【英语书籍下载】Troilus and Criseyde(特罗伊拉斯和克莱西得)




杨岂深英国⽂学选读Book1笔记和考研真题详解第1章 复习笔记第1单元 杰弗⾥·乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)(杰弗⾥·乔叟)1. Life(⽣平)In 1340, Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, a son of a wine merchant who had connectionswith the Court. He is the founder of English poetry.Chaucer was a royal butler and had several occasions to Belgium, France and Italy. Thus, French culture and Italy humanist literature represented by Dante, Pytlak and Bio had a great influence on him.He died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the “Poets’ Corner”.1340年,杰弗⾥·乔叟出⽣于伦敦,是⼀个与宫廷有联系的酒商的⼉⼦。





2. Main works(主要作品)Troilus and Criseyde (1380-1385)《特罗勒斯与克丽西德》The Canterbury Tales (1386-1400)《坎特伯雷故事集》3. Chaucer’ s Literary Career(⽂学⽣平)Chaucer’s literary career can be divided into three periods. The first period consists of works tra nslated from French, the second consists of works adapted from the Italian, as Troilus and Cris eyde. The third period includes The Canterbury Tales, which is purely English.乔叟的⽂学⽣平可划分为三个阶段。



The Wife of Bath (巴斯城的妇女)
The wife of Bath shows Chaucer's keen observation and his unsurpassed (无比的 talent 无比的) 无比的 for characterization. She is the owner of a cloth factory, lighthearted, merry, somewhat vulgar (粗俗的 and 粗俗的), 粗俗的 exceedingly (非常 talkative. 非常) 非常 It is a vivid sketch (概述 of a woman of the 概述) 概述 middle class, and a colorful picture of the domestic life of that class in Chaucer's day.
《特罗伊拉斯和克莱西德》 特罗伊拉斯和克莱西德》 Chaucer's longest complete poem about 8000 lines. The poem is from a poem of Baccaccio. The love story of Troilus.
Characters of Troilus and Criseyde
Troilus: son of the King of Troy Criseyde: beautiful widow
Calchas (卡尔卡斯), 卡尔卡斯), father of Criseyde, a priest Pandarus (彭大瑞), 彭大瑞), uncle of Criseyde, go-between Diomede (戴沃密得), handsome Greek warrior 戴沃密得),

the trojan horse课文

the trojan horse课文

the trojan horse课文《特洛伊木马》是一个著名的古希腊神话故事,讲述了希腊人和特洛伊人之间的一场战争。

以下是这个故事的英文课文:The Trojan Horse is a story from ancient Greek mythology, which tells of the siege of Troy and the final Greek victory. It is one of the most famous stories from ancient times and has been retold in many different ways.The story goes that the Greeks, led by King Agamemnon, were determined to get their hands on the famous statue of Athena, which was said to be in the city of Troy. They had heard that the statue was made of gold and was so precious that it could make any man who looked at it blind.The Greeks laid siege to Troy for ten years, but they could not break through the strong walls of the city. Then, Odysseus, one of theGreek leaders, came up with a clever plan. He made a large wooden horse and hid a group of Greek soldiers inside it. Then, he told the other Greeks to leave the siege and go home, while he left the horse in front of the gates of Troy.The Trojans were suspicious of the horse, but finally, they decided to drag it into the city as a joke, thinking that it was a bad omen. As soon as the horse was inside the city, the Greek soldiers came out and opened the gates to let the rest of the Greeks back into the city. The Greeks then took control of Troy and were able to take the statue of Athena.The story of the Trojan Horse is a symbol of cunning and trickery, and it has been used in many different ways throughout history. It has been used as a metaphor for deceit and for the idea that sometimes the best way to conquer your enemies is from within.。



中英文对照的名著原版epub 以下是一些名著的中英文对照原版epub版本:
《傲慢与偏见》 - 奥斯汀:
- Pride and Prejudice - Austen
《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》全集 - 柯南道尔:
- The Complete Sherlock Holmes - Conan Doyle
《白鲸记》 - 梅尔维尔:
- Moby-Dick - Melville
《飘》 - 米切尔:
- Gone with the Wind - Mitchell
《堂吉诃德》 - 塞万提斯:
- Don Quixote - Cervantes
《战争与和平》 - 托尔斯泰:
- War and Peace - Tolstoy
《百年孤独》 - 马尔克斯:
- One Hundred Years of Solitude - Marquez
《1984》 - 奥威尔:
- 1984 - Orwell
《呼啸山庄》 - 勃朗特:
- Wuthering Heights - Bronte


英文原版教材 列表

英文原版教材 列表

英文原版教材列表美国文学美国文学:从殖民时期到当代(The Norton Anthology of American Literature:Volume 1: Colonial Era to the Nineteenth Century)编辑:罗伯特·肖利(Robert Scholley)等人美国文学:从现实主义到现代主义(The Norton Anthology of American Literature:Volume 2: Realism and Modernism)编辑:劳里·格雷夫斯(Laury Graves)等人当代美国文学:从 1945 年至今(The Norton Anthology of American Literature:Volume 3: Contemporary Literature:1945 to the Present)编辑:乔纳森·班顿(Jonathan C. Bandler)等人英国文学牛津文学百科全书(The Oxford Companion to English Literature)编辑:马格丽特·杜勒德(Margaret Drabble)剑桥英国文学史(The Cambridge History of English Literature)编辑:罗纳德·桑德斯(Ronald Sanders)文学指南手册(A Handbook to Literature)编辑:威廉·帕蒂(William Pattee)世界文学世界文学百科全书(The Encyclopedia of World Literature)编辑:默里·克雷格(Murray Craig)文学牛津词典(The Oxford Dictionary of Literature)编辑:西蒙·皮奇(Simon Petch)文学与批评(Literature and Criticism)编辑:罗伯特·肖利(Robert Scholley)文学理论与批评文学理论导论(An Introduction to Literary Theory)作者:特里·伊格尔顿(Terry Eagleton)文学批判理论(Literary Criticism Theory)作者:乔纳森·卡勒(Jonathan Culler)文学与批判新剑桥伴侣(The New Cambridge Companion to Literature and Criticism)编辑:埃文·金巴尔(Evan Kindsvatter)其他有用资源MLA 文体指南(MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing)芝加哥风格手册(The Chicago Manual of Style)牛津英语词典(The Oxford English Dictionary)。



伊索寓言英文原版The Fox and the Grapes(狐狸和葡萄)One hot summer's day a Fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine which had been trained over a lofty branch. "Just the things to quench my thirst," quoth he. Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning round again with a One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success. Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: "I am sure they are sour."The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow. "Do you ever get anywhere?" he asked with a mocking laugh. "Yes," replied the Tortoise, "and I'll get there sooner than you think. I'll run you a race and prove it." The Hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the Tortoise, but for the fun of the thing he agreed. So the Fox, who had consented to act as judge, marked the distance and started the runners off. The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make the Tortoise feel very deeply how ridiculous it was for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take a nap until the Tortoise should catch up. The Tortoise meanwhile kept goingslowly but steadily, and, after a time, passed the place where the Hare was sleeping. But the Hare slept on very peacefully; and when at last he did wake up, the Tortoise was near the goal. The Hare now ran his swiftest, but he could not overtake the Tortoise in time.The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing(披着羊皮的狼)A Wolf found great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing to the vigilance of the shepherd and his dogs. But one day it found the skin of a sheep that had been flayed and thrown aside, so it put it on over its own pelt and strolled down among the sheep. The Lamb that belonged to the sheep, whose skin the Wolf was wearing, began to follow the Wolf in the Sheep's clothing; so, leading the Lamb a little apart, he soon made a meal off her, and for some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.。



外国名著英语外国名著英语《大卫·科波菲尔》by David Copperfield《野性的呼唤》by Call of the Wild《简·爱》by Jane Eyre《巴黎圣母院》by The Hunchback of Notre Dame《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》by The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《罗密欧与朱丽叶》by Romeo and Juliet《歌剧魅影》by The Phantom of the Opera《红与黑》by Les Miserables《失落的星球》by The Lost Planet《黑暗森林》by The Dark Forest《飘》by Gone with the Wind《奥克瑞尔家族》by The Forsyte Saga《黑骏马》by Black Stallion《费城故事》by Philadelphia Story《傲慢与偏见》by Pride and Prejudice《德伯家的苔丝》by Tess of the D'Urbervilles《小妇人》by Little Women《犹大游记》by A Journey to Judah《了不起的盖茨比》by The Great Gatsby《老人与海》by The Old Man and the Sea 《杀死一只知更鸟》by To Kill a Mockingbird 《魔戒》by The Lord of the Rings《蝙蝠侠》by The Dark Knight Batman《熔炉》by The Crucible《钢琴课》by The Piano Lesson《哈利·波特》by Harry Potter《英国病人》by The English Patient《黑客帝国》by The Matrix《罗马假日》by Roman Holiday《春光乍泄》by Lust, Caution。



世界名著英文书名大全1.Jane Austeno Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》o Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》o Emma《爱玛》o Lady Susan《苏珊夫人》o Love and Friendship《爱情与友谊》o Mansfield Park《曼斯菲尔德庄园》o Persuasion《劝导》o Northanger Abbey《诺桑觉寺》2.William Shakespeareo Romeo and Juliet《罗密欧与朱丽叶》o Hamlet《哈姆雷特》o Macbeth《麦克白》o Othello《奥赛罗》o Julius Caesar《凯撒大帝》3.Charles Dickenso Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》o A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》o Great Expectations《远大前程》o David Copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》4.George Orwello Animal Farm《动物农场》o1984《一九八四》5.Fyodor Dostoevsky (俄国)o Crime and Punishment《罪与罚》o The Brothers Karamazov《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》o Notes from Underground《地下室手记》6.Leo Tolstoy (俄国)o War and Peace《战争与和平》o Anna Karenina《安娜·卡列尼娜》7.Victor Hugo (法国)o Les Misérables《悲惨世界》o Notre-Dame de Paris《巴黎圣母院》8.Gabriel Garcia Marquez (哥伦比亚)o One Hundred Years of Solitude《百年孤独》9.Ernest Hemingway (美国)o The Old Man and the Sea《老人与海》o A Farewell to Arms《永别了武器》10.Herman Melville (美国)o Moby Dick《白鲸》11.Mark Twain (美国)o Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·芬历险记》o The Adventures of Tom Sawyer《汤姆·索亚历险记》12.J.D. Salinger (美国)o The Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》13.Ernest Hemingway (美国)(补充)o For Whom the Bell Tolls《丧钟为谁而鸣》14.Franz Kafka (捷克)o The Metamorphosis《变形记》o The Trial《审判》15.Jane Eyre (英国, 作者:Charlotte Bronte)o Jane Eyre《简·爱》16.Emily Bronte (英国)o Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》17.Gustave Flaubert (法国)o Madame Bovary《包法利夫人》18.F. Scott Fitzgerald (美国)o The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》19.Thomas Mann (德国)o Death in Venice《威尼斯之死》o Buddenbrooks《布登勃洛克一家》20.Gabriel Garcia Marquez (哥伦比亚)(补充)o Love in the Time of Cholera《霍乱时期的爱情》21.J.K. Rowling (英国)o Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone《哈利·波特与魔法石》22.Albert Camus (法国)o The Plague《鼠疫》o The Stranger《局外人》23.Virginia Woolf (英国)o Mrs. Dalloway《达洛维夫人》o To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》24.Joseph Conrad (波兰裔英国)o Heart of Darkness《黑暗之心》o Lord Jim《吉姆爷》25.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (法国)o The Little Prince《小王子》26.Haruki Murakami (日本)o Norwegian Wood《挪威的森林》o Kafka on the Shore《海边的卡夫卡》27.Chinua Achebe (尼日利亚)o Things Fall Apart《瓦解》28.Jack Kerouac (美国)o On the Road《在路上》29.Isabel Allende (智利)o The House of the Spirits《幽灵之家》30.Mario Puzo (美国)o The Godfather《教父》31.Arthur Conan Doyle (英国)o The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯探案集》32.William Golding (英国)o Lord of the Flies《蝇王》33.Virginia Woolf (英国)(补充)o Orlando: A Biography《奥兰多》34.Gabriel Garcia Marquez (哥伦比亚)(补充)o Love in the Time of Cholera《霍乱时期的爱情》35.Toni Morrison (美国)o Beloved《宠儿》o Song of Solomon《所罗门之歌》36.Ernest Hemingway (美国)(补充)o The Sun Also Rises《太阳照常升起》37.Italo Calvino (意大利)o Invisible Cities《看不见的城市》o If on a winter's night a traveler《如果在冬夜,一个旅人》38.Hermann Hesse (德国)o Siddhartha《悉达多》o Steppenwolf《荒原狼》39.Mikhail Bulgakov (俄罗斯)o The Master and Margarita《大师与玛格丽特》40.Alice Walker (美国)o The Color Purple《紫色》41.John Steinbeck (美国)o The Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》o Of Mice and Men《人鼠之间》42.Agatha Christie (英国)o Murder on the Orient Express《东方快车谋杀案》o And Then There Were None《无人生还》43.D.H. Lawrence (英国)o Lady Chatterley's Lover《查泰莱夫人的情人》o Sons and Lovers《儿子与情人》44.Albert Camus (法国)(补充)o The Myth of Sisyphus《西西弗斯的神话》45.William Faulkner (美国)o The Sound and the Fury《喧哗与骚动》o As I Lay Dying《我弥留之际》46.Paulo Coelho (巴西)o The Alchemist《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》47.J.R.R. Tolkien (英国)o The Lord of the Rings《魔戒》三部曲o The Hobbit《霍比特人》48.Umberto Eco (意大利)o The Name of the Rose《玫瑰的名字》49.Ken Kesey (美国)o One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest《飞越疯人院》50.Gabriel Garcia Marquez (哥伦比亚)(补充)o Chronicle of a Death Foretold《预知死亡纪事》51.Arundhati Roy (印度)o The God of Small Things《微物之神》52.Naguib Mahfouz (埃及)o Palace Walk《宫间街》o Children of Gebelawi《贾贝尔阿维的孩子们》53.Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (尼日利亚)o Half of a Yellow Sun《半轮黄日》o Americanah《美国佬》54.Chinua Achebe (尼日利亚)(补充)o Arrow of God《上帝之箭》55.Octavia Butler (美国)o Kindred《血族》an Kundera (捷克)o The Unbearable Lightness of Being《生命中不能承受之轻》57.Kazuo Ishiguro (日本裔英国)o Never Let Me Go《别让我走》o The Remains of the Day《长日将尽》58.Isabel Allende (智利)(补充)o Paula《宝拉》59.Jean-Paul Sartre (法国)o Nausea《恶心》o No Exit《禁闭》60.Günter Grass (德国)o The Tin Drum《铁皮鼓》。



The Trojan War has its roots in the marriage between Peleus(帕琉斯) and Thetis(厄提斯), a sea-goddess. Peleus and Thetis had not invited Eris(厄瑞斯), the goddess of discord, to their marriage and the outraged goddess stormed into the wedding banquet and threw a golden apple onto the table. The apple belonged to, Eris said, whomever was the most beautiful.Hera(赫拉), Athena(雅典娜), and Aphrodite(阿芙洛狄特)each reached for the apple. Zeus proclaimed that Paris(帕里斯), prince of Troy and thought to be the most beautiful man alive, would act as the judge.Hermes went to Paris, and Paris agreed to act as the judge. Hera promised him power, Athena promised him wealth, and Aphrodite promised the most beautiful woman in the world.Paris chose Aphrodite, and she promised him that Helen, wife of Menelaus(墨涅拉奥斯), would be his wife, and thus, sow the seeds of Troy's destruction. Paris then prepared to set off for Sparta to capture Helen. Twin prophets rCassandra and Helenus(双胞胎先知)tried to persuade him against such action, as did his mother, Hecuba(赫卡柏). But Paris would not listen and he set off for Sparta(斯巴达).In Sparta, Menelaus, husband of Helen, treated Paris as a royal guest. However, when Menelaus left Sparta to go to a funeral, Paris abducted Helen (who perhaps went willingly) and also carried off much of Menelaus' wealth.In Troy, Helen and Paris were married. This occured around 1200 B.C. Enraged, Menelaus called upon Agamemnon(阿伽门农), his brother and King of Mycenae(迈锡尼王国). Calling upon the past pact to defend Helen and the honour of Greece, the most powerful of Greeks gathered by the ports of Mycenae. Among them, was the young Achilles(阿喀琉斯), who is believed to be utterly invincible and his soldiers, the most powerful of all Greek armies. The destruction of Troy was to begin, however, Agamemnon mercilessly sacrificed his daughter to the goddess Artemis(阿尔特弥斯). On that day, the Greek crossed the Aegean sea(爱琴海).The walls of Troy was believed to be unbreakable. To the Greeks, it was no different. The war lasted for nine long years. Towards the end of the battle, Agamemnon offended Achilles as he snatched his slave girl. A bitter freud erupted amidst the Greeks as Achilles withdrew from battle. Without the mighty soldiers, the Greeks were driven right back to their ships. Their loss was only prevented by Patroclus(普特洛克勒斯), who dressed in Achille's armour, led the soldiers to the failing Greek defences. In his thrill of battle, Patroclus wandered too far. He was slaughtered by Hector, the oldest and strongest of Trojan Princes.Saddened by the loss of his friend and hellbent on revenge, Achilles returned to battle. Agamemnon seized upon this and sent his apologies and returned the slave girl to Achilles. With a new suit of armour made by Hephaestus(赫菲斯托斯)the blacksmith god, Achilles rode into battle the next day. The Trojan soldiers were driven back into the city. By the end Hector was slain. Achilles returned victorious.The war continued on. In the hope of peace, Priam(普里阿摩斯)offered a princess to Achilles. However, at the end of the negotiations, Paris voilated the peace offer and shot Achilles in the ankle, the only place Achilles was vulnerable. The short and glorious life of the Greek Hero ended at last. Without its most powerful hero, the war was fought without any break through.Finally, the wise Odysseus(奥德修斯)came upon a plan to breech the walls. On the final night, the Greeks abandoned their camps and set sail, leaving on the beach a giant wooden horse. Mistaken for a gift to Poseidon, Troy pulled the horse into the city. Hours later, when the Trojans were asleep drunk from celebrations, the Greek heros lept from the belly of the horse and opened the gates of Troy. As the Greek Army flooded into the city, Troy was still deep in its drunken dreams.After a brief battle, little more than a slaughter, Troy was burnt to the ground. The Greeks, after nine long years, set sail and returned to their homes.。



108本世界英语名著中英双语以下是一些世界英语名著的双语列表:1. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen - 《傲慢与偏见》简·奥斯汀2. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee - 《杀死一只知更鸟》哈珀·李3. "1984" by George Orwell - 《1984》乔治·奥威尔4. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald - 《了不起的盖茨比》F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德5. "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville - 《白鲸》赫尔曼·梅尔维尔6. "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte - 《简·爱》夏洛蒂·勃朗特7. "To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf - 《到灯塔去》弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫8. "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway - 《老人与海》欧内斯特·海明威9. "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen - 《理智与情感》简·奥斯汀10. "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger - 《麦田里的守望者》 J.D.塞林格11. "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley - 《美丽新世界》奥尔德斯·赫胥黎12. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain - 《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》马克·吐温13. "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte - 《呼啸山庄》埃米莉·勃朗特14. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde - 《道林·格雷的画像》奥斯卡·王尔德15. "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky - 《罪与罚》费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基这只是一小部分世界英语名著的双语书单,还有更多的本可供选择。

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第1卷His Autobiography, by Benjamin Franklin 《富兰克林自传》 [美]本杰明·富兰克林/著【英文版+中文版下载】Journal, by John Woolman 《约翰·伍尔曼日记》[美] 约翰·伍尔曼/著【英文版+中文版下载】Fruits of Solitude, by William Penn 《痛思录》[美]威廉·配恩/著【英文版在线阅读】第2卷The Apology, Phado and Crito of Plato 《柏拉图对话录:辩解篇、菲多篇、克利多篇》[希腊]柏拉图/著【英文版下载】The Golden Sayings of Epictetus 《爱比克泰德金言录》[希腊] 爱比克泰德/著【英文版下载】The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius 《沉思录》 [罗马] 马库思·奥勒留/著【英文版下载】【中文版下载】第3卷Essays, Civil and Moral & The New Atlantis, by Francis Bacon 《培根论说文集及新阿特兰蒂斯》 [英]弗兰西斯·培根/著【培根论说集下载】【新阿特兰蒂斯下载】Areopagitica & Tractate on Education, by John Milton 《米尔顿论出版自由与教育》 [英]约翰·米尔顿/著【米尔顿论出版自由】【米尔顿论教育】Religio Medici, by Sir Thomas Browne 《虔诚的医生》 [英]托马斯·布朗爵士【英文版下载】第4卷Complete Poems Written in English, by John Milton 《约翰·米尔顿英文诗全集》 [英]约翰·米尔顿/著【英文版下载】第5卷Essays and English Traits, by Ralph Waldo Emerson 《爱默生文集》[美]拉夫·沃尔多·爱默生/著【英文版在线阅读】第6卷Poems and Songs, by Robert Burns 《伯恩斯诗歌集》 [苏格兰]罗伯特·伯恩斯/著【英文版下载】第7卷The Confessions of Saint Augustine 《忏悔录》圣奥古斯丁/著【英文版下载】The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis 《效法基督》托玛斯·坎皮斯/著【英文版在线阅读】第8卷Agamemnon, The Libation-Bearers, The Furies & Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus 【阿伽门农下载】【奠酒人下载】【The Furies在线阅读】【被缚的普罗米修斯下载】Oedipus the King & Antigone of Sophocles 【奥狄普斯之王下载】【俄狄浦斯三部曲含安提戈涅】Hippolytus & The Baccha of Euripides 【希波吕托斯在线】【酒神的伴侣下载】The Frogs of Aristophanes 【英文版下载】第9卷On Friendship, On Old Age & Letters, by Cicero 《论友谊、论老年及书信集》[罗马]西塞罗/著【论友谊在线阅读】【论老年在线阅读】【西塞罗书信集在线阅读】Letters, by Pliny the Younger 《书信集》[罗马](小)普林尼/著【英文版下载】第10卷Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith 《国富论》[英]亚当·斯密/著【英文版下载】第11卷The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin 《物种起源论》[英]查尔斯·达尔文/著【英文版下载】第12卷Lives, by Plutarch 《比较列传》[希腊]普卢塔克/著【英文版下载】第13卷AEneid, by Vergil 《伊尼亚德》[罗马]维吉尔/著【英文版下载】第14卷Don Quixote, Part 1, by Cervantes 《唐吉珂德》[西班牙]塞万提斯/著【英文版下载】第15卷The Pilgrim "s Progress, by John Bunyan 《天路历程》[英]班扬/著【英文版下载】The Lives of Donne and Herbert, by Izaak Walton 《多恩与赫伯特生平》[英]艾萨克·沃顿/著【英文版下载】第16卷One Thousand and One Nights / Arabian Nights Entertainments 《一千零一夜,又名天方夜谭》[英]爱德华·威廉·兰讷/译【英文版下载】第17卷Fables, by Aesop 《伊索寓言》【英文版下载】Household Tales, by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm 《格林童话全集》【英文版下载】Tales, by Hans Christian Andersen 《安徒生童话全集》【英文版下载】第18卷All for Love, by John Dryden 《爱的咏叹调》约翰·德莱顿【英文版下载】The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinsley Sheridan 《造谣学习》谢里丹【英文版下载】She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith 《屈伸求爱》歌德史密斯【英文版下载】The Cenci, by Percy Bysshe Shelley 《倩契》雪莱【雪莱诗集下载含The Cenci】A Blot in the ’Scutcheon, by Robert Bro wning 《纹章上的斑点》勃郎宁【英文版下载】Manfred, by Lord Byron 《曼弗雷德》拜伦【英文版下载】第19卷Faust, Part I, Egmont & Hermann and Dorothea, by J.W. von Goethe 《浮士德(第一幕)》 [德]歌德/著【英文版下载】Dr. Faustus, by Christopher Marlowe 《浮士德博士》 [英] 克里思托福·马洛/著【英文版下载】第20卷The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri 《神曲》[意]但丁/著【英文版下载】第21卷I Promessi Sposi, by Alessandro Manzoni 《许婚的爱人》[意]曼佐尼/著【英文版在线阅读】第22卷The Odyssey of Homer 《奥德赛》[希腊]荷马/著【英文版下载】第23卷Two Years before the Mast, by Richard Henry Dana, Jr. 《两年水手生涯》[美](小)达纳/著【英文版下载】第24卷On Taste, On the Sublime and Beautiful, Reflections on the French Revolution & A Letter to a Noble Lord, by Edmund Burke 《伯克文集》 [英]爱德蒙·伯克/著【英文版在线阅读】第25卷Autobiography & On Liberty, by John Stuart Mill 《穆勒文集》约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒/著【英文版在线阅读】Characteristics, Inaugural Address at Edinburgh & Sir Walter Scott, by Thomas Carlyle 《卡莱尔文集》托马斯·卡莱尔/著【英文版在线阅读】第26卷Life Is a Dream, by Pedro Calderón de la Barca 《人生如梦》卡尔德隆【英文版下载】Polyeucte, by Pierre Corneille 《波利厄克特》高乃依【英文版下载】Phaedra, by Jean Racine 《菲尔德》拉辛【英文版下载】Tartuff e, by Molière 《伪君子》莫里哀【英文版下载】Minna von Barnhelm or The soldier's fortune, by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 《明娜·冯·巴尔赫姆》莱辛【英文版下载】Wilhelm Tell, by Friedrich von Schiller 《威廉·退尔》席勒【英文版下载】第27卷English Essays: Sidney to Macaulay 《英国名家随笔》【英文版全集在线阅读】Sir Philip Sidney 菲利浦·锡德尼;Ben Jonson 本·简森;Abraham Cowley 亚伯拉罕·考利;Joseph Addison 约瑟夫·爱迪生;Sir Richard Steele里查德·斯迪尔;Jonathan Swift斯威夫特;Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔·笛福;Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔·约翰逊;David Hume休谟;Sydney Smith 西尼·史密斯;Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯勒律治;William Hazlitt 威廉·哈兹利特;Leigh Hunt 韩特;Charles Lamb 兰姆;Thomas De Quincey 德·昆西;Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱;Thomas Babington Macaulay 马库莱第28卷Essays: English and American 《英国与美国名家随笔》【英文版全集在线阅读】William Makepeace Thackeray萨克雷;John Henry Newman纽曼;Matthew Arnold阿诺德;John Ruskin罗斯金;Walter Bagehot白芝皓;Thomas Henry Huxley赫胥黎;Edward Augustus Freeman佛里曼;Robert Louis Stevenson 斯蒂文森;William Ellery Channing钱宁;Edgar Allan Poe爱伦.坡;Henry David Thoreau梭罗;James Russell Lowell洛威尔第29卷The Voyage of the Beagle, by Charles Darwin 《比格尔号上的旅行》 [英] 查尔·达尔文/著【英文版下载】第30卷Scientific Papers 《科学论文集:物理学,化学;天文学;地质学》【英文版全集在线阅读】Michael Faraday 法拉第;Hermann von Helmholtz 赫姆霍尔兹;Lord Kelvin 汤姆森;Simon Newcomb 纽科姆;Sir Archibald Geikie盖基/著第31卷The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini 《契里尼自传》[意]本维努托·契里尼/著【英文版下载】第32卷Literary and Philosophical Essays 《文学和哲学名家随笔》【英文版下载】(法国、德国、意大利卷)Michel Eyquem de Montaigne 蒙田;Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve布沃;Ernest Renan勒南;Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 拉辛;J.C. Friedrich von Schiller席勒;Immanuel Kant 康德;Giuseppe Mazzini 马志尼;Byron拜伦;Goethe歌德/著第33卷Voyages and Travels: Ancient and Modern 《古代和现代著名航海与旅行记》【英文版在线阅读】Herodotus 希罗多德;Tacitus 德雷克;Sir Francis Drake 弗朗西斯德雷克 /著第34卷Discourse on Method, by René Descartes 《方法论》【英文版下载】Letters on the English, by Voltaire 《英国书信集》伏尔泰【英文版下载】On the Inequality among Mankind & Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar, by Jean Jacques Rousseau 《论人类不平等的起源与萨瓦副主教的信仰告白》卢梭【英文版下载】Of Man, Being the First Part of Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes 【英文版在线阅读】《法国和英国著名哲学家》笛卡尔;伏尔泰;罗素;霍布斯/著第35卷The Chronicles of Jean Froissart 《见闻与传奇又名闻见录》傅华萨【英文版下载】The Holy Grail, by Sir Thomas Malory 《圣杯》马洛尼【英文版在线阅读】A Description of Elizabethan England, by William Harrison 【英文版在线阅读】《见闻与传奇》傅华萨;马洛尼;哈里森/著第36卷The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli 《君主论》【英文版下载】The Life of Sir Thomas More, by William Roper 《托马斯.莫尔传记》威廉.罗珀【英文版在线阅读】Utopia, by Sir Thomas More 《乌托邦》托马斯·莫尔【英文版下载】The Ninety-Five Thesis, Address to the Christian Nobility & Concerning Christian Liberty, by Martin Luther 【英文版全集在线】第37卷Some Thoughts Concerning Education, by John Locke 《教育漫话》洛克【英文版下载】Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists, by George Berkeley 【英文版下载】An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, by David Hume 《人类理智研究》休谟【英文版下载】《17、18世纪英国著名哲学家》洛克;伯克利;休谟/著第38卷The Oath of Hippocrates 《The Oath of Hippocrates》希波克拉底【英文版在线阅读】Journeys in Diverse Places, by Ambroise Paré【英文版在线阅读】On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals, by William Harvey 《心血运动论》哈维【英文版下载】The Three Original Publications on Vaccination Against Smallpox, by Edward Jenner 【英文版下载】The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever, by Oliver Wendell Holmes 【英文版在线阅读】On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery, by Joseph Lister【英文版下载】Scientific Papers, by Louis Pasteur 【英文版在线阅读】Scientific Papers, by Charles Lyell 【英文版下载】《科学论文集:物理学、医学、外科学和地质学》帕雷;哈维;詹纳;霍姆斯;利斯特;巴斯德;赖尔/著第39卷Prefaces and Prologues 【英文版下载】《名著之前言与序言》卡克斯顿;喀尔文;哥白尼;诺克斯;斯宾塞;莱利;培根;第40卷English Poetry I: Chaucer to Gray 【英文版在线阅读】英文诗集(卷I):从乔叟到格雷第41卷English Poetry II: Collins to Fitzgerald 【英文版在线阅读】英文诗集(卷II):从科林斯到费兹杰拉德第42卷English Poetry III: Tennyson to Whitman 【英文版在线阅读】英文诗集(卷III):从丁尼生到惠特曼第43卷American Historical Documents: 1000-1904 【英文版在线阅读】美国历史文件:1000-1904第44卷Confucian: The Sayings of Confucius 《孔子语录》【英文版在线阅读】Hebrew: Job, Psalms & Ecclesiastes 【Job英文版在线阅读】【Psalms英文版在线】【Ecclesiastes英文版在线】Christian I: Luke & Acts 【Luke英文版在线阅读】【Acts英文版在线阅读】圣书(卷一):孔子;希伯来书;基督圣经(I)第45卷Christian II: Corinthians I & II & Hymns 【Corinthians I & II 英文版在线阅读】【Hymns英文版在线阅读】Buddhist: Writings 【英文版在线阅读】Hindu: The Bhagavad-Gita 《薄伽梵歌》【英文版下载】Mohammedan: Chapters from the Koran 【古兰经全集英文版下载】圣书(卷二):基督圣经(II);佛陀;印度教;穆罕默德第46卷Edward the Second, by Christopher Marlowe 《爱德华二世》马洛/著【英文版下载】Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth & The Tempest, by William Shakespeare 【哈姆雷特英文版下载】【李尔王英文版下载】【麦克白英文版下载】【暴风雨英文版下载】第47卷The Shoemaker's Holiday, by Thomas Dekker 【英文版在线阅读】The Alchemist, by Ben Jonson 《炼金士》本.琼森【英文版下载】Philaster, by Beaumont and Fletcher 《菲拉斯特》博蒙特&佛莱彻【英文版下载】The Duchess of Malfi, by John Webster 《马尔菲公爵夫人》韦伯斯特【英文版下载】A New Way to Pay Old Debts, by Philip Massinger 【英文版在线阅读】伊利莎白时期戏剧(卷II):德克;约翰逊;博蒙特;佛莱彻;韦伯斯特;马辛加/著第48卷Thoughts, Letters & Minor Works, by Blaise Pascal 【Thoughts of Blaise Pascal在线阅读】【Letters of Blaise Pascal在线阅读】【Minor Works在线阅读】帕斯卡文集帕斯卡/著第49卷Epic & Saga: Beowulf, The Song of Roland, The Destruction of Dá Derga's Hostel & The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs 【贝奥武夫下载】【罗兰之歌在线阅读】【鞑德嘎旅店的毁灭下载】【沃尔松和尼贝龙根之歌在线阅读】第50卷Lectures on the Harvard Classics 《哈佛经典讲座》【英文版在线阅读】。



The course of true love never did run smooth. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1)真爱⽆坦途。


Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind.(A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1)卑贱和劣⾏在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不⽤眼睛辨别,⽽是⽤⼼灵来判断/爱⽤的不是眼睛,⽽是⼼。

——《仲夏夜之梦》Lord, what fools these mortals be! (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 3.2)上帝呀,这些凡⼈怎么都是⼗⾜的傻⽠!——《仲夏夜之梦》The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 5.1)疯⼦、情⼈、诗⼈都是想象的产⼉。

——《仲夏夜之梦》Since the little wit that fools have was silenc’d, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show. (As You Like It, 1.2)⾃从傻⼦⼩⼩的聪明被压制得⽆声⽆息,聪明⼈⼩⼩的傻⽓显得更吸引眼球了。



——《皆⼤欢喜》Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. (As You Like It, 1.3)美貌⽐⾦银更容易引起⽍⼼。



书虫和床头灯系列世界名著英语读物目录[新版] 书虫目录学科资料.英语 2009-12-09 11:09:41 阅读103 评论0 字号:大中小订阅书虫(1级上适合初1\初2年级共10册)1 爱情与金钱 Love or Money2 《苏格兰玛丽女王》《Mary Queen of Scots Tim Vicary 》中英对照3 在月亮下面 Under The Moon4 潘德尔的巫师 The Witches of Pendle5 歌剧院的幽灵 The Phantom of The Opera6 猴爪 The Monkey's Paw7 世界上最冷的地方 The Coldest Place on Earth8 阿拉丁和神灯 Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp9 《象人》《The Elephant Man》中英对照10 别了,好莱坞先生 Goodbye Mr Hollywood 书虫(共8册1级下适合初1初2年级)1小公主 A Little Princess2.邦蒂号暴动 Mutiny On The Bounty3.奥米茄文件 The Omega Files4.谁谋杀了总统 The President's Murderer5.福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子 Sherlock Holmes and The Duke's Son6.白色死亡 White Death7.绿野仙踪 The Wizard of Oz8.难忘米兰达 Remember Miranda9.福尔摩斯与赛马 Sherlock Holmes and The Sport of Kings书虫(2级上适合初2初3年级共8册)1.威廉?莎士比亚 William Shakespeare2.一个国王的爱情故事 The Love of a King3.亡灵鸟 Dedd Man's Island4.哈克贝利?费恩历险记 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn5.《鲁宾孙漂流记》《The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe》中英对照6.爱丽丝漫游奇境记 Alice's Adventure in Wonderland7.格林?盖布尔斯的安妮 Anne of Green Gables 8.五个孩子和沙精 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or What You Will(第十二夜)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@History of Troilus and Cressida(特洛埃勒斯与克雷雪达)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@all’s well that end’s well(终成眷属)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Measure for Measure(量罪记)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Othello,The Moor of Venice(奥塞罗)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@King Lear(李尔王)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Macbeth(麦克白恩)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@antony and cleopatra(安东尼和克利奥帕格拉)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Coriolanus(科利奥兰纳斯)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Timon of Athens(雅典的泰门)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Cymbeline(辛白林)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Winter’s Tale(冬天的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Theologico-Political Treatise P2(神学与政治专题研究2)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Light of Egypt Volume II(埃及之光卷2)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Theologico-Political Treatise P3(神学与政治专题研究3)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Theologico-Political Treatise P4(神学与政治专题研究4)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@50 bab ballads(50篇巴布歌谣)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Alexander’s Bridge(亚力山大的桥)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND SELECTED ESSAYS(自传和散文选)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@arizona nights(亚利桑那之夜)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@billy baxter’s letters(比利巴克斯特书信)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@CROTCHET CASTLE(科罗切特岛)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair(其尔得·克里斯托弗)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@CHARLOTTE TEMPLE(夏洛特·藤布尔)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Catherine: A Story(凯瑟琳的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE HISTORY OF THE CALIPH VATHEK(加里弗.维克史)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE DOUBLE-DEALER(两面派)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@DREAMS & DUST(梦与尘)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Cruise of the Dolphin(海豚的游弋)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE DORE LECTURES ON MENTAL SCIENCE(脑科学讲座)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@DANNY’S OWN STORY(丹尼自传)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a fair penitent(由衷的忏悔)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE FROZEN DEEP(冰渊)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE FOOLISH VIRGIN(愚蠢的处女)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Diary of a Goose Girl(牧鹅女日记)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE HAUNTED HOTEL(闹鬼的旅馆)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE HOUSE OF THE WOLF(狼之家)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Island Nights’ Entertainments(岛上夜间的娱乐)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a dream of john ball(约翰·勃尔的梦)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Life of Francis Marion(弗朗西丝·马利翁传)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B.(杰斯帕·B·之游)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Early Kings of Norway(古挪威的国王)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@An Old Town By The Sea(滨海古城)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@LONDON’S UN DERWORLD(地下伦敦)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Lays of Ancient Rome(古罗马方位)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE LUMLEY AUTOGRAPH(卢母雷手迹)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Maid Marian(女孩马丽安)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@MALBONE: AN OLDPORT ROMANCE.(马尔布恩)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE IMITATION OF CHRIST(效仿基督)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Miss or Mrs.?(小姐还是夫人)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Majorie Daw(马祖绿·多)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@MY LADY’S MONEY(我的女士的钱)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@MEN’S WIVES(妻室)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@FROM THE MEMOIRS OF A MINISTER OF FRANCE(法国某部长的回忆录)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@ANTHOLOGY OF MASSACHUSETTS POETS(马萨诸赛诗人)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Incognita(隐姓埋名)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@RIDGWAY OF MONTANA(蒙达那的李奇微)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@UNDER THE RED ROBE(红袍下)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE ADVENTURES OF REDDY FOX(兰迪福克斯奇遇)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a rogue’s life(一个无赖的一生)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@SECRETS OF THE WOODS(林中的秘密)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Female Suffrage(妇女的选举权)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE SLEEPING-CAR(卧车)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Story of a Bad Boy(顽童故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@On the Improvement of the Understanding(提高阅读能力)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE PROPOSED TERRITORY OF ARIZONA(亚桑那的预定疆界)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE ART OF LAWN TENNIS(网球的艺术)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN MEDICINE(现代医药的演变)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE MASTERY OF THE AIR(操纵空气)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE MOUNTAINS(山脉)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Utopia(乌托邦)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Prayers Written At Vailima(维利马# 祈祷)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Vision Spendid(美景)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Poems(诗集)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Wrong Box(不是这个盒子)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Way of the World(如此世道)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Wyoming(怀俄明)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift And His Motor-Boat(汤姆·史威夫特和他的摩托艇)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift & his Submarine Boat(汤姆·史威夫特和他的潜水艇)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift & his Electric Runabout(汤姆史威特和他的电力小轿车)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift & his Sky Racer(汤姆·史威夫特和他的空中赛艇)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift & his Air Glider(汤姆·史威夫特和他的滑翔机)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera(汤姆·史威夫特和他的女巫相机)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift And His Giant Cannon(汤姆·史威夫特和他的巨形炮)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift & His Aerial Warship(汤姆·史威夫特和他的空战)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Russia in 1919(1919的俄国)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift & his Big Tunnel(汤姆·史威夫特和他的大遂道)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@adventures of col. daniel boone(丹尼尔·布思遇险)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The New McGuffey First Reader(新迈克亨斐第一读者)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tempest(暴风雨)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@King Henry VIII(亨利八世)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a lover’s complaint(情人的委屈)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Sir Thomas More(托马斯·莫尔骑士)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Locrine/Mucedorus(洛克林)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Cromwell(克伦威尔)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@King Edward the Third(爱德华三世)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@John Old castle(约翰古老的城堡)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift and His Air Scout(汤姆·史威夫特和他的侦察机)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift And His Undersea Search (汤姆斯威夫特和他的海底研究)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Tom Swift Among The Fire Fighters (消防员中的汤姆斯威夫特)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@alcibiades ii(阿尔西比亚德斯)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE MOST INTERESTING STORIES OF ALL NATIONS(全人类的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Thirty-Nine Steps(三十九级台阶)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Rape of Lucrece(露易丝受辱记)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Passionate Pilgrim(热情的朝圣徒)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The New McGuffey Fourth Reader(新迈克高斐第四读者2)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Aesop’s Fables(伊索寓言)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE ADVENTURES OF GERARD(吉拉德历险记)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@AN ACCOUNT OF EGYPT(埃及记)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@ANNALS OF THE PARISH(教区年鉴)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Categories(范畴)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@America Through the Spectacles of an Oriental Dipl(东方外交家眼里的亚美利坚)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Ayrshire Legatees(艾尔夏尔的继承者)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@beyond the city(城市之上)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Boy Captives(被俘的男孩)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Black Dwarf(黑侏儒)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Samual Brohl & Company(赛穆王·布洛公司)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Bucolics/Ecloges [English](牧歌)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@CLOTELLE(有色女英雄)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs.(玛丽罗兰森被俘与被释)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Cranford(克兰弗德)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE CRISIS IN RUSSIA(俄国危机)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE DARK LADY OF THE SONNETS(十四行诗里的黑夫人)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE STORY OF DOCTOR DOLITTLE(多利特尔医生的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a dark night’s work(一晚的工作)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Wives and Daughters(妻子与女儿)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE GEORGICS(农事诗集)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE GREAT GOD PAN(潘恩大帝)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE GREY ROOM(灰房间)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE DISCOVERY OF GUIANA(发现圭亚那)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Hell Fer Sartain & Other Stories(萨顿的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@HERLAND(她乡)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@IMAGINARY PORTRAITS(幻像)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Jane Eyre(简·爱)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@John C. Calhoun’s Remar ks in the Senate(约翰C卡尔豪在参议院上的讲话)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Jimmyjohn Boss and Other Stories(吉米约翰老板的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a knight of the cumberland(康巴伦的骑马士)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@LAHOMA(拉霍马)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE LOVE AFFAIRS OF A BIBLIOMANIAC(藏书癖者的爱情)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax(失踪的女士弗朗西斯卡法克斯)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@His Last Bow(他最后一次鞠躬)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@LETTERS FROM ENGLAND(从英特兰来的信)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror(玛格丽特阿姨的镜子)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Four Poems by John Milton(约翰弥尔顿4首诗)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@amours de voyage(出航)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Misalliance(错姻缘)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@North American Species of Cactus(北美仙人掌)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Professor(教授)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@ROUND THE RED LAMP(红灯四周)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@STORIES By English Authors in Africa(旅非英国作家的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Stories by English Authors in France(旅法英国作家的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Stories by English Authors in Germany(旅德英国作家的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Stories by English Authors in Italy(旅意英国作家的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Stories by English Authors in London(英国作家在伦敦的故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Stories by English Authors: Orient (英国作家故事集)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Life of Robert Browning(罗伯特·布朗宁传)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Sign of the Four(那四个的记号)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@SERMONS ON THE CARD AND OTHER DISCOURSES(卡上)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@SHE STANDS ACCUSED(她是被告)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Fifth String(第五根线)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER(星条旗)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@TOM SWIFT IN THE LAND OF WONDERS(汤姆·史威夫特/奇境)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a treatise on parents and children(父母与子女专题研究)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE TOUCHSTONE(试金石)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE TAPESTRIED CHAMBER(挂花毯的房间)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE TWIN HELLS(两个地狱)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Voyages of Dr. Doolittle(都利特尔的航行)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Vital Message(主信)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Early Short Fiction Part One(早斯短篇小说(第一部))新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Early Short Fiction Part Two #(早斯短篇小说(第二部))新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Mrs. Warren’s Profession(华伦夫人的职业)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Shelley(雪莱)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Shakespeare’s Sonnets(莎翁十四行诗集)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Venus and Adonis(维纳斯和阿多尼斯)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Great War Syndicate(战争辛迪加)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Yellow Wallpaper(黄色墙纸)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Yankee Gypsies(美国吉普赛人)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Marble Faun V. 1(玉石雕像卷1)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Misc Writings and Speeches(米斯克说与写)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Waifs and Strays, etc(流浪儿)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Twenty-Two Goblins(二十二只小女妖)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Flower of the Mind(脑之花)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Three Elephant Power and other stories(托马斯哈特本顿政参议院的讲话)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Misc Writings and Speeches(米斯克说与写3)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria(巴比龙尼亚和阿西里亚的宗教)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@[19th Century Actor] AUTOBIOGRAPHY(十九世纪男演员自传)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Adam Bede(亚当.比德)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Amphitryon(安菲特利翁)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Animal Heroes(动物英雄)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@SEVEN DISCOURSES ON ART(艺术七讲座)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Red Badge of Courage(红色英勇勋章)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@battle of the books et al(书战)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Bedford-Row Conspiracy(百得福特娄阴谋)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@beasts and super-beasts(野兽与超级野兽)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@best historical novels and tales(乔纳森尼尔德历史小说故事精选)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a brief history of the internet(因特网历史简介)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@In The Bishop’s Carriage(在主教的马车里)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@History Of The Britons(布利顿史)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@bickerstaff-partridge papers(比克一帕特拉奇文件)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@beowulf (贝奥武甫)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Cobb’s Anatomy(科伯的解剖学)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@carmen(卡门)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE CHILDREN(孩子们)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE COLOUR OF LIFE(生命之色)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo(从康希尔到大开罗)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Ceres’ Runaway & Other Essays(逃跑的色拉)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Dhammapada(达马帕达)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Diary of a Nobody(小人物日记)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Darrow Enigma(达罗之迷)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Diary of an Old Soul(一颗衰老灵魂的日记)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@MEN OF IRON(铁人)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@FIRE-TONGUE(火舌)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE GOLDEN FLEECE(金羊毛)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Flame and Shadow(火焰与阴影)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@GRANDFATHER’S CHAIR(祖父的椅子)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Glaucus/or The Wonders of the Shore(格劳高斯)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE GOLDEN THRESHOLD(金色的门槛)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE GOLF COURSE MYSTERY(高尔夫教程)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@God the Known and God the Unknown(已知的上帝和未知的上帝)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Gentle Grafter(轻柔的嫁接)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Grey Brethren(阴郁的教友们)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE GREAT HOGGARTY DIAMOND(大钻石)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Governess(家庭女教师)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Helen of Troy And Other Poems(特洛伊的海伦)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Hiero(希尔罗)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@On Horsemanship(骑马术)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Hearts of Controversy(争论的中心)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@AN ICELAND FISHERMAN(冰岛渔夫)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@PADRE IGNACIO(帕德拉·伊格纳西欧)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Main Street and Other Poems(大街)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a journey to the western islands of scotland(苏格兰西部群岛)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Stories To Tell To Children(儿童故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@How To Tell Children Stories(如何给孩子讲故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Mirror of Kong Ho(空赫的镜子)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Kansas Women in Literature(文学中的堪萨斯女人)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a. v. laider(A.V.雷德)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Little Lame Prince(小瘸腿王子)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@MANON LESCAUT(曼能拉斯考特)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE LIFTED VEIL(揭起的面纱)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@LIN McLEAN(林·迈林恩)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Love Songs(恋歌)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE LIGHT PRINCESS(光明公主)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE TREMENDOUS ADVENTURES OF MAJOR GAHAGAN(加哈甘少校历险记)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a modest proposal(一个小小的建议)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@MAGGIE: A GIRL OF THE STREETS(街头女郎梅季)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Middlemarch(米德尔.马齐)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Mill on the Floss(弗罗斯河上的磨房)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Memorabilia(纪念品)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Moon and Sixpence(月球和六便士)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@MOTHER(母亲)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Mazelli and Other Poems(马兹里)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The dawn of amateur radio in the U.K.(收音机雏形的诞生)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE RED SEAL(红印)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@REGINALD IN RUSSIA AND OTHER SKETCHES(里格那得在俄罗斯)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Rhythm of Life and Other Essays(生命的旋律)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Castle Rackrent(拉克伦特堡)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Some Roundabout Papers(绕圈的文件)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Rose and the Ring(玫瑰与戒指)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@On Revenues(税收)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Silas Marner(织工马南)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE SNOW IMAGE(雪景)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Soul of the Far East(远东的灵魂)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Speaking of Operations(说起手术)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Sportsman(运动员)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Spirit of Place and Other Essays(地方的精神等)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Strictly Business More Stories of the Four Million(完全商务)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@a straight deal(一笔干脆的交易)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE GATHERING OF BROTHER HILARIUS(希拉里兄的收集)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Thomas Hart Benton’s Remarks to th e Senate(西奥多罗斯福传)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@TANGLEWOOD TALES(探戈林故事)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@THE GREAT STONE FACE AND OTHER TALES OF THE WHITE(奇妙的石脸)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Prince(王子)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@TARTUFFE OR THE HYPOCRITE(塔突弗)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Unknown Guest(陌生客)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@The Voice of the City(城市之声)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Winesburg Ohio(小城畸人故事集)新萤火虫:砖头原创制作@Young Adventure(年轻的冒险)。

伊里亚特 英译本

伊里亚特 英译本



英译本的标题通常是《The Iliad》或《Iliad》,以下是一些常见的英译本:
1. Robert Fagles的译本:《The Iliad》(Publisher: Penguin Classics)
2. Samuel Butler的译本:《The Iliad》(Publisher: Publishing)
3. Richmond Lattimore的译本:《Iliad》(Publisher: University of Chicago Press)
4. Peter Green的译本:《The Iliad》(Publisher: University of California Press)
5. Martin Hammond的译本:《The Iliad》(Publisher: Penguin Classics)


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