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欲穷千里目更上一层楼有关英语作文If You Want to See Far, You Have to Climb Higher
Have you ever heard the saying "If you want to see further, you need to climb higher"? It's a really old Chinese saying that my grandpa likes to tell me. He says it means that if you want to understand more or see beyond what's right in front of you, you have to make an effort and put yourself in a better position. I think it's a pretty neat saying!
My grandpa grew up in a small village way out in the countryside when he was a kid. He said there weren't any tall buildings around, just a bunch of little houses and farms. The closest thing to a high place was this teeny tiny hill at the edge of the village. Grandpa said when he was little, he used to love climbing up that hill because it gave him a view of everything going on below. From up there, he could see all the farming fields, the dirt roads, the neighbors' houses, everything! Down on the ground level, it was hard to see very far because all the buildings and crops blocked the view. But from up high on that little hill, his view opened right up.
Grandpa said climbing that hill made him feel like he could see the whole world, at least his little world in that village. Up
there, he could watch the farmers working in the fields, see kids playing games down the road, and even spot birds flying overhead. He felt like he had a special superpower being up so high and being able to see so much more than everyone else down below. And you know what? He realized that a lot of the time, the higher up you went, the more things made sense too. Like when he was down on the ground, he couldn't really see where certain roads went or understand why the farmers planted crops a certain way. But from up on that hill, he could suddenly see the bigger picture and how everything fit together.
That's when he started to understand what the saying meant - that if you just settle for the view from ground level, you'll always be limited. Your perspective will be tiny, just those few houses or fields right around you. But if you make an effort to climb up higher, even if it's just a little bit higher, your whole world opens up. Suddenly you can see so much farther and make connections you couldn't see before.
As I got older, I started to realize my grandpa was absolutely right about that saying! It applies to so many things in life besides just looking at views. Like at school for example. If you just kind of coast through at a basic level, learning the minimum stuff they teach you, your understanding will be pretty limited.
It's like you're down on the ground only seeing what's right in front of you. But if you go a step further and really apply yourself - ask lots of questions, read extra books, join academic clubs - it's like you're climbing up to a higher level. All of a sudden, you're seeing how everything connects together in a deeper, richer way. You're not just memorizing facts, but understanding the reasons and context behind them.
Or let's say you have a disagreement with a friend about something. If you both just get stuck yelling about who's right from your original points of view, you'll never resolve it. It's like you're both planting your feet firmly on the ground, stubborn about your limited perspectives. But if one of you makes an effort to step back and try to see it from a new, higher viewpoint - considering the other person's side, looking at it more objectively, and seeing the bigger picture of the whole situation - that's when you can find compromises and solutions that you couldn't see before.
I've even noticed this saying applies to activities I'm really into like soccer or coding. When I first started learning those things, I was a total newbie down at ground level. I could only see and do the basics - how to dribble a ball, how to write a few lines of code, you know? But as I've stuck with them and worked
hard at improving my skills over time, it's been like gradually climbing up higher and higher. From my new elevated viewpoint, I can see way more of the whole picture now. In soccer, I understand team strategies, different playing positions, all these bigger concepts that were invisible from newbie level. With coding, I get how different elements interact, how to plan and design whole programs, all this complexity that was way over my head at first.
My point is, no matter what you're doing or learning about, if you're satisfied just staying down at that basic ground level, you'll always be limited in how much you can see and understand. Whether it's understanding a subject better in school, resolving an argument with a friend, or mastering a new skill, you have to be willing to climb up higher if you want to see the whole picture more clearly. It takes work, for sure, because climbing up to higher levels is a lot harder than just staying put where you're at. But putting in that effort to elevate yourself above the ground level view, even just a little bit higher, is how you'll be able to see and comprehend so much more in the end.
My grandpa was a smart guy to understand that idea so young! It makes me want to keep climbing to higher and higher levels, because who knows how much more amazing stuff I'll get
to see and discover the farther my view extends? If you want to see far, you really do have to make an effort to climb higher. It's not easy, but it opens up your whole world. I'll always remember my grandpa's wise old saying about seeing the bigger picture from up on that little hill. I have a feeling it'll stick with me for a long, long time, pushing me to keep climbing to gain better views and deeper understandings of everything life has to offer.。