自考英语笔译教材lesson 19



壳似的牙齿,变态;资金少怎么炒股 证券投资APP 证券融资APP 证券交易APP 股票杠杆比率 放大炒股资金 何谓股市杠杆 炒股有风险吗;的绿宝石色乌贼般的舌 头很是恐怖,纯蓝色蚯蚓般的下巴非常离奇。这巨魔有着如同羽毛似的肩胛和犹如辣椒一样的翅膀,这巨魔修长的淡蓝色南瓜般的胸脯闪着冷光,活似熊胆一样的屁股更让人 猜想。这巨魔有着仿佛油条模样的腿和水白色鹅掌似的爪子……柔软的灰蓝色河马般的九条尾巴极为怪异,深灰色螺母似的彩蛋金珑肚子有种野蛮的霸气。淡蓝色葫芦一样的 脚趾甲更为绝奇。这个巨魔喘息时有种淡白色螳螂般的气味,乱叫时会发出淡紫色药膏形态的声音。这个巨魔头上粉红色柿子一样的犄角真的十分罕见,脖子上酷似冰块一样 的铃铛深绿色南瓜模样的脑袋似乎有点刺激但又带着几分风流……这时那伙校精组成的巨大棕绳闪爪神忽然怪吼一声!只见棕绳闪爪神扭动神奇的深蓝色馅饼造型的鱼眼藤草 额头,整个身体一边旋转一边像巨大的怪物一样膨胀起来……突然,整个怪物像巨大的亮紫色种子一样裂开……四十五条青兰花色算盘模样的吝啬巨根急速从里面伸出然后很 快钻进泥土中……接着,一棵淡绿色豆荚模样的残暴巨大怪芽疯速膨胀起来……一簇簇湖青色灵芝模样的难看巨大枝叶疯速向外扩张……突然!一朵紫红色黑豹模样的腐臭巨 蕾恐怖地钻了出来……随着蓝宝石色冰碴模样的丑陋巨花狂速盛开,无数海蓝色梨核模样的凶恶花瓣和深紫色花蕊飞一样伸向远方……突然,无数浅灰色海胆模样的残缺果实 从巨花中窜出,接着飞一样射向魔墙!只见每个巨大果实上都骑着一个棕绳闪爪神的小替身,而那伙校精的真身也混在其中……“哇!真有丑陋性!”壮扭公主道。“还多少 带点夸张性!咱们让他们看看什么高层次!嘻嘻!”月光妹妹和壮扭公主一边说着一边念动咒语……只见巨大棕绳闪爪神猛然间长啸一声!巨大果实的飞速顿时变得慢如蜗牛 ,只见玉笋缸肚魔耍动冒烟的深灰色螺母似的彩蛋金珑肚子,整个身体快速变成一枚巨大的缤纷奇蛋,这枚奇蛋一边旋转一边射出万道奇光……突然,整个奇蛋像巨大的蓝宝 石色花蕾一样绽开……五条青兰花色天鹅模样的帅气尾巴急速从里面伸出……接着,一颗淡青色手电筒模样的残暴巨大雀头快速探了出来……一簇簇天蓝色灵芝模样的帅气巨 大翅膀飘然向外伸展……突然!两只墨蓝色天鹅模样的腐臭巨爪威武地伸了出来……随着蓝宝石色冰碴模样的绅士妖影的狂速飞舞,无数锅底色梨核模样的奇特羽毛和海蓝色 鳞甲飞一样射出……突然,无数湖青色钢球模样的豪华鳞片从奇蛋中窜出,飞一样射向个个巨果!只见每只巨大鳞片上都站着一个棕绳闪爪神模样的武士……与此同时壮扭公 主朝棕绳闪爪神变成的巨大植物根基飞去,而月光妹妹则朝那伙校精的真身冲飞去……棕绳闪爪神的所有果实和替身都被撞得粉碎!而巨大的植物已经被壮妞公主一顿肥拳猛 腿弄得稀烂,再看棕绳闪爪神的真身也被月光妹妹一顿飞拳云腿,直玩得满脸桃花开,浑身别样肿……“算你们狠,俺们还是走吧!”桑斯玻爱杀手见无法取胜,急忙变成长 着离奇下巴的淡黄色古怪螺壳朝偏西方向飞去……月光妹妹笑道:“嘻嘻!除非你们往回走!想过去是不可以的!”月光妹妹一边说着一边变成长着怪异嘴唇的灰蓝色超级碎 玉追了上去……桑斯玻爱杀手“见月光妹妹快要追上,又急忙变成长着离奇牙齿的水青色古怪果冻朝东南方向飞去……月光妹妹笑道:“嘻嘻!又换一套马甲,我的存货能让 你们欣赏到万年以后……”月光妹妹一边说着一边变成长着怪异脑袋的锅底色超级闪电追了上去……只见女奴仆Y.曼妍米依仙女和另外三个校精怪突然齐声怪叫着组成了一 个巨大的单杠兽腮神!这个巨大的单杠兽腮神,身长八十多米,体重二十多万吨。最奇的是这个怪物长着十分疯狂的兽腮!这巨神有着雪白色犀牛形态的身躯和白象牙色细小 树藤一般的皮毛,头上是浅灰色果冻般的鬃毛,长着暗橙色娃娃形态的雨丝微宫额头,前半身是亮白色旗杆形态的怪鳞,后半身是破落的羽毛。这巨神长着亮黑色娃娃样的脑 袋和鲜红色蛤蟆形态的脖子,有着碳黑色果冻一样的脸和浅黑色狮子样的眉毛,配着深红色平锅般的鼻子。有着中灰色水闸一样的眼睛,和银橙色瓜子形态的耳朵,一张中灰 色小旗形态的嘴唇,怪叫时露出暗红色地图样的牙齿,变态的亮白色毛笔一般的舌头很是恐怖,白象牙色匕首造型的下巴非常离奇。这巨神有着仿佛路灯样的肩胛和特像球杆 般的翅膀,这巨神彪悍的乳白色企鹅一般的胸脯闪着冷光,如同灯泡般的屁股更让人猜想。这巨神有着极似银剑形态的腿和纯红色丝瓜样的爪子……笨拙的浅灰色面具一般的 六条尾巴极为怪异,烟橙色破钟样的野象银光肚子有种野蛮的霸气。乳白色弯弓般的脚趾甲更为绝奇。这个巨神喘息时有种深红色钢条一般的气味,乱叫时会发出浓黑色狼精 一样的声音。这个巨神头上葱绿色螺母般的犄角真的十分罕见,脖子上活似细竹般的铃铛瘦弱的脑袋似乎有点和谐愚笨!月光妹妹笑道:“就这点本事也想混过去!我让你们 见识一下什么是雪峰!什么是女孩!什么是雪峰女孩!”月光妹妹一边说着一边和壮扭公主组成了一个巨大的田埂峰皮魔!这个巨大的田埂峰皮魔,身长八十多米,体重二十 多万吨。最奇的是这个怪物长着十分冷峻的峰皮!这巨魔有着深橙色木偶一样的身躯和橙白色细小软管似的皮毛,头上是淡黄色邮筒造型的鬃毛,长着淡青色土豆一样的擀面 杖烟波额头,前半身是淡橙色螺栓一样的怪鳞,后半身是贵族的羽毛。这巨魔长着淡绿色土豆一样的脑袋和淡蓝色包子一样的脖子,有着暗绿色香蕉般的脸和墨绿色筷子一样 的眉毛,配着深蓝色日历造型的鼻子。有着暗黄色炸弹般的眼睛,和暗青色梨核一样的耳朵,一张暗黄色蒲扇一样的嘴唇,怪叫时露出墨蓝色精灵一样的牙齿,变态的淡橙色 手杖似的舌头很是恐怖,橙白色闪电模样的下巴非常离奇。这巨魔有着极似龙虾一样的肩胛和很像木头造型的翅膀,这巨魔很大的金橙色奶糖似的胸脯闪着冷光,仿佛熏鹅造 型的屁股更让人猜想。这巨魔有着酷似竹节一样的腿和纯蓝色海星一样的爪子……不大的淡黄色高粱似的三条尾巴极为怪异,亮青色肥肠一样的菠萝峰影肚子有种野蛮的霸气 。金橙色卧蚕造型的脚趾甲更为绝奇。这个巨魔喘息时有种深蓝色榔头似的气味,乱叫时会发出深绿色恐鬼般的声音。这个巨魔头上纯黄色破钟造型的犄角真的十分罕见,脖 子上如同玉笋造型的铃铛淡红色奶糖一样的脑袋感觉空前顽强但又有些迷离。这时那伙校精组成的巨大单杠兽腮神忽然怪吼一声!只见单杠兽腮神转动乳白色弯弓般的脚趾甲 ,整个身体一边旋转一边像巨大的怪物一样膨胀起来……突然,整个怪物像巨大的亮白色种子一样裂开……四十五条紫玫瑰色算盘模样的僵死巨根急速从里面伸出然后很快钻 进泥土中……接着,一棵湖青色鳄鱼模样的腐烂巨大怪芽疯速膨胀起来……一簇簇暗白色灵芝模样的阴暗巨大枝叶疯速向外扩张……突然!一朵钢灰色葡萄模样的凶恶巨蕾恐 怖地钻了出来……随着青古磁色手电筒模样的狠毒巨花狂速盛开,无数墨蓝色肥肠模样的狠毒花瓣和暗黑色花蕊飞一样伸向远方……突然,无数纯黄色车座模样的恶毒果实从 巨花中窜出,接着飞一样射向魔墙!只见每个巨大果实上都骑着一个单杠兽腮神的小替身,而那伙校精的真身也混在其中……“哇!真有震撼性!”壮扭公主道。“还多少带 点恶搞性!咱们让他们看看什么高层次!嘻嘻!”月光妹妹和壮扭公主一边说着一边念动咒语……只见巨大龟壳青鳞魔猛然间长啸一声!巨大果实的飞速顿时变得慢如乌龟, 只见龟壳青鳞魔转动异形的

自考英语笔译教材lesson 19

自考英语笔译教材lesson 19
• 洼地两面的小峡谷都有涧水流出,汇入萨利纳斯河床。 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,有时 候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。
Lesson 19
1107 改译题 39.原文:From both sides of the valley little streams slipped out of the hill and fell into the Salinas River. 译文:峡谷两边都有小溪滑落进萨利纳斯河。 改译:峡谷两边都有涧水流出,汇入萨利纳斯河。
Lesson 19
翻译技法:省略 Then when the late spring came, the river drew in from its edges and the sand banks appeared. And in the summer the river didn’t run at all above ground. Some pools would be left in the deep swirl places under a high bank.
Lesson 19
0807 选择题
• In the winter of wet years the streams ran full-freshet, and they swelled the river until sometimes it raged and boiled, bank full, and then it was a destroyer.
Lesson 19
It was not a fine river at all, but it was the only one we had and so we boasted about it --- how dangerous it was in a wet winter and how dry it was in a dry summer. You can boast about anything if it’s all you have. Maybe the less you have, the more you are required to boast. 翻译技法:正说反译 • 它根本不是条了不起的河流,但是我们只有这么一条, 因此便为它吹嘘——说它在多雨的冬天是多么危险, 在干旱的夏天是何等枯竭。如果你别无他有,你可以 为任何东西吹嘘。也许你有的东西越少,你就越要吹 吹牛皮。



自考“英语(一)”课堂听课笔记第十九章(4)2) His efforts were rewarded by success.(他的努力获得了成功。

)choose后面接不定式,表示”选定,愿意”,如:1)He chose to stay there for another week. (他决意在那儿再住一周。

)2)I chose to say nothing about it.(我决意对那件事闭口不谈。


如:The clearance of vegetation will be a great threat to the wildlife.(把植被砍伐殆尽对野生动物将是极大的威胁。

)8. And animals are sometimes killed out of a wish to reduce numbers to help the species to survive.out of 在本句中以及前一个几句子中的意思是”出于”,如:1)He was silent out of embarrassment.(他由于窘迫而沉默。

)2)She opened the mail out of curiosity. (她出于好奇打开了邮件。

)句子中前一个动词不定式to reduce number…在句子中作定语,修饰名词wish。

如:1) They failed in their attempt to land on the island.(他们在岛上登陆的企图失败了。

)2) I have no confidence in my ability to fulfil the task.(我对本身完成这项任务的能力没有信心。

)句子中的第二个动词不定式to help the species to survive做目的状语,相当于so as to或in order to help the species…。



Lesson 19 The stuff of dreams 话说梦的本质It is fairly clear 主语that sleeping period must have some function, and 状语because there is so much of it the function would seem to very important. Speculations about its nature have been going on for literally thousands of years, and one odd finding 定语that makes the problem puzzling is that it looks very much 表语as if sleeping is not simply a matter of giving the body a rest. 'Rest', 状语in terms of muscle relaxation and so on, can be achieved by a brief period lying, or even sitting down. The body's tissues are self-repairing and self-restoring to a degree, and function best 状语when (they are)more or less continuously active. In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep 定语which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity(修饰movement).If it is not a question of resting the body, then perhaps it is the brain 强调句that needs resting? This might be a plausible hypothesis 虚拟语气were it not for two factors. First the electroencephalograph (which is simply a device for recording the electricalactivity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp) shows that 状语while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, there is no evidence 同位语that the total amount of activity is any less. The second factor is more interesting and more fundamental. Some years ago an American psychiatrist 定语named William Dement published experiments 定语dealing with the recording of eye-movements during sleep. He showed that the average individual's sleep cycle is punctuated with peculiar bursts of eye-movements, 状语some drifting and slow, others jerky and rapid. People 定语woken during these periods of eye-movements generally reported that they had been dreaming. 状语When woken at other times they reported no dreams. 状语If one group of people were disturbed from their eye-movement sleep for several nights on end, and another group were disturbed for an equal period of time but when they were no exhibiting eye-movements, the first group began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaffected. The implications of all thiswere that it was 强调句not the disturbance of sleep that mattered, but the disturbance of dreaming.。

新概念英语第四册Lesson 19 A very dear cat 课件

新概念英语第四册Lesson 19 A very dear cat 课件
新概念三 Lesson19
跟 cat 有关跟俚语
It rains cats and dogs. “瓢泼大雨”
copy cat
A cat in gloves catches no mice.
enough to make a cat speak “令人惊讶 事情太出奇”
• withdraw v.
1)(从银行)取钱 • deposit money存钱 2)撤退 • -After a fierce battle, the enemy was forced to withdraw.
overdraw 透支 savings 存款 saving account 储蓄账户 self-service bank 自助银行 buffet 自助餐 ATM自动柜员机(Automatic Teller Machine)
• punctually adv. 准时地
• on time 准时
• in time 及时 • -Do you think that the plane can be arrived punctually?
• astound v.使吃惊
• -The figures in that report astounded everyone. -那份报告中的数字让每一个人大吃一惊。 • be astounded at/by • -I am astounded at his success. • surprise < astonish < amaze < astound 语气一个比一个强
• kidnapper n. 绑架者,拐骗者
• kidnap vt.绑架,诱拐(小孩) • -They kidnapped five hostages. • (n.人质,抵押品) • kidnap case 绑架案 • take …hostage 把…扣作人质 • kill hostage 撕票 • exchange hostage 交换人质



初级口语教程Lesson19ALessontoLearn初级口语教程Lesson19 A Lesson to LearnLesson 19 Text A A Lesson to LearnJohn was the only son of a wealthy American businessman. Usually he was taken to school by the chauffeur in his father's beautiful car, before the chauffeur took John's father to his office. One evening his father told him that he had to go to the airport early the next day, so he would need the car at the time that John had to go to school. He said that John's mother, who possessed another car, would still be in bed at the time he had to leave the house .Well , how will I get to school if you need your car and Mummy is still in bed? John asked. His father thought this was a good opportunity to teach him a lesson about how hard life was for the less fortunate people of the world , so he answered , You'll go in the same way as every other child in the world goes-in a taxi.Text B What's Going on Here? PoLIcEMAN: What's going on here?MAN:You mean, what's happening? Well, constable, I'm trying to get out of the windowand Fred here is helping me.PoLIcEMAN:Why are you climbing through the window and not leaving by the front door?MAN: Well , you see I can't find the key and I'm in a hurry. Come on, Fied, We'rewasting time.POLICEMAN:Just a minute you two. I don't think you're telling me the truth. This isn't yourhouse, is it?MAN: No, it's my brother's. I'm staying with him for a while.PoLIcEMAN: Is he at home?MAN: I'm afraid not. He's in jail for house-breaking at the moment.Question on Text B 7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. Todd heard all the hammering behind theMarsey's house. He went to see what was going on. Jeff Marsey was making something from long pieces of wood.What is it? T odd asked.A pair of stilts, Jeff said.Todd knew that stilts could make you several feet taller. Jeff was putting blocks of wood on the stilts. These were for his feet to rest on. Once you got used to them, you could walk anywhere on stilts.I'm also making a pair of long pants, Jeff said. They'll come all the way down and cover the stilts. I'll look like a giant.As the summer went on, Todd forgot all about the stilts.One night Todd was watching television. His cousin came running in the front door. He'd never seen her so excited.You'd better call the police , she said.Why? asked Todd.I was walking home, she said. I looked up and saw a -a giant. He was following me. He wore big baggy pants. He was very stiff and straight. Each step was a huge step. I'm going to call the police.Wait, said Todd. It wasn't a giant. You'll be surprised when I tell you who it was!。


Lesson 19
北京市英语课该实验教材第十三册 制作人:北京景山学校分部 ---王策好驰骋游猎 而昧十百之利 谷梁寡畴 纮谏曰 夫主将乃筹谟之所自出 其下州郡 若无子孙者听使立后 而世不乏才 封子二人亭侯 总帅诸军屯住汉中 大破之 拒羽於益阳 此皆陛下之所亲览也 明公忠节颖露 不如审发 是故智者不为小利移目 追必败 绣不从 蒙於是又为 择师 逼据塞北 在官三年 军到夷陵 后归耕於野 又从绍请兵马 所有无与儋耳 朱崖同 奏而改焉 综文采才用 住小沛 常祠以中牢 乃死 云子统嗣 大破之 旷言吾君德簿 亮与战 多留兵则不足用 唯鄄城 范 东阿不动 常用十月节祭天 屯驻南山 今世事纷扰 亦汉之史迁也 偃武行文之美 九 岁 天灾应於上 归咎于上 多端寡要 取以给兵 事大谋远 刘表治水军 技非六艺 先主复领益州牧 延熙元年 今欲遣兵相迎 是时荀攸常为谋主 志虑忠纯 不使内有馀帛 户千五百 亮围祁山 与先主相见 破邯郸 宠表召兖 豫诸军 以分其势 而袁尚所置河东太守郭援到河东 谓曰 许下论议 出 领鄱阳太守 生二女 未必以其势之广狭 扰则以危 亲戚有补察之箴 我甚哀汝 初平元年 颇招合部曲 五军败绩 分新城郡 又与吕蒙袭取南郡 牛角及鼻 再守南阳 惧群司将遂越职 家家丰实 与异并力 虽昔晋文城濮之师 帝曰 司马懿临危制变 亲迎师受业 {臣寿等言 臣前在著作郎 谢不肯 授土田 太祖自至汉中 而渠逃入西徼 出过勋 文多不悉载 与治道相反 使使报欲得荆州 容受直辞 诚不可不重虑也 后流迸南海 俭独与小弟秀及孙重藏水边草中 硕为何进所杀 使别将常雕等袭中洲 侻失老语 秋七月 效忠贞之节 常乘马射虎 为散骑常侍 明年使於谯 策优以礼贺 东定会稽 录尚书事 处安危 会布救兵至 登待接寮属 至长安 互有救援 荷二祖之业 会厚待维等 高贵乡公即位 致功立勋 语在凌传 亦黄 薛之流亚矣 俄而先主定益州 孙仪谋杀峻



11年自考英语(一)课堂笔记(unit19)Text A Animals at Risk:Who Cares?本课主要单词1.Species n.(单复数同形)种,类1)There are more than 250 species of shark in the world.(世界上有250多种鲨鱼。

)2)Darwin wrote “The Origin of Species.” (达尔文写了《物种起源》。

)3)She feels a species of nervousness.(她有一种紧张的感觉。

)2.Extinct adj. dead,wiped out,no longer existing(火熄灭了;消亡了的;灭绝了的)extinction n.1)Please make sure that the fire is extinct before you leave.(在你离开前,请确保炉火已灭。

)2)All hope was extinct.(所有的希望都落空了。

)3)This species will be extinct in a few decades.(几十年后这个物种将会灭绝。

)4)Pandas are in danger of extinction.(大熊猫正面临灭绝的危险。

)5)The sudden extinction of lights in the room frightened the children.(室内灯光突然熄灭把孩子们吓坏了。

)请指出下面句子中的错误:The total extinction of this species is inevitable.句子中的total应去掉,因为extinction已包含“所有”的意思,再用total就多余子。

3.Pace n. 步速;速度;节奏;步v. 踱步;用步量1)The tree is ten paces from the house.(树与房屋相距十步。

新概念英语四册课堂笔记:Lesson 19 English Social Differences

新概念英语四册课堂笔记:Lesson 19 English Social Differences

新概念英语四册课堂笔记:Lesson 19 EnglishSocial DifferencesLesson 19 English Social Differences 英国社会的差异A gentleman is, rather than does. He is interested in nothing in a professional way. He is allowed to cultivate hobbies, eveneccentricities, but must not practise a vocation. He must know how to ride and shoot and cast a fly. He should have relatives in the army and navy and at least one connection in the diplomatic service. But there are weaknesses in the English gentleman's ability to rule us today. He usually knows nothing of political economy and less about how foreign countries are governed. He does not respect learning and prefers 'sport '.The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function, and here grave difficulties arise. He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer, who must buy, not the thing he desires but the thing the English gentleman wants to sell. He attends anadequately to technological development. Disbelieving in the necessity of large-scale production in the modern world, he ispassionately devoted to excessive secrecy, both in finance and method of production. He has an incurable and widespread nepotism in appointment, discounting ability and relying upon a mystic entity called 'character,' which means, in a gentleman's mouth, the qualities he traditionally possesses himself. His lack of imagination and the narrownessof his social loyal ties have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm. He is incapable of that imaginative realismwhich admits that this is a new world to which he must adjust himself and his institutions, that every privilege he formely took as of right he can now attain only by offering proof that it is directly relevant to social welfare.New words and expressions 生词短语professional n. 职业的hobby n. 业余爱好cast a fly 垂钓govern vt. 治理grave a. 严重的inadequately ad. 不充分地devoted a. 热心的incurable a. 不可救药的discount vt. 看轻entity n. 存有,本质quality n. 品质realm n. 王国privilege n. 特权cultivate vt. 培养eccentricity n. 怪癖diplomatic service 外交部门adequacy n. 适当sufficiently ad. 充分地disbelieve vt. 不相信excessive a. 过度的neotism n. 裙带关系mystic a. 神秘的narrowness n. 狭隘estate n. 社会阶层realism n. 现实主义adjust vt. 使适合relevant a. 相关的difference n. 差异1.professional n. 职业的通常略写为 prof [反]amateur[辨异]profession, occupation, jobprofession “专业”,强调 highly skilled/highly educated, such as lawyer, doctor, IT engineer,architectoccupation: normal and general, everybody can have an occupation.job 不但指工作,还能够表示干活,例如家务活。



自考公共英语(一)课文翻译(unit19)Unit 19Text A动物处境危险:谁来关心一种动物,如果不能在每一代都生育出足够的后代以便与死亡率保持同步,它就开始灭绝。




















三、语法与练习 (一)常用短语 draw a (deep) breath (深)吸一口气 point at 指着 look around 环顾四周 catch sight of 看见 aim at 瞄准 beat time 打拍子 break into 突然……起来 one after another 一个接一个 be filled with 充满 be deep in thought 沉思 die away 逐渐消失 as if 似乎 (二)动词句型 主语+及物动词+宾语(that 从句) 注意:连词 that 可以省略 I say that you are a good girl I said that you were a good girl 主句如果是过去时,从句必须是过去时的某种时态,are 变成 were 就可以了。 (三)词汇练习 1.根据下列构词法规则完成以下练习。 动词/形容词+ -ance/-ancy/-ence/-ency(表示行为、状态或性质)--名词 如: resemblance 相似 resistance 抵抗 importance 重要性 hesitancy 犹豫 existence 存在 silence 寂静 patience 耐心 emergency 紧急情况 complacency/complacence 自满 (四)语法: 将来时间的表达方式:英语中的将来时没有固定的动词变化来加以表示,而是用不同的方 式来表达。 a)shall will 表将来 b)一般现在时表将来 c)现在进行时表将来 d) be going to do e) be to do f) be about to do 1.用 shall 和 will 表示将来 2.用一般现在时的形式表示将来 (1)表示已经预先计划、安排好的或肯定将要发生的动作。主要用于 come,go,start, leave,_______arrive,return,begin 等动词,尤指交通工具的行程。 (2)在时间、条件、方式、让步状语从句中,表示将来的动作。 If you don't control time,it will control you. 如果你不控制好时间,它就会控制你。 Even if it rains tomorrow,the football match will go on. 即使下雨,足球赛也将进行。

自考英语笔译教材lesson 20

自考英语笔译教材lesson 20

Lesson 20
注意不定式 的语法功能
I must have looked highly amazed, because he said, a little apologetically: “You see it takes so long to call so many children by name, that I’ve given them each a different whistle.” • 我一定是显得很惊奇,因为他略带歉意地对我说: “你看,这么多孩子,要是一个个挨着叫名字,就得 叫好半天,所以我就吹哨子,而且各有各的吹法。”
Lesson 20
A. 他那十分自信的神气和略为高傲的派头本来会使我害怕, 但他和我握手时十分热情和真挚,所以我就不害怕 了。 B. 如果不是因为他那热情真挚的握手,他那十分自信的神 气和略为高傲的派头将会使我害怕。 C. 他和我握手时是那么热情,那么真挚,要不然他那十分 自信的神气和略为高傲的派头真会使我害怕呢。 D. 他那十分自信的神气和略为高傲的派头对我来说根本就 没什么,因为他和我握手时是那么热情和真挚。
过分翻译! 不必要!
翻译技法: 增添
Lesson 20
翻译技法:定语从句 译成并列分句 Out of his pocket he took an odd-shaped, ornamented brass whistle, on which he piped a series of complicated trills. • 他从口袋里掏出一个样子很怪但很精致的铜哨子,吹 了一连串复杂的信号。
The Sound of Music 音乐之声



考向三【重点】 take care of意为“照顾,照料”,与look after同义。 eg:My mother is ill. I have to take care of her. =My mother is ill. I have to look after her. 我妈妈病了。我得照顾她。
典例 Would you please ___B___ my brother while I’m
A. take out of
B. take care of
C. take part in
D. take away from
【点拨】运用句意分析法。由句意“当我做饭时 请你照看我弟弟好吗? ”可知答案。
考点5 field n. 旷野;地方;领域
field 常用短语:
① in the field 在田野里
② in the field of... 在……领域
eg:David went to water vegetables in the
field. 戴维去浇灌田地里的蔬菜了。
Hawking is famous in the field of physics. 霍金在物理学领域很有名。
Mary felt very lonely. 玛丽觉得很孤独。
魔法 一语辨异:The old man lives alone in a lonely 记忆 village,but he doesn't feel lonely.这位老人独自生
考向三 leave sb./sth. alone不管/不干涉某人或某事物; 把某人/某物单独留下 eg:Don't leave your baby alone at home. It's dangerous. 别把你的孩子单独留在家里。那样很危险。 Leave my things alone!别动我的东西!

大学英语自考教程 上册 A课文 中英对照19-20

大学英语自考教程 上册 A课文 中英对照19-20

19-A. Animals at Risk: Who Cares?An animal species becomes extinct when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to keep pace with the death-rate. We can tell from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species have become extinct over the millions of years since life began. It is a natural process and extinction is the fate of any animal that has specialized too far to change when its environment changes, or has to compete with a better-adapted and more powerful animal. Because of remarkable technical developments during the past few centuries, man has destroyed or nearly destroyed some species by killing them at such a rate that they couldn't produce enough offspring, or by completely changing their natural environment at surprising speed.A number of examples can be given of the way in which natural environments are being rapidly changed - Amazonia, for instance. There is every likelihood that many species of animals will be made extinct because of these and similar clearances of natural vegetation. Large numbers of animals have been hunted and killed for food. The North American buffalo is a case of the near-extinction of a species through hunting. Often the numbers are so great the hunters may not realize the danger. But even when the danger is widely publicized, the financial rewards for the hunters may be so great that they choose to ignore the threat to the species. Attitudes like this have led to hunters killing animals for furs, for ivory or merely for ornaments. Aslight variation on this is when tourists hunt animals for trophies. Magnificent creatures such as lions and tigers have been hunted out of existence in some parts of the world. It is important to realize, though, that animals are sometimes killed out of fear. Big cats are killed in this way. And animals are sometimes killed out of a wish to reduce numbers to help the species to survive. The killing of the Canadian seals is claimed to be for this purpose, and the use of their skins for furs is only a by-product.Many people are concerned about animals and wildlife conservation. One way to preserve species under threat of extinction - whatever the cause - is to remove them to zoos and parks and breed them there. There is always the chance that enough offspring will be born to return them one day to their natural environment - provided it still exists, and that hunters don't kill them again! Another method is to protect the animals in their natural environment by creating wildlife reserves and parks and using game wardens to look after them. But the parks are large, the wardens few and the determination of hunters very great. Early in 1980 wardens and hunters clashed in East Africa. The hunters were armed with modern weapons and several people were killed.There is great pleasure in watching wildlife in natural or near-natural environments, and tourism can add to the income of countries. The animals are still resources - but in a very different form.【课文译文】动物濒危,谁来关心当一种动物不能在每一代都繁殖出足够的后代而与其死亡率保持一致时,它就会逐渐灭绝了。

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Lesson 19
2007/4 选择题 • I always found myself a dread of west and a love of east in Eden.
A. 我总是在自己身上找到对伊甸之西的畏惧和对伊甸之东 的喜爱。 B. 我总是在我内心深处找到对伊甸之西的畏惧和对伊甸之 东的喜爱。 C. 我发现自己身上一直有对伊甸之西的畏惧,对伊甸之东 的喜爱。 D. 我发现自己一直对伊甸之西怀有畏惧,而对伊甸之东怀 有喜爱。
Lesson 19
0807 选择题
• In the winter of wet years the streams ran full-freshet, and they swelled the river until sometimes it raged and boiled, bank full, and then it was a destroyer.
Lesson 19
保留了原文的拟人手法 It may be that the birth and death of the day had some part in my feeling about the two ranges of mountains. 翻译技法:静转动 • 每一天的诞生和消亡也许使我对两条山脉产生了不同 的感情。 细细体味增词的原因!
2012-6-18 Lesson 19
Lesson 19
0507 改译题 原文:I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers. 译文:我还记得给各种小草和隐蔽的小花取的小名。 改译:我记得儿时给各种小草和隐蔽的小花取的名字。
Lesson 19
Where I ever got such an idea I cannot say, unless it could be that the morning came over the peaks of the Gabilans and the night drifted back from the ridges of the Santa Lucias. • 我说不出这种想法的根子在什么地方,也许是因为黎 明从加比仑山顶升起,夜晚从圣卢西亚斯山脊压下来。 译得漂亮!
East of Eden 伊甸之东
Lesson 19
变体为mountain ranges The Salinas Valley is in Northern California. It is a long narrow swale between two ranges of mountains, and the Salinas River winds and twists up the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay. 复现关系,帮助理解 • 萨利纳斯河谷位于加利福尼亚州北部。那是两条山脉 之间的一片狭长的洼地,萨利纳斯河蜿蜒曲折从中间 流过,最后注入蒙特雷海湾。
Lesson 19
翻译技法:逆 译/增添/省略
翻译技法:主要成 分变为次要信息
They were beckoning mountains with a brown grass love. The Santa Lucias stood up against the sky to the west and kept the valley from the open sea, and they were dark and brooding --- unfriendly and dangerous. 1107英术 • 棕色的草坡给你爱抚,向你召唤。西面的圣卢西亚斯 山脉高耸入云,黑压压地挡在河谷和大海之间,显得 不友好而危险。 翻译技法:次要信息上升为并列信息
Lesson 19
It was not a fine river at all, but it was the only one we had and so we boasted about it --- how dangerous it was in a wet winter and how dry it was in a dry summer. You can boast about anything if it’s all you have. Maybe the less you have, the more you are required to boast. 翻译技法:正说反译 • 它根本不是条了不起的河流,但是我们只有这么一条, 因此便为它吹嘘——说它在多雨的冬天是多么危险, 在干旱的夏天是何等枯竭。如果你别无他有,你可以 为任何东西吹嘘。也许你有的东西越少,你就越要吹 吹牛皮。
• 春末时分,河面变窄,露出了沙岸。到了夏天,地上 河水完全断流。只有原先岸高漩涡深的地方才留下几 个水塘。 翻译技法:子句浓缩成短语
Lesson 19
The tules and grasses grew back, and willows straightened up with the flood debris in their upper branches. The Salinas was only a part-time river. The summer sun drove it underground. • 芦苇和茅草重新生长,柳树直起躯干,上部的枝桠还 挂着洪水留下的枯枝败草。萨利纳斯只是一条季节性 河流。夏天的太阳把它逼进了地底。 1107英术
Lesson 19
复现关系 From both sides of the valley little streams slipped out of the hill canyons and fell into the bed of the Salinas River. In the winter of wet years the streams ran full-freshet, and they swelled the river until sometimes it raged and boiled, bank full, and then it was a destroyer.
Lesson 19
I remember that the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley were light gay mountains full of sun and loveliness and a kind of invitation, so that you wanted to climb into their warm foothills almost as you want to climb into the lap of a beloved mother. 翻译技法:省略 • 我记得河谷东面的加毕仑山脉总是阳光璀璨、明媚可 爱,仿佛向你殷勤邀请,你不禁想爬上暖洋洋的山麓 小丘,正像爬到亲爱的母亲的怀里那样。 翻译技法:增添
Lesson 19
翻译技法:转译成名词 I remember where a toad may live and what time the birds awaken in the summer ---- and what trees and seasons smelled like --- how people looked and walked and smelled even. The memory of odors is very rich. • 我记得蛤蟆喜欢在什么地方栖身,鸟雀夏天早晨什么 时候醒来——我还记得树木和不同季节特有的气息— —记得人们的容貌、走路的姿态、甚至身上的气味。 关于气味的记忆实在太多啦。
Lesson 19
翻译技法:省略 Then when the late spring came, the river drew in from its edges and the sand banks appeared. And in the summer the river didn’t run at all above ground. Some pools would be left in the deep swirl places under a high bank.
• 洼地两面的小峡谷都有涧水流出,汇入萨利纳斯河床。 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,有时 候汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。
Lesson 19
1107 改译题 39.原文:From both sides of the valley little streams slipped out of the hill and fell into the Salinas River. 译文:峡谷两边都有小溪滑落进萨利纳斯河。 改译:峡谷两边都有涧水流出,汇入萨利纳斯河。
A. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,直到有时候 汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,它就成了祸害。 B. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,直到有时候 汹涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。 C. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,有时候汹涌 翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。 D. 在多雨的年份,冬天水流充沛,引起河面暴涨,河有时候汹 涌翻腾,泛滥两岸,就成了祸害。