大学英语精读第三册教案四单Unit4 a fan's notes.ppt

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The Mattel Toy Company Mattel is the worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of toy products. The company‘s core brands include Barbie, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Fisher-Price, and American Girl. With headquarters in El Segundo, California, Mattel has offices and facilities in 36 countries and sells its products in more than 150 nations throughout the world.
• How did he create the Statue of Liberty? (Para 3) • It is said that he had used his wife’s arm as the model, but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue. So for the face, he chose his mother’s. • When did the creator finish the statue? How did he like the statue? (Para 4) • In 1886. The creator called it “my daughter, Liberty”.

(完整版)大学英语精读第四册(教案)Book4Unit 1 Big Bucks The Easy WayTeaching Time: 4 hoursStudents’ level: Sophomores of non-English majors in the 2nd semester. Teaching Objectives:1.Help Ss get to know the lesson “No pains, no gains” and there is no “big bucks theeasy way”.2.About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabulariesand required grammar points of the section.Words: cash, echo, competitive, leisurely, pain, sour, finance, marvelous, party, stack, cram, harm, minimum, range, thoughtful, deadline, inform, normally,sale, trash, delivery, inquire, odd, shrinkPhrases & Expressions: pull up, a piece of cake, even as, know better than, be at, make a dent, cut into, have no b usiness, settle for, settle one’s account, quiteawhile, draw attention to, for sale, for rent, be done with, may as well Grammar: p143. About the reading, Ss should learn avoiding vocalization and inner speech.4. About the writing, Ss should learn word choice..5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 1 directed by teacher.Teaching Procedures:I. Pre-reading Activities1.Background information1)Montgomery Ward2)Sears,3)Roebuck2.Warm-up questions1)Do you depend on your parents financially?2)Is it easy to earn money by working part-time?3)Are there any easy ways to make much money?3.Key words and expressions:New words and old wordTeacher students(old words or expressions) (new ones)U.S. dollar buckDoor handle doorknobUnhurried leisurelyRelaxed leisurelyProfitable lucrativeSent out deliverEndure live withBeg panhandleTell informFill cramTie bandIncrease reproduceExtra money bonusPart sectionA path walkAn easy job a piece of cakePay settleHave no reason have no businessCome to terms with settle forStrange oddMoney financeFinish be done with English and Chinese phrasesTeacher(Chinese) Students( English)考虑look into总是all the time可以容忍live with令我痛心it pains me易如反掌 a piece of cake壮汉 a big guy干快些get busy好几卡车的truck loads of百货商店department store廉价商店 a dime store小杂货店drug store汽车行auto store外卖餐馆takeout restaurant提高嗓门voice rises超过极限out of the range of恍然大悟work a profound change in 教会某人做人work a profound change inone’s personality 经过调解in mediation结账settle the account劳务支出labor cost相同数额 a like amount托某人做enlist sb. To doII. While-reading Activities1.Ss have the silent reading on the text (10 mins)2.Text and questions for discussionLines 1-91.what did the father tell his college sons to think about?(to deliver bags of magazines to make some of their own money.)2.what was the father worried about?( the sons would become used to or feel content with living by asking for money all the time.)Lines 10-221.why did the mother phone the father?( she wanted him to know what was going on at home.)2.How do you understand the word “super” she snapped?( “super” means very good. But,she “snapped” it, which means she was very angry.She was being sarcastic,i.e. she meant the opposite of what she said.)3.can you paraphra se the sentence “Another truck just pulled up out front”?(Another truck has stopped outside in front of our hous to deliver more materials.) Lines 23-291.which company did the two sons do the delivery job for?( the Sunday Newspaper Company.)2.why did each truck deliver 4000 of the inserts?( Each one was from a different company and had the ads the sons were required to deliver to 4000 houses.)3.why did he think so?( He had no idea of how much work it would mean.)Lines 30-35What did the fa ther mean when h e said “they are college men.”?He meant that they were grown-ups, and should be capable of dealing with the situation.Lines 36-501.In what cases does people’s voice become unnaturally high and quavering?When they are excited, angry, upset and the like.2.what does “magazine sections” mean?Parts of magazines, 8 or 12 pages long.3.how many steps are there in the process before delivering?Five: take out, roll, slip, band and slide.Lines 51-661.what do you think of the father’s answe r?Clever and sensible. It is a lie, a harmless lie, one told in order to avoid upsetting somebody.2.why did the father say “That’s encouraging”?the sons were learning how to solve the problem of manpower shortage;they hired other people to help, and learnt to improve efficiency by establishing assembly lines.3.why did the mother say “it is very discouraging”?the measures weren’ working at all.Lines 67-771.what do you think of the father’s bonus program?It is reasonable and logical. Bonus is a popular incentive that management adopts. Sometimes we have to lose something in order to gain something. If you are reluctant to use a small bait, you can hardly get a big fish.2.did the son understand that at first thought?No. he thought the more the workers got, the less he obtained.3.why did the son answer “Yes, Sir”?he had come to realize it was a business and he took the father’s instructions as and order.Lines 78-861.what does “see the color of cash” mean?See Note 7 in your text book.2.what’s the d ifference between the original payment and the demanded one?The original payment was five dollars per person, shile now they demanded five dollars per hour.3.who probably played the mediating role?The mother.Lines 87-94Why did the son think it “enough”?No matter how much, it was the money they made by themselves with great efforts and they learnt a lot from the experience.Lines 95-1091.what did the youngest sons learn from their college brothers?They learnt to make their own money in order to avoid having to ask for money all the time.2.what were they going to do to try to earn money?They were going to sell or rent the family’s books.3.do you agree “you’re never done with books”?Yes. Because………No. because ………..3.T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)4.T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text (5 mins)III. Post-reading Activities1.Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the newwords.2.Ss hand in the summary of the text.Summary questions and concluding remarks1) Do you think it necessary for the sons to make some money for themselves?Give reasons for your answer.I think it necessary…….because………..2) what do you think is needed in accomplishing something difficult?I think it is self-confidence, perseverance, co-operation or team work,reasonable management, strategies of solving problems, etc.3)what is the father’s tone in telling the story?The tone is light and ironic because the story is meant to be funny. The problem in the story was one that people think is very serious when it happens, but later they can laugh about.3.Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text.4.Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to thenew words and topic.5. Exercise:Sentence making in dialoguesTeacher: now I’d like you to complete the following dialogues by making Sentences with the giver phrases.Pull up1.what do you ask your driver to do when you reach your destination?I ask the driver to pull up near the place I want to go.2.what does a bus driver do when a passenger wants to get off?He pulls up at a bus stop.3.what does the red light mean to a moving vehicle?It means that the vehicle must pull up at the zebra.A piece of cake1.can you recite the 26 English letters?Sure. It’s a piece of cake.2.do you think it difficult to use a tape recorder?No. it’s a piece of cake.Make a dent in1.have you finished your outline?No, I’ve hardly made a dent in it.2.How are you getting along with your project?We have made only a small dent in it.Cut into1.do you watch TV in your study period?No. that would cut into my study time.2.what cuts into the factory’s profit?The rise of the labor costs, material prices, the increased consumption of power, etc.Settle for1.if you can’t sell your bicycle at a hig h price, what will you do?I have to settle for a lower price.2.If you can’t get a well-paid job, will you settle for a lower-paid job?Might/may/could as well1.what do you suggest we do during the winter vacation?If you have nothing to do, you might as well take up a part-time job.2.what should I do if I can’t afford a house?You may as well rent an apartment and set aside your money for a new house.Unit 2 Deer and The Energy CycleTeaching Time: 4 hoursStudents’ level: Sophomores of non-English majors in the 2nd semester. Teaching Objectives:1.Get Ss to know the energy cycle and instruct them to observe the animal’s living instinct in order to value the natural resource; learn about food-enery-life-death.2.About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies and required grammar points of the section.Words: tendency, rate, area, plentiful, possessions, currency, scarce, ample, drowsy, fundamental, accumulate, internal, hence Phrases & Expressions: to meet the needs, turn of mind, convert into Grammar:3. About the reading, Ss should know the usage of dictionary.4. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill—coherence .5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 2 directed by teacher.Teaching Procedures:I. Pre-reading Activities1. Warm-up questions1)Allow Ss to go over the text for 10 mins.2)Ask them to list the facts about the life of deer in the four seasonsrespectively.3)Sum u p Ss’s results2. Introductory remarks:1) What do you think life depends on?Money, love, or something else?2) where does energy come from?Food, spirit, God, or what?3)what happens to life there is no food , or source of energy?if life useless after it comes to an end?4) Life is energy, isn’t it? What do you think?The planet we live on is made up of 2 major components: living organisms and inorganic substances. As far as living things are concerned, life spans vary. Some may live for thousands of years, while others live only a few seconds. Regardless of the this difference, every life develops from a lower stage to a higher stage until its death, and every species develops in this way, too. But what makes life perform in this way? What happens after life? Our earth has been functioning for billions of years. What has made it work for so long? Let’s have a careful study of the text 3. New words and phrases studyStudy of the words and phrasesNew words and old wordsTeacher students(old words or expressions) (new ones)tendency turn of mindmoney currencychange into convert intoautumn fallsomething stored reservesrare scarceto satisfy the demands to meet the needsarea regionplentiful amplepossessions resourcestore depositspend expendsleepy drowsybecome liquid meltat the same time meanwhilebasic fundamentaltherefore hencecollect accumulateinside internalsmall wooden house cabinEnglish and Chinese PhrasesTeacher(Chinese) students(English)注重/有……的倾向a … turn of mind生态系统an ecological system 倚赖to depend on年复一年from year to year尽可能多as much as one can旺季times of plenty储存的脂肪reserves of fat/stored fat 不甚出名,鲜为人知less well known能说明问题的例子a good case in point 营养食品nutritious food生理成熟physically mature生育to give birth to食物资源food resources熬过冬天to survive the winter/to pull through the winter 大雪deep snow小雪light snow基本规律 a fundamental ruleII. While-reading Activities1.Text and questions for discussion .Lines 1-61.what does “love makes the world go round” mean?People with a romantic turn of mind think that love, romantic love, is what makes life worth living..2.why does the author say that energy is the “currency” of the ecological system?An ecological system is all the plants, animals and people, and their surroundings, considered as a whole, In the commercial world, money is the currency , or means of survival. For life, the most important support is food, the source of energy for life, which allows growth, reproduction, and survival.Lines 7-121.what do wild animals do with the food in different seasons? Why do they do so?Wild animals seem to know when there will be plenty of food and when there won’t. so they eat as much as they can when there is plenty of food so that they can become fat and strong and grow well. In winter, they have little to eat. But they do not starve because the fat they have stored in their bodies brings them through this hard time.Lines 13-221.what does “ this is good timing” mean?This means that the female deer uses the most suitable seasons, i.e.summer and fall, for the birth of fawns and the production of milk because both the conception and production cost the female deer much energy and in both seasons there is plenty of food, which meet the deer’s physical needs.Lines 23-311.to what does the author compare the process of fat reserving?A bank savings account, from which one can draw when he needs the money. Lines 32-441.what is the phenomenon of lowering metabolism?The heart rate slows. The animal becomes slow and drowsy. Therefore, the use of and need for energy is reduced.2.what protects the deer from cold winter? How does it work?They undergo physical and internal physiological changes, i.e. the hair growth andthe slow metabolism. The thick hair keeps the deer warm and the slow metabolism makes the deer consume less energy, which is stored in the form of fat for use when they need it for growth.Lines 45-561.what decreases as winter progresses?The deer’s activities.2.why were people advised to behave like that?To use less oil and electricity for conserving energy to pull through the crisis.3.what does the author imply by “watched the deer”?He implies that men can learn from the deer to reduce unnecessary cost of energy. Lines 57-641.“…to pull them through”. Can you say it in other words?…to help them survive the winter.2.what is the fundamental rule of life?The more fat the deer reserve, the more chance there is for them to survive the crises. Only the largest and strongest are likely to survive.3.Is the fundamental rule of life applicable to human beings?Yes. If we human beings do not protect nature and ourselves by saving energy, we will be punished by nature and will eventually be wiped out from this planet. Lines 65-681.what is the life cycle?Food-energy-life-survival-reproduction-death-food-energy-other life… .Food –energy-seek more food-new energy-food…..Energy is vital to our world. But energy is not always plentiful. The supply can vary, either seasonally or for other reasons. Some animals, the white-tailed deer, for instance, have developed natural ways or varying their own use of energy with the variations of the supply. Human beings can and should learn this lesson for their own survival.2. Teacher explains the key points in detailsturn of mind1.what is your turn of mind?I have a logical turn of mind, or literary/critical/philosophic/humorous/optimisticturn of mind.2.what kind of person is likely to create things?A person of a creative turn of mind is likely to create things.3.what words can you use to describe people of different turns of mind?Down-to-earth, poetic, business-like, humorous, etc.Depend on1.How do crops grow?They depend on the sunlight,water, and fertilizer for growth.2.How are the prices of commodities set?They mainly depend on the relation between demand and supply.A case in point1.can you give an example of a successful person?Yes. A case in point is Thomas Edison, a great inventor.2.can anything heavier than air stay in the sky?Yes. A case in point is the helicopter.3.How can we conclude that a person is selfish.A case in point is…Meet…needs1.why do people drink so much water on the sports ground?They have to meet their body’s needs for water as they play in the sun.2.why does a factory install another assembly line?They want to meet the needs of increasing production.Draw on1.How can a good writer write so many interesting stories?He draws on his experience, knowledge, observation, perception and interpretation of life for the material of his stories.2.How can a person put forward such a peculiar idea?I think he’s drawn on his imagination.Slow down1.what is a driver expected to do if a police car comes towards or follows him/her?He/she is expected to slow down and then stop by the road side.2.what does a runner do after he passes the finish line?He slows down and stops.Pull through1.what should you do in face of difficulties?I should use my skills, work hard,and sometimes I should take somebody’s advice.This might help to pull me through the difficulties.2.why was the little boy, Schatz,waiting for death?He believed he had a fatally high temperature and would notpull through.3.T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)4.T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text (5 mins)III. Post-reading Activities1.Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words.2.Ss hand in the summary of the text.3.Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text.4.Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the newwords and topic.Unit 3 Why Do We Believe That The Earth Is Round? Teaching Time: 4 hoursStudents’ level: Sophomores of non-English majors in the 2nd semester. Teaching Objectives:1.Get Ss to know the author’s purpose is to teach Ss to havea correct attitude towards knowledge and accepting of knowledge by taking the examples of other’s arguments of the shape of Earth.2 About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies and required grammar points of the section.Words: preface, remark, cite, exaggerate, mast, appeal, analogy, cast, precarious, produce, burden, botherPhrases & Expressions: appeal to, follow up, for the sake of, throw light on, shaped like, cast on, fall back on, stray away from, Grammar:3. About the reading, Ss should know the reading skills oftelling difference bwteenfacts and opinion sentences.4. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill—coherence.5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 3 directed by teacher.Teaching Procedures:I. Pre-reading Activities1.Background information1)George Orwell2)George Bernard Shaw3)The Flat Earth Theory and the Round Earth Theory4)Eclipses5)Playing Cards6)Comrade Mao Tse-tung on knowledge, on Direct Experience andIndirect Experience2. warm-up questions and introductory remarks1)Do you believe that the earth is round? Why?Yes, I do, because science proves that it is true.2) Have you heard of other conclusions about the shape of the earth?What are they? Why don’t you believe them?Yes. The earth was said to be flat or oval. I don’t believe them because the photos from satellites or the scenes of eclipses show that it’s round.2)why is “the earth is round” put in a question?3.Key words and expressions:study of the words and phrasesnew words and old wordsteacher students(old words or expressions) (new ones)forward prefacesay,argue remarkquote citesimply merelyaccept without question swallowoverstate exaggerateattract appeal tofor the good of for the sake ofpole on a ship mastbend curvecomparison analogyquickly promptlyround plate discthrow castgo to aim atinsecure precariousturn to for help fall back onin another way otherwisemove from stray away fromshow produceload burdentake trouble botherEnglish and Chinese PhrasesTeacher(Chinese) students(English)在某处somewhere or other序言the preface to中世纪the middle ages普遍认为the widespread belief that 普通人the ordinary citizen迎合口味appeal to我的…完蛋了bang goes my…求助于fall back on不屑一顾would not even bother to 反驳say…against天体heavenly body由此可见it will be seen that靠不住的理由precarious reasons知识面the range of knowledge 无力的论据weak argumentII. While-reading Activities1.Ss have the silent reading on the text (10 mins)2.T explains the text in details.Appeal to1.do detective films appeal to you?Yes, ….No, … .2.what kinds of books appeal most to youth?Books on …3.why are children’s clothes colorful?Bright and colorful clothes usually appeal to children.Follow up1.what do the police do if a case is reported to them?They follow up the case.2.what do you do if you read an interesting story series on a newspaper?I follow it up.For the sake of1.what do people usually do for the sake of health?They eat healthy food, do exercises and don’t smoke,don’t…2.why is it necessary to widen the streets?It’s necessary to widen the streets for the sake of a smoother flow of traffic. Throw light on1.what is the use of the background knowledge of a story?It throws light on it.2.why are illustrations, data and charts or tables necessary in scientific reports orbusiness presentations?They throw light on the reports and presentations.Shaped like1.Why is a UFO also called a flying saucer?It is shaped like a saucer.2.what is a space shuttle like?It is shaped like a huge plane.Cast on1.what can you see on a moon-lit night in the open?I can see my shadow cast on the ground.I can see the shadows of the trees cast on the wall/window.Fall back on。

B) To beБайду номын сангаасa baseball editorialist. C) To get a job. D) To be a writer.
2. What in Sarah’s second e-mail caught the author’s attention? KEY A) In the email Sarah asked the author for a job.
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading
After Reading
A sportswriter thinks he’s met another crank. Instead, he finds a true winner.
Before Reading
May I ask you a question? For two years I have been running my own website about the Dodgers. How did you become a baseball editorialist? That is my deam.
4. The author decided to drive a long way to visit Sarah because he was curious about ____.

Unit 1Two college-age boys, unaware that making money usually involves hard work, are tempted by an advertisement that promises them an easy way to earn a lot of money. The boys soon learn that if something seems to good to be true, it probably is. 一个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。
BIG BUCKS THE EASY WAY轻轻松松赚大钱"You ought to look into this," I suggested to our two college-age sons. "It might be a way to avoid the indignity of having to ask for money all the time." I handed them some magazines in a plastic bag someone bad hung on our doorknob. A message printed on the bag offered leisurely, lucrative work ("Big Bucks the Easy Way!") of delivering more such bags.“你们该看看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。
大学英语精读第三册教案四单Unit4 a fan'

记叙文 a movie 描述文 a picture 说明文 a lecture 议论文 a debate
◆ What pattern is the text organized in?
A problem-solution
B cause-effect
C general-specific
D time / sequence a
Global analysis
Part division
No. Paras Main Ideas
1 1-4 The start of our unusual relationship
2 5-29 The development via more email exchanges
3 30-44 The real-life contact
Unit 4 A Fan’s Notes
College English
Warm-up Questions
Do you know anything about Ms Zhang Haidi? What do you think of her?
How are disabled people treated in our society?
— Statistics show that 50% of new businesses begin to make a profit in the second year.
— Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
— The statistics comes from a study recently conducted by the Ministry of Finance.

After the eighth email (P 23-29)
Kind of trustful. He wanted to drive over to see her.
During the visit with Sarah (P 30-44)
Shocked by Sarah and thought Sarah was great.
Physically handicapped
Physically challenged
Mentally handicapped
Mentally challenged
“Life is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get.”
Is he cynical or positive? Once cynical, now positive
How old is she? 30 years old
How is her health condition? What kind of disability has she suffered from? She has a physical handicap. cerebral palsy
Unit 4
A Fan’s Notes
Warm up Global reading Detailed reading Practice
We can use
★ disabled ★ handicapped ★ physically/mentally challenged ★ otherwise-abled
(完整word版)大学英语精读 第三版 第四册

Two college-age boys, unaware that making money usually involves hard w ork, are tempted by an advertisement that promises them an easy way to earn a lot of money。
The boys soon learn that if something seems to good to be true, it probably is。
BIG BUCKS THE EASY WAY"You ought to look into this," I suggested to our two college-age sons. "It might be a w ay to avoid the indignity of having to ask for money all th e time。
”I handed them some magazines in a plastic bag som eone bad hung on our doorknob. A message printed on the bag offered leisurely, lucrative work ("Big Bucks the Easy Way!”) of delivering more such bags.“你应该看看这个,”我建议我们两个上大学的儿子.“这可能是一种避免必须要钱的侮辱。

大学英语精读第三版第四册课文及课文翻译Unit 1TextTwo college-age boys, unaware that making money usually involves hard work, are tempted by an advertisement that promises them an easy way to earn a lot of money. The boys soon learn that if something seems to good to be true, it probably is.BIG BUCKS THE EASY W AYJohn G. Hubbell"You ought to look into this," I suggested to our two college-age sons. "It might be a way to avoid the indignity of having to ask for money all the time." I handed them some magazines in a plastic bag someone bad hung on our doorknob. A message printed on the bag offered leisurely, lucrative work ("Big Bucks the Easy Way!") of delivering more such bags."I don't mind the indignity," the older one answered."I can live with it," his brother agreed."But it pains me," I said,"to find that you both have been panhandling so long that it no longer embarrasses you."The boys said they would look into the magazine-delivery thing. Pleased, I left town on a business trip. By midnight I was comfortably settled in a hotel room far from home. The phone rang. It was my wife. She wanted to know how my day had gone."Great!" I enthused. "How was your day?" I inquired."Super!" She snapped. "Just super! And it's only getting started. Another truck just pulled up out front.""Another truck?""The third one this evening. The first delivered four thousand Montgomery Wards. The second brought four thousand Sears, Roebucks. I don't know what this one has, but I'm sure it will be four thousand of something. Since you are responsible, I thought you might like to know what's happening.What I was being blamed for, it turned out, was a newspaper strike which made it necessary to hand-deliver the advertising inserts that normally are included with the Sunday paper. The company had promised our boys $600 for delivering these inserts to 4,000 houses by Sunday morning."Piece of cake!" our older college son had shouted." Six hundred bucks!" His brother had echoed, "And we can do the job in two hours!""Both the Sears and Ward ads are four newspaper-size pages," my wife informed me. "There are thirty-two thousand pages of advertising on our porch. Even as we speak, two big guys are carrying armloads of paper up the walk. What do we do about all this?""Just tell the boys to get busy," I instructed. "They're college men. They'll do what they have to do."At noon the following day I returned to the hotel and found an urgent message to telephone my wife. Her voice was unnaturally high and quavering. There had been several more truckloads of ad inserts. "They're for department stores, dime stores, drugstores, grocery stores, auto stores and so on. Some are whole magazine sections. We have hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of pages of advertising here! They are crammed wall-to-wall all through the house in stacks taller than your oldest son. There's only enough room for people to walk in, take one each of the eleveninserts, roll them together, slip a rubber band around them and slide them into a plastic bag. We have enough plastic bags to supply every takeout restaurant in America!" Her voice kept rising, as if working its way out of the range of the human ear. "All this must be delivered by seven o'clock Sunday morning.""Well, you had better get those guys banding and sliding as fast as they can, and I'll talk to you later. Got a lunch date.When I returned, there was another urgent call from my wife."Did you have a nice lunch?" she asked sweetly. I had had a marvelous steak, but knew better by now than to say so."Awful," I reported. "Some sort of sour fish. Eel, I think.""Good. Your college sons have hired their younger brothers and sisters and a couple of neighborhood children to help for five dollars each. Assembly lines have been set up. In the language of diplomacy, there is 'movement.'""That's encouraging.""No, it's not," she corrected. "It's very discouraging. They're been as it for hours. Plastic bags have been filled and piled to the ceiling, but all this hasn't made a dent, not a dent, in the situation! It's almost as if the inserts keep reproducing themselves!""Another thing," she continued. "Your college sons must learn that one does not get the best out of employees by threatening them with bodily harm.Obtaining an audience with son NO. 1, I snarled, "I'll kill you if threaten one of those kids again! Idiot! You should be offering a bonus of a dollar every hour to the worker who fills the most bags."But that would cut into our profit," he suggested."There won't be any profit unless those kids enable you to make all the deliveries on time. If they don't, you two will have to remove all that paper by yourselves. And there will be no eating or sleeping until it is removed."There was a short, thoughtful silence. Then he said, "Dad, you have just worked a profound change in my personality.""Do it!""Yes, sir!"By the following evening, there was much for my wife to report. The bonus program had worked until someone demanded to see the color of cash. Then some activist on the work force claimed that the workers had no business settling for $5 and a few competitive bonuses while the bossed collected hundreds of dollars each. The organizer had declared that all the workers were entitled to $5 per hour! They would not work another minute until the bosses agreed.The strike lasted less than two hours. In mediation, the parties agreed on $2 per hour. Gradually, the huge stacks began to shrink.As it turned out, the job was completed three hours before Sunday's 7 a.m. deadline. By the time I arrived home, the boys had already settled their accounts: $150 in labor costs, $40 for gasoline, and a like amountfor gifts—boxes of candy for saintly neighbors who had volunteered station wagons and help in delivery and dozen roses for their mother. This left them with $185 each — about two-thirds the minimum wage for the 91 hours they worked. Still, it was "enough", as one of them put it, to enable them to "avoid indignity" for quite a while.All went well for some weeks. Then one Saturday morning my attention was drawn to the odd goings-on of our two youngest sons. They kept carrying carton after carton from various corners of the house out the front door to curbside. I assumed their mother had enlisted them to remove junk for a trash pickup. Then I overheard them discussing finances."Geez, we're going to make a lot of money!""We're going to be rich!"Investigation revealed that they were offering " for sale or rent" our entire library."No! No!" I cried. "You can't sell our books!""Geez, Dad, we thought you were done with them!""You're never 'done' with books," I tried to explain."Sure you are. You read them, and you're done with them. That's it. Then you might as well make a little money from them. We wanted to avoid the indignity of having to ask you for……"一个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。

A Poem on friendship
Friendship Helen foster snow Friendship is no common weed That grows along the way. It’s highly cultivated And watered day by day.
3.One that closely resembles or harmonizes with another:
The napkins were a nice match for the tablecloth. 4.A pair, each one of which resembles or harmonizes with the other: The colors were a close match. 相配
You’ve always known what friendship is, Gnosis and praxis too. You stand at every crossroads So good and strong and true.
Notes: “Gnosis and praxis” : the formal terms in
Pre-class work Discussion
1. Why is it that two people as different from each other as the boy and the old woman could develop such an enduring andபைடு நூலகம்rewarding friendship? What have you learned from their friendship? 2. What is the essence of true friendship ? Do you think people who are very different in age can develop a rewarding friendship? Do you have such friends? Have you heard of such cases? Share your ideas with your partners.

Book4Unit 1 Big Bucks The Easy WayTeach ing Time: 4 hoursStude nts 'level: Sophomores of non-En glish majors in the 2nd semester.Teach ing Objectives:1. Help Ss get to know the less on “ No pains, no gains ” and there is no “ big bucks the easy way .2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabulariesand required grammar points of the secti on.Words: cash, echo, competitive, leisurely, pain, sour, finance, marvelous, party, stack, cram, harm, minimum, range, thoughtful, deadline, inform, normally, sale, trash, delivery, inq uire, odd, shri nkPhrases & Expressi ons: pull up, a piece of cake, eve n as, know better tha n, be at, make a dent, cut in to, have no lusin ess, settle for, settle one ' s acco unt, quiteawhile, draw atte ntio n to, for sale, for rent, be done with, may as well Grammar : p143. About the read ing, Ss should lear n avoid ing vocalizati on and inner speech.4. About the writi ng, Ss should lear n word choice..5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 1 directed by teacher.Teachi ng Procedures:I. Pre-read ing Activities1. Background information1) Montgomery Ward2) Sears,3) Roebuck2. Warm-up questions1) Do you depend on your parents financially?2) Is it easy to earn money by working part-time?3) Are there any easy ways to make much money?3. Key words and expressions:New words and old wordTeacher(old words or expressi ons)U.S. dollarDoor han dleUn hurriedRelaxedProfitableSent outEn dureBegTellFillTieIn creaseExtra moneyPartA pathAn easy jobPayHave no reas onCome to terms withStrangeMoneyFi nishEn glish and Chin ese phrases Teacher(Ch in ese)stude nts (new on es) buckdoork nob leisurely leisurely lucrative deliverlive with panhan dle informcrambandreproduce bonussecti onwalka piece of cake settlehave no bus in esssettle foroddfinancebe done with Stude nts( En glish)考虑look into总是all the time可以容忍live with令我痛心it pains me易如反掌 a piece of cake壮汉 a big guy干快些get busy好几卡车的truck loads of百货商店departme nt store廉价商店 a dime store小杂货店drug store汽车行auto store外卖餐馆takeout restaura nt提高嗓门voice rises超过极限out of the range of恍然大悟work a profo und cha nge in 教会某人做人work a profound change inone' s pers on ality经过调解in mediati on结账settle the acco unt劳务支出labor cost相同数额 a like amount托某人做en list sb. To doII. While-readi ng Activities1. Ss have the sile nt readi ng on the text (10 mi ns)2. Text and questions for discussionLi nes 1-91. what did the father tell his college sons to think about?(to deliver bags of magaz ines to make some of their own mon ey.)2. what was the father worried about?(the sons would become used to or feel content with liv ing by ask ing for moneyall the time.)Li nes 10-221. why did the mother phone the father?(she wan ted him to know what was going on at home.)2. How do you understand the word “ super ” she snapped?( “super ” means very good. But,she “snapped ” it, which means she was very angry.She was being sarcastic,i.e. she meant the opposite of what she said.)3. can you paraphrase the sentence “Another truck just pulled up out front ”?(Ano ther truck has stopped outside in front of our hous to deliver more materials.)Lines 23-291. which company did the two sons do the delivery job for?(the Sun day Newspaper Compa ny.)2. why did each truck deliver 4000 of the inserts?(Each one was from a differe nt compa ny and had the ads the sons were requiredto deliver to 4000 houses.)3. why did he think so?(He had no idea of how much work it would mean.)Lines 30-35What did the father mea n whe n le said “ they are college men. ”?He meant that they were grown-ups, and should be capable of dealing with thesituatio n.Lines 36-501. In what cases does people ' s voice become unnaturally high and quavering?When they are excited, an gry, upset and the like.2. what does “ magazine sections ” mean?Parts of magaz in es, 8 or 12 pages long.3. how many steps are there in the process beforedelivering?Five: take out, roll, slip, band and slide.Lines 51-661. what do you think of the father ' s answer?Clever and sensible. It is a lie, a harmless lie, one told in order to avoid upsetting somebody.2. why did the father say “That' s encouraging ”?the sons were lear ning how to solve the problem of man power shortage;they hired other people to help, and learnt to improve efficiency by establishing assembly lin es.3. why did the mother say “ it is very discouraging ”?the measures were n ' work ing at all.Lines 67-771. what do you think of the father ' s bon?s programIt is reas on able and logical. Bonus is a popular incen tive that man ageme nt adopts. Sometimes we have to lose something in order to gain something. If you are reluctant to use a small bait, you can hardly get a big fish.2. did the son understand that at first thought?No. he thought the more the workers got, the less he obta in ed.3. why did the son answer “ Yes, Sir ”?s in struct ions as he had come to realize it was a bus in ess and he took the father 'and order.Lines 78-861. what does “ see the color of cash ” mean?See Note 7 in your text book.2. what' s the differenee between the origirpriyment and the demanded one?The original payment was five dollars per person, shile now they demanded five dollars per hour.3. who probably played the mediating role?The mother.Li nes 87-94Why did the son think it “ eno ugh”?No matter how much, it was the money they made by themselves with great efforts and they lear nt a lot from the experie nee.Lines 95-1091. what did the youngest sons learn from their college brothers?They lear nt to make their own money in order to avoid hav ing to ask for money all the time.2. what were they going to do to try to earn money?They were going to sell or rent the family ' s books.3. do you agree “ you' re never done with books ”?Yes. Because ..........No. because ............3. T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)4. T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text (5 mins)III. Post-readi ng Activities1. Let the stude nts do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words.2. Ss hand in the summary of the text.Summary questi ons and con clud ing remarks1) Do you think it necessary for the sons to make some money for themselves? Give reas onsfor your an swer.I think it necessary ............... .because ............2) what do you thi nk is n eeded in accomplishi ng somethi ng difficult?I think it is self-c on fide nee, persevera nee, co-operati on or team work, reas on able manageme nt, strategies of solvi ng problems, etc.3) what is the father ' s tone in telling the story? The tone is light and ironic becausethe story is meant to be funny. The problem in the story was one that people thi nk is very serious whe n it happe ns, but later they can laugh about.3. Ss discuss the questio ns on the topic related to the text.4. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic.5. Exercise:Sentence making in dialoguesTeacher: now I ' d like you to complete the following dialogues by making Senten ces with the giver phrases.Pull up1. what do you ask your driver to do when you reach your destination?I ask the driver to pull up n ear the place I want to go.2. what does a bus driver do when a passenger wants to get off?He pulls up at a bus stop.3. what does the red light mean to a moving vehicle?It means that the vehicle must pull up at the zebra.A piece of cake1. can you recite the 26 English letters?Sure. It ' s a pife c ake.2. do you think it difficult to use a tape recorder?No. it ' s a piece of cake.Make a dent in1. have you finished your outline?No, I ' ve hardly made a dent in it.2. How are you getting along with your project?We have made only a small dent in it.Cut into1. do you watch TV in your study period?No. that would cut into my study time.2. what cuts into the factory ' s profit?The rise of the labor costs, material prices, the in creased con sumpti on of power, etc. Settle for1. if you can ' t sell your bicycle at a pigpe, what will you do?I have to settle for a lower price.2. If you can ' t get a-pajU job, will you settle for a lower-paid job?Might/may/could as well1. what do you suggest we do duri ng the win ter vacati on?If you have nothing to do, you might as well take up a part-time job.2. what should I do if I can ' t afford a house?You may as well rent an apartment and set aside your money for a new house.Unit 2 Deer and The Energy CycleTeach ing Time: 4 hoursStude nts 'level: Sophomores of non-En glish majors in the 2nd semester.Teach ing Objectives:1. Get Ss to know the en ergy cycle and in struct them to observe the an imal ' s livi ng in st inct in orderto value the n atural resource; lear n about food-e nery-life-death.2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies and requiredgrammar points of the sect ion.Words: tenden cy, rate, area, ple ntiful, possessi ons, curre ncy, scarce, ample, drowsy, fun dame ntal, accumulate, intern al, hencePhrases & Expressi ons: to meet the n eeds, turn of mi nd, convert intoGrammar :3. About the read ing, Ss should know the usage of dicti on ary.4. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill ——coherence .5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 2 directed by teacher.Teachi ng Procedures:L Pre-reading Activities1. Warm-up questio ns1) Allow Ss to go over the text for 10 mins.2) Ask them to list the facts about the life of deer in the four seasonsrespectively.3) Sum up Ss ' s results2. I ntroductory remarks:1) What do you thi nk life depe nds on?Mon ey, love, or someth ing else?2) where does en ergy come from?Food, spirit, God, or what?3) what happe ns to life there is no food , or source of en ergy?if life useless after it comes to an end?4) Life is en ergy, is n What tlO?you thi nk?The pla net we live on is made up of 2 major comp onen ts: liv ing orga ni sms andinorganic substa nces. As far as liv ing things are concern ed, life spa ns vary. Somemay live for thousa nds of years, while others live only a few sec on ds. Regardlessof the this differe nee, every life develops from a lower stage to a higher stage un tilits death, and every species develops in this way, too. But what makes life performin this way? What happens after life? Our earth has been functioning for billionsof years. What has made it work for so long? Let ' s have a careful study of the text 3. New words and phrases studyStudy of the words and phrasesNew words and old wordsTeacher stude nts(old words or expressi ons) (new on es) tendency tur n of mind money curre ncycha nge into convert intoautu mn fallsomethi ng stored reservesrare scarceto satisfy the dema nds to meet the n eeds area regi onple ntiful amplepossessi ons resourcestore depositspe nd expendsleepy drowsybecome liquid meltat the same time mea nwhile basic fun dame ntal therefore hencecollect in sidesmall woode n houseII. While-reading Activities1. Text and questi ons for discussi on . Lines 1-61. what does “love makes the world go round ” mean?People with a roma ntic turn of mi nd thi nk that love, roma ntic love, is what makesaccumulate in ternal cabi nEn glish and Chin ese PhrasesTeacher(Chi nese) 注重/有……的倾向 生态系统 倚赖年复一年 尽可能多 旺季 储存的脂肪 不甚出名,鲜为人知 能说明问题的例子 营养食品 生理成熟 生育 食物资源 熬过冬天大雪 小雪stude nts(E nglish) a …turn of mind an ecological system to depe nd on from year to year as much as one cantimes of ple nty reserves of fat/stored fat less well known a good case in point nu tritious food physically mature to give birth to food resources to survive the win ter /to pull through the wi nter deep snow light snowa fun dame ntal rulelife worth livi ng..2. why does the author say that energy is the “ currency ” of the ecological system?An ecological system is all the pla nts, ani mals and people, and their surro undin gs,con sidered as a whole, In the commercial world, money is the curre ncy , or means of survival. For life, the most important support is food, the source of energy for life, which allows growth, reproducti on, and survival.Li nes 7-121. what do wild animals do with the food in different seasons? Why do they do so?Wild animals seem to know when there will be plenty of food and when there won' t. so they eat as much as they can when there is plenty of food so that they can become fat and strong and grow well.In winter, they have little to eat. But they do not starve becausethe fat they have stored in their bodies brings them through this hard time.Li nes 13-221. what does “ this is good timing ” mean?This means that the female deer uses the most suitable seas on sj.e.summer and fall, for the birth of fawns and the producti on of milk because both the con cepti on and product ion cost the female deer much en ergy and in both seas on sthere is plenty of food, which meet the deer ' s physical needs.Lines 23-311. to what does the author compare the process of fat reserving?A bank sav ings acco unt, from which one can draw whe n he n eeds the mon ey.Lines 32-441. what is the phenomenon of lowering metabolism?The heart rate slows. The ani mal becomes slow and drowsy. Therefore, the use ofand n eed for en ergy is reduced.2. what protects the deer from cold win ter? How does it work?They un dergo physical and internal physiological cha nges, i.e. the hair growth andthe slow metabolism. The thick hair keeps the deer warm and the slow metabolism makes the deer consume less energy, which is stored in the form of fat for use whe n they n eed it for growth.Lines 45-561. what decreases as win ter progresses?The deer ' s activities.2. why were people advised to behave like that?To use less oil and electricity for conserving energy to pull through the crisis.3. what does theauthor imply by “ watched the deer ”?He implies that men can lear n from the deer to reduce unn ecessary cost of en ergy. Lines 57-64 1. “…to pull them through ” . Can you say it in other words?…to help them survive the wi nter.2. what is the fun dame ntal rule of life?The more fat the deer reserve, the more chanee there is for them to survive the crises. On ly the largest and stron gest are likely to survive.3. Is the fun dame ntal rule of life applicable to huma n bein gs?Yes. If we huma n beings do not protect n ature and ourselves by sav ing en ergy, we will be puni shed by n ature and will eve ntually be wiped out from this pla net.Lines 65-681. what is the life cycle?Food-e nergy-life-survival-reproducti on-death-food-e nergyother lifeFood -energy-seek more food-new energ^ood …Energy is vital to our world. But energy is not always plentiful. The supply can vary, either seas on ally or for other reas ons. Some ani mals, the white-tailed deer, for instanee, have developed natural ways or varying their own use of energy with the variati ons of the supply. Huma n beings can and should lear n this less on for their own survival.2. Teacher explains the key points in detailsturn of mind1. what is your turn of mind?I have a logical turn of mi nd, or literary/critical/philosophic/humorous/optimistic turn of mind.2. what kind of person is likely to create things?A pers on of a creative turn of mi nd is likely to create thi ngs.3. what words can you use to describe people of different turns of mind?Down-to-earth, poetic, bus in ess-like, humorous, etc.Depend on1. How do crops grow?They depend on the sunlight,water, and fertilizer for growth.2. How are the prices of commodities set?They mainly depe nd on the relatio n betwee n dema nd and supply.A case in point1. can you give an example of a successful person?Yes. A case in point is Thomas Edis on, a great inven tor.2. can anything heavier than air stay in the sky?Yes. A case in point is the helicopter.3. How can we conclude that a person is selfish.A case in point is …Meet …n eeds1. why do people drink so much water on the sports ground?They have to meet their body ' s needs for water as they play in the sun.2. why does a factory in stall ano ther assembly line?They want to meet the n eeds of in creas ing product ion.Draw on1. How can a good writer write so many interesting stories?He draws on his experienee, knowledge, observation, perception and interpretation of life for the material of his stories.2. How can a person put forward such a peculiar idea?I think he ' s drawn on his imagination.Slow dow n1. what is a driver expected to do if a police car comes towards or follows him/her?He/she is expected to slow dow n and the n stop by the road side.2. what does a runner do after he passes the finish line?He slows dow n and stops.Pull through1. what should you do in face of difficulties?s advi(I should use my skills, work hard,and sometimes I should take somebodyThis might help to pull me through the difficulties.2. why was the little boy, Schatz,waiting for death?He believed he had a fatally high temperature and would not pull through.3. T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)4. T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text (5 mins)III. Post-readi ng Activities1. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words.2.Ss hand in the summary of the text.3.Ss discuss the questio ns on the topic related to the text.4. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the newwords and topic.Unit 3 Why Do We Believe That The Earth Is Round?Teach ing Time: 4 hoursStude nts 'level: Sophomores of non-En glish majors in the 2nd semester.Teach ing Objectives:1. Get Ss to know the author ' s purpose is to teach Ss to have a correct attitude towards knowledge and accepting of knowledge by taking the examples of other ' s argumentsof the shape of Earth.2 About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabulariesand required grammar points of the secti on.Words: preface, remark, cite, exaggerate,mast, appeal, an alogy, cast, precarious, produce, burde n, botherPhrases & Expressions: appeal to, follow up, for the sake of, throw light on,shaped like, cast on, fall back on, stray away from,Grammar :3. About the read ing, Ss should know the read ing skills of telli ng differe nee bwtee nfacts and opinion senten ces.4. About the writ ing, Ss should get to know the writ ing skill ——cohere nee.5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 3 directed by teacher.Teachi ng Procedures:L Pre-reading ActivitiesI. Backgro und in formatio n1) George Orwell2) George Bernard Shaw3) The Flat Earth Theory and the Round Earth Theory4) Eclipses5) Playing Cards6) Comrade Mao Tse-tung on knowledge, on Direct Experienee andIn direct Experie nee2. warm- up questions and introductory remarks1) Do you believe that the earth is round? Why?Yes, I do, because scie nee proves that it is true.2) Have you heard of other con elusi ons about the shape of the earth?What are they? Why don ' t you believe them?Yes. The earth was said to be flat or oval. I don' believe them becausethes round.photos from satellites or the sce nes of eclipses show that it2) why is “ the earth is round ” put in a question?3. Key words and expressi ons:study of the words and phrasesnew words and old wordsteacher stude nts(old words or expressi ons) (new on es)forward prefacesay,argue remarkquote citesimply merelyaccept without questi on swallowoverstate exaggerateattract appeal tofor the good of for the sake ofpole on a ship mastbend curvecomparis on an alogyquickly promptlyround plate discthrow castgo to aim atin secure precariousturn to for help fall back on in ano ther way otherwiseEn glish and Chin esePhrasesstude nts(E nglish) somewhere or other the preface to the middle ages the widespread belief that the ordi nary citize n appeal to bang goes my … fall back on would not eve n bother to say …aga inst heave nly body it will be seen that precarious reas ons the range of kno wledge weak argume ntII. While-read ing Activities1.Ss have the silent reading on the text (10 mins)2. T expla ins the text in details. Appeal to1. do detective films appeal to you?Yes, No,2. what kinds of books appeal most to youth?Books on … 3. why are children' s clothes colorful?Bright and colorful clothes usually appeal to childre n. Follow upmove from show load take troublestray away from produce burde n botherTeacher(Chi nese) 在某处 序言 中世纪 普遍认为 普通人 迎合口味 我的…完蛋了 求助于 不屑一顾 反驳 天体 由此可见 靠不住的理由 知识面 无力的论据1. what do the police do if a case is reported to them?They follow up the case.2. what do you do if you read an interesting story series on a newspaper?I follow it up.For the sake of1. what do people usually do for the sake of health?They eat healthy food, do exercises and don ' t smoke,don ' t …2. why is it necessary to widen the streets?It ' s necessary to widen the streets for the sake of a smoother flow of traffic.Throw light on1. what is the use of the background knowledge of a story?It throws light on it.2. why are illustrations, data and charts or tables necessary in scientific reports or bus in ess presentatio ns?They throw light on the reports and prese ntatio ns.Shaped like1. Why is a UFO also called a flying saucer?It is shaped like a saucer.2. what is a space shuttle like?It is shaped like a huge pla ne.Cast on1. what can you see on a moon-lit night in the open?I can see my shadow cast on the ground.I can see the shadows of the trees cast on the wall/wi ndow.Fall back on1. why do you set aside some money every mon th?I set aside some money every month so that I can fall back on it if I get sick or become unemployed.2. what do you do when you get lost in a new city?I fell back on the police.Stray away from1. what must you bear in mind when you walk along a path in an area of swamp?I must not stray away from the path.2. what kind of people don ' t you like to talk to?I don ' t like to talk to those who often stray away from the topic.Text and questi ons for discussi onLin es1-71. why is “ Saint Joan ” in italics?It is the n ame of a play. See note 3 in your textbook.2. who is Bernard Shaw?See Note 4 in your textbook. He is widely con sidered the treatest British dramatist since Shakespeare.He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925. For more details, refer to Note 1,2. in Teacher ' s book.3. what do “gullible and superstitious ” mean?Gullible means willing to believe anything or anyone, easily deceived.“ superstitious means willing to believe something that cannot be explained by reas on or scie nee or that brings good or bad luck.4. can you paraphrase “ swallows this theory ”?accept ing the theroy bli ndly without questi oning and suspici ons.Li nes 8-131. what does “ it ” refer to in the sentence “ the light it throws on modernknowledge ”?It refers to “ the questi on ”2. what is the question that is worth following up?Are we too gullible and superstitious today?3. why does the author only tend to speak of ordinary men when answering why webelieve that the earth is round?Ordinary men don ' t have the espertise to prove it scientifically.Li nes 14-191. why is a distant ship invisible but its mast and funnel can be seen from the seashore?Look at the picture on the n ext page.2. can you paraphrase “what can I say against it? ”I can refute the Flat Earth theory but I n eed more proofs to refute the Oval Earth theory.Li nes 20-261. does the auhor really “ play cards ”?no. this is a figure of speech used to mean preenting an argument point by point.“ the first card I can play ” means the first pointi can make to support my argume nt.2. what does “ analogy of the sun and moon ” mean?To compare the earth to the sun and the moon.Lines 27-311. when does a lunar eclipse occur?When the earth passes betwee n the sun and the moon and blocks the sun light, or casts its shadow onto the moon, a lunar eclipse occurs.2. Use the Oval Earth theory to refute the author eclipse argument.The shadow cast on the moon is round, but it doesn' follow that the earth is spherical. It may perfectly well be flat like a disc.3. what is the author ' s argument about the eclipses based on?Publicati ons, such as n ewspapers and magaz in es.Lines 32-391. what does the author mean by “ the minor exchanges? ”the less importa nt points of debate.2. what does the author think of his previous defeats?He considers them minor/unimportant points, and he is hopeful to win in thedebate.3. who is Royal?See note 6.4. which is higher, Queen,King, or Ace?King is higher tha n Quee n,and Ace is higher tha n King.5. can you paraphrase the last sentence?Refer to n ote 23.Li nes 40-461. what does “ bang goes my ace ” mean?My ace doesn ' t work. I lose my ace. My argument isn ' t conclusive.2. what does the author think of his “last card ”?he believes that the last point of his argume nt defeats the Oval Earth man.Lines 47-601. what does the author think of his evidenee?He does n ' t thi nk it convincing eno ugh.2. what does “ an exceptionally elementary piece of information ” mean?A piece of in formati on that every one kno ws.3. what is this piece of information?The earth is round.4. can you use a Chinese saying to explain “ when the range of knowledge is so vasthat the expert himself is an ignoramus as soon as he strays away from his ownspecialty ”?隔行如隔山5. what does “ credulous ” mean?Ready to believe, without evide nee.3. T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)Summary questi ons and Con clud ing remarks1. what cards does the author play to refute opinions different from his?The phe nomenon of the seashore view, the an alogy of the sun and the moon, the earth ' shadow, the newspapers and books, the opinions of the experts, andn avigati on.2. do you have any other cards to support the author?High above on a plane, we can see the curved horizon, still higher above in a space ship, astr on auts tell us that the earth is roun d, like a ball. Pictures take n from spaceships or sky labs。

大学英语精读第三版第四册课后答案【全部】大学英语精读第三版第四册Book4 Unit1答案上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编1) thoughtful2) might as well/may as well/could as well3) draw your attention to4) marvelous5) settle for6) done with7) Competitive competitive8) pains/pained9) bonus10) shrink11) delivery12) overheard13) sour14) for rent15) stack16) reproduce1) inquired2) informed3) awful4) settle for5) trash6) claimed7) Normally8) a piece of cake9) be done with10) enable11) am entitled12) quite a while1) ask for2) was set up/has been set up3) pulled up4) gives off5) was held up6) keep up7) ran over8) made up9) be left out10) cut off1) It pained Jenny to learn of Jim's refusal to help her with the translation.2) The extra work to be assigned to you will greatly cut into your spare time.3) We'd been at the job for hours, but we hardly made a dent in it.4) You have no business saying those nasty things about Dick.5) We might as well listen to the radio program since there isn't anything interesting on television.1) standee2) payee3) grantee4) addressee5) a person who is absent6) a person who is being trained7) a divorced person8) a person who is appointed1) output2) breakdown3) setup4) Takeoff5) drawbacks6) breakthrough7) cutback8) takeover1) paper, store, shop, case, cream2) making, keeping, bathing, conditioning, walking3) market, way, stop, board/smith, ground4) pill, water, material, point, machine5) pour, look/put/come, come,6) out, back/up, through/down/out1) a dozen years2) dozens of times3) two dozen passengers4) dozens of phone calls5) three dozen boxes6) a dozen bottles/a dozen bottles of wine1) a great deal of pain "has been caused by evils which have never happened"2) the elderly lady Miss Morris quarrelled with was none other than her future mother-in-law3) this essay is well-written except for a few grammatical mistakes4) I just caught the train in time5) You can't eat your cake and have it too1) You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.2) Uncle Rob should have known better than to trust that treacherous son of his.3) Sally is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on fancy goods.4) Miss Miller certainly knows better than to explore the desert all alone.5) His college sons should have known better than to try to get the best out of their employees by threatening them with bodily harm.6) You ought to know better than to go out in this freezing weather in those thin clothes. You'll get frozen.1) delivery2) a piece of cake3) inquire4) pulling up5) stacks6) deadline7) marvelous8) enable9) cut into10) settle for11) settled our accounts12) minimum13) known better than1) advertisement/ad2) read3) No4) like5) words6) towards7) which8) sizes9) sitting10) water11) bottle12) one13) started14) passed15) run/pass16) into17) coming18) if19) quit20) hour21) wrote翻译1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。
全新版大学英语综合教程第三册 Unit 4PPT课件

Space Exploration
ce Exploration
In 1981 the USA launched a space shuttle, the first reusable space craft.
The first reusable space shuttle
Space Exploration
On Oct. 15, 2003, Shenzhou V sent China's first astronaut Yang Liwei into space, making China the third nation following the former Soviet Union and the United States to place a human in orbit. China hopes to launch the Shenzhou VI next year in a flight that will place two astronauts in orbit for between five and seven days.
Cultural Notes
Other factors of relevance in the search for extraterrestrial life include an assessment of the probability that intelligence leading to scientific and technological civilizations similar to our own may arise.
The Planets

That proved it. Who, in her supposed condition, could cover … On a winding dirt road dotted with potholes the size of small animals … On the desk was a computer. Next to it was a TV. Sarah leaned over the computer. I had contacted Sarah looking for a fight? I had found that fight. (Note 9) Sarah had brought me back. (Note 10)
2.Global analysis
Part division
Main Ideas
The start of our unusual relationship
The development via more email exchanges
The real-life contact
Reading Skill
Sentence Structure
Text Interpretation
Guided Writing
Translation Practice
Word Family
Useful Expressions
Unit 4 A Fan’s Notes
Useful Expressions
Reading Skill
大学英语精读 第三版 第四册

Two college-age boys, unaware that making money usually involves hard work, are tempted by an advertisement that promises them an easy way to ear n a lot of money. The boys soon learn that if something seems to good to be tr ue, it probably is.两个上大学的男孩,不知道通常涉及努力工作赚钱,是受到广告的诱惑,承诺他们一个简单的方法来赚一大笔钱。
BIG BUCKS THE EASY WAY"You ought to look into this," I suggested to our two college-age sons. "It might be a way to avoid the indignity of having to ask for money all the time." I handed them some magazines in a plastic bag someone bad hung on our doo rknob. A message printed on the bag offered leisurely, lucrative work ("Big Bu cks the Easy Way!") of delivering more such bags.“你应该看看这个,”我建议我们两个上大学的儿子。

Unit 4 Was Einstein a space Alien?Students will be able to:1. Grasp the main idea of Text A(Einstein was a child of his time)2. Appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer(using a question as the title of the text, illustrating his answer with various supporting facts, use if subheadings, use of quotations , etc.)3.Master the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context;4.Understand the cultural background related to the content;1.Express themselves more freely on the theme2.Write an essay paying special attention to unity.We devote 8 teaching periods (plus 2 periods after-class of students’ autonomous learning in theText A Writing Three Thank-you LettersTony PhillipsAlbert Einstein (1879 — 1955) German-born American theoretical physicistHe was a German-born American theoretical physicist whose special and general theories of relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time and formed a theoretical base for the exploitation of atomic energy. He won a 1921 Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric (光电的) effect.Isaac Newton (1643 — 1727) English mathematician and scientistHe was an English mathematician and scientist who invented differential calculus (微分学) and formulated the theory of universal gravitation, a theory about the nature of light, and three laws of1-3: A young husband and father, Albert Einstein had to work hard to support his family.4-12:Einstein made astonishing achievements in physics and thus revolutionized the field.13-21:Einstein’s discoveries were attributable to his imagination, questioning, disregard for authority, powers of concentration, and interest in science.22-23:Einstein was not a space alien.1.His hair was a mess; he had forgotten to comb it again.What do the words “mess” and “again” suggest about Einstein?These words suggest two things about Einstein:1) Einstein paid little attention to his appearance.2) It was more a regular practice than an accident forEinstein to go to work with messy hair.Translate the sentence into Chinese.他的头发凌乱,他又忘了梳头了。

smiled and said… 主考人对我所干的一定很满意,因为他微笑着说:…
We are very pleased to see you here. 我们在这里见到你很高兴。
Patch (n. & v.)
• A small piece,part,or section • --- a bean patch一片扁豆地 • ---a patch of beans • ---a patch of thin ice; • ---patches of sunlight 日光斑驳
• to make by sewing scraps of material together
• A famous outlaw and romantic hero of the Middle Ages. Whether he was a living man or only a legend is uncertain. Old ballads relate that Robin Hood and his followers roamed the green depths of Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham, in the center of England. There they lived a carefree life, passing the time playing games of archery, hunting the king's deer, and robbing the rich. They shared their spoils with the poor and never injured women or children.
The Butt Stops Here
smoke-free second-hand chain fatal strict high health-care innocent discriminative medical
system restrictions fatality victim smoker smoking environment disease personnel policy
smoke-free second-hand chain fatal strict high health-care innocent discriminative medical
environment smoker smoking disease restrictions fatality system victim policy personnel
Opinion(1-10) Reason why Asia is the future(11-39) Reason why…___________(40-75) Concern over…__________(76-end)
35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% sales USA Asia
A. Smoking hasn’t been noticed by the public as a “killer” until recently. B. There was a lack of funding to prevent smoking. C. A series of measures has taken effect in NY. D. Pictures of warning signs on smoking could help. E. Money for anti-smoking programs could be raised by increasing taxes on tobacco. F. Things could be in vain when people tend to accept what’s already happening. G. The Gates donated $125 million to combat smoking 2 years ago.

现代大学英语精读3Lesson4WisdomofBearWood讲解Lesson Four Wisdom of Bear WoodBackground InformationI. AuthorMichael Welzenbach (1954—2001) was an art critic as well as a poet and novelist. He wrote some of the most stimulating criticisms of art and music for the Washington Post.II. Robin HoodRobin Hood is a legendary hero of a series of English ballads, some of which date from at least the 14th century. He was a rebel, and many of the most striking episodes in the tales about him show him and his companions robbing and killing representatives of authority and giving the gains to the poor. Their most frequent enemy was the Sheriff of Nottingham, a local agent of the central government. Others included wealthy ecclesiastical landownersRobin treated women, the poor, and people of humble status with courtesy. A good deal of the impetus against authority stems from the restriction of hunting rights. The early ballads, especially, reveal the cruelty that was an inescapable part of medieval life.The authentic Robin Hood ballads were the poetic expression of popular aspirations in the north of England during a turbulent era of baronial rebellions and agrarian discontent, which culminated in the peasan ts’ Revolt of 1381. Robin Hood was a people’s hero as King Arthur was a noble’s.III. BerkshireSituated in the heart of southern England, the County of Berkshire, also known as "Royal Berkshire" is home to severalwell-known towns and cities, such as Windsor, where the famous royal retreat Windsor Castle can be found. Another royal connection is the Town of Ascot, famous for its very popular annual horse racing festival—"Royal Ascot". Berkshire also boasts many picturesque villages with views across the River Thames absolutely stunning.IV. Rural Life in BritainCottages: Picturesque cottages are most people’s idea of the typical country building. Cottages dating from the late 16th century are generally the earliest to survive.All manner of materials were used to build England’s country cottages: stone, slate, wood, flint, clay, cob, thatch, boulders and pebbles, and turf. Whatever material was used, traditionally this would have reflected what was locally available.Whilst colorful flowers, always important to the cottage dweller, were haphazard in their planting, vegetables were grown in orde red rows. Edibles were grown, not only for the cottagers’ own table but also to be sold as a means of supplementing their income. The garden was not solely inhabited by plants, for the keeping of bees, and sometimes pigs, which was once a common sight in the cottage garden. The cottage garden provided the opportunity for the annual village show to develop, with every keen gardener hoping his produce would scoop the top prize.Part One: Introduction to the Text1. The story is about a friendship betw een two souls who are “seemingly different” in every way: one is an American boy of twelve; and the other is an old English woman.2. The story is not very subtle, nor is it particularly dramatic, but it is nevertheless beautiful. It is beautiful not just because it contains some beautiful descriptions of the Wood, but becauseit is about a beautiful friendship.Part Two Detailed Discussion of the Text1. The Structure of the TextIt can be divided into three big parts:The first part describes the loneliness of the boy and his roaming in the woods.The second part describes the boy’s encounter with the old lady.The last part describes the death of the old lady and the boy’s nostalgia for her.2. Detailed Discussion of the text1) The theme of the story is summed up at the very end. It is about “ a wisdom tutored by nature itself, about the seen and the unseen, about things that change and things that are changeless, and about the fact that no matter how seemingly different two souls may be, they possess the potential for that most precious, rare thing---an enduring and rewarding friendship.”2) The story is not very subtle, nor is it particularly dramatic, but it is nevertheless beautiful. It is beautiful not just because it contains some beautiful descriptions of the Wood, but because it is about a beautiful friendship.3) What is interesting is the fact that this is a friendship between two souls who are “seemingly different” in every way: one is an American boy of t welve,; and the other is an old English woman.4) Why can they become good friends?A: They are both lonely: the boy is lonely because he is in a foreign country with his father, the woman is lonely because she has just lost her dear husband.B: They have the common interest in nature and knowledge.C: The shortbread the woman keeps supplying for the boy is also one of the reasons.D: The real reason for their friendship is the old woman’s selfless interest in the boy. It is often said that true love is in the giving and not in the taking. So is friendship. The woman not only gives the boy good food to eat, she also gives him a new vision of the beautiful nature, the key to the treasury of human knowledge, and above all, her care, concern, love and affection. Does she get anything in return? Yes. Through giving, she cannot help receiving. Although totally unaware, the boy has given the woman great consolation too. He is the real good companion of the woman. He brings great happiness and consolation to the woman. That is what she really needs in her deep heart.5) In this world, there are many things you can see and there are many things you can’t see, and friendship is what you can’t see, unlike your worldly belongings, because it exists deep in your heart. In this world there are also things that change and things that do not change, and true friendship does not change. It is rare and precious. It is enduring and rewarding.Part Three Vocabulary —the usage of suspect, regard, earn, incline and identify1.suspect(1) to think that sth is probably true or likely, esp. sth bad(2) to think that someone is probably guilty(3) to doubt the truth of sth2.regard(1) to look at attentively; to observe closely(2) to consider or look upon in a particular way(3) to have great affection or admiration forgive one’s regards to somebodyin this regardwith regard toas regardsregardless of3.earn(1) to receive a certain amount of money for the work you do(2) to get sth you deserve4.incline(1) to think that a particular belief or opinion is most likely to be rightto be inclined to do5.identify(1) to recognize and correctly name someone or sth, or to discoverthe nature and origin of the thingidentity (n.)identification (n.)identical (adj.)Part Four Grammar Focus1. Ways of expressing adverbial2. Ways of expressing apposition3. PrepositionsPart Five More work on the Text.1. Oral Work;2. Vocabulary Exercises;3. Grammar Exercises;4. Written Work (Topic): Friendship1. Why did Bear Wood become the boy’s favorite? What was so special about it?2. Why did the boy remember so fondly his days in the Bear Wood? What did he mean when he talked about wisdom as a legacy?3. What are the “seen and unseen”; “things that chang e and things that are changeless”?4. What do you learn from their friendship?Text AppreciationI. Text AnalysisPlot of the storySetting of the storyProtagonists of the storyWriting techniques of thestoryTheme of the storyHave you got the key elements in the story?Plot: the cultivation of friendshipbetween a boy and an old ladySetting: Bear woodProtagonists: "I" and Mrs. Robertson-GlasgowWriting techniques: go to Writing DevicesTheme of the story: go to the next pageTheme of the StoryTrue friendship is both rare and precious. It exists deep in heart and does not change. It is enduring and rewarding.The theme is summed up at the very end.Structure of the TextPart 1 (paras. 1─ 4 ) about:The lonely boy found his pleasure in Bear Wood.Part 2 (paras. 5-23 ) about:The boy met Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow in the Bear Wood and they became best friends.Part 3 (paras.24-27 ) about:Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow became sick and dead while their friendship flourished more than ever before.Part 4 (paras. 28-37) about:The revelation of true love.1. Friendship Between Two SoulsDifferencesoldEnglishwomanlost her husband12Americanboyseparated from friendsSimilarities1. lonely2. common interest—nature and knowledge3. true love—giving not taking4. others…(Scan the text and list out the related information.)2. Beauties vs. Beauties1). Beauties that lie in the Wood :a vaulted cathedral…2). Beauties that lie in the friendshipgiving but no taking…3. When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, the fourth major move in my short life. (In Para. 1)Question: What does the author intend to emphasize, using this sentence as the opening?The author intends to impress the readers that the boy disliked moving very much. The comparison formed between "12" and "4" is impressive.4. Question: What can you learn from the first 3 sentences of Paragraph 2?From the "Background information" we’ve already got a good idea that in Berkshire there are lots of historic interests, including some famous ancient castles. For little boys, ancient castles usually mean brave explorations and endless pursuit of mysterious treasures. The boy, however, had no taste for these kinds of things. Instead, he just loved nature. Maybe besides this reason, he was also trying to avoid any involvement with other boys.5. Question: In the beginning of the story, what did Bear Wood mean to the little boy? ?heaven—but a lonely heaven (Was he really happy about the situation?)a secret fortress (What to defend? Did it form attachments or loneliness?)almost a holy place (Why holy?)a private paradise (Who was going to intrude into it?)6. Question: What is the implication of Paragraph 7?Following the 6 short sentences connected by 5 "ands" and 1 "so", the readers can feel, in a vivid way, the boy is not at ease and is eager to leave.7. Question: The owls are "introduced", "not native". What is indicated here?In fact, neither the old lady nor the little boy is native in Berkshire. The only common thing is that they can share naturepeacefully and happily with the introduced animals.8. Question: Compare the two sentences."… she was growing frailer and less inclined to laugh.""I began to grow quickly. I played soccer and made a good friend."With time passing, the old lady was dying; at the meantime, with the inspiration of the friendship, the boy was developing into a confident and open-minded boy and no longer afraid of having new friends.9. I suspected, of course, that she was lonely; I did not know she was ill.( In Para. 26)Question: What is the implication here?The old lady was so kind to the boy. She was so involved in furthering the communication with the boy that he even failed to notice how ill she was. Of course, because she was quite open to him, he could understand her loneliness10. Question: Why does the image of "the biscuit tin" reoccur so many times in the last part of the story?Such an image entails a lot:the finest shortbread in the world made by the old lady;the everlasting friendship between them;th e kindness best shown by the boy’s favorite snacks even before her death;the odds and ends kept to remind how much the boy had learned from the old lady—not only knowledge about nature, but also about lively life and rewarding friendship.Further Discussion About the StoryHow did the boy come to live in England?How did he like the frequent moves?What did he usually do to amuse himself?Why did Bear Wood become his favorite?How did the boy come to meet Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow?How did they become friends?Why did they enjoy each other’s company so much?What did the boy discover about the elderly woman?Can you imagine what kind of life she had had?How did the boy suddenly lose his dear friend?Why did the boy remember so fondly his days in the Bear Wood?Retell the story in your own words.III. Sentence ParaphraseSentence Paraphrase 1When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, the fourth major move in my short life. (1)When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, which was the fourth major move in my short life.the fourth major move in my short life:noun phraseas a condensed non-restrictive relative clause1).Lottie grinned, a real wide open grin.2).His father was laughing, a queer sobbing sort of a laugh.Sentence Paraphrase 2My father’s government job demanded that he go oversea s every few years, so I was used to wrenching myself away from friends. (1)demanded that he go overseas:subjunctive mood ,not "went" or "goes"wrenching myself away from friends:twisting and pulling myself violently away from friends1. In the past men generally preferred that their wives _______in the home.A. workedB. would workC. workD. were working2. Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it ______ in a religious as well as worldly frame of reference.A. is to be analyzedB. had been analyzedC. be analyzedD. should have been analyzedC CSentence Paraphrase 3Loving nature, however, I was most delighted by the endless patchwork of farms and woodland that surrounded our house. (2) Loving nature: present participle phrase, showing the reason Patchwork of farms: farms that look like small pieces of cloth of different colors when seen from far aboveHowever, as (because) I loved nature, I was really very happy to enjoy the endless pieces of farms and woods around our house.More examples1).Being a few minutes late, he was dismissed.2).Having been criticized, he made up his mind to improve his work thoroughly.Sentence Paraphrase 4In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and pheasants rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked. (2)verged against :was close to; was at the edge or on the border ofa network of paths: a system of roads that cross each other and are connected to each otherpheasants rocketed off: pheasants went off like rocketsSentence Paraphrase 5Keeping to myself was my way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon the next time we moved. (3) Keeping to myself: not mixing with or talking to other people Keeping to myself, forming attachments: gerund phrasesI did not try to make many friends because in that way I did not have to give up my friendship the next time I had to move.More examplesYou can have it for the asking.I feel like going shopping today. How about you?Our family make a point of going to church every Sunday.The old lady had great difficulty getting on the bus.The children are having fun playing on the playground.Sentence Paraphrase 6My own breathing rang in my ears, and the slightest stirring of any woodland creature echoed through this private paradise.(4)Breathing: gerund phraseStirring: movementI could even hear my own breathing, and even the lightest movement of any bird or animal in the wood could be heard throughout this paradise.Sentence Paraphrase 7I proceeded quietly, careful not to alarm a bird that might loudly warn other creatures to hide. (5)Proceeded: movedcareful not to alarm a bird: an adjective phrase:functioning as subject complement, which denotes the state the subject is inI moved quietly and carefully so that I would not alarm any bird which might loudly warn other animals in the woods to hide.More examples"They’re not?" I asked, fascinated.At a quarter to three, he got up and crept downstairs, careful of the creaky boards, and let himself out.The cows looked at him, sleepy and surprised.Sentence Paraphrase 8Soon I saw a small brick cottage that glowed pinkly in the westering sun. (18)Soon I saw a small brick cottage shining with a pink color in the sun that was moving toward the west.Sentence Paraphrase 9…and my well of knowledge about natural history began to brim over. (24)Well: spring or fountain, metaphor: knowledge linked to a wellBrim over: overflow, exaggeration: having knowledge overflowingI began to know much about natural history, too much for a boy of my age.Sentence Paraphrase 10Familiarity sometimes makes people physically invisible, for you find yourself talking to theheart—to the essence, as it were, rather than to the face. (26) Essence: the most important quality of sth.; the thing thatmakes sth. what it isas it were: used to describe sth. in a way that is not quite accurateWhen people get to know each other really well, sometimes they don’t notice physical changes. The boy did not see that his friend, the old lady, was getting weaker and weaker because all the time he was talking to her heart, rather than to her face.Sentence Paraphrase 11My mother was regarding me with a strange gentleness. (29) My mother was looking at me with a strange gentleness because she wanted to break the news gently so that I would not take it too hard.Sentence Paraphrase 12It is a wisdom tutored by nature itself, about the seen and the unseen, about things that change and things that are changeless, and about the fact that no matter how seemingly different two souls may be, they possess the potential for that most precious, rare thing—an enduring and rewarding friendship.(37)I learn a lot of knowledge, taught by nature itself, about the things I can see—the birds, insects, trees, and flowers, and the things I cannot see—ideas, scientific laws and principles. I also learn a lot about the things that change, including life itself, as well as the things that are changeless like friendship, love, and many basic values.。
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Because I have a physical handicap L20
Handicap: n. a serious usu. permanent, physical or mental condition that affects one’s ability to walk, see, speak, etc. ; make it difficult for sb. to do sth. that they want or need.
I clicked there. L27
Click: make a short hard sound; press a button on a computer mouse; a short sharp sound.
— As the door clicked shut behind her, she realized she’d forgotten her key.
— You’ll know your seat belt is fastened properly when you hear a click.
It wasn’t fancy. L27
Fancy: having a lot of decoration or bright colors, or made in a complicated way.; expensive and fashionable; imagine or think; a feeling of wanting or liking sth.
Los Angeles Dodgers
The Los Angeles Dodgers is a major league baseball team in Los Angeles, California. They are in the Western Division of the National League. The team originated in Brooklyn, New York, where it was known as the Brooklyn Dodgers before moving to Los Angeles for the 1958 season.
Do you think disabled people can live a normal life? Why or why not?
Global analysis
What type is the text?
A narration B description
记叙文 a movie 描述文 a picture
losing money.
Because I have a physical handicap L20
Physical: related to one’s body; of or concerning things that can be experienced through the five senses.
check my e-mail. Nasty: extremely unkind and unpleasant — My brother has got a nasty temper. — The weather turned nasty towards the evening. — When you feel you’ve been cheated, it always
— Lack of funding handicapped the development of research.
writing game reports, editorials, researching and listening L22
Editorial: a statement of opinion in a newspaper, magazine, etc. by an editor, publisher or owner.
housing and health problems. — The lessons bear little relationship to the children’s
actual needs.
For two years I have been running my own website L11
manner. — Tom was taken to task for his failure to
attend the meeting in time.
It included vital statistics on the team’s performance. L5
Statistics: a set of numbers which represent facts or measurements; the science of collecting and examining such numbers
— I have a very close relationship with my parents. — Traditionally, there has been a special relationship
between Britain and the United States. — I’m doing a research on the relationship between poor
— I just want a basic sports coat – nothing fancy. — Never mind all these fancy phrases – just tell us the
plain facts. — Harry took me to a fancy restaurant for our wedding
conducted by the Ministry of Finance.
Little did I know that this would be the start of a most usual relationship. L9
Relationship: links, contacts or dealings between people, groups or countries; the way in which certain things, ideas, events, etc. are connected.
— The loss of my arm has not been as great a handicap as you might have expected.
— For a journalist to work in a foreign country, not speaking the native language is a real handicap.
The e-mail was in some respects similar to other nasty letters I received L1
E-mail: electronic mail — Contact me by e-mail. — Send me an e-mail when you have any news. — Is there any way I can go online? I want to
C exposition
说明文 a lecture
D argumentation 议论文 a debate
◆ What pattern is the text organized in?
A problem-solution
B cause-effect
C general-specific
D time / sequence
— All the papers deal with the same subject in their editorials today – the reform of the medical care system.
— Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors.
Unit 4 A Fan’s Notes
College English
Warm-up Questions
Do you know anything about Ms Zhang Haidi? What do you think of her?
How are disabled people treated in our society?
Global analysis
Part division
No. Paras Main Ideas 1 1-4 The start of our unusual relationship 2 5-29 The development via more email exchanges 3 30-44 The real-life contact 4 45-47 The influence of Sarah on me
anniversary. — When she was young she fancied herself a rebel. — For me, wanting to visit Tibet was no passing fancy.
But she covered the team with the seriousness of a writer. L27
Run: manage; be in charge of — For a while, Father ran a hotel in London
and made friends with many businessmen. — Fewer and fewer state-run enterprises are