EASA CAMO- 持续适航管理机构相关条例 2018年版

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EASA CAMO- 持续适航管理机构相关条例
M.A.101 Scope范围
This Section establishes the measures to be taken to ensure that airworthiness is maintained, including maintenance. It also specifies the conditions to be met by the persons or organisations involved in such continuing airworthiness management.


M.A.201 Responsibilities责任
(a) The owner is responsible for the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft and shall
ensure that no flight takes place unless:
1. the aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition, and;
2. any operational and emergency equipment fitted is correctly installed and serviceable
or clearly identified as unserviceable, and;
2. 任何所装的飞行和应急设备都已正确安装到位并可用,或者不可用,但已清楚识别,且
3. the airworthiness certificate remains valid, and;
3. 其适航证保持有效,且
4.the maintenance of aircraft is performed in accordance with the maintenance
programme as specified in point M.A.302.

(b) When the aircraft is leased, the responsibilities of the owner are transferred to the
lessee if:
1. the lessee is stipulated on the registration document; or
1. 登记注册文件上规定承租人负责;或者
2. detailed in the leasing contract.
2. 租赁合同有详细规定。

When reference is made in this Part to the ‘owner’, the term owner covers the owner or the lessee, as applicable.
(c) Any person or organisation performing maintenance shall be responsible for the tasks

(d) The pilot-in-command or, in the case of air carriers licenced in accordance with
Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, the operator shall be responsible for the satisfactory accomplishment of the pre-flight inspection. This inspection must be carried out by the pilot or another qualified person but need not be carried out by an approved maintenance organisation or by Part-66 certifying staff.
(d)操控飞行员(译注:主驾),或者在根据规章(EC(欧盟委员会))No 1008/2008许可的航空承运人的情况下,营运人将负责满足完成行前检查;该检查必须由飞行员或者其它具备资质的人员来完成,但没必要由某个经过批准的维修机构、或者Part-66(66部)要求的放行人员完成。

(e) In the case of aircraft used by licenced air carriers in accordance with Regulation (EC)
No 1008/2008, the operator is responsible for the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft it operates and shall:
(e)对于根据规章(EC(欧盟委员会))No 1008/2008许可的航空承运人使用的飞机,营运人负责其运营的飞机的持续适航性,并将:
(1) ensure that no flight takes place unless the conditions defined in point (a) are met;
(2) be approved, as part of its air operator certificate, as a continuing airworthiness
management organisation pursuant to M.A. Subpart G (CAMO) for the aircraft it operates; and
(2)作为其航空承运人证书的部分,根据M.A.Subpart G(CAMO)经过批准作为其所运营飞机的持续适航性管理机构;且
(3) be approved in accordance with Part-145 or establish a contract in accordance with
M.A.708(c) with such organisation.

(f) For complex motor-powered aircraft used for commercial specialised operations, or
CAT other than those by air carriers licenced in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, or commercial ATOs, the operator shall ensure that:
(f)对于以复杂发动机为动力、用作商业特许飞行、或者CAT(商业航空运输)飞行的飞机,而非那些根据规章(EC(欧盟委员会))No 1008/2008许可的航空营运人的、或者商业ATOs的飞机,营运人将确保:
(1) no flight takes place unless the conditions defined in paragraph (a) are met;
(2) the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by an approved
CAMO. When the operator is not CAMO approved itself then the operator shall
establish a written contract in accordance with Appendix I with such an organisation, and

当营运人自己没有获得CAMO批准时,其将根据附录I 和某个这类机构签署书面合同,且
(3) the CAMO referred to in (2) is approved in accordance with Part-145 for the
maintenance of the aircraft and components for installation thereon, or it has established a contract in accordance with M.A.708(c) with such organisations. (3)(2)中所说的CAMO是根据Part 145(145部)批准的飞机及其上所安装部件的维修机构,或者其机构根据M.A.708(c)和这类机构签署了合同。

(g) For complex motor-powered aircraft not included in point (e) or point (f), the owner
shall ensure that:
(g)对于点(e)或(f)中没有包括到的以复杂发动机为动力的飞机,所有人将确保:(1) no flight takes place unless the conditions defined in paragraph (a) are met;
(2) the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by an approved
CAMO. When the owner is not CAMO approved itself then the owner shall establish
a written contract in accordance with Appendix I with such an organisation, and (2)和持续适航性相关的任务已经被CAMO所完成。

当所有人自己没有获得CAMO批准时,则该所有人将根据附录I 和这类机构建立书面合同,且
maintenance of the aircraft and components for installation thereon, or it has established a contract in accordance with M.A.708(c) with such organisations. (3)(2)中所说的CAMO是根据Part 145(145部)批准的飞机及其上所安装部件的维修机构,或者其已经根据M.A.708(c)和这类机构签署了合同。

(h) For other than complex motor-powered aircraft, used for commercial specialised
operations, or CAT other than those by licenced air carriers in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, or commercial ATOs, the operator shall ensure that:
(h)对于以非复杂发动机为动力、用于商业特许飞行、或者CAT(商业航空运输)飞行的飞机,而不是根据规章(EC(欧盟委员会))No 1008/2008许可的航空营运人的、或者商业ATOs的飞机,营运人将确保:
(1) no flight takes place unless the conditions defined in point (a) are met;
(2) the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness are performed by an approved
CAMO. When the operator is not CAMO approved itself then the operator shall establish a written contract in accordance with Appendix I with such an organisation, and

当营运人自己没有获得CAMO批准时,其将根据附录I 和这类机构建立书面合同,且
Part-145 for the maintenance of the aircraft and components for installation thereon, or it has established a contract in accordance with M.A.708(c) with such organisations.
(3)点(2)中所说的CAMO是根据Part- M(部- M)之Subpart- F(分部-F)或者Part 145(145部)批准的飞机及其上所安装部件的维修机构,或者其已经根据M.A.708(c)和这类机构签署了合同。

(i) For other than complex motor-powered aircraft not included in point (e) or (h), or used
for ‘limited operations’, the owner is responsible for ensuring that no flight takes place unless the conditions defined in point (a) are met. To that end, the owner shall:
(1) contract the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness to an approved CAMO
though a written contract in accordance with Appendix I, which will transfer the responsibility for the accomplishment of these tasks to the contracted CAMO, or; (1)根据附录I以书面合同形式把和持续适航性有关的任务转包给经过批准的CAMO,而把实施这些任务的责任转交给签约的CAMO,或者
(2) manage the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft under its own responsibility,
without contracting an approved CAMO, or;
(3) manage the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft under its own responsibility and
establish a limited contract for the development of the maintenance programme and for processing its approval in accordance with point M.A.302 with:
— an approved CAMO, or
— in the case of ELA2 aircraft, a Part-145 or M.A. Subpart F maintenance organisation.
--对于ELA2(欧洲轻型载人飞机)飞机,一家Part- 145 或者M.A.Subpart F批准的维修机构。

This limited contract transfers the responsibility for the development and, except in the case where a declaration is issued by the owner in accordance with M.A.302(h), processing the approval of the maintenance programme to the contracted organisation. 这个有限的转包合同转包的是编写维修大纲的责任,除非所有人根据M.A.302(h)发布声明也转包该合约机构其维修大纲批准的事宜。

(j) The owner/operator shall ensure that any person authorised by the competent authority is granted access to any of its facilities, aircraft or documents related to its activities, including any subcontracted activities, to determine compliance with this Part.

M.A.202 Occurrence reporting事件报告
(a) Any person or organisation responsible in accordance with point M.A.201 shall report
to the competent authority designated by the State of Registry, the organisation responsible for the type design or supplemental type design and, if applicable, the Member State of operator, any identified condition of an aircraft or component which endangers flight safety.

(b) Reports shall be made in a manner established by the Agency and contain all pertinent
information about the condition known to the person or organisation.

(c) Where the person or organisation maintaining the aircraft is contracted by an owner or
an operator to carry out maintenance, the person or the organisation maintaining the aircraft shall also report to the owner, the operator or the continuing airworthiness management organisation any such condition affecting the owner's or the operator's aircraft or component.

(d) Reports shall be made as soon as practicable, but in any case within 72 hours of the person or organisation identifying the condition to which the report relates.

M.A.301 Continuing airworthiness tasks持续适航性任务
The aircraft continuing airworthiness and the serviceability of both operational and emergency equipment shall be ensured by:
1.the accomplishment of pre-flight inspections;
2.the rectification in accordance with data specified in point M.A.304 and/or point M.A.401, as applicable, of any defect and damage affecting safe operation taking into account, the minimum equipment list (MEL) and configuration deviation list, when applicable;
2.根据点M.A.304 和/或点M.A.401规定的适用资料,纠正任何偏离适用的最低放行清单(MEL)和飞机构型偏离清单(CDL)而影响安全飞行的缺陷和损伤。

3.the accomplishment of all maintenance, in accordance with the M.A.302 aircraft maintenance programme;

4.for all complex motor-powered aircraft or aircraft used by licenced air carriers in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, the analysis of the effectiveness of the M.A.302 approved maintenance programme;
4.对于使用以复杂发动机为动力的飞机,或者根据(EC)规章No 1008/2008许可的航空营运人使用的飞机,分析M.A.302批准的维修大纲的有效性。

5.the accomplishment of any applicable:
(i) airworthiness directive;(i)适航指令
(ii) operational directive with a continuing airworthiness impact;
(iii) continued airworthiness requirement established by the Agency;
(iv) measures mandated by the competent authority in immediate reaction to a safety problem;
6. the accomplishment of modifications and repairs in accordance with point M.A.304;
7.for non-mandatory modifications and/or inspections, for all complex motor-powered aircraft or aircraft used by licenced air carriers in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, the establishment of an embodiment policy;
7.对于所有使用以复杂发动机为动力的飞机,或者根据(EC)规章No 1008/2008许可的航空营运人使用的飞机,建立非强制性改装和/或检查的实施政策。

8.maintenance check flights when necessary.

M.A.302 Aircraft Maintenance Programme飞机维修大纲
(a) Maintenance of each aircraft shall be organised in accordance with an aircraft
maintenance programme.

(b) The aircraft maintenance programme and any subsequent amendments shall be
approved by the competent authority.

(c) When the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft is managed by a continuing
airworthiness management organisation approved in accordance with Section A, Subpart G of this Annex (Part M) or when there is a limited contract between the owner and this organisation in accordance with point M.A.201(i)(3), the aircraft maintenance programme and its amendments may be approved through an indirect approval procedure.
(c)当飞机的持续适航性由一家根据该附件(Part M)Section A 之Subpart G批准的持续适航性管理机构管理时,或者当所有人和该机构根据点M.A.201(i)(3)签署有限的合同时,飞机维修大纲可以通过非直接批准程序予以批准。

(i) In that case, the indirect approval procedure shall be established by the continuing
airworthiness management organisation as part of the Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition and shall be approved by the competent authority responsible for that continuing airworthiness management organisation.

(ii) The continuing airworthiness management organisation shall not use the indirect approval procedure when this organisation is not under the oversight of the Member State of Registry, unless an agreement exists in accordance with point M.1, paragraph 4(ii), transferring the responsibility for the approval of the aircraft maintenance programme to the competent authority responsible for the continuing airworthiness management organisation.

(d) The aircraft maintenance programme must establish compliance with:
(i) instructions issued by the competent authority;合格当局颁发的指令;
(ii) instructions for continuing airworthiness:持续适航性指令;
— issued by the holders of the type-certificate, restricted type-certificate, supplemental type-certificate, major repair design approval, ETSO authorisation or any other relevant approval issued under Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 and its Annex I (Part-21), and —在规章(EU)No748/2012及其附件I(Part -21)下颁发的型号证持有人、有限型号证持有人、保持型号证持有人、主要修理设计批准书持有人、ETSO授权书持有人,或者任何其它相关批准书持有人所颁布的,且
— included in the certification specifications referred to in point 21A.90B or 21A.431B of Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, if applicable;
—在(EU)规章No 748/2012 之附件I(Part- 21)点21A 90B或者21A 431B中所指的认证规范(适用时)所包含的;
(iii) additional or alternative instructions proposed by the owner or the continuing airworthiness management organisation once approved in accordance with point
M.A.302, except for intervals of safety related tasks referred in point (e), which
may be escalated, subject to sufficient reviews carried out in accordance with
point (g) and only when subject to direct approval in accordance with point

(e) The aircraft maintenance programme shall contain details, including frequency, of all
maintenance to be carried out, including any specific tasks linked to the type and the specificity of operations.

(f) For complex motor-powered aircraft, when the maintenance programme is based on
maintenance steering group logic or on condition monitoring, the aircraft maintenance programme shall include a reliability programme.

(g) The aircraft maintenance programme shall be subject to periodic reviews and
amended accordingly when necessary. These reviews shall ensure that the programme continues to be valid in light of the operating experience and instructions from the competent authority whilst taking into account new and/or
modified maintenance instructions promulgated by the type certificate and supplementary type certificate holders and any other organisation that publishes such data in accordance with Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012. (g)飞机维修大纲将定期审核并在必要时修订;这类审核将保证大纲持续有效,使得其能符合合格当局的使用经验和指南;这些经验和指南考虑了型号证持有人和/或补充型号证持有人,以及任何其它能根据规章(EU) No 748/2012之Annex I (附件I)(Part-21)发布这类数据的机构所颁布的新的和/或改进的维修指南。

(h) In the case of ELA1 aircraft not involved in commercial operations, compliance with
points (b), (c), (d), (e), and (g) may be replaced by compliance with all the following conditions:
1. The aircraft maintenance programme shall clearly identify the owner and the specific
aircraft to which it refers, including any installed engine and propeller.
2. The aircraft maintenance programme shall either:
—comply with the ‘Minimum Inspection Programme’, contained in point (i), corresponding to the particular aircraft, or
— comply with points (d) and (e).
The maintenance programme shall not be less restrictive than the ‘Minimum Inspection Programme’.
3. The aircraft maintenance programme shall include all the mandatory continuing
airworthiness requirements, such as repetitive Airworthiness Directives, the Airworthiness Limitation Section (ALS) of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) or specific maintenance requirements contained in the Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS).
In addition, the aircraft maintenance programme shall identify any additional maintenance tasks to be performed because of the specific aircraft type, aircraft configuration and type and specificity of operation. The following elements shall be taken into consideration as a minimum:
— Specific installed equipment and modifications of the aircraft.
— Repairs incorporated in the aircraft.
— Life Limited components and flight safety critical components.
—Maintenance recommendations, such as Time Between Overhaul (TBO) intervals, recommended through service bulletins, service letters, and other non-mandatory service information.
—Applicable operational directives/requirements related to the periodic inspection of certain equipment.
— Special operational approvals.
— Use of the aircraft and operational environment.
— Pilot-owner maintenance (if applicable).
4. If the maintenance programme is not approved by the competent authority (directly or
by the M.A.Subpart G organisation via an indirect approval procedure), the aircraft maintenance programme shall contain a signed statement where the owner declares that this is the aircraft maintenance programme for the particular aircraft registration and he/she declares to be fully responsible for its content and, in particular, for any deviations introduced as regards the Design Approval Holder recommendations. 5. The aircraft maintenance programme shall be reviewed at least annually. This review of
the maintenance programme shall be performed either:
— by the person who performs the airworthiness review of the aircraft in accordance with point M.A.710(ga), or
—by the M.A. Subpart G organisation managing the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft in those cases where the review of the maintenance programme is not performed in conjunction with an airworthiness review.
If the review shows discrepancies on the aircraft linked to deficiencies in the content of the maintenance programme, the person performing the review shall inform the competent authority of the Member State of registry and the owner shall amend the maintenance programme as agreed with such competent authority.
(i) In the case of ELA1 aircraft other than airships, not involved in commercial operations,
the ‘Minimum Inspection Programme’ referred to in p oint (h) shall comply with the following conditions:
1. It shall contain the following inspection intervals:
— For ELA1 aeroplanes and ELA1 Touring Motor Gliders (TMG), every annual or 100 h interval, whichever comes first. A tolerance of 1 month or 10 h may be applied to that interval as long as the next interval is calculated from the date or hours originally scheduled.
— For ELA1 sailplanes, ELA1 powered sailplanes other than TMG and ELA1 balloons, every annual interval. A tolerance of 1 month may be applied to that interval as long as the next interval is calculated from the date originally scheduled.
2. It shall contain the following:
— Servicing tasks as required by the Design Approval Holder's requirements.
— Inspection of markings.
— Review of weighing records and weighing in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (5), point NCO.POL.105.
— Operational test of transponder (if existing).
— Operational test of the pitot-static system.
— In the case of ELA1 aeroplanes:

—Operational checks for power and rpm, magnetos, fuel and oil pressure, engine temperatures.
— For engines equipped with automated engine control, the published run-up procedure
—For dry-sump engines, engines with turbochargers and liquid-cooled engines, an operational check for signs of disturbed fluid circulation.
—Inspection of the condition and attachment of the structural items, systems and components corresponding to the following areas:

— For ELA1 aeroplanes:

— Airframe
— Cabin and cockpit
— Landing gear
— Wing and centre section
— Flight controls
— Empennage
— Avionics and electrics
— Powerplant
— Clutches and gearboxes
— Propeller
— Miscellaneous systems such as the ballistic rescue system
— For ELA1 sailplanes and ELA1 powered sailplanes:
— Airframe
— Cabin and cockpit
— Landing gear
— Wing and centre section
— Empennage
— Avionics and electrics
— Powerplant (when applicable)
— Miscellaneous systems such as removable ballast, drag chute and controls, and water ballast system
— For ELA1 hot-air balloons:

— Envelope
— Burner
— Basket
— Fuel containers
— Equipment and instruments
— For ELA1 gas balloons:

— Envelope
— Basket
— Equipment and instruments
Until such time as this Regulation specifies a ‘Minimum Inspection Programme’ for airships, their maintenance programme shall comply with points (d) and (e).
M.A.303 Airworthiness directives适航指令
Any applicable airworthiness directive must be carried out within the requirements of that airworthiness directive, unless otherwise specified by the Agency.

M.A.304 Data for modifications and repairs改装和修理数据
Damage shall be assessed and modifications and repairs carried out using as appropriate:损伤将要得到评估,并利用下述适当方式完成改装和修理:
(a) data approved by the Agency; or(a)当局批准的数据,或者
(b) data approved by a Part-21 design organisation; or
(c) data contained in the certification specifications referred to in point 21A.90B or
21A.431B of Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.
(c)规章(EU) No 748/2012之附件I (Part-21) 中点21A.90B 或者21A.431B所述的认证规范内所包含的数据。

M.A.305 Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system
(a) At the completion of any maintenance, the certificate of release to service required by
point M.A.801 or point 145.A.50 shall be entered in the aircraft continuing airworthiness records. Each entry shall be made as soon as practicable but in no case more than 30 days after the day of the maintenance action.
(a)完成任何维修时,其按照点M.A.801 或者点145.A.50所要求的恢复使用放行证书将会记录到该飞机的持续适航性记录中;每条记录的完成都要做到实际最快,且任何情况下,其维修措施执行之日后,不得超过30天。

(b) The aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall consist of:
1. an aircraft logbook, engine logbook(s) or engine module log cards, propeller logbook(s)
and log cards for any service life limited component as appropriate, and,
2.when required in point M.A.306, the operator's technical log.

(c) The aircraft type and registration mark, the date, together with total flight time and/or
flight cycles and/or landings, as appropriate, shall be entered in the aircraft logbooks.

(d) The aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall contain the current:
1. status of airworthiness directives and measures mandated by the competent authority
in immediate reaction to a safety problem;
2. status of modifications and repairs; 2.改装和修理的状态;
3. status of compliance with maintenance programme; 3.与飞机维修大纲符合性的状态;
4. status of service life limited components; 4.使用寿命有限制的部件的状态;
5. mass and balance report; 5.质量和平衡报告;
6. list of deferred maintenance. 6.延迟保留维修项目清单。

(e) In addition to the authorised release document, EASA Form 1 or equivalent, the
following information relevant to any component installed (engine, propeller, engine module or service life-limited component) shall be entered in the appropriate engine or propeller logbook, engine module or service life limited component log card:
(e)除授权的放行文件、EASA Form 1 、或者等效证书外,和任何所安装的部件(发动

1. identification of the component; and 1.部件的身份识别;和
2. the type, serial number and registration, as appropriate, of the aircraft, engine, propeller,
engine module or service life-limited component to which the particular component has been fitted, along with the reference to the installation and removal of the component; and
3. the date together with the component's accumulated total flight time and/or flight cycles
and/or landings and/or calendar time, as appropriate; and
4. the current point (d) information applicable to the component.
(f) The person responsible for the management of continuing airworthiness tasks pursuant
to Section A, Subpart B of this Annex (Part M), shall control the records as detailed in this point and present the records to the competent authority upon request.
(f)按照该附件(Part M) 之Section A中Subpart B负责管理持续适航性任务的个人将管理如此点中详细的记录,并在要求时向合格当局报呈这些记录。

(g) All entries made in the aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall be clear and
accurate. When it is necessary to correct an entry, the correction shall be made in a
manner that clearly shows the original entry.

(h) An owner or operator shall ensure that a system has been established to keep the following
records for the periods specified:
1. all detailed maintenance records in respect of the aircraft and any service life-limited
component fitted thereto, until such time as the information contained therein is superseded by new information equivalent in scope and detail but not less than 36 months after the aircraft or component has been released to service; and

2. the total time in service (hours, calendar time, cycles and landings) of the aircraft and all
service life-limited components, at least 12 months after the aircraft or component has been permanently withdrawn from service; and
3. the time in service (hours, calendar time, cycles and landings) as appropriate, since last
scheduled maintenance of the component subjected to a service life limit, at least until the component scheduled maintenance has been superseded by another scheduled maintenance of equivalent work scope and detail; and
4. the current status of compliance with maintenance programme such that compliance with the
approved aircraft maintenance programme can be established, at least until the aircraft or component scheduled maintenance has been superseded by other scheduled maintenance of equivalent work scope and detail; and
5. the current status of airworthiness directives applicable to the aircraft and components, at
least 12 months after the aircraft or component has been permanently withdrawn from service; and
6. details of current modifications and repairs to the aircraft, engine(s), propeller(s) and any
other component vital to flight safety, at least 12 months after they have been permanently withdrawn from service.
