复活节英语英文小报 A4

The origin of EasterEaster is the Christian commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus as a religious holiday.Over the past year the spring equinox, the first full moon of the first Sunday after Easter.Church of Christ in the early years of the date of Easter, there have been controversial, causing momentary confusion, until 325 AD, the priests of the Church of the meeting before deciding on a day to celebrate the unification of the Easter. The custom of the One of the best-known Easter symbols is the egg,which has symbolized renewed life since ancient days.The egg is said to be a symbol of life because in all living creatures life begins in the egg.The Persians and Egyptians also colored eggs and ate them during their new year's celebration, which came in the spring.Easter Basketssymbolize nests where the An introduction to the EasterEaster is the Christian commemorationof the resurrection of Jesus as areligious holiday. Over the past year thespring equinox, the first full moon of thefirst Sunday after Easter. Church ofChrist in the early years of the date ofEaster, there have been。
Happy Easter复活节英语小报手抄报模板外语电子简报西方节日板报传统节日习俗画报A3

复活蛋As with the Easter Bunny and the holiday itself, the Easter Egg predates the Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when Easter was first celebrated by Christians 。
与复活兔和复活节一样,复活蛋预 示着圣诞节的即将到来。
当基督教徒庆 祝第一个复活节后,人们开始春天互 相交换复活蛋,而这已成为了人们好几百年的习俗。
复活兔The symbol originated with the pagan festival of Eastre. The goddess, Eastre, was worshipped by the Anglo- Saxons through her earthly symbol, the rabbit 。
当时,盎 格鲁撒克逊人的黎明女神Eostre 的世 俗象征是一个兔子,因此 被人们所 供奉。
Easter is the oldest oneof the most significantChristian festivals. It Elebrates the resurrection of Christ and Christiansaround the world Every year celebrate it. Easter is also a symbol of rebirth and hope.复活节(主复活日)是最古老最有意义的基督 教节日之一。
复活节还象 征重生和希望。
班级 姓名。

Easter, anniversary of the Resurrection of Christ, observed on the first Sunday after a full moon on or after 21 March.The Easter storyAccording to the bible, god's son Jesus was born in a manger, when he was at the age of 30, he chooses twelve students, began to missionary work. Three and a half years, his healing, preaching and casting out the demons, to help people in need, to give people listen to the truth said of the kingdom. Until god arrangement when the hour came, Jesus Christ, betrayed by judas and arrest, interrogation, Roman soldiers crucified, died after three days he predicted will be raised. Indeed as expected in the third day, Jesus came back to life! According to the interpretation of the bible, Jesus Christ is the son of the incarnation, the afterlife to redeem the world, become the scapegoat of the world, and this is why the Easter so important. Easter is a symbol of rebirth and hope,Easter customsAfter Christmas, Easter chocolate eggs was placed in the candy store. The minimum and the simplest pattern is very cheap, the children with their own pocket money can buy. There are two kinds of this period listed in the eggs. Smallone, called fondant, a little more than an inch long, a thinlayer of chocolate is outside, the inside is sweet and softdough, then use colored foil paper into various shapes.Another is empty eggs, a little bigger, generally biggerthan duck eggs also. There is nothing in it, just wrappedin a chocolate shell. Just broken shell, eat chocolate chips.Easter eggs are in order to bring happiness to people, theseeggs beautiful and rich decorative fine, they representpeople's wishes, and share with you the joy of seasons.Another symbol of Easter is little rabbit, the reason isthat it has a strong ability to reproduce, people regardit as the creator of a new life. Festival, the adults willimage vividly told the children Easter eggs hatch into smallrabbit. "Rabbit food" look cute, egg shape, taste sweet,to friends is very appropriate also.Easter giftEaster gift with spring and regeneration: eggs, chicken,little rabbit, flowers, especially lily is the symbol ofthis season. On Easter eve, the children for friends andfamily to egg coloring dressing up. Some of these eggsboiled too old, some just empty eggshell. On Easter Sundaymorning, the children will find the bed before Easter basketfilled with chocolate eggs, the Easter bunny, fluffychicken and baby toys, etc. It is said that the Easter bunnyegg will hide in indoor or let the children to find a bladeof grass.Easter with flowersOn Easter day, everywhere can see the beautiful lily,charming lilies symbolize the holy and pure: people areabout love in the spring, Easter when looking for theblooming lily to represent the holiness of Jesus Christ inmy heart. The shape is like a trumpet lilies, and just asloudly proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus Christ ourheart the good news. Especially white iron cannon liliesin Christianity is regarded as the flower of the"resurrection", represents the pure and holy, in the heartis definitely is indispensable in the Easter flowers, soits English name is called EasterLily.。

Easter Menu
照片 roast chicken
smoked salmon 照片
照片 roast leg of lamb
Easter Eggs
Be Happy
When Easter is approaching, the candy shop windows will be filled with even more than these eggs in order to attract a wide variety of kids. At Easter Eve,
Go to Church
Christians go to church on Easter Sunday. They leave at the sunrise. They sing and pray.
在英国,每年都要举行复活节化装游 行,其间有民族风格的风笛乐队(Pipe Band) ,孩子们装扮的维多利亚女皇 时代的皇宫卫队(Palace Guard)等。
The symbolism of Easter eggs
In ancient times, the egg is a symbol of spring and the beginning of a new life. Later, Christians also give the egg a new meaning, a layer of religious meaning, that is a symbol of resurrection of Jesus out of the Tomb.
Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny is a mythical character depicted as a rabbit. In legend, the creature brings baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and toys to the homes of children on the night before Easter

天狼君收集,放心使用The date of EasterPrior to A.D. 325, Easter was variously celebrated on different days of the week, including Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. In that year, the Council of Nicaea was convened by emperor Constantine. It issued the Easter Rule which states that Easter shall be celebrated on the first Sunday that occurs after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox. However, a caveat must be introduced here. The "full moon" in the rule is the ecclesiastical full moon, which is defined as the fourteenth day of a tabular lunation, where day 1 corresponds to the ecclesiastical New Moon. It does not always occur on the same date as the astronomical full moon. The ecclesiastical "vernal equinox" is always on March 21. Therefore, Easter must be celebrated on a Sunday between the dates of March 22 and April 25.The Easter BunnyThe Easter Bunny is not a modern invention.The symbol originated with the pagan festival of Eastre. The goddess, Eastre, was worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons through her earthly symbol, the rabbit.The Easter EggAs with the Easter Bunny and the holiday itself, the Easter Egg predates the Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when Easter was firstcelebrated by Christians.。

The origin of EasterEaster is the Christian commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus as a religious holiday.Over the past year the spring equinox, the first full moon of the first Sunday after Easter.Church of Christ in the early years of the date of Easter, there have been controversial, causing momentary confusion, until 325 AD, the priests of the Church of the meeting before deciding on a day to celebrate the unification of the Easter. The custom of the One of the best-known Easter symbols is the egg,which has symbolized renewed life since ancient days.The egg is said to be a symbol of life because in all living creatures life begins in the egg.The Persians and Egyptians also colored eggs and ate them during their new year's celebration, which came in the spring.Easter Basketssymbolize nests where the An introduction to the EasterEaster is the Christian commemorationof the resurrection of Jesus as areligious holiday. Over the past year thespring equinox, the first full moon of thefirst Sunday after Easter. Church ofChrist in the early years of the date ofEaster, there have been。

people. 如今,复活节彩蛋是为了
These beautiful and decorative eggs represent the people's
good wishes and share the joy of the season change.
尤其是年轻人和一些组织发 挥着重要作用。
China‘s Easter Day (中国的复活节)
Some organizations and churchman hope it can help Chinese people know more about the west faith .
Therefore Easter may between March 22nd and April 25th, any day. 因此,复活节可以在3月22日至4月25日之 间的任何一天。
Hale Waihona Puke 02China’s Easter Day
China‘s Easter Day (中国的复活节)
It is less popular than the Christmas Day , April Fool's Day , even the Thanksgiving Day.
它不如圣诞节、愚人节甚 至感恩节那么受欢迎。
However, it is becoming more and more popular.
然而,它变得越来越流行 。
Especially , the youngers and some organizations play the important roles.