WebKit and SQLite.The Android Runtime is mainly made of the Dalvik VM,a register-based Java virtual machine.Dalvik runs Java code compiled to a special format(dex),which is optimized for low memory footprint.Everything on top of this layer is written in Java.Applications Android applications are written in Java. Android ships with a set of core applications for telephony, personal information management,and Internet browsing. For improved performance,applications can include native code written in the C language.Native code is integrated with the Java code through JNI.It does not benefit from the Java abstractions(automated memory management,garbage collection).3.THREATSWe identified four main issues which make Android vul-nerable to attacks.First,security critical software updates are delayed or not deployed at all.Second,the Linux ker-nel is not an adequate OS kernel for secure systems.Third, rooted phones disable many of the security features,which are in place.Fourth,Android’s permission system is too coarse grained to effectively protect critical system resources.3.1Delayed System UpdatesAndroid is an open source software project.In addition to the custom components implemented by Google,it builds on other open source projects such as WebKit and the Linux kernel.It is characteristic to such projects that they are de-veloped by a loosely coupled international community.To keep track of the development process they use publicly available source code repositories and public bug trackers to collect bug reports.In software security the time span from the discovery of a vulnerability until the deployment of the security patch is critical.During this time span the system is vulnerable and attackers race to create exploits.Vulnerabilities be-come known to the general public as soon as the resulting patch is submitted to the public repository.This increases the visibility of a vulnerability for attackers,who may start to create exploits and attack unpatched systems.Therefore timely patch deployment is vital for a system’s security.In Linux distributions,for example,lots of effort is spent on update systems to ensure quick deployment of security up-dates.To set themselves apart from others,device manufacturers augment Android with custom user interfaces and features. These additions require in-depth modification of the An-droid source code.Google largely develops Android behind closed doors and releases the source only at certain mile-stones.This style of development has the drawback that the device vendors cannot continuously keep their source tree up to date.Therefore they need to port their custom user interfaces and features to the new version as soon as the new code is released by Google.After porting,the fea-tures need to go trough quality management.All in all,this is a time consuming and costly effort,which is often pro-hibitive.Keeping their software up-to-date is of little value for the device manufacturer in terms of market value,when the device is already sold.Android does not allow for selective updates,but relies on full system images that have to be provided by the de-vice manufacturer.A full system image requires bandwidth and disrupts the user’s workflow.Therefore,device man-ufacturers usually do notfix individual vulnerabilities but accumulate updates.These factors introduce a significant delay in the deploy-ment of updates,which results in millions of devices with known and unpatched vulnerabilities.Security features,such as full disk encryption,are intro-duced with new Android releases,but are not backported to existing versions.A recent study by Google[23]about the distribution of different Android versions revealed that more than90%of the Android devices are still using Android2.1 and2.2.The most recent version2.3released in Decem-ber2010is deployed on less thanfive percent of Android smartphones.This shows that Google’s attempts at intro-ducing better security has limited effects for devices that are already deployed.3.2Linux KernelAndroid is based on the Linux kernel.Linux implements a monolithic architecture.All kernel components,includ-ing device drivers,run in kernel mode,where no isolation between components is provided.Any kernel bug that can be exploited enables an attacker to modify kernel memory, and thereby mitigate all security measures of the kernel. Therefore kernel updates,as well as extensive testing and validation of kernel code are vital to Android security. Device manufacturers often need to implement custom drivers for their hardware.This driver code is often not contributed back to the Linux community.As a consequence these drivers do not go through the community review pro-cess and are often of poor quality.Porting the drivers to new versions of Linux is often not considered worth the ef-fort due to cost constraints and the work required for test and validation.Therefore many devices run outdated Linux kernels.A recent study on the stock Android Froyo kernel,ver-sion2.6.32,found88security critical bugs[14].This gives a rough impression of the security of Android kernels.How-ever,due to the bad driver code supplied by vendors,we suspect the error rate of deployed kernels to be even higher.3.3Rooted PhonesRooting is the process that overcomes the kernel’s in-tegrity barrier.It can happen in two ways.First,volun-tarily by the user who wants to be able to install additional, potentially unauthorized applications.This type of rooting is often done by installing a modifiedfirmware,including a new kernel image,on the device.Second,by malware such as DroidDream[1]in order to gain maximum privileges on the infected system.This type of rooting is achieved by ex-ploiting known securityflaws in the respective smartphone OS.Rooting requires tampering with the OS kernel which de-stroys its integrity.A rooted system cannot put trust in its kernel.The modified kernel might disable Android secu-rity measures,contain malware such as key loggers,or sub-tly alter the system’s behavior to leak private information. Therefore rooting is a serious threat to smartphone secu-rity.This problem becomes even more pronounced,since two major Android device vendors announced rootability asa marketing feature[39,18]for their devices.3.4Android Permission SystemAndroid implements mandatory access control(MAC)in the form of a permission system.At installation time an ap-plication can request permission to access system resources such as location,Internet,or the cellular network,from the user.The user is then presented with a screen allowing him to either grant all the permissions or cancel the installa-tion.It is not possible to selectively accept or deny access privileges.Thus,many users simply accept such permission requests without considering their implications.Another problem is that the permissions are too coarse grained[15].If an application was granted Internet access, it is free to communicate with any server on the Internet.If this application was also granted access to the Android address book,nothing prevents it from sending the address book’s content to a remote server.Using live taint tracking,Enck et al.[46]found that two thirds of the applications they analyzed,exhibited suspi-cious handling of private data.Static code analysis revealed potential privacy leaks in even more applications[45].With many applications being distributed via the Android market,its acceptance process has the potential tofilter malicious applications.However,the Android market was found to distribute malware[16,31].4.FRAMEWORKWe consider the monolithic architecture of Android as the main reason for its security problems.Monolithic compo-nents consist of numerous subsystems.A monolithic com-ponent needs to be equipped with all permissions required by its subsystems.A bug in one of them suffices for an at-tacker to tamper with any part of the component and to leverage all of its permissions.The design of our OS frameworks is based on the principle of divide and conquer.Instead of having complex monolithic components,the framework hosts multiple smaller compo-nents.Each component implements one basic service and is equipped with only the permissions needed for its correct operation(Principle Of Least Authority,POLA[34]).This helps confining attacks to the concerned component.High level functionality is implemented with the help of many basic components that communicate with each other. Thereby the system behaves like a distributed system.Thus, we need a secure communication mechanism that enables components to request services from one mu-nication requires a naming mechanism to locate a communi-cation partner,and a mechanism to enforce access permis-sions.Dividing monolithic systems into smaller subsystems is a complex task,because these subsystems have complex de-pendencies with one another.This problem is prominent with OS kernels.Therefore it is not possible to apply our OS construction mechanism to existing OSes.Instead,our framework provides virtual machines to run existing sys-tems.Security conscious applications are implemented out-side of the VM.Even in the event of a compromised VM these applications maintain their integrity.In the next sections we will describe the basic building blocks of our system.We start with an in-depth descrip-tion of how components are isolated,and how we handle secure communication.Section4.2will introduce the mi-crokernel,which forms the secure anchor of our framework. Furthermore we provide the reader with details on our con-crete implementation.Our microkernel is augmented with a runtime environment that implements basic services for ap-plications,and thus facilitates the design and development of secure applications.We will then proceed to describe how our framework supports virtual machines to host existing smartphone OSes.4.1Component Isolation and InteractionOur system encapsulates subsystems in -ponents are implemented in protection domains,and it is the duty of the OS kernel to ensure temporal and spacial isola-tion between ponents can provide servicesto other components.Services are modeled as objects,andare implemented inside protection domains.Components can request services from other componentsvia explicit message passing.To avoid the problem of theconfused deputy,we went for object-capabilities[6],whichunite naming and access permissions.Holding a capabilityentitles a component to communicate with the respectiveservice.The kernel enforces the access permissions of capa-bilities.We resorted to a naming scheme,where capability namesare valid inside the respective component only(local nam-ing).This greatly facilitates nesting of subsystems.The capability-based communication system forms the ba-sis for any other functionality in the system.In the followingsections we will show how it is used to build the functionalityfor a whole system.4.2Secure and Small KernelThe kernel is the only component that is running with thehighest system privileges.It is responsible for establishingand maintaining the isolation of components running on topas applications.Because of the characteristics outlined in Section2.1amicrokernel is a suitable foundation for our OS framework.It has a considerably lower complexity than a monolithickernel.This benefits applications in that their TCB can beoptimized for their use-case.The aforementioned concepts are implemented in a mod-ern microkernel named Fiasco.OC.It is being developed asan open source project,and its sources are available at itspublic website2.4.2.1Kernel FunctionalityTo maintain isolation and functionality of the system,thekernel offers the following key mechanisms.Protection Domains To establish isolation between com-ponents the kernel provides protection domains,calledtasks.Each task implements an address space for pro-viding virtual memory and a capability space holdingthe capabilities for that task.Execution is provided by threads.A thread executes thecode provided by the applications.A task can hostmultiple threads,facilitating multi-processing environ-ments.Communication plays a crucial role in a system consist-ing of many components that need to interact witheach other.Message passing,also called IPC,is anoperation where two threads explicitly invoke a mes-sage passing operation to be able to exchange a limitedamount of payload data.IPC is a synchronous opera-tion,meaning that a thread will block until the com-munication partner has also entered the correspondingIPC operation.Interrupts are a mechanism to handle asynchronous events.They are used for both hardware device-generated in-terrupts and for software-generated events.The re-ceiver of an interrupt cannot decide whether the eventhas been generated by hardware or by another software3Examples being Intel VT and AMD’s SVMthose to a designated handler thread.Such a handler isdefined for every thread in the system.It is named pagerafter its main purpose of paging a thread.When receiv-ing a page-fault IPC message,the pager selects a memorypage and sends a reply with an embedded memory mapping.Upon receiving the reply the thread will continue executing.The page-fault resolution process happens transparently forthe faulting thread.The mechanism for other exceptionsworks similarly.This mechanism allows for implementingarbitrary paging strategies in user-mode components with-out specific support in the microkernel itself.4.2.4Communication ChannelsA communication channel is a special object provided bythe kernel that allows two protection domains to use IPC toexchange data.Such a channel has a sender and a receiverside.A receiver binds to such a channel to be targeted asthe recipient of a message by the kernel.The IPC sendercannot be directly identified by the receiver as in a systemwith local naming the receiver has no means to identify theIPC partner.Instead a label value identifies the channelthrough which the message is received.The label must bedefined by the receiver upon binding to the channel,cannotbe influenced by the sender and is visible to the receiveronly.Multiple channels can be created when communicationpartners need to be distinguished.For sending an IPC message,the sender invokes a capa-bility to exchange data with the corresponding object.Incase of the communication channel another user-mode im-plemented object is invoked and receives the message.Neither the sender nor the receiver designate threads forcommunication but use communication channels instead.This enables to transparently interpose a communication re-lationship.For example,a server providing a basic memoryallocator to clients might be interposed with a more sophis-ticated allocator that implements resource quotas.Neitherthe basic memory allocator nor the client will notice a dif-ference except in timing behavior.4.3Runtime EnvironmentThe runtime environment implements major operating sys-tem infrastructure and forms thefirst layer of user-mode ser-vices.Its goal is to abstract from the pure kernel providedfunctionality and offer generic and known interfaces to ap-plications as well as implementing policies for those.Theenvironment consists of separate components,called servers,and libraries to be used by applications.The runtime envi-ronment is called L4Re4.The root of all services is the roottask,which handlescore resources such as memory.The roottask starts a singleapplication,which is usually the application launcher.It isresponsible for starting the remaining parts of the system.The platform is configured and managed by an I/O com-ponent.It initially scans the platform for devices and thenprovides clients access to those devices.Access rights areexclusively granted by the I/O component based on a con-figuration that defines which devices or device classes canbe accessed by which clients.Functionality for accessing the servers is implemented inthe provided libraries that contain the needed communica-tion code.Standard functionality such as a subset of POSIX,as well as C,C++and pthread libraries complete the set.5For our virtualization technology,we need to modify thesmartphone OS kernel.Due to restrictive licenses modifyingsome smartphone OSes is not allowed.。
