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1 引言
当前,环巢湖小流域污染治理的重心正向污染物源 头控制转移,控制污染物入湖的关键在于对污染源的精 准识别,各环巢湖小流域的环境差异要求对其进行污染 源解析。围绕环巢湖治理的研究一直都在进行中 , [1-2] 巢湖流域重污染水体的主要污染源有点源污染、面源污 染和内源污染。对水质指标进行科学评价,是判断水体
中图分类号 X524
文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2020)06-00Source Apportionment of Baoshu River in Chaohu City Based on PCA
摘 要:针对巢湖抱书河流域 16 个监测断面的 COD、NH3-N、TP,利用单因子指数法和综合污染指数法进行了
枯水期、平水期和丰水期的水质评价。结果表明,枯水期 COD 超地表 V 类水标准断面占比为 50%,NH3-N 为
75%,TP 为 25%,平水期分别为 100%、75%、100%,丰水期为 81.25%、62.5%、75%,总体水质属于Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类
安徽农学通报,Anhui Agri,Sci,Bull,2020,26(06)
基于 PCA 的巢湖抱书河污染源解析研究
单 宇 1,3 陈 俊 1,3 吴 克 1,3 金 杰 1,3 宋永莲 2 刘 俊 2 李驰骋 2
(1 合肥学院生物食品与环境学院,安徽合肥 230601;2 安徽中环环保科技股份有限公司,安徽合肥 230022; 3 污水净化与生态修复材料安徽省重点实验室,安徽合肥 230088)
水;综合污染指数评价结果,枯水期监测断面轻度污染占比 6.25%、中度污染占比 43.75%、重度污染占比
43.75%、严重污染占比 6.25%,平水期重度污染占比 43.75%、严重污染占比 56.25%,丰水期重度污染占比
31.25%、严重污染占比 68.75%,枯水期水质略优于平水期和丰水期;对 NH3-N、TP、COD、pH、DO、浊度、电导
Shan Yu1,3 et al. (1School of Biology, Food and Environment, Hefei University, Hefei 230601, China; 3Anhui Key Laboratory of Sew⁃ age Purification and Eco-restoration Materials, Hefei 230088, China) Abstract: The COD, NH3-N and TP of 16 monitoring sections in Baoshu River Basin of Chaohu city were evaluated by single factor index method and comprehensive pollution index method in the low flow period, normal flow period and high flow period. The results showed that the proportion of COD exceeding the surface V standard section in the low flow period was 50%, NH3-N was 75%, TP was 25%, the proportion of COD was 100%, NH3-N was 75%, TP was 100% in the normal flow period, the proportion of COD was 81.25%, NH3-N was 62.5% and TP was 75% in the high flow period, respectively. The water quality belongs to class V and inferior class V water. The results of compre⁃ hensive pollution index evaluation showed that the ratio of the minor pollution in the monitoring section was 6.25%, the moderate pollution was 43.75%, and the severe pollution was 43.75% in the low flow period. The ratio of the mon⁃ itoring section of the serious pollution was 6.25%, and the severe pollution was 43.75% in the normal flow period. The ratio of the monitoring section of the serious pollution was 56.25%, the severe pollution was 31.25%, and the se⁃ rious pollution was 68.75% in the high flow period. The water quality in the low flow period was slightly better than that in normal flow period. The main components of NH3-N, TP, COD, pH, DO and conductivity were analyzed. The results showed that nitrogen and phosphorus were the main pollution sources. Key words: Chaohu Lake; Water environment; Source analysis; Water quality assessment