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A: I think Peter should be allowed to take the test later.
B: I don’t agree. C: I think students need strict rules. A: It’s not fair if they don’t even give
get in the way of support enter choice
挡…的路 支持 进来 选择
2a Discuss the questions in your groups.
Are you allowed to make your own decisions at home? What kinds of decisions?
5. …
1b Talk about your answers in 1a.
Do you ever get to class late?
Yes, I sometimes get to class late.
Do you ever study Yes, I usually study
with friends?
They think Liu Yu (should/shouldn’t ) be allowed to make
his own decisions.
细读, 关注关键词句。
Para.2 1._Th_e_y _ha_v_e _no_t_hi_ng_a_g_ain_s_t _ru_nn_in_g_, _bu_t_h_e __
LEARNING ACTIVELY When you learn any new language, actively use it in new sentences of your own.
His name is ___L_iu__Y_u__.
He wants to be _a_p_r_o_f_e_s_si_o_n_a_l _a_t_h_le_t_e__.
What’s the main idea of this passage?
A. Teenagers’ points(观点) about hobbies.
B. Parents’ points about hobbies.
C. Teenagers’ and parents’ different points about hobbies.
He wants to a_c_h_ie_v_e_h_i_s_d_r_eam by _tr_a_in_in_g__as__m_u_c_h_a_s_h_e__ca_n_.
Look through paragraph 1(第一段), guess the main idea of the passage.
with friends.
Do you ever finish your homework on
Yes, I always finish my homework on time.
Do you ever worry about failing a test?
No, I never worry about failing a test.
climb mountains with your friends
1a Read the questions. How often do you do these things? Write A for
always, U for usually, S for
sometimes and N for never.
__n_ee_d_s _to_t_h_ink__ab_ou_t_o_th_e_r _po_ss_ib_le_j_o_bs_. __
Parents’ points
2._He__ne_ed_s_t_o_th_in_k_a_bo_u_t _wh_a_t _w_ill_h_ap_p_en_i_f _ __h_e_d_o_es_n’_t _e_nd__up_a_s_a_p_ro_f_es_si_on_al_r_un_n_er_
Sometimes hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork, so Liu Yu and his parents have different points …
Parents’ points
Liu Yu’s points
… have nothing against …, but they Liu Yu thinks he should … think he needs to think about …jobs. for himself. And he is
4. worry about failing a test? ______
5. …
1d Listen again. Match these sentence
1. Peter is going to ...
2. He isn't allowed to ... _e__
1. fail a test 考试不及格(失败) take a test 参加考试 3. pass the test 通过考试 4. be strict with 对某人严格要求 5. worry about 担心…
1e Read the statements. Then discuss them with your group.
get in the way of achieve one’s dream be serious about spend time on care about succeed v.
influence make it difficult to do not do for fun worry about make one’s dream come true take time to do sth have success
1c Listen and circle the things in 1a that Peter talks about.
Do you ever...
1. get to class late?
2. study with friends?
3. finish a test early?
sometimes these hobbies can get in the way
of schoolwork, and parents might worry about their child’s success at school.
Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want. Do you agree?
Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
be late for school
help your mother with the housework
worry about that you’ll fail a test
2b First, look at the title of the passage.
Answer "yes" or "no". Find out how many in your group agree with you. Then read the passage. Does your answer change?
Para. 4 3._Th_e_y _be_li_ev_e_L_iu_Y_u_s_ho_ul_d_st_u_dy_h_a_rd_____
__in_t_h_e _ev_e_ni_ng_. _________________
4._H_e_n_e_ed_s_t_o _sp_e_nd_m_o_re__tim_e__on_h_is_h_o_me_w_ork.
___f_or_h_i_m_se_lf_._A_n_d _h_e _is_s_e_ri_ou_s_a_b_ou_t_r_u_nn_in_g.
Liu Yu’s points
Para.5 2._H_e _th_in_k_s_h_e_s_ho_u_ld_b_e_a_ll_o_we_d_t_o_m_a_k_e__ __t_hi_s_c_ho_ic_e_h_im_s_e_lf_. _______________
serious about running.
He needs to think about what will
happen if … as a professional
They believe Liu Yu should … in the
He needs to spend more time on …
Read Paras.3 and 5, fill in the chart.
Liu Yu thinks he (should/shouldn’t ) be allowed to make his own decisions.
细读, 关注关键词句。 如:need/should
Para.3 1._H_e_t_h_in_ks_h_e_s_h_ou_ld__b_e _a_llo_w_e_d _to__de_c_id_e__
1. Peter should be allowed to take the test later. 2. Students need strict rules. 3. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.
A: I think Peter should ... B: I don’t agree. C: I think ...
Are you allowed to practice your hobbies as much as you can? Why ?
Sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of 妨碍 schoolwork.
What’re your hobbies?
Many teenagers have hobbies. But
him a chance. B: The school has to have rules. C: But if he explains what happened,
the teacher will understand.
Read and learn
Words and expressions
What’s the meaning of …?
Do you ever...
1. get to class late?
2. study with friends?
3. finish a test early?
4. worry about failing a test? ______
3. Peter wasn't allowed to... _a__
4. He could ...
5. He should be allowed to _d__
a. take the test.
b. pass the test.
c. fail a math test.
d. take the test later. e. get to class late.
Read quickly, complete the mind- map.
快读, 关注段落首尾句。
Liu Yu
Parents’ points(观点): Paras.(段落) ___2_, _4__
VS schoolwork
3, 5
Read Paras.2 and 4, fill in the chart.