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1.Popular: appeal to; appealing; attractive; catch on with;
2.Important: key, crucial, critical, significant, vital, substantial,
indispensable, imperative, consequential
3.Be careful: be on your guard;
4.Incredible: unbelievable, miraculous, marvelous
5.Enough: sufficient
6.Rich: wealthy, affluent, well-to-do, well-off
7.Poor: needy, impoverished, poverty-stricken, destitute
8.Excellent (person): eminent, top, outstanding, impressive
9.Good (things): conducive, beneficial, advantageous, positive, favorable,
osy, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, superior, first rate, impressive
10.B ad: detrimental, harmful, baneful, undesirable, dreadful, unfavorable,
poor, adverse, ill, less impressive
11.C lear/Obvious: apparent, evident, manifest, self-evident, conspicuous,
12.H ealthy: robust, sound, wholesome
13.S urprising: amazing, extraordinary, miraculous
14.B eautiful: attractive, gorgeous, eye-catching
15.E nergetic: dynamic, vigorous, animated
16.S ome: a slice of, several
17.A lot: many, quite a few, plenty of, a bounty of, a marvelous amount of, a
host of, a multitude of, a vast number of, a vast amount of, an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, many, if not most, a sizable number of
18.M ost: if not all
19.S pecific: concret
20.I mpossible: out of the question
21.S ad: gets me down, disappoint
22.M ore important: come before
23.N ot .. at all: non too ..
24.C ommon: Shared
25.I nitial: Rudimentary, elementary,
26.B ig: Monumental
27.O ff the point: beside the point
28.P roper: apposite
1.Always: day in and day out, consistently, constantly, at all times,
2.Never: at no time, not at all, by no means, on no account, be the last one
to, not in the least;
3.Somehow: for some reason
4.Sometimes: Once in a while; from time to time; occasionally; on
occasion; at times; every so often; at intervals; every so often, now and then; sporadically
5.Generally: on the whole, by and large, as a rule of thumb
ually: be apt to; at large;
7.Regarding: as regards;
8.Temporarily: for the time being
9.According to: in light of, in accordance with
10.A t the same time: at once
11.S omething like that: and the like
12.T o some extent: in a way
13.F inally: eventually; at length
14.L ike: as though;
15.A nyway: all the time, in any case, at any rate
16.N ow: for now, for the time being, temporarily
17.A pproximately: almost, about, around, nearly, roughly
18.A lthough: albeit, notwithstanding
1.Show: reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe
2.Reduce: cut back; cut down; scale down;
3.Consist of: Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, make up, occupy,
hold, compose
4.Lose: be beaten up; be defeated;
5.Clarify: drive home; elaborate; elucidate
6.Face problem: cope with a host of difficulties, come up against;
7.Confuse .. with:Identify .. with
8.Remember: be reminded of
9.Result in: contribute to, lead to, bring about, cause, spark off, conduce to,
procure, induce, generate
10.C ause: bring about, trigger, endanger
11.C oncentrate: apply the focus to
12.G ive up to: reconcile to
13.S ucceed: carry it off
14.T ake care of: attend
15.D o: be engaged in, operate, manipulate
16.S ee: catch a sight of
17.K now: be aware of
18.W ant: intend to, tend to, be inclined to, desire to
19.L ike: in favor of
20.N eed: call for
21.D ecide: make up my mind
22.L ack: There is a paucity of
23.I mprove: enhance, promote, strengthen, optimize
24.S olve: resolve, address, tackle, cope with, deal with, handle
25.H arm/Hurt/Destroy: Damage, injure, tear down, knock down, eradicate,
impair, undermine, jeopardize, sap, enervate, debilitate, wreck, devastate, ravage, demolish, vandalize, dilapidate
26.D evelop: cultivate, foster, nurture
27.E ncourage: motivate, stimulate, spur, ignite
28.T hink/believe: insist, maintain, conclude, deem, be convinced, be firmly
convinced, be fully convinced, indicate, assert, hold, claim, argue, harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that
29.T hink: contemplate, muse, meditate, retrospect
30.C omplete: fulfill, accomplish, achieve
31.K eep: preserve, retain, hold
32.F inish: come to an end
33.B egin: embark on, take up, set about, go in for, spring, start up, set off on,
break out, strike up, initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleash 34.A ppear: appear to be, emerge, arise, loom, turn out, show up, come out,
come into sight/view, come forth
35.E nd/Stop: cease, discontinue, wind up, bring to an end, halt, come to an
end, terminate, quench, run out
36.H appen: occur, take place, come about
37.M ake/create/produce/generate: bring about, yield, give birth to, bear,
bring into being, beget, germinate, Invent, innovate, renovate, devise, formulate, construct, manufacture, compose
38.C opy: duplicate, reproduce, multiply.
39.G ive: offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford
40.P uzzle: bewilder, perplex, baffle
41.I’m sure: Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge
42.R emove: Eliminate, clear, clear up, take away, smooth away, erase,
extinguish, exterminate, eradicate, efface, clear away, wipe out, rule out, expurgate, expunge
43.S hould: ought to
44.I ncrease/grow: rise, go up, climb, ascend, jump, shoot
45.D ecrease/fall: dip, decline, drop, go down, reduce, slump, descend, sink,
slide to
46.C laim: Allege, assert, declare
47.U se: utilize, employ
48.E mphasize: accentuate
49.E xpect: anticipate
50.C ancel: annul, call off, do away with, abolish, repeal, abandon, revoke,
invalidate, rescind, nullify,
1.Influence: impact
2.Danger: perils, hazard
3.Pollution: contamination
4.Human beings: mankind, human race
5.Old people: the old, the elderly, the aged, senior citizens
6.Happiness: cheerfulness, well-being
7.Teachers: instructors, educators, lecturers
cation: schooling, family parenting, upbringing
9.Young people: youngsters, youths, adolescents
10.A dvantage: merits, superiority, virtue
11.T hing: affair, business, matter
12.B eginning: outset, onset
13.B enefit/advantage: merit, virtue, upside, strength
14.D isadvantage: demerit, drawback, downside, weakness
15.W orld: cosmos
16.Q uestions: doubts
17.B ig problem: hard nut to crack
18.O ffspring: descendant
19.C haracteristic: trait/individuality/idiosyncrasy/personality
1.So: therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly,
as a result, because of this, as a result of this
2.Over: in excess of;
3.In antiquity: 在古代
4.in advance: Ahead of time
5.Without: if it were not for..
6.This: such a
7.Nowadays: in contemporary society, in present-day society, in this day
and age
8.By contrast: in contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely
9.Because: in that
1.Don’t know: be in the dark
2.Have a chance: stand a chance
3.How was: how did it come off
4.Go back: Back up a little bit
5.In fact: actually, virtually, practically, in practice, essentially, in essence,
in reality, in effect, as a matter of fact, it is a fact that
6.Be filled with: be awash with, be inundate with, be saturated with
7.strive for: struggle for , aspire after, spare no efforts for
8.In other words: namely, that is to say, to put it like this, to put it
differently, to put it from another way, to put it from another angle
9.So far: to date。