





交通管理综合应用平台外挂系统请求服务接口使用手册目录第一部分接口调用规范......................................................................................................................... - 3 - 1.1. 接口访问地址 ............................................................................................................................... - 3 - 1.2. 接口调用函数 ............................................................................................................................... - 3 - 1.2.1. 查询类接口............................................................................................................................... - 3 - 1.2.2. 写入类接口............................................................................................................................... - 4 - 1.3. XML文件格式定义...................................................................................................................... - 4 - 1.3.1. 查询类接口XML文档............................................................................................................ - 4 - 1.3.2. 写入类接口XML文档............................................................................................................ - 5 - 1.4. 调用注意事项 ............................................................................................................................... - 5 - 1.4.1. XML文档的中文处理............................................................................................................. - 5 - 1.4.2. 返回结果错误代码说明.......................................................................................................... - 6 - 第二部分外挂系统接口说明................................................................................................................. - 7 -1. 接口说明........................................................................................................................................ - 7 -2. 接口列表........................................................................................................................................ - 7 - 2.1. 机动车接口定义 ........................................................................................................................ - 11 -第一部分接口调用规范1.1.接口访问地址外挂系统请求服务的接口访问地址:http://ip:port/ trffweb/services/TmriOutAccess?wsdl其中IP标识Web服务器地址;port对应系统应用服务的端口号,启用80的不填写。



交通管理综合应用平台外挂系统请求服务接口使用手册目录第一部分接口调用规范 ......................................................... - 3 -1.1.接口访问地址 ........................................................... - 3 -接口调用函数 ........................................................... 1.2.- 3 -查询类接口 ........................................................... - 3 -1.2.1.写入类接口 ........................................................... - 4 -1.2.2. XML文件格式定义 ....................................................... 1.3.- 4 -查询类接口XML1.3.1.文档 ................................................... - 4 -写入类接口 1.3.2.XML文档 ................................................... - 5 -调用注意事项 ........................................................... 1.4.- 5 -XML1.4.1.文档的中文处理 .................................................... - 5 -返回结果错误代码说明 ................................................. - 6 -1.4.2.第二部分外挂系统接口说明 ..................................................... - 7 -1.接口说明 ............................................................... - 7 -接口列表 ............................................................... - 7 -2.- 11 -........................................................ 2.1.. 机动车接口定义第一部分接口调用规范1.1. 接口访问地址外挂系统请求服务的接口访问地址:http://ip:port/ trffweb/services/TmriOutAccess?wsdl其中IP标识Web服务器地址;port对应系统应用服务的端口号,启用80的不填写。



平台使用手册2020年7月目录1.文档概述 (1)1.1.编写目的 (1)1.2.浏览器推荐 (1)2.操作说明 (1)2.1.平台注册 (2)2.2.平台登录 (3)2.3.选课——课程中心 (4)2.4.选班——网络班级 (8)2.5.个人中心——学习 (11)2.5.1.我的课程 (11)2.5.2.我的网络班级 (13)2.5.3.课程在线学习 (15)2.5.4.我的证书 (26)2.5.5.调查问卷 (27)2.6.个人中心——动态 (28)2.7.个人中心——消息 (29)2.7.1.通知公告 (29)2.8.个人设置 (30)2.8.1.个人基本信息修改 (30)2.8.2.更换头像 (31)2.8.3.密码修改 (32)1.文档概述1.1.编写目的本手册旨在为国家卫生健康委干部培训中心远程教育培训平台学员提供关于系统的使用说明和注意事项,以使各位学员可以更高效、安全的在平台中进行操作及查询等。











六合一读卡器 使用者手册

六合一读卡器 使用者手册

六合一读卡器使用者手册P/N TS0MFLRD6A目录产品介绍包装内容 (1)产品特色 (1)系统要求 (2)硬件与驱动程序安装在Windows 98/98SE和2000下安装驱动程序 (2)在Mac OS 9.x下安装驱动程序 (3)使用六合一读卡器在Windows 98/98SE和2000下使用方法 (3)在Windows Me和XP下使用方法 (4)在Mac OS 9.x下使用方法 (5)在Mac OS X 10.1.2或更新版本下使用方法 (6)在Linux Kernel 2.4 或更新版本下使用方法 (6)安全移除六合一读卡器在Windows 98/98SE下移除方法 (7)在Windows 2000, Me和XP下移除方法 (7)在Mac OS和Linux下移除方法 (8)LED指示灯 (9)产品规格 (10)质保条规产品信息感谢您购买创见资讯的六合一读卡器。

本产品可以让您更方便地使用CompactFlash 、IBM Microdrive™、SmartMedia 、Secure Digital、MultiMediaCard™、 Memory Stick® / Memory Stick PRO等六种型式的记忆卡,并进行高速的数据传输。



包装内容六合一读卡器的包装盒内应该包含下列物品:• 六合一读卡器• 驱动程序光盘• USB延长线• 快速安装说明产品特色六合一读卡器具有以下的特色:• 符合USB 2.0传输标准• 即插即用,使用方便• 不需外接任何电源即可使用• 支持六种型式的记忆卡CompactFlash Card Type I/IIIBM MicrodriveSmartMedia CardSecure Digital CardMultiMediaCardMemory Stick / Memory Stick PROFlash Disk (内建0MB, 64MB, 128MB 或 256MB)• 高速数据传输,每秒最高可达480M bits的传输速率• LED指示灯,显示插卡状况与数据传输情况系统要求• 具备标准的USB端口的台式机或笔记本• 下列其中一种操作系统- Windows® 98/98SE, Windows® 2000- Windows® Me, Windows® XP (不需安装任何的驱动程序)- Mac™ OS 9.x- Mac™ OS X 10.1.2或者更新版本(不需安装任何的驱动程序)- Linux Kernel 2.4或者更新版本(不需安装任何的驱动程序)硬件与驱动程序安装在Windows 98/98SE和2000下安装驱动程序1. 当您准备使用六合一读卡器的前,请先确认您计算机的USB端口功能可以正常的运作。



部分外挂模块操作说明国电南思系统控制有限公司目录第一章部分外挂模块的安装方法 (3)1.1 NS DDE 服务器接口 (3)1.2 电压合格率统计 (3)1.3 有载调压装置统计 (3)1.4 OLINE与博瑞操作票系统的五防通讯模块 (3)1.5 锦州五防系统通讯模块(串行口方式) (3)1.6 保护模块 (3)第二章部分外挂模块的具体应用 (4)2.1 NS DDE服务器接口 (4)2.1.1 NS DDE 服务器支持以下Topic (4)2.1.2 各种Topic支持的Item (4)2.2 电压合格率统计 (5)2.2.1 离线设置 (5)2.2.2 在线显示 (5)2.3 有载调压装置统计 (5)2.3.1 离线设置 (5)2.4 OLINE与博瑞操作票系统的五防通讯模块 (6)2.4.1 用途和性能 (6)2.4.2 基本工作原理 (6)2.4.3 配置文件NSSend.INI格式 (6)2.5 锦州五防系统通讯模块(串行口方式) (7)2.5.1 用途和性能 (7)2.5.2 基本工作原理 (8)2.5.3 具体应用 (8)2.6 保护模块 (9)2.6.1 用途 (9)2.6.2 基本工作原理 (9)2.6.3 具体应用 (9)2.7 遥控确认模块 (9)2.7.1 用途 (9)2.7.2 基本工作原理 (9)2.7.3 具体应用 (9)3 第三章部分外挂模块的动态链接文件 (11)第一章部分外挂模块的安装方法1.1 NS DDE 服务器接口将文件Dbdde.dll拷贝于监控系统目录下的USERDB子目录下(例如:C:\NSPRO\USERDB)。

1.2 电压合格率统计将文件V oltage.dll拷贝于监控系统目录下的USERDB子目录下(例如:C:\NSPRO\USERDB)。


1.3 有载调压装置统计将文件Tune.dll拷贝于监控系统目录下的USERDB子目录下(例如:C:\NSPRO\USERDB)。



六合一综合平台外挂系统接口使用手册交通管理综合应用平台外挂系统请求服务接口使用手册目录第一部分接口调用规范........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.1. 接口访问地址 ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2. 接口调用函数 ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2.1. 查询类接口 ................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.2.2. 写入类接口 ................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.3. XML文件格式定义 ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3.1. 查询类接口XML文档 ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3.2. 写入类接口XML文档 ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.4. 调用注意事项 ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.4.1. XML文档的中文处理 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。



(图片仅供参考 以实物为准)
(图片仅供参考 以实物为准)
完全绿色不须安装,依据Windows 语言自动对应显示语言 支持GPS信息, 当记录仪录像时GPS 有定位功能,在播放影 片时将对应的经纬度、时速、行车方向与行车轨迹显示出来 支持G Sensor , 档记录仪装有重力感应器时,可在播放时 显示将对应的G Sensor信息 高 清 晰 录 影 : 录影之影像最大解析度为高画质 HD 720P (1280*720, 约92万 画素 ) 比一般市面上之 VGA (640*480, 约30 万画素) 产品多出3 倍解析度。 无 间 断 连 续 录 影 :SQ680 采用专属档案格式达成无间断、 不漏秒连续录影 , 确保不错失任何重要画面。 自 动 循 环 录 影 :当记忆卡满后会自动从最旧的影片开始 覆 写 循 环 录 影 ,确保记忆卡内都是最新影片 , 无需担心记 忆卡满之问题。 支持时间自动校时功能 : GPS 定位时将 GPS 时间同步更新至系统之 RTC 上 , 这时区 资讯由 ADRPlayer 端自动取得 Windows 时区资讯并记录在 SD 卡上, 然后将此卡插入 SQ680S 机器 , F W 端会去读取 SD 卡 上之时区资讯来搭配 GPS 校时功能 . 支持 Lock 功能说明: 1. 系统最大配置 SD 卡容量的 1 /3 来提供 Lock 影片存放。 2. Lock 影片以 Clip 为单位 , 每个 Clip 可录影长度依影片 Size 与内容而有所不同 ,在影片 Size 为HD 时每个 Clip 约可录制60 秒钟 , Size 为VGA 时约可录制 120 秒钟。 3. 录影中按下 LOCK 按钮时 , 系统会自动 LOCK 起来当时前后 20秒的影片。

KODAK 第六版E-6 Z-119六合一开发处理方法说明书

KODAK 第六版E-6 Z-119六合一开发处理方法说明书

9BATCH PROCESSINGSTEPS AND CONDITIONSTable 9-1Steps and Conditions—Sink-Line and Batch ProcessingStepTime *(Minutes:Seconds)*All times include a 10-second drain time. Increase the first-developer time by 15 seconds when you process roll films on reels with manual agitation.Temperature °C (°F)CommentsLower LimitAim Upper LimitPerform these steps in total darkness.First Developer*5:006:007:0036.7 to 39.4(98 to 103)Nitrogen. One 2-second burst every 10 seconds.††For sheet films on hangers, first use manual agitation; then continue using gaseous-burst agitation as described on page 9-3. For roll films on reels, use only manual agitation.First Wash ‡‡Flowing wash. See “Washes” on page 9-3 for more information.1:002:004:0033.3 to 39.4(92 to 103)Manual agitation. One cycleevery 30 seconds.Reversal Bath1:002:004:0024 to 39.4(75 to 103)None. Tap to dislodge air bubbles.Remaining steps can be done in room light.Color Developer 5:006:007:0036.7 to 39.4(98 to 103)Nitrogen. One 2-second burst every 10 seconds.Pre-Bleach 2:002:004:0024 to 39.4(75 to 103)None. Tap to dislodge air bubbles.Bleach 6:006:008:0033.3 to 39.4(92 to 103)Air. One 2-second burst every 10 seconds.Fixer 4:004:006:0033.3 to 39.4(92 to 103)Air. One 2-second burst every 10 seconds.Final Wash‡3:004:008:0033.3 to 39.4(92 to 103)Manual agitation. One cycleevery 30 seconds.Final Rinse0:301:004:00Ambient None. Tap to dislodge airbubbles.DryAs neededUp to 63 (145)TIME AND TEMPERATUREYou can control your process by adjusting the developer times and temperatures, and by monitoring changes with KODAK Control Strips, Process E-6. Do not exceed the times and temperatures given in Table 9-1. If you do not need to adjust the time and temperatures of the developers, use the midpoint of the ranges; 6 minutes at 38°C (100.4°F) for both developers. Once you have selected the times and temperatures for your process, keep them within these tolerances:First Developer Color Developer Time: ±5 seconds Time: ±5 seconds Temperature:Temperature:±0.2°C (±0.3°F)±0.3°C (±0.5°F)First Developer Starting Temperature: To determine the starting temperature for your first developer, follow the procedure described below.1. Adjust the developer temperature to 38°C (100.4°F).Use an unshielded thermometer with an expandedrange that is calibrated in 0.1°C units, such as theASTM No. 91C, or Fahrenheit equivalent. Place thethermometer in the developer for several minutes toregister an equilibrium temperature. Record thistemperature. Leave the thermometer in thedeveloper.2. Place a full rack of processed scrap film in thedeveloper. The rack should be at room temperature,and the film load should be typical of your normalfilm load. Provide the same initial agitation that younormally do. At the end of the first 60 seconds(measured from the time you placed the film in thedeveloper), record the solution temperature.3. Determine the temperature difference between steps 1and 2. This temperature change is valid only for theroom temperature at which you made thismeasurement.4. Your starting temperature is 38°C (100.4°F) plus thetemperature change that you determined in step 3.You will not need to repeat this test as long as yourprocessing conditions (i.e., room temperature andamount and type of film) remain the same.The temperature change will be different for different film loads. Although the temperature difference may be small, you must consider it for critical processing, and for consistency between processes.AGITATIONYou can use manual or gaseous-burst agitation when you process sheet films. When you process roll films, use only manual agitation; gaseous-burst agitation will cause nonuniformity.Use humidified nitrogen to provide gaseous-burst agitation in the developers; air will oxidize the developers. You must use air agitation to aerate the bleach and fixer to maintain the stability of the solutions. If you use manual agitation in the bleach, you will also need to use another method to aerate the bleach. In the other solutions and washes, use compressed air or nitrogen for gaseous-burst agitation.Note: If you process sheet films of different sizes at the same time, such as 8 x 10-inch sheets and 4 x 5-inch sheets, separate adjacent hangers that contain different-size sheets with a hanger loaded with an 8 x 10-inch sheet of scrap film to avoid uneven development of the larger sheets. This unevenness is caused by turbulence around the central frame of the multiple-film hanger during agitation.Manual Agitation: Use only manual agitation when you process roll films on reels. You can also use manual agitation when you process sheet films.Initial Agitation—All Solutions and Washes, Except the Final Rinse—Immerse the rack into the solution. Rapidly tap it on the bottom of the tank to dislodge air bubbles; then agitate the films continuously by lifting the hangers or reels approximately three-quarters of the way out of the solution and then reimmersing them. Repeat to complete eight lift cycles (in approximately 15 seconds).Initial Agitation—Final Rinse—Tap the loaded reels or hangers on the bottom of the tank to dislodge air bubbles. Use no other agitation; foaming will occur.Subsequent Agitation—All Solutions and Washes, Except the Reversal Bath, Pre-Bleach, and Final Rinse—Every 20 seconds, lift the loaded hangers or reels out of the solution and then reimmerse them. Repeat to complete two lift cycles (in approximately 5 seconds).Subsequent Agitation—Reversal Bath, Pre-Bleach, and Final Rinse—None; use no other agitation for these solutions.Drain Time—All Solutions—Ten seconds before the end of the solution time, raise the rack, tilt it approximately 30 degrees toward one corner, and drain for 10 seconds. At the end of 10 seconds, immerse the rack into the next solution.Gaseous-Burst Agitation: Use gaseous-burst agitation only when you process sheet films.Initial Agitation—First and Color Developers, Bleach, Fixer, and Washes—Lower the loaded film hangers into the solution and tap them sharply against the tank to dislodge air bubbles. Then agitate the films continuously for 15 seconds by lifting the hangers approximately three-quarters of the way out of the solution and then reimmersing them (approximately eight lifts).Initial Agitation—Reversal Bath, Pre-Bleach, and Final Rinse—Tap the rack sharply on the bottom of the tank to dislodge air bubbles. Use no other agitation; loss of solution activity or foaming will occur.Subsequent Agitation—First and Color Developers—Provide humidified nitrogen with enough pressure to raise the solution level approximately 15 mm (5⁄8 inch) during a 2-second burst. Use one 2-second burst every 10 seconds. Subsequent Agitation—Bleach, Fixer, and Washes—Provide oil-free air with enough pressure to raise the solution level approximately 15 mm (5⁄8 inch) during a 2-second burst. Use one 2-second burst every 10 seconds. Use air agitation in the bleach and fixer only during processing. Do not use nitrogen in place of air in the bleach and fixer. You can also use manual agitation for subsequent agitation in the washes by lifting the hangers approximately three quarters of the way out of the water, and then reimmersing them. Repeat to complete two lift cycles (in approximately 5 seconds). Subsequent Agitation—Reversal Bath, Pre-Bleach, and Final Rinse—None; use no other agitation for these solutions.BLEACH AERATIONIn a seasoned process, the efficiency of the bleach depends on aeration of the bleach. The best way to aerate the bleach is to use air-burst agitation. To aerate the bleach, continue the air bursts during the complete process cycle. If you use nitrogen-burst or manual agitation, provide another method for aerating the bleach. You can use a separate compressed-air supply to bubble air into the bleach through a sparger at a valve pressure of about 2.5 lb/in2. Bubble the air for approximately 5 minutes during each complete process cycle. If you cannot aerate the bleach by bubbling air into it, vigorously stir the bleach with a mixer so that air is drawn into the solution.WASHESFlowing Washes: Whenever possible, use flowing washes for the first and final washes. Use the conditions given in the following table.Nonflowing Washes: You can use nonflowing washes for sink-line processing to conserve water and energy. Use these conditions:First Wash—Use a 2-minute wash time with one tank filled with water at 36.7 to 39°C (98 to 103°F). Replace this wash after two processing runs. Drain the wash tank at the end of each day, and leave the tank empty overnight. Do not interchange the tanks that you use for the first and final washes.Final Wash—Use a 6-minute wash time with three tanks filled with water at 20 to 39.4°C (68 to 103°F). Wash for 2 minutes in each tank. Replace the water in all three tanks after you have completed four processing runs. Drain the wash tanks at the end of each day, and leave them empty overnight.WashTime(minutes)Temperature°C (°F)Flow RateL/min(gal/min)AgitationFirst233 to 39(92 to 103)7.5 (2)InitialFinal433 to 39(92 to 103)7.5 (2)Initial625 to 39(77 to 103)7.5 (2)InitialREPLENISHMENTYou can extend the life of processing solutions byreplenishing your solutions. Table 9-2 gives the amount of replenisher to add for each roll or sheet of film processed.Calculate the volume of replenisher for a batch of film by adding the volumes of replenisher for each roll or sheet of film processed. For example, to determine the replenisher volume needed for thirteen 8 x 10-inch sheets, use the following calculation:mL per 8 x 10-inch sheet x 13 sheets per batch = mL of replenisherFirst and Color Developers 110 mL x 13 sheets = 1,430 mL Bleach11 mL x 13 sheets = 143 mL Other Solutions54.9 mL x 13 sheets = 714 mLReplenish the solutions after each processing run unless the run is your last run of the day. After your last run, record the amount of replenisher that you need to add to each solution, and replenish the solutions before the first run of the next day that you process film.Table 9-2Replenishment Rates—Sink-Line and Batch ProcessingNote: Wash rates are 7.5 L/min (2 gal/min).Film SizeArea per Roll or Sheet(ft 2)First and Color Developers 2,153 mL/m 2(200 mL/ft 2)Bleach 215 mL/m 2(20 mL/ft 2)Other Solutions 1,076 mL/m 2(100 mL/ft 2)mL of Replenisher per Roll or Sheet135-240.39579.07.939.5135-360.556111.011.155.61200.550110.011.055.0220 1.090218.021.8109.04 x 5-in. sheets 0.13427.0 2.713.45 x 7-in. sheets 0.23848.0 4.823.88 x 10-in. sheets 0.549110.011.054.911 x 14-in. sheets1.064213.021.3106.4CAPACITY OF UNREPLENISHED SOLUTIONSIf you do not replenish your tank solutions, use the KODAK PROFESSIONAL Single-Use Chemistry Kit or the1-gallon-size chemicals. The capacity of the first- and color-developer solutions without replenishment is about 1.7square metres (18 square feet) of film per 3.8 litres (1gallon) of the 1-gallon size chemicals, or 5 L of theSingle-Use chemicals. The capacity of the other solutions is 5 square metres (54 square feet) per 3.8 litres (1 gallon) of the 1-gallon size chemicals, or 5 L of the Single-Usechemicals. Keep the number of processes low by processing as much film as possible in each batch. After you have processed 1.1 square metres (12square feet) of film, increase the first developer time to 61⁄2 minutes. If you process only one size of film in a particular batch, you can use Table 9-3 to determine the capacity of the solutions.Table 9-3Capacity of Unreplenished SolutionsBe sure that the solution completely covers the film during processing. You may need to add tank solution to maintain the solution level of the first developer. Discard solutions that have been stored beyond the recommended storage time regardless of unused capacity (see page 2-6).Note: For best results, replenish your tank solutions according to Table 9-2.Film SizeRolls orSheets perGallon or 5Lwith First-DeveloperTime of6 Minutes Rolls or Sheets per Gallon or 5L with First-Developer Time of 61⁄2 Minutes DiscardBoth Developers After This Many Rolls or Sheets Processed135-24 1 to 3031 to 4646135-36 1 to 2223 to 3333120 1 to 2324 to 3434220 1 to 1213 to 17174 x 5-in. sheets 1 to 9091 to 1341345 x 7-in. sheets 1 to 4647 to 74748 x 10-in. sheets1 to 2223 to 3333SILVER RECOVERYYou can recover silver from used fixer or fixer overflow by collecting the solution, and then passing it through a KODAK Chemical Recovery Cartridge, Junior Model II (31⁄2-gallon size, CAT No. 166 9431), a KODAK Chemical Recovery Cartridge, Model II (5-gallon size, CAT No. 1734953), or an equivalent cartridge.。

BX10 综合业务平台 用户手册 V2.4(无标)【范本模板】

BX10 综合业务平台 用户手册 V2.4(无标)【范本模板】

使用设备前请仔细阅读本手册BX10综合业务平台用户手册INSTRUCTION MANUALVer2。


感谢您选择了BX10综合业务平台!目录安全使用须知 (1)第一章 BX10综合业务平台 (2)1.1 产品概述 (2)1。

2 产品特点 (3)1.3 产品功能 (4)1.4 模块配置 (5)1。

5 网络结构 (6)1.6 组网方式 (8)1.7 技术指标 (10)第二章设备介绍 (13)2.1 设备机型 (13)2。

2 电源盘(PWR) (15)2。

3 主控盘(MCUS) (17)2。

4 网络监控卡(NMC) (22)2。

5 E1接口盘(E1PS) (23)2.6 话路盘(CHUPS) (26)2.7 数据盘(DATA) (36)2。

8 PDH光接口盘(O120PS) (43)第三章线缆 (47)3。

1 同轴电缆的制作方法 (47)3。

2 MCUS主控盘2M电缆 (48)3.3 E1PS盘2M电缆 (49)3.4 音频电缆 (51)3。

5 E/M电缆 (52)3.6 RS232/RS485数据电缆 (54)3.7 V。

35数据电缆 (55)3.8 10/100BaseT数据电缆 (56)3.9 同向64K数据电缆 (57)3。

10 V。

35与10/100BaseT数据组合电缆 (59)3。

11 RS232/RS485监控电缆 (60)3。

12以太网监控线缆 (61)3。

13 —48V直流电源电缆 (62)安全使用须知本设备在设计使用范围内具有良好可靠的性能,但仍应避免人为对设备造成的损害或破坏。


Evertech Sandbox 外挂工具 无限使用!说明书

Evertech Sandbox 外挂工具 无限使用!说明书

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z 残余电压 在装置电源关闭后,直流回路中仍然可能存在危险的电压。这些电压需在数秒钟后才会消失。
z 接地 装置的接地端子必须可靠接地。
z 运行环境 该装置只允许运行在技术参数所规定的大气环境中,而且运行环境不能存在不正常的震动。
z 额定值 在接入交流电压电流回路或直流电源回路时,请确认他们符合装置的额定参数。
Copyright © 2010 NR 南京南瑞继保电气有限公司版权所有
我们对本文档及其中的内容具有全部的知识产权。除非特别授权,禁 止复制或向第三方分发。凡侵犯本公司版权等知识产权的,本公司必 依法追究其法律责任。
购买产品,请联系: 电话:025-87178911,传真: 025-52100511、025-52100512 电子信箱:market@
1.1 应用范围 ...........................................................................................................................1 1.2 保护配置 ...........................................................................................................................1 1.3 测控配置 ...........................................................................................................................1 1.4 装置特点 ...........................................................................................................................2 第 2 章 技术参数 ............................................................................................................................3 2.1 电气参数 ...........................................................................................................................3 2.2 机械结构 ...........................................................................................................................4 2.3 环境条件参数 ....................................................................................................................4 2.4 通信端口 ...........................................................................................................................4 2.5 保护专用通道光口.............................................................................................................5 2.6 型式试验 ...........................................................................................................................6 2.7 认证 ..................................................................................................................................7 2.8 故障录波和事件记录 .........................................................................................................7 2.9 保护功能 ...........................................................................................................................8 第 3 章 保护原理 .......................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 装置总起动元件 .............................................................................................................. 11 3.2 电流差动继电器 .............................................................................................................. 11 3.3 距离继电器......................................................................................................................18 3.4 零序过流保护 ..................................................................................................................22 3.5 不对称相继速动保护 .......................................................................................................24 3.6 跳闸逻辑 .........................................................................................................................25 3.7 重合闸逻辑......................................................................................................................26 3.8 正常运行程序 ..................................................................................................................27 3.9 远跳、远传......................................................................................................................28 3.10 数据无效处理 ................................................................................................................29

GHP6XX 用户手册说明书

GHP6XX 用户手册说明书



最新的电子版本手册可在这里下载:/文档中心Grandstream是一个注册商标,Grandstream LOGO是潮流网络技术有限公司在中国、美国、欧洲和其它国家的商标。



GNU GPL信息GHP6XX固件包含GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)许可的第三方软件。



潮流GNU GPL相关源代码可以从Grandstream网站下载:/sites/default/files/Resources/GHP6XX_gnu_gpl.zip目录文档目的 (5)更新日志 (6)固件版本 (6)欢迎 (7)产品概述 (8)产品特色 (8)技术规格 (8)初始安装 (11)设备清单 (11)GHP61X/W (11)GHP62X/W (11)安装GHP6XX (12)GHP61X/W (12)GHP62X/W (13)连接GHP6XX/W (13)访问GHP6XX/W的Web页面 (13)了解GHP6XX/W (11)GHP61X/W (14)GHP62X/W (15)电话功能 (16)拨打电话 (16)听筒、扬声器模式 (16)多SIP帐号和线路 (16)完成呼叫 (16)接听电话 (17)接听电话 (17)通话期间 (17)呼叫等待/呼叫保持 (17)静音 (17)呼叫转移 (17)三方会议 (18)语音信箱 (18)IVR按键功能 (19)恢复出厂设置 (22)通过按键恢复出厂 (22)通过Web GUI恢复出厂 (22)体验GHP6XX (23)图目录图1GHP61X/W包装清单 (11)图2GHP62X/W包装清单 (12)图3GHP61X/W壁挂安装 (12)图4GHP62X/W壁挂安装 (13)图5GHP61X/W手柄 (14)图6GHP61X/W手柄和基座 (14)图7GHP62X/W前面板 (15)图8GHP62X/W背面板 (15)图9恢复出厂 (22)表目录表1GHP6XX功能概览 (8)表2GHP61X/W技术规格 (9)表3GHP62X/W技术规格 (9)表4设备清单 (11)表5设备清单 (11)表6IVR按键功能 (19)文档目的本文档介绍如何来配置并使用GHP6XX。



外挂功能说明一.参数说明外挂程序共有10个参数,参数文件名为:RtOption.ini,[Option]PosX=759PosY=671PortID=2BaudRate=9600ParityMode=2DataBits=7StopBits=1AllowDragForm=0TitleCaption1=实切长:TitleCaption2=具体说明如下:[Option] 此行是Ini文件括总说明,格式固定且必须在第一行。

PosX=759 此行设置窗体在屏幕上显示位置的X座标值,可以手工在此修改,也可能将AllowDragForm设置为1后通过鼠标在屏幕上拖拽移动到合适位置后系统自动修改保存。

PosY=671 此行设置窗体在屏幕上显示位置的Y座标值,可以手工在此修改,也可能将AllowDragForm设置为1后通过鼠标在屏幕上拖拽移动到合适位置后系统自动修改保存。

PortID=2 此行指定通讯占用的串口号,1=COM1,2=COM2, 3=COM3,以此类推。

BaudRate=9600 指定串口波特率,如:9600,19200,38400,57600,115200等。

ParityMode=2 指定串口的奇偶校验模式,0=None,1=Odd,2=Even,3=Mark,4=Space。

DataBits=7 指定串口的数据位数,可以设置为5,6,7,8。

StopBits=1 指定串口的停止位数,1=1位,2=1.5位,3=2位。

AllowDragForm=0 允许/禁止窗体鼠标拖拽功能,0=禁止,1=允许。


TitleCaption1= 实切长的文字标签,如不指定系统默认为:CutLen:TitleCaption2= 车速的文字标签,如不指定系统默认为:CR Spd:二.错误代码说明1.”Open Err”如果实切长度的内容显示以上文字,表示系统无法打开指定的串口,检查指定的串口是否存在,是否被其他软件占用。



六合一电子警察违法库上传必备1、图解1.1. 接口访问地址外挂系统请求服务的接口访问地址:http://ip:port/trffweb/services/TmriOutAccess?wsdl其中IP标识Web服务器地址;port对应系统应用服务的端口号,启用80的不填写。

1.2. 接口调用函数外挂系统请求服务平台的接口包括两类:查询类和写入类接口。


1.2.1.查询类接口Public String queryObjectOut (String xtlb,String jkxlh,String jkid,String QueryXmlDoc);表1:查询类接口调用参数说明1.2.2.写入类接口Public String writeObjectOut (String xtlb,String jkxlh,String jkid;String WriteXmlDoc)表2 写入类接口调用参数说明2、六合一平台主要接口(电子警察软件和违法库上传软件)讲述对于我们公司电子警察违法图片上传六合一违法平台主要有这么三个接口需要大家牢记。

2.1读取机动车基本信息:接口标识:01C21 说明:读取车管库2.2电子监控写入接口(已审核):接口标识:04C522.3电子监控写入接口(未审核):接口标识:04C532.4银行对账录入接口:接口标识:04C51说明:收费接口违法库的采集机关升级到12位长2.5.2剩下这三个值加在一起就是以前违法库的地点代码(12位长),而现在六合一把这个违法地点代码划分为三块即【行政区划(6位长)违法地点(5位长)、路段号码(4位长)】15位长3、六合一平台次要接口(触摸屏查询软件)讲述3.1查询违法基本信息:接口标识:04C01:说明:驾驶证号查询3.2查询电子监控文本信息:接口标识:04C03:说明:读取违法信息3.3查询电子监控照片信息:接口标识:04C04说明:读取违法图片4、针对我们公司的现场技术员要往交警队要的东西主要有:4.1接口访问地址:要以TmriOutAccess.xml这种形式下载回来后传给工程软件组,这种文件是打开公安网的IE 在地址栏里输入http://ip:port/trffweb/services/TmriOutAccess?wsdl后点击[文件]->[另存为]要以TmriOutAccess.xml 文件保存。



1、18C49-获取机动车基本信息(示例) (3)
2、18C63-机动车检验照片和资料照片信息(示例) (3)










交通管理综合应用平台外挂系统请求服务接口使用手册目录第一部分接口调用规范 . ............................................................. 1.1.接口访问地址................................................................1.2.接口调用函数................................................................查询类接口................................................................写入类接口................................................................1.3.XML 文件格式定义 . ...........................................................查询类接口XML文档 ........................................................写入类接口XML文档 ........................................................1.4.调用注意事项................................................................XML文档的中文处理.........................................................返回结果错误代码说明...................................................... 第二部分外挂系统接口说明. .........................................................1.接口说明 ....................................................................2.接口列表 ....................................................................2.1.机动车接口定义. ..............................................................第一部分接口调用规范1.1. 接口访问地址外挂系统请求服务的接口访问地址:trffweb/services/TmriOutAccess?wsdl其中 IP 标识 Web服务器地址; port 对应系统应用服务的端口号,启用 80 的不填写。



交通管理综合应用平台外挂系统请求服务接口使用手册目录第一部分接口调用规范1.1. 接口访问地址外挂系统请求服务的接口访问地址:trffweb/services/TmriOutAccesswsdl其中IP标识Web服务器地址;port对应系统应用服务的端口号,启用80的不填写。

1.2. 接口调用函数外挂系统请求服务平台的接口包括两类:查询类和写入类接口。


1.2.1.查询类接口public StringqueryObjectOut(Stringxtlb,String jkxlh,String jkid,String QueryXmlDoc);表1:查询类接口调用参数说明1.2.2.写入类接口Public String writeObjectOut (String xtlb,String jkxlh,String jkid;String WriteXmlDoc)1.3. XML文件格式定义1.3.1.查询类接口XML文档查询条件QueryXmlDoc的文档格式要求如下:查询返回结果XML文档格式1.3.2.写入类接口XML文档写入数据WriteXmlDoc文档格式如下:写入操作返回结果文档格式如下:1.4. 调用注意事项1.4.1.X ML文档的中文处理(1)接口查询结果进行过URLDecoder和UTF-8编码处理,须进行转换(转换函数为(str,"utf-8");)才能正常读取;(2)写入信息中文字符必须URLEncoder成utf-8格式(转换函数为(xmlDoc, "utf-8");)后再封装成XML文档。






交通管理综合应用平台外挂系统请求服务接口使用手册目录第一部分接口调用规范......................................................... - 3 -1.1.接口访问地址 ........................................................... - 3 -1.2.接口调用函数 ........................................................... - 3 -1.2.1.查询类接口........................................................... - 3 -1.2.2.写入类接口........................................................... - 4 -1.3.XML文件格式定义....................................................... - 4 -1.3.1.查询类接口XML文档 ................................................... - 4 -1.3.2.写入类接口XML文档 ................................................... - 5 -1.4.调用注意事项 ........................................................... - 5 -1.4.1.XML文档的中文处理.................................................... - 5 -1.4.2.返回结果错误代码说明 ................................................. - 6 -第二部分外挂系统接口说明..................................................... - 7 -1.接口说明 ............................................................... - 7 -2.接口列表 ............................................................... - 7 -2.1.机动车接口定义......................................................... - 11 -第一部分接口调用规范1.1. 接口访问地址外挂系统请求服务的接口访问地址:http://ip:port/ trffweb/services/TmriOutAccess?wsdl 其中IP标识Web服务器地址;port对应系统应用服务的端口号,启用80的不填写。



目录目录第1章概述 ............................................................................................. - 1 -1.1产品简介 (1)1.2系统目标 (1)1.3系统特点 (1)1.4图标说明 (1)第2章软件功能 (3)2.1功能概述 (3)2.1.1业务功能 (3)2.1.2数据流 (3)2.1.3使用说明 (3)2.2操作详述 (4)2.2.1初始设置 (4)2.2.2基础数据 (5)2.2.3目标管理 (13)2.2.4危险源与环境因素 (14)2.2.5计划管理 (18)2.2.6检查与评价 (20)2.2.7安全事务 (24)2.2.8事故管理 (30)2.2.9安全考核 (31)2.3关联说明 (33)第1章概述第1章概述1.1产品简介安全体系是为了安全生产要求而建立,是为贯彻行业OHSAS18001安全标准体系开发而生成,通过过程安全的不断改进与创新,实现安全生产。













  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

第一部分接口调用规范......................................................... - 3 -1.1.接口访问地址 ........................................................... - 3 -1.2.接口调用函数 ........................................................... - 3 -1.2.1.查询类接口........................................................... - 3 -1.2.2.写入类接口........................................................... - 4 -1.3.XML文件格式定义....................................................... - 4 -1.3.1.查询类接口XML文档 ................................................... - 4 -1.3.2.写入类接口XML文档 ................................................... - 5 -1.4.调用注意事项 ........................................................... - 5 -1.4.1.XML文档的中文处理.................................................... - 5 -1.4.2.返回结果错误代码说明 ................................................. - 6 -第二部分外挂系统接口说明..................................................... - 7 -
1.接口说明 ............................................................... - 7 -
2.接口列表 ............................................................... - 7 -2.1.机动车接口定义......................................................... - 11 -
1.1. 接口访问地址
http://ip:port/ trffweb/services/TmriOutAccess?wsdl

1.2. 接口调用函数


public StringqueryObjectOut(Stringxtlb,String jkxlh,String jkid,String QueryXmlDoc);
Public String writeObjectOut (String xtlb,String jkxlh,String jkid;String WriteXmlDoc)
xtlb 系统类别同上
2jkxlh 接口序列号同上
3jkid 接口标识同上
4WriteXmlDoc 写入数据业务数据写入XML格式文档
1.3. XML文件格式定义
1.4. 调用注意事项
1.4.1.X ML文档的中文处理
(1)接口查询结果进行过URLDecoder和UTF-8编码处理,须进行转换(转换函数为URLDecoder.decode(str, "utf-8");)才能正常读取;
(2)写入信息中文字符必须URLEncoder成utf-8格式(转换函数为URLEncoder.encode(xmlDoc, "utf-8");)后再封装成XML文档。





2. 接口列表

2.1. 机动车接口定义。
