高中英语选修10:Unit 5
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Unit 5 Enjoying novels
Just before his father’s arrest, 12 year old Dickens had begun working ten hour
days at Warren’s Blacking Warehouse,on Hungerford Stairs, near the present Charing Cross railway station.He earned six shillings a week pasting labels on jars of thick shoe polish.This money paid for his lodgings with Mrs.Roylance and helped support his family.His experiences served to influence later fiction and essays , and were the foundation of his interest in the reform of socio economic and labour conditions.
minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart
disease and early deaths )from all causes. (2018全
2.( For many older peop)(le who lived in the coun)try, driving was very importan( t for preserving their independenc)e(, giving them the freedom to ge)t out (without having to rely on othe)rs. (2017全国二卷D篇)
1. Charles Darwin, over 150 years ago, imagined a world that is far busier, nosier and more intimate(亲 密的) than the one we can see and hear.(2017年全 国二卷)
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
moderate wealth provided the boy Dickens with some private education at William Giles’ s School, in Chatham.This time of prosperity came to an abrupt end, however, when his father spent beyond his means in entertaining and in retaining his social position, and was finally imprisoned.Shortly afterwards,the rest of his family joined him in residence at Marshalsea.This provided the setting of one of his works, Little Dorrit in which the title character’s father was imprisoned.
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
长难句,看仔细。 一划二括三会意。 主谓宾,先注意。(一划) (介短非谓和从句)。(二括) 抓主题,去修饰。(三会意) 逻辑关系要注意。
Section Three: Practice(一划,二括Uni,t 5 三Enj会oyin意g no)vels
2. Bed that are too small, shower heads(淋浴喷 头) that are too low, and restaurant tables with hardly any leg-room(腿部空间)all make life difficult for those of above average height.
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
The opinion that breakfast is the most vital meal of the day is so widespread that an increasing number of people from big cities are surprised to learn that there is a lack of scientific evidence showing how breakfast may directly cause changes in our health.
二括: 给修饰语(modifiers)介短, 非谓Un和it 5从En句joyi加ng n(ovels)。
1. Two of the author(s of the revie) w made a study (published in 201)4( which showed a five to 10
1. Back in 1983, as two scientists reported, young maple trees getting bitten by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get.(2017年全国二卷)
Learning contents:
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
1. The formation of a long sentence.
2. Three steps to analyze a long sentence.
3. Exercises on long sentences.
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
Questions: 1. Do you think Dickens was happy,when he was young? _N__o_.D__ic_k_e_n_s__h_a_d_t_o__w_o_r_k__h_a_r_d_t_o__su_p__p_o_r_t ____ _h_i_s_f_a_m__il_y_a_f_t_e_r_h_i_s_f_a_th_e_r__w_a_s_a_r_r_e_s_ted. 2. Can you list some of Dickens’ works? Have you read them? __略______________________________________ ________________________________
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
Section One: How is a long sentence formed?
He works hard.
(介词短语prepositional phrases)
He works hard for a company.
He works hard for a company which was founded in 2002. (从句clauses)
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
His early years seem to have been an idyllic(田园 诗般的)time,although he thought himself then a “very small and not over particularly taken care of boy”.He spent time outdoors, but also read widely,with a particular fondness for the novels about evil persons.He talked, later in life, of his memories of childhood, and of his continuing memory of the people and events that helped to bring his fiction to life.His family’s early,
三会意:抓主题,去修饰,逻辑关系要Un注it 5意En。joying novels
(In an effort to prevent language lo)ss, scho(lars from a number of orga)n(izations, including UNESCO and Natio)nal G(eographic, ha)ve for many years been recording dying lang(uages and the cul)ture which they reflect. (2014年全国一卷阅
Section Two:
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
Three steps to analyze a long sentence.
一划 (二括) “三会意”
一划: 划主干(trunk), 给主谓宾.(S.V.OUn.i)t 划5 E_n_joy_in。g novels
second of eight children to John Dickens (1786~1851),a clerk in the Navy Pay Office at Ports mouth.When he was five, the family moved to Chatham, Kent.In 1822, when he was ten, the family relocated to 16 Bayham Street, Camden Town, in London.
Living with his son, he works hard for a company which was founded i(n非谓2语00no2n-.predicate verbs)
Living with his son, he works hard for a company which was founded in 2002 and most of his workmates show gre(并at列r结e构spparealcletl sftorucrtuhreism) .
读 MaDn篇y )scholars are making efforts to ______ A. promote global languages.
B. rescue the disappearing languages.
C. search for languages communities.
D. set up languages research organizations.
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
教材背景链接 Dickens was born on 7 February 1812, in Landport,Ports mouth,in Hampshire,the
Unit 5 Enjoying novels
A long sentence
1. trunk(主干部分): S.+V.+(O.)…
prepositional phrases(介短)
2. modifiers
clauses(从句) non-predicate verbs(非谓语)
修饰语部 分 3. parallel structures (并列结构) (A and/or B; A, B, and/or C)