



剑桥YLE考级三级词汇1 Wearing and carrying 穿戴用品语言要点服装和配饰belt,coat,glove,hat,jeans,ring,rucksack,scarf,shorts,skirt,sock,suitcase,tights,trousers,umbrella,uniform身体back,finger,feet,hand,head,leg,neck名词children,day,holiday,money,thing,top,winter,woman动词can,carry,get,go out,have to,may,open,put,put on,rain,see,take,use形容词cold,hot,married,sunny,wet副词away,too,when介词like,over,round连词if,or,so,when考试链接阅读与写作第一部分。




2 Spots and stripes 斑点和条纹语言要点物品与服装bag,clock,dress,glove,jacket,magazine,newspaper,phone,scarf,skirt,suitcase毛发beard,curly,long,straight图案flowers,spots,spotted,striped,stripes人物boy,children,man,people,woman名词airport,bear,door,floor,plane动词colour,draw,drink,find,have got,listen,look,make,play,push,read,see,shall,sit,stand,take off(clothes),talk,wear,write语法用来描述人或物的介词短语和关系从句( with,who,which )现在进行时考试链接听力第五部分,阅读与写作第二部分。



第三辑Test 1Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Trying to attract new staff Competitive wages Company reputation【思路点拨】【词汇&短语】招聘recruitment 合作精神,团队精神team spirit根据.... .调整tailor to 灵活福利flexible ben efits受聘后的福利待遇employment packages 求职者job seeker目标群target group 职位空缺job vacancies准雇员potential employee【句型点击】表示提出建议Let ' s …Why not ...... ?I suggest that we ............My advice would be ...........对观点不予评价I don ' t know what to say.I can ' t say I have any views on ....It ' s not something I have considered a lot, I afraid. ' m要求重复Pardo n?What did you say just now?Do you mind say it aga in?【参考范例】When it comes to attack ing new staff for your orga ni zatio n, effective recruitme nt strategies and tech niq ues con tribute tosuccessful appointment. Employment packages should be tailored to draw attention of the potential employees. Offering an attractive competitive wages with flexible ben efits would be a determ ining factor in hunting new tale nts.A company ' s reputation is among its most important and valuable assets, which is essential to attracting and retaining employees. It is often the cause that a good image of a company gains people ' s trust and affinity and greatly decisi ons in con sideri ng job vaca ncies.What' s more, better opport unity for promoti on is ano ther con siderati on for those that are some way along their careerpath. Any career opport un ities to grow with in the orga ni zati on will be a highlight to be preferred in the target groups.In additi on, nothing will impress the applica nt more tha n knowing he or she will be an in tegral part of a successful team.Creati on of a positive and stimulat ing work ing environment prompts the team spirit and buoya nt resp onse from the job seekers.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Preparing to go away on a business tripInforming colleagues and clientsDelegating essential tasks【思路点拨】【词汇&短语】 同事 colleague 旅程、行程 it inerary 预约 booking 预订 reservation 投影仪 projector 【句型点击】要求解释What does …mean?Could you expla in it please?When you say ….What do you mean? Would you mi nd telli ng me the meaning of Do you mean …..by saying …?【参考范例】Prepari ng to go away on a bus in ess trip in volves a lot of things to be pla nned well in adva nee, first of all, inform colleagues traveli ngwith you and clie nts you will visit of the bus in ess iti nerary. Doing this gives you an opport unity to share resp on sibility and make sure that your bus in ess trip runs as smoothly as possible.If possible, pass on the travel arran geme nts to people in volved whe n you don't have eno ugh time andEveryth ing from flight book ings to hotel reservati on, eve n to tech ni cal support such as projectors and microph ones can be delegated as esse ntial tasks.Furthermore, it is importa nt for you to set your goals before leavi ng for your bus in ess trip, what you would like to accomplish whe n youarrive at your dest in ati on. Time man ageme nt may help your trip to be as productive as possible with in such a short time to meet your goals.And it is a good idea to create a checklist in your schedule to list the item that n eed to be packed for your bus in ess trip, packing yourluggage with essential items makes the trip much easier.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN……?Planning corporate hospitalityGuest listType of event【思路点拨】完成 accomplish 目的地 destination时间管理 time man ageme nt 清单check list麦克风 microph one【词汇&短语】商务社交 corporate hospitality 交往 socialize 有益的 beneficial演示、展示 dem on strati on 士气 morale容易到达的 accessibleSeveral comp onents come into play concerning corporate hospitality that allows opport un ities for colleague and clie nts to socialize, relax,and work toward valuable professi onal and bus in ess conn ecti ons in a positive and ben eficial way. When planning corporate hospitality events of all sorts, create a guest list first to ensure the attendees and accommodation.Corporate hospitality provides a con trolled en viro nment for sem in ars, meet in gs, conven ti ons conferen ces, and even product la un ches ordem on strati ons. Types of event are ren dered in the forms of a sport ing event, concert, outdoor gatheri ng or other team buildi ng event, which add fun and enhance morale.Locati on is ano ther importa nt con siderati on in terms of corporate hospitality, which can be a warm and memorable venue to ensure maximumsuccess and exceed all expectations. And you ' better select a location easily accessible by your event atte ndees.The significance of socializing with colleagues and clients outside of the workplace is dedicated to driving sales, building your company ' simage, keeping ahead of your competitors idient hospitality and achieving specific marketing objectives, as well as motivati ng n etwork ing and promot ing in terpers onal skill developme nt.第三辑Test 2Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Writing a newspaper advertisement for a job vacancy Description of the work Experienceneeded by applicants【思路点拨】【词汇&短语】 求职者 job seeker 空位 vacant position 联系方式 contact details 工资幅度 salary range 确切地阐述 formulate 福利,津贴 benefit 纟田节specific 职业前景 Career path 申请求职者 can didate 包含 in corporate 需要 entail 目标对象 target audience【句型点击】句子语义关系,表示转折But / Yet / While / Whereas, ....然而…… However / Nevertheless, ...然而 ...... ... Rahter than ...而不是 ..... ...Instead of ...而不是 ....... On the other hand,...另一方面, ......受控环境 con trolled environment 研讨会seminar 发布launch【句型点击】 询问他人意见Any comment on .......... .? What do you say about ….? Do you have any idea about …..?【参考范例】专注的 dedicated 联系,关系网 n etworki ng 人际的 interpers onalHow do you th ink of ........... ? What ' s your attitude to…..?【参考范例】A good and effective job n ewspaper advertiseme nt should be clear and in formative eno ugh to produce efficie nt readi ng for job seekers .Informulati ng the advert content, several specifics are expected of the can didate. The first on the list is a detailed description of the work, mainly including an overview of the responsibilities, tasks and general scope of work entailed in the vaca nt positi on, which calls for atte nti on from pote ntial applica nts.Next, indicate the qualifications you require such as work experienee, education, computer skills, organization skill and com muni cati onsskills n eeded by applica nts, which serves as attracti on of releva nt in terest.As a rule, most employers or corporations do not advertise pay information. However, if you list a salary range, you will get a greater resp onse. If any ben efits, training and career path are available, do in corporate in the advertiseme nt; for they can create desire to pursue what looks like a great opport un ity among the target audie nee.Lastly, be sure to in clude a clear in struct ion for the resp on se a nd applicatio n with the con tact details such as address, email, fax orpho ne on the bottom of your ads.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ••…?Delegating work to othersClear instructionsChoice of person for the task【思路点拨】【词汇&短语】企业职阶 corporate ladder 合同工 contract worker 详述的、明确的 explicit 保证 guara ntee 最大值 maximum 【句型点击】句子语义关系:表示原因Because of … Due/owi ng to Si nee … The reason for ….Is …Given the fact that….,we【参考范例】Anyone on the corporate ladder probably has some opport un ities to delegate work to the team staff or to con tract workers, which is one way toman age work time more effectively. Clear and explicit in struct ions should be give in the first place to decide and expla in the targets, resp on sibilities and limits of the work that you delegate, for sufficie nt in formati on guara ntees the work to be done with a maximum of direct ion.Then choose the people who have the n ecessary ability or pote ntial to work on the task and can be relied on to perform the task satisfactorilyand responsibly. Choice of person for the task also depends on the development needs of the people in volved.Additi on ally, advice, support and training such as providi ng in formati on , possible soluti ons and givi ng han ds-on assista nee in a waymotivates progress and in spires en courageme nt, commitme nt, en thusiasm and creative thinking in the people concern ed.And allocating and monitoring the progress and quality of work are in delegate' s area of responsibilitshould be checked regularly whether agreed targets are met with the feedback to ide ntify the implicati on of n ecessary revisi ons亲身动手的 han ds-o n激发 motivate 分派 allocate 反馈 feedback暗示、含义 implicati onto targets. Achieveme nts of targets are assessed to en sure whether some one is perform ing well, and credit and praise for the successful completi on of the task should be give n.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Designing a company website Type of information to include Different language versions 【思路点拨】【词汇&短语】 定制、定做 customize 搜索弓丨擎 search engine潜在顾客 pote ntial/prospective customer 营业范围 line of busin ess强有力的potent信息源 information source 使用多语言的 multi-li ngual 目标用户 target user【句型点击】句子语义关系,表示结果As a result,Accord ingly/consequently In a con seque nee.. Therefore/ thus…,hence …因此 【参考范例】Type of in formati on to con clude in website desig ning is customized for your n eeds to attract search engin es, in crease traffic and provideuseful in formatio n to existi ng and pote ntial customers. Well-writte n content in your website in forms your prospective customers what is the line of bus in ess you are in, what you sta nd for, how you operate, the services and products you offer and the ben efits in relatio n to competiti on.As a potent information sources, your website serves as a global “onlinemarketplace ”hich is enhanced with multi-li ngual website content.Different Ian guage vers ions are desig ned to help people from home and abroad to read on li ne and facilitate the in teract ions betwee n the target users and the site.Another important thing is the layout of the website. Your online presence is very crucial, which should be strategically desig ned to com municate the unique character of your bus in ess or orga ni zati on. Ready-made e-commerce website templates are recomme nded, for the templates cut down desig n and product ion time and have a full package of fun cti ons.Effective web n avigati on makes sure that your customers and clie nts can easily and quickly find what they are look ing for under differentcategorizes. To make clear and consistent navigation, it ' s better to use navigation menus to organize ylinks according to the order of importance.第三辑Test 3Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN……?Meeting foreign clients for the first time Foreign language skills Knowledge of culturaldifferences流量 traffic常惠顾客 exist ing customers 布局,设计 layout 现成的 ready-made 电子商务 e-commerce 模板template 导航 navigation 菜单menu【词汇&短语】 记住 bear in mind本族语、母语 n ative ton gue 过失、出丑 gaffe 攻读、熟读 read up 谦恭有礼 courtesy 名片 bus in ess card 【句型点击】如何询问对方意见Do you mi nd…?Would you like …? Could you …..,please? I was won deri ng if you could…?【参考范例】There are certain points to bear in mind when interacting with foreign clients for the first time. First, since many intern ati onal clie ntsprefer to deal in their n ative ton gue, to grasp some foreig n Ian guage skills can be greatly helpful sometimes we n eed to make a con scious effort to slow dow n to produce a flue nt com mun icati on.And in com muni cati on, gaffes arise due to differe nces in cultures. For an exte nsive discussi on with a foreig n clie nt, you ' d bettertake the effort to read up about their country and know com mon thi ngs about their culture. It usually takes quite some time to comprehe nd the kno wledge of cultural differe nces and resp ond appropriately.What ' more, you n eed to en sure that you make the best impressi on on pote ntial foreig n clie nts and fine bus in ess etiquette helps in agood impressi on. Simple courtesies such as shak ing hands firmly and excha nging bus in ess card can make multicultural clie nts feel comfortable.Additi on ally, ask ing questio ns and seek ing clarificati ons will help you un dersta nd the goals, concerns and overall n eeds of theforeig n clie nts participati on in com muni cati on and cultural sen sitivity is all takes to create a wi n-win situati on and build a great rapport with your foreig n clie nt.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Deciding whether to buy or rent office equipmentCost Speed of technological change【思路点拨】多文化的 multicultural 澄清、净化clarificati on 敏感、敏感度 sen sitivity双赢 win-win关系,一致,和谐 rapport货币因素 mon etary factor 最优先权 first priority 提升,更新 upgrade 可扣除的 deductible 【句型点击】Gen erally speak ing, whe n gett ing office equipme nt, either to buy or to rent have its merits. However, mon etary factor isgiven first priority. Cost should be considered to make sure that you can afford it. Even though either choice would be acceptable for you, it ' snecessary to weigh whether or not the cash advantages of buying is greater to the service beneffits o ren ti ng.With the high speed of tech no logical cha nge, some office equipme nts are easy to become outdated and itupgrade those equipme nts every couple of years to improve efficie ncy and boost productivity in this respect, buying new office equipme nts can be a better soluti on.Ano ther way to decide to buy or rent comes from the tax. The ren ti ng of office equipme nts can be fully tax deductible ifyou use the ren ted asset i n your bus in ess. But with a rent, you may have a risk of los ing tax ben efits for accelerated depreciati on. While buying equipments is better as a tax write-off, but both renting and buying can be used on your taxes beneficially.Last but not least one is useful life. Getting the right equipment for your office not only involves whether it can keep you comfortable, orga nized and productive, but takes into acco unt the useful life of office equipme nt , prese nted as a fun dame ntal financial question which can save you a lot of time and money.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Aiming to increase staff productivityOffering bonusesCreating a pleasant environment【思路点拨】【词汇&短语】 决策层 executive suite 竞争优势 competitive edge举止优雅的,改良的,精致的 refined 【句型点击】中途打断对方 ….Sorry, butJust a mome nt, but … Sorry to in terrupt, but …Excuse me, may I in terrupt?纳税优惠 tax benefit加速折旧 accelerated depreciati on 税金控除 tax write-off如何澄清观点Don ' t gteme wrong. My attitude toWhat exactly I ' I ' m afraid you【参考范例】不要误会我..is ......m trying to say is ve mis un derstood me.【参考范例】There are some tips about how to motivate staff and boost employee productivity. First of all, offering bonuses is a com monly-used way ofpraise, recog niti on and reward for achieveme nts and successes, which will enhance the performa nee of employee greatly. Money satisfies needs and it can stimulate people to work harder.A pleasant working environment is created to allow employees to take the initiative to get things done their way, while still working togetheras a team for the overall good of the company. Working happily and freely is equipped with more energy, less mistakes and better decisi ons.Another way to motivate employees is to ensure the employees feel that they have an important role in the overall outcome of a company ' s goaland have a big chanee for advancement in their career to climb the corporate ladder until they reach the executive suite, which is an effective way to in crease employee job satisfacti on and productivity.Besides, staff training can help all staff develop their own skills and understand the importance of their duties in the company. Well-trainedstaff with refined skills will cultivate loyalty through satisfied employees, maintain workplace productivity and give the compa ny a strong competitive edge.第三辑Test 4Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN……?Aiming to keep good staff Promotion opportunities salaries【思路点拨】One of the key secrets to retaining valued staff is offering good prospects for promotion opportunities. Continuing professi onal developme ntopport un ities should be scheduled and give n to help employees to develop skills and adva nce their careers with in the orga ni zati on, which can en sure that top tale nts stay with you.Finan cially-based incen tives could be a attracti on. Competitive salary with pay in creases, bonu ses, profit shari ng, etc. enhances good staffretention. And those monetary initiatives can be based on productivity, suggestions or ideas, and even atte ndance.Don ' t miss the occasi ons where you can express your appreciati on your recog niti on to your staff for their dedic ati on and contributions tothe success of the practice, for showing recognition and praise to your valuable employees can stir a sense of pride and boost up morale among employees, thus motivati ng more improveme nts in their performa nce.Additi on ally, a harm onious workplace culture fosters trust for successful two-day com muni cati on. The compa nies who build an image in theminds of exist ing and pote ntial employees that your bus in ess is an enjoyable place to work will be in a better positi on to recruit and reta in good staff.【词汇&短语】高级人才 top tale nt 提高工资 pay in crease 分红制profit sharing 出勤 attendance【句型点击】表示附和Let ' s hope so I feel con fide nt to. Sounds great. 骄傲感 a sense of pride 扶助,增强 boost up 士气,斗志 morale 双向的 two-wayTopic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……?Organizing a conferenceConference speakersFacilities at conference centre【思路点拨】【词汇&短语】激发性的motivati on al 播音public address演讲嘉宾guest speaker 事先in advanee耗时的time consuming【句型点击】表示同意Absolutely!Exactly!You betYou got itThat ' s for sure.【参考范例】It is wise to keep in mind that it is better to invite motivational guest speakers to do conference presentations. Good professi onal conference speakers can in spire atte ndees, create the whole atmosphere and drive for the conference. But make sure their prese ntati on will be of in terest to every one.A suitable venue is a hard decision of conference organizing, but the most time consuming part is to determine what equipme nt is in clude in the venue book ing. Facilities at conference cen tre, especially the public address system must be test in adva nee to en sure that atte ndees throughoutthe room can hear what the speaker is say ing.Time allocation determines the most appropriate topics that will best achieve your conference goals. That means how much time is required to select activities and presenters can help address the conference purpose. However, the conference age nda, order and content of conference activities will go through many cha nges un til the actual conference is fun.In additi on, an effective budget is crucial to the success of the conference. In the first place, work out your costs to pla n your budget andtry as best as possible to cover overall expe nses with in your budget. Make sure to keep a file of all in voices and receipts.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN……?Producing a marketing plan Identifying target customers Setting a budget【思路点拨】Of course not.Not a cha nee.门都没有【参考范例】Produci ng a dyn amic marketi ng pla n will focus atte nti on on your ideal customers. Ide ntify ing target customers is the first step in yourmarketing plan, which defines the needs of the market your products or services satisfy and states the objectives your compa ny aims at.The purpose of setting a marketing budget is to lay out spending requirements necessary for meeting the plan ' s objectives by gathering allthe revenues and costs involved in marketing into one comprehensive document with tables and graphs, as a man agerial tool, it bala nces what is n eeded to be spe nd aga inst what can be afforded , and helps make choices about finan cial priorities.Marketing strategies are concerned with pricing , distribution, promotion, advertising and market segmentation, effective marketing strategiesare indispensable for high-standard and action-oriented marketing plans, which provide the direct ion the product will take and usually result measurable actions.Besides, various en vir onmen tal factors such as gover nment actions, emerg ing tech no logy, and eve n cultural cha nges may have a positiveor negative impact on the market growth potential of your products or services. So developing your marketing message about those factors makes it easy to plan and carry out the marketing activities you need to grow your bus in ess.【词汇&短语】收入,税收 reven ue 图表 tablesand graphs 管理工具 man agerial tool 定价 pricing市场分割 market segme ntati on 【句型点击】表示反对No way. 明显的 measurable政府行动 gover nment acti on 文化变迁 cultural cha nges 营销信息 marketing message。



Certainly! Here are some sample questions for the HSK Level 3 (Advanced) Chinese proficiency test:Part 1: Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)1. What is the meaning of the Chinese character 智(zhì)?a) Intelligenceb) Knowledgec) Wisdomd) Creativity2. Choose the correct form of the verb 学习(xuéxí) in the following sentence:He ____________ English for three years.a) studiesb) studiedc) is studyingd) has studied3. Identify the correct Chinese character for the English word "computer".a) 电脑(diàn nóu)b) 计算机(jīsuàn jī)c) 笔记(bǐjì)d) 软件(ruòjiàn)Part 2: Reading Comprehension (40 points)4. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to the question:According to a recent survey, the average person spends _____________ hours per day on their mobile phones. This includes time spent on social media, messaging, and browsing the internet. However, many people feel that they spend too much time on their phones and are concerned about the negative effects it may have on their mental and physical health.a) 2-3b) 4-5c) 6-7d) 8-95. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to the question:The Chinese character 爱(ài) means "love". It is composed of the radical 心(xīn) meaning "heart" and the phonetic component 吟(yù) which is the sound of a bird singing. The character is often used to express romantic love, but it can also be used to describe a general feeling of affection or fondness.a) What does the Chinese character 爱(ài) mean?b) What is the radical used to represent in the character 爱(ài)?c) What is the phonetic component used in the character 爱(ài)?d) What is the character 爱(ài) used to express?Part 3: Listening Comprehension (30 points)6. Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to the question:A: How much does this book cost?B: It costs _____________ dollars.a) 50b) 60c) 70d) 807. Listen to the following passage and choose the best answer to the question:According to a recent survey, many young people in China are concerned about their future job prospects. They are worried that they may not be able to find a job that matches their skills and interests. This is because the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, and many companies are looking for candidates with specialized skills.a) What are young people in China worried about?b) What is causing the job market to become increasingly competitive?c) What are companies looking for in job candidates?d) What are the job prospects like for young people in China?I hope these sample questions help you prepare for your HSK Level 3 exam! Good luck!。

剑桥英语3口语考试 范文

剑桥英语3口语考试 范文

剑桥英语3口语考试范文In the world of language proficiency exams, Cambridge English Exams stand out as a reliable measure of English language ability. Among these exams, Cambridge English 3 (also known as FCE) is a popular choice for learners aiming to demonstrate intermediate-to-advanced levels of English. The speaking section of FCE, in particular, requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in a range of real-world scenarios.To excel in the FCE speaking exam, candidates need to prepare thoroughly, understand the exam format, andpractice effectively. This article will provide an analysis of a sample speaking test from Cambridge English 3, along with tips and strategies to help candidates prepare forthis challenging section.**Sample Question: Describe a place you visitedrecently and explain why it was special to you.****Candidate Response:**"I recently visited a small village called Whitby in the north of England. It was special to me because it combines the beauty of nature with a rich historical heritage.Whitby is situated on the north coast, surrounded by stunning cliffs and the sea. The view from the cliffs is breathtaking, especially at sunset when the sky turns a deep shade of orange. The village itself is charming, with cobblestone streets and old wooden buildings. It feels like stepping into a time machine and going back to a simpler, slower pace of life.But apart from its natural beauty, Whitby also has a fascinating history. It's famous for being a key stop on the Underground Railway during the 19th century, when it was used as a refuge for escaped slaves. There are still some of the original hideouts and tunnels in the area, which are now open to the public. Visiting these places gave me a sense of the resilience and determination of the people who once lived there.Overall, Whitby was a magical experience. It's a place where you can escape the hustle and bustle of modern life,connect with nature, and immerse yourself in a rich historical context. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a unique and memorable travel destination."**Analysis:**The candidate's response is well-structured and coherent, covering both the natural beauty and historical significance of Whitby. They start by introducing the place and its special features, then proceed to describe the village's natural setting and historical background. The use of adjectives and descriptive language adds color and detail to the candidate's narrative, making the listener feel as if they are there.The candidate also demonstrates a good understanding of the question by providing specific examples and details, such as the view from the cliffs at sunset and the Underground Railway hideouts. This helps to illustrate why the place was special to them and makes the response more convincing and engaging.**Exam Tips and Strategies:**1. **Understand the Question:** Before answering, ensure you understand the question fully. If you're not sure, ask for clarification. This will help you focus your response and avoid going off-topic.2. **Plan Your Response:** It's helpful to take a moment to organize your thoughts before starting to speak. Think about the key points you want to cover and how you can link them together to create a coherent narrative.3. **Use Descriptive Language:** Use adjectives, adverbs, and other descriptive language to bring your story to life. This will help the examiner understand your experiences more vividly.4.**Practice with a Partner:** Speaking practice with a partner can help you improve your fluency and confidence. You can take turns asking and answering questions,模仿真实考试环境。



英语三级口试题目Introduction:The English language is widely recognized as a global language, and proficiency in English has become a key requirement in various aspects of life. As a result, English proficiency exams, such as the English Proficiency Test Level Three, have gained significant importance. In this article, we will explore some sample oral exam questions for the English Proficiency Test Level Three and provide appropriate responses.1. Question: Introduce yourself and your background.Response:Hello, my name is [Your Name]. I come from [Your City/Country]. I have graduated from [Your University/Institution] with a degree in [Your Major]. I am passionate about learning languages, and English has always intrigued me. Therefore, I decided to take the English Proficiency Test Level Three to further enhance my language skills and opportunities.2. Question: Describe an important event or experience in your life and explain why it was significant.Response:One significant event in my life was a volunteering trip to [Destination]. During this trip, I had the opportunity to work with disadvantaged children and contribute to their educational development. This experience was highly significant as it broadened my perspective on life, taught me the importance of empathy, and enhanced my communication skills. Interacting withchildren from diverse backgrounds enabled me to better understand and appreciate cultural differences.3. Question: Discuss a current global issue and provide your opinion on it.Response:One current global issue that concerns me deeply is climate change. The impact of climate change on our planet is undeniable, and immediate action is required to mitigate its effects. I believe it is crucial for governments, organizations, and individuals to take responsibility and adopt sustainable practices. We should emphasize renewable energy sources, reduce carbon emissions, and prioritize environmental conservation efforts. By working collectively, we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.4. Question: Explain the importance of cultural diversity in today's society.Response:Cultural diversity plays a fundamental role in shaping today's society. It enriches our understanding of different perspectives, traditions, and beliefs. Through exposure to various cultures, individuals gain tolerance, empathy, and respect for others. Cultural diversity fosters creativity, innovation, and economic growth by embracing different ideas and perspectives. It also promotes social cohesion and helps diminish prejudice and discrimination. Therefore, it is crucial to celebrate and preserve cultural diversity as it contributes to a harmonious and inclusive society.5. Question: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media.Response:Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with others. On the positive side, social media allows instant communication, facilitates global connectivity, and provides a platform for individuals to express themselves. It also serves as a valuable tool for businesses to reach their target audience and promote their products or services. However, social media has its drawbacks. It can lead to addiction, privacy concerns, cyberbullying, and the spread of misinformation. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to use social media responsibly and exercise caution.Conclusion:The English Proficiency Test Level Three oral exam provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their language skills, critical thinking, and ability to express themselves effectively. By practicing responses to sample questions like the ones discussed in this article, candidates can enhance their confidence and readiness for the exam. Remember to approach each question with clarity, coherence, and appropriate language use. Good luck in your preparation for the English Proficiency Test Level Three!。



剑桥少儿英语三级必须掌握的内容上册Unit one基本句型:What classes do you have?Can you go to each class without passing any class twice?How far is your route in steps?On which class is nearest to the Music class?What is a best friend?What’s your favorite subject?Music is my favorite subject?I like Math.重点朗读词汇:Subject, art, music, math, Chinese, English, science, history, geography, without, pass, twice, route, step, best, friend, secret, lot, different, stuck, sad, problem, rich, poor重点记忆内容:单词:Subject, art, music, math, Chinese, English, science, history, geography,重点阅读内容:第5页的第6部分,要求学生听完磁带和阅读之后会复述,会提出其他的一些问题家庭作业:1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第6页的第8部分读熟直至能背下来。




3、请学生用A4纸做一张自我介绍,可以贴照片,写个人爱好等Unit two基本句型:When is your birthday?On which day is your birthday?Who will be there?We’ll have a good time.重点朗读词汇:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, present, buy, choose, aunt, uncle, right, person, wish, blow, candles, buy a birthday cake, blow out candles, sing a song, give presents, make a wish重点记忆内容:单词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, present, buy, choose, aunt, uncle, right, person, wish, blow, candles, buy a birthday cake, blow out candles, sing a song, give presents, make a wish段落: 见第9页的第2部分需要学生记忆,教师选择部分或全部进行听写家庭作业:1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第11页的第6部分读熟直至能背下来。




如:spring、February, Wednesday… 熟记时间表达⽅法,如:ten past six, twenty to six 熟记所有动物,⾷物,⾐服,颜⾊和天⽓词汇 熟记常考情景词汇,如: ski, skiing, snowman, snowball, hill, sledge, pull/push skate, skating, ice, lake circus, clown, actor/actress, sing, dance, birthday present camping, tent, picnic, beach, volleyball holiday, airport, plane, hotel, suitcase café, chemist's, museum, castle, flag blonde, curly/straight hair, tights, trousers, shorts, shirt, hat, scarf, stripe, spot, umbrella 注意⼀些易混淆词汇,如:table desk everything anythingrestaurant café a few fewbicycle motorbike a little littlecountry countryside a few a littlecross across many muchjump hop his/her its 注意like可做动词和介词,意思完全不同,如: I like my uncle John - I am/look like my uncle John ⼀、分要点 - Listening 注意考试时⼀定要带上12⾊彩笔 注意不要被⼀些语⾔陷阱迷惑,细⼼听清听全每⼀句话 注意填空时,英语⼈名,周名,⽉名和地名第⼀个字母应⼤写。



英语三级口试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。

A. 他要迟到了。

B. 他正在路上。

C. 他不打算去。

D. 他正在等车。

[答案] B2. 根据所听短文,回答以下问题:Q: 短文中提到的主要活动是什么?A. 看电影B. 参加聚会C. 去图书馆D. 做运动[答案] A二、口语表达(共30分)1. 请根据以下情景,用英语描述你如何安慰一个考试失利的朋友。

[答案示例] I would tell my friend that it's okay to fail sometimes, and it's important to learn from the experience and try again.2. 描述你最近参加的一个活动,并说明它对你的影响。

[答案示例] I recently attended a charity event, which made me realize the importance of helping others and being part ofa community.三、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,选择最佳标题。

[短文内容略]A. The Importance of TeamworkB. The Benefits of TravelingC. The Power of PerseveranceD. The Joy of Learning[答案] A2. 根据短文内容,回答以下问题:Q: 短文中提到的成功人士有哪些共同特质?A. [答案示例] The successful people mentioned in the passage share traits such as determination, hard work, and the ability to overcome obstacles.四、写作(共20分)1. 写一篇短文,描述你理想中的工作,并解释为什么。



第三辑Test 1Staff MagazineYour company is planning to introduce an internal magazine to keep staff informed of company developments.You have been asked to help plan the staff magazineDiscuss the situation together, and decide:●What type of information to include in the magazine●Which type of staff should contribute to the magazine●How often the magazine should be published【题目分析】企业内刊你所在的公司目前正计划发行企业内部期刊以帮助员工随时了解公司的发展状况。


你们一起讨论这个话题,并决定:●杂志包括哪些内容●杂志所定位的员工类型●杂志的发行周期【词汇、短语】特写feature 视觉的visual熟悉的,了解的up-to-speed 上交submit使适应,定位orient 承诺,奉献commitment【句型点击】●正面评价观点Good idea!I really appreciate what you’ve saidYou’ve made a very good point.That’s interesting!【参考范例】A: I think the staff magazine should be published four times a year and contains news and features about events in the company and the achievements of staff.B: I don’t think so. A monthly publication of news , analysis, opinions, interviews, competitions and feedback would be bette r, which can cover a wide range of topics, of interest to staff.C: I prefer the monthly. The magazine is an easy and convenient way of keeping up-to-speed with everything that’s going on in the company. In addition, staff magazine is designed to create a corporate culture that can connect all people in. so, the more, the better.A: Ok, maybe you are right. Staff magazine should involve everyone and everything in the company. A rich, prompt and diverse coverage satisfies all needs and expectations. By the way, what could be the target audience of the magazine?B: since every issue is designed to give staff a better understanding of our business, to share knowledge and experiences, to provide interest and entertainment and to show readers why the company is a good place to work, the magazine should beoriented to all the staff members.C: You can target the staff magazine to different groups, for individual department may want their version of the magazine.Moreover, staff should be encouraged to become involved in producing the magazine and building a sense of community and engagement.A: An employee magazine, um, sounds nice. And printed staff magazines can be out of date before staff even read them; so what about e-magazine, which allows content to be alive and up to date?B: Good idea! Then staff can get information across in an engaging and visual way. Down-loading and uploading old and new issues are really easy through the internet and intranet. Anyone can easily submit their article or update in the relevant section of the staff magazine.C: So many ways to improve the magazine and the staff magazine is such a great commitment to help staff to communicate better, and be better informed. Even the clients can get useful information and grasp business opportunities from the staff magazine.第三辑Test 2Video ConferencingThe company you work for is concerned about the amount of time staff spend traveling to meetings in other branches of the company, and is looking at alternatives.You have been asked to make recommendations about introducing video conferencing.Discuss the situation together and decide:●What the company needs to know about the meetings that take place at present.●What are the advantage and disadvantage of video conferencing might be●What kinds of practical preparations would be needed before introducing the system?【题目分析】电视会议你所在的公司目前很关注员工出差到其他分公司开会的用时问题,正在寻找可替代的开会方式。



剑桥少儿英语3级主要句型Where are you going? I'm going to school。

你要去哪里? 我上学去。

Where are you going? We're going to the playground。

你们要去哪? 我们去操场。

What's the weather like today? 今天的天气怎样?It's cloudy and windy. It's going to rain. 阴天又起风,快要下雨了。

What's the weather like on Monday? It's rainy.周一的天气怎样? 下雨。

Is that dog yours? No, it isn't. 那只狗是你的吗? 不是的。

Whose new car is this? It's mine. 这是谁的新车子? 是我的。

Is it Peter's? Sorry, I don't know. 是彼得的吗? 我不知道。

Do you often play football? Yes, I do. 你经常踢足球吗? 是的。

Do you often go to see movies? No, I don't.你经常去看电影吗? 不是的。

What does your father do every day? 你父亲每天在干什么?He often works at his computer. 他常在电脑上工作。

What is the teacher doing? 老师在干什么?He's reading some newspapers. 他在看些报纸。

Who opens the door? 谁在开门?What does the math teacher say? 数学老师说些什么?Bill is hungry. 比尔饿了。



剑桥国际英语教程第三级1SNAPSHOTSource: Weekly World News2CONVERSATION I like guys who . . .Do you have a date for the party yet?Hmm. What kind of guys do you like?Oh, I like guys who aren’t too seriousand who have a good sense of humor.OK, I’ll ask him to meet us for coffee,Listen to Chris and Kim discuss Bobafter they met for coffee. How did Kim like him?That’s what friends are for!in North America Love and MarriageWhat men look forin a partnerleadership qualities ? earnings potential ? a sense of humor ? intelligence ? job skills ? success ? physical attractiveness warmth and affectionhomemaking abilityfashion sensesocial skillssensitivityWhat women look for in a partner3GRAMMAR FOCUSRelative pronounsRelative pronouns as subjectsI like guys. They aren’t too serious.→I like guys who/that aren’t too serious.I like guys. They have a good sense of humor.→I like guyswho/that have a good sense of humor.Relative pronouns as objectsI’d prefer someone. I can talk to him easily.→I’d prefer someone (who/that)I can talk to easily.I’d prefer someone. I have fun with him. →I’d prefer someone (who/that)I have fun with.1. I don’t want to have a partner who I have nothing in common with.4WORD POWER Personalities5LISTENING What are they like?6DISCUSSION Ideal peopleThis person should be . . . This person should not be . . .7WRITING About a best friendMy best friend is someone who is sensitive about my feelings. She’sa person who is very supportive and always listens to my problems. . . .Next, give suggestions about how the paragraph could be improved.8PERSPECTIVES QuizDo you get ANNOYED easily?I don’t like it when a cell phone rings in the classroom.It bothers me when a teacher forgets my name.I hate it when people talk with theirmouth full.It upsets me when a close friend forgetsmy birthday.I can’t stand it when people talk loudly toeach other during a movie.I don’t like it when people call meearly in the morning.I can’t stand it when a child screamsin a restaurant.It bothers me when my doctor arriveslate for an appointment.Score: If you checked . . .1–2 complaints:Wow! You don’t get annoyed very easily.3–4 complaints:You’re fairly easygoing.5–6 complaints:Hmm, you could be intolerant about some things.7–8 complaints:Relax, you get annoyed too easily!9PRONUNCIATION Linked soundsListen and practice. Final consonant soundsare often linked to the vowel sounds that follow them.Mark the linked sounds in the sentencesbelow. Listen and check. Then practice sayingI can’t stand it when someone is late for an appointment.Does it bother you when a friend is unreliable?I hate it when a cell phone goes off in a performance.Take turns saying the sentences in Exercise 8.That’s what friends are for!? 510GRAMMAR FOCUSit clauses from the list. Then take turns reading your sentences witha partner.I love it It bothers me I don’t like itI can’t stand it It embarrasses me It doesn’t bother meIt makes me happy It really upsets me I don’t mind it1.when someone gives me a compliment on my clothes.2.when people are direct and say what’s on their mind.3.when someone corrects my English in front of others.4.when a friend is sensitive and supportive.5.when people throw trash on the ground.6.when a friend treats me to dinner.7.when I get phone calls on my birthday.8.when a stranger asks me for money.9.when people call me late at night.10.when teachers are temperamental.B Group work Do you ever get annoyed by a certaintype of person or situation? Write down ?ve thingsthat annoy you the most. Then compare in groups.A:I really can’t stand it when people are stingy.B:I feel the same way –especially when you’vebeen generous to them!C:Yeah, but it bothers me more when . . .11INTERCHANGE 1Personality types....................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ..............Clauses with it + adverbial clauses with whenI don’t mind it when people talk loudly during a movie.I don’t like it when a cell phone rings in the classroom.I can’t stand it when a child scr eams in a restaurant.It bothers me when a teacher forgets my name.It upsets me when people arrive late for appointments.12READINGKeeping friendsWhether friendshipsare old or new, youcan’t neglect them ifyou want them tolast. Even though it’ssometimes hard tospend time together,it’s important to keepin touch. Two otherkeys are ?exibilityand respect. Be understanding when plans change. If you ?nd yourselves ?ghting, try to look at things from the other person’s point of view.Some tips for keeping friends:Be a good listener. Don’t be judgmental and don’t offer advice unless you’re asked. ? Respect the other person’s opinion, even when you don’t agree.Never break a con?dence. Your friends need to know they can trust you.Be supportive of y our friends. It’s important to love them despite their faults!P eople use the word “friend” in a variety of ways.A friend can mean anything from a casual acquaintance to someone you’ve known your whole life. Whoever they are, friends are an important part of life at every stage. They provide companionship and emotional support. Of all our relationships, friendships are the most voluntary.We choose our friends.Making new friends It’s easy to stay in a circle of friends you’re comfortable with. But as you get older, friendships may be lost –people move away or you just lose track of them. Building friendships is a lifelong, but worthwhile, job. New friendships can bring opportunities to experience new things. A few pointers for making new friends:? Reach out to others. Try to be open to new experiences and relationships. ? Participate in classes, clubs, orvolunteer organizations. These activities will bring you into contact with people who share similar interests. ? Stick with it –even if you feel uncomfortable. It takes time to build friendships. How do you choose your friends? What qualities do you look for in a friend?True False Not given。













第三部分 5幅图,理解故事的开头,能根据图⽚继续描述故事。








剑桥少儿英语3级主要句型Where are you going? I'm going to school o 你要去哪里?我上学去。

Where are you going? We*re going to the playground o你们要去哪?我们去操场。

Whafs the weather like today?今天的天气怎样?Ifs cloudy and windy. It's going to rain.阴天又起风,快要下雨了。

Whafs the weather like on Monday? Ifs rainy.周一的天气怎样?下雨。

Is that dog yours? No, it isn't.那只狗是你的吗?不是的。

Whose new car is this? Ifs mine.这是谁的新车子?是我的。

Is it Peter's? Sorry, I don't know.是彼得的吗?我不知道。

Do you often play football? Yes, I do.你经常踢足球吗?是的。

Do you often go to see movies? No, I don't.你经常去看电影吗?不是的。

What does your father do every day?你父亲每天在干什么?He often works at his computer.他常在电脑上工作。

What is the teacher doing?老师在干什么?He's reading some newspapers.他在看些报纸。

Who opens the door?谁在开门?What does the math teacher say?数学老师说些什么?Bill is hungry.比尔饿了。

Is he tall ? Yes, he is.他长得高吗?是的。



育才剑桥英语三级重点句子剑桥三级上册1--16单元重点Unit 1基本句型What classes do you have?你上什么课?Can you go to each class without passing any class twice?你能在不经过一个班两次的情况下进入每个班吗?How far is your route in steps?你步行的路有多远On which class is nearest to the Music class?哪个班离音乐教室最近?I like Math.我喜欢数学。

What is a best friend?什么样的朋友是最好的?What’s your favorite subject?你最喜欢什么学科?Music is my favorite subject音乐是我最喜欢的学科?Unit 2基本句型When is your birthday?什么时候是你的生日?On which day is your birthday?哪天是你的生日?Who will be there?谁会去那?We’ll have a good time.我们玩得很开心。

Unit 3基本句型: What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎么样?It was windy风天It was sunny all the time.天总是晴朗的。

Did you go anywhere?你去哪了?No, I stayed at home不,我呆在家里。

Yes, I went to Zhongshan Park.是的,我去了中山公园。

Unit 4基本句型: How far is it from Xidan to WangfujingStreet?从西单到王府井街多远?You should turn left/right你应该左转/右转。

You should go straight on你应该直走。

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