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(A)57 (B)58 (C)59 (D)54 (E)52
(A)26 (B)27 (C)28 (D)24 (E)25
(A)80 (B)100 (C)120 (D)140 (E)160
(A) S1<S2<S3(B) S2<S1<S3(C) S1<S3<S2
(D) S3<S2<S1 (E) S1=S2=S3
(A )24 (B )15 (C )11 (D )10 (E )9
7.已知a 、b 为正实数,满足230b ab a ++=,则
1ab 的最小值为 (A )118 (B )19
) (D
) (E )无最小值 8.设a ,b ,c 是ABC ∆的三边,且二次三项式222x ax b ++与222x cx b +-有一次公
因式,则ABC ∆是
(A )等边三角形 (B )等腰三角形 (C )直角三角形 (D )等腰直角三角形 (E )锐角三角形
9.若k 为正整数,且关于x 的方程()()221631720k x k x ---+=有两个不相等的正整数根,则k =
(A )3 (B )2 (C )2或4 (D )7 (E )2或3
10.不等式13215x x x ++--->的解集为
(A )1x > (B )10x -<< (C )1x <- (D )∅ (E )3x >
11.已知等比数列{}n a 中21a =,则其前3项的和3S 的取值范围是
(A )(],1-∞- (B )()(),01,-∞+∞ (C )(][),13,-∞-+∞ (D )[)3,+∞ (E )以上结论均不正确
12.如下图,长方形ABCD 中,AB a =,BC b =(b a >)。
方形ABCD 绕A 点顺时针旋转90︒,则线段CD 扫过的面积(阴
(A )()224b a π- (B )2
4a π (C )()
a π- (D )2
4b π (E )以上结论均不正确
13.已知直线()()31210a x a y ----= 始终不过第二象限,则a 的范围是
(A )2a ≥ (B )2a > (C )2a >或13a < (D )13
a < (E )以上结论均不正确
(A )8种 (B )9种 (C )10种 (D )11种 (E )12种
15.ABCD 为长方形,2AB =,1BC =,O 为AB 的中点,在长方形ABCD 内随机取
一点,取到的点到O 的距离大于1的概率为
(A )4π (B )14π- (C )8
π (D )18π- (E )以上结论均不正确 二、条件充分性判断(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)
A :条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分
B :条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分
C :条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分
D :条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分。
E :条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分。
16.若0m <,0n >并且m n <,则有x m x n m n ++-=+
(1)n x m -<<- (2)m x n -<<
18.a ,b 是两个实数,则18a b -=
(1)0a >,0b >,且a 与b 等差中项是15,等比中项是12
(2)a ,b 是方程2
301440x x -+=的两个根
19.方程()233x a x +-=-恰有一根大于1且小于2 (1)1a <- (2)112
a -<<-
20.已知锐角三角形ABC 的三个内角满足A B C >>。
(1) 用α表示A B -,B C -及90A ︒-中的最小值
(2) 用α表示A B -,B C -及90A ︒-中的最大值 21.数列{}n a 中,1030a =
(1)1321n n n a a a +=+且135
a = (2)p q p q a a a +=+且26a =
(1)绳长为8米 (2)绳长为7米
23.直线(21)10mx m y +-+=和直线330x my ++=垂直
(1)1m =- (2)m 是方程20x x +=的根
24.n 位男生和3位女生共3n +位同学站成一排,若男生甲不站两端,3位女生中有且只
(1)3n = (2)2n =
35 (2)此人射击一次击中的概率是34 英语部分测试
Section I Use of English (10%)
Directions: Read the following text. For each numbered blank there are four choices
marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on
ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)
Excitement, fatigue, and an xiety can all be detected from someone’s blinks, according to psychologist John Stern 1 Washington University in St. Louis. Stern specialized in the study on these tiny twitches, using them as sensitive 2 of how the brain works. “I use blinks as a psychological measure to make 3 about thinking because I have very little 4 in what you tell me about what you are thinking.” He says. “If I ask you the question, ‘what does the phrase a rolling stone gathers no moss mean?’ you can’t tell me 5 you’ve started looking for the answer. But I can, by watching your eyes.”
Blinks also tell Stern when you have understood his question —often long before he’s finished asking it —and when you’ve found an answer or part of 6 . “We blink at times 7 are psychologically important.” He says. “You have listened to a question, you understand it, 8 you can take time out for a blink. Blinks are 9 marks. Their timing is tied to what is going on in your 10 .”Stern has found that 11 suppress blinks when they are absorbing or anticipating 12 but not when they’re reciting it. People blink later, for example, 13 they have to memorize six numbers instead of two. “You don’t blink,” he says, “until you have 14 the information to some short-term m emory store.” And if subjects are cued 15 the set of numbers is coming, say, five seconds, they’ll curb their blinks until the
task is 16 . Similarly, the more important the information that people are taking in, the more likely they are to put their blinks on hold for 17 .
Pilots blink less when they’re 18 for flying a plane than when they 19 their eyes from the road to the rearview mirror. But if they see the flashing lights of a state trooper behind them, their 20 will move fast to the speed-meter and back to the mirror.
1.A.to B.of C.with D.in 2.A.probes B.researches C.microscopes D.pursuits 3.A.pictures B.studies C.conclusions D.inferences 4.A.doubt B.question C.inclination D.faith 5.A.when B.why C.where D.whom 6.A.one B.it C.that D.this 7.A.that B.what C.where D.why 8.A.but B.how C.since D.now 9.A.evaluation B.communication C.punctuation D.consideration 10.A.eye B.heart C.head D.question 11.A.scientists B.they C.psychologists D.subjects 12.A.mind B.memory C.information D.direction 13.A.if B.until C.unless D.except 14.A.retrieved B.memorized C.absorbed D.committed 15.A.how B.that C.if D.when 16.A.over B.up C.off D.in
17.A.it B.them C.us D.themselves 18.A.relaxed B.tired C.responsible D.capable 19.A.shift B.shut C.play D.focus 20.A.eyes B.cars C.lights D.blinks Section II Reading Comprehension (50%)
Part A (40%)
Directions: Read the following passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A B C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)
Passage 1
If you were a woman reading this magazine 40 years ago, the odds were good that your husband provided the money to buy it. That you voted the same way he did. That if you got breast cancer, he might be asked to sign the form authorizing a surgeon. That your son was heading to college but not your daughter. That your boss, if you had a job, could explain that he was paying you less because, after all, you were probably working just for pocket money.
It's funny how things change slowly, until the day we realize they've changed completely. It's expected that by the end of the year, for the first time in history the majority of workers in the U.S. will be women —largely because the downturn has hit men so hard. This is an extraordinary change in a single generation, and it is gathering speed: the growth prospects,
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, are in typically female jobs like nursing, retail and customer service. More and more women are the primary breadwinner in their household or are providing essential income for the family's bottom line. Their buying power has never been greater — and their choices have seldom been harder.
It is still true that boardrooms and faculty clubs and legislatures and whole swaths of professions like, say, hedge-fund management remain predominantly male; women are about 10% of civil engineers and a third of physicians and surgeons but 98% of kindergarten teachers and dental assistants, and they still earn 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. They are charged higher premiums for health insurance yet still have greater out-of-pocket expenses for things as basic as contraception and maternity care. At times it seems as if the only women effortlessly balancing their jobs, kids, husbands and homes are the ones on TV.
Now the recession shuffles the deck. Poll after poll finds women even more anxious than men about their family's financial security. While most workers have seen their wages drop, women's earnings fell 2% in 2019, twice as much as men's. Women are 32% more likely than men to have subprime mortgages, leaving them more vulnerable in the housing crisis. The Guttmacher Institute found that the downturn has affected the most basic decisions in family life. Nearly half of women surveyed in households earning less than $75,000 want to delay pregnancy or limit the number of children they have. At the same time, women are poised to emerge from the downturn with even greater relative economic power as the wage gap narrows.
A new survey by GfK Roper for NBC Universal gives a whole new meaning to the power of the purse: 65% of women reported being their family's chief financial planner, and 71% called themselves the family accountant. According to a Mediamark Research & Intelligence survey, they make 75% of the buying decisions in American homes. Together, women control more wealth than ever in history.
21.It can be learned that in the past women _______.
A.did what their husband told them to.
B.got less wage than their male colleagues.
C.went to college for more knowledge.
D.voted as well as did their husband.
22.The current change is further pushed by _____.
A.the downturn to male job market.
B.the unmatched buying power
C.increase in female employment.
D.female bread-earning habits.
23.Women are more likely to find jobs in the field of ______.
A. law
B. medicine
C. management
D. teaching
24."shuffle the deck"(Line 1, Paragraph 4) is close in meaning to _____.
A.shuffle the play cards
B.change the situation
C.reduce the housing price
D.balance the family roles
25.The crisis has its effect on the following family decisions except_____.
A.women's income drop
B.delaying of child birth
C.power turn to women
D.fewer family members
Passage 2
As more often than not, there are various belief systems that deify the natural world. But should a fervent belief in the need to fight climate change be given the same legal protection as an actual religion? A London judge said yes, ruling this week that environmentalism should carry the same legal weight as religion under Britain's employment laws.
The case involved Tim Nicholson, 42, who was laid off last year from his job as head of sustainability at Grainger Plc, Britain's largest residential-property company. Nicholson insisted he was laid off because his views on the environment were not shared by Grainger executives, and he sued the company for unfair dismissal under Britain's six-year-old Religion and Belief Regulations, which make it unlawful to discriminate against a person on the grounds of their religious or philosophical beliefs. Grainger argued that Nicholson's climate-change convictions did not qualify for protection under the law. But in a landmark ruling on Nov. 3, Justice Michael Burton found that "a belief in man-made climate change, and the alleged resulting moral imperatives, is capable, if genuinely held, of being a philosophical belief for the purpose of law."
Nicholson's case came about because of a peculiarity of British law. Prior to 2019, Britain had no act that protected employees from religious discrimination. The Religion and Belief Regulations were meant to remedy this. But because the law offered only a vague definition of "religious or philosophical beliefs," it has fallen to judges to interpret it and define which beliefs deserve protection. In the most important ruling so far, Burton's generous interpretation of the law will have far-ranging and complicated implications, employment experts say.
Caroline Doran, an employment specialist at the London law firm Sprecher Grier Halberstam LLP, tells TIME the decision will "result in a tidal wave of philosophical-related lawsuit to employment tribunals." And because employees claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of discrimination are entitled to much higher advantages than those with standard claims, the strain on employers could be immense.
But not all experts agree. Victoria Phillips, head of employment law at the London firm Thompson's Solicitors, says Burton's ruling laid out several tests to prevent careless claims: to qualify for protection, beliefs must focus on a weighty and substantial aspect of human life, they must have a certain level of seriousness and importance, and they must be worthy of respect in a democratic society and not be in conflict with the fundamental rights of others. Along with climate change, "the political philosophies of socialism, Marxism, communism or free-market
capitalism might qualify," Burton said in his ruling. But he noted that fringe beliefs — the belief in the supreme nature of Jedi knights, for example — would not qualify for protection.
Whatever the outcome of the case, climate campaigners can at least take heart in knowing that in British employment courts, if nowhere else, the earth is considered a holy place.
26.From the beginning, we may learn that ______.
A.religious belief is protected by law in Britain.
B.climate change challenges the nature.
C.environmentalists should believe in religion.
D.any climate change is to be accepted legally.
27.Nickolson lost the job due to ______.
A.His lawsuit against the company.
B.His religious belief and practice.
C.His prejudice against other beliefs.
D.His perspective on climate change.
28.Burton finished a hard task in that _____.
A.British law didn't protect workers.
B.Burton explained the law generously.
C.the law didn't provide clear definition.
D.religious beliefs are not subject to law.
29.In the view of Doran, ________.
A. a surge of lawsuits lead to the final decision.
B.employees have the right to right claims.
C.management is likely to encounter stress.
D.discrimination may result in jobless status.
30.According to Victoria Phillips, which of the following is true?
munism is qualified for legal protection.
B.Serious beliefs are certain to be preferred.
C.Respect is popular in a democratic country.
D.Small claims should be paid due attention.
Passage 3
It's no surprise that obesity rates among U.S. youngsters have skyrocketed, tripling from 1976 to 2019. Public-health experts and obesity researchers attribute the trend in part to kids' increasingly sedentary lifestyles. As teens spend more and more time anchored before a screen — burning fewer and fewer calories each day — they're storing more of that unused energy as fat.
That's precisely why the findings of a new study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health came as such a surprise. The report, published last week in the journal Obesity Reviews, finds that the amount of physical activity among U.S. teens has not in fact changed significantly over the past two decades, even while that population has gotten
In simple terms, body weight is a reflection of the balance between two variables: the calories a body takes in and the calories it burns off. As far as the average U.S. teen is concerned, the study suggests, the cause behind weight gain is not a decrease in exercise but an increase in consumption. Of course, that doesn't mean teens are getting adequate exercise: Dr. Youfa Wang, an associate professor and lead author of the study, analyzed data from nearly 16,000 high school students between the ages of 15 and 18 about their physical activity. He and his team found that in 2019, only 34.7% of teens met federal physical activity recommendations, which call for activity strenuous enough to cause heavy breathing for a total of an hour a day for five or more days a week.
But the survey also found that teens' overall rate of daily exercise had not changed much since 1991, when the study sample was first asked to report their participation in gym classes in school and their level of physical activity at home. The percentage of teens attending daily gym class has stayed relatively steady since 1991; on average, the yearly change in the proportion of students participating was less than 1%. The percentage of ninth- through 12th-graders getting adequate levels of moderate physical activity — exercise such as slow bicycling, fast walking or pushing a lawn mower, which did not make participants break a sweat —also changed very little, from 26.7% in 2019 to 26.5% in 2019, the latest year for which the data was available. Yet obesity rates continued to rise.
So does this mean that exercise isn't important in controlling weight? As tempting as that conclusion might be, Wang and other health experts say that's not exactly what the new data show. The findings may say less about the role of exercise by itself than about the other variable in the weight equation —diet —and the interaction of the two. While exercise may not contribute directly to weight loss, it is critical for maintaining a healthy weight, since it helps calibrate the balance between energy taken in and energy burned off.
31."sedentary" (paragraph 1) most probably means ______.
B. Unmoved
C. Wasted
D. Healthy
32.The report was unexpected in that _____.
A.Those adolescents were heavy in weight.
B.The youngsters still took to physical exercises.
C.Fewer and fewer calories are consumed now.
D.Unused energy can be stored for further use.
33.Dr. Wang discovered that ______.
A.American children tended to eat too much.
B.Physical activity was enough for those kids.
C.More than half of the students failed in sports.
D.One hour was allowed each day to exercise.
34.Another significant finding from the survey is related to _____.
A.Growth in obesity rates.
B.Gym class attendance
C.Participation in bicycling
D.Exercise rate difference
35.It can be concluded that ______.
A.Diet plays a lesser role in staying fit.
B.The role exercise plays is unclear yet.
C.Weight reduction owes exclusively to eating.
D.Exercise can be a way out of obesity.
Passage 4
Did you know that in Japanese there are 19 different ways to say "no"? In a world increasingly dominated by international, multinational and transnational corporations, culture plays an important role in negotiation. The literature on this subject is large fascinating and goes far beyond curious questions of international etiquette.
For example, the Japanese eschew direct confrontation, preferring an exchange of information. Russians love combat; their very word for "compromise" is borrowed from another language. Spanish negotiators are individualistic; Koreans are team players. Nigerians prefer the spoken word, Indians the written one. Asian languages are high in context, so you must pay attention to inflections, body language and what is not said. Latin American cultures are physically demonstrative. And we Americans alienate everyone with our impatience and obsession with getting things done ... fast, fast, fast!
Sensitive negotiators allow for these sorts of differences. Take a tip from Stephen Covey, the author of The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People (Simon & Schuster): "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." For one thing, your opponent may not be speaking to you in his mother tongue. The subtleties of negotiating may be lost in translation. Make sure you are really connecting, and be especially clear, lest you talk past each other.
Moreover, those who negotiate outside their culture regularly should study the etiquette, ethics and attitudes of their opponents. It's just part of learning more about how the other side actually negotiates. If you know what to expect when you sit down to bargain, you will dramatically enhance your ability to get what you want. Let General George S. Patton lead you to the negotiating table: "I have studied the enemy all my life. I have read the memoirs of his generals and his leaders. I have even read his philosophers and listened to his music. I have studied in detail the account of every one of his battles. I know exactly how he will react under any given set of circumstances. So when the time comes, I'm going to whip the hell out of him."
Of course, you may not want to be quite so combative. In any case, all sorts of expertise is available on a country-by-country basis, from scholarly treatises to seasoned consultants, to learn about cultural idiosyncrasies. Consider adding a guide to your team, whether it's a professional, a friend who knows how "they" think, or simply a translator. Just be careful whom you choose. 36."literature" (paragraph 1) probably means works______.
A.produced by a famous writer.
B.centered on a certain theme.
C.filled with imaginative content.
D.created in different cultures.
37.In the second paragraph, we learn that ______.
A.Russians attach great importance to team work.
B.Japanese escape both written language and spoken one.
C.Americans are fascinated with taking rapid actions,
n languages are easy to understand and learn.
38."tip"(paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to _______.
A.Extra money
B. Ending point
C. Small sum of fee
D. A piece of proposal
39.General George's remark is used to show _____.
A.It's necessary to know your opponent.
B.It takes patience to listen to music.
C.Living to learn is to be remembered.
D.Knowing yourself is key to negotiation.
40.This passage is mainly about ______.
A.Cultural differences in negotiation.
B.Japanese mode of negotiating.
C.Professional guide for negotiators.
D.Politeness rules in negotiation.
第 11 页。