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【摘要】Rainbow table method is a time-memory trade-off approach for reversing one-way cryptographic functions.Its cracking time is restricted by hardware performance and storage space.In view of this issue,this paper proposes an updated method which cuts down the number of reduction functions and prolongs the precomputation time so as to shorten the cracking span.By decreasing the number of reduction functions,the amount of the search paths in the process of table look-up drops off and the computation amount decreases accordingly.The increase in precomputation time is used to optimize the table structure for reduction of duplicate data.The success rate of cracking can be ensured.Experimental results show that the work can save over 30% of the cracking time without enlarging storage space or upgrading hardware.%彩虹表技术是一种基于时空权衡策略的破解方法,但其破解速度受硬件性能和存储空间限制.针对该问题,提出一种通过适当减少归约函数数量并增加预计算时间来提高破解速度的改进算法.规约函数减少后,查表过程的搜索路径减少,计算负荷相应下降.通过增加预计算时间优化彩虹表结构并减少数据重复,从而提高破解成功率.实验结果表明,改进算法能够在彩虹表容量和硬件性能不变的情况下,节省30%以上的破解时间.
1.俄罗斯总统严令裁减公务员数量 [J], 关健斌
2.函数量均值和均值函数量的不确定度 [J], 胡国成
3.联合利华将裁减30%的SKU数量 [J],
4.裁减军队数量加强质量 [J], 无
5.基于MPI的高精度归约函数设计与实现 [J], 何康;黄春;姜浩;谷同祥;齐进;刘杰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
