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1. n.
1. 耳,耳朵(人耳的组成):
1. the external ear 外耳
2. the middle ear 中耳
3. the inner ear 内耳)
2. 耳部,(可见的)耳朵外部,外耳
3. [亦作复数]听觉
4. 听能,听力;灵敏的听力;辨音力
5. 耳状物
1. (如大水壶、杯子等器物两旁的)耳子,捏把,把儿,耳状突
2. 报头(左或右)角小栏(刊登简短广告或天气预报等),报眼(报纸头版上报头两侧的)广告栏
3. (鸟的)耳羽
6. 倾听;注意
7. 【建筑业】门耳,窗耳
8. [复数] [美国俚语]
1. 民用频带(或波段)无线电台(或收音机)
2. (用于近距离联络的)无线电收发两用机的天线
2. vi.,vt.
1. [美国俚语]听;听见
3. 短语:
1. about one's (或someone's) ears
1. 身旁,近旁
2. [与bring,have,collapse,tumble等动词连用]引起麻烦,惹出乱子;遭到抨击(或
3. 猛烈地,彻底地
4. 崩溃;(计划、希望等)破产,落空[亦作around one's ears]
2. a drumming in the ears耳鸣
3. a flea in one's ear见flea
4. an ear for对…的欣赏力
5. a thick ear[口语]耳朵被打肿,(被打得)青肿的耳朵
6. a musical ear对音乐有鉴赏力(的耳朵)
7. a word in someone's ear见word
8. be all ears[口语]专心倾听,全神贯注地听,洗耳恭听
9. (be) deaf of (或in) an (或one) ear聋了一只耳朵
10. believe one's ears
1. 相信自己的耳朵,相信听到的话
2. 以所闻为实(或真);确信[此短语常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句]
11. bend an ear注意地听,聚精会神地听,倾听,洗耳恭听
12. bend someone's ear
1. [俚语]
2. 与某人喋喋不休地说,与某人絮絮叨叨地说
3. 和某人谈重要(或有趣、秘密)的事;和感兴趣的人交谈
13. be on one's ear
1. [美国俚语]
2. 在生气,发脾气,发怒
3. 醉
14. be primed to the ear[美国俚语](因酗酒或吸毒而)醉的
15. Blow it out your ear![美国口语]“去你的!”,“瞎扯淡!”,“我才不信呢!”
16. bore someone's ears[废语]使某人成为终身奴隶
17. bow down one's ear to someone垂听某人的话,降格倾听某人的话,屈尊倾听某人的意

18. box someone's ears打某人耳光
19. bring something down around one's ears使自己干的某事失败(或破产)
20. burn someone's ears[俚语]狠狠责骂某人,痛斥某人,呵斥某人
21. by ear
1. (不看乐谱)凭听觉,凭听觉记忆(演奏或唱)
2. 凭直觉,跟着感觉(走)
22. by the ears
1. (动物)相斗,相咬
2. 不和;在争吵(或争斗,打架,扭斗)中
23. chew someone's ears off
1. [美国俚语]
2. 训斥某人,教训某人;责骂
3. 长篇独白;唠叨不已;沉闷地与某人谈话
24. clean one's ears[口语]洗耳恭听;更仔细(或更用心)地听
25. close one's ears to对…捂住耳朵,对…充耳不闻,对…拒绝听取;对…置之不理,对…
26. cock the ears侧(或竖)耳谛听
27. come together by the ear= fall together by the ear
28. come to someone's ears传到某人耳里,被某人听到(或注意到)
29. coming out of one's ears[美国口语]应有尽有地;充裕地
30. crash about one's ears彻底崩溃,完全垮台
31. dead above the ears[口语]愚蠢的,痴呆的,没有头脑的[亦作dead from the neck up]
32. din in someone's ears(嗓音)在耳际震响,聒耳
33. din into someone's ears唠唠叨叨说给某人听,三番五次地告诫
34. do something by ear无准备地行事(就像不看乐谱凭听觉记忆演奏或演唱一样)
35. dry behind the ears成年的,成熟的,老于世故的,有经验的[一般用于否定式]
36. ears burn羞得面红耳赤
37. ears burning耳朵发烧(意指有人背后议论) [戏谑语]
38. easy on the ear悦耳动听
39. fall about one's ears彻底崩溃,完全垮台
40. fall on deaf ears根本不被听取,未被理睬;未受到重视,不受注意
41. fall on…ears得到(某种态度的)听取
42. fall on (或upon) someone's (或the) ears被某人听见,传到某人耳朵里
43. fall together by the ears扭打起来;争吵起来,吵成一团
44. feel one's ears burning[口语](因遭人非议而)感到耳朵发热,感到羞愧;发窘
45. for someone's private ear对某人私下讲的
46. gain someone's ear=have someone's ear
47. get someone's ear=have someone's ear
48. get someone up on his ears[美国俚语]使某人愤怒,激怒某人,惹某人发火
49. get up on one's ear
1. [美国英语]
2. 勃然大怒,发怒,生气
3. 鼓起干劲,打起精神
50. give an ear to
1. 听,倾听,聆听,注意
2. (在忙于某事时)顺便听听…,附带注意…
51. give ear (to)听,倾听;注意
52. give one's ears (for something或to do something)[口语]不惜任何代价(要某物或做某事)
53. give someone a thick ear把某人耳朵打肿,重重打某人一记耳光
54. go off on one's ear[美国英语]勃然大怒
55. go together by the ear=fall together by the ear
56. grate (或jar) upon the ear叫人听起来不愉快,刺耳[亦作offend the ear]
57. grin from ear to ear咧着嘴笑,笑逐颜开
58. have an ear for对…听觉灵敏;对…有鉴赏力
59. have a quick ear耳朵很灵敏,耳朵很尖
60. have hard ears[加勒比英语]不顺从,执拗
61. have itching ears爱听新奇的事(或丑闻、流言蜚语、东家长西家短等)
62. have long (或large, big, rabbit) ears耳朵尖,听觉敏锐;爱打听别人的事;消息灵通
63. have no ear for不懂(音乐等)
64. have one's ears on[美国俚语]将(民用频带的)收音机开着
65. have (或keep, hold) one's ear (或an ear) to the ground[美国口语]注意人们想的和说的
66. have(或get, gain, win) someone's ear(s)(意见等)得到某人(指上级、长者)的注意听取(或
好感),为某人所听取(或关注);跟某人(指上级、长者)说得上话[亦作have(或gain) the ear (s) of someone]
67. head over ears见head
68. hold (或have, take) by the ears左右(某人),紧紧控制住(某人)
69. hold one's ear to the ground= have one's ear to the ground
70. in (at) one ear and out (at) the other左耳进右耳出,听过即忘,当耳边风
71. incline one's ear(同情地) 倾听
72. jar upon the ear叫人听起来不愉快,刺耳
73. keep (one's) ears open留心听
74. keep one's ear to the ground=have one's ear to the ground
75. laugh from ear to ear咧着嘴大笑
76. lay back one's ears[英国俚语]全速奔跑,飞跑,疾奔如飞
77. lead someone by the ears使某人唯命是从,任意支配某人
78. lend (an) ear (to)倾听,听;注意[亦作lend one's ears to]
79. lend a third ear to[俚语]更注意(听)…
80. Little pitchers have long ears.[谚语]小孩子耳朵长。

81. long ears尖耳朵,好奇心(常与have 连用)
82. make a pig's ear of[口语]把某事做得很糟糕
83. make a silk purse out of a sow's ear变废为宝[常用于否定句]
84. make someone's ears burn使某人耳朵发烧,在背后议论某人
85. make the ears tingle刺耳,震耳欲聋
86. meet the (或someone's) ear被(某人)听到;可听到[亦作meet the ear of someone]
87. not dry behind the ears[美国俚语、口语] 乳臭未干的,没见过世面的
88. offend the ear叫人听起来不愉快,刺耳
89. Oh my ears and whiskers![戏谑语]天哪! 好呀!
90. one's ears burn(因被人议论等而)耳朵发热;发窘,感到羞愧
91. one's ears are flapping竖耳谛听
92. one's ears are singing(由于受到撞击) 耳朵里发出嗡嗡声;耳鸣[亦作have a singing in
one's ear]
93. one's ears perk up (或prick up)竖起耳朵倾听
94. one's ears ring耳鸣
95. on one's ear
1. 震惊,(使)惊讶,激动;(引起)动乱
2. 颠倒,头朝下地
3. 醉
4. 恼怒,(使)发怒,恼火[参见be on one's ear,get someone up on his ears,get up (或
go off) on one's ear]
96. out on one's ear[口语]被不光彩地解雇;被不客气地打发走
97. over head and ears (或head over ears) (in)深陷在(债务等)中;完全地,深深地
98. perk up one's ears(警觉地)竖起耳朵听,侧耳倾听
99. pierce someone's ear(声音等)撕裂某人耳鼓,刺耳
100. pin one's ears back专心致志地听,仔细听,注意听,倾听[亦作pin back one's ears]
101. pin someone's ears back
1. [口语、俚语]
2. 狠揍某人,收拾(或痛打)某人;彻底击败某人
3. 痛斥(或痛骂、狠狠责骂)某人[亦作pin back someone's ears]
102. play (或sing) by ear
1. 不看乐谱(凭听觉记忆)弹奏(乐曲或乐器) (或演唱)
2. 没有指导(或充分准备)地处理某事
103. play it by ear[口语](没有预定计划) 根据情势需要而行动,随机应变,随机应付,见机行事;即席作成,临时凑合
104. pound one's ear[美国俚语] 睡觉
105. prick (up) the (或one's) ears
1. [口语]
2. (警觉地)竖起耳朵仔细听,侧耳倾听
3. 立刻注意起来
106. pull (或drag) by the ear拉耳朵(惩罚人);采取强迫手段
107. Pull in your ears (或neck)!
1. [美国俚语]
2. 当心!注意!
3. 住嘴!别多嘴!
4. 别管闲事!别放肆!
108. put someone (up) on his ear=get someone (up) on his ear
109. reach (或come to) someone's ear(s)被某人听到(或知道),传到某人耳里[亦作come to (或reach) the ear(s) of someone]
110. ring in someone's ears
1. 声犹在耳,缭绕耳际,在某人耳边缭绕
2. 流连在记忆里
111. set by the ears
1. 使争吵(或不和),引起争吵;在…之间制造麻烦(或挑拨离间)
2. [口语](因新发现等)使惊讶,使震惊
112. set on its ear在…引起骚动(或轰动)
113. shut one's ears to对…充耳不闻,不听
114. sleep on (或upon) both ears酣睡,熟睡
115. sleep on the (right 或left) ear(向右或左)侧睡
116. split someone's ears (或the ears of someone)震耳欲聋
117. stop one's ears捂住耳朵(不愿听);拒绝听取
118. strain one's ears侧耳细听,尽力用耳朵听
119. talk someone's ear off[俚语]对某人说个不停,对某人唠叨不休
120. throw someone out on his ear[美国俚语]撵走某人,将某人轰出去,开除某人
121. tickle someone's (或the) ears对某人甜言蜜语(或说奉承话),出言取悦某人,阿谀(或奉承、迎合)某人,使某人听起来开心[亦作tickle the ears of someone]
122. to the ears极度,极其
123. tumble about one's ears在某人四周崩溃,垮下来
124. turn a deaf ear (或deaf ears) (to)对…不愿听,拒绝听取;对…置之不理,对…置若罔闻,毫不注意
125. turn a willing ear to垂听;乐意倾听
126. up to the (或one's) ears[口语]深陷,深深卷入,深陷在(债务等)中,债台高筑
127. walk off on one'sear[美国俚语]悻悻而去
128. wash on ass's ears (或head)白费力气
129. Walls have ears.[谚语]隔墙有耳。

130. wet behind the ears乳臭未干的,没见过世面的,不成熟的,幼稚的,无经验的
131. wiggle one's ears摆动耳朵
132. win someone's ear= have someone's ear
133. with open ears洗耳恭听;极其注意地(听)
1. n.
1. (谷类植物如谷物、玉米的)穗,谷穗
2. vi.
1. 抽穗,结穗(up):
1. 例句:
1. The corn should be earing up.

3. 短语:
1. in the ear正在结穗
1. vt.[英国方言]耕,耕种
1. She whispered the word in my ear.

2. Such music is pollution to the ear.

3. If anyone has an ear, let him hear.
