国际结算chapter 2(3)-promissory note and check
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Check for USD10,000.00 Shanghai, May 4,2001
Pay to the order of John Smith the sum of ten thousand US Dollars only To: Bank of China, Shanghai, China
5. Cash cheque and Transfer cheque :现金 支票和转帐支票 A cash cheque can be cashed. A transfer cheque can only be transferred to another's account, and shall not be paid in cash.
Promissory Note
Promissory Note For USD99,999.00 New York, April 1,2001
On the 20th June 2001 fixed by the promissory note we promise to pay BA the sum of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine US Dollars only.
Chapter two
Negotiable Instruments
• 马莉大学毕业后进入一家贸易公司工作,在 公司的一笔销售贸易中,买货的客户提出支 付一张3个月的银行本票给马莉所在公司,马 莉公司的老板却拒绝接受,为什么?
• 老板派马莉去对方公司拿支票,对方公司出 纳问马莉要转帐支票还是现金支票?马莉该 要什么支票呢?她应该检查支票上的哪些内 容才能接受这张支票呢?
Case study
Case I:1995年12月24日,合作公司与香港商人陈某约定:
合作公司用400万港元从陈某手中购买香港某银行开 出的050760号和050767号本票两张,金额分别为260 万和240万港元。陈某在上述两张本票的收款人空白 栏内填入合作公司后,合作公司当日即持票到某工商 银行办理兑付。由于该行与香港某银行无直接业务关 系,便建议合作公司到某中国银行办理兑付。 同月25日,某工商银行与合作公司一起到某中国银行办 理兑付业务。某中国银行(是香港某银行在海外的联 行)审查后,认为该两张本票票面要件相符,密押相 符,便在本票上盖了“印押相符”章,合作公司与某 工商银行分别在两张本票后背书鉴章。某中国银行即 将500万元港币划入某工商银行帐内,某工商银行又 20 将此款划入合作公司帐户。
(3)special crossing特别划线 The name of a bank is indicated between two parallel transverse lines, and only the bank mentioned in the check can receive payment from the drawee bank. ABC bank ICBC Bank for collection A/C Payee BOC Bank
Non-trade Payments and Settlements
Non-trade Payments and Settlements
2. Parties Issuer 发行人 Selling agent or office 售票代理人或售票行 Purchaser or holder购票人或持票人 Paying agent兑付代理人 Transferee受让人
For China National Arts&Crafts
Import & Export Corp. (Signed)
2.Essentials to a check (1) the word “check” or “cheque” clearly indicated; (2) an unconditional order in writing; (3) name of the paying bank; (4) drawer’s signature; (5) place and date of issue; (6) address of the paying bank; (7) a sum certain in money; (8) name of the payee(this is not necessary. According to the law of
4.Crossed checks 划线支票 (1)meaning A crossing is in effect an instruction to the paying bank from the drawer or holder to pay the fund to a bank only. Hence, such checks will not be paid over the counter of the paying bank and must be presented for payment by a collecting bank.
(2)General crossing普通划线 It must be deposited into a bank account for clearing. not negotiable account payee not negotiable a/c payee
Bill of exchange, Promissory note, Check
The differences among bill of exchange, promissory note and check (1) is an unconditional order to pay; whereas is a promise to pay. (2) basic parties: (3) the party primarily liable: (4) the act of acceptance:
Promissory Note
Notes:According to the law of china:
A promissory note means a banker's note. If the place of payment is not specified, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment; if the place of issue is not specified, the business premises of the maker is the place of issue. The time limit for the payment of a promissory note shall not exceed two months from the date of issue.
Traveler’s Check旅行支票
1.what is a traveler’s check? A traveler’s check is a specially printed form of check issued by a financial institution, leading hotels, and other agencies in preprinted denominations for a fixed amount to a customer for use when he is going to travel abroad.
Case study
合作公司见款已入帐,在认为没有问题的情况下 将400万元人民币划到陈某指定的帐户上。某中 国银行工作人员在划出500万元港币汇帐后,便 把两张本票留作存根归档,至1996年8月22日, 有关人员在检查中发现后,方从档案中取出这两 张本票,并向香港某银行提示付款。同月30日, 某中国银行接到香港某银行的退票通知书称此两 张本票系伪造,拒绝付款。某中国银行即日向某 工商银行退回本票并说明理由,要求其将500万 元港币归还。某工商银行接票后当日即函复某中 国银行请求控制合作公司在某中国银行的港币帐 户。此时陈某已不知去向。某中国银行以某工商 21 银行与合作公司为共同被告提起诉讼。
china, the name of the payee may be completed by the drawer's mandate.)
3.Rubber check/cheque and Blank check/cheque 空头支票和空白支票 (1)Rubber check空头支票 If the sum specified on a cheque signed and issued by the drawer exceeds the actual balance of the drawer's deposit in the paying bank at the time of payment , the cheque is a rubber cheque. The rubber cheque is prohibited. (2)Blank check空白支票 If some essentials are missing(for example the amount、the name of the payee、the date of issue) in a check, it is a blank check. 12
1.What is a promissory note?什么是本票? A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person(the maker) to another(the payee or the holder) signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or bearer.
1.What is a check? A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer(the drawer) to a bank(the drawee) signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demand a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer(the payee).
For and on behalf of CD (signed)
Promissory Note
Promissory Note
2.Essentials to a promissory note (1)the words “promissory note” clearly indicated (2)an unconditional promise to pay (3)name of the payee or his order (4)maker’s signature (5)place and date of issue (6)period of payment (7)a certain amount of money (8)place of payment
Check for USD10,000.00 Shanghai, May 4,2001
Pay to the order of John Smith the sum of ten thousand US Dollars only To: Bank of China, Shanghai, China
5. Cash cheque and Transfer cheque :现金 支票和转帐支票 A cash cheque can be cashed. A transfer cheque can only be transferred to another's account, and shall not be paid in cash.
Promissory Note
Promissory Note For USD99,999.00 New York, April 1,2001
On the 20th June 2001 fixed by the promissory note we promise to pay BA the sum of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine US Dollars only.
Chapter two
Negotiable Instruments
• 马莉大学毕业后进入一家贸易公司工作,在 公司的一笔销售贸易中,买货的客户提出支 付一张3个月的银行本票给马莉所在公司,马 莉公司的老板却拒绝接受,为什么?
• 老板派马莉去对方公司拿支票,对方公司出 纳问马莉要转帐支票还是现金支票?马莉该 要什么支票呢?她应该检查支票上的哪些内 容才能接受这张支票呢?
Case study
Case I:1995年12月24日,合作公司与香港商人陈某约定:
合作公司用400万港元从陈某手中购买香港某银行开 出的050760号和050767号本票两张,金额分别为260 万和240万港元。陈某在上述两张本票的收款人空白 栏内填入合作公司后,合作公司当日即持票到某工商 银行办理兑付。由于该行与香港某银行无直接业务关 系,便建议合作公司到某中国银行办理兑付。 同月25日,某工商银行与合作公司一起到某中国银行办 理兑付业务。某中国银行(是香港某银行在海外的联 行)审查后,认为该两张本票票面要件相符,密押相 符,便在本票上盖了“印押相符”章,合作公司与某 工商银行分别在两张本票后背书鉴章。某中国银行即 将500万元港币划入某工商银行帐内,某工商银行又 20 将此款划入合作公司帐户。
(3)special crossing特别划线 The name of a bank is indicated between two parallel transverse lines, and only the bank mentioned in the check can receive payment from the drawee bank. ABC bank ICBC Bank for collection A/C Payee BOC Bank
Non-trade Payments and Settlements
Non-trade Payments and Settlements
2. Parties Issuer 发行人 Selling agent or office 售票代理人或售票行 Purchaser or holder购票人或持票人 Paying agent兑付代理人 Transferee受让人
For China National Arts&Crafts
Import & Export Corp. (Signed)
2.Essentials to a check (1) the word “check” or “cheque” clearly indicated; (2) an unconditional order in writing; (3) name of the paying bank; (4) drawer’s signature; (5) place and date of issue; (6) address of the paying bank; (7) a sum certain in money; (8) name of the payee(this is not necessary. According to the law of
4.Crossed checks 划线支票 (1)meaning A crossing is in effect an instruction to the paying bank from the drawer or holder to pay the fund to a bank only. Hence, such checks will not be paid over the counter of the paying bank and must be presented for payment by a collecting bank.
(2)General crossing普通划线 It must be deposited into a bank account for clearing. not negotiable account payee not negotiable a/c payee
Bill of exchange, Promissory note, Check
The differences among bill of exchange, promissory note and check (1) is an unconditional order to pay; whereas is a promise to pay. (2) basic parties: (3) the party primarily liable: (4) the act of acceptance:
Promissory Note
Notes:According to the law of china:
A promissory note means a banker's note. If the place of payment is not specified, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment; if the place of issue is not specified, the business premises of the maker is the place of issue. The time limit for the payment of a promissory note shall not exceed two months from the date of issue.
Traveler’s Check旅行支票
1.what is a traveler’s check? A traveler’s check is a specially printed form of check issued by a financial institution, leading hotels, and other agencies in preprinted denominations for a fixed amount to a customer for use when he is going to travel abroad.
Case study
合作公司见款已入帐,在认为没有问题的情况下 将400万元人民币划到陈某指定的帐户上。某中 国银行工作人员在划出500万元港币汇帐后,便 把两张本票留作存根归档,至1996年8月22日, 有关人员在检查中发现后,方从档案中取出这两 张本票,并向香港某银行提示付款。同月30日, 某中国银行接到香港某银行的退票通知书称此两 张本票系伪造,拒绝付款。某中国银行即日向某 工商银行退回本票并说明理由,要求其将500万 元港币归还。某工商银行接票后当日即函复某中 国银行请求控制合作公司在某中国银行的港币帐 户。此时陈某已不知去向。某中国银行以某工商 21 银行与合作公司为共同被告提起诉讼。
china, the name of the payee may be completed by the drawer's mandate.)
3.Rubber check/cheque and Blank check/cheque 空头支票和空白支票 (1)Rubber check空头支票 If the sum specified on a cheque signed and issued by the drawer exceeds the actual balance of the drawer's deposit in the paying bank at the time of payment , the cheque is a rubber cheque. The rubber cheque is prohibited. (2)Blank check空白支票 If some essentials are missing(for example the amount、the name of the payee、the date of issue) in a check, it is a blank check. 12
1.What is a promissory note?什么是本票? A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person(the maker) to another(the payee or the holder) signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or bearer.
1.What is a check? A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer(the drawer) to a bank(the drawee) signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demand a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer(the payee).
For and on behalf of CD (signed)
Promissory Note
Promissory Note
2.Essentials to a promissory note (1)the words “promissory note” clearly indicated (2)an unconditional promise to pay (3)name of the payee or his order (4)maker’s signature (5)place and date of issue (6)period of payment (7)a certain amount of money (8)place of payment